University of Warwick Dr Iwona Janicka 2016–17, Term 2 FR218 Modern French Thinkers

Further Reading

GENERAL Alliez, Eric. 2010. ‘What is – or what is not – , today?’, Radical Philosophy 161, 9–17 Hewlett, Nick. 2007. Badiou, Balibar, Rancière: Re-thinking Emancipation (London and New York: Continuum) *James, Ian. 2012. The New French Philosophy (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press) *Watkin, Christopher. 2013. ‘Thinking Equality Today: Badiou, Rancière, Nancy’, French Studies: A Quarterly Review 67: 522–34 Williams, Caroline. 2009. ‘Politics and Ethics’, in John Mullarkey and Beth Lord (eds). The Continuum Companion to (London: Continuum), 109–126


Baugh, Bruce. 2003. French Hegel. From Surrealism to Postmodernism (London: Routledge) Gutting, Gary. 2001. French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) ——.2011. Thinking the Impossible: French Philosophy since 1960 (Oxford: Oxford University Press) Mullarkey, John. 2006. Post-Continental Philosophy: An Outline (London: Continuum) Schrift, Alan. 2006. Twentieth-century French Philosophy: Key Themes and Thinkers (Oxford: Blackwell)


Bosteels, Bruno. 2011. The Actuality of Communism (London and New York: Verso) Douzinas, Costas and Slavoj Žižek (eds). 2010. The Idea of Communism (London and New York: Verso) Felluga, Dino Franco. 2011. ‘Introduction to Marxism’ in Introductory Guide to Critical Theory (Available online) Geuss, Raymond. 2013. ‘Marxism Lectures at the University of Cambridge’, recorded by Iwona Janicka Kołakowski, Leszek. 1981. Main Currents of Marxism: Its Origins, Growth, and Dissolution, trans. P. S. Falla (Oxford: Oxford University Press) Martin, Bill. 2009. ‘Continental Marxist Thought’ in John Mullarkey and Beth Lord (eds). The Continuum Companion to Continental Philosophy (London: Continuum), 127–144 Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. 2001. The Communist Manifesto (London: Electric Book Co.) Ross, Kristin. 2002. May ‘68 and Its Aferlives (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) ——. 2015. L’Imaginaire de la Commune (Paris: La Frabrique). 2015. Communal Luxury. The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune (London and New York: Verso)

Last updated: 6.11.2016 University of Warwick Dr Iwona Janicka 2016-17, Term 2 FR218 Modern French Thinkers Russo, Alessandro. 2010. ‘Did the Cultural Revolution End Communism? Eight Remarks on Philosophy and Politics Today’, in Costas Douzinas and Slavoj Žižek (eds). The Idea of Communism (London and New York: Verso), 180–94 Writings on the Paris Commune. Marx, Engels, Bakunin, Kropotkin and Lenin. 2008. (St. Petersburg, Florida: Red and Black Publishers)


Badiou, Alain. 1993. L’Ethique: Essai sur la conscience du mal (Paris: Editions Hatier), trans. Peter Hallward, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil. 2001. (London and New York: Verso) ——. 1997. Saint Paul: La Fondation de l’universalisme (Paris: Presses universitaires de France), trans. . Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism. 2003. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press) ——. 2007. Circonstances. 4, De quoi Sarkozy est-il le nom? (Paris: Nouvelles éditions Lignes), trans. David Fernbach. The Meaning of Sarkozy. 2008. (London: Verso) ——. 2009. ‘A voix nue’ – radio programme France Culture ——. 2009. Second manifeste pour la philosophie (Paris: Fayard), trans. Louise Burchill. Second Manifesto for Philosophy. 2011. (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press) ——. 2011. La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique (Paris: Germina), trans. Bruno Bosteels. Philosophy for Militants. 2012. (London: Verso) ——. 2015. Quel communisme? Entretien avec Peter Engelman (Montrouge: Bayard) ——. 2016. La vraie vie (Paris: Fayard, collection Ouverture) ——. 2016. Qu’est-ce que j’entends par marxisme? (Paris: Les éditions sociales) Badiou, Alain and Alain Finkielkraut. 2014. Confrontations, trans. Susan Spitzer (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity) Badiou, Alain and Peter Hallward. 2001. ‘Politics and Philosophy. An Interview with ’, in Alain Badiou. Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil, trans. Peter Hallward (London and New York: Verso), 95–144 Badiou, Alain and Fabien Tarby (ed). 2010. La Philosophie et l’événement. Entretiens: Suivis d’une courte introduction à la philosophie d’Alain Badiou (Meaux: Germina), trans. Louise Burchill. Philosophy and the Event. 2013. (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press) Badiou, Alain and Slavoj Žižek. 2009. Philosophy in the Present. ed. Peter Engelmann, trans. Peter Thomas and Alberto Toscano (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press)

Ashton, Paul et al. 2006. The Praxis of Alain Badiou (Melbourne: *Barlett, A.J. and Justin Clemens (eds). 2010. Alain Badiou. Key Concepts (Durham: Acumen) *Bosteels, Bruno. 2011. Badiou and Politics (Durham, NC.: Duke University Press) *Burchill, Louise. 2000. ‘Translator’s Preface. Portraiture in Philosophy, or Shifting Perspectives’, in Alain Badiou. Deleuze: The Clamor of Being, trans. Louise Burchill (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press), vii–xxxiv ——. 2011. ‘Translator’s Preface: A Manifest Power of Elevation’, in Alain Badiou. Second Manifesto for Philosophy, trans. Louise Burchill (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press), viii–xxviii Depoortere, Frederiek. 2009. Badiou and Theology (London: Continuum) Feltham, Oliver. 2008. Alain Badiou: Live Theory (London: Continuum) Gillespie, Sam. 2008. The Mathematics of Novelty: Badiou’s Minimalist Metaphysics (Melbourne:

2 University of Warwick Dr Iwona Janicka 2016-17, Term 2 FR218 Modern French Thinkers *Hallward, Peter. 2003. Badiou: A Subject to Truth (Minneapolis, Minn. and London: University of Minnesota Press) ——. 2004. Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy (London and New York: Continuum) Nirenberg, Ricardo L. and David Nirenberg. 2011. ‘Badiou’s Number: A Critique of Mathematics as Ontology’, Critical Inquiry 37 (Summer), 583–614 *Pluth, Ed. 2010. Badiou. A Philosophy of the New (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity)


Rancière, Jacques. 1987. Le Maître ignorant: Cinq leçons sur l’émancipation intellectuelle (Paris: Fayard), trans. Kristin Ross. The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation. 1991. (Sanford, CA: Stanford University Press) ——. 1995. La Mésentente: Politique et philosophie (Paris: Galilée), trans. Julie Rose. Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy. 1999. (Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press) ——. 1998. Aux bords du politique (Paris: Gallimard), trans. Liz Heron, On the Shores of Politics. 2007. (London: Verso) ——. 2003. ‘Politics and Aesthetics. An Interview, Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 8:2, 191–211 ——. 2004. ‘Who Is the Subject of the Rights of Man?’, The South Atlantic Quarterly 103, 297–310 ——. 2005. ‘From Politics to Aesthetics?’, Paragraph 28: 1, 13–25 ——. 2010. ‘Communists without Communism’, in Costas Douzinas and Slavoj Žižek (eds). The Idea of Communism (London and New York: Verso), 167–77 ——. 2016. ‘Jacques Rancière: L’intellectuel total’ – radio programme at France Culture *Rancière, Jacques and Gabriel Rockhill. 2004. ‘The Janus-Face of Politicized Art: Jacques Rancière in Interview with Gabriel Rockhill’, in Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics, trans. and ed. Gabriel Rockhill (London and New York: Bloomsbury), 45– 61

Bauman, Paul and Richard Stamp. 2011. Reading Rancière (London: Continuum) Bingham, Charles W. 2010. Jacques Rancière: Education, Truth, Emancipation (London: Continuum) *Davis, Oliver (ed.). 2013. Rancière Now: Current Perspectives on Jacques Rancière (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press) ——. 2010. Jacques Rancière (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press) Deranty, Jean-Philippe (ed.). 2010. Jacques Rancière: Key Concepts (Durham: Acumen) *May, Todd. 2007. ‘Jacques Rancière and the Ethics of Equality’, SubStance 36, 20–36 ——. 2008. The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: Creating Equality (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) ——. 2009. ‘Anarchism from Foucault to Rancière’, in Randall Amstar et al. (eds). Contemporary Anarchist Studies. An Introductory Anthropology of Anarchy in the Academy (New York and London: Routledge), 11–17 ——. 2010. Contemporary Political Movements and the Thought of Jacques Rancière: Equality in Action (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press)

3 University of Warwick Dr Iwona Janicka 2016-17, Term 2 FR218 Modern French Thinkers May, Todd and Jeff Love. 2008. ‘From Universality to Equality: Badiou’s Critique of Rancière’, Symposium (Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy / Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale) 12: 2(6), 51–69 Nordmann, Charlotte. 2007. Bourdieu, Rancière: La politique entre sociologie et philosophie (Paris : Éd. Amsterdam) Robson, Mark (ed.).2005. Jacques Rancière: Aesthetics, Politics, Philosophy, Special Issue of Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory 28.1 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) Rockhill, Gabriel and Philip Watts (eds). 2009. Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics (Durham: Duke University Press) Ruby, Christian. 2009. L’Interruption: Jacques Rancière et la politique (Paris: La Fabrique)


Nancy, Jean-Luc. 1997. Etre singulier pluriel (Paris: Editions Galilée), trans. Robert D. Richardson and Anne E. O’Byrne. Being Singular Plural. 2000 (Stanford: Stanford University Press) Nancy, Jean-Luc. 2010. ‘Communism, the Word’, in Costas Douzinas and Slavoj Žižek (eds). The Idea of Communism (London and New York: Verso), 145–53 Nancy, Jean-Luc. 2015. ‘Questions à Jean-Luc Nancy’ – radio programme at France Culture Nancy, Jean-Luc and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. 1997. Retreating the Political (London and New York: Routledge)

Armstrong, Philip. 2009. Reticulations: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Networks of the Political (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) Crowley, Martin. 2009. L’Homme sans (Paris: Lignes) Dejanovic, Sanja. 2015. Nancy and the Political (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP) Derrida, Jacques. 2000. Le Toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy (Paris: Galilée), trans. C. Izarry. On Touching. 2006. (Stanford: Stanford University Press) Devisch, Ignaas. 2013. Jean-Luc Nancy and the Question of Community (New York and London: Bloomsbury) Hutchens, B.C..2005. Jean-Luc Nancy and the Future of Philosophy (Chesham: Acumen) ——. (ed). 2012. Jean-Luc Nancy. Justice, Legality and World (London and New York: Continuum) *James, Ian. 2002. ‘The Persistence of the Subject: Jean-Luc Nancy’, Paragraph 25:1, 125– 141 ——. 2006. The Fragmentary Demand: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy (Stanford, CA.: Stanford University Press) ——. 2012. ‘Jean-Luc Nancy: The Infinity of Sense’ in The New French Philosophy (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press), 39–60 May, Todd. 1997. Reconsidering Difference: Nancy, Derrida, Levinas, Deleuze (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press) Miami Theory Collective, The (eds). 1991. Community at Loose Ends (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) Morin, Marie-Eve. 2012. Jean-Luc Nancy (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press)