The : The Second War for American Independence

The United States and the War in Europe France v. Britain Orders in Council French seizures Impressment 6000 US citizens British determination Chesapeake incident

Jefferson’s Embargo of 1807 Avoid war Europe needs supplies Bars all exports Destroyed US economy Loose Construction Harsh enforcement = Navigation Laws Repealed in 1809 Jefferson overestimated Europe’s dependence Reopens domestic manufacturing

Mr. Madison’s War Non-intercourse Act 1809 – no exports to Britain or France Macon’s Bill No. 2 France announces end to seizures US accepts announcement/non-importation against Britain American gullibility US sucked into whirlpool of war

War Hawks Power shifting to the S and W A new ‘glorious’ war with Britain End to impressment Protection on the frontier Radical minority

Anti-Federalists Federalists Pro-war anti-war Pro-France Pro-British Impressment Damaged Trade Frontier fighting Feared acquisition of Canada Wanted Canada War of 1812 Why Britain and not France??? Confused state Francophilia? Impressment? Canada? Orders in Council? (Repealed) Lack of zeal by 1812 Expiration of the BUS Shambles of an army

Federalist Anger – Federalist Treason Loans to British Food stuffs to Canada Withholding militias “Blue-light” Federalists

Great Invasion of Canada Total bust Success on water

Britain on the offensive Defeat of Burning of Washington, August 14, 1814

Treaty of Ghent More armistice than treaty No treatment of causes Impressment Frontier issues Orders in Council Confiscation

Hartford Convention Federalist from MA, RI, CT, VT, NH Financial assistance from Washington Amendments to Constitution Weakening Congress – Strengthening Federalism 2/3 vote on embargoes, state admissions, & war Smacked of treason in post-war Washington