ID0O0[KKH10DO0OaO0D0D0DOOO0(»>< Ask for p'lano certlOcutes at Long- May Term of Circuit Court. ANOTHER MUBDBE AT LANSINO G. S. THORBURN ^ LOCAL NEWS ^ year Bros, * Following Is a summary Of the pro• At Vandercook's Good shoes at $1,50, $2,00, $2.25, $2,50 ceedings since our last Issue : Julia Lindley, a Woman of the Town Maple street Grocer oooooooaooooooou •(KKKlDOOOOOOaDOOOOO and up to $-1.00,' work or dress, at J, A. Michigan State Bank vs. G. W, Kerp. Shoots Edward Hallen, Her Quality, Price and Fresh Groce• Judgment for plalntlif.of $2,020 and Paramour, ries are what we win on. 25 lbs H. & E. Gran. Sugar.$1.48 Cortrlght's. • * UPTON PIANO CONTESTANTS costs. Julia Lindley,a woman of the street Golden Sun Coffee, steel cut..32c At Battle Creek last Saturday the City National Bank vs. E, B. Cole, shot Edward Hallen at their boarding If you want Good Coffee, trjr A. (fe H. Soda, pkg - 5c Lansing high beat the local team by a During the month of June we will et al,—a.ssumpslt. Judgment for place in Lansing last Tuesday nigh ours and be convinced; 25c, 28c' Tryphosa, assorted flavors 10c score Of 13 to 4. oHer Increased votes for subcrlptlons plaintiff Of $1,021.60 and costs. hitting him with three out of the fou and 30c a pound. - , Shredded Wheat Biscuit 12c to the Deraocrat, We will give 5,000 The American Lady corsets, guar• Clyde J. Truesdell vs. Lucy 11. Jones shots Ured. Five hours after rece Vinegar, 20c a gallon. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 9c votes Instead of 3,000 for etich new anteed rust proof, $1.00 and $1.50, at —assumpsit. Case settled and dis• log the wounds Hallen died. Mrs Gran. Sugar, 17 lbs. for $1.00. Maple Flakes 13c subscriber and for each renewel wlio J. A. Cortrlgbt's. * continued, Lindley mado a confession to the Lan Bulk Seeded Raisins, 3 lbs. for 3 cans Dutch Cleanser 25c pays up arrearages and one yeiir In The Michigan State Pioneer and Harry G. Lyon vs. The Manufactur sing police and says Hallen was pre 25 cents. 3 cans Polly Prim Cleanser....25c advance, Tiike advantage of this Historical society meets at; Lansing ers Distributing Co. — assumpsit paring to leave her and return to his We have the Blatchfo.rd Calf Gasoline, per gal 14c offer. It will help your standings. today and tomorrow. ' Judgment for plaintiff of $170,78. deserted wife and child and had re Meal, 3 cans Corn, Hominy, Sauer The DicMocuAT, Mason. 100 Upton piano votes given with Mllton A. Van Wagoner vs. Joseph fused to give her a dollar. Kraut. Pumpkin or Beans.-.25c Farmers, Take Notice. every,5c purchase at our soda fountain S. Godfrey — assumpsit. Jury gave Hallen was a member of the Janes Fresh Lettuce, Radishes and on Wednesday of each week. plaintiff a verdict of $20,45. vllle, Wis,, police force, was 29 yea Onions received twice a week. We will pay 2;ic tills week for bul- * LoNOY-EAK Bros. The People vs. Claude Collln,s—gross of age and had a wife and clilld. H ter fat delivered at creamery In ptiod VACUUM condition, Ma,son Ckeamei^y Co, Tlie Baptist Sunday school will ob• Indecency. Eespondeut arraigned met the woman In a sporting house serve Children's day next Sunday with aud pleaded guilty. and they soon became Infatuated Upton piano certilluates going fast. a concert In the evening. Public In• The People vs. Frank Ruck—for They left Janesvllle in Februai'y an See notice of strawberry pickers CLEANING vited. gery. Respondent pleaded guilty came to Lansing. Hallen worked wanted, when arraigned Monday. the Reo and the woman at the Com Three prisoners escaped from Jack• Attractive The People vs. John Sefeyk—as• merclal hotel and other places. Tues See notice of painting, paper hang• son Sunday at dinner time. Two were With a Power Machine sault. Respondent arraigned and day morning Hallen received a letter ing and decorating. captured soon. A fourth made his pleaded not guilty. Trial began Wed• from his wife, that night he told her Last Thursday Lansing high de• getaway in the night. PHONE nesday morning. he was going back to his wife. Sli feated lonlu by a score of IG lo 7. Wall Effects Least said about the ball game at The People vs. Yesta Jones alias asked him for money,'but he advised Miss Anna Culver Is copying In the Leslie last Thursday afternoon will Julia LIndley—murder. Respondent her in a sneering manner to go back ROY ADAMS Olllce ot County Treasurer Votter, greatly please the Odd Fellows. It pleaded guilty. Judge Colllngwood to the streets to gain her living, whe An artistic interior is possi• FOR DATES Special sale on pumps and oxfords was a Waterloo and then some. took under advisement the determin• she pulled the revolver and shot him ble only when pictures and at F. W. Webb's ne.xt Saturday. See Annual meeting of the Ingham ing of the degree of guilt of said re Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Lindley frames harmonize perfectly his adv. , County Pioneer and Historical Asso• spondent, i told the story of the killing before with the woodwork and gene• D. P. Wliltmnre has purchased ciation sat the M, E, church In this Alonzo W, Crites vs, Owo^so Sugar Prosecutor Hayden and her state ral color scheme of the home. new Imperial auto and Ralpb Adams City on June 18. Program next week, Co,—case". Order made to allow moots were taken down by a stenogra NEW OFFERINGS a Bulck. amendment to declaration and case pher. A coroner's jury was Impan Walls covered with pictures John Wlxson has completed the continued. eled by Coroner Palmer aod an Inquest IN A. J, Hall has been with the Farm school census. There are 393 In the framed at Judge Colllngwood granted Florence was held Wednesday night. era Bank of this city 2,5 years on district, 220 In the flrst ward and 107 E.Turner a divorce from Charles H. Mrs. Lindley wrote a letter to Hal June 7tli. in the second. This Is 13 more than The Tamlyn Studio Turner of Lansing, on grounds of ex len's wife, who now resides in Rock- E, A, Barnc? has,sold a parcel on we had last year, treme cruelty. ford, III., but did notsend It as it had REAL ESTATE are always artistic and in good block 51 of this Clly to Bobbins B Phillip O, Parmalee of St, Johns, an been torn to bits and wrapped in Eayner for $175. taste, because we render a aviator, was killed while making a Will you need a new suit case before piece of old paper. The letter was Mra. Arlo Whipple entertained he night at North Yaklraa, Wtisb., last special service in assisting our your vacation? You can get one from found In a garbage can in the rear o One Of the most desirable close-' Sunday school class at the park last Saturday, He was up about 400 feet patons to make right selections 98c tu $0,00, at J. A. Oortright's. * the house. Tills letter threw consid in locations in the city, with a. Saturday afternoon. when a gust of wind struck his ma• erable light on her motive for the pleasant and commodious modern Lansing gets two grand officers In house, good-sized barn and 6x8 rod Early Sunday morning a 12-lb. ann chine and It crashed to the ground the Masonic lodge this year. James crime. lot, is this week offered for less, was born tn Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whip• with Parmalee beneath it. ii. Thompson is grand master and Hallen's wife and father came to than it would cost to erect the ple (if the second ward. Dr, Joseph Foster of Lansing died Lansing from Rockford Wednesday buildings. Inve.stigate quick ii you: John W. Hawks senior grand deacon. want something good. The Masnn Milling Oo. will pay you at Harper hospital in Detroit Sunday and attended the Inquest. They are Dr, Blair, the Painless Tooth E.x- Large house, suitable for room-- the highest market price for you afternoon of Briglit's disease. He n quite poor financial circumstances, ers and boarders. Close in. Bairn' grain. Let them bid on It. was 42 years of age and is survived tr.actor with a National reputation After deliberating a short time the and about an acre of ground. Buy will work at Andrews Hotel, Wll• this for $1200. Big slaughter In clothing and gents by a widow and three children. Dr. jury rendered a verdict that Edward llamston, Mich,, ne.\'t week, June 10, A fine building place, pleasant ftirnishings at Webb & Whitman's fur Foster was a member of the Masonic Hallen met his death as the result o 11,12, 13, 14 and 15th, He will do - a location, and only two hlocks from order and a.Knight Templar, bullet wounds Inflicted iu the hands court,house. Price way below that BUSINESS DIRECTORY. the next 30 days. Read adv. good business as his reputation as a of Mrs. Vesta Jones, alias Julia Llnd Of corresponding lots, and feuch lo• The Sunshine club met with Miss Mason high went to Wllllamston painless extractor has preceded hirn, ley. Thursday the body of the mur cations very scarce. Hurry if you' VKTUKtNAKV Ruth Gillespie at her home two miles last Wednesday and won in a 10-in want it. Tuesday 'morning the Class of '12 dered man was taken to Rockford lt. G, H. GOltDOl^, yiiTKKINAIlY I'flY.SI north last Saturday afternoon. ning game by 5 to 1. It was a tie 1 to D ClAiN, Sni-fjiitm and Dentist. NiRht calli 1 in the ninth when our boys got their enjoyed the hospitality of their presi• accompanied by his wife and father, olieerrully austvertiri. Dell phoiiu 228, Citizens 57. Experts from the Detroit Trust Cn twirler In the air and pounded him dent, Palen McDanlels, to a flve-course Friday afternoon Mrs. Lindley was Get my List of Farms and City Itooiii I'l, Ijawnjiicu blottk, iVIasuii, .Wloh. are auditing the books of the electric for four runs. Mason has a great breakfast, the'entire class, number• arraigned before Justice Haight. Her Property for 5ale. light and water board of this city. WKNTLSTS team this year, but six of them are in ing 23j was iiresent. The class colors counsel waived examination in her The girls .employed In the court behalf and she was bound over to tlie It. 0. K. IIKNDIJRSON, Dentist, Over Geo, the senior class. were purple and gold, the tables being IVl, Wehh'.s and Kurd Aseltlno's. house held a picnic Monday afternoon decorated with purple pansles and circuit court without bail. Mrs. F. J. Brown of Detroit^ has lt. ,IO.S. S. HAWLKY, Dentist. Formerly In honor of the birthday of Miss Elhel yellow lilies, The occasion was en• D. P. WHITMORE Mackinac fsland and ,St. iRoace, Successor been successful In the highest U. S. D Adams, joyed by all, County House Damaged By Pire. toDr.SpauldUiiiand Dr. rJnsluy, Lawrence blk, court Of appeals at Cincinnati and has MASON, MICH. The woman's foreign missionary Shortly after live o'clock Monday won her long litigation suit. There William Dyer, aged 49 years, a far• Bell Phone 55 Citizens ijs rHY.SICIANS society of the M. E, church will meet Is no appeal from the decision and she mer living near DeWitt, Clinton afternoon lire was discovered in the with Mrs, E. A. Densmore Friday at R. CHAS. S. BAM.AKD, Homeopathic Pliy. has only to await an order from the county, serving 30 days in the county attic of the south wing of the county D sician and SurReoa. Diseases of the Eye. 2:30 p. in. Ear, Nose aud Throat a specialty, oniee—Near Court to settle the estate. Mrs. Brown jail from Lansing for drunkenness, house in Meridian township. An Mason Wins Fourth Place. niook, Hours-B too a. in., 1:30 to5 aud 7 to 1! alarm was given by ringing the bell p.m. 500 Upton piano votes given with was in attendaiice at the suit. took French leave just before dinner Mason's high track team took fourth; and by the telephone and In a short every 25c purchase at our store on last Friday, He was missed when he' at the 10th annual interscholastic ll. KHANIC E. T(rO,\IA8, Physician and Stir. Frank Ruck, a Lansing boy aged 16 time it' Is estimated 100 men were D Reon. Ollluo over Webh & Whlttnati's store June 12, LoNGY-BAR Bros., failed to show up for dinner. Dytjr track and Held meet at St, Johns last residence two doors east ot Methodist church. years, has been bound over to the cir• present to aid. Keeper Fuller and * "A Good Place to Trade," was a trusty.,and was engaged aboilt Saturday. There were eight schools cuit court charged with forging three assistants aided ,those who were una• U. MAKK 0. OARPENTEU, Lost—Last Saturday night on the the grounds when he left. Dyer was entered. Lansing won the meet wltli. D 1)11. ETHEL COOIC OAKPENTER, Checks totaling $53,38. One bf the ble t(j help themselves to places of Osteopathic Pliyslclans,2lD io2l7 Jettison Block streets or 'in some of the stores of gone about three hours, being caught 38 points, Ithaca second 27i St. Jolms: corner Wash. Ave; atid Ottawa St., Latislng, M cheeks for $10,50 was passed at the Mason, a child's black felt hat. The n Lansing, , safety. F. N, Arbaugh store, who made the third 21, Mason fourth 124, There EOSON OOVEY, Pli. 0., M, D, Physician Under is requested to leave at this The building has its own system of O1 and SiirgL'on, ijlvlnK special attention to complaint. The amount ot this check James Losey, aged 59 years, employ were quite a number from here who olllce pracUou and the cure ot chronic diseases. Office. . *1 water works, but the pressure was was paid by the boy's mother, who edin the Thoman flouring mill at went to St. Johns to witness the- Bad. pectillar, diUlctilt and stubborn cases that not sufficient to reach the roof, so the bailie otliers or hiwe been neglected or linprop Mrs. Minnie Nellls, who has been sought to save him from a cell. Lansing for 30 years, was caught in a events, eriy ti'eated, al'e Invited. Visits made anydls. hose was coupled together and tlie flre tance If rightly arranged for. Ofllce hours, 2 lo pianist for the Kebekahs for three Chief of Police Behrendt has two belt last Wednesday morning and Elggs, Cady, Smith and Eoot won 9 p. in. Call or write, over Norton's Hardware fought from the insjdeof the build• years, was given a surprise at the other checks the boy is alleged to have whirled about the shaft until he sus• the half mile relay. Eiggs was third itt Waslilngtuii Ave,, South, Lansing, Mich. ing. ' At one time It Was believed tho close Of the meeting last Wednesday passed. tained fatal injuries. Two physicians io the high jump, with live feet and AMES SEVIN, Nurse. Graduate Bellovno building was doomed and Lansing was J Hospital, Now York City. Residence, Mason evening and presented with a dozen were summoned and the injured man veinches. Root was third in the 109 Citizens Phone iOOB, Bell phone 135-2r. Lawrence and Shirley-Field were asked for assistance. A chemical was handsome orange spoons by members taken to. the City hospital where his aod 220 yard dashes. Winfleld was- home from the U. of M. over^Sunday. sent and made the nine mile run in 22 of the staff. wounds were dressed. Losey died at fourth in the mile run, leading to AXTOKNlilYS Tjiey finish June 27th. Shirley has minutes, but by the time It arrived four o'clock in the afternoon. De• within about 100 yards of the flnlsh. ALFRED Al.LlilN, Attorney at Law, Olllco In Amos Collins, aged 14 years, was accepted a position as instructor in tlie flre was uhder'^^ontrol. A bucket ceased is survived by a widow and six Cady was flrst in the running broad Farmers Banl< bulUllng, Mason. drowned in a gravel pit near East physics in the Georgia School of Tech• brigade did good service in fighting children. ump, but was di.squallfled-for step-* A. BERGMCAN, ATTORNEY and COUN' Lansing last Friday night. ' Tbe nology at Atlanta. Lawrence has ac• the flames. Considerable damage was • SELOR AT LAW, Mason,Mich. ping over the mark. A heavy rains had filled a deep hole In cepted a position in the experimental , The ,Ingham County Farmers Club done to carpets, bedding, etc,'by the B, MoARTHUR, Attorney and Oounselorat the pit and Collins with some other wUl hold its next meeting Saturday, , Law. Ofilce In Farmers Bank building. engineering department of the Good water thrown. It is worse than useless to take any L June 8th, with Mr. and Mrs. Alton L, boys were In bathing. Collins was year Tire and Rubber Co. of Akron, Thereof over the south wing was medicines Internally for muscular or I^ENSMORE, E. A., Attorney-at-Law,Mason, seized with cramps. Jewett, with the following program: Michigan. 0. The latter will leave about July practically burned off and the roof on chronic rheumatism. All that i* Music f needed is a free application of Cham• Mr. and Mrs. John N. Peobertby 6th Shirley will go about the middle T, HEMANS, Attorney and Counselor at Recitation ,, ',MarRaret Young the east wlpg was considerably dam• berlain's Liniment, For sale by alt- • Law, ORlce In Lawrence Block, Mason of September. LMich. Money to loan on good security. have Issued invitations for the mar• BacltatloD, ...,',„.„..,. Cellft Allen aged. The loss Is estimated at $1,500, dealers. riage of their daughter, Tessa L. May was a record breaker In so far Agriculture In the Rural School Prof. W. H. which is covered by insurance. Tho French or assistant, E. L, Nye, M. A. 0. AUCTIONEERS Lindsay, to J. Earl Davidson of Ing as the rainfall was concerned, the pre• new addition which was recently BUSINESS LOCALS. Triangles ...... Mrs, Edna Ives ham township. Ceremony to take built at-an expense of over $14,000, LARK & HARKNESS, General Auctioneers, cipitation being 6.57 inches. Since Music C Leave orders at this ofllce. Satisfaction place at their home corner A and Mill was uninjured. Several went to the guaranteed. Bell ph»no Dansvllle 6,4 u. Oitl 1871 according to the records at East The president of the Boys' Corn For Sale.—Good elRlit room house. Very zens phone Mason, 100-2r.2s streets on Saturday, June 15th, at 2:30 flre in autos from this city and Wll• desirable location. Two blacks from-: Mala- Lansing the nearest approacli to this Club calls a meeting of the club at the O'clock. llamston. The inmates'were all cared street. ,L. S, Uatics, West Street, Mason. 2p ENRY' KURTZ,General Auctioneer. Satis• rainfall was 5.17 inches in 1905. Com• same time and place. Boys,, bring faction guaranteed, terms right. Leave for in the balance of the hulldmg and Horders at this olHce, Postofllce, Lansing. The Mlchigao Children's Home So• pared with the normal fall the excess bat, ball and mitt for a ball game If yon are not can-ylng any cyclone or hall the hospital. A special session of the Btorni insurance, see F. H, Field, Mason, Mich. ciety Of St. Joseph, Mlclu, acknowl• this month was 2.99 Inches. There with the,organization, of an athletic board of .supervisors may be called to Good clover hay for sale. L, T. Hemans. tott- INSURANCE edges receipt-for $109.10, which was were a dozen days during the montl^ club in view. Table committee— take action In making repairs.: pARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANOE the gift of the people of Mason tovyard when there were thunderstorms. The Mesdames W. H. Haskell, H. M. FOBSalic—Utibber tire stiney in good condi• „ Oorapanv of Ingham county. Safest, cheap• the fund for blind and crippled chil• temperature during May: varied from A good many years ago the county tion, also top bUKKV and road cart, Oall Bell- est and beat. For information,write to F, H, Gardner, F. H. McCormick, Geo. M. Plione No. 102 or at F. P. Millbury's Granite:' Works, ...... , ..-,...:,.•: mt ' Field.secretary. Mason, E, A. Densmore, presi• dren. The managementof the hom;e 37 to 85 degrees, and, there were but Hoyt, and W. H. Taylor. building on another location was dent. Mason. Ofllce In tho court house. Is grateful tb all who contributed 10 clear days. burned and the inmates were kept in PalntiDg, Paper Hanging and Decorating. Bell phone 00-3r 22w2p E,J. Wolcotk toward this fund,and expresses grati• Great List of Horses, a hotel at Okemos while the present A fire alarm was turned in just be• Strawlhorry FJckers-Witiitoil. StandiBg of Contestants in Piano tude to the flower day committee who fore supper last Wednesday afternoon. We have received a list of thehorses* building was being built. • Vote. Ash street east. 23w3p J. H. lU-'snroiia- ' worked so faithfully and strenuously. The department responded, but had named in the, stakes for the Grand George Kaywood of Leslie is serving y Wiiutod. ; Below ia tbe standing of contestants Last Wednesday night a party con• considerable trouble finding the loca- Eapids grand circuit meeting, which Young men and wotnen as nurses.upoQ the lii- sentence Of 30 days in the county sane. Good wages and two years' course la in tlie Upton piano voting contest at sisting of four commissioned oflicers, tlbn. At first theboys were sent to is to be held this year July 8 to 12 and jail for giving liquor to-a posted man. training free,; Address Dii, A. I. Noiilb, Medt- Longyear's last Wednesday: several non-commissloned officers and A. A. Howlett's on west Ash street, is to be the opening eventof the grand cal Superintendent, Kiilainazoo, Mich. 20w>t< No. 7. ,1041705 No, 43.,...... ;253I00 ,' '24 ,. 398525 58...... 215215 privates from Fort Wayne, Detroit, then to Geo. M. Hoyt's oa east Maple Circuit. This list shows 144 of the Miss Bernice L. Wliipple closed her Seed Corn and Portland Comont for SiUe.; K 27 G55G35 69... .782030 camped in the! corner by the Vevay street, when the flre was in a-house greatest trotters and pacers in train• second successful year's work at the At . R, G. Ooy & Co., Mason. : 131... 1232020 : 80.,.,..:...C250B5 < .38., , 07G005 . • 101 ,'.306930 townhall, near the south city limits. on North street owned by ,Mr. Hoyt. ing, most of whom will make their Hawley school Friday afternoon, May INTFRFQTPn' "10 8<^'^ iovuBtment at elgbt 40...,.,,.,1128085: 112...... 191800 They travel in an enormous ; auto, Tbe lowerpart of the house is unoc-: first start of the year over the fast 31st.- About 70,friends of the pupils 111 I kiikd I LU per cent, payable qtianofJy,:.. can give you valuable Information,: ' built for their accommodation, ,and ,cupled:while some colored folks ilive track.at-Comstock park. Last year and teacher listened t^-a very inter• 6itf, , • Masox E. Reynolds. V John Warfleld, a farmer living near are accompanied: by team and W^^ upstairs. "They:ha o\A. thegrand Circuit horses raced 61 heats esting program, after which ice cream, TbeNatlonal Loan Sc Investment Oo. pay84!4' Wil 1 iamston, was knocked down by in which their camping outflt'is car• dyerall's In .the dead end of a stove over that trackin the average time of cake and wafers were served. The percent. See P. H.FiicLD. WU. two hoboes la Lansing last 'Wednes• ried. They are^ on a surveying trip pipe to keep but'Xhe smoke. .'Aflre in• 2:07i, which was the- fastest of:the color scheme of pink and white was If your money does not net you live percent..' day night, and robbed of his watch,.a through the;state, making-maps or the stpye set flre to the overalls and year. The quality of the horses nam• carried out in both the decorating and te II. 0. Freeland. atf y new coal and $11 WarfliBld.reported charts,, and where possible, lighting they had; dropped out and were :burn- ed in the rich events for thisyear in• refreshments. Miss Whipple present• WU«n It Xookii Black Id tbe west it's a wonderfully comforting feeling at: the police/.headquarters with tjwo imaginary battles with other milItary ing on the floor. Fire was put out dicates 'that still better time may be ed lier; pupils with:v some beautiful to know you have a policy In,the Michigan; Mu• bad eyes and bruhies('On his face and men," by way-of quizes, etci From before department arrived without made./ The purses offered amount to souvenirs and she in turn was remem• tual Cyclone," Wlndstormand Tornado Co. o^ Hastings, Better see me right away. body. : here the men went to Iosco couniy. doing:much damage; 837,000. ' . , bered by several tokens from them. I,.H.Ivi!;s, Agent. Olt. Phooff. ; The waiters' strike in Now York, Loss for Decade Under 1 Per Cent. Pesslmlsts^may be.men who ore dlo- Ingham County Democrat which began at the Belmont three Since the recent fire a tthe Mich• CONGRESS STILL BUSY appointed in themselves. weeks jigo, has spread and 4,000 wait• igan State School for the Deaf at ers are out and 21 hotels, six restaur• IS CL08 Flint, with a loss of about $300,000, Whlch wins? Garfield Tea always wins W. L. cTARKTpubl'sher. ants and two clubs aro affected. on Itamerltsas the beat of herb cathartics. the fact that the state carries no Insur• » * • MUCH WORK TO BE DONE BE- MASON MICH JOAN ance on any of its property has been Nothing surprises some people more Dr, D. F. Dumas, former mayor of the cause of considerable comment FORE ADJOURNMENT. than the antics of an alarm clock. Cass Lake, Minn,, who, it was charged, and criticism, The inventories on file \ \ planneti the blowing up of the post of• Cole's Cnfbolisalvo quleltly rnlleves anil in the office of Ornmell B. Fnllei-, cures burnlntr. Itciiliiff and torturinff .skin fice safe at Puposky the night of June auditor general, show that tho value disenses. It Insfnnlly stops tho pain of 16, 1911, and aided ciimlnals In the Michigan Grand Lodge Presented PROBABLY JULY OR AUGUST burns. Cnres without scnrs. 2IJc nnd Sdo of the property owned by the state is by druffKlsts, For free sample write to act, is guilty of attempted arson In the With Historic Gavel. $19,984,257,70. Other figures also on J. W, Cole & Co.. Black Klver Falls, Wis. third degree and his conviction In the file in that office show that the losses district court of Beltrami county was on state property by fire and storm Investigations, Appropriation Bills, warrauted. This Is the decision of strike Breakers of Old. during tbe decade from November 7, Elijah was being fed by the ravens. the Minnesota supreme court handed NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTED ]902, to July 30, 1911, amounted to Tariff Review and Many Other "I don't care if the waiters do down. $175,002.52, or less than nine-tenths of Matters «till to be Taken Up- strike," he hoasled. MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS OF « • « ono per cent. That .Tohn D, Rockefeller Is now ,THE PAST WEEK, TOLD IN It Was Decided to Raise the Per Cap• The auditor general contends that Other-News of the Day. worth $900,000,000 was the statement Her Advantage. CONDENSED FORM. ita Tax to Add $14,000 Yearly to the pi-einiums for a single year, un• "I should think Buggs made things made by counsel In an inquiry into der oi'dluary conditions, would almost the stock holdings and other forms of Maintenance Fund of the very uncomfortable for hl.s wife when equal th(i losses by fire and storm wealth of the oil king which has Masonic Home, Washington, .June 2.—Appi-opi-la- he has a habit of storming all over during a decade. Ihe house." ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD grown out of tbe litigation that has tiou bills will be pressed, the tariff brought about the examination of Mr. l,4insing.—What Is perhaps one of The coiuplete figures on losses for revisloii light continued, the Loriiiior "What need she care how he storms, l^ockefeiler as a witness to tell of tho tho most highly prized and historic the decade named are as follows: slectioii case debated aud other legis• fiB long as she Is reigning In It?" present relations between tho Stand• juvels in existence was presented the November 7, 1902—Repairs to the lation discussed in congress this Complete Review of Happeninfls of ard Oil company nnd Its subsidiaries. Michigan Grand lodge of Free,and Ac- warden's residence at tbe state iveck. EveiT elTort 'possible Is being Got a New Wife. Greatest Interest From All Parts of aopted Masons, during ihe closing an• prison at .Jackson which was partial• made to get tho goveniinent supply "Wombat is working like a horse. He used to be rather lazy. Why the the Globe—Latest Home and For>- Alexander M. Davis is under arrest nual session In Detroit. It is a return ly destroyed by fire, $1,082.95. measilros tliroiigli on a right ot way change?" eign Items. f in New York on the unusual charge of jf the compliment which tbe grand .Tnnuai'y 28, 1903—Replacing mili• undei'standing in both houses so that "He's under a new management. Hla stealing 100,000 names from tho files lodge ]Kild Alexandria a year ago tary stores destroyed-by fire at Grand they may bo secure regardless of a latest wife needs a lot of expensive of a suit and cloak house by which he ivhen the Michigan men went to time I'or a finttl ndjounimeut, which Washington Rapld-s, $0,224.82. ihings." was formerly employed. Washington, and in- Ihe presence of March 12, 1904—Repairing and re• Btiil is spoRtilallve. "Pi'obnl)ly in The Ui)l(ro|>er is made from a mag• £ii)n bill will l)o procipiuiled in the ing." tho court oi' coniaicrce when ho was « • • nolia tree v.'hicli was ono of the last September 12, ]90.i~l?am destroyed iJLMiiile i)rol)abiy hite in.tho week with "Ujiitcd States district jtidgo at Scran- The commissary at Hickman, Ky., l>lauted by Gen. Washington. The at ihe Michigan School' for the Deaf iudic'itions favoring the iidministra To Preserve Historic Builcling. ton, Pa., conti'lbiiled to a fund for a where provisions have been given out at Flint, .$700. handle is from an np))le tree which lion's, two l)attlcsl)ip ani)ii;ii iucrea.se A movement has been started In , .vaontlon ti-ip to Biirojie for the judge, by the government to the flood refu• jfow in the yard of the hoiue wliore ,Tuly 29, 1905—Repairing Mill Creek pi'ogram, Jfrankfort, Ky., to preserve tho "little .•tocordjiig lo tostiinony given the house gees, will be closed within a few days. Nellie CusUs lived, and il is held iu Fish batchei'y, desti-oyed by fiood, $2,- committee on jiidichiry by ,lobn T. Abont 100 persona ni-o still drawing Tho commitloo will rocomnicnd aii. red brick" building on the old State place by a luoce of wood made I'rom 214.20. thoi'lty for liiierai expouditui'o by tho House, square on account of its his• J.>!i!ii!nin of Wilkosbarre, a former rations and these will bo given ten Due of the plugs which was a support member of coiigrcas. days' supply when tbe relief work dis• February 27, 190C—Uepalring boule• ntivy to le.st the iirnctical woi-king toric interest. Tho building now 10 the rope in the bed on which Gcn- vard drive at Mackinac Island, dam• vtilue of iiydri-aoroplanes in fleet op standing Is 93 years old, and Daniel * * • continues. sral Washington died. The naval appropriation bill was • >(• * aged by storm, $;i,002.no. eralioMS, This ••ippropriiition will be Boone, on the occasion of visits to The siiiendid gil't was acknowl• Frankfort after It waa erected, visited .passed by the hon,se at Washington In a warning to tho New England February 27, 190G—Repairing North- provided under seiiai'ate heads ol edged hy Grand Chaiilaln AVilllam ,H. the oflices on business. In two years lafter an unsuccessful effort was made mill owners nnd other capitalists is• err. State Normal school, destroyed hy slciuii miichinofy and constriiclion and 3allagher of Saginaw. the building will be 100 years old, IC to iusert a provision for the two bat- sued by William D, Haywood, leader fire, $53,084. Increased appropriation, ro))uir in each case not exceeding $50,- The grand lodge decided to raise 000. left standing, and is the oldest state llcsliips. As passed the bill carries ot tho industrial AVorkers of the $9,538.15. the per capita tax from 20 to 40 cents building In existence. World at New Yoi-k, it is declared July 2, 190G—Shop building at Jack- npproximately 1119,000,000, which Is for the support of the Masonic home that should two labor lenders at Law• sou prison destroyed by fire, $4,585. Police lyiake Charge. abont $7,500,000 less than the amount M Alma. This incvcase will add about Powerful Plea. rence, Mass., accused of mui'dei-, bo Columbus, 0„ June 3.—Tliat burg, caiTled In the bill for the present fis• fl'i.OOO a year to the maintenance .iuly 28, 1907—Cottage at Industrial A man in North Carolina, who was olecti'ocuted, the workers will destroy lap tools aro made inside the Oiiio cal year. fund I'or tlio institlition. School for Girls at Adrian, destroyed saved from conviction for horse steal• them as mill owners by closing down penitentiary by prisoners. Is the ac• • * n • by lire, $5,250, ing by the powerful plea of his law• Thertj were many pandidates fo|' the cusation of the local police, as a re• all work. Januai'y IS, 1905—Repair shop yer, after his acquittal by tho jury, ooice of gr.and marshal, and Hugh A. sult of an investigation of the charge Domestic equipment at Uio University of Mich- ivas asked by the lawyer: *. !> \ MacPli^rsou of Howell was elected. against Oiislav Ohlrich, tlie peniten• ' Harrowing oxperlencea were related ig'an, $635. "Honor bright, now, Bill, you did The motion of the United States With -the exception of the treasurer, tiary guard arrested I'or 'alleged com• in Los Augclen by refugees from the steal that horse, didu't you?" government to have made permanent secretary, lecturer, chaplain and tyler, May .14, lOOS—Repairing building at plicity In numerous burglaries in this [west coast of Mexico who arrived on "Now, look a-here, judge," was the a temporary injunction restraining Dther ollicers autoniiuioally moved up ,Tacljson prison, $708.04. city. the United States army transport Bu- Herman Siolclcen and the New York a position, so that tlie new ofllcial di• .January 16, 1909—I./aundry at East- reply, "I allers did think I stole that ford. Tho vessel brought HO!) men,Doc k company from disposing ot 74G,- rectory Is as follows: ei'n Michigan Asylum, desti'oyed by lioss, but since I hearn your speech to Old Bank Closes Doors. women nnd children, 159 disonibark- 539 hags of valorized coffee held In Grand master, .lames H. Thomp- fire, $13,428.44. that 'ere jury, I'll be doggoned if I Rocliestor, N. Y., June 1.—The a-ln't got my doubts about it."—Na• liig there and the rest going' to San New Y'ork was denied by .fudge La- 3on of Lansing; deputy grand mas• March 15, 1905—Property of Na• George'W. Mallock priv.ate bank at tional Monthly. Francisco. combe lu United Stales district court. ter, .Francis D. Clarke ot Flint; tional Guard destroyed by fire, $3,- • » • senior grand warden, William M. 087.21. >, Bath closed Its doors yesterday. l^eiP beu \R. Lyon, in temporary charge, .Easy to Lick Russia. ,. Striking miners at tho Paint Creek Politics Perrett of Detroit; junior grand ,Tuly 19, 1909—Fire at the Home for says the assets will exceed liabilities A couple of little newsies stood In Colliery company at Mucklow made warden, George .L. Lusk of Bay the Feeble Minded at Lapeer, $483.35. an attempt to masaacra a dozen Bald• According to tho olficlal tabulation and ascribes tiie present crisis to lib. front of the Youngstown (0.) Tele• City; grand treasurer, William March 18, 1910—Barn destroyed by win mino guards by ambushing them. of the vote in the Ohio Democratic Bralil;y in loaning. Tlie bank has de. gram bulletin- recently reading the Weute of Manistee; grand secre• fire at the Michigan School tor the Three hundred shots were flrod. All presidential preference primary vote, posits of between $600,000 and ,^700,. printed lines and making commeuts tary, Lou B. Wlnsor of Reed City; Deaf, $12,000. on tho press reports. eacai>ed but Detective ]3up)), who was Governor l-larmon received 100,090 gi'and lectui'er, Frank 0. Gilbert of 000 and has done business since 1S49 May 27, 1907—Barn destroyed by "Geo, .it says here 'at there's liable wounded in the side. The wound was votes, against S9,11G for Governor Wil• Detroit; grand chaplain, William H. fire at the Industrial School for Boys to be some o' troubles 'ith Russia on not fatal. son of New Jersey. Harmon's plurah, G.allagher of Saginaw; senior grand Woman Rides Horse 900 Miles. at Lansing, $11,139.46. account ob de treaty," said one. » * * Ity of 10,983, William J. Bryan re• .'deacon, ,Tohn W. Hawks of Lans• Rochester, N. Y., Jniiel.—Outdis• June 20, 1911—State Normal Col• "What's de difference?" said the Officials of the Chicago and Alton ceived 2,490 votes, just one more than ing; junior grand deacon, Louis H. tancing l.-wo army officers, Mrs. Her• lege damaged by wind and ball, $1,- other, "Dis country don't need to railroad asaorled that through the was cast for Champ Clark. Fead of Newberry; grand marshal,- bert Wadsworth, holder of the world's 280.35. ,/ worry." floating of a loan of $1,000,000 in * * * I-Iugh A. McPherson of Howell; long distance riding record, and the "Oh, I don't know," said the flrst New York wltliin the last week tem• President Taft sent a telegram to grand tyler, James F. McGregor of .Tune 20, 1911—Michigan School for woman who beat Theodore Roosevelt's speaker, "it might bring on a war." porary financial dlflicultios have been Arthur I. Vorys, Republican national Detroit. • the Deaf at Flint damaged by wind record for a day, reached her summer overcome ami danger ol' a receiver• committeeman for Ohio, declaring that and hall, $2,268.50. home, Ashaiitee, near Avon, &tiev a "Huh!" sniffed the second boy. ship, which was reported in a Spring• while he does not need that state's six .July 29, 1911—Building at the 900-mile , horseback journey from "Uncle Sam could lick Russia wid de Drake Secretary of Liability Board. Salvation army." field dispatch, averted. delegates at large to win the presi• Michigan Refoi-matory at Ionia, de• Washington, and Hot Siirlngs, Va. dential nomination, he will not consid• Richard L. Drake, secretary of the stroyed by fire, $25,000., Detroit Typographical union, was ' The Michigan supreme court grant- er a compi-omlse In the Ohio state con• Lamb's Tenure of Life Not Long. elected secretary of the state indus• Completes New York to Chicago Walk. A' party of, privileged sightseers led a new trial to Dr. George A. Frltch vention. Specializing In Raising Fruit. trial board at its first meeting held in Chicago, III., May 29.—Mrs. David were admitted to a private view of a ^of Detroit, who was convicted in the state capltol. Attorney J. E. Kin- Beach completed a journey on foot menagerie between performances, 'Mru-ch, IDJ.O, of the murder of Mabel Roosevelt's clean sweep of the New The several sections of western nane of Bay City, chairman. Rev. 3. [rom New York to Chicago yesterday and among other things were shown MiUman, Fritch is now in ,Tackson .Jersey pi'imarles was emphasized Michigan have already begun to spe• A. Kennedy of Sault Ste Marie, and and gave to Mayor Harrison a mes• what was called • a "Happy Family," prison, where he was sentenced to when late returns gave him substan• cialize in the matter of raising fruit. O. E. Reaves of .Tackson, the mera'- sage which slie received from Mayor that is to say, in one and the same serve from seven and one-hall: to fif• tial pluralities in the few districts The Oceana and Mason county sec• about which previous figures left any bers of the board, were present, and tions are becoming great peach pro^ Gaynor.., During Ihe long walk, which cage there was a ^toothless lion, a teen years, consumed a little more than forty-two tiger, somewhat the worse for wear, • * * doubt, and increased his lead else• the election of Mr. Drake was nnani- ducing sections, and the country about where throughout the state to 15,000. mous. Mr. Dralce served as a mem• Ludington is also gaining fame 'be• days, Mrs. Beach subsisted on un• and a half-famished wolf. Beside ' Tv/olvo men were burled under a these wild animals, curled up in one Governor Wilson gained 24 of the 2S ber ''of the commission which drew cause of its small fruits, its berries cooked food ot a vegetarian nature. collapsing wall in Milwaukee. Four corner, was a diminutive lamb which delegates, including tbe delegates-at- up the employers' liability law. ind currants'.' The Frankfort section vyei-e rescued at once by fellow work• shivered as it slumbered, men. The accident occurred while a lai-ge. There has,been considerable discus• Is becoming so great a center for the Wild Man of Borneo Is Dead. # # * sion as to where the oflices of tbe growing of the Elberta peach that the Mt. Vernon, p„ .Tune 3.~Bariiey "How long have the animals lived wrecking crew was engaged in tear• together?" asked one of the party. ing down a three-story brick structure. ^ The Texas state Republican conven• board would be located, and this town formerly known ,as South Frank• Davis, SS years old, who, .with his tion split and the Roosevelt and Taft question was settled when Lansing fort has changed its iiame to Bberta. brother Hiram, for fifty years trav- ' "About twelve months," replied the One wall gave way, apparently under showman. the pressure of a slight wind. One forces held separate conventions. was chosen. As there is not stifH- Benzie county is also a' cherry section. ,pled with various circuses as tho Each convention elected eight dele- clent room In the state house, offi'ces In Grand Traverse county the ap• "Wild Men of Borneo," is dead at "Why," exclaimed a lady, "I am of tbe men rescued was severely in• sure that little lamb is not as old aa jured. 'gates-at-large to the national conven• will probably have to be obtained in ple becomes the all-important fruit, Waltham, Mass. . The body will be tion. Roosevelt, however. Is certain of some office building in the city. not but what berries and cherries and brought here for burial. .that." • nearly all ot the thirty-two district ' "Oh," said the showman, quite un• 5 Forty-Blx leading citizens of Oralg- Mr, Drake will move to Lansing peaches are raised in large quantities, delegates as a result of the primary. moved, "the Iamb has to be renewed Jjead county, Arkansas, of which with his family .July 1. Rev. Kennedy but the apple .is being given the best Hotel Strike Spreads. It * • occasionally." .Jon.esboro Is the county seat, have says he will 'resign" as pastor.,,of the part of the orchard. Furthermore, the New York, June 1.—Twenty-five ' ' ' , • 1, First Presbyterian church atths Soo, apple acreage about "Traverse City; is hundred waiters; cdolcs and kitchen been Indicted by tlie grand jury on a . DIFFERiSNT NOW. charge of night riding. These men, Foreign and will make Lansing his liome, very large and is increasing rapidly." help from a score of New York's best The buyer who wants a carload^ of Since tho Sli4gger, Coffee, Was Aban> according to Sheriff S. Burt, at• Following a mild warniag to Gen. while he is a member of the board. known hotels, restaurants and clubs peaches can get them In season with• doned. tempted to run negro farmers from Orozco, rebel leader, from President It Is. not knowu Whether the other are out on strike for higher wages, out difficulty at Hart, Ludington or the county by leaving threatening let• Taft that be mi^t not Interfere with members of tlie board ^vill remove shorter' working hours and recognition Frankfort; the buyer who wants a car• Coffee probably causes more bilious• ters and bundles of switches on their Americans leaving Mexico, United here or not. V ot their union.: load ot cherries can get satisfaction at ness and so-called malaria than any front door steps. States Consul Charles M. Freeman Is• ,- A feature of this new state board Fi-ankfort or Traverse City; the buyer one other thing—even bad climate. 1 /\ * * • sued hasty Instructions to aU Ameri• Is that the law, gospel and labor are Handshake With "Teddy" Expensive. - (^ea is just as harmful as coffee be^ who wants a carload of apples has but ' .lob Harriman, late candidate for cans at Vlliardena to flee for their ail represented, Mr. Kinnane being New York, May 31.—It cost George to go to Traverse City, Northport or cause it contains caffeine, the drug In; .mayor of Los Angeles, Cal., on the So•lives into Durango. a lawyer, Mr. Kennedy a minister and E. White $15 to shake hands with Old,Mission. : - coffee). cialist ticket, sat within the bar at the * • « Mr, Reaves, a leading, labor man In ex-President Roosevelt \yhen he made •f.Within the next few years, the spe• A Ft. Worth man says: • trial of Clarence S. Darrow for'alleged With a regiment of United States the state. , . a stop at' Rahway.- In the jam' his cialties for the other sections of-west• "I have always been of a bilious tem• jury bribing and heai'd himself ac• troops in camp at Guantanamo and The act creating .the new,, state pocket was:picked. / ' , • ,; ern Michigan will be" so pronounced perament, subject to malaria and up cused by Bert H. Franklin of being the 10,000 negroes,' armed and. unarmed, board requires that the law , shall be that they can be mentioned off hand. to one year ago a perfect slave to cof- man who provided Darrow with the al• swarming over the eastern end of effective and in operation Sept. .1 of Author Sued, for Divorce.,- i:ee. At times I would be covered with, leged bribe money. Cub'a, fighting for Independence and tbe present year. Secretary Drake of ,; Chicago,-. Ill.i'; ' -May , ,31.—Richard New Corporations. • boils and full of malarial :polaon, was * • » tribute irom the Industrious classes, the board says 'mahufacturers;^ and Harding Davis, author, playwright very nervous and had swimming In •Miss Lillian G'raham, show girl, who the United States government' fore• labor unions about the state.are ' al• National Brass'': Company, Grand and war,,c(Drresp'ondent,,.was!sued for the head. ready writifig for,informatIon. ,;, with Ethel Conrad, was arresteil at the sees a serious clash in Cuba which Eaplds,' $50,000; Grosse lie: Bridge divorce by Mrs. Cecil Clark Davis, "I don't know how it happened, but instigation'Of W.B. D. Stokes of New may result in a long and bloody cam• company;Detroit, • $175,000; principal who alleges desertion. I, finally became convinced that my York, .In no 7 last, charged with shoot• paign. ,.,' , ' State M.N. G. Camp to Ludington. stockholders', 13.. W. Wright,:Henry P. sickness was due'to the use of'coffee, Borgman; Tefnes Coal & Lumber Co., ing him several times when'he refused »•«;»:' ,A't a meeting of, the'state .ihiHtary - Marines Landed in Cuba. ; and a little loss than a year ago 1 to yield .to their alleged demand for The report IssuetJ by the French na. board in Lansing, it was decided to Detroit,; increase from; $40,000 .to $100.- '/•Cairmanera,:,: Cuba,- May .31.'—The stopped coffee and began drinking motley, has brought suit : against tional bureau of vital statistics showa hold the: state encampment «f the Na• 000; CD. Owens Incorporated, Grand ;Uni'ted . States_::marines, who, arrived Postum. • ' •-.... Stolces; for ,$100,000 for "malicious that diiring 1911 there were 34,869 tional Guard at Ludington this year; Rapids, ,;$7;00p;,,. Deriiy: Confections here! >on board' the ;Pralrii3,; landed, at ; "From tb.at time I have not had a: company", Detroit, ;.;$i,09,b,;,; principal prosecution and arrest.",. ^ / , less births than deaths . In . France,, The- encampment, last, year ., -was at Deed Ppint, the I'egular/marine cahip. boil, not had, malaria at 'all, .hav-a Port Huron. ,\'^''I/,•,',:'/::'•'''.;! stockholders, Pt-ederick Ingersoll. site:""''^ • ''••',: ^•' gained 15 pounds good solid weight . , As a result of an Investigation of al• V; A statement from Yuan Shih Kal andknow beyond all doubt this is due leged, couhcl!mah!c'-^graf|;, at Atlantic; putlines.the Chinese,ie'ader's plans foi Plan to Fight Big Forest Fires. - New'Michigan Pensions. ; Insurgents Repulsed. • to the use of Postum In place of cof• City, by Detective\W. j!Burns,,.it was building'up, an army wliioh -whl,be the; • The following:pensions ;have:b€en, !> :SantIagbhCuba, 'June' '3.—It', is ,rfr fee, as I have talcen no medicine at reported that four men .had confessed equal of that of Germany. Hla plan At a meeting In Gaylord, the ofll- granted: !• Carltoa M,'-D.odge, Cadillac, ported, that a .battle at.Mayala; near all. ^^tirid- that as 'many others: 'hadpro:< Is 'based on. conscription. ' - « clals 'of the: Michigan Hardwood-i asso• special act, $24; Chariton "W. Wlb, Palma, Soriano, resulted in a• com• "Postum lias certainly; made healthy, ciation took steps' to : prevent another .lison, Decatur, 'special.act,; $30; Ern• (essed, their: willingness' to, /eveal', all ;»•,•>,, ^ •.:').•]':'•'. plete victory r»r the government red blood for me in place ot tlie blood ^their'secrets, ^^••'•'f' large forest fire In the state. ^ The est Anson, Hillsdale, $17; EInathan troops under Geu. Mendleta. ^ that coffee drinking impoverished and Personal work is:.under the direction of the for• Beebe, Hollyi; special act, $24;: James '':•::''";,: .:,"r:'T::,,";:'^:jv:,;^^,?'."^-^:;^^ made-unhealthy.". iNamo given by Gen; William Booth, venerable head est fire department a force, of 11> Hodges,;Hudson,:; $15; Gideon Sturgis, Wronged Wife Kills Another. Postum,Co., Battle, Creek, Mich. •One man was killed and 14 other of the Salvation • Army,la -probably wardens; :The.means adopted by the Linden, special act, $30; Edward L, Nashville, Tenn., June 1.—Mrs. PoBtum' makes red blood. v ' •persons, were Injured when a big New hopelessly blind. This was admitted, department' to .spread:':a: knowledge of: Hall, Morley, $20; Henry D. Austin; Jessie:Barnes shot.and killed Mrs. W. ,. "There's: a reason/' and it la ex• York sight-seeing motor ear turned by the surgeons In attendance. Both the- great danger o£• forest: fires are: Nlles;: special act; $30; Henry ;.C;' Bes- W. Judd yesterday atf Buffalo yalley, plained ih-'the-little book, "The Road turtle • one Hoffman boulevard • t the eyes are inflamed, as the result of the maiiy; :The: chief one is by personally: wlck, Nlles, special act,' $30; Henry Tenn," as the result of attentions 'the to Wellville," in pkgs. ' Junction of White Point I'oad In ,'For- recent operation for'the removal of. a meeting and discussing the situation Burt; Pen'twater,:special act; $30; • Jep- •dead.woman is charged with having Ever rend tlio nbovolcttcrt A new BBt Hill borough of Queens. with every resident of and visitor to tha Wright, Shelby, special act, J30; one appcnra:from,time/to time. Tho7 cataract from hla left eyie. paid to Mrs, Barnes' husband. are Brcnulncitruoi, and full ot bnmaa the forest area./ Charles H. Peake, Sherman, $20- Interest. - > ,


Found a Wonderful Cure Without It. STATE NEWS James Greonman; 142 East Adame St., lonia, Mich., says: "What I suf• . IN BRIEF fered with kidney trouble I can never express. It was nothing short of tor• ture. In bed lor three Lansing,—Julia Lindley admitted months with terrific to tlie police that she shot Ed• pain in my hack, an ward Halloa in their apartments, 223 awful urinary weak• Woodlawn avenue, ^ Hallen died In the ness, dizziness, ner- City hospital. When the young wom• vousne.'ss and fiei)re8- an was taken to Chief Behrendt's of• sion, I rapidly lost 45 fice, the latter Informed her that he pounds. My doctor had talked wl^li Hallen nnd wanted to advised an operation get her side of the story. Thinking but I would not sub• her lover had told ot the shooting, she mit. Gravel was forming and the readily fell into the trap, admitting urine had almost stopped, I began that she ran away with Hallen, who taking Doan's Kidney Pills and after pressing against his forehead, and to left a wife and child In Janesvllle, using one box, I passed a stone half hear a stern voice say ominously, Wis,, a few months ago, and that she an inch long, - I continued passing Keith, a Virginian, "Not a move, Johnny; yes, that's a shot him because he said he was go• smaller stones until forty had been der plnlnsrnan, l.s looking tor roaming war gun; now get up quietly, and step out ing to Rockford to see his wife. "1 told parties of savag-es. He aces a wagon team ejected. I recovered then and was at full gallop pursued by men on ponies. here." Resistance was useless, and lilm I had but 36 cents and aflked him soon as well as «ver," When Koith renchea tlio wagon the raid• the five, rendered .weaponless, were to give rac a dollar In order lhat 1 ers have maBsnured two men and do- "WJien Your Back Is Lame, Remember parted. Ho soarchos tho victims nndlng herded back toward the corral. They might move my trunk. If he had given tho Name—DOAN'S," BOc, all stores. papers and a locket with a woman'.s por• all belonged to Hawley's outfit; one, a me lhat dollar I don't believe I would trait. Keith is arrested at Carson City, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. charged with tho murder, his accuser be• black-whiskered surly brute Bristoe have shot him, but the sneering man• ing a ruffian named Black Bnrt: A negro remembered having seen In Sheridan. ner In which ho adyisod me to go Being a Baseball Star. companion in hla coll named Noli tells lilrn that he luiew tho ICelths In Virginia. Neb There was no time to deal with them back to the streets Bliri-<'rt up Bohie- A star's job is a hard one, Tho nays ono of tho murdered men was John then, and a "Bar X" man was placed thlng that caused me lo imll the re• mental strain is even greater than the Sibley, the other Gen. Willis Waite. form• erly a Confederato officer. Tho plainsman on guard, with orders to shoot at the volver from under the mattress and physical. For what he undergoes the and Neb escape, and later tho fugitives slightest suspicious movement shoot," fabulous salaries are not fabulous. come upon a cabin and find Its occupant to ho a' young girl, whom Kolth thinks The Indian, Ihen, would be guarding Before going Into details let us do- ho aaw at Carson City. Tho girl explains fine a star—the ball player's deflnl- that she is in search ot a brother, who the front of tho house, and Sanchez Ann Arbor,—The nineteenth an• ftad deserted from tho army, and that a sleeping Inside, Well, the former nual summer school session of the tlon: Mr. Hawley Induced her to como to tho "A star Is any player who,^ throug'^i cabin while he sought her brother. Haw• could be left alone; his chance ot es• U. of M, begins July 1 in all depart• ley appeai-fl, and Keith in hiding recog• cape would he small enough with Falr• ments, except the law school, where' individual excellence, achieves a reii- nizes liini aa Blacit Bart. There is «• ter• utntlon for brilliant work, thus at• rific battle In tho darkened room In which baln and Neb on tho opposite bank. the summer -work begins the week ot Kolth Is victor. Hor.scs arc appropriated, -Old Sanchez was tbo villain they commencement, June 24, The session tracting fans to the park to see him and tho girl who says that her name is play," Hope, Joins in tho escape. Keith explains wanted—dead or alive. With this in continues In all departments, except his situation and the fugitives make for view, and anxious to make a quick that ot medicine and surgery, till Au• He Is a star only so long as his Fort Larncd, wliero the girl is left with performances stand out. He Is paid tho hotel landlady. Miss Hope tolls that job of it, the three entered the back gust 23, The modlcal school ,closes Bho is the daughter of Ooneral Walto. room, and, revolvers in hand, groped August 9, Courses will be offered In the salary of a star as long as his rep• Keith and Nob drift Into .Shorldaii, wlierc utation brings fans to the stands and Keith meets an old friend, Dr. I'alrli.a n. their way across to the connecting the literary, law, medical nnd engi• Kolth meets tho brother of Hope Walto, door. As Hope had described, this neering departments and In Ihe school money to the box ofllce. The day that under tho assumed namo of I'red Wll• sees the waning ot his sensationalism loughby, and becomes convinced that had been securely fastened by a stout of pharmacy, school ot library metli- Black Bart has some plot Involving the wooden bar, Bristoe forced it from ods In Ann Arbor and biological sta• .•;lso sees tho -waning of his salary.— two. iropo learns lhat Gon. AValto, who Ed-\v;'ird Lyell Fox in Outing, wo.r thought murdered. Is at, Sheridan, tho sockets, not without some slight tion at ,DouglnsB lake. The work of and goes there, where sho Is mistaken for noise, and Keith, crouching down at tlie summer session embraces all in• ChrlBtlc Macliiire, the Carson City singer. Proof of. Precaution, Keith moots tho real Christie Maclaire one side, lifted the latch. struction given in the university dur• and finds that Blacit Bart has convj.m-pti. "Keep down low, hoys," he cau• ing the summer months, and tho Mr, Lansbury's concern, as ex• her lhat thoro is a mystery In her life pressed In the house over the mili• which ho Is going to turn to lior advan• tioned, "where he can't hit you," courses offered In the several depart tage. The plainsman telia Hopo Waito of With one quick push he flung the ments ar© given by tlie regular mem• tary drilling going on in the north of her resemblance lo Clirislle Maclaire, froland reminds one of a story ot how They decide that i^red Wllloughby may door wido.open, and a red flash lit the bers of the university faculties. liold the key to the situation. Keith finds room. There were two sharp reports, Ireland was occasionally taught to Wllloughby shot dead, Hopo is told of shoot In the past The war ofllce once tho d^nth of her lirother. Kolth falls tn the bullets crashing into the wall be• Lansing. — "Just to frighten her Bent a famous officer over to inspect Icarri who.t representations Biaclc Barl hind thera, the sudden blaze ot Uaraa husband," her friends claim, Mrs, has mad'? to ClirlsUo M.aclalre. Hope the niililia regiments, and tho ofllcer, BUgi?e«tB lliat in order to learn tho secret revea.ling the front door open, and Melvin Wibert took arsenic , because after inspecting, asked for a tow sho must brlolly imporsoimlo llie stage with it tho black outline of a man's her husband rebiiked her for not re• singer. Dr. li-alrbaln I.h in love with words with the drill sergeant, Christie Maclaire and Keith Induces lilni figure. Two ot tho men fired In In- maining at home to care for their two "These men ot...yours," he said, to detain Iior from llie Btago while Hope stant\ response, leaping recklessly for• little children, and died in "great goe.f to tlio Iheator where ,slie moots couldn't hit a target as big as the.^ BlucV; Bart, who, Ihua deceived, tells ward, but were as quickly left behind agony. Ever since they -ft'ere married Tower ot London. You can't have tak• Hope tliai Gonernl WnttP has suspoctod n the darkness, the outer door at Ionia about six years ago, when his plnjis nnd that lliey Inusl fiy. Hope, en much pains to teach them." greatly alarmed, demurs. General AValtu slammed In. their faces. Outside Mrs, AVihei;t was only fltteen years ol "Tache thhn tb shoot," gasped the appoani And says Black Bnrt has stolen there was a snarl of rage, another age, the husband and -svite have evi• papers from lilm regarding an lnhorl- sergeant. "Ot course I did 7iot tacho tance. Kolth is informed that Christie shot, a fierce curse in Spanish; then dently had a stormy domestic life. thim to shoot, her honor; for, bedad. Machilro's real namo Is Phyllis Qalo and Keith flung the door wide open, and Miss Alice Harrell, a friend ot the lhat sho 1b the .lialf sister of Ifope. The If I did there wouldn't be a landlord latter lina been carried away by Black leaped down the step. As he did so dead woman, who has lived at their Bart and his gang. Dr. Falrlialn avows he did so he struck a body and tell left in Munster,"—London Chronlcln. his lovo -t'vr Phyllis and sho a^^cepts him. home for some time, says that she has Kolth and his friends strike IhC trail ot forward, his revolver knocked from often lieard Mrs. Wibert say: "I'd The Difference. Black Bart, They llnd llopn haa been ta• his hand. Rising to his knees, tha like to take just enough poison to ken hack to the old cabin. "There Is such a vast diffei'ence dim light of the stais revealed a. man scare Mel good." Tvvo or three times between the ideal and the practical in already half across the stream. Sud• she has taken chloroform or some• CHAPTER XXXIV.—-(Contlnueid.) stage art," sighed the intelleclual denly two spaiits of fire leaped forth thing else, it Is said, in the effort to Rising to His Knees, he Saw a Man Already Half Across the Stream. from the blackness of the opposite young actor. "Right bosses In thar," he an• give M^ibert "a good scare." bank; the man flung up his hand, stag• "The difference," replied the stolid nounced soberly; then turned to gered, then went stumbling up the stage manager, "as lies between the K«lth. "Say, ,laclc, what do yon figure there in the corral. Then the eighth stack ot saddles. She was not crying stream, knee deep In water. Pie made PetosKey, —Lightning struck the artistic role which leads to Arcndy tills shebang to bo, anyhow? You man—Hawley, without doubt—must any more, just clinging to him, as a dozen yards, reeling as though J. D, Rawdon home at Oden nnd and the fat part which leads to the ijon't reckon it's old Sanchez's outllt. he in the cabin. At the thought though she could never' agalu bear to drunk, and fell forward, face down burned it to the ground, with a loss pork barrel," do yer?" Keitil's teeth clinched, and he had to let him go. across a spit ot sand, Keith stared ot ,$5,000. Mrs, Rawdon's hair caught "Likely as not, ,Ioc, tliough 1 never struggle to control his passion. But "Oh, .Tack, It Is so good just to feel out at tbo black, motionless shape, flre nnd she fell down a flight of stairs A woman is proud ot the virtues »aw bliii around here." no; that would never do; he must dis• you near again." felt along the ground tor his lost gun, while escaping from the house, seri• that she practices because she has to. .Too filled his cheek with tobacco. cover first exactly where the girl was "Yes, dear," soothingly, "and It 1b and arose to his feet, Bristoe had ous injuries resulting, Cl.n-o Ruggles Blaring about through the darkness. located; after that they would attend good to hear .you say Jack, but tell turned over the dead body at' the received a shock through a stream ot CUTICURA OINTMENT HEALED "Well, IC that ol' cuss Is yero now to the curs. Before creeping hack to me one thing—is any one else In tbe toot ot the steps, and was peering water with -(s'hlch he attempted to wc'uns is sure Iti fer a fight," he com- the others, he made quick examina• cabin? Is Hawley here?" BAD SORE ON LIMB ' down Into the upturned face. quench the flames, the entire house menteii positively. tion aliong the rear ot the cabin, but "No, no! I-Ie left us early the first ' (TO BH3 CONTINUED.) having been electrified. He was car• They rounded the corral fence on could find no visible point of weak• morning. 1 haven't either seen or ried 20 feet hy the force, but was not ness. He tried to recall from memory "Some time ago I was coming up hands and knees, crawled Into a hunch heard of him since. The men have seriously injured. the nature of the lock on that back An Antl-Suloide Fence. some steps when the board crushed of hushes somewhat to tho rear of the left me alone since we got here; have One of the strangest fences on reo under me like an egg shell, and my silent, desolale-aijpearing cabin, and door, but (iould remember nothing ex• had the cabin all to myself until to• ord is that which tho common council Wayne,—A serious accident was rlglit limb went through to the knee, kiy down Hat behind a pile of saddles, cept an ordinary -wooden latch. If night • I have not suffered, only of Yonkers, N. Y., has just ordered narrow averted on the D,, J, & and scraped the flesh off the bone from which position they,could plain• he could insert a knife into the crack mentally-from dread i of -n'hat they built It will be a fence to keep sui• 0. electric line, when a limited car just inside nnd below the knee. I ly discern the rear door. that might very easily he dislodged. Intended doing '. with me—until to• cides away. struck a he.tvy steel rail alongside of neglected It for a day or two, then it He drew his hunting knife tor the at• night Three men rode in here just "Had their camp over there In the Several times in roc^.n'- years des• the track at Tonz's Corners, Tlie im- began to hurt me pretty badly. I put tempt, and, flrst glancing about, per• before sundown—two Mexicans and an corner'of tho corral when I was here pondent .persons have shuffled off the pact caused the rear tracks of the car balsam fir on to draw out the poison, ceived a man creeping toward him. It Imdian, One ot the.m was an awful before," he said in a whisper, "Where mortal coil by leaping into the For) to buckle. The prompt action of the but when I had used It a 'week, it hiirt proved to he Bristoe. looking old man, with a scar on tils do you suppose they can he now?" Field reservoir, one of the reseryoirs motorman in stopping the car was all SO badly that I changed to oint• cheek, and a face that made me shud• The wary scout lifted his head, "Fixed the greaser all right, cap, supplying Yl .kers with water. Some• that prevented a wreck. The rail hadi der. He didn't see me, but I saw him ment. That made it smart and hum enLTing into the darkness like a point• and I reckon he'll he quiet for an hour times the bodies have been recovered been left too close to., the track hy through the window, and he had such so badly that I coifldn't use it «iny er dog. or two. Iiook whar he slashed me; quickly, but on a tew occasions the workmen who are engaged in laying' more, and that was the fourth week "West o' ther cabin thar, out C ther struck a pack o' playin' keerds, er I'd strange eyes. All the men acted as tlliough they were afraid ot him, and corpses were in the water tor a day out the new douhle-track system. after I was hurt. wind, most likely, 1 smell tobacco," a got my ticket" The front ot his or so. Thei loss of water in draining blouse was out wide open, and Keltb 1 heard him say he didn't care what "Then I began to use Cuticura Oint• Even as the words left his lips a the reservoir Is a big item and Is es- Saginaw.—After considering for thought he perceived a stain of blood. Hawley's orders were, he was going to ment for tho sore. It stopped hurting man came sauntering slowly around pecially to be guarded against since more than a year the building "Pricked you as it was, didn't he?" sleep Inside; If the girl didn't like it Immediately and began healing right tho eastern corner, his outlines barely the city found it necessary to husband of a bridge across the river at John• "Opened the skin. Thought the cusa she could take the other room, '1 away. It was a bad-looking sore be• visible, but the red glow of a pipe every drop of its Biipply. So the son street in this city, the council has had given up, an' got careless. What's didn't know what to do—oh, I was so fore Cuticura Ointment healed It, and bowl showing plainly. He stopped, di• council has appropriated ?4,000 to finally approved the plans of the rectly facing them, yawning sleepily, 'round to the west?" nfrald of him; but what he said gave I suffered so I couldn't sleep from two me an- Idea, and I went into th© back build a wire netting fence around the -board of public works- for a 530-foot days-gTfter I fell until I began using and then turned the other corner, Keith's Hps closed, his hand shut• reservoir, W'jen it Is completed anj structure, and work will be commenced Anotlter moment and' they distinctly room, and put up a bar across tbe Cuticura Ointment. ting hard on the knife. one on suicide bent will find a barrier soon. The bond issue for the bridge heard a voice: door. When he came In he tried the "Cuticura Soap Is the best aoap I "Five, anil another out in front; door; then he spoke through it, but'l nine feet high between him aiid etep was disposed of soon after the propo• ever saw. I have used all kinds of "Hustle , up thar now, Manuel, an' .that leaves the eighth man Inside. never answered; and finally he lay nlty. ; /' sition was approved by the voters and soap for washing my face, and always turn out; it's your watch; wake up, Bring our fellows up closer, and post down and went to sleep,- I sat there the money is available, Tiie struc• it would leave my face smarting. I dam yer—maybe that'll bring yet ter them, where they can cover those fel• In the dark so long, and when I heard When Is an,Old Maid? - ture will cost $85,000, , had to keep a lotion to stop the smart,- life," lows asleep, while I make an effort at 3'ou—I—1 thought it must be some ol Some day the marriageable age foi I - • ' . The remedy applied tb the sleeper breaking in here." no matter how expensive a soap I the others," women will be advanced from 20 to Battle Creek,—Local police, Plnk- must have been efllcacious, as, an In- BriStoe-''crawled back like a snail, used.' Ifind at last In Cuticura-Soap 30, and the old maid line will be erton detectives and detectives of Btant later, another figure slouched and confident the others would do their He stroited her hair, whispering a soap that will- clean my face and changed from 30, to 40. When thai the Jewelers' Alliance company of Into view, the now arrival rubbing part, Keith thrust his knife blade deep words of encouragement. le^ve no smarting, and I do not have time comes there will bo surprisingly New York, are searching for a daring his .-eyes with one hand, the. other Into the narrow crack and began prob• "That Is all done with now, Hope, to nse any lotion or anytliing else to few divorces. The husband of whom burglar who smashed a hole through clutching a short-barrelled gun^ Fi-om ing after the latch. In spite ot all cau• and we'll have those'fellows at our we dream at 20 is not at all the type ease it. I believe Cuticura Soap is tho the window of the Maurer- Brothers' the high peak of his hat it was evi• tion this effort caused a slight nolso, mercy in another half-hour. I can of man who attracts us at 30. The best soap made." (Signed) Mrs, M;' jewelry store, on the main,street here dent this new guard was a Mexican'. and suddenly he started back at tho trust you to remain right here?" man I married at 20 was a^brilliant, B, Palrchild, 805 Lafayette St,, Wich• and single-handed escaped w'ith $1,000 He walked to the corner, glanced sound of a woman's voice: "Yes," He -was bending over, and morbid, handsome, abnormal creature, ita, Kan,, May ,8, 1911,' Although worth Of loot, , including diamond sJong the east side wall toward the "What do you want? I am armed, her eyes we're upon his face, - Sudden• with magnificent ej'es and very white Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold ' rings and,watches. The,burglary was front of the cabin, and then, apparent• and will flre through the door If you ly'he clasped her to him\ : teeth and no particular appetite al by druggists and dealers everywhere, ly satlslied the cofist was clear; start• dp not go awayl" "Sweetheart," he whispered softly.: meal time. The man v-'hom, I could made on a welMlghted street and w-,as a sample ot each, with 32-page^book, ed toward the stream, shuffling along Hls^ heart leaping with exultation. I-Ie could not hear her answer, but care for would be the normal, ;6afe not discovered until an hour after It will bo mailed free on application to within a l'oot\Of where Keith layjat Keith put his lips,close to the.crack. ^ her arms were about his neck. and substantial sort who would comfl; had been committed, "Cuticura," Dept. L, Boston, oa the groijJid.'A moment later the men "Hope,"'he exclaimed as loudly as In at 6 o'clock, kiss me once, sniff the beard him splashing sofUy In the wa• he dai'ed, VThis Is ICeith; open the CHAPTER XXXV. air twice, and say, 'Mm !What's_that Detroit. — Emll ,Sohler, deposed, No Novelty. ter,, and Keith, rolled over, his lips door," • . • • t ' • smells 80 good, old girl? I'm as hun• mayor of Houpllnes,' Fraiice, was "People are queer." «it BrLstoe's ear. one of the 12 men against whom >He could hear a little smothered cry The Cabin Taken. . gry as a bear. Trot 1' out. Where "I have heard rumors to that «f- white slave indictments; were . re• ".Slip down tJiere, Ben," he whis• break from fier lips, and then the His heart beating with new happi• are the ' kids?'"—From "Dawn feet." pered, "and quiet that fellow. I'll find sound ot a bar being hastily removed. ness, yet conscious of the stern duty O'Hara," by Edna urber. turned'by a federal grand jury. Sohier 'Out how many are on the west side. An Instant, and the door opened si• still confronting him, Keith joined the pleaded; giiilty;to bringing 'Augiistine' The woman who cares lor a, clean, Croccelle from France to the United Do the job witliout any noise." lently, just -wide enough to permit her Others, giving them. In a whisper, a Cold Connfort. wholesome - mouth, and sweet bre/ath, States for. Immoral Siurposes, _ He ;ad- wlU find Paxt;no Antiseptic a joy for-- He waited until the scout had dis• slender figure to Slip through. She hurried account of Hope's release Douglas Jerrold's wit made It dlfil- mitted leaving a wire in France, ' ever. At druggists, 25c a box or sent appeared like a snake, not even a grasped him with her hands,- turning from the cabin, and of what she. bad cult for him to be the "ministering an• his face to the light of the stars, and postpaid on; receipt of price by, The : ruBtllng leaf telling of; his passage, to report. : ? • gel" that a man-of less humor might Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. and then silently crept forwardhim- he could feel her. form tremble. :"It's old-Juan Sanchez in the front have been to.friends in trouble. ;Th« Detroit—An advertising campaign Belf, yet with less caution, until ho "Oh, I knew you would,cornel I room, boys," , he • added soberly, "and writer, George Hpddlo, went' to Jor Love recognizes the frigid mitt when to urge the, people: of, Detroit was able to peer about the corner of knew you would'-come!" Bhe-sobbed, there Is ten thousand dollars reward rold' one day to tell Mm ot difficul• It gets the shake. , tbe c&bin and dimly distinguish tHe the words barely audible. v:,r i out for him, dead, or alive." ties -into which he had fallen. ") toswat the ^fly Is planned by the , board: of health,: provided the council jSlanketed forms of several men lylns -.The man's lips,' set - flrmly, yet be Joe, of tho "Bar X" drew In his want you to help me,", he said. "The Water In bluinfr is adulteration, Glaiis and : close In' against the side wall. They, held her, close' to !him,-,begging -hei bteath sharply. Morning Gazette has dlsmiSBed.,mo." will • allow,lt an appropriation to pay 'Water makes 1 Iquld blue eostl y. Buy Red Crosn rested so nearly together: It was diffi• not-to break-down :now. 1,<';,«;.r : "It'll sure be dead then,"; he mut• "You don't Bay, my- dear Qeorge,' tor billboard and newspaper- advertis• Boll Blue, makes clothes whiter llian:snow. cult to > separate them In that^dark- "It's all right, litUe girl," he said tered, "that .;cnsB will, never ha got;, they've had a gleam of Intelligence at ing., ,The board asked:for the money neos, stars giving the only light, but pleadlnsly,-''We've ,got you-safe,.but no other way." last," "Don't Joke." returned Hoddlo. and the communication was -referred Always meet people with a smlle-^lf it's your ti eat.. be finally determined their number at there is a -fight to be attended to. V They went; at it la-the grim 'silent "I really want your ndvlcaMlnitlilnlr- to the ways and means committee. flVB ' Five; ,the Mexican would - mak«' Come with me; I must ask you: a qnes- manner of the West, wasting little Ing of; going Into the ,':coal:' trade." Mayor* Thompson forwarded to the tlx, and' Uiere 'Would surely he another, "Capital!" Bald Jorrold. "You've got coiincll the,.appointment of James 'J. Forcostlveness, and sluggish liver try Uon or two." time, feeling, no mercy. One by: one; the 'unrlvaledherb remedy,Garfield Tea. ' faaxi posted out la the front—seven. : He drew her back Into the fringe of the unconscious sleepers were aroused, the sack, to begin wlthl'^-'-YostM hr'ady as water commissioner to sue- But th«re were elgbt horaeg down bU8)t«B,Nj)laclsg'iter, safely behind tbe each waking to fltd a stsel barrel CompanloiL . \ , • cerd James Pound,| and under the There's music in the squall of a rules it was laid over. baby—to its mother. .'\ Common Oouncil Proceedings. MASON MARKETS. Mason, MiciL, June 3,1912. Just Enough For LAXATIVE Oorrected every 'Wednesdny afternoon. PutillsbedKvery Weiluesdaj'by Council met and was called to order OKAIN. by Mayqrpro tem Mlllbury. WHEAT.Bed.No. 2,perl)UBhel.,,.., 1 os21 ic Two WHEAT, Wlilte,No,l, per bushel.... 1 0831 lO' WILLIAM L. CLARK, Present, Aid. Longyear, Mlllbury, BVE,parbusliel 83Q »o OATS, per bushel Bodt 02 MASON, MIOH, Recipes which provide for just enough Rayner. Watklns and Whitmore. CORN, shelled, per Hundred 1 cmi 60 for two are convenient to have. The The minutes of last meeting were Aged OLOVKK 8EED:per buSDel 1000012 00 following are from the Modern Pris- TIMOTHY 8EKD, per bushel 0 BO®? 50 Entered at tlie Postolllce, Mason, Mlcli.,aB clUa: — read and approved. OKOCERIK8 ADO WIOVIBIONS, i seuond-clasii matter, IJISrOUT OF COJIJIITTEES. SALT.Sagluaw,per barrel... , 100 a .« People BEANS, unpicked, per bushel 2 00O2 30 The Unance commlitee report the Creamed Salt Codfish POTATOES, per bushel la 1 2S following claims aud recommeud their FLOUK, per hundred .- B 00®8 BO ONK Ykar »1.00 BUOKWHEAT FLOUR,per hundred t! TO Pick salt codfish in small pieces; allowance; Six MoNTtts.... 50o of old age is constipation. The bow^ EGKS, per dozen & 10 there should be one-half cup, Cover Ja8. Thurbnrn, 1 week as nightwatch SIO 50 HE BANE BUTTEK, per pound ,• 0 18 Thukk Months ...... »So with lukewarm water, and let stand LARD, per pound n'A Isaac Kathburn,! week cleaiiliiK pavcineiil OuO els become weak and unable to perform their APPLES, dried,per pound 7 until fish is soft; then drain, .Melt one A. W. Jewett, labor on streets ' 7 20 T PEA0HE8,drletl, per pound tablespoonful butter, add one table• 12 Wednesday, June 5, 1912 C, II. Beebe, do , 2 UO functions without aid. For this purpose only LIVE STOCK AND MKAT, spoon flour, and stir until well blended; Elmer liulse, do 2 00 OATTLE, per hundred C 000 7 00 then pour on gradually two-thirds cup Harvey Kyan, do 88 BEEK, dressed, per huiuired ....loOOQll 00 scalded milk, Hrlng to the • boiling the mildest and gentlest laxative should he used. VEAL CALVES, per himared 0 ootao 60 NORTHWEST INGHAM. Geo, Ueasoro, labor on sowers 1 tio HOGS, per hundred 07 2B point, add flsh and one egg beaten E. W, l)ui'neit,do ^,. 1 uo The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble PORK, dressed, per hundred... 9 0029 25 Joe Powell Isnt Morencion business slightly. Pour over slices of buttered 0. K, IJeebe, do ,. 1 00 HAMS, per pound IS toast, or serve with baked potatoes. SHOULDERS, per pound 12^1; Ira Andrews from neur Lansinw vis IJtMi. Nichols, 1 mo,'6 salary 45 00 and makes thexonstipation worse. Chamherlain^s SPUING CmCKEN8,areBsed,per lb & 13 ited Ills sister, Mrs. Hoy Rue, Satur To offer variety sometimes, add one Geo, CunitnlnKS, do : M OU OHIOKe;NS,llve, perpottnd I0@ 11 tablespoon grated mild cheese to this day nlKlit and Sunday. Oisa White, do i6 OO Tablets are a favorite with people of middle age nUILDINO JlATKllIAL. dish. Jferd Gllinaie, labor 7 88 Mrs. Joliii Davidstin and grand PORTLAND CEMENT, per barrel... 1 40 « IJ A. 0. Whipple, cartlnu coal DO 78 and older on account of their gentle action. CALCINED PLASTER, per 100 .IB. .dauiiliter Anna visited at Walter Ci. L. I'eok, salary and poBtago 37 00 PLA8TERIN({ HAIR, per bushel.... 30 Orange Puffs SHINGLES,per thousand 2 0024 00 IJasse's in Lansini,' tlic past week. Hoard ot Cemetery Trustees, labor and LIME, per barrel 1 00 Edd Aseltine and wife of Liinsin Cream IV2 tablespoons butter, add supplies 137 48 LATH, per M 2 0035 OO one-fourth cup sugar gradually, one Siinthiy Creek Co., coal Ho 8T visited at Albert Aseltlne's and Emma egg yolk, two tablespoons milk, and The W. F. lilssoll Co., supplies 47 69 Carrlson's .Saturday and Sunday. one-half cup flour mixed and sifted cap, Klec. & EiiK. Co,, him|)s 131 Ol Order of Piililletitlnii, Fred Reason and Wm. Rae liave wltli three-fourths teaspoon baking Mich, Supply Co., supplies 3 3'J Slate of MIclilgiin—Thirtieth .Judicial Circuit, powder and a few grains salt. Turn M. C. K, U. Co„ frolKht on coal SO ;17 In Chancery, Suit ponding In circuit court tor new corn planters. the county of Ingham, In ehanoery. at Lansing into two buttered individual tins and M. C. K. It. Co., do 87 21 Mrs. Clill Hiites vislfcpd her brotlier, WINDOWS on the third day of May, A.I), liiit.', Gottfried bake in a moderate oven. Serve hot M. 0. It, K, Co„ do 70 02 Seiimldt and Eva Sclimldt, comiilaliiants, vs. Albert Asellirie, last Thursday. with the following sauce: Beat tho DOORS William Schmidt. dtifeiidHiit. In thi.'i cause it Moved and supported that tlie re• Tei! Us Your Wants appearing that defendant, Williain Schmidt, is a - Jim McGiinn and wife of Tecumseb white ot one egg until stiff, using a port of the Onance committee be ac• CEMENT resident of this state, but his whereabouts are -were at, tiieir farm part of last weelc silver fork, and add gradually, while unknown; therefore, on motion of Itaudabiuigh beating constantly, one-third cup pow• cepted and adopted and orders drawn '. • , SALT Hi Person, solicitors for ciimiilahiaiits. It Is or• Pred Ilaylifie lost a cow last week dered that defendant enter his appearance in. dered sugar; then add three table• for the same, except the order for And we will make every effort in our power to supply you. sivid causeonor beforeilremoiitliH Irom thodate •with milk fever. spoons orange Juice and one-half ta• of this order, and that within twiinty days tho Orsa White's salary, which is to be We figure what you want, and furnish quality specified. Mr. Maxwell and wife of Locke were blespoon lemon juice. cnniplalnants cause this order to he published held until further orders from the In the Ingham County Democrat, said publica• caller's at Clate Collar's Saturday, be tion to bu coiiilnuod once in each week for six council. Carried. Yecis, Longyear, Large and Well Assorted Stock to Select From weeks In succession. inn on llielr way to Mason with tliel CHARLES n. COLLINGWOOD, Household Topics Mlllbury, Rayner, Watkius and Whit• auto. RAUPAiiAUOii tl Pkhhon, Circuit,Judge. more. HIGH GRADE SHINGLES AND ;EDAR POSTS. ( Solicitors fur Complainants. 2lw7 To keep cut cake moist place it In The report of Claude Post, city EAST ALAIEDON. a tin with a good sound apple. Re• treasurer, was received and placed on THE BEST LUMBER Eobert Rivas and wife spent Sunday place apple with a good one If It de• flle. at Morris McKlnney's io west Alalc cays. ^ Mich. United Traction Co. « a Moved and supported' that the peti• don. TIIIKD RAIL ELECTRIC Before tacking down linoleum let It tion pertaining to the Columbia street .George Nyrapliie of Lansing spent Time table in effect Nov, 5, 1911. lie In place and be walked on lor a sewer be referred to the cityattorney, Sunday with relatives here. NORTH HOUND few days. This will malce It lie per• the city engineer and the street com• Vernor Butler and wife of Wlieat- fectly smooth. Limited—a. ra., 10:10. mittee,Jwlth Instructions to report at PEDIGREE lleld spent Sunday with Her parents, Tbe Royal Bred, Import• p, m., 12:16, 2:16, 4:16, 6:16, the next council meeting, Carried, *10:00. Cii.as, RiKKS and wife. If you want to paper a wall that has Tmimrtod Sept. iflOS, by Prislnnor & Co,, Dccnlur, Tnd The petition of A. L Barber to lap ed Belgian Draft Stallion rjnrk bay with star, Wol),'liL2000 lbs. In breodlnp condi• Local—a. m., 6:17,7:.55, 9:25, 11:25. David Miller and family and Wm. been whitewashed, brush over every tion, ronled April 17, IIMil, . .SIrod by Loiils Oellnninl p. m., 1:25; 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, n:4£> port with equal quantities ot vinegar into the sewer on A street was granted. (IHOM), ho by ManaKO {I4.U3), out of Loulso (lo llninel Lundy and wife visited in Williams• SOUTH ROUND and water, or the paper will not stick. Moved and supported that the city (1S,«;), Ham, Flnoite do llumal (5451^) and she by ISIljl ton Sunday. del'lersoul.'C(2003.1)outof ,Inllctto(le llainal (iSSOiir Limlted-a. m,, *0:10, 9:54, 11:54. « « engineer make a proQle for parking Mrs, JiYed IBrcnncr was In Lansing Corporal p, ra., 1:54. 3:54, ."5:54, if the cream seems too thin to whip, and curbing of D street between Oak TERMS last Wednesday. Local—a. m., 7:28, 9:00, 11:00. " place the dish containing it in another street and Ash street. Carried. $15.00 to liisnro standing colt, .Service fee duo when p. m,. 1:00', 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:38, Sclinnl closed last Friday afternoon dish of cold watOr, leaving It there Resolved, by Aid. Longyear, That mares foal, Muros not roKularly'rotnrned and those 11:25, in district Nu, (i. Mr, Swan and pu• unUI it Is well chilled. Then put it disposed of before foiilliiK time will be held for liisiir. permission be granted to Jerome Wag• aiico money. Mares lired for .tSh'i.OO will lie (.'Ivan u.so of *Capitol Flyer between Lansing and pils gave a line prnfirara, coniilstingof into a can of hot water, It will whip DeHamal lioi'so ne.vl,sen.snn It colt Is lust at foallni,' time or before, Detroit without change, makes local without difficulty, goner to arrange for electric energy .'Veoldoats at owners' rl.sk. ,songs, recitations, dialogues and drills. (Vol. 3, No. 3427) Slops. and power for use In his poultry house Connections at Jackson with electric At the close of tiie program Mr, Swan « with the Central Power Co., such con• E.xamined by Member of Belgian Draft Horse History for Detroit, Battle Creek and Kalama• presented the pupils with their pro• It a vegetable or cereal burns, nection to be made under the direc• State Veterinary Board zoo; Lansing forOwos,') milk to mix well. Add this to'scalded iyiASON, Ribboa TAKa »o otdbb; Bar oFyoar^^i Grace Ladd, Bath "30 Margaret Duffy to Barbara:,Pox', Dracitlit aiBd atk for oni.0UICS.T£U8 V ' Julius H. Kerand; New,; Yorli——36 milk and stir well for three minutes.; part of lot 10, blk 1, Townsend'a DIAUOnDBDAno PILLS, for tvrenty.fivo Add piece of butter size of walnut s Sole Agent for fears rcgaided a* Bcat,8afest, Alwayt Reliable; Job Printing: Elizabeth Jaspers, New York-—25 sub, Lansing, $560. \ and lobster. - Cook for five minutes. J. H. Moores and wife to Rose Chase & Sanborn's John K. Schoettie,' Lansing———27, Serve with crackers. 'This servesoooD DoofinoDOOouacx white and blue, which bad been pur• board, his olllce on the school board chased for this day. At the corner of pride of our future existence as a na• Is vacant and the members of the •..PERSONALS.. ^ Ash and B streets the W. R. C. step• tion." He said it was the school boys school board should Immediately 1111 jOOOfK»flIKMMMKJOOCM10,K«MK,0«MlDOOOI>m>OOOCMMH)0000000«ltMOW l ped Into line behind the veterans and of the GO'S who saved the nation, and the vacancy. all proceeded to the opera house, quoted many Qgures in proof of tlil The township board is composed of JVIrs. Tlios, Dayton was In LaiisInK Monday. where Mr. Longyear bad charge of the fact, and also to show the frightful the supervisor, clerk and two justices K. G. Coy anil son Paiil were In Lansing Mon program, which was as follows; Invo• cost in human life and crippled bodies of peace, whose terms of olllce expire (lay. cation, Rev. F. G. Ellett; singing, There was food for thought in the llrst. None of these men can legally Carl Looinls ot St. .lohns was In the city Sun question asked regarding the cnndi (lay. America; reading, Logan's Plrst Me• serve on a school board nor can the tlon our country would have been in Just Received Another Consignment of Dr, 0. il, Freeland was In Lnnsliiu Monday morial Day Orders, 11. 0. Gall; Lin• township treasurer serve as school evonint;. coln's ' Gettysburg Address, Daisy now, could our boys who lost their treasurer as those two ollices are Uke^ Willls Garrison or linnkerhlll was In the city Call; W. J. Adams, the historian, lives in that awful four years' carnage wise incompatible. Monday. brielly stated that only four veterans have settled up the great west, Instead Imported Scotch Linoleum Mr. and Mrs. A. h. Jtoso were In Lanslni; Normal Commencement Exercises Monday. had been burled In Maple Grove cem• of the foreigners who did come in The eighth annual commencement Gen.D. B. AinKerof Lansing was In the city etery during the past year: Solon D. Memorial Day, the speaker said In Tuesday. exercises of the Ingham County Nor• THE PATTERNS ARE SPLENDID. YOU Neely of the 20l,h Mich. Inf., li^rank J. substance, should be a day ot retro• Hex AVatsoh of LanslnR w.is In the city last mal will be held at the .Presbyterian Bond of the IStli Mich. Inf., Dr. W. spection, in which we should pot only WILL SAY SO WHEN YOU SEE THEM Tiiursday. church this evening. The program is W. Root of the 75th N. Y. and M. H. count the cost of building this great 0. E. rirlver ot Lanalnc was In the city last as follows; Wednesday. Bird of an Independent Company of republic but also enumerate the bless- At this season of tne year you have taken down your stove Song, Class ,Iohn E. Curtis of Dimsvllle was In the city Sharpshooters belonging to the 27th in(,'s which have accrued to us through last Thursday. for the summer, and you are wondering what you can put on Micll. Last year it was learned that the sacriflce and suflfering endured Invocation, Rev. 0. L. Beebe Mr.s. W. G. Grow and daughtor Uttitli wiire In 'Lanslnn last Friday. there was a monument in the ceme• during the time from '61 to '65. In a Song, Double Quartette your floor that you can clean easy. Linoleum is the stuff you Mr. and Mrs. .lohn neoch or'Lansing were In tery here erected In racniory of Alfred realistic manner the story of the war Address, H. R. Pattengill want. Easy to keep dean and always looks bright. the city last Thursday. Steele Handy, who was killed in the was laid before the veterans and the Song, "Spring," Hazel Payne Mrs. Cliai. Wavlo Is visltltiH a sister at Ban• battle ot Fair Oaks on May 28, 1862, Presentation of Certidcates, CommIS' nister, .Saginaw county. roll of drums, iha rattle of musketry, Estimates cheerfully given. but this year the committee was un• the tiresome march and excitement sioner of Schools F. E. Searl Mr. and IMrs. C. S. Clark or St. .Johns visited All goods delivered and put in place free of charge. Mason relatives Siitiday. able to And any trace of it, and will of battle, when their comrades fell by Benediction, Rev. A. 6. Newberry A, J.. linse attended the ball game at Jackson have a government marker to take their sides wounded or dead, seemed Of the twenty graduates, seventeen last Thursday atternoon, \ the place of the one which is gone. as real to them as when they experl are girls and three boys, as follows: Mrs. r.eo ITarrlsan and little daughter are vis• iting her people at Alliens. Solo, "Sleep, •Soldier, Sleep and enced those things. JohnW. Seely, Bessie C.EIliott, Gladys M. Collins, Florence B. Whipple, A, J. liarher and ,Mrs, \V, XJ, Clark -were In Rest," sung by Ralph Adams. In the talk a high tribute was paid A. MCDONALD Liuising Monday arternoon. Earle S. Richmond, L. Vicary, Edna Hon. C, B. Collingwood, who gave to the womem who so bravely bore Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wllenx of Battle Creek M. Lambert, Nettie B. Nickel, Flor• •\vure in the city Memorial day. the address, was introduced and be• their part in that four years' struggle THE FURNITURE MAN, MASON ence C. Townsend, Tlllle Miller, Ila Mrs, George Gregory nf linnslng was a guest gan Ills remarks by saying that twelve and the years of suffering which fol• or Mrs.,!. A, J'arsons Tuesday. W. DeCamp, Bernice E. DIsenroth, years ago he w.as invited to speak in lowed, and also to the Womans' Relief Lewis Urowpr of Norvel! was Die guest of his Faye Miller, Pearle B. Ferris, Verl H. the opera house at a memorial meet• Corps which has done such good work. aunt, Mrs. I^ydl^i Maine, Sunday. Grant, Eiisha A. Bennett, Roy J. ing hold for one of Mason's prominent A pathetic picture of a future with no .Jiimos Rcvin Is In Laitslug caring for I!. If. Fletcher, Irene McMano, Edna S. Enos, father of .Vlrs.-F. li;. Densmore. citi/,ens, .lob. T. Cii'nrpell, who, Memorial Day was drawn, and infer- Havens, Clara A. Swan. , Mr. and Mr.";. .Iiidsnn Gregory of Jackson though he never participated in any entially an appeal was made to the spent Sunday with the former's parents. BETTER VALUE THAN EVER IN wars except civic ones, always stood Citizens of Mason to perpetuate the Class motto —"Success awaits at Mrs. May Oonahuo and Mrs. Bessie Kawlston of Liiusing were in the city Meinorliu day. fearlessly for the right. day as these 'questions were asked the labor's gate." Glass colors—Lavender and white. Class flower—White car• Mrs. Fred KnilMi and clster. Miss .Jean Sackrl- Judge Collingwood stated that he veterans: "From tbe standpoint of dor, of Detroit, were In the city yesterday, nation. Thoman^s Moss Rose Flour considered it an honor to be invited to the past, Memorial Day as a' living Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Drlggsof Grand Rapids siieat Memorial day with Mason relatives. address the veterans of the Rebellion, monument is beautiful, and for future Mason School Notes. generations it has had a wtinderful C. A. I'arklitirst Is In Detroit with tlie Lansing who form a part of the remnant of Miss Maud McManus spent from Coniniandory attending tlio annual conclave. lesson, but when you pass away who TRY A SACK TODAY that mighty host who preserved for Wednesday until Monday at her home Mrs. Adallne Reald nf Dansvilie was a guest will uphold the banner? Who will of Miss Ina Maine the fore ptirlot the week. us a nation which stands pre-eminent n Eaton Eaplds, inspire the youth with the splendid Mrs. II. A. rinrheclc left last Thilrsd.iy for her throughout the entire world, and he There were 94 children who march• Your Orocer Will Supply You history of our'nation? Who will make homo In Armada to he gone ahout two weeks. hoped that Some word he might say ed in the Memorial Day parade. patriotism a living reality? Shall ^V. A.Shank witnessed tho Lanslng-.T.ickson would touch some member of the ris• Miss Mae Mosher spent the week ball game at Lansing last Thursday forenoon. Memorial Day'pass away with' you? Mrs. T'eter Earll of Leslie was a guest nf Mrs ing generation in such a way that he end In Battle Creek. Men of Mason, what are you going to Thoman Milling: Co., Lansing n. M. Willlains from Saiurday until Tnesdtiy, would be inspired with a deeper love The Normals enjoyed a picnic on do with Meaiorlal Day? The day will Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sqiiler nf Qnlnoy are vis for this uatiou and the institutions hogsback Monday afternoon. iting at D. P. Whitiaore's and other friends iu come,^and soon, when the last veteran the city. for which it stands. For the soldiers The Misses Paine and' Severiioce will be laid to rest." For more than Mr. ,anrt Mrs. W. A. Ranrtiill attended tlie Mo- he said Memorial Day could not but were in Lansing during the vacation. MaUi-Ahel wedding near Leslie last Wednesday forty years tliese men have kept it .uninintmiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiMihiinmiiH ii«runriMinMriMiiiii|iiiriiiiiiiiniiiniiMtiiiiriiiiiMiirril»ii|iiiHiiiir visit• joyed her vacation in Laingsburg. what they would be called, upon to future generations. Shall it pass ed her parents, IMr. and Mrs, W. M, I3ement, The Misses Smith and Heitsch were over Memorial day. endure during the next four years. away with the last veteran' and be• home for Memorial. Geo. W. Tnnilyn witnessed the hall gamo at "This day," ho said, "means more come not a day of memories but Lansing last Thursday forenoon and.tho one at The Seniors arc desirous of having Leslie In the altcriioon. than looking lovingly Into the past. another play day? It is up to you; a large audience to listen to the fol• Mr, and Mrs. E, L. Ilarmon and daughter Its deep slgniflcance is flrmly rooted these veterans are already too old to JJelen of Portland, Oregnii, ivlll anive today for bear the heat and burden of the day. lowing program to be given for class a visit with Mason relatives. in your heroic deeds but its real mean- Is there room in thelife of the coming day, June 13; Mrs. A. D. Hoyt nf Battle Creek is visiting ng is to inspire future generations March • mmm Mason relatives and friends. Mr. Hoyt was.here with a patriotism which shall insure generation for a day set apart to rever• from Thursday until Sunday. Invocation Eev. Ellett stability to this Union under tlie Con• ence the noble pasit? If there Is not, Salutatory. . .Murryue McOrosseu Mrs. 0. E. Henderson goes to Detroit tomorrow to idtend the alumni reunion and a meeting of stitution." if the day is to degenerate into a day Music.....'. Paul Browne her class lu the Liggett scliool of that cicy. when baseball Class lilstory Kussell Randall Col. and Mrs. L. H. Ives will go to Hart .Jure The speaker said, it was fltting that and peanuts and pink prophecy JLynia potts 12th to attend tho annual rciininu of his regt one day each year should be set apart lemonade shall reign supreme, then Muslc...... Octette BOSTON meal, the Twenty-sixth Michigan Infantry. Class Poem Bernice Allen as sacred to tlie memory of our heroic let it pass away with the last veteran Miss M, Freshour of Eaton Raplrts wtis In the Gif tatory.... Florence Elliott city last Thursday and visited the family of her dead. The rapidly thinning ranks of and become but a beautiful memory. [.Music ..Gladys Lasenby brother In Aurelius the latter part of the week. those remaining, proclaim the fact It we as a nation believe in a living Valedictory. ; May Bowdea Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paddock of Lansing were that the last soldier will be laid to God who has directed'our past and in the city Memorial day. They have lived In STOCKBRIDGE. Oakland, Cal., for several'years, returning to rest before another half century rolls who holds our future io the hollow of Lansing about three weeks ago. around, and then, as now, a. man of his. hand, if we believe that under God Dr. Brogan is gaining slowly.' another generation will tell the, story this Nation was established to, sooner Ed Mann is still confined to his bed. Oyer Half-Centurj. of Memorial Day, Its history arid its or later, bring His will and kingilom The; hiusical entertainment was significance. Forever and forever, a on e'arth as it is in heaven, then such quite well attended for the Epworth Humphreys' Specifics have history of Memorial Day will be a his• a day Is a necessity, and it will never League, under the supervision of Mrs. been used by tho people with tory of our Republic, because our Na• pass away from tlie lives of men. Sprout. believe the coming generation has Ralph Davis closed his year's work satisfaction for mora than BO tion was born in sacrifice and bap• Michigan Central~"The Niagara Falls Route" as teacher last Friday. . years. Maiiical Book sent free. tized in patriot blood. He reviewed patriotism and reverence and faith Tickets oa Sole Dally commencing sulBcient to preserve and keep alive Deck Davis visited at Ed Binding's the early history of this country and JUNE 1st Ko. ' Ton ; Prloo the traditions of the past." lastFrlday. _ :' told of the men deeply versed in the Good tRctumins wiUiia 30 Days 1 Fevera, Cosfestlona, Inflanunatlona 25 Mrs. Ella Bindlng'and James Pull• 3 Worma, Worm Fever, or Worm Dl8ea»o..2a science of government:and, strongly Judge Oollingwood's address was Liberal stop-over privileges and option of boat trip between Detroit ing attended the Decoration services 3 Colic, Crying and Waketulnoaa of Infants.25 imbued with the spirit of liberty Who one burst ot enthusiasm and patriot• and Buffalo, and on Hudson River between Albany and New York. : 4 Diarrhea, of Chlldroa and Adult« at Dansvilie. 7 CouBha, Colds, Bronchitis... 25 framed the constitution of this United ism, and the veterans not only greatly Mrs. Z. Clark and daughter Wanda New York ^97.00 Boston tijoff.eo 8 Toothache, Faceacho, Neuralgia ..,.25 States which has since been onebf the enjoyed his talk but endorsed his en• O Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo ....25 were in Fitchburg Decoration day. andretum and return A ?a^tj bulwarks of this nation and eonsti-'' tire sentiment. J0 Dyiiicpala, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.,...25 June Sayles and family are moving Proportionately low fares to all Eastern Summer Resorts, including Thousand ; 13 Croup, UoarsQ Cough, Laryngitis 25 tutes a compact which, can only be At the close of the address a class Islands, .Saratoga, Lake George, the Adiron-. ' 14 gftlt Ulieum,'Eruptions, Eryslpelaa. ...25 to their new home this week. dacks, Canadian Resorts, White Mountains, " ^ dissolved and annulled by long and jn- of school Children filled the platform ..^ Poland: Springs and entire Atlantic.Coast. 15 Illicuniatlam. orBbouaiatloPaln>...... ,...U5 ''tricate labor. ' Time wrought changes Walter Hayner arrived with his Bl»ty tiirough the with the I city" woman,Many and : . ,' the selfishness of human .nature to paring to come in, fouled in the wreckage. Dis• alongshore, laboring manfully'In the sand and bull's-eye In tlie san'd.-anchor,.while several, men many a useless thing has been, pur- ,', regarding the shouts to wait, the first sailor,, clad flooded sluices to keep pa,ce wilh^ the drift of the held on to the,end to give and take-with.'each roll imagine for a moment you would join, chased.by the wife because she has; only in a pair of trousers, seized the line- and be• vessel to leeward. In order to do this they were of the vessel. Tlie.'work.of hauling the sailors a crusade against catalogue houses, if -the catalogue, before'.her, .'Many, and :: ... gan working his way in on if hand over hand. obliged to proceed at what was almost-a run." from: the wreck was now;-tiegun with.electric en• it. (3id not appeal'tO'your cupidity. But, many;;a useless, heart-breakirig bill.'/ Rushing waist deep into the breakers, .White After twenty minutes of. breathless, work they ergy.-.' After :two:meh were landed, , ;the ;';vessel it Is a'fine thing to cut your mer• has come to the city man because-hlS;;.;; seized the man, and as the brig rolled jnshore were again opposite her, the gun was once more took- th.e ground, but the .circumstances increased chant's throat,if it. puts money in yo'iir wife has gone to the city and gazed • and the line slackened he slipped the bight from , planted; and another shot fired. rather than dlminlsh'ed'-lier rolling,, and somo cbri- pocket. Still, when It comes to cut• Into the windows "where all of the- - v '' the sailor's neck, • ,. ' • ,''' . •, At this portion of the beach the sand dunes ceptlon of this powerfurmotlon may be derived ting your own throat the' Inducement gimcracks'are spread out before her. • The next second bothNwere>caught in the in• were low, and the only'point of vantage from from the fact that in one'instance the breeches-: 's not so tempting." •. I It isn't what,-we make, it's what we- .;:> ; rush of wood and water and torn from the; line which the gun could be shot was the top. of the buoy.wlth a-man inlt swung'ln the off-shore roll None of us likes the great lonesome spend, that regulates-whether or no. . - to be hurled beneath the breakers. By a ter-, knolls, Theknoll on which the effort was made fully fifty feet in the air. feeling-that comes .from living on a we shall have laid by something lor * ; rific effort White succeeded in regaining his foot• was In an Indentation In• the shore, making- ft -."The strain :and friction; upon: the jiawser. were far frontier. .We like to : be at the a rainy day, and the catalogue cer• ing and, still clutching' the sallori'dragged him farther from the'vessel, and, the line being!wet bo ! great that i the lignum-vltaebuU's'-eye; through heart „of things. We like to be near tainly is abig temptation to most peo- > , out of the surf, , 'j: .ry:':-;/:::':-'H' and hetvy, it failed to reach the Taulane: '' which it,ranat the sand-anchor, despite the,hard• our fellows; -.we: like to.be close to a pie'who peruse it. The best thing to ,, While this struggle was tailing place two more ' Once more the crews of Stations 11 and 12 ness ; of: the wood, was worn, fully / half: an , inch good, thriving,)proBperoua,village, and, do with the mail order catalogue Is to sailors had started down the line from the brig, loaded, the heavy beach cart and staggered on deep during 30'minutes of use. Within'those 30: that. .is ,why farm property,, ia:: more burn it aa soon as It arrives. By this Surfman Van Briint sprang into'the water to aid,, .-after, the' fa"at, drifting 'ischooner.:; As jthe.. chase , ^minutes, however, th*: five -inenwere safely land- valuable if;: it is, located within, easy, action you will protect your homo vll- , •them, but was sw-ept from his feet, his life hang- ; ;;led:to the south, jctlTeconditlona on the beach ed, the last man getting out of the'buoy at half- reach of a village. lage, your home churches, your home jk.- ins on a sti-aw in the deadly m'nss of tumbling ' became worse,^- '^The: surf'washed In higher, the . past two," - ' i' "-. .l. • ' • - • The parcels post, now being father-; llbrary, your home children, your • i timbers. He was carried down-shore a hundred sluices-became more':numerous,-.and- the dry:Band' And so clOBes the etory o^f that which in the 3d 'by the mall order houses, means' home everything, including your faim. j yards, where a mendly wave^ shouldered him up • dune tops further separated. department at'iWaahington,;spoken' of "oaBually that the towns of the United States Put it into^he flre; it sh'oiild ,'bO' - «n the beach. At the moment Van Brunt's peril i The next dry hill' was 400 yards farther on, as "A night's -work on the Jersey coaat," vlll^be torn down at the expense of marked "POISON." he cities. It. means that every man ' / I ) ' , he cltlefl. It.means that every man ^ SYRONWiS-lilAMS;fiVRON Wii-LIAMS.; I)

Wiiid-Breaks for Farm Yards and Fields

By R. J. BALDWIN, JMichigan Agricultural Collega ASTORIA has met witli pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma- Ct centical societies and medicdl authorities. It is used by. physicians witli Husband Declared Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable results most gratifying. The extended use of Oastoria is unq_uestionably tha Compound Would Re• result of three facts: //Vsf—The indisputahle evidence that it is harmless! store Her Health, secoflt^That it not only allays stomach pams and quiets the nerves, hut assimi• And It Did. lates the food:' nii^^lt is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil.' ' Ashland, Ky. — "Four years ago I It is absolutely safe.''^It does not contam any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotio| I3eeraed to have everytliing the matter with me. I had fo- and does not stupefy.,,It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Mfrey's' maleand kidney trou• ble and was so bad off Cordial, etc. ^ This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how-| I could hardly rest day or night I doc• ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. | The day tored with all the for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To best doctors in town and took many kinds our knowledge, Oastoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by of medicine but noth• ing did any good un• regulating the system—not by stupefying it—ajid pur readers are entitled to, til I tried your won• idovmdiioilr-MaU'sJoicrncU of BealtJi, derful remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege• table Compound. My husband said it Letters from Prommeot Physicians would restore my health and it lias."— Mrs. May Wyatt, Ashland, Ky. I'herc are probably hundreds of thou• Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, Ills., says: "I have prescribed youff sands of women in,tho United States Castorla often for Infants during.my practlije, and And It very satisfactory." who have been benefitted by this famous Dr. .'William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castorla standa old remedy, which was produced from first in its Class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never have roots and herbs oyer thirty years ago by found anything that so filled tho place." a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read What ,'\ nother Womfin says: Dr, J. H. Taft, of , N. Y., says: "I liave used your Castorla and Camden, N. J.-"I had female trou• found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice foe blo nnd a serious displacement nnd was many years. Tho formula Is excellent." tired and discoui-agod nnd unabletodomy ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. Dr. R, J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich,, says: "I prescrlbo/your Castorla work. My doctora told mo I never could extensively, as I have never found anything to equal It for children's AVcgclaWePrcparalionrorAs- be cured without an opei-ation, but sirailaiiiigilicFoot(anJRc(!iila-' troubles. I am aware that thero are imitations In the field,, but I always thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ling lite Siomadis ancLBowc'ls of see that my patients get Fletcher's." Compound I am cured of that affliction Dr.Wm. J MoCrann, of Omaha, Nob., says: "As tho father of thirteen and have recommended it to more than Children I certainly know something about your groat- medicine, and asldo one of my friends with the best results." from my o^vn family experience I have in my years of practice found CaS' —Mrs. Ella .Johnston, 324 Vino St. torla a popular and efficient remedy iu almost every home." If you ivant special advice Tvrito to PronwIesDlgeslioitCkcfful' Dr. J. R. Clausen, of PhlladelpUia, Pa., says: "Tho name that your Caa« Lydia E. riiiltham ;\rcdiciiic Co. (confi• ness antl Rest.CoiUatas iicilter 1 dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter Tfill Opumi.Morpliitic norNiiieral, torla has made for Itself In th(3 tons of thousands of homes blessed by tha })0 opened,' read and ansirored by a Not Narcotic. presence of children, scarcely needs to bo supplemented by the endorse• woman and lield in strict conflileuco. ment of tho medical profession, hut I, for one, most heartily endorse It and Hiiijreo/OUDrS^imJ'mm believe it an excellent remedy." • , Shade is Piimiib Slid- . Dr. R. M. 'Ward, of Kansas City, Mo„ says: "Physicians generally do noC McSnma * 1 prescribe proprietary preparations, hut in tho case of Castorla my experi• wliid-broak affords protection for birds Many.i'arm places would he more at- .AaJscSiid* \ • ence, lilce that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an ex• trnclivo'iii appearance luid more pleas• the year around, ' \ ception. I prescribe your Oastoria in my practice because I havo found It ant iis homes it' tlierc were more trees The cost of planting a wind-break 'Setd- to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi• to lieaiitiry In summer and protect In iieoil not be excessive. Three-year- dSutfiir- , M'liitor. Tlie oltlar settled sections of oltt, once transplanted stock with good cian who has raised a family, as I have, will join me in lieartiest recom« mendatlon of Oastoria." l\liohjg'an have long since learned the. thrifty roots is the youngest stock Aperfecf Remedy forConsHpa- Importance of tree planting and;tnc that should be used. Trees of this age. itoiuSoiu'Sloinacii.Dlarflioea, homesteads tliere are surrounded' by give-liest results because they with• Worins .Convulsions .Fcwnsh-' tho maples, hickories, elms and ever- stand the shock of lifting, change ot ncssaiTdlossoFSiajEP. gieoii."! planted years .ngo. The lack soli and handlliig nuich better than ot trees ia painfully evident In the older trees. Such stock should cost Facsimile Signature ot newer districts, especially In ttie re- from eight to twelve dollars per thou• R'ions covered by tlie great Ilres ol' sand, ' .1.S7.1. and 3 SSI. The ground where the wind-break is NEW YORK. _ A well grown, well placed wind• to stand should be plowed and cropped jimm OOBING HOT WEATHER break iiossesses great ornamental and one year before setting out the trees. Is tho most eritioal tlmo of v'>nr baby's practical value nnd is one of the easi• This treatment ranltes regular cultiva• life. The resular uso ot KOPP'S BABt'S FRIEN'D i>revehls Cholera Iiifniii;um, est nud best methods of adding to tion possible until the trees are too ' guaranteed undcfthc FooJ^ convulsions and all ailnionts to whloU the number of tana trees, Tbe val• large to work. Grass should not b« bttljios lu'u subjuet at tlil.s tlnm. allowed to grow about the young treei ri-12-12, Unind Rapids, Mich, ue of a wind-break about I'arin build• Exact Copy of Wrapper. in "Use ror uvep Years. rho ICopp'H Hal)y'.i Ij'ricnd Co,, ings Is most evident, of course. In win- if rapid, healthy growth Is desired. THK OBNTAUn OOMPAHV. TT .lUflllAT QTRCCT, HCW YOIIK CITT. Vork, fu, GentlonuMi: tor when it protects the stock and The two trees most widely used tot I am netl plna.sml with ynnr JiAHy'S jriUKNI). fiavt) nsoil siwural l)ottloM, liLmoBl/.e,wltli nna,sually prevents drifts by causing the snow this pijrpose are Norway Spruce and pood ajiu sailHliietoi'y rosiilLa. 'J'hankiiiK yuu l*t)r llio 'Uainplu yuu aonb uu, and wl.ihlni; yuu auccess, to I,'t!l evenly over the protected area. White Pine. The White Pine gives THE ONLY TIME. Repartee Ofl the Stage. 1 aiu, yours very i.rnly, In the big Weber-B^ields dressing nr, b.l3,natliold, In fields the soil Is kept'more evenly best results on the heavier soils, both a.X DEUGGISTS 10, ami CO CI2MT8 covered, thus preventing winter. kill• •day loams and peat loams, while Nor room Joe Weber and George Beban yrnu sample by ninil on request by ing of snch crops as wheat, alfalfa way Spruce Is better' adapted^ to th( sat tense over a game of checkers, rHEKOPP'SBABy'SFRIEI\!DCO.,YonK,PA. and clover. In suminer the soli in the lighter soils and sandy loams. "I'm working him up to his part," Nine times in ten when the liver {fl protected area retains moi'sture 'bet• The White Pine wind-break (shown miirmureil_ Mr, Weber, in a Kind right th§ stomach and bowels are right ter and the humidity of the air IB in the illustration) on the Agricultural voice; "He 'mu^t go on the stage in OARTER'S LITTLE greater m the shadow. The region In Coiloge farm is seven-eighths of a a trantrum in a few minutes. Every LIVER PILLS the lea of the wind-break is protected mile in length with an average helghi night I beat him a game of checkers gentlybutfimilyc «nd he compelled to pay to your londiord moat In here before his entrance. It has pel a lazy liver to^ of your iinrd-enrned profits? Own your own one rod In width for eacli toot ot of from 25 to 30 feet. Three-year-old fnrm, Si:cure b Free Homestead in height'of the trees. For example, a stock was used In the planting, which just the right effect on him," ('Every do its duty. (lonitobu, Saskatchewan or wind-break thirty feet high should pro• was done during the seasons of 1S9S night you don't beat me!" cried his op• Cures Con- Alberta, or purchase etipation. In• land in one of these tect a strip ot land lying ne.xt to it, and 1900, Seven years after planting ponent. "I owe you $1',90 in 12 weeks. digestion, districts nnd haiilc a Is that much?" "Not so much, but I'd prodl •>( $10.00 nr thirty rods wide. As a matter of fact the lower inner branches, which wer Sick, $11^.00 II u acru this rule holds true for the wind-break mostly dead, were trimmed off as .. be glad to get it," suggested' the «very ycur. HendacJie,'- on the College farm ..as may readily be precaution against fire. The outside ,sweet-voiced Weber. Land purchased 3 and Distress After Eating. seen on a windy day of either summer branches extend to the ground and years apo at 810,00 an SMALL PILL, SMAJX DOSE, SMALL PRICE. aero has recently or -winter. Not least In the list ot since thoy haye sulllcient light remain Poor Girls. chnntred hands nt Genuine must bear Signature ' SJ5,00 nn acre. The benefits is the fact that an evergreen .alive and green. Mrs. Willis—What do you think of crops grown on tiiese I 1 a n d a warrant the that Hlghupp girl marrying Mr. Bul• odvnnc^. You can lion? • ' was tassled so laid it aside, Septem Mrs. Glllls—Isn't, It awful the way ber 10th, cut up corn and failed to line some girls sell themselves for money? bycnttleraiain[r,dairyin(r,niixed PROFITS a stalk but what had on one or more Mrs. ' Willis—And did you hear CLEAR COMPLEXIONS farmlnir and crnin irrowintr in ears. The last of September I'huskeii about Miss Munney marrying that tho prcvlnces of Mnnltulja, GROWING may be permanently enjoyed by all. Sailow Su-skulcliewan and Alberta. the corn and found 1 had grown 1 roaeh thocoimtryand otla)r par• Cutting corn ' ...... •.... 2.00 which the author has been years learning and ticulars, write to Hn|)'toi: Inniii- state. In every case the results ob• Babies at Half Price. proving. It makes surprising admissions and (trallon, Ottawa, Canada, or to tho tained indlcatis that the boys are'go• Husking 5.B0 proves the gep _ shattering and startling statements, but la Canadian GoToraniont.Agont. Little Bessie,and,her mamma were Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Blmplo and absolutely dependable in its recom• GEO. W. fltRD,2n d Floor Trncllon ing at their work In a very practical doing the sights of< the, town. Soon into the shoes for Tired, Aching, Swollen mendations. It is the open door to a wholesome Terminal Bldg,, Indianapolis, Ind. Total .'.?2l.0l' countenance. Twenty-flvocents. (Nostamps). manner, and that they are demonstrat• they came to a show where a ti.ket Tender, feet. Sample free. Address, Allea E, A. Andrews, 233 North 3rd St., Newark, N. J. Fleaao wrlto to thoagont nearest 70a S. Olmsted, Le Eoy, N. Y. ; , ing that largely Increased yields may From this you can see my 140 bush• announcod "Children half price," be obtained, that profits may be in• els cost me'15c a bushel to produce. "Oh, do let us go In, mammy," said creased and that the quality of the the,little one, "and buy a 'baby, now Goodness does, not certainly make DAISY FLY KILLER SiriH Can Earn a Salary fllea. Noat, cloan or- corn can be greatly Improved. ., they're so cheap!" • men happy when happiness makes uamontal, convunlent, Every Montb .them good.—Landor, ' , cliuap. LaitB all '.. In Ionia County the boys are doing BeaBon^ Kudo o£ I Rupresentinu The Delineator, Evkrv- unusually good work. Mr. Frederick :notaI,can't8plllort)p i iioov's and AnvnNTunE. Man or woman, When Your Eyes Need Care ovorj will npt aoU or Graff Is "the "chief engineer." The yoiiPR or old—if you ^vant work for one hour TryMuririeEyeKemedy. NoSinarting—Fee!. Mrs. Wtnalow'a Soothing- Syrup for ptiUdren 1 njiiro dnytlilnff* or eight hcjurs a day, write to teething, softeusthe Bums, reduces iriflamma- Guarantood ^ffectlvaw . leading business men of Ionia are sup• Fine—Acts CJiiickly. Try It-for Eed,'Wealt, Soldbydooiersos I THE BirrTEHICK PUBLISHING CO. porting the work aud adding enthu• Watery Sycs and Granulated Eyelids. Illus• tioa, allaya pain, cures wijid colie, 25c a tiottle. •6 Bont. prepaid for tl. DuMfii :y UruEKlsts at 2{a and COe per Bottle,play,on , a leap year girl Is to promise' SOUTH MISSISSIPPI for economy In production., The fol• Murine llye.SalTO In Aseptic a?abcs, S£o and Wo. to be a brother.to her. Sold every whore 2 lowing report of a fourteen-year-old CnFooWfro•• klot - a Land of 0,pportunity Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloaso JOHM I,. THOMPSON SONS Ss. CO.. Troy. N. V. ITino for stock raising, preneral farming, truck boy, Avho, by': the way, Is president of Erowiiifr anil fruit. Good markets for every, Discriminating- persons should know the E«y3' 'Association, tells its own ^ ^ Econoniy in Atchison; that Garfield Teals a uniquely efficient • Prairie lands aro produc• thiupf. Cheap land. .Easy terms. Good titles. NEW SOUTH tiv„. e for wheat, oats, rlco Many Nortliernurfl coming In. Free booklets. story: "' , An."Atchison'man is so economical remedy for Uvertroubles and costlveness. and stpolc farms, ollmatoagreeablo, bargain prices, SoutSicrn Realty Co., Wiggins, Miss. he won't go to a ball game.'unless .he wrlto for.Uat. N. J. U0LLI30N, Almyra, Arkansaa. .• . How tlie Corn Was' Grown. A long oration goes lame on the gets .-a pass \-to: a double-header-— May 1st .disced'.the ground, as stretch. • W. N. U., FT, WAYNE, NO. 23-1912. PfiTEHTS OF VALUE Atchison Globe. \.' " <.' Prompt aorvlce. No nUsIeadlnpr tndneomonta. Expert In ground disced before It Is plowed per- jnochantca. Boole ol! advice aud i>atent otllce rules fre».mits _ the moisture to come close to • ,CtE«HN7S 4, CLEMENTS, Patent Atlorneys the surface for the use of the plant Lotb of It. ?30 Coloraiio Eldg. . Washlnglon, D, 0, roots and also, leaves a mulch of Une 1.:- ..'''They: say. a; man's •wife of ten. makes dirt which fills up the air spaces left ..him,• but Blngle's'i,wlfeK„wlIl never,/be, W. L; Douglaii malcea arid sells more of this paper desiring to buy between the furrowed, slice and ttte j:able-tofput any push in, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00/shoes than anything advertised in its col- . "Just you . wait until she gets a ground beneath. IMay 2nd plowed the any other mnhufacturer in the, world lawn-mower in his hands." • '•.^' ^ upins should insift upon having what they ground about 9 inches deep, and from «sk for.ref using all subSitutes or imitatioi)a now on until the 10th I fitted the ;^^:,::,•,d'^4•:>:.ll,hl•,bR.MEN;;W0IVIEN BOYS,i ' " DonU'buyVater lor bliiin^fV' Liquid blue Is ground ', ftlmoatttU water.("Buy Kod Cros* Ball Blue; : vW.I'.Dbiiglas $8.00 & $3.50 shposaro worn by inllUona - Fort Wayne Directory May lOtUmarkecl.corn ground into ;• tho blue that's all blue. : 6£meri,because thoy are the best lii the world for the prlcei i W.l.'Douglas $4.00, hills 3 ft. and 10 Inches'apart and A man may express opinions In.his r |i i i i ii Benphiworiccostlng $0.00 tio $8.00 v ri ,^ 5» planted so it averaged 3, kernels' in ,WhydoesW.LDbiiglosmako^andiMlliriore$3.00,$3^50; CANVAS C0VER6:(?P ALL KINDS hiil. , iwife's^'preseiice-^ >>d$4.00 8hoe8,tha'njanyo^^ WOOLCAROE.D FOR COMFORTERS May IGth, corn was up. BECAU,SE; he'staiiips his name and prico.bn the boltom.and;! • HE PAUL E. WOLF BEODINGCOMPANIr f Cidjarteld Tea'lielp^ guarantees t^^^^^ ; 6ia.621 Clinton-Street; Fort Wayne, Indiann May 19th, hoed corn, • over. Taicen, tor liver and kidney .May >22nd. Cultivated; • May 27th, cut prices and inferior shoes of othor:niakes.vBEdAUSE: they j ' WHEN IN FORT WAYNE.. STOP AT IT have no UTEFORW; Wayne Hotel a«PHc.. -^Hotel for Yom Modici. Wifo and Siitct EDEN. James Darrow and wife of Mason County News Items and Mrs, King and clilldrenof Holt were Sunday guests at Frank Darrow's. Miss Clipta Councilman of Newark, HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST GATHERED Valley, N, Y,, visited ut Claude Lax- FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS ton's last week, OF , Mrs, E, M, Smith left Tuesday morn• ing for PInconning for an extended WEST AURELIUS. visit with her brother, |nt]hiuu (!t0unfy D^jnmant Emory Otiapln of Detroit visited at Guy Bateman and family visited the home of his uncle, J. W. Chapin, -DY- their parents, D, N. Bateman and the last Of the week. W. L, CLARK. wife, Sunday. Mrs, A. 0, Sanders visited In Lan• Edith Spaulding visited in Grand sing over Sunday, Rapids last week. FURNISHINGS Wednesday, June 5, 1912 Mrs, Fred Hodges attended a Glean• Rollund ToplllI visited his grand• ers' gathering at Holt Saturday. parents In Mason last week., SOUTH AURELIUS and Vance Douglas, wife and daughter Erma Ellsworth spent last week NOETH ONONDAGA visited at Burt Green's in Alaiedon with Mrs. Henry Spaulding. Sunday. Ilaward Miller und wife vl.slted lier E. J. Topllir and wife visltecl ber Mrs. Homer Whitney visited ioJ'ack- parents, Mi', and Mrs. Opciyke, near parents In Mason last Saturday and son the flrst of tlic week. Eden .Sunday. Sunday. Mrs. J, W. Chapin and her guest. James Field, wife and dau(.'liter of Mesdames J. R. Kingman and Bert Miss Cannon from Bryan, Ohio, were Jackson visited his raotlierand fiimiiy Bunker spent last Friday afternoon n Lansing last Friday. the llrst of the week. with Mrs. E. J. Topliir. Ellis Rider, Ji'rancea Dean, Earl On account of tne most backward spring we Mrs. Willis Webb Of Lansing visit• SOUTHEAST VEVAY AND LESLIE Jlolcoiub, Bernlce Covert, Wells Glick• ed at John Bateman's from Friday have had in years, we find ourselves overloaded ner and wife were Jackson visitors Too much rain for farming. until Monday. with Spring and Summer goods and we have recently, Some corn planted but a good many P. W, Rogers died at the home ofj not yet ready. > Tlierewill be Children's Day exer• bis sister, Mrs. W, 0. Maguire, May decided to turn them into money, no matter Leonard Walton now has a section cises ut the Baptist church Sunday 29t,li, at'tlie age of 50 years. Funeral on the railroad from Leslie to Rives what they cost us. We have been through the cvenlni,' ne.xt and at the M. E. church at the Presbyterian church in DImon• Junction, rie is moving to Leslie, entire stock and made substantial reductions in at half past two o'clock, the usual dale, wliich will be his future home. prcacliintj liuur. eachslepartment. This comes at a time when all Miss Nellie 13arry Is working for H, The uniform success that has at• Quite a lot of work Is being done to tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, the Eden cemetery, more land has our customers and many others will reap the Webster's family on the curup ground Cholera and Dlarrliuiii Remedy has been added and a new fence Is being at Eaton Eaplds. made It a favorite everywhere. It benefit. The sale will last until July 4th and built. It is the determination of the can always be depended upon. For every day will be a "bargain day." Move on Now! sale by all dealers. people to Improve it each year until Says a policeman to u street crowd, t is second to none In the country. and whiicks heads If It don't, "Move MILLVILLE. on now," says the bl^, harsh mineral A. J. Wlllett and son have laid a pills to bowel conceHtinn and sullerini,' W. Clark Is no better. quantity of tile this season. follows, Dr, King's New Life Pills A. C, Titus raised his barn frame Mrs. R. L. Collier is spending tbe We Have 1B7 Men's Suits, don't bulldoze 'tlie bowels. They last Saturday afternoon. F. Grandall week with friends in Mason. gently persuade tlicm to right action, H. Bobnett and Geo. Ivlncl'i arc doing and liealtli follow,s. 25c at Longyear Ed. Judson of Lansing was here at AU good style and excellent quality the carpenter work. Eros.' drug store. his farm last Saturday, CLOTHCRAFT that will be sold at this sale for only The young people met at C. H. Car• Mrs. Chas, KIrby will go to Parma penter's last Saturday evening to prac• NORTHEAST ONONDAGA. the last Of this week to help ber tice singing for the Children's Day A large number from this locality mother celebrate her 92d birthday. services next Sunday evening. OVER A HUNDRED BOYS' LONG „PANT SUITS, attended Decoration at Aurelius and Our mull carrier, Mrs. Aldrich, has Mesdames A. J, and Richard Stev• While they last, each $4.50 to $6.00 Leslie, been confined to her home several ens and children called on Mrs, Geo, Warner Brewer and family of Eaton weeks with rheumatism, but Is better iCIncli Sunday. Rapids spent Sunday with relatives now and a daily visitor. here. II, Bra<''ender and wife called on Our line is complete and these, as well as Top and Slip-on their daughter, Mrs, C. Nelthainmer, Born, early Sunday morning, to Mr, The woman of today who has good CLOTHCRAFT SUITS. Coats, will be sold at prices below all competition. and Mrs, Ben King, a 10-lb, girl, nd family Sunday. health, good temper, good sense,brigiit Mesdames Pettit and McCurdy of eyes and a lovely complexion, the re• S, II, Mills and G, A, Jones and wife sult of correct living and good diges• were on tlie sick list last week witli Webbervllle visited Mrs, G, M. Bur• tion, wins the admiration of the world. throat and oar trouble. den lust Thursday. If your digestion ia faulty Chamber• Henry Bravendcr, wife and son were lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will Straw HatsSTa^ai" Soft and Fancy Shirts, Neckwear, &c Hiss riattle Wright was home from correct it. . For sale by all dealers. Jackson it few days tlic llrst of tlic guests of hisjarents last Thursday. E, Morgan of 'Stockbridge visited We lead them all with the largest lines and lowest prices. See to it that you get your share. week, ETCHELL'S NEIGHBORHOOD. Mrs. riiirry Garwood and daughter Ray Bravender last Ifrlday and Sat• Miss Olive Fosdick dosed a success• of Kalamazoo are visiting her par• urday. ful school year last Wednesday, treat• ents, G, W, Wright and family, for a Mrs. W. S, Ostrander returned last ing her pupils to a peanut hunt and I'uw wcek.s. Friday to licr home at Marlette, after marsbmallow roast, Mrs, John Wartlcid of Jacksnn spent an extended visit with her daughter ...WEBB & WHITMAN.,. Mesdames Sophrona Whiting and a few day.s last week with ber sister, Mrs. Pearl .lackson. Lodena Hanna are very low at this Mrs, Cluirlcs Siultli, and family. LESLIE and BUNKERHILL LINE writing, Wliooping cough Is not dangerous Children's Day will lie observed at Mrs. Geo, Wight and children visit• when tilc cough is kept loose and ex- the Fell Plains church Sunday, June ed friends in Lansing from Friday show waa of an exciting and to a few pecloraMun easy by giving Chamber• a ratlier painful performance. Aa the lain's Cmigli Remedy, It lias been 9tli, services to begin at two o'clock. until Sunday. •': Archie Barr and wife were in Mason Mrs. Elmer Potter Is in the City crowd gathered and fllled the seats used In many epidemics of this disease C. A. RIES wiUi perfect success. For sale by all last Friday. hospital, where she underwent an they all at once toppled over, throw• Special Sale! dealers. Miss Margaret Handy of Jackson operation for appendicitis. ing the occupants to the ground, hurt- WHITE OAK. visited at Mr. Winslow's last week, Mesdames Louise and Mary Briggs ng some, but not seriously. Staple and Fancy Jiocolveil loo late for last weok'.s issue. W, J. Hayhoe and wife spent Deco• and son Leo were guests at Moore Delcle,Scott and Eunice Shaw visit• E. J, Doane cast of Dansvllle baa ration day In Jackson, Hunt's Sunday. ed in town a few days last week. Saturday, June Sth GROCERIES completed his barn, making a line Willis Garrison and wife spent Sun• Mrs. Mary Wemple, George Wem- Miss Florence Whipple, the only one improvement. There was a bee to day with Mrs, Clark at the hospital ple and son Glenn visited at Leo East from the Dansvllle high school to at- ten'd the county normal this year, cut logs for liira to build a new barn In Jackson, man's Sunday. 48 Pairs of Bdl Phone 22 Citizens 101 in place of the one destroysd last Miss Mary Brogan closed a very suc• Verne- Stld, George Wright, Bert I graduates tonight week by lire. cessful year of school'at Pelt last Holtz and Wirt Dakin bought new LukeAseltioe and wife visited at W, V. Potter has raised his barn week, and Miss Hazel Opdyke at the ranges of the St. Louis Stove Co, last M. W. Corwin's Sunday. Woman's $4.00 preparatory to putting it on a wall Laborteaux the same day. Miss Op- week. Mrs, Etta Sawyer, Mrs, Amos Whip• THIS WEEK and will also put on a round roof. dyke has been engaged to teach the Miss Mabel Hanna has returned ple and daughters Florence and Zella Strap Pumps Corn planting is the special order of Felt school the coming year. home from Mason for an indefinite and son Harold, Mrs. D, D. Briggs 8 bars Swift's Pride Soap, 25c iDiisines.s these days. Mrs, James Mclotee visited her time after spending the spring months and son Searl visited Miss Bernlce The Y, P, S. C. of the M. E. Sun- mother from Thursday until Sunday n the millinery store of Neely & -Whipple's school in the Hawley dis• at $3.19 7 bars Lenox, Jaxon or flay school spent a very enjoyable Of last week. Neely. trict last Friday. The occasion being the last day of school, American Family Soap, 25c evening at the home of Sayles Gerow Ray Opdyke and family visited at Arthur Brooks and wife, John Chase last Friday evening. Refreshments Mrs. Roland West is visiting at Will Joe Opdyke's last Sunday. and wife and Will Angell of Bunker• See Our Bargain Table 7 cans Lighthouse Cleanser, 25c were served, after wlifcli a short busi• West's for a few days. Bruce WInslow visited his brother hlll visited at D. M, Brown's Sunday. 6 pkgs Snow Boy Washing ness meeting was held and a refresh• Harold nearCliarlesworth last Sunday. Miss Bernlce Whipple closed her vfor.. Povs^der, . . 25c ment committee consisting of Olive school at the Hawley last Friday WILLIAMSTON. Townscnd, Hazel Woods and Eva Man Coughs and Breaks Ribs. OXFORDS AND PUMPS afternoon with appropriate exercises, John Loree and family motored to Gerow was appointed. It was decided After a frightful coughing spell a roan In Neenah, Wis., felt terrible includlogphonographselections. The Lansing .last Thursday afternoon and to Call the roll at the future meetings We will have Strawberries, pains In his side and his doctor found room was prettily decorated for the paid a visit to their son. Largest line of Men's Shoes and have each member respond with two ribs had been broken. What occasion. Ice cream and cake were Mesdames L, Davis and Geo. Plum- in town. Pineapples, home grown Rad• a quotation or recitation. So mem• agony Dr. King's New Discovery would served to about 70 guests and pupils. mer of Lansing visited old friends bers be ready. have saved him, A few teaspoonstul ishes and Asparagus on hand ends a late cough, while persistent S.J. Hanna and wife entertained here last Wednesday. now. . HOLT NEWS. use routs obstinate coughs, expels Ernest Seely, wife and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Rice of Lan• stubborn colds or heals weak, sore Lansing over Sunday and Jas, Caven sing visited her parents and sisters F. W. WEBB C. A. RIES. Mrs. Rose Wlnfleld and son Ken• lungs, "I feel sure its a God-seod to der and wife spent the day there. here Decoration day. , neth nf Jackson are visiting at Bert humanity," writes Mrs. Effle Morton, Parker's. Columbia, Mo., "for I believe I would Frank Martin of Morrlce called at have consumption today if I had not DANSVILLE. Frank Brace's last Friday. The social club will have an icc Wednesday to work at the carpenter used this great remedy." Its guaran• Bernle Raymond, wife and children Mrs. S. Mains and Miss Bertha Ben• cream social at tbe town hall Satur teed to satisfy, and you can get a free trade. . are visiting relatives here. nett were Lansing visitors last Wed• day evening, June 15lh. trial bottle or 50-cent or $1.00 size at Frank Morrison and wife of Lansing Ola Hutchlns, who married Miss nesday. Jay Gabon and wife visited at John Longyear Bros.' drug store. visited her sister, Mrs. J. Moyer,^Dec- Nellie Strong of this village, died at Pansy Rowley of M. A. C. visited Lang's last Saturday. oratiOD day. NORTE AURELIUS. his home in Fife Lake May 29th. He her parents, Chas. Rowley and wife, Highest The society at Flora Black's was Mrs. Franc Lill, nee Franc Lawler, The Country Club will meet with was burled at South Olive, Ind. Six last Thursday. largely attended and enjoyed by all. Of.Seattle, Wash., is visiting friends Mrs. C, H. Smith Saturday evening, children, one of whom is living with Misses Verdle Hale and Hulah Brace The lower grades of Holt high school hero. June 8th. v Mrs. L. A. Strong here, are left fath• visited at Frank Thomas' in Al'illedoh with their teachers spent last Friday Bert Housel, wife and baby visited erless and/motherless, the mother last Friday. Market Price at the M, A. C, Robert Osborne and wife visited at his parents in St. Louis, Mich., last I, R, Dail, wife and son of Lansing James Herrick's Sunday. having died sometime ago, . j. h. Gaylord and daughter Lora, week. spent Friday at A. J.Blaclc's. Edward Elliott and wife visited James Hills has purchased the Lucy Misses Martha Speer and Bertha Pen- BertEberly and wife of California their daughter, Mrs. Clyde Eckhart, Charlie Reed and wife of Lansing Simmons house and lot. nock and Harvey Maher took a trip to are here for an extended visit with last Wednesday. Paid for were guests of her parents recently. George Mitchell, while at PItchburg I Mason and Leslie in their auto last relatives; Miss Gordolia and Richard Bullen past weelc, was hurt hy a horse jump-1 rrhursday.returoingFrlday afternoon. Mrs. G, H. Pryorvlslted in Lansing 0. M. Randall, who is studying med• returned home last Wednesday after ing against him. One leg was badly Mrs. John Lay died at her home on partof last weeki icine in Detroit, came here last week a visit with Wm. Townsend and fam• lacerated and his hips hurt.' • Mr. the farm just west of town, which Mrs. Ella Bonn of Charlevoix visited to spend the summer vacation. ily in Alaiedon. Mitchell/is well enough to slt'in a they recently purchased of Mr. Man• Mrs. J, Oook recently, •, ' The Girls Band was out in honor of Mrs. Herman Bullen visited Mrs. chair afpresent. ning, last Wednesday, leaving six GRAIN The baccalaureate sermon will be the heroes of the wa^ last Thursday James Mutton last Friday. * children, and her husband to mourn preached at the Presbyterian church 0. W. Clark and wife have adopted and rendered fine and appropriate James Parker of South Bend, Ind., the loss of an affectionate, wife and by Rev, Sly Sunday evening, June 9bh. a baby,girl. music at the cemetery in the forenoon is visiting at James Lake's. ; Mrs. Elpha Copper of Toledo, mother. Funeral was held at St. and at the opera house in the after• Ends Hunt for Rich Girl. Miss Nettie Glemtz of Holt visited Homer and -Floyd Evarts and George Mary's church last Saturday at nine noon. The town should and does feel Let Us Bid on it ,, Often the hunt for a rich wife ends her.sister,.Mrs. Charlie Harmon, Sun• Hawcroft of Owosso, Mrs. Thomas o'clock.'..Interment in Mt. Calvary proud of the band. The day was an 'when the man meets a woman that day. Dayton and daughter and, 'Claud Post cemetery, Fr. Sharps officiating, Ideal one and a large.crowd attended uses Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves tell in a bright brain and even Several from here attended, the and son Of Mason were in town Deco-!- Elmer Potter and wife of Locke all the services. show at Petrevllle Saturday evening. ration day. , were,guests at the home of Franlc temper. Her peacli-bloom complexion Both Pliones and ruby lips-result from her pure Oscari Leonard from near .Lansing Lloyd G-aylord, wife and son of De- Brace last Sunday, Makes tlie Nation Gasp. blood; her (bright .eyes from restful visited A..I. Leonard and wife Sunday. trolt are visiting.his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Austin of Grand ;Eaplds sleep: hcr elastic step from Qrm, free 'The awful list of Injuries• on a muscles, all telling of the health and Chas. Whipp and wife Of Eaton Rap• Mrs. W. W. Almond; for-a couple of visited:her mother, Mrs. Susan Dlxon, Fourth of".July staggers humanity. strength Electric Bittelrs give a wo• ids visited Wm; Smiley and wife last weeks. ' last week.- Set over against it, however, la the man, and the freedom from indiges• Sunday. Veran Wolcott is night operator at Mrs. Leo Abbott left last week for wonderful healing, by Bucklen's Arni• ca Salve, of tliousands, who suffered tion, backache, headache,v; fainting the telephone office. Batavia, N. .Y., where she will-join Mason Milling Co. and di'zzy spells they promote. Every• A black derby hat'was found .near from burns,. cuts, vbrulses, - bullet where they are woman's favorite rem• the North Aurelius church.'Owner Dwlght Miller was home Decoration her husband, who has, recently opened wounds or.exploslons. Its the..quick ,; OLD CRANE MILL ' edy. • If *wpak nr ailing try them. 50c can obtain same -by- calllngiat J.: A.- day.^ • , ^ a chiropractic Office there. healer of bo Is, ulcers, eczema, sore at LongjearBros.'drug store. FIester'8. The last night Of the Atkln Bros.'| Theron Brlstow.went to Detroit last lips or piles. 25c at Longyear Bros.'