Emittance exchange in booster by coupling resonance crossing

J. Kallestrup * and M. Aiba Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

(Received 4 December 2019; accepted 8 January 2020; published 3 February 2020)

The new generation of storage-ring based synchrotron-radiation light sources imposes challenges on off-axis injection schemes owing to small dynamic apertures. In many upgrade projects of existing light sources, including the Swiss Light Source (SLS) upgrade, it is planned to reuse their injector booster with little to no modifications, although their emittances may not be suitable for the upgraded . A reduction of injection beam emittance relaxes the requirements for injection devices and machine aperture. Since the beam emittance in an electron synchrotron is much smaller in the vertical plane than in the horizontal, where injections are normally implemented, a significant improvement can be made by reducing the horizontal emittance by exchanging the transverse emittances through coupling resonance crossing. We find a meaningful scaling parameter for the quality of the emittance exchange, showing the relationship between coupling strength and crossing speed. Radiative effects are added to investigate the consequences for electron synchrotrons. Finally, we present the first experimental demonstration of transverse emittance exchange in the SLS booster synchrotron.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.020701

I. INTRODUCTION It is preferable for light source upgrade projects to reuse Future storage-ring based synchrotron-radiation light the existing injector complex rather than rebuild a new sources provide high brilliance photon beams for users injector. The last stage of the injector is for most light by applying the multibend achromat (MBA) lattice concept sources a booster synchrotron [3]. It is also planned to reuse to the storage ring to reduce the natural emittance. A the existing injector complex for the Swiss Light Source common side effect of MBA lattices is the small dynamic upgrade (SLS 2.0) at the Paul Scherrer Institute [4]. aperture owing to strong nonlinear required to One of the approaches to reduce the horizontal emittance compensate the large natural chromaticity and higher-order is to run the booster off energy, which results in a damping effects. partition shift and consequently a lower horizontal emit- The small dynamic aperture of the new storage rings tance [5]. Another approach is to set the betatron tunes onto limits the usefulness of the traditional off-axis injection the coupling resonance, leading to a redistribution of the scheme used in existing third generation light sources, and natural emittance equally between the horizontal and injection efficiencies may be significantly below 100%. vertical planes, and has been used for improving injection Possible improvements to the injection may fall into three efficiencies in both proton and electron synchrotrons [5,6]. categories: (1) enlarging the dynamic aperture, (2) making Furthermore, a round-beam operation mode, where the the septum blade thinner, (3) lowering the injection beam natural emittance is equally distributed in the transverse emittance. Another solution would be to apply an on-axis planes, has gained interest and been tested at synchrotron injection [1,2] such that the dynamic aperture requirement light source facilities [7,8]. A third method recently is significantly relaxed. In this study, we pursue the third proposed is to fully exchange the transverse emittances option, i.e., lowering the injection beam emittance. In any by swiftly crossing the coupling difference resonance [9]. case, off-axis or on-axis, the smaller emittance will ease For electron synchrotrons, the horizontal emittance is injection. generally an order of magnitude larger than the vertical emittance, and therefore it can be decreased drastically through an exchange. The concept of emittance exchange *[email protected] by coupling resonance crossing has previously been observed in the CERN machines ISR, AA, and Proton Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of Synchrotron, while the first systematic study was per- the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to formed by Carli and Cyvoct in the CERN Proton the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, Synchrotron Booster [10]. In the latter case, the emittance and DOI. exchange was used in order to measure the horizontal

2469-9888=20=23(2)=020701(13) 020701-1 Published by the American Physical Society J. KALLESTRUP and M. AIBA PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 23, 020701 (2020) emittance in the vertical plane where dispersion is low. We will show how the emittance exchange can be applied to an electron booster synchrotron. Section II gives simulations of off-axis injections into the SLS 2.0 storage ring to further clarify our motivation of the study. Section III briefly introduces the established theory on emittance exchange by coupling resonance crossing. Furthermore, we investigate the adiabatic con- ditions together with the effect of synchrotron radiation on the quality of the exchange. In Sec. IV we introduce the SLS booster and present a demonstration of emittance exchange. Our findings are discussed in Sec. V, and we draw our conclusions in Sec. VI.

II. INJECTION SIMULATIONS The main benefit from emittance exchange in the booster is relaxing the storage ring acceptance required for beam injection, especially for horizontal off-axis injection FIG. 1. Schematic showing the setup for the traditional hori- schemes, which are used in most third generation storage zontal off-axis injection. (a) Kicker bump on during injection. rings. We will show the usefulness of emittance exchange (b) Kicker bump off after injection. The required horizontal for kicker-bump and multipole-kicker injections. We dynamic aperture is given by Eq. (1). Minimizing the horizontal assume a septum thickness of 3 mm in this section, which emittance of the injected beam will greatly reduce the required is a typical value. As mentioned earlier, a thinner septum is aperture. In this figure, the orbit bump height is minimal: it can be another way to make injection easier. We refer to other higher if the kicker bump is stronger but not lower. studies on that matter [11,12]. beam. Figure 2 illustrates the injection into the SLS 2.0 A. Kicker bump injections CDR lattice with emittance exchange (ϵx ¼ 2 nm rad, The conventional injection scheme is based on an ϵy ¼ 10 nm rad) and without (ϵx ¼ 10 nm rad, ϵy ¼ injection septum and a kicker-bump (a series of kicker 2 nm rad). For the simulations we use Ni ¼ Ns ¼ 5 and magnets). The kickers create a temporary orbit bump, S ¼ 3 mm. It is seen that the required aperture is decreased bringing the stored beam close to the septum blade. At from 6 mm to below 5 mm because the injected beam the same time, the injected beam passes the other side of centroid can be closer to the stored beam. The lattice used the septum blade and is, together with the stored beam, for this simulation does not include any machine imper- brought back toward the nominal orbit, while the kicker fections, and the dynamic aperture is slightly more than magnets are turned off. The injection beam will have a 6 mm. However, it deteriorates to 5 mm or less with a small transverse displacement with respect to the nominal typical set of errors [4]. orbit and perform betatron oscillations. Due to synchrotron radiation, the injection beam will slowly damp down toward the nominal orbit and merge with the stored beam. B. Multipole kicker injections The required horizontal dynamic aperture can be defined as Another injection scheme that would benefit from a smaller horizontal emittance is based on the usage of Ax ¼ Nsσx;s þ 2Niσx;i þ S; ð1Þ multipole kickers as pioneered by KEK-PF [13]. Advanced designs are being developed at many facilities where σx;s and σx;i are the horizontal beam size of the stored (see, e.g., [14–19]) and one of them is already being used and injected beam, respectively, and S is the septum blade in nominal operation at the MAX IV 3 GeV ring [20]. thickness. Ns and Ni is the beam clearance in units of σ Here, the injected beam arrives with a transverse offset at a considered for stored and injected beam, respectively. A pulsed multipole kicker . The nonlinear field will schematic drawing showing the required aperture is given then give the injected beam a feed-down dipole kick while in Fig. 1. There is an optimum value of β-function for the the stored beam at the kicker axis will be left essentially injection beam, and thus an arbitrary focusing cannot be unperturbed. At the same time, a feed-down quadrupole applied to make σx;i small. On the other hand, it is obvious defocuses the injection beam. The injection efficiency that decreasing the horizontal emittance of the injection may deteriorate due to the defocusing when the relevant beam leads to a smaller dynamic aperture required since a parameters are tight (see, e.g., [21]). A simulated example smaller injection beam can be placed closer to the stored of the usefulness of emittance exchange in the case of


1 1 = 10 nm 0.8 x = 2 nm x 0.6 0.5 0.4

0.2 0 0

x' [mrad] -0.2

-0.5 -0.4


-0.8 -1 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -1 x [mm] -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (a) (a)

1 0.3 = 2 nm y = 10 nm 0.2 y 0.5 0.1

0 0 y' [mrad] -0.1 x' [mrad]

-0.5 -0.2


-1 -2 -1 0 1 2 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 y [mm] x [mm] (b) (b) FIG. 3. Tracking simulations of a multipole kicker injection FIG. 2. Example of horizontal kicker bump injection into the based on a pulsed sextupole magnet with and without emittance SLS 2.0 storage ring. The first 10 turns in the machine is exchange. The first 10 turns in the machine are included. included. (a) ϵx ¼ 10 nm rad without emittance exchange. (a) Horizontal phase space (b) vertical phase space. The lower (b) ϵx ¼ 2 nm rad with emittance exchange. The required aper- horizontal emittance due to emittance exchange significantly ture is significantly decreased because the injected beam can be reduces the smear of the injected beam in the horizontal phase brought closer to the stored beam. space arising from the kicker magnet defocusing and the strong lattice nonlinearity. a pulsed sextupole kicker injection example is plotted in Fig. 3. The smear of the injected beam is significantly III. THEORY AND SIMULATIONS decreased when emittances are exchanged. The feed-down The coupling of the transverse planes can conveniently quadrupole acts on the injected beam also in the vertical be quantified by the coupling coefficient, for the difference plane. The associated vertical emittance growth is not resonance, as critical since the assumed equilibrium emittance of the I booster is rather low in this simulation. For a multipole qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 −i½ϕ ðsÞ−ϕ ðsÞþsΔ C ¼ − dsK β ðsÞβ ðsÞe x y R ; ð Þ kicker injection with a large emittance booster, a partial 2π s x y 2 emittance exchange may be applied to properly distribute the equilibrium emittance between the horizontal and where Ks is the skew quadrupole component at location s, vertical planes, maximizing the injection efficiency. The βx and βy are β-functions in the horizontal and vertical injection beam Twiss parameters can be matched taking planes, respectively, R is the average radius of the machine, into account the feed-down quadrupole of the multipole and Δ is the separation of the fractional, uncoupled betatron kicker if the injection beam line has the required capabil- tunes defined as ities. However, the injection beam size at the septum tends to be larger to compensate for a rather strong feed-down Δ ¼ Q − Q − l ¼ Qˆ − Qˆ ; ð Þ quadrupole. x y x y 3

020701-3 J. KALLESTRUP and M. AIBA PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 23, 020701 (2020)

ˆ where l is an integer and Qx;y are the fractional parts of incomplete exchange. The crossing speed on the other hand the tunes. When measuring the tunes of a machine with is a measure relative to the coupling coefficient: if the ˆ ˆ nonzero coupling, one does not find Qx and Qy. Instead, the coupling coefficient is small, then a long crossing time will be needed to satisfy the adiabaticity constraint. normal mode tunes, Q1 and Q2, are measured due to the J ψ finite coupling [22] The evolution of the action-angle coordinates, and , for a coupled system when moving the vertical tune to cross qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 1 a linear coupling resonance has previously been described Q ¼ Q ∓ Δ Δ2 þjCj2; ð Þ 1;2 x;y 2 2 4 by Lee et al. in [27]. The following expressions apply to the actions with jCj being the amplitude of the coupling coefficient dJ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi defined in Eq. (2). This equation reveals that the normal x ¼ −2jCj Q Q J J θ ψ ψ ; ð Þ mode tunes cannot cross each other; when Δ ¼ 0 (i.e., dθ x y x y cos sin x cos y 5a ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Qx ¼ Qy)wehaveQ1 − Q2 ¼jCj, and the normal mode pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tunes are separated by a finite stop band of size jCj. The dJy ¼ −2jCj QxQyJxJy cos θ cos ψ x sin ψ y amplitude of the coupling coefficient can therefore be dθ measured from the minimum separation of the fractional Q_ þ y J ð 2ψ − 2ψ Þ: ð Þ parts of the normal mode tunes by step-wise changing the Q y cos y sin y 5b tunes with quadrupoles. This method is commonly known y as the closest-tune approach. We will, for the remainder of this paper, omit the integer part of the tunes such that A dot refers to the time derivative. The original work ˆ includes a damping term for the vertical action, which has Qx;y ¼ Qx;y for simplicity. been excluded here. Dividing Eq. (5b) by jCj leads to

A. Existing treatment dJ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi y ¼ −2 Q Q J J θ ψ ψ The effect of resonances on beam emittances is obvi- dθ jCj x y x y cos cos x sin y ously of great interest in synchrotrons. The classical Q_ J formulas for the sharing of transverse emittance in the y y 2 2 þ ðcos ψ y − sin ψ yÞ: ð6Þ presence of a coupling difference resonance was derived by Qy jCj Guignard for the static case, i.e., without crossing [23].He _ later included radiative effects in context of the Large From this expression we find that a parameter V ≡ Qy=jCj Electron-Positron Collider [22]. (with unit turn−1), which we define as the normalized Following the Proton Synchrotron Booster experimental _ crossing speed, is a more generic parameter than Qy. At the studies of the emittance exchange by resonance crossing, jCj a theoretical description of the phenomena was developed same time, the time step is scaled by on the left-hand in [24]. The beam emittance evolution was derived as a side of the equation. Therefore, an interesting scaling function of jCj and Δ, using the angle between the parameter for the action is found to be laboratory frame axis and the normal mode axis. This _ derivation was later improved through the use of the V Δ S ¼ ¼ : ð7Þ formalism of Hamiltonian resonance driving terms [25]. jCj jCj2 These descriptions are, however, without radiation damp- _ _ ing and for adiabatic crossing and therefore not very useful Here, Q2 is replaced by Δ to include general cases, where for our study. both tunes are moving. The adiabaticity of the crossing is simply described by the scaling parameter, independent of B. Crossing in electron ring the accelerator lattice details. In this subsection we investigate resonance crossings in To show that this is indeed the case, we have simulated electron rings with emphasis on adiabaticity and radiative an emittance exchange with various values of S. S is effects. The simulation results shown here are for the SLS changed by modifying jCj and Δ_ , keeping an initial and booster (see Sec. IVA for details). final value of jΔj¼10jCj. A high value of jΔj is preferred to minimize the emittance oscillations induced due to the 1. Adiabaticity finite coupling. The results are shown in Fig. 4, where R When treating particle motion near resonances, the the quality of the exchange is quantified with the ratio concept of adiabaticity becomes important [26]. The defined as changes to the emittances must remain adiabatic during ϵ − ϵ the coupling resonance crossing in order to obtain a full R ¼ 1 − x;end y;0 ; ð Þ ϵ − ϵ 8 exchange. Crossing the resonance too fast will lead to an x;0 y;0


0.020 1 10.0

0.018 0.9 9.0

0.8 0.016 8.0 0.7 0.014 7.0 0.6 0.012 6.0 0.5 |C| 0.010 5.0 0.4 0.008 4.0 0.3 0.006 3.0 0.2 2.0 0.004 0.1 1.0 0.002 0 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 0.0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

FIG. 4. Quality of emittance exchange as a function of the (a) scaling parameter for the SLS booster lattice. 1.0 ϵ 0.9 where x;end is the horizontal emittance after the exchange 0.8 and ϵx;0 and ϵy;0 are the horizontal and vertical emittances before the exchange, respectively. A full emittance 0.7 ϵ ¼ ϵ R ¼ 1 0.6 exchange ( x;end y;0) corresponds to . An initial particle distribution is created using a random 0.5 number generator and matched to the lattice. The particles 0.4 are tracked using linear one-turn maps. Since the coupling 0.3 is included in the linear map and the particle distribution is 0.2 bounded for the crossing of linear difference resonance, the 0.1 nonlinearity of the lattice is not important for our simu- 0.0 lations; we checked this by comparing with element-by- -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 element tracking including sextupoles. The one-turn map is modified each turn to include the dynamic process of the (b) resonance crossing. The emittances are evaluated after each turn by calculating the determinant of the covariance matrix FIG. 5. Simulated effect of radiation on the emittance exchange of the particle distribution in the laboratory coordinate. process. After the resonance crossing (Δ > 0) the emittances are For information, all simulations are performed using the out of equilibrium, and the radiation damping and quantum Accelerator Toolbox. [28]. excitations will attempt to restore the equilibrium. The dotted line R˜ ¼ 0 95 The results show that S is indeed a proper scaling shows the point when . for the undamped case, which is when Δ ¼ 2.1jCj. The simulation is made using the SLS booster parameter to describe the adiabaticity of the exchange. The 12 7 103 jCj lattice using 3400 turns with damping times of . × turns quality of the emittance exchange is constant over for a 20 6 103 S S > 3 and . × turns in the horizontal and vertical plane, given . For larger crossing speeds ( ) the quality of respectively, and S ¼ 0.5 and jCj¼0.01. the exchange quickly drops off, meaning that the crossing has become nonadiabatic. The upper right corner (high S and high jCj) is not interesting for us. This is due to the fact emittance exchange with and without radiative effects for that to have a large value of both S and jCj, one must a parameter set of jCj¼0.01 and S ¼ 0.5, which corre- perform the crossing in only a few turns, which is irrelevant sponds to ≈3400 turns. The damping times are 12.7 × at least for booster synchrotrons. From this investigation, 103 turns and 20.6 × 103 turns in the horizontal and we set the first condition to achieve a good quality vertical plane, respectively, for the uncoupled lattice. S < 3 emittance exchange: . The results are plotted in Fig. 5. Due to the radiative effects, the optimum extraction 2. Radiative effects point, where the highest R is achieved, is no longer far When transverse emittance exchange is performed in an away from the resonance. Instead, a compromise between electron synchrotron, the emittances will be out of equi- the effect of exchanging emittances and the damping librium and the synchrotron radiation damping and quan- must be found. On the one hand, the emittance exchange tum excitation will lead to a cancellation of the emittance has to be almost completed when extracted. On the other exchange after some time. The effect starts to appear hand, the earlier extraction is preferable to minimize immediately after Δ ¼ 0. To show this, we simulate the the radiative effect. The former sets a condition for the

020701-5 J. KALLESTRUP and M. AIBA PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 23, 020701 (2020)

0.020 1 1.0 0.018 0.9

0.8 0.016 0.8 0.7 0.014 0.6 0.012 0.6 0.5 |C| 0.010 0.4 0.008 0.4 0.3 0.006 0.2 0.2 0.004 0.1

0.002 0 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 0.0 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105

FIG. 6. Quality of emittance exchange as a function of the scaling parameter for the SLS booster lattice including radiative Δ ¼ 2 1jCj FIG. 8. Deterioration of the emittance exchange due to radi- effects. Extraction happens for ext . . ˜ ation damping as a function of τxV=A. R is divided by R, the undamped emittance exchange quality. jΔ j >AjCj A extraction timing: end with being a constant. For instance A ¼ 2.1 prevents us from extracting the beam A A ¼ ≪ τ; ð Þ too early, as R reaches 0.95 when the damping time is V jCjS 9 infinitely long. This is the second condition to achieve A Δ ¼ 0 a quality emittance exchange. The latter will require a since V is the time between and the beam extraction. selection of parameters and set another condition. Therefore, we find contours τjCj¼const: in Fig. 7 where A plot similar to Fig. 4 but this time with radiation and A and S are constant. Δ ¼ 2 1jCj Furthermore, we find that the effect of the damping ext . is shown in Fig. 6. This plot shows that the region for achieving a good emittance exchange is for on the emittance exchange can be generalized. First, we R 1 ≤ S ≤ 3. The lower cut is due to the radiative effect, normalize with the value without radiation damping, ˜ whereas the higher cut is due to the adiabaticity constraint. denoted by R. Second, we normalize the product τV, To further explore the effect of damping (the lower cut), which is found from the inequality Eq. (9),byA.The ˜ the simulation is repeated for various horizontal damping second normalization is based on the fact that R − R is times and coupling coefficients but for a constant S ¼ 1. approximately proportional to A. This results in approx- The damping time is varied by changing the beam energy imately a single curve of the normalized R as a function while keeping the normalized strengths of the lattice of τV=A (Fig. 8). magnets. The result is shown in Fig. 7. To achieve a From Fig. 8, we can find the last condition to achieve a quality emittance exchange, the normalized crossing speed quality emittance exchange. For instance, τV=A > 30 should fulfill achieves a normalized R of about 0.95. Since the second condition, A>2.1jCj, ensures R>˜ 0.95, the normalized R is approximately (the unnormalized) R. 105 1 0.9 IV. MEASUREMENTS 0.8 A. SLS booster 0.7

0.6 SLS pioneered the innovative booster synchrotron

104 design with a circumference similar to the storage ring R = 0.90 0.5 [turns]

x mounted to the inner tunnel wall with relatively weak 0.4 R = 0.85 and inexpensive magnets. Such a full-scale booster is 0.3 R = 0.80 capable of providing an emittance comparable to the (third 0.2 generation) storage rings [29]. The design has gained R = 0.70 0.1 popularity and has since been replicated elsewhere 103 0 [30–32]. The lattice consists of FODO cells with primary 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 focusing from two combined-function dipole families. Three quadrupole families are placed in the matching FIG. 7. Quality of emittance exchange for various values of the section to enable betatron tune adjustment and to suppress horizontal damping time and coupling for a fixed value of S ¼ 1 dispersion in long straight sections, where the injection Δ ¼ 2 1jCj and ext . . septum and rf cavity is located. The dipole families


14 1

x z x

7 0.5 [m] dispersion [m]

0 0 0 1020304050607080

QF s [m] QF

FIG. 9. Optical functions of a SLS Booster superperiod equal to one third of the ring circumference. The regular FODO cell optics is modulated to ease the matching and dispersion suppression into the straight section. The positions of the QF quadrupoles used for tune changes are marked in red. include a sextupole gradient for a rough chromaticity B. Booster characterization correction. Two sextupole families are installed for com- 1. Implementation of resonance crossing plete correction and compensation of additional sextupole components arising from eddy currents [33]. Optical We first characterized the booster in determine how to implement a coupling resonance crossing. The betatron functions for one superperiod are shown in Fig. 9.The Δ main parameters of the SLS booster are listed in Table I. tune separation, , is of utmost importance for the Both the SLS storage ring and booster are equipped crossing, and therefore the tunes are measured along with digital magnet power supplies. In the case of theramptogainanunderstandingofthemachineunder the booster, this leads to great flexibility compared to operation conditions. To measure the tunes along the ramp boosters using white circuits and enables ad-hoc mod- we must excite coherent betatron oscillations. We use the ifications of the magnet ramping. The full ramping is extraction kicker (operating at a low current to apply a controllable in 4000 ramp steps; the first 2000 steps reasonable kick to the beam) at different delays to measure define the behavior of the beam before extraction the tunes along the ramp. The beam oscillations are while the remaining 2000 steps are for ramping down. measured using a turn-by-turn capable beam position monitor (BPM). A waterfall plot of the FFT spectrum Each ramp step is approximately 88 beam turns, of BPM readings for different times during the ramp can providing good resolution of the optics control along be seen in Fig. 10. The measurements revealed that the the ramp. Although the horizontal emittance is at the working point was close to the coupling shortly after 10 nm level in the SLS booster, an emittance exchange will still be effective to reduce the horizontal emittance 0.50 significantly.

0.45 TABLE I. Physical SLS Booster specifications and design beam dynamics parameters at 2.4 GeV. 0.40 Injection energy 0.1 GeV Extraction energy 2.4 GeV 0.35 Circumference 270.0 m Repetition rate 3.1 Hz rf frequency 500 MHz 0.30 No. of superperiods 3 … ϵ 9 6=0 05 0.25 x;y . . nm rad 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 νx;y 12.41=8.38 … Turns before extraction 104 Energy spread 7.5 × 10−4 … Damping time 11.4=18.5=13.4 ms FIG. 10. FFT spectra of turn-by-turn beam position after 3 3 3 coherent betatron oscillations are excited by a kicker as a function 12.7 × 10 =20.6 × 10 =14.9 × 10 turns of turns before extraction. The measured tunes are visible as black Revolution period 0.9 μs lines.

020701-7 J. KALLESTRUP and M. AIBA PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 23, 020701 (2020)

0.50 TABLE II. QF quadrupole family parameters.

0.45 No. of magnets 6 … Magnetic length 0.4 m −1 0.40 Maximum gradient 16 Tm Maximum current 140 A Maximum ramping speed 1600=1.44 As−1=mA turn−1 0.35 βx;y 10.1=2.64 m αx;y −2.67=0.286 … 0.30 ηx;y 0=0 m

0.25 95.5 96.0 96.5 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 QF current [A] nondispersive sections, and thus the dispersion suppres- sion is not spoiled by changing their strengths. Important FIG. 11. FFT of beam motion at the top of the ramp for different parameters of the QF family are listed in Table II.The currents of the QF family. The horizontal fractional normal mode ramping pattern of the QF family is modified according tune changes from 0.325 to 0.450 when changing the QF current to Fig. 11: We estimate that a quick quadrupole sweep I ¼ 95 5 from QF . A to 99.3 A. The smallest tune separation is from I ¼ 98 Adownto95Awouldbesuitable,i.e., I ¼ 97 25 QF reached around QF . A revealing a coupling coefficient jCj¼0 019 the final tunes are out of the stop band. Before the quick amplitude of . I sweep, QF is slowly brought to the initial point of 98 A. To ensure that the quadrupole power supplies injection into the booster, while being separated at follow accordingly, we limit the requested ramping extraction with fractional tunes Q1 ¼ 0.465 and Q2 ¼ speed to 80% of the maximum value listed in Table II. 0.365. Next, we applied a closest-tune approach to With this, a crossing is done in approximately 2.4 ms, a measure the coupling coefficient jCj of the booster “as factor 4 less than the damping time. constructed”, i.e., including unavoidable machine imper- Figure 12 shows the modified QF-family ramp pattern fections. The change in tunes, ΔQ, and change of quadru- together with the nominal one. The resulting tunes along pole strengths, ΔK, are related as the ramp are shown in Fig. 13. As expected, we find that the Q1 normal mode tune is moved toward Q2 before the 4πΔQ ΔK ≈ P ; ð10Þ crossing happens. The measurement does not give a good iβili resolution of the tunes after the crossing; the number of turns available for FFT after the exchange is limited. where βi and li refers to the average β-function over and Therefore we cannot see from Fig. 13 whether the crossing the length of quadrupole i, respectively. The sign depends is completed. We are sure, however, that it is the case from on the plane (positive for the horizontal plane and negative the closest-tune measurement and due to the aforemen- for the vertical plane), and, similarly, the βi is either the tioned 20% margin to the ramp speed. With these values we horizontal or vertical β-function. The closest tune can be well measured by varying the quadrupole strength of the 100 100

QF quadrupole family alone, since the working point of 90 98 the booster is close to the coupling resonance and the 80 96 horizontal β-function at QF quadrupoles is rather high. The betatron tunes were measured for various currents 70 94 of the QF family at the flat-top. A waterfall plot of the 60 92 FFT spectra of the beam motion is plotted as a function of 50 90 40 88 QF-family current in Fig. 11. From these measurements Regular ramp

QF current [A] QF current [A] Emittance exchange ramp we find a coupling coefficient of the booster of jCj¼ 30 86 0.019. 20 84

10 82

0 80 2. Implementation of resonance crossing 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 Given the preparatory measurements, we use the QF Ramp steps Ramp steps family for a crossing; a resonance crossing was actually FIG. 12. QF-quadrupole family ramp to achieve emittance achieved during the above closed-tune measurement exchange. Nominal ramp is also shown for comparison. A short I < 97 3 ( QF . A). However, we must properly control the flat-top at 98 A is followed by a quick drop to 95 A over the last crossing speed, as discussed in Sec. III. Another argument 30 ramp steps, leading to coupling resonance crossing. Left: Full is that, as shown in Fig. 9, QF quadrupoles are located in ramp comparison. Right: Zoom of the modified part of the ramp.


0.50 significant. With this proviso, the changes in the beam sizes approximately correspond to the changes in emittances. 0.45 The ratio of the emittances in either plane before/after the exchange can be found as 0.40 σ2 − ðη ΔpÞ2 ϵ0 0 p ¼ ð11Þ 0.35 ϵ σ2 − ðη ΔpÞ2 end end p

0.30 ϵ σ ϵ σ where 0, 0, end and end are the emittances and beam sizes before and after the exchange, η is the dispersion at 0.25 Δp 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 the OTR screen and p is the momentum spread. Dispersion Turns before extraction 104 is measured by shifting the rf frequency of the booster by 2 FIG. 13. Tune measurement along booster ramp with emittance kHz, while measuring the displacement of the beam on exchange. The horizontal tune is brought close to the vertical one the OTR screen. The dispersion is then given by during the last ≈2500 turns. The beam is extracted shortly after Δx Δx the coupling resonance crossing to obtain the full emittance η ¼ ¼ ; ð Þ Δp Δf 12 exchange. rf 1 p frf αc

Δf achieve a scaling parameter of S ≈ 0.15, leading to a where rf is the relative rf frequency shift and αc is the frf placement in the upper left corner of Fig. 6. With these design momentum compaction factor. Inserting the mea- parameters we do not expect to achieve a perfect emittance sured beam sizes before and after the exchange together exchange. We discuss this further in Sec. V. with the measured dispersions and the design values for the momentum spread leads to C. Beam size measurements ϵx;0 The effect of the emittance exchange is confirmed by ¼ 4 2; ϵ . measuring how the beam sizes change during the resonance x;end ϵy; crossing. We extract the beam and measure the beam sizes end ¼ 4.4: using an optical transition radiation (OTR) screen in the ϵy;0 booster-to-storage ring transfer line. The measurement was performed for various extraction timings to trace the beam The correlation between the decrease in horizontal sizes as they vary during the crossing. Results are presented emittance and increase in vertical emittance is strikingly in Fig. 14. It is clearly seen that the horizontal beam size good: the horizontal decreases by a factor 4.2 while the decreases whereas the vertical one increases. Since the vertical increases by a factor 4.4. The results are sensitive to fractional parts of the tunes are only slightly varied during both beam position and size measurements together with the crossing, the changes in the booster optics may not be the exact value of the energy spread, which in this case is taken to be the design value. Since the injection efficiency into the SLS storage ring is 500 400 normally close to 100%, we do not find any effect of the

450 emittance exchange on the injection efficiency. 350 Another set of beam size measurements, however, has

400 been performed on the beam injected into the storage 300 ring to further confirm the results obtained through the m] m] 350 x [ [ measurements in the transfer line. It is done by measuring y

x y 250 the captured beam current as a function of a horizontal 300 scraper position. The results are shown in Fig. 15.Itis

200 evident that the horizontal scraper can be inserted much 250 closer to the closed orbit of the stored beam when the emittance exchange is activated. A Q-function can be fit 200 150 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 to the captured beam current as a function of scraper t-t [turns] ext position:   FIG. 14. Beam size measurements for various extraction kicker 1 1 x − μ QðxÞ¼ − pffiffiffi ; ð Þ delays. The beam sizes are measured with an OTR screen 2 2 erf 13 installed in the booster-to-ring transfer line. σx 2

020701-9 J. KALLESTRUP and M. AIBA PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 23, 020701 (2020)

Normal The dipole magnets in the SLS booster have a gradient, 1.0 Q-function fit Emittance exchange leading to a damping partition shift. This means that, as Q-function fit 0.8 the tune separation is decreased, the damping times will also change. At the coupling resonance the transverse

0.6 damping partition numbers and damping times will become equal, given that the emittance is equalized there.

0.4 An effect is that Fig. 6, which is calculated for the SLS booster lattice, will be slightly different for other lattices, where the damping partitions are not shifted, and one 0.2 Injected Normalized Current τ ¼ τ can assume that before after. Our measurements of the emittance exchange indicate 0.0 that a near-full emittance exchange was possible in the SLS 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32 booster. Accounting for the measured dispersion, we have Horizontal scraper position [mm] deduced that the horizontal emittance is decreased approx- imately by a factor 4 and a similar factor for the vertical FIG. 15. Measurement of normalized injected current when the emittance increase. horizontal aperture is limited by a scraper in the storage ring. The From the closest tune approach measurement we found scraper can be inserted significantly more when the emittance the scaling parameter of the performed emittance exchange exchange technique is applied. to be S ≈ 0.15. With a coupling coefficient of jCj¼0.019, τV=A ≈ 16 Δ ¼ 2 1jCj even if we take ext . , and thus we did which leads to an estimate of the horizontal beam size, not expect a perfect emittance exchange. From the scaling σx, at the scraper position. The ratio between the beam curve (Fig. 8), R ≈ 0.85. The measured value of R is sizesisfoundas estimated using the design value for the horizontal emit- σ tance and the previously measured value for the vertical x;0 ¼ 2 3; emittance, 9.6 nm and 2 nm [29], respectively, and the σ . x;EE measured ratio of the emittances before/after the exchange. R ¼ 0 96 σ σ Based on this, we estimate . of the measured where x;0 and x;EE is the horizontal beam size at the exchange. The result is slightly better than the value that scraper position with and without emittance exchange, the scaling curve suggested. The difference is attributed to respectively. This value is comparable to what was found a number of factors. First, the ratio R can be better at through the measurement presented in Fig. 14, but cannot A>2.1 when the radiation damping time is relatively be directly compared since the dispersion function at the long. In the experiment, we optimized the extraction time scraper position has not been measured. that resulted in the best R. Second, the measured value of R is prone to systematic errors in the measurement of the V. DISCUSSION dispersion and the beam size. Finally, the previously Our studies of the quality of the emittance exchange in measured vertical emittance of the booster may not be Sec. III B revealed that the suggested scaling parameter, an exact value since it was measured only from the beam S, very well describes the emittance exchange ratio in size assuming the design optics. Exact value of the Eq. (8). The inclusion of radiative effects lead to a emittances have not yet been found through the regular reduction of the values of S and jCj interesting for the quadrupole scan technique due to a relatively high dis- practical application of the emittance exchange. We have persive contribution, both horizontally and vertically, to proposed three conditions to achieve a good emittance the beam size. Methods to achieve an accurate measure- exchange, which can be summarized as: (i) S < 3, ment are currently under development. τV (ii) A>2.1, (iii) A > 30. The first condition requires The exchange can potentially be improved in two ways: that the scaling parameter must not be too high, since that (1) increasing the quadrupole power supply ramping speed would lead to nonadiabaticity of the resonance crossing, or (2) reducing the coupling coefficient. The second option and therefore a deterioration of the emittance exchange. is more straightforward for the SLS booster. Studies are Second, the extraction should happen far away from the currently ongoing as to decrease jCj slightly with the resonance to ensure a full exchange has been achieved. expectation of an improved emittance exchange. Δ > 2 1jCj R ¼ 0 95 ext . is the value that leads to . ,whichwe The advantage of the emittance exchange was visualized define as a good emittance exchange. Finally, the emit- using a horizontal scraper in the storage ring, and seeing tance exchange deterioration due to radiation damping how far the scraper could be inserted before injection was is kept to less than 5% by τV=A > 30; this together with deteriorated. With the emittance exchange, the scraper condition (ii) ensures an emittance exchange quality could be inserted significantly further. This measurement of R>0.9. showed the applicability of emittance exchange for storage

020701-10 EMITTANCE EXCHANGE IN ELECTRON BOOSTER … PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 23, 020701 (2020) rings with small horizontal dynamic aperture and horizontal VI. CONCLUSION off-axis injection. This measurement also gave us an We have studied transverse emittance exchange by estimate of the beam size ratio with and without emittance crossing the coupling differences resonance in an electron exchange. In future studies we plan to do the same booster synchrotron, with the goal of relaxing the injection measurements with vertical scrapers. This measurement into next-generation storage-ring-based light sources. is relevant for the usage of minigap undulators. The requirements on the horizontal dynamic aperture of Several existing light sources plan to upgrade their the storage ring for successful capture of the injected beam storage rings in the near future (e.g., [34,35]) while are relaxed when the horizontal emittance of the injected maintaining their existing injector complex with only beam is decreased. The immediate benefit is shown for few modifications to reduce downtime, complexity and two off-axis injection schemes: kicker-bump and multipole costs of the upgrade projects. Their present boosters deliver kicker injection. ≥50 beam of high ( nm rad) horizontal emittance (e.g., The concept of adiabaticity has been investigated in the [36,37]), which may restrict their injection efficiencies. frame of the resonance crossing. We have found a scaling By applying emittance exchange through the coupling parameter for the quality of the emittance exchange that resonance crossing technique, these facilities might bring connects the coupling of the machine, the resonance down their horizontal emittances by a factor 10 or more, crossing speed and the quality of the emittance exchange. thereby possibly improving the injection efficiency into the Simulations of emittance exchange including synchrotron upgraded rings and/or relaxing technical requirements and radiation and quantum diffusion have been performed. tolerances. Radiative effects will partly cancel the effect of the While injection into some storage rings can benefit from emittance exchange, and extraction shortly after the reso- a full emittance exchange, others might be limited by a nance crossing is needed in order not to spoil the emittance small vertical aperture, either physical or dynamic. The exchange. We find a set of general conditions necessary to optimum value of R must be found through simulations. achieve a quality emittance exchange in electron rings. The emittance exchange scheme can provide a value of Finally, we have successfully demonstrated the concept of R>0.5 by changing the point of exchange along the ramp emittance exchange by coupling resonance crossing in the R<0 5 or the extraction time. If . is optimum it is, however, SLS booster. The coupling of the machine was measured Δ better to fix the tunes with a constant that provides the using the closest tune approach and found to be jCj¼0.019. R correct value of . With this coupling we did not need to introduce additional High-energy boosters, which typically have damping skew quadrupole components in the ring. The resonance times of a few milliseconds, will require both high coupling crossing has been performed by swiftly moving the working and fast quadrupole power supplies to limit deteriorating point across the coupling difference resonance using one radiation effects. In those cases, a compromise between the quadrupole family. We found that emittance exchange was emittance exchange ratio and the technological constraints indeed possible and a factor 4.2 (4.4) decrease (increase) in of the power supply must be found. Another approach is to horizontal (vertical) emittance was measured. Furthermore, simply stay at the difference coupling resonance to reach an the impact of a smaller horizontal emittance on the injection emittance exchange ratio of R ≈ 0.5, as done in, e.g., [5,6], into aperture-limited storage ring was demonstrated using a thereby imposing no requirements to quadrupole power horizontal scraper in the SLS. supplies. From our studies in Sec. III B 2 of the emittance ACKNOWLEDGMENTS exchange ratio for a machine including damping we saw that substantial coupling may be needed to perform The authors thank P. Kuske and M. Böge for useful emittance exchange. If the natural coupling of the booster discussions on the beam dynamics of emittance exchange is not significant, it might be necessary to introduce for electron synchrotrons and coupling resonance crossing. coupling by installing a skew quadrupole or simply rotating The authors are grateful to C. Özkan for providing technical an existing quadrupole. support for diagnostics during experiments. We would like If the natural machine coupling is low and power to thank T. Schietinger for proofreading this manuscript. supplies are limited in ramping speed, a completely differ- ent alternative to the tune coupling resonance crossing is to use a π-pulsed skew as suggested in [9]. Here, the tunes are moved onto the coupling resonance; [1] M. 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