p | . . . | 'Florida to ' Games : | City Johnson Given |H Wills ills to Olympic . : Mireeree NewNew Grid|Gri Game Is Diamond Dust |- Construct Stadium & } Harry Racquet Big \ Meet Fi on -—_——-—-—-—-—-———_'_J ' St Petersburyg, Fia, will con‘ - Big Boost by irpo . . Coaches on Coast | Theygave Babe Ruth & harmonics struet & 330,000 stadium and in it the| | s i | by Ceremonies at Delanco the other day after he had Three new football coaches will Ilth ho in A ! | Yanks have agreed to perform thelr , Ruth Himself || .~ September make thelr Thing hit & home run. It should be ex. debut this fafl in Pa- ~ Antipodes | stunts next || July 28.-The Olympiec "apring training for the YORK, July YORK, July 28.—The much- loss than afic Coast Conference schools. PMUS. plained that is considerubly 'six yoars. This year the Yunks 2(.—-"\\’uuri | "NL\\' games of 1924 were brought te Nl&\\'Juhinson discussed bout betweem Harnry the Hambino for is the ideal pitcher, says Glen Warner, Ithe vet !: With Stars usually gets hitting | tralned st New Orleans. ‘ “Pop™ | Brookes Young Tennis an end | SRR NSR SR Rl s Pleased officially with impressive homers. L Babe Ruth, baseball's greatest slug- | eran Pittsburg University coach, | | Wills, negro beavywelght, and lLuis Norman il @ Are ceromonies, the winners, will tuke over the reigns at Stan- !,\ngvl the the " Up in Figured Olympic | | Firpo, wild bull of Coming l l.lnl not deserve il, handed the lcm! as | of the fans ford, at Amlt)nlga;Manchmenavi who remained, carrying fags and Ed. Vail, dean bhaseball Prior his | | Pumpas, will be staged Boyle's Team in Meet 3 1o Brazil, to reign as the “King | of! Jim Tough | Matlock, former Michigan| en _as Davis French pollus for Wichita, Kan., gives a dollar W 98 | 30 Acrea in Jersey Uty Thur | carrying fNags Ruth was |ln Q’ Swat,” the premier south. { star, succeeds “Shy* Huntington & home | it was an- | those who departed. Haron Couber. every lJocal player hitting day night, September 11, July 28.—Uncle Sam will have an excellent | Hervafter no more fines will be as. al Uregon. YORK, it s est) paw pitcher of the American leugue, | tin, president of the inter In the last 20 years nounced hers yesterday by 'Tex to the field Olympile ’nm. [ sensed viekitors of the rules of the “BIff" this coming look over mated Vail has about All of which qualifies him a 3 an Schessinge~ is the new Rickard, month Dationsl committee, handed out the given away assoclation, President ex. opportunity American mentor at O, A. the and see what is our SSOO rum C, taking || challengers it team prises, diplomas and medals, and an for home announced. pert in judging pitchers There is a possibility that the cup just - Hickey has Instead, sus. place left ‘Davis - - vacant by the resigna |’ to what sports call the driounced the achievements thru & will be handed Prince of Wales will attend the to beat keep writers “coveted pensions out, “The funs think ozly of Johnson's tion of Dick Ruthorford, | ouwd speaker Cannons boomed, in the AL R i fight, Rickard declared. » After u breilliant eareer both - .- . over the winter, as a as a in this country | speed pitcher, when A of trumpets sounded and the youth of majors and Coust league, Jun Scoll, Igm! S —————————————— The price tickets will range tennis stars than ever before are gathered Sam Agnew, Seal cateher, whe is of fact s the lln-z % foreign all pations were lnvited to Amster. Seal pltcher, resigned last matter he most from 32 to $25. the Lig five inflelders with him Bt. Luke's " @ for matches of one sort or another, elimination dam for the next Olympiand in 1928, his baseball il st hospital in San ished allround performer iln the working. the East week and hung uwp unl Francisco, I» doing nicely, his phys. “Unlike most great pitchers, Ii - nationals and all sorts of invitation ferm for good n‘)or leagues, ’ John- the - - Clubs - Sam b in Lg - » wclans reported, suffering son Is a fine Eight i “With his speed, Johnson hus a batsman. He hits ‘em Midwick . . lournu-i Is an sitack of appendicitis, Team from a good slow ball and Tramsferring a fine from one player [tine curve, a hurd and is dangerous in the pinch, Colored Circuit round for the Davis Cup will be played at| S« 5 g challenge Defeated in 'great change of pace. That's The at Polo anpother is an unusual affulr averages show him around the 12 and 13. to The Negro Nationul League of Cricket club, September 11, NEW but that s what Marty Griffin, the sandlotter the enough for any pitcher, 300 mark. she Germantown | YORK, July 25.-The Mid baseball ecircles, of Baseball clubs is mpade up of Kansas serious now comes from weelk. had Bay who pitches for the Coast “Incidentally, Johnson is “That Is 1 the most challenge Aus- wick Country eclub of California's Prexy Willkams did last He City, probably why call Johnson the (Mo.) Monaxchs, Chicago, De- in looked polo team lost to an aggregution of fine of 320 tg Poole, but upunj champlons, was used three games the best flelding plicher In the ideal pitcher. He do M:rtho to us the French strongest. The Aus-| given & can everything I(mytroit, Birmingham, Bt. Louis, Cleve. tralia, that Pools A one series recently. Americun well glians Eastern polo stars Sunday 12 to 9, ifivestigation and learning league. Washington bas " land, have just voted to expend 14,000 pounds on a new| Cuban Btars and Memphis. dium for tennis at Rushcutter's bay, where their national| and—they hope—international events, such as! i take place if they won l.‘lzo'aL .l|)au'is.L Cup, can be staxed.% the Australlan ** of The Star’s | While team/ Daily Doings Funny Folks °. :.may not carry home the cup| (Major Notes )Ithis season, the Antipodeans 'are looking to the future. eonigar eyRy MOM'N POP Bubbles BY TAYLOR "-?y'o hero—tLieorge Nialer's home 'BROOKES LIKES Blowing wilh Twa on -’.... elghth, breaking YOUNG STARS and letting the Browns w ‘..“. | Norman Brookes, the i:.nn- the Red Sox veleran {who partnered the late war hero, in the Parnes halied the Cards | Wilding, and who showed a flash v \irgt! hit and after being hard, Saaings jof his old form In the recent all ched thelr bingles to good England champlonships at Wimble idon, I a great booster for the last of the i - behindin the younger players on the Australian then the l‘:.rrn.l-u-..r "“?h”." out, [team. Schelsinger, Brookes bases says, is “the White Sox paraded the of the Yanks |"one of ’'s most promising i Shawkey and Gaston ": wnable to stop Lhe home team |players, with the right tempera- fom wianing. Ttod !men! for big events.” Kalms, he lt'onddrn “an extraordiparily fine l:l?ho in the pinches i Meoker of great promise.” It is ‘wad Whe lu'rm:- beat the Tigers { to 2 ‘phyer ‘hopod that Brookes himself may Rebins and “"vgd a Sanday twin iplay besides Wood and Patterson. the beating '-,M dominating firet, The French got away to a Rixey in | great $ to 1: while fhone w this season. For f(irst went to the Vvisitors {start the e which secend. we had the spectacie of iwi ’mm-. two | Frenchmen as finalists in the victery **M his eighth sut {world's singles champlonship at the whe defeated ofatoe for Senatera, Wimbledon, Barring Indlans, 4 19 3 o and possibdy little RBilly Johnston, Yesterday's Home Runs ‘lthere i not a better player on the 8 1...... 0 ciaate courts than , , Browns, today L & :übx. ssssassssccnscasces Reno Lacoste is another star of the| e first magnitude, and Cochet, a third .-O‘ll—l Leaders | {member of France's Davis Cup (team, will test our best, s ‘ L FRENCH PLAYERS | BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Poor Boy! BY MARTIN GOING GOOD 3 4 B - ocnecioonnsnnenanse M There is something in the French {temparament that makes them Park Wins great In victory; that made the Meadow poilus fight irresistibly when going - From Jefferson forward; that makey Lenglen and P' ICarpentier triumphant when they The Meadow Park golf team of Ta- got a start. France's tennis wma defeated the Jefferson FPark play- jers have got their start this year. “\uamof Seattle on the Tacoma links of their Httle. 30. feature of the’Two comparatively Y, 44 to The women players fought their. ‘geet was the tieing of the course |known {way to the semifinals at the Olym- | meord by Gordon Haw, Seattle cham- ples enthely on the crest of pen, cn- with a 68. thusiasm for tennis aroused by vie. v: tories of ¥ . - Borotra and Lacoste at A Aust Win Wimbledon. - and 5 Yankee Pair France England struggled for 'Over the advantage in the European zone ' YORK, July 28.—Gezald Pat. {tie this year, the winner crossing m and Pat O"Hara Wood of the {for the final elimination here. ralian Davis cup team defeated | In addition to Frunceand Aus Americans, in @ Kinsey brothers, jtralia, we have the Chinese Davis for the s , finals Metropoli- "|Cup team, the Mexican Davis Cup {B 9-7, 6-3, 6-4. championship, team, the Cubans, Japanese, Cuna- N——— dians and South and even - Africans, {, " Cummings Sets Jamalica petitioned for the privilege M of entering a team of her own, - New Course Record LT PAUL, July 28.-Miss Edith - - - 'William Tilden in Semmngy of Chicago, woman's na- - - OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS THE OLD HOME TOWN BY STANLEY a2l aamteur golf champion, broke | California Meet at the White Bear club e record | LOS ANGELES, July 28.—With (e withscore of 79. The former & William T. Tilden, leading tennis ex- fman’s record was $9 and man's | of the as its dominating 72, pert country, e is figure, play for the California net champlonship opened Monday at the Johnny Evers Is | Los Angeles Tennly club. 0 . " Given Suspension - Ivan Parke to Ride LCHICAGO, July 28.—John (“'Fight. . Jawn'') Evers, (% maanger of the ~ for Harry Whitney (Wiite Sox, is suffering a threeday CINCINNATI, July 28~lvan Mpension because he blamed the : | Purke, one of Kentucky's leading (W for an umpire’s decision. weather | jockeys, has signed a contract to 5

T . ride for Harry Payne Whitney's tverett Leads in stables. He will leave for Saratoga § N.W. League Race this week. * BVERETT, July 2% —Everett took | ST. PAUL, July 28—A bhananet Slitmer gripon the top place in the [ willbe given by the White Bear 2 Washington league Sun- | Yacht elub Tuesday evening in honor &7 by an impreasive 11.t0-2 victory 'l of Harrison It Johnston, who won Vernon. Western amateur golf champlon- (M Mount Ferguson | {the |#ched &nice game for the winners. A ship Saturday.