Right now, this is the most important topic in the world. On the web they discuss the fact that the neutron star Nemesis, also called Planet X, has appeared behind the , noticed on some photos. Let me have a closer look at this with my knowledge and some important clues. This picture appeared on the Internet, there are two , a binary star system. The picture is very interesting, and it is a good idea to have a closer look at it, to analyse it from a scientific point of view, especially this detail.

1 2 3

Picture 1 depicts the Sun, we can easily see it. Picture 2 is again a picture of the Sun, but behind it is a detail of an object. Picture 3 shows us a round star/neutron star behind the Sun.

4 5 6

In Pictures 4, 5 and 6 the Sun throws light upon the neutron star which reflects the rays, se see one additional object. This very part is interesting. Why does the neutron star reflect the rays from the Sun and why is there an additional object behind the neutron star? This is how I interpret the situation:

This UFO picture depicts ’The Battle of Los Angeles”, The picture demonstrates how the Sun throws light upon, 1942. reflects and affects the neutron star. But the neutron star’s If we zoom in and adjust the light and contrast we may magnetic field is much stronger and does not admit the light see a condensation in that part of the photo. This might from the Sun, it rejects it. indicate that there is something there, but we cannot detect its shape. It could be moving, it could be We can also clearly see that the same solar light which transparent. – Analysing the photo seems to have surrounds the Sun comes from behind the neutron star, i.e. from between the Sun and the neutron star. This reflection created more questions and mysteries. People have also noticed that some search lights seem to pass right from the neutron star is shown by a circular light from the Sun. through the object, but some are rejected. Scientists

have analysed this aspect for years now. – Is there something in the air which reflects the light? These There should be one or more object behind the neutron star. rays can be mere reflections. They might hit an object These accept the reflection. The only possible explanation are and change directions. They are lighter towards the planets which orbit the neutron star and various asteroids, i.e. centre, then they become weaker. This may prove that a tail behind the neutron star forming a with its 7 they hit an object. The search lights seem to reflect planets. I compare this picture with the UFO picture, ’The against something where they gather. Battle of Los Angeles’ displayed here.

These are fantastic pictures against a dark but still bright background. The Sun is in a unique situation surrounded by and is about to pass the neutron star Nemesis. Nemesis is of ’s size and we can see from the pictures that the Sun is much bigger than Nemesis.

In this picture we see a binary star system, a proton-proton star with its planets and a neutron star with its 7 planets.

Planet Nibiru, also called Planet X and Planet 12.

The Earth and Nibiru

Planet Nibiru Planet Nibiru Neutron star Nemesis A collapsing star

When you search for Planet Nibiru on the WWW, you get a bit confused. Planet Nibiru is called Planet X, Planet IX and Planet 12. It is even classified as a star with gravity.

Nibiru is smaller than the Earth. It orbits around the neutron star Nemesis which is also called a neutron star or the dark sun.

This neutron star, Nemesis, is a dark brown dwarf sun of Jupiter’s size. The planets Earth and Nibiru will never collide. Nibiru sticks to its sun Nemesis and the Earth is content with the Sun. The distance between them prohibits contact.

Nemesis with its seven orbiting planets. This neutron star has a stronger magnetic field than has the Sun. This is the cause of global climate change and global catastrophes here on Earth. – There certainly are smaller natural catastrophes on the planets orbiting Nemesis caused by our Sun’s magnetic field, but they are smaller and weaker and serve God An/ via the population.

The picture above tries to illustrate Nemesis’s return to our solar system. We can see that Nemesis does not follow the orbits of the planets, it sticks to its own pentagonal orbit, much faster than that of the planets. But it does not miss the , which means that a large amount of asteroids will accompany Nemesis on its way here. Nemesis is a small solar system but strong compared to that of the Sun. Nemesis’s orbital period is around 3,600 years. We previously saw it around the foundation of in the days of Moses and by the fall of Atlantis in the days of Atlas and Zeus. More info at Industry, Deity, pp 23 - 29.

The drawing depicts

Nibiru’s/Nemesis’s orbit in our solar The drawing depicts Nibiru’s/Nemesis’s orbit in our system. Note that here Nibiru is a solar system. Note that here Nibiru is a star orbiting planet. the Sun.

Here, Nemesis is a comet…

This is our solar system with the Sun at its centre, with planets Here we see the planets Jupiter and Venus and at the Mercury, Venus, Earth, , Jupiter, , Uranus, centre Nemesis as a comet’s head, according to Neptune and . Velikovsky. Planet Nibiru

The Father of Gods, Anu, lives on this planet, Anu from ancient . We find this in Revelation as well, the

God on His throne. Nibiru is also mentioned: New Heaven and New Earth. John (the Baptist) called the world of Nemesis ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’, one of his messages was ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand’. More info at Science, Life and the Black Hole, pp 6-9 and Man’s Will, pp 12-13. See also Industry, The Falcon does not Fly any More, pp 1-9.

He devoted his life to illuminating ancient Sumer and its history.

Zecharia Sitchin, 1920 - 2010 Erich von Däniken, 1935-

In retrospect we can conclude that Erich von Däniken’s books on God on Gods who come from space are correct, such as Aussaat und Kosmos, Meine Welt in bildern, Spuren und Pläne ausserirdischer Intelligenzen, Erinnerungen an die Zukunft Ungelöste Rätsel der Vergangenheit, Zurück zu den Sternen, Argumente für das Unmögliche. His level of knowledge is at the top.

Zecharia Sitchin wrote a lot of books, a scientist at a high level

of competence.

His world-famous books are all over the world.

A lifetime achievement!

Life is Knowledge and Knowledge is Life…

Immanuel Velikovsky, 1895-1979

Nemesis Nemesis

Venus Venus

Jupiter Jupiter

Immanuel Velikovsky, 1895-1979 Immanuel Velikovsky, 1895-1979

Worlds in Collision

Worlds in Collision in 1950 by the renowned publisher Macmillan. In his book, Velikovsky maintained that in the 1400s B.C.

Venus broke away from Jupiter and passed close to the Earth as a comet. Asa result, the Earth’s orbit and the inclination o fits axis changed, followed by extensive natural catastrophes. Fifty-two years later this happened again. This time the Earth’s rotation was halted, followed again by new catastrophes. The Exodus book in the mentions this, according to Velikovsky. (Exodus 14:21, 16:13-35, 19:18-19 and Joshua 10:12-13). Planet Mars’s orbit had also been affected by Venus and around B.C. 700 Mars approached the Earth with catastrophic consequences. Then the orbits stabilized and became what we see today.

Velikovsky describes the latest return of the neutron star Nemesis, at the time when Moses founded Israel. Pharaoh Ramesses II ruled in Egypt. Simultaneously, the golden days in Greece were over. Atlas also lived on the island which was known as

Basileia, Atlantis. More info at Industry, Deity, pp 22 - 23 and 29.

To the left we see Nemesis’s pentagonal orbit around the Sun, a binary star system. The short orbit, H, orbits the Sun from a long distance. On its way here, Nemesis also passes by Jupiter and the asteroid belt. Nemesis with a combination of its strong magnetic field and powerful gravity might find and catch a suitable planet. Velikovsky called it Venus. In the end the Sun’s gravity was stronger and it could stop Venus’s and Nemesis’s further voyage. Velikovsky describes this situation and the return of Nemesis in his book Worlds in Collision. He also writes about natural catastrophes and chaos. In a solar system with binary stars this is what normally happens. – It is an extensive topic and we must understand it properly. The firmament is a gigantic world of atoms for a higher world. – Maya astronomers took great interest in Venus and they studied and tried to predict what will happen the next time Nemesis pays us a visit. Will Venus leave the solar system? More info at Industry, Mayas-Incas-Azteks and Their Secrets, pp 8 - 16 and The Sun at a Disadvantage, page 2. – We face even worse natural catastrophes. When Nemesis leaves the solar system, it will end up on a shorter orbit, H, see above. – As far as I understand, Velikovsky lived in those days. He knew about the neutron star Nemesis’s effects on our Earth and describes what happened He possessed a high level of knowledge. The Catholic Church is very observant when it comes to Nemesis. We can conclude that Zecharia Sitchin, Immanuel Velikovsky and Erich von Däniken were all great men. .

Malachi Martin, Planet X 2012 Nemesis

Innocent VII, (1404–1406) John XIX, 1024 - 1032 206, 47. From a better star

Pope John XIX’s coat of arms carries a symbol of neutron star Nemesis in the shape of a five-pointed comet. Pope Innocent

VII’s coat of arms also displays Nemesis as an eight-pointed comet. The Pope’s motto was From a better star, which means he came from the neutron star Nemesis. More info at Industry, The Maya Calendar and Omega, page 2.

Apollo 20’s emblem depicts the far side of the , EBE Mona Lisa William Rutledge, 1930- close to the Izsak D crater, 1976 Apollo 20, commander

On August 16, 1976, Apollo 20 carried out it stop-secret flight to the Moon commissioned by the DoD and NASA. Commander: William Rutledge, maybe the greatest astronaut in the secret lunar programme. Lunar module Phoenix landed on the far side of the Moon, outside the

Izsak D crater, in the so-called City of Knowledge. The crew found interesting items from the days of Sumer, e.g. Inanna’s body which was almost unmolested. She got the name EBE Mona Lisa. More info at Industry, Visitors to the Moon, final, pp 61 - 84 William Rutledge was the commander of Apollo 20. One of his comments on YouTube is: ‘The Apollo 20 belongs to all mankind It is a part of all 's heritage’. Apollo 20’s motto by Vergil: Carpent tua poma nepotes, maybe we are their grandchildren. More info at Industry, The Sun at a Disadvantage,

page 28 In 2007 William Rutledge said to journalist Luca Scantamburlo, among other things, that he feared and worried about December 21, 2012. He knew much about Sumerian history and culture and knew that Nemesis was on its way back.

On April 14, 2018, this was on the Internet:

Apr 14 2018 posted to Aliens & UFOs Pentagon Insider Claims: 'The Will Come Back To Earth' Nostradamus - Quatrains Century 2, Quatrain 41 The great star will burn

for seven days, The cloud will cause two suns to appear:

The big mastiff will howl all night

When the great pontiff will change country.

Nostradamus, too, writes about the arrival of the neutron star.

The neutron star Nemesis, also called Planet X, was spotted by the IRAS satellite in 1983 (NASA, Great Britain and Holland) and last spring it appeared behind the Sun. More info at Industry , Arrival of the Neutron Star, page 64.

This neutron star is behind global warming and global catastrophes. The only thing we can do is prepare carefully, using, among other items, my Survival Project.

This project is rewarded by the British giant AI Global

Media Ltd the best media company in the world. More info at Architecture Awards 2016, Excellence Award 2016, Excellence Award 2017 and Architecture & Excellence Awards 2018.

-Note that the Gospels, too, deal with the End. See changes in stars, the Sun, and the Moon. End of Time Daniel, 12:4 and 12:13 Finally: 5, Jesus said, ‘Know what is in front of ‘/…/ But you, Daniel, shut up the your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is words, and seal the book until the nothing hidden that will not be revealed. time of the end; many shall run to And there is nothing buried that will not and fro, and knowledgeMänniskan shall är be raised.’ – Jesus, too, wanted secrets to increase.’ skapelsens krona – ”O” surface to give the world access to knowledge. ‘But you, go your way till the end; for 10. Jesus said, ‘I have cast fire upon the

you shall rest, and will arise toDen your ursprunglige Guden förnekades på denna planet i senaste tusentalsworld, år and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes.’ 16. Jesus said, ‘Perhaps people inheritance at the end of the think that I have come to cast peace upon days./…/’ the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.’

Tibor E and I, Szabolcs/ Josef Michelangelo, Daniel, Sistine Chapel, Tibor E and I, Szabolcs/ Josef Photo: Tibor Kemény 1964

Photo: Tibor Kemény 1964 Rome, 1511 Stockholm Stockholm 18