H8374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 1, 2017 So I am lost in understanding how it vides information on an accurate basis what, we can get it the following year. is we lose our minds around here about by a program institution of what your And the question I would ask is: How student information being dissemi- likelihood of success is. long are we going to wait while we are nated. It exists. It can be protected. Last but not least, I talked a little spending $160 billion in direct student Let me talk real briefly about an- bit about it, is keeping personal infor- aid alone hoping to get an outcome other myth that exists, that somehow mation private, the fears about pri- when we can do better and the ability tracking the student data will lead to a vacy, and that somehow we can’t to do that is at our fingertips? Federal rating system, the Federal rat- achieve that under the College Trans- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ing system of educational programs of parency Act. of my time. institutions. The College Transparency Act re- f Well, first, the Department of Edu- quires that data collection should be cation has tried a number of rating led by the National Center for Edu- CLIMATE SOLUTIONS CAUCUS systems over there, all with mixed suc- cation Statistics. I apologize. I have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under cess, at best, and I am trying to be po- been using the abbreviation NCES be- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- lite. It is late in the evening. Let’s not cause it has been burned into my mem- uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Illi- be too blunt. But they failed miserably ory over the years. It is a statistical nois (Mr. LIPINSKI) is recognized for 60 in doing so. They tried to rate institu- agency with strong protocols for secur- minutes as the designee of the minor- tions based on cohort default rates, and ing data and protecting student pri- ity leader. those are being repealed by many as vacy. It has an excellent track record GENERAL LEAVE being inaccurate. for doing so. Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I ask They tried to rate institutions on They have consulted with the private unanimous consent that all Members something called gainful employment, sector, pretty good folks, about how to have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- but they only do gainful employment continue to work on student privacy in tend their remarks and include extra- for career schools, because, hey, you that data. NCES is already required by neous material on the topic of this Spe- know, no one goes to a university for law to develop and enforce standards to cial Order. gainful employment. I assure you, my protect individual level data. As added The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there guess is the Speaker did as well, you protection, the act requires, the Col- objection to the request of the gen- went to the university hoping for gain- lege Transparency Act requires, an in- tleman from Illinois? ful employment. I doubt there is any- stitute utilize the latest Federal data There was no objection. one in the room who didn’t go to a col- security standards developed by the Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise lege or university in hopes of gainful National Institute of Standards and today as a member of the Climate So- employment. Technology. We require that they im- lutions Caucus to speak on the issue of The reality is the Department of plement those on an ongoing basis and climate change. The caucus is a bipar- Education, as they have implemented they maintain those. tisan group of members committed to this, has tried to create these Federal I have to tell you, Mr. Speaker, that implementing economically viable op- rating systems and failed miserably. So is not commonplace in the Federal tions to reduce climate risk. I tell you what, we did something Government at this point. We are going The caucus has a ‘‘Noah’s Ark’’ mem- unique. The College Transparency Act a step beyond what happens every day bership rule. Members can only join in explicitly prohibits the creation of a in many agencies. pairs, one from each party. Under the single database by the Department of Further, your personal information, leadership of co-chairs Mr. CURBELO Education and expressly prohibits Mr. SMUCKER’s or anybody else’s, will and Mr. DEUTCH, the caucus is helping using that database for a Federal rat- never be available to the Department to break the partisan gridlock on this ing system. of Education or to the public. Your em- issue and show that promoting climate I give up. I don’t want the Depart- ployment status will never be avail- solutions can be truly bipartisan. ment of Education telling us what a able. What will be available is whether The formation and rapid growth of good education system is because look all of us who took a program in Michi- the Climate Solutions Caucus rep- how well they have done so far. We will gan State University—come on up, you resents a recognition of both the chal- let consumers decide. We will give would love the school, some time— lenges and opportunities and has dem- them information so they can decide. whether or not you graduated, you got onstrated that there is bipartisan will They can make a wise decision rather a job, and whether you are gainfully to take action. than thinking that Big Brother can employed and making money. Now, In recognition of the fact that 60 make that decision for them. wouldn’t that be a great idea for the Members of Congress have come to- If the government were doing so well money you put into a college edu- gether to fight climate change in a bi- with it, why is it that every Member in cation? All the aggregate information partisan fashion, I organized this time this room has heard from their employ- is available on the programs and insti- for my colleagues to join me on the ers the terrible shortage we have of tutions we are talking about here. floor to let the American people know people in current technical education, The data developed by the Treasury what we, as their elected leaders, are of workers? If they were doing such a Department on income and employ- doing to address climate change. great job of ratings and informing peo- ment, once it is transmitted to NCES, We know, from scientific evidence, ple what their opportunities were, why is literally blown up. The file no longer that our climate is changing. The glob- are we currently struggling with the exists. You can’t hack what isn’t there. al average temperature has increased workforce we have? So I would ask, at this point in time, by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over It is a disaster. Let’s stop thinking rather than continue to extol the vir- the last 100 years. Sea levels are rising, we can fix it, and let’s let consumers tues of the College Transparency Act, I the ocean is becoming more acidic, pre- have the information they need to fix would ask all the Members to look at cipitation patterns are changing, and it. the act. We have a number of cospon- heat waves are becoming more frequent The bill enables the NCES to aggre- sors at this point in time that I am and longer in duration. gate student information from relevant very proud of. It is a bipartisan bill. I Each of these changes produces a cas- agencies with the responsibility that would ask them to look at the act, cade of effects that impact our lives they had to protect that data, which look at what it is achieving, and if and livelihoods, including flooding, they have done for years. they have questions, let’s hear those changes in crop yields, power short- So now they are doing—not create questions, and let’s make an effort to ages, declines in fisheries, and in- some massive Federal database in move this forward. creases in cardiovascular disease. which everybody’s name, Social Secu- We are already well into the deci- Recent events in our own country, rity number, is accessible so we can de- sionmaking process for young people to such as devastating hurricanes in the termine whether or not you are a suc- go to a postsecondary education pro- Southeast and wildfires in the West cessful student. It doesn’t do that, not gram next year. It is too late for them have brought this issue to the forefront even close to that, never has. It pro- to get this information, but, you know of everyone’s minds. Now climate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.138 H01NOPT1 November 1, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8375 change can’t be directly blamed for all American people will benefit as the that each and every one of us are called these problems, but the evidence world adapts to climate change and to do no matter who we are or where strongly suggests that it contributes to America grows good-paying jobs all we come from. each of them, and there are things that across our Nation. It is critical in order to preserve pub- we can do to limit its effects. But if we let this opportunity pass us lic health. The reality is climate Climate change also has a significant by, then profits and jobs will instead change is real and humans are a con- impact on public health. A flow to foreign countries that develop tributing factor. Congress must take groundbreaking study published just the technologies the world needs, and serious and reasonable steps to combat this week in a medical journal, The American cities and States will be it. Lancet, unequivocally showed that cli- forced to buy foreign products as they As an Eagle Scout and a conserva- mate change is a serious public health upgrade to climate-resilient infrastruc- tionist who grew up in Bucks County, threat. The study involved 24 institu- ture. Pennsylvania, I have always been cap- tions from around the world and in- b 2000 tivated by the natural beauty of our cluded staggering statistics, such as open spaces and wild places. We have it That is why I will soon be intro- the fact that air pollution caused 1.9 all in Bucks County: preserved farm- ducing a bill called Challenges and million premature deaths in Asia in land, amazing parks, expansive forests, Prizes for Climate Act. This bill will 2015, and that the range of common dis- and historic rivers. I believe that with establish five or more prize challenges ease-transmitting mosquitoes in- these natural treasures comes a special overseen by the Department of Energy creased 9.5 percent since 1950. responsibility to care for and protect to harness the ingenuity of the re- We know that high temperatures ex- our natural resources at the local, search community in the private sector asperate health problems and that State, and Federal level. to solve big, complex climate problems. burning fossil fuels creates pollution Climate change and the irresponsible Challenges have been used in the past that causes cardiovascular disease. The management of our resources put a by a wide range of organizations, in- National Academies estimate that air strain on the health of our commu- cluding the XPRIZE, who used the pollution causes around $120 billion per nities and our children. Clean air and challenge to jump-start the commer- year in health-related damages, includ- clean water are essential to the health, cial space transportation industry. ing healthcare costs, missed days of safety, and well-being of the next gen- This industry is now flourishing. work and school, and premature death. I was just recently at SpaceX in Cali- eration of Americans. Mr. Speaker, protecting our Nation’s We also know that changing climate fornia and saw their impressive manu- open spaces unites us as Americans. has altered the range, in some cases ac- facturing facility they have there. The That is why I joined 16 other House Re- celerated the spread of vector-borne U.S. is now relying on SpaceX in order publicans on House Resolution 195 to diseases likes Zika and the West Nile to bring supplies up to the Inter- encourage American innovation to im- virus. Responsibly transitioning to a national Space Station and their plans prove environmental policy and to pro- clean energy economy will not only re- to soon be flying astronauts. This com- tect, conserve, and be good stewards of duce the greenhouse gas emissions that mercial space transportation industry our environment. contribute to climate change, but it began with those who reached to try to I introduced the Udall-Eisenhower will also reduce air pollution and help meet this challenge and get the Arctic Wilderness Act, H.R. 1889, with all Americans breathe easier. XPRIZE. What I want to talk about for a few The Federal Trade Commission also Congressman JARED HUFFMAN from minutes, before I turn to some of my used the prize challenge to help bring a California. This bill designates the 1.5 colleagues, is a very common robocall blocking service to the mar- million-acre land of the Arctic Na- misperception about the relationship ket, something that we can all very tional Wildlife Refuge as a component between implementing climate solu- much appreciate. That is why I am of the National Wilderness Preserva- tions and growing jobs. going this direction. tion System to protect it from dam- Some people think that this is a zero- My bill will create challenges that aging activities like oil and gas drill- sum game. That is, they think if you fall under five themes: carbon capture ing. have more of one, you get less of the and reuse, energy efficiency, energy I have voted to protect the methane other. But that is simply not true. storage, climate adaptation and resil- rule for stream protections. Implementing climate solutions can iency, and data analytics for better cli- The Climate Solutions Caucus will grow jobs, especially new high-paying mate predictions. continue to be the group that shows jobs. The U.S. needs to take advantage Using authority from the America Washington how to forego the political of these economic opportunities. Re- COMPETES Act, the Department of gamesmanship and get to work on gardless of what we do here in the U.S., Energy will convene working groups ways we can improve our environment, the rest of the world has committed to from across agencies, universities, non- address the realities of climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and profits and the private sector to help and increase innovation with an eye to- reaching the targets laid out in the plan the challenges, and even to con- wards sustainability. Paris Agreement, as have many cities, tribute to the prizes. Protecting our environment cannot States, and companies here at home. The goal of the challenge is not just be partisan, Mr. Speaker. We have to To achieve that goal, significant to reward the winner of the best solu- come together to get this done as technological development and innova- tion, but also to bring visibility to the Americans. tion will be needed, as well as infra- range of innovations competing for the Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank structure, markets, and distribution prize and to help society envision the Mr. FITZPATRICK for his leadership and channels to get that technology to the future. This bill will help us see what jumping in, in his firm term here in the people and places that need it. our clean energy future will look like, House leadership, on coming to solu- The national economies that produce and I urge all of my colleagues to sup- tions on climate change. this clean energy technology will ben- port it. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman efit greatly. The U.S. still leads the Mr. Speaker, I want to begin hearing from California (Mr. MCNERNEY), my world in technology and innovation. from the bipartisan group of climate colleague who I have been working Countries around the world try to leaders who have joined me here on the with for a number of years here in the recreate the innovation ethos that ex- floor this evening. House, a very dedicated Member, espe- ists in Silicon Valley and in other Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman cially when it comes to issues of places across our Nation. from Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK), science and climate change. The United States also has the work- my Republican colleague. Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I ers who are needed to build these inno- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. LIPINSKI for his leadership vations. So we have what it takes, and thank my colleague, Mr. LIPINSKI, for on this. if we seize the opportunity to invest in his leadership on this issue. Mr. Speaker, I want to talk a little clean and climate-resilient tech- Mr. Speaker, serving as good stew- bit about climate. We know that cli- nologies, then our economy and the ards of our environment is something mate is changing, and we have seen it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.140 H01NOPT1 H8376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 1, 2017 In California, we had horrific wildfires the waters and confuse people about riety of techniques that both mitigate that claimed 40 lives and destroyed climate change. I have three publica- impacts and support economic growth. thousands of structures. We have seen tions here I want to illustrate. One is I am currently working with my Ag- hurricanes more frequently, more dev- called ‘‘Clexit for a Brighter Future.’’ riculture Committee colleagues on con- astating, and more powerful than ever Now, the point of this is that we need servation legislation for the next farm before. So the effects are there. We see to exit the Paris and United States cli- bill that will provide important data it happening. mate treaties because fossil fuels are points on conservation programs and Now, the thing that we are faced with what we need to power the future. outcomes, allowing legislators and reg- is that there is a significant section of Another one is called ‘‘The Mad, ulators to most efficiently use tax- people that deny climate change. You Mad, Mad World of Climatism.’’ This payer dollars to achieve real conserva- can sort of see why they are denying it. one, if you look it up, is biased, and it tion results for our farms. These incen- I mean, if something is in your inter- seems to be paid for by oil interests. tive programs support farming prac- est, you are going to be able to talk The last one I want to show is a re- tices that, among other benefits, like yourself into just about anything. spected magazine that is called Na- increasing yield, lowering the amount The big benefit of denying climate tional Geographic. And the cover page of fertilizers that are employed, pull change is that we can continue to use shows ‘‘The War on Science.’’ carbon from the air and sequester it in fossil fuels. If you are a company that So I think we have a pretty good case the soil. uses fossil fuels or produces fossil fuels, to make for moving forward with ac- In addition to sequestering carbon in yeah, this is what you want. But there tion on climate change. the soil. We can also work to reduce emissions through greater efficiency in are costs of denial, and the costs of de- There will be significant costs if we the transportation sector. Indeed, the nial are clear. don’t. Renewable energy is more than transportation sector is one area where We are seeing weather. We just cost competitive these days. As I men- CO emissions have risen in the last 20 talked about that. We are seeing health tioned, I worked in the wind energy 2 years, unlike, for instance, the electric effects. We have seen that both in business. We see wind and solar being generation sector. terms of elevated temperatures, caus- more cost competitive—more than cost One easy fix would be to modernize ing people to have heat problems. We competitive, really—with coal and oil the air traffic control system to fly are seeing disease vectors moving to for energy production. planes on more direct satellite guided the temperate zones from the Equator. So we have the technology, we have routes because direct routes save fuel. We are also going to see significant in- the means, and we have the desire to When Canada switched to a modern air frastructure costs, like we see in Puer- do this, yet we are still hung up here in traffic control system, the national to Rico now. These are real costs that Washington in terms of following fleet was able to reduce emissions in we are going to pay for the denial of through with government support that that nation by millions of tons per climate change. is needed with the right sort of policies year. Now, what are the benefits of climate that will encourage us to reduce fossil These commonsense changes are change? fuel reduction. great steps forward in combating cli- Well, there are significant benefits, Now, one of the great bright spots we mate change, but our work is far from from my point of view. see—as Mr. LIPINSKI, my friend from Il- over. We must address the real impacts First of all, we have been spending linois, pointed out—is that there is a of man-made climate change and em- American taxpayer dollars to develop bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus phasize the need to develop and create technology to fight climate change, or that has been formed over the last two jobs with a goal of protecting our envi- to reduce carbon emissions. terms. In order to join, you have to ronment. It is critical that we work to- I will tell you a little story about my have a Member of the other party. If I gether to develop smart solutions that own career. I was working at a com- am a Democrat, I have a Member of the will conserve our natural resources and pany called U.S. Wind Power. With Republican Party join. protect our communities and infra- some amount of taxpayer dollars, we What we are doing in that caucus is structure for future generations. developed the leading technology for creating legislation that will help re- Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to be wind energy. Of course, what happened duce carbon emissions in an economic a member of the Climate Solutions was that the funding stopped, tax cred- and prosperous way. I think good Caucus, and I look forward to working its ended, and that technology that we things have a potential to happen. I en- with my colleagues. I, particularly, developed with taxpayer dollars went courage the caucus to continue, and I want to applaud our distinguished to Europe. They built thousands of hope it continues to grow. friend from Illinois, Mr. LIPINSKI, for windmills in Germany, and they made Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank organizing this Special Order tonight a lot of money based on that tech- Mr. MCNERNEY for all the work that he on a bipartisan basis so that we can ad- nology that we developed and paid for does on this issue and many other dress this issue and allow the folks at right in the United States of America. issues here in the House. home and all around the United States We also know that renewable energy Mr. Speaker, I am going to go back to better understand the work that is production creates more jobs than fos- to the other side of the aisle. I yield to being done here in Congress on a bipar- sil fuel production for the same the gentleman from New York (Mr. tisan basis to address climate change. amount of energy. We are talking FASO). Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank about a potential to create millions of Mr. FASO. Mr. Speaker, I thank Con- Mr. FASO for his work, understanding jobs in this country. Not only that, but gressman LIPINSKI, my friend from Illi- that we are only going to make renewable energy has a stable price nois, for holding this Special Order this progress on this through bipartisan ac- market feature. Unlike fossil fuels, evening, to highlight the important tion. I am very happy to join working which have highs and lows over a 10- work being done by the Climate Solu- with him on the Climate Solutions year cycle, fossil fuels are going to be tions Caucus, to develop economically Caucus to bring that action forward. nice and stable, will be predictable. viable solutions to address climate Mr. Speaker, my next speaker is a woman who I work with on the And businesses love predictability. So I change. Science, Space, and Technology Com- think this is also another very good ar- Mr. Speaker, changing weather pat- mittee, who has done some fantastic gument. terns and extreme weather events work on that committee, especially Lastly, if we reduce fossil fuels and threaten nearly every aspect of New when it comes to the issue of climate go to clean energy, we are going to York State’s economy, including our change and dealing with climate agricultural and outdoor recreational have cleaner air and cleaner water, a change. healthier environment, and we can sectors. The recreational economy Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- alone generates $42 billion in consumer reach sustainability. I think the bene- woman from Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI). fits are pretty clear. spending each year, while supporting So where are we now? over 300,000 Empire State jobs. As we b 2015 Well, there are still significant re- work to address climate change in a bi- Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I thank sources out there determined to muddy partisan manner, we must employ a va- Mr. LIPINSKI for yielding and also for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.141 H01NOPT1 November 1, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8377 organizing this Special Order for the are well known, and our understanding Mr. Speaker, addressing climate Climate Solutions Caucus. I also want about how to address climate change change is going to save lives; it is to thank the founders of the Climate continues to improve. going to save property. I am so pleased Solutions Caucus, Congressman TED People in the United States and to be part of this bipartisan group that DEUTCH from and Congressman around the world are facing threats is working together in equal number of also from Florida, from rising sea levels, from ocean Democrats and Republicans to call at- where they can see at their doorstep acidification, from more frequent and tention to this important issue, and I what issues like sea level rise mean to severe weather events from record will continue to work with the caucus their communities. droughts and flooding and rising global to emphasize the importance of con- Mr. Speaker, I am really pleased to temperatures. We can no longer sit gressional action. join with my colleagues from the bipar- back and debate whether we should Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleagues tisan Climate Solutions Caucus this take action. The time is now. It is crit- on the bipartisan Climate Solutions evening to highlight the importance of ical that we support scientific research Caucus for their dedication to this ef- taking action on climate change, some- about the climate and that we build on, fort. I know it is quite a relief to my thing that matters so much to my con- rather than break down, decades’ constituents back home in Oregon to stituents at home in Oregon, but also worth of progress on this issue. know that there are bipartisan Mem- to the country and to the planet. Now, one important area of research bers who are committed to addressing This is an important issue that really is the connection between extreme this critical issue. is a moral imperative. This is about weather events and climate change. Al- Again, Mr. Speaker, I thank my col- preserving our natural resources for though it is not possible to say that leagues for their dedication to this ef- our children, our grandchildren, and climate change causes one particular fort. I look forward to the progress for generations to come. Addressing extreme weather event, it is critical that we will make together on behalf of climate change is also vital to our Na- that we know more about climate our constituents, our communities, our tion’s economy, as we have had some change and how it increases the fre- country, and our planet. discussion about that this evening, and quency and the severity of these Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank also to national security, but, really, events. Learning more about this cor- Ms. BONAMICI for speaking tonight. the health of the planet. relation can help families, commu- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Now, the district I am honored to nities, and businesses make informed who really deserves a tremendous represent out in Oregon is breath- choices and adopt climate strategies. amount of credit for all of us being takingly beautiful, and it is really full Now, this year has seen poignant ex- here tonight. He is the co-chair of the of potential. The majestic Columbia ample after example with so many dev- Climate Solutions Caucus, the gen- astating extreme weather events. We River is the northern boundary of the tleman from Florida (Mr. DEUTCH). district, and the rugged Pacific Ocean need to do everything we can to make Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I thank sure our communities are prepared to is on the western boundary. It has a my friend, Mr. LIPINSKI, for yielding keep families safe. thriving outdoor recreation economy. and for his thoughtful and passionate We have had wildfires in the Western As my colleague from New York men- leadership in combating climate United States for a long time, but since change, and thanks to the strong bipar- tioned, that is an important sector the mid-1980s, they have been increas- tisan cross section of Members who that cares a lot about the changing cli- ing in frequency and in duration, have come to the floor tonight to talk mate. threatening lives, threatening public I also have in my district the heart of about the importance of tackling cli- health and property. It has been unusu- Oregon wine country. People in my dis- mate change. ally hot and very dry in the Northwest. trict fish. They fish in our rivers, our Fires and severe smoke create dan- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to call on lakes, and our ocean. They hike in our gerous conditions for all populations. my colleagues, all of them, to join the forests. They ski in our back country In Portland, Oregon, on Labor Day, the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. I and on our mountains. We rely on sky was gray, full of smoke from wild- started this caucus with my fellow Flo- those natural resources in our back- fire. This is especially problematic for ridian, Congressman CARLOS CURBELO, yard to support a significant part of pregnant women, for seniors, for chil- to start a new dialogue around climate our economy, but we are very vulner- dren, for anyone with chronic health and Congress because we are already able to the effects of climate change. conditions like asthma. Residents and facing difficult challenges. We can’t ig- My constituents are already experi- communities miles away from the nore it. We can’t bury it in political encing challenges: Our wine and agri- wildfires saw ash falling on their fights. We need to have an open discus- cultural industries are concerned about homes, their cars, and throughout sion not only for our future, but for the drought as global temperatures con- their neighborhoods. impact of climate change that we are tinue to rise. Coastal communities are This year’s hurricanes have dev- facing today. worried about the vitality of the com- astated communities, of course, across It is no coincidence that this project mercial fishing and shellfish industries Texas, across the Southeast, and in the started with two Members from south as high levels of carbon dioxide in the U.S. islands. About 70 percent of our Florida. A 2015 study projected that atmosphere change ocean chemistry. fellow citizens in Puerto Rico are still some south Florida cities could be un- I was really thrilled that we had an without power. derwater within this century. The Oregonian from Oregon State Univer- These storms are increasing in fre- study’s author said some cities appear sity come to the Climate Solutions quency and severity, and lives are already to be lost. Caucus and talk about adapting to being lost every year. Climate change is already here for ocean acidification. Mr. Speaker, it is so important that Floridians. The effects have hit Florida Our region has faced higher spring we take action, and that is why I am so first. and summer temperatures and earlier pleased to be here today to help high- Scientists have warned of warming snowmelt, and, as a result, a light the importance of this issue. average global temperatures and the snowboard shop in my district is now As Representative LIPINSKI noted and changing climate for decades. Dr. An- selling more skateboards and fewer others have, Mr. MCNERNEY and others, drew Clarke of the British Antarctic snowboards. we can take action to address climate Survey has spent 40 years at the bot- Climate change is not a partisan change and grow the economy. It is not tom of the planet watching it dis- issue. Nationwide, fishers, farmers, an excuse to say this will be bad for the appear. Dr. Clarke said: ‘‘You can see small-business owners, and our service- economy, because we can grow those the entire environment changing in men and -women are changing the way renewable energy industries. There is front of your eyes.’’ they do their jobs because of climate so much potential in wind power, wave We now have climate change right change, regardless of political affili- energy, solar energy. Those are good, before our eyes in south Florida. We ation. high-paying, family-wage jobs. We can see the rate of sea level rise outpace The economic, health, and environ- grow those economies and address cli- the global rate tenfold. We see the mental consequences of climate change mate change at the same time. high-water mark jump 1 inch every

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.144 H01NOPT1 H8378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 1, 2017 year. Just this week, we see the tides We are committed to understanding b 2030 flooding our neighborhoods. the impacts of climate change, the im- Americans rarely talk about it and The limestone that serves as the pact on our national security; to in- sometimes forget, but we supported foundation of our State is porous. Salt- vesting in clean, innovative energy Osama bin Laden against the Russians water pushes up through the limestone protection; to protecting our public in Afghanistan. We supported Saddam from below the surface. health; and to overcoming the political Hussein in Iraq after we lost the Shah Lower bridge heights will block boats obstacles that hold up public policy so- after the Iranian Revolution. We sup- from reaching open waters. With 165 lutions. ported the Assads in Syria. And we miles of canals, Fort Lauderdale faces It is time for Congress to come to- still maintain a close relationship with significant threats of rising seas. Who gether and admit the challenges that the Saudis, despite their support for in south Florida hasn’t driven around our constituents are already facing at Wahhabism. Why? Because our na- their neighborhood and noticed more home. It is time to build consensus. tional economic strategy and security puddles, more water accumulating on Through the bipartisan Climate Solu- has relied for decades on access to for- the sidewalks and streets? tions Caucus, we have brought together eign oil. While many Americans might be able Members from regions in every part of Our meddling in local affairs to en- to ignore climate change, ignore the the country who are experiencing their sure the oil spigot flowed freely has science, based on their own personal own climate change challenges. I invite sowed distrust across generations experience and your own personal expe- every Member of the House of Rep- throughout the Middle East. rience at home, we can’t. Looking out resentatives to join us. Lift up the By moving towards a green economy our windows, we see what is already voices of your constituents, your farm- and eliminating our dependence on for- there. eign oil, we can clearly say to the Mid- By the year 2100, almost 300 U.S. cit- ers, your city officials, your devel- dle East: We never wanted your land, ies would lose at least half of their opers, doctors, scientists, and, most we never wanted your money, and now homes, and 36 American cities could be importantly, the families whom you we don’t need your oil. All we want is completely destroyed. One in eight represent. for people of the region to stop trying Florida homes could be underwater. If you are watching at home, call to kill each other. It will take some Those Florida homes represent half of your Member of Congress and urge time, but moving towards an economy the total expected loss in housing value them to join the Climate Solutions independent of foreign oil is the best caused by climate change over the next Caucus and help us start the difficult way to get there. 84 years. These aren’t risks of a distant work of building truly bipartisan con- In addition to eliminating our de- future. These are the burdens we are sensus that will help us tackle climate pendence on foreign oil, we must try to placing on our children and on our change together and help us create re- stall the rapid rise in extreme weather grandchildren. silient American communities of the In response, and through the work of future. events, droughts, and desertification the South Florida Climate Compact, Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my that is destabilizing huge swaths of the Middle East and Africa. The number of Miami Beach has initiated a sea level friend, Mr. LIPINSKI, again for orga- rise plan to lift roads, build up sea- nizing tonight’s discussion. refugees in the world has grown from 35 walls, and install pumps to clear water Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank million only 10 years ago to 65 million today. War and violence are exacer- in the streets. Fort Lauderdale is fix- Mr. DEUTCH for his leadership of the ing roads and drains and sending vacu- Climate Solutions Caucus. bated by the instability caused by cli- mate change. um trucks into the streets to prevent Mr. Speaker, may I inquire how saltwater damage, upgrading building One of the most violent regions in much time I have remaining. the world today is Syria. The insta- codes and flood elevation require- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ments, and requiring higher seawalls. bility in Syria began with droughts BUDD). The gentleman from Illinois has that destroyed the livelihoods of the In Florida, you can’t put climate 25 minutes remaining. change out of sight or out of mind, but Syrian people that rely upon an econ- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, with omy which is 85 percent agrarian. it is not just hitting Florida and it is that, I yield to my colleague, the gen- not just the sea level rise or increasing When people lost their farms, they fled tleman from New York (Mr. SUOZZI). to the cities looking for work, but, of temperatures. Mr. SUOZZI. Mr. Speaker, I applaud The National Climate Assessment course, they could not find it. Then my colleague, Mr. LIPINSKI, for pulling they looked to the Assad government, has documented regional climate im- this effort together this evening. pacts hitting every area of the United but, of course, were ignored. Fomented Mr. Speaker, climate change is real, States: by the Arab Spring, they began to re- In the Northeast and Midwest, dra- and I applaud my colleagues on the Cli- volt. The result? The Syrian Govern- matic increases in heavy precipitation mate Solutions Caucus for working to- ment has killed almost a half million events overwhelm drains and levies, gether in a bipartisan effort to try and of its own people and millions more causing flooding and accelerating ero- find common ground and to seek to refugees. This story is being repeated sion; work together to pass legislation to ad- throughout the region. In the Great Plains and Southwest, dress this very real threat. Although the people suffering are drought and wildfires strain demands I believe the greatest opportunity we thousands of miles away from the for scarce water resources; have here is to include efforts to move United States, our national security is In , receding sea ice and melt- our Nation toward a greener economy threatened by these failing states. The ing glaciers are damaging infrastruc- as part of a comprehensive infrastruc- rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq is a prime ture; ture bill. example of the impact of failed states On the coasts, increases in carbon di- We must address climate change for on Western security. Mass migrations oxide and warming seas lead to coral three reasons: first, the Earth is part of by those seeking to alleviate suffering, bleaching and ocean acidification that the divine creation, and we have an ob- millions seeking political and eco- is taking its toll on fisheries and the ligation to preserve and protect our nomic reforms place pressure on cor- ecosystems. precious gift; second, moving toward a rupt and incompetent governments The diverse and interconnected im- green economy that retrofits homes that are unable to respond to the needs pacts that we already see throughout and buildings and installs solar and of a population seeking opportunity our country explain why we already wind farms will create good jobs at and hope. have 60 Members who belong to this good wages that simply cannot be ex- Our enemies who wish to foment in- new dialogue, the Climate Solutions ported; and, third, the main topic I stability—Russia, Iran, North Korea, Caucus, 30 Democrats and 30 Repub- wish to address this evening, is moving and violent terrorist factions—are licans committed to changing the con- toward a green economy, reducing our aided by the effects of climate change versation and pushing solutions that dependency on foreign oil, and address- and the instability it causes. We must will create more resilient commu- ing climate change is essential to our do everything we can to stall the nities. national security. growth of this nefarious trend.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.145 H01NOPT1 November 1, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8379 The good news is that there is a Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues in Again, this is critical in my district. growing bipartisan consensus in the the House to join me and Mr. CURBELO I happen to represent Naval Air Sta- Climate Solutions Caucus and the in this effort. tion Key West, where the men and armed services community that we Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank women of the Navy work hard to train must act. The Armed Services Com- Mr. CARBAJAL for his work. That was a and prepare to defend our country mittee in the 2008 National Defense Au- great lead-in to our next speaker. We overseas. That is a facility that is ex- thorization Act acknowledged that just had, a couple of speakers ago, the posed to this threat. ‘‘climate change is a direct threat to Democratic co-chair of the Climate So- We came together and we defeated an the national security of the United lutions Caucus. Our next speaker is the amendment that would have prohibited States,’’ and that ‘‘the Department of Republican co-chair. I give him a lot of the Defense Department from assessing Defense must ensure that it is prepared credit and I thank him for the work these risks. to conduct operations both today and that he has done in putting this caucus I am really excited for the next phase in the future, and that it is prepared to together. of the caucus, which I hope we can address the effects of changing climate Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman reach during this Congress, which is to on threat assessments, resources, and from Florida (Mr. CURBELO). find legislation that we can all get be- readiness.’’ Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speak- hind and say that these are reasonable Secretary of Defense Mattis has said, er, I am grateful to my colleague from solutions that not only help the envi- ‘‘Climate change can be a driver of in- Illinois for leading this special discus- ronment and help guarantee that we stability, and the Department of De- sion tonight. I am grateful to have the are going to hand off to our children fense must pay attention to the poten- opportunity to come here for a few and grandchildren the same beautiful tial adverse impacts generated by this minutes. And more than anything, I Earth that we inherited, but also that phenomenon.’’ thank my colleagues on both sides of we are going to provide opportunities Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the aisle, Republicans and Democrats, for American innovation and growth, General Joseph Dunford has said that who have stepped up and said: Enough and new good jobs, high-paying jobs, climate change and rising sea levels of the demagoguery, enough of the for young men and women from all pose serious long-term threats to the fact-less conversation. Let’s focus on over this country. That is going to be country. The number of natural disas- what is happening in the world, on how very exciting, and we are all working ters will increase in the coming years, human beings are contributing to it, together to get to that day where we along with ‘‘the requirement for hu- and let’s try to make the situation bet- can promote an agenda in this Con- manitarian assistance’’ and the re- ter. gress that will bring Republicans and sponse required for the military for ci- I oftentimes say that, on this climate Democrats together behind a pro-envi- vilian disasters. issue, neither the deniers nor the ronment, pro-growth policy that will Mr. Speaker, I want to thank again alarmists have much to offer. It is the save this planet and keep our country my colleagues for the work that they men and women who are willing to sit on the cutting edge of innovation, lead- have done to try and bring the issue of at the table and have a sober conversa- ing the world. climate change to the American peo- tion that can really help solve this This is a not an issue that we should ple, and to try and find solutions to problem. There are a lot of people who shy away from. We should rise to this this very real problem that is not only are counting on us to solve this prob- occasion. This is the country that has affecting us here at home, but our na- lem. led the entire world through a host of tional security throughout the world. Sea level rise is a reality. It is hap- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank different challenges over the last cou- pening all over the world. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman for all of his work on ple centuries. We can also do it on this you might understand why this might this and other issues. climate issue, but I think we can only Mr. Speaker, I now yield to the gen- be important to me. I represent a com- do it if we do it together. tleman from California (Mr. munity where most people live near sea Mr. Speaker, I thank all of my col- level and near the sea. This is a real leagues, but especially my Democratic CARBAJAL), my colleague. Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Speaker, I concern, especially in the Florida Keys, colleagues tonight who have led this thank Mr. LIPINSKI for yielding to me. one of the most attractive and dynamic Special Order, organized this Special Mr. Speaker, we are out of time to parts of the country, an area that is re- Order. I think we all would like to in- debate the reality of climate change. covering. We hope our fellow Ameri- vite our colleagues from both sides of Its effects are already here. Recently, cans will help us continue recovering the aisle to join the caucus, especially each year has brought with it record- after Hurricane Irma. on my side. We are up to 30 Repub- breaking droughts, hurricanes, and The Florida Keys and most of south licans, 30 Democrats. That is very ex- natural disasters. Florida are significantly exposed to citing. When I arrived here a couple My home State of California just ex- this sea level rise challenge, and we years ago, I probably had only two or perienced our deadliest wildfire season know that human activity is at least, three Republican colleagues who were yet. This year alone, natural disasters in part, responsible for this dynamic. even willing to discuss this issue, and will cost more than $22 billion in recov- The Climate Solutions Caucus is not now there are 30 on the record. Let’s ery efforts. That is why I am proud to about blaming people. It is not about keep the caucus growing, let’s keep it work with my colleague and cofounder pointing the finger. It is about coming strong, let’s work together, and let’s of the Climate Solutions Caucus, Mr. up with solutions. change the world for the better. CURBELO, to introduce the bipartisan I think there are really three phases Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thank Coastal State Climate Preparedness to our caucus and our work. The first Mr. CURBELO for his leadership and for Act, H.R. 3533, which will help coastal phase was to bring Republicans and pointing out some of the victories that States better plan for extreme weather Democrats together, sit at the table, we already have had here on this House events and implement climate change have a discussion about our different floor, the Climate Solutions Caucus. adaptation strategies. perspectives on this issue, invite in That is just the beginning. There will We can save lives, homes, and bil- some key witnesses to help inform us. be plenty more to come as we grow this lions of tax dollars by encouraging We have done that. We have done a caucus and do the work that we are these vulnerable communities to pre- good job. Caucus members have a very here to do. pare their infrastructure for the im- good relationship, a good rapport. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman pacts of climate change. The next phase has been to block from California (Mr. PANETTA), a fresh- After severe weather events like Hur- anti-climate legislation. We have done man Member who is already making a ricanes Maria and Harvey, it is impera- that successfully here with some ap- big splash here getting a lot done in tive that we invest in readying our in- propriations amendment where the Washington, working especially on a frastructure for the next extreme caucus has come together and said: No. bipartisan basis on a lot of these weather event. Moreover, we also need We are not going to prohibit the De- issues, getting some good things done. to invest in developing renewable en- fense Department from assessing the Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I appre- ergy sources. risks associated with climate change. ciate Mr. LIPINSKI’s kind words, but I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.147 H01NOPT1 H8380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 1, 2017 think he and I know best that we had title of that editorial was, ‘‘We Used to decision that was compounded by its good teachers to help us understand Build Things.’’ And it was by David poor timing, as it was announced 2 what it takes to get things done here Brooks, and he talked about this big weeks before the hurricanes that in the United States Congress, and, fire called the Big Burn, back in the ripped apart Houston, Florida, and most importantly, that is the ability early 1900s, that started in Washington Puerto Rico. to work together. and Oregon and spread throughout the So last month, Congressman Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand upper West, all the way into Montana. CURBELO and I introduced the Federal here today with all of my colleagues, And from that devastating fire arose Infrastructure Flood Resiliency Act, a Republicans and Democrats, who are something, and that was the U.S. For- bipartisan bill that ensures that Fed- on the Climate Solutions Caucus. As est Service. eral agencies complete implementation you have heard tonight, and as we When I read that article, it reminded of a Federal Flood Risk Management know, the Climate Solutions Caucus is me that, throughout the history of this Standard; such a standard that will not a bipartisan caucus that gives Demo- Nation, we have always built things to just benefit our coastal communities, crats and Republicans the opportunity help people. We have engineered infra- it will help our government, and it will to sit down and to discuss ways not structure to energize our economy, and help our country, because we know only to protect our environment, but we have expanded agencies to em- that every dollar that is invested in to protect our homes, our Nation’s bolden and to empower our commu- flood mitigation efforts results in $4 in economy, and our Nation’s security. nities and the people who live there. saved flood recovery costs. This is Yes, this caucus consists of people So now, after the storms on the West something that Republicans and Demo- from separate political parties, but all Coast, after the flooding in the Mid- crats understand. of us are united in our belief that we west, and after the hurricanes on the After Hurricane Harvey, the Gov- must have this dialogue to defend our East Coast, it is our turn. It is time for ernor of Texas, Mr. Abbott, stated: ‘‘As future. this generation, our generation, to we go through the build-out phase, and Being from the central coast of Cali- build things in a smart and resilient rebuilding Texas, part of our focus fornia, where we have over 120 miles of fashion, so that future generations are must be on rebuilding in a way that stunning coastline in my district, we secure and safe in their homes and in will prevent a disaster like this from understand the vulnerability that their communities. And we need to happening again.’’ comes with rising sea levels, something start by focusing on and building infra- Mr. Speaker, by investing in more re- that can impact our economy, our se- structure that is strong and stable to silient project designs, our commu- curity, and, of course, our daily lives. sustain the inevitable intense storms nities will be able to recover quickly, The co-chairs of the Climate Solu- of the future. and they will be protected against any tions Caucus, Florida Representatives Now, we know, and what has been future flooding. Taking these prudent CARLOS CURBELO and , they confirmed by the nonpartisan Federal steps will save taxpayer dollars and understand and they appreciate that Government Accountability Office, prevent future loss of life and property. threat, for earlier this year Florida was that extreme weather events are al- It is a commonsense step that we can pummeled by Hurricane Irma and the ready costing U.S. taxpayers billions take toward responsible, bipartisanship subsequent severe flooding, a storm and billions of dollars each year. Ac- governing; and it is this type of gov- that affected the lives of millions of cording to that GAO report, the Fed- erning that needs to happen all the Americans and cost billions in recovery eral Government spent more than $350 time. billion over the last decade on losses to and cleanup efforts. Now, when I stood on that bridge, private property and disaster assist- We have seen that at times of crisis and I was there celebrating the reopen- like that, despite the damage and de- ance programs from natural disasters. Now, that amount doesn’t even in- ing of that bridge, the reopening to Big spite our differences, our government Sur, I also thought that this was gov- and even this Congress can come to- clude the massive price tag on the re- covery effort from this year’s hurri- ernment at its best, where the govern- gether and put back together those ment came together, it responded, it communities. That is our government canes and fires that are expected to be amongst the costliest in our Nation’s reacted in record fashion, and it recon- during an emergency, and at times structed a major bridge. where there are storms, where there is history. And we know that it is going So yes, it made me proud, but it also damage, we are motivated to come to- to get worse as storms are more in- made me realize that we need to stop gether and govern. tense, and recovery efforts are going to just governing by crisis. We need to This year, my district saw this type cost more. So we need to recognize and start governing with leadership. We of governing due to damage it suffered we need to realize the need for smart need to come together to get things during the major winter storms earlier rebuilding. done, not just in emergency situations, in 2017. Now, after the 2012 hurricane up in New York, Hurricane Sandy, there was not just for natural disasters of today, b 2045 a Rebuilding Task Force that was put but we need to start governing for to- Every county in my district saw dev- together, and it recommended that morrow. astation. One county in particular, Federal flood protection measures The Climate Solutions Caucus under- Monterey County, suffered an extreme should entail that projects receiving stands and believes that we, in Con- amount of damage—the town of Big Federal dollars, they should comply gress, need to lead. We need to do that Sur, along the coast of California, in with elevation and flood-proofing by coming together. We do that by particular. The northern route of High- measures to avoid rebuilding them talking about the effects of climate way 1, going into Big Sur, suffered a after future storms. The report wanted change. We do that with Flood Risk knockout of a major bridge. The south- to ensure that we do not need to pay Management Standard legislation, and ern route had a major landslide, leav- multiple times to repair for flooding we don’t necessarily do it for us. We do ing that community isolated. damages in flood-impacted areas. it for our children. But I can tell you, 2 weeks ago, I In 2015, the administration put for- That is leadership, and that is why I stood on the brand-new bridge that was ward the Federal Flood Risk Manage- am proud to be on the Climate Solu- built. And as I was standing there, to ment Standard. That was a standard tions Caucus. me, it was a story of the people of Big that set out that federally financed in- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, at this Sur, very resilient, always coming frastructure projects must be built to time, I just want to thank all my col- back from these types of situations. withstand future storms and flooding. leagues for their leadership on this But it was also the story of govern- That standard was meant to ensure issue. The time to take action on cli- ment working, people and government that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely mate is now. We can’t leave this prob- coming together, getting things done and communities are protected. lem to future generations to solve for to help people. However, in August, this administra- us. As we heard this evening, there is Now, just prior to that, I had read a tion decided to roll back the Federal no shortage of good ideas for how to do New York Times editorial, where the Flood Risk Management Standard, a so.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.149 H01NOPT1 November 1, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8381 I want to close by reading the mis- left—I repeat that, no further options nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, sion statement of the Climate Solu- left—the opportunity to try experi- causing those with ALS to lose control tions Caucus, which reminds us of the mental drugs that could save their own of their muscles. many reasons why our bipartisan group lives. Although this disease stopped Matt’s has come together to take action: Yes, there are also provisions in our career as a U.S. Navy aviator in its ‘‘The members of the Climate Solu- bill to protect both the patients, as tracks, he persisted and actively in- tions Caucus acknowledge the fact well as the pharmaceutical companies volved himself in the ALS community that, if left unaddressed, the con- who want to participate, but those pro- as a strong advocate for Right to Try sequences of a changing climate have visions are secondary to the primary legislation. the potential to adversely affect the purpose of this legislation. The pri- While the Food and Drug Administra- health of all Americans and the mary purpose of the Right to Try Act tion carries out its three-phase ap- strength of our economy, consequently is to give brave patients across this proval process, which can take years imposing substantial costs on both country some choice over their own and cost billions of dollars, many pa- State and Federal budgets. destinies, when all other avenues are tients simply want the chance to try ‘‘By seeking to reduce climate risk, gone. treatments that have already been we will, in turn, ensure the protection We want to give hope to these Ameri- demonstrated to be safe. of our economy, infrastructure, and cans, and we should all share that same A bill that was unanimously passed public safety, all while attaining en- goal of doing everything we can for pa- by the Senate will offer them a chance ergy independence from the world’s tients fighting to save their lives. This to extend their lives. The Right to Try most volatile regions. Therefore, it is policy has significant bipartisan sup- Act, S. 204, would ensure that termi- our goal to take a market-based ap- port. The Trump administration nally ill patients, together with their proach to substantially reduce green- strongly supports Right to Try, and physicians and pharmaceutical manu- house gas emissions in the United President Trump has indicated he facturers, can administer investiga- States in order to leave a better planet would likely sign this bill into law. tional treatments where no alternative and stronger economy for future gen- Time is of the essence, for time is one exists. In fact, this bipartisan idea is erations.’’ thing a terminally ill patient does not already the law in 37 States. Mr. Speaker, this is something that have. And the status quo is not the an- A Federal Right to Try law would all Americans can endorse and support. swer. The FDA and other agency offi- prevent the government from blocking It is a better world and a better coun- cials claim that their own expanded ac- access to potentially lifesaving medica- try. cess program is working and continues So I thank, again, all my colleagues tions. It would require patients to first to improve. There may be some truth for joining me here tonight, and for try all other available treatments and to that, but the program is simply not their work, all of the 60 members—30 be unable to participate in clinical enough; and I know that because I have Democrats, 30 Republicans—for their trials. work on the Climate Solutions Caucus. talked to dozens and dozens of pa- I want to note that these provisions Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tients, family members, and advocates only apply to terminally ill patients. It of my time. who tell me it is not enough. They does not undo the FDA approval proc- come to my office, they call me on the ess but provides a potential lifeline for f phone, they write me impassioned let- those who cannot wait. Moreover, it re- ADVOCATING FOR PATIENTS’ ters. quires a physician to certify that other RIGHT TO TRY These same advocates have ensured options are either exhausted or un- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under that Right to Try has become law in 38 available. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- States. Think about that for a mo- This bill requires that a product uary 3, 2017, the Chair recognizes the ment. With one more State, you could meet a demonstrated level of safety by gentleman from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS) actually ratify a Constitutional attaining FDA phase I approval. We for 30 minutes. amendment. And in half of those 38 have worked with the drug companies GENERAL LEAVE States, Right to Try laws passed with to ensure adverse outcomes are not Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- unanimous support. In my home State used against the ongoing application mous consent that all Members have 5 of Arizona, voters approved that initia- for approval. Additionally, patients, legislative days in which to revise and tive by 80 percent of the popular vote. doctors, and manufacturers do not as- extend their remarks and include ex- At a time when pundits are claiming sume any additional liability under traneous material on the topic of this that our politics are broken, and Re- this act. Special Order. publicans and Democrats can’t come For those patients caught in between The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there together on anything, here is a cause the traditional drug approval delays, a objection to the request of the gen- that Americans of all political stripes clinical trial process for which they do tleman from Arizona? can unite in. not qualify, and limited time, the There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Right to Try simply establishes the Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I am here from Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK). freedom for patients and their doctors this evening, along with my friend and Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I to try therapies where the benefits far colleague, Representative BRIAN want to thank my friend and colleague, outweigh the risks. It gives them the FITZPATRICK, as we advocate for the ANDY BIGGS, for him joining all of us in option of trying to save their life. passage of the Right to Try Act. This this fight to stand up for terminally ill Mr. Speaker, whether it is a father bill, which we introduced together, has patients across this country. like Matt courageously battling ALS, dozens of bipartisan cosponsors, includ- Mr. Speaker, each year, more Ameri- or a brave child living with Duchenne ing Members here tonight. cans receive the devastating news of a muscular dystrophy, they deserve the We are both supportive of Senator terminal diagnosis. Even with the right to try. RON JOHNSON’s efforts to champion amazing work done in American med- Right to Try in the Senate. He has ical research and development, for too b 2100 been a tireless advocate of Right to many families, access to these poten- Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. Try for years, and his bill has already tially lifesaving treatments will come FITZPATRICK; I appreciate all that he passed the Senate with unanimous con- too late or not at all. has done and continues to do in this sent. If you are watching the Senate Thousands of terminally ill patients, cause, this important cause. He is a very closely, you will know that noth- like my constituent, Matt Bellina, suf- great leader in this, and I am grateful ing comes out of there, and certainly fer needlessly while awaiting final ap- for all of his effort here. nothing with unanimous consent; so proval for drug therapies and other At this point, Mr. Speaker, I am that tells how strong the sentiment is medical technologies. pleased to yield to the gentleman from in favor of this bill. In April 2014, at age 30, Matt was di- Florida (Mr. GAETZ). Our legislation allows terminally ill agnosed with ALS, otherwise known as Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I thank the patients who have no further options Lou Gehrig’s disease. ALS attacks gentleman for yielding. I thank him for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01NO7.151 H01NOPT1