I. There are a total of three dispersions/captivities, which include: A. The Assyrian captivity of 721BC (2King 17:1-23;Jer.50:17). B. The of 586BC (Jer.25:11-12). C. The Roman captivity of 70AD (Dan.9:26; Lk.21:20-24).

II. There are a total of two restorations. A. The return from Babylon (2Chron. 36:22-23). B. The final restoration, begun in the 20th century and fulfilled at the Second Advent (Isa.11:11-12; Ezek 36:1-15).

III. The basis for Israel's dispersions was repudiation of the Mosaic Covenant (Lev.26:33; Deut.4:27; 28:63, 64; Ps.106:27; Jer.31:10; Ezek.12:15; 20:23; Zech.7:14).

IV. The basis for restoration was repentance and confession in captivity (Lev.26:40-45; Deut.30:1-10; Neh.1:4-11).

V. The principal sin associated with the first and second dispersions was idolatry (2Kgs.17:7-23; 2Chr.36:11-21; Jer.5:18,19; 25:1-11; Ezek.36:16-21).

VI. The Mosaic prophecy of the second (Babylonian) dispersion (Deut.28:49-57; cp. Jer.5:15).

VII. Important dates as related to the Babylonian dispersion and restoration. A. In 605 BC the captivity of Judah begins with certain exiles taken to Babylon. B. In 586BC Judah was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar (Solomon's Temple and destroyed). C. In 538BC Cyrus of Persia issued a decree allowing the to return. D. In 535BC the foundation of the second Temple was laid (the first deportation occurred in 605BC, 70 years earlier). E. In 516BC the Temple was completed (70 years after the fall of Jerusalem). F. Permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 444 BC (Neh.2:5; Dan.9:25).

VIII. Jesus and Daniel prophesied of Israel's third (Roman) dispersion (Dan.9:26; Mt.21:33-43; 22:7; 24:2; Lk.19:41-44).

IX. The repudiation of the prophets, Jesus Christ as Messiah, and the persecution of His followers, and the perversion of the Law into an instrument of salvation led to the third (Roman) dispersion (Mt.21:33-44; 22:1-10).

X. Israel's absence from the land resulted in cursing upon the land (Lev.26:31-33; Jer.18:16). A. The curse allowed for various peoples to settle in the land. B. It prohibited agricultural development and beautification. C. The land lay fallow during the 70-year Babylonian captivity. D. During the centuries of the Roman captivity, no people who occupied the Holy Land cultivated the soil or practiced reforestation. E. Only with the return of the early Jewish settlers did the land spring to life with crops, trees, and flora. F. As the Jews languished in captivity, so the land languished for lack of a caretaker.

XI. Captivity does not mean the destruction of the race, due to the priority of the unconditional covenants (Lev.26:44, 45; Jer.30:11; 33:20-26). A. DD pursues the Jews among the nations (Lev.26:33,36-39; Ps.44:11). B. Israel must be preserved to fulfill the Abrahamic, Davidic and New Covenants.

XII. Psalms dealing with captivity and dispersion include Ps.44:9-26; Ps.74: Ps.79 Ps.80: Ps.85; Ps.107 (Tribulational phase of the final restoration).

XIII. Review of the powers who held control of Palestine from 70AD until Israel declared statehood in 1948. A. Roman period until 500AD (Bar Kochba revolt in 132-135 resulted in the temple of Jupiter being built on the ruins of the Jewish Temple, and Jews being forbidden to enter the city for about 500 years). B. The Byzantine period from 300 to 638 (Jews return to Jerusalem in 638). C. The early Moslem period from 638 to 1099 (Dome of the Rock built c.700; Jerusalem becomes Islam's third holiest city). D. The Crusader period from 1100 to 1242 (Jews and Moslems massacred, not permitted to live in Jerusalem). E. The Malmaluk period from 1242 to 1517 (Mamlukes were Mongolian bodyguards who rose up against the Egyptian Caliphs and ruled over Egypt, Syria, and Palestine). F. The Turkish Ottoman Period from 1517 to 1917. G. The British Mandate from 1917 to 1948.

XIV. The reason God initiates the final return in the absence of compliance with Lev.26:40ff is in response to the "insults of the nations" (Ezek.36:1-8; 13-15, 20-23; Jer.30:17).

XV. Characteristics of the final (second) restoration. A. Begins while Jews are in unbelief (Ezek.36:22, 32). B. Physical restoration begins ahead of the spiritual, and the two proceed together (Ezek.36:24-30). C. Sign of the Rapture generation is the rebirth of national Israel on May 14th, 1948 (Mt.24:32-34). D. It is one of just two restorations (Isa.11:11 “Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will again recover the second time with His hand the remnant of His people, who will remain, from , Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath and from the islands of the sea.”; Hos. 6:3 “He will revive us after two days (e.g. the Church Age), He will raise us up on the third day (Millennium), that we may live before Him.” E. Gradual, worldwide immigration from the nations (Jer.16:14-16; Zech.2:6,7 has to do with the U.S. and Russia; see also Ezek.34:11-16 Ps. 137:1-9) F. Christ will rule over them when restoration is complete (Ezek.34:23, 24; 36:8-11; Jer.30:21). G. Israel will not be threatened by calamities of her past in the final phase (Jer.31:12, 13; Ezek.34:25-31). H. Includes the restoration of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms into one nation under God (Jer.30:3-11; 31:1-40; Ezek.37:15-28). I. Israel is back to stay (Ezek.36:12-15)!

XVI. Phases of the final restoration. A. Pre-Rapture phase (establishment of the Jewish homeland for the first time since 70AD and worldwide immigration back to Israel; 1948 AD until the 2nd Advent in 2028 AD). B. Tribulation phase (immigration continues, especially from the U.S.; the spiritual phase begins; the period ends with the State of Israel surrounded by the nations. Jer. 50:8). C. Second Advent phase (Jesus Christ delivers the nation and gathers all believing Jews into the land). D. Millennial phase (the whole house of Israel dwells safely in the land under the New Covenant of Jer.31:31-34).

XVII. Historical markers of restoration process. A. 1948: Ben Gurion proclaims the State of Israel based on the U.N. vote, and five Arab nations invade Israel. B. 1950: Knesset passes Law of Return; 48,000 Jews airlifted from Yemen; new immigrants from 70 nations. C. 1967: Six-Day War, in which Israel takes control of Jerusalem. D. 1980: Jewish Knesset declares Jerusalem the capital of Israel. E. 2017: An event as yet to be revealed. F. 2021: Rapture and beginning of the seven year tribulation. G. 2025: Midpoint of the Tribulation. H. 2028: Second Advent.

XVIII. The vision of the valley of dry bones of Ezek.37 presents the physical and spiritual phases of the restoration of redeemed Israel.

Reviewed: April 28, 1996 Reviewed: February 11, 1997 Reviewed: November 12, 1998 © Copyright 1998, Maranatha Church, Inc.