2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Application of biomass moulding fuel to tobacco curing : efficiency and cost-effectiveness

1 2 1 2 1 REN Tianbao , YANG Chao , WANG Jianan ,CHEN Yiyin , WANG Huanhuan , 1 LIU Guoshun (1) Agricultural University/National Tobacco Cultivation and Physiological and Biochemical Center , City, Henan Province . (2) Chongqing Tobacco Science Research Institute,Chongqing City China. Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Outline

※Introduction 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf ※Experiment & equipment design ※Results ※ Demonstration application ※ Conclusion ※Acknowledgments

Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Introduction

※China is the world’s largest tobacco producer and 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf consumer. Planting area is about 1.1 Million hectares in 2015. ※ As well, there are about one million tobacco barns in China,and most of them are coal - burning bulk curing barn. ※At the same time, about 6.5 million tons of tobacco stalks were produced every year, but not well utilized. Usually, these large biomass resources are wasted in most areas. Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Main Problems in Coal - burning Bulk Curing Barn in china

(1)Barn control is not accurate, and large temperature 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf fluctuations . (2) Energy efficiency is only 30%-40%,and the cost of tobacco curing is relatively high.

(Coal - burning bulk curing barn at Sheqi county ,Henan P.R, 2014 ) Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA 一、Main Problems in Coal - burning Bulk Curing Barn in china

(3) The degree of automation is not high, labor costs are 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf higher; (4) Coal-fired environmental pollution, , and even affect the quality of tobacco leaves.

Ruilicounty ,Yun ’an P.R, 2014 ) Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Challenges of tobacco curing in china 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Clean energy

Precise control

Energy efficiency

Reduce costs Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Biomass energy has great potential in the field of tobacco curing 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

Abundant resources

Renewable energy

Recycling Agriculture

Cost advantage Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Technology roadmap for tobacco curing of biomass energy 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

Tobacco stalk collection Smash&Screened Molding fuel

Tobacco Design of biomass furnace Equipment processing curing test

Demonstration Results analysis application Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA 二、Experiment & equipment design

1. Design of tobacco curing furnace 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf gas

Biomass物料 fuel 气体 Principles:The design was used the

干燥层 basic principle of biomass half H O(蒸气) 100-250℃ 2

gasification and combustion, then 热分解层 挥发分分解析出可燃性 250℃ 气体(CO、H2、CH4, 300℃ 乙烷、CO2等) a large amount of combustible gas 以及液体焦油、水蒸 800℃ 气、炭等 was generated in the furnace, and 还原反应层 800-900℃ the heat is released in a simple C+CO2=2CO 氧化反应层 C+H2O=H2+CO C+O =CO2 control. 900-1100℃ 2

灰分 空气 air

ash Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA 2.Design of biomass furnace 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

Left view frount view Right view Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Test analysis

Main technical parameters of Biomass furnaces: 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf NO. Category Unit Paramete Remarks 1 Maximum power kw 50 2 Effective volume m3 0.2 Furnace 3 Heat exchange area m2 16.5

4 Max heating rate ℃/min 1.12 5 Balance thermal % 84.1 efficiency 6 Furnace size mm 110×750×2100 7 Design life year ≥10 Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Test analysis Combustion emissions indicators of biomass furnase 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf NO. Category Unit Exhaust port Standard coal stalk limit 1 Flue gas temperature ℃ 215 188 2 Air coefficient α 2.1 1.8 3 Average emission mg/m 138.4 16.2 200 concentration of soot* 3 4 Average emission mg/m 752.5 13.6 900 * 3 concentration of SO2 5 Average emission mg/m 137 2.3 * 3 concentration of NOX 6 Ringelmann blackness class 1 <1 Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Physical map 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf The combustion principle of the two is completely different.The former is a direct combustion, and The latter is the combustion after fuel gasification coal – burning furnace biomass furnace Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Barn structure of biomass furnace 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

The construction of barn accoding with the National tobacco Bureau of 418 documents , that is the same size. Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Recycling Tobacco Agricultural Test Sites

50 biomass furnaces in 2012. hean P.R 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

Equipment of tobacco stalk moulding fuel, 1.5t biomass energy one hour. Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Experiment in recycling tobacco agricultural site at Baofeng County,henan P.R 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Test flue-cured tobacco technology 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

Three - stage process of tobacco curing Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Temperature and humidity curve in the period 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Application effect: 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Application effect: 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Results Term Coal barn Biomass barn Time of course /h 121.0 118.5 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Number of leaves installed 425.0 427 Average quality of fresh leaves per stalk/kg 8.13 8.12 Through Total weight of fresh leaves /kg 3455.0 3467.3 comparative analysis, the The total quality after curing/kg 412.5 414.2 cost of Total amount of dehydration /kg 3042.7 3053.1 biomass barn Consumption of coal /kg 820.3 0 is a reduction Consumption of biomass /kg 0 733.5 of 18.6% Price of coal /yuan 650 650 compared to Price of biomass/yuan 580 580 the cost of Total electricity consumption/kwh 265.4 228.6 burning coal Price of electricity/yuan 0.75 0.75 Total cost of electricity/yuan 198.8 171.5 Cost of tobacco curing per kg/yuan 1.77 1.43 Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Patint 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA demonstration sites, Henan province 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA county demonstration sites, Henan province 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Yongshun County demonstration sites, Hunan province 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Demonstration sites of biomass barn in China

30,Heilongjiang P.R 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

20,Liaoning P.R

156,Shandong P.R

362,Henan P.R

75,Chongqing city 60,Hunan P.R

20,Guizhou P.R

(2011-2016, a total of about 800 biomass barnS in china by our efforts) Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Conclusion

• Using biomass energy ( clean renewable 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf energy) for tobacco curing not only reduced tobacco waste and improved the local environment in the tobacco agricultural region, it also reduced pollution. • Therefore, development of biomass as a source of energy is significant to the construction of modern tobacco recycling agriculture systems. Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Acknowledgments

• Prof. LIU Guoshun, WANG Jian , 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf • WANG Xinfa, YANG Yongzhen,YAO Chao • GUAN Yaoling(Yuzhou Founder Furnace Company) • Chongqing Tobacco Science Research Institute,

Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Welcome to Henan Agricultural University 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA Longzihu Campus ,Henan Agricultural University (European-style building style) 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

Teaching Building ,2015 Congress2016 - Document not peer-reviewed by CORESTA THANK YOU! 2016_AP60_RenTianbao.pdf

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