DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Reglon X- Northem DTVISIO OT iIIIIYBf,IIT GITI Putok 6, Cosisong, Moloyboloy City Teletax: (08a0 or 088) 413{094 €mail: [email protected]


TO: Chlef/ Educ"tion Program SupeFisors and Staff, SCODand CID Public Schools District Supervisors '6q:qry*. .,1.1 {lTY 0!ll3ltil EASED * .7"JT th TlmE-&.$L*. l) FROM: iil

DATE September 27,2016


1. Anent to issued Division Advisory dated Seplember 21,2016, rel RESULT OF THE SEARCH FOR OUTSTIINDING TEACIIERS R"EGIONAL LEVEL" the content of which is self-explanatory,

2. All provisions of the eforementioned Memorandum still remain.

3. Immediate and wide dissemination ofthis advisory is highly desired.


Copy turnished: Records Unit To be posted in the website. RcIUhli. I'f ibc Phitipsil.s DGpN.lndt of l,:du(.iraiim REGIOT{ X. /o,!tlnvtunalora P-p'tr* 1.41tt 0 tAtlr4 ( it

REGIONAT ADVISORY i::1r1ri de - i. C.;j:

FOR Sdtools Division Superintendents Regional Division Chiefs All Others Concerned t?.::-



DATE September 21, 2016

1. Anent issued Regional Mvisory dated Septembet 20, 2076, rc Result of the S€ardr tor Outstanding Teadrers-Regional Level, th'rs Officr announces the Outrtandir8 Teachet Fimlistr in different categories, to wiu

A. AI.S MOSIT.E 1EACHEN Tcachc/g tla.rG School/Dh,Elon _cjEpq?l!. qole!la_._ Gincoor Citv Doreen R. Densing- Pabonita Cagay.o de Oro city Edmon o. Donque Occidental E.linda C. Torres City Jovie Y. lndit ldma R. Mlsamis Oriental Michael T. Codllla Valencia Ci RhiameT. Morales Romel C. El Salvador

B. SPEOAL €O(TATX)I{ lIACflEN Toaaiar's lame S.$oouDivision Arun liko G- Ga Central School/Bukidnon Cecile A. Saren Lopez laena Central SdrooyMlsamis o.cidental Daylin G. Hortilano Bukidon NHS- Gty Deka A. Manubag ozamiz cltv Cs/Ozamiz Otv Eda A. Abellano Mc€nte N. Oravez Mem. Ceittal Sdrool/ Filomenas. M€ndiola Marandin8 CES^rnao del None l-aarni L Cabonilas sgt. Miguel Gnoy Memorial centxal S.fiool/llisan City R(publi. of rb. Pnilit,l'io.s fi& Dcprrt harrt 0f lju(rrio, REGIOH X - NORTHERN MINDANAO p.trn Uf,I Z,a|Ilq$lrdluldns litrtl, da t rl ( it.r r€':,r'.e r. : iort.3i, rdr:. ::eu-;;:1, 3r(r!1b/...r* i.r3:zt tr

Madelyn M. Ginete Queron CES, Bukidnon Tresilita S. LJflan Malaybalay Oty Central Sciool- Malaybalay CrW

C. MUITGNADE TEACHER Teaahe/a Nem€ AnselnB P. Filiplno Esieban Enodio SdEoUl-a.Eo del tl,orte l€$ro C. Revelo I'laruoam Es/lttisamb Ocddental loeoie R Balanav B0Hano Egllioan Otv Joseph ceasar B. Palh Soutv€st Distrtgcaoavan de Oro Citv lune Carlo P. Ople Mintahr Es/&amlz Clty l,tarilou A tabandeo sta, Ana Es, llalavoalav citv adbs C. Gonzaoa Lawit ES. Ginqooq StEhan F. Honoiada o Es/Ianoub Otv

D. (INI'€RGAf,IEII TEACHER T€aalt€!'r ama Sdt@U Bet$y L. Manolbat Molumn Central SdloouEl Sah,ador Oty Cri*ina E. Luna rcEotao CEgBukidnon Evangeune M.Sdd valencla Oty Cent'al *hoo/Vahncta Oty Flora A. Buscalm Sumpono C9Malaytalay!![_ Indep€nd€flda S Ell€do PBdm B. Liwanag t',lemorlal Sdpol/l-anao del Norte ]ondlan P. Td& CorEeoclon CS / Misamis Ocddentd losie B. Enordcia @miz G-Sl,Ed Center/Oamiz OtY Klrla Elanorl/, Alaba Binitnan EVMis. Or Mary lean P. Madrcho Don Re$'hjto Baol Cs/Glnqooo OW MidEl O. Derdrn6 Wesl central

E. AUVE IEAClIER l{ame Sdrool/ Divlaloo Al lhezam D. Annar P. Rada Mabybalay Clty central sdrcol /

M. Pobla€ion2 t stad l,lasrlod B. Tu.nana Dagumbaan Integlad

F. IEACHER I . S,EMETITABY I.EYET Te.he/5 l|ame Sdo.r/Dh4{,on- . Trcdado Gedh C Concepdon Uloan CenH s&oof Mtsamis Occi@nbl Schoou El Gilbert S. Oco El Salvador CitY Cedral

M. Cuwas San lsidro Misamis Annex Sdtool Jovdfine L Espninca Ozamiz Rrpublic of the Philippires Depertmtt,r oI i:ducrtion REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO La" I ttls*,lhful

Leder M. Ranqu€ Od EleflEntary Schooy Bukidnon Mary Ann H. Ealabat hogalhan Elerl€nttry ScM/ oty

G. TEACHEN tl . EI,.EME TANY LEI,IL Tcachc/s l{.mr Scrpl/DMdon Himafd t'|ay M. Bagas El Sah/ador Oty CenFd Sctod/El

l€slh A, Cabalog tlacaba}rm Elementary SctEoyMlsamls

T. cam Buo(a ElerEotary SdlooyBukBm!-_ tolila E. Baz Dofra Josefa Pelaez Reyes Cental Schoouclmooo Oty M(luel B. Arizo N@wan Cenb-al Schod/lillsan s Orlental Rosernarie B. Tapaydn Andrea D. Co6torErd Ehrnedary

H, TEACHER III . EI.EMEIYTARY I.EVEL Teact r/r Name Scf!@l DMddr Aona T Sb. Cruz P. Botanas Fortich Emily G. l,lag-alain Ealili Certral Elem. Sdrco/tanao del Norte G, Cortedor ES ub Marilou M, Geno/la Francisco u, Lafa t',lemorlal Integrated

R Pedro Cent-dl SdooUGlngoog Mary Grace C. Gallerc lilanuel Lugod

2 Mertin& Casisans EV Malaybalay otv Merly M. Miral

. EE.MEIITARY IEVET MASTEN TEACHET I Tesche/9 ?{ame valencia otv Central Analisa C. Unabia Hto B Liwanas l.ternorial Bemadeue l.'1. Caparida SumPong Cent'al q/nfiia G. Francisco Laya EsAIa D' Parbl Cerird luliet C. PaYe Sa. Cruz ElemetrtarY bura P. L,u|erEiarP Sta. O!7 lltpuhli( of ltlt PhiliFpin.s Dtp8rlnrt.l of l-durrtion REGION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO pslrn Aac I lt$t ltdlatua! tnr,qad d. ()tt ( itt i.!.r, $r 4a in€.i :r{,,cr:. e3r:r:r c;i-:rrsr, e srn i.!.:l r1 i..i

Satuador g.nrima U. Salise Cugman EleryEfltary School/Cagayan & Om

J. MASIES TEACITER II . €IEMEI{TARY TIVEI T€adler'3 ilanl. SdEUDat icon Arlene I. Tan Marclo Fortidr Central Eemerdary SchooYBukidnon Esbrlita L Aquit Bongboflg El€menEry SdDoyozamiz CIIY PeGA/eranda O. Atienza Gov. Pelaez Hemenhry SdpoyMisamls Oriental Rowena A, Uyan t\4anuel Lr4od Cerfal Sdtooycingoog

Valerie S. De Leon Malaybalay Cty Cental

K IEAC1IER I .SACO OARY T"EVET TGaclE/! fl.rE Ho,sicio C. Tah ron NHgoroquieta Oty AfiDoflo ]r. Giriie T. Sum6fe .lacinto D. Mallrnas $. NHS/Ging€og

Jennifer L, Bdadre Marie S. Rewlo ne A, Bukidnon Nattund A. Abad n sah,adot Tym laye B. Juario Alubilid ational High Misarls Onental

L TEACHER II .SBCOT{DARY I,EVEL Teacha/s Nanre S.tml/DMdon Ulibeth R Wabe Alubiiid National Comprehendve High Misamis Maybelle B. Villagonzalo Ozamiz City Snd of Arts and Trdde/Ozamiz City Terry LucjlleT. I,laliras BukidrEn t{ationd Sctrcol of Ho(IE IndudirEs/Bukirnon

M. TEACHTi III .SECOI{DARY T^EVEL Tcacher'r am€ Sdrool/DMdon Agie B. Dtlcrrsin CaBayan Int€grated Scftooylrlalaybalay

Canr€lita C. tabadan, Ph.D. GirEoos Ctty ComffelErEive NatiorBl

Cry*atyn S. Ledesrna tooc National Hish Sdrool/Mlsads

Glna P. Sukidnon Nationd Sdlool d Home keFubli. of ah. Philippi cr Dcprrtrllnl of f ducrtior REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO psEn Z,n! j I t1p6 lhlaian! ( n96t uh ,lr 1ttu Clt

Ann E. Cuaslto Jessieiter U. Tumala @miz Ranle o, Villami n c Reynaldo S. Lahoyhhoy Lanao del Noate Natonal Compreherdve Laoao del l{orte Rioalad M. Pabolrot Cooon NH9EI Sah/ador City Ronor P. Escabarte t'loccltYMisamis Orienta{ Mellta A. Bovonas Lorenzo Tao Ruby L Quilah Casayan de Oro tlatiorEl High de Oro

f{. MASTERTEACI{IR I .SECONDARY I.EVEI SdnYOHidl Corn€lh B. Paje OGCrqMIsamls Orteotd Ulib€lh T. Lrooy Bukidnon National of liome

O. MASIEi TEACI{CR II {BCOt{DAf,Y TE\GI Tcdida il&tie SdEolrDM&o locetyn B. PahElan Aublnd Nadord Comprett€cive High Sdod/Misan{s Od€ntal Susan T. Apa.elo Gingoog Cty Comrchen$ve tLatonal Hioh Schooucinoooo Otv Vlrole E. Esdoa Ozamiz o'tv N!6,/Ozamiz Citv

2. Outstandint Teacher Fioalists shall be awarded with Certlficate of Recotnition during tlle Culminadng Activity ol the World Tead|ers Day on Octobe. 5, 2016 at Limketkai Atrium, Umketkai Gnter, City. Awardees shall come in formal attlre. (F€male-loo8 Bo' ln; Male-tuxedo).

3. the Regionel Outstandint Teacher Frnalists per level/category a.e .equested to submit a colored 2 x 2 pichrre with complete narne through email add: MEgh@!!@ on or before September 28, 2016.

4. This Department contratulates and €xterds its deep appreciation to the winners and theif s€hool, dlstrict and divisio[ ofliclals fu. their unwav€.ing suppott to this proBram.

All expens€s telatlve to the conduct of the celebratlon shall be charged aS.inst local funds or any other sou.ce o, funds subject to the usual accoununB and auditing rules and grocedures.

6. For immediate diasemination.