Palaung, Shwe

Approximately 200,000 Shwe Palaung today many Palaung long to be reconciled people inhabit areas of northern with their Karen brothers. Some Palaung in northern (formerly Burma). homes in Myanmar have an opening on one The main geographical centre of the side, signifying that the Karen are welcome Shwe Palaung in Myanmar is the town of to return to live with them.’2 MYANMAR Namshan, home to about 15,000 people.1 Shan State Although almost all Palaung in Myanmar Palaung Shwe An additional 6,000 Shwe Palaung live in are Buddhists, they are infl uenced by two Population: Zhenkang and Baoshan counties in the schools of Buddhism—the Shan form and 187,000 (2000) western part of China’s Yunnan Province, the Burmese form. Although each belongs 209,900 (2010) where they are part of the offi cially to the sect, there are subtle 235,800 (2020) recognized De’ang minority. The Shwe differences in practice and style. Before Countries: Myanmar, China Palaung are also known as the ‘Golden Buddhism: Theravada Buddhism entered the region hundreds Palaung’ due to the style of the women’s Christians: 500 of years ago, the dress. Palaung were Many Palaung spirit-worshippers people believe and every village had that they were its own shaman, or once brothers spirit-priest. Little Overview of the Shwe with the has changed today, Palaung Karen, even except that now the Other Names: De’ang Shwe, though today leading Buddhist Golden Palaung, Shwe, Ta-ang, Samlon Ta-ang the Palaung monk usually adopts speak a that role in the life Population Sources: 148,000 in Myanmar (2000, B Grimes Mon-Khmer of the community. [1982 fi gure]) language and ‘Illness is attributed 5,970 in China (2000, P the Karen to the actions of evil Hattaway) speak a spirits and the serv- Language: Austro-Asiatic, Mon- completely ices of a diviner / Khmer, Northern Mon-Khmer, unrelated medical practitioner Palaungic-Khmuic, Palaungic, Eastern Palaungic, Palaung Tibeto- serve to identify Dialects: 15 Burman and counteract Professing Buddhists: 96% language. The the proper spirit. . Practising Buddhists: 65% Palaung tell . . Ordinary people Christians: 0.2% a story about make a variety of Scripture: none how the two offerings to placate brothers were them.’3 Jesus fi lm: none separated: Gospel Recordings: Palaung Although only a ‘The two Christian Broadcasting: none very small number tribes went of Palaung are ROPAL code: SWE and Places Faces Myanmar out hunting Christians, one with the intent missionary report of a trip to Myanmar in of sharing their food with each other. The 2003 gave encouraging signs that God is Karen caught an elephant, and a huge feast quietly working among Palaung people. was held for all to enjoy as much meat as The report said, ‘We found individuals and Status of Evangelization they could eat. The Palaung, however, could pockets of Palaung who were believers in only manage to catch a porcupine. They 83% several areas. Some live in conditions as skinned it and cooked the small amount of described in Hebrews 11:38. Some of their meat for the Karen to eat. The Karen didn’t children have died from malaria, which is mind, as they thought the Palaung had rampant near rivers and brooks. They hardly 16% only been able to catch a small animal. But have enough to survive. . . . Their faces lit 1% when they fi nished their meal, they saw the up when we came and they were very glad large pile of needles and claimed the Pal- A B C to have people come to help share the A = Have never heard the gospel aung had only given them a small portion Good News with their friends, who are still B = Have heard the gospel but have not become Christians of their meat. The two groups have been in fear of hell and demonic forces, which C = Are adherents to some form of separated ever since that time, but even 4 Christianity they believe live inside trees and rocks.’

1–2 September, PALAUNG, SHWE 218