\\ The John btmt HrthtitUt Ckank. er'i|».M> during lea aeooad*.the periods of U*fct and darkneet Tbr 1 vrfifth w4 KImOm C«M> ,«.; tbe flrn thlM *0.. MARITIME 1RTBLLIGBNCB. tUlowtns in regular succession. It will t e visible trom uv ADVERTISEMENTS IBlfflflB ETIKT DAT? AT TMK COt/lCT. Vu Voortii »bow#d iim A of Uu Mabwi of iu of th« M»M the> besrton of H g H. round br lhe emward I AA*:.-ATIOS tovn rOLlOB AFKI- mm(tn| mp igallis In % PAVffii OF TBI- ADD we cooom* tb* ^*»* gor*® ?oi0 tftriiiUi*1 to Ni hi»y ». also ou»1ok through the channel of lOMUUforc, GLOW Of opMd; fth«v« church waa Mid l» MlMrNt, ror W md mtn fw AillvTouH» RaW* " * - ^ rMultn w* ptoted oat laatsvenlag, tu !x wM. H « W» K .«, U(1 will be c»ior*4 TBI CA&B OK THa FAST Of TUB rKUSBCCTtOK. of es IM rtwlf rod oo Uw to Uerickavaaaa ItvOk. The is 2tS TBCBHDiT. NOT M. lb®*® wereWtfeu.p4IUthere tbM I .oofAtaed, the ftrpnw pressing th.mlri fljuklif iplMt overum> leveiof'thesea,atM,the light THANKBGIYIWOB Beiore Juattoo UlUwaptM. one leet high w.ur. and inc.ear weath DAY 8tr APART BT Coaaolly. and 1 OAtnol Mdt tout removal of this place of After aod iuuiK roc >i* ron>.ran ui. er urn br keen within the distance ot .1 IB THE were I *. worship. singing r* mile*. *n TM ali(g«d rrau.ls committed 1b the Third district r 10 tb» altered. Gnrues wma Mm in < M | Boo* uh..i.eve 11 The lover Ugbt wul be llied of iluj oniinl ef (nature lor "knt>w tae returns were prayer, Mr. Jonas appointed era tan. 4 «0 I uui *iiu ere 1 61 ai-d el feet below the appearance; FOR lb* Twelfth ward continue vo the dm know thnt tb* being placed level of '.he uuurr. will be SOCIETY oxupy attent'ioa of the 1 «^{22J^5 vourfcto Wtbr«d tbe Mr. Jou P**jui, President of lbs Board oi rrnataM, >eeuaaa separate light wuhin the distance of lo miles ui TS1 HWr«d; cannot®.* aeauard between the of S K u a. Ifeaiittec %nd deep interest la BMMtfastad tr the pro returns or i»a when 1 I^n tbebU.iT stated that the meeting «u Held tor ths of «U Pott of Now York) Sormibw 18, 1SJO, lioni bearings by 8and K K | ENOOCRAGSMENT OF purpose K, aid wl'l not be visible to vessels la the onaanel wen ward uLBAN CdMUage, ¦¦ ttev traaspira before thu magtatrat?a. The¬ James Mc of 181st street .»! who bare been worshiping bare during the past ysar ax of Kathlla Island. WEARING .1 *M «. <* lhe on toe oi other OLKaHKD In SHIRK cal* for the has been closed and it will re yTeuUi^worn My* prtasUg itumselres question renoval or 1 he tower la circular, 88 feet height from lu bate lo the prosecution of u>e Fi»th ei®. ¦».»« of tbe r#etrui t*rd Ha then called the to read a sat Bte*ruahip Timpest (Br), llenierson, Glasgow.Y McDia- bull over 'be dome. A red belt will bkik .'ones, Montle-Kayle A Hazard a. SHIRT, opened for the defence Be the testimony .a thla case la Wht a*, Urge majority member* this church, Kichange, Cu«hmi»a. HuKKTUN JENKINS Secretary. At 1# Miti or a* well u itx »r iu spiritual conuecuon ihcn a.uB u of those Bark RoebutX <1iaae Richmond. Keyuo d« 4 Treaaury Deparoutu., Office Lighthouse Board, Oct so, 1*436. apwardl. somewhat Out-reeting, and aa It refer* to the conduct of who ai« ata'ed am udaiitt nod wor-shippt»» therein fur tbe lir g Ata'aya l.amhcrt. Me'iiriUt. riinmpton t llontor To fire thank* Mr a contributed » Walker Galveston .Wakeman, Uunou A Co. At 76 o*M\a and politician!, inspectors ar elections and candidate* for Asrff, »» lsat year, and h-wf to the upport of die church, littg sabine, Co. ImOoist orTf '7TWiNTrninrirT Lkjht AT MatnttO.-- With undershirt «fW* ^rrSShrJtfS' of aiud arc uu .» aa ever KxecuiTe Talbot A at ;r atx-ordli K 10 'bf usages church 1 have ltrig Kldriilge, Nurfu!K-Ma>hrw Official luformat'a: been received ibis ottlci thai the than** fur * concluded r. A O. Tojrtre ofliC* oa tast election day rprctaiiy we have the H 1" b' oi the church pr.ipertv, a<>d Bare Ketch l/hota. !,e»<-oni Caniz-Wheelw ight br»/li>ao soverameut has given uotlco but on the lit day of The meet bountiful ooUitl..*»->=&£¦: viewed * lib aorrow and regret (tie fir Kchr Am; Chanti. Chase lilbrult ir.i h*»e k Small. la*! a utw waa established In'he port of to the enure M ttu *muuvti* ta»ea in th* cam, aa ln thl. the profound procne-lirga July light M*ceio, Immm pebttah ^ J°^ bow, a kale thereof Liken by a .small number of thoae wUo formerly N< br Harriet. Lord Man/snillo.'I A E J Pf M capital of the province of Alapoas on the east .w»,*»t of lirtril roltow* Bi» ta» . .ntae m«'rniiig of tae 5ta 5.:r;tr M-edm^s place worship; Wilmington, tht;D ociipsed fir 1C seconds, bright <, lannel, sworn, Nov., it i» l >' us w ho a of c ijiinu fwm then "I -a o »uu 5 o'clu .* he therefor* oompoat majirtty the Co. ¦toother ec)ip*e for 22 li, and aca'<> the ly Ol naaioa with heary oof, 1N*6, birtwe< n the b»"ra 4 proc*eued va d aa *el aa a of *ut- M-br Ben Henderson, MP.E i Powell. in an or ! minute* Flannel, the Twelfth m bald 'h - *>- «.i l»u"d out tB# hh tntsof church, majority the aialed Wilmington, ligh'-thus completing Its phases interval Of knitted Cotton brairota, a atf to tB* Thirl election dtnirict of ward, Vmt* -«."... fc*1Sl*ite ablpi ert> therein who aie not couimuncauta. hiehr Add D. Osbon Alexandria -Mott Itode'l The Ulumioatirg apparatus ta a eatad'optr i» i of the third nei.i * a ri««i it mi I district the Inspectors That In the ihisrhi n-h and Schr Klo llraride Parker Pbtladslnhta.J I Johnston A Co. en ot. -i t avive the SoonUiul city, on dtp« Kt*o%ed. opialonof noogrsjjv Ja* Hand. order The 1'ght 6 placed at elevalloa a sortment ot all ot said dirt jt weie canraaetag me caarter box So 7; tioa. the ta'e aud rem> val of tue church i- trice bislonmun to hcLrE W Oan'ner, Bourne Philadelphia mean level ol tn<- aeat and ahould be t isible In clear weather »w the 1 re S< hr Smith Tu'tle Baker Philadelphia.Ja* >tcKee. a distance Hizee. that aiw r ne> bad flown. mi, Chair of sail t.uo.u« »- .Isa H Bo*ton.A Howe*. w at of 22 mile*. U W Vaa uorLi». tbure acnounoei or TM grati.s. ouiri-d fur th- benetit of the rbunhor the cause of religion, Ffbr Ashmead, Roger*, lie light rower standi on the western point of 'b» hill which The Seeiety alto eajomj inopaetors, publicly ;Br EItlTOR removal be towirda a Sctr Pilot'* Bride, Pletce, Kltm bethport. * I. Hatch A Co. on a ma¬ duniiiK uMk 'tie imiowiac rote tor Utlcors In tita but that cuch aaie aud would unjust overhangs the ol:> ol" Macecio iMipM where powder Tho utmost in B loud and* prrai o.ftjoritT of the m« mhera of the church utd c tugrega'iou, Srlir stranger Dibble, Kltrabeihoori .J U Edwards. gazine formerly wood, in lat 9 89 inn lout 1(6 41 it weit of brailtad* on sen' vL»ru< i. kat wt.i -.b oal oven pilled in said eluc- "i;v"»V£, vSSZk&SZZ and ortv nip. e towvd* the tr.euiber* of the Methodist connec¬ NuO. Maria Louisa Cumrr.ing* r'ni; illver-Master. order ol 'he L'cMbO'ue o j be meridian of Greenwich. Uy Board, To tbe advoeatea tioa a: uk.« on tbe 4't N irrmoer, 1866, Til:. sswsrvs tion larouaboi.t tbl I nited 8'a'e«, ami therefore raru.-»t!r Moop KmHy Korwich.J B Edwards THORNTON \ JiCMCInH, Seerettrv. V. a »: re->a Ut.« bro. gt.t eouria will take such aa will ail hi. »n er Parker V«-ln Kvnsey, Baltimore.? 1 Cromwell, Of ceaa ratmeat for It-sac A. Hopper lor a»u.climan 210 rote* c» vf v hopi the proeeedtn* preve.it Treasury Department, office Lighthouse Board, Washing- " 11 Fo'ict lotrt *«*b%rj;e Wfo'Sj^ucewjonoi funhtr for the sale or uud church. (¦teamer Marx, Nichols, Philarti lpbia.J A N Urign*. lSSt>. for a oteaa Canton Flacnrf ,ioha Vance 40 Ci- re. a cudM» ^ ward, out of h * utlga'loo :on, Dor lu, '. nod be it further resolved Th-,1 the ins'ltutloo and prosaeu ARKIVKlJ AVhalemen. UMenhtri Acloo ,*h Hvier. for Asaearor i»l& e ectton I h«-r>- i» not a art tela.I bow m tiie * " Uoo of the 'uiifc »nd privceeulrBi' nhicn are pending Oct with 81d from Warren 16th Bow Burden, North Pacific At Oeata McCiulr*. 84 other charge 1 ne«w wer,- In 81Jp American Cttion, Hubbard .IVverpoai. 15, i-hip fitch, Fifty Terenle Hupren.0 tVujt, for a i-ale of i-ald church, originally .SIP u> Grinned MlnturnACo Ocean (ai>d anohored at the m?uih of tie riven. Nor shot):J % cod .Thai dotw n«t remember tti* rote* Tor * the tlie Bi^searid p-,. 0> l 12, w 1th mdae and 30 Arr m Wefduort ICth bark lirejbouuJ, from (\>a«tof Africa, En.I Woo.l r Comforter th* rtmaindor of *»i. > uckei. tindcr»'gned and of al' the tn rbrr* of . do not m x-l iteernge passengers, Po*>., Be rocetred with let* B Deponent lui tUcr ea> o tb a on toe morning of the Oth of s4.rrx\&;v« '.«i>.-.. srvaatirn. extejit ait' B la ashore rt und the will Mantf >1 .a Jm» di-UKi. b« Sharif box Ma 7 <*ad tcketi »» a »!U"S» before Ju«l'< * L,>'.,(>j v tn «!«.<. e«d>:ncs ia r"'* to Iht-neeiiog, carried uaanimooely by standing fii i) u sea which »»vt lie deck* stove bulw irks its, Gray. Co.(C-pl Gray ahiji go polled V* I*. nr 1st llal but2 East out on a short cmite in of the ma'e). contrition of were carried to the f««ttui «ard stauon that oa UOi to IM i . -J,?!r c vll U»e l'MPW vole of ail .a tac loom, vl/. d injurec the o'"cer very badly. days cliarse Iteir practice bouse; in«»Mer(ed CJ«Jwu^, ?" rt b! J»f lw ComnlW 'Uet 'iho ttocretw tbtn rca-i tbe first rc«aluUoa. which gtvs ei lj wtnds the e*i! * (M»»»atfe. ai Maurltiua avc 2B Kugenia twli, KB, from Sevchrlle?, On that occasion, tb* of the etn ol N .vi-mix-r 185#, tb'- sa.n 'a- b 6s in medical adcinv morning 0 re *' »*. n"1 *"} lu*;"^Xrof ihem. thUhewa, rise toali tie Jlscu«ot<«, ilr. !*» art* stating atlmately t:ut Wi'p Isaac ,ti t (of l'hiladelphla), Chlpman, Callao, put tor Ma»n«tlt, llaudy, MaltapoittHt, ebin Id be earelopou took (rota tu. Out ic tun otation house taut tick , inn l" «*» lf tK Hai> oion R"ad» Uihin-,t wlUi ^u.mo, to Barruia nom put in tor refreshments. rpeators acta* ®e>e;y a* acquit n . *"7 frlJ! fheir wns to s to as ¦'certiln r*«>b, Anjier, Heat1, neck and la ¦ and ih«ui it* a baa and h# and all design put nop litigation, Uic«, ven^elto Robinson A Co t-iJ liwm Anjier Aug 26, India, tlowiacd. lor New Bedford. ahouidera, is, placed pocket laorcbiet. bud bt'liPn y district, ha.1 their uroit n to the in i%nmbi'ilaiu, of One of oar th»m bait to said * ecuon iiutriot. and there re Otbera wbo kiio»inlt>.««__me ' ® nitecfMryfir met® «ar mec alre^Jy got op arrapits Ship Zmasrl (cewj, 1'ellUigill, Ea^t nirt, !. d»>s In balliiat, to Atlosudo fft't, Aug 7 r-acramciitj, Know, Wc-tpjrt, broogbt ,. t 'unds of the church." 8*1 since Ht Helena. Beet caaraaaed tald ohartor bo* S >. 7. Depooeot lurther Bays ,b»l i,of. »u.i »¦ aa W I »n "tfcer* the Foster A Swcrm t*p leaving .porting '* "nUi Mr r. rry The nsw'.ut 11 was aite'td so is to read "all fartu^r li- li. rk Meia (Old). Piu«rh H nen,S6dara, with tn lao itua Arr at <1o .*eut 10. Pavilion Adam*, of IlolrQee'Ilo'e, 12) *t>. at II ta 50 that B now <>n **i < «ih(<»8"*"1r®lhat t.a J,naa.«r m-.u>rrve»«-e h-w t and then a rote of 4Z. TUu 171 to Hermann >. Had lieavj wealber, lost Kid from Zaii'i^ar auk 2r>, Brace, , of and for Provi¬ iiuta be mow cct tfce trio* thai ou rsomred two huidrcd sad SlfUuire fliatl aJi*-r Uk,.n I'tan1 I be .«>ur. » ». »»«. ®1 » ^ ti»»o*"'a, *« sorond resolution *<* carried bv H.uo oissentlents. foremast and tO|ig»l'aulii>v u si i sail* Ac. dence 36U sp 100 A of vut*>« h i f al'bateu and wan comdctuned and h«Ii| pa.r thn ty and apaan> toeretore on*rgo« tbe roire<> 8i-rt 'MK>n mar »e d Bark Louisu K'IIum iini ;;iou, ISrLstol, K, Oct 8, with previously reported buck anotber M rt't l e«ud«l '-*'» AU TV.e mioalog was than to Vm as.ur at /'.anzibkr. she was iUt>M-.)ucuil> rctoid to a Proudenco i'ur llaed gi »re«, .aid C l«. Van VoOi hi- Jkou H«rt aad person, be ?<.! or. 'oo bj f> I or arj lhe'<1» Where TJ,e last General Conference of the Sfrthodiat iron, Lat Or otbar art vbon* nam* la nnku»»n t» Mid d epos en t. th* said la ai er» l-W 1 rp.,,.*««i io \>u^.iBh .a, table Br'g Kmlly l-atrls "har^ 'on, 9day*, wlthc«t #f speclor«, neg)e X'AiaD Jl» \>'i.a the resolutions t'Odueed bj ;'ir*leu favorable Khr Amazon (Bi i, Bum*, Halla Oct 11, wiih bbl« sp oil, all well, lo Eridoace* ol toe variety Illegally cnirting ou ssi i r»nva«» and prajs their arr**t. our cliurcli proj erty, wh'ch r« enla!wns were tutroduced for master. sail banie day for coait of tliill. tl>e «- of the sviction of the Qeueral »!onfer- on John A Of otr itrek, and that John Vance, ol Sui»y tost >t/»4. between third and purn prtcurli x schr Henrv K P;r ickaon, Barkv ill*, 20 day*, with Heard from in Ang California Ground, Parkor, ia run sworn, nd .1 et c« of il.e MeuuKliet Kplwopsi t'hurch of the measures la- o ' !¦ W !uU A Co l at er. NB had taken 1 or 2 whales The penitent la da, Fovnh a»enu«s, bemn dulj riepoai" s*yb riOSF tVl to grindstone*, ey A at tbe of t e forJ ei<-ct'ca district of 0» THK KAAMlN*TJOJ«-API'mONAL stltuted tar n «*;e ol the chuix-fc i roportj and faiorthccon- Schr liebonnai. <. >'ri l.ockUurt Cornwall21 dajrs, with Heard from on Kodiac Uroixd in July, Uadsou, Marston. pair of ws* preaent |»M stuuuiidion of the same 1 ll wh tts TwtUtb ward on ibr or tbe 4»h ir.stant, wtcn C.il<£.tifuWrtlO* OF *0® kSD pot.iu.es, to ii a :> Wolff 7 Al.EXANDKR'a ut«ut hvsolved, Ifcat the tl.aoks of ihis rhuech ar«« due and are IS with Heard irom no dale, Ac. Keoka, Ilowliuid, NB, ISO *p tbe kid * oa cb*ii-r uoset «*» aouoi^.^d Van BVaTT r.AiL^O of TKK iCCfSED.«K*r^ schr Alma (I!r», Netcom!}, Cornwallji, day*, pota Beat th* rot* of tbe by hereby tendered, to &at iarge majiritj <4 the iue>n .era of the to»« to D R EeWollt last cruise Abo i< poi ts, no dale, A K 'i'ueker, timith, Dart- The aad oae of tbe I saw Mr VacVoorbs wbo lh*ir vote on the t ove men lat-t cruwe picker* itaaw Vootbm, lu»p»»itor*; L .r ... ca»e ol aiiete* Genftal CoufereLce, rj ?chr North Potut Hwr.n Mobile. <) days, with cotton td Tohn tnouih LOthlng Of ouo uf the and cO>, k »if tue sptd ticket. a/t< r wh>ch t.cuti iti-oHit.ijC and nie*ei!ie», c e<«!>- eipres#e-l .n-r lUsiip- IbiF, wben in the Hook w«s Heard fioin. no dale. Nantucket. Nsnt, ol' not i«a'ed; canraasing tourae. Alf.oo 8. o» Trentoe. Se*.to- aa the t-on A Ijowden. monoiig beating Olbbs, were threw do»n u«»e sad either Into a box Utlog.^, proiiatior of the pr(/po.s»-.l ii*;e ol the a).id church and run bv schr Iiio Or*n.> fiom The N I' loot Beisey Williams Au»tln HIS, 2M hpak this seaxon, AtAiaa Forty they ojea, Coufcreooe Is the htkMei-1 known to our into Virginia. At.an 3(0 do. It the rary bad artdaaoa or the Uoor ai .> it» t in* the ticaau, .er wter« ii»l>r M. frice Moore and Joseph 4. Hyatt wro (t«n»rai judicatory iibbcora tic Rio Grande had sail* torn, and returned to re¬ s, Wilson, FO, .... upoa tarotigh split *t '.hat th« S and anuuil Confer eu -Sept lat :i5, Ion l.schol), a en fata tnt i.j «a uiat he was cturil :oDd;y hope hiah'o| pair then. Spoil .10, (probably Of di«po»iuon Mr Van Voorbis throngh, and the'icouaed p»ru^, '« > «torU.y « U" en re will art Is to Liir ndiratlon ot opinion iijivinsi to 0«o of Provlncetowtt, i iujs out, 130 o»b» oil Part to a wboui I to be a olerk in cOLfonnitj Schr 1 Btuiy, Hill, CharleBton, with cilten, Ac, Hulk- Mckeoon, of (oogratdla** aM'.^t*d pe-acn -upp-w«d roi ce r'ote Jct.ce ^er U.e raU, thus rit n l>j ihe General Conference. A C-o Sept IT, lat 6 S, Ion !»'. K. brif Fxrellent, MattapoUett, LI'mjeT on the acqumUoa t v .; tht rami ft in« -anras*; after they tad Couri,' ConwHy. Alitr a * a> c!u .t al oostrratiODB from llr. Pearce, a ley W froit lioando bound ou ii cruise, no oil on b jard up Schr R Prowr, IIu!m, Wilminrton, NC, 6 day;. at K itn Of a r ': X re>i .be Br. Vau Voorbis took a cvidtace ® f'ooced, for U>e pofpow of corroborat of member tose to ask how the sUtoacMa made iu Ua* M< rse Richmond lu July on Kodiac Ground (by loi* i'a'con. ITIlo> pew; op reault, cp paper }-chr Crei )-haw, heard ol froia I,i th * u *< b i. tii aood the rxsult aloud, in a leiat lorrn tbe re mm »W. rden and Mr **. anl reeolatioc wors known tc be facts ? ^chr lyvnchbtirg. Cook, hicbmctid. t-cti, Wuii;. NB 2 whs. Various ships avtra^j < Llrtert®® preamble de This morning at 4 2 to 6 wliu'.es tath. Ti be <«.oedingly « . urt ab follows li r nunctlman Vance. 40: Fruden- lu«d h''*2 " »*" *>« ,eea fr0® "" Mr Psui s.They are in print. Pchr Rio Orfu Jarvi*, Virginia. Ac. I'tO humbi* submit that in is not a o'clock, wh»n ofl the Hook, came is cintvt with *. lir North Spoken, k^k and butabt* (btti, Hopp»r. 2iv, Ulltttan, Ui7;(or Awessor. Hyier, re; tr. oi «M Vsn'i SB.' beJDg print UmlM-rs was towed steana Oc-nil M'Lellan, from London for Beyoore, Oai 3-4- auc otatr rtiu ts that w«s to, fart Poini tore sails, broke Ac; up by Slap Spray. on '-bat day. 116, Hnrl, II, Muuut'*-', ^'^"dttlT .worn, deP**t ud neee» iary pr» of of tui sa'elltte. 12. lat 4 laS, ion iljj W. A pa'r of oar Uie di! Harbor, appeared say newspapers Phi m ecimrinies 8 off We^C Would at onoe nod be ai'itare'. to ruwrass aitfc s en those s'atenxti's bef >re Srhr Mnry K'lrabefh. Whit'j k. adelphla. .ih 5 of 17 In'sntry. .N'ov2 Key taUrely, gresl facility. X^LTolTtrlin Jox-t-m.ig oT tbe 6lh Noretn- ^. i^^^^'tha^. r It's cot toy Ifco't. S'eamer Mount Sa\sue W»i*on Baltimore, ft) hours. Port*. Rata* him to ai who are In offic? seme- foreign ber, IBM, be met I W Vno Vixjrsi* toe Boitrd ol ItieC.iair.OettUmat htfcl. So mer Caledonia. t.ayfield Baltimore. At»>'. Pe;it 22.Sid barks Maryland, W bite, Muscat; Oct 13, 11* Mnt'f Ward Canvatse t> iu toe ftrst di t tot ol the" we> tb ward; Btd --1 M d " - tltr.es lorgtt th.tnaslTes, l y uol aiijcsslrg thotr ro- Steamer faci ny, \Til»on, Ph:l.ide'i hla. Arthur l'icki rirg Cloti'ntaa do i's tn <»v ciaud in iom rr.h£;^ . Mean er Oreen Pb ladel ihla. Novated partMB (Bat the satd Vnn \oo i'.eo>nent fc*. ,o A,f.p(j fi. who reside* tn Siar to the Cbalr. Sophl.i \ston 6ld poacLt UT'ii?»U)n, ('laughter.) CI 4 tbe riir j election district h .(1 (iftnotiODt'> bolel u.fO Mr. (rood stanl corrected. St' hmer Wemchestcr. -an Krare LalMI; after Inspactw.s dcitotu&l r«A!!C*, humoredly.).I Mcauier Shctuckct, Nor »ioh. (rot sco). dBlaBad IB* o»ma«Hi>t aid ibrd etocl " Th< preamble wae then poastd by a roto of 40 and tho Oecr, t'M.pi.-as. ftov &.In poi-t barks PanphyUa, Wilk ns, for Aad fonnd aa *' ror m afaiB the cb»rtcr tic*-*. tf.a: tto Mh( reioa'oa.1 tL Treatcc ur likewise It waaalso determined BCLCW NVork ldg tugsr I/>uua Soupi r. for d«. log molaas< tnic.- Enable him to aae kt,,*L ou., y resolution nnan.mousiy, c i tb-Kr-t to re sii'tn to cairaje in TVd' nnlon, Hallett, from laverpnol Oct 1S>, with tndse rican. W: ban. cg. bnts Tbos Conner, orK: B Cai.er, Saw¬ H!« tnllueaoe errar waa in tte rUrur the sr efi ia ita '-vta ^ to publish the t n«een yer. do. Biuke," 1a making to blot of uirvct, Tb.rty gentlemen signed Bwk llo'Aird stuiwood. f^om Newport Oct i, to K W Dc- Gib». tLTjta, Oct 1" (not Tthj.Arr i irk Fortune Hilton, Scg- A ftateC to the ,t « no frst to toe station house jjtim to tl:a reaolrttor.a and thrt-e letiors of coocurrenca aiu a or al ter. aatlalaatO'-y drsonrui "tr C^»i!.T»bam lano. 'by pilot bout Waehirgton, N ¦) 2). na lor Bord< and probably aid day two on and tb< r» tbe ticket-. wh*rr »ur.«te«^ were Vjo It was thco deter- u. t»< t Carlo for Diapoait of said ward prucurwd tMy ,0?e.«f? b< of read, theae anvudlsd Rug ( liarles from ... Hi K, S'.In port bark Mauran, Ajidros, Mid had boen Ukrn a'ter tb r»ot*r., an> k/OK said Uc»eJ alnel to the roll round to the houses of various list -Jia the l.en v, Ol sucb pa plunder nrk and tbtie t*ean*wse» ibt-m; deponent furtbtr CIMr Ux*g** «»« tbec put cpoa the .twd, .ad w.t nejbcp of the cne/rrgaiiro. to obtain n'U.Vral s*^ -a- Pmn shtp Vigo fllri, Uarre; «h;pi Rap lor, HaTT->; Clara Ma>uA| Ang 27.Sid ship Florida, Nickarson, * itb a ol me A'aro Oanv UotjR Koilg. Compelled to di>g«r*< * the Tbird d'.strici re¬ Carver, To Complete the pabUa 1 roleeul W ind at stu.se t, N W. and fresh KaaiPioa. Nov 2.In port brig Abby WaUon, Watsoa, tor Park. turn into tbe B>ari c>l W«rd Umu'fi i at. tn Uie r r:r,rs, The Tuif, N Vcrk J) daj». -iplcloa, said tbiro di»tin t re urua were lllccai deponeat the aJ- StHi>.*n, on. fTost as tc ".od'r trUt.Bg iripract.cab'.e. Some first class versport, Sn.ia. ati 3.Sid briy For a black iMrict of the Twali u »am n the alt*>rnooo of tie 6m riK?a," lr-k. /.nliiii.ti bept v.ni nsriife.'°r between w *' Julius from Italiaa tut whec the p- sr- re a(M>ot b u/ UBtn to the :-ta nijochu are a atie tocctnc o b vcember.ote Bra 'p T->nawairfla, IJverpool aaasMque and Sakm. Oram, saw s . of t> ke>s tn t«-o c rners or tte I'-il br g I. T kmpiit Pnttenton, and Am»i ica. R thhln*. Bo . BlAik 3aUn tlrn hftna*. ! «.?.. I-n asd "ockv-t, or $ I 000, tod another between inn-tehu Ut vld sruiiX l»i u,'!aer of Cast> er. TomlUi and uuts* Blower, Alien, Chae LiiBHrt'Ol. >OT iAiinoti, nae ofcarter Uc.sk Ken*. WlicOX,fei jcln KB; iUi, W 8 land*iy, flew atirt thai there wer* Tari<a(» r; i also ed a U,- ce.-t. ib i la-1 sBsir wul afiord Ta» k With pw-xed np pa up ' Fi ip Am TV-On ¦; e ri i ent tr i k>cd of |«|><«, m near COW! coa 11 t reci i.ml St Nil. LUteo toeon, M-Maicnt^o mile heau, to wsgon* . Lirtpoo bcr audir, Ca; /.erega, the lullow port. prjttllae Horn John, islcc.id dtstiiiguieb itu re was no n«pc tor there at N«\ u c 1< iter . Hav'd Spen- Linae Cohan, *i t 1 1 .D'f.-ipjf Kd .kl Tropic KoaelL R«iiI.",uj; 4th. i'rocket! < aaie tn '1 was I t-tmed s . the bmr Mr Van V'.xtrbui wbU* tl»M 4 iiandyjlm li.i'uTli.inPi ki Zrotr¦ k.offfc.p Arctic, Nov 15, ISM ©rr, and KvcfMaior, Bwlfl, N York, l.avl Woodbury. Bradford, A la Byron, or otherw'JM, * Be % .ad raw Mr l ab«r pv> >itwery y 2 Su Beiort- 'eavlrg jourfhlp. we. tha tti.damgiird, boi; leare in (I < ti»rh«pe o irons 1.1- ireoofc r»for tc thrin a. a ib«t ne auuid aant ut! of eaca ror m tu mat*, best three ta *1 ..<»ur luted* durtoe ir piow-sn erpool. and beg to Steele, Long Kong. mm ngk.ti T it trott a; -ratca #K0, itMiire jon ihv « » tbtil be aiw%t" mltuUolof your gcotlemvs For tbe moderate of tl kihd; i toot the chait . im.i tn t: Kcwjiwo ml ttuuim, and »!«o whin perartteti appear bouse, aac' m .* :t t p to .< ut nat.t t>raham. - .'i «b" * and aud b AI B \NY, Nov 17.Arr '-urab A Atn.t, Klnncar, N At a ,.*. ^ 'vll i! law. c\])nsnurU»»Lk» to jom. olEccra, .$ to Kulr C h il Knw puotic aaactuary ute I'aentb ward , cox rte on kii cday afters on, betwiec b. g Pet anl a bty 'ix \olira York. T»!aiagr,do Waiaon, Miiin, i, *..iO|n John Fvzgrrald. ol pnUoe. t.cuif liu'f .,r^ ... JttattewMatm-nj W*, ^ Mib»e mutcI'M i:ri\vfuil>. tun B SUfnii Unnk. Nor b* permitted war riw nt >t of tb* Tf.irl .usre ; V Ur lipsgland, d d not tak. place, on Tl.cs Jnam fell, T Leaf, on behaif of the frook* .latkann, Korkur-Hy, r-a."y, Bad SWOTS, sayi>:.I j trepoiis rlrc or a. t P«« *« '"w"W^wor.o. bt-lripP Hcoti, Cyrus ."'U'l CM A 0»txwn 1'cuny, Kt-e«, Alurua, Dirt)/. IfJMick. To ratura any klad of uon diuti Vet of sa d »jr, on um al<« noon oi th* 5tb tn^t ; -t-il'o. W b*. U your wm* *. « 'C'JiuiJuor*rT ".xouat M a tirsw between the parties. I>amer*ir» BOflOW, No* 17- Arr 4MMT City < tte t* let bo*'* tc th' station y Iv>» Jin Sbii-Fucos.AMif ti Crow TJverroo! Pent 21 for Hurt- thrwa, Philadelphia ehlp imiar, feVmry, Losdo*; barks I fclCCA hi* aoaoie i , 7 rial of for thr Miiwlfr uf NIm AIImi mt.i oloiu et'i r lOtli on acount oi m itu.jr ot :h<5 Hwett Ko fionse after toe cat. vaa" o*»n co*ipfek<.J we ic<>< ail tt f¦.. «... v icu born A in New JxrMrjersey. Ifejf and, rut Inst, Ilotner Mngapotv. Seablrd, fntM, d<>; Suuaoo 34 the Jo n that ware litre. I rawoaartcr box K« 7 ^ « ao\ou 151 Cuambor rtroet Krie Oo.*r»t.r J it*w. hli.'on 'll.v.ow, l.jmndt*, Moot*. Itoaic'lTa; Ch-*i»ir, Cros¬ live4 4 NO (.¦».) tii« i M i'» leli'ht»; Cur* -»o: c"**1 tim-«. from S Jiiiiui W. on by. bH««K"-mpl:irip.r>, Kelt-??, Hy- w H'UI J yr.Lr P*U piact^" curt trial caine on at. in f .n»o war a li.f. l'ort K*en; Anirll, «rhii B^00li tM a bo \*ir *d tt noar to tt» b atd la jdc of»ttraord.nary coaraoter. The 'Le SIM ulu ti't .'IV >no*)« Hog island id Vntny. LoulMk, Philadelphia; away; pee tarng %m»f v in n a *w», J 1' Stfouo. ConaB, J A K->.:b, f\«t..r,i»#d S%rl^ ,n ^' I ot m ttw comer- of th* r^Ha. el tbe vorfTilKT aeettocs of our Ojer and rerrr.'.aer, be- obliged U o»rl>iardjauo{ c.irgo, au.l alio obtain Raltiuore; sew two Lrtps ucketr I HtairUore from at> ". to £Ct on Vary Ann Rred. Philtde'prit; t,ncj Blake, tlwk< .1. Jersey ABf boicb"' ar« on* ot ia« "t for- Hon. Ji'ba Ga bralth, Prwldrnl Jndgr, Joerpb ». iv hoard Mr O>'.ornt- 4' Van IVo'tn*. In ilJJ reoetri-d vea'e- ( Tletlk, Ntekrr«ou Kemtngmo, Hray; Henry, 1 «ytWM*-^£1Vou. te oommonweoltn, usat !l%yt bad gin. .I'll aboil* Retry, NYork At Quie«nUue *i».p Dia^ooa mtSi repitev, ta*> to?»»»V ik. at J I 0Bt; reqcl-e t-Bf U. mow ;ht m A.,oq wh'lo llrrt tut .Vor 1* Wetu % lortwo buk* ul Jiree brlgn Hid Uiomms. a* they m *bt bt »aau-t;" he to one bto or ao,ua.nVMi with Mia! Cailata C Uring Pro.ieiler Webb. Willi ftl'l cafu mime* 'r» iililui l ort uruxoot fIgn.l pointed U pi-ier to la Ut.a dur w nd # to N w. «oi*l brMre, p ^«a ii'.. bciind io Mar tuelt, waa ii'irat ou Uiku sjpo.i >t on lf M r pti* ought m.ti betni; irly etam.r.ed Wort aitun-D of gh««M therein toe v Vli or; orig* Var-'j*;'. Dc&nurk, Veljelpado, Kill**, *¦»¦¦ caax. pt.e » as pat / r« to »« f>0 tM aaaeid *0-1 t.g lU cat ;ty she I? i it.M \tid« Wlononuh J Ai.'ni, n-lir Camijo. IWk JrXd Char^. >1 ser\ai. ant waa at tbe time la the thirteen Aiuki-ra*; >$?*£.» ota um botsr. 1 did sot put tiom ibb;ki.I ovtie.e utofm>ov 17.AfrbarktP C kl Mnd?r, Alexia- It.cer Kaber pvraoas p T? ,fv o.f t» put «o bin.. 'ai!bUOW. QiiOit, < <»«.< or »< *>ea a>~«> we v ' ..rd ». til boa.e, when It»>t aleo 1eft and ergs^'l board V -r«e. 4i.'iam H Hrav-ocr. Albert urrli r, end I'apl Henry "!er, EaMl; Juaiioa Piory, All..^*, , Na.<'m%, l -. your tame? A Joacb A,TI"Hyatt « ^m!. mi. ana rrawhyee not Bourne New Kllr* Urure *-.- ? with b.*a Alkc r TaUMr. nok, «ha 11 h»r The IrtWdj'irrf Mon.ci (*r> \%a, .»«.A-SS the bon* on tht ot a in o>he» in the b*.H 9f tbo brig* BedftM; paid lop CO are A K«» i* a jrt c .jm Mr ('am . :¦> .mui J.ate.v to si.it.br* >1 Iloatid w'.m Ottawa . I V. >oa< l urii tr the last winter deeeao^d went to ach'tol. and ship put up (Br), Baney, do: lIo*e, .I*®"** *" statoa bows* w< fv u( 'i tn ? om *A»v Oi*. i tbey cvrf rar- t,' Wti". Wtre joa bon.?^rVUuoeje^A. i« u*e r «r tm aloo went to u-tuber hip fur Mr Oiarl«i Wills. I'-n and; W»kc»E, fiteK'r t. JCv>'|i >! 1; B«-Je U'e (Ilr> fti-ise/. I am not aware tnat tb>- said t.c%ett r ace ol atiirt'j a?'-'* rt»f c-rmncx pnaooer H-. Ji.hr*, PR. CtaiCoi'' v H -imMi I M una ttobiar; eeb o niaou. t abo^t old, audcontmacd 1 A4.Ni trv .At S< uih Tbomaaton. S4«li u't, from Ue v.i»d o Ba*iie«,Jayne them were laB>aaaay altar Xtj woreat laBaa to tee do Ut.? A. S«. Uo r-«. forty tuoyean .'»n.e*h» ret'.and a mm hbie en\m I 'be Kn flmtlrT,Buiiaoii'i XI.Miini*le, llti r, !t .« Yv**tere job itr w.liter lit the epring be rented a farm LUrl* (fauMlnf, o BoufoM; Phliltn,« tre, KB gslon, Ma** < id bark f.lnd* |||4lOS fpttg egttic Ho '.CLf. i .« "*i h» fiw»«-.l«Bd A Miaaiduul, th' bail i< .. Klr.g of So 12*th ntfNi between tor Alien, aom»l b'.n aid L.a lamlly on to It, and went At .Ni \ LKwt B; 1Mb .nic M«-»« t s II Cmtrei' W A «*rt. »-t'rllr(r MonWWi-o vndtt markft brig* Roaming Sjlrestee Osbo»n >« r*r tcaspfctloo' A Conm>rl« mcr. ky Co, 11.o (Jrvidr %*.£ a John A . .^q^Wtnt bia a Mr. who mikrf Taytor,F.»n»- foarth aad Fi'th avfO ..* swora. layi Piat <« tb* Ssi/i., to t-oor.l with au-p father, Ollrer, br.ei) iiiu-li. «1 bs \ ofJUiUiM, not jet n^.ned. tkl la lor BrauehttEp, St b-og t me too h»:n. Potion, OTA <'.>!*. Jur.m, I.ucu, Al'^.-tt Mk *f NoTtmt.r. SoC, f. waa at the Third --taction dlj iired abed ball a tute dirtaid. Cp to tbe of .Aid FWM K n Jmx a, I'uber, '¦Itl hiu-k | . At OcvUwHto Cod. Mr -amael Jr. a nilhfi.liiitlol; Troy trwt of tb* Twelfth ward at th* < luoe <¦' tbe aanraaa of murder, Fa; o**en v.ried at .'v"cd'«, and aided him y C.ip by frogby, flu«-ly I* k Ha/eli r.e, HtCrtl *. iNe, rr I. m * »eatn aed utno.« and ¦tKtel ed -ohoonar of MO tiua, ra ted Ui" flerie Mariton. ><*rnl- < YurmniUi. C.J ttesMd tfWr,-t list a portH* ot ibe -mai is ali.iir.Aj prcurng 'irniiog li, by Kne tf o«i«. bj '"a{. U wtarn>abv and oiler., UOuir«>ille, r..»; ffeptu'e/It- As, !.m, . - b^»;^^jAnr;^ j owe tatx" He a.tr and Hutui «' Ik m»rura B << Iftv Wl'rhe«er, Nitfnlk 4 M Bavr Iktstl oa ibe ,*.«.»« »/w o-<» i' C W. jericnal pnrcbaoed goods and Lewi* ot lloitan. hhelatntMid M>BB rwaaw ^ ^ b> J|<"«n«'ronpil *('i, >er, *e>i» i . t» t'Lirk. Jackaoarill-. , 0* ^ jnbn >r thi aad u. adt M . Miwyi-r r.o»tf about lhMlona, «°sH«Rt. ttB ward Nisac 11m Nltrr Ttadr. 1 U»- K I u «aa btttlt Vvnal. A ticil J«et«<>n»lt.e. w»t tte tw.. fu a»... v rt* e not h- w* muoh distroaeod aad Mtlh it twig Bfcr by Knoned> I'iTT Pi IM, Xor 1». krr m-Un ReVc-% >Vo«!*m. New Mauaaatel Qolmes, nf p nt, bemg vxrrrp tTktz* mjtkict t P<". nn>nrr- «ni mi» ttrors, *ay*:.<>n tie tm-raltig « Oorne!l%, ' f* UdV*| itn*. NYork for MM «cbr Kalhik saw c.itn >.. . . w^rd to by h< r parrots aa weit as mlu .- wuaeasca. Ita Use n« t.' l Bi l'«'er»:.nrg I'orrle.R't- oataot, I Mr Vaa Voarain tb« errlith tor a111 f K.r» CLirBR ruirmi. wli I* eiMnmaud er f*i itn t«-k ,I6< lartar tbe t'c -n a rouui u..t*.uu 34 Mr »fln« arm. B"« -tattoo b< uae and beard aim iSV>'F< t»; No? 14 .In Ht mautr »/ >hs CM«t {Motet ti. Jk /Jatk |*ecAit!du i the bvtldara in o' »>i I Vr law »ot*ty tdit>*tiung I fur the aiioa. th,» <-4p« <¦/ tt*<> libel At «nr r n of ubont p«rl 17ib, bitrk At|il«iM>, I>iu!i*'D. ftrom Helftm ar» i#rm> worth for the Avoid »eem U) it on (be fol- No* U\ tpletidM rtilp I3*t(nn' k wnb I.c n hi* btBOkerchlef; toere Bfiwi ;> «e «a g rp |« .libit ib.a mm el mtr, on aiowm, ikx >,t girl. day tbe M K hbewMbutli Vid«\ Kan'Mir a Co. utwcon l.udwi|t by ¦All, aad Wit of Boss*, open H W »«' directed by ll.e Court l< vlilt ifit tslok wit- th» hi ««wr^w3.fi^ ngsrs Cap' Muter, P^IIi lit? anil report fin tan "uoillUon m^ic lArfwlf N \ dk inr Bt*ion. hkl brtt Kriinft IfiOfli (Jtiick*trr> ¦ tfeWfh. fri-ra the teeim"By, thm jii aot di'tctly, that ;..n wlo t» Vu ri»r n aod t.er. p*aa«d Tht It. J"J S'Ufj n» 4v<*utui Qnua't)' H' "JUttt .Tie to at,ud \t I .Nov H-'rar;, r- it \ I'r> a »tr Tl T'lit'^C Utli-iff * hrt Noutt it wtl* A'Mk l.al iditiei' fnrRoi- p., iM»*fl1 U>»* « W *' !*. «l iv of the twelfth wird i-oliee, be rtfbaed marry mm . Hai'mr, nf di !i»i »*« is iir» ra§e * ai><> rh*r ad with *><>1 g ,*.f .fed oi urn ii Hari !<.' K < *i <" f>i'I. fli-- i'i/»n d -J >b Or ilmwu, 5"a^*T( JOM0,^£irt fto on or tar *6 ot Mcremtt#' a the trcoTomf day of the maroer) weat fio^n-, it» .u: . f ri < »ti. St ¦, U}l TUat aiwaM i ttt t. vile uf ilarcr trAt * u .. t do an for (the I o. < v:. Uo Itr r't John. Ml; bl» i't>rt Mt Bai-for b, . .f r*n.o Hbrtr <31 '.»»« u. th.- a'Bfl'u. hoo^aul alleiya, »ad bin to pie* sb t ao acre of pot* 1a»«. rrhr* k W rl;;b* u, I.o for !;<.» .*).- Ht »1 7 .vtji* r*. // r n o r>' 0«« .n.i» io arfctafe .>ciI Ire to .Marl Irtt* fi a .N i 1 t loot upwi . twi* i« »*i'l MaM ti bra* It . tteKM an 1 ca«-, toea. Fe »b< j tatn trd henn. p»ntli» t-^c nit. did urr*.J (Urtl \Df K'ter, urk Uo; l/ojntkia. Ko^rve. l""* tRe iof'odaait U rbarre«i mit\ mit it« 'r» U'.intnc'i fi:w R»rr. Rl- » 1. . ior Bath, COMKbM H !Ti;i-^, fljtin nil for N J UiaBI in a bal.Uk Of Ob.. t-.nl U l «t Ui« m ntt.ng i me ule wot. v-out tbe uou«e ttieh aa brlagtog waww, A>wtrra, 'plu ptBo- |M«KM .n*®, waa pietpoood tii' Ur Jti o« aprt ..u-* «/ tbe U h'rehy fit. n. >h. » urrw Tnntr llJ Ir >t rk; I'wkrt 1».iwp«w. d\i /-k Ir IM t %l. lB'r , awav t Uh- tbsotice "I \l i>oCiii b*. dwe ,, i-ruiri. N'.ere'ow iiAar'y c"B| I. and wrli, PitaBi tor l>artia: ph L«ke n*, BortM W ib^kulJV .» at aefrtrtaat, >m«BU lltaer he IroV dr^wn a rovoirer he v gh«aWt ^OOAO^I . a-w If i r.« of tb> Niim at w*a u*«-. ne third « bi After th*' had, tba r or about the kfth day t .rJT, a (. .ed wUiti Pali t(t >lpn a. fill hai k farah II ua: l>ii( I wtl'ia. nun U> ta.- tu ib.40 J to (0 to lUvisa for the ImmuRI of a daaatry, t fco** 7** Hniki loti i i « geefral #.r lion, NT tie fcetiu- and * -ot away a difercot d'r^tlfti from inat wU.' a tU'hl !"¦ "?.< oi.b r Will I'c Habit94 'ber tram. P.-'rWl w M hi Kil. Hult btr, AltMDi r h M jiWtllu . uMtni*¦» *r l»r 4 lf5a woo d har* Min h.u to Alio i Aimut hati paat 1 1h n*. r of hr .» i.ivia'ii'/d u.d »,it b>- » in»nur.t«.! by Maty At.u l»rU -tlo, aud Kievi*. T'ue nluOv Will b« taken ihU W.-d r .< \rt i.u'. >*»ti et. 2 t'.iirjir" f r B***on' to., Ct r. t* tba up .'ay, i M. be ct.nc to A',ea'r ard a-»i Coaa q 'lie aj in laat it, p .uut* d i*ek 17th. rent, hrlga lyfibrf rant, TwvtV.rtf kitcMa, 1 h> Itx'rti e V 1.1 ft art .-le*t\ ,u of fftrl »'im«aa » if!* i-i, W h'l'it fnr Wttmlaor; In l'i««rT .i * v al ' «n»i w*% .Mby. soar ti e doo-of ao tuief mm in wi4oh Joceae-'-j p UO KiMnana, ojjij,.« Gmty ftvn. *»jr rrr~' bf»» t.'l« »cd tMt bt >ftr i t.tf*-. aMt'cr ttwr Uk ttraal ramta- ffht iliwud 'av mreu-d it, lwrr> JSS ov r abaaltf M r| ||« Mi .( >u«.¦!((, 'lU: i feiH 41.IV . f I.ill I f di Jt <0 .11' aatl i at a 'utiiirt' uh-b Ba lu»t>.-e rir MWMiHitt Cr. t'onrt of lincrtl 4- ««ton«. . oh ,nai> g INN, dt«- HMera, wlev, V.'a w t ahoaid > im» i p . r> uA'MiffrfUf fiaar, an-i cot thana >¦ . lie. »e Ra.oiirr trull tion the iiiweaeeii *«td, aot w'nir tai fe ofaBan* 'J' on. mi ii i'h. mIi li h a fU «k»: Kar*h *B'i H.- ., Hakar, KaUuntfar tl w ir d if ' - link «ri l.->r Alhar* am t, J ttu and tw.\ MM carftxi ttiMI M Uf rtaUoo Uodit i .!>'! . It »0UM I* * I' .A* i' e op- fi» ( «f u » « nf« i.Y.amm .-.Thimae lor tern' h-re yo1 >h" nfc' at>q*«d ywt." T.v- . protima p.rji i.o id ii>¦* baht .. dedor-'d from the l|tj<%.iia, M « at ha to which ha fWHfi. Oowti to thdrn, I do> | nn tl at ... (¦''i r .e> 1» L*u je .>» U K«rih, liubib e»*»et %- on 'lie WM »f \4 mean It." 3e Jr bri; O") ..., v. m.i- v it >r un- 'Ml' t>o gl/ea of iha pracW* dat« wtea th« r« l'e M. .we p, »at» .He .»« *ba u' lb* »r tae Thtrl IRe *h o< Julf .«, hi.» at % bUS n ia i»rrif"»u tfeeo aw/t.' t( what I e tad fiT«n her oo fa' irday. 8"e Rtn I. M Lupxetore Tt . IHtliW (M -err, ae»eo-t4 o . | 1«*a oi io».n Is " Jghtwil Mfer4*nt,'«-r tatd. "Tot; kt."» i «r^er a- ?< *r sUiei lurk,A Jm/n-mm, a4t. the >. i 1 ane». <.* ,joU ti» :««, rva* cm aaaaal oaavadKac eh# t'<-» The n,!on e< nr w»o df(Mm «uj rr*»«* *ehr« nr ' t.-r>--i »ba »*eo*w<. (. .; ML a JI'».eB. j«r, vtre il.«i )Ou.' aaC !o a la.J b. «ou >t >< r a booaet aid a I'tret I >.'ftnar* C^j a Ti 11*' me ti Magmaura. tflMHUXIlLliilCi <'ip#Crd. N-»» 17- out. ^tf*1 " ti.o and two 0. Wild U>a ha»t»t Uract w»» atri'M. «be CMfMaa t. W. tub. * rt^tr B-'- patrol h««« Ai tma )).<. oxrth-r aerl, Cai.nta. If ymi fhilai)«l(>>. i > it 1*4 , M. ," ».'6 n( Ca)-«, i«aia MijikUam, r» jfi r 'ti. 'i.u ,.d i«i ih" *ijih flatit r*"-*'» U Vba ^ Ilin* loa t ».«« to bar* *» W, von o >$ht to t.-U Ha» »»'¦ Nov 11.A_rr b«r« K *Yae»i. Old /*n ». fin r ,4 % i*. .11 d : u ir b«. » ». o i .. «. »h nb .», i 1 fete beta :-J B M. \V I' Rav Nui4».H. SoBtUL HUerwood, 11*11, *"««'..""TSfMa aa'r'ewb «nr . «nr Uwtc-aiaa. I br Vw»,N* vOO ret .led, I d>d t« h hia ao, a»d 1 wi h ho would aot lirltr V til pr»tii i r !.*; iJioti «l" r. I >i* <. .Im-o.. i.I » ..«t'u>-> !»»?.) "¦ . iw# . a;: *>i a» Ml aamo tin# c lb« ro> n *i I I;oaf »(.'< o! rrt. N V >rk .iBsr".*. far (Tom 'aaab -«?.;. "j t f l'«i ita*. ?. r U- k>iir*^«J l.e i vtnr nrfUr* «i\jr qtiatl »fi«r .'oof v tai 'itn» tvtu!»«.. t aa Bafa 1.-. i ia; Imii'.tr. h'trif Wtvl« ..r. 2lA*»t«a, *v«o', f»u I *;>«.« » r.w ti » <1 «'.« j'tiK*1 »mI . k» I e>i.!deilj-. .ne I,»df :. liar, carried. « ¦wa"T, Atjajn y iy ¦» w ,ut Ni W o- l' fM.Arr Bar* v- » *.w« 'r x> rewocf- Hc.a'ra £t Ae wbn ; him if » Ray i it rt .ya aroae, 4epj->l *»t «Ji# r>im. pia-od a »%« iy 1 ney .U b» ronlaf^i a* v*.r. po» ub'o. Okt>;S »Vp» We.lia*i«a _ W, Ilora A«»"a»ir, rrt»r 1t . r .. i H ; -r to M.'t 4MSu-!.i e i-u u ». IM re*oiv*r at the oeau >'dtern** I aad >!>«. tbe fMtnMl.X«i ft, I-f> r»rr, «), * .w» baagi'M «a Hi ».a>a- bt.4. hdkaf. h/>rg*l it, tti.'.la, »;.ti1U rva ll»>a ¦%. '» -i * «.i Mlaa »i. l ia.. G?. r. h. .v.t' <1 1 n* »¦¦> a, k> h i of lao p .-'gSi .*.!»« .. u aa« p j' '»t. « .rati., t '1 .<«.! it»i 1..' n iorTwronr tiia.mB »ror. N1< Mtr'.ui, Aiau.n, Ju>a.-.i, t il «'.»-.< mki 'i ofc« i ¦>;>* >ic«le bm*. Tbeiti -tb^r rpran# fr>"B bef «.»a. an: t»b*tg T i-an'-a ftal A'tb < ii'i f, Pullat. h 11 a tr«ial"rtbye - ti* Mi * o c 'ir .0 b«f. > *tu ffnl iiWj- '#(l< be>'« t*«*rod ' i -it of Uw rr» m Mlrrrr be Mnv m toe . NVo k:A« Ha t)M «om «« pfc.M ii .oBo«it 1 W Tab Vo »r fv 41 hi mrut' n nb n u an tba at^tr caa I*im v* »»» c'» wi1!! rrb». .* Ilenrf Itajt «i m.*rl at B ¦ » . b» i ".rrsi * ft om «r r of »)«. mn bftrhaak, Vf ki Ri if'tflt. fc f.nt *»M»f >*rt a U>« WJI Ki -« t i » >.»¦.! <1 <¦ ». b *. r n bo ii J . Mr i«mr ra|* I U.< eh-,« her a -i* Re red af\a r4 {»er b t t -r* boot pit Intirirfo, Ij'l tfc^ 'b« , L'f f to Ti t'ti N'l I iit. 1 .;.!«< ¦i»|) rRj-miiof b» 11 f f In », Bul-itritxanahip Tea».>.*«. wJK I'iriiuwcl Wtrur, MJtf] tie'y her ' Bcana. |V thaa f«*v rnod 'o tbe ho> .. nn l floilnr pintd. H »< t »n ..tia-. <»r! Kt*».- ikUantio "»«*'*< trtat tb»e» a .. nr ti it.' rtaiM at laa r if In. »«ti a tf *Mpj Winh, .. .« t . "iU.i. t»«M. a»< t«a ta xa Wki Ufwa u rtdr I »m r.' i w.th a «r« Mm fl«o .»»d en tor L«*>r, U> b' p, Vd h<-r n» tl»: tn- tid wa^er .'nw thi a t eli.iepar.f twi on mwklulk; Baitg- r, 'id# «J1»_ 0I| bark 4noavt >. t.^u*» rr < <.( n a. uj-: tte %>, oerror ara'c eti A her. He down Bill .» i.oo » "h J.» ^ ii-Ki i « )li" At the ta«t- (int r, ni; Tyran at. rr, Hlurk. tor tnbiUi f» ,i vcat a.tl U Vaarftw i" ht« I t 1i infllVl »rVi i'erth ^f, pt.titcg Tanedtt ifi 5> ' 'i It i.ark * »ll In ai IO iie''n»ml M: ,< and tat' tho aea-«« r>mt« i rtj < ui' o. ilati. r waallr, i*artn* *'.* « !, I*. »F'p T, r, U'.eii; 7th, «i ip .' .*. V. b e »t*b Wm. taer to t: ">a» m ib» r i .4-1 '»a«it an ft* f-, mg tVU^o'o<,u ' ivr^J >er IliU l.i aft wi»h UV w i tarn P' i t tl^r. P. *1 1 Hi f'« n I'lUb- >n tl» v t k Hi i *. iMitl >h.' w. in are!*^ ibee»> Thi J'lr a'dewot ip llbca'tf". v<>aTf.i« K^-ku 't*/ i1whirehe w tkft If.t T «.!* .VIWi'ORT 'irt* HU«r Vaot aiariwu ta iu-> abJ aol i<"» a «M<' ttev>cTf l»» 11 t'-l f*k M« ...I'imt %. I Ib»- i-tibrbl-n 4 I'.td. it '.!« l*i. a antatl fwui. lci{; «W;"* loo*, wairkati w"l , t » *i" #f-i» ( H Bono* :-t>i»« Tnmil/)n for J'dMll i.i* n'l.ii' u * .*,%«! .. ¦. *iun> *u tm tbi igabaris»: wtod aad *mr< b M..renarap #rBaaot, l^'ariagoaW\i W. Mi-krrf, *1; »...«»"¦.""m*.*** ticjtet, ii>*i iia*ta b» f% aii »ifh Ihe ir j 1j» «ionr 4 i«itk« [aon ui; . « OM i a«t.r N >. T. .Itiri--. F tti'b 'r-r. W _-ri n f<* * BonUent :l >.at' ¦¦ * btwi uo^ r . » .» » f ill >" >'iee. ..n' | -I' »r»V M>-» .aa romwaa«"d, bat w.. « .*th ra> !». mvkt fv Pole.. r. rtrtldMWwm rd'tn «!?, 21b. waa Mth K-...-|W^ ifcbt !.»g Hftr .. ' N. I! * if«. OU.or «** .*' !*.> « « I mo A Bt%ai faatf la-i^r«ar» >4 »h« iv- t bi« ofanr-»»».». *r. r\>,ibli.0 i-Uir poi ih t>«0 j»t girao - i" » b/ ' i* i*j» i*!t ''il T for -hlna f-wn I! c full r t' .> «u I « i lh' f «M »ero n, I oa U» . *c«- that uo be h»a»*l pa* >h caaiawafti' daf w '.»« M : t tn» r ,«.< *iUr>' uf, ..lof 'aylsx -'lia'I fc'lled nil' lio .. ' y the hi' ? 'i-k the wh « wi*t NIV BF?iF, N'rr Arr bark ikf ? «.< I II I . ' r ilk iO ri «ard y»nd A/o*, Bnrke, > <. i r 01 ..!. bll' llB'ih JMIIM till oar' «-t I' tk» «e. 'h:»t hp invmdo'l to do ft lie .* t at« i ot the ;p > Itwae auug tr im thr oait irtr A"i' )«'»". tfotk BW« % flsf ho* frund y IMWt 'A'Cfi I. . . * > 1 ike)iU) ftiu a wtba i» w>-n I er ai I «i ! tu l'i^~».t-,at t»a knewlM » wtn b> <. » n tSa #«»¦ h i o1 tb ft aad t-.W H lH1 f-or 17.Arr *- ti 1,. If /re* W'H ».» * H.fOi*u or* rt» I of 'na . south Murk. I M Wat b »mraa, lo a Hilt, II * a .' » » » .. ..! io K o' Mr cm d'd tr N r^'ld.tl at be waa n«H . 'or but >11 beat nail L'g'' bolae Boarl .n, Aisanj M*"4'***** ft* «a th-krta itb "? i», nf i't I' if.ru I%o "*oatb» lb'' r«r^j>o orry aaybo.ty ft OkKtOH .< > .Tiit.-. \ork: W T tiOMWtl, I» do; mm .lolUi, fcn !n Rati* - » > ,1 M) -b'.o :h*i i.'J-v Ar (:. in;) >., »l In at *Mr <4aer»"ary «ir't, (tbaat n« Van Tanrfiia »f ibe Treaanry Taat n oi, tvtiee L.,hlwaae baa/d, Waabmg. (Mpklj; -If* r.a. rtt .InSin Tueke-, do; «arr.%re< RoWaU, »a tba raova* d'.a'i .re . fcr k»* ut ti n Rower > u»»* U ej- bAd niWnd»*r t'o» the *"ffab Rakar, Albany ski tMU ta txa nh mfimr la«at>«i a thai he d^irtu mMi» >lK*»«»re' 'iron v. i» «1, Ko- II, 1*4. l'--wi il. Vnt.i on(, >)>anl, ir if what tir.i«ia -.ei^i.fc .'aij iMt, ,k it ii*^tr * »pr« w« nf lr-«t ty, «H.Kt toorat Ro*o:uta, NforK. aiOtra III.I. do, Wm Mi n~««»?"u**s£ST W am t. wen f,kfi«r ih^y 'i' Uh ., », i>i 1 *a taoB.w.«r>. wb%i hr«t-j< of ' »»re MM kr.r <* o« i» the Oknre. »'«il.r# rhTfpr'rrl power ''thereto pro- .,.,fi.||ii,illltl *l»ar> liopkltron. r7:.. elM my wHweiiyit i > . !> ley tf 'tjC-t II martttb »«.«. Albany, AUuba do, Ramo, ><>. ivwni tv t«ou *t thf Trirb a t 1 he * nn'.i n- "n/w % ill. h'm '0 Hia- en .- nat'l't*»Mi *oti * eew-r'ary to n<»n*i io killing m«r- 'irtdca, Naruport. Taomy. #»ra; ei)n>f< at tatd d «l'*L 'e,..ir«l |hM h« bi-1 a* mneti rt|hi ntle fere, t ta '* No* 17. Vrr ) h »»« 0».* Uw il»r>«l aot »'mt marr are Voro the aoo^r hail lx>«n 11 Tbrea -aa (MM ba t«.b tbH ahartar iu:bft from tha Ta,al'ib ' 1 / t,« iftb-, v 4rn ib n nd *'»»r ih> Hiwin of -ha I.Vb d»y of dora R'tfrtdkc R<^kland, M«; 1HQ*. Kip, BYork. (.. K wa ia ureoci priwri i inne'ivi'i «|*p->v h»>i io a'lec ne"i frar ao.i nc». r.r 1 ri-tkrhM aart >n b<- rk»>r m»«Oi it <*Md aa iir obernertil Mt *wM t*ie .lat'iralcoioi-wi b<» ai.**,* I.li7a M-VUa*. taaaa, Ihey Call la* ii'irame n ibi nrnr 1'bon i, Hart onl. Ctt Jan* ¦m r'-ru >1 ibe a. '«.»» 1-otMlraw of < «»barer- i. i tkelr lae< i>r *n ,ie dt«rn atri',k h*rH"r, U (Ironklyn; PbepWi, Md'oy, ray laej Ipla, .,* ,i ro H.tl lu**art, MTor<; »aan.laiM a U l >i. '.k ¦» bat ,u.-i he fimJ aa 'tcott fal and On »n c p'Mt "o riy nr.me.), in lat y .f.-pt .m 'i..n J1 Bnrr«,Tmy. acbraCBuaw, Vtilean, do; *«if. of abf bbtikt af ita ">artw trrtMat the T*>irl mMMai hkao-l yihe di wit b» tvy.thet t'y m n rr w N An-lrrw-n, froton; « o-nr* l«ann*r, out Ifter * hen a a m: ot a r*lf «l«ter~that b-i aoo». trv K 04 jt i ifg * Oaaai ?ii -le-nty. rma, Carrlfan, C.'roUir.; *Nr!^n oiMfl" tta Tw'.lb ward, wb t* fte na *a WeMMH.INIeMM l«r^i ttnet* tari fhr oe of U- It wi Attn, Orwn, "T"»nw '.»! WJ.C* hoi . .>n ihe ft"or. > ft » nr e 'I br Hata w.il d<'h order; niinJ n a hftlgb* rnVflre e.eef; ',|rr-* H«e errM 1 ai d aio>«»' rn.-«taha') o*1 l^u'ie wa tanw'aJtra. of aaj tear in a «e>< ml «( etrorg <.f M r tt nbo e the i layftl nf the a, in J wOl b« ylalp!.' RKOVIN' RTiiWN, Irrtiiff, ptiiitelaS'l .y *er> MM. :n a uamhor o' nu« U> 'hla matter.be wool 1 w- ik a >di at * N v<*%. Cb*<** I t>iat«k» ir tl* earaaa. eolfw^tatVaa Viorb e Wt4 me: Ai.vn :« aor» Ite' » '« t» or pnra^i lo ,i« wi- itlier. hrmi h a" a 19' d-n if the hoit?oa, open to tba RfiRTI.ANB. adt/, w«rt Ur, a.id ot toe ram* t m Aoi r>i» ihot be knew KI iiv ard or Vi 'h* *eaw*:d lr!g I.idia Lore!'- Wllwlnglon, ftO;*r|ira lr»lantl, ook. tvft tv , n Hoot: 1 b»« v ireart aa opportanlty ea.'lfu lie fry »" d«r, h" aeii ter m a-Kl betn '.1 !'»»? .r l*dg'rt 'M fee- ited Wheiaen, Marl !"be«d, Ktbln»»in. Thooiaaton for N . * n » «*.»' l,«M t I.hkI l«« I ia ait* hmeni waa wrf;rf ibn a«»e»t (Or a of tba tower laoreWBa. .ityb »n| pal «MmH Albuny. Vbb ib^ii^b. I »tiooid .Iirre M<1 lie/ o# pertori . l i-nra Bwari/«r, Havana. .b ^jokibf . ,j« i>: the *.riibi'*el arglo of Iha hftrboe, and %i tork Old jib, Ittnhn, Ru-lo Vcb:fc.n,y fr'to Wili-'X *e;i»*iei!l)r Mihhm] n* r.i'i«r, »»T»»ai mowtao. ile at lo^t left l.owe and «rerr*r j IttyiM mi aa. *taain*r Wiirt o»***irKU )t w*a i-arraax la iksbeta Mlpiw '. nl t i a* Mai Point, I'roiy h New tba* '.It thnjr ep »itr" «» aeh»d .iln »h# he r n\m.t»<*il -he art w'lliin tb on'"! Ilch'h li b« hra. , wh.ob 14 aiA nark«ll, . '¦ ». waff ami *ke» lie TTorbW *iMe 'if 'eellog F»a*-(termed r. Mmilar altar i ii;ft ;i*i bark Maria Heraey; m-hr s«a, tba art Hat aiwuhih nannae*) ibey mM "I nmild tnt b^ip H." OTeer r'.'jui, eaHrlnt 'mire«'- I thi'd 8J mdor of l.ig'itli'it** t Tork; Bid Hprlgbllmg Rerrla, r i. liat. tr»ot ft>T a once ef tea yoara of ag», axl-lb ting ail ti e tioRfmJji a, 1 oaaaparcd UktMioaeta wKb ^oli Hefaratbe tick- i e« iK'l'ey, bf aabf.l he pr*oon>»r *tiy M oi iwi.i Mi pMalon v aw,** jRNKtjri, «a®naeT. Not 17-Arr mimt New «" . lr*a rrootl'm and agony that bad evtrb-d la rv T,f aviry I>ei>art i.«nl, Oftea l.i|W«w Boa-1, Watiitog- PROtSpKNCN Oaeeoia, Clark, «'**w*«wj eta »»" Ot-ua^ lb« beta \[ Ui«f tn rV' no to -which roy l'd,' w*« >o , IlaiB A bifh. pae^tnn to half »«r'T. He flro-n ti« l«r-iu » i Bay MC> York, bark* A.nel.a illr Sbi'-ldt; rirtlUanl, Mfibao, USfN***** agraaa wtib tba t«" m .«IWiJ» It; I intrndi t to ?> K; I hcl ike Im.ferioee JnlyfT UirU yard bta e**ped m, D Ct, lit / l»Orl««n», aehr* Par.Uira ^oprr, i»«Trne0. '=.* heeo /"eel- wt «> thiaoiP that thy ( otntton, Wrarnr: <>rlfre», *0d Join M* by vmr u.e oecuirenea aod a yofc.ir k* «Ih *r >mpo Arwna au-i Lha after ha -»«u«a to and fifle.tai hhruM Rblla a;Bftjdaraoil.Alevandar. ^f'T *"* 'ar hp a»«»b ma I awwa hi-a; Mr. v,n Voorbia toii km »»i- .» th« (»rm«r peaoe t ««, Vori ol T) ib'Ui Orporai "" hat gtyal at.uca liat a iifh b >«*o «e,\l««ee leljb Rit.-kwall, K!l*%tH«h. at»^l lb« rr*roeer end o(B«*r. fMNM l,« at'iuainted with tbe who. a* ha* >n nalblio lctai.1. eou'i aairlm I'rm V ' HehernaC Preor, BneU, All-mtr; Chooi*w, Nleker ba » ad foendi «>o» tb» it eta«> by l'Mbl«( oa tfip iiaoba .»ai 1 e»fT** dc«rrred to > o killrd, and NBMted terjr -lereaeod, baa baea crafted y port, Klla M «.t tba nit mm rwti "utert, waa wnraiog n theboaea where ho board i whieb lii'I'U *111 be r»htWte« oti th- a(kh'. fif th« lat Jfovrn ot>7'V.'hr Olfhl/TB; »l-op* Jjn* K>.ly JTetrhurf; V'Ut- M-aST^T tbifl ha web iraJnaf rttirre-. at IWdaifl | mneh -hat Wlltey knd IIIMN 8iJ«p t-W.' ai.d therftafier will ha Ian* 01' b«. Port Tb'j* 1 11, Hull, NYork. "id 1«ti. U>a oa*Ta«a. and I anoeiiar»i !«ho» Wm R Rnonrre am ialN W it' .l«f'»i»-Be kw r with a ase»"T 'When al»e *ft and wrnt home, n» aiao 1 i>r ivi* righted d'trlac ey^ty Brr.an, f.wen. barf f:.;tbbi bk lay In 'h® ® with him. to Uer fk bera ho tae to llT'.. *afso went t tb fr^to aanaed ta iiuiilB. arhr* frnj MflNftMl, Alf.aiy; Mora Crovteil, hb bail the retiraa ti bib I »j,f r*f fit# Wirt; wret rbe to tower l» hi-'I m >h* r, »¦»' /.*». of waa (Mekatf eigwad prarlaat *»> nnled 'nr \ chtbonoe paint Ra'h- h<««*«« .*»4 bad Maa-t art tba mhrtaka, «ay *p#*reoU> reboot. aMt abort, bo daily 1*1*1 d. Hi'Mated in lAt * lb U B. abd m $ id 4ft W, bear ''"jvTn< V, Not t.Arr brn Clara NU«n NTork latt'oa ab M d (.0 Witree* it e !<^» « aU» I ho- taf ¦trable to tima> fm-a her Atl.m ah^(t lm N-t IV *rr *«'hr« Ifaw -^mSd *»A .t (laiehad. tba tbtfd waa 4en^« Jhwi .r\mrwt Tori, Bli:gfcam. N Owan lie1 a, w ku*, i-ori Rwenj ** .«aa a ar'bent wbaa wa lankH aaar tn» rot^ reeaBed tfca n«eer. ?)»¦.» nnr^aa r*f earn* w*«Ui<py leOJoetlag w Monnialn K*f'e, Am<*. MHImor*: Ltrna M- oSa'^^iS* fn-H My hla frrm r«h'.!» ir.ib rum, a bat wm ton- a« h«e r.iild mhHe.rn i« o Mr. Ro nafne «'.lent'iy e *>n t» b»pt to an '«e .leldirg Ha aMatf>meat tor*w*!iro,i.» MT'irk BM IKlh. <**e Ap»»n«tle at >-.*' Vbb Vaartttf'. Rt»«; bk . Rnk N*1 MrW x * i< l.nrklta BJa^kwell,l»art..n; »t+t itr.it'it ila ""orfnar » «»e«»n' «WI',< tkMlh I at htefi he *«eo od to rj oak if So d «- ,1 at retamod a »* h N iv ll.*rr Arabia, Pmatiie oa taa .*?>'« l«.Ta whta | Romayirt :.;iiie,.«* *;«ry. »>wr, ttfbt will' e-hi v. of »'in tb lam*-o ta placd at hshaaa |lvft"B abip l.lTemool; i i nrka-ra n.e ¦ . telr e-a- ti">'t . Rt ia tee >f Wio ia Co-«b rid ahi-i ro»JgSc!»S'"- t »h! en r* the ¦Miltd isu, w turf oeoaa >'att»t 1 lif t la ih« ftTVft* lift r«-o'f« Caid«a«»i t f I (fftar w.e aM'f»f af »h» t . .' *. a a ti»r» .». » ia- *kad Intfptakd a*!.*#;« k#da <4 a.msa lif upp*r NB. 8&»g5ft lb lir Vict- re |-n tofiary for Ue tcruoc tea jiart i,ig. gl' lag a i't*b ¦*'t Utulag ftftf tsv-ridy, »»l hcipg V »bt/. UlVlUMIi" <«ht», "*m, »«- A« tvtr kM »f%lb W WI*|fN u^a pf M J»y-