the entrenched few. It is not alone the Bcupywu snort of the station and a rush business of banking and therefore de- ---' j was made mmi Or mmh m. money that is involved. It is to get to the platform, where STANDS m mand the repeal of all laws authorising a question WALL STREET WELCOME. ho was BOTH. moist mmm. tho masses of the standing. A fence was in the tho issue of legal tender notes by tho people arraigned and against trusts and The fate way over this men, women and chil- government or the reissuing of such monopoly. dren of many among us is in the balance. sorambled with a disregard for.ap- notes wlieu they have once been redeemed I dread to contemplate what tho failure pearanoe that was laughable. Most of In gold. of this fight means. ®bem accomplished their objeot and lVo are opposed to Republican protec- r shook hands in tho Tl-e speaker nezt passed to an arraign- fir. Alludes To Sew York with Mr. Bryan. Embraces as Well as tion. Silver agitation began [Sain I nterfered With State Fair’s Pile Dedham Statesman a Visit Bryan City The Bryan Populist to ob- Pays ment of Mr. Reed who he declared was welcome given Bryan tonight by efforts of the producers of silver the avoiding the real issues and whoso heart people of Cleveland was beyond doubt tain a higher price for their pioduots. the most Platform. First to Saco. he asserted was not in his work. He said Reception. magnificent and gratifying re- Chicago fhe Bland-Allison act of 1878 and the Day. that Mr. Reed stated that confidence ception ever accorded to him. Ten so-oalled Sherman aot of 1890 were meas- was what was needed but did not toll thousand people gathered In and about ures largely designed to afford protection the people who or what to put it in. He Lake Shore station to wait the arrival to tho produoteis of silver. The latter of the did not say who to vote for hut only who nominee’s train and a national lot so threatened the national credit AND ADMITS IT WASN’T PARTICU- salute SEYERE OF BOY OR- DALY OYE HEAT OF A KACE WAS ] IIS FIRST CALL SINCE HE BECAME not to voto for. He said Mr. Reed was fired as the train oame in. ARRAIGNMENT md produced suob distrust of the power The was a bimetallist. He has seen the crowd cheered wildly ln_honor of )f tho to maintain the stand- really LARLY CORDIAL. ATOR BY NEW YORK DEMOCRATS. governmet TKOTTEO. A SILYERITE. silver countries of the world rising in the Democratic candidate. trd of value that to It far more than After .! oommeroial prominenoe and tho farms a hasty dinner Mr. Bryan was my other influences the business de- of Maine profitless. Ha knows gold esoorted through the highways packed gression of tbe last three years is due. monometalism means ultimate bank- olosoly with people, to Central armory, We cannot endorse the oandidates more than as he does tbs It is Different in the capable of saatiug Taken Piece nominated at Chloago nor the champion Lengthy and Attractive for !le Devotes the Most of the Time Alotted ruptcy. Acknowledging Says Country—Ad- a.structure The Chicago Platform i’p Programme niiserable and 5‘,000 people. Double that number were jf protection. helpless condition of your Republican prohibitory To-day—liig Exhibits of Horses and lieed—Men- dresses a Secret Society Picnle and is crowded into When Mr. Piece in Resolutions Adopted and We . to Him in Discussing Mr. industries he only says that; panics are the auditorium. by declare, therefore, that tbe Jap- Cattle—Portland a under Introduced as a the Bryan was Introduced the penile went to In- convention at Exhibitors in A.fc tion of Portland’s Man’s Name Brings neoessity tho inevitable laws Curiosity—Crosses Roundly Denounced—Delegates proanhing Indianapolis of wild, and choorod untiBthey c< nil cheer should nominate on a Democratic nature. Ohio plat- Department at City Hall—What Presi- Forth Cheers. Line, no new dianapolis Chosen. Mr. t Williams said he oould read a lot longer. Thera was nothing in iorm, Democratio oandidates, to whom the address Mr. Be we our dent Jerrard Says. more statements of a similar nature from N. delivered by Bryan. the Demo- pledge hearty support. ISFECIAL TO THE PRESS.] Ripley, Y., August 31.—Mayville, wont Syracuse, August 81.—In Mr. Reed’s speeches hut out of his deep from the armory to Music hall the home of Judge Tourgee, at present where a crowd of cheered him as cratic convention hero today the ootn- Lewiston, August 31.—The Maine Saoo. August 31.—The Hon. George kindness of heart ho said he did not wish people stumping for was reached at heartily and From Musio mitto on selected with alternates selected State fair, 35tii oxnlbition, opened statesman to humiliate the speaker any further by MoKinley, frequently. pormauont organization Sixty delegates today. fred Williams the vaoillating hall he hurried baok to the the reading them. 10.30 a. m. by Mr. and.Mrs. Bryan. Mr. by hotel, Charles S. Fairchild as permanent ohair- py congressional districts were elect- Early in the morning the State fair ofli- Irora Dedham made his first entry into a and from the delivered another id tho oonve ntion to to The speaker thou passed to review of on balcony by go Indianapo- were cheered the clear Bryan spolie there the balcony of the address. mau. The following delegates-at-large dals by sky and Maine sinoe he became a full fledged the old arguments in favor of silver ooin- is. Judge Robert Early and Oswald hotel to 400 Mr. said and alternates to the Indianapolis con- mnshine but in two hours after sunrise age whioh he has been sinoe persons. Bryan Uttendorfer of New York city were ree ooinage ailverite tonigbt where he rehearsing Most Grateful the Chioago convention. He closed with Mr. Jefferson had the correct idea when Mr. Sherman at Kennebuuk. vention were elected by tbe committee: 1 limed electors at large. A resolution n clouded up and at noon there was a hidressed a large audtcuoe in City hall, of j an for what he termed the oause he said were in Geu. dfered b) Edward M. Shepard Broolt- shower. At 2 p. ru. it was appeal governments founded [special to the Roswell P. Flower, Watertown; ively raining iaoo. of humanity. press.] yn was after a debate no animously and jealous not in confidence, that confidence Charles Tracy, Albany; Edward M. lord at the grounds. Williams was in idopted. It provided that when the con- Comforting The last time Mr. Kennehunk, August 31.—-A grand Re- Jerrard WEST POINT VISIT A FAILURE. was everywhere the parent of despotism. Shepard, Brooklyn; Gen. George Magee, tention adjourn it adjourn to meet in President says that “The show of Maine was when he spoke at Mr. Llew- publican flag raising was held last eve- Warming As. Mr. Bryan bowed bis thanks after Watkins. Brooklyn, Sept. 24, or such other day uot ipened up well with every indication.of ;llyn Barton’s Democratic love feast in ning In Post Offloe square when nearly ator thaa ns the state com- finishing his speech, some one in the Alternates—Francis M. Scott, New Sept. 80, b successful exhibition. If we’ve got to Stomachics Portland. At that time Mr. Williams nittee might to nomioate tho appoint, lave rain wc it LI Hung Journeyed Up the Hndson in crowd called for “Three oheers for Wil- York; Henry M. Richmond, Buffalo; ‘emainder of the electors ratherjhave Monday than was engaged in paving the way for the presidential for all the liam MoKinley” and cheers were given George A. Brock way; Charles J. Bisseil, ind oandidates for state offices. ater in the week.. Wo have 260 horse jolitical flop, he was about to make and the Dolphin. with an apparent good will. Rochester. rottng entries, between 700 and 800 eat- with the subsequent evolution of the Little Ills Mr. Bryan arrived at Ripley, at 1.30 p. At 8.43 Themporary Chairman Griffin EX-GOV- FLOWER COMING HERE.* ilo entries, tbe entries in these and all mid flop the publio in entirely familiar. But Didn’t Leave the Boat for the Day on m. after a rather uninteresting drive called the convention to order and stated ither departments being the largest in Mr. Williams is now a master of of Life past aoross the that while ;he of the Daily Account of the Rain—Elaborate Re- oountry from Mayville. Many thay were awaiting the reports rhe Famous Democratic Chieftain Will history society.” diver and no one wonld plated oratory Grove Auburn exhibits ception Programme Was Not Carried houses in town here are deooiated with of the committees Dr. William Everett of Maple farm, Is Sanford’s ■ecoguize in the free silver oratory of Speak for Sound Money in Maine, banners bearing the names of Bryan and Quincy, Mass., would address the dele- J2 head of horses, W. D. Haley of cionth joday the former ohampion of sonnd UQI, Sewall, while not a few have MoKinley gates. When introduced he said ..that Sardiner, L. Morrison of East Liver- Ginger noney in Congress. New Boston, August 31.—The Maine deloga' York, August 31.—Li Hung lithographs. Massachusetts stood shoulder to shoulder nore, A. Libby of Gardiner, H. W. The Massachusetts orator was late and the members ol his Ion of Gold Demoorats were in Boston Minin substitutes. Ask for SANFORD'S Cbang leading Mr. Bryan made a speech hero to a with New York for honest money, honest dntchins of Auburn and J.’F. Barrett nlUlu GINGER, and look for Owl ** trade- n down to business. He did ihis morning en ronte to Indianapolis. getting suite, oompanied by a distinguished over >f are on hand with of mark on tbe wrapper. Said Pot- crowd and left far Cleveland politics and united union. Mr. Everett’s Deering strings everywhere. Boston m. la^ge Thera were twelve of them headed ter Drug fk .* PnT« :»ror_ rot arrive from till 7.30 p. of American friends, sailed at by Cftcm. Oof:? Boston. party the Ldke Shore road at 3.05 p. m. reference to New York’s great president, torses. J. S. Sanborn, proprietor of ind then he had to oollect his thoughts 8.40 on the boat iVilllam Henry Clifford of Portland. Despatch Dolphin for Mr. was delivered In aroused the Elmwood farm, Poland, has not arrived Bryan’s speech Grover Cleveland, greatest C. SPECIAL NOTICES. ind his supper and this used up better West Point. The breakfasted at Vey Holman of South Thomaston viceroy Tollman’s grove, where t he Knights of enthusiasm aud delegates waved their ind is not exhibiting bis French coaoh than an hour so it was alter 8.30 when 7 o'clock. In conversation with a reporter said the STEAM Maocabee were holding a pionlo. Bis hats and cheered vociferously. torses. C. I. Hood of Lowell, Mass., has le began his speech. Li seemed to John S. Sherman. putlook for the bolters in Maine U very Hung Chang have been audience numbered 2,000 and was fairly Chairman Stront of the oommitte on in Interesting exhibition of Jersey cattle CARPET BEATING Mr. Williams was met at the station greatly refreshed c his bright. “I know of towns where prac- by night’s sleep. enthusiastic. Two brass bands headed permanent organization submitted a re- ind swine under oanvass. The cattle ex- Machines of Most and Sewall Cadets a line one thousand listened to the whole Demooratic Vote will approved patterns. ijr tbe Bryan He f wore his yellow jacket and peaoook people speeches tioally ilblt is and swine and the Knights who aocompanled Mr. Bryan port naming Charles S. Fairchild as ” very large sheep, es- the Hon. John 9. Bherman of New be thrown for Mr. said Mr. Patented. Carpels cleansed at all sea- ippearlng Compaign company'who feathers. During the mile drive he talk- by Clifford, to the grove, and afterwards escorted permanent ohairman and the four dele- poultry are well represented. corted him with the 1st regiment band to ed with Gen. and York and Hon. J. O. Bradbury of Saoo. Holman. “Before we nominated him sons of the year, at Huger appeared to be him to the train. Mr. Bryan was intro- gates-:! t-large with the alternates perma- In the hell things are not yet in who were not the hotel and hall. now received by the Republican nent secretaries. The report was adopt- these Demoorats said they would asking many questions. Every and duced by Chief Officer W. S. Stringhnm ( ihape but a number of the exhibits are t The Massachusetts orator could have townfoommittee Boa ton and Maine ed. vote. The sllvermen have a weak spokes- then he pointed to different buildings as who said that he did nob endorse him at’the. Mr. Fairohild was warmly received by man in their candidate.” ilready,there. no reason to find fault with the audi- if to learn their uses. station headed by the North Berwiok Mr.Frank, but had produced him here for an attrac- the delegates. Mr. Holman was asked what progress At noon Monday the brown oovered >nce in of numbers and band and marched the poiuts applause. Acting Inspector Brooks and 30 polioe- tion for the people. As the question was one through principal Mr. Fairchild's denouncement of the was being made In the proceedings for vails were fast with 13 Preble Si. Preble House covering piotures. Opp. 1'be was to in whioh desired to hear streets to the platform. Mr. Jonas M. Intention of the Buffalo oonvontion to an Mr. City ball pnoked repletion men were on duty at the pier. 'J’he gen- they Mr.Bryan, having Injunction Issued to keep Hiss A. L. Burton of Brunswick The most would him close endorso the nominees in order Mary powerful Machines and largest Floor ind when he oame onto the he was lie hoped they give Perkins in a neat and In- Chicago Frank’s name off the ticket. He said he stage eral publio was not admitted. pointed speech ixhibits a number of oharcoals and oils. space in N. E. Woolen attention. Mr. Bryan in coming to the to preserve the regularity or their organi- pould say nothing about it for publica- Carpets, Mats, Druggets a fusilade of cheers. troduced the Hon. J. O. who greeted by The boat was manned with a lieuten- froDt of the obeered. Bradbury, was received. how- Hiss Helen has a &c., Steam a where no platform was-loudly zation, enthusiastically tion at this time. He could say, Varney, Brunswiok, Scoured, process beating was followed Dr. Samuel Lord the mayor of Saco ant and orew of men. The He said in part: “I shall uot ask the immediately by the Hon. His declaration that true patriots should that the status of the case was so is required and colors restored to original eight ever, arge number of water colors. Mr, H. On the with the Chinese members of the fraternity to endorse J. 9. Sherman of New York. save the Chicago leaders from their own plain that it wns olearjthat the brilliancy. Connection. presided. stage speak- flag floated from her bow. Li perfeetly L. Wilkinson’s work is shown in a num- Telephone anything that I say. I am able to oarry unwise declarations was also well re- invention which nominated Mr. Frank ir were Dr. G. is. Weymouth, Ferguson seated himself in the stern. Before doing back to the people of the west the news SOUND MONEY VICTORY CERTAIN. ceived. was illegal. ter of exaellent pen and Ink studies. One F. J. W. A. Hawes, Smith, Roberts, so the seamen with uplifted oar saluted that while we have not met with a very The resolutions oommittee presented “The Portland convention was clearly >f the largest collections of oils is thau W. Albert L. ; in Wall we have a whioh was unami- It ieorge Perry, Hooper, him. Geu. Huger aud Li King tiha the heart; reception street, platform adopted functus officio,” said Mr. Holman. if Mrs. Dyei of Portland. Mrs, F. S. met a hearty reception in every other ously with enthusiastic out sine and If there were iohn T. Cooper, W. J. Kirkpatrick, K. viceroy’s seoond son the next The Outlook iu Yerinont Is frequent waa^adjourned die, occupied of the state of Now York. I have To-day bursts of of Mr. the tiutobins of Portland contributes some U. Col. John M. Goodwin of part applause. f V I Leavitt of eloqueut convincing younsgest with few ol eral hundrod were gathered. Mad- lar. All considered the United States to the free of sil- Auburn, ollitan, ay, not that a majority of men in this audi- his suite. people things probabili- coinage found. That the have information was followed Gov. who was ison furnished a The is will exceed ver at the ratio 16 to the polioe Pike and Stearns of by Cleaves, ence have their views unique reoeption. ty the Republican majority of 1 Chicago [jewistou, Norway. approached present The Earl’s son nnd occu- pf tbe woman’s being on the beaoh with with enthusiasm and who interpreter members of tbo Madison McKinley olub, 25,000 and not go over 28,000. In either platform threatens a partial repudiation 4,n effort will be made to break the received groat » change in a man at is rumored, but the opinion. pied carriage with Col. Ernst aud Gen. and Mc- of midnight Tiie of New has so bearing tbeir banner wearing event it must be admitted tbe result will tho publio debt,tbe validity of which p odioted a rousing Republican victory sentiment England Huger. Then followed a dozen pfflcials will not divulge anything in ■ecord of 1.19 held by J. Wettergreon of othei marched up to the train be a for tile Bound money and the constitution declares shall not be long been expressed upon one side by the Kinley badges, victory 6019 in Maine and tbe in carriages, each with an army officer and finrii «Rvn tliTAH htfmrfv ohnArH fnr t.hrt Tin- connection. made at 4. throughout country to tho will doubtless be so looked upon questioned. It reaches the climax of Malden, Mass., Sanford, July press that men are just waking up Chinese As the through- City Marshal Wells says that so far as November. The Sanford Cadet band representatives. proces- publican candidate. The train moved out tbe country. arbitrary interference with individual real state of affairs. sion filed across the a real cine- to the murderer or the plain, saluto oi before there vras an for when it seeks to fnroe its debased iny Calais Scliooner Loses JJbboom. mueio. This is a the against out, opportunity rights furnished oontest by people fifteen guns was fired. A hurried jause Is conoerned, the police are in the trip anything further, and the Democratic Silver Hally at Bath. money upon tho piAlic by forbidding was made around the lark, although he has received from Viueyard Haven, August 81.—Schooli- post aud past the nomiuoe waved his hat at his enthusias- contracts whioh provide for payment in superintendent’s quarters, and tho dis- [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.} jet tain sources information that may n' ¥. A. Pike of and from Culais for this tic opponents. any medium more valuable than the n returned to the Dol- jerhaps throw some light on the;mystery. port for orders carried away her jit m tiugulEhed guests At Gainesville u committee from the Democrats suc- legal whioh it imme Bath, August 31.—The depreciated tender, pur- it has been shown that the murdered luring a fresh southwest wind in Vine- phin, which iately weighed anchor Cleveland Sorcsis, boarded the train and started on tho ceeded In getting a fair sized crowd at woman was not over particular in the rard Sound off Squash Meadow ho ;1 return trip to New Juden with flowers for Mrs.Brynti, who We repudiate tho Chicago be- York. their and it platform jhoice of her male oompunions and had this afternoon. She has procured an- is of the Linooln branoh of the rally this evening, although cause its "purposes to substitute for our president many aud that she was fond of what she ither. The Gainesville audience didn’t to in numbers or standard of value au unstable organization. begin oomparo present jailed a time. THE WEATHER. about standard whioh wo aid good numbered 800. Bryan spoke very enthusiasm with the one that listened and depreciated briefly. There was a bandful of put us on a monetary level with China, people to Hon. John H. Thurston of Nebraska THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER* to cheer him at Mentor. Willoughby Mor.ioo and other countries. The Chica- Maine Deaf Mates’ Convention, farther on furnished to Mr. on it was neverthe- declares moiio- amusement Saturday evening, go platform against gold TO THE Boston, August 81.— and [SPECIAL FIIESS.J Bryan’s party by the zeal displayed by less quite pleasing to the silver faction metalium, advocates legislation 200 to get a whioh must inevitably lead to silver Bottled at the UJ Buda Pest, Local forecast for Maine people gathered there, of the looal Democracy. Tiie Alameda Rockland,August 31.—Tlie Maine Deaf HUNYADI Springs, Hungary, glimpse of Mi. Bryan. Mr. Bryan’s oar monometalism. It advocates a monetary for Tuesday; Gen- had been decorated for the occasion with systoin which would oSor unlimited nission closed its anneal convention in Under the absolute control of the Royal Hungarian Chemical Institute flags, hunting and pictures of the can- field to speculation to the capitalist, Hamden today. About To delegates have srally fair, westerly but would reduce the (Ministry of Agriculture), Buda Pest. didates. When eight o’clock oame, Hon. materially pur- been present. Saturday night George io northerly winds. chasing power of every dollar paid to the Charles S. Thomas of Denver, Colo, rV. Wakefield of pr< si lent ef wage earaor and punishes honest thrift by Brookfield, Washington, Augusi who had been the of Hon. Arthur the value of ;he made an address and the shows so guest depreciating every savings mission, “We know of no Spring which great richness in Mineral Salts, or which 3i.—Forecast for Tues Sewell while in this olty, entered the bank deposit, and even life insurance isual reports were rendered. A. W. combines such advantages, as this water. R. C. hall and with oheors. Chair- poliuies. Hrcutt of Everett, editor of the “Professor Dr. Tichborn, LL.D., F.C.S., F.I.C., Dublin.” day; New Euglaut was'greeted Jt advocates liberal pensions and at the Mass., man Joseph Torrey stepped to the front same time seeks to the valuo of leaf mutes Register, was made an hono- generally fair Tuesday, impair of the and introduced the pension by the member. Prof. A.S. Clark of Hart- Salts than Hundreds of Children and adults hayo worm* Ml stage speaker, every paid government.. rary This Water is richer in Mineral not to warm but It oondemns tho method durinj aretreated for other dlseasss. ThosyuaP- M Hou. Charles S. Thomas of C olorado, only provided lord gave an able locture on the “Duty and its is so I toms are—indigestion, -with a variable ap- HI inviolate tho national credit. all Continental Bitter Waters, efficacy who for two talked ou for keeping ’’ the day, northerly ti petite; foul tongue; offensive breath; hard \I and a half hours )f American Citizens at this time. secures the f and full occasional griping* and n It covertly attacks the existing civil ser- great that even the smallest dose belly, with the issues of tlio day. pains about tne navel; heat and itchingsensa- |7I vice laws upon tho preservation and ex- the attended best westerly winds. tioa in the rectum and about the anus; eyes Sunday morning delegates results,” J Ujl Rural tension of which the efficiency of the Sworn Chemist in Buda Pest. heavy and dull; itching of the nose; short, dry [IT Schools Superintendents. ;he Baptist church. Rev. F. M. Preble cougn; grinding of the teeth; starting during publio service depends. sleep; alow fever; and often in ohildren, con- Augusta, August 31.—The session of preached and his sermon was interpreted Local Weather Report. vulfllons. The.best worm remedy made is ft Prof. Clarke. In the afternoon « the superintendents of rural schools of It contemptuously omits all reference jy cents and 25 cents Portland, Aug. 81.—'The local weather PIN WORM Rev. L. Prices: 15 per bottle. | the state opened in Legislative hall in to tho administration of the only Demo- ipeoial sermon was preached by office records as to tho weathe: I bureau in this has held tho ohureh. this oity today and will oontinne till crats who generation D. Evans, at the Congressional 'OF ALL DRUGGISTS AND MINERAL WATER DEALERS. illK ©elixir! and whose are the following: pesidoiitial office, integrity Prof. Clark Mrs. A It has been in use 45 yrsjs purely vegetable, Tuesday night. There was a large atten- to main- again interpreted. Where no worms are \(! of purpose and firm deterination 8 a. m.—Barometor, 29-75T; therraome, harmless and effectual. and 3. F. Folsom and Albert L. Carlisle saug a and corrects the con- / dance the was full of inter- tho national honor have been ac- dew 54.0; n presout itact s as Tonic meeting tain ter, 00.5: point, humidity membrane of the stom- a y,\ dition of the mucou* ] est. The address Col. J.H. knowledged by all classes of his fellow u signs. Later the delegates had pray- Full and additional and Information 81; wind, SW; velocity, 8; weather VI ach and bowels. A positive today was by Analysis Testimony supplied and I a- cure for ConBtipation of citizens. >r of their own, in the Congrep fi) I Brigham Ohio, National Mnster of the meeting CHS. GRAEF and a valuable l commend th8 administra- by & 32, Beaver Street, New York, Sole fi/ Biliousness, We heartily ai d CO., Agents m.— Barometer, 29.7S4; tbermome in all the common ft Grange, and Dr. W. A. Harris of Wash- sioual ehapel, Prnf. Clarke leading C*sV remedy M tion of Grover Cleveland. of 60.0; dew point, 59.0; humidity \n complaints of children. the ter, United States are in favor of a firm and to the hearing. Today Absolutely Pure! ington, commissioner of We unvary- sxplaining 08; wind, SW; velocity, 4; weather, IU 35c. at all Druggists. § (r mt.J.F.TKUEdkCO., « maintenance of tho present gold risiters had an excursion to Owls Head THE cloudy. education. This evening George II. Mar- ing A cre?m of tartar baking powder. Highest APOLLINARIS COMPANY, LIMITED. partly Auburn, Me. G as as KS standard of Talue long that stand- shore dinner. The dea Mean daily thermometer, 60.4; maxi 111 For Tape worms we nave n tin, superintendent of the Boston schools where they had a >f all in leavening strength.—Latest United Write continues the monetary fact. a treatment. g ard SEE that the mum therniometor, 67.0; minimum ther jl special an address. mission meets next in tne Bangor dis- States Government Food Label bears the well-known Red Diamond Mark of for pamphlet. I thaoe-mark gave State Suprintendent We believe the federal government Report, urometer, 53.8; maximum velocity o; gj Apollinaris of Schools Stetson is in be directly divorced from the trict. ROYAL BAKING BOWDEtt CO, New York. “T '.in Company, Limited, wind, 16, SW; totul precipitation, 05. [ attendance. should there and know BRIDGTON TOWN HALL FILLED. MISSIONARIES ON WHEELS- wagons as he base ball. All HYSTERICS. expressed THE CONTRACTING HOTEL ROOM. From Dull Business. Masardis—Newell D. Smith. it what was desired just for the work. CUMBERLAND An Reading, Pa, 31.—Tbe Read- COUNTY. Enthusiastic llalty At Which Messrs. A In Portland Iu the rear of the August Womeia Should Understand This Unique Evangelistic Wagon wagou i3 a The National League, How Its Use May Increase the Income of ding roundly and Emerson Were the piatform company today suspended Portland—Seth L. Larrahee, William J. IT,ve Speakers. the back side of the Seashore Boniface. to Yesterday. making the cart and At — operations, owing tbe stagnation in Knowlton, Frederick D. Winslow, Arthur Strange Nsrvous Derangement. Washington Washington, 1; business. The when lowered forming a 0, To All Wide Hotel Men Heading railroad lias is- W. Merrill, John Howard Hill, Wilbur C. temporary pulpit. Chicago, Awake, Hustling sued orders for town At suspension of ten per Wlielden. of : Far Biidgton, August 81.—Bridgton this U the on wheels or There aro ingenious rack Baltimore—Pittsburg. 12: Balti- A Symptom icthing; IHor* “Yes, Gospel arrangements (Confidential): cent of its employes in the and South Portland—Melville B. Fuller. boll was filled to doors this more, 7. silver machine the evoning Bible or which servo as Are you Are you free oar Casco—Richard Cook. gtrioua—M r». nr Header Springs, carriage most anything of this receptacles for tracts and At goldbugs* shops in this city and along this road. residents el' this and Philadelphia—Philadelphia, 8; men? Do wish to increase your Income The order will Cumberland—Nelson M. Shaw. ■ by sunrounding and stands for you affect about 350 Relates LJj.perience* kind you like to call it.” papers lamps* Inside the Cinoinnnati, 14. men and Westbrook—Thurston S. Burns. towns to listen (o tbe Hon. William P. at the seashore at the ratio of 16 to IP takes effect tomorrow. The speaker was a man wagon 1ms good Other games postponed; rain. Freeport—Wintlirop L. Fogg. lugged looking accommodations for two If so, the hotel room sys- Albert Snow. The spasm at t-. ■■;>.. f or in Frye and Walter C. Emerson of Portland. try contracting Scarboro—John wind-pipe, in gray mixed suit and a decided Sootoli inon to sleep and is fitted National League Larrahee. ■1 much like the Standing. tem of the Novelty company, Sebago—P. P. bronchial tutrs ball in the the audience were noticed n Neptune rising Among large accent. He referred to a cabin of a small REPUBLICAN Yarmouth—Harlem P. Prince. large, strange yaoht. Lost. Per Gen t after first the to rent an NOMINATIONS- violent 1 of the number of Democrats of this _Won. taking precaution Brunswick—S. L. Holbrook. throat, ajing heart; prominent wliioh drawn in front The men who extra bank vault or to erect a crema- looking vehicle, up accompany the wagon Baltimore. 74 34 large Bridgton—Win burn N. Staples. of whom are it ,5-5 laughing and sryiujf by turns; mus- section many finding of the for cash. The hotel room Robinson. postofiice attracted the attention of are David Campbell of and Al- Cinoiunati, Oil 40 '.633 tory contracting ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Windham—Joseph L. throw- to swullow free silver. Dowell, Standish—William S. Thompson. cular spasms; utterly impossible crowds of curious bert Smith and Dr. Peter Cleveland, 65 42 607 is the eighth wonder of the world and fills passershy. Van Winkle of Senators—A. R. Savage, J. Wes- Cray—James 1). Hancock. the arms Tho were introduced 64 a felt want. do so land- Auburn; ing about, speakers by Judge The was of Dawrenoe. Cnicago, 48 .571 long Why many Maxwell, Webster. E. Moore. wagon generous proportions 59 ley Deering—Myron etc., tell of a, A. il. Walker who in n fow graceful re- Boston, 49 .546 lords down by the murmuring sea have Sheriff—B. J. Hill, Auburn. Corliam—El bridge M. Wilson. a color and “A a Briton and a painted very light completely Soot, Yankee” os Pittsburg, 59 49 .546 such in Judge of Probate—F. M. Drew, Lewiston. > it had difficulty their hostelries deran r-. >rc ent of marks stBted nlways been very keeping B. Lewiston. FRANKLIN COUNTY.- covered with quotations from the sorip- one of the men good untnredly said. Brooklyn, 53 ;,6 .481 filled with Echo “Be- Treasurer—Noel Potter, the ferns’ vs- muub against his inoliuation to preside guests? answers, Attorney—W. H. Judkins, Lewiston. tures. It has a from Philadelphia, 53 57 .481 Str°ng__j Harvey Conant. quite history. “We started Boston in May and cause they are not up to date; because they of Probate—Fred O. Watson, Au- teu:. at a meeting of this kind hut that lie Hew York, 53 59 .468 Register fv\\rmiugton—George M. Currier, Movod by a desire to contribute toward have como as far as here,"said Mr. are not reaping the benefits of the con- burn. unton—Cyrus N. Blanchard. was to take at this time in the Camp- Washington, 43 64 .402 Leeds. Aew female glad part room scores Commisioner—George Paicher, B. Luce. Any St. Louis, 34 74 .315 tracting system. They have Vineyard—Samuel discussion of the the most im- eomplaint may principles Louisville, 27 79 .255 of the old style rooms about as large as a AROOSTOOK COUNTY. HANCOCK COUNTY. portant that he had known in his ex- fair sized or an adult produce hys- pigeonhole coffin; Senators—Louis C. Stearns, Caribou, Henry nllsT°^VH- »• Saunders. perience. Mr. Emerson w as the first rooms so narrow that a guest cannot take Monticello. D. Chatto. terics, which New England Sharp, tkfMeUo League Games, a full breath without the Judge of Probate—Nicholas Fessenden, p- speaker. He said: cracking wall linfT!„"b..1.I rH,urv<:y Hinckley, must be re- Fort Fairfield. ksiiort—Isaac 1). In the Hew paper; rooms so low that a Bi-itton. In this endless ohatn of in which England league yesterday ceilinged guest Register of Probate—Henry M. Briggs. as u talk, can lie in B. via,rK_ e'iry B°yntou. garded little is made to the Bangor-Auuusta game was not bed and give a fair imitation of Houlton. attempt maintain history play- licor the human rooms so short that a Attorney—Wallace R. Lumbert, Caribou. Isie-Stcphen B. symptom and at a a ed on account ol fly; bat- * Thurlow. logic paiity, private citizen rain. The Pawtuokat- O. Houlton. ram Treasurer—L. Ludwig, M- Hutchins. The will he if be into con- tering is the only thing that will A?oW. William There is a deal of in Full H A\VUManis^e0rS° may be, good uncertainty Bivers’ usual luck saved them clothes and an intense for a tem- the air. yearning Senators—Josiah H. Drummond Jr., Port- Waterville—W. C. When one of the old stock leaves a defeat Phllbrook yields at Brookton, rain the porary home the sea in his Edward C. South Portland. Hallowell—It. K. a Uumooratio national ex- stopping by sounding land; Reynolds, Jewell convention, in the heart. Cyrus S. Withani, Raymond; Matthew W. Gardiner—J. S. quickly that a game third inning. The score wns Maxcy. claiming he Is Democrat but not Morrill, Gray. Chelsea—Thomas Searl'es to u 9 to 0 in favor of “I’ve got just (2 for a hotel room,” Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- revolutionist, while tbe Presidential Brookton, and Larape aday Attorney—George Libby, Portland. Randolph—Barrett A. Cox. nominee of that same insists that was he murmurs to the clerk. “What sort of a Sheriff—Samuel D. Plummer, Scarboro. pound. It acts at once upon the organ body being hatted all over the lot. Benton—G. F. Tarbell. lie is n revolutionist and not n Democrat, run do I get for my Judge of Probate—Henry C. Peabody, New moneyP” Belgrade—Henry IV. Colder affected, and the nerve centers; re- we are England Portland. inclined to wonder with Mr. Wut- League Standing. The clerk “Front!” with his usual * Manchester—Charles S. says Treasurer—Daniel D. Deering. Pope. moves the and son where we are at. But one Won. Lost. Per Cent Chenery, Litcl) field Plains—Uramandal Smith cause, dispels thing _ air and Instructs one effectually haughty, impersonal Register of Probate—Joseph B. Reed, Port- V seems sure. Some sort or a Mt. ernon—Albion P. Cram. the symptoms. quite Fall Kiver, "02 84 ieifl of the front boys to show the stranger the land. crisis is at hand. The revoiutonlst Mrs. her Bangor, 00 33 645 rooma Commissioner—Gardner Walker, Deering. KNOX COUNTY. Larris relates experience threatens $2 something, Many peopli say 55 40 for the Brookton, .679 Dazzled the arc of the FRANKLIN COUNTY. Rockland—Fred R. Spear, W. H benefit of others. that iti» the honor and credit of the gov- New by light effulgence Fogler Bedford, 62 43 .547 clerk’s Roekjjort—C. E. McIntyre. “I had ernment. If that Is so the of an- 600 candle power diamond, the Senator—Nathan U. been sick with ulceration history Pawtucket, 47 49 .490 Hinkley, Phillips. Tliomaston—Thomas S.‘ Singer. other crisis is liut would be is led away to be coffined Judge of Probate—James Mornson, Phil- of the all kinds of dis- repeating itself, not Augusta, 84 61 .858 guest Union—Benjamin Burton womb, causing “A Bible Carriage.’* or lips. thut part that involves bloodshed to pre- 33 58 pigeonholed at $2 per diem. After walk- Appleton—Milton Thurston. agreeable such as Portland, .356 Sheriff—Jardine Blake, experiences, irrita- serve tho Union, but that that in- half a mile halls as Farmington. St. George—J. Edward Shrader part Lewiston, 29 63 .354 ing through compli- Commissioner—Daniel W. Berry, Carthage. volves and **»io Vinalhaven—Fred E. Littlefield. bility, sleeplessness, faintness, and at discussing voting to preueivo ovaiiKrii^uiiuu ui uit) worm ck uuiu- uen, auu simu uuit Hum uauK oy anoth- cated and labyrinthine as a hypothetical Attorney—Elmer E. Richards, Farmington. times tbe Union’s honor. Treasurer—Daniel M. hysterics. My physician said it pany of Christian men in Boston sub- er route. We have had every, BRIEFLY question to a poison expert at a murder Bonney, Farmington. LINCOLN COUNTY. This sounds wild. We who believe iu meetings TOLD. was the worst case h« ever had. scribed the for the of tvheie on the road and have had trial, the even more haughty and more im- HANCOCK COUNTY. Southport—Austin P. Greenleaf My the progress of Ihe world, and especially money equipment excellent personal front to what seems to Jefferson—Albert J. Ames. back leacorrhoea the of this this whioh was to attendance and boy points uvutuwiB—uiujcii jcj. uni ached, very profuse, progress splendid new world, traveling pulpit carry respeotful hearings. oiuiijsuu, van, Noble boro—Thomas J. York we have been made be a rather crack in the hall wall and Rufus P. Grindle, Blue Hill. and I had a severe who believe in the advanoement of the of salvation the Much interest and Arrangements by large ■nristoi—naniei bearing-down pain. message through enthusiasm has been Sheriff—Lewis F. mason. the race, the of Chinese merchants at Vaneouvoi-, B. C., says, “This style, *2.” Hooper, Ellsworth. The 1 civilizlug influences a of New It is We have been of Edgecom b—Ephraim Burnham. physicians thought should never country planes England. shown. received with es- to Li a Register Probate—Charles P, Dorr, Hiram—Aim on modern people, say impossible. Certain- give Hung Chang grand reoep- nun: au 1 get is a crawl, a squeeze Ellsworth. Young. and as the last culled by those who for its main- kindlinesi in Maine.” tiou on his arrival here. A Gilead—Harlan P. Wheeler. recover, remedy, they ly such history cannot repeat itself. If provide pecial triumphal and a double up for my money, eh?” the Commissioner—John P. Ells- »nu mm Eldridge, one a uruwurxs on a grand scale nave worth. procured yc-ur Vegetable Compound. any told us year ago that oue of tenance the “Bible Carriage of New Eng The traveling Bible meetings are sup- would be guest Inquires, more in sorrow OXFORD COUNTY. the two been decided on. Tho foil F. Bar Har- I had not taken more great parties of this oountry land.” the programme than in Attorney—John Bunker, Jr., than one-fourth ported entirely by men who fitted out has not been made anger. bor. Andover—C. E. Cushman. would today he actUHlly attempting to yot public. of a before I was The outfit cost and was built in the team. “What do you want fer *3—the Treasurer—Omar lilton PI.—George E. bottle, more com- undermine the credit of the national $500 George the Looey W. Tapley, Ellsworth. Brpwn. gov- Fowler, fireman wounded Fourteen bridal Greenwood—Edward W. fortable. I continued Scotland. It was made across the The where it are chamber and the golden Penley. its use, also the ernment, we would have said, again water, people goes never asked Sunday in the acoident on the Fitoh- KENNEBEC COUNTY. Pans—Isaac Rounds. banket hall?” the front murmurs with Sanative and Liver Pills. impossible. If any one had told us a said because to contribute and no oolleotions are burg road, died yesterday morning at 7 boy Wash, After missionary Campbell they Senators—Martin L. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. year ago that the party that boasts of o’clock. His mother and sister arrived Napoleonic scorn. Reynolds, Sidney O. iu ui x was auie to DC manufacture a many similar taken. B. v.ojLug uubtiess, Jefferson would great on one of the “So I this entire Clason, Gardiner; Perham S. Heald, Wat- today be resting by a morning trains but were get letterbox and have erville. Bangor—Joab W. Palmer, C harles S. Tea out, and do almost all work. I ir not too late to see him me F. A. Porter, F. H. Parkhurst, Isaiah my large majority, calmly, on the in- alive. you bring ice water on draft, all for Attorney—George W. Heselton, Gardiner. think side of the that boasts of Stetson, Flavi s O. Beal. the Vegetable Compound is the party Altgeld, POOR OLD JOHN L. Dr. Nanson the Norwegian explorer *2, do I?” the would be guest continues. Judge ot Probate—<>. T. Stevens, Augusta. we wocfld hove not Y- P- S- C- E. CONVENTION. Treasurer—.Tames Mattawamkeag—James W. Hamilton. medicine that will cure said, impossible, but returned to Drontlieiin. “That’s all but how do I into E. Blanchard, Chelsea. only female right, get Clerk of Maxfield—Eben S. Goodrich. cujv/uu HIV vuiiuuuu ui uuu Courts—W. S. Choate, Au- lUiU^lUIUlUU. Advices from the Does a of shoe or a Levant—Charles W. Fernald. complaints, and it will reach the worst And all this has Sullivan Makes Ridiculous Exhi- Manilla say the Separ- thing? pair spoons gusta. yet happened. Pugilist The Attendance At Skowhegan Last Night atist tin funnel Newburg—Amos W. Knowlton. cases revolt in the Fhillipline island has big go with every (2 layout?” Sheriff—Andrew L. McFadden, Waterville. in a very short time. I know i' The Chicago platform ns edited in the Was Corinna—William I. Barrel. tion in the Ring. Disappointing. been renewed and that a state of The front of exercises Register of Deeds—Walter A. Newcomb, saved lire.”—Mrs. hcme^ cf its friends spells repudiation. It seige boy, course, again Carrol—A. M. Tolman. my M. Harris has been at Manilla. his Augusta. Corinth—Ira 13 with such statements as this that Mr. proclaimed Napoleonic scorn, and the stranger W. Davis. Ecavei Commissioner—Sewall Pettingill, Wayne. Brewer—Frank Falls, i'sstnsylvan.ia. /Uldrug and Mr. and Mr. New York, August 31.—Forty five August 81.—About 125 Tho town of Tignish, P. E. was wanders off with his 12 in his inside A. Floyd. Bryan, Frank, Staples Skowhegan, X., pocket. Lincoln—N. M. Jones. almost out Six or He KNOX COUNTY. (fists. appeal tor your votes. Why it’s tho very hundred sports at Madison Square Gar- delegates to the state convention of Y. wiped Sunday night. doesn’t scop a single day. He doesn’t Orono—A. ,J. seven blocks Durgin. farce-comedy of politios. It lacks digni- including nearly all the even a sea cocktail. The S. W. Smith. den tonight saw Thos. Sharkey of Cali- S. C. E. arrived tonight, not so as buy serpent Senator—F. Walls, Vinalhaven. Hampden—George It carries no Is many principal of business were ty. weight, hardly worthy places destroy- pigeonhole room has scared him and his $2 Judge of Probate—C. E. Meservey, South Garland—Andrew P. Andrews. of statesmanlike opposition. And fornia spar four exhibition rounds with the managors expected the night before ed. The loss will be very heavy. Thomaston. Milford--William A. Austin. yet bill away, never more to return. Old you l ave to fight it. John L. Sullivan. Scarcely any opin- the meeting. A was tendered William Morris the Register of Probate—E. K. Gould, Rock- Town—George P. Longley. Best Gclfea In the World. reception celebrated English “But what’s a This i*tire»ion of paltry $2?” we hear some land. currency, taken as a ion of Sharkey’s merits or demerits could the visiting in the poet is critically ill. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. is delegation Baptist one murmur. It isn’t very much, to be Sheriff—W. N. Ulmer, Rockland. whole, an -xtremely intricate one. It The Clerk of be obtained, as John L. was fat and un- ohurob this and was well attend- New York Republican state com- sure. Courts—R. R. Ulmer, Rockland. Dover—Frank E. is full v. a soris cf evening It wouldn’t buy very many state Guernsey. difficulties. Scratch mittee went into session Commissioner—T. S. Bowden, Guilford—Marcellus n contrast. ed at the Fifth Washington. L. Hussev. a faot and yen find a theory. Mr. Reed, wieldly. Sharkey was decided although the weather was unfavor- delegates this year, for prices are unusual- Medl'ord—David S SEVERE! Avenue hotel at 12.45 p. m.# yesterday. Treasurer—L. R.Campbell, i.ockland. A. Hatliorn.’ whim you have sent to for John h. was with cheers. able. ly but as some has truth- Congress greeted The coimuitte remained in session about high; great poet Attorney—Washington R. Prescott, Rock- Willimantic—Hiram Y. Hathaway. twenty years, 10 find out about these observed: land. ST15.1ffr) ARID Sharkey was more moderately applaud- Miss Oora Bickford, president of tho half an hour. Warner Miller was drop- fully SAGADAHOC COUNTY. matters, comes home and tells you there from the Little silver uu, a uu uiunu lujiovou uu u nuu and J. R. secre- pod advisory committee. dollars, LINCOLN COUNTY. aro many jhrsieof the whioh opuuciw convention, Boaidman, Topsliam—F. H. Purinton. question Wallaoo and Little bills of green, he cannot nr7 street, See Dr. Bill tbe last Fire yesterday morning resulted in the ordinarily buy. Your space is Congress fit to come from their policy, the wage play this season Attorney—Grant Rogers. Richmond. York—Joseph W. Simpson. das. 3 Adams street, destruction of Red Lion the famous valuable. Your expenses are Your of Probate—C. W. Hudaer, earner is the last to feel It. No one This Inn, high. Register Longley, Bath. W. stJohn McMeuamln & British Soldiers Interfered. at MoCullum’s. week. Lyman—Cvrfis Murphy. Co.. 84 Cumberland Berkshire summer resort in Stookbridgo. waiters perhaps are getting the lion’s share Commissioner—F. S. Adams, Bowdoin. Sanford—Willis E. Sanborn. reet. denies that if we suffer, she wage earnor 31.—A The lire started in the kitchen where the of your You cannot Berwick—Edward F. Gowe. Jas. McCartney. 94 suffers first. Constantinople, ,August special A Swindler Arrested. guests’ money. afford SOMERSET COUNTY. Washington street. commission cook had evidently used’kerosene oil. to Saco—Joseph H. Sliaw. 'd n Quinn, 146 Washington street. judicial began sittings In give the would be guest a larger room Mr. on introduced was this New August McArthur. 190 Washington street. Frye bolng city today for (he purpose of trying York, 31.—Stephen A. Mr. Brynn spoke at Prospect, N. than you could before, but the Senators—Milton L. Merrill, St. Albans; was arrested Y.f contracting Tilson D. Madison. Johnson, 1.4 Hammond street. with 400 Moslems and Armenians who are uo- Dutton today oharged with last to 500 Salley, "" greeted some mo- night hotel room applause lasting people. solves the difficulty with neat- Clerk of Courts—Newell Wr. Hobart. 143 Brackett street. usod of having participated in the re- having fraudulently obtained tho signa- Brainard, !i has. ments and bis speeoh whioh wns states- ness and dispatch. Skowhegan. Mullen, 237 Forestroet. cent rioting in and around Constantino- tures of deeds of property situated in PROBATE NOTICES. Y\. F. Gil Fore New Maine Post Office. He Sheriff—Edward P. Yiles, Connolly, street. manlike and convincing was listened to Washington, D. C., Belfast, and asks to see your $2 rooms Your Skowhegan. \. S. Murcli, 509 Fore street. ple. Me., Judge of Probate—Edward F. Danforth, for nn hour with the olosost attention. A detaolnnent of British state. The oomplainant is Washington, 31.—A office front boy again engineers a personally Murray & Malia, 35 Pleasant street, marines who Washington August post Skowhegan. of has been conducted tour or To All Persons Interested In Either of the Mrs. A. M. Rafferty, 31 Pleasant street. were marching from tbe British guard- Lilly Alys Godfrey Washington, D. established at Lyman and Bred the labyrinthine halls Register of Probate—Nathan Fowler,Skow- In .* Mrs. W. C. Canning, 29 Danforth to the English C. It alleged that Dutton secured the Whitten appointed postmaster. and shows the would be a hegan. Estates Hereinafter Named. street. Suit Boston and ship embassy yesterday guest large, S. Thornton, 17 Danforth street. Against Maine. deeds of these of Attorney—C. O. Small, Madison. clubbed aud beat book a Turkish mob parcels property by well room as as \V. O. 205 York comfortable, lighted big a Treasurer—R. T. Patten, Blake, street. 31.—Action wbo were a transferring a leaBe for half a of Skowhegan. Saco, August against tho maltreating number of Ar- block Harlem flat. The is onzo P. McLaughlin, 37 Summer street. Mother-love ft stranger surprised, Comlftsloner—A1 Smith, Cornville. At a Court of Probate held at Portland Boston menians in the street. The Porte made unimproved laud In this oity, to which T. Quinn, 48 Clark street. and Maine has been begun by gratified, delighted. The room is so within and for the of Cumberland a he had no title. Tho amount mixed with long WALDO COUNTY. County \V. P. Carroll. 30 Salem complaint against the oonduot of the involved daily, >n street. the heirs of James of Fitch- he thinks he Is a cross run the Third Tuesday of July in the V rvxv.il Uanfrirth SaDberger to Sir Michael is said to bo about $50,000. Dutton was sacrifice. getting country troops Herbert, British hourly for his Senator—A. J. Billings, Freedom. pear of our Lord eighteen hundred and Jas. DeWolfe & 249 burg, who was struck a train at who committed to the tombs in default of The love money. He is even certain that the Co., Dauforth street by Rig charge d’afEairs, replied that the increas- Judge of Probate—George E. Johnson the matters T. L. 281 Y ork street. hall. front has made a ninety-six; following having Callan, and killed. marines had a perfect to *10,U0U es with the boy mistake and is Belfast. E. 2ol by park August 18, right protect sacri- been for the action C. Kelley. Spring street. him the bridal ohamber or a presented thereupon the Armenians if the Turkish did nee it showing part " J. M. Edwards & Son, Green, cor. troops entails. Commissioner—1 rank A. hereinafter indicated, it is hereby OR- Portland net see fit to do so. Business Bad at Berwick.' of the suit. Cushman, Mont- street. The more a royal Impressed with this ville. DERED; he closes the That notice thereof be to all J. Fitts & Son. North mother suffers idea, bargain at once, sur- County Attorney—Ellery Bowden, Belfast given persons Berwick, August 81_It has nterested a of this order Sawyer & sat&wed 9t renders his satchel and is yours for $3. In Treasurer—Alfred A. Small, Belfast. by causing copy Dyer._ag29 Gov. Diugley Congratulates been since and endures for to be three weeks suc- McKinley. many years business was so a short time he Sheriff—Samuel G. Norton, Palermo. published her little the gets out his yachting cap in the MAINE STATE Cures bnd in this as at the one, cessively Canton, Ohio, August 31.—Major Mo- place present time. and goes down on the beach. PRESS, and the Weekly Eastern Argus, Electricity TT n lot* Ic cfill vaoainlivn ann««.t,.l.il — more it precious WASHINGTON Portland DON’T BUY Prescotts’ enamellne faotory has removed During his absence the ho- COUNTY. papers printed at aforesaid, becomes. She contracting li WHEN AL.L ELSE FAILS. upon his letter ot acceptance. nicy may appeal jil a jrruuaio to Passslao, N. J., the North Berwiok tel room gets In its insidious boa constrict- -ourt OR RENT A PIANO Congressman Dingley writes from loves it because Senators—Charles A. McCullough, Calais to be held at said Portland on woolen mills have or work. It itself and die Third of next, at ten Maine: “I have just returned from a company’s bean closed she has labored fairly humps shuts Edgar A. Wyman, Milbridge. Tuesday September Until you have examined our 9tock of )f the clock in the forenoon, and be heard week’s tour in various for an indefinite and up three feet before the Sheriff—Isaac P. Longfellow', Machias speaking parts period smaller and suffered for unsuspecting tiereon and if see cause. of Maine and back. I. Campbell, object they bteiuway & Sons, take my first opportunity suoh as it. yachting cap gets Attorney—Fred Cherryfield industries saw, shingle and box The physical Clerk of Courts—Phineas H. Longfellow VIARY TURNER, late of Harrison, deceased. to express to you my gratification ot ~ When he is that the SEarduiau, your on concerned sleeping night, walls Machias. Account presented for allowance by Isaac KacOir, most admirable letter of mills have'stopped account of low organs and acceptance. It gently noiselessly continue to more Judge of Probate—George R. Gardiner N. Dyer, Administrator, d. l>. n. c. t. a.; Gabelr could not have been water. in maternity af- Standard, improved. It fur- themselves, as well as all the Calais. also resignation of said Administrator, d.b. fect a woman’s furniture, of aud other high grade nishes the keynote of the and Register Probate—William M. n. c t.a ., presented tor acceptance. cumpalgn nearer and nearer to the bed. In a or Bradburv * tho so William H. son of the entire constitu- day Machias. presents arguments oonvinolngly Wilson, postmas- two the has FANE SWEETSER, late of Brunswick, de- ter was guest been telescoped to a 33 Treasurer—Austin Harris, East that it will prove a tower of strength in general, who chosen an nleotor tion to a degree Machias ceased. Will and Codicil there to and po- but it has all been done so Commissioner—Jethro B. Nutt, the campaign.” for the Indianapolis nominees in West only half realked footing, silently Perry. | tition for probate thereof, presented by and so that he does not ; W. Sweetser, Executor, therein DR. SAN DEN'S ELECTRIC Virginia, said yesterday: “i do not doctors. Women are gradually notice YORK George IANOR BELTS by many often COUNTY. named. know how my father regards the third for the shrinkage. Meantime the space that Auburn Notes. treated specially sick headaches, dys- Senators—Frank H. late of CURE WITHOUT ticket movement. I do know he Was his the first is Hargraves. Buxtrm iVILLIAM G. BARROWS, Brunswick, MEDICINB thinks or what day being paid for by Daniel A. North deceased. Account for allow- the sucoess of Mr. melancholy, is supposed Hurd, Berwick: Leroyy 5’ presented Auburn, Sept. 31.—The Ladies’ Aux- Bryan would bo a pepsia, another hotel room Ail All a liver or affection or contracting tenant at Pike, Cornish. ance by Portland Trust Co.Trustee. Styles. Prices. Rheumatism, tremendous misfortune to the to be kidney heart- iliary in Auburn'Hall the whole $3 per diem. Judge of Probate—Nathaniel North minor Lame presented play disease, when in reality the whole trouble Hobbs. IDA L WALKER et al., children Cash or Lumbago, Back; country, hotel rooms Berwick. and heirs of S. Walker, late of Easy Payments. “Parada” under the management of Contracting mean expand- of imothy Sciatica. is with the, reproductive drgans. This Register Probate—Frank Wilson. San,, Yarmouth, deceased. Fourth Accounts Call and see the Wonderful Electric* at ing pocketbooks. Capt. Eddy. About 300 performers were Mechanic Falls, delicate and intricate and the ford. presented for allowance by George W. organism If want to be as Kidney Complaint, in the oast and treatment for its ail- you big a hotel man as Commissioner—Stephen Sweetser, Guardian. with the magniflaent [SPECIAL TO THE rational peculiar L.Purington,° Linr,1 PRESS.) Willy Waldorf Paster and travel with ington. HARJORIE BURBANK et aJs., minor Stomach or Liver Ills, and caloium ments is a life study for the wisest physi- chil- scenery lights rendered a Mechanic Albert H. R. Attorney—Willis T. Emmons, Saco dren and heirs of Augustus H. Burbank, /EOLIAN. Falls, August 81.—The new cian. no Edward, H., just give our Treasurer—Charles Nervousness. pleasing performance. The is to Probably practitioner living H. Adams, Lim'eriek late of Yarmouth, deceased. Petition for v play be eleotrio were hotel room a season’s trial lte for if cannot calL lights turned on in has a in this direc- contracting trip. Sheriff-Usher B. license to sell and convey Real Catalogue you Nervous three of Fair week. this higher Repute special Thompson, Newfleld.' Estate,pre- Debility, givou nights town last and the R. V. The Nbptuke Noveltt Oo. sented by Alice N. T. Burbank, Guardian. night event wns cele- tion, than Dr. Pierce, Chief Con- Losses. Messrs. Arthur and Fred of the —New York Sunday World. LVLEB S. ROSS, late of Drains, Willey brated in a mild way about town sulting Physician of Invalids’ Hotel Yarmouth, de- r: Boston and H. Hutchins by fire- ceased. Account presented for allowance steinertI sons Lost Guy of Auburn and a and Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. Representatives to the go., Vigor. works, general good time. The Surgical Who Will be Nominated. Legislature. by Horace G. Ross, Administrator. 317 Congress SI. returned from an outing at Lake His Favorite Prescription,” is the most Dr. 8*Aden'» Inventions for Electrloal Self. Sobago lights worked very finely. Indlanapois, Ind., August 31.—Tbo "ANDROSCOGGIN SAAC JACKSON, late of Portland, de- '• C. Treatment hare cured thousands after all where they made a good catoh of ever known for all “fe- COUNTY. ceased. Tenth and Eleventh P^cCOULDRIC, other trout. perfect remedy hotel corridors bsgau to fill up this ev- Accounts known treatments had failed. are Yacht It at the for allowance They fully Out of town folks are Arrival, at male complaints.” gets source which took on a brisk look. 7. ■k®w^on~irranh Noble, George W Fur- presented by Frank C warranted. Let me send you a neat, illustrated oommencing to Boothbay. ening May- bush, Cnarles A. Crocker, Almon A. Strout and from the inside: It is hot or Forest, Archie L. Talbot William M book explaining all about them, and arrive for tho State Fair. Boothbay of the trouble Hopkins of Chioago is tonight actively Bradley, Trustees. containing Harbor, August 81.-Arrived bol- J* p- Hutchinson. several hundred testimonials from Maine and external, local, engineering a boom for Henry Waterloo Lisbon—Walter E. S. D Commodore Gardner merely temporary, Plummer v JHARLES FESSENDEN, late of Port- vicinity. Free by mail on application. and party in the or It is a cure. It of for the nomination for the lurner—Almon C. deceased. W Maine palliative. Kentucky Day land, ill and petition for A FEW MAINE Pensions. Mayfiowor Adrlene stering-up The Cleveland boom reoeived East pro- NOTE PEOPLE CURED. with H. P. Smith tones and strengthens the in- presidency. Livermore—J. A. Row ell. bate thereof, presented directly a deoideded wbeu Poland—B. M. Fernald. by Joseph P Fes- taught to do by doing tp* C< W. Morrill, Monson, Maine, Washington, August 31..—The follow- A. D. Palmer and Russell ternal restores them to health impetus tonight Hugh senden, Executor therein named? f*:, Jason M. 44 George from organs, Wallace of a wales—Joseph W, Sawyer. 3 nnrna A 14I*TSTI mih » —_H Bragdon, Dexter, ing pensions were the eastward. Washington, delegate to the 'HARLES •• granted Maine people: and and completely banishes GALLISON, late of de- I. A. Small. Guilford regularity, convention reached here. He said that AROOSTOOK ^ Peering, and drain COUNTY. etition for an Allowance out of H, T. Woods, Portland, ORIGINAL. the continual weakness, drag trhat the convention should and in hie •• on presented by Frances Thomas Henderson, Eastport, Tough Sewall. wear out and mind. Its opinion Bridgewater—Albeit L. Chandler. yien1>o??nal e?Vlte' " which body would do was to nominate Mr. Van widow of said deceased: also I. R Blethen, Thorndike, Frank M. Kioiimond. Buren—Fred B. Violetta lv°n’for 41 Leavitt, exceeds the combined sales of all Cleveland. Col. Martin stated that petition assignment of Dower to widow & E. R. Haynes, Monson, sale Presque Isle—George H. Smith. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Morton was a presented by said widow. 1 SCHOOL]L Men ORIGINAL, WIDOWS. ETC. other medicines for women. tbo choice of number of Woodland—Henry B. Pratt OFriGE PRACTICE FROM THE START. suffering the slightest weakness should Lowa Fort J read “THREE CLASSES delegates. Kent—William Dickey South Portland, de- my book, OF MEN.'* Nathaniel there should be ceased. W ill and Discarded. Send for Free Pocket edition free. linker, Augusta. of the In every American household, Caribou—Judah I). petition for probate Dry Theory Catalogue Sealed, by mail. Address Populisms. Common Teague." Democ°ra“.Pand « of Dr. Pierce's great work. New Maine Postmaster. H. Gilman thereof, presented by Isaac H. Ex- A. 6: REISSUED AND INCREASE. been copy Houlton—George Grant, L. GRAY SON, Portland, Me. DR. A.T. 826 effected, the Popu- Sense Medical Adviser,” 1008 pages, illustrated. Smyrna—A. P. ecutor tnererin named. SANDEN, , New York. ?®£uW!®J“s ° * Washington, August 31.—The Daggett. eod3in Nellie tbe el90t0rs for One free to address on receipt oral following Fort Fairlteld—E, L. I [ENRY A,, Small, Augusta, and Bryan copy any oo£ postmaster was Houghton C. PEABODY, Judge of said Court. Watson.08 cent stamps tp for mailing etuy. Worth*! appointed today: Linneus—Major W. Bither A true pay i E. G. copy Of the Original Older: Medical Association*'Butfaka. ^ Ximbeilake, South IAseTiuore, iladawaska—Kemi J Uiapensary A, Daigle^ Attest: EDWARD C. REYNOLDS. Register MISCELLANEOUS._ WHY WHEAT IS LOw! Instead of wheat declining in sympa- Democratic Fizzle at Standtsh. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MiSCEILWKOBS. thy it advanced while silver declined, s< To the Editor the Press: that if it wore legitimate to argue by of It cures from head to foot. Sot Due to “Denlonctization,, of Sil- analogy, as free coinugo men are «’■*• ti Saturday night the Democrats oi if You Would Be SURE of a GOOD CIOAR|For 5 CENTS do, we might say that as wheat adv; no Standish had a rally at whioh there wer< ver. when silver was declining, theuio as many, if not ,a decline in the price of silvei moro, Heiniblioans thar hotter prices for wheat. Ho far as an Democrats. The men advertised to spea) is a were High Authority one the Subject Explodes nlogy goes there bettor basis for thi John L. Butler of Pennsylvani; Puritana conclusion than for the but neith One of the Favorite Claims of the Free other, and W. H. of but But er is Jeffrey Portland, justified. ler was Coinage Men—Letter From a Form- lost between Watervillo and Pert WHY WHEAT IS LOW. land and so er Official of the Department of Agri- Frederick Jackson of Massa a matter of faot there As is no neces chusetts, who was to a culture That It Is for Every have spoken Important for search for Insist onS. & C.—Bo STRAIGHT—take by flr»t-c!a»» dealer* sity any hidden influence: Portland, took his Mr. Jeffrey’ only— Farmer to Bead and Di- Forest City Kink. place. FOR norther I^Sold 0 H ^-J Thoroughly for the low o: responsible present prices speech was devoted to an assault on th The in the WHOLESALE DEPOT: JOBW N’^OXESIXISON' CO.( BOSTON. gest. , stands greatest of them all shap< wheat. The truth out clearly, character of Powers aiid L jelOdti of wire and is at th< ldewellyn __ ——————— We more wheat than we can our balancing juggling (St. Paul Pioneer-Press.) grow vague exposition of how the sheriff o '. rink this is a wonder ani selves It must be sold iu the world’: week. Celeste Between use. Cumberland oarries himself. Hi The following correspondence no one should county markets. Tho world’s markot for wheal miss seeing him tonight farmer of remarks were rathei tamo and the onl; F. E. Baker, n well-known His dauoe You foi MJJ!'JOUJLlMJWJZiJCiJL*JUL££JuRCg is narrow and circumscribed. night. enjoy every thug RANGES AND STOVEfr White aud B. W. Snow, for Every applause he got was at the close. Whei Hall, 111., 0110 admission. There will be a oi nation strives to feed itself and most ol game Jaokson assistant statistician of the arose the good Democrats wert many yoars them succeed. The market for wheui polo Saturday night, at 9.30 o’clock NOT ONE at quite sure that they would hear some department of agrioulttue Washing is almost entirely in Western Europe, when tiro Forest City will the Got Sound 1 play s\ > weri jj thing but their ton and now connected with one of the Great Britain and Holland drawing the dons. grand, expectations larger of their from abroad, realized about as rnuoh as are the effort leading agricultural papers of the United part supply and J'ranoe, Germany, Italy, Belgium Saturday Night at Little Diamond. of the be read with interest every man who attempts to invent per States,will by und a few other smaller countries CLARION buying The the cake walk which oame off at petual His was a farmer and citizen interested In eaob a small of their con- motion, speech grea; ; every year fraction 1Value 1 Maoao on Saturday evening was a suo- the relation of silver to prices of our sumption, the amount varying as then disappointment. He explained the silvei or Stove or oess in The Range orops are good bad. every particular. dusky- question about as as an in s produots. Mr. Snow baa made a careful intelligently g 1 To supply this limited demand foui tnaidons and their partners were most a is by every UNION 3 of these for habitant of the Congo region could ex is sold that is not given study subjects mauy years, countries are in competition ns wheal carefully shaded that the tastes of all plain the of He die ^ and the faot that he held an Important growers, the United States, Bussin, In process freezing. MUTUAL policy of Life dia are u few oth mig ht be suited. There were what Fred treat the plete and permanent, the purifying, cor- position in the department of agriculture and Argentine. There uudience to one intelleetun WARRANTED. E g ers like Chili, Australia and Cnunda thai Dougass called the milk and molasses when he announced that Williair Insurance J> As certain to be and must for more than a shows the value feast, 5 *4 recting building-up process begin decade, furnish a small amtuut but there con- colored girls beside the men with skins lives in Ohio. He sot dowi and end in the Stomach. oFhis and the reliability and tributions cut little The McKinley Think of the thousands as judgment figure. struggh black to matoh the s when due death is to the four for tin enough oft-quoted very after ho had hii paid aocuraoy of his statements and deduc- among great producers suddenly spoken in use and ask dealer g al* sickness>s caused by of bread u raven’s wing. And i then the dresses, little your Y tions. Ever farmer and inter- privilege furnishing oheap pieee, and having been making > M a wrong Stomach. Puritana everybody artisans has reduced tho at- European pric: wbioh we will not describe, or even bis remarks in about them. If he does not ested in this should not read and until a dreary monotone, hi 3 _K f fa// makes the Heart right, the subject only of wheat to the present figure, not ol Scome. tempt to, having the vocabulary nearly to let his voice fall at thi Lungs the Liver the Blood this letter but see that his one or more than one of them gives ui forgot have them write to the right, right, oarofully, a fashion the 48 years' Experience the contest must rule low. Baci editor. As you entered end. 'l'ne Q right, the Kidneys right, the Nerves right, neighbors read it. prices applause whioh followed hii main oause is the further faci on the extreme the four SOLD CLARION. manufacturers. of this hall, right, stood effort was as soaroe as can THE Assets the Health right, because it makes the White 1899. — Dear anything be D $7,000,000. Hall, Illl., August 1, that in the past.tweutyjyears the oost ol matrons who constituted the Stomach right. Sir: The of and un- rocelvins therefore there was none. It was nim advocates the free growing and handling wheat has been & BISHOP Maine. $29,000,000 limited of silver are our party Over their heads was a placard o’clock HfOOD Banp, The Puritana treatment consists of one bottle of ooinage telling much reduced, so that a smaller selling when he olosed his remarks am ISSSSSSi'S* C0„ Y one bottle of Puritana and one bottla farmer! that the pressent low price of os a a: bow in to Puritana, Pills, value may represent great profit with,‘‘Matrons here,” large D. W. the chairman of tin 0COOOOOOOOOCX3OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXX)OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO Already paid Policyholders of Puritana Tablets, all in one Price $1. wheat is the direct rosult of the demone- Moulton, package. was seoured when and oost of were A1' prices pro type. Direotly opposite the judges and a For Sale A. K. druggists. tization of in is cer- meeting prominent Demoorat, an by ALEXANDER, ... silver 1873. Wheat duotion were each higher. SAY SO over whose heads was a similar 22 Monument Portland. Maine. tainly very low now, and I would be glad Un account of the lack of placard nounced that rather than olo.se so earli Square. uniformity he to have your opinion as to cause and if and certainty in the various estimate: with “Put the biggest foot forward.” would make a few remarks, havini EXCURSIONS. think it is not due the demone- studied -—■a, 2 a you to of the world’s wheat cron it is not pos Both of the placards reoeived due atten- the political topics of the dai 5 In all its career 5 tization of me the somewhat. silver, please give itible to determine accurately just liow as the most and facts which base tion, obsequious bowing He have studied a '4 upon you your opinion. much production nas increased in tlx may elooution, bu s a Yours BAKEK. careful manner of walking attested, his Never evaded liability truly, F. E. past twenty-five years. Neither is it neo- explanation of the silver questioi Messrs. Holland as showed that he had rooked his ^ Cbioago, August 5, 189.—Dear Sir: essary, as tbeloomnieroial value is deter and Warren acted not THERE ARE OTHERS 1 bralu in S Nor dishonored an i? The claim that the low of wheat mined by the commercial supply, auc ushers and caused much untangling it. He handler obligation. prioe laughtei (■imvan .. a n VACATION TRIP Is due to the so-onlled demonetization lUJia auuuij J3 piauuibauj ujji throughout the entire In the evening. er at a rate. but when once buy your Fur- of sllvor in 1873 is without support. In amount exported by the four great pro- “whooped up” great Whei you f; Buy Certainty center of the hall was a table or he gave an from ? 5 You the first place, silver was not “demone- ducers. placed uuusully lusty yell, the do nishing TO vout followers of and Sewal tized” In 1873. To demonetize means to Again adopting onr five year periods ii whioh were two large loaves of fruit oakf Bryan S £} yelled baok or and deprive of value; to withdraw from use appears that tho average annual contri- surrounded candles. At o’clock stamped olappei when a by eight their hands until tho 3 you purchase policy as money, and neither has been done butions of the four countries, going tc building threat ^ the march was formed and the oned to with silver. Ud to 1873 this country had supply tbo wants of importing Europe, sharp, come down. Mr. Moulton, how 2 of Life Insurance of the fun in earnest. The looked ever, himself a Cicero as com s only corned, since the opening of the bave been: began judges proved with the other eve MERRY, pared orators of the mints 8,000,000 silver^dollars; siuoe“that 1868-73. puzzled the darkies anxious the oake BAR ning, for he did his tone of volci s HARBOR It has one change year coined evbiy S' 433,000,000, A decision was reached United States, tempting. finally To be sure he ex S a full legal tender and of purchasing 43,102,17: occasionally. didn’t UNION A\UTUAL LI EE Russia, Braxton Parr and were declared THE power equal to gold. Tbat'year, instead 62,514,11; lady plHin things any better than Jackson, bu HATTER, g India, what he did of marking the stoppage of oolnage of 574,44< tho host dressed couple. Mr. Loud Sport say didn’t sound like student of the first reader off hif will never elsewhere for | silver, really marked its beginning so 1873-77 and lady the best walkors The reeling you go INSURANCE prizes lesson in the usual hum-drum § COMPANY, § far as its large use is concerned, as $4,- manner. them. They are alwavs in the I United States, were awarded and eaton, a fine order oi He told a few 000,000 of all classes of silver currenoy 68,918,59: facts, among them thai lead with the NEWEST snd MOST ■ a a Russia, 63,040,98f dances aud the oake he had his and fei S PORTLAND, MAINE. were coined in that year against *3,- enjoyed, walk, shingled buildings ELEGANT STYLES to please 2' India, 4,226,501 tilizad his and 500,000 in 1872, and followed by nearly whioh was by far the best entertainment land, gradually, wltl fastidious in I $15 those faots and memoranda of a“fcw otliei Nobby .a a $7,000,OuO in 1874, in 1875, 1878-83. fins Dress FRED E. RICHARDS, President. $15,000,000 of tho season, as also the closing one was items of Ties, Underwear and 8 3 <*, and increasing until work done since his farm waf constantly £39,000,- United States, 145,274,734 ended. in his Negligee Shirts, and the New Fal[ ■ 000 came from the mints in 1S90. put hands, he worked out a pro 'krrr£rttiTrirrnT£BTirtrs!l Russia, 64,672,30t hlein whereby he showed that the awfu Styles are unapchable. p In The WHEAT DID NOT DECLINE. India, 13,804,6G( City Building. state of the currency was the cause o: Argentine, 37,08( his farm being worth no more thai For a Week’s The records of wheat prices during the The board of registration began its today 1883-87. it was years ago. last demonstrate the labors of preparing the voting lists for thirty years falsity Taking it all in all it was a pool United States, 128,057,32( the of the claim that values declined as a re- September oloction in their room In apology for a rally, and the people fell Russia, 74,349,646 sult of the financial of 1873. the City Building disappointed and almost iusulted. I legislation yesterday. Judging m*cTmm-rsALM India, 35,214,676 SALE.! XXX. Outing, In the period of live years, covering the Argentine, 3,846,80; from the first day the board is not going -——--—-- to be rushed to death. to fifteenth to the twentieth year afer that Up 3.30 p. m. An to Women. |PIANO 1888-92. Appeal * We have still a few more the value of wheat there had been eight additions to the % Includes railroad legislation, averaged United States, 129,900,738 To Republican Women: • ♦ than in the same number of lists and two or three changes. The UPRIGHT PIANOS that ♦ higher years Russia, 93,121,96c The honorable reooguition giveu t( j fare and com- immediately preceding 1873. India, 33,281.20C sessions will continue daily up to 9jp. m. going women by the National Republican com 2 have been used that A large surplus of wheat is always Argentine, 10,516,067 until.September 9th when registration ! slightly J in this and that mittee should be acknowledged by then icycle Clothing a grown country, surplus cease and full week’s 1893-95. will and the lists will be made up. ♦ we are at extreme- ing imst be marketed abroad. The price at in embraoing the present opportunity ti offering § which this United There was quite au attendance in the surplus can be sold fixes the States, 167,002,827 serve the hoard at the Rodick Republican party and the coun ♦ LOW PRICES in order to © price of the whole crop when, as iu this Russia 112,000,000 Municipal court at 3 p. m. when Vincent ly try. ? jase, the surplus is nn important part India, 21,704,000 the © young man who was arrested on sus- X of them before we * —the hotel rf the whole production. The changes Argentine, 44,885,000 Never were there more powerful am I dispose largest of a diamond at in an accu- picion stealing Rigby export prices'are, therefore, are official with the ex- obvious;motiV08 for persistent and unite! [ into ^ (The figures was to be X move BAXTER there. Tickets sold rate index of the changes in domostio arraigne.d County Attorney v ception of the three foreign countries effort among women than cow. Moralit: X prices. In order to avoid minor fluctu- True announced that the after 1891, when oommmeroial data ore government and the X BLOCK. ations caused by matters of no perma- unity, indispensable supports o t until at was satisfied that it did not have suffi- A Sept. 1st, nent I below tbe used.) the home and the are importance, give average Taken with of our wheat ex- nation, being as It will pay a piano pur- © prioe of wheat in five-year the^table cient evidence to warrant asking the J export periods, port values before given, it will bo seen sailed. © JII. C, R. R. Ticket beginning with so that the first court to hold tho respondent aud moved X 1868, that the highest prioe was in 1878-82. Where Is for the future X chaser to examine these « covers the up to and im- security honest; period period not then a n nol to be entered. RoDin- India was serious competitor, pros Judge of our sons if they are now th I Offices ill Portland. mediately preceding the “crime of 1873,” taught X instruments and our and that period covers an abnormal de- son accordingly the lessons of y get while the seoond period covers the five discharged prisoner. repudiation | aug25d7t* mand following the orop failures in Where is for our Nationa years immediately following. During Lawyer Haley of Biddeford appeared seourity ♦ Western Europe and tbe Turoo-Russian Union that cost us and blood prices. the years 1868 to 1879 iuolusive, the period for Vincent. suffering war. In the next period there was a re- if and in _^_ of money, the partisan misrepresentation DAY TRIP TO depreciated paper prioes turn of normal conditions, and with In- “By thi way” said Mayor Baxter alienate the are in this debased yes- trigue south aud west fron given currency. dia’s as an fautoi appearance import terday, “there’s a littlo book oallea ‘Dol- north and east? In the name of gooi EXPORT PRICE IN CURRENCY. there is a drop of„sixteen cents per bush faith and honesty, of union and Jones & Allen’s l lars or What?' that puts this whole prosper! f Cressey, el. The next period marks the first im- ty, we urge women to Per bu. Per bu. the best everywhere helj BOSTON, portant appearance of Argentine and currenoy question iu and clear- maintain tho nation’s honor and unity PIANO 18B8-72, $1.16 1883-87, $1.04 the drop of three oents would hav e been eat form I have seen yet. It is well This oan be dono most effectively b; I at a. 1.185 .99 but for the Russian failure united effort Boston PM Pants Tuesdays and Saturdays, 10 m. 1873-77, 1888-92, greater crop worth reading. infoiming woman’s Repub Bicycle S AND IMUSIC HOUSE. X of 1891. lioan or -by the- 1878-82, 1.195 1893-95, .785 clubs, McKinley and Hollar The of 20.5 cents in the last Judge Robinson goes to Bridgton thh TaAAAAAA AAAJL AAAAAAAA AAA Bearing in mind that the value of drop pe- olubs or Sound Money clubs, where the fall which has so burdened oui week to hear a referee case. We are for the Boston Patent owner is its riod, women can meet and discuss the groa agents International Steamers* wheat to its purchasing ■s hmmh m m sbm ■ m ■ ■ wheat growers and which yet rests upon issues of tho and oan power, and that this can only be meas- campaign consul! Paait and Sait. Off all the them, needs no explanation. The tabic The as to and methods of Bicycle bicycle ured in colD, it is necessary to reduce Theosophical Society. plans Influencing ; speaks for itself. Argentine, from t voters. In connection with and unde: suits in the is HI Itnilun the ourrenoy values for 1868 to 1879 to the The of the Portland market this the suit. FARE $1.99. country almost known to wheat mer- regular meeting the of tho National gold basis upon which prioes of wheat supervision Republi at one bound into the Sooiety was held Patent it Run in Boston about 6 m. Tickets and all other commodities now rest. chants sprang Theosophical Sunday adjustable bottom, making p. front rank, and her shipments for those thetwork has in at Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument This is done below by taking the avsrage evening in its rooms, 65 Free stroet. opened headquarters thi for Crolff or years average and in one Auditorium Bicycle Use, patent adjustable value of ourrenoy for eaoh of the 45,000,000, yeai The attendance was and the Annex, Chicago, where al! Square, and on board steamers. jyl3tf gold of the three This very good, BICYCLISTS so that the ourrenoy equalled 60,000,000. communications to me should be ad waist, and in has more and com- five-year periods, sudden deprivation of the older subject Theosophy the of Jesus, fact, style is reduced to Its iu coun- Religion dressed. price equivalent so a fort tries of large share of their market, was rendered all the more interesting by I shall be pleased to ooinmunlcats witl than any suit made.* gold. without chance for a nuy corresponding reason any person relative to any phrase of th< GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Gold value of Gold value of of the variety of opinions ex- Prices !ffrom to a reduotion in their own exportable sur- work and to furnish ^campaign literatun ranging $4.00 $7.00 uaoun. * Currenoy. Currency. Wheat per bu. la for the jii a-Jiy aoj-uunu ui nuuu nua loan : plus, responsible present posit and constitutions for the formation o ^uit, also 40 cents each. — — trade of the was the statement that har- Caps TO 1808-72, $1.16 80.6 $0,935 ion of the wheat world. Theosophy looal clubs. out that I have mode When yon ride through 1873-77, 1.185 89.1 1.055 Trusting it clear t< monized perfect; with the Religion ol I shall soon be speaking on the Kepub 1878-83. 1.195 99.4 1.188 you that the prioe of wheat, like th< lioan for and —•- the Christ, if not with the Christian Relig- platform McKinley Hobar Woodfords add to pleas- 1HH3.H7 1 094 1.094 price of silver and other commodity,de- and hope to meet many of you personal ion. Next the same will ures of the 1888-92, .99 .99 penus upon supply mm jumiuuu, auu ina Sunday subject iy. ride by stopping .785 .785 the that has carried tho ol bo continued. : : EASTERN AGENTS FOR : : 1893-95, showing prioe Yours sincerely, at MOODY’S for a GLASS of Maine State wheat while at the same time lack ol J. The gold price represents the average up This meeting is open to anyone whr ELLajS FOSTER. Fait, was silver demand carrying down, i< 1, 1890. COLD REFRESHING SODA. LEWISTON. purchasing value or ezobauge value of will apply to the secretary Miss Joyoe Chicago, September eaob bushel of wheat exported in each satisfactory, I am truly yours, In addition to the traius B. W. SNOW. Lee for a curd of admission. The secre- A wheel rack is there to hold regular leaving period, and ns tho export value of this Portland daily during the Fair at 7.10 and grain fixes its home value, It follows that tary is always at the rooms Wednesday WESTBROOK. your wheels and a pump is at 8.40 a. m., 1.10, J .30 and 5.20 p. m.. Good Sense. P. LOVELL ARMS CO. on JOHN tho domestic value has fluctuated the afternoons, and will be glad to sea any- A SPECIAL TRAIN ON SHine scale. With the your disposal if your tires single exception To the Editor of the Press: one who wishes to make of the the value of wheat inquiries, get last three years • Sept. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, or obtain a card for even- Duck Pond. Aug. 31. The mills com need it. ... • • has since 1873 than it 29.—At a town meet books, Sunday S 80 and 182 Rfliddle Street. averaged higher Limington, Aug. aug8 dtf To Lewiston and return will did in the five preceding that date, mencea running this morning. The vil years ing hold this afternoon to see if tho towi ing^ * Leave Portland. 9.00 a.m. and tho highest value we have ghad was luge will now look more lively. would build a new school house iu a cer S3 iSfFfe fl* SB THS fiPtESTEST nn HATTAII hAAT Arrive Lewiston .10.25a.m. in the the fifth to the period covering The Saved His Some of the cottagers have returned tc OF Leave Lewiston. 0.20 tain of the where a nov Discovery Returning p.m. tenth year after the legislation com- portion town, THE age RUST'S uuiiun nuui Arrive Portland. 7.37 p. in. their homes. Others have come in tfccii riUEUN Druggist, plained of. one is greatly needed, an earnest oppoa Life. MOODY, Fare, including trip by Electric Railroad be- was made by L. J. Strout, Esq., oi tin Mr. G. Beavers- places. tween Lewiston Station and Fair grounds and WHILE SIVLEH Caillouette, Druggist, WHEAT GOES UP sohool board for a new house and one oi Grant a flying visit ti nammiL nus WOODFORDS. one admission to “To Dr. New Engineer paid Fair, villo, 111., says: King’s mu w A positive Can be reliable and WBr^ safe. :s: ap!7dtt more 1 §9® a Ms preventive. LADLES! GOES DOWN. sentences iu that appeal 'aduiirei Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with his the steamer 8n& ^p^always family Sunday, Myrtle carried invest pocket, all com- M alwaysaskforDr.Rusfs H Cotton Root and ZiL and thought worthy of especial note as l : La, Grippe and tried all the physicians for a being In Portland harbor. These alone show the look of came from Democrat although I taki miles but of no and was to Lewiston and return. *1.00. figures about, avail, Portland bo is not a silver socialist. The re Mr. Warren Jefferds is bu , I " it, and told I could not live. Hav- improving Tao Pile ISsSsSral Tickets to return until 7t,h. truth in the claim of free ooinage advo- given up Japanese Cure St. Paul Minn. good Sept. mark was as Fellow thi 1 Company, General follows, citizens, mg Dr. Now in my is still confined to bis bed. CtlAS. M. HAYS, Manager. cates that wheat bus declined because King’s Discovery For sale in Portland by JOHN D. KEEFE, 250 Middle 8t. and JOHN WILLIAMSON red wolf of socialism is already knookiuj : I sent a aug26 tosept4 store for bottle and began its use, Mr. Harry Twombly employed at Ray 595 Congress St. their pet metal sells lower in open mar- at tho nation’s door,.end it will ho at tin and from the first dose to bet- 'n began got mond’s mill lost the en< | | wood e|a[t| our schools if we do not but to the door of providi and after three bottles was working TUB Famous Remedy cures quick- ket, finally puncture argu- ter, using up !P”i &ercrmic& suitable buildings iu which our childrei and about its of his index and middle fingers of hii %kr 0 oSL SH V Ks OS«E*ly, permanently all nervous diseases. CITY OF PORTLAND ment again. It is worth weight m * Vv oak Loss of Urain Power, Headache, LOST examine the course of the value of _ Memory, Wakefulness, oau be educated this education is tbi * in gold. Wo won’t koep store or house right hand whilo at work yesterday af —r.v-rflb VITALITY, impotency and wasting diseases caused by youthtu* ’’ PRINT silver and value of wheat as shown be- means to avert _ W. errors or . j& tllQ eenorativo organs of either sex. such as Nervous Prostration, Fail* (September 9th), .690 .785 52 84 with the claims to be com- young people oit; Tj0:'t will not be in session after 5 in af- pleased professor’s exhibition which date interest on is ln8 or Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, o’clock tl\e on a Mental to Con* to biro a wonderful man. go trolley ride to Riverton Wed Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead ternoon, receive evidence touching the quali- and pronounoe puted. an of debts to or said -AiXSW zb*' sumption and I nsanity. With every $S order we give a written go fication of voters in said city and to revise and Rev. H. B. Smith of Troy. N. Y., heir That the payment any by nesday evening. They will have a done correct the transfer and ol |p|rTn1t and Ij the voting lists. divine service in Musio Hall Debtor, delivery RELIEF IX SIX Sunuaj are forbidden law. In the pavilion hall and a luuoh at th During said time said Board will revise and HOURS auy property by him by morning. creditors ol said debtoi oafs. For sale by Landers and Babbidge, 17 Monument Square. TT&8 correct the voting lists; and the wardens of That, a meeting of the and Bladder The Hill Top of Aug. 30 contains < and choose one or more The said city shall be governed by said revised and Distressing Kidney diseases to prove their debts regular monthly meeting of th corrected relieved in six hours the “NEW will be held at a Courl Are list, ami no name shall be added to or by GltEAT very pleasing tribute to Poland assignees of his estate, department will be held Friday ev “ABRIGHT H O ME M ERRY stricken from said SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE.” The Spring! to be holden at Probate AKE SAM CHARLES CARL lists on said day of election from tho graceful pen of Rev. K. A of insolvency ening. SUMNER ETON, and no new is a on account in said person shall vote at any election whose remedy great surprise Court room iu said Portland, county Mr. Arthur in Durgin of- Hyde Park, Mass. Mr. Dur- tile 7th is a: name is not on said lists, but the Board of Reg- of its exceeding promptness relieving of Cumberland, on day of Sept. A. D., McAubroy acting HEART.” JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH in the and several weeks here the o in the forenoon. sourer at tho Stato thii Baritone, istration will be in session on the day of elec- pain bladder, kidneys,back evry gin spent first 1896 at tell o’clocK fair, Lewiston for the of tlie in male or season. hand the date first above week. tion correction of errors that may have part urinary passages fe- the Given under my VOICE CULTURE. occurred during said revision. male. It relieves retention of water and Among tho recent arrivals we notice Wlitte“’ AUGUSTUS F. in it almost If C.L.BUCKNAM. GERRISII. ) Board of pain passing immediately. TO CURE A Four years in under the best masters. relief and cure H. H. Ricker, Stanley S. San COUD IN ONE DAY Italy MONROE A. BLANCH.\lii) > vou want quick this is your Patten, Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court oj Registration True and Mr. Deputy Hour also half hour lessons. Address 52 High MICHAEL C. McCANN, ( Of Voters. remedy. Sold by C. H. GUPPY CO., Drug- uel A. and Mrs. H. J Insolvency tor said County of Cumberland. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alfdrm 4U3 Portland, Me. Brown of Portland. reiund the it it : tr aug!8dtosept9 gist. Congress St., aug25&septl gists money falls to cure. 2o< SAPOLIO eet. City. au^lSeodti PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ^ crmont voters aro largely farmers' with people acquainted with it. But we MISCELLANEOUS. miscellaneous. — financial. — AND •oid the result of tbo election AMUSEMEWT3. will tend to suppose that if it were made a condition | _amusements. MAINE STATE 1'RESS. show whether free silver has made of Mr. any Williams’ speaking that he should mm. ■■■■in. ■■■■■. Zmmmm 'Stm Kates. considerable inroads the rural find an $00,000. Subscription among audience that didn’t know that FOREST CItTrINKII|ie1^anD population of tho East. he had G©o# W. Daily advance') $6 per year-. $3 for six turned topsy-turvey he would bo jITY OF Gordon, Manager. Oth Season a 50 cents a month. compelled to And ALA. CEIjEST, the trout’,;-, Jj.50 quarter; MK. keep silent. that EUFAULA, gymnast, WILLIAMS’S TODAY AND FOUR The greatest and The Daily is delivered every morning by would bo a Mr. Williams. tight slack wire performer calamity—for £ 6 in the world. within the city limits and at YEARS AGO. per ct. Gold carrier anywhere Bonds, At Keith’s Last Jated June Week. Woodford*-without extra charge. Hon. Fred Williams 1,1896. Due Jane 1, 1826. In the Kink Every Afternoon and George made his CURRENT Evening'*» Daily in advance/, invariably at tb COMMENT. this week. C, C. TI7KESBUKY, Manager, (Not debut in Maine last night, speaking for SEE Coupons payable Juue and. December tale of $7 r. year. in New York. the silver at Blddeford. I’re- POLO SATURDAY Democracy THE GOLD Sends issued for EVENING. Maine Static Pkess, (Weekly) published DEMOCRATS. Water Works and Light Murphy Balsams vs. Forest Citys TO-NIGHT, sumubly no is to speak at other places in Plant. e K} Thun day, $2 • er year; $1 for six months; the State. At the time Mr. Wil- (Boston Advertiser.) j 26 cents for trial present X>^.1^TOI3NTO 6o c. ,.ts a quarter; subscrip- In addition to the Mr. Lewis It remains a being direct and primary Tuesday and Friday 9 to liams is ono of tho most of the tact, that there THAT of Evenings, 11. Music tion of six weeks. positive however, THE bligation the city, these bonds are secured IVollcome’s 1 by Orchestra, 8 pieces. Frank ire some Democrats who, while y a first now Persons wishing to leave town for long oi (Silver orators. He Is sure that free opposed mortgage upon the water works P. Manley, prompter. m the free silver are still deter- kmlt the about have the policy by City, costing $62 000, TOBOGGANING AND SKATING vi as a.:.y addresses of their ooinage will be a panacea for all our Ills, mined not to mh EVERY support the Republican any additions thereto, and also upon any AFTERNOON AND EVENING. MORRISON .! a as often as desired. and lectric or which hereafter be ; a, changed tho whole hope of salvation, in his candidates. If putting up a Demo- FAC-S1MILE gas plant may Admission to Kink lo cents or boat gold wned or built. coupon. -■ratio ticket is the j This mortgage is made to the Gentlemen -IN- the only wbiou will Dancing, Ladies tree. Advertising Kates. estimation, turns upon adoption of thing Baltimore Trust and Guarantee 20cents, keep these men from Company, Take Casco Bay Steamers. Boats leave at this he voting for Mr. rustee, whose certificate on each 1,10 New Romantic Play, I Daily I’less $1.50 per square, for one polloy. Today soouts the idea it is appears close of dance. et Spectacular ( Uryan, just aa well to put up a tiok- J ond. for o* e month. Three inser- that free would mean 3t PreparationforAs- SIGNATURE v. h; (4.00 ooinago repudia- for that purpose. That is ] By these works an of practically s llieFood and uta- building ample supply tic tr ).<», $1.00 per square. Every other tion, or would depreciate tho wages of what is intended at and imitating Reg ure water is guaranteed, and it is estimated Indianapolis,, -OF- Hat the net CITY one third less than these there are thousands of the Stomachs andBowels of } profit Horn private consumption HALL, da, advertisements, the laboring man. Mr. Williams gold ting \ was Democratsprobably rill be more than sufficient to puy the interest throughout” the who ( n THE not country these bonds without on the INDIAN. always thus, though ho has ever drawing general will vote for the Indianapolis candidates. i Lind. Labor Mr. Half square advertisements $1.00 for one teen Monday, September 7th, Day, ^wrison in his great character of Red positive. Four years ago he was It seems that even FINANCIAL STATEMENT. or lor one month. likely, however, reatlier, Chief oi the week $2.50 more of Monarch of all Recognized as Best Ogallalas. just as positive about free as the gold Traveling is a of a ooinage Democrats, especially Lssessed valuation of "A Square” space of the width col- n the 1 1895.$1,428,465 Prices ho is but the doubtful states, will be satisfied 1 leal 25, 50, 75c and si.oo and one inch now, things that he was Valuation.1,837,795 umn long. with the demonstration made at Indian Digestion,Cheerful- otai Seats now ou sale at box office. certain of then aro the debt.134,050 a Notices, on first page, one-thud ad- just opposite of ipolis, and will vote for McKinley and ness and Rest.Con tains neither ! alue of Property owned by the City: tho Vater ditional. things he thinks he knows now. Iu Hobart in November. nor Mineral j Works.$52,000 GUY BROS. lthh! ho Opuirn,Morphine ON THE I bridge.40.000 Commencing Tliurs- A Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per lod the Democratic opposition to 3HEAP hurt House MONEY AND THE FARM not Narcotic. and Jail.10,000 Slights,day, (September 6th. U ; -care each week. Three insertions or less, tree in the chool ooinage House of Representa- ERS. Houses.15,too 1.50 ♦ SAT’CKDAY f per square. tives, and as a member of the committee MATINEE. Heading Notices in nonpariel type and (St. Paul Pioneer-Press.) 117,000 on coinage submitted a report which of Old SrSAKCELPJTCBEO • rross Revenue.24284 The other la cents Ratpe Eminent Character ,- /edwit'u paid notices, per The silvorites who are 'otal expenses, interest and MfNSTIlELS! Actor, represented tile view of the telling us of the WRAPPER including minority of Seed* water li.. each insertion. ( ;reat benefits to come PumpJim and light from the advance * charges.20,000 that committee of whioh be was one. j n Alx.Senna J ax rate authorized lVa cent, Pure Heading Notices in reading matter type, prices through the free of sil- per coinage JRodfuUe Soils I : ax rate exercised 1 per cent. The had offered a in ■er should road £5 cents per line each insertion. majority report Mrs. Jefferson Davis’ Anise Seed *■ I OF EYEEY nemoir of her Population. 7,730. jTHOS. JE.| Iran's, To Let. For Sale and similar adver- favor of the free coinages of silver at 16 : husband, and note her de- Peppermint / 30—PEOPLE—30 enption of the effect of Pi Curb snolt Soda ■» I Attention is called to the fact that this City in advance, for to high prioesgupon tisements, 25 cents per week one, and Mr. Williams replied to it in | ire 068 not find it to exercise its full Chaste and Refined, New in the South iu the days of the Con- florin Seed f necessary Everything Up 40 words or no Displayed adver- a Clarified BOTTLE OE t uthorized tax rate, having an income from less, display. carefully prepured report for the J ederaoy. Ihere was freo Sugar | to Date coinage of our- Flavor. censes of $10,000 annum; and after tisements under these headlines, and all adver- 1 ency and Wintesyrsen J per that, minority. It was a long and vory vigorous then, prioes went up with a eductiug its assets, its net debt is but $17,050. S H E will be se men ts not paid lin advance, 'engeanco. As says a iso that the and interest are protost against the he is * ooutemporary, principal payable Best Band A, policy sup- and i the farmer could Orchestra larged at regular rates. name his own price AperfectRemedy forConstipa- gold. Traveling. porting He smote the free Eufaula is located And a Capable Company under the Direc- In square today. of money was inexhau- tion, Sour in Barbour County, in the Maine State Phess-SI-OO per '?*ri*he Stomach,Diarrhoea, astern tion of GEO. H. BBESKAN. coinage of his and 1 tiblo. Never before had the part of the State, on the Chattahoochee Watch tor or firsc insertion, and cents per square for wing party hip farmers of Worms : .iv?r, and the Street Parade. fifty his or .Convulsions .Feverish- is, in proportion to its size, one of Big any country had so much le thigh. Some extracts from that money wealthiest cities in the State. It is reached Seats on each subsequent Insertion. n their ness and Loss OF SLEEP. sale at Chandler’s Music Store’ REPERTOIRE: j pockets. In fact, their pockets y the Montgomery & Eufaula, the Soutbwest- AUUtCM ail UWUlUIUmv.OUVua report will prove interesting and instruc- Wednesday morning at 9 a. in. vere not large enough to hold it. and it rn and the Eufaula & Ozark Railroad Com- THE to Portland tive now. Evening^ MAN 0’ WAR’S MAN. scriptious and advertisements Speaking of the danger of ?as said that people took their Facsimile of anles, and has in addition two river trans- Prices | money Signature onation 25, 50, 75 Publishing Co.. 97 Exchange Street, free : I o market in their lines to the Gulf. It is the transfer Cents, ooinage, he said baskets and brought nd DR. supply point for a corn and cotton JKvening, JEKYLL and MR. HYDE. Me. borne their purchases in their large aug!_dlw | Portland. ine peril lg not great ot an avowed pockets.” roducing territory, and is the third largest Jut what whs the advantage to the atton farra- NEW YORK. Caatoria is In one-size bottles trading point in the State. There are To be announced. depreciation by our government of the I r in the end? His j pnt op only. It FINANCIAL ■STiSs: I pocketfuls of money f >cated here two large and successful cotton value of its own we shall never is not sold in bolt. Don’t allow to sell promises, ( ould not buy seeds or np|anyone ,J nils, a cotton seven garden imnle- compress, cotton ware- openly repudiate our or else on the or that it li JSvening, | RED LIGHT. debts, currupt uems, anu no was poorer after every you anything plea promise ouses, together with cotton oil, carriage, _THE tne medium of the as J1 payment; danger lies t ale. is just good” and ”will answer every pur- Lachinery and wood-workiug establishments, Prices 15, 25. 35, 60c. in * as. and MAINE 1. legislation such as this bill proposes ■&S~Bee that telephone electric light companies and INVESTMENTS " invert in Maine Securities. McCullum’s Theatre the < f William only honest dollar in which obliga- good times and high pices, when It is FOR SALE BY tions can now be JONES & - HcKinley discharged. But, under s o Intimately allied In Its nature and SPERRY, CO., OF OHIO. plausible theory or confident propheoy, Denier*in Investment HUTSON B. 3«K the * urposes with money of all kinds. Even Securities, SAUNDERS, PI4KiE“ oitlzens of this oountry may be mis- Investment led into repudiation, whiob they would 1 he fnot of its being a monetary standard 239 E. German St., Baltimore, Md. Securities, not consciously approve. To make this t oes not give it any >1 l-» Exchange Street Portland. Me * 3,St £ OR VICE special signlfioanoe The PRESIDENT, bill understood as a measure ot ” Ju6 Th&STtf Bright, Catchy Comedy repudia- c r imnortanoe as an for lion is to secure its defeat. “indicator, yen a depredated silver dollar or any- Here, it will be seen, Mr. Williams Garret A. | bing else, which has the power of pur- INVESTMENT Hobart asserts, and supports bis assertion by ar- WE OFFER A LIMITED AMOUNT base or exchange for commodities, ap- DR. BILL.” OF NEW JERSEY. gument, that free ooinage means repudi- reciatos In value when prices go down; Monday. ation—and beoause it meant repudiation, Ex<***f j bat is, they will buy more commodities k s'Jcce^ TOR GOVERNOR. was enough, in his opinion, to secure its SECURITIES, fhen are low Splendid Company, Jljjniflceii tl?fCostume5- defeat. prices than when prices Five Excellent Scenery?* re high. This is all tree silverites olaim Paying Four, and T. Speaking of the effect of free ooinage, tfte Per3onal di- Powers ^ >r gold—except that its appreciation is Six Per ection of Ain McCull0nmUUller Llewellyn be pointed out that it was the laboring Cent. ( he cause Town of of low .... prices—so that it is just FOB SALK BT .... Falmouth OF HOUSTON. man and the people of small means who s sensible and to that would suffer most from It. The rioh he appropriate say t hero has been an appreciation of nickel ______iU29tt thought oould protect themselves. Here H. HI. PAYSON & Fur to nd money since as to CO, Representatives Congress: is his language: paper 1373, say here has been an appreciation of BiLNlCBRSi NOTES, First District—THOMAS B. Men speak lightly aud thoughtlessly of gold, HEED, * nd both statements would be based on 33 EXCHANGE STREET. of the “creditor class.’5 bor every creditor 1 o net 4 1-8 cent. dlVEBTOH Portland. apr4 PARK. * he fact of low while the dtf per there must be a and for prioes, fact _ ucoisd District—NELSON debtor, every Total debt DINGLEY, iebtor a creditor. If the industrial cir low prices would not be based on tbe $8,500. of Lewiston. slasses of this are not go to make a statesman. In faot he JE., oountry bankrupt, aippreoiation ot either. There is no up 3NTE3*\7V LOAN One 31, but,, on the contrary, have aooumu- seems to have no The Cumberland Week, Commencing Aug. doubt that low increase tbe aspiration to rise County Third District—SETH L. MILLI- ated something from their work, it is prices pur- Also a choice afternoon and evening. of that low abovo the grade of a Town of list of home of safe to say that their accumulations have r :hHslng power money; is, noisy demagogue Kennebunkport, Me., KEj; Belfast. jrioeB cause the ol , >onda in n large part been bo invested that they appreciation money, or establish a reputation superior to that Agricultural Society payable ®iut the of or other will Fourth District—CHARLES A. itand as creditors within the appreciation gold, any o f a ward hold its Fifty-Seventh BOU- meaning does politician. Every attempt of )f those who assail the creditor noney, not cause low prioes any of class. In his friends to him off ns a TLLLE, Bangor. nore than the hands of a ciook oause pass lion he lavings banks alone, in which tbe defeats depos- J. he ouward maroh of time, lo that himself by kioking off the 4s. m m ms. ts are uneually in small sixteen say Annual Fair coounts, are “skin” and exposing to view a Ex-Gov. Waller of ■ irioes low because there is ail public Conneetiout, who was rundred millions are said to be deposited appro- years a330ciated with Dan ®bation of is very different kind of an animal. Shades a gold simply to say that i deleinto to the Chicago convention, -more money than there is iu aotive cir- of Jaokson and At Due, 1901. Due, 1906. IryanY’f Mlnst?eis°r isioes are low because they are low. Washington, Linooln! Narragansett Park, Gorham, Me., says he shall vote for mlatlou iu this country. Kvery working- v with the “Nebraska McKinley “If ?ree oolnage men to some Boy” attempting Sept. 8th, 9th anti lOth, 1896, nan who is depositor is a creditor of the ought suggest I could have in the bletter reason for bimetallism than to dance bis antics in the halo of glory Assessed the REED BIRD my way struggle rank. The volume of in Da- that, Valuation, $1,140,000. QUARTET deposits J as which surrounds their illustrious names 11 $1650.00 Premiums. with those who are the Iona! banka and other leoause, suggested in a former article, Special Trotting assailing honor banking lnstitu- * It is said that there is but a 1* ® he act of demonetization has had no “single step FIRST DAY, TUESDAY 8th. Total and credit of the he ions is likewise and Debt, $13,500. country, says, “I enormous, every fleet on market from tns sublime to the ridiculous,” and lepnsitor is creditor of tbe bank, and the prices beoause all the $200 for 2.27 class, pacing. would defeat them by the election of j!tilver that has been needed any attempt to compare Woi. J. Bryan for 3.00 class. These bonds are issued for the rank to tbe debtor class. for business $160 pur- Portland Trust belongs with of the men who havo >ose Go.f UTTLE any had of FREDDIE, McKinley by such an unprecedented and lurposes has been kept In osculation on presi- SECOND DAY, WEDNESDAY 9th. building: bridge and will make augl dtf Of the deposits in savings banks in dential honors conferred i 1 °f tlle with and even if upon them by conservative Iai:ies. ‘a Ids comic overwhelming > his a par gold, government $200 for 2.28 class. investment for trust singing majority that McKinley’s country thousand millions of dul- ? the Amerioau this old ax- 3 Jechdty. md continued to receive at the mints and people proves $200 for 2.40 class. unds. success would have no ars are said to be invested in mortgages. iom true. political siguifi- ] J,ioiu as much silver as was ooined under doubly $160 for 3.oo pasers. Che mortgage creditors of the oountry ? Mr. all the canoe, and that would bury he Sherman law, it seems consistent Bryan’s speeches picture THIRD DAY, THURSDAY 10th. WANTED. MRS. DAVE REED sectionalists, .re, therefoe, to this extent the small de- orator as a man of small mental „vith reason and common sense calibre, and that no Free for All. _ i ae Eccentric socialists, populists repudiators too ] tositors in savings banks who have contracted full of $400 Comedienne. ", nore sijver would have been in oir- narrow, opinions, big- $200, 2,32 class. deep for resurreotion until 1 rusted their scanty earnings to be in- kept and sectional hate and WOODBURY the last ° uiation otry 2.60 & ested than was needed for business prejudice, $160, class. MOULTON, of who by these institutions of savings. with the hump of self esteem The MURRAY trumpet Gabriel, summoned them mrposes, and that oonld have been marvelously Largest ana best In all departments. BROTHERS To ^depreciate ty 30 or 40 per cent, tbe kept with no 1 .Beds & R. R. to receive their deserts” j:m a par with What developed; broad, expansive, Sometblng to amuse. Instruct and entertain. Farmington Mr. Waller is to I ■nlue of these securities would be to rob r gold. difference BANKERS, selections, would It statesmanlike view o/ the wants and Remember ihe 9 and 10. hen, have made in the fall of dates, Sept. 8, » U take the stump. trillions of our industrious oitlzens uf : Portland, Maine. an?1 dauelng33rne™L'l5f’ PoP«d»r irlces? needs of a great country of 75,00(1,000 in- Excursion railroad rates. idsic on popular ---- t heir hard-earned p C. H. &Ug21 instruments' savings. do not free habitants; and no grasp of Intellect to aug20td LEIGHTON. Secretary, dtf A we Why silver men place the letter, which publish elsewhere, Depreciate tbe standard of the dollar, or understand the ause of low prices where it and comprehend great ami Written a man for ,nd every of the country, every belongs, varied duties and * by many years oon- pensioner vhere overy responsibilities devolv- 6’s, S , toider of a of experienced business'man neoted with the polioy insurance, every _vdaces it—in ing upon the chief executive head of this STATEMENT OF THE department of asrionl- 1 fidow and ■’ business competition, re- CONDITION SCSB.gtt orphan enjoying the proceeds great nation. The burden of his oratori- Due 1896. ture tnrows r. deal ultlug from cheaper methods and fauill- July 1, good of light upon tbe < f trust funds will by so much suffer cal efforts is the —OF THE— ies in transacting business, and in busl- everlasting “ding dong” fail i. tho of wheat which 1 rom this fraudulent reduction of stand- of1 of price the free j;less men foroed the “unlimited coinage silver 16 Te offer In exchange, a choice line of * being through overpro- ” ElfillTH mViL ,rd of the country. ? to as for all silverites make tne basis of their olaiin 1 in 1, the great panacea our The revenues of the .uctlon, improvements machinery, Mechanics’ Loan and government will with reasons (when any are that gold baa been since tbe heaper labor and the overcrowding of ills, given) Buildnig' HOME SECURITIES. appreciating ] ie depreciated in like manner, and every as1 and shallow as his blusiness ranks, to a smaller illogical premises act of 1873. Tbe letter shows margin of articular* on clearly rofits? This is 1are false. application. fill really what free silver enough that tho average of repreeont about two-thirds ol the When a man like Bryan starts out on price wheat JJ™aen mean, and all they moan, by “the Association. Travellers supplied with LETTERS of LABOR J)ay mount now fixed law. for by a1 race for the Presidency, with such c available in all of the five yeur3 succeeding 1873 was higher ppreoiatlon of gold’’; that prioes have REDIT, parts world, The effect of this upon fu- as “ id CIRCULAR repudiation , leen kind of politicians Altgeld, Tillman DRAFTS, payable without than the average price for the some growing lower since 1873. Who dia- PORTLAND, AUGUST 1896. i ure attempts to borrow money will he and“Dehs1 as his he IB, large, in the principal cities of Europe. utes it, and what of it? Invent a ^principal advisers, Tolman 8. Melcheb. before that date. < lisastrous to the borrower. Why a President. Descriptive period It shows clearly Money is makes himself a proper subject for criti- Without supply of Turrunt's Effervescent pamphlet supplied upon request. CELEBRATION 1 {: urely factitious reason for this, or why George H. Allen, Sec’y and Treas. to onued at rates whioh accord with the 1 and like his Seltzer Aperient, the common enough any unprejudiced mind that ^ rescribe the of inflation to cism; when, great prototype sense remedy 3 Directors :—H. H. Shaw, H. S. I n to.2nd; $2 to 3d. Entrance fee 60c. loo rou iily disposes of evoiy onoof the claims most, proved equal to overy emergency in the you eujoy delicious cup of cof- \ iasco National he borrow Jills payable. arris Dash. Union men to j poor the least. Bepudiation Into acoount the Ipast, both in peaoe and war, will fee? Then those line 1.500M0 Bank, only. S3 1st; of Taking Democratic try tho silver men with to the fall fill bring Mocha, Java, jJrofits. 1,297.53 i to 2nd. Three 83 to regard benefit the riob and the money deal- 1us off victorious iu the present Maracaibo and Kio -OF- Standing Jumps. of p’opuliat convention at Its com- contest, tJoffees, roasted | it: $2 to 2d. Sark Race. to 1st; *2 to wheat and its cause. * rs more than any other class. They can Chicago, and that William J. will $59,629.38 89 Hrynn find and ground daily at Resources: id. Base Ball 't for Ladtes. Gold rotect themselves. I P'osltiou and its hrowing, membership, rowdyisb, jin the end that instead of fooling the lug. Tug of War. For Union Men. Prize, Kuction In r: loans on mortgages of real estate. Vermont occurs today, and Today ho scouts the idea that the lab- iotous proceedings —we are warranted Aiuerloan 'be himself has been $51,115.40 PORTLAND, MAINE, j: ox of Cigars. Game of Base Ball. C. T. people, Mans on shares. 2.500.00 being the lirst election 11n *the fool in the play. ,’s of Portland vs- Saccarappas of Westbrook, in the North c ring men and wage earners will saying it will go down in history as greatest ,oan on collateral. suffer. JOHN J. 600,000.00 1 rize 810. si ce the national convention the ^he most PERRY. RYAN & teal estate, foreclosure. 496.96 I 95 Mitdla St P. result 1 !e has reversed his whole and unpatriotio.disgraooful politioal KELSEY’S! a Box 1108. II. theory, j 1896. ntreos to be made to F. Hatch, 197 Fed- wiil be Portland, Aug. 29, ’ermanent expense. 249.40 f awaited with unusual intorest. aonvention ever held in this eral street, city. ow is contending that it is the haukers country. ; HEAD OF PORTLAND 'urrent expense. H.39 \ ermont is PIER. lash. 258,17 always Republican, but tbe e nd gold bugs of Wall and Lombard Taking into account William J. Bry- j ANCING, BOATING, SWINGING, BASE varies Watch them grind it by Incorporated 1824. BALL. RIFLE PRACTICE AND ALL majority Here Is s treets who will be while ai□, his past comparative electricity. $69,629.32 considerably. hit, the wage obscurity, his Their Teas also are KINDS OF AMUSEMENTS. the record of uusurpassed in CAPITAL ASTI* Presidential vears since e arners will an *r ^experience in pubiio the noticeT^ 1 iumber of shareholders. 190 ICKFLOI reap advantage. affairs, way tli© 1872: city. borrowers. Mr. Wiliams his of alnd manner he procured his aug7dlmo 46 for says change heart nomination, shares outstanding.1,068 HANDLER'S BAND concerts and as sincere. ^ is endorsement of a shares for anclng. Hep. h been Perhaps it has. But platform antagonls- We have added We have just received a lot of pledged loans. 330 Dem. to our loans. 48 as _ Hep, Pluralit a sets t!10 to the constitution of Trains will leave Portland follows: 8 43 v ■hen man up to know more about our common F. E. TIMBERLAKE. : 41,94(3 !stock SPRUCE ONE ).00 a. m., 1.25 p. m. }' 10,013 25,333 „ than almost in 0(Buntry and its the LUMBER NEW STYLES AND 29-3t Bank Examiner. MILLION question anybody the laws, speeches he ! PATTERNS Portland and Westbrook 20,983 23,735 -IN- ire trom and return, 0 luntry, when he abuses and l'1as made and is making, his the Grand convention at St. Pau close on Army We need the shelf room for Fall Black dress goods. The Indian. Friday. Black and Grey Hair Cloths goods Mr. D. P. Howe and sons Frank am 1 Master Ted Hobbs has returned from t for the new Fall Skirts, at now arriving. For this reason we have Mr. Lewis Morrison and com- Irving of Springfield, Mass., have beei trip to Norway and violnity. Tonight Howley Had Delerium Tremens. 28c, 35c, 12c and 50c per made regular clearing prices on all the This stock is much reduced hut there ol Mr. and Mrs. (X H. Lombard thi 1 pany present his new play “The Indian” guests Mrs. Harry Taylor has been on yard. Yosterday afternoon about 3 o’clock summer weights. are still left some very desirable num- which has so been at FesEenden street. sick list the past week. reoently produced Uilioer hrank Merrill was In the store of during bers which we have marked at Dollie Whither has returned fron > quick Halifax with great suooess. It has Miss We have seldom seen a nrettier sigh the Davis Arms company when a man Children’s low nock and been said of Mr. Morrison’s Orchard were she has been spending than the bed of t< Jersey Vests, moving prices. assumption rushed in pid lnrge astors, belonging and said that a fellow with in cream color. of the dual character of Red Feather and the summer. J. W. Minot, the well-known florist sleeveless, well finished, Black India Twills, 42 inches the delerinm tremens was a dis- wide, oreating Mrs. Avenne McDonald and Miss Me ■ tb 7c each or 4 for Rex that there is never a dull moment on bummer street. The many lines ot Only 52c, very fine finish, and a turbance in a millinery store just oppo- reversible, splen- while he is on the boards and there are Donald of Dorchester, Mass., have beei Sowers blended with the green of the Black Dress Goods did at & Brown's site the Falmouth hotel ou Middle street. bargain 48c, Hathaway relatives here. occasions when the audience is thrilled visiting surrounding foliage present a pleasing Children’s Jersey Vests, sizes 24 and Sale’s Officer Merrill went up into the store ana price. price, 39c by the realism and impetuosity of his Miss .Flora Allen is visiting relative harmony of colors to the eye. 26, shaped, low neck and sleeveless, fin- found the lady proprietor nearly fright- Black India noting. The oharms and simplicity of in Westbrook. Miss Emma Clifford who has been vis ished with braid round neck and Twill, reversible, 48 in- ened out of her wits by the actions of sleeves, Miss Florenoe as Gladys, is very Mr. Fred Wish and family of Fortlani 1 itlng her sister Mrs. Kennedy has re ches wide, H. & B.’s price 69c. Sale’s Roberts, a man who had entered her store colors ecru and white. Regular price through a on For taken house Fessenden street Fall. striking and her costumes are beautiful. have turned to her home In Manchester, Net price 50c a baok door and had rushed the 19c. For 12 1-2ceach through ■ The other oharaoters are placed in com- Mrs. Howard Leighton and son Clar Hampshire. plaoe, colliding with her as he ran, and Black Brocades, 46 inches wide, H. petent hands. Be sure and go and see ence have been visiting at Cumberland. Miss Lizzie Taylor spent Friday witl 1 Skirls bowling like a maniac. Officer Merrill Novelties and Brocades In Black or Separate Children’s Gauze Vests, high neck & B.’s price 75c. Sale’s price “The Indian’’ tonight. Mrs. Abbott and children are visltlni ; her frlond Miss Eva Dyer, South Port soon fouud the creator of all the dis- and Entire Costumes for fall of sizes 18 and 25c 57c her brother, Mr. Moses Burbank. laud Heights. long sleeves, 24, quality. yard Thomas E. Shea. turbance and arrested him. He gave bis For 12 1-2r each Mr. White, William street has returns 1 Kev. H. Hoberts led the meeting 01 Extra fine President Cleveland unconsoiously did name as John Howley and when taken quality Figured Silicians, from Bryants Pond. be took as a lesson tb was Sunday evening, H. & B.’s price 89c. Sale’s 09c some splendid advertising work for to the police station it found that be price Miss Mabel Walker has been vlsitini E Ten Virgins, he told how the Lord tool Children’s Gauze Vests, high neclc and Thomas E. Shea’s new play, the Man-of- was suffering from delerium tremens. at Castine. as parables something that would bi short sleeves, sizes 20, 22, 32 and 34. Wars’s-Man. The pieoe, which is an ex- Later in the afternoon Howley was sent HENRIETTAS. Mr. A. L. Lyford and family of Port likely to happen. In an Eastern country Regular price 25c. Sale’s price citing naval drama, is fouuded on the to the Greeley hospital by order of the —1896.— land have taken a rent in the Jacobsoi ) an American was traveling and heard o 14c each H. & B.’s Monroe Doctrine. Shea made a modest city physiolan. Sale's house, Fessenden street. a wedding whioh would take place tba Price. Price. tirst production of it last season, but a Riverton Park. night. Be followed the orowd ant ; Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, low 75c, 46 inches wide, 50c few day after it appeared President and Domestic Jersey noticed that many had tiny lights whei Immense lines of Choicest Patterns in Foreign 46 inches Cleveland came out with his defiant A good sized audienoe for a stormy SOUTH PORTLAND. neck, sleeveless, braid around neck, 17c 98c, wide, 09c all arrived at the palace gate, (for It wa Venezuela the doc- night visited Riverton last night to hear goons. Sale’s 11c each $1.13, 46 inches wide, 75c messnge upholding a quality. price the marriage of princ e)Tben he startei i ’. ... trine of President Monrce and the Reed Birds and the Murray Brothers. virtually when the asked for his Black Brilliantine, double H. & All were with the enter- in, porter light all wool fold, telling John Bull that if be didn’t stop delighted novel Mr. Albert Grififin of thi s place ha We offtir the New Line of Black Dress Novelties in Ladies’ Jersey Lisle Vests, low neck Not having one he said he was a strange B.’s price 25c. Sale’s price 17c yard with he’d his tainment afforded by the Reed Birds. his with the Lakesid silk and and Mohair Mixtures, all new patterns, each one and sleeveless, silk braid around neck monkeying Venezuela, get resigned position the said no wool, Lon Reed in his but porter it made differenc tail twisted. Immediately the eyes of darkey impersonations Press. selected for our Fall at and sleeves. 25c. Sale’s EIDERDOWN for House Jackets he oould not enter without a Am L specially Trade, Regular price in and the heartiest light. the whole country were direoted toward song dance gained Mrs. Danforh who reside on Prebl 15c so it is with the “unless > price and is of men- peoplo today; y the Monroe Doctrine, and incidentally applause worthy speoial street was qnite seriously Injured on Sat Ecru and white. clies wide, in pink and blue. H. it B.'s have your light trimmed and burning y > tbe Man-o' War’s-Man came in for tion. Eaob member of the Reed Birds while street. Sh 75 Cents Per Yard. urday walking up High cannot in.’’ price 59c. Sale’s price 39c yard was in bis and their outer share of public attentiou. Mr. great specialty, stumbled on a protruding plank of tb Ladies’ Ribbed low large Miss Mattie Fickett of Portland ha 3 Jersey Vests, combined efforts were very pleasing. Fancy Stripe Eiderdown, 75c quality. Shea strenuously denies that there was sidewalk and fell striking her head 01 neck and short sleeves, silk tape in The Bros.. Fred and been the guest of her slater Mrs. Cbarle 3 Sale’s SOc anv seoret agreement between President Murray Frank, the walk and severely bruising her. Sh $1.00 Per Yard. price Latham during the week. neck, very nicely finished. Sale’s price Harry in the musical specialties were a Cleveland and himself to have the mes- was taken to her home and jphysloiai 19c each and comloal. There bas Rev. Alpha Turner and daughter, Mr DRESS Issued at that time. The interesting been called who found that no bones wen COL. GOODS. sage particular Charles returned from no entertainment at the since Chickering,have favorite aotor will he seen in thiB at given park broken but Mrs. Danforth will be eon $1.25 Per Yard. Jolty visit Old Beach. Ladies’ Ribbed in the Alabama Troubadors were here to Orohard Jersey Vests, white, the Portlaud theatre Thursday evening that fined to her home for some time. There are a few short lengths and odd Carleson a sizes 3 and has the satisfaction. Be sure Mr. Jasper Is building net f high neck and short sleeves, in the Mun-o’-War’s-Man. given great Mr. C. W. Trcfethen has purchased pieces in H. & B.’s stock which wo house and stable on Brown r and see them this week. street nea 4, shaped. Splendid value at 33c. Sale’s Shore Acres. valuable pacer. $1,50 Per Yard. shall into one in Cas h’s corner. 21c put lot, Novelties, Miss Cora of Bruuswic c Messrs. G. W. Cash end Wm.B. Jordai i » price which si A picturesque soenio production of Don’t miss the last play of the season Humphrey Serges, Mixtures, etc., they Ul left Cash’s corner Saturday last for St at MoCullum’s. Dr. Bill is fine is visiting Mrs. Hiram West of Pleasan t from 39 to 62 I-2c Your choice .Tames A. Herne’s charming comedy- play. Paul aud other points fnrther west. Ladies’ Lisle Jersey Vests, in ecru yard. “Shore will be at street. $2.00 Per Yard. from the lot for 29c drama, Acres,” given Mrs. P. C. Cash is quite slok at he t and neck and short yard Miss Laura is he c white, high sleeves, tbe Portland September 7 and 8. Labor Day Programme. Harrington visiting home at Cash’s oorner. theatre, V neck and short sleeves, white satin 25c 36 sale’s 47c 'Phnco trVirt nro with fill a atrpnffth brother Mr. Frank Harrington of Har Mr Charles Skill ins has moved into hi 3 Plaids, inch, price The C. L. U. met last evening and per- cock street. now house on Main street. $3.00 Per Yard. ribbon in neck. 50c quality. Sale’s and beauty of this sterling play admit fected their plans for Labor Day. There The sohool house at Cash’s oorner i i 50c Mohairs, sale’s price SSc Mi'B. Dr. Pingroe of Portland is visil price 34c each that the author has lined his characters are many entries for all the sports and undergoing a thorough and much needei l ing Mrs. .lames Jaoobs for a few days. 6 pieces Ail Wool Novelty Suitings, more nearly to the life and made them they will be hotly contested. The ball repairing. Mr. A. V* Cole is entertaining relative s Lisle V neck in mixtures, SSc yard, regular price appear more real than any other known game between the C. T. A. S. and the Ladies’ Jersey Vests, from Boston. one as THE MUNICIPAL COURT. neck with short 50c. native dramatist. Ho impresses Saccarappas will be well worth a trip to Extra Tallies in Low Priced and high sleeves, high Walter Stevens of A. E. Stevens < making his characters re-enact those the lake as both teams have been play- IJ neck with iong sleeves. Regular price Co., Portland, is taking a short vact Before Robinson. LININGS. scenes that he has witnessed in th9 ing all the season and mean business. Judge 45c. Sale’s price 25c that is shown and tion. Gilmore and Thomn locality upon thestage, Letters were received from a number of Monday—Hugh Black Brocades for Lining Cambrics, 2 yard realism is Mr. E. V. Stone of the Thome s A. Sweeney. Affray; fined *5 and out Tuesday. L if wholesome and healthy the candidates for Senators and Repre- Z Ladies’ Lisle Jersey Vests, in ecru is a half costs caob. to be the end and aim of modem dramat- Laughlin Co., spending brief vaci 12 !-2c Sc sentatives to the legislature on the 54 Dennis M. and neck with half Silesia, yard tion at his home in this Mahoney, George B.eane » white, high sleeve, io Indeed, has Mr. will be taken on village. representations, then, hour bill and notion J oseph Rourke, William E. Parks. Jn low neck with half sleeve. Sale’s price Imitation 25c 15c Mr. W. W. Rich is visiting relatives a linen and oosts. Haircloth, quality, Herne more nearly hit the mark than any them at a speoial meeting next Tuesday. toxicatiou; f$ New' Fall Cu ndy’s Harbor. Mahala Wiloox. Obscene language 44 incli Black Brocades, Patterns, at only 45c Pei 39c yard, black only. of his oontemporles.He has truly held the Chief Marshal Gilpatriok of the Labor Mrs. Asa Hutchinson has returns 1 fined $5 and costs. Yard. mirror up to nature. A very excellent established at Day parade headquarters Bartley Mulkern. Common drunkard > PARASOLS. Dresden effects, at home after a short vacation.passed wit B company .has been engaged to present C. L. U. ball and announced his staff as 40 days in county jail. for the and One-IIalf Prise relatives in Massachusetts. J. 30 1 ] 38 inch Black Brocaded JHohairs, all New Designs for Fall, Giris, “Shore Acres” in this city,and the pro- follows: Chief ot staff, C. O. Smith of John Ney. Intoxication; days Specialties Boys Mr. Sumnor Smart is tfc e county jail. 50c Per Yard. duction will be as as it is Walter excavating Inducements to for school nearly perfect the Biiok Masons’ Union; aide, John J. officer; flne< replenish oellar for Janies Dow’s new house o n Ney. Resisting Are ffiQO nrtrl nnatc BOVS’ SCHOOL, SUITS. you pcasible to have it. Mr. George Wilson Matthews, Federal Uuion, T. F. Mag- wear. Broadway. Mat Our entire line displayed at the Black Dress Goods Depart- with a serviceable the popular comedian will take tbs petrt nor of Typographical Union, F. J. Foley Walter Clowes and George A. P. fully prepared good The oellar of the new Bethany churc h thews. each lined ¥10 and one ment To-day. Be sure and see them. wear school? This Children’s school reefer jackets. One of “Uncle Nathaniel”. of Briok Masons’ Uuion, M. A. Ross of Affray suit for the boy to to on Randall street has been j half costs. lot of brown mixed A. G. Alohorn of Car- complete is a most unusual opportunity for you to novelty, jackets, Guy Brothers. Plasters’ Union, Coleman Donahue and Patrick Clary auu « urtjw ui jjjcu uuuuir duo uiivuiiu “ buttons, most all penters’ Uuion, Thomas Shelvey Boiler Intoxication eaoh 30 days in county jail buy and save. This Hathaway & Brown pointed collar, gilt On Labor Night, September 7th, Guy of S.W. Doughty Is pushing the work '* Coleman Donahue and Patrick sizes. for Makers’ Union, W. L. Rowe of Boot Clary stock must be sold at once. j $4.00 garment $1.98. Brothers of Richmond, Va., will giv- building as rapidly as possible. It wi 11 Affray each fined $10 and one-half cost? and Shoe Workers’ Union. Frederick Gildart ana Robert Gillior One lot tan velvet an entertaiument at City hall. The Rich- probably be completed before snow flie , light reefers, collar, The ohief marshal requests his'staff to Intoxication; each 30 days in count $3.00 School Suits. For today For mond Times of them: Mr. Arthur McKee has a ■" Boys’ large buttons, $4.00 garment. says accepted pos and fined $5 and one half costs eaoli meot at C. L. U. hall Saturday evening jail - ■ each. “A large and appreciative audience tion in Norway, Me. Herbert H. Tuoker. Assaultt; 00 day $1.79 $I.9S. the of these old time at 7.30 p. m. sharp. greeted appearance Mr. James Merriman has entered tl e In oounty jail, appealed. BINES BROTHERS CO. 3 or 4 of favorites in the Opera House last night. T. in About 45 garments in all, a of the Portland Steam Pacta t George Perry. Illegal transports Boys’ Balbriggan Drawersb, blue 'The entertainment was first the Portland. employ j a class, at South fined and costs. and we make Democratic Rally tion $50 and sizes 20 to 25 style, shall sweeping singing, dancing and other specialties company. angola Jaeger grey, 34, Last evening a Democratic ially was reduction in the entire lot. Just the were up to date. The Guy Brothers On Saturday night burglars entere 11 and 39c quality. Only 13c pair. havo introduced a number of Dew held in Union South Portland, Attention is oalled to the announci weight for fall, and every one this sea- specie hall, the house of Mr. William Puringto alties this which add to of Mr. Edward i cream color 25c year materially which was attonded by nbout 200 voters. ment O. Jones in regar «——ihii'in■■■ linn Boys’ jersey sweaters, sons’s style. the show. The statuary work of the on Proble street during the ahsenc Mr. Edwin E. LleckDert presided and to the insurance companies that be r< quality, 9c each. Guy Brothers is excellent and received from home of Mr. Puiington’s motht Mr. to much The orchestra is second introduced the speakers, Mr. H. H. presents. Jones after deciding g SLITS. applause. and sister and having gone through ever y Boys’ Negligee Shirts, black and white to none in the country and they rendered Eddy and S. W. Belfoid of Colorado, into the insurance businoss spent muc . room iu the house departed with a re I sizes to sweet music. Their feature was SEPTEMBER. 13c 13 special honr on free coin- timo in and in tho 0 stripe, each, 14£. Eaoh spoko about on study visiting larg ______One linen 10 a day with the circus in whioh they gavt leather pocket book which they too outing suit, aged years, de- in other and in Jun e a musical from the age of silver and free trade. They agencies cities, This is the month of household fo Now desoriptiou ticke from the pocket of a coat belonging 1 preparation regular price $2.19. seller to the li vereri about the fame kind of speeches opened an office at the WAISTS. menagerie.” which was in hero,representing the fall and winter. Do you want a new SHIRT Mr. Purington hanging One red cotton cheviot IHcCullum’s Theatre as those that were listened to by the loens time but one company. Mr. Jones mi suit, age 7 wardrobe adjoining his room. Tl white Democrats on Saturday night. well be proud of his progress in the ii years, trimmed with braid, white There was the usual largo audience thieves got. in all about $1.50 in chang The Mother’s Friend, none hotter surance business for in a few shot stripes round skirt, 3 pieces, jacket, Vest present at McCullum’s theatre last night but did no Eteal any other artiolo as fi made. Buttons cannot be torn off in TO CURE A COED IN ONE DAV months he has been agen t fc and For $51.9S. witness the first of Dr. wi appointed 50c pants. to performance Tablets. All has has been discovered. Entranoe washing or wearing, quality, per- Take laxative Bromo Quinine drug- four and has built up a larg last we are to have cure. 25c. companies Bill, the play this gists refund the money i£ it fails to obtained to the house ty tfuttin 8 cale, sizes 11, 12 and 13. During this Linen Color Cheviot Jackets trimmed and rapidly increasing business. T1 through a window screen and openir 8 sale 39c eacli. with white embroidery, deep companies he represents do a busines fancy- the window. It is believed tho burglai y sizes 3 to (5 marked In fire, accident and casuality. pointed collar, years, or life, 4. was the work of boys. Two three otl Mother’j Friend, laundered, sizes 3, to Push, gilt and fair dealing alwaj Brussels $1.19. or bouses have been robbed ia the san 7, 8. 12 and 69c cacll. his chose Carpet? 5, 6, 10, 13, place a man at the front in | manner in the town and the people < *♦«.♦♦♦♦♦•*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »«♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ Mr. Jones has for his hea 1 | UNDERWEAR. profession. South Portland are very much exeit( ^ Black Cheviot Blouse Waists, sizes 4, olork Mr. Franklin H. Lord who has ha d The stock we carry contains the leading American grades about the constant depredations and j and the fines t 5, 6, 7. 8 and 9, 50c quality, 39c. Children’s muslin, in insurance i n that is ‘‘Lowell” and ••Bigelow” very Drawers, good if many years experience will go hard with the burglars the y ‘•English Brussels.’’ our own importation, and we claim am 1 hem and 3 tucks, sizes lto ti 15e this city. White years, are caught. want you to come and see the fact, the greatest carpet stocl : Fauntleroy Waists, elaborately -~ pair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodnow of Gilber t- ever shown by any housefurnishing store in New England, am 1 trimmed with liamburg, at Oreatly marriages. in Maine. For Bilious and Nervous disorders such as Wind and Paiu in the Sick Headache, Gid- villa who have been visiting Mr. ai (j unapproached Reduced Prices, * Stomach, Children’s colored border hemstitched diness, Fullness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and cold Chills, Flushings Drowsiness, Mrs. E. H. Dyer, Preble street, have r 1 of Heat, Loss of shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed by Kev. C. S. W'hm \ Our our or we 8c each. Appetite, In Llmington. Aug. 30, prices please and goods please, extra tan handkerchiefs, Sleep. Frightiul Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &<■„ when these symptoms turned homo. if Llmington and Mr '■ Boys’ heavy ribbed hose, David B. Robinson tlie money It you say so. are caused by as most oi them as*. of Denmark. pay back constipation, JHE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWEN- Miss Bernice Danforth is n Louisa M. .Iordan 25c sizes S}, 9 and 04 only. Foi Children’s black '2j« spending 22. Oscar Deltrlck ar quality, Cashmere gloves, 110 Every suilerer is earnestly invited to one box of these At Lisbon Falls, Aug. TY MINUTES Thi9 13 Action. try at Island. d_ the actual few weeks Long Miss Antony Ellert both of Lisbon Falls, 9c pair about one-third quality, for Ific Fills, and they will he acknowledged lo ho ] pair. The Volunteer Hose company will ho] rt In South Penobscot, Aug. 22, Augustus value. Cain and Miss Ada R. McNamara, both of I“e 1 A MEDICINE. Windsor I’jo WONDERFUL a meeting Wednesday evening. obscot. Ties, pure silk, quality, taken as directed, will quickly restore females “The Household Outfitters,” 99c for 12 BEEC3EI^LiVI,S BlXaBS Mrs. F. A. Sawyer and If _212_~ Boys’ White Duck Pants, pair. l-2e. to complete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the system. For a daughter Frankfort, N. Y.t are visiting Mrs. ] \ deaths. WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER W. P. Harrington. they act like magic—a few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs; strengthening the Misses Nellie Riobardson and is In this city, Aug, 30, Clias. D. Barrett, ag« sow muscular System, restoring the long-lost complexion, bringing back the keen edge of appetite, Agm whole of the human have returned from G8 years, 7 months. and arousing with the Itoscjbud of Health the physical energy frame. Fisher an outing i 1 late No. 240 §y aud one of [Funeral from Ids residence. These are facts admitted r»y thousands, in all classes of society, the best guarantees Old Orchnrd. street Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. to the Nervous and Debilitated is that Beecham’s Pills have the largest Sale of any l atent In North Deering, Aug. 30. Alible M., wife Medicine in the World. Mr. Hay Purington has moved his fan '• H. Leighton, aged 76 years, & LEICHTOiH Andrew Hooper, bis at 2 o’clock from her la Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes. ily into newly purohased house c n [Funeral Tuesday ..Mil mil WITHOUT A RIVAL. Main North Deerin Stanfrod street residence No. 320 street. 25c. at Drug Stores, or will be sent by U. S. Agents, B. F. ALLEN CO., 365 Canal St., New ill Hampden Corner, Aug. 30, Mrs. Annie ■'l York, post paid, upon receipt of price. Book free upon appltcaUou. Tho Samaritan society will meet Wo i- Abrahams, aged 48 years, 6 months, 24 days. I ^ ern rises in the Jonesport. Afrioa, mountains whioh .Sept. £ WANTED—SITUATIONS. TO LET. FOK SALE. A dies i East separate Natal from tho 1’ree Macbias.Sept, s Orange It state. Tho length of this stream Is 1 000 Lubec.Sept. r1AINE Forty words inserted turner this head Forty words imaerted under thin hood Forty words inserted under th is head TOWNS. Its on© miles. hanks abound in HON. SETH L. MILL1KE.V week for one week for various 25 cents, cash in advance. 35 rent, caoli in advance. one week for 25 cent*, cash in adv ance. ’Agues valuable and woods, around it are found will at I —-—- I — speak rich oopper ores. In this stream are North ri TVANTED—Position by young lady as mil- LET—Unfurnished rooms, heated bv hot SALE—Second-hand Standing Top Phae- Athletes HARRISON, The sloop men are their vessels many varieties of fish, whioh are found 'Vassalboru.Sopt. Unery also in Wi‘ter bowls two Har- getting Mt. Vernon £ saleslady. Experienced TO ?et in rooms. Call or ad- FO ton. two-seated open Carriage, in readiness to oommenec work on tilt until the river a Village.Sept. trimming. and References 145 street. at that will sell — passes through rocky Capable energetic, aress, High nesses, Kobes, &c.. prices them. For headache, earache, toothache, neck- Harrison, August 28. Farmers are i furnished. Bar Harbor breakwater 10th. region containing oopper below whioh China.Sept, Address, A. R. C., Press Office, Inquire of A. P. WELSH, 93 Exchange street. Bchc rid..ache, backache, stomachache aud Sept. Capt 1C flat cutting their Hungarian and report a A. E. Hamilton takes of the water Is said to he Monmouth.Sept. Portland, Me. 31-1 HPO LET—Upper in house, No. 122 Eme- ac re. For malarial face charge Capt. poisonous, almost JL street. t-;vry ague, ague. Cieaves’s tho fish Belgrade Depot.Sept. 1] ry Sunny expose, in first class heavy crop. This will help out the hay, sloop,as Capi.C’louves is in pool instantly killing that venture for Fortius, bruises, strains, sprains, stiff joints \VANTED—Situation of clerk and steno- order, suitable man and wife. Inanirp -ij health and Capt. A. J. Hamilton wil near it. house or of HENliY S. muscles For colds, whioh was rather light in this seotion HON. J. 15. K. PITKIN of Louisiana, grapherina law two TRiCKEY, Bulld- and sore chills, coughs ran classical tho office, years’expe- City Capt.Curit’s sloop for the same reaS' The river, is er- rience, first-class 1-1 and catarrh. For hacking-, hoarseness, tou- The oorn of Burnham & Ganges, will at reference. Address “W,” og-_ FOR paoking shop on. like speak BEAUTIFUL HOME SALE ratio in its course, the Ho. Press office. For 3a Hoang 28-1 RENT-New house near Western ri .. and v.-hc. plug cough. grippe, Morrill will commenoo corn Mr. W. A. in Prome- cutting next Mansfield’s youngest ohilc It is prominent both tho and Weeks’Mills.Sept £ and sore religion FORnade, 10 rooms bath,heatedby steam, iiuii-eiioa, •ithciia, throat, pneumonia ill of India. It as an clip week. dangerously with cholera infantum. geography varies not only Clinton.Sept.'ll VVA^TED—Position companion to finished in natural lire Most located on Main woods, open places _ sore For colic, A base ball ®1(ierly Reference Address pleasantly and lungs. croup, cramps, team composed of youus from season to season, but from year to T* lady, given, hardwood floors, exposed plumbing, station It is expeoted that there will be a HON. JOHN S. SHERMAN, of New York J. A. C., Daily Press. 29-1 street, in the rapidly growing village c .o'era-mo.. s, cholera-infantura, heavy men from and and etc., etc. Rent moderate to z teething Freeport Yarmouth came year, frequently exchanges old pas- will ary tubs, of of West- speak at small desirable at once Cumerland Mills, City a .1 aie :.irhu-a. For ipumps, deafness, yield. down and played the Chobeaguo nine or sages for new cues. It has been said that family. Apply to the It is estimated that G. H. Hawes ot lc WANTED—MALE Real Estate office, First National Banlt brook, consisting of a modern, nicely dyspeptic gains, neuralgia, sciatica, rheu- Saturday afternoon. The some was 17 ti the Ganges delivers into the sea every fixmont.Sept. KELP. 8 In li building, FREDERICK S. VAILL. 29-1 arranged house, with summer kitchen, lu m. 3 r pimples, freckles, burns, scalds, Harrison will ha va 1500 barrels of favor of the visitors. year 543,000,000 tons of mud, sand and Kenauskeag..Sept, apples 12 stable for two fruit sore A Diamond Islaud nine th< other solid matter. Milford....X....Sept, horses, hennery, 1 Lings, lips, chapped hands, corns, this year. played and wireman, only RENT—In western part of city, neai and kids on vegetable cel- bar-ons, chilblains. For every pain, tame- Chebeague Wednesday and wert HON. J. S' EASSETT, of New WANTED—Electriciansexperienced men need apply. State FORState and Congress streets,a ‘pleasantly garden, splendid The Republican flag polos were put in beaten. Score 14 to 0. WIT AND Yolk, lar, nice of ness, swelling, irritation and inflammation in WISDOM.' will speak at experience, salary expected and last posi- located detached corner house, 10 rooms ant drainage, living spring last It is at tion. Address Box Portland Me. fire hard wood nev water in the con- the bowels or position night. expeotod that “X,” 1898, bath, open places, floors, house, with Sebago head, limbs, lungs, kidneys, NEW HARBOR. 3] 1-1 etc. At the there will he Gardiner.Aug. plumbing, stationary tubs, etc., nection, if tenant desires. For foil use that great vital and muscle nervine, flagraising quite a moderate rental. Immediate Fo: Fish Warden N. J. Hanna of Linooln HON. MAHLON possession. particulars of gathering and a speaker suitable for the Cause and Cure. PITNEY, of New Jersey TVANTED—A ffrst class man to handle a at once Real Estate office inquire ALDKN (JiJl'DV, county hus returned from Vf particulars apply just Cumber- will speak at patented article of great merit in Port- First National Bank building, FREDERICK Mills, Me., or LEWIS A. oooasion, Hon. Wra, S. Knox of land f land and To £«*ml*«rland Massa- county where be reports the libera- 3 vicinity. such a one liberal terms S. YAILL. 29-1 wULDY, Saco.Sept. will be offered. Portland, Me. aug22eodlm chusetts speaks In the village the 106h of tion of 2856 short lobsters. He was act- Enquire at Room 71, UNITED Johnson’s STATES HOTEL, for two 27-1 new block on Washburne Ave HON. V. B. days. LET—In ing under a special commission from DOLLIVER, of Iowa, Homeopathic Pharmacy, September. TO near Union and Electric cars, tw< Hon. O. B. Whitten, commissioner. He will speak at Depot clty’ cmly u,1“ in Maine. There are still a number bright, for a nice first story flats; sunny and pleasant, sb J a quite of sum- ulso six seizures j intelligent lady : lll,e location, good brn-i- %38^LlNIHENll reports which will net Eastport.Sept, WANTED—Apermanent where rooms with bath room and se 1&'6b-. mer position tact and each, complete It and cures. visitors in the Cumberland a 4 increase, valuable quickly relieves, soothes, heals, village. Harrison has county neat little sum. Macbias.Sept. energy is more desired than tubs; more ro< ms on third story if wanted S?ra„SPa5Sj),.e*ten,lver £ experience. No S'-00 per year, oould be It was invented in iSio the late Dr. A. been well this A Republican was unfurl- Millbridge.Sept. canvassing. §10 Call at the WM. BURROWES. 187 St. 30-1 niade $2000. by patrouized season. Some campaign flag 1 weekly. Durant Vaughan Further particulars at our ed at New Harbor from Auburn.Sept, House, 9 to 4 o’clock. 29-1 office. I rice only §1500. Johnson, Family Physician. Its extraordinary have engaged rooms for next summer. Monday evening Greene...,..Sept, £ DAI TON SCO a attached rent of 6 rooms in or 478% worih, merit aud excellence have satisfied pole to the Ocean View ball. £ LET—Upper good Congress street, opp. Preble 31-1 Scribner Bros, are Wales...... Sept, men to 62 making apple bar It is a beautiful new banner 18x12 1C bright prepare for 110 der, Hanover street, $11, large yard everybody for nearly a century. It is mar- Oakland.Sept. WANTED—Tenexamination for government sun all to E. 12 Greer SALE AT rels are foot. Iu this seveu old line 11 positions day. Apply -HASTY, LOW new ex- Apples very plenty and place Demo- Fairfield.Sept. to be held in Portland soon. -»pOK PRICE-One vFious how and good, 5000 aimoint- street. 29-1 press wagon and oue many different'complaints crats have annouace.) themselves for Wintbrop.Sept. 12 nients new beach wagon, to be made. Splendid chance. Par- both own make. c. -rscs it will cure. It is used aud recom- CHEBEAGUE. my Also two second hand McKinley and Hobart.. The exorcises ticulars a3 to salaries, free of second HON.CLARK E. of date, etc., LET—A first story flat, seven rooms buggies, hand beach wagon and second mended by Physicians everywhere. It is used wero on an elaborate scale. N. J. Hanna CARR, Illinois, National Chebeague, Aug. 30—Mrs. Addle Ross Correspondence Institution, Wash- TO bath and set tubs. Very convenient hand express wagon. GEO. B, MARCH UO of was will speak at ington, D. C. and endorsed by all athletes. It is the best, who was jmistrated by {lie extreme heat Lincoln oouunty the orator of 29-1 rent reasonable. One upstairs rent, sever Oak street. 3lil the Newport.Sept. 1 rooms in best condition. Above rents oi the oldest, the original. It is unlike any other, during the second week in August, is evening. Corinth...••.Sept. 2 \XTANTED—Two more men in our order B street near Congress. Also new detachec s to other. It is not a Lini- recovering slowly. YARMOUTH. V SALE OR TO uperior any merely Bradford.Sept. £ department. Experience not house on Howard street, six rooms, $10 pe] LET—Very pleasantly The summer boarders are tbln- necessary, FORlocated detached house on ment, it is the Universal Household rapidly but we require references as to etc. month. JOHN W. foot of Preble Emery street Remedy An entertainment will be O. O. honesty, BURROWES, 10 rooms and bath, all ing out. Those stopping at Hamilton given at GEN. HOWARD, of Vermont, Steady work and GATELY street. modem ’im- from infancy to old age. For Internal as much good pay. & 29-1 Immediate Villa at jire Mrs. Ada Camp Hammond for the benefit of tho will at O No. 47 Middle provements, possession. This ss present Stanley, speak GORMAN, street, Portland. the first time this house as External use. Trust what generation after has been In tl e Miss if. P. Crane, Miss Baldwin and Hillside library tomorrow from 1 to 10 Bangor.i.Sept. 2 26-1 LET—A large front room with bedroon Mother _____' market for several years and is well worth generation has endorsed. Every should MisB Baldwin of Montclair N. J. p. m. Refreshments will be served by Auburn.Aug 2£ TO adjoining, furnished or unfurnished, ant Mary a competent male Investigating. Apply Real Estate Office have on the officers 2£ WANTED—Immediately, bedrooms with use of bath-rooms, itin the house, dropped sugar children and Miss Isabel Graves of Clear Lake. of tho library. Music will be Richmond.Aug! to out of centrally First National Bank stenographer go the city for located. Riug hand building, FREDERICK love to take everlast- Ia. furnished ny the Yarmouth three weeks. right bell, No. 1 ELM S. VAILL. it. Its electric energy quintette. HON. WM. S. KNOX, of Apply to PORTLAND PACK- WOOD 29-1 The fnds will be Massachusetts, 1NG 16 York 28-1 ingly eradicates inflammationwithout irritation Mrs. Lincoln Hamilton is quite sick at devoted to the Durebase CO., street, v PLACE._ will speak at City._26-1 SALE—1% story house 8 the home of Her father-in-law. Mr. H. of books for the library. mo LET—Furnished rooms 142 PLEASANT containing MAN not rooms, stable for and horso Our all like Anodyne Lini- 2 WANTED, employed ST,, corner FOR cow, aud boys Johnson’s \Y. Hamilton. Limerick.Sept knbwn Church Park. 128-1 carriage, fruit ment. For bruises, strains or muscular lame- FREEPORT. Limington £ CHRISTIANamong people, $18 per garden, trees, situated On Thursday evening Mr. "Lord de Liverus says that my Corner.Sept week. Write Standard off Ocean Street, ness it mr»st rprfiWilir k vnn f'laim for it. last, Henry beauty Pownal.Sept' 2 Manufacturing Co., 11 TO LET—To a small family, house No, 371 Woodfords, electrics I. Harrimun of N. South Freeport, Aug.31.—Sobool begiLs Intoxicates him. Franklin Boston -1- pass every half a. good house can se- \7i.3iung you success. H. S. Cornish, Brooklyn, Y., who 1C street, Mass. Cumberland street. Price $22 a month hour, be Harrison.Sept. cured at a low Athletic Athletic Ass’n. lias been the summer nt Hamil- next “And lie wants to you so as E. O. 32 Cross street. 27-1 price. N. S. GARDINER. 185 Manager Boston spending Monday. marry to HON. L. T. CARLETON, of ___dlawlOwTu HAWKES, Middle ton a Winthrop, St, 28-1 Villa,gave very interesting and in- Our summer visitors are their the cure, eh?”—Truth. Tho Doctor’s and directions on bottle. taking try gold will speak at TVANTED—Bright men can make $1,000 to signature every structive lecture on the money * to r>iw riiL ± a rmyton comDinanon tandem K SALE—New brick house, 9 rooms and question departure. North $3,000 per year selling Musical A Ill'st’d Pamphlet free. Sold everywhere. Price, 35 cts. at the East end sohool Belgrade.Sept 2 responsible parties tbe hour, 01 FORbath, hot and cold water, set bowls and L S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass. house. The lecture This has been a season for berries Graphophones. Well advertised. Write by day Si=. bottles, 42.00. great This Is Your £ today week. B. S. DAVIS & tubs, good location In western of gave ovidence of and Opportunity. Fayette.Sept.' to Columbia CO., 108 Exchange part citv, profound thought of all kinds, particularly blaokberries. Vienna.. cof.r Phonograph Company, Washing- one minute from On of ten cash or "• Btreet, Portland. 27-1 electrics. Price *4500. IV study on the receipt cents, stamps, a gen- 24-9 deep great question of the E.S. Varney has moved from the Fogg Beuton Falls.Sept. £ day. Mr. Harriman was erous sample will be mailed of the most popular SCHOOI, unmistakably house onTJain street into Emery Jones’s CLARENCE B, BURLEIGH, of Augusta, TOURNISHED HOUSE TO LET-A Dleasant, for Win. McKinley and sound monev. on Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure Cream A SALE—Three storied brick 12 house the upper road. (Ely’s will at sunny bouse on the western part of the house, He speak FORrooms, elegant suit and is to deliver his lecture in various who was so Balm) sufficent to demonstrate its great merit. __MlSCllXXhLNBOUS.,_ city, hot water beat, one minute's walk fron parlors bath, PORTLAND ACADEMY. Harry Anderson, badly North Pittston.. 31 heated by steam of latest pattern towns in New York State during the fall hurt, from a high is Full Size 50c. Forty words or less inserted under this Spring street, electrics, all the modern im throughout by falling building, R' me Coi ner. Sent and all modern Improvements; one of the Fall term begins Sept. 14 and continues 14 month. Head for one week for 25 ots. in advance. movements. For particulars address, E. J. rapidly recovering. ELY WestMt. Vernon..slat this office. best central locations for or lettim' Weeks. Usual courses of for pupils of BROTHERS, K., 26-1 boarding study West Garuiner. rooms, or for a Price easv both sexes. A course includes Sept physician. S5500, business Short- 56 Warren St.,New York City. terms. W. WALDRON & band Chnton.Sept, i] want to buy from $5000 to H, CO., 180 Mid.Ue by the "McKee New Standard” method GAVE GEORGEGOULD A POINTER. all of and Rev.John Reld,Jr.,of Great street. with in including expenses towage Jthe Falls, Montana, BICYCLES—I$10,000 worth of bicycles, new, old or 29-1 thorough preparation English Grammar GEORGE W. of and insurance. The raft itself is an ingen- recommended Ely’s Cream Balm to me. I cau HESELTINE, Augusta, damaged. Pay highest cash price. Call or Civil Government Private.pupils received send 50 ious postal to call on you; also ex- MARRY ME ARR .LA SALE—Very cheap, building lots at afternoon and evening. For other particulars A contrivance, and has been fully bis “It is a cure will speak at bicycles Maine Hotel Keeper Didn’t Like What emphasize statement, positive A line for sale. FORPeaks Island. C. P. Ex- of MISS E. A. 120 the in order to North Belgrade .SeDt 2 changed. big No business 1 ND I will buy you such a pretty ai MATTOCKS,311-; inquire FILES, Principal, patented by owners, pro- for catarrh if used as directed.” done on ring street. 29-1 Free street. the Millionaire Rev. Branch Saturday. BOSTON STORE, 411 McKenney’a. A thousand of them, the bes change .Wore. tect themselves against competition. The Mills.Sept H I ore Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. North street. the largest, the prettiest stock. Portland, Aug, 21. 1896.aug25d3w loss of the first raft the owners a Church, Monmouth.—SeDt 11 _ augl4-8 Engagement taught and a 6$x8J for sale or for Helena, Montaua. East Mt. Vernon.Sept! 12 oilCKED Wedding, rings speciality. McKENNI exchange MB. and MBS. JOHJi A. valuable lesson in oonstruotion, and, as UP^^RIFT^^hi^^^niw^lxJats; The Jeweler, Monument Square, janl&ft CAMERA,smaller one, has tripod, shutter, extra BILLOWS, (Bath Independent.! near Portland now devised, the only danger to ho ap- HON.A 11. SPEAR, of Gardiner. Headlight. Owner can plate holders, plates, case, trays, etc., in A Delicate tmd same is boisterous Point. will by applying to HENRY HORR, LET OR FOR SALE—House good condition. Can be seen at 41)0 Portland At a seaside resort not 40 miles east of prehended unusually speak at Housq f|tO in westen Rome Island._ 1_1 A of the street. 29-1 slid School weather at sea, something exceedingly “What sort of a crowd is this I am to Corner.Sect, l part city, containing 12 rooms and Bearaiiig Day the is a “fashionable” sea- with all modern Sheepscot rare at this time of the A bath, improvments. Stable year. great address tonight?” asked the orator anx- Vienna.sept 4 WORSE STOLEN—From the stable of J. W. for 4 or 6 horses, etc. A rare foi SALE—Paintings by Felipe Prince from side hotel where some- feature of the raft is an immense iron Chelsea.Sept. S Stevens, Gray, Maine, during the night of opportunity PORA yachting parties iously. “Is it inclined to or a to secure a Montevideo, South America. On FOR religion Albion. Wednesday, August 26th, a bay mare, 95o lbs. gentleman comfortable home in exhitd- GIRLS, times and a chain, the single links of which are Benton one of the best tlonat SON & go which party from a yacht somewhat sporty?” 12 Ight, 11 years old, white hind feet and in locations in this section of out HOOPER, LEIGHTON. 3i-l 91 Danfortll Street, Portland, Me., to task the of a man in Station.Sept.’ enough tsrengtb “Darn if I can ; Ju condition; good harness with city. For particulars apply to Real Estate visited a few days sinoe. say,” said the member of IHOMAS of letter “W” will re-open WEDNESDAY, September 16, lifting. The chain passes through the LEIGH, JB,\ Augusta, oi: blinders; black banner with Office, 1st National Bank Building, FREDRICK SALE—New brick house, 70 Neal St., tho reception committee. wagon, high PORA 1890. The landlord is noth ing unless swell entire raft, end to end, binding the huge will speak at back seat. Notify CITY MARSHAL, Port- S, VAILL. 20-2 has 11 rooms, besides bath and abundance Primary and Grammar School Departments “I wish you would find out. I Weeks or of closets. heated with hot and or desires to cater to a timbers seourely together through an would Mills.Sept. S land, Me., J. W. STEVENS, Thoroughly water, or and Gii is. caters, high Cray,Me. mo LET—Furnished rooms with or vlthoui has and Boys like to know whether use 28-1 laundry many other conveniences in elaborate system of keying. In addition to the expression A board. 43 The class for Little Children will be taught olass of humans. _ HANOVER BT. aug!4-4 cellar. Is a very desirable house. WILLIAM MISS ALICE G. VEKKILL. to this, there is an endless number of ‘a new dispensation’ or ‘a new deal.’ ”_ by In this BURROWES, 187 Vaughan St. 30-1 The Principals will be at home particular yachting party, was smaller chains, crossing over and under Journal. Mrs. Louise Gerk, for- LET—On Congress street above High September Indianapolis Rome.'.'.Sent 11 of Berlin. N. if a the raft for the better East Mt. PERSONAL—Willmerly H.. at present re- TO furnished rooms with steam heat. Ad 1st.aug!7dlm young man who didn’t stem to be transversely, pro- Vernon.Sept. 12 siding in For Sale. tection of the and Portland, communicate with JOHN dress “P.," this office.aug!4-4 all logs preventing their N. worrying at about other people and MAJOR G. T. STEVENS, of GERK, Berlin, H. 24-2 A cider with a movement while drawn Augusta, LET—A large power pras3 capacity for being through REPUBLICAN APPOINTMENTS, TO very large desirable front roon 125 bushels of per Included with who dressed for comfort as was apparent, the water. will speak at A with apples day. OoSum Classical Institute. CTYLISH business suits for fall and winter alcove; also large room on third floor. is a 0 press grinder conveyor, pulleys and shaft- ~ Call at 34 and did not on a swallow tail when Tbs construction of these rafts Fayette. s„nl. made to order from PINE ST. augiadtf Will be a put gives North $20 up. Pants from ing. sold at bargain. Also a “Little to a number of men Vassalboro.!!!sem 7 $6.00 up. Overcoats from $22 up. FRED T. Giant” Thrasher No. 1 at less than half WATERVILLE, ME. he, with his people went into this employment large HON. LEE PAIR of Mt. Vernon price. high CHILD, California Village. Sent 8 LUNT, 235 Middle street. 26-1 TO LET—At Woodfords two A. G. at Sella and vloinity, and results in a 3hlna a Corner, Deerlng, Address, BOWIE, Waterville, Me. This school, founded In 1329. has toned summer inn to dine. will at Village.... .Sent q large new stores the electric rail- prepared large amount of mouey speak fronting ag27 lw cv?i 600 students for college. Students are being annually Belgrade Depot.Sept. il road and adapted to the business of So In a kindly manner, as the of which finds 2 Benton increasing ed for any college or scientific school. young distributed,a gool portion Litohfield.Sept. Station.Sept. 12 the locality. Also one small store SALE—Five shares Portland Automatic its to Portland. The Bryant's 5 adjoining ii’s certificate admits students man was entering to take a meal, the way construction Pond.Sept. suited to millinery, tailoring or office use. Also IfORScale Co. stock. Address P, O. Box 1530. exami. atioa to of not one but several 7 HON. W. T. of four excellent Colby, Bates. Landlord aooosted only similar rafts Westbrook.Sept HAINES, Waterville, MAINSPRIN6S, 75G. house rents with modern con- Portland, Me28-1 :• him and told him 8 New Resilient S'ate college, Wellesley, Colgate and next season is m contemplation as San Bridgtou.Sept. will speak at Waltham Mainsprings, the veniences, *12 and ®16 per month. All of the colleges, Three courses of four that the was 9 best made, only 75c., warranted. MoKEN- above are at the exact center of business at SALE—Woodfords. elegant new house, years plainly he, guest, not as Francisoo affords a good market for Saco.Sopt. aPOR 2 ■ ii are t.ltohOeld.Sept. 2 the flats, suite parlors, dining room, kitchen offered. College Preparatory, English partloular about his toilet as 10 NEY, Jeweler. Monument Sq, augSdtf Woodfords. Inquire of E. C. JORDAN. 31V4 were the piling. Berwick.Sspt. 3 and bath in and fie and Latin Scientific. other 11 &.Sept. Exchange street, Portland, Me. augl2dtf each, ample sleeping rooms, guests; that his regular boarders Gardiner.Sept. 4 finished in natural wood, tine location, acuoo! has an excellent equipment, beau- had Pittston..Sept. WORSE SHOEING—Four shoes £1.00; fancy hot taken exception to his style of at- Bath.Sept. 13 w LET—On water heat, will pay 10 cent on a.id healthful location, courses of lnstruc- SOME PECULIAR RIVERS. PRANK N. of $1.25; first class work. Give me Commercial wharf, store for- per price tire and STAPLES, Augusta, shoeing never li-c. ;U;i2 to the best. his gsneral toilet and that if GEN. N. M. of Now a call. J. H. 601 Fore TO merly occupied by the late Charles P. In asked, occuDied. W. H. WALDRON 5s CURTIS, York, will OLAYTON, 3treet, oppo- 180 Middle .iJ urm opens Sept. 8. he continoed to be a guest of that speak ns site Delano’s mill. graham, suitable for business or storage. Also CO„ street. 27-1 v hotel, One Stream as Sour as and An- will speak at store ■- lor or further Information he In sueh Vinegar ’helsea.Sept. 3 lately occupied by C. W. Lombard. Also catalogue to most, matters, be more par- Benton tiie F. W. 1 6 B(ore3 suitable for storage. to B. W. SALE—Drug store, located on principal, JOHNSON. ticular in future.. other as Black as Ink. Atkinson.Sept. Falls...Sept. IF WE WANTED A Apply centrally CLOCK JONES, 90 Commercial street FORCongress street. First class in • augl4dimo Tho man seemed Brownville.Sept. 2 HON. O. B. of jly21dtf every re- young to be consid- CLASON, Gardiner, spect,; average sales 820 to HON. SERENO Would go to because he has $30 per day erably surprised and finally E. PAINE, of New York, will speak at McKenney’s Owner’s reason for Is im. remarked, Press.) WE more up-to-date Clooks than all the other WANTED—FEMALE selling going West In- HEBRON ACADEMY. 1896. that on due consideration he would (Philadelphia will speak at HELP. quire of A. C. 42 1-2 pay Riverside.Sept 2 stores combined. His 95o alarm clock is wak- LIBBY, Exchange street, his bill and seek One of the most ourious rivers that -defied school for accommodations at 2 Vest Mt. 3 ing up the town. 96e to fitting Colby University. Freeport.Sept. Vernon.Sept Clocks, £50 00 Forty wards Inserted under this head _27-1 F«':. another hotel whiob was have come to the 3 8 McKENNEY. The Monument ndirtly equipped school buildings unit plenty good knowledge of men Is Portland.Sept. Manchester.Sept. Jeweler, Square'. one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. SALE—All the popular and sheet for apOR songs -slum, both steam heated. Latter sup- enough him and where were 1aul5tf music at 1-2 music they the Wobbe Sbebeyli, of Eastern HON. WARNER MILLER, of New York, JUDGE A. G. dlscouut, hooks, elegant j i with baths for boys and girls. Elocution not so Africa, ANDREWS, of Augusta, musical 1 excruciatingly particular in suoh goods, pianos, violins, guitars, «i‘tire and a and will speak at banjos year. Music painting. Pure matters. deep rapid stream, abounding in will speak at TtffONEY TO LOAN—On first or second mort- or cornets, extra violin and iu. reliable lady gentleman to mandolins, banjo w.t-er. healthful location. Expenses very low. gages on real estate, stocks, and ail musical at “By the way, I have not strange fish and ferocious crocodiles. Al- Bnoksport.Sept. 1 2 bonds, WANTED—Adistribute samples and make a house-to- strings, goods exceedingly n.l ;orentalogue. Fall term opens Tuesday. yet registered. Riverside..Sept. life Insurance or good low 414 I will do so and 2 Vtndsor. 4 policies any securities house canvass for our Vegetable Toilet prices. HAWES, Congress St. 27-1 E.-bi. 1-3 16. W. E. SARGENT, Prin. pay my bill,” he con- though it flows for hundreds of miles Bangor.Sept. Sept Notes discounted at low rate of interest. cluded. Old Town.Sept. 3 Vest Gardiner.Sept". B Soaps, Pure Flavoring Extracts and Wild Imitrou, Me.. Aug, lb, 1890. nuglUdaw I. F. BUTLER, 48 Exchange street. 14-4 a month The Landlord through fertile lands, the Immense vol- Lisbon Village. 4 Vlblon.Sept. 10 Cherry Phosphate. *75 easily made. presented the book; the Sept, Address Crofts A REED, 111. 1-2 11TI1M rtf rmOAO rauniioo fhn ancv A Cumberland Mills.Sept. 6tb i°me.Sept 11 Chicago, yachtsman signed and the Landlord read visiting Boston obtain ele W. J-PARTIES may this name: short distance north of the HON. HERBERT of O. PHILBROOK, of Waterville, gaotly furnished rooms with all SITUATION by an American woman equator the M.HEATH, Augusta, modern CS having K28TH YARMOUTH ACADEMY. will at conveniences at low rates. 38 HANCOCK the reputation of being a first class house- GEORGE river is lost iu a will speak at speak ST GOULD, desert region a few Beacon Hill. keeper, understanding the art of FORSALE N. 'forth 4_4 thoroughly The Fall Term of thi3 institution will Y. City. 6 31 a as open miles from the Indian Readfield.Sept. Pittston.!.Aug. good cooking, situation for — The owner of the Atalanta oaean. housekeeper AT Sep;. 15,1896. Special attention to prepara- was not Spriugvale.•.Sent. 7 1EN. C. H. widower, or would go as companion for in tion for Borne of the more GROSVENOR, Bowdoin, Harvard ami other leading dressy enough for the boarders at this recent explorers of Limerick...Sept. 8 valid; best of city referenae. Address or can will speak at colleges including Wellesley and Mt. Botvofca, hotel! Alaska and British Amerioa claim that Yarmouth.Sept. 9tli at 176 FRANKLIN ST. 27-1 Best laeilitles for scientific and OAK-DAIaS. business. For It is whispered that the Landlord took Madison.Sept. 10 leering Center.Sept. 7 a: desired information the can no be address tbe Mississippi II w* principal, baok water nt once and longer regarded Hallowell.Sept. iuv uiiuvue uv^liCIUUVl.a 1-dV. B. P. M. offered exouses HON. ORVILLE D. BAKER Wm’xxu/-auuuu SNOW,A. aiig2Id8w&wSw and as the largest river on the North Ameri- desome^ gir for general house-work. Address “C.” apologies galore, bnt that the young HON. VV. W. THOMAS. JH., of Portland, millionaire will speak at Press Office. aug21tf declined further accommoda- can continent. This distinction is Will speak at igSE) and Sew house on Pitt St.,Contain* tions at the house, and Rumor savs. do. faples....Sept. 8 seven rooms olairaed for the Yukon river. Ac- Limestone.Sept. 1st sew and bath, hot and THE great 9 KINDERGARTEN. parted forthwith. Western.Sept. 3rd Gloucester.Sept. of WANTED. cold water, cemented cording to Ivan Petrofl', who spent over VALTER cellar, Haynesville.Sept. 4th C. EMERSON,ESQ.,of Portland, will be sold 132 SPRING STREET, two in Smyrna will large lot, on easy MAKING A BIG years Alaska collecting materials Mills.Sept. 6th speak at Forty words Inserted under this heed RAFT. 7th terms. Apply to DEERIJiG for the last the Yukon 8omerville.Sept. j 2 | one week for 25 cents, cash la advance. Will Re-open census, empties Jefferson.Sept. 8th Veepart.Sept. ‘LAKD CO., Charles C. Monday, September 14, faples.-.....Sept .8 Adams, into Norton Bound about one-third more Dresden.....i.Sept. 9th luxury, W Treasurer, 31 Exchange Street. Tlie Portland Training School for The Third Union.Sept, loth HON. W. H. MOODY, of TAT ANTED—Houses and farms. I have a Kindergart- Experiment in Towing a Mon- water than the into Massachusetts, but within "■ aug2tidlw ncr:., Sept. 21. Apply to Mississippi pours Camden.Sept, litli nrlll-1- W customer for a poultry farm from 4 to 7 ABBY N. NORTON. ster Bundle of Logs Down the Paoiflc the Gulf of Mexico. The Yukon basin Warren..Sept. 12th : lebago the means of I > acres of land, must be within 3 or 4 miles of 132 Center.Sept.7 3p m near electric cars. Must be 3ug25eod2w Spring St., Portland. the HON. HAROLD M. SEVYALL V. rall. no | I Portland, cheap Coast. comprises larger part of Northern Harpswell...Sept. 8 Accept for cash or will exchange for house in citv will speak at ^substitutes. MONEY TO LOAN. Alaska, and 600 miles from its month JOHN S. WISE, of New j ) State price. M. M. NANSEN, 502 Congress WSSTBROOK SEMINARY York, v Send name and address for street. Ou mortgages for long or short time. Parties South Waterboro.Sopt. 1 Telepohne 120-2.1-1 t. ...._ ____ the river is a mile in width. oen- will speak at booklet, “Mrs. Popkiaa' Thanks- { t (From the Many Buckfield.Sent. 2 giving." TV-T* It. n Morning Oregonian.) estata security can obtain funds on favorable tv* !o. If. I jl»u tu tir Arw, turies before it wbb discovered 3 Portland.Sept. 7 Merrell-SouJe Co., 8jracuse, Y. \ by white scarboro.Sept. WANTED. terms. SCARBOROUGH BROS. & CO.. 88 1-3 The huge raft of logs now con- South 6 WALTER C. EMERSON being men it Paris.Sept. Street. for the best very likely seryad as the water About Oct. rooms for Exchange augodtf Prepares colleges and scientific structed at Stella, llauforth.Sept. 11 will at 15th, light B;’i: for Wash., by Messrs. speak 'i!s. Opportunity three years in French way into the interior for tribes who Calais.Sept, 12 POR SALE—In at corner of Robertson Is Irunswlck, with Mr. 9 Address, Yarmouth, the and Oerman under an accomplished specialist Baines, receiving its finish- W. of Reed.Sept. housekeeping. “Light ~ are believed to have crossed from Asia to HON. S. McCALL, Massachusetts, Park and Main Sts., near the G. T. R. Chemistry and physics, v.ith work and will this office. a laboratory ing touches, be cleared from the the American continent. The will speak at j tOBERT TREAT Housekeeping,’’ depot, thoroughly built and well finished two special feature. Iteguiar systematic training Yukon WHITEHOUSE, ESQ., ag27 tf story honse and stable, with ample grounds, I '.-iish. and immence cradle on Saturday river is over miles in of oratory physical culture morniug 3,000 length. Hampden.Sept. 7 Portland, including garden. Tills is very datable prop- t.n a ut the courses. Travellers and towed over tbe bar and then'oeto San report that in Algeria there Lincoln.Sept- 8 will at ■WANTED—I want to buy second hand steam erty, the location being one ot the best in the speak *» hlxpcrien-.’ed tea-hcrs. Thorough instruc- exists a small stream whioh the chemis- Calais.,-..-Sept. » and water radiators. Address, JOHN T village. Will be sold at a bargain. to ts!.. i.tcautiful Iiealthful Francisoo. Iray. with Mr. Reed.Sept B Apply grounds. location, try of nature has turned into ink. Eastuort.Sept. 10 OXNARD, Freeport. Me. 31-1 CHARLES W. Yarmouthvllle. v nil land It is Vestbrook, with Mr. 7 JORDAN, and sea breezes. Homelike air and This will be the third raft of leav- formed Cherrylield.Sept. 11 Fairchild.Sept! character. logs by the union of two one Bar 8 __22-4 rivulets, Harbor.Sept. 11 ! Iridgton.gept. TYANTED—A capable cook who is also a ing the first of which is very 11 Stella, unfortunately being strongly impregnated HON. THOMAS B. REED. laseo.gept. MISS A. L. good laundress. References required XtOR SALE OR TO LET-The Homestead SAWYER'S 1 63d Year 8* with iron, while the MRS. HARRY No. 1 of the late near struuu- Begins September lost atjsea, but the second was success- other, meandering will speak at 1 ’ALVIN E. WOODSIDE, ESQ., of Portland BUTLER, Thomas Thomas Quinby, through a peat marsh imbibes SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND street. 31-1 waterin Deerlng. Four aores of land with For with lull information fully towed to San Francisoo last large Rumford will speak at TYPEWRITING catalogue send to sum- quantities of gnllio acid. Letters have Falls.Sept lp.m. good house. On line of street cars; lo the president, 2 i Center... mer. The raft, wbioh is now for been written with the natural Bucksport.Sept evening ebago .gept. 9 Also, Headquarters for Shorthand horse. minutes from Union station; perfect drain- K-2Y. II. S. WHITMAN, Me. ready compound Work driving Deering, of York.Sept. 4p. m. and Typewriting. WANTED—Gentleman’sMust be sound, kind, 1000 pounds in age; Sebago water. As fine a location as moving, is about 300 feet In iron and gallic acid whioh forms this 1 COWARD C. SWETT, of Portland there _jly29dlm length, cigar- Gray..Sept. 6, 2,30 p. m. ESQ., weight, less than eight years old and able to is lu Deerlng. Apply to ANDREW small wonderful stream. West CENTENNIAL BLOCK. 93 EXCHANGE ST shaped in and yet Buxton.Sept. 7 evening will speak at road in 10 miles an hour. No other HAWES, Stroudwater. dec27-tf construction, oontains The ianl eod need Rio de Vinagre, in Columbia is Limerick.Sept. 8 p ni. j 'almouth Box 450.000 linear feet of and Foreside. aent apply. Address, 237, Berwick, Me. 29-1 piling spar a stream the waters of by admix- Brunswick.Sept. 9 evening leister’s wbio% Mills. gept, 10 SUMMER RESORTS. tmberB. Its ture Portland.Sept. 10, evening , value is 445,000, and an in- with sulphuric aoid, became so n buy from $1000 to $16,000 Pittsfield.Sept. 11 p. ui! iray.Sept, surance of has sour that the river has been WANTED—Toworth of cast off clothing. I pay the 416,000 been placed on the appropriate- WILLIAM P. GEN. C. P. of FRFD high- COTTAGE,Greenwood Hill.IIebrou named the Rio de HON. FRYE MATTOCKS, Portland, W7HARTWELL, est cash prices for ladies’ dresses, gent’s and rjLOVER —TEACHER OF— ly Vinagre, or Vine- Maine, located on high ground, sup- raft, ooveriug over one-third of its actual at will speak at IdanagerYorJohn P. Welch, children’s clothing and gent’s winter overcoats finely gar river. will speak plied with pure water from a mineral spring, 1 Cail or address letter or postal to MR and value. The rata of ten The or Vest 3 pleasant drives, in connection with iusuranoe, per Orange, Garieh, river, in Soutb- 1 Falmouth.Sept. MRS. DE GROOT, 76 Middle street. good livery <&c. Biddeford.Sopt. Hair Dressing Rooms 3-2 house, view of White Mountains, V',Guitar, cent., is so high that the owners did not ELLIOT C. of maguificont ! uud Klttery.Sept. 3 MITCHELL, Portland, to and from R.R. Winter Term commencing Septem- Wanted—Every one to know we can sun- good table.free transportation ber :!. rms feel justified in more a 4 will speak at *» refer to moderate. Apply, 180 Middle taking of risk Furmlngton.Sept. ply you with the host of Help for the station. Special rates to families; or 23-i thau would be 7 72 Post Office, Fred Gen. New Mutual Cumberland streets, Portland, Me necessary to meet actual to Know. Dexter.Sent i 9 Exchange St., Opp. Boaehes, Mountains and Lakes in short notice Bruneli, Agt.. England Something South ownal.Sept, Life ins. Co Portland. Me. For terms address ag29 eod 2 mos expenses entailed in the BerwioK.Sept 10 Pour first class workmen. No waits. HARTFORD & CORN ILL, Lewiston, Me. 4-4 constructing It may be worth to GEN. C. P. long F. R. GLOVER. Hebron, Me. JlySdtf great raft. something know EUGENE MATTOCKS, that the very best medicine for HON. HALE aug38-2w It is arranged that the raft will leave restoring Will Speak at persons desirous ot acquir- r:;. clarence hale gifford the tired out nervous svstem to a will speak at Stella Saturday healthy WANTED—Alling good health, improvement in ’-fl morning. is Electric Bitters. Vest .resume his classes in French and Ger- vigor This medicine 1 Falmouth.gept 3 morals, obtaining happy homes, to go to the r r The O. R. & N. Co.’s is Hallowell.Sept. ] Institute at Sept., lfjtli. Ke will prepare pupils tug Wallowa, purely vegetable, acts by giving tone Guilford.. reedom.Sept. 7 Keeley Deering, Maine, and be- 'J< 2 j 8 NOTICE. come cured of the 2 '-cip them if desired in any of asissted by one of the steam- to the nerve centres in the alermo.Sept. diseases arising from the GRANITE SPRING L. company’s stomach, gen- 5 I excessive use of !i and German literature of the will tow stimulates the Princeton.Sept. eiraout.Sept. 9 Rum, Opium, Tobacco and HOTEL, the raft to tly Liver and college course. ers, Astoria, whero Kiduoye, 7 f iorrill.Sept, lo Do it. will be and dids these Pembroke.Sept. Cigarette*. 22-tf ilo a !. u it picked up by the organs in off 1 li undersigned give notice that Island. lies the Mersfcersliaft System to Spreckels throwing S lueolnville.sept, hereby t;&ng < Miii it Company Relief and impurities in the blood. Electric Maohiaa.Sept. THEon and after Sept. 1, 189G, the business m want of and m ikes a specialty of tug-boat carried Bitter ARTHUR A1i Per®?ns trunks Shore Dinners arid Clam Bakes a Canton.Aug, 25 RITCHIE, of the South Waterboro Grain will and bags to call on E. specialty !' :1-1 French and German over the bar to the open see. Hero the improves the appetite, aids digestions Co., pass D. REYNOLDS, Sundays included. Parties enabling! 29 out of our control. All bills due said com- oys congress street, one door desiring Banquets j, ; to learn the for steam oollier Mineola, to ami is pronounced by those who Qldtown.Aug. Will Speak at above Shaw’s or Dinners can apply to E. 125 language practical belonging tbe hav- NELSON and all bills said , as we Pone**, Com- i:: 2o or 3<> lessons. tried as HON. DINGLEY, of pany against company manufacture our goods mercial street, or at the purposes Southern Pncifio will take it the very best blood Lewiston, and can Hotel; also of Wm \\ s' s Company, purifier will 1 Vest Falmouth.Sept. 3 made previous to above mentioned date are therefore give bottom business Men by translating the raft and and utorvo tonic. it. apeak at franks prices, Ruby, 86 Exchange street, Granite charge of tow it to San Fran- Try Sold for 50c or to or the repaired. Sprim*0 •; eiidi and German correspondence inr'o payable by undersigned. Open evenings. We frame cisco, expeoting to make the trip within 81.00 per bottle at H. P. S. Goold’s Drug North Waterford. Spnt (Signed.) WILLIAM FRAY, pictures. Cafe._ jly4-2m 677 Bethel. Sent 9 P. -'"r r-articulars call at 42 Pine five days. r Store, Congress street, under Con- aug29d3t JAMES O’BRIEN _fed4-5 street at noon Andover. i o, ween o and 7 p. in. eod Almost the entiio lot of is gress Suare Hotel. 'Se f' LOST AND ag29 lm piling fog Kennebunkport. 'c?p1 IF YOUR FOUND. the Southern Paoiflc Company, it tukinr NewSharou. WATCH KICK Bucklen’s Arnica sent n 300.000 feet, for whioh it pays $10 1 take the li words .v:&- 3P. t~>. pee ^aive. Farmington...'.'.SeptS YV^.wd* kick out of it and make it orty inserted tinder this hea l 1.000 feet. The remaining portion of tb &YOOB MANTELS Mill SPRINGS 75C. time* clean one week for 25 cents, cash THE BEST SALVE in the world for PROF, henry e. emery 8°?d Mainsprings 76o, in advance. r I hi of piljs will find a ready market in Sanie and cleaning combiued meeting the Relief Asso- Cutn, Bruises, Salt will Genuine Waltham Resilient Mainsprings all,9* m^n*Prm? as Columbia river Sores, Ulcers, speak at $1.50; work flrstolass. McKENNEY, The T OST-A small cF-.tioii Rortlaud Fire Francisco, pine a Fever and TILING. only 75o, warranted for one year. M’KENNEY meiuoranfThm contain- Department will Kneujn, Sores, Chapped Rumford ,, Jeweler. Monument book, most for use in in Sau Tetter, Centre. the Square. janl5tf ai^ ^*mer sought piling Jeweler, Monumentsquare. je26dtf tr tickets and I held at the Chief Engineer's Office Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin West Snmnor. .I otherln£P^°/ls ot value brancisao Bay. The spar timber, about .° Samples and Salesroom, papers only to the owner. Will im 2d, at 7.30 Eruptions and positively cifres Piles, or Waterford Flat. the finder return to 80 Aug. Sept. Cheese. Northern choice Effect August 24, 1896. June i Leave Lake Station for Aug. Sept. 8Vi®8V4; West Pishing sell Sarah (from Gloucester), in coin Sunday, 21, 189 Naples, Bridgeton, 3 19 Opening. 66% new Passeager trains will North Sept. Mongolian 19 Sept. Sept. Spin 7 Vs@8c. i ig into the harbor, ran on the outer Monumen 1 Fottland, Uu'oc Station, fiallwriy Leave Portland: Bridgeton ami Harrison on arrival of Cosing.,,,..,.,.., 66% Ts®:,""'?ayefor 10 Sept. Sardinian 26 S.*pt. 27 Sep:. 9 a m Eggs, hennery choice, 00@20: East 10c. ■edge at water 3 where sir 1 stations named below and inte r- Clinton, Ayer Junction l. 26 p. m. tram from Portland. high (about p m), mediate 17 Sept. Nunudhin 3 Oof. ".Oct. 3 pm and CORN. Eggs. Mich, choice. 13®13V3C. 1 ow lies In au Alter ; points as follows: “d “«*«»* at 7'3U a Leave Harrison every day 'except Sunday) at New York Stock Money Market. easy position. dlschargun m"and 24 Sept* Parisian 10 Ocv. 11 Oct. 9 am Western fresh 12®lSc. 1 alias t, they expect to got her off with the assist For Brunswick, Bad), lalop'4^'" 7.45 a. m., North Bridgeton at 8 a. m., Bridge- Aug. Sept. ??• Boothbsy, ton at 8.8o ami Jobs, %®lc higher. I nee of a tug. Leach, Rockland, Augusta, Wa ier- taUlt% Nora a. m., Naples at 9.15 a. in., The Saloons and Staterooms are in the cen- Beans, 00M1 1 Ji.ff1*®, at Lake Station with tral where motion is lelt. Elec- (By Telegraph. Closing. 20% pea.l 3b:mediums, 00@1 06. IjI9t9n Falls, Lewiston via Forroat““ih£M£3c^m.and connecting Sebago 11.45 part, least WISCASSET, Aug 30—Ar, sch Niger, Adams a. in. Beans, yei. eyes, 1 15@i;26:red kid.l 0031 15. ] Bruriswi kWlleEan' Rochester, Sprlngvale. Alfred, Water train for Portland and Boston. tricity is used for tiie ships through- OATS. loston. boro and oaoo River lighting NEW 31 California, 1 Go. "• m. For Danville Je. at 7.30 a. m. 12.30 am Parties can leave Portland on the 1.25 p. m. out. the at the command r*? Urn YC.RE, Aug. 46@1 (Poland Springs) 6.30 n, HL lights being Aug. Sept, Falls, Kumford Falls, Bends, Lew- train, make the trip to Bridgton via steamer, passengers at any hour of the night. Music active C@12 per cent: last llay—N York and Canada, choice $18@$1SESI EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. 7 30 “« Money loan 9 pel Opening. ItiVs 1bbl 1 60. Oozneatio Porta. Bar Fort cept on the lowest rate. 84% Closing. £aP8°r. Harbor, Oldtown, Houlton, The 12.80 m. train from 6:G0 Potatoes | Portland 1 26. Ashland and Caribou via. B. & A. It. p. Portland connect; Second Cabin—To Liverpool, London and @4 84% for demand; posted rates at 4 BOSTON—Ar 30th. sells Geo E Reed fi Jl?; 82% Monday s 1 Walcott, With “flooixo Tonne quotations. Potatoes,Jersey. U bush 46®6(>c. laltimore: Woodstock, St. Stephen. St. Andrews. UP THE Londonderry, $34 and $36.25; return, $66.75 @4 85. Commercial bills at 4 Willie L Newton, Coombs, Por Si,iv a,John Route” for the West and at Union Station PRESUMPSCOT RIVER. and 81@4 8i% WHEAT. Sweets, bbl 1 7582 25. olnisou: and Halilax. $69.00. Lizzie Car, Theall, Weehawkeu: C V Worcester, for Providence and Navy York Government Bonds are Railroads Aug. Sept Apples, new if t bl $I@f2 00. in.50 p. on. Lxpress for Brunswick, Lisbon Steerage—To Liverpool, London. Glasgow strong. ] lexter, Huntington. Calais; Hattie M King r ▼la “Providence Line,” for Norwich aac On tand after this date steamer Opening. 60% 66% ads, Augusta, Watervllle. Aloosehead Lake Belfast or Londonderry. Including every re- higher.. < lollins, Hoboken; Josie Bangor via. New fork, via “Norwich Line” with Hook, Bryant. oldtown, Bar Harbor and Odd- Boetoi Sokokas will make three i quisite for he voyage $24.50 and Sliver at Closing.56% 66% Chicago Live Stools Market. [ unbeam, Greens Willie Bangor, * Albany R. R. for the and trips $25.50. the Board was neglected. Campbell, Lauding; town. West, with th< Steerage rotes per- Parisian” | CORN. Glen, S A Harvester New York All Rail via daiiy from Bridge street, West- $1.00 higher, Bar silver 66%. (By Telegraphl do; Paine, Stinson, do: 1.00p. For Danville Poland “8pr!n*iiely, Bangor; Reuben Eastman, South Gardiner: 5.55 p. m For Lake. in,; 6.30 p. m. *^°r Tickets and 5.00, 5.45, 0.15, *7.00. 7.30, *8.00. 0.30 p. x' Bath 24c; No 2 Chicago 2iy4@21%c:No 8 at 18Va Sebago Ooinish, Bndg From Staterooms, appiy at the Return—6 Coo—Large 4%s. 1907, Municipal.100 102 rj Geo Clark’s Island Chicago and Montreal 6.40 a. anc Pine Ireo 20, 7.20, 8.30, 9.30. 10.20. •1100 Java&Mocha do28@32 do White at21c; Mixed Western at 19 uine, Rockland; Gurney, ton, Fryeburg, North Conway, and Bart ett. m.; Ticket Office, Monument Square Snore .4 603x500 Mo^asoep. Bath 4s, 1921, Refunding.loo 102 @iyc; 6 30 p. m. or tor 11.80. A. M.. 12.20. 1.00, 2.45 8 ->(i do White and cite Wooster, New Haven for Philadelphia.; 8.45 P. ai. Express for Sebago Lake, other information at Company’s Office. *2.15, email do.. 1 Belfast 6s, 1898.E. E. @21 c; WliiteJState 20@28c. Beef , Frye- From 5.30 m. *4.15 50®3 76 Porto Rico.27033 aid.103 105 " suuie G Plllsbury, Plllsbury, Rockland; Mag- burg, No. Conway, St. Quebec p. Kailroad Wharf, foot of State street. 5.00, 5.30, 6.05, 6.30.*7.30, 8.20, -.LOO1 Belfast 4s. steady, and dull: family 7 60@#8 60; extra 5 60 FaDyans, Johnsbury, 10.15 p. or at close of Pollock ... .1 6002 75 Barbados* ....26028 Municipal.100 102 g e Ellen, Seal Harbor. Montreal and Toronto. The 8.30 u. m. train runs m,, entertainment. Calais ®$6 60;beef hams firm, slow at $16@15 50: Littlejohn, through to Montrea B.COYLK.Gen. Man. Haddock.. .1 5002 00 Fancy.33085 4s, 1901—1911 Befundlng.. loo 102 Sld schs Julia St John’s, PR jeiiSdtf_J. For Cushing's Island.6.40, 8.00, 9.00 ':1 30 tierced beef easy; cut meats ac- 29lh, Fowler, daily, Sundays included. Attached to till! 00 Ten. Lewiston 6s. 1901, Municipal.108 no quiet, fairly Mabel Hall train 11.00 A. 51., 12.30, 2.15, 3.00, 4.30, 6.15 Hake.16002 and orulng Star, Bangor; Laurel, do; SUNDAY is a Pullman for also ; Lewiston 4s. 1913. tive firm; pickle bellies 12 lbs do £ TRAIN’S. Montreal; FREEPORT AND 9.30 p. M. Berrlng. box Amoy.. Municipal.101 103 " Addle do; Ran- Pullman for FALMOUTH FORESIDE *7.00, *8.00, Saco 3V2 :do hams at 9@9VaC. Lard quiet, oeklaud; Schlaefer, Agrloola, through Chicago daily, Sunday' Scaled.... 4s, 1901. Municipal.100 101 sbqulders ,n for Annie & Prov- STEAMERS FOR Return—7.00, 8.15, 9.15, *10.45, 11.2 > A. m. 7012c Congous.14560 Western steam closed 8 3 River Portland; Reuben, 7.20 a. m., paper train for Brunswick Au included, arriving at Chicago the second day a Mackerel, bi Maine Central B. K. 7s.l898.lst mtgl04 106 weak; 76; city 45@ RG Hobokeu lor Haver 1.50 12.45. 2.55, 3.30, 4.45, 6.40. '7.20, 8 30. Japan.180,36 " 3 refined cctown; Whilden, gusta, Waterville and p, m. Snore Is 7s. cons, 50; quiet, Continent at 4 20; 8 A 4 70, Bangor. Harpswell 9.45 P. 51. *16 000*18 Formoso.2u@60 1912. nitgisa 137 [J Emma S Bri gs, Guttonburg for Augusta 7.25 a. Center, Free- compound 3 % @4 Vs. Provisions—Pork 11; m., paper train for Lewiston and Pullman Palace Cars on Sbvre 2s *14 00®{16 Sugar. "4% ..104 106 active, larles A do for do; Sarah Amboy Sleeping Nighl For Trefethen's, Evergreen, Little nnd Z new mess 7 ac- Hunt, Mills, Farmington. trains and cars port, Fal- New Standard ‘,4s cons. steady, 75@s 25, Butter fairly y parlor on day trains. Chebeague, Great Diamond Islands, 6 00 7 00 largess, ll@;i3 Gran 4 84 mtg... ,101% 102% I( r Boston; Florence A, Eddyville for do. 12.50 m. For 5.30, tive; State dairy 10@16c; do crm ll^@16Vs : p. Brunswick. Lisbon Falls, TICKET OFFICE NO. 177 MIDDLI A. Produce. lEx'-quaiity line 4 90 “g6s, 1900, extem’nloe 108 Also sld. Indiana. Yokohama; schs Wm mouth Foreside and 8.00, 9.00, 10.30 51., 12.00 5r„ 2.00. *3 16 Western do crm at 11 16 do ship Lewiston, Bath, Augusta. Bangor, and depot Cape Cian’broSlOiasil ExtraC.... ‘644 Leeds & Farmington B. E. 6s. ±896.100 101 dairy 9@12; Va® Vs; T, for Join Waterville, STREET, at foot of indu 4.20. 5.45, 6.15. 7.30. '9.30 P. M, Davenport, Philadelphia Pawtucket; Bar Harbor and Olatown. 01 xvFFi. 00 Portland & 1900. 1st 108 factory 7Ya@10c; Elglns 16A/2c. Cheese quiet, £ Diamond Island* Reiurn— Leave Trefethen’s,6.20, 8.00 Jersey,cte 2600*3 Ogd’g g6s, mtglOB rdwalader, Port Reading for Augusta; Break G.00 p: m., for Lewiston. 7.00, New Portland Water State large at 5@8c; do small at 6@8c. Fe- CHAS. M. HAYS, Gen’l Manager. On and after 9.10. 11.50 A. York I Seed. Co’s 8s. 1899.103 -<06 J' Day, Augusta; Leouora, F'rankliu; Laura M 8.45 P. M. For Monday, Aug. 17, 10.20, 51., l.Oo, 3.20, *4.35' Pea Portland water Co’s 4a. roleum firm; united at 1 06Vs. Coffee—Rio is ? White Mountain Division Portland, June 22nl, 1896. Beans.l 1001 16 Timothy. 4 00@4 .25 1927.100 102 ^ in:, Bangor; Nautilus, Rockland. Montreal and je22tf Stmra. Madeleine, Phantom and Alice 5.25, 6.40, 7.00, 8.35, 10.25 l*. 51. No 7 at Toronto. 1 Yellow Rves.l 40,. 51. The following are the latest .Jennie Stubbs, 12.55 n. m„ Mt. Desert for Diamond Island at 5.43, 7.00, 9.03 a. New $1 000 Red closing quota No 9, 4 l-16c: No 10 at 4c; No 11 at 3 15-16c; 5 speoial Hockland, Return—Leave Little Diamond, 7 10 26® 1‘op, 16018 tions of stocks at Boston: 1 ew Haven. Bangor and Bar Harbor. >»., 12.10, 2.00. 4.10, 6.10 m. 6.30, Sweets, Vlneian d O No 12 at 3%c; NO 13 at 3 13-16:off A 4 7-16® 6.00, p. 8.10, 9.20, 10.30 a. 51.. 12.00 M.. 00 Provisions. Central Cld, brig Havilah, Richardson, Belfast, Ireland BRIDGTON, Return=Leave Diamond Island, 1.15. 3.3o’ do Norfolk 2 Mexican, 4s.. 63% 4Vac;MouldA 5c; standard A ±SA c; Confec- ME., 6.30, 7.20, 5.3 8.45. *10.35 p. :,f. 4602 61 Pork— na sch Gertrude L Dlusmorc, ARRIVALS IN PORTLANn. *4.4o, C.55, Atchison, Fe. K. loaf sld); Trundy, 8.00, 9.30 a. m.. 1.40, 4.30, 6.20, 6.00 p. ill. Onions—Havana clear.. 10 00010 5o o.Tpl&;Santa 11% turners'A 4%c; cut 6s/s; crusUed 6a/»c; Dem. For Return—Leave Great Diamond, 6.25, 7.05 Boston & Maine.152 eorgetown, From Montreal and TERMINUS OF THE .. Falmouth, 6.45, 9.00 a. in., 12.10, 2.O0. Bermuda. iioo@ooi. backs .10 Goal 10 60 powdered 6c; granulated at 43/4 c; Cubes at 6c. CITY—Ar sch W Fabyaus, Bartlett 8.05, 9.15.10,25,11.55 A. 51.. 1.10, 3.2n! do pfd ATLANTIC 29th, George anil 8.25 5.00. 6.10 p. m. Naiives.bl 2 26@2 60 medium 9 00@9 60 Quotations are those made by refiners on the T Bridgton, ;a. m.; Lewiston and *4.40, 5.30, 6.35, 8.40, *10.30 p. 3r. u jwett, McKeowu, Kennebec. Meobanics Return—Leave 6.00, 7 40 a. m SuringChickens Maine,Central.130 one-price basis uuder the plan of October loth Falls. 8.30 a. m Watervii'e Falmouth, For Ponce’s Landing 5.30 17018 Beef—light..8 00@8 50 Off the bar 30th, sch Jesse Barlow, Barlow, l. 05, 6.30 p. m. Long Island, C nion Pacific. 5 1896 which makes dealers ana wholesale and Augusta. 18.35 a. m.: Sun- 2.40, Turkevs. Wes. x7@18c heavy.9 000960 large K ennebec. Lewiston, For 6.00, 7.00,8.00, 9.00, 10.30 A. 51.. 12 U0 n American 10,00 a. & Saco River R. R. Prince’s Point, 6.46, 9.00 a. nr., 2.00, 6.10 Fowls.... Bell.198 grocers of the Trust on day only, m.; Bridgton 2.00, *3.15, 7.30. P. M. 14®16c BmestsVfcb* 5 76* agents handling sugars BALTIMORE—Ar 29th, sch Benj F Poole Klngfleld, Phillips, p. in. 4.20, 5.45, *9.3o American 1 Sugar, common.107% and who are at stated times of Farmington, Bemis, Rumford Falls, Lewiston Return—Leave Ponce’s _ Apples. Lard, tcs ana consignment, K Landing, Ion- irlow, Portsmouth. 11.40 a. Return—Leave Prince’s Point, 7.20 a. in., Eating- 1 00@1 75 Vy bbl.pure 4&sffl4% Sugar,;pfd. 97 settlemeutallowed a commission of 3-16 tb.c m.; Skowhegan and Lewiston, 11.45 Island. 6.05. 6.40, 7.45. 8.60, 9.50. 11,20 Cen Cld, schs Alice M Colburn, Portsmouth, NH a. m. 3 Trains each **2.24 p. ill. * Russels. OOO Mass., pfd.1 there is also a trade discount of 1 per cent on r. ■, Mattawamkeagand Bangor, 12.00 (Sun- way Daily except 51., 12.50, "4.05, >10. doconi’ud, 4Vkig4V2 D Bibber, Portland; Grace Davis.Provideuct Sunday. For 9.30 a. 2.50, 5.10, 6.35, 8.20. 5 Baldwins.. SO do common... loo bbl lots and 1 cent for cash if with- days 12.10) p, in., Quebec, St. Chebeague, m., 2.00, 5.00 p. m. P. 0000 00 uails.compd 4% @6Va per paid id Johnsbuvv,Lan- Sunset M. Mexican Central. 8 Portland. caster 12.12 About 3 Hours Ride From Portland. Landing, 9.30 a. m. For Evap 49 It. @7c pails, pure 6V4@6Vs in seven days, and no trade discount ou smaller andSBridgton. p. m.; Express, Marriner’s Landing, Long Island. X’orUand. Saco & Portsmouth B Sld, schs W H Oler. Boston; Clara Leavitt, Bar Mt. Return—Leave Chebeague, 6.55 a. m.. Lemons. pure If .140 quantities. No sales less than 25 barrels. For Harbor, Kineo, Greenville. Bangor, Throught Tickets sold at Boston 1.60, 9.00, 10.30 A. 51.. 2.00, *3 15. 5.45 p. .11. 8J/s(*8% K ew York. & Maine and §3.35, 5.50 m. Sunset a. Messina o 60 in there is no additional Augusta, 1.20 p. m.; Lancaster. p. Landing, 7.20 m., Re urn—Leave Marriner’s oo@7 Bams.... uogoo sugar packed bags Ar schs C S Port Tampa Fabyaus. Maine Central Stations. 12.50 m. Landing, Lon- New Tork on 30th, Glldden, Fales, Bartlett, No. p. Palermo— 6 oO@7 6o aocovTd .. HVs@12 Quotations stocks and Bonds charges on granulated or softs from 1 to 14 in- Conway, Fryeburg. Sebago Island, 10.00, 11.30 A. M., 13.CO, *4.15, 6.4.5 B attie P Simpson, Cbauey. Kennebec; Viking, Lake 4.51 A. M. P. M. P. M For Cousins’ and Littlejohn’s Islands. 9.00 Oranges. Oil. elusive, and other grades Y*c & lb additional. r p. in.; Skowhegan, Waterville, P. M. 1 do; Clarence U Vernier, Baker, uo. Leave Portland (mcrb) 8.46 1.26 9.30 a. m., 2.00, 5.00 m. California. 0 O0@0 00 Kcrosenel20ts (By Telegraph. Freights to Lierpool firm, demand fair- othlday, Rockland, 6.25 p. m. daily; Farmington and 6 66 p. 9% Sld 30tli, schs Alice M Colburn, Portsmouth, Lewiston. Arrive Bridgton 11.07 3.34 Return-Leave Cousins’ and Is- Messina... .4 60@5 Ou Lipoma. The following are to-day’s closing quotations grain by steam 3Vid. Sundays only, 6.20p. in.; St, John, s!u Littlejohns Sunday Time Table. 9% ^ H; R D Portland. lands, 7.05 a. m„ 2.00. 5.05 in. Surrento. 6 00 Centennial. of Bonds: Bibber, Bar Harbor, Caribou and Moosehead Lake AM 12.35, p. 9% CHICAGO—The Flour market ^to-day was BANGOR—Ar 29tll, schs C R Flint. Hart Leave Bridgton 6.10 For Freeport.9.00, *9.30 a. Eggs. Pratt’s Astral ..11% Aug 31 29. vtaB. & A.. Bangor, 5.35 p, m.; Rangeley, 10.03- 6.4CJ m., *2.00,5.00 p. m. For Forest City Landing, Peaks’ Island Aug unchanged, steady: hard white spi ing patents F art Reading; Sea Flower. Robinson, Chelsea P. M. Wolf’s Neck **9.00, **9.30 a, m. NearDv.... @18 Devoe’s brilliant 11% Sew 4’s ..(8,103%. ®104% Farmington, Rumford Falls, Lewiston, 5.4o 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00 A. 51., 12.20, ’*1 00. at 3 40@3 66 in w*ood;soft wheat patents $3 10 3 jth, str Uskl (Br), Nielsen, New York; bqs Arrive at Portland 8.26 12.12 7 41 Return—leave Freeport. G.20. *11.00 Eastern extra.. @17; In halt hbls lc extra Sew 4’s coup-. .ial06% p. m.; Chicago and Montreal and all White (mcrr) 2.15, *3.15, 3.45, 4.45, 6.16. 7.30 p. 51. @106 @3 30; hard wheat bakers 2 lo@2 25 in sacks: R milia Teresina (Ital) J. A. a. m., *1.00. m. Wolf’s Fresh Western... 16 United States new 4i (Itali, Trapani, Cadiz; Mountain points. 7.41. p. in.: BENNETT, *4.20 p. Neck, **6.25 For 9.00. in 0A. Raisins. reg.113% 112% soft wheat bakers Winter wheat a* schs Mattawamkeag. **11.10* a. Cushing’s Island, 8.00, 51., $2@2 10; (j ifflero. Leith; Gamecock, Feilbrook. Bar Hocklanc. a. m. Supt. B. & S. K. It. S. m„ **1.20, **4.00 p. m. Held. i@ Mnsctl.60 lb bxs4V2@6 Central Pacific lsts. 96 96 Harbor, 1.40 daily; ex- „„ „„„ 12.20, 2.15, 3.45, 4.43, G.15, 7.80 p m. 3 00@3 15 in wood. Wheat—No 2 spring at F Monticello, Nutter. Bostou; Ann, June For Bustin’s 9.30 a. tsuttei. London lay’rll Denver & R. G. ortland; press, Halifax, St. John. Vanceboro. Bar Har- je27dtf Island, 9.00, m., 2.00, 5.00 For Trefethen’s, Evergreen, Little anti 50Q»i76 1st.110% 110% o6a/4@50Vsc; No 2 Red 60V4@60»4c. Corn— T Annie Lord. Kimball. New York, 29,1896._ ro. Creamerv.lncy..18019 Coal. Erie 2ds. hurston, do; bor, Waterville and Augusta, 3.50 a. nr. dailv p. Great Diamond islands. 56% No 2 at 2oVa@21c. No 2 Oats—No 2 at 15y0 Cld schs Geo B Return—Leave Bustin’s Island—6.05 7.00, 8.00, 9.8'), GiltEuae Vr'mt.l7®i8 Retail—delivered. Kansas Pacific iConsols. 60 29th, Albion, Small, Bustou; PAYSON TUCKER, V. P. & G, M. Boston & Mame R. R. *11.15 10.30 A. M., 12.15, 2.00, 5 @16Vac. No 2 at 31c; No 2 at R Cora а. m., 3.50 m. *3.15, 4.20, 15, Rye Barley 32@ erguson, Ferguson, Eddyville; Green, F. E. G. P. & T. 1.30, p. *7.30 P. M. Choice.. @17 Cumberland 00004 60 Oregon Nav. lsts.,105 105 No 1 Flaxseed BOOTHBY, A. For G.15, 33c. 63A/a(a.'64V^c; Mess por^ B eudall, Bridgeport; Isaac Orbeton. Trim, la Effect June 1896. Barnswell Centre and Mere Point, 9.00 a. Cheese. Chestnut.... @6 00 lsts of 1896. 96 Jel7 dtf 21, For- Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, 7.<>0f Union,'P, 98% at 5 65@5 60. Lard 3 35 bid; short rib sides F hiladelphia; Webster Barnard, Marshall, New m. 5.00 p. m. N. Y. tct-ry. 8V609 Franklin.... 7 76 Northern Pacific cons 5s.... 41% 8.00, 9.30. 10.30 A. M., 12.16, i*1.30,, 2.0J 3 10@3 20. Dry salted meats—shoulders 3%® \ ork. WESTERN DIVISION. Retur:i—Leave Harpswell Centre and Mere Vensoni... 9yj@9% Lehm..... sti;oO 1 *3,15, 4.20, 5.15, *7 30 p. m. losing quotations of stocks 4 00: short clear sides 3 60@3 62 Y». BRIDGEPORT, Ct-Ar 29tli, schs Addle E Trains leave Point, 5.30, 11.50 a. m. For 8ae# .... 9S/4®10V4 Pea. 4 00 Portland. Union Station, lot Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, Atchison. 11 Receipts—Flour, 8.200 bbls: wheat. 121,800 B iinball. Norombega, Chase. Portland & Scarboro For Mnekwortb's Island, 9.00 a Am. [email protected] Tobacco. 11% Philadelphia; Rumford Falls Crossing. 9.05, 10.00 a. m.. 12.00, 5.45, m., 2,00. 9.30, 10.30, A. M., 2.00, *3.16, 4.20, 5.15 P. do pfd. 17 bush: corn. 862,100 bush: oats.362,70u hush: schs Annie E New Maud R'y, 1. б. 00 p. in. Lead. Best Sld, Kimball, York; fn Effect June 22, 1S96. 15, 3.65, 5.15, 5.50, 6.20, 7.10 p. m.; Scar- M. brands_60@69 Adams 137 18,300 bush 29.000 dunH. do. Return—Leave Maekworth’s Sheet.6V4@7 Medium.30a40 Express.136 rye. barley. S nare, Lowell, boro Beach, Pine Point, 7.00, 7.10. 9.05, Island, 8.15 a American Express.106 11.100 — **5.30 m. *Not run in ll'ioe.6V4@6 Common.26030 106 Shipments—Flour obis.wheat 146.000 CAMDEN Ar 29th, sch Imogene, Snow, DEPARTURES. 10.00 a, m„ 12.00, 1.15, 3 30.3.55. 5.15, 5.50! m., p. stormy or foggy weather. Boston St Maine.151 bush; corn. oats 385.900 F ortland. iFor Forest Peaks’ and Zinc. Va@8yj Naturalal. ...60@70 901,000bush;! bush; 6.20, 7.10, 8.00 D m.; Old Orchard Beach, Sunday Time Table Leave Portland. City Landing, Island, Central Pacific.|13% 13 rye. 0000 busnrbarley 22,700 bush. Sld, seh Diadem, Blake, Boston. 8.30 A. M. A 1.00 P. M. From Union Station Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, only. Bread »■«>, 9°5. 10.00 a. m., 12.00, For Diamond 10.00 m.: Lumber Cnes. s unlo. 13% CHARLESTON—Cld sch Florence Ran- for Poland. Mechanic tot Vife 710i Island, a. return 5.30 13% ST. LOUIS—The Flour market to-day was 29th, Falls, Buckileld. Can- 6.05 m. Pilot sup....7 @7V4 \Vhltewood- ton. Dlxtield and 12.20,1.15,1.40,3.30,3.05, 5.15, 6.50, p. Tickets sold over this line to Greenwood Cnicagos Alton.150 150 unchanged; patents at 20. extra d ill. Thompson. Boston. Rumford Falls. Also 6.20, 7.i0, 8.00 p. m. Saco. do sq.6 No 1*2, l-in*32@*35 310@3 for 7.00, 8.40,9.05. For Falmouth. Cousins, Littlejohn’s and Free- Garden, Forest City Rink and at 2 EASTPORT—Ar previous to 2Stli, sch Marla Roxbury, Byron, Bemis and 10.00 a ill., Crackers— 4 Vi ©5 Vi BaDS.l-in. do 170 fancy2 7o@2 «f>; fancy 30@2 46; choice 2 Houghton, 12.00,12.20, 1.15, 3.30, 3.55, 6.16 port ilO.OO a. m.. 2.10 1U. For Pavilion *260*28 pfd 170 A from Nova Scotia. Rangeley Lakes points via R. F. and R. L. p. Bustin’s Theatre. 1-m S 61% 10@2 20. Wheat easier£Aug at 69Vac. Corn dolphin, R. 5.00, 6.00, 6.20, 8.00 p. m. Biddeford. 7.00, island and Cooperage. Com’n, *230526 Chicago, Burlington Quincy 60% sch S S R. Harpswell Centre, 10.00 a. m. Unavoidable and hds— lower, Aug —c, oats lower, Aug at 17. Pork Sld26tli, Iluson, Vaugh, Philadelphia. 8.40, 9.06, 10.00 a. m., 12.20, Return—Leave delays excepted subject nhhd shooks & 1V4, lVi&2- Delawares Hudson CanalJCo. 118% 117% 8.30 a. 1.00 ac£ 12.00, 1.15, Falmouth Foreside. 12.30 to —new 6 oil 6 FALL RIVER—Ar 29tli, sch Fannie L Childs, m.f *5.10 p. m. From Union 3.30, 3.55,6.16, 6.20. 8.00 m change without notice. 1 60@1 76 ueiaware.Lackawana S I2V2; 87Y2. Lard, prime steam 5.60, p. ; Sen- 5.00 p. m., Freeport, 11.15 a. m, 4.00 m. Mol.city. in, Nol&2*33@$35 Westl4u% 149% ^ larleston. Station for Mechanic Fails and intermediate p. C. T. 86 00 Denver Grande... 3 20; choice 3 30. Bacon—shoulders 4A4 nebunk,_ 7.00, 8.40, 10.00 a. m., 12.20,3.30, Centre 3.10 and TV. GODING, General Manager. Sug.count’y @1 lV4,lVs*2-in s Bio |lo% 10% ;longs FERNANDINA—Ar sch Wm H Sumner, stations. Harpswell p.m. Bustiu's 4 20; clear ribs 4 20; clear sides 4 30. Drv sair- 29th, 6.15, 6.05, 6.20 p.rn.; 7.00, 3.30 m. july5 dtf Country Mot Sans. *23,0830 Erie,new.12% ; 11% *0n train Keuuebunkimrt, p. ed meats—shoulders at 1 sndleton, Perth Amboy. Saturdays only leaving Portland at 8A0, 10.00 a. 111., 12.20, 6.20 hhd shooks Squares, *36@*38 no 1st 28 26 3% c; longs 36/e; clear 5.10 3.30, 6.06, p. m.; Leave Freeport for Bustin’s Island and Harps- preferred sides GLOUCESTER—Ar 29th, sebsClara J,Boston p. m. runs through to Rumford Falls. Wells Beach, hhd hdgml Cypress- Illinois Central. 86 86 ribs at 33A 1 clear 3Vs 7.00,8.40 Am.. 3.30, 6.15 p. m.; well Centre, 11.15 a. in. 1&2 8600 wbeat r Millbridge; Nat Ayer and W T Emerson, do North Berwick, Dover, Portland and 32 n. 24026 1-in No *360*36 Lake Erie & West. 14% 14% Receipts—Flour bbls; 181,100 fc 4.05, 7.00, 8.40, Return—Leave Harpswell Centre, 3.10 p. in Steamboat Go & 2- oats I( r Bangor; Prince LeBuo, Bangor. passenger coaches between Union a. m.; 12.20, 3.30, 6.05 Somers- Boothbay Sug hd36in 21023 lVi.lVa Lake Shore.141% 140% bushjeorn 186,600 bush* 77,000 bush; rye Through 6.16, p. m.; •Via Harpswell Center. — UYANN1S—Sld 29th. schs Empress, Kock- worth, 4.05, 7.00, 8.40 a. Boops 14 ft. 26030 ih.Nol&2 $34®*36 Louis St Nash. 40% bush. m„ 12.20, 3.30 iNot run in stormy weather. 40% nd; D P Prince, iLincolnvllle; C A Dyer, Portland and B.lo p.m.; Rochester. Alton 12 ft. 26@28 2vs, 3*4-111540 0546 Maine Central B.135 Shipments—Flour 0,000 bbls: wheat 132,00 J? Station, Rumford Fails. Farmington, *Porter’s Landing. 8 t. 8 S’th corn 106.200 b loucester. Bay, Wolfboro, 8.40 a. m„ 12.20, 3.30 p.m.: UNTIL FURTHER @9 pine-*260*35 bush; bush;oats 3,900 bush; rye Through tickets on sale for all **Signal Steamer. NOTICE Cordage. Clear pine— Mexican Central. 7 7 —Dual). JACKSONVILLE—Ar 29th. sch Caroline C points Lakeporf, Laconia, Weirs, Plymouth, 8.40 §Via Freeport. Michigan Central. 88 89 oss, Murphy, New York. on a. m., 12.20 p. m.; Amer’nkiib 10 @lx juppers.|55®65 DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red at 1'. & R. F. R’y. Also for all Wolfboro, Long Island, Carriage connection with all steamers for Manilla... Minn S St. L. 12 12 61%c;Nol NORFOLK—Passed through Hampton Roads Center Harbor, (via Alton Bay and steamer) 6Vi@7Vi Select.*45@65 White Cora—No 2 at Freeport Corner. Steamer Minn. S »t„ Louis Id.. GO hlVae. 22Vac. Oata—Noz 2 1th. sells Florence Bath for points on Lakes. 8.40 a.m., 12 2op. m. Worcester (vis Bomerg- Enterprise Manilla bolt Fine common. .542545 58% Leland, Spofford, Rangeley Unavoidable | White 000c. delays excepted and subject to rope. 00@8Vs do 2d pfd,. U ichmoud, Va; John S lleaeham, do fordo. worthand Rochester,) 7.00 A m ; Handles Will ispruce. *13 @14 00 E. C. BRADFORD. Traffic Mgr. change without notice. leave East Boothbay every Monday at Russia do. 18 Missouri ractnc. 17% 17 PHILADELPHIA—Ar30th, schs Ruth Shaw, ter. Concord, (via Juuct.) 7.00 A a. @18Vi (Hemlock.*11@12 lotion Marices* Rockingham E. 11. NORTON, Manager. 7.15 m. for Portland, ’toucni’ng at South New Jersey Central. 94 ^ emean. Bath; Addle Jordan. Emerson, do; Portland, Mains; 3-30 p. m.; (Via Lawrence) 8.40 a. m. hisai. 6Vi@6v» Clanboaras— 93% E. xj. jutyddtf Bristol, Heron Island, Boothbay Harbor and and Northern Paclic common— iBy Telegraph.) J lei F Welsh, |H E Thompson, LOVEJOY, Superintendent, U.«0 p. in.; Xirugs lives. jSpruoe, X.532036 20% 10 shepherd, do; dft Rumford Rockingham Junction, Exeter, Squirrel Island. New Yoi k. jU3I2 Falls. Maine HayerhiH, Acid Oxalic.... 12014 Iclear.528030 O do preferred.... 14% 17% AUGUST 81.1896. S eele. Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, Tuesdays will leave Franklin Wharf. Port>* Acid Ar 31st, schs Howard W Middleton, Kenne- t4.05, t7.00, t8.40a. tart.33036; 2d clear...... *26@27 Northwestern.195% 95 NEWYORK—The Cotton market to-(lav was m., 512.20,3.80 f6.05 p. land, at 7 a. m. for Peniaquid, touching at u' :c; Wm Converse, do. in Ammonia.i6@20|No 1.*i6@20 Northwestern pfd..*..141!% 141 steady;sales —bales; middling uplands 7%c: STEAMERS. r„A,rr'X,a Boston, 7.25, 10.16 A m squirrel Island, Harbor. Heron A schs Sarah Wood, Addie I’ 1-.50, 4.02. Boothbay sues, pot... 6% @ 81 Pine.*25@60 New Ifork Central. 91% 91% gull do sysc. Old, Lanesvllle; 7.16,9.30 p.m. Leave Boston Island, Christmas Cove. South Bristol and Bals conabla.. .66@6o( Shingles— cFarlaud, New Bedford; Monliegan, Bangor; for Fortland, 8.30 a. J®£T East Coton market 7.80, 8.00, m,, 1.00, Boothbay. cedar... .3 NEW ORLEANS—The to-aay j- avnard Sumner. Camden: Wm S Jordan. maimc nnAOT mauinATin&i no 4.16. 6.01 p. m. Beeswax.37@42|X 0003 60 ao lsi pld. «l% 61 iroo'ctAidv middlino' IS/o. will leave Feinaauid at 6 a. m. Edward 1, ■urnill* uunui imiiuni Wednesdays Rich powders... 7@9 Clear cedar.2 7B@3 00 do 2d pfd.20 ilein; w Schmidt, Saco; Marry iuii uu. SUNDAY TRAINS. for Portland and above landings. Borax. »@10lx No 1.1 85@2 25 New Vork & N E 20 20 CHARLESTON—The Cotton market to-day V hiton, do. will For Scarboro a. m.. Thursdays leave Portland at 7 a. m. for .. Breakwater—Ar sch Jennie Crossing 9.0U, 10.10 Brimstone. 2 @2¥41 No 1 cedar. .1 2601 75 Old Oolonv.174 was easv; middling 7e. Delaware 29th, The East at 17434 Popular Line for 2.00., 7.16 p. m.; scarboro Boothbay, touching Squirrel Islahd, < wi Popliam 6.15, vvvu*uvm ... uu Ont-S Western. 12% 12% Cotton market H all. Leighton, Philadelphia for Portland. Harbor. SAVANNAH—The to-day Beach, Pine Point, 7.10, 9.00. 10.10 a. ill., Boothbay Heron Island, *Christmas Copperas.... 1V4@ 2 i Laths.spce. .1 90@2 00 Mail..... Ar 30,h, barque Clara E McGilvery, Lynch. Uove and South Pacific 17% 17 was quiet; Middling 6 13-16J. Beach, Squirrel Island, 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 7.15 Bristol. ... 4.16, 5.00, 6.15, p. Creanuartar .2m@3-i Lime—Cement. Cl River. x Putman Palace.139 13934 111.; Old Orchard ‘'““js uni n.dvo nuuuiu.'.T rti i.ij Ex 12@16 Lime.® csk.906 MOBILE—The Cotton market to-day was Passed ecus Clara E Boothbay Harbor Beach, 4.05, 7.10, 9.00, logwood.... Readme. 8% 8 out, Randal), Reynolds, 10.10 a. i. m. for Portland, touching at South Bristol, Gumaralne...7061 quiet; o.iddl Dg 7e. for Port au Katherine D m., 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 4.10, 5.00, 5.30, 22lc*meni.....125® Rook Island-.60 65% j> iiiladelpbia Prince; and Wiscasset. b. 7.16 Heron ls'.aud, Boothbay Harbor and Glycerine for Boston. lo, p. m.; Saco, Biddeforu, 9.00, 10.10 Squirrel 120 @76i Matches. St. Paul. 66% 65% MEMPHIS—The Cotton ^market to-day was P irry, Garfield, Philadelphia a. Island. Aloes 55 schs Jennie Port- m., 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 4.15, 5.00, 6.30,6.15, cape.15@26lStar,^ gross do steady; middlings 75/ac. Sid 31st, Hall, Leighton, r. m Daily Line, Included. will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for bid.122 122 SUMMER 7.15 p. m.: Kennel.mill no a ir, r, an Sundays Saturdays Camphor.„... .4 @61| llirliro. @65 Id nd; Daisy Duuton, Pawtucket. ARRANGEMENT. THE NEW AND PALATIAL STEAMk Fast St.Paul si omaba. 34% 34% Farllu, Aorth Berwick, Borer. a. R3 Boothbay, touching at Squirrel Island, 11 ytrh. 62@66. Excelsior.60 Markets. PERTH AMBOY—Ar 28th. sch Gen Adalbert 4.05, m., 1.00, BAY STATE AND ■ ldo prld.115 115 European 6.30 Ill.; PORTLAND, Boothbay Harbor, Heron Island, ♦Christmas Opium.... 2.60&3 501 sailed for AN and after Monday. June the 4.1o, p. Rochester, Farmington, Metal*. 4 Paul. Minn. & Mann.103 mes, Small. New York, and 29th 29th, 1896, Alton alternately leave Franklin Wharf, 3ove and South Bristol. 103 new and fast steanier SAL A Cl A will leave Bay, 4.16 p. m.jRxeter, Haverhill, Portland, Shellac.46@601 Copper— (By Telegraph.) y loucester. yf every evening at 7 o’clock, in season team from sugar,common.108% 104% Lawrence, Lowell, 4.06 a. in. 1.00 arriving "Passengers conveyed by South Indigo.85c®$ 1114®48 com... .00618 31. 1896.—Consols U2 9-16d PORT READING, NJ—Ar 29th, sch rrankliu Wharf, Portland, daily, except Sun- Boston, for connections with earliest trains l'axas Pacific.1— 6% 5% LONDON. Aug. Douglass 6.30 p. m. Arrive iu 7.25 for points Bristol. Thursdays and Saturdays passengers lodme.4@$42b Polished copper. 23 fl New and sailed for day, at 7 a. m., for Popliam Beach, Is- Boston, a, m., 6.29, UnionPaciflc. new. 6 6 for money>nd H2%d tor the account. aynes, Blaisdell, York, Squirrel 9.68 p. m. foPeemaquhl conveyed bv ferry from South Ipecac.176@2 00‘Bolts. 10 A ugusta. land, Boothbay Harbor and Wiscasset. Through tickets for Bristol. U. S. Exnress. 82 £3 1896.—Cotton market Boston for 3.45 a. Providence, Lowell, Licorice, rt.... 16@2CIY M sheath.... 12 LIVERPOOL,Aug. 31, schs Saroh Newcas Returning—leave Wiscasset daily, except Sun- Portland, m. New etc. .. Sid 28th, Mills, Johnson, Worcester, York, every at Wabash.... i 63/s 6v« lower: American middling at 4 9-SHd; sales at Connecting trip Boothbay Harbor Lac ex.34@401Y M Bolts. 12 John Cadwallader, Annie day, 12.16 p. m., touching at above landings, KASTKUN DIVISION. Returning, leave India with for ao prld. 13 13% bales; speculation and export 600 s; Lewis, Augusta; Wharf, Boston, STEAMER SILVER STAR New Har- Morphine.. .1 7n@2 001 Bottoms.22@24 7,0001 ^J;; arriving at Portland about 6.30 p. m. From Union Station at 7 o’clock. Western Union.. 77% Reuben, Benner, Provlncetown. lor Biddeford. New- every Evening bor, Round Pond, Friendship, Port Clyde, Oil bergamot2 7663 201 Ingot... 11@12 76%, bales, PORT ROYAL, SC—Ar Connections—at Squirrel Island, for Heron J, B. COYLE, Richmond & West Point. Winter Wheat at 5 s iy*d@5s 29tli, barque Nlnevali, bnryport, Amesbury, Salem, Lynn, 2,00, Manager. rennant’s Harbor, Spruce Head, Rockland, Nor.l'odllver2 60@275l Tip— Quotations v,v Norfolk. Island, Christmas Cove and At 9.00 a. 6.00 J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. ao prld. alls, Pemaquld. m.; 12.30, p. m. Portsmouth, AgL Vinalbaven, Hurricane, Green’s 3Vad. Spring Wheat Bs oy2d@6s3V2d. for all stations on Wiscasset Landing, Lemon.1 762 255iStraits... 16Vi@161/a PORT TAMPA—Sid 29th, barque Rose Innes, iscasset, and Boston, t2.00, 19.00, a. m., §13.30. tl.45 16.00 Oct. 1, 1895. Swan Island, Castine, Hrookiin, Surraj', S. ■ "■ 1 1 Quebec It. R. At Harbor on Ollye.1 00@2 601 Engllsn. —.. '. .'■?_» E elehanty, Carteret, NJ. Boothbay Mon- Arrive in Boston, 5.53a. m.. 12.51, 4.0o, 4.30. IV. Harbor and Bar Harbor. 26 Char. L Co.. @5 50 *Ex-di? days, and with 9.20 Peppt.30063 _ PROVIDENCE—Ar 30th, schs Walker Arm- Wednesdays,Fridays Saturdays, p. m. Leave Boston lor Portland. 7.30 ALFRED RACE, Manager. 1. 26 MINIATUKE ALMANAC.SEPT. 1. steamer for New MAINE STEAMSHIP Wintergreenl 7 6@2 00|char. X.. <87 U; gton, Drinkwater, Newport News; H, Curtis, Silver Star Harbor, Round 9.00 a. m„ 12.30, 7.00, 9.30 p. in. CO. Potass br’mde. Mining: Stocks. .5 600 1 ond, Port Tenants Harbor SUNDAY 46®47>Terne.6OO680O Sunrises , water ! H obbtus. Friendship, Clyde, TRAINS. 12614 10|muigu Bangor. and with New York Direct Chlorate.24.6281 Antimony... NEW VORK. Aug. 31. 1896,—The' Sunsets.6 17 j 5 30 ROCKLAND—Ar 29th, sch John & Frank, Rockland. At Portland, Boston and For Biddeford, Portsmouth. Newbury- Line. following 0.8 New York steamers. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT Iodide.2 H8a3 ooicolte .476@600 are to day's closing quotations 01 mmine stocks: Moon rises.11 OllHeight.... jvi cKay, Beaver Harbor, NB; 30th. soils Alaska, port. Salem, Lynn, Boston. 2.00 a. m„ 12.30 GO^ .. 4 at 9 LONG ISLAND SOUND BY Quicksilver. 506456 -- S Sundays—will leave Portland for m. Arrive in DAYLIGHT 70&80iSpelter.... Col. Coal. vett, Boston; Lena White. White, do; Freddie a.m., p. Boston, 6.68 a. m„ 4.00 p Quinine.. .311/»@34Vs 1 soliloiY4x12 @14 New Popliam Beach, Squirrel Island and Boothbay Leave Boston lor *9.00 a. Hokclnk Coal... 'Alton, York; Commerce, Gilbert, do; Portland, ni., 7.00 The 365 Island Ilouie. Kheubarb, rt.76e@l 6O1 Nails. lide. St John, NB; Catowamtoak, Fullerton, Harbor. 9.30 p. m. and Sea 70»2 80 Hornestake,* 84 NEWS Delightful Invigorating Trip. Rt [email protected] MAJROSTE § ew York via Boston. Returning—leave Boothbay Harbor at 2 1 Connects with Rail Lines for Now York, wire.. 2 9543 05 Onarlo. 10% p. m. The Steamships Manhattan and Saltpetre.8 @12 SABINE PASS—Ar sch Mary Sprague, Southend West. Cottage Beginning Aug. 27, 1806, steamers will Naval Stores. yuicksllrer. .15 26tli, Fares. round City leave Franklin wharf Thurs- Senna.1.26@80 p Band, coastwise. Popliam Beach, 76c, trip $1.26. §Coonects with Sound Line3 for New York. Tuesdays, [eav Portland Tier, Portland, as follows: Tar bbl ...27o@3 00 do pld. 1% Squirrel Harbor and Wis- division to days and Saturdays at 6 p. ra. leave C anary seed.... 4@5 IP PORT OF PORTLAND. Island, Boothbay tWestern Nortli Berwick. Returning, For LONG INLAND. 5.50. 'J.OO. 10 25 a. m.. tar... .6 5 25 '^PYicaii..... SALEM—Sid 28th, sch John J Hanson, Mag- casset Pier 38, East River, same at 5.- in. Cardamons 1 00,41 76 Coal 00® $1 .oo, round trip $1.60. Rockland $1.76, •Western Division from North Berwick Sun- days p. LOO, 4.45, 6-15 p. ni. 7663 00 Portland, £ e Hurley, Clara J, E M Sawyer. round Fare to New York, ono Soda. by-carb3% @6% Pitch.2 trip $3.00. lays only. way, $6.00: Round For CHKBEAGUE I., HAKPSWELI. Wil. Pitch. 2 75@S 00 Va—Ar sch Susie POliver, Popular Round to tickets to trip $8,00. Sal....2%@8 MONDAY, August 31. SCOTLAND, 29th, daily excursions. trip any Through all points South and BAILEY’S,and OUR’S IS., 10.25 a. m. Boston Produce O.oo, 6214 Rosin.3 00@400 Market. via Suffolk, to load for Boston and landing, $i.uo. Good for one day only. West lor sale at Ticket Office. Union tti rcn^rT> ^ ^OYLE, Manager. LOO. 4.45 li. ill. Suphur.2j Arrived. lnslow, Station. F. gal. .31(841 item. I1 or further information at D. J. F. J. LISCOMB, General Agent. nov2dtf Sugar lead.20@22 Tupentme. BOSTON, Aug. 31, 1896.—The following are ^ apply company’ FLANDERS, G. and T, A.. Boston. For HOPE I., 0.00 a. m., 2.00 p. ni. .. 7 White wax_60@56 Oakum.. @8 Steamer Bay State. Snowman. Boston. THOMASTON—Ar 29th, sch James Young, office, Franklin Wharf. 1621dtl For CLIFF I., 10.25 a. ni., 2.00 OH. to-day’s quotations of Provisions, etc.: O C. p in. Vitrol. blue_6 ffi8 Steamer Salacia. Oliver, Wiseasset. D min, New York. OLIVER, CHAS. K. LEWIS, Messenger’s Notice. For LITTLEFIELD’S, GT. CIIEBEAGUE flour. I, Vanilla.uean. .$10@131 Linseed.33(g,38 steamer Enterprise, Race, East Bootlibay. Sid, seh Cyrus Chamberlain, Hart, New York. Fresidont. Treasurer. 10.25 a. m„ 2.00. 4.45 p. m. 1 36@41 j92Edtf. Office of the Sheriff of Uuek. Boiled. Spring patents. 3 7(%$3 85. Sell Sea Bird, Mullen, South River, NJ.clay to DAILY : EXCURSION Cumberland County, RETURN FUR PORTLAND. Leave GRIPS No 66 @85 VINEYARD-HAVEN-Ar 29th, schs Benj C State of Maine, Cumberland 1.,.32jSperm. Spring, clear and 2 40. Portland Stoneware Co. ,, ss., August BLAND, 5.45, i: .00 a. 1.4 4.uu u. ia. No straight, 90@3 *ith, Keene, New York for Salem; Sallie B, TO- 25th A. D. 1896. in., 7, 3.. ...28lWhale.- 46@65 Winter, clear and 3 Sell B W Morse. Newbury, Philadelphia. £ ,v. BAILEY’S I., (1.05, 10.45 a. m (>:■ straight, 20,5/3w 60, 2 ;; 4.7 No L ark, New York for Portland; Vicksburg, Fall rrtHIS is to notice that on the oi 10.20 Bank.30@36 Winter patents, 3 00(5,3 86. Sell .1 H Perkins, Poland. Boston. give 24tli day I. m. Lv. So. 6 20 11 2.7 a n. 8 R ver for Puritan. Sargent, New Y'ork JL A. HAKPSWELI., oz.13 Shore.. Extra and Sen John M Fiske. Clifford, Boston. Bangor; August, D. 1896, a warrant in In- 4.25 m. Lv. Seconds OOf Hoboken for HARPSWflLL 1.20, p. LITTLE IEI.D’.n. GT. 10 02.is B Boston. r do; Ringleader, Simmons, Wal. BOSTON solvency was issued out of the Court of Insol- Fine and Sell Nettie Dobbin. AND T1EBEAGVE, Peasiey, PHILADELPHIA. 11.50 ,. Porgie.30®35 Supers—. 0.45, a. in 2 -17 ,7a 40660 ew iboro. ad First Class Shore Dinner at vency for said of n. Lv. Gunpowder—Shot- Lard.- Jobbing price 25c higher. Sell Damon, Mitchell. N York, coal to Ran- Merry County Cumberland, against JENKS’, GT. CUE BE u; U i 7.io a. Blasting 006,1 10 Ar sch Sarah L Davis, Pattershall, for DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. House—All for One the estate of ...3 60@4 00 Castor.1 dal! & McAllister. 31st, coneag Dollar. n.. 12.00, 3.00, 5,00 m. Lv. Pi ; I ; o MEATS. 11 p. ..4 ... 45c®65 tngor. '• sporting. 6066 50 Neatsfoot Sell Francis, Boston. Take Harpswell Steamboat Co. CHARLES D. .. m„ 3.10 p. in. Lv. Mopang. L Davis, C Vicks- Steamers BURNHAM, of Scarborough, HOPE I. lv Lropshot.26 tbs. .1 m andlshort Sid, schs Sarah Benj Frith, :roin n. gu Blame.® Pork, long cut, barrel, 10 00. Sell Wiley, Williams, Portsmouth. Portland Ask lor dinner LITTLE ... Mary Phineas H From Boston and Pier. ticketd adjudged to be ail Insolvent Debtor, on Lv, CUEBEACi Uuck.B. BE. and r>acks Sallie B, Puritan, Ringleader, every petition ■ Paints. Pork, light hvy $9 00@10 00, Sell Emma W Day. Ulmer, Wluterport. 5,' n-g Wednesday Saturday. ]e30dti7tlis of said 2.15. .3.25, 5.15 p. ni. i,\ i \ lends M B John Stroup, and Andrew Debtor, which petition was filed on .. Lead— Pork, lean 10 50. A St for ry. Mahoney, .40 a. .. sell Annie Booth. John, NB, Philadel- 1J From the 24th of I). to which m,. 12.30, 3.40. flay. i Pure 25@6 75 SI4 50: do beef 1 iters. day August. A. 1896, ground.6 Tongues pork $24 ©"bbL pliia. Philadelphia every Wednesday date on ‘ORTLAND, 0.50, 8.15 a. 6 76 interest claims is to bo computed. .S1«S171 Ked. .. 25@5 P>eer. nickled, $7 0039 00. Sell lna. St John, NB, for Salem. WASHINGTON—Cld 29tli, schs Oliver S Bar- .05 p. 111. \ That the payment of any debts to or *1Gas:8iEngVenrted3 @3% shoulders, corned and fresh 7c. Sells Alice C Jordan and D L re ti Boston; Johns Ames, Olsen, Port- and SUNDAY straw, oarav, Trafton, fishing, Erwin, Saturday. by said Debtor, and the transfer and delivery of lotssio@i2, Am Zinc.... 0 00®7 00 shoulders, smoked, 7Ya. ^a * nd, 'Vhaif. 3 p. m. From him are forbidden -SVl Cleared. E ne Street Boston, any property by by law, Lv. PORTLAND for llARI’SW ELI.- n.v ,a- Common. Ribs, fresh, 10c. Wharf, Fhlladelphla. at 3 p, m. u- That a of the creditors oi said meeting t ermediate io.^>' a. ir... L’.c. r. "niylffi2 iKocnelle-o large and Foreign Forts. rate 01 landings, 10.00, Hams, small, 10Va«12c. Sell & Amelia, Willard, Greens sailing vessel. Debtor, to prove their debts and choose one l. Return •* * ®7 Appliia Land- 8U?>?L.i 9 Lambs, Sell James Freeman, Jasper, Machias—Paris In nort at Point-a-Pitre Aug 2, brig Harry Manager. *8 PRINTER Deputy Sheriff, Messenger i 5 cts. UalY...... for said of uVa#7 lMace.x 00 Hoes, dressed,city, 5Hc Jbj country, 4c. Flouring Co, from New York, “***• Insolvency County Cumberland. ISAIAH DANIEL* Masuieer g. uith, Craig, oct22dtf NO- PLUM SXREFT. 37 aug25&septl je27 dtt ■ new england:f air. NEW 3iKV» N3SW ?HE PEIZ^d. mm FROM WIVES. A DIME FOR DIGESTION, ADVEBnSBHEiriS. A 1>VKKTIftKMKJTTS. ABTEBHS«MEST8. STEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fast. Racine To Re Seen at This Rigby The weather today v *J\Y Al> VEKTISJEMICMTS TODAY. THE WAV TO HELP TOUR Month. STOMACH is likely to be OCT OF DIFFICULT!'. fair Manson G. Lanabee. Portland. Sept. 1,181)6. Owen. kloore & co. The as to the rosults of the figures When you are taken sick with pain in Atkinson Famishing Co. New your England fair pecuniarily are not Rescue of five Crew of Bnrk Zcbina stoiuaeh or eliest, nausea, are weeks Portland Yacht Club. I vomiting, headache, yet made It Is was Douglass Seminery. up. thought enough dizziness, nervousness, neuilagia, flatulence, of the Shirt, AMUSEMENTS. cleared to about nalauce the building Goudy. constipation, mental depression, weakness, lan- THEREyet Portland Theatre. fund. guor, loss of appetite and other similar symp- H Ivor ton Park. waist season: are iutected with the poisons un- Forest Citv Rink. The number of paid admissions at toms, you of food. McCuliimTs Theatre._ Rigby park during the fair were slight- digested plenty of time for wearing WAS SINKING 300 Your stomach needs help. For ly in excess of $25,000 and those at City MILES AT SEA IN N-sv Wants, To Let, Sale, Lost, Found A dime spent for a sample bottle of the Sha- but the hall some them, selling e aclyertisements will be found were $3200. Similar under GULF STREAM. ker Digestive Cordial will show you whether neadson 6. The entries for the uext circuit meet- season on wane heir appropriate Pago or not to expect help from that source. STARTLING! is the ing of the Maine .Mile Track association If really are a dyspeptic, It will relieve yon and we rid of will held at If it want to be Best Remedy for Toothache, Macalister, be Rigby park, September you afLer a few doses. does, keep on till Sure but true that one half the don’t Obtunder. 28-lvv 21-25, hare all been received and the list Italian Bark Teresina Sighted Just in you’re cured. If not, take any more what’s left of our stock corset wearers are no today wearing is now in the hands of the printer. It Time—Men Were Landed In yon’re dyspeptic. Bangor is BRIEF JOTTINGS. will bo out the Indigestion or dyspepsia a dreadful dis- corsets whose most There are not by middle.of the week. and Came conspicuous quickly. Sunday to Portland Last that so few It Is that four of order, all the more people believe probnble the fastest features is their and are all in Evening—Captain O’Brien’s Story of in its dangerousness. inadaptability. many they The Buxton and Hollis fair at Dirigo horses in the country,Robert J., Joe Pat- Hi$ Adventures. That is because they don’t die of indigestion, Buxton, will today unless alien, John R. Gentry and Frank Agan perfect condition. We’ve park, begin but of rheumatism, consumption, pneumonia, Stamped Linen for weak dor is will here. There is the stormy. Good racing Lbe some difficulty Captain George L. O’Brien of the and other diseases which they would never cut the to at Two- prices deep. with larB3 fields of trotters and as justjthe manner,in which to British bark Zebrina Goudy^witb offioers have If their bodies hadn’t been Embroidering paoera bring “caught” This is these speedy ones The and orew arrived in this last eve- starved and weakened with Indigestion. week should see promised. together. owdbi's oity that thirds Cordial acts on the Isn’t it in selections of her cor- price. The wheel chairs now used for helpless of Joe Patcben and Frank Agan want ning from Bangor. The officers and orew Shaker Digesiive food In the last of the and the digestive to Shirtwaists. and convalescent inmates of the Maine to matoh them against each other. were brought into Bangor Sunday by your stomach helps juices set, woman will not be as particu- dissolve it. In this way it aids your stomach EMOVAL DAY is close General hospital in this city are gifts to Joe Patohen’s owner nlso wants to matoh the Italian bark Teresina, by whom they lar as in her to do its work without effort and creates new choice of shoes, and the institution and are from Chicago, him against Robert J., while the baok- were taken off their ship, which was at hand and each de- strength and life for your whole body. those that fit? ers of John R. in the Gulf stream get the same immortalized at the world’s Gentry want him sent to waterlogged August At druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle. 19th. is eager to We are an ex- fair by tho college students,who pushed beat Joe Palcben’s reoord of 2.03. Write to the Shakers, 30 Keade Street, New partment selling them. The Zobrina’s crow had a terrible ex- York, for an interesting boqjc. start in the new store with Public Library. traordinary value in pure Yesterday opened bright and pleasant perience and it was only by the greatest Style, Fit, The regular monthly meeting of the good luck in the world that were an “All New Stock.” linen double but the skies soon clouded and it was they AN OLD MAP. Damask for public library will be held the last Fri- saved from drowning. showery the rest of the day. . and Value Table day in the month and at the time the Captain O’Brien was seeu last Durability So Removal’Sale-Prices dining Cloths, 72 Yesterday the work of innoadamizlng evening Mayor Baxter Has lteceivcd a Copy of It. matter of the building of an extension to and told the of his ex- tho Kusteru promenade from Morning following story inches wide, fine the will come Can be easily concentrated in the are on in de- heavy, library probably up and perience : goods every street to Atlantic was begun. When Mnyor Baxter was in Borne he in also that of keeping the library reading “We cleared from one corset provided it is the and four very choice The beard of registration began yester- Mobile, Ala., July saw hanging in the Vatican a map of the right partment. room open Sundays. and day morning its daily sessions whioh will 15th, sailed from Fort Morgan tbo world made in 1529 and drawn in colors thing for your form. patterns, at $1.25 a yard. It is understood tbat an arrangement 23rd. We had a full and deck load continue until the day before election. oargo on a huge bull’s hide. It is known as the is soon to be to inaugurated whereby books of and oak and were bound match, $2.88 lae Probate,court will resume business pitch pine seaona Borgian map by Diego Bibero. Call at our store and let us convince Napkins interesting to the ohildren will be oouit comes In kept for Sharpness, England. The value of of today. The Insolvency It was the first map the world this a dozen. in a oase In the general reading room, to the you upon subject. next outgo was $10,000. We had variable, which inoluded Amerioa and is drawn' Monday. the whioh younger patrons of the library but not Two other lots of Tho September term of the Superior particularly iu bad, weather up with considerable accuracy considering 25 will have access without applying to the to 16th At the of we court will begin today. A new grand August wheu the barometer com- the rude state of map making at that popular price $1.00 ^1/ desk. It is Intended also to inch dinner have the menceu a LINEN stock sets Books for next to noth- Napkins jury w 11 Ube. empanelled. railing indicating coming time many uidiVCd, UUL IXUyctl gouoiai icauiufj xuuiu oopn laieu lrULU LI10 were Robinson ordered storm. There were also heavy cross seas When Baxter saw the he that a dozen Judge yesterday Mayor map Worcester is what we wish the for the removal ing. $3.50 delivery department as is the case with to STAMPEDpace from the Susie M. Kimball who wue before the south and southeast. asked if it would be possible to seonre the reference room. have been marked down ‘•The was and particularize in this instance. Sale, court last week for improper conduot— ship laboring heavily a copy of it. He was told that a copy Commencing today, Sept. 1, the libra- Bu- to the Industrial school at HallowelL making large^quantitles of water. had never been made, permission for the Stamped Linen Table Covers, op a thous- to and some that will be until 9 m. $2.50 ry open p. “On the l?th a blew 440 is a in its The parents appealed. heavy squall away work having been ofton refused. Re- Style gem way, being reau Scarfs, Commode Covers, Tea and Standard Books, the fore by were $3.88 are now $3.00. One of Moore and Wright’s dredgers upper topsail. cently Dr. E. E. Hale of Boston told made after Fashion’s latest edict. Quarter Harbor Notes. The Cloths, etc., made of Linen. Some the best writers, Books that has commenced work on the excavation baa weather continued on the 18tb. Mayor Baxter that the map had lately Thev are verv desirable It was dull and on It is of French very rainy the were rain and much Coutille, with of them are some is for the new steamboat wharves at St. There heavy gales, been of Loudon. Damasked, everybody on water and copied by Quaritch plain- reading eagerly, front yesterday very little thunder and sateen N. B„ for the accommodation of lightning with'very’hlgb Mayor Baxter wrote for a copy and he bone strips, fulll boned all of them are in goods. John, movement. weave, stamped ‘Bargain-apolis” to-day, price cut the English steamers. seas. The leak was constantly increas- has reoently received it. bust short A fresh lot of linen big A few ooaatera arrived with and hip, long waist, white Art for is follows: clay ing and all the orew were obliged to go designs working. ) Paper covers.) lumber. OBITUARY. and drab. Sizes 18 to 30, at PERSONAL. to the pumps, the water constantly gain- Tray Cloths (to be Tbe A. C. Jordan of Gloucester came ing on us. On the morning of the 19th $1,00. 3 cents each, or Two for in with 30 barrel, of mackerel. Charles IT. Barrett. hemmed) at 25c. Great Mr. Deake of the Edison Elec- we had seven feet of water in the hold. George " 5 or Twelve A coal team oollided on Commercial Charles P. Barrett whoso death was an- cents, for 25 trio company, New York, is visiting his The high seas'and storms continued Also a medium waist Bargain. street with a team nounced in at the style 470, cents. home in this yesterday grooery and it was evident that the vessel would yesterday’s PRESS, There’s a counter full and old city. corset in white and good owned by Mr. Barnard of Peering but no age of 65, was strioken with paralysis drab coutille Mr. W. G. Soule and family have re- not be able to stand it much longer. On the price is just two thirds value. See the cata- special damage was done. about four years and bad been fall- at following turned from Silver Lake farm, Buxton, noon of that day we were so fortunate as ago perfect fitting $1.00 Fancy Ball Fringes, etc., for decorating at Steam yacht Bestless sailed yesterday. since. He had been an of the same reduction. logue: or where they went for Miss Eugenia Soule’s to sight the Italian bark Teresina, and ing employe price “Chamoisette” bicy- Tbe barkentine Golden Sheaf pulled her to to. Shaw, Coding & Co., and was a member Eric health, which has greatly improved. signalled lay We have for some been Brighteyes, by H. Rider around to Portland Pier and of the Fifth Maine the time past Hag- cle cloth, for General O. O. Howard aud wife left yesterday “This she consented to do and at 6 p. m. regiment during cleaning is discharging her cargo of coal. The war. He leaves a widow, son and five looking for a corset to take the gard. the Congress Square hotel yesterday our crew and their effects were put and polishing is here at Matthew Bird sailed yesterday but ow- The Lost Mrs. Wood. morning for the White mountains. aboard. daughters._ place of our “Madame Warren Banknote, to the weather So is and ing very rough prevailing “The Italian was commanded For What Gold 8c. “Selvyt” Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell Nelles and by Capt. Off Bath. Dress Form” and after careful ELLULOID GOODS at Half Cannot Mrs. outside returned to the harbor. Buy, R. Peroival Nelles of Montreal are at Coffiero and was bound from Leith to Judge Wehb, District Attorney Brad- Alexander. “Flashskin” and the other The D. L. Traftou in a consideration of different makes and Two Thirds. hotel. brought lot Bangor and we were safely landed there Exquisite the Congress Square bury, Marshal Donovan, Deputy Marshals A Dark of fish to Willard yesterday. last have selected the Handkerchief silk Inheritance, Cecil famous for the same L3Wi3 Morrison, Miss Florence Rob- Sunday.” Smith and Emery, and Crier Daraery, Boxes, Mary rags others o£ their dramatio This Is substantially tbe story of the r\ rJ Dam Ram Ravao ^Hawa eres pad oompa- A New Restaurant. all loft for Bath yesterday to hold the Hay. purpose. are at the hotel. wreck as made by Captain O'Brien to term of the United States ny Congress Square September and all manner of A Wicked Cecil Mr. Elmer F. Woodbury who controls - Boxes, fancy Girl, Mary Hay. A hundred small use- Ur. J P. Ware, U. S. army, has re- Vioe Consul Keating of this city. The Court in that Webb drove to the Maine Central restaurants oity. Judge Royal Worcester A St.ranrrA HmiHAfmlrl depot orew were shown all the kindness of Celluloid are on t aned to tho city and taken rooms at pos- Bath as is bis wont, in bis own oarriage. things “Bargain- ful in this throughout Maine and New Hampshire ton. things depart- the Preble. sible in Bangor by Mr. Boland Stewart The session will probably last tbree or apolis.” will on Sept. 1 open a new restaurant 339 which is desirable in V R. Juokson and wife, T. C. Bell of the Arm of T. J. Stewart & Co., and four style very Bettie’s ment, need in In Boston and the establishment will be days. Half and One Third cut from the Mistake, Carl Crofton. daily and. furniiy of Now York, and John spent the night in a sailor boarding for slender forms. The bust is but conduoted by Mr L. J. D. Perkins, for Insurance on the Two Fires, Hard Times, Charles Dickens. every household, fcpencer and George de Call of house in that city. Monday forenoon prices. Cheater, some time the of the stiff, reinforced and its manager Bangor There wero two of insurance high, by Pa., are at the Preble house. Captain O’Brien communicated with policies The Doctor’s Secret, “Rita.” never mentioned in the restaarant at the Maine Central station, construction will Dr. G. E. Bailey of Portland,• who Vioe Consul Keating by telephone and he on the W. B. Jordan property, burned at peculiar always Weavers and for Mr. Woodbury. The new oafe will Weft, Miss Brad- because was badly .injured last weekjat tho Ban- direoted him to come here with his orew, Ligouia Sunday morning. One was retain its The advertising they be located at 60 North Market street in perfect shape. don. which he did on the train whioh left for $3,500 with the Spriugfleld Fire Insur- are gor fair by being knocked down by a shoulder are commonplace. We Faneuil Hall square and will be hand Co. at the of Prentiss straps highly appre- running boise, has been joined by his Bangor at 1.40 and whioh was due to ar- ance agency Luring WAIST WIND-UP. Frances Kane’s Fortune, L. T. somely fitted can fit out up. rive here at 5.35 but was on the houso and and $700 in the ciated by many. All sizes in the wife at the Bangor house. It will be a whioh an hour stable, Some of the hottest of Meade. largest or so late. wore taken Royal on the furniture with Andorsou & SHIRT days before he oan be removed to They to the white and drab week his Be sure and see the comedy Dr. Bill at $1.25 Out of His hotel or the smallest pri- Atlantio house on India street and Adams. the year come in September, Reckoning, Florence home. McCullurn’s. The last bf the season. today The stable and at Westbrook vate residence. A. P. Greene and wife of Saco were in Mr. O’Brien will make arrangements to buildings and then anything heavier than a Marryat. this Mr. Thomas in Eastern Maine. pay them off, and send them wherever burned Saturday night, were insured for oity Monday. Shirt Waist is a burden. A Gilded Mrs. Collins. in the New York God, Miss Rena Goodwin, daughter of ex- Hon. W. W. Thomas, Jr., of Portland, they wish to go or will he most likely to $1,500 Underwriters’ with William Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. Here are 50 cent Shirt Jennie Harlow, W. Clark Russell. I,layer O. E.Goodwin of Biddeford, is ex-minister to Sweden, passed Sunday And a ship. Most of them will probably agency, Alien, Jr. Fifty in the week he has go to Boston. The men had been cut to Dick’s tho guest of Miss Edith Libby, daughter Bangor. During pRst great- Railway Changes. Waists, price 25c Darling. OWEN, MOORE & CO. troubled with malaria of J. K. Libby. been delivering addresses in Washington ly and it was Miss or Miohael McCarthy has been transfer- Mrs., Wilkie Collins. Lawyer P. of Biddeford oounty, speaking to large audiences in thought three or four days ago that at George Haley red from the & Prfixmnnxflftt Rmr Stfinmhnat (V A I least three would a Farmington Rangeley Playwright’s Ed- was in this city Monday. the Republican cause. He found every- have to go to hospi- Daughter, post office to an acting clerkship on the this returned where Republican enthusiasm and that tal. All with the exception of one, Har- wards. ' Miss,F,dith Libby,of oity Portland & Rockland and C. E. GOODRIDGE, Manager. Hansen of line, Postal THE Monday from a brief visit in Biddeford. the free silver hersey had made no in- ry Norway, have, however, Jo Mathers. j SEPTEMBER Clerk Fred E. York of East New Sharon My John, Miss Gordon of this roads. Mr. Thomas left Monday for recovered so that they are ready to ship than a thousand .Carrie oity, who lino hnnn aminlntpd fn $hf» Vaimiinntnn A Tale Aroostook county to pass the week. Matt, of a Caravan, has been visiting for several weeks at again. Shirt new this the in which he will & Rangeley route. A. H. Farnsworth oi Lessstylish Waists, Among places speak Captain O’Brien and First Mate Between Two Sins, Bertha P. A. Freeman’s in Biddeford, has re- is the of New Sweden which he Perry Excursions, Clay. CENTURYi colony Portland has been made clerk ol Daily that have been -i acting season, $1.39 j turned home. founded. ueioug *n urmoum, in. a., ana wm the & Portland route in Ready Tuesday, September ist, T» —. HI.. TJ __ ..C TV_i J Farmington On and after come and now at leave for their home as soon as the men September 1st, everybody $1.25, 75c 3 cts. each, 2 for 5 cents, 12 for The Eargest Propeller Yst. plaoe of Edwin F. Foss of Portland whc and see Autumn leaves and the scenery Contains the opening chapters of 1 i are settled with. down the Steamers the Maine General hospital in this city Presumpscot. will leave 89c and 75c Waists now 45c 25 cts. a mi _i. T7i 1 L.-.E takes the place of Calvin Paokard on the t powerful religious novelette — w The Zebina was a Cumberland Mills and Riverton Park where ho has submitted to a Goudy bark of 1088 daily surgical and Boston line. Mr. Sundays included as follows: Is now built at the Delaware river tons and was built iu Bangor night from which he is now recover- being Annapolis, N. S., Leave Cumberland Mills on arrival of West- operation Kilgore, formerly on the Rookland & \ i! “Prisoners of Conscience” ! works, Cbester Pa., will have the largest in 1881, and bailed from Yarmouth. She brook electrics leaving Preble street at 9.10 a' ing. Portland route has been as m., 1.10 p. m.. leave Riverton Park at Amelia E. Barr. ! ever assigned, act- 9.45, | | by | solid sorew propeller made in this was worth Captain O’Brien thinks about 30 J. R. LIBBY. J.«. 10 a, m., 1.45, Tha 1 clerk on the Pdrtlana & p.m. scenery LIBBY. A of Shetland, with 1 It is of hearth cast is ing Swanton, along this beautiful sail of 15 miles Story pictures Recovered the Team. country. open steel, $15,000. She owned by G. G. Sander- surpasses 1 made in Shetland Louis Loeb. and measures 16 feet from of blade Vt., lino. all others. by [ tip son of Yarmouth. It is not known To be in two numbers. Marshal Morse of seoured to of blade. The is intended | complete ] j City Augusta tip propeller bark to make X revolutions driv- whether'the was insured but Cap- Tlie New Theatre. ; ! the team which Charles E. Polk of Lew- per minute, We have a line line of en by a triple expansion engine of 4000 tain O’Brien say she was probably parti- C. H. Hansou secured the Kountl Trip 35 children “ iston hired of & Prescott of oontraot foi cents, Woolens in Foreign !; Prehistoric I! Cummings horse The steamer will be- covered. The vessel was set Quadrupeds power. ply ally on Ore the work for the new 15 cents. ! ^ a oarpentry theatre. makes, Scotch and English nf flia D nrl/Iac that city week ago and whioh he "for- tween New York and Portland. It is 1 before the men left her, and that same This does not include the hard Suitings,Covert and Vicuna “uv,wvul to return. He hired the team Mon- expected to make the trip in the new woods, ! Prof. Henry Osborn got” a terrible came so that £ by Fairfield boat in 20 hoars. night gale up, the like the mahogany and others with Mortgagee’s Sale of Household Furni- Overcoatings, Fond o o j g day of'last week he was to higli of • saying going vessel would not have survived ture and Effects. Trouserings and Wor- This mark I the American Museum of Natural His- probably which will be finished out ol Clay you always couth Gardiner and his Brotherhood. finish, by steds for Fall and I tory, illustrated with unique drawings by S> brought family Aged until The names of the officers our salesroom, No. 46 street, Winter find in the corner of your morning. town Exchange pre- ! Charles Knight of life-like scenes contain- ? to Lewiston where he left them with a parties WEDNESDAY, September 2d, we shall wear. Also the best Ameri- The annual meeting of the and crew are: AX scription. • 1 the reconstructed animals. Aged Col, the is sell a assortment of Household ing strange § brother. He left here he was Wood, architect, away from large Furniture can makes, Olobe, Hocka- It means “take of” saying go- Brotherhood was held and the in of Parlor Suits In the yesterday Master, George L. O’Brien, Yar- town for a few consisting part Plush and Hock. back to to return the team. days. mini, Kensington, ingredients the ing Augusta were elected officers: mouth, N. S. Haircloth. Easy Chairs, Self-Rockers, Divan. following it, following The will he roofed in it is Rattan Chairs, Tables, Oak Harris & Sawyer’s. “The of Guiana.” Instead he drove to Portland got rid of Mate. John L. Perry, Yarmouth, N. S. building ex- Piano, Organ, quantities specified. Gold=Fields President—James W. Head. Tables, Cherry and Walnut Sideboards, Exten- We are j; Seoond James Prince pected, by December 1st. always careful to ! 1 An in | the team and to Boston. Mar- mate, McCarry, sion nice Our line is Arizona miner’s adventures the skipped Vice Presidents—Ward 1, J.J. Gerrish; Tables, Chairs, Oak Chamber Set, superb. do this and to observe that J Edward Island. cost $60, Ctiiffouiere Beds. Painted and Oak not shal Morse found the team In Portland Ward 2, S.H. Coleswortby; Ward 3, John invite an disputed territory, of We early only but W. Ward W. T. Phelan; Ward Board Trade. Bed-room Furniture, Mattresses. Bedding, 25 inspection. quantity quality is and returned it to its owners North; 4, Cook,B. Anderson, Sweden. Brussels and Wool correct. Sunday. Ward Tapestry, Carpets, Cook 5, George A. Thomas; 6, Charles A of the managers of the Glass and Able Osoar Swed- meeting Stove, Crockery, Kitchen Ware. Our The Fall of Paris. C. Marwick; Ward 7, Edward Harlow. Seamen, Anderson, Sale prescription depart- | ] The Well at the Baxter Block Completed. board of trade was held yesterday after- positive. ment is well Auditors—J. J. Gerrish, A. F. Gerrish. en; Harry Hanson, Norway; George By order of Mortgagee. equipped to II Napoleon at Elba.The Exile’s Return. | Mr. Vvilkber.F. the wall Trustees Endowment Fund—Hon. VV. noon to make arrangements for the meet- septld2t F. O. BAILEY & CO. promptly fill and deliver your Trask, driller, Storm, Norway; R. Rasmussen, Den- { in the History, to be * W. D. W. of the state board of trade to be L. family drugs. Chapters Napoleon lias the artesian well Thomas, chairman; Clark, ing held W. CARD. 1 next of completed at.the mark; R. Jeflairies, Dublin; F. Olsen, completed in the issue The Century. \ treasurer; Samuel Holfe, J. J. on 18. j J now Gerrish, September 17 and President LSI US SERVE YOU. Baxter block, on the corner of Free George A. Thomas. Norway; H. Helgean, Norway; E. Cor- Winslow, presided. aDd Os k street. The drill went into the den, Biddeford; R Leigert, Germany; Life in Africa. A A committee was I •; ISO a Party at Willard. appointed consisting DRAPER-TAILOR, lodge feet and there struck iiissure A. Warneoke, Germany; seaman, Ed- H. H. of Messrs. E. B. Winslow, Charles W. T. REMOVAL. i From the of E. J. Glave. 2 in SALE. HAyTsQN, | Journals the rock. to he a Vbin Last This proved evening about thirty young people ward Walker. Coding, Fritz H. Jordan, A. R. Wright] Free Street. Richly illustrated. water of d46 | of and at once the water flowed to this city weut over to Willard by the The ship was abandoned in 6 lat. 40.39, an d Sotb L. Larrabee to seieot the com- a Portland mittees and make all the I shall move into level with the bottom of the cellar. & Cape Eltazbeth electric road Ion. 65.38, about 300 miles southeast of arrangements As the new I for the affair and they will meet at 11 a. The capacity of the well os demonstrat- to attend a party given Miss Mabel Sable island and in the stormiest in I1 “The Outlook,” by part of m. today. Baxter Building Bicycle g ed a forenoon is A. at her A September, SPECIAL by Isaac B. Potter, by pump yesterday 62,000 Kenney cottage. most the Gulf stream. of stock TRAINS ; | Will Sue for the balance my of* sum- REMOVAL. ! Consul the N.Y. Division, gallons a day. The well can be run with pleasant evening was enjoyed and tho The crew were comfortably quartered Damages. Chief of TO- 1 League of A merican Wheelmen. a common suction returned to Portland on a late oar. Fred H. mer goods will be sold at a pump. party at the Atlantia house last and were Mnrshal Tarbox of great — night Fitchburg, THE ! for Women Will Cycling Z It is ite MONSON-BURMAH SLATECO Bicycling qu unuEual to strikb ho large a in a position to look on the bright side Mass., was In the city yesterday and reduction from former Revive the Old Inns ? —Bicycles as Bag- prices. Manufacturers ot \ $ of water so near on all kinds of Slat© work, are etc. supi ly the surface. At of their troubles. Cordon who is given called Coroner Perry. He oame to see ; gage—Bicycle-Paths, I have also some choice Fall located in the building situated on the corner j# the Maine General of and hospital the well is 405 as coming from Biddeford says he was about the effects Sandburger, killed oj Commercial and Center streets, entrance to which will ollice and No. 291 An illustrated article on feet born in that but left 18 on the Boston & Maine Winter Goods he dis- factory Commercial street Maine \ interesting A city years ago railroad, and to Stale J deep._ Much in : Little a _july31tues,thur&frilmo when he was four evidenoo for suit for Fair, HARRIET BEECHER STOW years old and had not get dama ges to be of at a very great discount E, The If. AV. Y. C. AVill Go to Boston. the posed LEWISTON. ; % Is true of Hood’s Pills, for no medi- or brought by heirs against the ! Richard Burton, of Hartford. especially been baok even into the state since rail- the next j by p ever contained so curative road. for thirty days. Ruth The Fair Weather Yacht club of this cine great power in that time. ANDERSON, ADAMS & GO. ! Stories by McEnery Stuart and others T so small space. They are a whole medicine are to take via Maine “Midsummer in have received and invi- This was O’Brien’s For Maine State All invited ad- Central R. \ ; Southern Spain." ft city accepted an Capt. first trip Fair. It, Itfr. and I by Mrs. Pennell. X tation from tho Sloppy Weather Yaohc in the Zebina he^having gone from Yar- Portland passengers for of this to Fire Insurance the Maine vantage opportunity Agency, ! > Chapters in the novels mouth to Mobile 31st. by ciub of Boston to bo their guests next to take her to State fair at Lewiston aro 31 Street, Aug. to Sept. 4th. Sharp- reminded that obtain first class goods at a very Exchange and Monday, 6 and 7. ness. Mate had been with her 18 the S.25 a. in. Thomas MRS. Sunday Sept. Perry speoial train over the Anderson. | HUMPHRY WARD 1 ow j Sunday the club will be taken in tow months. Maine Central runs price. _• 4anaiipioo,a! ra express to Lewiston Thomas J. Little. Me. 8.5s as by the Sloppy Weather crew and the the train at Portland, day Hood’s regular 8.30 the one W. D. al- being trains will be in various chest, always ready, A Straw. whioh is to running direct to the fair HOWELLS, f spent waye. Monday stop at all stations for ,rounds.'I,,1'® °nly, Avoid ^8011Etc- etc. ways efficient, always sat- the DOUGLASS SEMINARY FOR GIRLS, transfer across Lewiston. ; the bicycle r„cas at the Charles rivor will A poll of the on the New convenience of | a cold passongers passengeis therefrom. isfactory; prevent WJi WATERFORD, ME. PJ Bound mclud- receive their attention. York boat that arrived here re- Trip, Sold or fever, cure all liver Sunday KOHLING, Pleasant, healthful location. Home care and *1* JE. ■ everywhere. Price, cents. ills, iw**^ <_M Admission. 35 TO comlort-. ing The Portland boys will return sulted as follows: For CURE A COLD IN ONE 5641*2 St., 1 instruction. College pre- j| | by sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. McKinley, 63; for DAY Congress borough Tickets lor X
