Agrarian Reform Communities Project II
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Environment and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report January 2018 – June 2018 Project Number: 37749-013 Loan 2465/Loan 8238(OFID) May 2019 Philippines: Agrarian Reform Communities Project II Prepared by ARCP II – NPCO for the Asian Development Bank This report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and neither the ADB nor the Government shall be held liable for its contents. Environment and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report January 2018 – June 2018 L2465/8238-PHI: Agrarian Reform Communities Project II Prepared by ARCP II – NPCO for the Asian Development Bank This environmental and social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Abbreviations/Glossary ADB Asian Development Bank ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development Protection Plan ARB Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries ARC Agrarian Reform Communities ARCPII Agrarian Reform Community Project 2 BWC Bureau of Working Conditions CADC Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim CADT Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title CDD Community Driven Development CMR Compliance Monitoring Report CNC Certificate of Non Coverage CNO Certificate of Non Overlap CP Certificate of Precondition DARPO Department of Agrarian Reform Provincial office DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DOLE Department of Labor and Employment ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate EMB Environmental Management Bureau EMMP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan ESS Environmental and Social Safeguards FBI Field Based Investigation FPIC Free and Prior Informed Consent GAD Gender and Development GOP Government of the Philippines GRS Grievance Redress System IPDF Indigenous People Development Framework IP Indigenous People IPRA Indigenous People Right Act LGU Local Government Unit MPDC Municipal Project and Development Coordinator NCIP National Commission on Indigenous People NGALGU National Government Assistance to Local Government Unit NPCO National Project Coordinating Office *NSAC National Subproject Approval Committee PAP Project Affected People PEISS Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System PIM Project Implementation and Management PDRRMC Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council RI Rural Infrastructure RROW Road Right of Way *RSAC Regional Subproject Approval Committee SI Social Infrastructure SMR Self-Monitoring Report ____________________ *NSAC-National Subproject Approval Committee composed of representatives (Assistant Secretary/Director level) from Departments of Agriculture(DA)/National Irrigation Administration(NIA); Environment & Natural Resources (DENR)/Environment & Management Bureau (EMB); NCIP; Public Works & Highways (DPWH); Budget & Management (DBM) , Interior and Local Government (DILG);Finance (DOF)/Bureau of Local Government Funds (BLGF) and Municipal Development Funds Office (MDFO) and National Economic Development Authority (NEDA). *RSAC - Regional Subproject Approval Committee (composed of Regional representatives of the DAR, DA, DPWH, DENR, NCIP and NEDA). 1 | P a g e CONTENTS Page I. Executive Summary 3 II. Introduction and Project Overview 4 A. Highlights of the Regional Training and Workshop 6 B. Training/Workshop Output 7 C. Regional Training/Workshop 8 C.1 Region IV-B 8 C.2 Region V 10 C.3 Region VI 11 C.4 Region VIII 12 C.5 Region IX 14 C.6 ARMM 15 III. Overall Standing of ESS Compliance 17 A. Summary of Compliance on Environmental Safeguards 17 B. Social Safeguards Performance Monitoring 18 C. Summary of Compliance with Resettlement Plan 19 D. Safeguards on Indigenous Peoples 20 IV. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Monitoring 26 V. Grievance Redress Mechanism 28 VI. Conclusion 29 VII. Annexes 30 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Status of Project Implementation as of 30 June 2018, physical performance Table 2: Financial Status as of 30 June 2018. Table 3: ESS Training /Workshop Regions, Dates, and Attendees Table 4: Summary of Workshop Outputs per Regions as of June 30, 2018 Table 5: Region 4B ESS Documentary Compliance Table 6: Region 5 ESS Documentary Compliance Table 7: Region 6 ESS Documentary Compliance Table 8: Region 8 ESS Documentary Compliance Table 9: Region 9 ESS Documentary Compliance Table 10: ARMM ESS Documentary Compliance ATTACHMENTS Annex I : Status of Rural Infrastructure Subprojects Annex II : Regional ESS Training/Workshop Outputs, June 30, 2018 Annex III : Selected Photos of ARCPII Completed Subprojects 2 | P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Agrarian Reform Communities Project (ARCPII) is the second project of the Department of Agrarian Reform with the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It is designed to enable the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) to reduce poverty and sustain improved incomes and quality of life in 152 ARCs and 11 ARC clusters spread across six regions, covering 19 eligible provinces and approximately 168 LGUs in the southern part of the country. It was funded through a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) worth US$70 million and US$30 million (equivalent to P3.15 billion and P1.35 billion, for a total of P4.50 billion), respectively, to the Republic of the Philippines. The Project goal will be achieved through the implementation of an integrated and complementary package of assistance involving; (i) community driven development (CDD); (ii) agriculture and enterprise development (AED); (iii) rural infrastructure (RI); and (iv) project implementation and management (PIM). The project was originally due to be completed on 31 December 2014, and was extended to 31 December 2017, with a loan closing date of 30 June 2018. The ESS training/workshop planned in 2016 was finally conducted in the 1st quarter of 2018. The training/workshop aimed to assess the LGUs’ level of knowledge and skills on ADB- Environmental and Social Safeguard requirements as well as the provisions of the DAO2003- 30 on the GOP requirements; review/re-equip the LGUs on the preparation of safeguards documentary requirements; work on the LGUs compliance of ARCP II’s ESS requirements and completion of the safeguards monitoring form. The schedule of the regional training/workshop is shown in Table 3. While submitted workshop output/reports such us EMMPs, Compliance Monitoring Reports, and O&M Reports was summarized in Table 4. The regional training/workshop not only focused on environment and social safeguards, it also served as a venue for the one-on-one session of the , Project Management Adviser (PMA), Rural Infra Engineer and the NPCO Finance Unit representative with the LGU’s municipal engineer (ME) and municipal development and planning coordinator (MPDC) i and concerned DARPOs on the LGUs’ financial status and necessary liquidations. During the review period, the ARCP II-NPCO ESS coordinator and consultant visited the rural infrastructures subprojects with IP beneficiaries in Iloilo, Zamboanga Sur and Sibugay. The IP beneficiaries where asked if they were consulted and of their role in the implementation of the subprojects in their communities, like tribal hall, farm to market roads, school buildings, potable water and health stations. The IPs also shared the benefits brought about by the ARCP II subprojects to them and their communities. Among the benefits they shared are they now have venue for their tribal meetings, and place where they can store or place their costumes and other important equipment of their tribes, easier access of their children to school and during emergency cases, patients can now be brought to the nearest hospital on time and that the FMR helped in the easy implementation of peace and order; facilitated the prompt response to rescue. 3 | P a g e II. Introduction and Project Overview Project Number L2465/8238-PHI: AGRARIAN REFORM COMMUNITIES PROJECT II and Title Safeguards Environment B Category Involuntary Resettlement B Indigenous Peoples A Reporting period January –June 2018 Last report date December 2017 Project 1. A more detailed ARCP II Environment and Social Safeguards Report Background and covering the period March 2009 to December 2017 was prepared by the Key Subproject NPCO to cover the Project’s physical completion date. With the financial Activities closure extended in June 2018, rural infrastructure physical activities and reports were likewise extended until June 30, 2018. This report covers January to June 2018 activities, while reports on compliance to safeguards requirements covered as of end of June 2018. 2. NPCO conducted series of regional trainings and workshops on environment and social safeguards. Though the said training/workshop was targeted in 2016, but was cancelled due to budgetary constraints. Said activity was proposed again in 2017, as funds were made available towards the end of the year, the actual conduct of the, “Training/Workshop on Environmental and Social Safeguards, Preparation of Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EMMP), Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M) and other ESS Documentary Requirements for ARCPII Subprojects” commenced on 22nd of January 2018. The training workshop helped the ARCP2 to deliver ESS due compliance ensuring