The two boxes in this subseries contain correspondence between Senator Eastland (or his staff) and the executive branch of the federal government. Files are arranged sequentially by presidential administration, and then by the office of the correspondent. “ Correspondence” folders include the exchange of letters with the president as well as with White House staff. These files also include separate folders containing White House press releases. Direct correspondence with presidents and vice-presidents after they have left office appear in folders at the end of their respective administration files. Copies replace all original documents signed by presidents and vice-presidents (originals reside in a VIP Restricted Access location).

The container list for this subseries contains a description of every document, including the names and titles of correspondents, dates, and a brief description of the content. Note that executive correspondence also appears in the subseries Patronage, Nominations, Employment, and School References, as well as in those of the Routine Requests subseries regarding appeals for Eastland’s assistance in gaining acceptance of invitations to various events. Photographs of presidents and vice presidents reside in the Photographs subseries.

The contents of this subseries have been digitized in their entirety and are available as full-text documents in the James O. Eastland Collection Manuscript digital collection.


Folder 1-1. Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration, Bureau of the Budget Typed letter signed dated 24 August 1943 from Harvey Smith, Director of Bureau of the Budget, to Eastland, re: cotton ginning.

Folder 1-2. Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration, Office of the Vice President Carbon typed letter dated 16 September 1941 from Eastland to Vice President Henry A. Wallace, re: request for Wallace’s signed photograph.

Handwritten letter undated from Ilo Wallace to Mrs. Eastland, re: joining the Ladies of the Senate in their Red Cross work; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-3. Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration, White House Correspondence Typed letter signed notation dated 29 July 1941 from Grace G. Tully to W.L. Austin with handwritten notation by Austin, re: signed photograph of the president for Eastland. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 21 July 1941 from Austin to Marvin H. McIntyre, Secretary to the President, re: above topic, arrangements for Eastland to meet with president.

Copy telegram dated 8 September 1941 from Eastland to Roosevelt, re: expression of sympathy.

Typed letter signed dated 3 October 1944 from Roosevelt to Eastland, re: sympathy upon the loss of Eastland’s father; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-4. Harry S. Truman Administration, Bureau of the Budget Typed letter signed dated 15 May 1945 from Stuart A. Rice, Assistant Director in Charge of Statistical Standards, to Eastland, re: form used in placement of disabled workers & veterans; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 30 November 1949 from , Jr., Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to Eastland, re: Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway & 1951 budget. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 20 October 1949 from Eastland to Pace, re: above topic.

Folder 1-5. Harry S. Truman Administration, National Security Resources Board Blank printed form of the National Security Resources Board entitled “Application for a Necessity Certificate Pursuant to Provisions of Sec. 124A (Amortization Deduction of Internal Revenue Code”; 6 pages.

Folder 1-6. Harry S. Truman Administration, White House Correspondence Typed letter signed dated 3 January 1947 from Mrs. J.M. Helm, Secretary to Mrs. Truman, to Eastland, re: questionnaire for White House files.

Typed letter signed dated 10 June 1947 from John R. Steelman, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: cotton shipments to Japan. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 6 June 1947 from Eastland to Steelman, re: financing American cotton shipments to Japan, Department of Agriculture, War Department, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Commodity Credit Corporation, Japanese textile industry; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 30 September 1947 from Truman to Eastland, re: thank you for looking up friends in Biloxi. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 26 September 1947 from Eastland to Truman, re: Truman’s friends in Biloxi.

Typed letter signed dated 26 November 1947 from Mrs. J.M. Helm, Secretary to Mrs. Truman, to Eastland, questionnaire for White House files.

Carbon typed letter dated 10 February 1948 from Eastland to Truman, re: newspaper articles of Eastland calling Truman a “modern carpetbagger” as false, Civil Rights program.

Carbon typed letter dated 12 April 1948 from Eastland to Mrs. J.M. Helm, re: designation of Eastland’s secretary Jean H. Allen to attend garden party hosted by Mrs. Truman. Attached: typed letter signed dated 5 April 1948 from Helm to Eastland, re: garden party for women holding executive positions in various government departments and agencies.

Copy printed invitation from President & Mrs. Truman, Margaret Truman, Secretary of the Treasury & Mrs. Snyder, & Drucie Snyder to Honorable and Mrs. James O. Eastland, re: reception on 21 January 1949. Envelope postmarked 5 January 1949. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Copy typed letter dated 2 May 1950 from Pat McCarran, Guy Cordon, Karl E. Mundt, John W. Bricker, Ralph E. Flanders, Chan Gurney, W.E. Jenner, G.W. Malone, James B. [sic] Eastland, Harry Darby, Harry C. Byrd, Forrest C. Donnell, Hugh Butler, Henry C. Dworshak, Eugene D. Millikin, , Herbert R. O’Conor, Charles W. Tobey, William F. Knowland, , Owen Brewster, Milton R. Young, Edward Thye, Edward Martin, Robert A. Taft, Kenneth S. Wherry, Andrew Schoeppel, Harry P. Cain, Zales Ecton, Homer Ferguson, James P. Kem, Robert Hendrickson, Joseph R. McCarthy, Irving M. Ives, and John J. Williams to President Harry S. Truman, re: opposing recognition of communist China and extending membership in the United Nations.

Carbon typed letter dated 19 December 1950 from Eastland to John R. Steelman, re: thanks for remembrance of birthday. Attached: typed letter signed dated 27 November 1950 from Steelman to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday.

Typed letter signed dated 27 November 1951 from John R. Steelman to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday.

Typed letter signed dated 8 February 1952 from Edith Helm to Eastland, re: questionnaire for White House files.

Typed letter signed dated 26 November 1952 from John R. Steelman to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday.

Folder 1-7. Harry S. Truman Administration, White House Press Releases Press release dated 25 May 1946, re: presidential message before Joint Session of Congress; 4 pages.

Press release dated 17 March 1948, re: transcript of address by President to 17 March 1948 joint session of Congress on European recovery program, universal training legislation, and reenactment of selective service legislation; 3 pages; 2 copies, both with handwritten notations.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Act of 1949; 2 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: resume of reorganization plans submitted to Congress.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 1, Department of Welfare, Federal Security Agency; 2 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 2, Bureau of Employment Security, Federal Security Agency, Department of Labor, Veterans Placement Service Board; 3 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 3, Post Office Department; 2 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 4, National Security Council, National Security Resources Board, Executive Office of the President; 2 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 5, Civil Service Commission; 3 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 6, Maritime Commission, Merchant Marines; 2 pages.

Press release dated 20 June 1949, re: Reorganization Plan No. 7, Public Roads Administration, Department of Commerce, General Services Administration, Federal Property and Administrative Services Bill, Federal Works Agency; 2 pages.

Folder 1-8. Harry S. Truman, Post-Administration Copy typed letter signed dated 5 August 1957 from Truman to Eastland, re: thanks for sending “Staff Study on Soviet Political Agreements and Results,” death of Senator George. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 May 1969 from Truman to Eastland, re: thanks for birthday message. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 7 December 1971 from Truman to Eastland, re: thanks for copy of Judiciary Committee hearings on nominations of William H. Rehnquist and Lewis F. Powell Jr. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Copy typed letter dated 1 September 1972 from Bess Truman to Eastland, re: thank you for booklet Democrats in Convention 1972 and Truman’s health. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Printed invitation for memorial services for Truman at the Washington Cathedral on 5 January 1973; envelope.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 September 1974 from Bess Truman to Eastland, re: thanks for sending book of memorial tributes to her husband delivered in Congress. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-9. Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration, Office of the Vice-President Copy typed letter signed dated 31 March 1955 from Vice President to Eastland, re: appointment of Eastland to the Joint Committee on Immigration & Naturalization Policy. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-10. Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration, White House Correspondence Typed letter signed dated 5 October 1953 from Mary Jane McCaffree, Secretary to Mrs. Eisenhower, to Eastland, re: questionnaire for White House files.

Typed letter signed dated 22 October 1954 from Gerald D. Morgan, Administrative Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: receipt of 18 October letter. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 18 October 1954 from Eastland to Eisenhower, re: rice allotments and marketing quotas, Korean conflict, cotton; 2 pages. Attached: draft of above letter; 4 pages.

Copy printed invitation from President and Mrs. Eisenhower to Senator and Mrs. Eastland, re: White House reception on 14 January 1955. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 18 October 1956 from Eastland to Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President, re: visit with Adams & Rhea Blake (Executive Vice President of the National Cotton Council), uncontrolled cotton textile imports, negotiations with Japan; 2 pages. Attached: typed letter signed dated 10 October 1956 from Robert C. Jackson, of American Cotton Manufacturers Institute, re: Lew Barringer, Eastland’s request for a draft letter to Adams; 2 pages; envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 3 January 1957 from Mary Jane McCaffree, Social Secretary, to Eastland, re: questionnaire for White House files.

Copy printed invitation from President & Mrs. Eisenhower to Senator and Mrs. Eastland, re: White House reception on 5 March 1957. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 4 March 1958 from Jack Z. Anderson, Administrative Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed. Attached: typed memorandum from True D. Morse, Under Secretary of Agriculture, to Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President, re: credit situation in the Delta area of Mississippi, Tennessee, , and Missouri, Small Business Administration, disaster areas, farms, emergency loans; 2 pages. Attached: Small Business Administration press release dated 24 February 1958, re: above topics.

Copy telegram dated 25 February 1959 from Eastland to Don Paarlberg, Economic Advisor to the President, re: State Department & cotton export program, Mexico. Attached: draft of above telegram.

Typed letter signed dated 27 February 1959 from Don Paarlberg, Special Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: laws governing export policy for cotton. Attached: carbon copy of telegram dated 25 February 1959 from Eastland to Paarlberg, re: State Department opposition to cotton export program, Mexican export prices, cotton industry.

Typed letter dated 16 December 1959 from Eastland to Eisenhower, re: Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, George Payne Cossar; 2 pages. Envelope with handwritten notation “Not sent – appt. made 12-14-59.”

Copy typed letter signed dated 2 February 1960 from Eisenhower to Eastland, re: 26 January letter from Eastland and colleagues. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 25 January 1960 from Eastland to Eisenhower, re: referral of cotton textile import problems to Tariff Commission.

Typed letter signed dated 19 February 1960 from Wilton B. Persons, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: Tariff Commission & cotton textile imports, Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act.

Copy typed letter signed dated 23 March 1960 from Eastland and seven other senators to Wilton B. Persons, Assistant to the President, re: Tariff Commission & cotton textile, Section 22 of Agricultural Adjustment Act, imports; 4 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 30 March 1960 from Wilton B. Persons to Eastland, re: Tariff Commission & cotton textile hearings, Section 22 of Agricultural Adjustment Act.

Typed letter signed dated 6 April 1960 from Edward A. McCabe, Administrative Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: transmittal of letter by D.L. Atkison of Indianola, MS. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 5 April 1960 from E. Frederic Morrow, Administrative Officer Special Projects Group, to Atkison, re: peace, keeping America safe for democracy. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 31 March 1960 from Eastland to Eisenhower, re: transmittal of letter. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 31 March 1960 from Eastland to Atkison, re: above topic. Attached: typed letter signed dated 25 March 1960 from Atkison to Eastland, re: transmittal of letter to president, tract “The Ugly Truth about the NAACP.”

Handwritten letter signed postmarked 25 May 1967 from Bess Truman to Eastland, re: thank you for Senate document; envelope.

Folder 1-11. Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration, White House Press Releases Press release dated 11 January 1954, re: labor-management legislation; 5 pages.

Press release dated 11 January 1954, re: agriculture; 13 pages.

Press release dated 8 November 1954, re: nominations sent to Senate; 12 pages.

Press release dated 13 January 1955, re: military service personnel; 3 pages.

Press release dated 13 January 1955, re: mobilization, Selective Service System, National Reserve Plan; 4 pages.

Press release dated 24 January 1955, re: message to Congress on U.S. defense of the Formosa Straits; 4 pages.

Press release dated 5 January 1956, re: State of the Union address; 15 pages.

Press release dated 11 January 1956, re: agricultural problems of the Great Plains region; 2 pages. Attached: Program for the Great Plains (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication No. 709, Preliminary Print, January 1956).

Press release dated 16 April 1956, re: Agricultural Act of 1956; 4 pages.

Press release dated 5 January 1957, re: Middle East, Israel, Arabs, communism, ; 8 pages.

Press release dated 10 January 1957, re: State of the Union speech; 9 pages.

Press release dated 21 May 1957, re: mutual security program, defense assistance, economic development assistance & technical cooperation, emergency assistance, 10 pages.

Press release dated 18 July 1957, re: Advisory Committee on Weather Control appropriation; 3 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Brief Summary of Reports and Activities in Connection with Evaluation Programs”; 4 pages.

Press release dated 29 January 1959, re: agriculture and price-supported commodities; 8 pages.

Press release dated 8 June 1959, re: federal debt, government securities; 3 pages.

Press release dated 30 July 1959, re: report on Public Law 480 activities concerning agricultural surplus disposal; 99 pages.

Folder 1-12. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Post-Administration Copy printed invitation from Department of the Army, re: funeral services of Eisenhower on 31 March 1969; envelope addressed to Eastland. Attached: typed memorandum from Senate Sergeant at Arms, re: tickets and arrangements for funeral services; 2 printed tickets. Envelope addressed to Eastland. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-13. John F. Kennedy Administration, Office of the Vice-President Carbon typed letter dated 9 March 1961 from Eastland to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, re: Cinema Educational Guild, Inc. and individuals named in congressional hearings.

Copy typed letter signed dated 1 August 1961 from Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to Bell, re: thanks for false cuffs. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 27 July 1961 from Eastland to Johnson, re: transmission of false cuffs from a constituent, Bell of Jackson, MS. Attached: typed letter signed dated 27 July 1961 from Eastland to Bell, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 31 July 1961 from Bell to Eastland, re: false cuff inspired by Johnson; 2 pages.

Folder 1-14. John F. Kennedy Administration, White House Correspondence Typed letter dated 7 March 1961 from Eastland to Kennedy, re: “Food for Peace” program, American agriculture, strategic metal stock, mining & mineral resources, economy; 3 pages. Attached: typed letter dated 17 February 1961 from Eastland to Kennedy, re: draft of above letter; 2 typed pages with handwritten notation and a third handwritten page.

Typed letter signed dated 6 May 1961 from Lawrence O’Brien, Special Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: presidential gift in remembrance of visit.

Memorandum, re: CCP [Courtney Pace] signing attached letter for Eastland. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 25 July 1961 from Eastland et al. to Kennedy, re: oil imports.

Typed letter signed dated 17 August 1961 from Lawrence O’Brien to Eastland, re: Medal of Merit for Oskar J.W. Hansen.

Carbon typed letter dated 5 September 1961 from Eastland to Lawrence O’Brien, re: received note and photographs taken 8 August when president approved the Farm Bill, S. 1643. Attached: Typed letter signed dated 19 August 1961 from O’Brien to Eastland, re: above topic.

Carbon typed letter dated 21 September 1961 from Eastland to Kennedy, re: cotton acreage allotment for 1962, farm program; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 25 September 1961 from Lawrence O’Brien to Eastland, re: 18 September letter on Tariff Commission’s recommendations in the Wilton and velvet carpet case.

Copy typed letter dated 29 September 1961 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: 27 September letter on Department of Agriculture’s plans for cotton program.

Typed letter signed dated 11 October 1961 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: 10 October telegram on 1962 cotton crop allotment.

Typed letter signed dated 27 January 1962 from Lawrence O’Brien to Eastland, re: textile program, textile industry, cotton agreement on imports.

Carbon typed letter dated 13 February 1962 from Eastland and U.S. Senator John Stennis to Kennedy, re: aid from the legal profession with the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Attached: typed letter signed dated 6 February 1962 from John C. Satterfield, president of the American Bar Association, to Eastland, re: above topic. Attached: typed draft of above letter to Kennedy. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 13 February 1962 signed by Stennis. Attached: typed memorandum dated 11 January 1962 from Satterfield to Fowler Hamilton, administrator of the Agency for International Development. Attached: typed memorandum from Satterfield to Special Committee of the American Bar Association on Relations with Lawyers of Other Nations. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “General Summary of Foreign Aid Appendix A.” Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Law Program for Latin America Appendix B.” Attached: typed manuscript entitled “International and Comparative Law.” Attached: copy typed letter dated 8 December 1961 from Olavi Maru, Reference Librarian at Cromwell Library, to Satterfield, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed memorandum from Special Committee on Relations with Lawyers of Other Nations to Satterfield. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Appendix F: The Lawyer – Our Greatest National Resource in a .” Attached: copy typed letter from Glenn R. Winters, executive director of the American Judicature Society, to Satterfield, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed letter dated 7 January 1962 from Charles R. Norberg, Treasurer of Inter-American Bar Foundation, to David Cotrell. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “American Bar Association, Special Committee on Relations with Lawyers of Other Nations.” Attached: copy typed memorandum dated 9 January 1962, re: above topic. Attached: typed memorandum from David Cottrell Jr., Chairman of the Special Committee on Relations with Lawyers of Other Nations, to Satterfield.

Typed memorandum dated 19 March 1962 from Mike Manatos to Eastland, re: FYI attached. Attached: White House press release dated 19 March 1962, re: Tariff Commission; 2 pages. Copy typed letter signed dated 10 April 1962 from Kennedy to Eastland, re: S. 1552, food and drug legislation, consumer protection, patents; 3 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Press release dated 28 September 1962, re: letter from Thomas G. Abernethy, Jamie L. Whitten, Arthur Winstead, John Bell Williams, William M. Colmer, James O. Eastland, and John C. Stennis to Kennedy in regards to integration of the University of Mississippi by James Meredith. Copy typed letter signed dated 28 November 1962 from Kennedy to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter dated 26 October 1962 from Kennedy to Eastland, re: 28 September telegram, University of Mississippi integration crisis. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Typed letter signed dated 28 November 1962 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday.

Typed letter signed dated 11 April 1963 from Myer Feldman, Deputy Special Counsel to the President, to Eastland, re: thanks for copy of Eastland’s letter to Charlie Murphey on the cotton export problem.

Folder 1-15: John F. Kennedy Administration, White House Press Releases Press release dated 23 February 1961, re: conservation & development, Presidential Advisory Committee on Natural Resources, National Academy of Sciences, water & air pollution control, electric power, forests, public lands, ocean resources, recreation; 8 pages.

Press release dated 16 March 1961, re: agriculture, farm program, school lunch program, exports, Farm Home Administration, Rural Electrification Act, Forest Service, Soil Conservation Service; 9 pages with handwritten notations.

Press release dated 30 January 1962, re: agriculture, conservation, development, food stamp program, school lunch program, exports, Food for Peace program, cotton, dairy, rural areas; 10 pages.

Copy press release dated 29 September 1962, re: integration of University of Mississippi.

Press release dated 31 January 1963, re: agriculture, farm program, food stamp program, Food for Peace, Rural Area Development, Rural Electrification Administration, 8 pages; 2 copies, one version with handwritten notations.

Folder 1-16: John F. Kennedy, Post-Administration Printed invitation to the funeral service of Kennedy at St. Matthews Cathedral on 25 November 1963; envelope.

The Mass on the Day of Burial for John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Born May 29, 1917, Died November 22, 1963, at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral Washington, D.C., May he rest in peace (Saint Paul, MN: Leaflet Missal, 1963). Enclosed: printed card with image of John F. Kennedy and text on the reverse.

Engraved card from Robert and Ethel Kennedy expressing appreciation for sympathies with handwritten note from Robert Kennedy. Attached: printed card with portrait of John F. Kennedy on one side and text on the other; envelope postmarked 26 December 1963. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 25 May 1964 from Robert M. Hearin of First National Bank in Jackson, Mississippi to Stephen E. Smith, Coordinator for John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, re: fundraising.

Carbon typed letter dated 20 November 1964 from Courtney C. Pace, administrative assistant to Eastland, to Robert F. Kennedy, re: receipt of invitation but Eastland in Mississippi. Attached: copy typed letter dated 16 November 1964 from Robert F. Kenney to Eastland, re: invitation to mass celebrated in memory of John F. Kennedy.

Handwritten letter signed dated 9 August 1965 from Jackie Kennedy to Eastland, re: thanks for efforts to provide her family with security, President Kenney’s relationship with Eastland; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 31 August 1965 from Eastland to Jackie Kennedy, re: legislation providing security for Mrs. Kennedy and her family.

Broadsheet, re: invitation to birthday tribute to Kennedy on 21 May 1978 at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Copy typed manuscript entitled “Certificate of Social Organization Registration,” re: Kennedy Memorial Hall Project Committee in Seoul, Korea. Attached: pamphlet entitled “Prospectus for Establishing ‘Kennedy Memorial Hall’ in Korea.” Attached: two blank Christmas cards and envelopes with Korean illustrations sold to raise funds for the Kennedy Memorial Hall.

Folder 1-17: Lyndon B. Johnson Administration, Office of Vice-President Copy typed letter signed dated 15 September 1965 from Hubert H. Humphrey to Eastland, re: sending autographed copy of published speech by Humphrey to the Syracuse University Class of 1965 on the role of Congress in the constitutional system. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: removal sheet for Hubert H. Humphrey’s Congress: Address to the Class of 1965 (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, 1965); signed.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 September 1965 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: invitation to join Foreign Aid Appropriation Bill briefing. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 22 November 1965 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: appointment of Eastland to Select Commission on Western Hemisphere Immigration. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 9 February 1966 from Ronald F. Stinnett, Assistant to the Vice President, to Eastland, re: mailing list for Eastland newsletter, request for biography and photograph.

Copy typed letter signed dated 26 April 1966 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: pilot program of “Washington Briefing for Young Americans” for visiting high school students; 2 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 20 May 1966 from Eastland to Humphrey, re: meeting with cotton growers on 24 May 1966 concerning the Armed Services switching from cotton to blends.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 November 1966 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: congratulations on Eastland election victory. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 22 August 1967 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: transmission of letter received from Nguyen Cao Ky, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vietnam. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: typed letter dated 21 August 1967 to Humphrey; first 5 pages with portion of letter missing.

Copy telegram dated 24 April 1968 from James O. Eastland & John C. Stennis to Humphrey, re: welcome to Mississippi and the University of Mississippi.

Copy typed letter signed dated 26 April 1968 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: plans to announce his candidacy for Democratic nomination for president. Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Typed letter signed dated 28 June 1968 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: President’s Council on Youth Opportunity. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: President’s Council on Youth Opportunity press release dated 23 June 1968, re: summer youth employment; 3 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 19 September 1968 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: presidential nominee for Democratic Party; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Copy

Folder 1-18. Lyndon B. Johnson Administration, President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy Typed letter signed dated 30 September 1964 from J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel, to Eastland, re: Eastland letter of 22 September to Earl Warren requesting copies of Report of Commission.

Folder 1-19. Lyndon B. Johnson Administration, President’s Committee on Consumer Interests Typed letter signed dated 2 September 1964 from Esther Peterson, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs, to Eastland, re: Consumer’s Quick Credit Guide.

Folder 1-20. Lyndon B. Johnson Administration, White House Correspondence Carbon typed letter dated 26 November 1963 from Eastland & John Stennis to Johnson, re: patronage of U.S. Representatives from Mississippi.

Carbon typed letter dated 19 December 1963 from Courtney C. Pace, Administrative Assistant to Eastland, to Walter Jenkins, Administrative Assistant to the President, re: ARA program bill; agency loan industrial project in Beaumont, Mississippi; 3 pages.

Carbon typed letter dated 19 December 1963 from Eastland to Walter Jenkins, re: list of cotton producing organizations requesting a conference with the president. Attached: typed document, re: above list; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 20 December 1963 from Lawrence O’Brien, Special Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963, Vocational Education Act of 1963, Mental Retardation Facilities Construction Act; 2 pages. Attached: typed document entitled “Breakdown of States to Attend Information Meetings on New Legislation.”

Typed letter signed dated 31 January 1964 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: enclosed book on economic development in emerging nations.

Carbon typed letter dated 25 March 1964 from Eastland to Johnson, re: thanks for one of first Kennedy half dollars.

Carbon typed letter dated 11 April 1964 from Courtney C. Pace, Administrative Assistant to Eastland, to Walter Jenkins, re: transmission of letter and false cuff links from James D. Bell of Jackson, Mississippi to president. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 12 March 1964 from Bell to Eastland, re: President Johnson’s reelection campaign; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 22 May 1964 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: receipt of 21 May letter by Eastland. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 21 May 1964 from Eastland to Johnson, re: cotton shipping, Farm Bill, commodity marketing, Democratic Party.

Carbon typed letter signed dated 25 May 1964 from Eastland to Myer Feldman, Deputy Counsel to the President, re: enclosed clipping on sentiment among farmers in the wheat area, cotton bill. Attached: typed letter signed dated 26 May 1964 from Feldman to Eastland, re: thanks for clipping and views.

Carbon typed letter dated 25 July 1964 from Lawrence O’Brien to Eastland, re: signed photo of president for Hollis Humphrey, granddaughter of Eastland’s cousin Oliver Eastland. Attached: typed letter signed dated 14 July 1964 from O’Brien to Eastland, re: above topic. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 10 July 1964 from Eastland to O’Brien, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 17 August 1964 from Lawrence O’Brien to Eastland, re: administration’s record. Typed letter signed dated 28 November 1964 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday.

Copy typed letter signed dated 28 November 1964 from Johnson to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 December 1964 from Lee C. White, Associate Special Counsel to the President, to Percy Greene, editor & publisher of Jackson Advocate, re: response to Green’s telegram to president regarding problems in Mississippi in 1965, , nondiscrimination, Community Relations Service.

Typed letter signed dated 6 January 1965 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: letter of 5 January regarding Post Office patronage for U.S. Representatives from Mississippi. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 5 January 1965 from Eastland & John Stennis to Johnson, re: above topic, 1960 election, Bill Colmer, John Bell Williams, Jamie Whitten.

Typed letter signed dated 17 March 1965 from Juanita D. Roberts, Personal Secretary to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed photographs from president.

Typed letter signed dated 4 May 1965 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: requesting names of Eastland’s Assistants for upcoming White House Congressional Assistant reception. Attached: letter from Eastland to Lawrence F. O’Brien dated 6 May 1965, re: response.

Typed letter signed dated 11 May 1965 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president when signing the proclamation “Adding Ellis Island to the Statue of Liberty National Monument.”

Typed letter signed dated 24 June 1965 from Eastland to Johnson, re: H.R. 9414 amending cotton provisions of the Agricultural Act of 1938; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 22 July 1965 from Lawrence F. O’Brien to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president when signing S. 21 (Water Resources Planning Bill) on 22 July 1965.

Copy typed letter signed dated 9 August 1965 from Johnson to Eastland, re: White House Conference on Natural Beauty, federal aid construction funds, highway systems; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: removal sheet for Report to the President: Statement by the Chairman & Summations by the 15 Panel Chairman, the President’s Response, Remarks of the President.

Copy printed invitation from President & Mrs. Johnson to Senator & Mrs. Eastland, re: White House reception “A Salute to Congress” on 7 October 1965; envelope; 2 printed tickets and RSVP cards. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 20 December 1965 from Johnson to Eastland, re: Christmas. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 3 January 1966 from Mike Manatos, Administrative Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: Bethlehem Steel Company price increase, enclosures. Attached: President’s Council of Economic Advisors press release dated 1 January 1966, re: Bethlehem Steel Company, Vietnam. Attached: Gardner Ackley, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors statement dated 31 December 1965, re: above topic. Attached: President Johnson statement dated 31 December 1965, re: above topic. Attached: typed document entitled “Fact Sheet on Steel”; 2 pages.

Carbon typed letter dated 11 January 1966 from Eastland & John Stennis to Johnson, re: patronage of Jamie Whitten, Bill Colmer, and John Bell Williams.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 January 1966 from Johnson to Eastland, re: White House Conference on Natural Beauty, Highway Beautification Bill of 1965. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Telegram dated 4 April 1966 from Eastland to Johnson, re: removal of commissioner of education, school desegregation guidelines.

Typed letter signed dated 12 May 1966 from W. Marvin Watson, Special Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by the president in signing S. 1804 providing for the appointment of two additional judges to the U.S. Court of Claims.

Typed letter signed dated 11 July 1966 from W. Marvin Watson to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president in signing S.J. Res. 162 establishing the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.

Typed letter signed dated 10 October 1966 from W. Marvin Watson to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president in signing S. 2265 providing for the relief of Konstadyna Byni Deliroglou and Alexandros Deliroglou as well as S. 2800 providing for the relief of George Joseph Saad.

Typed letter signed dated 17 October 1966 from Mike Manatos to Eastland, re: receipt of 13 October letter. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 13 October 1966 from Eastland to Manatos, re: president writing a congratulatory letter to Natchez Democrat for publication in its centennial edition. Attached: copy typed letter dated 13 October 1966 from Eastland to Johnson, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed letter dated 13 October 1966 from Eastland to James W. Lambert, editor & publisher of the Natchez Democrat, re: congratulatory message to the newspaper; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 4 November 1966 from Johnson to Eastland, re: Manila Conference as well as thanks for work in 89th Congress. Envelope. Attached: typed letter dated 4 November 1966, re: Manila Conference, Vietnam, and Southeast Asia; 3 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 12 November 1966 from Johnson to Eastland, re: congratulations on reelection. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Typed letter signed dated 24 May 1967 from Manatos to Eastland, re: transmission of letter from Johnson to Mrs. J.T. Walker of Memphis, TN. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 24 May 1967 th from Johnson to Walker, re: congratulations upon 100 birthday. Attached: Carbon typed letter dated 16 May 1967 from Mike Manatos to Eastland, re: sending a birthday greeting to Walker. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 15 May 1967 from Eastland to Manatos, re: above topic. Attached: typed memorandum dated 1 May 1967 from Vivian, re: telephone message from Mrs. Harwood Blocker III on above topic. Attached: unaddressed envelope with handwritten notes. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 25 May 1967 from Eastland to Walker, re: congratulations on th 100 birthday.

Typed letter signed dated 31 October 1967 from Mike Manatos to Eastland, re: enclosed photograph from president.

Typed letter signed dated 6 November 1967 from W. Marvin Watson to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president when signing S.1678 providing for the relief of American Petrofina Company and James W. Harris.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 January 1969 from Johnson to Eastland, re: Johnson leaving office, thanking Eastland for help; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy engraved card with White House emblem and “Senator Eastland” signed by Johnson. Attached: engraved card with “Table 3.” Envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Folder 1-21. Lyndon B. Johnson Administration, White House Press Releases Press release with handwritten notations dated 31 January 1964, re: agriculture; 7 pages.

Press release dated 7 January 1965, re: health care and research; 12 pages.

Press release dated 12 January 1965, re: education; 13 pages.

Press release dated 13 January 1965, re: immigration; 3 pages.

Press release dated 18 January 1965, re: defense policies, military forces, military alliances; 11 pages.

Press release dated 24 May 1965, re: appointment of Arthur Edward Rowse as staff director of the President’s Committee on Consumer Interests; 2 pages.

Press release dated 21 August 1965, re: H.R. 8439 returned without presidential approval, military construction program; 3 pages.

Press release dated 10 January 1967, re: state of the union message; 14 pages.

Folder 1-22. Lyndon B. Johnson, Post-Administration Christmas card from President and Mrs. Johnson; envelope postmarked 20 December 1969.

Copy typed letter signed undated from Johnson to Eastland, re: thanks for Democratic National Convention program; envelope postmarked 7 September 1972. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 13 November 1972 from Eastland to Johnson, re: thanks for victory telegram, Biglane. Attached: telegram dated 8 November 1972 from Johnson to Eastland, re: congratulations on election. Attached: typed and handwritten manuscript, re: above telegram.

Copy typed letter signed dated 27 November 1972 from Johnson to Eastland, re: hunting with Biglane & Hunt; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Printed invitation to Johnson’s funeral service at the National City Christian Church on 25 January 1973; envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 9 February 1973 from Lady Bird Johnson to Eastland, re: Eastland’s tribute to Johnson in the Senate; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter dated 1 June 1973 from Lady Bird Johnson to Senator and Mrs. Eastland, re: joining “Friends of the LBJ Library”; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 24 July 1974 from Betty Tilson, Staff Assistant at LBJ Ranch, to Eastland, re: receipt of Memorial Tributes to Johnson while Mrs. Johnson on vacation. Envelope.

Copy typed letter signed dated 23 September 1975 from Lady Bird Johnson to Eastland, re: thanks for contributing oral history to Johnson Library; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-23. , Post-Administration Copy typed letter dated 2 July 1969 from Eastland to Humphrey, re: thanks for Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 9 June 1969 from Humphrey to Eastland, re: Encyclopedia Britannica. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 16 January 1978 from Moroni L. Jensen, President of Utah State Senate, to “Muriel Humphrey and Family,” re: tribute to Humphrey. Attached: copy Utah State Senate Journal (16 January 1978), re: above topic. Attached: broadside, re: Utah State Legislature Resolution giving tribute to Hubert Humphrey.

Copy typed letter signed dated 20 January 1978 from Cristino Bernazard, Secretary of the Puerto Rican House of Representatives, to “Mr. Congressman,” re: resolution upon death of Humphrey.

Typed letter signed dated 27 April 1978 from John M. Allen, Vice-President of Reader’s Digest, to Eastland, re: enclosed tribute to Humphrey. Attached: removal sheet for Reader’s Digest (May 1978).

Folder 1-24. Richard M. Nixon Administration, Cost of Living Council Typed letter dated 28 March 1972 [no author although written on U.S. Senate Committee on Public Works letterhead] to John B. Connally, Chairman of the Cost of Living Council, re: Fringe Benefits Resolution implementing a section of the Economic Stabilization Act; 2 pages. Cost of Living Council press release dated 14 June 1973, re: price freeze program. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Internal Revenue Service District Offices”; 2 pages.

Cost of Living Council press release dated 15 June 1973, re: regulations for public disclosure of data in quarterly reports of companies.

Typed memorandum dated 16 October 1973 from Robert E. Bradford, Associate Director for Congressional Affairs of Cost of Living Council, to members of the House & Senate, re: petroleum regulations briefing.

Folder 1-25. Richard M. Nixon Administration, Energy Policy Office Carton typed letter dated 25 October 1973 from Eastland to John Love, Director of the Energy Policy Office, re: agriculture & fuel allocations. Attached: typed draft of above letter.

Carbon typed letter dated 8 November 1973 from Eastland to John Love, Director of the Energy Policy Office, re: forwarding telegram, Mississippi highway system program. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 8 November 1973 from Eastland to Albert T. Jones, Executive Director of Mississippi Road Builders’ Association, re: contacted Love on above topic.

Folder 1-26. Richard M. Nixon Administration, Federal Property Council Copy typed manuscript circa 1973, re: review of federal property holdings, Legacy of Parks program; 2 pages.

Folder 1-27. Richard M. Nixon Administration, Office of Emergency Preparedness Typed letter signed dated 26 September 1969 from G.A. Lincoln, Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, to Eastland, re: Hurricane Camille. Attached: removal sheet for the Office of Emergency Preparedness’ Hurricane Camille: A Month of Federal Action (25 September 1969).

Typed letter signed dated 12 November 1969 from G.A. Lincoln, Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, to Eastland, re: Hurricane Camille. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Winds along the Mississippi Gulf Coast as Determined by ESSA.” Attached: copy typed manuscript dated October 1969 entitled “Tides: Mississippi, Extreme High Waters Hurricane “Camille” August 17-18, 1969.” Attached: typed manuscript dated 27 October 1969 entitled “Corps of Engineers High Water Marks.” Attached: removal sheet for Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration’s Hurricane Camille: A Report to the Administrator (September 1969) & Report on Hurricane Weather Reconnaissance (26 September 1969).

Copy typed letter dated 22 December 1970 from G.A. Lincoln, Director of Office of Emergency Preparedness, to Charles M. Cox, Acting Deputy Administrator of State & County Operations of Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service, re: extension in Mississippi for removal of debris.

Copy typed letter dated 13 Marcy 1971 from George M. Grace, Assistant Director for Field Operations, to William H. Holloway, Regional Director of Office of Emergency Preparedness at Jackson Field Office, re: payment of utility connections for mobile homes. Attached:

Carbon typed letter dated 9 July 1971 from William G. Simpson, Legislative Assistant to Eastland, to S.Y. Coker, Office of Emergency Preparedness, re: enclosed remarks by Eastland introducing the Hurricane Camille Disaster Relief Bill, thanks for OEP job in Mississippi. Office of Emergency Preparedness press release dated 26 August 1971, re: President’s Economic Stabilization program; 7 pages.

Office of Emergency Preparedness press release dated 4 August 1972, re: Mississippi Gulf Coast aid to flooding victims in Wyoming Valley, PA; 4 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 10 April 1973 from Darrell M. Trent, Acting Director of Office of Emergency Preparedness, to Eastland, re: Mississippi counties eligible for federal disaster assistance.

Carbon typed letter dated 17 May 1973 from Eastland to Darrell M. Trent, re: Mississippi seafood industry damaged by flooding, S. Res. 11, disaster declaration; 2 pages. Attached: copy telegram from Bill Waller, Governor of Mississippi, to William C. McMillan, Regional Director of Office of Emergency Preparedness, re: above topic.

Copy typed signed memorandum from Darrell M. Trent, re: abolishment of Office of Emergency Preparedness on 1 July 1973 according to Reorganization Plant No. 1 of 1973.

Folder 1-28. Richard M. Nixon Administration, Office of Management & Budget Typed letter signed dated 16 December 1970 from Caspar W. Weinberger, Deputy Director of Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.

Typed letter signed dated 18 March 1971 from Caspar W. Weinberger to Eastland, re: veterinary medicine school funding, Health Manpower Act; 2 pages. Attached: typed letter dated 4 March 1971 from Eastland to George P. Schultz, Director of Office of Management & Budget, re: above topic & Louisiana State University, Mississippi cattle industry. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 12 March 1971 from Schultz to Senator Allen J. Ellender, re: veterinary medicine school funding; 2 pages. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 4 March 1971 from Eastland to Schultz, re: above topic & livestock; 2 pages. Attached: typed memorandum dated 23 February 1971 from Jim Guirard to Bill [Simpson], re: attached letter. Attached: copy typed letter dated 19 February 1971 from Ellender to Schultz, re: above topic. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 16 February 1971 from Eastland to Everett D. Besch, Dean of School of Veterinary Medicine at Agricultural & Mechanical College in Baton Rouge, LA, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed letter dated 4 February 1971 from Besch to Eastland, re: above topic; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 3 October 1972 from Eastland to Caspar W. Weinberger, re: Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway; 2 pages.

Folder 1-29. Richard M. Nixon Administration, Office of the Vice President Carbon typed letter dated 18 December 1968 from Eastland to Spiro T. Agnew, Vice-President Elect, re: thanks for copies of speeches, future work together.

Carbon typed letter dated 14 November 1969 from Eastland to Agnew, re: Agnew’s Des Moines speech. Attached: typed letter dated 14 November 1969 from Eastland to Agnew, re: different draft of above letter.

Copy typed letter dated 26 November 1969 from Agnew to Eastland, re: thanks for letter of 14 November. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter dated 23 January 1973 from Eastland to Agnew, re: autographed photo for Ray Joe of Greenwood, MS.

Telegram dated 16 July 1973 from Marion H. Smoak, Chief of Protocol at State Department, to James O. Eastland, re: Agnew invitation to Eastland & wife to a luncheon honoring the Shah of Iran; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter dated 10 October 1973 from Agnew to Eastland, re: resignation as Vice- President. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 26 July 1974 from H. Spofford Canfield, Legislative Assistant to the President of the Senate, to Jean Allen, Executive Secretary to Eastland, re: signed photographs of Vice-President Ford’s swearing-in ceremony.

Copy printed invitation of Vice-President & Mrs. Ford to Ralph Bunche Awards Program of Community Relations Service on 2 July [1974]. Attached: copy printed program of event with handwritten notations; 2 pages.

Folder 1-30. Richard M. Nixon Administration, President’s Commission on Campus Unrest Typed letter signed dated 13 July 1970 from Wm. Matthew Byrne, Jr., Executive Director of President’s Commission on Campus Unrest, to Eastland, re: public hearings of commission. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Witness Schedule – Room 1202 New Senate Office Building.”

Folder 1-31. Richard M. Nixon Administration, President’s Commission on Typed letter dated 22 February 1973 from Joan K. Benziger, Associate Director of the President’s Commission on White House Fellows, to Eastland, re: study of Congressional activities and Judiciary Committee in particular.

Folder 1-32. Richard M. Nixon Administration, White House Correspondence Copy telegram dated 9 April 1969 from Eastland to Nixon, re: Illinois Central Railroad strike, Mississippi transportation, livestock & poultry industries.

Carbon typed letter dated 15 April 1969 from Eastland to Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant to the President, re: Illinois Central Railroad strike. Attached: typed letter signed dated 12 April 1969 from Bryce N. Harlow to Eastland, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 20 May 1969 from Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications for the Executive Branch, to Eastland, re: presidential address on Vietnam. Attached: removal sheet for Address: Vietnam Peace Initiative by President Richard M. Nixon, May 14 1969.

Typed letter signed dated 3 June 1969 from Bryce N. Harlow to Eastland, re: Nixon’s address at Air Force Academy on national security. Attached: White House press release dated 4 June 1969, re: above topic, Vietnam, military power.

Copy typed letter dated 24 July 1969 from Eastland, William M. Colmer, John Stennis, Jamie L. Whitten, Thomas G. Abernethy, G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery, & Charles H. Griffin to Nixon, re: Mississippi delegation requesting appointment with president to discuss integration of Mississippi public schools.

Copy typed letter signed dated 7 August 1969 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for vote on Safeguard System, national security. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 11 August 1969 from Bryce N. Harlow to Eastland, re: regret unable to schedule meeting with president requested in 24 July letter, integration of Mississippi public schools.

Copy typed letter signed dated 11 September 1969 from Nixon to Eastland, re: visit together in Gulfport, MS. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Typed letter signed dated 18 September 1969 from Bryce N. Harlow to Eastland, re: updating White House telephone locator files.

Typed memorandum signed dated 13 October 1969 from Bryce N. Harlow, re: transmission of Nixon’s letter to a university student discussing demonstrations. Attached: White House press release dated 13 October 1969, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 5 November 1969 from Bryce N. Harlow to Eastland, re: public support in recent Gallup Poll. Attached: press release dated 5 November 1969, re: Vietnam, poll. Copy typed letter signed dated 18 November 1969 from Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications for the Executive Branch, to “Dear Senator,” re: enclosed print of Nixon’s speech on Vietnam. Attached: removal sheet for The Pursuit of Peace: An Address by Richard Nixon, President of the United States, November 3, 1969.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 November 1969 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for support of Judge Haynsworth nomination to the Supreme Court. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 27 January 1970 from Kenneth E. BeLieu, Deputy Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: text of Nixon’s statement on veto of Labor-Health, Education, & Welfare-Office of Economic Opportunity bill. Attached: White House press release dated 26 January 1970, re: above topic, federal spending. Attached: White House press release dated 27 January 1970, re: veto of H.R. 13111.

Typed letter signed dated 12 February 1970 from William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed statement. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Nixon Administration Statement,” re: voting rights, busing, school desegregation, John Stennis’s amendment on “uniform application.”

Typed letter signed dated 27 April 1970 from Bryce N. Harlow, Counselor to the President, to Eastland, re: results of private poll on president and Vietnam.

Copy typed letter signed dated 11 April 1970 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for support of Supreme Court nominee G. Harrold Carswell. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 20 May 1970 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for Southeast Asia policy, Vietnam. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 7 October 1970 from Nixon to Eastland, re: Indochina, Vietnam. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 25 January 1971 from William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President, re: White House telephone switchboard.

Typed letter signed dated 23 March 1971 from William E. Timmons to Eastland, re: 18 March letter from Eastland on water & sewage loan & grant programs of the Farmers Home Administration, budget; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 23 April 1971 from Nixon to Eastland, re: reorganization of executive branch and independent agencies. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 26 May 1971 from Nixon to Eastland, re: Washington demonstrations, First Amendment. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 2 June 1971 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for support on European troop withdrawal votes; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 29 July 1971 from Eastland to Virginia H. Knauer, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs, re: invention of a device conserving natural gas by Charles Woolfolk of Memphis, Bureau of Standards, energy shortage; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 5 August 1971 from Clark MacGregor, Counsel to the President for Congressional Relations, to “Dear Senator,” re: enclosed text of presidential press conference, strike settlements, wage & price increases, cost of living, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Arthur Burns. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Press Conference No. 18 of the President of the United States, 11:36 A.M. EDT, August 4, 1971,” re: above topics; 7 pages.

Carbon typed letter dated 20 August 1971 from William Mac Rouse, Special Assistant to the President, to Robert C. Byrd, re: misconduct of Superior Court Judge Harry T. Alexander; copied to Eastland.

Copy typed letter signed dated 6 October 1971 from Eugene S. Cowen, Deputy Assistant to the President, to “Dear Senator,” re: Evans Novak’s column in Washington Post. Attached: Rowland Evans & Robert Novak’s “Nixon’s Biggest Victory” Washington Post (6 October 1971), re: New Economic Policy, government pay increases.

Copy typed letter signed dated 7 October 1971 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for support of new economic policies with vote against S. Res. 169, federal pay increases. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 7 October 1971 from Tom C. Korologos, Special Assistant to the President, re: constituent request for information about purchasing a White House car. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 5 October 1971 from Vernon C. Coffey, Jr., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Aide to the President, to Frank Henderson, re: above topic. Attached: handwritten letter signed dated 6 September 1971 from Milbert Stoecker of Weir, MS, to Eastland, re: above topic; envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 8 October 1971 from Eugene S. Cowen, Deputy Assistant to the President, re: thanks for vote against the Moss resolution.

Typed letter signed dated 29 October 1971 from Eugene S. Cowen to Eastland, re: thanks for support of Scott amendment striking the Cooper-Church amendment from the foreign aid bill.

Typed letter signed dated 20 January 1972 from William E. Timmons to Eastland, re: disaster assistance for Laurel and southwestern Mississippi. Attached: White House press release dated 19 January 1972, re: disaster aid for flood and tornadoes in Mississippi.

Typed letter signed dated 21 February 1972 from Clark MacGregor to Eastland, re: invitation to discuss agricultural trade policy of the European Common Market with president on 24 February 1972.

Typed letter signed dated 18 March 1972 from Clark MacGregor to Eastland, re: Student Transportation Moratorium Act, Equal Educational Opportunity Act. Attached: White House press release dated 17 March 1972, re: above topics; 25 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 20 April 1972 from Clark MacGregor to Eastland, re: testimony of Peter Flanigan at Judiciary Committee hearing, ITT corporation.

Typed letter signed dated 9 June 1972 from Tom C. Korologos, Deputy Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: 7 June letter expressing concern for forest management, environmental protection, timber harvests on national forests.

Typed letter signed dated 1 August 1972 from William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed presidential cuff-links and photographs on flight from Louisiana.

Copy typed letter signed dated 3 August 1972 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for voting support of peace proposals. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 25 October 1972 from Nixon to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used when signing S. 1475 providing for the restoration, reconstruction, and exhibition of the Civil War gunboat “Cairo”; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 16 November 1972 from [William P. Averill] in Tupelo, MS, re: identity of person in photograph. Attached: typed letter signed dated 13 November 1972 from Elizabeth S. Denny, LCDR USNR, to Averill, re: identification of photo. Attached: copy typed Water Reed General Hospital medical report on William P. Averill; 6 pages. Copy envelope from of General Lewis B. Hershey to Averill.

Copy typed memorandum dated 20 November 1972 from William T. McCormick, Jr. to Governor John A. Love, re: Emergency National Program for Improving Efficiency of Energy Utilization; 20 pages with handwritten notations.

Engraved invitation from President and Mrs. Nixon to White House reception on 5 January 1973; envelope.

Copy typed letter signed dated 24 January 1973 from Nixon to Eastland, re: Vietnam, thanks for support; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Telegram dated 1 February 1973 from Social Secretary of the White House to Senator & Mrs. Eastland, re: invitation to White House dinner in honor of King & Queen of Jordan. Attached: drafts of response from Eastland regretting invitation; 4 pages.

Engraved invitation from President and Mrs. Nixon to Senator and Mrs. Nixon to dinner on 6 February 1973; envelope postmarked 2 February 1973.

Copy telegram dated 19 February 1973 from Eastland to Social Secretary of the White House, re: accepting invitation to stag “” reception on 22 February. Attached: copy printed invitation to above event; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Copy telegram dated 17 February 1973 from Social Secretary to Eastland, re: above event.

Copy typed letter signed dated 5 March 1973 from Peter M. Flanigan, Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, to Eastland, re: export of logs to Japan, wood product prices. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 8 March 1973 from Eastland to Tom Korologos, Deputy Assistant to the President, re: transmission of letter from Tom W. Conger, Jr. to president on above topics.

Typed letter dated 12 March 1973 from Eastland and U.S. Senator John Sparkman, re: oil import program. Attached: carbon copy of above letter. Attached: typed draft of above letter. Attached: copy organization chart of the Department of the Interior. Attached: copy typed manuscript on above topic. Attached: copy typed manuscript on above topic. Attached: archives removal sheet for Trends in Capacity and Utilization, December 1972 (U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Oil & Gas). Attached: typed draft of above letter. Attached: typed draft of above letter dated 23 January 1973. Attached: handwritten draft of above.

Typed letter signed dated 20 March 1973 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: thanks for telegram from Mississippi delegation about flood damage in the state. Attached: two drafts of telegrams from & , re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 2 May 1973 from William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed memento from the Vietnam Supporters Reception at the White House on 22 February. Attached: removal sheet for White House Reception, February 22, 1973, Excerpts of the President’s Remarks at a Reception for Supporters of the Vietnam Agreement; signed by Nixon.

Copy typed letter signed dated 29 May 1973 from Nixon to Eastland, re: ’s nomination as Attorney General. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 13 June 1973 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for support in Senate’s Indochina debate; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 23 June 1973 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 21 June letter on current price freeze of food supplies.

Typed letter signed dated 16 July 1973 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 12 July letter transmitting request of Cathy Shedd to visit with president.

Typed letter signed dated 27 August 1973 from John A. Love, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: shortage of propane, Federal Power Commission, natural gas, Cost of Living Council; 3 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 21 September 1973 from Frederick L. Webber, Special Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: invitation to briefing the Report of the President’s Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment on 24 September.

Typed letter signed dated 10 October 1973 from Ken W. Clawson, Deputy Director of Communications for the Executive Branch, to Eastland, re: sympathies on Eastland’s accident.

Typed letter signed dated 23 October 1973 from John A. Love to Eastland, re: mandatory propane allocation program.

Copy typed letter signed dated 24 October 1973 from Nixon to Eastland, re: appreciate Eastland’s remarks of support. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Typed memorandum dated 1 November 1973 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: enclosed. Attached: press release dated 1 November 1973, re: Leon Jaworski biographical data. Attached: White House press release dated 1 November 1973, re: nomination of William B. Saxbe as Attorney General.

Typed letter signed dated 15 November 1973 from John A. Love, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: distillate fuel, Office of Oil and Gas.

Typed White House memorandum dated 8 December 1973 to members of Congress, re: Nixon’s private finances. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1973 entitled “The White House Short Summary on President Nixon’s Finances”; 2 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1972 entitled “The White House Answers to Charges Concerning the President’s Personal Finances”; 12 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1973 entitled “The White House Statement by the President”; 3 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1973 entitled “The White House: Statement on President and Mrs. Nixon’s Finances January 1, 1969 – May 31, 1973”; 15 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1973 entitled “The White House: Information from the 1969, 1970, 1971 and 1972 Federal Income Tax Returns of Richard M. Nixon and Patricia R. Nixon”; 10 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1973 entitled “The White House”; 3 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 8 December 1973 entitled “The White House: Gift of ‘La Casa Pacifica.’” Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 20 August 1973 from Coopers & Lybrand, Certified Public Accountants, to President & Mrs. Nixon, re: audit of assets between 1 January 1969 and 31 May 1973; 5 pages. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 20 August 1973 from Coopers & Lybrand to President & Mrs. Nixon, re: above topic; 10 pages. Attached: copy map of Elmore purchase in San Diego, CA.

Typed letter dated 11 December 1973 from Eastland to Nixon, re: requested note to editor of Winston County, Mississippi newspaper; handwritten notation “not sent.” Attached: newspaper clipping “Message to President: Don’t Resign” Winston County Journal (15 November 1973).

Christmas card from President and Mrs. Nixon; envelope postmarked 11 December 1973.

Copy typed letter signed dated 8 March 1974 from Nixon to Eastland, re: thanks for help sustaining veto of S. 2589 (Energy Emergency Act); envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 8 March 1974 from Roy L. Ash, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: thanks for help sustaining veto of Emergency Energy Bill.

Typed letter signed dated 27 March 1974 from Larry Speakes to Eastland staff, re: leaving office.

Carbon typed letter dated 30 April 1974 from Eastland to Nixon, re: recent presidential visit to Mississippi.

Engraved invitation from Mrs. Nixon to Mrs. Eastland, re: luncheon on 13 May 1974; envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 29 May 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 15 May letter urging veto of H.R. 7824 (Legal Services Corporation Act).

Copy typed letter signed dated 4 June 1974 from Nixon to Donald E. Santarelli, Administrator of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, re: Santarelli’s resignation. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Statement by the Honorable Donald E. Santarelli, Administrator, The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., June 4, 1974.

Typed letter signed dated 14 June 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 13 June letter on livestock, poultry, egg industry, agriculture.

Copy typed memorandum from Dewey Bartlett, re: attached letter to Nixon. Attached: Copy typed letter signed dated 19 June 1974 from Eastland fifty-three other senators to Nixon, re: budget deficit & government spending.

Copy typed letter signed dated 24 June 1974 from Nixon to Dewey F. Bartlett, re: balanced budget, tax reductions, Office of Management & Budget; 3 pages; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 22 June 1974 from Nixon to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president in signing H.R. 7130 (Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed manuscript signed dated 5 August 1974 from Norman E. Ross, Jr., Assistant Director of Domestic Council, to Eastland, re: livestock industry, meat imports, Department of Agriculture, school lunch program; 3 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 9 August 1974 from William E. Timmons to Eastland, re: thanks for friendship, Eastland’s talk with Nixon. Attached: White House press release dated 8 August 1974, re: Nixon’s resignation; 3 pages.

Six different typed and handwritten drafts of an undated [post-1972] letter from “Majority Leadership and Chairmen of the Standing Committees of the Senate” to Nixon, re: Mississippi River flood disaster, Disaster Relief program; 30 pages.

Christmas card undated from President and Mrs. Nixon; envelope.

Folder 1-33. Richard M. Nixon Administration, White House Press Releases Press release dated 25 February 1969, re: reform of postal system, patronage; 2 pages.

Press release dated 30 March 1969 entitled “Eulogy Delivered by the President at the Capitol Rotunda during the State Funeral of Former President Dwight David Eisenhower”; 3 pages.

Press release dated 24 April 1969, re: Post Office Department; 2 pages.

Press release dated 30 April 1969, re: Grant Consolidation Act, grant-in-aid programs; 2 pages.

Press release dated 23 October 1969, re: U.S. Merchant Marine, shipbuilding industry, shipping industry, equal employment opportunity; 4 pages.

Press release dated 18 November 1969 entitled “Executive Order: Providing for the Administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1969”; 2 pages.

Press release dated 21 February 1970 entitled “Summary of the Report of the Presidential Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force,” re: draft, Selective Service Act; 2 pages.

Press release dated 3 April 1970, re: postal employee settlement, Postal Service; 4 pages.

Press release dated 22 April 1970, re: disaster assistance, Economic Development Administration, Small Business Administration, Farmers Home Administration, civil defense; 5 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “A Bill, To amend existing Federal disaster assistance legislation…”; 16 pages. Attached: press release dated 22 April 1970 entitled “Disaster Assistance Legislation Fact Sheet”; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Disaster Assistance Act of 1970 Section-by-Section Analysis”; 5 pages. Attached: press release dated 22 April 1970 entitled “Executive Order Establishing the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance”; 2 pages.

Press release dated 19 January 1972, re: promotion of Tom C. Korologos to Deputy Assistant to the President, appointment of Wallace H. Johnson as Special Assistant to the President.

Press release dated 7 February 1972 entitled “Remarks of the President on the Environmental Message for Radio and Television.”

Press release dated 8 February 1972, re: National Wilderness Preservation System.

Press release dated 8 February 1972 entitled “Executive Order: Use of Off-Road Vehicles on the Public Lands”; 3 pages.

Press release dated 8 February 1972 entitled “Executive Order: Environmental Safeguards on Activities for Animal Damage Control on Federal Lands”; 2 pages.

Press release dated 8 February 1972 entitled “President’s 1972 Environmental Message Fact Sheet,” re: pollution & toxic waste, clean energy, conservation, pest management, land use, wetlands, endangered species, national parks, wilderness areas, marine pollution, lead-based paint, youth involvement; 6 pages.

Press release dated 8 February 1972, re: environmental program; 19 pages.

Press release dated 9 February 1972, re: foreign policy report. Attached: removal sheet for United States Foreign Policy for the 1970s: The Emerging Structure of Peace: A Report by President Richard Nixon to the Congress (February 1972).

Press release dated 17 March 1972, re: busing, Student Transportation Moratorium Act of 1972, Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1972, desegregation; 3 pages.

Press release dated 17 March 1972, re: busing, education, desegregation; 17 pages.

Press release dated 8 March 1973, re: community development, Department of Housing & Urban Development; 7 pages.

Press release dated 8 March 1973 entitled “Community Development Fact Sheet.”

Press release dated 8 March 1973, re: community development; 5 pages.

Press release dated 12 March 1973, re: executive privilege; 2 pages.

Press release dated 19 April 1973 entitled “The Better Communities Act Fact Sheet”; 2 pages. Press release dated 19 April 1973, re: community development; 7 pages.

Press release dated 9 August 1973 entitled “Energy Policy Office Proposed Program for Crude Oil, Redefined Petroleum Products and Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Mandatory Fuel Allocation”; 20 pages. Attached: press release dated 9 August 1973 entitled “Statement of Governor John A. Love, Assistant to the President, on the Current Fuel Situation and Mandatory Fuel Allocation Programs”; 6 pages.

Press release dated 19 September 1973 entitled “Housing Policy Recommendations Fact Sheet”; 2 pages.

Press release dated 19 September 1973, re: federal housing policy; 7 pages.

Press release dated 1 November 1973, re: nomination of William Saxbe at Attorney General; 2 pages.

Press release dated 4 December 1973 entitled “Press Conference of William E. Simon, Administrator, and John C. Sawhill, Deputy Administrator, Federal Energy Office”; 17 pages. Attached: press release dated 4 December 1973 entitled “Remarks of the President upon Announcing Creation of the Federal Energy Office”; 3 pages. Attached: press release dated 4 December 1973 entitled “Executive Order: Federal Energy Office”; 2 pages. Attached: press release dated 4 December 1973 entitled “William E. Simon, Biographical Data.”

Press release dated 24 April 1974, re: foreign aid, Middle East, Indochina, Vietnam, development assistance; 7 pages.

Press release dated 5 August 1974, re: transcripts of taped conversations between Nixon and H.R. Haldeman turned over to House Judiciary Committee, Watergate.

Folder 1-34. Richard M. Nixon, Post-Administration Carbon typed letter dated 25 March 1976 from Eastland to Nixon, re: thanks for signed photograph, Nixon’s legacy. Attached: copy of mailing label addressed from Nixon in San Clemente, CA to Eastland.

Typed letter signed dated 9 June 1977 from Ken Khachigian, Office of Richard Nixon, to Eastland, re: Nixon article on presidential powers in the Washington Star. Attached: copy typed manuscript dated 5 June 1977, re: above topic; 16 pages.

Copy typed letter signed from Eastland to Nixon, re: thanks for signed copy of ’s Special People. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 8 July 1977 from Nixon to Eastland, re: above topic, Nixon’s daughter.

Folder 1-35. Gerald R. Ford Administration, Council on Wage & Price Stability Typed letter signed dated 17 August 1976 from William Lilley, III, Acting Director of Council on Wage & Price Stability, re: Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s proposal to mandate sanitation facilities for agricultural field workers. Attached: Council on Wage & Price Stability press release dated 6 August 1976, re: above topic; 6 pages.

Folder 1-36. Gerald R. Ford Administration, Office of Management & Budget Typed letter signed dated 9 October 1974 from Roy L. Ash, Director of Office of Management & Budget, re: Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act of 1974. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Report of Fiscal Year 1975 Rescissions and Deferrals October 1974”; 10 pages. Attached: removal sheet for Federal Register Vol. 39, No. 185, Part III (23 September 1974).

Typed memorandum signed dated 3 October 1975 from James T. Lynn, Director of Office of Management & Budget to “Heads of Executive Departments and Establishments,” re: Privacy Act; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 16 January 1976 from Eastland; Birch Bayh; Ernest F. Hollings; Henry M. Jackson; William D. Hathaway; Edmund S. Muskie; Mike Gravel; Charles McC. Mathias; Gale W. McGee; Alan Cranston; Edward M. Kennedy; Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Dick Clark; Harrison A. Williams, Jr.; John C. Stennis; John V. Tunney; Jennings Randolph; ; Walter D. Huddleston; John C. Culver; Frank Church; Stuart Symington; Joseph M. Montoya; Floyd K. Haskell; John A. Durkin; James Abourezk; Vance Hartke; Jacob K. Javits; Daniel K. Inouye; Philip A. Hart; Humbert H. Humphrey; Henry Bellmon; Warren G. Magnuson; Thomas F. Eagleton; Gary Hart; Pete V. Domenici; Wendell H. Ford; George McGovern; ; Patrick J. Leahy; Hugh Scott; Walter F. Mondale; Mark O. Hatfield; Howard W. Cannon; and J. Bennett Johnston to James T. Lynn, re: Rural Housing Insurance Fund of the Farmers Home Administration, rural development; Agricultural Appropriations; 5 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 9 March 1976 from James T. Lynn to Eastland, re: Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 5 February 1976 from Eastland to Lynn, re: above topic; 2 pages.

Folder 1-37. Gerald R. Ford Administration, Office of the Vice-President th Copy typed letter signed dated 30 August 1974 from Nelson A. Rockefeller to Eastland, re: 25 Amendment; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 4 September 1974 from Happy Rockefeller to Mrs. Eastland, re: thank you for note, Ladies of the Senate. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Engraved invitation from Vice President and Mrs. Rockefeller to Senator and Mrs. Eastland to housewarming at the Vice President’s House honoring Congress on 9 September 1975; envelope postmarked 10 August 1975.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 December 1975 from Rockefeller to Eastland, re: National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy carbon typed letter dated 17 February 1977 from Eastland to Rockefeller, re: 14 January letter, service together. Attached: copy typed letter dated 14 January 1977 from Rockefeller to Eastland, re: leaving office. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-38. Gerald R. Ford Administration, Presidential Clemency Board Copy typed letter signed dated 4 December 1974 from Charles E. Goodell, Chairman of the Presidential Clemency Board, to “Dear Senator,” re: procedures of Board. Attached: reprint of “Title 2 – Clemency” Federal Register Vol. 39, No. 230 (27 November 1974).

Typed letter signed dated 13 January 1975 from Charles E. Goodell to “Dear Senator,” re: clemency program, draft evasion, armed services.

Typed memorandum signed dated 5 January 1976 from Charles E. Goodell, re: final report of Board, Vietnam.

Folder 1-39. Gerald R. Ford Administration, President’s Commission on White House Fellowships Typed memorandum signed dated 23 February 1976 from Bruce H. Hasenkamp, Director of President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, to “Members of the ,” re: regional semifinalists. Attached: President’s Commission on White House Fellowships press release undated, re: above topic; 11 pages.

Folder 1-40. Gerald R. Ford Administration, President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped Handwritten memorandum dated 29 April 1976 from [Bill Simpson, Legislative Assistant to Eastland], re: accepting Small Employer award from committee on behalf of Tom Barrentine, President of Barrentine Manufacturing in Greenwood, MS. Attached: typed letter signed dated 19 April 1976 from Harold Russell, Chairman of the President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, to Simpson, re: above topic. Attached: typed letter signed dated 15 April 1976 from Barrentine to Simpson, re: above topic. Copy typed letter signed dated 1 March 1976 from Harold Russell to Barrentine, re: above topic; 2 pages. Attached: typed memorandum dated 27 April 1976 from Robert H. Ruffner, Director of Communications of President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, to Simpson, re: above topic. Attached: removal sheet for Annual Meeting Program April 28-30, 1976: The President’s Committee on Employment of the rd Handicapped: Essentials: 3 Century USA.

President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped press release dated 30 April 1976, re: Barrentine Manufacturing in Greenwood, MS.

Folder 1-41. Gerald R. Ford Administration, Special Representative for Trade Negotiations Typed letter signed dated 31 March 1976 from Frederick B. Dent to Eastland, re: U.S. International Trade Commission report on zipper escape clause case, imports. Attached: business card for Myron Solter, Attorney at Law in Washington, DC. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 22 March 1976 from Eastland to Dent, re: above topic; Morton, MS; Durant, MS; Japan; 2 pages. Attached: typed draft of above letter.

Folder 1-42. Gerald R. Ford Administration, White House Correspondence Typed letter signed dated 10 August 1974 from William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed photograph of Ford’s swearing-in ceremony.

Copy typed manuscript signed dated 12 August 1974, re: Ford’s address to Congress; 10 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: carbon typed manuscript of above address; 10 pages. Copy of envelope address from the President of the United States to the President of the Senate [Eastland].

Copy typed letter signed dated 30 August 1974 from Ford to Eastland, re: Senate Concurrent Resolution 108; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 12 September 1974 from Tom C. Korologos, Deputy Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: presidential nominations. Attached: copy typed manuscript, re: list of nominees; 3 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 13 September 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: deferral of federal pay increase. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Fact Sheet: Comparison of Federal Pay Increases and Changes in the CPI [Consumer Price Index].”

Typed letter signed dated 19 September 1974 from Roy L. Ash to Eastland, re: attachments. Attached: copy typed manuscript and graphs entitled “Budget Charts Dinner at the White House, September 17, 1974; 7 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 21 September 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 18 September letter, draft evaders working in Veterans Administration hospitals.

Copy typed letter signed dated 24 September 1974 from Ford to Eastland, re: Conference on Inflation, invitation to 27 September reception. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Fact Sheet: The Conference on Inflation”; 2 pages. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy printed invitation from the President to Eastland, re: White House reception on 27 September 1974; envelope with ticket and name tag for Conference on Inflation. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 28 September 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 26 September letter urging Executive Order 4210 be amended to relieve Mississippi electric utilities from import tax on fuel oil. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 26 September 1974 from Eastland to Ford, re: above topic, Federal Power Commission; 2 pages.

Typed letter unsigned dated 2 October 1974 from Eastland to Ford, re: Internal Security Subcommittee hearings on the marijuana-hashish epidemic and its impact on U.S. security; 2 pages. Attached: two carbon copies of above letter.

Copy printed invitation from President & Mrs. Ford to Senator & Mrs. Eastland, re: White House dinner on 3 October 1974; “Black Tie” card and regrets card. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 3 October 1974 from Theodore C. Marrs, Special Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: 18 September letter, draft evaders working on Veterans Administration hospitals.

Typed letter signed dated 9 October 1974 from Lucy Winchester, White House Social Secretary, to Eastland, re: leaving White House.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 October 1974 from Stanley S. Scott, Special Assistant to the President, to Vernon Thompson, Chairman of Region VII Citizens Participation Council (copied to Eastland), re: presidential meetings with blacks and other minorities.

Typed letter signed dated 18 October 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 10 October letter, Vietnam veterans education bill.

Carbon typed letter dated 22 October 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 26 September letter, Federal Energy Administration, Mississippi utilities, oil import fees.

Engraved card signed by President and Mrs. Ford, re: appreciation for recent message during period of illness; envelope postmarked 25 October 1974.

Copy typed letter signed dated 11 November 1974 from Ford to Eastland, re: 25th Amendment to the Constitution, vacancy in the office of the vice president, and nomination of Nelson Rockefeller as vice president; two pages.

Typed letter signed dated 2 December 1974 from Mrs. Tobin Armstrong, Counselor to the President & Chairman of the Federal Property Council, to John C. Stennis, re: Legacy of Parks transfer in Mississippi, fuel conservation, recreational facilities. Attached: Federal Property Council press release entitled “Pearl River Basin Development District, Mississippi, Receives Federal Land under the Legacy of Parks Program.” Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Fact Sheet,” re: above topic. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “General Services Administration Property Information Sheet,” re: above topic. Attached: White House press release dated 2 December 1974, re: above topic; 2 pages.

Carbon typed letter dated 9 December 1974 from Eastland to William E. Timmons, Assistant to the President, re: Timmons’ leaving White House. Typed letter signed dated 3 December 1974 from Timmons to Eastland, re: retirement.

Typed letter signed dated 11 December 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: 4 December letter on reduction of paperwork burden and cost to business community and federal government.

Typed letter signed dated 19 December 1974 from Tom C. Korologos to Eastland, re: leaving public service.

Typed letter signed dated 20 January 1975 from William T. Kendall, Deputy Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: Forestry Incentives Program.

Carbon typed letter dated 17 January 1975 from Eastland to Ford, re: request for disaster declaration in Mississippi due to tornadoes. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 17 January 1975 from Eastland to Governor William L. Waller of Mississippi, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed letter dated 13 January 1975 from Waller to Ford, re: above topic. Attached: typed letter dated 14 January 1975 from Kenneth N. Causey, director of Mississippi Civil Defense Council, to Eastland, re: above topic. Attached: telegram dated 13 January 1975 from Waller to Ford, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 21 January 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: federal assistance for Mississippi after recent tornadoes. Attached: White House press release dated 18 January 1975, re: disaster relief for Mississippi.

Copy typed letter & attachments dated 30 January 1975 from Ford to Nelson A. Rockefeller, President of the U.S. Senate, re: economic and energy program; 181 pages.

Copy typed letter dated 30 January 1975 from Ford to Speaker of the House, re: economic and energy program; 3 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 25 March 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: H.R. 2166 on a tax cut to stimulate the economy; 2 pages. Attached: copy carbon typed letter dated 25 March 1975 showing other recipients; 2 pages. Envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 29 March 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: S. Res. 119 on negotiations with the Middle East, foreign policy, Secretary of State Kissinger; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 24 April 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 18 April letter on Imported Fire Ant Control Program.

Typed letter signed dated 23 May 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 20 May letter on statements by W.J. Usery on collective bargaining for federal employees.

Typed letter signed dated 24 May 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: thanks for vote on S. 200, consumer programs; envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 4 June 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 18 April letter on fire ant program, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 10 June 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 20 May letter on statements by W.J. Usery, Jr. on collective bargaining for federal employees, Labor- Management Relations Act of 1947, unions. Attached: copy typed manuscript dated 16 May 1975 by W.J. Usery entitled “Collective Bargaining Challenges in the Federal Sector”; 33 pages. Telegram dated 17 June 1975 from Philip W. Buchen, Counsel to the President, to Eastland, re: invitation to participate in White House meeting on 20 June on Final Report of the Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System; 2 pages.

Copy typed memorandum dated 2 September 1975 from Max L. Friedersdorf, Assistant to the President, re: enclosed information. Attached: typed letter dated 2 September 1975 from Ford to Nelson A. Rockefeller, President of the U.S. Senate, re: Egypt & Israel. Attached: copy typed letter dated 2 September 1975 from Ford to Speaker of the House, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Proposal,” re: above topic; 4 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 11 September 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: veto of S. 1849 extending the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act, energy; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 22 September 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 17 September letter on H.R. 9497 amending the computation of price support for tobacco.

Typed letter signed dated 22 September 1975 from Max L. Friedersdorf & Michael J. Farrell, Director of Office of White House Visitors, to “Dear Senator,” re: White House tours, bicentennial.

Copy typed letter signed dated 4 November 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: decline invitation to attend tribute to John Pastore. Attached: envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 20 November 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: urging against Assassination Report from of Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. Attached: copy of signed letter dated 31 October 1975 from Ford to Frank Church, Chairman of Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, re: above topic; 3 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Typed letter signed dated 25 November 1975 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: 19 November letter on China.

Typed letter signed dated 6 December 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 3 December letter on common situs picketing legislation.

Typed letter signed dated 13 December 1975 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: invitation to view White House Christmas decorations on 23 December 1975.

Typed letter signed dated 19 December 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: confirmation of John Paul Stevens as Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court; envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 23 December 1975 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: H.R. 5900 (Common Situs Picketing Bill). Attached: White House press relief dated 22 December 1975, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 31 December 1975 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: White House legislative liaison staff.

Typed letter signed dated 31 December 1975 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: 18 December letter opposing user fees for traffic on inland waterways.

Typed letter signed dated 15 January 1976 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: White House telephone files. Attached: typed form.

Typed letter signed dated 24 January 1976 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: South Africa.

Typed letter signed dated 3 February 1976 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: Veterans Administration Center in Jackson, Mississippi, presidential seal, bicentennial exhibit.

Typed letter signed dated 9 February 1976 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: White House staff for Legislative Affairs.

Typed letter signed dated 13 February 1976 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: enclosed photograph from 20 January Bipartisan Leadership meeting on 1977 budget.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 February 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used in presidential signing of H.R. 8529 (Rice Production Act of 1975). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 February 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: H.R. 5247 (Public Works Employment bill), budget; 2 pages; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 27 February 1976 from Eastland; Bill Brock; Thomas J. McIntyre; Edward M. Kennedy; Richard S. Schweiker; Edmund S. Muskie; Thomas F. Eagleton; Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.; Howard Baker; J. Glenn Beall; Lowell Weicker, Jr.; William D. Hathaway; Dale Bumpers; John A. Durkin; Stuart Symington; Clairborne Pell; Hugh Scott; Edward W. Brooke; Birch Bayh; Henry M. Jackson; John L. McClellan; Gaylord Nelson; ; Ernest F. Hollings; Robert Morgan; Jesse Helms; Dick Stone; & Jennings Randolph to Ford, re: International Trade Commission, non-rubber footwear; 3 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 1 March 1976 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: 22 January letter on South Africa; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 22 March 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: Indochina Migration & Refugee Assistance Act of 1975, Cambodia, Vietnam. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 25 September 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: above topic. Attached: removal sheet for HEW Task Force for Indochina Refugees Report to Congress March 15, 1976.

Copy typed letter signed dated 23 March 1976 from Ford to Nelson A. Rockefeller, President of the U.S. Senate, re: foreign intelligence, electronic surveillance; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 30 March 1976 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: International Trade Commission, non-rubber footwear.

Copy typed letter signed dated 1 April 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: H.J. Res. 549 approving the Northern Marianas Islands Commonwealth Covenant, self-determination; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 12 April 1976 from Larry Speakes, Assistant Press Secretary to the President, to Eastland, re: Tennessee Valley Authority.

Copy typed letter signed dated 26 April 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: 1976 campaign, Republican party, Democratic party; 2 pages. Attached: printed donation form with envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 27 April 1976 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: president’s message on drug abuse.

Copy typed letter signed dated 6 May 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: H.R. 9803, Child Day Care Services under Title XX of the Social Security Act, social services programs; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 22 June 1976 from William T. Kendall to Eastland, re: Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Handwritten memorandum from Joe Jenkes to Eastland, re: veto. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Military Construction Authorization Veto – H.R. 12384.” Attached: White House press release dated 2 July 1976, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 8 July 1976 from James M. Cannon, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, to Eastland, re: Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Attached: copy White House press release dated 2 July 1976, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 18 September 1976 from John O. Marsh, Jr., Counselor to the President, to Eastland, re: Shrimp Association resolution. Attached: copy typed letter dated 20 September from Eastland to Robert G. Mauermann, Executive Director of Texas Shrimp Association, re: Gulf Coast fisheries and Mexico. Attached: copy typed letter dated 20 September from Eastland to Robert P. Jones, Executive Director of Southeastern Fisheries Association, re: above topic. Attached: copy telegram dated 17 September 1976 from Paul Herring, President of Southeastern Fisheries Association; Harold L. VonHarten, President of Florida Shrimp Association; & Jones to Ford, re: above topic; envelope addressed to Eastland. Attached: copy typed letter dated 16 September 1976 from Eastland to Mauermann, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed letter dated 16 September 1976 from Eastland to Marsh, re: above topic. Attached: copy typed manuscript dated 17 August 1976 entitled “Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Texas Shrimp Association.”

Copy typed letter dated 22 September 1976 from Ford to “The Congress of the United States,” re: rescissions of the 1977 budget affecting the Corps of Engineers and the Departments of the Interior and Transportation.

Copy typed letter signed dated 27 September 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used by president when signing H.R. 14262 (Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 1977). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 29 September 1976 from Max L. Friedersdorf to Eastland, re: retirement age waiver for Ashton C. Barrett of the Maritime Commission.

Typed letter signed dated 21 October 1976 from Joseph S. Jenckes V, Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs, to Eastland, re: forwarding letter from students at Camden Elementary School. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 26 October 1976 from Ford to “Dear Girls and Boys,” re: America.

Typed letter signed dated 22 October 1976 from Joseph S. Jenckes V to Eastland, retirement age waiver for Ashton C. Barrett.

Handwritten memorandum dated 16 December 1976, re: Max Friedersdorf dropped off gift from the president. Attached: printed card “The President” and envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 17 January 1977 from Edward C. Schmults, Deputy Counsel to the President, to Eastland, re: Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory Reform. Attached: White House press release dated 14 January 1976, re: above topic.

Folder 1-43. Gerald R. Ford Administration, White House Press Releases Press release dated 12 August 1974, re: Ford’s address to Joint Session of Congress; 8 pages.

Press release dated 31 August 1974 entitled “Fact Sheet: Federal Pay Raise Proposal and Federal Civilian Employment Reductions”; 2 pages.

Press release dated 31 August 1974, re: above topic, cost of living, inflation; 3 pages.

Press release dated 11 September 1974, re: presidential clemency and pardon.

Press release dated 16 September 1974 entitled “Fact Sheet: Program for the Return of Vietnam Era Draft Evaders and Military Deserters”; 3 pages.

Press release dated 16 September 1974 entitled “Fact Sheet: Procedures to be Followed Unconvicted Draft Evader and Military Absentee.”

Press release dated 16 September 1974, re: clemency board, Selective Service Act, military justice; 2 pages.

Press release dated 16 September 1974 entitled “Fact Sheet: Presidential Clemency Board.”

Press release dated 16 September 1974 entitled “Executive Order: Delegation of Certain Functions Vested in the President to the Director of Selective Service.”

Press release dated 16 September 1974 entitled “Announcing a Program for the Return of Vietnam Era Draft Evaders and Military Deserters”; 3 pages.

Press release dated 18 November 1974, re: Department of Defense budget, NATO, balance of payments; 3 pages.

Press release dated 18 November 1974, re: economic program, Nelson Rockefeller, energy, appropriations, vetoes, Foreign Aid Authorization bill, Surface Transportation Act, National Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1974, Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act, Energy Transportation Security Act of 1974, Military Construction Authorization; 11 pages.

Press release dated 26 November 1974, re: economic program, budget; 3 pages.

Press release dated 23 January 1975 entitled “Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 Relating to Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, and Providing for the Long-Term Control of Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products through a System of License Fees”; 8 pages.

Press release dated 8 April 1975, re: Legacy of Parks program, federal land; 5 pages.

Press release dated 18 February 1976 entitled “Fact Sheet: The President’s Actions Concerning the Foreign Intelligence Community”; 4 pages. Attached: Press release dated 18 February 1976, re: above topic; 4 pages. Attached: White House memorandum dated 24 February 1976 from Mike Duval to David Aaron; 1 page. Attached: Press release dated 17 February 1976, re: reorganization of the intelligence community; 1 page. Attached: Press release dated 18 February 1976 entitled “Executive Order: United States Foreign Intelligence Activities”; 36 pages. Attached: Draft of bill, re: amending the National Security Act of 1947; 9 pages.

Press release dated 27 April 1976 entitled “Remarks of the President upon Signing the Drug Message”; 11 pages.

Press release dated 22 October 1976 entitled “Executive Order: Exemption of Ashton C. Barrett from Mandatory Retirement,” re: Federal Maritime Commission.

Press release dated 17 January 1977, re: Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries; 2 pages.

Folder 1-44. Gerald R. Ford, Post-Administration Copy typed letter signed 6 March 1978 from Ford to Eastland, re: circular letter on President Carter’s policies; 4 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Folder 1-45. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Post-Administration Copy typed letter signed dated 4 March 1977 from Rockefeller to Eastland, re: 17 February letter.

Nelson A. Rockefeller press release dated 8 May 1978 entitled “Excerpts of Remarks by Nelson A. Rockefeller Prepared for Delivery at the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award Luncheon”; 6 pages.


Folder 2-1. Jimmy Carter Administration, Council on Environmental Quality Typed letter signed dated 10 May 1977 from Charles Warren, Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, to Eastland, re: public hearings of environmental impact statement. Attached: copy clipping “Notices: Environmental Statement Reform.”

Folder 2-2. Jimmy Carter Administration, Council on Wage & Price Stability Typed memorandum signed dated 19 May 1977 from Tom Joyce, Assistant Director for Public Affairs and Congressional Relations of Council on Wage & Price Stability, re: attachments.

Folder 2-3. Jimmy Carter Administration, Energy Policy and Planning Typed letter signed dated 16 June 1977 from Leslie J. Goldman of Energy Policy and Planning to Eastland, re: thanks for confidential Senate Internal Security Subcommittee print containing testimony on the vulnerability of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline & a draft bill on subject, oil; 2 pages.

Folder 2-4. Jimmy Carter Administration, National Commission on the International Year of the Child. Typed letter signed dated 22 August 1978 from Barbara P. Pomeroy, Executive Director of the National Commission on the International Year of the Child, to Eastland, re: National Commission on the International Year of the Child. Attached: typed manuscript dated 11 August 1978 entitled “Background Information.” Attached: National Commission on the International Year of the Child press release dated 28 June 1979, re: members of the commission. Attached: White House press release dated 14 April 1978 entitled “Executive Order: National Commission on the International Year of the Child.” Attached: typed manuscript beginning “The following organizations have endorsed the International Year of the Child…”; 3 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 28 June 1978 entitled “Remarks of the President Announcing U.S. Participation in the International Year of the Child, 1979”; 2 pages. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Senate Foreign Relations Committee: International Year of the Child, 1979, U.S. National Commission August 8, 1978”; 4 pages. Attached: typed manuscript dated 14 August 1978 entitled “People Want to Know.” Attached: typed manuscript dated 2 August 1978 beginning “The following countries have established…”; 2 pages. Attached: pamphlet International Year of the Child IYC 1979 (NY: IYC Secretariat, United Nations).

Folder 2-5. Jimmy Carter Administration, Office of Management & Budget Typed letter signed dated 4 April 1977 from , Director of Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: 7 February letter recommending federal programs for disaster relief be directed by the Executive office.

Typed letter signed dated 29 June 1977 from Bert Lance, Director of Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: advance copy of president’s remarks on long term reorganization agenda. Attached: White House press release dated 29 June 1977, re: reorganization of government in areas of law enforcement, local and community economic development, human services, and administrative services; 9 pages.

Carbon typed memorandum dated 2 August 1977, re: budget appropriations and authorizations, vehicles.

Typed memorandum dated 26 August 1977 on telephone report from Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management & Budget, re: Export-Import Bank cotton credits to Japan.

Typed letter signed dated 29 December 1977 from Hubert L. Harris, Jr., Assistant to the Director of Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: 6 December letter on budget levels for vocational education.

Typed letter signed dated 20 January 1978 from Hubert L. Harris to Eastland, re: 1979 budget. Copy typed letter signed dated 3 May 1978 from Eastland; Russell B. Long; Kaneaster Hodges, Jr.; Dale Bumpers; J. Bennett Johnston; John Tower; Floyd K. Haskell; John Melcher; Herman E. Talmadge; Edward Zorinsky; Birch Bayh; Robert Dole; George McGovern; & Jesse Helms to James T. McIntyre, Director of the Office of Management & Budget, re: Food for Peace program, grain & rice; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 24 May 1978 from James T. McIntyre, Jr., Director of the Office of Management & Budget, to Eastland, re: 3 May letter on P.L. 480, Title I. Office of Management & Budget press release dated 28 June 1978, re: federal paperwork, Subcommittee on Federal Spending Practices and Open Government of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee; 6 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 14 July 1978 from Hubert L. Harris, Jr. to Eastland, re: enclosed letter on Mississippi water project. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 14 July 1978 from Eliot R. Cutler, Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy & Science of Office of Management & Budget, to Clifford Alexander, Secretary of the Army, re: Gulfport Harbor project.

Typed letter signed dated 12 October 1978 from James T. McIntyre, Jr. to “Dear Senator,” re: efficiency, accountability, Civil Service reform, regulatory reform. Attached: President’s Reorganization Project, Reorganization Progress Report (13 October 1978).

Folder 2-6. Jimmy Carter Administration, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations Typed letter signed dated 14 March 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: 31 January letter on soybean and soybean meal trade with European Community.

Typed letter signed dated 5 July 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: tariff reductions on ceramic tile in Multilateral Trade Negotiations.

Copy typed memorandum dated 14 July 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to “Members of Congress,” re: Multilateral Trade Negotiations. Attached: incoming Department of State telegram dated July 1978, re: Robert S. Strauss press conference; 3 pages

Typed letter signed dated 25 September 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: trade negotiations with Japan.

Typed letter signed dated 7 December 1978 from Robert S. Strauss to Eastland, re: Japan, Multilateral Trade Negotiations, agriculture.

Folder 2-7. Jimmy Carter Administration, Office of the Vice President Copy typed letter signed dated 5 January 1977 from Walter F. Mondale to Eastland, re: request for additional space in Capitol for Vice President’s office. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 7 June 1977 from Mondale to Eastland, re: Eastland reception. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy printed invitation to coffee for Mondale in Jackson, Mississippi on 1 December 1977. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed manuscript entitled “Transcript: Vice President Walter F. Mondale, Thursday, December 1, 1977,” re: Mississippi visit, Eastland, John Stennis, economic development; 4 pages.

Copy typed letter dated 5 December 1977 from Mondale to Bill Simpson, Legislative Aide to Eastland, re: thanks for assistance with trip to Mississippi. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: typed letter signed dated 2 December 1977 from Richard Moe, Chief of Staff of Office of Vice President, to Simpson, re: thanks. Attached: copy typed manuscript, re: schedule for trip. Attached: copy typed manuscript, re: list of Mississippi names & addresses; 22 pages. Attached: handwritten manuscript, re: notes for trip with names & numbers.

Copy typed letter signed dated 5 December 1977 from Mondale to Eastland, re: thanks for visit; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 8 December 1977 from Frank D. Barber, Legislative Assistant to Eastland, to Albert Isele, Assistant & Press Secretary to Mondale, re: enclosed clipping, Mississippi trip.

Carbon typed letter dated 15 December 1977 from Mondale to Gardiner Wooten at the Mississippi House of Representatives, re: sorry for missing him on visit. Attached: carbon typed letter dated 9 December 1977 from William G. Simpson to Richard Moe, re: request for letter to Wooten. Attached: handwritten notes, re: above topic.

Copy printed invitation from Vice President & Mrs. Mondale to dinner honoring Hubert H. Humphrey on 20 October 1977. Attached: RSVP card and envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 16 January 1978 from Mondale to Eastland, re: enclosed photograph of trip to Mississippi. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access Location.

Office of the Vice President press release dated March 1978, re: agricultural policies; 3 pages.

Typed letter dated 4 April 1978 from Eastland to Mondale, re: farm policy, cotton.

Typed letter signed dated 4 April 1978 from Eastland to Mondale, re: farm policy, feed grains, cotton, land diversion program; envelope -- letter and envelope crossed out. Attached: copy typed letter dated 4 April 1978 from Eastland to Mondale, draft with handwritten Eastland office notation; 2 pages. Attached: handwritten letter from Eastland to Mondale, re: earlier draft; 4 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 18 September 1978 from Mondale to Eastland, re: S. 991 creating a Department of Education; 2 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Handwritten memorandum undated from Patricia Wald to Eastland, re: Eastland’s message to attorney general. Envelope from Mondale’s office.

Typed letter signed dated 10 October 1978 from Mondale, Paul Sarbanes, and Ted Stevens to Eastland, re: Combined Federal Campaign for the needy.

Copy typed letter signed dated 27 December 1978 from Eastland to Mondale, re: Eastland’s retirement.

Typed letter signed dated 1 June 1982 from Mondale to Eastland, re: recent meetings together in Jackson.

Folder 2-8. Jimmy Carter Administration, President’s Commission on Mental Health Typed letter signed dated 15 April 1977 from Thomas E. Bryant, Chairman of the President’s Commission on Mental Health, to Eastland, re: commission’s mission; 2 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 17 February 1977 entitled “Executive Order: President’s Commission on Mental Health”; 2 pages. Attached: First Lady press release dated 29 March 1977, re: Commission on Mental Health; 4 pages.

President’s Commission on Mental Health press release dated 15 September 1977, re: reports and studies of commission. Attached: removal sheet for Preliminary Report to the President from the President’s Commission on Mental Health (1 September 1977).

Folder 2-9. Jimmy Carter Administration, President’s Commission on White House Fellowships Typed memorandum dated 24 February 1977 from Bruce H. Hasenkamp, Director of President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, to “Members of the United States Senate,” re: regional finalists. Attached: President’s Commission on White House Fellowships press release, re: above topic; 6 pages.

Folder 2-10. Jimmy Carter Administration, President’s Reorganization Project Typed letter circa June 1977 from F.T. Davis, Jr., Director of General Government Division of the President’s Reorganization Project, re: comprehensive review of federal law enforcement; 3 pages. Attached: copy typed memorandum dated 29 June 1977 from Jimmy Carter to “Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies,” re: above topic; 2 pages. Attached: removal sheet for chart entitled “Organizations Performing Police or Investigative Activities.”

Typed letter signed dated 12 December 1977 from Harrison Wellford, Executive Associate Director for Reorganization and Management of President’s Reorganization Project, to Eastland, re: Natural Resources/Environmental Reorganization Study. Attached: typed letter dated 12 December 1977 from William W. Harsch, Deputy Associate Director of Natural Resources/Environment Division, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 30 December 1977 from F.T. Davis to Eastland, re: Federal Legal Representation Study, litigation; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 24 April 1978 from Harrison Wellford, to Eastland, re: S.991 creating a Department of Education. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Statement of James T. McIntyre, Jr., Director, Office of Management and Budget, before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate April 14, 1978”; 20 pages.

Folder 2-11. Jimmy Carter Administration, White House Briefings Copy typed manuscript in folder “White House Briefing, Panama Canal Treaties, Tuesday, August 23, 1977”; 50 pages.

Folder 2-12. Jimmy Carter Administration, White House Conference on Library & Information Sciences Typed letter signed dated 13 October 1978 from Charles Benton, Chairman of White House Conference on Library & Information Sciences, to Eastland, re: presidential appointees to conference. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 13 October 1978 from Charles Benton to Walter F. Curley, President of Gaylord Brothers Inc., re: Curley’s resignation.

Folder 2-13. Jimmy Carter Administration, White House Correspondence Copy typed letter signed dated 12 January 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: reorganization of government. Original removed from VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 20 January 1977 from Frank Moore, Assistant to the President, to Eastland, re: enclosed inaugural address. Attached: White House press release dated 20 January 1977, re: inaugural address; 4 pages.

Copy handwritten letter signed dated 25 January 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: confirmation as Attorney General. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 27 January 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: Griffin Bell confirmation.

Typed letter signed dated 17 February 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: congratulations on Eastland’s election to Chair of Judiciary Committee.

Typed letter signed dated 22 February 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: unified Disaster Relief program. Attached: carbon typed letter signed dated 7 February 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: above topic; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 2 March 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Paul Warnke nomination; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 16 March 1977 from Carter to “Members of Congress,” re: review of water projects. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed memorandum signed dated 18 March 1977 from Frank Moore to “Members of Congress,” re: White House Congressional Liaison Staff. Attached: typed manuscript, re: above topic; 8 pages.

Copy handwritten letter signed dated 25 March 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: establishing selection committees for federal circuit judges, Federal Bureau of Investigation director, and Supreme Court justices; 2 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: White House press release dated 17 February 1977 entitled “Executive Order: Establishing the United States Circuit Judge Nominating Commission”; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 26 March 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: presidential photograph.

Handwritten letter signed dated 1 April 1977 from Dan Tate to Eastland, re: previous day’s visit.

Copy typed letter signed dated 4 April 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: footwear imports. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Statement by President Carter on the Footwear Import Relief Case”; 2 pages. Copy typed letter signed dated 25 April 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Hospital Cost Containment Act of 1977, health care system. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: Department of Health, Education, & Welfare press release dated 25 April 1977 entitled “Child Health Assessment Act of 1977”; 6 pages. Attached: Department of Health, Education, & Welfare press release dated 25 April 1977 entitled “Hospital Cost Containment Act of 1977”; 15 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 25 April 1977, re: above topic; 3 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 5 May 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: child pornography.

Typed memorandum dated 26 May 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: enclosed. Attached: typed letter signed dated 25 May 1977 from Carter to U.S. Senator John L. McClellan, re: 1978 budget; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 6 June 1977 from Fran Voorde to Frances G. Knight, Director of U.S. Passport Office, re: Department of State, Knight’s position.

Typed letter signed dated 9 June 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 3 June letter on Section 404 of Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Typed letter signed dated 27 June 1977 from Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Policy, to Eastland, re: 3 June letter on Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, environment; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed letter signed from Eastland; Edward Zorinsky; James A. McClure; J. Bennett Johnston; Lloyd Bentsen; Bob Dole; John Tower; Malcolm Wallop; Milton R. Young; John C. Danforth; Ted Stevens; Robert Morgan; William V. Roth, Jr.; Jake Garn; Pete Domenici; John C. Stennis; John Melcher; Clifford P. Hansen; & Russell B. Long to Carter, re: above topic.

Typed letter signed dated 11 July 1977 from Esther Peterson to Eastland, re: Attorney General Griffin B. Bell on legal effects of the consumer agency bill. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 21 June 1977 from Bell to U.S. Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff, re: S. 1262 (Consumer Protection Act of 1977); 2 pages.

Copy typed manuscript stamped “Draft” dated 15 July 1977, re: Reorganization of the Executive Office of the President, Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977; 4 pages. Attached: White House press release dated 15 July 1977, re: above topic; 5 pages. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977”; 3 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 July 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: travel together on Air Force One. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 22 July 1977 from Richard A. Pettigrew, Assistant to the President for Reorganization, to Eastland, re: Reorganization project; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Casework Survey”; 3 pages. Attached: removal sheet for Federal Register Vol. 42, No. 139 (7 July 1977): 34855-35140.

Copy typed letter dated 25 July 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: visit to Mississippi.

Typed letter signed dated 27 July 1977 from Bill Combs, White House Advance Staff, to Eastland, re: Carter’s Mississippi visit.

Copy invitation from President & Mrs. Carter to White House picnic on 28 July 1977. Envelope addressed to Eastland.

Copy typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from David Lambert, Eastland’s Press Secretary, to Dan C. Tate, Special Assistant for Congressional Liaison, re: photographs of Eastland and Carter at Leadership Breakfast on 12 July 1977. Attached: copy typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from Lambert to Tom Hederman, Editor of the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, re: above topic. Attached: copies of photograph with text; 2 pages.

Carbon typed letter dated 5 August 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: S. 1765, use of the word “Federal” in insurer’s name.

Carbon typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from William G. Simpson, Administrative Assistant to Eastland, to Frank Moore, re: signed photograph of president.

Copy typed letter signed dated 12 August 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Panama Canal Treaty. Attached: copy typed manuscript beginning “Defense and National Security…”; 2 pages. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Carbon typed letter dated 17 August 1977 from William G. Simpson to Landon Butler, Deputy Assistant to the President, re: Gulf South and Latin America.

Typed letter signed dated 6 September 1977 from Frank Moore to “Dear Senator,” re: Panama Canal Treaty. Attached: removal sheet for Panama Canal Treaty: Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality & Operation of the Panama Canal (1977).

Typed letter signed dated 13 September 1977 from Dan C. Tate to Eastland, re: enclosed White House photographs.

Carbon typed letter dated 22 September 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: commercial & sport fishing industry.

Copy typed letter signed dated 30 September 1977 from Eastland, Bob Dole, Milton R. Young, Carl T. Curtis, George McGovern, James B. Allen, and Hubert H. Humphrey to Carter, re: sugar tariffs, S. 275 (Food and Agriculture Act of 1977); 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 6 October 1977 from Dan C. Tate to Eastland, re: enclosed photographs of signing of the Farm Bill.

Typed letter signed dated 7 October 1977 from Stuart E. Eizenstat to Eastland, re: gas, Alaskan pipeline.

Copy typed letter signed dated 10 October 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: 22 September letter on fisheries, sport & commercial fishing industries. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 11 October 1977 from Esther Peterson, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs, to Eastland, re: automatic automobile restraint systems; 2 pages. Copy telegram dated 14 October 1977 from Eastland to Carter, re: International Longshoreman’s Association strike in New Orleans, agriculture losses, Taft-Hartley Act. Attached: earlier draft of above telegram. Attached: typed letter dated 14 October 1977 from Bob Dole (handwritten “Signed” by Eastland office on copy) to Carter, re: above topic. Attached: typed memorandum dated 14 October 1977 from Nelson C. Denlinger, Chief Clerk and Press Secretary, to Members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, re: above topic.

Copy typed letter signed dated 14 October 1977 from Eastland; Herman E. Talmadge; Bob Dole; George McGovern; James B. Allen; Milton Young; Jesse Helms; ; Henry Bellmon; S.I. Hayakawa; Carl T. Curtis; Richard Lugar; John Melcher; & Dick Clark to Carter, re: New Orleans strike of International Longshoremen’s Association, grain exports; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 19 October 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: enclosed pen from signing of S. 275 (Food & Agriculture Act of 1977). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed memorandum dated 19 October 1977 from Richard A. Pettigrew, Assistant to the President for Reorganization, to “Members of Congress,” re: congressional survey of constituent casework.

Typed letter signed dated 19 October 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: received telegram on New Orleans strike.

Typed letter signed dated 19 October 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 14 October letter on longshoreman’s strike.

Copy typed letter signed dated 20 October 1977 from Eastland; Herman E. Talmadge; Bob Dole; Dick Clark; Edward Zorinsky; Walter D. Huddleston; S.I. Hayakawa; James B. Allen; Dick Stone; Hubert H. Humphrey; John Melcher; George McGovern; Carl T. Curtis; Milton Young; Patrick Leahy; Jesse Helms; & Richard Lugar to Carter, re: agricultural exports, farm prices, Commodity Credit Corporation; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 25 October 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used in signing H.R. 6111 (Juvenile Justice Amendments of 1977). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 1 November 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 20 October letter on agricultural exports.

Copy typed letter signed dated 4 November 1977 from Carter to Robert C. Byrd, re: honoring Eastland and John C. Stennis for length of joint congressional service. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Handwritten letter signed dated 5 November 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Panama Canal treaty; 3 pages. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Statement of Understanding,” re: above topic. Attached: copy of clipping of chart “Support for Canal Treaties Depends on Security Provisions” New York Times (2 November 1977).

Copy printed invitation from President & Mrs. Carter to Senator & Mrs. Eastland, re: White th House reception on 17 November 1977 for the 10 anniversary of the American Film Institute. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 23 November 1977 from Carter to Eastland, re: Eastland’s birthday; envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 23 November 1977 from Stuart E. Eizenstat to Eastland, re: farm exports.

Typed letter signed dated 21 November 1978 from Dan C. Tate, Deputy Assistant for Congressional Liaison, to Eastland, re: enclosed copy of Jefferson Davis Citizenship bill. Copy of red-line copy of above bill. Original removed to Eastland Oversized Box 1, Folder 2.

Copy telegram circa 2 December 1977 from Eastland, J. Bennett Johnston, Russell B. Long, Dale Bumpers, John Tower, Sam Hayakawa to Carter and Secretary of State , re: Public Law 480 agreements with India on rice. Attached: business card of J. Stephen Gabbert, Executive Vice President of Rice Millers’ Association. Attached: copy typed manuscript dated 2 December 1977 entitled “Memo Regarding PL-480 and Human Rights”; 3 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 9 December 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 5 December telegram on delays in Food for Peace Program.

Copy printed invitation from President & Mrs. Carter to “Members of Congress and their immediate family,” re: White House Christmas Party on 13 December 1977; envelope. Attached: printed card, re: parking. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 16 December 1977 unsigned on U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs letterhead to Carter, re: government regulations, independent regulatory commissions, executive order; 6 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 16 December 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: past eleven months, holiday wishes.

Typed letter signed dated 21 December 1977 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 16 December letter on executive orders to improve government regulations.

Copy typed letter undated from Carter to “The Congress of the United States,” re: Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977, State Department, Agency for International Communication; 6 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled “Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977”; 7 pages. Copy printed invitation from President Carter, re: White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development on 29 January – 2 February 1978; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 23 January 1978 from Carter to “The Congress of the United States,” re: Council on Wage & Price Stability report.

Copy typed letter signed dated 31 January 1978 from Bob Dole, [Curtis, Talmadge, Eastland, Hykawa possibly] to Carter, re: European Community trade negotiations, soybeans. Typed letter signed dated 6 February 1978 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 26 January letter on domestic sugar industry.

Copy typed letter signed dated 15 February 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: 31 January letter on soybeans; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 15 March 1978 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: 3 March letter on fuel economy standards in light trucks and vans.

Typed letter signed dated 17 April 1978 from Nancy A. Willing, Director of White House Visitors Office, to “Dear Senator,” re: policies of White House Visitors Office. Attached: typed manuscript entitled “Sample of Card the Way It Is to Be Filled Out to Send to the Visitor’s Office”; 2 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 September 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: Eastland tribute by Mississippi Society of Washington. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 27 April 1978 from Stuart E. Eizenstat to Eastland, re: sugar industry. Attached: copy typed memorandum from Eizenstat, re: above topic. Attached: Council on Wage & Price Stability press release dated 27 April 1978 entitled “Beef, Sugar Bills before Congress Called Inflationary”; 4 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 12 May 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: aircraft sales to Israel, Egypt, & Saudi Arabia, Middle East; 2 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Copy of envelope.

Copy typed letter signed dated 25 May 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: thanks for arms sales vote, Middle East. Copy of envelope.

Typed letter signed dated 9 June 1978 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: enclosed speech by president at graduation of U.S. Naval Academy. Attached: White House press release dated 7 June 1978, re: above speech; 5 pages.

Copy printed invitation from President Carter to Senator Eastland, re: 14 June 1978 White House reception; envelope.

Copy typed memorandum from Eastland, re: status of children. Attached: copy typed letter dated 14 June 1978 from Gretchen Poston, White House Social Secretary, to Eastland, re: information for social function files.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 June 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: national urban policy. Attached: removal sheet for A New Partnership to Conserve America’s Communities: A Status Report on the President’s Urban Policy (June 1978).

Typed letter signed dated 12 July 1978 from Esther Peterson to Eastland, re: H.R. 2777 (National Cooperative Bank Act), Farm Credit System, consumer cooperatives. Copy typed letter signed dated 20 July 1978 from Carter to U.S. Senator , re: South Korea withdrawal policy; 2 pages.

Typed memorandum dated 1 August 1978 from Bill Simpson to Eastland, re: invitation from president to accompany him to commissioning of the USS Mississippi at Newport News Shipyard.

Copy typed letter signed dated 5 August 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: trip to naval ship USS Mississippi commissioning; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: copy typed memorandum dated 3 August 1978 from White House Advance Office to Eastland, re: above trip; envelope.

Copy handwritten letter signed dated 31 August 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: natural gas bill, energy policy, oil; 3 pages. Attached: copy typed letter signed dated 31 August 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: above topic; 3 pages. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 20 September 1978 from Eastland and 45 other senator to Carter, re: H.R. 12928 (Energy & Water Development Appropriations Bill); 4 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 21 September 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: Mississippi Society of Washington tribute to Eastland.

Typed letter signed dated 28 September 1978 from Esther Peterson to Eastland, re: hospital costs, health care, S. 1391, H.R. 5285 amendment by Senator Nelson; 2 pages.

Copy handwritten letter signed dated 5 October 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: inflation, public works bill. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Copy typed letter signed dated 5 October 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: H.R. 12928 (Energy & Water Development Appropriations Act), water projects, budget; 2 pages. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.

Typed letter signed dated 12 October 1978 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: enclosed speech by Vice President Mondale to National Press Club on administration record. Attached: Office of Vice President press release dated October 1978, re: above topic; 5 pages.

Copy typed letter signed dated 17 October 1978 from Carter to “Democratic Party Leaders,” re: 1978 elections, Get-Out-the-Vote program.

Copy typed letter signed dated 24 October 1978 from Carter to Eastland, re: inflation, real wage insurance. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location. Attached: White House press release dated 24 October 1978 entitled “Fact Sheet: The President’s Anti-Inflation Program”; 6 pages.

Telegram dated 2 November 1978 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: dollar, inflation, federal reserve, gold sales; 2 pages.

Typed letter signed dated 7 November 1978 from Frank Moore to Eastland, re: presidential message for Mattie May Watson Gwinn.

Carbon typed letter dated 6 December 1978 from Landon Kite, Staff Assistant, to Jim Puchan, re: Eastland’s transmission of Puchan’s letter on world hunger to Carter.

Typed letter signed dated 22 December 1978 from Esther Peterson to “Dear Senator,” re: consumer complaints of 22 federal agencies. Attached: Office of Consumer Affairs press release dated 7 December 1978 entitled “Report Card on Complaint Handling by 22 Federal Agencies Finds Substantial Improvement, Significant Lagging.” Attached: removal sheet for Feasibility Study to Improve Handling of Consumer Complaints: Federal Agency Complaints – Handling: Evaluation Update (Department of Heath, Education, & Welfare; 6 November 1978). Typed manuscript entitled “Special White House Events, 1978”; 2 pages.

Copy typed manuscript signed by Carter entitled “Granting Pardon for Violations of the Selective Service Act, August 4, 1964 to March 28, 1973”; 2 pages. Attached: copy typed manuscript entitled signed by Carter “Executive Order: Relating to Violations of the Selective Service Act, August 4, 1964 to March 28, 1973”; 2 pages.

Typed manuscript on White House letterhead entitled “Special White House Events, 1978,” re: Easter Egg Roll, garden tour, summer holidays, visitors waiting area on Ellipse.

Typed letter signed undated from Stuart E. Eizenstat to Eastland, re: undocumented aliens. Typed memorandum on Eastland Senate letterhead entitled “Tentative Plans (Frank Moore),” re: president’s trip to Jackson & Yazoo City, Mississippi.

Christmas card signed by President & Mrs. Carter; envelope postmarked 18 December 1979.

Folder 2-14. Jimmy Carter Administration, White House Historical Association Typed letter signed dated 12 May 1978 from Hillory A. Tolson, Director of the White House Historical Association, to Eastland, re: books sold to benefit White House collection. Attached: pamphlet White House Historical Association.

Folder 2-15. Jimmy Carter Administration, White House Press Releases. Press release dated 4 February 1977, re: reorganization plans; 4 pages.

Press release dated 10 March 1977, re: nominations for Deputy Secretary of Agriculture and U.S. Attorney for Tennessee.

Press release dated 18 April 1977 entitled “Statement on Water Projects,” re: Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, Tennessee Valley Authority, budget, public works; 8 pages.

Press release dated 6 August 1977, re: welfare reform; 12 pages. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare press release dated 6 August 1977 entitled “Welfare Reform”; 58 pages.

Press release dated 8 February 1978, re: education grants & loans; 12 pages.

Press release dated 8 February 1978, re: education grants & loans; 2 pages.

Press release dated 7 April 1978, re: trade with Hungary; 6 pages.

Press release dated 14 April 1978, re: treaty with Bolivia on convicted citizens.

Press release dated 6 June 1978, re: water resource programs, water conservation, environment; 6 pages. Attached: press release dated 6 June 1978, re: above topic. Attached: press release dated 6 June 1978 entitled “Water Policy Message: Detailed Background”; 9 pages.

Press release dated 16 June 1978, re: Panama Canal Treaty; 34 pages.

Press release dated 5 October 1978, re: H.R. 12928 (Energy & Water Development Appropriations bill); 5 pages.

Press release dated 10 October 1978, re: veterans of Vietnam; 7 pages.

Press release dated 10 October 1978 entitled “Fact Sheet: Vietnam Era Veterans”; 4 pages.

Press release dated 19 October 1978, re: H.R. 9370 on federal aquaculture programs; 2 pages.

Press release undated entitled “Summary and Outline of First-Year Domestic Accomplishments”; 21 pages.