277 bus time schedule & line map

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The 277 bus line (Llandeilo - Carmarthen) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Carmarthen: 9:10 AM (2) Golden Grove: 1:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 277 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 277 bus arriving.

Direction: Carmarthen 277 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Carmarthen Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Gelli Newydd, Golden Grove Gelli Newydd, Llanhangel Aberbythych Community Tuesday Not Operational

Heol Myrddin Estate, Ffair-Fach Wednesday 9:10 AM Heol Myrddin, Cyngor Bro Dyffryn Cennen Community Thursday Not Operational Square, Ffair-Fach Friday Not Operational

Co-Op, Ffair-Fach Saturday Not Operational

St Teilo`S Church, Llandeilo

King Street, Llandeilo Market Street, Llandeilo 277 bus Info Direction: Carmarthen Athletic Club, Llandeilo Stops: 36 82 New Road, Llandeilo Trip Duration: 85 min Line Summary: Gelli Newydd, Golden Grove, Heol Ysgol Ganradd Llandeilo, Llandeilo Myrddin Estate, Ffair-Fach, Square, Ffair-Fach, Co- 23 Rhosmaen Street, Llandeilo Op, Ffair-Fach, St Teilo`S Church, Llandeilo, King Street, Llandeilo, Athletic Club, Llandeilo, Ysgol Turn, Llandeilo Ganradd Llandeilo, Llandeilo, Talley Turn, Llandeilo, Albion Close, Llandeilo Salem Turn, New Inn, Angel Inn, Salem, Capel Isaac, Capel-Isaac, Post Oce, , St Egwad`S Salem Turn, New Inn Church, Llanfynydd, Cwrt Henry, Court Henry, Dryslwyn Post Oce, Court Henry, Dryslwyn Angel Inn, Salem Crossroads, Court Henry, Felindre Square, Felindre, Dryslwyn Square, Dryslwyn, Castle, Dryslwyn, Fig Capel Isaac, Capel-Isaac Tree, Dryslwyn, Emlyn Arms, , Bremenda Ganol, Llanarthne, Pen-Y-Fn, Llandilo-Yr-Ynys, Old Post Oce, Llanfynydd Station, Nantgaredig, Square, Nantgaredig, Crychiau, , Museum, Abergwili, Black Ox, Abergwili, Capel Ebeneser, Abergwili, Abergwili Ambulance St Egwad`S Church, Llanfynydd Station, Tanerdy, Brynderwen, Tanerdy, Reservoir Road, Tanerdy, Priory Street, Carmarthen, Lidl, Cwrt Henry, Court Henry Carmarthen, Bus Station, Carmarthen Maes Awelon, Community

Dryslwyn Post Oce, Court Henry Dryslwyn Crossroads, Court Henry

Felindre Square, Felindre

Dryslwyn Square, Dryslwyn

Castle, Dryslwyn

Fig Tree, Dryslwyn

Emlyn Arms, Llanarthney Tir Llan, Llanarthney Community

Bremenda Ganol, Llanarthne

Pen-Y-Fn, Llandilo-Yr-Ynys

Old Station, Nantgaredig

Square, Nantgaredig Clos y Myrtwydd, Llanegwad Community

Crychiau, Abergwili

Museum, Abergwili

Black Ox, Abergwili Heol Cae-Ffynnon, Abergwili Community

Capel Ebeneser, Abergwili

Abergwili Ambulance Station, Tanerdy

Brynderwen, Tanerdy A484, Carmarthen Community

Reservoir Road, Tanerdy

Priory Street, Carmarthen

Lidl, Carmarthen

Bus Station, Carmarthen 22 Blue Street, Carmarthen Direction: Golden Grove 277 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Golden Grove Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Bus Station, Carmarthen 22 Blue Street, Carmarthen Tuesday Not Operational

St Peters Church, Carmarthen Wednesday 1:45 PM Church Lane, Carmarthen Thursday Not Operational Lidl, Carmarthen Friday Not Operational Clos y Deri, Carmarthen Saturday Not Operational Priory Street, Carmarthen

Reservoir Road, Tanerdy

Carlton, Tanerdy 277 bus Info Tanerdy, Carmarthen Community Direction: Golden Grove Stops: 37 Abergwili Ambulance Station, Tanerdy Trip Duration: 85 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Carmarthen, St Peters Capel Ebeneser, Abergwili Church, Carmarthen, Lidl, Carmarthen, Priory Street, Bwlch Lane, Abergwili Community Carmarthen, Reservoir Road, Tanerdy, Carlton, Tanerdy, Abergwili Ambulance Station, Tanerdy, Black Ox, Abergwili Capel Ebeneser, Abergwili, Black Ox, Abergwili, High Street, Abergwili Community Museum, Abergwili, Crychiau, Abergwili, Nantgaredig Square, Nantgaredig, Old Station, Nantgaredig, Pen- Museum, Abergwili Y-Fn, Llandilo-Yr-Ynys, Bremenda Ganol, Llanarthne, Emlyn Arms, Llanarthney, Fig Tree, Crychiau, Abergwili Dryslwyn, Castle, Dryslwyn, Dryslwyn Square, Dryslwyn, Felindre Square, Felindre, Dryslwyn Nantgaredig Square, Nantgaredig Crossroads, Court Henry, Dryslwyn Post Oce, Court Clos y Myrtwydd, Llanegwad Community Henry, School, Court Henry, St Egwad`S Church, Llanfynydd, Post Oce, Llanfynydd, Capel Isaac, Old Station, Nantgaredig Capel-Isaac, Angel Inn, Salem, Salem Turn, New Inn, Talley Turn, Llandeilo, Station Road, Llandeilo, Ysgol Pen-Y-Fn, Llandilo-Yr-Ynys Ganradd Llandeilo, Llandeilo, New Road, Llandeilo, Old Market, Llandeilo, St Teilo's Church, Llandeilo, Bremenda Ganol, Llanarthne , Ffair-Fach, Square, Ffair-Fach, Gelli Newydd, Golden Grove Emlyn Arms, Llanarthney Tir Llan, Llanarthney Community

Fig Tree, Dryslwyn

Castle, Dryslwyn

Dryslwyn Square, Dryslwyn

Felindre Square, Felindre

Dryslwyn Crossroads, Court Henry

Dryslwyn Post Oce, Court Henry

School, Court Henry Maes Awelon, Llanegwad Community

St Egwad`S Church, Llanfynydd

Post Oce, Llanfynydd

Capel Isaac, Capel-Isaac

Angel Inn, Salem

Salem Turn, New Inn

Talley Turn, Llandeilo Albion Close, Llandeilo

Station Road, Llandeilo 6 Y Trallwng, Llandeilo

Ysgol Ganradd Llandeilo, Llandeilo 23 Rhosmaen Street, Llandeilo

New Road, Llandeilo New Road, Llandeilo

Old Market, Llandeilo 33 New Road, Llandeilo

St Teilo's Church, Llandeilo Church Street, Llandeilo

Ffairfach, Ffair-Fach

Square, Ffair-Fach

Gelli Newydd, Golden Grove Gelli Newydd, Llanhangel Aberbythych Community 277 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved