Our ref: ASL/LAB025/EAS1033/Precon 7th July 2020

Chief Planning Officer Council Bowden Road Newtown TD6 0SA via Email: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam

Airwave site LAB025 Consultation - Proposed Base Station Site Upgrade: Land at Berryfell Farm, Hawick, Scottish Borders TD9 9UD NGR: 352375, 607405

We write to you as Town and Country Planning and Surveying Consultants working on behalf of Airwave Solutions Ltd. (Airwave).

Airwave is a licensed operator of an electronic communications network which provides a mobile telecommunications network to the emergency services and public safety organisations in the . The Airwave contract was due to end on 31st December 2019 but has now been extended until at least the end of 2022.

The existing Airwave emergency services network is set to be replaced with a new Emergency Services Network (‘ESN’). I have attached for your information a copy of a briefing note issued by the Home Office in 2016 which provides general information on this new network and how it will be delivered. You will note that most of the coverage will be provided by EE Ltd. (‘EE’), making use of its existing and new infrastructure largely within urban areas and other areas where there is existing infrastructure.

Today the 3 Emergency Services (3ES) and over 300 other public safety and national contingency organisations across , England and Wales use a mobile radio system (Airwave) to communicate within and between the 3ES but this needs replacement and ESN has been procured competitively by the Home Office to provide a high-quality service that makes full use of the latest technology in the telecoms sector

You will also note however that under heading 5 (4) on page 1 and 7 (b) on page 2 there is reference to ‘Extended Area Services (‘EAS’). The ‘EAS’ is being delivered by way of new infrastructure being rolled out by the Home Office, with the service being provided in the form of EE’s 4G ESN apparatus. The EAS network delivery is to provide coverage to National Parks / AONB’s / National Scenic Areas as well as rural and remote areas with public access and including stretches of minor public roads.

In addition, the Home Office intend to make full use of existing infrastructure such as sites owned by Airwave, wherever possible so as to comply with NPPF policies. This process is being conducted via site share applications to Airwave by the Home Office who have the aforementioned EAS coverage obligations which in this instance requires an upgrade of the existing Airwave site infrastructure at the above location.

The site share requirement is to provide EAS coverage between Shankend and Stobs Castle along the B6399 road. This proposal forms part of that coverage solution whereby the utilisation of the established Airwave infrastructure has been targeted and network planned in order to minimise the need for additional towers and is a self-selecting site for further telecommunications equipment.

Galloway Estates Ltd., Chartered Surveyors, PO Box 17086, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9UG Mob. 07970 679998. Email: [email protected] Company No. 4309857: Regulated by RICS

This letter therefore invites the Local Planning Authority, in accordance with planning policy guidance and Best Practice Commitments, to enter into pre-application discussions prior to a formal planning submission.

Careful consideration has been given to the relevant Scottish Borders Council LDP 2016 and policies in place (inc Radio Comunications Policy IS15), however, we would appreciate any clarification and guidance the Council is able to provide in respect of this proposal.

The Home Office EAS technical network requirement is as follows:

• Site: EAS1033 – 78841 – Berryfell Farm

• Site Upgrade - Land at Berryfell Farm, Hawick, Scottish Borders TD9 9UD NGR: 352375, 607405

• Development - The current proposal is as shown on attached drawings LAB025-GA-01-02-03-40-05. This comprises the removal of the existing 15m Airwave tower and replacement with a 20m tower upon which will be attached antennae and dishes. At ground level an additional cabin and standby generator will be located within an extended compound on new concrete bases. A separate VSAT dish link will be positioned on a new base.

• Coverage is required between Shankend and Stobs Castle along the B6399 road which is classed as critical for the emergency services. Surrounding tracks used by walkers also require coverage,

We will of course address issues relating to the planning policies referred to above and would ask that in reviewing this proposal, you bear in mind the issues below when providing any comments you may have:

• EAS1033 is a Home office ‘EAS’ site and resolves coverage gaps in the area. You will, I am sure, appreciate the importance of contiguous coverage for all the emergency services. • The current Airwave mast is not structurally capable of taking an increased antenna load with the extra associated wind loading and hence the redevelopment to a new tower. • A full inspection of the site and the immediate environs has been undertaken and as indicated above, the existing site is self-selecting. It is highly unlikely that an alternative location exists which could provide the required coverage solution and/or which would have less visual impact.

The location identified achieves the very specific radio coverage requirements based on ‘Drive Surveys’ and testing in the area and should this be required we can provide appropriate coverage plots to support this.

In addition to the 3ES, wherever possible the infrastructure proposed will be developed to allow for a Shared Rural Network (SRN). For further information in this regard, please refer to the following government website link: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/shared-rural-network. The new tower structure will therefore be capable of supporting additional equipment from the other operators who will have the ability to access the new infrastructure should they wish to provide their own rural 4G service.

All EAS ESN installations are designed to be fully compliant with the public exposure guidelines established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines have the support of UK Government, the European Union and they also have the formal backing of the World Health Organisation. A certificate of ICNIRP compliance will be included within the planning submission.

Finally, we would be interested in any local stakeholders or groups that you consider would like to know more about our proposals. You will note that we have already copied this correspondence to the following parties for their information and for any comments they may have:

Galloway Estates Ltd., Chartered Surveyors, PO Box 17086, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9UG Mob. 07970 679998. Email: [email protected] Company No. 4309857: Regulated by RICS

Hawick & Hermitage Unitary Authority Councillors:

Councillor Watson McAteer Email: [email protected]; Councillor Davie Peterson Email: [email protected]

Councillor George Turnbull Email: [email protected]

Hobkirk Community Council: Email: [email protected]

We look forward to receiving your response within 14 days of the date of this letter (Please note this time period is more flexible given the current restrictions). Should you require further information, please contact the writer below and include the Airwave and Home Office reference nos. LAB025/EAS1033. Yours faithfully

Peter Hickson Director, Galloway Estates Ltd. For and on behalf Airwave Solutions Ltd

Enc: Drawings LAB025-GA-01-02-03-40-05-06. Consultation Plan Government briefing note & letter

Galloway Estates Ltd., Chartered Surveyors, PO Box 17086, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9UG Mob. 07970 679998. Email: [email protected] Company No. 4309857: Regulated by RICS