MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE SOUTH NEWTON AND STOFORD PARISH COUNCIL Held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 5th June 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Cllr D. Blake (Chair) Cllr. M. Pont, Cllr N. Blake, Cllr. H. Bryans, Cllr C. Swanton, Cllr. H. Swanton, Cllr R. Botten, Also Present: Mrs. C. Webb (Clerk), Cllr. P. Church

1. Apologies: - Cllr. K. Norman, Cllr B. Blake

2. Minutes of previous meeting: - Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 8th May 2019 were discussed and approved. These were then duly signed by the Chairman Cllr. D. Blake.

3. Any Matters arising: - a. Parking lines Oak Close and Jubilee Close, South Newton – Clerk confirmed that this has now been sent to Housing Repairs and still awaiting a reply. Wiltshire Cllr. P Church proposed the Small Improvement Scheme to be put forward for funding this proposal. Cllr N. Blake suggested a door to door survey asking for their support / views with a questionnaire. b. Football pitch and basketball net – Cllr N. Blake will discuss possible funding with local businesses and will report back. c. Community Speed Indicator device – Cllr. R. Botten confirmed a rota had now been agreed at the meeting on 31st May with relevant parishes. The S.I.D. is now currently in use at Quidhampton will move every month to be back at South Newton in January 2020. Cllr. P. Church recommended extra funding for parishes to purchase additional S.I.D.’s. Cllr. R. Botten will report back to future meetings that possible future S.I.D.’s could be both portrait and landscape. The data collected from the Mill South Newton showed that traffic did slow down when S.I.D. was in use. Cllr. Botten suggested speed bumps be installed on C283 following the data collected. This would need to be requested through C.A.T.G. Cllr P. Church suggested more regular police check and would request via email. d. Signage on A36 – Glenside Manor –Councillors agreed to close this matter now. Wiltshire Cllr. P. Church confirmed details of recent closure of Glenside Manor. The company is now in official receivership and after several inspections where it was found improvements in care needed to be made, their registration has now been cancelled. are investigating if suitable alternative uses for the buildings and are currently reviewing what next steps can be taken. e. New Bins and gravel for pathway – Cllr. D Blake has now acquired one bin and will continue to arrange for the second bin. f. White Lining at West Street, Stoford and St. Andrews Road, South Newton – It has been confirmed that the junction to West Street is, in fact, in the parish of . Wiltshire Cllr. P. Church will pass on to Wiltshire Cllr. for Great Wishford and report back with more information.

g. Post Office Wilton – Cllr. N. Blake confirmed that this was not open on Saturday afternoons. All Councillors hopes this amenity will stay open for the future. h. Re-introduction of the Speed Camera in South Newton – Wiltshire Cllr. P. Church is continuing to investigate the reasons for closure of speed cameras and will report back. i. Overhanging branches A 36 footpath – Clerk has sent a letter to the resident requesting these be cut back.

4. Wiltshire Councillor’s Report – Area Councillor P. Church reported on several issues. a. On Sunday 2nd June a walk organised by SSAFA, the armed forces charity, took place around South Newton. Cllr. C. Swanton expressed concerns that he was not informed of this event and over sets of gates left open on private land which resulted in 6 horses escaping. Apologies were received from SSAFA and Wiltshire Cllr. P Church also expressed her concerns. b. Armed Forces Day 28th to 30th June, tickets are still available at no cost. The main parade day is Saturday and 40,000 tickets have been issued.

5. Area Board – Wednesday 4th June 2019 at 6.30 p.m. at Nadder Centre, Tisbury Cllr P. Church reported that the meeting covered a presentation on drugs and alcohol injuries and accidents in the Wilton and area which show the highest rate of injury per 1000 to A. and E. Drugs are an inherent problem in Wilton. There has been a Police crackdown on teenagers supplying crack and cocaine through the County Line Structure. Recreation are very common now. The meeting outlined help available and how this can affect families and children.

6. Standing Agenda Items. a. Accidents – None b. i) Declaration of interests – None ii) Planning Matters –None c. Rights of Way – Thanks were passed to Cllr. C. Swanton who confirmed the footpath to the mill had been cut. d. Environmental / amenities – No concerns (Wiltshire Air Ambulance - Clerk to write to ask for a larger bin and stickers). e. Website visitors May 2019 – 6,049 visitors. f. A36/C283 – A picture was presented to the Council of a traffic jam on 31st May which caused gridlock. g. Parish Steward – Thanks were passed to the Parish Steward for the weed killing around the footpaths of South Newton estate. The councillors requested that the kerbs be tidied up of dead weeds, the drain be cleared at 7 St Andrews Road, the drain be cleared on C283 adjacent to the Swan Inn and the Ivy be treated adjacent to the allotments.

7. Finance a. Clerk’s wages for May 2019 was agreed and passed b. Schedule of Payment was read out and agreed by Councillors. c. i) Councillors approved Annual Governance Statement for accounts up to 31st March 2019

ii) Councillors approved Accounting Statements for accounts up to 31st March 2019 d. Donations for this year were approved by Councillors: i. South Newton Church - £200.00 ii. South Newton Village Hall - £1,200, iii. Good Companions - £50.00, iv. Wilton and District Day Club - £25.00

8. Correspondence – Email received from Wiltshire Council - Community Priorities – Councillors agreed that the priorities of the Parish would be: a. Young people’s leisure time activities. b. Fly tipping and litter. c. Affordable Housing d. Highways e. Alcohol and drug misuse f. Support for business communities.

9. Village Hall - Cllr N. Blake and Cllr H. Bryans reported: a. The 200 Club members are down to 212 but they are hoping to find new members. b. The six a side tournament is the 16th June this year, only 55 teams, which reflects local sport on the decline generally. c. Stofest 20th July 2019 – this continues to progress well. Details of this event are on the website. d. The new Treasurer / Secretary is now Mr. N. Blake. e. There will now be a baby changing facility in the disabled toilet. The defibrillator will be installed in June. f. All events are detailed on the website www.southnewtonpc.org.uk.

10. Councillors Reports. a. It was reported that the No 2 bus schedule will be erratic due to roadworks. b. A request for the hedges to be cut back adjacent to the C283 / A36 was passed (Clerk to write to residents concerned) c. There has been damage to equipment at the Vale View Road Play Area, South Newton, this will be investigated further. d. The elder tree over the footpath adjacent to the play area entrance has become overgrown, this will be investigated further.

Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 3rd July 2019 At 7.30 p.m. South Newton and Wishford Village Hall There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

Chairman ……………………………………………. Date …………………………………………