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Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-12-1899 Carlsbad Current, 08-12-1899 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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mnvy nnn uf wrought iron. Any black-Ktnltl- i Arthur R. O'Quinn make thi'in irtit of, My. one-fourt- h LOS9 BY DAD ROADS. Iwrh by two InrHHrott. The gate In ftiateued ahnt y Mi ana uf tin. Ft, t'alla on the farmer nnit the Itawter in- - pawwd throng i'V. I t bolted tu the poet rtOWnailMer Pmj tin llnlnncr. A lever nhoulcl l' arranged on tha ride of Th netnaltm coat of moving prod-nat- a Ice and if the ilimit ii nd threw plai attached tn It, la not tha olr loan lir Iwd rofldi no that ther cnn all be removed nt once. by any weatit. Partners low Ifj not bfl"J CARLSBAD SALOON Ing now w get to inurw i wqmi wio Wholesale KnallNh Hi. Haof Iliitnra, market la good, by the wants of prod-ttet- a Tba nnntial twwrampttoii of bpaf nn that eatinot bo tniirketed nt All on Beer. being an-ec- u itAiu'ini.t) CAfrmmx, iran-rtaiu- inttttun to tba Uullad KliiRdom n nrhaa nocotiiit of Iwd road, by not the agiiraRato of l, raged to oultivnte thing that re- ..Agent tor gchlltt nnd AnliewHr-ltuw- h coffifNtnlee. lit tnna quire n eptady iHHrket, mid in a great mwwiBi many other wnya The actual money UiWtinKOUARANTUfllL. Ynntlna CMtva nt Mht. loaa to the farmera of the Unltcil StalM 1 AT TIIH W$ I.IQU0R5, The nractlea of bringing rowe np at by the bad rond of the country 1 not night ia not a food on. It U far btttr Imm than ofVfnnrth of tba total home ) CASH (lOOI)S. S to leave tboui In th" paatnr and milk vain of nil their product. The total ttiatn there, avag thongh It niakea more home val'ie of tba aoaaiil pradtietfl of Ml-- O. ! K. PLEDINQ GRAIN, labor. In hot Weather tlir mwa. If tbef nil. d Htatee farma l nbont towod their frfedom, will graan during and the Imm by bud road Blacksmith UHt flaw ta l tka f llHlkr evatiltiK Hrtd wtrly itiarniHg whlU I no the I'rtllll.Kt tlm Is Nbont 9M0.0vo.000. that dmv ii in (Its graan, mul will than llu farmvra loee, or they would lone If thtiy Cahimaoksijop nnttlMBftwaaa on tba Tbarr d graal ilewn te Ugeet what tltey Imre eaten. If j could aland all tbflt loaa tltemeelve. I of runBT nM farmara to faait grain ynnllng prod-ne- t Flret-eine- D.' J. ThoniAi. U M. Oolllar. part of eowa la dntia nt any time In otie-fonrt- b Ilia vnlue of nil tlialr t hlaaifetiiltliliig, Cnrrlnuo pnlut GEMS IN VERSE. ' to atcn'k nolcna thay are nbllgvd to An inuiuier, it almflVd be In the middle af by tbe estrtt coat of getting tlmm lug aim wood wora ni un Rinui. an, aura tba toatnti CJultWalor Tiny Vae dny. Dattofi Cnltivator. to market kyateCiavilnit ihhoIiIiii nm! XTltttR Thomas & Collier, Whfirn Hnlrncn Will Pnll. baro grows p with tba baliaf that They iki not jiretend to be nhlo to i?55r0 kiiiil- - of fepnlm. Bomo ilay tt ltoflww oarrhm wttt a lift' rvarau foMat Mm) en bay are mnrr Tlilakaeaa at Caat Iran IMpr. land all that mt ibaufalvea. Tliify Jj HHD plan brfi,nil llMr, T1e thlckucea of cnat Iron pip" i tagger tinder It njtwsll as thnjeati Oddy. N. M. Builders. Ami vrtUt acnnoinical ftaft grain, and aa a dmira STABLE Contatois and imm, tttmM wlagt M(frattl, mm? abould bo one thirty IImi- humlretlth tlmy of It nnd thu reft llirauah lb atri to actmomiM W tbeir rnling idmi tlti'y and bear all enti tmlilajr It may ba pomWilt man of the rndiua of tho plpo In Incboa they MiddlH npott the eoiinuuiur nnd tho Bra far to eraai try to aave gj) IImi titer farm rnwn k"'" inaltlplhal by the sum of the aattlo dealer. That la one reaaon why tho poO-pi- e A Mlly m wr may o fratn txta to Kankakrn i to tnrg rnto aDvney. If nil tha fi.rm treeaur aud the proaatirv allowed for ami town nre huglu Plana anil eetlmnteg furaleheil 8am day you may liavn braaktfrrt Uarv and of the citlaa mul nil work done promptly. jirodnoa woe to lw nuld In Ita t rlgiinil wnter hamiuer, with ono fourth Inch ttltiK to underatand that they am inter S. T. BITTING, itlanar In Now York, a Itato. dodbflaaa tba grain otild tirln-th- t HIJIiY, HltW M1SX. Or dlM la Xaw Orlanaa ami awf In tombm or added tor ilotariorailou. Imperfection, Hated tn good In Oarki moat ia nropiirtlon i j the rmt of etc. Water bamtrr la bbbuiiiinI to Hhmi day Uiaaa thlaaa nay oomh to pant, but getting It to market, in lc "d tlu rn nrc vary from 70jhiiu1b for 12 to 18 Inch Wn.lilnir Milk I'nlla. Department etan at nlBbt, iba, large amonnta of uotiraa f.Nl. r i'm.i h to IH) pofuta art Ineh la alwaya to wnuli milk Viitm baby aata Ika rajaM ami atarla to yrll plpo for plH and It ImiNirtniit Store - t y In onn-teti- vtfrttftttt t4944'A vllh all kM aUatat, on moat farm that are l'l 190 pounda fijf 8 to H) Inch pipe. Ac- palla m aoon m (loaatbla uf tar their IVr, vraarjr paari win h tonmX la qaiaMav proportion to tbeir nutritive v.ilnn to cording to tuik fonniiln h 0 Inch pipe are emptied. If left to to nil two EDDY. NEW MEXICO. laa raw. bt tirolltnMy aold. If it wcrn tnt poai with a autlc prveauro of U)U ionuda or three honre, noiiih of the milk dries Kb inuap tka ftaar on foot Joat aa ba baa to do good thi l.y It BOW. I'lo to gat tonio out of ni abould have a ihlckucea of on Ilia wcudeti pall, and then the mora Dry (hinds, Chloato Knwn ft1li)g to atock. tby moat bn alio... d of nn Im h. or a trlKo over hot water la put on It the olotar It 1 Clothing, Yft in f Mlk-lnl- (Hfta. to mt down into uannre. aevon alateontba. hculer than etlcke. Alwaya waah milk paila first tlil rongh, lmlky fond m !i i f Gents Furnishings, ' ItiK ntm mauy giMHl'iitlutie. Municipal with cold water to remove (ha tmrtlake 4 srorlA eel, alT ai H.lthl' th.' Kytliin M gcM to keeping np ihiIim iI Ungtnrnrlug. of milk nnd then ma Id with hot wntur Shows, - i - lb) pater warn rranUO. Itiah aa limruti tia- nnd wnklng the d1utWo on; to destroy any genua that may remain. Mnfcs, mna wrktngt tbrtala Httbtgatn fr Hi Baaton Ualtlvntor. ralam and nrnonlil. Th brltnmlnf tala ttanif. It I not an Haltlaterr'a AdtrrllatHB. Notions, Of laviafe Mil" wh.-- ( tl hl kn.l wlib r.wl:il nnconiuiun aol'l Hum Tho rti'tallora' Aiteoclatlon of Haiti-mor- e t'nntiBlly of I'nattirnKn, Arint. a of litvr lolllll llll! ! hi- - tvft, TtH'rtance with farmara who ftwl Stationery, ON AMD OCT. la h' ' Arc. 'wrld I'lrcllBK traflto mnml ihiiiugliniartiiul l'i hare atrik fall off in ftath all wlnti r gave nut year aU eicurelotie, Wtian u ilalrvinan nratmrilanfl lltl ahop-lier- a Ilimiwure, QREAT lial. .u.(1 ba "aiirlaff poor" at ita cloao. If which Wrought to llaltlinoreSt,4uT paetHre wit by the Mere to tha uw of hli THE T. & P. "Mt nrluKl wrn (nla, bin aplca balinctt rl- - who formerly trudivl at Philadel- of ngnriiiK on tno t hiiiIi fnrtnpt would mkke thoeipi milk t.'ttie. inaieaii Qucenswiiro, klna uxpeudl-ajra- a null, ha get Ilia farm Kh ilaalli at naualtt In rwik ribbed ohanntl iimtit of fwlitiK aoate grain with tbia phia. It la claimed that tho farttliry of the House Furnishings, dm. lmlky food. It wnnld makn thrir atnrk of Iheae people nvproilmated IS ovewtockedl k I'hani'.lrH rr twlny, anil ya iiliall flint mora thrifty, make tho niHtinru pile aaeii, amouottng to $lii,9T6, ami that Tlm UrtHilelloii, Clock's, Kiwi and fk mulli, nilaiv ami dual practically onb or tiii: mni'h rich, r, and wonld make tha balky their permanent trade ia Uaaamed amoag tka nnlen walU, Cutlery, "O world acd, alva ma beauty I" orlwl th aaaorlatlon aevnreil the beeaty1! l f mkI an advantage Instead of a aoofoe aeaurod. Tba Unknown In Iwwar. I fluiis, Fl. Ita nreaenoe of 8T abouVera of Delaware It btutnia anl oaraa aut whtek It be, FINEST IN Hl waa All the earth be- - of loaa to owner. homely TRAINS THE I ii.njn aranfnd. and the raatarn ahoro of ilttrylaml ou Rrigbt weed er Bower, Ammunition mii Concentrated nntilMon ia nee emery Yet bra aa aar nal etM klileht WORLD llaatkt aad veaal to Ida urnm Barb imik, f wit would di(xaM of a large ainonnt ttaater Monday, and la arranging far Aad awiteet aa a kuN li Sporting (loods. Saddlery, garb amva, uanh atrfaiti, iuik with Pre-- if eourae faail wiUi prolll. Un other nartlea wblt'V hnvo hitherto vie- - It Might be Ike Jaaaae il'Are ef huiU Iiiu.Iuhmi n.n(ti. Snddlcry Hnrdwiiro, r llama. Itvd when on anoppini: Of tkiutkad uf graM. yt WILL RUN 8KMI-WBRK- lopiac! the worU wttii grana .an Mt MOlarn Ittuim oor la the urMu Phieaauturt ,BiMNrtilofi In no ar- llnrnoss, - jj EACH WAY TiT ' . Halo. bni that cnnb am wailr and nrofftnl'.ly heat Hn at I Tha roe fur It no eavy baewe, ,v Tha Waa lit engllinerlllK ttHMfO Tha Hi? faeie o atty I lyre hli, and lli braathlna mlgbt 4roivn nnd that fnrnlabc In Ita ataika ticular expellee In Wagon 'JMinbor, law uiunuruii mariuu nia um nay Queen Anne iiillrtMil UumtHdejl kj tha laaidnwa grron, LOS ANGELES ii ' maM of ronghn that i exvnraloaa. the Undaaatad In the ally, 1 Of diamond twini! i!...uht end Rnldei hllla. lu gjjios, tuniae. .nltMIf" all thu itnil ii grown with it to muetlag tho advertlelng It blaaug In the ektrta of tptlas, Qo k tha iinbliia rn.'u. Yu find tUjr dii. of to tlit In t iidvHlit"i:" llnl. With gnwH bladee raand It twining, ij."n Covers, 0 SAN FRANCISCO, A hrukvn iilniiin had lulv iiitMriiux. Ai If a nniaawa akoaM take roat we I. 11' v. it ii...l'lr .od Tka I'rmi'i aaaerlorllr, Aad bloom tiieten l ef etiltliiig. Tii.piuilins, ALSO TO O i,rl t fit. al iii IHmorl" I In' l,iiuai to pori'liil ..- - li'i iU lot liU'dlliK' to MttppW Tbaot'iiv tbui un. . on iba I IIHU Touts, Ktc. . Aad, whea tit day la ilea. .ri un nt tho i urti ui .i in tlmt v. ui Ih uf oven i rfi'tli w i,i ii" nun row; Ria v i. Ck. Ob roaodeit enmma aleader c yti) a. kihiiIkI Tin. viil wi.rld a - It acr.'i li". up lli" rii ti!n St. Louis Chicago waa U.iyH rt fii iiti r Hiii'uDliiKi'- Linwi'tl ninl cottoii-- Trtumpfcaat riaea In lie alaee Kor olt. fur K. ii l lo Uirruw, Lareost Stock and Lowest I.! i i i iohI u t iU A illvery, allium aptaader. A oailiv.' th" i linrn.i uf pi i,. in Mirli! tlmt nri',il , n 5 VIA Ii Anil, iliat at lH, li way, thing. Thti Uul uf in) rln. iir.iMu .Imlnoil i' ,' ii ii'ijinrt'il in ( ii:n Tin j ttu' nut tn ntBreli now A wundiooa, wavsrlug, wtaffed TvUt I in '.luiil, n : lVee Ike free wtada to ttr oa-- II ilutBin, nti llitr. r'.i'l,ilbi Ii i ! isim no then (i.i ) Prices tlio City, TEXAS & PACIFIC R'Y. Imlwa' t l,vi....n leain'"' nil xi" iIokh 1" rvat, la the Jkrwar'e ImanMtaf rt, ii I. . tu i int'i.t !.n i't i f ; gaaJTettm Vilb m i rlad l,. n mul nh n .h 'a'ltrr Httm nj lir Por hi" I. .kI i, luiir; daadetkm. e Towth'i Oaanmalea. Throuih Salt. MMt n. Worth. oar-- f. 'I". Ii...' .' ih mid iiifliilk' The linUo, .ml Wltbla the linirowlnii worm biul liuuwi'd II wan o iiutritii.ii irliull,, i in ; ..iiuroni!' Ila.,1 f. at I eeniiui'r ; koain. Ima-i,tlttt- a lfoalii. maka me atgk RMfrVrYWrWfrWVrYrWiWWiVmVfV (ml 1. nnd com TUB FASTESTTIHE HYKI1 HADE. A aapfliiea rata amad. vrhr on,- nlnida Win n wi. in K' ii'n Aud mb areBBd and worry. I Ii jftia tBtptrlal raw of avmlaailn ( ). ii . atnlka tin;. Ini i, tin li Ih I. i.t M idi' liuHr H A PRUB PATTERN Tbe i row may laj laid low A Ijiuarua, oarvbaa tub-:-S Pnlao on Wheels. Ik dip. ri n h.'tMii'ti tliriii to um. thu 5 (year own Mlittinn) lo ettry Whrn It rvltinia tomorrow. wrlbtr. Only So centa a year. W In at nu ion. Yli, n wt mid n niuiill Hat atlll today hrart l glad, See ir ita oetreit tlttfet nasal tar furihir IteJahaer IiHd. Kiriiiini f linaccd or tultuiin-i- incitl. While 1 ik woaa to twrrow. w wh.-r- rtkmiare frum the ratleji uf morn, 1)11 V Joy buen unlrut t nt will ilKTl'llMil Clint Will ! day uf that baa had r s liana. tin. RuaU yaara of outalna aorrow, g E. TURNER, A T. A., J P. P. -- In pllu, 0. froin gllttarii.a how uf imwl' riuif ; uriinl tin ii'iinuru it rnnhl -t-:birago Mew. DW.UI. Ho nrar tt v. n phila tu tlm ilnlti i Jn. tin-- .nil) to ilii'Ht thu '.vholii riltl' n Bryant & t,n di.iam i." liiiuii v. ,ii III t... Ii I. vHi iniir" ififily (ftaerve Ike rliitng llllee' aaowy xrww, MAGAZINE Ani oo r iU. lull, itm . iikh.v Wiii'in tlm policy of ptui'linainK Hh-- p They avltber f 'tl nor aria, Imt earalrae grow. ll m.K--l t.ln f Un ii. lubu "iitroildi'B laf . Tat eea how warm tltey blueh, bow bright A I.ADIRS' MAflAZINE. if . i toaaU tci'd flui fuV' inii r ul ,), jii ir all. ronrvntratnd to ronrio' Utay glow ! (u.niit ,, iiutb-Tui- A , ifut ' i. ii.iai unit, r.uiu ,i.iu. of v foddor la um. l..!ly afinpti-- it alii '.Ibat ragat vtiatmimte ean with them eonqaMe Estes ; tfc yikej bf eoK'tfl tUi ri w ii, i.i uquu.iiiiad m fair land, 2 fgirevl ilifeigitiii frrawmi't utui of What klag aa ehlulag or what qnaea eo Jj w itt , huNrk Hj hn ff-- t"S'. Timr,' . , l gri ally add to tlm vultie ninth tl.ut, Mt ni :..u..iiii limn and botiora I rand, j5 tth .In , ft li I. if Idle. TU ru !. uuayi'iii null fi I mt, hm trflu aa it la frimrrally ful. wh i,rltlirr atock j5 Txii hti,i tut let me - iri r ill" iii.muiaiu iirlakt aad llut- Bor ita iiwnarmucli good. Tho farnar. Kbv ;S Ht lull, K. tilt If. RitUPtP. UlfV & Ia th liam IU El Paso Nor iHatead of throwing aa It had Thu aaaola wbtaparuig to oaa anotker 5 dttr, tn.frtiH .il .unt it"Iuiety Hut roiuli ii nd luird u tit Bfward ollmti tt oat if S I'rrffci f'liiHiif VaiKt uiirrii - among Ou ib- i ... himaa 1 of the bllU of lima. little valne, will care for hie corn fod- (fee na their tmrning terma ef lata In euoeeotiuaal aa Iliat of ''aiothar.'' tbti ..I - ni. aW from Ibu plain der and attitw aa ba baa never done Ih- - Mai Paiiitirs and j - j HUM. ml I i n- vro Iiwit Hum of .now, "E. A. Ttte. tha fore. While the are of vnlnc to And l .- -I i wlil. li ugnrlll wroogaa. little MS CALL El Paso ft Imteiaierii Riilway. If we ton. i.l i.t all. It waa daarlr bought, 1m fed aloM, tbay bacotuo valnable ua ira ml v A o. mi adJanot to fDeding a largo ainoout l - yw Hi.. am Moat to Had J.fuvi'M Alnmogi'i' " ' (! that cottnfaagad riNi.i ii. ii . laud whom all era btlaal, f olf or meat that could fATTERNS l'.l IMro i i.. in Ma Arrive !. Iftx't" I" , i' t "ni. la Ii" lio Uvea not be Aiapoaad of wltboat them. HI I' " " Abtn ; .' ,. l..ive : '' tu. n,ii hotflv.'. ?B . (NoSmAllowinct Pattern. 3 Arrive A limfu . i . . .1 ' .r,.lvlt whwio Aaui' aim Ma! ItetiMrHlMai akowt. 'i... M A it (11 M(h ncnt Ulrfctf 3? i i . (io t. , .1. .11 ' i; I'lilmx linking i tin i " in i k tr li. IWmjIrwfafirCtiy a I . -- . ' I.. I., In, uliiw uU,r. Sdcttkia) Iowa " f by it IV tll- - W I y il l' ' I'SH'O. U4itl Prafaaanr J. J. of the a4 iira Iur raoi-iu- a U...1 1. ia btad vt lara. experiment atntiuii fttrtililiea to The DaGorators TIIH AfcCAI.1. CO., 5: with tin-StU- Jhhhm Jallerr aWka la HatN ifUl. i niiMtliiK ui AlaniiiK'ntl" a N h tt.. . ,ev. IJrpilira Onaette a plan of anlwanllal I I and-ly- IIS u Mill' tin- eonvtiiieiit lUlwirnlng LIVERY n ? f" itlatilc aiioHH. "v autl ehoot At A iheie la orwwbar pJaoad on White Oaks Country. frota ibalr foldad wau llu; waader far, h either aide STABLile I S 5 Zhetr waya Mieui barab awl wild. ef the iMMta ami uulted. The two wrera writers,... Whiff) MauU tiniy, 1m lal.-ro- l Oak. They follow II a .if a etar, - v lii-il- ( ( ) niil s thldu i:mI TBatr paiba arv .uveal bvgutled. Yarc? inf! Pecos Valley , C J S Uoilhst'etii Tet bauly ibay bat a id IMge, f tJftil 3. J 8.. JSiS-- i'll'.i;, .n u. Hotue Ii ftu-- in, iiuiulii ato(,, Aad lit, to tiwk.a - I :1m anuntry ettenge S s ? 111. Wll'CII lli.Hi " .niie.'ordii . ' Ul m Rig. Mgyandarain. Co, )' o'ul tba galia f Ili4i. Hat action (luarauleed. of trim n o llu) J ( lf i I. I l.llg Hi And a ImII wllb a taring eaN U nimoea il Hi:" in II liaflT S We allow none Jll IllUkll'l.' "!. il' a Hi i tie .Mth atumuiMat Uialr frvt tread J?J.m.Oa ill' Mul.t .he orual v, u.t.- - tba dee BttM t undi rliid ita ? 0txx1n,8tl brnt.,1 ir . . rk Ow ar, .ptaad. II 7 . Aii'l tarklag inaiu or do laHtrr Work J - Mayba, Ui apita of Mwtr lawaluaa day tawl lite .rvr lleirty. Cvlaa?1- ?rht5l II V; ' ' (futttiuat Ithorty, Unaaaai MUkaaAantl nf CXmlaville rv Tbt) re atHi ai naart fur the Beeaeay waaa Where thai aaihaewl brotkara ba Kaa., rslieted tn Ufa malar army the ' day. waa aagmiaed, and oWrted ' Aad oft at alakt. whaa the ulaiaa fail dark itber Aad taw hlUa lama large end dim, .vltbln 10 mikataa. Bldtardaun teceut 80 YEAHS Per tbb abetiberd'e totou tbaj mulalj BBtk. got the war (ever badly. He got np CXPERIENOE go ut,t kou. Aad thotr aunla I" i crowd of yottttg tgwn at Circle 'Hie to Uaaawhile. "Utaek abtwti, blank a. al" to Topttjra aaad aadiat la lb raga cry. tibw or iicnohM-- . h' ni ir ataay. leea wmmj Bafr la lb inaar tobt IUI hone: bat wet llu . ucy lejtgi woaoar ky are n n u.'.i l'i artivw um nUiBttiid Aad luayba ibay bear end U , - C . Thia in aaajuej Aad luarvat wt U lb- vtd. gprlght ni.r'v'r c .net to tb rec4aJM Lumber Yard. -- hUvbard BbMh i AiUali Muntaly. play Imi liuiir.l mi l . . I i .iu Kaneaa City Jon Rbll. my tachuil i f th. I i I. ..i the dihf apokiauian. Ha waa eg cmittNB UjaBittlt I a rop 'i ir win ,i . , lined tirat and He then OopvmaHTB - I Ac . l , ried Un., White fiek- ai Noaal CkaTH ami eOflduji nt u tbo um Htlltllll! ii' t'i" i..lli the other laetn I .iilPtbrr, taaaanr .!. ii N. KVMvc .., aallr eacept unalr nal en tin t .iih it, vktthcr U l. i, ' Kerf I crowd wi ' hing tit u i will make largu iuuU, i bia. inn Inn i. oiiauinio at rm a. ui ii ir.lii.Tr Mlnu i t i - 11:,.. inc(IF..iddidtoLTUi.UMikuiiKHMti tbef wtl1 emT tMl fitUto- - treugth t the ii',, i i i l .i nil n k it uii" Ji ..a- . go far vitality Heparate the pregMMt akmep of u - . i tnW'ii'.i lo lu Wiir ii' IU tpttlM iwtUt, viibuat Miun in ib and give tboui UiMetriakiHg food and jaw a .mil I the : ' ' . fh .lul'i i fnvv duj, i agn Hawlii,. I DoOI'M, eta.. irMr tnwri'UMi. The largar tit prop.-- t rlnl i i i.ity end iI'i.n. ioti Mli SCKtiitTic imericnn. .1 . . I). IL Ni i MouldingK, i ii w :. JJ. , in. i ii .'. il" iln- r.triuiiiig uBiMaga w. re A huutMMMr "Ha i. .it f iiati. wheat, bran and rliver fleiie nnager .Ill 1,1.1 . !l II I l I i . I ied Tit il tlua i f u H lm Nvhi lii Kniio got into the ratlona I. 'iK't I wn'riiii. ei war rickets, HHWIDf! , ' Id i ' 'i I' I . ul I I. I I, ,,'ln fori wfi th, -- Liva Htock. ' 'i l.rf lo I'. .irtiiH iu it hiai. letter Ij' 8nh, Etc. feet tur ,u,i Tb h , i a rhoiilil I'.aKY. New Mnwo lei, an r t ummkmb. m. to start with. It; the way. tlm tnaiaet know Mr. Ilryan to b, lia It wilt mtml n dli'tnncoof Iflfi mllrn from Kl l'niio to Pott where tlm TUG CUrereSNT. ilr JHCkaon wntea to the ItidlnrtH-noU- a tirur been ao rldlmilcd, innllgiieil and SUnlotit K"' WM. It. M U hi. A NK Smitlliel lirnndliii; Hie repulilloun uilirepfoieiited. ernment t prcpttVns to build n cuniam-pllre- clMlrtiiaii'a tatement aa aliMltituly Hut ho has stood tlirouli it all and sanl'rtriuio, nnd for thence to the Official Paper ot Eddy County. falee and innlleloiia. II tlwhtros tlwtt Is stronger than lie over was In tho tfsUdoconi tleldn. It ws Intended thai HOTICe, Uiort wna never any urranueiueiit to lienrfi and oonndonco nr Ids country- nemo rnllmsJ nytm uttuuld bolld thl rosd, bat r none tlrcrd the opporlntiUy, M. wy Mr. Ilryau a .oenl for iratliK to men. Holms pornod sorely tlinmh (Ireetifleld; llmtthe jjrwit demoerutlo the llery furnnee Btid, like the good Mr. IWdyV noinpntir wim formed. Work IMTUMiU All 19. IBtU. clHiinplnit went mi tne Invitation of men or old, has comu out without a conimeiKH' nbout n yenr ngo. Wo Control bptweum BOO and Dfo rosidont om In Die district chairman, the county Imlrof his head Hcoiohed.-Hous- ton The unnio compntiy U brnnohlng lots in JSddy ami we lioroby glVo deTrlopemetit. Hot frxnm notice that , HWBMflllllTION RATBh. chairman nml tlm president of the I'oat. other linen uf on July 1st next wo will increase' tho price on Man-cor- pie, t line reaiiitly belli n renort upon WKKKLY llf Mill SMeeW 1140. Heinocratlc club of k 1149. lllniftalllc r rm wenihtI' tli lop or n U,00H-foa- l of tlm Hsorn saino fi'Oni 50 to 100 nor cent. Tho timo to rf county without any other TMR JARII.I.AS' RICH I'LACHRS. puk oientorniiKO. On July 4 this Mort wss buy is KOW. I in Hiiwlnn well pmjHct stinted than the public (firml, and f view o( the , (Ireenfleld .Sir. tlnlted by n bests tout. In tlil-- wi-e- Htnl IwIhk piiihtHl In it mip that when he left Iho Denver People J. A. IWJy Tells rnther torrid Btmonphu" that envelops ffmful issue by dm. II, WuljslPr Httil llryaii refuted even hit oxponeea, whloh County's New McLfeNATHEN & TRACY, About Otero New Mexico, this report In otpeutedU ox Mr. Trery will do horn to Improve the committee ileal red to pay. (lold I'lclda. peoti-- to become very pupnlsr. In nny Jlut thla li only one of many similar oiinlt(tirw Ihli c"iBtry tlmn TTio following nillelo appearrd In tli Real Estoto Agents. iimwi. While itiisrttprtwontalloiie and Krnse; and imso-los- s miirr ntnvn poililB4o IJsnvvr TImo trcenlly nti luiorfUw Pino Stock ranbh nbnr Hi attempt to obtain wnor In ,tnvn oust or Injustice by which It Is 1(50 with (leuerM Mmiak' 1!,lllr on, ths railway. Private water Hunt, wits nnt a itiuciwtf. tliere nought to beltllie the Krmil. democratic iitr tht tlMii mnlnlilrmi inlnrrnl rcnanroes of Iho Jntllln iiurivi deeded, flood ItnproVcmciitH Ho rtoubl artesian wntor to Iw liml If leader and weuketi lu hold upon I ho i , at only ton dollars per. acre, Call or tlm iltotriet through which ilniln maws They have denounced him rniiK: a lu 'Down in lite piiutlifNi end of Now Mex- write. wnyn Tin Cnrlelmil uprliiite an nimruhlst, a soclaliat, as a dmaj(o-Kite- , etruck. ico, wo've (jot n Terltnblo ntid boul fled WM, II. MlM.ANK, are Iminons natural rlsliin woll and a a chronic seeker after nillo, as M. Kl Dorndo n liny " liouit ot irold, Carlsbad X. are very similar to tin- - South Sprf iijc at a recruit for elfeel durliiK the war and 3Ti 35". i ullrur, coppvri lend nml other tnlntntU Till! aUAZINtl LANDS. llotwell anil eliould tit projectors or a wi ward for resigning when the war winch I bfllero wilt ulllmntoljf prov to lT3SS03Nf Move Implicit to thtt shunt of was over. They hnro linrged merce- of Secretary of Agriculture tin itrlko be tkr rlohwl pot of the Urcstor's foot- Vlcwa the water wilted ovldt-nti- siipplliM tho nary fiiotlves, selfish ptlriioses .nlid re- on the Subject. W stool," CDtliiulnntlcnll; dcolsttd i. A. comrhiss.on well would liu cur-lai- volutionary Intentions as ,nultiiilliin eprtns aiinrtoslun UdJy nt the Iltuwn this nooo. Mr, KJdy ThopropoMtlon lo allow tho western AtUiaii wells 4iml Kood pro him in all he does or says, No really states and territories thu control ot the U msnngorof thaKl IW& Nottlioiutcru An'd Qehorhl -- tuo supplying thu Sovun Itlv KoimI, brilliant and patriotic citizen, as public land situated within their borders, Ftfhvartlinf illiwtt lUIUny oompsny nutl a Tsrlety of thin-Ini- f, Org BtWlitry, tho I'uimscn country and with the privilege of leasing them to stock- - townlle nnd ImpioremititcompritiU tlie DJiiiitry ttroimil 1'ocom and 'J'oyuli. Tho Journal. Democrat of Albuquer- men and expcndlnii the revenue derived whloh nrn cti(.igei) in deTbloping New one Is bo and que Inst Sunday iiinrnln contained a fur statu Improvement, is not n new Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith C6al Artesian water uortnin lo hud boon-loo- write-u- Metleo In tho Itopu of nUlruntlog n 111."., however, equitable and would vastly It to n wle move lo try for IL twenty four pngo or New Mexico's resources. The artlclo was ImrTrnt of dulUrt for lliunelM, bonuflttlio slntcn availing themselves of very Tho oontlniit'd prevalence of typhoid Illustrated, well written and a credit to Thli HI Darndo which Mr. EJJy nod Hie privilege, and It llinls general among men who lm oatiewl ooiwltlorublu eoiiiiiumt nml tna territory. hi ennfreren, In tlm vnrlnns eompnnUci favor and endorsement III any umo nr of the nplnlon that the mill have given tli? conditions tho west t - A A A icrlous thoufiliL U. S. MEAT MARKET jtiotit nml llllli BiitlYprt'd front six or j-- rfi A, iV A A A A' 1 I Ki "Tho policy of loaning tho grazing lands yenr Hi IIi'k HtutiUplpo anil wmi km nnrrVoTuurOnl ot the west bv the states," secretary wn 4 We jilpoa through which tli water ntpply son or tho Department of Agriculture said Keep f'lrsl-Cln- ss df Curlsbiitl u fiirntolied It ruipoiidble. ? floods .atiuot but operate very boiiellolally to iYcsh lAIonts, Sausrig'o, Craiilo, 39toM Dr. alooltlnti, who was Interviewed, tltoHO states and would cllinliiato much ot tin-lO- having on Haiia.. wild tlml typhoid ntielv uppeured w ? the trouble which tho west Is now llirongb the drinking water. But We Keep What tho over the range question. Let the title to y , Whether or not thin Is the cute u per- 1? tho land remain lu tho fedorni government IT'i'oo XDoli-srox-- in tAr of Oity-- Foople Want! C by nll.uieaiii, but give the state the-- lino ol Xrt fect cloiinslriu; of the bottom of the STON'ir, tho lands- -l. e.,the money wiucn wotiiu LOWKNllItUOK it Props, stand ptpiw Mini innlim would he it very 4 v Itose Valley, taimdlnn t'lub, Mt. Vofnoii and be derived from their rental. Most of the wIju move. hand the llrat-clii- ? On the other i mnny;olher brands of llriuora western states have comparatively stnnll typhoid to oauw of li by other laid the C AT THE 1 settled areas, aud those must hear the bur filthy oontlitlun of the outloino8 ami ben ot earing for the remainder of the vault, nwuiy all of whleli lutvo re : : stale which I government property. It muiiietl In an tuiuleun uondltlnn all CENTRAL SALOON. would bo a very ilnnnerous move to, glvo Wilson. The ltoanl of health should thu land iUell to the states, beeauso boforo Kkjii1 IihjIi Into IIiIh tnttitur ami make an or it Vii:iii!it, Proprietors. long thera would than ho neither state nor tt H n dor uoinpellhiK ilio dlKKlnu; of new eovermiient land; but it Is simply ouostloii ot the stato dli posing of the nu vaulu nml the removal of nil out- - V NT SVVW 'IT V W Y' vv V V V V V vb mini income ttotu rent il, a proper system linutet now lu town; alio 'ook after the 'ff t expenditure would soon become eitab Generctl syateiri. of cleuiiltm of the wnter Vaiillv lithcd. This would prnctlcmjly dupuso of ouunot be proiieily.diKlufeeted by lime New Mexico Ik .TJTi miles wide by btllijve thst they lime brougiitto light, Is the raugo quoiUou, as leases could bobiado or any othiir.dwliii'ei uinti for the long on her eastern border apd ll'.Ki on locnted, In fact, conahts of n llttlo rsngu tor terms of years, and there would bo imnntlty of 11 1 It uuthliiiruxeept her western. She contains 122, l&O of mountain mluntod about nfty mllrt then no coiilllct of right." Merchandise. n (Miuplete removal will iinswer. The square miles or "rl.niM.tOO acres mid liodlinut of Kl l'sno, and cnllrd tho .1 nr It Nothing could mure forcibly lllustrato tllo absoluto necessity for tho Inauguration iim of i (lit iiilectautii , will aimwer consequently Is as lurge as In rntiKo. This bnby rsDge i locnted in ot lending system til above ndvo where the vault Is oouiparatlvnly new and all Now Hugliiud combined with n nlilo baolti or rnlley, mach like the Mult such a ...... Fancy by .Seciotory Wilson, nor the utter Groeories a Specialty. Hourly all of .Now .lorpoy thrown in. I.nkt vnlley, Hint lies between n couple ot rated ', InailuMii." o( the present laud system lu Whim McKluley took his oath of lands c'nsslfled oh 1,000,000 opur ot Iim Jtocklon. This is llor lire nue but Iho and rcKlon, tlmn a recent Uheyenuu the republican leadeis prophesied H,.T00.00 ten inilei acres desert, timber and niln. luug nud from three to four ( In which It Is that tital all tumble between lalHir and Wyo.) dispatch, stated erul.CO.iXXl.OOOagrlculttiriil und grazing. mile wide, but It otomnn wore the owner open war is on Wyoming ran oopltul was at an end; republican-li- threatened that of IhUcoiupnil'.lvely small strip of tertl-- cos. Thotuimt strained relations exist be panacea to wiu the for all the ills Territorial' Land Commlssloif. toi y nu would l)u several times n uonte tweon cattlemen and. sheepmen. "Kipo-- which human llonh Is heir ami that the says, The board of territorial Iniideniniulsslmi-ur- n CrUto, Iloakafellers nud Vnttderbllt cliilyllhi.rue,"tho dispatch "in watch word of tho American people Onrbon 8nrn- - SANTA FE ROUTED mot jSututilny iiileriieon nt tho ovcr-nut- 's would bo sotnll potntocs In comparison Converse ami counties. Near would hereafter be "puice and oinco. Arraugeimiuts were ninitn to with hlitt, toga nissked oAttlemen (orclbly removed ranges ThesH same repiiblloau tecme the nceossnry funds for payment ot "Without qiiMttlon this rnnge contnlns tho sheep fron. certain mountain THE SHORT bINE TO I to-da- y ills-(rl- and fear felt that open .war will soon Iwnlers are shaking their heuds (re to the remitter and receiver of tie more uiltiornls to tho qnnro tlmn foot breakout. Jlutweuu lllounl fencing and and HilmitliiK that inole trusts have lii witlch the litmla of the grnuU mnde nny other spot in the country,' toys Mr. laUo-proteti- liotucstoadliig, with eorrall been furmiMl lu the last three years to the dlireeiit territorial Initiiutluiis tire Chicago, St. Louis ltddy. "A I have told you, gold, silver, ot water lights, tlm general welfare of titan lu any other six years in the Ids Inented. ing Is'.'id boita-lld- nppll-entliin- s copper nod liro there In nbundnnco the stocUii.ini is being greatly Git.y fory of the world. They admit that Tlie eoiiiiiilmliin hits received ion and Kansas parts of territory aud of course wo are Interested lu tho for-aiu- r ilamaKod." labor more front dllleriuit the strikes and riots have been si gi serious condi ' 'or of xectiuus I nnd M of town-ttii- two. Thute is no noed of prorptot-iti- This dispatch shows Iho Transfers froiii El lfeo Foft: MIfr one more leni V (r . tiuuioi nnil far serious than ulilch have been reserved for school ns soon as a iubii sols toot ou the tion wlueh oxmis to a more or less oxtent - evBr before, ami yet they call this ro all ovor tho M.--t through the overcrowd Intiili. . rnngu tits outcrop Is before htm. Urtnt plihllmia proejierity. may be repub-IjOBl- i ot the ranges, and umphasuiM the Maps Your Nearest or writs It A term of lease for lhoe section hits dllllttulty, of course, is jutt now oxporleno-i- mi! Ask forTlmo Oards and of Agsnt, poo-jlui- 's statement tlts It Is time nud past tiuiu tor prosprlty, but it Is not the been ilruwu up sml subinlltiHl to (ho lu uiinlog, bocnuto the whole territory N'ext year will be, ot the Interior fur the itppraval tho cnactmc ut laws which shall provide pjosporlty. U a v.ut detert with no watir at haou. It II. I10UOHTON , , J, W. HLA0K ill the sesrulnry. equitable rlv tor legitimate stock ralseiH the prof's j cur, and tb Voluo of tho S l?10 to a bnrrel of water (ion'l. A. A. will lie In tlie coils end get and do awa with the dangerous contro 1). F, und P. A,, I'npB. Agent, JipOifte V(ard. I'liiKlaud will Coiiuiiiiiloner hotu ttlbe the city for smite time, arranging the buil-n- ou tlie ground. This faot will stand lu verslos whloh now exist In every grnxing 111 1'ujo, Tux lis Topeku, Kansas bw lu I'nltod ranle(l.u franchises the of his oiltce, ami is reti'y to Answer the way of auy such rutlies as ntnslly (eclluii, Staloa and KltlK Trust will lww to the any and nil inquiries ruKardhig the public follow tho discovery of new gold ilelds, low of the latul.Uowell Ilecorti. lauds granted the territory, dlo l in cor bat 1 beliuro Hint In the ooursoof time Outlaw Wheeler. rcsponilence with different western itnies the larllln gold enmp will bo the tioliMt Last Friday Kl Wheeler, ono of the gang Mr, Still MlflrcproscntiiiK llrynn. that have received grants ot puuuc minis lu the world. who was In tho train ho dup at roUom Tho evidences begin to multiply that its to their iiuMhud of doing Imilitew. and who .nfler,wivtd4 participated In the - U At ths prtscnl time, as I have snld, nt G. F. A. Robertson- the republicans recouuu the tuot thut Tho t'nlietl Stales Iniid ooiiiinliitnii lu Uliiiarron light m which tiherlff l'arr dutcr-miiil- ng the Is an outcrop of y tur the of rnugo cotcrtd wltli an I Kclohuui, a follqwcr Mr. llryan will be the nominee uf Uie sessluu purKe Oolornilo, Sam hut Imul tu place nt the dliiitul gold, which, however, fs not profitable. us Jllaok Jaclr, wcrp Ullletl BLACKSMITH demnomuy next year for the preside- ol the uotorh ol the terrlluriul board. Die Ineutiug Bines w alighted on ths spot last fall, we and ono or more of the sheriff's porno All kinds of new work a Specialty oousequeuce they uro nts and that in agent ot thU eoiiiiiilulon, linglueer Dnvlil hnvo boon doing a little digging, though, wounded-w- tts m White Oaks. He, had rarmlmr Implemeute or oi tiratuirliii in imiltn iIim Hldill- - tllsrlihllt- - notloe n M, bite, Is now in die setiinerii pari oi nud we have sp far taken out about 1,000 tent his saddle by express to thli plaeo aud kludfl repaired omhort able, lyl: and iiimUhro,viiixcainialKii Ytfagon maker, x the territory electlnc the inud tar the tons of ore aud every tea we have ship- when the autliarities discovered that lie (JUAkan f Iillii in I WW that they made In Now Mexloo Collego ot Agrl telegrams to Whlto finks iionai: anoKiNtn iieTaitwt grant lo the ped oay has been profUublo. The far- was THED AT UUOR IJOTTOM ill -- Livory Giiti'tiF IBW. eiiltmu Mechanic Arts. New Moxl to arrest Wheeler and others 1 Food and :mid ther we haye gono, the butter the Indica- oitleers UIOBH. repoatedly en ii, fmi ml with liliu when ho aehed here. Accoiilfnodn- -, Th reMiliH'ch jiteas has tion hnve There 1 wesltb untold ' in connection. llryan and bu. I'he telegram was ueluycd somewhere Citiibn St.'On. Ourroift attempted to belittle Mr. A Hlankct Mortgncc. In Hint little range, thenu indlsstlou tell fcionahd satlBfaoion; he was only nlntiL' the lino aud was received IS hours rotate the Impression that u, uud we are guiug nf ler It. prosuuiably Mr Oilioe. tood. notoriety and The .Nittloiml Wntehrtinu tnfs! after the coutlemaii H aollteti seeker alter "list there li touiethiug elm besides Wheelur had called at the oxprets ollleo he demanded "The goldeoutbttistloiis hold buud und atftMiy ebarKlMK that gold lit the uiuuutslni. Hliortly lor his saddle and was out of the way. Of - oiatttfngiM ngalnut llto uatinus or uie quaiir . liirgaaHitia for his adilreasee lu towns Hie out nnd It Is general fRAffKilii sad Imforu I lull we found a big quantity of fleers aro mi look Eddy Lodge No. 81, ICofP. JOHN or Mtth to tbe biiiohh1 of one aaa:td tliiiiiL-li-t uaug are to whleli he was invited. One this tho gulabM ou thetouth side ot ths range. iv that several of the effectually nulled titty billion, eoillug for nil the K"U' ei locality nud that they kind or Ilea has been We penned It out dry nod reaped a good sumo where In this At law. '111 lu exlileiiee cestlr fottr times mean to do mlsehler. either Ala mmit Indiana. No Iww a iwraonuge than sf It be-l- ug hsrvMii of the velluw ktuff, swab of reeept await any or rupubll. orer" tuouordo. A warm m nzvr the chairmen the Indiana In blU as large as n peft or beau. iU)Y, r, MX Ht Uers Is a btaMkstiswrlgsgA that the in attempt to do mlsekiet here, aad a ur Ma abite ouwrnKtoe put the sUUt. 1 His min Itttt &.MORIIUU, Ou Prldsy eetore lull sums of Is likely.--While U yittoi rweantlv Mr llrysu was to daMry ot tlie world must psy, prinelp&l jmse net ml that ers were going deeper in the and Hiystelan and Hurm. , u K made nsd InteriMt, end the live issue to be , revolve lor three KHliee .1 have rraeived a OMw IImhhi, sesf H nadiug It rlehpr. just SUAU-WIIBKL- hid., on theHUh or July eoiildviiHt by the farmers, laborer sad THU Y NIIWS lintel Windsor tit (IreenttaUl. telegiaM telling tae of an exeeptluunll; - ot the Uatted Utate ! Shall and Swm l. V.N. H.M;. fir eotirte siteii iUimmmU are desiuu- Metittt state CUUP.UNT lu 100- - Hood strike, 'i'bli telegram sto THK 1 M! eifecl of Mr. Itryuw s the Interest nud priuslpsl be paid II. WItlllllT, M. II to wwktn tlint-- n I as soon as the eoMiiuiu'oi,.a,t,1 roh I - Bus und his own deep patrlotki.ii sent dellsrsor la cent dotlsrst All exietd ii or ii- 5iruir Srjl Saturday rd weW ui lwux r. nddioHO nows of the latest hods bis received at ulTiMWMwu Iwcldir1 and fHUsys. II J HuUt by of the polltlsnl and military tnsueoverlog VlTtlnBsrifeiien In' OOIm ah4 HmM.h, j Wl4wr nml fWlllly to the deiMOcraUc jwrty, nt Hi8M. mere 9Mie0f7i.gj , fl; . Ri mi'sso. are siieetel denartmentii for the fa 'tnere, tlie ntWta. Rfipimte. Uall. 4Mrtfl dl uf lllt. iHHiple believe that bis work Is bt the gold tiutt which st ptrieul controls luiiiaU UIJ p. tnuklnif "Allot this looks itood to rue and it Is ami thu Ituvn mill ulrlH. Inwlll a A. N. f'rwfr. 8iy. naiwlwa.ail la I Ol. the ndutlulttnstioD or the Uaited btstes wi.rlil ul ueiiwral rpi. iiuitter, tllusttratsKt of a uruealy mercemiry eharucter and 1 my jtloto ot the to the end seearlag a rich on thl that bsie tM no hlKtiec inspiration than the sie directed al- Ka ami tUe teimsnT fur It utotitUe for the lias (utareof the Jsrllls range. We had 14 9HX)-o- to add to the low i luhliliui nrlee oi u. aim Thl Kivee, tho faee bf ksrtett ot dollars - amount tw speuoh. In ready uniued range the Klondike, bat out larev uciMni a or iw imi- nnhul narumuUtluu of inoaer In the the IliilinwimaIn your lo, Mr lltyaii's deiilale of tbtse mean and very ap; Ko. o.i'.mmeet every A. LAW 1 Hie eouutry down there eould not . 'It J. of The pollt MilwrnitiOB at ihk'b . baselees iulsrprosiitatlon, Uie nu tantu l.eudou atarets. We KrliiayL'evwiliiu lu proprUtely bear that usme. hnve, Sale. aerupuious preaa and huaehinen or the Icsl utseltlin'ry of the repabllesn ptty Receiver MliMUilr uaii.DVtaitliuii bralhere In wxh! x a. x BsisW.sWssW4eBsisW( tbe.efuye. qhnnged the. numesolstare and (unite ('rank continue laatte U beluu wml al Unit end. Not eoutent I'ii Miiant to nu trnlar by (luu. atfell -reotibiicait. nottv. 'o what I believe will be the richest koIiJ V Parker ltnteo olth dUltic evurt of tne ""'""'WwHiour.N.O. with ustherleu In sil the prollt u( Aran ilUUIel ul B Hevy. IIiCIII will the tnii4 ludlelftl Jso. Mi'l'.w.. Painter and gold to Held In Unele Usui's dpmhla besr McJeu Hi the HDuenee 1 or repub losu iadaitry, the trad dwlu ' ht httnuuu the Indlaua ot Ilelldlke Jn to eome. Woodmen World. hie ntftthe InsreMee AwriUou srwy and till tUe Eddy Oomn of.the Paper Hangei nil loinmlUee, by reason of Jt Morlhessteru rsllroad u iklU aur 1111 Id iroat l Me4s In Us tne iMssnd aiul . s The Kl l'no vtlr mil J t .. a.. for Lend sad jwoh men tli. e i...... l.a usvy to s.uees (Mary mi luurtb TuMdsy nlKhu ol m i irr-w- "'-li- '" " a - Al tyn siyi' ny njyf "n)ii tell nwi'; wbletiMr. Jiddy repreeents, ran but MolUUV. lb.lHi)- Of. ' u" y ewuviclul or a grow the susnU of Louden la Well stiest f tow Itoswrmnf CAk. i t3 d tin and wile end a bait or two miles frow toe Wit tb tstliDU hendred uf mtUtoae in Asls 3e aft? lelVuTl ... - .. . was otiglnnljy plsuaed to se AtlHtlo the expeo lo be rieta raugf It i.iylnK l i i a ot inu nnd the Ulntul. to be nseefver. HnfTM if,, hdinnuii aud uilrtnaii rsaeti flehli of the Haersmenta l. w HftOUHe eitdiJUd neon lh Amerlean lu lAeol the First NatlusiMl naflV. 1 . 1 -- " Utjr besoms a My .." .. own doable ot uoniiitMu. nut Ibnt hsc how ATNBttil Oet Priced. II. sdilltlMi to their burs reomso teeren MiAW,' The (sd, hoeVver, t 1 a. l.-nm- rt . The will b Wl aest miner sWidereiloa. lor ...... i .1.1. a. ipruaranco there on the Slth ult r Uia llif4i's nxlur r,Ut HOMUMADB PHILOSOPHY. QUEEN OF THE KITCHEN. Imvo only CUPID'S CRANKINESS. rinitl'7'1 r.f antra Cna "I one request to make, In My dear," "Vow your glrlT" low oyos In 9 dayst ohronlo 9ae said Mr. flplfllns, wno woks Gim pcepnl aro too dumm nnd laty didn't keep cow A man la In love with two or three lip nnd found hl searching hi me, .10 days, or money Imok. All druggists, etiESTgi wlfa of want Dear no. Sho turned cmt lo be a Atehl-io- n pockets. to learn even In the skiile different women all the time. Thay play with tbare flngene and new woman' alio." Philadelphia Hul- - Qlobo. or by mall, 96a, jier box. "Well, what li It?" lettn. "Kindly lonvo ma a nlokcl with starve. When a girl has n man's heart she J. P. lUiTHii, Docnlur, Texas. Why Is It always se which to pay my car (are Into the city It It for better too marry a ikoldln that the servant knows it's In the right place. Uvnns-rlll- e A mnn U in love with two or three I lects your rut glasii goblet to break in- - in tho morning." wife nnd make a fallyurc ov life than Courier. Afferent women nil the tlmo. mi Wfg, Mend ot 6 m too make n fallyurc of life and not a cent tumblorT Philadel In love affairs, when Inclination nnd People nro often "chnrltablo" Semi name end jiWicm i ' marry at awl. phia Times. go l'ltoltlrn glnrrtt, Ml vrmr they do facts, duty hand In hand, one Is npt to 1 notjtnnwjho lleet nnd cees fartheit. irlrea tlffrie end X .... . 111. ,. .us.!" War often aeltlts men. and settles Williams I understand ymi moved grow suspicious. Philadelphia Timed, - p ami wt win Kim rr j A (Innit.t.tirk Orn elmtlelty. Nu tlcklng, buttering or break- good, settle mat your family last week. Jookson Yes, - psf.f Iblrtlrslrd CSUIOEiK Iff. In of m fur but It never When a man Is In love he cither lug. j.irrj ;rweor lout it, uonnr Btorj- j neeentlv discovered the Grave are our servant girl didn't llko the loeatlon body uioi It. 10? a pnekng. Queen Dngmar U supposed to keep ters. Men settlo matters wen thay works hlmiolf to death or doesn't at- wo were In. Columbus Journal. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. nwn evil Influences. There Is no moro cool and senslbult. tend to business nt all. Harvard Her- Is Mrs. Rrcry woman thinks It perfectly J 174 Winchester htnui, gin lliim, Conn.' evil Infltteneo thnn 111 health, nnd there Wcrry often wen a yung man Rita Hlublood No,' I never talk ald. proper to visit n doctor's ofllce. is nothing which, litis no groat a pow- marrecd In a peek ho wakes up sum about servants nnd their shortcomings. If a man only asks a woman to for- er to keep It away thnn Hosteller's n puokcr and Mrs. Parvcnoo I either when I day to find himself In didn't give often enough she will end by fall- riKXOAU no. M.344I dyspep- Indiana-poll- turns to hi. fltomnch lllttors, which rurcs then wishes he wux back In that old was too poor to hire them. s ing In lovo with Now York sia and Indigestion. A private Itevenuo him. Pica 11 Mns. Piskium For somo peck again. Journal. Press. Stamp cover I he neck of thii bottle. time I have thought of writing to you Otd age Is like the match that haz Mistress How Is It, Mary, t.ut The more a mnn lovo a woman the la ntmt I'nele fain Hies. up- to let you know of the great benefit I When somo women are Imposed nlrcddy bin skrntcht. Yung men rep- whenever I enter the kitchen I always less ho likes her falllnga: tho moro a on they like to boast nhout havo received mdiI WIIIHId'.Y llnlill rnrel It resent tho nntrlds mntehes; sum will find a man there? Mary I don't know, woman loves a roan the more she from the use at el linnm nltliiinl tialii, noon sum Indeed, OPIUM r JnrtlriUr.i Irre, The ltrit I'rricrlpllnn for riillll strike fire and go oft smokon, and ma'am, unless It bo them thore loves his faults. New York Pross. Mrsm Johnson l.ydlii li. Plnlc II. 11. Wim1J.T. H. U , AllMiU, Oa. eon Ik n of Qnoru's TartkIiKM ov only chow. soft shoes yo wears, make Pew tioltlo 'em will that don't "Though n girl mny weigh 200 hnin'fl Vegeta- MO Oitlt.t, 'Porno. I Mmply Iran and nuliiln Saved from Agents Wanted, taMn.iin ttrnwi hindlltl It Wen (lod made kings ho dlddcnt me no nolic Pearson's Weekly. pounds," says tho Mannyunk philos ble Compound. I'urlia.U ml I'llnim Will lnattcteaform. Noeure norwr J'rlee.fO. Insanity hy rurturtntf II AMtnon Al'u'.i Kim Si )allt,Tts nny other but tho common sort ov "Your cook has been with you near opher, "ho Is probably a dear little Hoon after the It In ennlor to quit somo had hnblts clay, but tho kings hnv bin washln ly two yearn, hasn't she?" "Hush, fAlry to somo suseoptlble fellow. Mrs Ptnkham birth of my first W. N. U. DALLAS. - NO. 82-16- 09 than It Is to contlnuo them. right, each other In pools ov peasants' blud don't let her hoar you; you're Philadelphia Itccord. child, I com. Wliea Josucrlag Mlvcnlstmcats Kindly FITfl Vttm a milium. 4. nytt9iiimti, until thay took on n polish. but wo generally try to acknowledge Is In love menrcd to have spella with my spine. f.1.1 i N nviiufM. Paeon When n man Mentleo This Taper lr. Klniiii.i skat-te- Uvery month 1 grew worse nnd nt last td fur I'll KK, '4.lllt IHI hMlU lli1 IimIu.. Won pcrlltlkal roags go out too r that wo havo been with her for tho overvthtnir about looks different to I lie thay find tho gulllbnll pecpul last two years." Cleveland Iendor. him. Hgbort Yes; It's tho snmo way boeatno so bad thut I found I was loaiug EDUCATIONAL. Borne of tho visiting Rlrls wear as hungry to pick up the lire and "Hrldget, what Is that child crying so when ho knocks his head against a gas gradually iu mind. dootors me mighty funny thlngR. swnllcr 'cm as a hungry gooso Iz reddy wildly for?" "Sure, mum, ho's Just braeket. Yankers Statesman. "Tho treated for fvmnlo troubles, but I no bolter. Ono HI no Hint Mil ion. and wlllln to gobblo shollod corn. drlnkcd nil his soothln' simp and ate When a man loves n woman ho ran gt 1 doctor told me thut I would lie Iiimhih. Th rfatlt-- of Hit japrr will to It Is wcrry aelflsh to spend awl yoorc the cork, nnd I don't know now whnt never forgive her doing wrong; n r Ihjit lhrti III nt IrhAt oj ilfMilwl tllfcMin for I was ndvlacd by a friend to give Lydla able In nil flu nubstanro on yoorsolf. Hut sum men alls him, unless It's tho bottle ho woman n man unless sho that r:nm liaa bn in mi in enn't love 1J. Plukhntn'a Vegetable Cointiotitiil n lllffM.abd that la Catarrh IUU'b (Jalarrh Cnr nro oven too selfish for this; thny wants to swallow!" Washington finds something about him that must l I lip only r"ltlv mtt km w i l IIia mmttanl trlnl, nmPbcfore I had taken nil of lliu ill- - up to keep Times. fraternity C'ataThlidns'ii ninntllistlimil hoard thnro dollars Jlst bo forgiven. Now York Pros. first bottlo my neighbors noticed tho al ,tUlrea a iMtltiitlonal t rrattmmt IIhII'k decont folks wlshln thay might die. Mrs. Skowlcr You will have to go. you will find UatarrM lakt u liitrrttally, art tug llicly In every lovo letter chntigo in mc. upon InltIIhi ami mtimH a iirfa-- i of I ho Pcopul shod treet rong like thay do Mary. I can't put up with your Imper-tlnonc-o some such exnrcselons ns this: "You nuw flvo Ilitr-fi- "I hare tnkrn bottles nnd yttcra, OwtnylftB tim fnintatlun of n plzenus It on site. Too nny longer. I'm sorry 1 enn't I you. t)qdlew. tint Rlilnu tlin lullmit mixtiKtli liy snalto kill enn't know how much love cannot find wnnlNMilllcleiitto prniet It. Inijtillnir tin lb milliilloii ami umI.IIn manny good Chrlstytins take rong to give you n recommendation. Mary nut people nlwnys know how much I ndvlse every woman who laaiifTerinc nalBtaln doluKlla work Tb proiretpm hare butxum nnd skweczo It tlte, In U'n all right, mem; my leaving nllvo know k) muuh fillli In llni'tiralli oer, llwt llwy tharo other people lovo them, nnd thoy from nny frtunle wmline to giro It n offir One If tin tel i)IUrfor nny rumtlmt ft hopes that n dolor may bo skwcezfd will bo all tho recommend I need. Ho- - It Isn't much. Kenney Herald. fnlr trial. I thank you for your good fall lo one. Htn.l f. r lift of iMtlmonJaU. ton THE UHIYIRSITY Of HOTRE DAMt, Addtwi. K J.rilKNKYACU .TolmtoO. outer It. Transcript, Professor Tyndall nvera that blue medicine." Mn. tJKtmtvtiE M. John- fioiii ijitiuuijff. "60. bittek-cye- d OAME. INDIANA. i ir A grato mnnuy Chrlstytins arc sort "Them's tho smartest lltlto wnmnn oyed women should marry son, Jo.susuouo, Trxah. WTM llall-- l'aitt VlU au the bait. Uttet). economics snJ ItlitOfT. r ov retired wurkmon thay don t wurk ever of this girl la well enough ns Ctsutct. I'fiirmscy, that took hold servant men. That all 1 Jonrniiilini, Art. Scencf. Lsw. If you havo your own way, see that tfiectilcsl nt tho blzncss wr-- hard. Thay sim problem," said tho old gentleman, theory, but when a womnn-Htrue- k Mr. rftlilm' lttrr. Civil. Mtchinlcaf sna toilutiilnt. your way Ih right. femnlo trouble of kinds, Afchllfetufc. ply set on the fenco nnd tell Clod nnd pointing with pride to his only daugh- young man gets fairly gone on n pretty "I had all A lind three doctors, but only grew wore. . V.i jfxa. Wlmiowi soottitr.K njnip. thnro naborzo how to behave them' ter. "How's sho going nt It?" "dot-ti- n' girl ho'll marry her, If he ran, oven eurit t fIciliunlrai atliitenu st ipll rate. rorcf.iarro ifib!r,tilifni lb stmt, ndntrila. I began tuUlng I.jilla 15. l'lultlmm'a Hooms rrtr. .'tmtoror rwnior selves lord ccch other. up a popular song to Idonllzo dish If hor ryoe nre pea green. Montgom CourMw Hootn irivwiriw Vegetable ComiMiumt nnd I.Ivor Pills I noozo pnperzo arc cdyoo washln'." Indlnnnpolls ery Bt. 114 iVtrtTs fU I, for boy umler J. After n in nil Is ililrty yoam old todr Hooks nnd Journal. Advertiser. end used tho Sunntlva Wash, and can- TheSfilltYtirwiilppenSeBUmMf Jttl,l39P. Bonp. caters wen thny teeteh the naked pop tnntea llko ITEMS OF INTEflEST. not prnUo your remedies ouough," li A. C PrtJldeat trooth; but wen thny toetoh soflstry tV iBV:c.8. IjiiI Ira Can Wear Hliunt THE FEMININE ODSEnVEtl, Mna. KrriK Pkiikixs. Pr.wtr., La. nnd humbug end pnle whlto llze thny patlonta In lunatic ay One size ninaller nf lor mng Allen's I'oot Most of tho najaiiaj-ils1rrpf.i.P--- ce) Kate, n powder for tha feet. It makes nro wurso than plzcn Ivy on n ramp What women say mon do. lums have brown or black eyes. MARY'S tight or now hoo onsy. Cures swob ground full of barefooted sinners. Mueh doing Is not so Important as Kverybody In Denmark, over nine ST. foot, row-ln(- f Ion, hot, sweating, aoliliio; liiir I often wundcr hoo Iz the most too well doing. 0L At years of age, can read and write. BROWN'S nails, corns nnd bunions. all blame, the mnn I100 cheats or tho man Is wo nnrn, but what wo and shoe stores. S eta. Trial It not what Female schdBl teach In I.ynn druggists hornswoggullod. It w. e- Allen hoo submits to bcln savo that mnkoa us rich. Mans., nro not nllawed to wear their -- itnounKC I'ltl'.K by mail. Addiois (licet MAC Iz felony to n mado-ov- or fa. Olmited,J.c Itoy, N. V. a compound nllow A woman never minds a blcyelo suits In aehool. ADEi uiiIom hcezo to cscapo with plunder, dress so long ns It Is made over silk. Is Spllno mlchty .women ohnso mon Tho champion snenzer John SLS-- Nlco nlco to bo called a klcptomnnl- - - llotro Damo Pi 0., Indiana and are punished for It. rich nnuff Tho mennwt typo of man Is he who ot Yonkors, N. Y. During a sneeslug ack. YOU NEED IT li U ilU yon up. lOnf mill WmI of th tlntitnltr ot Kolt Dim.) la takes advantage ot tho widows und or fit ho sncoxod so violently that ho dis 24 ItirrraM; Dm HtiMll", Un Ml The rVtb Araitfmlo will opn llmul.T llloml llnrp. S-- 'tttm Moadar. Won the toad and the snnko struggle C tlrrttsihoni lb uttiuwli. meifBti SorumlKT 4. wi. All tliQ branahaa of Kal iMh iImp MeoJ ilMpt I1ii. Iiitllhr blnl phfttii. located his right shoulder. malaha, proaurci rlcu red Bitxit t.nllhr loup iUh. CanMitla oxlitonco (lod Is mostly on tho side llxH. A Thorough English and Classical Education. knil lfIUij tnuirlli, im ' fur Tho man whom losses would make Tho value, ot human life Is not very lb lloJ I'ttir !. of tho nnake. Hut wen tho man cums It InfluJItin (lrtk Ixttln, Hnitnlilt, ana desperate, good luok would mukc high In Connecticut. A Jury In thnt r Ask Your Driilst For it OCIill Borne nlrla wear too many newspn-per- n along hoo murdered hlz wlfo and luru.iin uitt tuujlil nf roinBltl equally so. stnto awarded f 10 to the relatives of a St 00 Per Itottlo, tin comti'o'lns lite full couim J In their bustles. mother tho snnko has gutter hev hlz J iiuillm itiHtcuu rccriu ttta We nil do so much better In life, ns man who had been killed on a railroad. head orusht. Rurwlval ov tho llttcst, I a fiemilar Collcelale Deerens r.l Lltl.Q. or k on wheel", It there Is Homo ono to set Forty-llv- o goats hove been o spore. thousand 'lli I'ucrvaiury of J.I unla in conilneU-- J on the tho pneo for us. placed on a ranch at Lowney Junction, plan ot the twit ('laiitnal Comariatorli lit I'.iirorie. Your Is your so long N. M. It Is tha largest goat rnncli in NOTED MEN. word servant Tlte Art Depart v mntclled after lbs baat EAflS OF as you It, It become your world. Tho Intention Is to produce A On rCurop". retain but the 1'rfpnralr.iy BlioparuiieiitaPMptU Ambnsndor Choate has n fine car, of master when you suffer It to escape. goatskins for tho tanneries In Huston whn dcrt prlfn umi thota of loud.r Ayer'sf Vfor Ui AeaOaiata It you and Philadelphia. C.rlirrciti perfect size, and of nbuut the right an Assert your own freedom will, L'ouua ami Ailt . but assert It modestly nnd quietly, rc Fifty yenni ago Mr. and Mrs. Thomas for rsulotiu to-- file. OIRtC title, wero mnr-rlo- d. (ltm, Bngo's car Is about the spcctlng others ns you wish to bo re O. Clllbcrt of Salem, Mass.. UUllary Acuo IliiMcll children, ten size, well shaped, sloping slightly, spectcd yourself. They havo nix nnd deeply lobod. Tho man who can got drunk nnd not grnndr.hlldren nnd ono a has occurred In St, Eel' Vatulerbllt's cars nro thick, make a fool of himself Is a hero In his Not death Cornullua tho family during tho fifty yearn. homely, commonplace, sayB tho New particular line. I havo not met ninny SLICKER explosion n eodn fount a In In York Pross. Thoy Indlcnto mediocrity horoea ot this sort. Tho of WILL ICEEP YOU DRY. Thoro nro no ronl virtue which nre Avon, N. Y,. resulted In fatal injuring Tho ears of President Alphous fltlck hole oach other, and II to George Hunt, a druggUt. I noy ot tho Chicago Grant Western Inconsistent with O "i ll (x:1 ''Htm, kiittoslt Is only our own deflclondes In some three Inches In diameter wua torn In ruMr . ail. If vxnnntucojl by (MngrogaU tingles i, I Conducted the railroad nre nearly at right to his right cheat, his left arm Inr k. p you iiy In iiio ' his head. special direction Unit could make It Hp ilrm tuy lh DnnJ tho Holy Cross. Tho College Is Wll penr so. broken In two places, and hi . IS.IfVrr l n .lf ir nillhIn VOUr Is tho I f..r . In Itlchard Crohcr'n oar Just like gener arm was left bunging by ihrcU lcr,r 4Ht. tlfully sltuatod on tho IfelgbU, three What does It do? man plalu, about medium slse, thick Hn who has learned to think J TinVTW II .i in. Mi. ously of the man who d Iff era from him flesh. miles south of Austin, In a hoalthy and It causes the oil glands .'lose to lil head, Hat, doep ;ic-- nnd eors, In croed polities only to American apples arn cored. plcturosque locality. Uvery facility ia in the skin to become more concha. nnd has listen to hear the footfall of angels, who rep nnd dried, sent lo Prance and then ATLAS otTercd for a thorouch Classical or active, maklnEthehalrsoft Itoswell P. Plower had n large nnd With in.' nil ognlzoa the fellowship of kindred converted Into t'dn. L.b-cungo- i Commercial courso with Modern fi, and (lossy, precisely as thick ear, with oxtremely wide, lint hearta. of earbonle acid gas and eat ana n of WESTEIIH rldgei, n couehn smaller thnn Mr Music, Bhorthned, Typewrit- nature Intended. nnd The greatest and strongest naturos little llavorlng powdtr the rider be Morgan's. 11 nro oven the calmest. A fiery reck comes champagne, mi.i much of ing Drawing and Palntluc as optloaal It cleanses the scnlp from U Thomas C. Piatt ban the oar of lcssnomi In the Hymbol of frailties not conns to the United Hiates and Conlalalnz flveiptrndld Mipf I'amulaana tin studios, under spcolal leeMenl teach-cr- s. dandruffand thus removes of re philosopher. Tho top loans far out nnd Is drank under tho delusion that it ta or I'roylnm, ni well si a dmrrlptlnn lit yet outgrown. Tho repose of powor li Tor Cataloguo and further par one of the great causes of tho lobe In. It Is rather over than tho beet brand. lourcti ot Ih Uommlon. wilt nullnt free tu Its rlchost phase and Us eloareat tee all appllranl rte.iroui ot Irai uluf lonteihlns or tlculars address baldness. under tho medium size. tlmony. Philadelphia Time. Ihfl l'r HomiHf u4 IjiuJi of Weitcrn l anaila, Admiral Dewey haa a small oar. with The quickest wink on record Is about Addrrai V. I'rUlay, Hnpt ot Immlrrailon. in- ItBV. JOHN T. DOUAND, C. B. It makes a better circu- Cantdaj or to U. Uouiton, many angles, which tells us he ono-slx- th of n second. laws, dpt. llarisit, PisildenL lation In the scalp and stops that Many n man la a boar at home, who Vena. can be cruel nnd tyrannical as well as Par U sola pnrt of Its Ire by rail from the hair from coming out. Is a lamb on tho stoek market. Phllo plnclor near Urlnticou. delicate In fancy. Such Is ins char dclphla Tlmoj. n actor. or 121 law students i lmltted to tha 8! Tommy "Paw, what do thoy put Prevents and s enormous, bar In London, 19 have Oriental names. John I. Hlnlr ears aro water In stocks for?" Mr. Flgg "To M 1 and thoy Imvo tho Intense philosophic A church In Hawaii has rnlced $10,000 cures Baldness soak the Investors with, my sou." In Philippines. slope. Ago Increases tho angularity dlanapolls Journal. for missionary work In tho S prominence Mr. rosos contain SO per rent S Satisfaction Ayer's Hair Vigor will and of tho ear. Ulalr do you think," eai neatly cr "What grown In oth- surely make hair grow on Is nearly 100 years old. tho nervous Individual, all moro perfume than those claimed "ot Five-Ce- nt bald heads, provided only J. Picrpont Morgan una n full-size- d theio gigantic trusts that nro being er stales. is unusual with " cigar m car, nrmiy giueu on, ami nearly Ilnltlmorc has the I am wit negro pop there is any life remain- organized?" "Oh, I don't tako any - straight up and down. Tho antlhcllx stock In thorn." Columiius Journal. ulation of any oily In the country. It 8smokes,,, but it has been the'evcry- fi ing in the hair bulbs. US.OOO, Id thick nnd protruding, while the con "I suppose you niude your money ia cetlmateil to be about It restores color to cray cha Is ot small diameter. through your holdings In stork.' 's silk Industry now day cxpericficc of hundreds of thou or white hair. It docs not "Well," said tho financier, "they had amounts to $:i.000,000 annually an In- g do this in a moment, as MONETARY MATTEPB. something to do with It; but the ronlly crease of 98 per cent since 1SP5. sands of men who have smoked will a hair dye; but In a Important considerations wereu t my Charcoal la the chief Italian fuel. It 9 J Avarice Is a skin disease dulvoston - SIS Ui t0 a ton In Italy ana time tho gray holding so much ns my eotts from short color Now8. Washington Star. 700.000 tons are consumed yearly. of age gradually disap- man who lias the sand generally The Deelor tto stockholder whose end Is One day recently there were iai 2 Old Virginia Cheroots g pears and the darker color gets the roaka also. St. Paul Dispatch npproaehlng) "It Is my duty ta tell load of watermelons on the railroad of youth takes its place. Money has wings, ami that's why you to nreiwre for the woret. You tracka la Plttsburr The ran contain money fly high. the last because you like a copy people with lots of should arrange your enrtkly affaire ed 1 10,800 melons. S during thirty years, would Kansas City Star. of our book on the Hair Remember, you eon take tiothUig with There are eight Inches mon rainfall Money will not make the mare go you ta the other world." ItoekheUer on of Uke uper lot they arc just as good now in It the south shore fact,JJ and Scalp? is free. If she has a serere attack of the blind (In cheerful tone) "Ye, and they than on the nurth thoie, and three In If ton im ebUln aillhufctaiflti toy fti.a item ih ui ( is vljor etaggera. De Kalb Chronicle. can't reach me there with assessment ehen mare In the ases of Xrle and On better than when they were first made. Wriw Ik tof ur WmI It Ne how MRkaMtr his wmIU Moilree." Wall Street Toples. 1, un, 4. A TEH. mailer tarlo. H Mll, Mill. makes him, a Htk man nevsr llkee ta In Kwltxerland a milkmaid gets bet- g Two hundred million Old Vtfginit Ctcrools gmotecl this yctr. part with any of It. Nebraska Journal good voire, a WISE OR OTHERWISE. ter wage If Kitted with a ag Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 ceati. g The man who la always pointing out beeattee It lias been lileeovered that a The top of the hill Is harder to find to other people what a let of money eew will yield one-fift-h more milk if they might have If they took his advice than the bottom. soothod durliiK milking by melody. money I never has any blmiolf. AUnlson The man with the least often Aids Uif.ejUen oarrlta the blggeet purse. Globe. 8HLECTED SMILES. Reklas Btweit, - fellow you are looking a good opper k BagaEBBS Watts- "Why should a bother ft for HitMTMthiu getting a lot of money tunlty you must get off the boaten "Papa, dear, hy are these water Suj. himself about TKETUINA and hunors. when he Is on earth only path. proof soles called 'guttn perchaT" Mm Bowel Trwbka ol few abort years?" Potts-"Th- at Is th Some women take pains with their "Ilecause. my Isd, they enable you to main reason he wants to gt all he personal appearance, wbllo others give perch In tho gutter without getting wlldrea of Any U&. can." Indianapolis Journal. them. wet." TEETHING POWDERS mwm U sit tut t sniHUt maii mil t O. J. MOPIfSTV, M. D.. ST. LOUIS. MO. Tha Itral Ttilmf. Mrs. Wlnkley la your husband n brave man? IF ITT Mis. Pronston-- 1 should say he was, Go toyr Why, once he jumped right In front ot a nwlftly moving train nnd saved a cliaut Uttlo child from what seemed certain death. Mill Mm. Wlnkley Oh. tbat'a no Indica- tion. Would he have courage enough to grab when he was having a the cat will Sold by All DrufgUU. VAN VLECT-MANIFIEL- O DRUG fit and throw It out ot the house? Wt refund to him. Prlct, 60 cents. CO., MEM1" V- - 0 P Itcci-lveiJ- . -r aeTgHil eff Hllllrr Well fl rTW-HMi'rr- ftueeredsd In bUttolgg Uaad 'TN J Ohm Oal., Aug. I cattle, at the expanse ?t an equal uhm (TVER SITUATION. UUH rranolseU ber of mon killed and wounded. DHi o'olouk yecterday morning tho Penn- - at the name time they had oolloeted tyiVania iroopH uisomimrKeu uum mi WINTERING IN THR ANAltCTtfJ large mmntlty of vegetablea ot one sort transport Senator nnd went Into camp OOIIAN. or another, whlrh they hod carried Officials encouraged Over Present preparatory to bolng inustorod out SHIP on with groat PHANTOM heard and distributed Conditions. The reception accorded the soldiers gradual- Time ltn Had TtiU Miecaaa to the alek, who were from tho Keystone stato was similar to Flnt IHlorr OR ly recovering. ltxprlenre Dr. Arrluweal mMIib IM that given tho Oregon, Nebraska nnd Immediately the admiral had Itipeitlllnn Tell (if Mfe ffi Vie that boyn, who had preceded them Rlea Plying Dutchman. anchored, ho made the signal for the EXGIItlMCNT IS SUBSIDING. Ulnh The upon thouinnda of tnrU iJinit. commodore to repair on board, and home. Thousands BY CAM AIM MAWAT. tased him with dteobedlenae ot orders people lined tha streeta through whleb Dr. Henry Arclowskl. Ihe PalUli In having left the Heel. The commo- tho boys wcro to pass, Tho tiatml mlneraloglat and geologlet at the Uel- - tio ro did not deny that ho had so dun, lUmptoa Wcnial cd Agricultural luttltute medley ot Bloom whistle, cannon nnd glen Antarctic expedition, aag hhs par but oxcused himself upon the plea of llai Tut ca a Strict Qiiaranilas Agitntt flrowark accompanied them, all ty wore the first lititni belnjM to aaa pa- OIIAPTIM XVIIt. ad to it) down balow and tha HMoeslty, offering .0 lay the whote tha Soldiers' Homg. through tho buslneM section of the itpenil a winter la the Antarctic. 'Oof flie Not mHfr Ad tHlrnl Itymelandra tient, the right of m many (toer fal- matter before Mia court of dlwotora elty flrnt objMt," ho says, "waa to make a oiHMMMrt proceed W low In tha last stage of horrid ad- wa ordered lo that so soon as they returned; but tho Three henvy baUerlee, ono light bat- voyage In the Antarctic, but befoad we weetera rout. disease their bavin fallen out, Ileal Indie ly the tefth miral wtu vaatad with mot l xtonalTt tery and the regimental Iwnd ot the this there was on starting aa detail htWiSh Die BtnlU f Magellan Into gums ulcerated, bodies mil of tttmora power, not only ot the trial, but tha Nowprt tftwa, Vu Aug. Tlie yel- programme. It was Intended in ttitit. d, sore-w- third artillery enmo first In tho parailo, do iWrtt-- it belag null and as quite KUttlelent. aitfl. condemnation and punishment of any low situation nt Soldier Iho the eeinutMe oonillOeae. favor tlw fo'lnwed by tho Nebrnakn roglmont. various notwltksiandlng pml ! hurrying up from thr lower deck, the person guilty ot mutiny and Insubor- Kovrnteen of Hiuler Metttenant (le home near ilamptan U saminwl up In came tho PeitneylvanlHiis, ltd ui. Ire, Uml till rout offered facilities officer haatenod on nhore and mitda itla dination li hi fleet. In reply, ha told aud then Inche, left Antwen In August, lM7. litlb illHMt shorten lb" ytiMgi to report. the com mod ore that he wtta a prisoner, tko follawlgg wor4a of lj. 'J'koHip-eon- : by l.teut. Col. Ilarnott. Out. llarnett'a On leaving gtaten our ohjert was to itut ffHlee llnu In two hour a large boat waa taitt and to prove It. he confined htm In gword. drapMt In crops out of rcsprat go direct to the south, nad to raptors it tut- - memory Col. Hawkins, com- Tl reata cumprutng tu 8t off with freih barf ami vseiablrn Irons under the hah' leek. "Wo feol very much eiicoumgad ovnr to of tho region of Orahamstand and Palmar forir-fwi- r for tbrap day" auptdy for lb A signal was then mndo for nil the mander ot the regiment who died ut landing weft tbe Ida, of gin. the proaont eondlllona." Und, on which no has bath hwrlHl the admlral'B flag; the Dor I. of ihlp'i rnmpany. and thr ware I mm captain: they went on board, and ot aai en route home, caweed a hush to made since their discovery In the early la upon tJtlrty-at- x gmia. wllk lb "ommodor dlatfly dlatrlbntnl nnnng the man. A comae l'hlllp waa of the number. On Tha statement tuada author- tall on the multitude. pnrt of the century. In this part ot tho sum- , iinnt-- to which Philip ni appoint- latter nf thank ai ratnrnad by tha their arrival the admiral held n ity of Dr. Waadltt that a man named The Pennsylvnnlnnn proeeut oven n jniirnty we experienced fine weather, twenty: the Meting thet hln health wb mery court nmrtlal, proving to them (leo. III atnnd-poi- On 13. ed; (Its Xuydor Xee. at commodore. It. Ntovtiu Is with favor at letter appoaranco from n health nt with a great deal of foe. Ifb. present com- by be waa war- tffliBR ITa. of twelve, anil a ketch of mi Indifferent aa to hla hi Instruction that to Plioobus. There are some aiiauleluita boyn four weeks after sailing from fitnlen court-marti- al than did thn Kobrnskn and four OHM. ailed tbe ghvelllng ing on ihnrr In jieraon In thank tb ranted to dn. The result of tho symploma, though tho hooae In which Island, we left the newly dleenvored i tl'otn from Utah, but tlioy h scribe Una ICal-rl- na governor, and tornrdlng a pretended could n b'li one condemna- we Dane laad. 'Tht crew of the Vrow war he I ooulned Is eloaod and guarded. land, which had named Hat Bpanlnr-'- on In a of discipline, to to tho tonic offcots of tho son nlr on larger tee-11- 1 of th hoard, whlrh tion for breach and In threo days sighted Alexander II rill id b.woeii lb two 1S try body Is calm and no four la folt vnyflKo. to thn Hint tlioy ha inrntlonoil romn cfllr. r and people which Philip was obliged reluctantly tht and fact I. lotml. On Ihe 2Sth the llelglon ran the olharM, lnslng atanlltr. war that tha fever will appear In HaotjiUiii. vry of dlxtlnitlon, whom he Imagined to sign hla nainn. Tho admiral than were off tho fighting Hue for some time Into the Antarctic lee park. In n few wdr worliwl with fewer handa. hi a statement lieforo the Hampton having tned, the might be poiincrtrd with Hi family of gave l'hlllp the appointment of ssoond before departure from the Islands days we found it Impossible to proioad unuigaiiwnt bea pen- HiisIuvm asaoclatlou Ur. White txiftlii wore hoisted up. and tha ship the governor, whoir name and tltlrc ha In eommamUtnd the commodore's ileu's Th soldiers accepted lite ntteiitloni and equally Impossible to gal 0lU of on nant, mudli annoyance of tha 11a soon na he conflue amdo will. Pfcr ten day they were baf-!l- had rcceld from inecangrr acnt to the Mid that could showered upon them modeatly. Tho the grip of tho Ice; the temporalura vet- - by light winds, and th victims board; for the Puirh Isnew full wll laptala commanding the other tha dhHNwe to the home he could aeo oncprreslona of grntltletitlon wliloh their fell, mid the llolglra stuck faat. For HpnnUh fam- - re s: in 1110 proven restile-tlon- s lo (ho Increased considerably on the majority of ilu nob'o but this auuirai nofouion why the oommarclnl aiwbmned fnoea bore, und on oectp n wholo year she remained Immova Mica contliumlly hi 1 Judgment, as there waa no onool board of Philip's Many died Indeed, nllh men had on Itninplou nnd l'lionlius should sIuiirI cheer, were the only algna tiny ble, and for tho first tlmo human be- to fit the task as l'hlllp. Hav- j ml ware (hrown overboard; other tnken piece belwaen them pravlaua Uim hi for not he removed. ptTilltod themaelvea ahow that ings prepared to spend n winter lu the their aaurtlon f tholr lndponi1no. ing so done, he dlamlsaed them. Philip wr ourrlod down to their hammock. The rVluieni' homo la fully 11 mile tlioy appreciated tho d titttrntloua Antarctic. Wo had exported to winter Thn ro in mod ore ronrlnded Uhl would have to tbn lain commo- Tim newly appointed commodore. ettr from JlamPttm nnd Is Mpnratod by two of n gmteful people. T could not In the Mouth Polnr roglon, but wo had waut on hy oxproaalnn n hope that Ifro )Uy or dore, hut tho sntry opihmhhI tt, as hoped to do so on land. Kor pur- wTioti imnic wn Avanhorn, Tfislutoipton agrl-cultur- al dissipate tho discipline ol u yeor'a sat-vl- ie that two h ahonld b at'lfc In jtaf'hla Hflslntt hla order: nnd with a trbndly crooks. normal and wmrd of tho admiral' vesael, to report ftfslTtuia7.ttdj8lus grounds In the army, nnd the low uf their pose we had everything propnrod, It and make nrriih1rhicn for the nod Philip was obllr.ed to leave him tho to an ihn ("Into nf the venel nnd to I'mneit, 1 1 being our Intention build londlng of HrV, n hn'wai V'lthom the daalred communication, uf the home, butUie former Ins' lion co rounder hung hoavlly upon thorn. ah Philip had proponed tu him. that tha nntloiu and uopot. We were unable to proreatl hl rorago of dicravery. thrown out a ipiaraulln' ' nnd The battlnflRg of the Peunaylvaulaaa. i hay alwiuld umbo Ihn of South oa has to find land on which to establish a wi XIX. shot-riddle- d and almost n wreck America, ami endeavor by brlbory or On tha thlfcl day n fraah 'upply or rilAPTKft bus pioveuimt tha inf.M tt.jtt from toui. depot, nnd wc all had to remain on remained three wenLt hy fores to obtain supplies from the provUlon wa ant on board, oud o The fli it Bprending to the school. of tla former beauty, exeltod ftenrnl our ship. - FflKI.'i.d Islsndx. 10 reel nil the g color-beoi- et or the nntive. Hut jjIKJn HI they ware rocelVfiOth iow- tic There i sumo tulk hxre ot ijuaran-linin- veneration. Aa soon us the "The Antarctic winter last for two inhabitants UuLeai,i.Hnle. Vl'lioielj as to thin the admiral would not listen, ndare. In an KiiRllsh unlfnim, went thr against Norfolk, the health uu- - came Into sight a aimer, might- months, hut owing to the fearful obatl-iiHt- ii upon pWtWl lie wn an Imperious, hold and shore ani cftll'd lift governor. thorltrftg. Jljr renlutrg thnt city u ier ft Uikn any wh. ' had boon wenthor . . prevailed wo did not Ha not to be perauaded or d, gave n long detail of the iiifrerlnca or glvn Uia boyn, rang out from th"? the for three mouths. Hvery dQjr nuui, wfwTTIds on atfrao paYtn of moroi rport N v. itin bl.ds W F OBBBiBMf.. It) ami with IllUa feullng llir peupla he had rea id nod nr,reU Jt thtong- - excursions were made an (he tee forhi Im itrtluid,rhlMi. from tho propinquity Utlll du&twJBiaBBmttnaHBBHai, un xtifforltiMM f othern. Tenacious of1 fop ifloi i noy. stimuli ik bcih on catch seals and penguins. Wo spent bngrn of (Sir iimIk, built of mud, ently ncccf The ambulances ot the Peiihiylvanln liiK advised, ha Immedlatoly rojietjad two dnya, a tiny would fiypiifMliiio tnt winter In scientific work. Hvory of There ought up tho rear ot tho roglment, Vie proposition Imd it originated bir well i'I'oukIi to JjeWiidrfd. After town. tlioJt. tho HMUlt leo which. STlng - hour observations were made. The lohipllnisnttt hmird, clwl" tnethor (the whole urea hleh the stek und wounded, l'ol- IUi hliiiaelf. would probably Jiavr fnuny kjrfrtiit oil pressure wns great, but not Immedi- hu liuTHtnttitl his Inteu- - tW? roere.l being haw of r.rryu). nn tho PannsylvanlatiH eamo liiin iiiimedlalely acted upon, nod' the rivet hi rirlflum, Whf ately around tha ship, wliloh was not rn:iuw-'Uni- x lin!"hliiK thrlr nnd renrlngjUitlr P nt. llm tlilnl ...nrlltUrv II. iimmndoro laluriiBd un lMiri5 mi ves- - ilon to rettirnjhM visit ojifthe csrb ..w ...... a.u.iir... 1.(0 ecrlously rrushod. All ot us suffered n dny,,lf.XjiV not too on 11 K. The mnn had but to aolec at Washlngtun, Ag. 4 Offlr UJ.Mlra I'rcjldlo. disappoint"!, wtnlhcr worf 7 night, id, not only butjrrltat many bin1 as they pleased, I good, deal during the Antarctic Mi'hy uaad townfj hlnwH Tough. l tho waa esmtt aud received hero from repre.jen.t6t! 0 parade wns reviewed by (Jon. llio Isnguae Fortjiaii wetlir ni'il rn ntimrrntH r.tre lliev tbltt when 'he owing to defective circulation and A. Mi4ed nrny Ann Hoot rough trio n t two und It d anil ln tho review stand with vrfllt the f'f ilj, Miry had supplied ihcnf Mvri, "iherr f the I'nlted Htut s In Unuany brlu heart 'trouble. hndtimtdn lllths proran. In tfafh shb wni notjir.tll the third day that the . . TV.. v . . aa tho commltteo of Pommy!- - "Thaspootflc results woro satltfju-- , w.n 10 npprtMnt ' uitninution or tin many details ranrernliix tho recent ne i in, rui-iiii- if thn fatal dlioaae bo Kovoinoriudn hi npuarance. Thl whu had rnmo to extend a lory, and wcro what wns expected, un-- . ootSno lbro fpr'wVl) Tlint tho r''il,'-,,r."-- SHLf224lf RUl,or5H5to.f. Hfoti In that vouutry loolUtw to Hie . , . . , ...... chiiiii moro aerlotw, und tha cflmuMg The heir tolMruoil horoea. Aal lino i no Arctic, mo Aiiiarciic oa. m to h - .. . duly. ouin.lon o hud hut twenty ny to flo JnffiMTplblo llel nimnis. . .j no oniy oi-in- wn M2niieiiT!ifitl the effect of restoring. oTO'il5ti... - ...i,..'L rtiops pabjod tho roTlewinK RUhdil sifiir Nijr Imd tht ndlI tip linden Shero Is no dloao, pcilinuJT u3 Mf5fiitT "","u, ",w i..-"V,UJ "SIMSf" altnd oh land were a number of small litian i..i.t.'1.' unit, niiii...j.iJ.uriuiu luvi uiui i nn not supprosa n chctr, nnd If afiiar vc88lfl - n icavo muu loom uAdoiibt that Insects, which wcro discovered not. luin Willi, wui - "J tiljmnied by tlionn In the aland. anions UiMlit a?-- ' ard'loitW' oaitnc Buman irntii, ami oLmo sn mf tlilif Is domWor so ot pio- - the penguin rookeries. In tho water . the mm?. Uaulri.J Or tWal at tho Prcaldio tho work Kn"il!itlntitiineniii1v niiM-llcil- ntlng the Indirect roduutlon of the thoro Is plenty of llfo. There nro far MVfU' ommnvuas ji nmine in hi irnseaHf' aV. A. of golnnpto rnmp wiim titkun tip with not If lb") remedy con bo priV74 1 1 more senls'tlian In tfic North Polar enrvjr, nn. I mmv wareriho conlpctii Pen iTk& erlcan proifflfct. ThevtettAiiiiutato .n mi iin a vim, W" early In tho afternoon ftfo. n great many r,nln- - III. Iiniifilile fslrt TU OWr, trraeu. proclamntlwia hnTriiJafesued small whplos and tho v, bo: rein comfortably quartered. Ant-nrjsU- o mo.-m- a aaaiaBBBBr rd 1Ma wko ?re not nbj abunilanro of penguin. Tho ni of life nnd drnth was known to b IrvH; ly ti aulhorlt of Ttle Wfjisiau jjfl cjt: hntflniot In. to their Tuuc . aa Hen' they will remain for severnl lands we found to bo entirely .nam imnr l'.lr I1U UJUIIIWI ' KUi.UV, V ill aasH 1 iii pm lunfi a of AarcQfti Dun 0- - woift 111 1 no court p or inc six week, unftl they aro mustotod .qttl, mountainous and absolutely glstlated. tbmighytlisl Mi'h power Hi rly nil- - tjf tmeliurtf, tatulg cliff a woro rvo the errlir Uf Dorl r'.ed delinquent when thoy.ll bo taken to thejr I'ann- - In same places, whore the Vlloll) go tpon ie. nrul grand nvttlcaOntrand-W- to Th oih ptali "VfBBBBBBr Hyhrnln hoSea In a body. too prerlplloim for le or nnow to pt, or. iiirn le.J mi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBirsffr Idenhurg klnnbHi-- nrea Tl-'ltp- . lllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaWr'jA! lodge, we found llclion nnd moss. Tho - .... . WVum mid he tt. It titeroBi'- l In m mk rrro-lor- e w uistry ishsm .! K' ne ni 0 IiriAlno Ilorohgrevlnrh expedition must have e hat wfli th ll M iioewnmry f"r thf pn crlStWii'K t.-fif- ti - great alBt ally rflv on bo ml (,f tt XimfavPlw aaainsi wee diuKela nlaiiKht- Illlkelav. fin A lie linn. aelentlllr results nf Interest. One Of Mto crow .urcua of Ufa voy rs. fttfi - P hC Is a'! (bSJBB V MrlWfcitMturl 10 br.'HK up the q cuu) ubdlvlalon,,w.aon wJj0 ,)Mn ,n of the most Inlereatlng points tlie ajs, I ' .'.('know' 1 nv a ItfBro tja Too p' .1$ the cal t'-j- of this expedition i . Immediate y lire BelslUBl tr i possibility osleulat 1 slknce r ...I i, err-- ' ,1-- ! i' (5 t ; i.....i.. ant? tu ill he I : ing the position of the iimgnetl Jiole 'it (LT. l that lie niir' t jm th acrt.iflny. hd . itdei H tm 1 fcajjg fajgo, and ! .I'Hic:- - r.t JMric lu this wjinty. (fir four yeara iwst, atudylng the magnetic varUglMa. Ul'I'O lA--' coiruwidore. 'or irttum l o hud a t&JntraiT , 0 any ami 1. I' . i)fi;iutn tab own lh" ri affftlicii r i.....f. - Weineoduf nttrmpted to commit nn Probably Inland Ice exists on riK nomingaity tin- i ila t lb- - "'lo .1 . v . I to While within II.,,,' ,t of lkb . .n')')jjlifBWBBBBBK nnsruilt qjT tho daughter of tmia Uml. as In Northern Oraenlaud. U go f Germany tie aoulhward fur .Ji .ihfifit who Had ectt diini vajHHRo tokr !r. MoWfr, lift wee captured by nnd If thl Is an the expedlllffn ationld or ii" p It, aud ikni uigh. rt. i'itllp had COllftOlfc-- l 101iMeWetint; quh lal cmisea. U10 fut her f.nil waa In hand bv be nble to reach the region where the - taken i1- 1 ;J n 1 1 1 pointed 0111 QQiirRi) caliirtiod to bis ml, imm that tUe h Ihqught Tt rtfeftwUlo lo lo of the h liamtJif lnchera. Tho mob waa quiet magnetic neodlo will rer.iHn vertical Mii( on deck and or u.'.' coUrs Rides by WmWi cOntnTtled.) (Buburdlualo limplrod I I l'! sjorlllclMf rlH)ih UHtlriS iTt. be I KOvahitciiU lu nnd niflftflr, nnd betoro tho town knew that to "ay. what ktiuwn proiwrly it f ha rttooerto l'a "SBiefca tMjfcts UiPBi (ifarix ..i;d that his ettinfff from liol'lii fiadiomo of tvtfflrotduniu as thp manietlc pole. To reach tbo v-.-: 1. . . ' V: wJiuywi.a K0I115 on tho negro wns iflDtaj U Uia watwartl.iTh- - night aaxupiivny wium f ndjire no longer Ib tak- - cenKraplih al Hon 111 Pole Is out lb ct hat thtctbm ImiiCiiiit fuini a limb In tho of Vffy illTIf and tho .taoinwra' Ht I'lanl ni board a. ouuklrtu qtnvtton. the the otlge rcrerctvi ot Imperial t, town. distant from of mil aufllci er of 1 tttklloik nnd 1m ptoclalar that ihi the ice pack lining onormutts. There ifmi tho iwrttng .ny uf the IViri fresh vt 111 iretkf.Tccovery Is In An- ooi Btep is uia o exports ot lumbpr and pruduct 1 much work Jo bo done the pjpMlvod by the admiral and of the y t dti th iir regard me- nt jw NrWTajMaJK.A'BW'yHHBflHtSlnlrnMiie (ever through A porta tarctic parttiulfrlv with to 01 me v neu Tessa from aouthoru Rllliw neei nieantlmo iM.t lniiltvWlld; 1 teorology nudtmagnetlsm. A aaUafne-- an " VVaHBUHBmrilBBBBBBBBBBBBBraaW.rnMMuU rsaul Juno ao.aaTjlTjV Viiil tfu deek the next morning offorcd to hii ,icrfnipcn group ycendlnfl. the climate df tbe thptbaVcc 4 i jsriftia went;, ond, anythlns In tho jljugelif mil Hint their ''oiU'irt.i wre no Uh governor fir l nt "BOBMtw,.,, Itotdln hist meicproifjKianr f Mil ' uKiicrniiil ofltifo frefi, of TtbIbIbm1 uT traUlc. M. He looked (it Ui oompan, niodnre. nnd then urISHM roip too nerlB. wiii: nlsanctlc Lanultlons would maoa-- ijjroalvlng that the cour was men at Ihe en'dn door, and IWjJo hla , somu friends bv BiWre tcata , "mm iSmm.i.' Mtate nlihy xpodttlnus.'' what nnd hy the town: and tnsn call- it hotr dUtance from aln. happened to notice a The, l'auietl m Meiiift.nMR I C' Ilndlng that It whs ed to mind the pi.lliH!iy at hu be-lu- g VarboiitavHIfi .aean a iftJIt&tUpna. sho&k&emilla, ink. evidently part ot a iliifilinm, Aifc. Aniaril. A - A (liiiielery iHll Hupurlor olllcer. be, of course, taken out to tea. Weighing all icnsn- 1e. )s':ex,.asalnst watt, it. 2iaksr trial iiFnUllrtiriiLflast' New Yotk Hprclal to PIUoIkik s ljhtulnK, ivU?n tho commodore Uieee point ln hi mind, nnd the ry iumui ulicht'a Mrntiin was At nTMMBaS'WuB Wl Ihi'f ilttaMali i itfl ntrodffi lu(j fJTTi patch: Qlllelala uf Wnaliljiilou i$Sn dial: ho aUtetl to Philip that mudernte rnnsoni demanded, he re- of McfTtbdlst Hplsoopal Tle bvx a llobln;on. v.lia WAS IrunJSJUrJwn cemtiery. HruQklyu. nnd tho liMlth com-lK!l- U could not hilp hlmseir. to filuiilinielf wurrmito'l In not solved, aa he 'J ' -- Ptnilng It n llle warktafTt lUker'a hurrw wheji ihurrli prbHldlng eldorB' council ot aativl-tie- s fcdmlral ordera. as It comply with the commodore' term Kr5l6P"1 the lioard are indulging in all the Iho ifcat one end projccie o n m nvu Vfllln - life, called for p-- and Ink, and er occurred, (astMed that soon nf- Heorglq aud Alabama when tho com of all 'on nrrniiat fff tgt )1mve been nasrtNoinK the wliols He ovr H'e Hlgr. lie Uiriearrpwa-- w ...... wrote an mil'i to send on board Ini;iBtyTiiiui were in-- u 10m ann jiui mittee mi ihe state of the country re- within the conflUW of ti a tomiMiny. tiiw wej. inJtai. paper iih uiik i extremity. mediately all tl ut 'mauded. He-foi- e mruf. came homo greatly excited. before i ead of a restaurant. The cemetery then," h aid. b ippose somu Ju.t ported a resolution recommending that luiltiwl s Mgota-vi- e "Now, people contend that .11 U ho violatlia liieii duo tkey made the Und. hUOM't the sad uthteilc ehau try to knock tho Bhoollng he autd Tom weat ilWu bn;ti:)ii off snd so amn a nf villi tha n committee be appointed to not before ot law to eat over a pave If on le so weir counter by striking the l"8 " 'llrwclhMi froab.vflieweo they were glonr."!1'- -. eomtetodom, beard olfbUu "" Uio United Hla tea toagreaa the deplora- im lined. Tbe bealtb board toaar gtgo U)Wu aHd Spaniard on the end that liripekli our " To all the snots came, wiui u kuji, itoblneou tli- - with many" Irnwi uml uunv ibaMha, 1iii (iaiied rcKotutiona that Ihe reatauraat eh, Tli ay antkored at mouth MMiaaTiea the tup of n iliiK r would twtlfled in tbjtilBiiHng trial that ble condition of the negro population - the a'veir.1,1 u. the gangway, he rloaed forthwith by force, as it U tiiti rlmr. Htl Iwlated Hugllsh col- vt rul lu several of tha atatea, eHtip1lm ntlng him w4th a salvo nf have doaa Ihbwork. i.u tuei, Tutu and 4uwere'Wlt at howAvtt au southern and detrimental to pabllr health. Tbe lat ijigD ii boat me un ooari to aaa N'gw grmt as he hnd done be-f- stnfa faaiUWnaJilowa thn slioU wore fired. he claims to petition eongrosa for an appropria- ter do not saw what wilt eauae III slip Uety Mf" . wnai iney Rini. (hi i"flawP llll"IUt . to 1 peo- with mtfMUM forced by (ho llakora to a Tlie 4Qn04lr.- - replied o his arrival The thaCTfTaa tion of tl00.0M.0O0 (o atari a line at health, and klad of create the Ittsffs-s'e- alifu bjdge fit Ha larb. It a , aa ttyey to eejaasl waa .MglUk. for he ple on ehore tbougbi that hl sweif to rtf tbroatoaed ateumeklpe between the Unllod 81a lea that the cemetery peoale have a long VUlt. trmed I'ln neir to the ntarhlu by lnvu ahoulUb designs 'hatred of iaUk exreHen y had paid kill him. ne- e tbalr palroae and ULhe the. - Ible weight aailvii buw of lutpulah and Africa In order to enable all grea but as be dW Hbt like 'to ae- Fuller 1 (arret t has teallHud twice lie- - are laying nets to peas thaw lata Ib ilob ' lot. If e rrom the pnwpriK groes who may dealre to do so to em I. tt wij uiut r care of patroniaing n th:il1 ...... n.l mat ii . . ore that Tom and Jim were at home kesioas. Bert of ,hMv." ujii"i a, rnmw ibiwb vni4 igrate Ut Africa WW ..1 Wab It. at Ifaai.l aturuy youei; lenvo an uacaaH) war, to be aure, yet wttbal said about - pwhen Wlleon llowartl waa killed. Yea kiiJtMrtAg, aUJumgh the fleta, U like a miniature pile ddvrr, and the- Illebop Turner ot Atlanta, who pre amusing. W tquarely to tae una terday ho enore that he, In company toUaw m a known A efOH as Iho eodar broke tro. sided, explained that he dld'not de with aooFPll correMjndlng with Jim, Tom and Wiley linker, were 1MIU IA &mi "f were the commodore of the (raeture wltlthe aire the government to carry emigrants Cent. t IImk IIU Mlfa. Hill) foaeel. a ojaloU wreck, the boau daied. other portion together In the road when Howard d r edgo et tho The Tbe maddest loan In orew belt JHI.-te- with weigh r aci-ho- and made sail, well dk. free to Africa, hut to take them direct ljs of.Ute had not per.eptlbly moivd, and tbe came up; that Tom nred and Uurch HaMjtbeer. Ha rUbmTTm-rial- , that k the men eatlsNM with having preserved hla at reason hie eoat He nald that Hiiro lleflt aikwi bd tkra ' "(HI I" "What tha wrr reu ueaa auu itai uowaru waa aad during tbo PTenlng ffie MOW UMtr hatauBMelrt ahip'i toiwaiiy: and as tb WlWaad piper P1"' tvean Immigrants lauded In this Udiea tu It. anyhow?' ooo of woumled. Ho aald the llakora had are LMWi letands. lu raae of parting ooiiaay. trick about aked fuleely. laaUaWrated a UuaaLu bee, tfe are-j- a ' No at all." re- forced him to awear oouutry at from $10 to $11 oaeli, e the speetato:. trick to a tfi the MMay aoiawi. m WBjr M W wow-ereoioiw- Iwd b r named as the rendesvou. lie $V be plied the ataateur preottoTgliateur. It Prlne were graded fleordlag and a aaa eonw ami sieefftl for hem In a foil night tlttlulbiH. tTwraed With Theft. la lb tltt hi simply the operation of a ( immw ISOtlaii person hugged. laalaaae, bag- Arst arrived, and found the udmlr.U 1,-- Pw for to laUd them at the that 4. Kocre-tar- y Aug. Wni, A. lOuroe a- a You can push atf Waabiiioton, Aug. Acting Now Orleans, a . a at- a yoHHg,' u - - w-a- HU were law of mertaulc4 ging laoxpetlineed girl lb I OO OOWII nmmu. I. Hot et thre. crew ar-- ton I" the iMiard l'b the greatest of ea. ot alatu Adee baa received a Cox. a well dreased Chlcagoan, waa bidder had to give up 10 eeata; mar- Ic4l toor would lanrnmiiateiy now all recovered, and hie fresh beef that you knock It off. A good at yaoterday at the Hotel (Inmuo women wld-e- BA1 vegetables and free was not yet expended, when he per- tuit can't eablatraat from Mtnietor Pawtll reaiad ried brought It reals gd on hoarl Lmany of th l'1'1 ' lls ot ,l l', ootiArminj; tbe idtartly Hilar It had alaamlMrJied a quarter. for the alek men. whom It ceived the U'lu.UI and the tbite uth'T llultl. wU the tHorgia Hasuei. were of Um vlolatfceu ateaaaer Whllaey uat arrlrotl Well, the man wa Mladfolded, aad, r dentil to remove until after vnose's In tb o.':ii. new spa iur rparta uf from the prlne'ple, and when up 15 l Ihut '' houn us Ihe Do. t oa the tut" bis legoUoiT by police who were froea HaraHH. Tbe arraat waa Made giving nsu, he said be would when they would b a lit It e'teaie-- WJ m oeeri . Hu in a bok, a married womaa. ana! return bad mi-at- a IvImi bat he afterward tsawd au arrest Tbe Mlalster added oa the strength of a eable from 11a lake Afier b bad 1. divd iMtlM tared i credit Hi e.pU-natio- maklaa i publU refneed hugged II eeaU' worth tbe weie'ing (he be loiroatla'c ) i.iui that tho that Use peraoa who waa a rnetted (de raaa authorities, who say that Uox bauoNN lNtard i' They atill atuclt to th theory waa taken fromiU eyu, aad Ml OVruor BMM BjIm 4ettd tbti oJBBiudjwe had iUmi him. and Vlvler) la a etUaan ot Haiti and Iw la wanted by the ehtet ot iollae ol aad -- for tbe eeeat. Not being eo of magnetic Puree,' whu-- was more behold he had beea hugadag bU ewa Hla u paairso. bad ran aeoka to know what dtepoeltlon shall Uelea, Cuba, for the theft et ?1W. Ma ar Anybody eaa perform wlfel Then he kicked and wanted atory jbm eon-ilHo- la a raae ae bts aecoad la pletaroaqae. hit fa frrtnwte All tli La be mado ol blm uyoa bU rotuta to further pBrtteulani are oeutaluad lo vAt en board by cemmead. he had landed an armed tbe boare eaperlmoaL t IB oenls back. Columbus (NebJ nr-de- d Is a lid and a Ublu." tha legation. the dlapatehea. Tim iMf. Ie.og request-- 1 forao frotn the four TMseta, sad hd bot is. Ul.t aiueh (If n. JlmlnM. llsmai A Sail Asctdtmt. GEN. Junatlen, Fla., Aug, B, 7-- THE DREYFUS TRIAL HAVana, Aug. I. Oen. Juan Isldro JUAN JIMINEZ niver Tt FORCES ENLARGED tlrldgeport, Conn., Aug, y, most disastrous oyelone that over Jlmlnex, who was Interviewed yester-da- forty persons wero killed by qa m visited this section ot Florida com- said ho was In dally receipt of dent on tho Btrathford extension ot ti pletely annihilated Oarrabolle, Meln-tjrr- e about twenty-flv- o cablegrams from Says the People of San Domingu Want De- Rehcarlnp of Case and I -- Ian, south ot hero Troops Sent to the Pacific Coast Hhelton Street Itallway company, at Santo Domingo, whero all was going mark Now In llim to Be President. Thursday. At Carrabello only nine Army and Navy. o'elosk yesterdsy afternoon, whon i rrooress. well. To the Interviewer he exhibited pot ot British housed remain ot the once beautiful trolley wont oft the trnjtli a ho said was from n per- loaded car letter which and prosperous town. Communica- son of Influence, advising him not to over Peek's mill pond at Oronoquo. tions from the mayor stnto that 200 risk partlelpancy In an expedition, ns 000 MEN WAITING FOR HIM. about six miles north ot Bridgeport, POPULATION ARE INDIFFERENT. families are without homes or shelter HAS LEFT ENGLAND. the was was only GARRISON result assured and a and many are completely destitute. nnd sank In the flats forty fcot below matter of time. According to tho Ot Melnlyro only two mill boilers Thus far thirty-si- x people aro knowr writer, If anything happened to Jim-Ine- s, lie Dfilrei to Be en friendly Termi With the mark tho site ot tho town. Itnark to 68 dead, and sovcrnl more Injured Priioaef Satraclen the Jatjga With Itli Hands tho people of Banto Domingo L'nlJcd States Gomnmtnt and Inn, the famous summer resort, was IheflrttSaiiad of Setdlcri Is Arrhe Will Im- Inns-muc- txpetti follows: Jamot Rutins m Nil Koeei. a would regard It as a great loss, h Tho Identified aro as Americas blown Into tho gulf. Cesitit ef Three Hundred and Twenty putable figure. as their Ideals nnd hopes regard Sympathy. Hotohklss, Bridgeport, engineer flr The Carrabello, Tallahassee nnd Olftitri and Men. department; Henry O. Cogswell tng good government wero bound up Georgia railroad Is washed, away for In Moreover, present sys- Bridgeport, employe ot New York, New him. the a distance ot thirty miles. A ihukmii-ge- r S.-- (len. Haven nnd Hartford road, member o Bonnes, Aug. tem neoded a man In somo respects like Havana, Aug. Juan Jlmlnex, S.Tho proceedings of train was blown rom tho traek D. o, Chlongo, 111., Aug. 7. A special board ot education; Orlando Wolls court-marti- al Houroux, present oxeett-tlv- when his attention was called yester from thj before which Copt. whereas tho more than 100 yards Many paamii-ger- a day n shoemaker; Selectman Kilns K. Hrad Jroyfus la on opened ten min- Flgucro, though trying to work to onhle Kiimmary of an allotted Victoria, B. C. says: trial at were Injured, but tholr names are ley and wife. Mltford; William Osborn, pott 7 on tho linos followed by Heureux, was declaration made by him here recent ute o'clock yesterday morning. unobtainable. Mary Wllllnms, color- Tho Imperial government and tho Stratford; Daniel Gavin, Ausonla; j"dapt. mean, unpopular and Incapable of car- ly and published I nthe I'nlted SlaUs Droyfus onterod tho courtroom ed, was killed at Carrabello. Numer- Dominion authorities havo decided to Conductor John Carroll, Urldgoport; a step, though rying on tho administration with tho to the effect that he was nitwit to pro with firm hit features ous others had lea nnd arms broken. regular military and H. 1). Hunks, Hhelton; Mrs. McDonald, partly necessary vigor, Jltnltioc said he ceed to the United Matei to organise Increase both the were tmllld. He ii bald nnd dsn. Daniel Neat of Apalachleolii had his Motor-ma- n, n expedition ngalnst gov on this station, the Pa- Bridgeport; Wluton Lsnthear, close-croppe- d. could not leave Havana at present, as the existing lallltla forces what hair he has Ii gray and bark broken and is not oxpected to re Bridgeport Traction company; ho must have a headquarters from ernment of San Domingo, replied that cific coast depot nf the British army i over. Mosul o Toomey, Bridgeport; Mrs J, which to soud nnd nt which to he had not made lite statement attrtb and navy. Coming nt a time when the Ho answered tho formal questions of orders Ko fatalities are repsrted from Ma H. Itugge, Fltratford; Mrs. Frank Blew rccolvo news, but when nil was nsnurod ted to him. He went on to say that relations between Canada nml tho judgs ns to his name, ago. etc., lis in tyre ami Uinnrk. th' and two rhlldron, boy nged 8 and girl fao-In- wan quite mi necessary for him to nrknowlodgod by a clour, determined volco. He rat g he would i;o. Ho romarked that he l'lftcfiti ahlM lying In anchor nt United States are agcdl, fltratford; Wllllnm McCullough, four-fifth- s, proclaim himself hostile to the present Ijuirlor bo straluml the Judges with his hands resting counted on a majority of Dog Island cove and upper utirhorngo Premier to rather Stratford; Mrs, Arthur Holmes, government aa It could not possibly boundary iiiaatlon, It on his knoco, an Impasslblo figure. Tho nnd tnllW in a very confident strain, are now high and dry on (loorge's over the Alaskan Bridgeport; Thomas McNally, Identify com- last bojroud tho 13th of this month. it It Canada were trial oponod, so far as nounes Is con- expressing hlmsolf an hopeful of and Dog Island. Twelve wero loaded looks as Britain and unknown as positive, Bridgeport; Pe- 1 did henr," ho continued, "Uiat to this cerned, In an atmosphcro of pcrfoct plete success. Ho asserlml that he had with lumber nnd ready fur son. Noth- determined to assort their claim ter Illug, Bridgeport; Pat McDcrmott, many Hourenx was sending men to Cuba to portion of demanded by Can tranquility. The population Is appar- received offers of assistance from ing remains to them but n mass ot Bridgeport; Frank Krnft, Brldgo-por- t; kill mo, but I knew i otblng whatever by It necosnry. ently lndtfforent. Only n small crowd, Cuban. wracbaaa. When the Italian bark Cor- - ada force of arms. Mrs. Patrick Brennan, Urldgo- regarding, the plot to kill me. I liadj Be ns may. garrison Is to nt the most fifty persons, had gnthorod terlu struck she spilt half I if two from this It the port; Alfred Pitt. Bridgeport! Wil- Intnnit nf llilnlmr. no connection nnd hnvo no conuoellon lie greatly bar outside tho entrance to tho Lycoo by C stem to uteri). Tho names ot the ships at once Increased. Tho liam Cotter, Identification not positive, Washington. Aug. 8. with Itomnn Caceres, who MacAuley o'clock. A majority of these were Jour Tho Island nf did tho blown on the Island, and which aro racks on Point, whero tho Bridgeport; Irving Foruso, Urldgo- Dalnbnc, tho scene of tho brush with hnot)ng. big are situated, which, with nsllsts. Tho prefect of police and chief totvl wreeks, arc as follows: forts port; Mrs. William 11. Harvey, Brldgo-por- t; I tho Moras, detailed In Admiral Wat do not bollevo that tho United n. Inng enough disappearing guns, of tho secret police, Vlgsur, arrived Norwegian liark Itaimvuln, Hdwort-se- their John tlnlvln, 22, Ansonln. son's dispatch. Is States will InUrfore with my govern of Just before 0 and began tho superin- situated southeast master; Vule, Andorsen, mnster; ominnud the ontrnnro to the straits Among tli sorlously Injured at tho In Sun Domingo, tendence of police measures. of tho Island of I'atamati, which Is the ment which will bo Jafnar, Tygeneen. maatnr; Hyudo, Hull Juan do Fucn will soon be the Bridgeport hospital aro: Margaret most westerly of the Philippine Islands n government to of treble the numlier, At this tlmo only halt a dozen of ncj;ctnl Jtfhulnful Madseu, master; Hllsabeth. Pudersmi, home more than remiMli ,,., woun(1; Mr8 8ydney Pa- - nnd directly west of tho Island of all, for the L'nllfllrnTcT"rild not In n, nrtlllery, sap gendarmes wero visible They wore master. Husslnn bark l.ntnra, Krant-ma- of engineers, murine A. llltt, Bridgeport, right leg fractured nay. light government Heu stationed nt the portal of tho Lyceo. The there, which wan ro terfere with tho of master. American schooners pors and othor united service men then twice; Margaret l'aircll right log am- established by I, lout. reux. wbn robbed and now quartered and Insldo tho cordon In front of the Commander Nux murdered for lletijamtn P. Qromwell, Mellon, mas- are there. putated, above kneo will prnbnbly dlo; fnr twenty-fiv- e Is fourteen yearn." Koine of the garrison has left Kn- - Lycoe, which Is separato from tho r0, ""uw miles and ter; Mary H. Morse, Densmnre, mas- rtenrgo Hamilton scalp wound, Injury Gen. lm gland came out In big eldewnlk of the Avonue do In (lare by " considerable Importance Jlmliiwt aduilta that has oft ter; Orace Andrews. Ilrown. waiter; and other will to leg: Frank Krnlt. Bridgeport, In In ...... I . I .. .. I.. I.... I , I . en been In the 8 to Incognito, quads within the next few months via n high Iron railing, which no onn was in iinTipniiuu, uninii in mrwi hup uc lliiltd if Warren Adams. (Unbone. inKSteri juries about head and bark; Arthur says ho i rail-- 1 tween Singapore sod the Straits settle but has not had lutervlewn rf Halifax and the Canadls PaeMc , allowod to pass until Dreytiw had been Janisjs A.,aarneld. CnttlnVtiam. mas-te- ,,,, nrWwPori. corMislon about ments and with-ntllrla- l persons. He considers way. i ne sqimn or transferred from tho military prison the Island to the north. lifc'rk Idnlte. Waldnin mnstor. urst irtioia. io t,)H y ,nft emnmU Kred mer. Tho IslHnd Is Iweiity-lw- o that there Is need of promoting ox-- como will W and men. to the rosm within the Lycoe building tulles long, to Unllnn bsrk Cortosla. fishing smnek, number onicers ,,w v wout(, ,)rua!t, nbollt lho and according to pcdltluus to land In Ban DoIiiIhko, as preewt being whore ho was to await tho uotnont Information In the Alliert Haley. and tho ltot... MUUftW onvin. R0hi wound. pOHHOftsluu dnput-tmon-t lieto ulrbady are lOTlO.uiiiii waltinr far too to hous.-- nvneh larger ,, wlien he should bo summoned to onter of tho has hut boats and steamers Qlla smnll iheni. rlt bP,,ml ,.nerally; William Thrcellot s ban-nck- 1 i--r a population 1100. . o htm inferno which hndcems snmelent will at nnre noted. The , Ma-co- st of Those are and Capltolla ond forty iMiala under KoHyi ,r,gppnrti praned arm; for purposes. of new military post, of x, Strbnc detachments of gendarme, scribed In Admiral Watson's dispatch hs twenty tons wore lost. 8lx lumber tho halt bo, ,lll5Ki KWj 5 nrm Charles ns Moros, tleferring to tho future relation of no uy on foot and mounted, began to nrrlvo tho name applied to the lighters, loaded, nre gone. Not one ot which is to liorne tne uominion f0u0.( Now York siock broker. 6 up positions fierce Hulti group. ansiDomlnuo with the United Mates.! nnd half by the British i nt o'clock and took their natives of tho Thoy tho entlro fleet can be snved. Five un- - Jm.S(, Utftrnally; Margaret Forroll, tho Lyceo. are Mohammedans, regarded he expressed n drslro to be on friend- authorities, wllUbe fSS.000, or nbout ;rw la the sldo streets around and are Identlllod bodies woro reeovt-c- d yes-- York. ' 8:115 protect of police gnvo as the ly teraft with Washington nnd mild he $125,000. It Is alsn said the nnval At tho tho most warlike people In the Phil tony. supposed to bo sailors. 0ny two Wnou aro known to havo ippines. boltjoveU lie could riiunt on American forces will be Inrroased by Hie mtdl-- 1 ordor to closo tho Avenue de la Onro Tho capital, llalabaa ha lug boats have gono from here to MCapcd ilnhnrmed. gov sympathy, domes ho referred to uh tlon of a depot ship, tho meralro. ,H forty-whic- h for 300 yards in front ot the Lyceo ana population ot ?ou. Tiie Spanish scene of tho wruokago and all pns u bolloVed that thero were ...... i . . t by the entaullMied n post esteemed all 'rlnssseii of Doiuliilcnns will bo sent out from Chatham thre-- pnssengors In-I- n aiso an mo icnuing 10 ma crntnrnt military slblo aid Is helm; given. on tho car, but tho tioV 1SG7. - but not sought fnr as prosldeut. The September. Tho warship, with Uo nvaiuo. Tho gendarmes were Imme la It conslstu of a bar- Fifty dnstltuto ssIIoih woro brought j0Rtor was removed by a conductor of up cko. n hospital nn people of Han Domingo, he declared, now admiral, Is due from Knglnnd we diately drnwn along tho avenue' and urtuod fort. here yesterday and nro being cared puele Calope, or Smith, as nnd tho spaco In front ot tho Lycc .o' Manila, tho vcaael described In nro Impetuous nnd nrn urging him to wcekn- hence. monojit It ' Hlfl to stato no-- for. A mass meeting ot.cltlxens.jjfns - " ' i 'dispatch, Is como to them nt oncn, but for a time ' was cleared ot all spectators. A detach tm a captured transport. held hero Inst night nnd all possible inUalon In vicinity Is ho preferred dolay ns "eaoh' day la iiMltimt. v Tho scene . mont ot Infantry was drawn 'across. that unknown aid wUI be given tho Carrnbolle desti- - ililfii ni.tiiiiry f worth a battle won." fl,,8,t the avenuo in two double lines, lca-- IK the navy department,. It la evl- - UiikTno mruiffnollnrH will not cov Ohattanooga, Tenn., Aug. n p.iseago for t from tho dispatch Jhat tho Mnnlta t lng between thorn Capj ri.. ti.. H.. or tho loss. The Insurnnco Is small. Stntoo reuuo ofllccrs Saturday nlght.j g"" ureyrus across inn nvoiiuo irom in Jeft n landing force thero to guard Woiblhston. Auk. Cr-C-ount Vlthl. raided two Illicit distilleries operated military prison to tho entrance to Hlght, and that tho Charleston (fftprgo callud fin Mtnto Ilrjan mi rriiitlu I'rohlrnn." tr-- the ItMlan choree, at I within threo miles ot Cldcamnuga j ,aR. uij)11 t hvaee. Is on Its way there, will seo R.- that I.udlngton. Mich.. Aug. -8lx thou Mint Tho crowd, which by that time hi ndlng (eparUnnt yesterday to comparanoles pnrk. Both establishments did n nantfitpu ot . parly receive Htirh ro - people wero on the Kpworth as Inercssod to n fow hundred, woro ko ww Acvmg rv- reiary auco respeoiing sand office business Inst year fnt selling uj.jtjnThng. iMsKforr emcntA as may be drcmed ncces seuibly, grounds yesterday when Col. by tho gendarmes nt n distance of 16 the inquiry Intr tho l:llllii(of the file whisky to soldiers at Chiak'uinugn , . - W. Ilrysi dellverwl his address on yards on side of this Italians atTullulah, m. The governor J. park and hnd deflwl nrrest. tUo soldlero i ijonsiniii either pasBe, propo stmi. - PendlireProblPin." His first (Japt. Droyfus omerged from tho rnlll- m has BtnteiydJint tlio Jury ot ths imrlsh aiding the moonshiners In keeping the ,,,,, IC,.i( .Al,K. has Just tr4 In.lliMliiitMlH. argiiwl related to tne roiigmua vewa tnry prison under escort of a lieuten- In which Tuirulnh Is situated will meet 'sltlons offlecrH off tho track. Both stills wero htcn riwf,Vcil i,oro fronrn r8molo pnrt lrraiftlseo, Cal.. Aug. 8. Tho mmal principles underlying his " Tossed nexLiWoek. nnd It Is rxwctwl that In active oporullons when raised. ant and four Hendarmee. He ifcha-- tho'd .o( I)i)e oounly of th .,ng ot a fan June airlved from Ullllnr will lm iHhmi' un liv limiv pilHUal philosophy, equal taxation, distillery was con the railway quickly and disappeared ihti .Tho nrst rsldnl comms hy Mt ptiiomr, ftast Thura-ducte- d nro ami way polnta yesterday. Acctfrtl attorney the monoy queatlon, antl-tru- and an pod.llen wlUiln tho Lycoo, .the heading of sol Immediately If tho district by Motda Uug. who wont to th(J hon(J of (1 vices teoelveil by vasmI, following, jmm 1 the by argumenU Chat-- 1 .1 uid III... ffMkn vftt . . finds the renort.nMitarod theiuherlff chickens between his home nnd ni,,,porU nn, ,,,nc(Mi un,8r n ssWia Sltuatlcti In OiiatcmalH Is not Col. Hryan left by steamer for nrroft The principal personages In the tr auracleut to make out, ii prima Taelo Ur tanooHa.. The. stilt was ot aopper. Howard, fr Harlan irjtou'lty as and h gallons uyuje,, iryrlYetl between C:30 and 7 o'clock. case against the Lruetratora ot thjjj "5j 100 8llons of beer and thirty 'runtyrTho two procee4."Some dla-o- f paratlVQly poneetul state of affairs The generals imssed with Hardly n killing. "N A boat whleh wna being used to con- - low wine wmo found nnd destroyed. tMU whon noUot 8top,ied nnd enlcr. pte. Tliugvarruiii-u- t has not been later frem the spectators. .Count Ay iuh has ot yet received jyy gsiiorlo a warship at Hudapest Tho secolin HUH was auoill n mile away i.vlntr.Hnwnrd ntitfltd... As unncfrsvorHyttjnjiist In dealing with (1. wnii tlfbreport, pt Marquis Domino, wlto jclaMtl atnil live of tho morTtre and operatod by W. Milium. It wn8 fnu nnd at0ppod t)otnrliincit. political oifcnQcu) nnd. thoueh tho , (UrrUmi waa to make a per-- iirowufcil. ' nbout the snmo size of tho other and jid00rway)tt Kownrd drew a '45 Colt's, York, Aug. 8. Tho lr Is lu blujQahape lluunclally ot New goveruoyp sooal Inqulryi Into the lynchliiKS, ; about the same amount beer and fired and shot him through tho bond, transport MeClellan arrived atWi Is ovc.y roJson to suppose that Minimi, il.i'' inmilU linn n lirlnf . A'leC President Hobart will visit wlno was found nnd deutroyod. mm IJxVt cjtjslng Instant death, Howard made Iitnml vp.turday with another dotat Ifiiuntloii of will adjust dispatch sn. heijiaa completed his Itriwlilunt Modular at Gbam hnm escaped. ' 4 a. ' UTd e.oupe and up to Saturday lis gurrlson of Mon- rnHire. mont of tho Fortress Inquiry at Vlcksblirgmiear the seena of becn apprehended. roe. Thero wero S00 men and officers trie lynching, and lias' uesiiretl con The nrst bale of now cotton of Na- - l. llcUoHaj TJio French nuibnssador, M. Cambon', In the dotachmeut. Thoy landed at Thorer pi oofs that'll ye varro county has bocn received at Cor- - I ylnclqa rlrtlma inmiiiiuiui iiti.'j". w;' Jr" - The bubonic plaguo has mado government pier nt once wqufe0?' 'ConfeJf . tho nnd - wero UalUn citizens, slcana. . appearanco at Calcutta. to tho now qunrtors, county. r v I X. 4 fraw ii Muli. Klnil Vurt. A Uny at Naptrt. Coat Combine. Oubnn Totmrro. Oiltctll. K4 if iaggsrsi tllo!4 Atlanta, Co.. Aug. 5. Cleveland. O.. Aug. 5. In addition to Iddlngsi 8j--- It Naples, Aug. 7. I.ewls M. Aug". , Chlongo, llf.. iig. 8. "More than Ns' A vpiUor to tho Pittsburg. Pa., 7. Whltn-Stophensoti- ffenown yesterday that Oov. daiyflw& Ltho attrmut to blow up a Jcnnlnga ILQOO.O00 ot Un.ilsh cnpltnl 1ms been local waif secretary ot tho United States embas t?irctato made a Dr2oiul trip to yiYamio car on tho soutjhldo Thursday who have been nnsni ijrHrtad In Cuban tubaeeo. Hngllsh Mint 0. IS. 16 luadaiaomu Np sy, Mrs. hidings, who arrived here nsrt, a town sixty miles aotith of fuls fnf?ulrpporls revulvad at polleo head- - and the big rtvor coat comblno which Is firms control tho Cuban market and Interesting com jn fUeryatra- - purpose welcoming eltr to save the Ufa oi tile' negro the cars woro Saturday tor tho of be known as the Monongahela HI the American Importers of Havana lluu gold Imports. a.nrtutfjlllt yos-- aaufler. John Mtillons, charged with an 'sioHS'jMMij'parts of tho dty, Admiral Dewey, guvo a banquet will hereafter have i look to Ho estluiate.1 the MsMutp ut ot Consolidated Coa nnd Coke eompa upon Mrs. Cook, near fUinola. though no ono was terday evening nt the Hotel Ilnyal nnfillsli for their goods." rpiBrMjearned. ; 1,18 of ,u the Australia for the prime nTfMaat $10.- - oom ;;" w. lLlumes Qrantham of London, a repre- - U.. Wednesday. Cov. Carrier lett the tnjureil, . - gfe Tr rp!e,7! rUo!Tt 000,000 to; n rzz .l In exieas of that with ISeorl,"f h.f nentatlves ot llngllsh ospltallata, who executive mansion nt o'clock Tliure- - On Pear' itrwWgaOlyers avenue, nowers nnd hung American and the of AiibtiHllaii id "' stock was oversubscribed waS wuy subjeit r mmmi ' n of heavyTfranea fell upon a Italian flags. v In Chisago yesterday on his hn satd morning, boarding the tlrst .train shower tl.3S0.0O0. Tho first payment ot Ux to the Pacific coast, Is authority for rlviHl and was nt the imhllr lall Brooklyn oar No. 38, smashln The eighteen gucsbi Ineluded I.leut. "Australia will dinlinj iontlielo (Ra holders on par preferred stock Is pi He has been nty an day-- , windows and otherwise dam Qen. Q. Bogllo ot the twentieth the foregoing statemont. have trade obllKntlons to settle with hour after ...... mm able at the Union Trust company's - ... drew hli. re) military division: Vice Admiral In Cuba and has Just returuod from prospects to mmnnd of theTsew- car. The conductor promptly flees, city, Aug. 1. veraa HtiKluud. Slpce the point lu-c- this on The Invest-rnw-U Stales, commander bjst .9-t- he Comparatively recent van guaTasn corn nanr ot- life tuto revolves una Dred live snots ia me ai there. a continuance of the lwlnn .e of trade SK . lng 90 per rent Is payable on Sept. the stones wero Naples maritime department; the, pre of Un.B.llsh eapital In Porto Itloo oeuutry SNd IBurope be- sntlltla. w.Ilch had been gjiardliig the leethyi frm which between this . . 1 .1 . . - All po rjJtrties WUJbf finally tranaf U estlmaled by him Mt dnrln ft e ' i X. a .1 Jl unu thrown. fect ot pollee et Naples, C iiAUweMa- Mill Cuba lt In our favor. It la my opinion that iW ninowium inmii or Oacrai. bmjbm. of the n IMM.0M. He said: directed Uui sherlrt to (Im Ws prtnon- - Oiiarlea C. Trieste, ft barber, was (lie rain P. Lambertoa and four llngland will go right along sending hy will be $iaMO.'000 preferr "U is only a manor oi a iew yr er at once to Atlanta tor aafeeeplajf. first unir to under arrest tor the Olympls; uPParsens, retaryfSp us conalgnmonls ot Austrullau gold - 7 per cent will vutat MagllsH eainiai win auwiumy prevdhed&rltikiai; I boycott. The war-- ot tke embassy; i'on which The grestest excitement Hart nthe BfUiitoek manlm Uie Cuban aHd Porta Itlean direct. iimji lM.000.oeO romif a u ilia niviii MKiRwrf. Mniw. wiiinn...... -- wr- - .vmintianw- ui lua geden I . IT "We shall have all Ike wild we need l" iu...M" " iiihint.M ...a- - w.. v .nnrnA" " m - feftckasul commercial centers. The Cubans pre- out by fifty year gold Bonds bea Our position la that ot a eredlter. (mt Ilrown fearing an uttaek from the mob Statutory rights law? waa.Hrrorn IfrflrilJ te trade with the Kngllsh to any pi9s; ci( Aftgr tbolSrst pa fer If countries are willing to make telephoned Oov. Candler several tlme Jatnilmsn Isaacs, whef aUM that the amtmoi, they speak other Dr. Hoisler 1 merit ah aurrb IflTOrVliss be"tn ma. uUlir nationality bejause oth- for I list mot Ions. The mob waa sue- - baffmr refused to shave liltsfieeaujo consul at Messina' and MngTlsh grant It worth our while we may make opleeni will Sffleled, when It la eot gMlllsh and the houses er eouetMlly avoided and the prisoner luul ridden on Big Ooiiiolldated ears, Mr. Iddlngd toasted King Humbert, on term." sldetexl II? I'lnb tram sixty to ninety day' time loorfgod In IMlton county Jail at Atlan- - The ease was eontldued to Aug. 7. President MeKlnley nnd Admiral rerUln that John samples ot W. DuHklneoii bin life while speeches. will be chosen president. UttgweUons and also shew, It. lest la. LTrlMte Is out on ball. Dewey. Thero were no set In bathing at Calvesten. - Mr. 1'fi'km. III. . riiuanun mi .r Archil fram OiiIki. JVund irHMHoleU(, rr... inUreHliig Cenfrrenee, AtigtMta. V Mrs. U Ilursn K. Va.1. An.. ll.illa.1 BlBlal Now York, Aug, 7 Tho Jul ted EHfttes Qatlg. U Aug. 8. Annie fr. Wew VMk. Mr. gan-or- al PlekoHB, rellet lit Ikmtli OarallHal wn Have as, Aug. 8. The Cuban w: traustwrt Bufonl, Capt. Matens, nr-rlv- KroHNMaM was found by her lutsbatul VaWHs governor and at oMe Urns minister t naawa. who had a aoHtwaml unttar tioaiMl at Vera OrW. VoWfe. arrived depoi Unenaal omMtwtaea yeolerday In quaranttse yesterday from hmaie on IMght avenue hut lying In UMir Oteu Oomez, presented n Utter vestorOay' ixcupled altentlOM of the dele- - Itussle. Is erltleally ill at hsi Hve-lne- U Maxims hero on lba Ward lias tho and Havana. Among those night naconsclous wltk two boHie at Bdgewoed, Hoar Mdgefield. S tram the UlUr to Oov, aw. Umoke, steamer Vhtllawla. Mr. Canada saldj to Young People's Christian on board wore Maja. I. C. Brown, W It. gashes in the back ot her I ad. 1U-- Htes tie r. the Is sujrering fajnw Mralysls. urgiHg that If (MMHrtblo ho be given at the time ot bis departure yellow to-- ; i nion convrnUoa darlag tho forenoon QraMim and 13. Wood, Lieut. F1U!hi,;u slde her an the floor lay a Moody Mis. PUseHS Has JA4 pi4to $m from the Insular fuwls on the ver waa abating at Von Cms. There ecmIoh ot the eeoMul day of the eon Lee, Jr., and nineteen other ravru-gors- . " hatchet. The Hat was 1a oarfMt nkr Idem with Mount Vofjhe . ground that he had rendered valuable had been seveat) -- eight deaths from untioa. I lvo eoafaVwees relating to There were also sixty jle hsrgd Had Mr. ItroHSsaan's Jewelrj-- valaetl ( homellef WBshington, at ace Unr services duriag the revolution. Uea. this rauso In the last week ot June the work of as many departments wore soldiers, fifty-on- e emnloyos. twenty- - se-e- ral .'dollars, had not at thousand A under tleooloring earn oi Brooke decided that there were no KJf vanom eUorekos In the Oak lilMa ItidlaAUl mIIIuhb alahi been disturbed. There was no evidence 2CT:f.Brr-.K- ; flrtv-iiu- a womaujl la one ot funds that could be properly applied db laldltn nn furlnuch. soldiers a The woman had evl I. rttTto rint thr.pr1id of yd. ,en route I noted wo a in tbe hlon of slrueale. In way and sent word noeerdtngly and six discharged soldiers dentlr bee struck down while passing this oiswosa. iirisis, wwsinums t . tu. from Matanxus to New Xork, tooth. through the private hallway. to Hob. domes. - J - Urganlie. Murinnn fluting TffiriblN MniliftV tfhiftn Orfunjii'd. Mfdlrnt Men "Honor ts.Purchased rtrtgbctb AGUINALDO MAKES Louisville, Ky., Aug. SOHtrages Onlnrnvllic Tox Aug. 8 Tho ladles Waco, Tex., Aug. 0, The Btnto As- (Eumnt Kxamln-er- a upon Mormon ciders In Kentucky nnd of the city have organized themselves sociation of District Mcdlcai Deeds We union, They hold yesterday. Dr. fa Do0 w. n. MUt.LANlTi'uHl liter. Tennessee have been carried on with Into n Mothers' was organized here such Impunity thnt President Don B. their meetings regularly, and aro tak- Wllllom Pannlll ot Corricann waa Wttds, net wonli, count In Mltti ef An Appeal to rorcltjn Powers for Rec- ot AttUsUAO, N. ,M Itlclt ot tho Southern Mormon society, ing actlvo steps along moral and law elected president, Dr. O. H, Smith FtM as tvtlt ms tn tutr, II U not wfnt ognition of Filipino Independence with headquarters nt Chattanooga, left anC ordjr linos. One of their number, Waco vice president and Dr. It. I tue ty, but tvfut Hood's SArstparitt 8VENT8 OP CVEnYWIIEnii' last night for Frantifort, Ky., to con- lu talking ot tholr work, said: "A Klmmlns ot Ircdoll secretary and does, tfut tttts tftt story of Us mtrtt. H hxs sult with (lov. Ilrndley and bring these koclety ot the women of tho various treasurer. won nuny rtrrurk&btc vlctotUs over the ot city been organ organization Is Arch tntmp mAnklnd Impure blood. .Tht Klein waa stabbed tvt Dermalt, A DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RECEIVED outrages to his attention. Ho will nik hurches our has The purpose ot the of Be sure to gtt only for protection for the oldors. tho saine ized under the head ot Mothers' union. to elevato tho medical profession In Hoofs, beuuse It object Is for tho mutual exohango attainment, the pro- ! Blum, a broker, was Injured by as afforded to all other citizens. point ot scientific conducting n of Ideas to strengthen us In tho proper motion of public health and tho pro- i train at Daubs Ferry. The Mormons who aro Oy all the Teresa Ccniuli at Manila With revival campaign In the south nro rearing ot our children, for our spirit- tection ot the public against professod The United States erulier Olyiaptn They Terward nnd growth, for nil sani not Rtqutit that II to Rrcntly stirred up over tho assault up- ual wclforo jnedlcal practitioners who hnvo im siniled far Unfits. our Ttelr Oitiromesu on four oldors In state. In Carter tary nnd moral conditions of town, tho proper authority to practice medi- nn of nil Wont, Durant, I. T., quarantined against this aro county ot fifty out nnd to soe thnt all laws ot our city cine. was statod by soma of tho "The ordinary enkowntk." remarkod ot smallpox. a mob men took It (ho 'addo. I. T., on account kept Our organization Is more than delogatos tho number ot men professor. "Is a symbol of plenty." Hlders Turmnn nnd Snow, nnd wore on that way7" inquired tuo Cnpt. Frank II. Mills, U. S. A., d, two months old, and we hava spent "in wimt doctor. Manila, Aug. 3. Agulnatdo has tlu point of hanging thorn, when Tur- practicing rocdlelno In Texas without "It's a bun danee." Leavenworth, Kan. theso weeks In prcpnrlng ourselves for con- died at l'ort to tho powers for rceognltlon mnn pleaded to bo given n hearing. n shadow of authority snvo that ot Itio our work. bought diploma ot some A Allen's Foat-K- Sir James lfdgnr, spoa'ier of "Klllplno Independonee," In n doou-mo- nt This roquest wan granted. ferred by n Ik Tour Dmtrr for Our first work was to get our stnto, was A powder to shako In your shoes. It mtn of commons, died nt Torouto, dated Tartar, July 17, and sign- Turmnn declared ho vas n Kontuek-In- n deceased doctor ot another Corns, women to tiuy tnoir riunuay ico on n rests thu feet. Curos llunlons, KU. ed by Huenramlno. It has bean re- by birth, and bogged tho mob not alarming, nnd In tho nbsenoo of Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aohlng, Saturday. Thcro la no law against reg HBn. Prank Oo'Jseen, n prominent ceived by nil tho foreign consuls In to mistreat or take tho llfo ot a native atato board ot medical examiners Sweating Fret nnd Ingrowing Nails. Ico soiling on Sunday, we want our S3 -- but obligation nil druggists and shoo stores, Ghorokee Nation., Is Manila with the request they for- of tholr own state. ular physicians felt undor At ct. lllren at the that husbands and sons with us on that day, Samplo mailed FItHH. Address Allen dead. ward It to governments. Tho I'll- - Whether or not the mob was mored to tako steps to stop this practice. Tho their nnd 'doing unto othors as wo would be S. Olmsted, Lo Itoy. N.T. Ipluoa uso their old argument that they by this entreaty, both tho elders woro only way to do this wna to organlzo A large number ot entile died around done by,' wc pledged oureolren to this. ISveryone occasionally marvels at had eoiiftuorcd tho sovereignly ot theso turned loose with tho admonition that tho district examiners, nnd this meet- MsUeud, 0. T at a disease that Is pux-sli- "Our next work was to learn thnt the good luck ot tho shiftless, Islands from Hpaln before signing ot thoy must get out ot tho community ing was called tor thnt purpose. the owners. thoro was n Sunday law, nnd to request the treaty ot 1'arls, mid Spain Tho tlmo nnd Plnco of tho next Cure Is only before as fnst as horses could carry them. Wo want I hellero Tho's the medietas Dlxon-Bnntr- y tho officers to onforco It. conmmptlou. Anna M. Tho boxing content was In any position to coda thorn to In Hell county, noar tho Tenuesseo meeting was loft to tho proeldont. that wU care our lnws kept If thoy aro worthy to ho Hum, Willlsmiport, l'a,, Nor.Jl'i, 'W. haa been Indcnaltnly postponed awing (he United States. They argue the N. that line, Hlders J. Titennr and James mndo by our legislators. Wo betlove 19 police Interference. piwoaalou of'TOOO Hpanlsh prlsonors harshly by gang llfil Men Oonvrnr. Tho cheaper tho man, tho tougher Miller woro treated a It Is good, fair nnd Just that cvory man mil-itar- Aug. 9, nflh the story he will tell or botlavc. ft Is reported that qtteatllis ot y captured with their arms lighting of mouutnlneors. Details from tho Galveston. Tox., Tho have his rest day." Improved supplies nro arriving nt Pleter-marUxbwr- g. against the Filipino "Is etoquout proof mountains aro very raeuger, but It Is great sun council of tho rualllMi ninrcli ot tho nullity of tho HpnulsU sovereign report ml Order of Itcd Men convened yesterdny In rnnldly Mipftrcdlng tho old ntyle ttnreh' cnpllal ot NhUI, South that the Mormon elders uro Mlultlir .MiinliTfit. money nnd moVwl ty, nc when they enrriMidorad Spain's morning. About BOO Tied Men nro ln 04. It Tr Inbor, wive Africa, dally. having n rough ttmo ot It. I.nrodo, Tex., Aug. 8. Murdered In Rollnrs nud viUTu look like new. All grocer hold was Irrevocably lost." attendance, being a representation ot tell It; Inigo pnulnge ltM. At Denver, Col., news has been In order to avoid trouble, the sheriff the chnimrral and his body nearly de Tho doeumnul says: 'Replying to county soventy-flv- o of tho eighty trlbos In the ot n oloudhurst In tho onnyon of tho has warned tho oldora to voured by coyotes waa the fato of tho You con mnko yoursolf happier by tho Hivinlsh commissioner's request to clear out as fast as thoy can go. This Itcv. Vlncento J. Iluhln, u Methodist state. letting somo one else do thv Ittuklng. near Morrison, Col., by which several t roleate the prisoners beeauso Hialn no do- - Tho council flro was kindled nt a wcro the elders refuted to do. They minister ot Monterey. lives lost. - aTs n longer has political Interests I utho Is elarod thoy possossod nil tho rights of Sunday a Moxlcan herder reported to m. nnd quenched at I yesterday nftor- NO REM eWeQ U PE UNA, to n Tho enmtnltteo appointed select land, we itkd for n tronty ot peaeo Amorleau cltlxoushlp, and did not pro the nuthnrltlcs ot Now Laredo, Max., noon. Tho work of tho counoll was SO THE WOMEN ALL SAY, Iloosc-volt- holding ot 's com-mltl- placo for tho reunion nnd frluudihlp between Bpaln and the pose to them In u froo (list n dead body was lying In an tho reports of tho sreat sachem, Wymnr, teacher In the year surrender Mliis Buian rough riders next has Filipinos whereby tho prisoners would country. nrroyo eorac four miles south of thnt on by laws, nnd long talks by ftlchmond irhool, Chicago, III., wrltos City. ox- - re- choson Oklahoma bo roleaeod. Hut tho commissioners re The llev. Joo Junes, n of Sam place. The authorities on investiga- tho chiefs. In the afternoon nn tho following letter to Dr. Hartman brother garding Sho cays: "Only Cooper-ig- e fused because It would mean recogni- tho body of a man. evidently curslon on tho bay was enjoyed by tho The plant of the I.lttle Itock Jones, Is making matters worse by ad tion found thoio who have suffered as 1 havo oan company In North I.lttlo Hook tion ot our ludependenre. TIiIh Is vising the people, not to provide tho dead several days, badly decomposed, Itod Men, Daughters of Pocahontas, know what a blcwlng It Is to be able to wm deetroyed by fire. I.imis about equivalent to saying that tho prisoners pentill eldera with food, and thus nnd the feet, hands nnd other portions squaws and papooses nnd somo palo must stay In our IT MM. Insurance not known. hands Indefinitely he starve them out ot to town. There devoured by wild beasts. fnco guosts. cause their possession Is our moat offi Identification would have been Im Tho council will he In session Ihroo Mr Philip Mnnfleltl, who was mayor la also u movement afoot to arrest the oaelotis method to adjust our net with on possible except for n fragment of tho days. of Northampton In 1808, and who rep- elders warrants charging them with Spain and obtain from bar recognition vagrancy. shirt which remained on ono arm, tho Ijist night tho Tonknway dogree resented Northampton In parliament The opposition Is general ot our Independence." all over tho cuff bearing tho name ot Vlncento J. team exemplified tho work for tho Kod ua a Liberal from 1886 to 11M, Is dead, stale. Tho Ktllpluos claim that they con- All over southeastern Kouturky no llubln. Men, and adopted somo pnlofaces, aged 80. quered nil tho country except Manila tloes hnvo beau postod warning Mor- Mr. Iluhln was SO years old, n native Tho following oflloors of tho nrnnd In- I). II. MsGowen & Co., West nnd that thoy In pcourlng mons to keep out, and advising thoso of Cuba, but said to be tho son ot n council nro In nttendaueo: J. L. Shank-ll- n, dian merchants, who havo an estab- the latter'a capitulation by surrounding now In the section to loaro. Unless Now York millionaire. Ho has boon O. C Paris; It. II. Purdy, P. O. 8., lishment nt Domnrura, have been de- It at a cost ot thousands ot llvoa. Thay this warning Is spodlly compiled with, engnged In church work lu Ban Luis Dallas; Stephen (lould, P. 0. 8., Han clared bankrupt. Their liabilities aro also claim they conquered too country thern wilt be lynching without num I'otosl and Monterey, Mex., for sovcrnl Antonio; U. S. Pawkott. 8. H., Pales- T&.oM pounds sterling. unassisted except for sixty guns that ber, fur the populace Is Indignant and years, nnd nt ono tlmo Oiled n pulpit tine; S. 0. Howard, J. fl., Itrodo; J. Admiral Dewoy gnvo Agulnnhlo In Laredo. was hero mot Dr. A. U and aidoon Krntzer of nnd determined. It that he J. Slawson, (1. K. It.. Ilarttctt: Frank Klondike, that Admiral Dewey nnd tho Ilrltlsh and mnrrlod n Miss Dunlnp, of n prom- 13. Adams, K. of W., Houston; 0. P. Toledo, 0., who loft far tho ' 0. Dnnm ('omiiilatloil. mis-alo- n were both druwnod at Cook's Inlet, to and Ilolglan consuls rccagnlxod the inent Atlanta, (in., family, whoso Stafford, 0. 8., Sati Antonio; .1. II. Washington, Is gethsr with twenty others. Details of Filipinos' noverolgnty by asking for Aug. Com to educate Mexican children In Itoeklemnn, (J. M., Shormnu; 10. 8. pasron mlsHloucr tho Mrs. tho accident haw not been relvod. to visit tho country. Jones bus Issued flnnl In Protestaut faith. ltubln Is Heller, 0. 0. ot K., Dallas; J. H. Thoy repeat the claim thnt .thoy structlons for tho guidance of tho now with her pcaplo In Atlnnta. t Pnna- - Mohr, 0. C. ot F Paris. It la alOe1' from huvo letters from Amerlcun consuls Dawes commission In enrolling the On Friday. July 29, Mr. ltubln left lilts Hunan Wymnr. to bo In has m cunsod nnd generals recognising sover- cltlxons of tho five civilized tribes. The Monteroy for Atlanta. Ho was scon find relief This been their (lutTMtnn' Until li OfflVcr. my cxpcrlrnco. A friend ln need Is n al number ot - eignty nnd promising that tho Ameri- Instructions nre oxpllrlt, particularly In this city the next day, and was sup- every Po-ru-- outbroHk of Oalvoaton, Tox., Aug. 9. In tho bal- friend Indeed, nud bottlo of Indopend-twic- e, with to poicd to hnvo I good cans would recognise tholr lefercncc the Mississippi proceeded on hli Journoy loting for city officers In tho city coun- ever bought proved a t 4f hnvo re- - friend to mo." Suian Wymar. which wore nt the disposition of Choctnws and their doscendants, who until his body wat discovered us above cil some ot the ballots huvo been oust tlio powers. removed from Mississippi nnd settled stated. Mrs. Morns re I ha Dauhtn, 1214 Norm Tho Filipinos nttPtnpt to make capi as blank. Ijist night Dr. John T. Superior St.. Itaclne City, Wis., eminent phy-.4- 8 on the Choctaw and Chickasaw lands Tbore Is no ctow bo far to tho Iden feel so woll and good and of tho Dew- Moore, backed by the opinion of attor- writes: "I tal stnti'incnt that Admiral prior tity of nuthor-Itlo- pen cannot It. founders of to the completion of the rolls. All the murderor, but tho s neys, tendered his bund nnd offered to happy now thnt descrlho oy Agulnaldo Pc-ru-- I due at Kansas had such confidence that testimony relating to the Identification of New iMTViu aro at work on the everything to me, I have the. Po-ru-- would servo and fulfill the nil oh ot war tnko onth of oftlcc as city health taken several bottles of for mho tor u year Noun ef the far-till- ;, of theso parties must lie forwnrded to case. that he gave him 100 Hpanlsh prison physician. Dr. Moore claims that on female complaint. I nm In tho change over-dOf- D department Pc-ru-- Mad on tho stmt from nn tha for Dual determination ono ballot ho had n majority, not of llfo and It doe mo good." ers which the American navy had Nn Trial llt'fMtl. Irregularltlra ftf chloral taken nt his oMce. These Instructions do not apply to counting the blank ballots. has no equal In all of tho fiecdmon, Sherman, Tex., Aug. 8. Ust night and emergencies peculiar to women at his real-den- Finally the llllplnos appeal to tha The gonoral opinion Irsen IX. W. W. 1arker died In tha criminal district court Judge ha that It caused by pelvic catarrh. Va.. T6. Dur-ta- g powers to Influence Washington to requires a vote of n majority Dr. llnrtmnn, Columbus, O., at Itlrhnond, sited ItxrllHtMi In Hurri'mliT lllm. lilies overruled a motion for n new of the Address commanded the bring to a termination "tha unjust war nldarmen to elect. waa for ft free book for women only. the civil war he Nashville, Tenn.. Aug. 0, dot. Me- - trial In the case ot tha statu ot Texas Tha matter I At the con- which la devastating the country." to the city altorney. sale rat Parker battery Mlllln yesterday declined to surrender vs. Sidney Spears, colored. Spesrs wa Remember that cholera morbus, federate service. He was captain, Will Uttlefleld for whom (lor. Me- - charged It Dr. Moore's proposition Is sup cholera infantum, summer com- Ilrnl.lwl In IIU i'uvor. with the murder of his wife, plaint, colic, diarrhoea, and GMtaon . , iaplsln f hbj battery. Ijiurln of Mlslsstppl requisition ported by tho law then practicality ull bilious Havana, Aug. 9. Qen. Juan Isldor made ltmma pears, In this city on July C dyscntory ore each and nil catarrh e Ln or tuo mayor a nomineos, imvlue re- P. fSt rialr, aa editor the aspirant to presidency l.lttlafleld Is wanted Mississippi on mid given tho death penalty by n Jury. of the bowols. Catarrh Is the only W. llmlnat, the ceived it majority ot nsuj publisher, died nt. Chicago, 111. Ho a charge of murdering three deputy Notice of appoal was glvon In open the wrltton irallota correct name for theso affections, of Dominion, snys that several ot the Po-ru-- ronnoeled with sheriffs and u negro woman while re court. have been olerted, and It Ih understood Is an almolulo epcclflo for ww at different times Dominican nenerals have already de The defendant took the decis- these aliments, com- sisting arrest. He Is also charged with that they will serve notices on the which are so iiowgpMcrN In different parts of the clared In his favor, In spite of his nri- - ion pretty meekly nnd had no com- mon ln summer. Dr. Hnrtman, in robbery, burglary and atttmpt to counoll slmllur to thnt served by Dr. ntNtrr SHd was the founder ot the vleo to them to delay dcllnlte action. mtir ments to make. a practice of over forty years, never Of dur at Memphis, nnd the request of Moore. lost n stnglo case of cholera Infan- flrit pemty paper In Sun l'rnnelere. He denies that the Domlnlmiu govern- ni loule-whor- e treasury tum, dysentary, diarrhoea, or chol- vnera It has living In XTOO the Shelby county officials (lov. McMII Tho department made requi- bem ment haa troops undur nrma, and Tho Clnaluimtl board of legislation era morbus, and his only remedy Hap-Oti- s. upon of llu holds him to be tried In Teiiuos sition tho bureau of engraving a. or he built the town assorts thnt tho present executive will was Thoso desiring fur-th- see. and printing for tho printing pniscd a resolution Inviting President not he able to muko an effecMve re- of particulars should send for a gold certificates In denomina- Dlnx of Moxlco to visit Cincinnati In free copy of "Bummer Catarrh." of the ex-- fi sistance, owing to tho scarcity of re- Mrs. Mlkn Jonos was killed It. Moses, the chairman oar tions ot 20 each. tho course ot his tour through the Addreis Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O, committee of the sources nnd sympathizers. (Irnhall, Tox. United States. congress, and Hecre-TlfMi- In 11ml u Narrow iMnl h linrii. Itlchardson ot Houston, IU'nr, llHt I1llllllll. BU Aug. P. Tyler. Tex., Aug. S.n0bcrt Carroll, llrlil laquril. Wichita, Kan., with the Harana, Manznno who was Aug. 9. Catarrh is tmt at Wlnamac. hid., An cxplo a youth, was fuunil Laredo, Tcx Aug. 0. The congress, and It the Spanish Inspector of police here dead ij OeVw of the slon In the gas main that Is being laid Sunday morning lu the In New Iiredo, Mexico, are rongreaa during the war, on landing recently barn of Mr. IB deajded to InHd the next by the Hcnunmle (las company of Chi an Inquest upon his Spain, rec- Taft In North Tyler. He had Just fin- over tho remains ot tho Not Incurable HBlistan. Tox.. on April IT to SI return from was cago caused tho death of Howard ognized by the son of n Cuban who ished working out a fine on tho eounty Methodist minister, Vincent ltubln xL Hunch of this place .and serious Itiju But II can not bo cured by sprat i, was to Span- farm, and eaino home expecting to whoso desd body was found, and nn In washes and Inhaling whfuh known an armed seat the Isle of Pines, the ry Wm. mlxturoa U he. boMme that to several others. Stratton Hnd his mother living lu the homo vestlgatlon so far shows no evidence reach only tho surfsco. Tho dlsoaso li Mrjreailan has broken nut at ish iwital settlement off the south coast high la and Wm. Tunis were thrown that Taft neeuplod, but she had recent- that deceased was murdered. Tho cause In tho blood, and oan only bo reached srAty-elnb- of the Island, owing to Information through H. B. apt, a tows l the air. Tunis suffered a fractured ly ot his la mystery. tho blood. 8. Is tho only Eire by Manzaito. a crowd formed removed to Dallas. Ilelng slrk and death still u Mr. remedy which can havo any effect upon H.HM a fen Homlnno. ilalli. In collar bone and Stratton was until many j rapidly, rrylag "Lynch him," but the without money, he crawled lute tha llubln had friends In I.nredo Catarrh j It cures the dlseotn perma- wge as JtaslBM hn aspires to tha Jurad, but lu rescuing Tunis from the n nently and forever tho system ol man was rescued by the police. It U barn. A few days ago while on the who are taking deep Interest In the rids In su won to the lata flames, thereby saving his life, for he farm, matter. every trace of tho vllo complaint. aald that ha aad his father ware re- ha received an affectionate letter ilerux. was unable to move, ho burned all tha Ulu Juiie Owa, of Moutiwllor, , sponsible for tha execution of twenty from his brother. ho lives lu Hous- writes "I was af liMfciM Laad rompany, with a clothing from his body. The flesh waa Mint uml Klllnl. Tk Cubans and tha banishment of twenty ton, rUIIng him as soon as he was re- (listed from lofseoy capital of was roasted the entire length of his back Sinlthvlllc. Aug. lulah Wil- wliU Csitrth, sad no Uiraa4 others. Their very Hamas are hated leased from the faim to notify him Tax.. Treatoa, N. J., to oper- - and ha alee Inhaled the burning Hemes he son, a mulatto woman, waa shot one can know tb l by the paopla. Thay had a reputation and would furnish htm means with and suffering It predussi M4 other ailoas In the repub-- o so that hta life la despaired of. killed bar Monday night. Tha evi tai aa forgara of letters Intended to In- which lo eoiae to Houston. The young UlUr Ifcsa I. Tb t Mastco. The caplul slo. k Is up-f- tf Farmer Smith and his son, who live dense developed sprays aad criminate parsons puaasasul of prop- fellow was hnrltd yesterday. Justice at the Inquest was wasbsa a 1.HMM preferrwl, sad near tha scene, were horribly burned D. deeaased v preMrital by tho coo erty Spanish de- T. Oalaes Inqueated the remains, that and bar husband. Will stock. which the authorities lers reikrsd me eeiy atJN teaan It 1ms bean announced that the Mis- and from the testimony at a physician, Wilson, were both sal set i I nthe name temporarily, and axplod-- 4 sired to roakarat. machine anglsie I r A tUrao)iK On Saiuley Mansatto had another souri Ferine tall road company, attar his verdlst was that the deceased died bed near a window whan a pistol was Til i in i mrmw-- tbessh I uid thest I a Charles Soar Mg l'ralrle. MUk.. ad narrow earapo from lyinilng at Oet. 1 will cease to mine Its real and at a cengeatlre chill. fired through tho screen window, the teaiisally fur ua'yisrs, tbs dlMsss bad a Crab-ra- o. Brmtr I ol iKlghi. Alpha HalHht, Charles and was forced to leave will let the contract to tha lawaat bid contents taking effect In the heart of laid tliio srtr. tried a nuroUr Ovarly. Cecil sad hurriedly. Mood remKllM, bat tbclr nloersl Ingredient! taarae I'riest there dar. A well attended meeting of tho the deceased, killing her Instantly. A titled la my boars and a rtimsiUim. How were killed. Oarar Itr-,gj- g bt tafjUHHl The Savannah, (la.. Ileuervlant new-clailo- n Tho battleship Texas and and cnils league was held at warrant was sworn out for a negro t was la a IsHraubls condition, sad sf lr gajt Ufjorge Halght were badly la tent fttef to the I Iramm valley or llrooklyn have sailed far liar liar Itasalte ball. Chicago. charging him with the deed. Ho has trMtnesl,wisdlsrtdlacnrstilr. feeing B. fi.H. curs Hood - wa ITwere. adverileed m a for mm- bar. not been arrested. I try hoW n dliestei, deslded to It. As sooa ss my Jffie Ilgwes eom mission will Atlkl by Mulr, lyitea w under tbs affect ot the medicine, purpose lilt I ll(llnC fuiiiiiilllfr. Vrlluw I Wgtn ursMfih at Ilartsharae. far the Two Uairt. Waxahat'hle, Tox., Aug. 8. Surgeons to improve, sad stur Ultng it fei In-4l- Aug. 9. Vltllcit III Kntj Tanti. two ttanlh I eared iximpUUljr, Ibe df tskiBJC ft reastis of the Chortaw New York, Ilefnre tho Mazat Santiago do Aug. 9. Th and men wis modlesl were called yesterday dresdful lUietie wm crsdlested from my sys- tlvteg la nalaas aoMNty. after iRTaetlanllHg comHilttaaa Mr. Maas In- -t steamer Sutherland, Oapt. Aug. 9. Ilrltlsh to visit Tarn Bdwnrd. Mr. Kdwords Texarkana, Tex.. District tem, ssd I bT hd bo return ot It." ttoNlh McAl-Oel- ai taatlHHWy ef Charles F. rfHHt User will ai re to reduced the I'atey Nlhtw, trow I'Mtaaelpktft June lives st Forrls and while on the road Clerk J. It. Wilson nt New Iloston Many have boon taking local treat- compteie the a gateritva In bU employ, to 0. l Dillon, N and Havana Aug. has arrived here hsppeaed to n peanllar aeeidant Tex., passed through this ally yester- ment for years, and Una themselves h9 I. 1IH. to May worse now than over. A trial ot mm show that from Jan. tl. with two caste of yellow ferer. It is One of his mulea got Us foot over the day cn route tram Norfolk, Va.. whith- bt robberies, amounting to thin i.trUt Democratic con-- lOet said that Cant. Nlbbn is dying. Tha to bus of the wagon and while In this er he had been on a pleasure Jaunt. leportcd. while from b- - de- 8K FuIuhi. Ma. nominated ftSO.eai wire ktrsmer will diatofrctad aad position Mr ltd wards got oewi to re- While absent Prof. Wilson also visited RlnniH I there au2aCka7e I J10 sey W. SfcaekeUonl ot Manb I. lk7, to Jan tttii tained until ail danger la past. No lease It. While working around the the other navy yards ot the United JLJIUOOI amwuailng u 1II,-M- will rrovo it to be the right remedy im ocMgrees to ill the re- ware W roehertea. cases of fmr Vara oaVlaUy reported mule the animal seized Mr. Mdwards States government. He brought with reeorca were read show-la- g for Cntarrh. It will euro tiie most ed by the death at Itlchard Freclnct yesterday la the city, and none have by the leg and rams near eating all him a piece ot llguum vltae wood front oata. of crime In tha r hnndreti sad eighty- - a large la.eaee devsheps aoug tha American troops the tcsst off the bona. off tha Itelna Mercedes. The wood oamo Boeka mailed free to nny addrcaa by giatrkU days. tukco. ufide:!.ln vllhln the Jnat ten originality from the izland ot fluam. 3wift Speciflo Co , Atlanta. Ua, a I

f1" r."J"r" r Art Artesian Well. '"'" otiver Up ami Jam dillllanU worn A.NOTtlllR TUXAA CMIM.NAL. LOCAL Mr. While, llio artealatt well dnilllnl in imil by ItulRs Utla Kits irkr John tewart ent out to thw Hal 111 't walkHo-nlgh- maonino man. has closed a deal with week Dm aum of whltk they honVforgeltiio ooko t. Wifm, Hftnoh htat Saturday wrak flg and (fto. Wolwlor and relWIWl P. HfcTfjiey, ll. 1 iprmtiptlvriirnt'trii went arr-io- i Word la very low with Tom HentwrHtht, wanted Mlis'llottlo LOOaftcadeop If neces froinjminl Aluuing'"')". lKi-d- - dtllPndrlll Hillside Dairy F&rm, The at '.cmletMin Texua for ratUe steal 'efclew'uVer. sary Vlrieynrd Slock form for W. on tho tnfn ttere W.f' San A ing. ten wtiout wulKora U).nignt a. - llt'H'.wrtxht llemurn , Ttft ceko nrtwlolj water. Mr. Whlto linn a llrst- ', IJ MVANT. tllift I. M. Unit. Cupt. It. IC. 18 ' ft yr .r ago and wna ltartt from ia house. ojfiu new well maohlno find has takon I'roprltiari iter, of Critm-a- , und Oiia U J J. Mtfafl vurl. ia purU ns (fnlug under the urfifid lAfeuutle rttowor fell Saturday and ti,00ontract at a vory low Ilgure. Mr. of 'IVa (1 - of li'. nwater. When Sheriff c ftlife Sunday night. , Wotwior ngroe to return lo tlio dona Fresh Crcaiii, nilkniul Biittar Deliver- waa in llenileraon lit tmrnwl nlioiit MY. irlvon provided an All Aug 111 la Uh date or the aali nf the Hailev. of lluKorniatt. vlsltoahis 'torsunviimounts od to Pxirtsofthe Glty. Honlvright though he had rTliiii(ily Hewlo Hulloy, Satdrtiay. nitealnu How of not lew than 160 gal nld fm XatlmiMl Hank's Mela. ltor, IU rm'elved u letter deMrlblng the gwitlo-lim- n lons Is obtained. The total amount podlal Oows for Invalids Muds und iintw will gn for MllriMt W. L. Amonettu, of Koswoll, was n mimI suppoewl llaltiwatrr IMnldus, go 1,000 feet is of and bhlldron. . . . nallilMR Hargaln hnutera will yvt WiUhbutThd puMonger Saturday. reiiulrotl to clork wua the man wmitetl When ho nearly been guarnn rleh that day. Mrs. Kdlo HlggCrWlurned Thursday which 810001ms OOWH PItOM Olflt HHOfBTHIlHI) llllllii OP JMlltrV ruttiruiHl ho Inqiilrwl nf Arutltrang eed, paying 6(X), tlio OATTI.H I'Olt 8AI.H At Lna train a tftlt to friends in Hoswoll Mr. Webnter AT AM.fl.MlB. I'iiims, SaturdH)', hwirlilg war who was acquainted with l'Ariluo'a railway UiiOO and Mr. llagormun 8100. 1 ttentiM Iwfnm Judge I'ark'-- r In the mallwr Mis for lior olark and fnuiid he was mistaken, Joalo Knowlrt left wero ino J. INSPECTION INNITEDi ill the liijmiellmi njcfnt tho IrrluflHftli Monday. outer conirluutors r. i. The aherllt then hwirtlof Haatwrlght liome rn Deluware, Jowa, Tracy, H. W. nnslll, .toyco. ouiipatiy liilvreateil in thf Ktpfihnnt llutt Co.. F. 0. f who It auems had again taken his Mm. S. 1. Itobcrta rttu'rribd Wcdnes Co besides several smaller dam iiiimiIIiiii, riiopoiirlM Miliar l'rultit Hit) own iiume, and sent his deputy foe day fr6ni a visit to friend in Missouri oontrlbutloiiR. frntti aupreino fourt of llio l iillfil tttniM in HMfvimin whether the turn. Mhert If standard ot llamlsraon An MTort U being nlado tU ro orga. town board met Monday flight (lain wniihl mjiirn ibc navlgHitiin At Hit) ouinu In Thursduy morning nud tlejKirt. illro thb band and employ Ah Instruc Tho and deddod to purchaso tho old l'heiilx ower rmt nf the llio (Irumle by roUrnlc- - ed lint night with Hwitwrlglit, Mr, tor. ot Hit) calaboose tor 81)9. from the county nnd iiiiho llw rivr. Standard says the tnnl of Jim Klla West a daughter of Stationery! waa nix; Mr.J.O. and movo to tho roar of tho lot of a very prolongwl uffiilr lastltig ty it .Mrs. Lolhg nro doth down with th6 livery stable df Angol & McHlloo, dayawlth night sraMloiiH The ooilrt liholll; moved room u crowded at nil tlniss und tho Tho old oalabooso was therefore mil buy tho latest styles df box papor, lot Mrs. W. L. hughes Returned homo at an oxponsenf 820 by Geo. M6Hlles VOU weutlier was almoet unbwirebly hot. u our store aro Monday from her vlitt wltli ltoiwell Thursduy: Tho town also rented a tor pnperj eta, at ai prices trial t lie says thero Is sourcely a ghost of a friends. tho room over the Carlsbad Saloon for r right. Wo hnvo Just received a snlpmont of new stylos 9 chance nf Nile receiving n new trial 1 1 121 In whlah are ffrMo-ilul- o. and thnt ho will go to the pen for To. K Mr. Hcnsoii; an l'rso rifari, was a city hall the Woodmen joining tho 0 transacting business in Carlsbad, renting each to pay $0. per. month. o Thu shurilf also stated that the trial Thufsdoy, wus one of the most Impiirtiut aud fulc - Hy. Co. rosldoneo pondlblH, The- nrm of Whlchif Si Moohlau, Tho lino 1. V. wni beuaiiso tho peoplo of hla yesterday to Dun physicians, has been dissolved by mu sold by W. C. Heiff county, ctipccliilly tho jury, know a cattleman, for Eddy Drug Co. or (ual consent. II. Lucas, prominent nothing the Longvlow bunk robbery 8'AMX;. This residence Is thcjprcttlwit, 0 mill Unit, Nltu in recevlug it lift1 Kstdrf wero awarded" tho Hrvant & though not tho Urgent in town. From K consider himself fnrtu tho now Wues Line contruct for painting the way property is being purchased by nuto Sherllf Standard while hero en tlioft building. Ever cu'.tlomou It would Kcem that Curlsbud Brought joyed it rldo to Uagorman Heights tho Mr. Hugh Freeman gavo a party destined to bu tho cow to sugur Iscertulnly (lie factory, Lakevlew aud other Sutitrdav ovenlna in' honor of Miss town of tho west Ecllpso and i2 points of Inlirest, through the courtesy Joslo Ktiowlcs. Valley, Hid. Wocruor John Cantrcll Sam Windmills! of Sheriff Stowart. Mr. Standard was return Star. .tnrnmn nnd Marian Jldwatds Jones wont up to dome and quite ttikun with thu country und says (jd stay in' CoruettaudS.H. fronva' cot1Vle of months' Itocky Tuesday night and roturned See ho would like to live lu Cnrlshad. ArUonn lastfweek. Wednesday morning bringing seven rVell Casliiff anil Piping. Them! ('. W. Cnwduti and family returned new roof oh' tho Fierce , Tho tin beautiful oatllsh ono of which weighed this week from their California trip. Ib being on this week by Olw-ui- m btilldlns put over twenty live pounds. Tho Mr.Cowdon nnya thut Culltornia Ih a H; A. J. Allen. u the" T.;Ullnloro and acknowledge sample of Tin and GaSvanized! Duo country for peoplo with plenty ot Fred Horry, tho Jail poet, returned monster donated by that big hearted money who do not enro to work. - to.diiv from a tour through Texas fellow Kd Woernor. . . . Is iron Work. w Kverythltig cheap und tho ollmatn .cities. Ho left hero In March. John Luthltighoitse, Kd. ahulloy and Harness and Is heulthful. For thoea who nro com- JJ. C. Matthews, presiding ulder of Job. Herual depurtud last Sunday for Galvanized Iron Cisterns built to order. pelled to work for it living Now mox-lo- o (Jive ) tho M. 14. Church, south. Ib very ill at tho.iuountuln country to tho wost. tls a oall aud get our prlcos. faciei es. a is much preferable. Ills homo 1ft HI l'eso, slowly dying with They will go first to Hoswoll them to W. W. (latewood attorney fKr JV. U consumption, Lincoln und Whlto Oaks and tako In Cits waa In town all week from Mnriti " Miss Mary Colo, who nUondcd tho all tho mountain country after which Tracy & McEwan. Tux. Mr. llutuivood coutumplulua rn. teachers Institute lef t for her homo thoy will drlvo to l'luos Altos M 'M., 'ft ftapatr Work moving to Kt I'aso shortly. Ho will at Hdpo, Wednesday. Clifton, (Hobo aud Jerome Arizona bo hero when court convotios Sopt, 11, hit) Dono. Johnnlo Harvey returned Tuesday Mr. Hetnut wilt furnish' futuous' sir nnd Mrs. A J.IIryaiitthebcrenv. (I. ). from tho Ouadulupes, much Improved spurs und bits through F. A. Hobef Foil Sam.: Fine flvo ycur old sad- - day'a tialu nrtlvad at Alamogordo the od parentH tender their sincero thanks by tils week's outing. tson who will kcop supplied and send dlo and buggy mare. Sound und per patioDgara Wto forced tu layover, on for tho many klniluosuM received dur- Herual orders. to account of the waahoata until tlio fol- Pat Murray. Miss Joslo Witt returned Monday" lit. fectly gentlo for lady rido or drlvo. ing tho burial of their daughter. - No niarkd or brands, Aired In Missouri. lowing morning. Sunday the railroad roni Jloawell, whero sho visited C. IS, Dorvillo Secretary of tho Car- Mrs. Singleton was brought In yester- Cull or address company triad np a tralu of Hat oara and JKIstor for u wock, Mrs. Flnluy. nfVnl compuuy vi Midland wuh hcio day by Harry Deerslcy und Mr. Toonc Wednesday with four I. W. Hookiih, carried the paiougera to a point two ' Misses Kdim Harbor and Tens' Ny-moy- ur Tuesday und from her homo near Francis suffering young negroes who danced played Carlsbad, N.M. tnllaa below Toboggan, where thay with Sho wus will leave for Dnllas,( Tex'as, In, and strangulated herlnu, ot all duy and and wart driven in wagona to hospital. d cotlplo of weeks, to attend college at for the people CarUbud Dissolution Notice. n taken to thu night. young Clondoroft, "Bnten Mountain.' Oak Cliff. a good part at the Tho To Whom rr May CoNuijiin: A good cxuuiplo of tho caustic humor Col. C. C. Slaughter und wifo of Dal- duueer (leu SUtton is u long winded In the oourre of the current lay four way Swllror, prcs'ldont o Tho partnership existing slnco May of a Scotch examiner lloutu this las were In town yesterduy Col, Slaugh- Prof. David S. utmost every kind dend draft hortel, hOuioliold effteU nnd scums fellow und dances 22, 1800, botween undersigned Is from wo know not whero. It ter Ih bi'ttor know iih the owner of Sir tho Weatherfoid, Texas, college, spent tho debtU of every doiorlpllon. Tho fnrma nro, ..!.-'-- . n step. wero Scotch pariah achoolmastora - . . I - .1... ol The entertainments (his duy, by consent, thnt II red well the llnoet Hereford bull on n lew uqvh hi town mis wl-c- hi mu mutual dissolved. in the outlying vnlleya hnd anlTered too, npiKilutmont, vzamlucd an invcii to ndvcrtlsu the Carnival which on tholr ourth, a cut of whoso phiz was given interest of his school, Any and all accounts may bo Bottled nnd oropo were down, email hooiea nnd to tholr literary qualifications. Ono ot pons Aug. 2t ut Midland. With either party who will continue to n Inst v."okn Ct uiti'.NT. Col. Slaughter Tho ladles of thoM. 14. church wilt bed destroyed And the bnvoo wrought tho fraternity being rnllod by his Mr. Wilson one of tho now bar occupy tho rajno olllcea as heretofore. to ode wus accumputilOil by sir. and Mrs. it. L. glvb and lco cream social on tlio .court Jack by tho alonu teemi to fcavo httn moat trnnilnto lloraco's shop proprietors suvh ho Is glad Mom i M. D. "lSxogl mouuinontum oero Slaughter and son of .Midland Texas, limiHo lawn next Thursday ovonlng, to ber F.U. thorough, neoruoFrlcdenbloom denies what he Cit.s. M, Wiiiunmi, M. D. bogan ns follows: "13xcgl Mr. and Mrs. (I. T. Veal of JelTersou whlch all aro Invited. (I ontoit n moun- was never charged with being Interest Diited, Carlsbud, N. M., Aug. 7, 11W. Wantud: At I'ardue's, Chickens monumontum." havo Texusiiiid dipt. Loa or ItnttCvull, tain.) "Ah Mid ono of tho oxnuilncru, FJni nlry south and oast fron' rooms' dd owners' and eggs for cash. They wero chuporoned by W. (I, Ham- In tho now barbershop for tho procucd ruiy for at low rents, cither furnlshl'dr un- Tho sudden deuth ot two'young girls "yo neodtui further: ilton untnagor of the Hotiwoll fa uld not wish hint lo bu thought to Cako Walk. after eaten' ale a dinner thin parish Land furnished. Also cholco residence pro- lust week caused no dnd of comment Wutor Co. and uro mild to bo In search liti umployod by1 them. Tho cake walk last night at tho opera wad bo n pulr mouthru' t' yo. Yo mauu perty, inquire at this oftlco. uhd talk for lu tho case of tho first of lino alfalfa hind, house by Kssex sidUlonnon manager of try Btano wider sphoro." "root Lore." (leorgu Wilson, who canto bore In deuth, tho little Lulng girl, thoru was II. F, Ur Instead who learned thu tho largo purty of colored oako walkers Jako Owen und Ueo. II. Webster left 18M, remaining until this spring, died unmistakable evldenco thut a crlmo CAF.oon the iiugorman jrrigaior a attracted quite n crowd. This unique yesterday for a camping trip of it few Murdock, Illinois', tho 22nd of July had bocn committed, the physicians I: in anoh of thoCuiuiKNT In IBUScamo attraction will bo repeated at days In the (litadalupoti. tho homo of his fattier, of cousump.' huving given It out that tho dlscaso at In Sunday ulgbt aud hus boeii visiting which time thu cako will bo given w wus surely syphcluUc. the cuso of tlnn. i.U brolhcr-ln-la- oud sister Mr. nnd In awuy. SISTERS Notice of Administrate Sale. (Ir of the Hryunt girl thu coroners jury re- Wjrfl Schoh returned to Carlsbad, Mrs. Joo Simpson. Mr. Instead has In tit mntter of the estate of JnntM turned u verdict of suicide by strych- SCHOOL... Thursday, after n two week's1 "toy at been very lUccoMful In Nocoim Texas Pecos Valley Steam Laundry. II. Carpenter, deceased. nine, Tho parents tiro fur from being Tlio Hlntere wiiu iiivlnir tho Times two or llrst-cliiB- ol Merer ol llostfoll, whero ho employed with sturtcd there Work S, prices reasonable. I heruby give notice I will ing' convinced thut such was the caso. Stuiiloii, lux,, will oieii that toll th'oieurpentor gong on tho V y, & N. throe yean ago. Freo delivery and collection. Ulvu us ilialnuiiiiinT tliailMt lnii. ut public auction for cash, pr oil nfx Thu following, however, Is thu verdict: day Ill SUitelllbr. Jv, Bliops, Wcdnesduy u trial, l'utronlze hQtno Industry. months time taking welt secured notes Mr. J. N. l)unn wus In We, the justice of tho peace und Jury MidfJiid, has and brought a sample of his Angora W. L. Ilumitw, Agent. Monthly Rntoot boariug 10 per cent Interest from date, ,y. M. Houghton, of who nut upon the liujuoHt hold this bin 'riilllnn nnd iHtanl 111. In Carlsbad ft. jrecrtc. will goat wool, of which ho and Mr. Carson day of August, A. D. 1 Bint, on the body Olllce at (Icm Harbor Shop. Wfuiilnit I.I for ull umomita not paid lu cush: ull of been for JIIo 3.(0 4,000 pounds sea- ofHeuluh llryaiit, who (i leu in precinct MU.IC thoipsrsuiiul property belonging to movo Bomo threo or four IttiwlrM. head will shear about this 1 t. Ti iwiitntu VItT J4V4M.lttil if territory of Fire meeting ill!, Jl LUIlllbl ut thu Carpenter honio-sto- ud of cows over shortly nhil. commence son. Mrs Dunn Is st'tl at San Antonio Now Mexico, tho 4th duy of Au AddntMt suldcetuto, mi west Maluga in the tnotirituln. at tho bed side of n sick daughter. gust, A . D. 1SW, Mild tho deceased Sinter Superior, ubout threo mllos of runchlng ( thut () otimo to her death by. reason of nn More Convent. In Hddy county, New Mexico, on tho A meeting of tho flro department is IStid gate to Studebakor wa- Lost: ovor-dos- u of strychnine, and we Hmntiin. Tuxah 28rd duy of August, IHIKI; sale will be- requested by Chief McKwan tonight gon between town and Cass draw. He-t- urn gin at 10 o'clock u. m. 1'rapcrty tobn n't 8 o'clock. All member. atQ je-qi- Jn'o. S. I. HOIIIIIITH, J. I'. to Huark. suld;ln principally live Htbck, horuen tP he present busincu of Wll. It. .M 015 WAN, af A. II. Smith, M. D. The New and cattle. Tho property will 18 to bu transacted. Tho Httlo year utul u half old girl of jiuipjaiice whtuh has H. T.Kn.i.otMtii, bo proaent to be Inspected by bidders. ir. und Mrs. Joe Fanning 11. , A Jolly parly 6f young people visit- J. Lavhiitv, been suffering with stouiiich trouble Elite KmII.Y L. CAItl'ltNTHIt ed tlio six mllaJlaii) Thursday evening 11. L. l'orrn, Ucduced for Summer Trips, i reported hnprovitig. D. Rates AdmlulHtrutlx, where they enjoyed n bout rldo aud u for snnuj tlmo J. Wai.kkk. are the home Conimenolng Juno 1st and continu- July 21i, 18W. ' (Onrlv liitmli. 'I'hn nnrtv WAR comnasod Ms. and irs. Fanning at ing to and including September 80th, opened bloyclo ro- Tho finest .o'f Mf. ana Mrs. Harbor, Mrs. Nymeyer, of Sheriff Stewart. J. C. Wheat has a - lUfti, tho Texas & Huollle Huilwuy Co. Hinoke on oalolmined walla may be ' . 1 . t pulr shop ili the" Tracy & MoHwau tin Harbor Shoy" will sell round trip axuimer tourist CIUBCJ iiiam, sinner, javeriy, jiaruor, Tlio water from tho spillway of the to point (n Arkan- by rubbing the aollvd plaou tightly shop w here he Is diilployed, and Is pre- wosfc tlukota Alabama, flymoyor and Uru aud Johnnie llushi McMillan dam Is about to out luto tho of sas, Colorado, Hlstrlot of Coluinblu, with atnle bread, elianglog the pleeea of pared at all times to old tlborgta, Kentucky, Messrs. Whoutiiu, (luetztnau, Morri- comotery u,t Seven It Ivors und In Ft. Worth Illinois, Inilluna, bread ae aoon at they become tolled. Tide son, Draper, Mooro and Jtev. or broken wheels. Maryland, MsAeuchnaett. illehhrnn, umy make tbe a little lighter than Arthur thuolty of the dead will huve Mlnuuaotu, MtMhwIppI, Mhwourl, Sew ipot Itammons. bu has al- Opposite Dakota, tlu tarroundiog aurfaaei In nbieh eaae to moved, Leo Tqrktiett RAINS IN TIIR SACItAMUNTOS. Vork, North Carolina, North W. W. Anderson returned lust week, ready moved, aevorul bdlw und thono I'osttifllcc. Ohio, Ontario, I'onneylvnnlu, (Inebuc, pais a piece ot oheeiecloth lightly over Carolina, Teumwseo, Virginia, A- - to burled South tbe wall, working toward and over tho Friday, from u tr with It mil who hare friends or relative Track Washed odf Near Toboggan a and Wisconsin, at light pari, ae tlilt will take n little of tbe Alamogordo and qtjier wlnU, wmL there and who want tltaw earql for and deneral Destruction Hollowed oanslderablo reduction In ratw. Mo-Mlll- J. Summey, frier and ae (hade np to the light Mr. Hull sold his buggy aSd left or should write to Mr. Tu'rknett nt a Cloudburst, Saturday. See the neereat Ueket agwnt for full iver, Proprietor. or Write K. V. Turner, apot that It will not he uotloibli. Maria Kts Abilene homo while Mr. Anderson ohm. Kt iftM iiM-ali- Inforniatlon 0. tt 1'. Fuera-tarn- fi T. A., Dallas, Texua. In the Augtut Ladlei Home Journ- drdvo buok frotu. Ismogardo la a Tbe hoary all throtfeo lh lo I'atlua Come to CunitiiMT olllw for job rlM b,uckboard ho purehased thee. Mr. the mounUlon liaio Jouuiunoliduigu al. won't oost you a cent If Is ,tjlgh In his pralio nrlntlng. It thtt Alaaiogordo' and' Baoramaoto Anderson you tad How To Paper Whitewashed Walla, nro not satisfied. oontidat-abl- a of tliat country, ospuolally . of l'ut railway lo linro toffarad aetata ltltUdimoult to make paper altek to Coghlan's p(uou on Three Hirers. your Interest, to got loit. ,ft will bo to S walU tbat have been made smoolh by fre busy the on hountifur-ttlshln- gs A oousldernblo portion of thair road S, T, BITTING, M W. C. H.elff, whojms been Murray k Cooks ruino ) We Don't Puff ) queut wlutewaihlug. The emootli llnUb s Kputtt taking school cup-Kiu- elsewhere. bad hat baan vatliwi out near toboggan few weeks the before puroliusliig BANKER. may be aernped or the enrfaee may be reports 16 1 mules and US remalea and traffla for n abort tltna wnaeutofl I Blow I and dp-oi- de WriiAlfaA ehingrd with n coat of paate. If you tho school In this (ffstrlct, Froud we are to annoiinoe the ooin-p)pti- from atatrboi balow that point. ilnNI Unlat IIaIiiI for white 7 aotylnipHnteN ? to ne the paale, make Kin the fob he 30 male 34 females, of the llnb brick oollogo build, 6n Satorday aftarooou latt thara vrsi n Q p while found aud UKfcMwisu Iff tUt . pint ul flour In a MrrflQeld made a line tha c to good tiffi ) b WW. M. lewlni manner! I'utone I' 4 forttftt Mexican school und ,t males and fng. Mr. has haary cloudborat imit dlitauoa op MSnt Wm Bet Willi nrliiir V saueepau and beat into It one quart of p me u iu-Jt- Job of It indeed and In architecture it eauou from Toboggau and io grtat was females lor ooioru school S fiw 1 aimolllH) lo, tirlntfnir cold water. U boa smooth add two 878 In tho district. Mr. Itelff Is a credit to the, master workman and tha raglog torrant tbat eama down tha r m fwilj' s of VriniMt hwi quail of boiling water, allr all the time. all who hdve bocu missed to the town and country; u tribute to muuotaln afda and tbioouh tha oadon, A twiikhig 1m- - 0elri that twnml I I,et thle bull up onee, then ttralu and torep6rUtqJ.S.ll;oler, W. C. Itelff, the Intellectual und enterprising peo- tbat arartblng waa eatrlad bafora 9 aluofts iloitii, euul. lliuih till paste over the walU and Knietlau or W. Horber. is ple who built it. If proper (euohors It. i. J. h. J. It aline it to dry. Wlun yuu are read) tu utSrest Importuuce thut all are empjoyed there ueed be no reason Fautngtra who lift rtara Hatarday of the paper wet the watti apiead paate uu the in tbedls- - (orboysud girl to bo beat awy eiorotug, aetaa of abb in ratornid lait should bo found order that anil haug it In the uiual manner irlet niva lU'full o'uota for suhool ar- - from borne In order to receive a night, gUa a moat graphfo aneoant Ot (Miper, - AhmmI L4Im' Home Joursal. liortlontaentof territorial un'di. JTeVKw. iWt trTp te nifa'deYait,' Vhe Halai- - aa.i,iiia.anaiaiaf.TauaM.jaMt. SIRUP MAKING. 'ion v I 'in '"iflM th Vital fbmw f passion. 44 - ) alexan den's atari- are md the trt itigiU like aWtaafMBJaWMav. Exampk (s Better A littpriit OWenl n tHiimii a iciUury HMnlrrril time nn.t lnolnnllr anf Airs. Barnard Thanks MflliHil lrirln-llH- . ill moHwmmt ta ftttl n 'J'prrlhle Homnrne. MM. PtNKHAM 9H IIQAI.TII. aaan-mt-r. Tfiaii Precept" ro innrh intereat U tuatiifeeted In thr iltMl "Alexamler Anavr anil In U 1 la Imre" tin mak ing of tlrup from auffar cnne n tltt tba tttla of rrofnuMir Wkeelor'n July ar-It- n mtiall acnl the wlnttr of lift, tn III urUtn on Alexander (Larmi to mm. rtmtHAu no, It h not what ue say, bat that AlahniM etation ii 1 1 Oniry rvpnrt 10ft) f r mM llin In It ti n nr nu killtnw " Dram Ptmutn I feel It my to pjiaellt h (lmllrtin of ex a flmt. "f daty wkat Hood's SarsaparllU dlrm-flun- . r)rrtrltr Clltoa mill tilt ti i. v r... t jnfimenta In Uil whirl) nimilar 'ii.. ill) eapnaa my ffratltnda and thanka to A COMBINATION BACK. tower Dlour-Int- , l WMarkanil at a rvrut 'n honor of yon does, story ohr'iM attract eaji-la- attention iti ring nf vhal-t- y. for what your medicine haa donn that tells the i tha hritllaiil nnltj mnn tmtnrmt tha taw.'- - A n llnar. of the low prlre i.f the hlr--f ataplo In far I waa rery mhwratOe and liw Itnrrack Cnnvrrtllilg Intn wnit Mn, I'lftnf prnvoltinl iKi.nln by rrrtflln tVnait or I'cril Itnek. Thousands of testimonials are to;i and the rati'iiiMit tendency of ih ffwt bi iwtftteM. (ttirnoahvary faat, katl bUHtder, aUirtNna;. eotolrlnar) Imy nnil raelc tl the farmer to illr. their priidWta li'-i- Hatterlnr natna about the heart ami Tha w& examples Hood's rifv They flHta' frli'tnl, In r Miitine a of whaf tn a greater extant llitin hereto ore. A Inoaa enttUtnn, hiinl-i- l him mil of th woalU jret ho dlaay nud auffervd with In t'ua otit Ii Ilia nrnirigatHnt at their Hp on loom, has done for and Mat "d In a provkma Inll.-ti- (N.. Bfl;, ami I'toli ny him nnj out of id,. twrniairiaenitrnatlon. I waa rradlag mi Ohio yantter rwraapoiulent, who ohrst life. They rltruhl unit Ih cumI t ln itionf, Imt hi rati) In impel- - K. Uttl little nttenrtnti hm lwen Riven. n aeem Hlie a about Lydla Itnkham'a aaya: what it will do for you, thi- - v I d-- f t i ami rutli i.f "in. .Iir im hn k. In Verr pound, ao I ymt m!r, to th elarifVatloti nr ecu n tnonnmenta nf table torn wrote to Tire adits, A A, of Ibis rack hm 3 by 8 Ocrofula " llunnlnij terttfula aorei n inmni'iit In' Innl i nt.'rtvt ni nnoilnr xMe and two of Irnpa In tht eteto, and in many a after tklnff bottlchlfelt Ultra 1 Medical liurlni pst Ih" hull, .iii.I, rnlnln Itin pur- - ami A fact in length. Tha arma benotiM, made me thunnnl hy neltthlrert. n rouelileralil" proportion of the At thin crUi 'f liniiii't Mwparaoa. Yoar Vaffrttoi let omponml treatment foiled. A relative urRud me to w i Hi re tlin i Imntr lirfora thi dnor. utood IMI. by 4 nf a lliMMpt i ta naaxt haa I an t and to aitlt try KnraaparlllA. Uld to and in few .ennta ihhI enaprnded Impuritfe lima - entirely tmrad ma and cannot inth of a him!Mhi ilolilritl) thrm, ilinnllng In tone nf rerk- the whJtlt of tho wagon. Tlieao nro monlht tho tore completely healed " Mai. down with the etntp, darketilna; ehallMJja dU- - nraiaa It eitoiwlt.H Mm. J, o. Uakxahb, MM which will nmtriah ami IbV laea Korlpldn' rnrmn of J. M. IUti'H. Ktlia, N. II. Ita Ha trnrt hnikl up Mtuvviw. WAamToa Co., Ma. boltod to ti Kill with half Ineli lxiHa color. alfectltiK and lu.kltiK Imty, ami inen lu iui power. enntant froM the "AtHiroMai:hi:" Inflanimatory Rheumfjll9i'n-"",w- o aalla-fartur- y 10 iHflliaa TUaee fori Ita preservation dlHhmlt. A - ci AIM, 1 ho I Iohr. tolta nra nil atiacka of the anu left me wTDi Intlarama. loom a itmliciui- - Hr Iii rce'n Ooidan Mad-le- al OrMet lit thi mm nHtrrri in - An IonH ADKiiiMi'i Ooaflnelna- HtaUmrnt. lory Am ml yean old. btl cUtrt Acnlloti of tit Jnlco tint ntaeovcry. It rnrkhaa tha litewl, When tfofihlr rliw Int tlii..n, in r, to ba MMBwImt trliort, Imt ahonltl lio thrutiialltm. Mm rmmt firtihw not lm ihc jiikki nnriapartim curoi me anu only ItrlabtaiM tlm product very mate- iHriflea It, rstfrie off th clojJKlng waMc Im 1wl. "I trtotl tbrtM deotora, and tha laat aoHHtanmnk front tho tttMlaraltla of tha t Hut fit llow tu him who 11 the muni one Ciimu tiAirt ana wait anywhere." J.mtb rially, Imt leo affecta the removal of n of thf aeatetn, ttu rraaea the nutntkm of aald nothing bat att operation ail! aud n euiall mil driven In oromwlw) lahd, 873 1'trgo Are., Huffald, N. Y. lHft' proportion of tbo allmminona ttt Uty, awl nt!icti a antilid, llcaJUir A ffw wftnla hroneht thr Import of tha would hols My trwble waa pre well know Tin' itpimi lilmi nt tr through tbo alll to jirovant tlio Imlt from 1 1 whnee rooilltloM with nimmlant vital mm imnnnffr. fana nWinr: eomattitMa I woald think ina r, favor the - fiTfnc pk icil en the doiirway vmn hiiiIiIi n in iln iint- I being loat nbottlil a nut bapi" to work i nil fi ii f fi nta rtf I would flow to doath. wtM ao weak fffiwh in rtm lifM'l . I - . ( i l 11 nu- - limrgi' Jimr, Ohio Co., R li'iir. tiiu lii' nliini! (iin'l; in ; ltioee nnd drop oit Tlie ntttit ore on thn tin- - wHli-- . Wl. I UlBl tha )eaa work would Urn me. tl iaahmof Importance .i ' I'klpa I't Miftrf' linjK'ii)!. t( i. 11 ti iilff t"i ih kIii mint' hi'il ii mi 11 1. 1 1 Ih.I.I, ii Mr.ll M.lnW I hn ' n t ..11 top aide where tbey can eaally lie Men. morn .1 lie to ' i..ii tin- I'.'.n 4 ii h'li-'-i It nwnj "wih mirwu uy that ntuiiti' immu llir f hi m mt i1 I of iru.ini mul it the ni, iilnt .linn 1 Tba betirhea, CC, lloarf't cure III) , tha nwi lrriUtln aruj y i i'in' I 1. r ou'dhdne. my comapondinu, croat llll. llrar llitt-lt- to Willi Ii tli" flrn;, linn Ihi-i- .ik iIiki I in. ...i the tivirvtit IhMltK I tl ui ;i. ii ii. il made ap mind to I . l.iiir nti' la taka wtOi llm.1 tttriajpHila. , itliinK Ii my I hm,i - m j I on the ara fl fMt S itieliw in aByrtt.tBi. roojri-il- fltii'i' In -- i ll.rl'i'.. mirr 1 ll HI!' Tin- fill 11 of !,l lot .,,.1, write to von fur adrW, and am ao wlofa ii' it n. hr mi 'ii hMM ' I all rd flftiMi mli i nfii t.i rilfl U I1.1 Mul r - 1 I Uwk K. lenjrth awl Btadx of S by 4 atnft Thatm loillor 1i tirtnini i l tho y mil inn mirt nlo. villi .1 n. lift 'i nttyan. U h I . . n r.i inl'iti in m u.jt- I.viila Pink is m.titli inn I k the nutfi-m- r mul till Int! ,1 1,1, II,'. hcm'R"'Vrfc-i'M-- ''' C'oiu;imnd and Llrer are mt, aa abowH In tbo enKraritiK. to Book, very rtnde wit? H" I'oint nt wliidi ii... h., I - An Illustrated I'T ln'iiHli niln hi- (Jtiii k ic'Umii'1 ' ' ) on atlla J , ni .line the fi.u tilde tbo and nt under tho drop ahnnld ho ri wn off "i i tih ihU .ii.t ilno llllaanil fol'nweit mr illrrettnna, and ore? iiv f.."ir 11 I 11 .. I m 11 If ii I t nil. If II In l nf I f i", fit of siikit In pn of ' am 1 ain-- - I frtitrt ioiw vvll an .stronir. ahall raenm describing ' ' ' In way caaoa t'.h' xikril I .,! I l.y tin- . in .llllrt..1 will frt iimIit int '.lili' "i ,ul .ll.n(l I '1 toll ll Mnjl I I .no think a tunaiM' in y. mid tta n run' In " no ,ili uKil orotlui' iriuit Iiody, ilii'w thi' til . n out ful ir Mian - ' my Ufa. A. ! Box 3t Arnwrr, M n nnd ill pimltluti in "(' !i it I'licoxin," It ivi- 1.1 ! It .liintt tt I an f, il.Imt qitvni'ii cryatalltziiti, initlur ti'i "'" I itn-ii- I tlthi nf hiixar take plm- -, v,.'l... i.r ihnnthir oiiin ii or ntlii r it ilnijK fomi'itil..i ' ..1 liini iml I'll nwity Ti'i i i.lTi .i )! - . h i . I. If th xlnip - i ( hull. . t i Mm vl r 'tilute for tl fl'H Ill ,T. 'a in 'I.I.- ' " r " in Hn-'.- i . ). I , Ilk-- 1 i thr llincm isrfkiii:' to trofit thronuli i'"' in ''I nti'l i.f ilnv, r. per f tin. i,, , .!!. liiniM-lf- n-- t i vrni. In hav tin- ' - . "i. wrltlill . :i nil flit nf r noil $5e $30J Hi, mul tli'1 it " of . fii rvnll.iii thi' irnp " 11 BICYCLES IltK " C.olili- t DiscMr-- r ' . I l irlf Now Im vrni! nil!. i nun s a ilifln nit .i .Mi m ; iimn Ih, l'ur..H t'li'iiiimii ii. N!i illrnl by 11' to u I.f Im f t llll. Q imi When tlli" f. i.f i n-ij.-! : t . - iirilllmry .mi I'Viip.. A'lvi r mjil fri t, on rt i tit:i now hi-- iou-lr"i:i- ...v' tor Imiid, emit m Set-- . l ii i nt thi' ni mal iniriMi'f to invrr of ili'itf only. ?i hlni'clf 11 rmrili'lf r nf lu frit ml, imw rviiiKtratl-)- i can I coinliii'twl In oik cent ataniM lor wilt It .n in puper n hla nurw- - f. th , nil llir if of inlff, Clltni' uo-f- Mudttiur. .".'--i- ii, imuiil iiiHimtr, lit tlii rrmlti pfalltnl-imr- or it klauipa for alotb later, nnil, 11 If ahe weri' nhaae Ailtlrew Dr. R. V. Wercc, Duffalo, N. Y. In Hyutoni of clurlllentlnn nan In ttii-tirn- l lilmeelf nelf neriiiarlnn lMfnre hart turn can ho niucli lniirortil iiy "Unw III hnve I rcpnlil thi--. klinlly foa-t- r to tlis miliilitiritig mother, for nil thy rare In n ii'lnu tin-- ! iirorew. up. 2000 Sewing Machines Tdy anna thi ii htat alvi-- to .1... li In HiIh tinicMM the jnlue frrmli fmWi P O Jitliiu J,nrrtt Vntti'tj oltht In iny iM.linlf: tl.j lirnlhiT I ittiHititrr OKAItfl NMrly ! : n. vnry Imi' MCVCUW. : ; Hm ill albivvwl to Hlovfiy nwnrM gnnt Mwtui Wiu-- 3000 Mum I.f on I s!rii;L rati with mini' o n hand." tho dtatwtt ciaaei to telwt from UV tl t'ut oalrk, Ml. woaHtaf. nnln)iiir)iiic f ertatcat M.noilunttv for IMPROVED ii lio.t contnlii!ii a ! rtn of i'l'-- had - entai FOUNTAIN fint clvt inclilH ratr4 apftit ltflf. Iir Ii.t Ail Ixtiralna r e- rrvboov nmutaila nl .Mwt i tn ! nbn'ilntrl). tu-- r liuiiil r of lnt'llnwl Hlirlvai, hiiiI. an tin Helttttt .till iitmn hla l'l. m fnllim 11. n aeconit N.nit Wharla. miKv aa u nmm oa Mowly imii"n. i..imiiri i,y ill Inaftnir n wnpl. for ti. tn 1ij t'i M.Klal. ..lilAnn,l. jiiiiT tili kliu ilowil from nhi lf 1, in. At MyUcaJ tiur ntterlnit en u.iicim - to to.; M..lf'. $11, tu W liavt kIh if, Iimtci than any ( fact. jftM fur thtin' dt) until tV- fi. ir irrni tje. to It inri'U wltJi km niKini1lnit M '. too miny. uli. aatrtBlttr ft thi treat oppor-- I Amrtii. onlr ,ttt. I Ml irh fAaip. Uwt piUht toelly nt SYRINGE It fuimi the be iirtisit nf nnlplmr furni which am mriy I ocrt aounil Urartu nl wrttt 'MVti f Wiiir for mw by .1 irrd. trf pMtfl Jtiui Mt eUn whlrh ttwataafi etpeeifttly mid patonted fol pn iIm. l y ImrntD liHnwtntia or mil our Art iaiai.M ann inif I 'Hcvcl workloaloi nt. Kaalrat cgulnicted It lio-tl- - hi . ' Ilia kllteaiaal t hi will r h nai ulllv lh Ram aBBTtllat ho fiui- wnil cut Wt 1 .1 cm I j Inn I ptw yet a iWihI to 4art Any wbnl thlpoed the local of female IIU; tbl hi n rotinhly eiii"tmrl1 hriok VO'Ml. I" prli-- f ymitnicnt ft III Yob.ptlttorr.flhn Fbark ludilnd lii"i, li'it hp Hal. lit noiif enaavreirit .tiMrttlo raamleatloe. 1Ua(ttAttt one . ewe$jetilvely flirinii'i im iwi..t uavtiiH. raanii iMgMM sa iih daitma 1 M Hr for recomiiianiled hy thi att tkislu'At atlalafttarf. ' of tin 'n. till 'Itnoly "ati- -i ',!.'.-- ' at niter 1 1. put fw iii In it Wajr tba jiticn la at imi-1in- .l - I p"-l- i I'l in .Lydla U.jPinkhnm Jlwllolno Co., will hi mico I roacliliir Mil ataWTii:... it mil. Voil CM klmii mul alln 'tl. 'If tn isms.AtiiiiMkipany arr xr.'ictly r2aSA: HaJtttr III color, mul wbiii heat ml with m Krmrmbf anothf, ti il n annliixtlr titii. 11 .mod ii irwaae n'MltW' - in tliH i TMjlaHitiir tin1 M'pnrntinti of al- linlo'ol ti'ilni, ri'niininni! tin- 1 n.-.- ivn- of I Tb. Meal rrlMlMRl. 'SENT FREE ril - lium, in tta tmttora mul linrmritiw Iirln !' 'ii mppiort ttand ulimi- nbBn-tl- i othrr Organs A prefei i In ttnln Prvnch town til Mti 111 a ."'.iiv.' BtlH 1Kr.Me1 fi In a nlftltt. doaleil onvnlono on a w nip-lilly- . mil law. to inv nha in rfle, h ninrli nmri' ri'iiillly mill n .In In .if Ion ea tun at unhter't r I d.-- ninn hi ann I. ani tin' ofilrrlna aerere lueniu will write for iU lii ii in a 111 . Tlilt iKHikcontalut ..ftir the ln'iitli'K of jnirn h wii ilat lul uriMi in to 11 divi-r- a pagrj - njeW-ov- .,f It to have mlmIii"! maliatada I brpi 1.1 Wut tor aif.iiia entWfrivl 'la.,,.,. , ri of other holpa for who coinnoiinHl tha iiililiiii.ii of a riiiiill Me-ttf- e, add-e- persona Im 11 n elrlp-- . womoii from nual ' r "itiaU. rneremalnrtrr nf IVjaafkll u in .! ilii'iniM'lvre.hfJ of Unw ) ' ill! ll.' U plain- Imr- - any vngliml IHiuum, thirty-eigh- t Ninount milk of friitimiibf KROWrt-'.- VU0,,CD. of h. terdnear M MstiQt pillf fiuin iiu. treaa. alto tettl. i . w,'' iCX' .1 i . iiron.-mid- fotiml liicilitain tba vlnritlnitloiJWn c,l!ai' ffitrto 1 it- - cmopiiit 1 iifmflraBi Mlfpaf dariini thf .i i. "TWltveii moniaU saluotvil from thouMiidt wa hare ar , nop Al..r Cit i,y tMrfaalty reVatU KUHf. t)i rbna tnuliliiii il. ao inn thi' allii-lif- "nee rend'Tn thn ration t titua ajmn '' dnalar hitter leer. UaMnmta life I I received from Rratoftil women, who r, I hart 1 aao-rinnc- OOt M inokl Hnw-eve- II la 4be hnr - awnnled U'nnrr," ,L 1. ,l- A e of ant- il.'i - - . Klren ut their permlMlon to atmiiKily Marned. i na, ir .plli of thi' pr-f- i-i MJI print them. . 11 ajikitar nnuajft rxcltifnanta f t't .Vhe. thn h vii pvoci-- nf ekJrliU . f "Kf", ir Thf man fi t :! IiIk .ipn.-ini- nt inTtrttt the "imiiilnii'.n" -- diitliuiril iinnliat Don't wait until tend Jot in MLtnonuou wll hnre VKm-IBL- tlon thn la in II v Ih- ilo-tai- v A CO llAVHCtT y rintiBjt,irnp liouao uainh he rid at it a. m. A Wm ho-- thetr . kaY I, - worlliy fni'i Mtmiuoiii'd hit the book 5 a jKittal enrd will do, jiiik Ii nrur m Lr'.Kliter, inM Dt mjmth jawe. thjl aetrrh nf alt hit pork via falleil to bttof (haaaejALM HaW lcidont Vim eannot bi'nd i to oanitult lib hlW OM Ihtt 1 Ilia center the rnck. t i 1 priietivaA i W rann' It ciiii Miiirlt tu til bum-t- nt kf). Hi ran tha made. nMynrt a It hat been ta ttjc mat tor. honkl B and out 'My. It for thn Jnnll'ir. dut .aid Tberetipnn -- Price of Syrlnjre, $1.40. Guaranteed. nioni If inlriradlopreanrve aoeunnta or MaitrV, to carry tbe rJalw tho Ifl. Informeil him that 0 pmchi mm aliiiwn in II- - - Mt no ruiiiioiiae. It waa exrweitlnuly plmif With proper It the nit for n iili rubli- poHo1 of 0 tbo th tnsidrre tliidr ' care will last a lifetime. roti anfotnont. tn.' tbel InatM 'in ro -- the win lienchr hm nu In Hi. I ov.-i.- - Uin. tilllH. 1 In t tl'id; ttu.e lajht liark yotr II would W frffllt- to liiiihl. c ncrntratiil tn CO bonrila tln.y aliattlil j Sol'lm. wwr?1amitr renaana n ..1 oilitiK aynlnat anvh iif oirl-gltd- ItltMr tl..' 1 r r U rnn Ihto botthi thre IDLF. a vlt It' Intdvli-rtlil- e THE RICH. K. fufViin to larenil ..ft. n Ifi 'Iiu rli-r- iiinita-w-l. rn ut RUTH w. f - i mi tiiHltlt;i PAXTON CO., Bostc, Ma- s- ji fn li.ilf nfMlli ii way V t lmnrflg trii tin. rent if thf niKht a from bnnu. 'Hi- - pri-ri-i- ilil not. Anyhow, atum I fn. Tho altlo ' v. mt - the tl ollii lion im 'i bua L "ii r 11 phyak-Un'i- i Ifho IMntuOnitlf '.raltrnina tl- Hit) caimi.y, Thf tlxkt nhtlu. bell i,..i!..-- im ii- niiio.fd with more than r win i miiio lcnffth ni rtiiM d : with Imtirat r. I gn Im. an Up pushed 'in- HMre Who Amm.a IflmarU. Tim vc. .ii i. butum Iiu ml li li. aifla nnfl.ft m 1 i.y .i, riml n it Imliut1 nri t MII'H l.unl in- CO or umru. tea-nu- rtej wa huvo n of I iilii'ont tiOn tli Month With In due avd' 1 Im nch. trn. a MwrnrtMtrti of tbo uldi r rlvlllini-ttona- . nailed to t W. f hi iiiijii. iiu rikh' to the do.r ami flfure It IntT, ' Special Mail Edition of ih- ii iij. iVJU ta thi n Innovalliiaa In nllrnad - iii-i- i op. dh1 It. Tha urtndf iiiii r. hy anporior abil- Thi- unit (id. umdo n ii 1 Htorafi wfay fi r uae. Tin- WatUiiitt' 11 illr. .ml la otWtli Ml li fnturf U ity. mill 11 Im., Ima kC)MBJl- - 4 atnft! ad into J inch liulra "Wifit c.ttr fie for nlylit rallaf" InUuatry vn, mvnlliit lth iiIkiio MttattMn if Randall Irving Tyler's ly t. prot'i'nw ilriip lum b'.'fii anr tin- - u f . ira. IU efll No kIIIh. I'li'kfd out Indlililuiil. litiil mat iiinii' II iiiilfHIrwaltP 11 the The roller - nkd nr Hi a. hiivi' Ihm piaeed theH prinwrvad tin- . in Books nt Itboratory for "Kunr wan thi. utirliiri'il wiih nil ihoir ' hn ri-r- i of Modern Fiction arni. ilollar," attoiilahed iw ui. ft'ddas ditiliiii ' r ' l.iui'ulii. nnil thf new Mailt ahiinhl t nitcd to ivf tlm otid . li:iMii.-mj- t tu fonr yi nnil rryhtall Uav .nto yityith In no l iiiiiuat-nit-B- - htmi'i ic f will Im- given a tbnuiiKh trliil It hi mite or lad' atiituliiiK. um hliown in tios of Jtera you M. I wan l and nft. ii In illk . ; 11 ni The..- - are many nicii' ii'i.ilic pri'vett i t.ilideit that tt ta brighter thnn utnmon tlm cut, nn' irtyMiil loom' filiiilKll HO lit p 1 11 tJMt la. Worry to I rouble Itidlviili'tite .'1 "in o i nllou h'lwure Ha Qftfa km tnuvoiil im.kini; tliaej in rn and net an hard on tbo i'i u tllil flnl Kf reiiioviil ut will Oil wi..i mnii'li mIhi i! 11. to t'.ili to Riii'lllitrtit and at a diT.alty ;ik irlilty. j . . it - Md blither - brorti - for Imv. Four Months R tin- it .11. j f. , the thoiitfhl of ful hi ctip'iM Int it. every rru j el ' Another Hinoratlrrfl lu liiirlln aw - I fi'i- 't..ii din luar pnrpta illimlrutli.i dlmwH tli-r- I'Tiin unn raped. New York Tnb- m'O niwrtiin. ll. nl tin' point of view Minn If Vi tune. Mir. Int ajra tt th lntall itlon ,i . uuv. of In- - Mid of fi.ii'iin- In tbi. oniiniry la, 1 llll KntkJi fi rack, and the dotted - ' f 11 11. 11 tin- li.- llUllH'l i v f - . 1. i- fab fc rool irnt.l r ''. fata, If- l'. 'art altjnlrl- ."tlv tlmt ('ii. II.. - nnil B liion-- liini 'until ont ahow linlilnr : , MdwMk r u uiu-Bie- r Urn phi I In- - krratl to the i.rnifu., Date to ui .'i Mli .1 After di''lr tliim arlatoent trip. rini.ip Menu wlilrli lire m nil Inr ph. 11 1,1111,1. I vim of K'iiM''. nli'iiii lo- - nf.iU'U hlnttelf miiiIi' ''I'pan I'hniiKfd nt will to A liJ thn nil ;. 011, fur tl,. mi i.' ii Uie ia A Business Romance YOST i.". fur'ljiir llv.'nlill.'HH tint. r. rt It it u rai k nt- Im' rufk. 1' . 1 ImlifTf n i.t I tin 11 I..- I i Mtellnctoal ItJ hi with ottiiDi" i' .iarmt insiio Michael Juw j 4i .In- port, I lijb, . lti,,i. wal Ah Ikix M Im-xte- I a to liuiil atoVf ilii'ri' iiny pifitde In kill. .VdiHit ciionujifrijilfcaflJ lualjof app'ilnleil iMtiii-- niiitftrutf tu Imlilln. world 11. arty- - wood, itrai pnmi i.iiiH. i.'tc.,. the thf .ti ciiiti'iiifitnili. and An Ii lali A nu. rii an una liroiiuht li fire ilv um uv-'lca- inajilr-!- ; wtnga ttllo tl.., atlomi in i.f.if na an lili... -- hnrjri I with i.iipl oua coudttct aad tro .'lili pcndiii-- i th-- aide if i of Araa.'iratatu tban thf . .iiktaiili- vwoio. iti.iiitig irtbfr ti.lnfO,' mi hotlotu tiiH.roil over. 1I1 iii-i-i m-- i Kng, . , uuixitrlMlc element thn' hi- waa a a "lupubiic.n" hatv nnd Katat ctod Itiio tuortlaea in mil-- Ti-r- Blind 'fhn. umlor of tb' iih i. iv .n;i If 11 11 l.n a wlm! I hat trn and .id toatapha in tho rddo1 Be rafeeibeirt am luty. nrruaata'rM!itil dttin itii'!tny" luiiulrrd t'lf prinuuor'a lawyer boarda or Thia iiinkca n by of tbvlr vubmr rlbia. nice tM ri'iitufi iwtffltatlau nf il.- - large a convenient Imu W waalth. their nf buni.d rack. -- f rtniviiuunt "I pruumr." aakt Harry, "that I AT Pise a ltmtana In fall Aid winter dt'tuch thu wiuKij H . eaiantuinotR anil tarir i'imlen'., til.uauri-'J'- a hm without a eruwu." Maa Cranaiaeo iW witli curb in of tttia Met', and. tilaclnit it mi tho low ' oihir Arfot anfi In vtttlt H ifie witli f.f dowaithitMai, it nakea an excellent feed Being a Tale of To-da- y, Show- ON UMHUHAM I' "J 4tfc W Yuu fool blood rtiinTBj', a Mi-ni- tbo oaai-a- iilil.. to drll.e rac' jF ing Some of the Undercur- the. ktUof Jiiiiu until Mkunbthul H h?Ma..t J OBatOIBB'i'.i ' i"li en . to 111 .it ur ..1 li - City I or I rents of a fir t w Hkorlhri . if. of .ftilk KirnL H Kwtmt Kina blood? I Wialllll and. t v.. I..- .111 11. ,' iTlll leetlMHa to lite 1' Blf r Mjaation. ll..-.-- : f 111 rov. 1 rrn tM ti'rtMo hi"..- - iill tl .. I MHO at Uta laaiajununt beekeeiHm ml blood or Impure ia -- .- t I OC2 . ftttra atilp an '"ninib-- 1- I fn t i purl, firiil r r .11. areaatng tho okknK or "tall" tlona I ufffl Inline.'. I It .V l.i ui. iIki fu r. ' iBll ..'. f pTi fer them to tba aquara 011 en for In these books Tyler r,.Tj: I. .lflha blood la imnurti then nop) fii'H-- k . .1. f .'I , ,1 ad l a ruiiHoiia, llifii two in. m 1. niaamj V0.1 ...'. ; 11 numliei of imt the leaat of I nrk took and Urf i.itiit i I. t , t; . 11 ' fl has l' struck a new and no1 li firrt, t. . which tUl'lr pl'-l- ilJJI Bppeiirtili HUtl until i'!eoL I i")ur ippulto U poor end your iimi i ' r 1." il you . . . . tlm c tlm : ti ti A aicr-u- .a wiai. can- 1, .1 ,1 attra tive and aymiiiftr il alinpe of popular vein. You can't l : ir, .i-l- l 1111, fli honaf-wliir- tup t ii. 1 not morn. I. Man llif take nf h the) (untalli. .. an ' mjfe H for I N-- tf. -- . 11 I,! put them down unfinished 1 ytt unprepared '! nf i n The cut, lien mt) " 0 ' froiu aiutf rii iui Jottrniil, vork of the day. to " I'l", ,. .1 ' rlH Ytr llll if. in, ahuwii Jnt hm it came from the but you read them sec- si'.! your com- - f . ... 1. I a Nell'l J titAflrapal'! ii.nnl .iii ii.i bite In "tall" aectloua H by li hy ; I I. I -- memort; iow. tou arc 1.1 "I ' ll. .ll l( t' 1 wo lull iretin,: imlli tit l..r v.- t ) u f I H incl jo. In a recent laaue tba Jonr-na- l ond or third time. They iroi;Ti wataVBiropiei, doim. ,ls ll' J Mi- i'l . ' Who put ito Kfowi i .11 I I'otlltil 111- - I nteiitioned alao t tn etatemeuia make people stop and Inilli'tln I'llll II. !.' 4J lii Be York - afi,'' . 1 Ukuuinica nf a New ootu- 1 ,t , .1.-- II tl" .rili.,' think. books t Both 'J 'tkt J who t ill 9 1 I arc I .1 - fNf ii Tr nt T'leta, III I" : wil. Ik, 44aaVl,v ' f v. . fi .,.. nt- 1... handsomely Illustrated and i thf M.iivIhU" II II lajpmfaatlljav in ,i,iT! '.1 Bf F li-a- l In W ..1 July Mr ll, Ul ' nf III.. HI 'I lltftl 111 I'lo-- tint'.r. ttif printed on fine paper. If l ri lli r I I I . "f In II 0I1I) i't vvli III III. Iui fl'ill- - you get one, you'll want it-- . Iillla,iU.I 11 , cuMiiiH'ri'lnllir in u thn i ..f in r fhare. I I T H. - I the foi iya lluroi it it nruw in 1".. Till- laa.U.'.li . i i.f 1 , Hope other, so send both. ii ti tKKtlon ut the itat. and iwldow fall tu (rU. K la ..ti of hi. ...1 naiiilf tl loom, nu dm mt.-li- i I.. rfJlM prodnra an aliiwdani eof frnit. yet very aiittir uimi 'itnrr FcurMonthsAfterDato little haa h.. n doue V dev.-lu- it a an fl'f I :. .r l.ul ii.f"i imi. l,lll tli. 1...1 I . I'l l. ... .1- 1 1 BO omnia 'i. nl to low aU 1. 1. 1 a item of r imNMtva i u t I wnaaMa'-kt- ltd para-hr- f p M .. t 1.1 S i li iii nylufttWe t 11 lubj (UiwpcftH full, iv nil 11 lit 4i.mi- Tha BMmi Gotltfetta, wS .,( wtt'w.irt th- - n-- .. .11- tinwtliini of fy.'llu .4,ttlb. ui ljft 1 1 - OJtr-i.'- , r I wf.'-i.- i 'onil n ilBCi' li on- If . j t.1.1 fa. ( hi. will ixaa Ml.! tli, ..i . fu-l- i.. tit. tSO . .. iUMt1" " ' .'.mill . v.urli aii4 osnta and cultivated. A i rrimvator .nil I iii I for paat'irnn ht" il. . tiir.f iaalln ut. im . I.aa- - -- uinl I laf U Saeaaal Mall Ofcbr Edition tent II .r,- , ailrUrn F. " iinl Huuih rum. ,t yV!"l ... pottpaloi on receipt of T"a ill 4 M. it a few !" I . U. B I Take daya III Ml M-l- lH 'l I ,'. I tao'. ' . -- .' if 4.1 11 T AM. ariTlu.-a- tuai nun .U inuwnl nnu -- ."J r '.11 r 1 t . ' hr f Uoailrt 1 tiicn Mil ti ii , hf' tx'ii'i .) 'T aavn.l lil ni i'th 1... You 'i VjiLw Vi.' dus rn: 't about the iii.trki t ta Stuyvasunl PtiblitiW Co. 1 )uur riUao team. c.i it .1 and ti 1" .t, t .'", ft a. .u It M v ax - ' if itV til I .! U . I' '11 iita n iin Ala. ln. ii 1. ci ! aiitc.-- i .toe. 1 r. M. junane Km' Jat 3i9 gif4ta, Nw Yeb c;- - ll tl: . ' 1'. t ...' thHt t liiai. li .i i...t t.' l nil I t. J vo ir larlen ; L ifrlq-i- . 'I 'r'v;. ,! 1, 111 i w I of n. ,1 ' f.3. . our inii(k it nrdlta liki imm. ni k - I I I 4 I'HrilHV Nbul, tin i. of th tood. 'iill ...l')- ..." in "I'-rl- u. " i I i ') Ii i U afta--r 1 "f ' Ve " it li. '.. all," remark to I M ( OB l.- c be, mab .11 .tli ' Ha- - 11 t:..f . . 11 I - . h u'li.r aa hv rp red ii. III. . "i hay ' .t ii'Jiit n.!t. " i 'n tn if wutthl toon tin' t!' .1. , 1 t .1''. .. i .. ."tnu p. .,f I l.i w'1.1 hovered arouiii! --' :tu-- i 1 . tha t .r. '.4 adan lvi. vi. 'dvi' id .. ; i to 1 1'iei f inde . . mi a . fJJfBtP, H . ' ,1 r. 1. tie ' ' l.y, Mi. aabj 'ill f dry n 1 i!i ..'! forf Ardent," tke.weuiaii . 111 . i' ' ll.l.jt . 1 mt. tfhl. Imt 1 ' ' li v la a "bw fry aajalllat of you v 11 . all 'I hjri'lll ! uL., I t" i'it"i K ' . tl . crate. "The m lu that I am M. ' HI. . I I - . : (.'nail iv ui viol. K M. v ii ; r raijriaoaafaltii "Well, y..u ar aat," be re I. - f. .Vltutltf r. ; il) - ji- 11111 .i'.il r ii- feat lamaeaaoaai Dllcl, u .vitaiiily trl& Sf Hi" ' ' ii 1 IBo t. t .wlii kn .Lulu. il ' u lii t" r de- - you weie aouiewtwrv (tear frVtilci; ii -- .. .III . J) poii- - OrtMniifu NOW!, Hi. :i bviit- . 1. .