VIPNET NEWS—VIGYAN PRASAR NETWORK OF SCIENCE CLUBS APRIL 2021 VOL 1 NO 14 5 Human Space Flight- from idea to reality EDITOR IN CHIEF: Nakul Parashar

EDITOR: Arvind C. Ranade EDITORIAL PRODUCTION: Arvind C. Ranade Bipro Kumar Sen

EDITORIAL: Sumita Mukherjee ADDRESS FOR New Year New Milestones CORRESPONDENCE: t is almost four years now that cember. However, most of us do not know Vigyan Prasar, A-50, we started evaluating the perfor- the third, most scientific calendar accept- Institutional Area, Sector-62, mance of our active club mem- ed by government of India named Indian Noida-201 309, U.P, India bers and recognise their hard National Calendar. This calendar starts on Tel: +91-0120 2404430 work under various categories. This is a 22 March each year. small token of appreciation for their efforts After our Independence in 1947, the Fax No: +91-0120-2404437 and commitment for the betterment of the then prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal E-MAIL: society. The year 2020 was challenging Nehru and other academicians thought to [email protected] for the entire humanity. We didn’t know have our own calendar as there were so how the society will cope up and progress many calendars prevailing in the coun- WEBSITE: further. However, the perpetrator, COV- try that did not have any scientific base. ID-19 taught us many things and we were Therefore, in the year 1952, under the quick to adopt new norms to move ahead. chairmanship of Prof Meghnad Saha, a We adopted new techniques for teach- committee was constituted with more ing-learning and communication. Online than six expert members from astronomy, classes, webinar, virtual meetings, online mathematics and history of science and presentations, etc. became the buzzwords! astrometric. The Committee recommend- Vigyan Prasar is not VIPNETians did a marvellous work ed a calendar based on the principals of responsible for the during the lockdown. The activities they science and suggested Indian names for statements/opinions expressed planned and reports they sent once again the months. The Parliament of India ap- and photographs used by proved their commitment of taking science proved the calendar in 1957, with Chaitra the authors in their to the masses. This year’s recognition was 1, 1879 shaka, which was 22 March 1957, articles/write-ups not a regular affair. All Top 100 clubs and as the first day of the year. On 22 March published in “Curiosity” clubs in the Commendable Category have Earth is at spring equinox/vernal equinox performed exceedingly well by adopting with equal length of the day and night. In- Articles, excerpts from articles novel learning techniques, upgrading skills dia uses the Shalivahan shaka as the num- published in “Curiosity” may and delivering the message of science ber for the year, which started from 78 AD be freely reproduced with through various innovative means. They (making us to subtract 78 from Common due acknowledgement/ should now inspire the rest. Era year). Therefore, on 22 March 2021 credit, provided periodicals In India, traditionally we celebrate the we started a new year as 01 Chaitra, 1943 new year at the beginning, middle or at (the word shaka can be ignored). in which they are reproduced the end of the month Chaitra. It is called Therefore, can we pledge to use our In- are distributed free. Chaitra Pratipada, (13 April). This happens dian National Calendar from now onwards because some of us follow luni-solar or to propagate the real message of science Published and Printed by solar calendar or its combination. Chaitra and to develop scientific temperament? Dr Nakul Parashar on behalf Pratipada is popularly known as Gudi Let us start using it as much as possible in Padva in Maharashtra, Ugadi in Andhra our day-to-day life. We wish you Happy of Vigyan Prasar, Pradesh and Telangana, Puthandu in Baishakhi. A-50, Institutional Area, Tamil Nadu, Vishu in Kerala, Bohag Bihu Sector-62, in Assam, Nababarsha in West Bengal and Dr. Arvind C Ranade is Scientist ‘F’ and Noida-201 309, U.P, India Baisakhi in North India. National Co-ordinator of Vigyan Prasar Popularly we all use Gregorian Calendar Network of Science Clubs. which starts in January and ends in De- Email: [email protected] Cover Design & Illustrations By: Bipro Kumar Sen 2 April 2021 Human Space Flight–from idea to reality

Arvind C Ranade

rom the time antiquity, humans have tried to fly like birds! There are well-known examples wherein human have tried to make wings of various sizes, designs, and weights that will let them cherish this dream. Kites, hot air balloons, and paper planes made us inquisitive to explore more and more on how human can fly independent- ly or with the help of a device or an instrument that can take us to space. Wright brothers are credited with inventing, building and flying world’s first motor driven airplane in the early 20th century. Majority of the development in the field of modern science and technology Yuri Gagarin and Vostok 1 (Credit: Universetoday) took place during World War I and II. In the race of dominating each other, named Vostok-1 on 12 April 1961 from only difference in Vostok-1 and Mercu- many countries in Europe and America Baikonur cosmodrome, southern Ka- ry-Redstone 3 was that the earlier was started experiments in weaponry, rock- zakhstan to enjoy the credit of send- almost an automatic mission controlled etry, communication and intelligence, ing the first human in the space. Yuri from ground while the second one was medicine etc. Some of these advance- Gagarin became the first astronaut to manual wherein Alen Shepard himself ments can be looked in the perspective fly in space and come back successfully. controlled the altitude. of the space race as well. During the Vostok-1 took a single orbit around the Soviet Union also holds the third mid-20th-century cold war between Earth which flew to the upper atmos- record of putting first women in the Soviet Union and United States the phere at 169 kilometres at its lowest space, Valentina Tereshkova, through exploration of space started taking point. The flight took 108 minutes Vastok-6 mission on 16 June 1963. The shape. The first successful space flight from launch to landing. Yuri Gagarin second woman in space was Svetlana was made by Soviet Union when they was inside a capsule, which landed on Savitskaya of Soviet Union who flew launched Sputnik-1 on 4 October 1957. the ground through open parachute at However, on 31 January 1958 (within an altitude of 7 km. However, United the gap of three months) United State States launched its first human space launched their first artificial satellite, flight named Mercury-Redstone 3 on Explorer-1. Majority of the space ex- 5 May 1961 (within a gap of a month!) plorations were limited to Soviet Union with first American astronaut Alen and United States and for a long time! Shepard to fly 187 km at its lowest If we look at the history of first point. The 15-minute flight took off human to be in the space, the story from Cape Canaveral, and after success- becomes even more interesting. Soviet ful orbit, landed into the North Atlantic Union secretly executed a program Ocean with the help of a parachute. The Valentina Tereshkova

April 2021 3 in Soyuz T-7 space flight in 1982. Sally ogy, the Soviet Union continued their 2019. China is preparing for the third Ride was third in the list of women and space exploration by setting up of a one which will be more sophisticat- the first in the United States to fly in modular semipermanent space station ed and advanced space station to be space. She flew in space shuttle Chal- named MIR. It took almost ten-year launched in 2021-22. It is named as lenger on 18 June 1983 for the deploy- from 1986 to 1996. MIR orbited the Chinese Large Modular Space Station. ment of two communication satellites. Earth at an altitude of 354 km. It was These stories help us understand The space race was quite limited to in the space for about 4592 days and the race in space exploration that was these two countries for a long time. On finally closed the mission by successful going on for decades. It also made us May 25, 1961, American President John re-entry in 2001. realise the scope of collaboration and F. Kennedy announced the dramatic China’s space mission started quite cooperation in specific domains of space and ambitious goal of sending an Amer- recently on 29 September 2011 when technology and rocketry. One good ican safely to the Moon before the end they launched their space station, example would be the collaborative of the decade. This made United State Tiangong-1. China did two sortie mis- efforts of setting up the multination- to launch Apollo programs from 1963 sions, Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10, in al space station named International Space Station (ISS). It is a collaborative project of five leading space agencies across the globe: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of United States, Roscosmos from Russia, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) from Japan, European Space Agency (ESA), and Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The ISS is serving as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which scientific research is conducted on astrobiology, astronomy, meteorology, physics, and other fields. It is also helping on testing the spacecraft systems and equipment required for possible future long-dura- tion missions to the Moon and Mars. It is the ninth space station to be inhabited by crews. ISS is the original space pro- gram of United State named Freedom, which was initiated in competition with Soviet Union, but was combined with the integrated efforts later. Before ISS, A Man on the Moon (Credit: NASA) there were Salyut, Soyuz, Mir, Mir-2, to 1972, which resulted in six successful 2012 and 2013, respectively. The space Skylab, and Almaz space labs or space missions out of the total 17 Missions. station was the technology demonstra- stations in the space. One of the impor- By this mission about 400 kg of Moon tion which was later decommissioned tant aspects is almost all of these space sample was brought back to be tested in 2016 and brought back on Earth missions had the human space flight for in the Earth’s laboratory. This made through successful re-entry in 2018. various purposes. the United States to be the first nation Through Tiangong-1, China put on re- India was never in the rush for such to make landing of human possible on cord the visit of their first women astro- space race; the probable reasons could the Moon. Neil Armstrong and Edwin naut Liu Yang to space by Shenzhou-9 be (i) India got its independence only Buzz Aldrin made their mark to be first spacecraft. China launched its second in 1947; (ii) Economic conditions and human on the Moon through Apollo-11 space station, Tiangong-2, in 2016. priorities of the new government were on 20 July 1969. The station had two crew stationed for to look for the welfare of its citizens; With the advancement of technol- 30 days and it was decommissioned in (iii) India was not equipped with the

4 April 2021 of biomedicine and remote sensing. India launched its first Satellite Aryabhata on 19 April 1975 from Kapustin Yar which was a Russian launching pad. However, with tremendous hard work and efforts India soon developed its own space program and became self-reliant within shortest possible time. All this was possible because of the visionaries like Dr Vikram Sarabhai, Dr Satish Dhawan, and former president of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Today, India has gained respectful po- sition on the global map based on its credentials of successful development of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), Geosta- tionary Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), cryogenic engines, and International Space Station (Credit: NASA) better launching and tracking required space technology and space Soviet Union’s Soyuz T-11 space flight. facilities. India became the first country sciences; and (iv) Technical manpower, Mr Sharma spent 7 days, 21 hours, and to get success in its maiden attempts techniques, and method of science were 40 minutes aboard the Salyut 7 space for the Mangalyan and Chandrayan. at a nascent stage. However, India’s station. He and his team conducted Today, India is completely self-reliant Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma scientific and technical studies which in launching polar and geostationary became the first Indian astronaut to included forty-three experimental ses- satellites. India’s credentials were visit the space on 13 April 1984 with the sions. His work was mainly in the fields well-recognised across the globe when it successfully launched 104 satellites in one go! India has the plan for the first human flight with Gaganyan to be launched in upcoming years. Moreover, India is also looking forward to having human on the Moon and the present progress looks quite promising. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is now one of the major agencies for space exploration. The month of April is a great time to remember the first human space flight almost 60 years ago by Yuri Gagarin which is also one of the most important space missions in the history of human space flights.

Dr Arvind C Ranade is Scientist-F at Vigyan Chandryaan 1 (Source: ISRO) Prasar. Email: [email protected]


Kiran Dang

1600 meters above the mean sea level with mild temperate occupying 32% of the geographical area and about 53% of the cultivated area of the state. The major portion of the uncultivated area is under grassland. (iii) High-Hill Zone – The area above 1600 meters from the mean sea level has humid temperature and alpine pastures. It covers 25% of the geograph- ical area and about 11% of the cultivated area of the state. iv) Cold Dry Zone – The area above 2700 meters from the mean sea level occupies about 6% of the forest area and imalaya, the highest, young- meters above the sea mean level lies 3% of the geographical area of the state. est, and active subcontinental between 30°22 to 33°12 North Latitude The precipitation is as low as 200 mm mountain range, is divided and 75°47 to 79°04 East Longitude, during summer and in the winter very into western Himalaya, Cen- covering an area of 55673 km2. It makes heavy precipitation in the form of snow. tral Himalayas and Eastern Himalayas India’s border with Tibet to its east. It region. Himachal Pradesh is located shares its borders with J&K and Ladd- Rivers, Lakes, and Water Springs in the western Himalaya. It became a akh, Uttrakhand, , Punjab and Himachal t lies in the lap of lofty hills full-fledged state on 26 January 1971. It Uttar Pradesh. and is bestowed with great rivers like comprises 12 districts: smallest being the Satluj, which is the longest flowing the Hamirpur District and largest one is river originating from Mansarovar Lake Lauhal-Spiti. Shimla is its capital which in Tibet; the Beas originating from Beas has Himachal Pradesh’s High Court. Kund at Rohtang Pass in Kullu district; the Ravi originating from Tantgiri Topography glaciers in Chamba District; and the This beautiful mountainous territory Chenab originating from Baralacha pass with altitude varying from 350 to 7000 in Lahaul & Spiti Districts. These five river basins generate about 24000 MW of hydel potential. Pong , Pandoh Climate Zones Dam, and lakes are man- Himachal is divided in to four agro-cli- made lakes. Gobind Sagar lake (168 sq. matic zones. These are km) in Bilaspur and Una districts is the (i) Shivalik Hills – It has the foothills reservoir of world famous , and the valley areas up to 800 meters the world’s highest gravity dam, on the elevation above the mean sea level with river Satluj, that was once described by Sub Tropical climate, it occupies 33% of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru as a ‘Temple of the cultivated area of the land. Resurgent India’. (ii) Mid Hills – The area from 800 to Nature has blessed Himachal

6 April 2021 Pradesh with number of natural, min- and Forestry Universi- eral and thermal water springs. The ty Nauni, Solan; Him- natural sulphur water springs fascinate achal Pradesh Central visitors and are believed to cure many University, Dharm- ailments. Tatapani (51 km from Shimla) shala; and Himachal and Manikaran (45 km from Kullu) are Pradesh Technical well known all over the country for their University, Hamir- therapeutic properties. Other hot water pur. The state has springs are at Kasol near Manikaran, two medical colleges, Vashisht (3 km from Manali), and Khir- four dental colleges, ganga (26 km from Kullu). and two engineering colleges. To meet the Glaciers constitutional obliga- Valleys of rivers like Chenab and Beas tion to make Primary are fed by many Himalayan glaciers. 1,29,500 hectares, 2.33% of the total Education compulsory, Himachal has The longest glacier Mayar and the state area. It also has 28 sanctuaries. become the first state in India to make largest glacier Bara Shigri (25 km long Great Himalayan National Park in elementary education accessible to every and 3 km wide) in Lahaul-Spiti feed Kullu, has been declared a world natural child in the state. the Chenab River. The other small- and heritage site by UNESCO on 23 June medium-sized glaciers in Lahal-Spiti 2014. This is the 11th Natural Site of Sources of Livelihood are Chota Shigri, Pacha, Kulti, Shipting, India to get the status of world Natural I. Animals Rearing and Pisciculture in Him- The Lady of Keylong Bhadal etc. In fact, Heritage. It has 805 kinds of plants, achal Pradesh Lauhal-Spiti is popularly known as the trees and wild life, 209 species of birds, The livestock population of the state Valley of Glaciers. 230 species of butterflies, 250 species is approximately 52.50 lakh and total of herbs, 125 species of insects and 35 poultry population is 8.07 lakh. Al- Flora & Fauna species of other wild life. But some of most 90% of the people rear animals. On the basis of ecology, the forests are the species such as Snow Leopard, Musk The livestock not only provides animal classified as Coniferous and Broad- Deer, Serow, Blue Sheep, Ibex, Wolf, protein but also various types of raw Leopard, Western Tragopan and Chir material to industries. Majority of the pheasant are locally threatened. Pin animals found in Himachal Pradesh do Valley National Park in Lauhal-Spiti is a not come under a well-defined breed; cold desert, interspersed with a few dry but in the recent past, some improved Alpine meadows, scrub and dwarf juni- breeds such as Jersey, Holstein-Friesian per scrub type of forests and mammals and Brown Cross have become more like Red Indian Fox, Tibetan Gazelle, popular because of its genetic potential Snow Leopard, Himalayan Marmot, for higher milk yield. Sheep rearing is Himalayan Mouse-Hare, Indian Hare one of the major professions of Gaddi enhance the beauty and pride of this Tribes. It is indeed their way of life and national park. Col Sher Jung National not a mere profession. As the climate Park in Sirmour, and Inder Quila and of the state is favourable for rearing leaved forests. The vegetation varies Kheer Great Himalayan National Parks Angora rabbits, it provides a very good from dry scrub forests to Alpine pas- in Kullu are other well-known National source of income and employment tures at higher altitudes. Between these Parks of the state. The state animal of generation. A Germ Plasm Centre has two extremes, vegetational zones of Himachal Pradesh is Snow Leopard and been set up at Nagwain () mixed deciduous forests, bamboo, Chil, State bird is Western Tragopan. where pure breeds are bred on Scientific Oaks, Deodar, Kail, Fir, and Spruce are line. Another farm in Palampur Kangra found. Educational Institutions is run by the Government where Ger- Presently there are five universities in man Angora Rabbits are reared. Krishi National Parks and Sanctuaries the state: HP university Summer Hill, Vishavavidyalya’s scientists of Himachal There are five National Parks in Him- Shimla; HP Agricultural University, Pradesh (HPKV) are doing research achal Pradesh that cover a total area of Palampur; Dr Y.S Parmar Horticulture work at ‘Yak Breeding Research Station’

April 2021 7 in Sangla valley of Kinnaur District. made impoundments harbour more In cold and dry zones apples, prunes, During winters yaks are reared in than 78 species of fish. drying type of apricot, almond, chil- research farms and in summers they are goza, pistachio nut, walnut, hazelnut, left in the Alpine meadows in Chitkul, II. Horticulture, Floriculture and Sericulture grapes and hops are grown. Mushroom the last village before Tibet. Horse and Different types of fruits such as mango, cultivation and Beekeeping provide Yak breeding farm has been set up in litchi, guava, loquat, citrus, fig, early additional income. A large variety of Lauhal and Spiti. varieties of grapes, jackfruit, bananas, floriculture products like cut flowers, In Himachal Pradesh the rivers and peach, plum, pears and strawberries bulbs, seeds, live plants etc. are also their branches are abound with exotic are grown in low hill zones and Stone produced. Kangra district is famous for trout, mahseer, snow trout, loaches, fruits, walnut, pomegranate, pecan nut, tea cultivation. The Indian Institute of indigenous lesser barillas and mirror kiwi fruit are grown in mid hills. Apple, Himalayan Bio-research Technology corps. Besides these, many natural lakes pear (soft) cherry almond, Hazel Nut, (IHBT, CSIR centre at Palampur) has located in higher altitudes and man- strawberry are grown in high hill zones. introduced Lifelisation Technology to increase the shelf life of many perisha- Himachal Pradesh Quiz ble fruits and vegetables. Sericulture is another cottage industry helping people to earn their livelihood. Kangra District • Which is the state animal of Himachal Pradesh? is the pioneer in the field of sericulture. a. Musk Deer b. Yak. C. Snow Leopard d. Blue Sheep • Which is the longest river in Himachal Pradesh? Industrial & Mineral Wealth in Himachal a. Yamuna b. Chenab c. Ravi d. Satluj Pradesh Well-diversified base of industries • Which National Park has been declared as the World Natural Heritage by ranging from traditional handloom and UNESCO? handicraft-based cottage, micro- and a. Kheer Ganga b. Col Sher Jung c. Great Himalayan National Park d. Pin Valley small-scale industries to electronics, telecommunication, textiles, precision • Which is the smallest District of Himachal Pradesh? tools, pharmaceuticals, engineering, a. Mandi b. Hamirpur c. Shimla d. Kullu and food processing units have come up • Where are Alpine Pastures located? in the state. As much as the state’s 70% a. High Altitude b. Low Altitude c. Between the Extreme of High and Low altitudes industry is concentrated in Baddi-Nal- d. None of the above agarh belt and few other industries are in Paonta Sahib, Kala Amb, Una, and • Which is the World’s highest Straight Gravity Dam? Sansarpur. a. Bhakra Dam b. c. d. Bassi Dam There are two gold refineries in • Which is the state bird of Himachal Pradesh? the state: one in Solan and other in a. Western Tragopan b. Monal c. Blue Whistling Thrush d. Magpie Nadaun. Tahilwal in Una District is the first industrial area of the state to use • Which is the largest glacier of Himachal Pradesh? green fuel. GAIL has sanctioned a Rs. a. Beas Kund b. Bara Shigri Glacier c. The Lady of Keylong d. Bhaga Glacier 14-crore project to lay a 10-km-long gas • Which village situated in Himachal Pradesh is the last village in India pipeline from Mehanpur in Punjab to before Tibet? Tahilwal in Una District of Himachal Pradesh. a. Chet. b. Kothi c. Kalpa d. Chitkul Minerals found in Himachal Pradesh • Which mammal’s pure breeds are being reared on scientific line in ‘A Germ are limestones, rock salt and glass mak- Plasm Centre’ situated in Mandi District? ing sand, Gypsum, Barytes, Magnesite, a. Angora Rabbits b. Dwarf Hotot c. Dutch Rabbit d. All of the above Pyrite, Iron Ore, Copper, Cobalt, Nickle, Silver, Antimony, Coal, and Mica. Send us the correct answers of the quiz at The author is the Coordinator of Trinity [email protected] to win exciting prizes. Science Club (VP-HP0015) at Banjar, Kullu Email: [email protected]

8 April 2021 Astronomical Sky Map Events of FOR APRIL 2021 APRIL 2021

Vipin Singh Rawat APRIL 12 NEW MOON The Moon will be located on the The sky map is prepared as per the coordinates of Nagpur (21.09°N, 79.09°E). It includes constel- same side of the Earth as the lations and the brighter stars. For viewers south of Nagpur, constellations of the southern sky will Sun and will not be visible in the appear higher up in the sky and those of the northern sky will appear nearer the northern horizon. night sky. This phase occurs at Similarly, for viewers north of Nagpur, constellations of northern sky will appear higher up in the 08:00 IST. This is the best time sky and those of the southern sky will appear nearer the southern horizon. of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and THE MAP CAN BE USED AT 10 PM ON 1 APRIL; 9 PM ON 15 APRIL; star clusters because there is no AND 8 PM ON 30 APRIL. moonlight to interfere.

APRIL 22, 23 LYRIDS METEOR SHOWER The Lyrids is an average shower, producing about 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by dust particles left behind by comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. The shower runs annually from April 16-25. It peaks this year on the night of the 22nd and morning of the 23rd. The nearly full moon will be a problem and block out the brightest meteors. But if you are patient you may still be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation of Lyra but can appear anywhere in the sky.

APRIL 27 FULL MOON, SUPERMOON The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 09:01 IST. This is also the first of three supermoons for 2021. The Moon will be near its closest approach to the Earth and may look slightly larger and brighter than usual.

The author is Technical Assistant FebruaryApril 2020 2021 9 9 at Vigyan Prasar. Email: [email protected] THE CHEMIST IN THE KITCHEN

Dr. Ashaq Hussain

any of us cook every day. these air bubbles are produced, the gas a network of a new stretchy protein But do we ever put a thought expands on cooking and results in puffy called gluten. Gluten is a super or on the science of food and cakes or breads. Sodium bicarbonate complex protein which behaves just like various scientific processes (baking soda) is the most common elastic that holds the starch molecules that go on while cooking? Perhaps not! leavening agent used in cooking which together. The more the dough is knead- The kitchen is a great place to explore reacts with water to form carbon diox- ed and stretched the stronger the gluten chemistry in action. Nobel laureate ide gas. Deciding the amount of backing network becomes supporting more and Harold Kroto, exploring the kitchen powder is a job as critical as the job of more air bubbles. Unlike bread, the chemistry had rightly argued that no the chemist in the lab. If it is too much, chemistry of pastries is altogether dif- one has done so much to improve the ferent where bakers need to minimize lives of people like chemists. Heating, the production of gluten. This is done freezing, mixing and evaporation are all by first rubbing butter into the flour, processes used in the laboratory and coating the starch molecules with so in the kitchen. When we cook, a a layer of fat which prevents the myriad of different physical and contact of glutenin and gliadin chemical processes simultane- from water. ously take place to transform the The texture of baked food ingredients (reactants) present can be altered to a great extent in the food into new ingredients by the use of sugar. When (products) similar to that of sugar is mixed with butter any chemical reaction. In fact, the sharp edges of the sugar a kitchen is nowhere less than crystals allow forming of tiny a research laboratory and works air bubbles and turning the in the same way as a chemical mixture a pale creamy yellow laboratory. The only difference is colour. These bubbles expand in that the kitchen shelves are adorned the same way as the one created by with little jars filled with all sorts of the raising agents. Sugars also draw in cereals and spices and the laboratory moisture from air, which can have a is crowded with chemicals. Baking is then the bubbles will become too large significant effect on the water con- perhaps the most exciting example of and burst and if it is less, the density of tents of the baked goods. Brown sugar kitchen chemistry. Taking four ba- cake mixture will prevent formation of attracts more water than white sugar sic ingredients flour, sugar, fat and bubbles completely. So it will be only and finely powdered sugar attracts even eggs and subtly altering their cooking a good chemist-cook who will bake the more water than the granulated one. chemistry you can make delicious cake, best bread. Making bubbles seems to be Experimenting with the type of sugar crunchy cookies or flaky pastries just an easy task but getting them to remain and other raising substances, you can the way different products are obtained intact requires more sophisticated observe fascinating chemistry happen- by changing the quantity of reactants in chemistry. Bread is most often made ing in your kitchen. a chemical reaction. up of wheat flour which contains starch Chemistry in the kitchen is not Baking demands great scientific granules surrounded by two important limited to the baking only. Chemical understanding of working principles proteins, glutenin and gliadin. When reactions that take place during cooking of leavening or raising agents that mixed with water and moulded, the define the taste of each and every food. introduce air bubbles in the food. As glutenin cross-links with gliadin to form Meat is around 70 per cent water, and

10 April 2021 Become a Kitchen Chemist foKku dh ek;k

1. Magic Milk: Pour enough milk onto a plate to cover the bottom. Add a drop of food colour into it. Dip a cotton swab in dishwashing liquid. Touch the coated swab to the milk in the center of the plate. Note down your observations. 2. Apple Chemistry: Cut an apple into four equal pieces. Put tks feVkrk vKkurk] nsrk ges Kku gS] the first piece in a cup of water, second in a cup of vinegar, third in a cup of milk and fourth in a solution ogh foKku gS] ogh foKku gSA of baking soda for 30-40 minutes and observe the djrk tks eqf'dyks dks gy]cukrk vklku gS] changes. Remove each piece from the liquids and keep them on a piece of cloth or paper. Note the observations ogh foKku gS] ogh foKku gSAA over time. 3. Fool your Tongue: Take a piece of an apple and eat it. Put few drops of vanilla into a cotton ball and smell it. Taste foKku us gh jph vfo"dkjksa dh vuwBh ek;k] the remaining piece of apple while smelling vanilla vfo"dkj ftUgksaus ekuo thou dks ljy cuk;kA cotton. Did the piece of apple taste different? ekuo dks i`Foh ls vUrfj{k rd igq¡pk;k] 4. Orange Chemistry: Fill 3/4th of a glass with water and gently drop an orange into it. Note your observation lkjk lalkj gh gS bles lek;kAA (float/sink). Now take out the orange from the glass and peel it off. Now drop this peeled orange gently again in the same glass of water. Note down your observations foKku gS uo;qx dk vorkj] again. tks djrk gS Kku ls lk{kkRdkjA ekuo dh dYiuk dks djrk ;s lkdkj] the remaining 30% consist of mostly fat or proteins that contain a variable amount of collagen. It is said that the higher the amount cqf) vkSj Kku ls cnys mldk lalkjAA of collagen in the meat the tougher it is. Heating causes the colla- gen to shrink and contract forcing the water out and turning the meat from juicy and tender to chewy and dry and thus making it blus x<+h gS f'k{kk dh ubZ ifjHkk"kk] eatable. So, a good kitchen-chemist would like to choose the meat cukdj f'k{kk dks #fpdj]txkbZ ukb vk'kkA with low collagen which will require less heat and thus can be cooked in shorter time and with spending less fuel. vkvks thou esa oSKkfud –f"Vdks.k viuk;s] As a cook you can also evolve as a chemist and help others learn science in an exciting and innovative way. Lo;a dks thou esa çxfr iFk ij ys tk;sAA

Dr Ashaq Hussain is coordinator of Himalayan Education VIPNET Club lquhy dqekj oRl] foiusV Dyc dksfMZusVj] foiusVDyc% uUgs ia[kks dh (VP-JK0016) at Govt. Degree College, Chatroo. mM+ku ¼VP-DL0326½] fuxe fo|ky;] th Cy‚d cDdjokyk fnYyh Email: [email protected]

April 2021 11 Fish Biodiversity Mapping Project In River Ganga

Peeyush Gupta

anga is the largest river in species belonging to 23 India. Ecologically, Ganga orders, 97 genera, and is a complete assemblage of 65 families from all the various spectrums of habitat. stretches of the river were The river supports a rich number of fish recorded. Highest number fauna on which thousands of people of fish species has been depend for their livelihood. Although recorded from upper stretch, many studies on fish ecology have been namely Bijnor (N=93) and conducted largely to improve fisheries, Narora (N=89). Significant but fish diversity and their distribution number of fish species were pattern from conservation point of also identified from Farakka view have never been adequately (N=79) in the lower stretch. addressed for the river. Riverine Among the estuarine ecosystem of India has suffered from stretch, Fraserganj was intense human intervention resulting found to be more diverse in habitat loss and degradation and with number of species as a consequence many fresh water being 68. The important fish species have become heavily fish species landed from the endangered, particular in the Ganga river were identified and basin where heavy demand is placed on commercially important fresh water. To study fish and fisheries fish grouped as Indian of river Ganga, assess the key habitat Major Carp (IMC), Catfish, variables in relation to fish distribution exotics and local major and various biological activity of the fishes. Catch per unit effort Spawn collection from Ganga fishes, seed production (in-situ) of (CPUE) was analysed station selected fish species, fish ranching in the wise. Year-wise CPUE (freshwater fish with 50% overall survival rate. Flood depleted river stretches, and to conduct catch) comparison revealed that catch and inflow of tributaries have a positive awareness programme on sustainable from Ganga has increased from 3796.57 impact on spawn availability. This has fisheries and conservation to local t (2018-19) to 4263.55 t (2019-20). resulted low earnings of the fishermen fishers, Indian Council of Agricultural Based on the CPUE it was found that in the period engaged in the activities. Research (ICAR)–Central Inland the middle stretch (from Allahabad to Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) has Farraka) contributed 47.5% of total fish Induced breeding of Indian Major Carp collaborated with National Mission for catch from Ganga in 2019-20. Seed production and ranching of native Clean Ganga (NMCG) run by Ministry of Indian Major Carps (Labeo rohita, Jal Shakti. Spawn prospecting Gibelion catla, Cirrhinus mrigala and Qualitative evaluation of wild fish spawn Labeo calbasu) is a vital component Fish & Fisheries collected from Ganga represented in this project. The seed production The research was carried out all along keystone species like, Tor putitora, is carried out by induced breeding of the bank of Ganga covering 18 sampling Schizothorax richardsonii, Barilius the fishes. The broodfishes collected station and data was monitored on bendalisis and Barbs, minnows and throughout the year mainly from the quarterly basis. A total of 190 fish carps belonging to the family Cyprinidae lower stretch of the river by using a

12 April 2021 40 ranching and mass awareness programmes for fishers. The fishers were sensitized on the negative effects of using destructive methods of fishing like mosquito net and toxic chemicals and were advised not to catch the juvenile and brooder stocks, especially in the breeding seasons (June-August) for their sustenance in the river. Broodfish selection for induced breeding Also, awareness on “Conservation of Dolphin and other Aquatic Animals of river Ganga by community-based management system” were also conducted along the bank of the river. The aim was to restore the prized fishes of Ganga. CIFRI’s initiative under the project has created an impact among the local fishers.

Fish Tagging Ranching programmes in different ICAR-CIFRI tagged Indian Major Carps stretch of Ganga Nursery rearing of produced fish seeds and released them in the river to study migration behaviour and movements of the fish under the ‘Namami Gange’ project. The native carp fishery has continuously declined over past few decades due to various man-made and environmental factors. ICAR- CIFRI conducted a series of ranching programme during post-lockdown period. During the process of tagging, adult fish weighing more than 500 g of Injecting CPE for induced breeding Indian Major Carp (Labeo rohita, Labeo catla and Cirrhnus mrigala), popularly popular fish-aggregating device named known as Rohu, Catla, and Mrigal, were ‘Komor Jaal’ and more than 600 kg tagged and released in the river. Floy of brooders were collected so far. The T-bar anchor tags of standard size with broodfish are maintained in brood stock printed serial numbers were inserted in pond and reared for maturation. Total muscle just below the dossal fin. 320 kg (22.7 kg in 2017, 79.8 kg in 2018, NMCG phase I study made by 99.5 kg in 2019, and 117.2 kg in 2020) ICAR-CIFRI revealed that Ganga Awareness programmes in different of IMC brooders were breed successfully stretch of the river supports considerable diversity of the by producing 2 crore spawn during 2017 food fishes, ornamental fishes, and to 2020. Freshly hatched spawn were sport fishes that must be conserved. reared up to fingerling and advance stretches of Ganga and more than 25 Threat status evaluation of native fingerling before ranching in Ganga. lakhs of Mahseer and IMC fingerling species revealed that 10% of the total (produced by breeding the Gangetic species is in the threatened category Ranching & Awareness brooders) were released in order to (15 Near Threatened, 2 Vulnerable and As a comprehensive part of the CIFRI- conserve and restore IMC and Mahseer 2 Endangered) under IUCN red list NMCG project, fish ranching programme in different stretch of river. Under (2020). Under the present fish faunal was initiated in different depleted this activity, ICAR-CIFRI conducted assessment survey of Ganga, eight

April 2021 13 ecosystem also studied. Key pollution points identified in relation to fisheries abundance and distribution patterns and heavy metal accumulation study also conducted in commercially important fishes such as Hilsa, Phasa and Murrel etc. The results of phase I indicated that ranching and awareness activities have positive impact on the species and production enhancement, which will directly improve the fisher’s livelihood.

Socio-economic status of Ganga Fishing is an important source of income contributing to the economy of fishing communities living on the banks different exotic fish species, namely of Ganga. The study was carried out in Socio-economic survey in the banks of Ganga Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver 78 villages comprising 1180 fishermen carp), Hypophthalmichthys nobilis from different stretch of the River with (Bighead carp), Ctenopharyngodon the objective of assessing the socio- fisherman and some secondary sources idella (Grass carp), Cyprinus carpio economic parameters of the fishermen. inferred that Ganga and its tributaries (Common carp), Cyprinus carpio It was found that the various aspects contribute approximately Rs. 7678 var. specularis (Common carp), of the social as well as the economic crores to the fishermen’s livelihood Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus status of the fishers’ community depend and support protein supply to Indian (Vermiculated sailfin catfish), Clarias on Ganga. Fisheries-related activities populations. Hence, there is an urgent gariepinus (African Magur), and form major part in their total income need to take measures to conserve and Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) and play great role in their livelihood. sustain those fisheries to secure the life have been identified and their potential Present study based on the information and livelihoods of the millennia. risk on native fish fauna and river collected through direct interaction by The Phase II of NMCG project most importantly focus on restoration of selected fish species (Catla, Rohu, FISH AND FISHERIES OF GANGA- Mrigal, Calbasu and Mahseer) of Ganga Check your Knowledge through seed production and ranching which will increase the livelihood of the 1. What is the scientific name of ‘Fresh water shark’ available in Ganga? fisher folk. Constant effort has to be 2. What is the name of ‘Devil catfish’ available in Ganga? made to regain the availability of prized fish Hilsa up to Allahabad and Hilsa 3. What is the scientific name of Mahseer? ranching programme across Farakka 4. What is the scientific name of Snow trout? in continuation of the Phase I has to be 5. Name some of the major migratory fish available in Ganga. planned. Continuous ranching for large 6. What is the nature of migration of Hilsa fish? duration will enhance the sustainability of the river and the availability of fish 7. What is the reason behind scarce Hilsa landing at Allahabad? by the fisheries. Further some of the 8. Name the state fish of West Bengal found in Ganga. detritivores fishes have been targeted to 9. What is the scientific name of giant freshwater prawn available in Ganga? control the organic pollution (sewage). 10. What is the nature of migration of giant freshwater prawn? The author is Asst. Real Time Information Send us the correct answers of the quiz at Specialist, National Mission for Clean [email protected] to win exciting prizes. Ganga, Ministry of Jal Shakti. Email: [email protected]

14 April 2021 APRIL 2021 CLUB SPEAK

Magic of Science Dhubri Rural Science Society, Dhubri (VP-AS0002) celebrated National Science Day on 28 February 2021 with the students of UM High School, Dhubri. The Magic of Science was demonstrated to the Excursion tour to Agriculture students where various scientific phenomena were explained. Centre On the occasion of National Science day, Kartavya Welfare Association, Katihar (VP- ANSWERS OF CURIOSITY MARCH ISSUE BR0028) organised an excursion tour to the Jammu and Kashmir Quiz: 1. Jammu 2. Jhangir 3. Black necked crane 4. Agriculture Science Centre, Katihar for the stu- Chinar 5. Kashmir stag 6. Urdu 7. Jhelum 8. Sopore 9. Hari Singh dents of A A M Children’s Academy. The experts 10. Himadri – Pir Panjal from the centre demonstrated the Mushroom Cancer Quiz: a) 1; b) 2; c) 2; d) 1; e) 3; f) 2 culture, vermicompost making and Azola tech- nologies used in agriculture to the students.

Quiz & Poster Making Competition Big Bang Science Club, Panchkula (VP- CH0003) celebrated the National Science with the students of Chitkara International School, Chandigarh Science Awareness Programme with the objective to MIT Science Club (VP-UP0272) organised a sci- spread message about ence awareness programme for the residents of the importance of one of its adopted villages, Khurva Dist, Merrut. science used in the daily The programme was conducted in the premises life. Online quiz and of Composite School, Khurva where students, poster making competi- school staff, and local residents were explained tion were organized on about the science behind the miracles. the occasion.

April 2021 15 APRIL 2021 CLUB SPEAK

VIPNET ACTIVITY STARS! Science Toys and Model making Competition Jammu Kashmir Quiz Rayat Science Club, Satara (VP-MH0203) conducted an online Sumeer Ahmed, Science toys and model making competition for the students Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, for K.B. Patil Vidyalaya & Jr. College, Dhebewadi from 24 to University of Madras, Chennai-14 28 February 2021. The science models and toys were prepared by the students and demonstrated virtually; the winners were Cancer Quiz announced on National Science day. Alok Kumar Ray President of Chanakya Science Club (VP-JH0051)

National Science Day Celebration The National Science day was celebrated by Pathani Samanta Science Club, Kalahandi (VP-OD0001) by explaining the numerous scientific phenomenon such as Newton’s Cra- dle, Multiple Reflection, Yo-Yo, conservation of energy, Newton’s Colour Disc Refractive Index, Internal Structure of our Body, through various teaching aids.

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16 April 2021