!lnwick and Cornhill branch of the North Eastern rail- circular carrnp. Alexander Browne e!JQ. J.P. is lord of way, 2 miles north from Whittingham and 9 miles west the manor and sole landowner. The soil is clay and from . There is a Church RHom he,re, in which sandy, with clayey subsoil. The chief crops are barley, a sunday school and occasional services are held. The oats and turnips, some land heing in pasture. The Presbyterian Church of was built in 1783 and area is 3,990 acres; rateable value, £2,283; the popula­ will hold 410. A.rthur Burdett Collingwood eliq. of tion in 19II was 198. Lilburn Tower; W. H. Pawson esq. J.P.; A.. C. R. LEtters through Whittingham, Northumb. arrive at 9.15 Tewart esq. of Mundford, Norfolk; and G. P. Rughes a.m. & 4 p.m. The latter is the nearest money order, esq. of Middleton Hall, Ilderton, are the principal land- telephone call & telegraph office, 2 miles distant. owners. The soil is clayey and the subsoil clay, gravel There is a telephone from the Castle to Whittingham and rock. The chief crops are oats, potatoes and Council School (mixed), built in 1876, for 56 children; turnip8. The area is 1,392 acres; rateable value, average attendance, 30; William Chisam, master; £2,718; population in Igii, 447· Robert Gray, Yetlington Farm, correspondent

Post, M. 0. & T_ & Telephone Call Office (letters should ! LORBOTTLE is a township and village in the union of have :Northumberland added).-John Thomas Whittle, I Rothbury, d miles north-by-west from Rothbury station. sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 8.20 & 9·30 a.m. There are some lime-kilns in the neighbourhood, but & 4.10 p.m. ; sundays, 12 noon, to callers only; dis- they are not worked. Lorbottle Hall is now occupied by patched at II a.m. & 6-4o p.m.; sundays, 6 p.m Mrs. Raleigh Grey. .Alexander Browne esq. J .P. is the Council Schools (mixed), erected in 1875 & enlarged in ! owner of the township. The soil is light loam and clay,

1892, for IJ4 children; average attendance, roo; Jas. 1 with a clayey subsoil. The chief crops are barley, oats Greig, master; Mrs. Greig, mistress; H. W. Walton, · and turnips. The area is 2,435 acres; rateable value, .ilnwick, correspondent . [1,213; population in I9II, 63. Ca:rier.-Ro?ert Gr.a~, to Alnwick, eve:y sat : RYLE (Great and Little) are townships in Rothbury Ra1lway Statwn, Wllham Surtees, statwn master ' union, about 4~ miles west from Whittingham 11tation . . . . on the A.lnwick and Cornhill branch of the North POWBURN ~s a hamlet m this ~ownship, about. a I Eastern railway, and 12 north-west from A.lnwick. Lord quarter of .a mlle from Hedgeley statiOn on t~e Alnwlck I Ravensworth is lord of the manor and sole landowner and Cornhlll branch of the North Eastern railway. of the townships. The s.oil is good loam. The crops are Post, M. 0. & Telephone Call Office.-Miss Eleanor of the usual kind. The area of Great Ryle is 1,099 'l'hompson, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive through acres; rateable value, £892; the population in I9II was Aln"ick at 9.40 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at 11.10 45· The area of Little Ryle is 528 acres; rateable a.m. & 6.50 p.m. week days only. Glanton, ri miles value, £797; the population in 19II was 27. distant, is the nearest telegraph office Letters through Whittingham arrive at Great Ryle at The children of this place attend the schools at Branton 11 a.m. & Little Ryle at 12.15 p.m. The nearest & Glanton money order, telephone call & telegraph office is at Wh~ttingha.m, 3 miles distant CALLA.LY-WITH-YETLINGTON forms a township 1 The children of this place attend the school at A.lnha.m in the unio!l of Rothbnry. is 2 miles south I SHA. WDON is a township in the union of Alnwick, from. Wlntt.mgham . and 6 north-west from Rothbu_ry; · froo:n which it is miles north-west, and about half 7! 8 Yetlmgton IS 3~ miles west-south-west from Wh1ttm~- mile east fmm Glanton station on the A.lnwick and Corn- ham, and 8 north-north-west The I hill branch of the North Eastern railway. In I 6I, fro~ Rothb~ry. ch~pel 7 of ease at Todley Moor, erectoo m r884, 1s a small edifice 1 . · d' d d 'tt' f 'th d · db th 8 · 0 Wh'tt'1 dunng excavatiOns, som-e stone urns were lSOOvere an WJ 7° SI mgs, an Is serve Y VICar :m2'- j in 1829 gold coins of tha reign of Edward I. were turned ~am. C~llaly Cast~e, o~lCe the s~at of the C~a.vermgs, I up. Sha.wdon Hall, the property of William Hargrave 1s an anc1ent mansiOn mcorporatmg an earher tower p J p h · d f th d 1 d · f b d h 'd f A.l d awson esq. . . w o IS 1or o e man 0 r an so e atmg ram a out .1300, . an t e resi enced . o e:xan . . er 1an d owner, an d th e res1'd ence of R o b er t B as il H oare e s q . Browne esq. J.P.: 1t Is pleasantly seate m an extensive J p . · f t 'd t th 81't f park, ornamented with some fine tirnhe!I' and nnmerous · d· Slhs a dmanTswn ° sh~nhe, hsai ° o~cupyd' e e do 1 l t t . A. b h f th · A.l t th 0 a.w on ower, w lC as 1ong smce 1sappeare . pan a 1ons. · f ranc d o· t e nver· f n · raverses· t k e Th e c h'1e f crops are w h ea t , b ar1 ey, b eans an d t urn1ps.· groun d s, an d 1s orme m o a senes o mm1a ure 1a es Th . . bl £ . t k d IS 1 WJ'th -wa erfall s, w h'JC h are we 11 s t oc e d Wl'th fi s h an t'e area. 1,232 acres, ratea e va ue, 1,353, popu- frequented by water-fowl; the scenery around is highly 1a Ion m I9II, 95· . . picturesque. In the neighbourhood are several encamp- Letters through Alnw1ck arnve at 9.30 a.m. & 4 p.m. ments, and many traces of its once fortified position. Glanton is the nearest money order & telegraph office, On the summit of Castle Hill are the remains of a 1 mile distant WHITTINGv. James (Presbyterian), Carston William, farmer, Thrunton district, Rotlibury union & South­ The Manse, Powburn Lowfield ern district, Glendale union •Buckle Lieut.-Col. Dudley William (late R.A.. ), Bream ish ho. Powbnrn Castle Family &. Commercial Wilson Robert, coach builder Hotel (Edwd. Cunnington, propr) Collingwood Col. Cuthbert George Cunnington Edward, Castle Inn family CA.LLA.LY-WITH- YETLINGTON. C.B., J.P. Glanton pyke & commercial hotel & posting house Brrwr!e .Alexander J.P. Callaly castle Kay Rev. George Frederick L. Th. Curry Waiter, farmer, Mount Hooley Clayhill Beckett, Dancing hall Durh_ (curate) Dick Ed-ward, cycle agent Gibson Misses Macdonald Rev. W. King H., M.A. Dixon William & Son, grocers Clark William, farmer, Ymlington lane (Presbyterian), The Manse Gibb &; Sna1th, millwrighh Clayhill Beckett, land steward to A._ Robertson Mrs. Glanton house Gibb _\lice (Miss), shopkeeper Browne esq. J.P. Dancing hall Thompson Mrs The Villa Gibb William, cycle agent Omwfo-rd Lionel, farmer, Cross hill Trevor-Roper Bertie Wm. Edwd. M.B ' GrE'en .Tackson, farmer. Mountain frm Gray Robt. farmer, Yet1ington fa..T'lrmm COMMETICIAT•• Benders on Margaret (Miss), dress rna Hunter John, farmer, Callaly mill Armstrong Jn. frmr. High Blakehope Henderson Thomas, blacksmith Johnson Wm. & Ja~. estate carpenters Brown Thos. (~rs. ), farmer, Mile end Hindmar~h Adam, farmer ~icholson Alfred Hv_ g-ardener to A._ Dodds Brothers,· builders, joiners, " - Hudson Richard, grocer Browne esq. J.P. Callaly castle undertakers, cartwrights &;c.; & at Hunter Adam, joiner t{) Lord Ravens- Patterson James, gamekeeper to A.. Powburn worth Browne esq_ J.P Dodds Samuel James, butcher Hunter Richard A.. farmer, Thrunton Watson Edward, farmer, Thistleton D1Jdds Thomas Wardle, farmer Miller Robert, farmer, Thrunton mill Douglas r~abel (Mi1111), confectioner Pringle A.dam, farmer ESLINGTON. Douglas William, ironmonger Reading Room &; Library (P.Atlcinson, Branfoot Wm. J opling, Eslington hall Foggin R. & Son, grocers sec) Donkin James & Sons, farmers Gladstone John, Red Lion P.H NORTHUMB. 34