88 Addison Ave Athelstone 5076 Number 139 Jul-Aug-Sept 2013 In this Edition: Partnership with Pembroke School President’s update Safety Alert Major Day Out Training Planting Day at Fourth Creek Friends Forum Diary Dates President’s update There is a lot going on at the moment. We saw four prescribed burns in Black Hill Conservation Park over a bit longer than a year. There was the Cherryville fire, and next year, DEWNR is proposing to burn about a quarter of Morialta Conservation Park.

The most recent burn in Black Hill was planned to cover 6 hectares, but 24 hectares were burned.

I am concerned that recommendations following the Victorian bushfires were adopted in , without any adaptation for local conditions, environmental conditions or population density.

One of the spring burns in Black Hill has left the land bare and eroding in places, sour sobs, annual veldt grass and bridal creeper coming up thickly in other parts. Not to say these weeds were not there before but it seems their early emergence will make it very difficult for the bush to recover from the burn, and I fear that the local ecosystem has been changed permanently.

The committee has asked DEWNR for more information about the decision making processes behind controlled burns, the timing of burns and environmental reports pre and post recent burns. We are also seeking reassurance that the Cherryville burns will result in the department’s current burn plan being reviewed and modified.

Please feel free to share your thoughts about prescribed burns and the environmental impacts, both good and bad, and the issue of Conservation Parks being burnt for “asset protection” purposes.

John Fleming Major Day Out Major Day Out is a national event, to draw attention to bush care, in a similar way to Clean Up Australia Day. The Friends of Black Hill are very pleased once again to be involved in Major Day Out this year.

We will be inviting people to come to Morialta Conservation Park, and clear a section of the creek line of weeds, in particular, Nasturtiums and Tangiers Pea, both of these weeds choke the creek and smother our native plants.

Come along and help on Sunday 8th September if you can, or spread the word about the event, and encourage others to come. More details will be on our website and facebook page closer to the day.. I have included a Major Day Out book mark with the paper copy of the newsletter, let me know if you would like more to distribute to others. John Fleming Committee Contacts President John Fleming Ph: 8336 5275 presid [email protected] Deputy President Graham Churchett Ph: 8336 5070 Secretary Russell Dahms Ph: 8336 5275 [email protected] Treasurer Russell Dahms Minute Secretary Ann Taylor Records Officer Newsletter edit or John Fleming Ph. 8336 5275 [email protected] Website John Fleming Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul-Aug-Sept 2013 Page 1

Planting day at 4 th Creek The 2nd June was our planting day at 4 th Creek. With help from the Kiwanis, and funding from Campbelltown Council grant, participants enjoyed a sausage sizzle at the end of the working bee. All the plants we had ready for the working bee were put in. Thanks to everyone involved for a great morning. We are already planning next year’s planting day for 4 th Creek and hope it will be bigger and better than this year!

A Collaborative partnership between the Friends of Black Hill and Morialta and Pembroke School

As Friends of Black Hill & Morialta, members will remember Olive Hill, as this was the first project site we were given by National Parks and Wildlife and those of you who were involved with the initial work, removing olives and other weeds, raising tube stock and planting with the local community, school children and service clubs, will be aware of the enormous effort that has gone into this site.

Since 1989 I have been coordinating the conservation Community Care Program for Pembroke School Inc in the Black Hill and Morialta Conservation Parks and in 2012 there was a student, Hamish Morelli, who after his term visit had ended, made contact with me in May 2012, seeking guidance and support for an Individual Fieldwork Report required for SACE Stage Two Geography Studies. He had worked with fellow students on Olive Hill removing olives and other weed species and now wanted to conduct surveys on the effects of olive on native vegetation, how olives came to the area, how they were spread and control methods applied to control this particularly invasive pest plant specie. We inspected the area and after a number of discussions and suggestions, Hamish conducted a number of field trips and in July he completed his 26 page assignment. He received an A+, the highest mark. I should also mention here that he also completed an exceptional project on unexploded ordinance in Laos.

Along with his study demands, he wanted to be involved in further conservation work on Olive Hill and involve Pembroke School. He expressed a desire to organize a number of Working bees with Pembroke Staff, Parents and students and spoke at assemblies seeking support. I was asked if I would coordinate the on site activities and how could one refuse. Six project dates were chosen this year and we have held two successful working bees on the site.

Hamish Morelli and Daniel Tian Marjut Maenpaa, Vicki & Hamish Morelli

Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul Aug Sept 2013

Page 2 Some of our willing workers:

Daniel Tian, Steven Glenn, Alex Gheorgiu *sitting down, Jack Alison, Hamish, Mark & Vicki Morelli

I am also the Adult Supervisor for this two year Pembroke School International Baccalaurreate Diploma Programme and students attending are required to meet a number of standards and competency levels. I am happy to report that all have worked exceedingly well, they have been a joy to work with, and I look forward to continuing with the remainder of the year’s programme.

I must mention too, the support given by Pembroke School staff and parents. This has been encouraging and together, we have formed a close, energetic, productive team.

Graham Churchett Project Coordinator and Deputy President Friends of Black Hill & Morialta Inc..


To all Partnerships and Stewardship Group staff, volunteers and Friends’ groups USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES Regrettably 2012 saw a number of serious vehicle accidents occur within the Group, including two serious rollovers. Recently there was a further incident where a worker was riding on the outside of a Departmental vehicle and was thrown to the ground. Thankfully the staff involved received relatively minor injuries, however there was potential for a far worse outcome. The use of Motor Vehicles is essential in conducting our business. So too is the reality that we often operate vehicles over long distances at relatively high road speeds, on remote roads and tracks in a range of conditions. To avoid motor vehicle accidents drivers are reminded that:

• they must be suitably trained and have practical experience in the vehicle and types of terrain they will operate in. • they must familiarise themselves with the vehicle they intend to operate and ensure that it is in a roadworthy condition – pre use checks are completed and any safety problems attended to promptly. • they must drive to the road conditions and their abilities at all times. Use caution whenever there is any doubt over safety. All workers have an obligation under Section 28 of the Work Health Safety Act (2012) to take reasonable care of their and their co-workers health and safety and to comply with the requirements of the Department’s Safe Driving Policy. In addition drivers are also reminded of their wider legal obligations under the Road Traffic Act (1961) and Australian Road Rules.

Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul Aug Sept 2013

Page 3 • they must pay particular attention to load carrying vehicles. For example many Fire Quick Response Vehicles (QRVs) with suspension upgrades must have a minimum weight carried in the tray at all times. If unsure check before using the vehicle and ensure the correct minimum weight is being carried. Remember both over and under load situations can dramatically alter the driving dynamics of the vehicle. • travel plans and itineraries must include suitable fatigue breaks. As a rule of thumb allow 15 minutes per 2 hours of journey time. Refer to the Safe Driving Policy for further guidance. Managers are not to approve travel plans that do not allow for suitable rest breaks. • riding on the outside of Departmental vehicles and trailers, on “side steps” or “running boards” of any description or in any cargo area is illegal on public roadways and is strictly forbidden at any time.

The Department’s “(DENR) Safe Driving Policy” can be found here: http://ishare.env.sa.gov.au/Business/DEWNR%20Policies/SitePages/DEWNR%20OHSW%20Policies.aspx

This Policy will be reviewed including the Driving Training requirements. However, attention is drawn to Section 5.1 of the Policy which sets out current driver training requirements. Supervising managers have an obligation to monitor compliance with the above requirements. Staff have an obligation to ensure that they comply with these requirements at all times. Prepared by: Peter Bercys, Safety Projects Officer Approved by Director Regional Coordination Partnerships and Stewardship Date Issued: 16 May 2013 Remove from Notice Boards: 14 August 2013

Should you need to report a matter of concern. Please contact the numbers below for Dept of Environment and Natural Resources assistance: Business Hours: Ph: 8336 0901 After Hours Duty Ranger Contact: Reporting Mountain Bike Riders, rubbish dumping or other matters: Ph. 1300 650 411 - Leave a message for pager number 465 281


2013 Introductory Bush Regeneration Workshops - by Trees For Life

Dear Friends

The calendar for Introductory Bush Regeneration Workshops is now available. The one day workshop covers topics such as the values of and threats to remnant native vegetation, strategic approaches to bush restoration, maximising biodiversity outcomes, and practical minimal disturbance techniques. (see further information on the next page from Trees For Life)

DEWNR has purchased a number of spots for DEWNR Volunteers. Course dates and venues are as follows:

2013 One Day Workshops: 9 am – 4.30 pm - classroom and 1-2 hour field trip:

Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul Aug Sept 2013

Page 4 Wednesday 24 July Cherry Gardens Saturday 28 Sept Mt Barker Thursday 8 August Brooklyn Park Wednesday 9 Oct Victor Harbor Saturday 17 August Clare Saturday 19 Oct Burnside Saturday 24 August Playford Friday 1 Nov Stirling Wednesday 1 Sept Pt Noarlunga Wednesday 20 Nov Brooklyn Park

Workshop sizes are limited, and we will do our best to organise your first preference.

Learn How To Protect Our Natural Environment South Australia's respected environmental organisation, Trees For Life, offers people from all walks of life the opportunity to help restore and protect our State's native vegetation.

Friends Group Members can gain hands-on experience through TFL's Bush For Life program, initially by attending one of the bush regeneration workshops which are held throughout the greater metropolitan area each year.

At the workshop, participants will learn:

• why the bush needs your help; • the best strategies for restoring ecological processes; • minimal disturbance techniques; • how to work safely in the bush; • how you can get involved as a Bush For Life volunteer

Continuous learning opportunities are also provided through the program, ensuring participants discover the best techniques to get native plants regenerating and how to defeat invasive weeds.

For more information on what these workshops cover and who they are targeted at, please see details on the Trees For Life website: http://www.treesforlife.org.au/getinvolved or call their office on 8406 0500.

The course is free to the participant (as DEWNR has paid for several places), but your booking must be made via your Friends Group President or Secretary, to the Volunteers and Partnerships Unit .

For those who were on the waiting list, you will need to submit a new registration form , together with a signature from your group’s President or Secretary. Note that this circular has not been sent to people who had previously registered.



Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul-Aug-Sept 2013 Page 5 FRIENDS OF PARKS FORUM AT NARACOORTE 2012 The Forum opened on Friday night 5 October with a welcome by Erica Vickery, Mayor of the District Council of Naracoorte Lucindale, and Deborah Craven-Carden, Manager Naracoorte Caves. The guest speaker was Ian Lewis, who spoke about the formation of the Naracoorte caves and the geology of the south-east.

On Saturday morning, we were addressed by Dr Liz Reed (a Fulbright scholar from USA), a palaeontologist, who is conducting research in the Naracoorte caves; followed by a tour of the caves (a World Heritage site).

We visited the following caves: • Victoria , where we were guided to the Fossil Laboratory where the mega fauna bones were discovered in 1969. We were addressed by Professor Rod Wells, who was one of the discoverers of this site. • Blanche Cave, which is a vast chamber where people used hold balls and parties many years ago. Dr Liz Reed addressed the group alongside the pit, which she and others have dug as part of their research. • The Wonambi Fossil Centre, which is a simulation forest and swampland of 50,000 years ago, with model animals, such as the marsupial lion, Tasmanian tiger and diprotodon which move their heads and either roar or bark. These animals lived with the kangaroos, wombats, koala etc which we are familiar with today. • The Bat Centre, where can you view the Southern Bent Wing bats in their cave on TV screens. We were also shown the entrance to the Bat Cave where these bats live.

During the evening we attended the dinner, where various DEWNR (Dept of Environment, Water & Natural Resources) awards were presented. I accepted an Outstanding Achievement Award for a Volunteer Group Project for the radio programs produced by Tony Ryan. The citation for this Award reads as follows. Project: ‘Park Friends – community environmental education initiative’ The Friends of Black Hill & Morialta, in partnership with Para Broadcasters Association (PBA FM), and the Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board have significantly contributed to and supported the development of twelve radio broadcasts with a focus on conserving and valuing parks in South Australia The Park Friends Initiative was designed to broadcast the stories, experiences and the values of conserving South Australia’s Parks to a wider audience through the PBA FM, as well as podcasts, related topic discussions and a dedicated website. This project model – linking radio, website, text, photographs, CDs and podcasts – could well be adapted in any number of ways in many contexts for further lifelong learning initiatives, using radio in conjunction with the latest ICT – information communications technology. In embracing new ways to connect with people, the Friends of Black Hill & Morialta have engaged with a wide audience to communicate the value of conserving South Australia’s parks and reserves, and in doing so, have raised the profile of Parks Friends for all Friends of Parks groups across the State. Congratulations to the Friends of Black Hill & Morialta.

I accepted the award & made a short speech thanking Tony for including the Friends of Black Hill & Morialta in his project, as well as the various participants, including the Minister, Paul Caica, Departmental staff, Natural Resources Management board & staff and others. We received a large framed certificate, a cheque for $1375 and a booklet, Bats of the . This was followed by an address by Professor Rod Wells about the discovery of the fossils at the Naracoorte caves and applying for the World Heritage listing. On Sunday morning we visited the Bool Lagoon, where my friend Judy Homfray and I took a walk along the Gunawar Trail and then listened to talks about the threatened species of Bool Lagoon and the wetlands of the South East.

We returned to Naracoorte after lunch, where we were addressed by Jack & Pat Bourne, who have spent a lifetime at the lagoon; Tim Collins, Acting Group Executive Director, Partnerships & Stewardship Group, DEWNR and David Mitchell, President, Friends of Parks. David spoke about promoting and marketing

Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul Aug Sept 2013

Page 6 Friends of Parks. The Forum then officially closed. The next one will be held in May 2013 on .

On Monday, as an extra, I toured the (south of ), guided by the Senior Ranger Glenn Jackway and the Friends of Canunda. This was 4-wheel drive only driving through the sand hills and seeing some different wildflowers, Lake Bonney and stopping for lunch at No.2 Rocks, a beautiful beach. The tour finished at lighthouse & then returned to Millicent. After arriving at Millicent, where a friend of Glenthorne Farm, Alan Burns and I visited the Information Centre and were told about Lake McIntyre on the outskirts of Millicent. This is a disused quarry, which has been filled with water and is a haven for some 80 bird species. It takes about 20 minutes to walk around it, with a couple of bird hides and an island in the middle. Alan is a keen bird watcher and was able to identify and show me some of the various birds we saw there. It is also a beautiful park with shelters, barbecues and playground.

I would urge members to attend the next Forum; the speakers are excellent and you get to visit places on the tours that you otherwise might not get to see, as well as having a personal guide/local to show you around. Naracoorte Forum was great, along with Kimba in 2011 and Woomera in 2010. Ann Taylor Friends Forum 2014

Planning is well underway for the Friends of Parks Forum on Kangaroo Island in 2014. The Forum will be held from May 10 to 12 2014 with the theme-

Connecting People Places and Parks Kangaroo Island one of Australia’s natural strongholds The islands natural assets and natural defences create the opportunity for a whole of landscape approach to conservation

The organising committee, consisting of Friends of Cape Gantheaume, Friends of Dudley Parks, Friends of KI West, Friends of the Glossies and Natural Resources KI, have secured some excellent guest speakers on the unique aspects of islands and Kangaroo Island specifically. The field trips will be unique and access some places not accessed by visitors. We have established a strong partnership with Sealink and Kangaroo Island Community Education.

The draft program for the forum is as follows-

10 May 2014- 11-5pm Guest Speakers and Forum Matters (including lunch and afternoon tea) 6:30pm Forum Dinner

11 May 2014 9am-5pm Field Trips 6:30pm BBQ Dinner

12 May 2014 9am-1pm Guest Speakers and Forum Matters (including morning tea and lunch)

The detailed program will be developed in the next couple of months .

Sealink are preparing some travel and accommodation packages specifically for this Forum, at reduced rates, which will only be available once registration commences in about September 2013.

The organising committee is now seeking sponsors for the Forum. Attached is some further information that your group may wish to consider.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any matter further,

Daniel Rowley Email- [email protected] Chair Forum 2014 Committee Phone- 0467 319 925

Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul Aug Sept 2013

Page 7 Diary Dates! Wildflower Garden Please note: Working bee dates may change due to weather Sunday 18 August 2013, 9:00pm conditions and other factors. Please wear suitable clothing, Black Hill Conservation Park all tools provided. Remember to check our website for Meet at the building at 88 Addison Avenue Athelstone. changes to the schedule! 4th Creek Project 1 st Falls ARPA project Tuesday 20 August 2013, 9:30 am Monday 1 July 2013, 8:30 am Morialta Conservation Park Montacute Valley Meet near the interpretive signs by the car park Black Hill Conservation Park closest to first falls. Collaborative project with Australian Retired Persons Association. Committee Meetings Tuesday 7:30pm 4th Creek Project 1 st Falls Black Hill Conservation Park Tuesday 2 July 2013, 9:30 am 88 Addison Ave, Athelstone. Morialta Conservation Park • 16 July 2013 Meet near the interpretive signs by the car park • 20 August 2013 closest to first falls. • 17 September 2013

Wildflower Garden 4th Creek Project Sunday 7 July 2013 9:00 am Sunday 25 August 2013, 9:00 am Black Hill Conservation Park Morialta Conservation Park Meet at the building at 88 Addison Avenue Athelstone. Meet the Resource Centre car park

Horsnell Gully Wildflower Garden Saturday 20 July 2013, 2:00pm Sunday 1 September 2013, 9.00 am Horsnell Gully Conservation Park Black Hill Conservation Park Meet in the main car park at Horsnell Gully. Meet at the building at 88 Addison Avenue Athelstone. Focus on broom, periwinkle and tangier pea. Working bee will be cancelled if it is raining. ARPA project Monday 2 September 2013, 8:30 am Wildflower Garden Montacute Valley Sunday 21 July 2013, 9:00 am Black Hill Conservation Park Black Hill Conservation Park Collaborative project with Meet at the building at 88 Addison Avenue Athelstone. Australian Retired Persons Association

4th Creek 4th Creek Project 1 st Falls Sunday 28 July 2013, 9:00 am Tuesday 3 September 2013, 9:30 am Morialta Conservation Park Morialta Conservation Park Meet at the free car park, turn off at the pay station on Meet near the interpretive signs by the car park Morialta Falls Road (off Stradbroke Road). closest to first falls.

Wildflower Garden MAJOR DAY OUT Morialta 8 September 2013 Sunday 4 August 2013, 9:00pm Black Hill Conservation Park Wildflower Garden Meet at the building at 88 Addison Avenue Athelstone. Sunday 15 September 2013, 9.00 am Black Hill Conservation Park ARPA project Meet at the building at 88 Addison Avenue Athelstone. Monday 5 August 2013, 8:30 am Montacute Valley Horsnell Gully Black Hill Conservation Park Saturday 21 September 2013, 2:00pm Collaborative project with Australian Retired Persons Horsnell Gully Conservation Park Association. 3 cnr garlic, chinckerinchee, tangier pea and brush- cutting Horsnell Gully Meet in the main car park at Horsnell Gully. Saturday 17 August 2013, 2:00pm Working bee may be cancelled if it is raining. Horsnell Gully Conservation Park Broom, chinckerinchee, tangier pea and 3 cnr garlic 4th Creek Meet in the main car park at Horsnell Gully. Sunday 29 September 2013, 9:00 am Working bee will be cancelled if it is raining. Morialta Conservation Park meet in the carpark near the Resource Centre.

Remember to check : www.facebook.com/fobhm.org for any changes Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc. Number 139 Jul Aug Sept 2013

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