(Margaret Corbin at the Battle of Fort Washington; November 16, 1776)

Table of contents 1. Margaret Corbin, Fort Washington – Dan Troiani 2. President’s Message 3. Veterans Day Celebration 4. Saramana Color Guard Information 5. Upcoming Event Schedule 6. 2018 Officers and Governors Slate 7. October Minutes 8. October Luncheon Photos 11. Who is Margaret Corbin? 12. Saramana Chapter November Luncheon reservation form



Well, Saramana started off the fall with a BANG! At the Saturday luncheon this October we inducted 11 new members and presented 2 supplementals. Also, we took a special moment to recognize the hard work and support of two great DAR ladies. Mrs. Joanne Ryon Goulet and Mrs. Aya Melina Sewell were both awarded the SAR Medal of Appreciation for each submitting two men who were approved for membership in the SAR. Well done!

The Florida SAR Society held its Fall Board of Managers meeting and banquet earlier this month. Saramana members Charles Riegle, Doug Erb, and Steve Fields were able to attend along with Charles’ wife Ausra and Saramana First Lady Jill Fields. The newly expanded program included the usual meeting plus a seminar on black powder weapons used in the Revolution and a class on 18th century dancing. The dance class was fun for all – especially the audience. The banquet at the end of the weekend saw presentation of awards to chapters and Florida Society members from this summer’s Congress in Houston. Also, there was a special new member induction for Compatriot Rick Haven of Just Two Tailors clothiers. It was great to have a long time supporter of the society finally able to join us.

Your Saramana Color Guard also turned out for the Sara De Soto DAR Chapter’s banquet for the presentation of the DAR Medal of Honor to Judge Lee E. Haworth. The DAR Medal of Honor is the highest award for citizens who have shown leadership, trustworthiness, patriotism, and service. Held at Laurel Oak Country Club, the event was well attended by the DAR, members of the local legal community, and friends and family of the Judge. It was a great event.

Later in this newsletter there will be a slate of officers up for election for the year 2019. The election will be held at the upcoming November 16th luncheon with the installation to follow in December. Now, Saramana does need some help. The nominating committee is working hard to fill the last few officer and governor positions for the upcoming year. The chapter needs your experience and assistance to carry on with our programs and goals. Please dig in and find an area where you would like to serve. Please contact Doug Erb, Bill Battles, or myself at your earliest convenience to get more information.

Just this past Sunday, the Saramana color guard once again marched in the annual Sarasota Veteran’s Day Parade. Joining us were several DAR ladies and a contingent from the CAR as well. Saramana provided the trolley for those who prefer not to walk the route or needed a break along the way. We had plenty of bottled water on ice to keep everyone going. It was a beautiful morning to walk down Main Street while honoring our veterans and encouraging patriotic spirit. The crowed was wonderful and uplifting. Please join us next time.

Lastly, as we all know, recruitment never stops. Let family and friends know about the fun we have at Saramana. We want them to join us so we can continue to grow and increase our impact on Sarasota and Manatee counties. We also need YOU to become our leaders and volunteers. The chapter can only be as good as those who participate and actively support it.

Steven R. Fields President, Saramana Chapter SAR Vice President, Southwest Region, Florida SAR


Originally called Armistice Day, Veterans Day is our opportunity to thank all of those who served and sacrificed to ensure that those freedoms, enshrined in our Constitution, are protected and preserved.

Upon entering the military service of this great nation, each veteran swears an oath. It states:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

This oath is firm. It does not quibble or have a partisan voice. It states clearly for all what our citizen soldiers stand for. This oath has no expiration date. Once taken, it is a foundation upon which honorable lives are built upon.

So, when we think of our Veterans each November 11th, also think of what and who they stand for. They are freedom’s guardians. Selfless in their service. Deserving of our respect.

The Sons of the American Revolution takes pride in supporting our veterans and honoring their service. Friday November 16th, the Saramana SAR Chapter will take the opportunity to thank all of our member veterans. We will also recognize several members for their individual service with a Certificate of Patriotism authorized by the President of the Sons of the American Revolution.

Each member of the SAR who served honorably in one of the five branches of our military is eligible to wear either the Military Service Medal or, in the case of those who served in a recognized campaign, the War Service Medal. These medals are the fourth highest decorations issued by our society. Only the SAR Member Badge, the Minuteman Award, and the Gold Good Citizenship Medal have precedence. So, if you served, let the Society render to you the honor you deserve. Put in your papers, and let the SAR thank you for your service.

3 Nathaniel Green Camp – The Saramana SAR Color Guard

2018 Veterans Day Parade, Downtown Sarasota, FL

Attention! Calling all compatriots! The color guard needs YOU!

The color guard is the public face of the Sons of the American Revolution. Nothing is more iconic than the image of a soldier of the American Revolution. Whether in uniform or militia attire, the color guard serve as a public reminder that the legacy of the founders lives on in us.

Saramana is fortunate in that we have several uniforms that have been donated to the chapter. These are available for sign-out to members who wish to participate in the color guard. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to march or the proper way to carry a flag. Our members can teach you the basics in an afternoon will help you with any questions. If you prefer to obtain your own personal uniform, we can provide guidance on types of uniforms and reputable suppliers. For more information, contact Vince Panissidi at [email protected] .


Saramana Upcoming Events

November 11, Sunday: Veterans Day Parade in downtown Sarasota

November 14, Wednesday: Saramana Board of Governors meeting

November 16, Friday: Regular meeting of the Saramana SAR Chapter, Sara Bay Club Veterans Recognition Election of 2018-19 officers and governors

December 1, SAT: Chichi-Okobee C.A.R. chapter meeting – Sara De Soto Chapter House

December 12, Wednesday: Saramana Board of Governors meeting.

December 14, Friday: Regular meeting of the Saramana SAR Chapter Induction of new members Chapter Awards Installation of 2018 officers and governors

December 15, Saturday: Wreaths Across America - Sarasota National Cemetery

NOTE: Luncheon meetings move to Saturdays in 2019

January 21, Monday: Chi Chi Okobee Chapter of the CAR, MLK Day of Service

February 1-2, FRI-SAT: Florida SAR Society Board of Management Meeting

March 9, SAT: Last Naval Battle Commemoration – Merritt Island, FL

March 30, SAT: Commemoration of the Battle of Thomas Creek – Jacksonville, FL

May 10-11, FRI-SAT: Florida SAR Society Board of Management / Annual Meeting

July 4-12, THU-FRI: 129th NSSAR Congress, Costa Mesa, CA

October 4-5, FRI-SAT: Florida SAR Society Board of Management Meeting


It is that special time of year again. Time to look forward to the future of our chapter and choose those who will lead us onward. Vice President Doug Erb and his nominating Committee members Bill Battles and Preston Adams have been hard at work looking for candidates for the chapter’s 2018 officers and governors. As of today, the list stands as it is shown below. As you can see, there are a few key positions unfilled.

The chapter needs you. Though you may not think you are the right person for the job, how many of our patriot ancestors were. Farmers and tailors, coopers and hunters, tin smiths and cobblers - not exactly a dream-team for facing off against the mightiest empire in the world. But, if they hadn’t, who would have?

Take a chance. Step up and help the Saramana Chapter grow and thrive. We need your support. Even if you don’t think an officer’s position is right for you, the chapter needs volunteers to check members in at luncheons, coordinate our Giving Challenge fundraiser, put together the annual directory of members, coordinate youth scholarship contests, handle veterans affairs, manage our medals and awards, or any number of tasks that your officers are handling on top of their other duties. There is a role for you at Saramana. Proposed Slate of Officers and Governors for 2019

President – Doug Erb Vice President – Preston Adams Secretary – Randy Randolph Treasurer – Tim Milligan Registrar – Charles Riegle Genealogist – Historian – Charles Riegle Sergeant-at-Arms – Vince Panissidi Chaplain – Rev. John Hartley Color Guard Commander – Vince Panissidi Governor – Dr. David C. Purviance Governor – William A. "Bill" Segraves Governor – Governor –


Saramana SAR Chapter – Board of Governors Meeting Minutes of 17 OCT 2018 No Quorum Present – Meeting as Committee of the whole. No action taken.

Saramana SAR Chapter - Luncheon Meeting Minutes of 27 OCT 2018 1. Secretary: Steve Fields 2. Meeting: Date 27 OCT 2018 Location Sara Bay Country Club Called to Order at 12:00 pm 3. Meeting Type: (Regular) (Special) (Chapter) (Luncheon) 4. Meeting Notice: (Published via Q&B) (Email) (Phone) 5. Attendance:

a. Elected Officers: b. Governors: Steve Fields (President) Tim Milligan (2019) Doug Erb (VP) Bill Battles (2019) TBD (Secretary) John L. Fitzpatrick (2019) Preston Adams (Treasurer) Billy Clark Franklin, Jr. (2019) Dick Mahaffey (Registrar) David Purviance (2018) TBD (Genealogist) Bill Segraves (2018) Charles Riegle (Historian) TBD (2018) John Hartley (Chaplain) TBD (2018) Vince Panissidi (Sergeant-at-Arms)

c. All other Past Presidents in attendance: (full voting rights; NOT required to attend; shall NOT count toward quorum). Frank Hodaski (32nd) John Williams (37th) Phillip Tarpley (38th) Vic McMurry (42nd) Dick Mahaffey (43rd)

d. Members Present: Elected Officers __6___ Governors __1___ Past Presidents __1___ Compatriots __11__

Arthur Henry Durshimer III, Waldemar Melvin Goulet, Sr., Waldemar Melvin Goulet, Jr., Yarden “Jordan” Burstein, Oren Burstein, John Williams, Tim Milligan, Steve Fields, Doug Erb, Preston Adams, Dick Mahaffey, Charles Riegle, John Hartley, Wallace Hoppe, Ed Bohon, Ferrell Benefiel, Thomas Mahaffey, Craig Paige, Ron Shankland

6. Quorum: Luncheon requires 15; today’s # is __19___. 7. Guests: (Luncheon attendees on file with Saramana SAR Treasurer Preston Adams.)

7 Sheila Carey, Meg Durshimer, Joanne Ryon Goulet DAR, Linda Ryon DAR, Janet Goulet, Colleen Paige, Vic McMurry TNSSAR, Debbie McMurry DAR, Sharon Milligan DAR, Bernie Schiefer, Darlene Schiefer, Roy Sewell, Aya Sewell DAR, Margaret Smelser Manatee DAR Regent 8. Departure and Re-Entries of Voting Compatriots (List names and times): none 9. Executive Summary: Meeting topic Induction of new members

a. Invocation (Rev. Hartley); Color Guard (D. Erb, C. Paige, S. Fields); Pledge of Allegiance (W. Hoppe); SAR Pledge (E. Bohon); American’s Creed (J. Williams) b. Welcome and introduction of guests; c. Announcements (calendar of upcoming events) d. Memorial for George Case and Nick Catsakis e. Induction of new members (11): Arthur Henry Durshimer III, Jacob Allen Durshimer, Benjamin Gilbert Durshimer, Evan Richard Erb, Ryan Michael Erb, Michael Patrick Laband, Patrick Scott Laband, Waldemar Melvin Goulet, Sr., Waldemar Melvin Goulet, Jr., Yarden “Jordan” Burstein, Oren Burstein f. Awarding of supplementals: Timothy Paul Milligan (x2) - Abraham Goss, George Goss g. Awards (guests): Joanne Ryon Goulet DAR (SAR Medal of Appreciation), Aya Melina Sewell DAR (SAR Medal of Appreciation) h. Closing: reminder of Veteran’s Day Parade, November Luncheon, and Wreaths Across America 10. Motion to Adjourn: Motion by: T. Milligan Seconded by: C. Riegle Pass/Fail

a. Recitation of the SAR Recessional receiving of the Benediction (Rev. Hartley). b. Meeting Adjourned (date) _27 Oct 2018_ (time) _1:57pm_

Respectfully submitted Steven R. Fields, Acting Secretary Steven R. Fields

KEY: Yellow – Present Blue – Present non-voting Green – DAR




Presentation of the SAR Medal of Appreciation to Lady Joanne Ryon Goulet and Lady Aya Melina Sewell. (The SAR Medal of Appreciation is for DAR Women who refer two candidates who become members of the SAR)

Induction of eleven new members. [left to right - SWRVP Steven R. Fields, VP Doug Erb (accepting for Evan Richard Erb, Ryan Michael Erb, Michael Patrick Laband, and Patrick Scott Laband), Oren Burstein, Yarden “Jordan” Burstein, their mother Lady Aya Sewell, Arthur Henry Durshimer III with his wife Meg Durshimer (also accepting for his sons Jacob Allen Durshimer and Benjamin Gilbert Durshimer), Waldemar Melvin Goulet, Sr. and wife Janet Goulet, Lady Joanne Ryon Goulet DAR and Waldemar Melvin Goulet, Jr.]

More photos from this and other Saramana events can be found at www.facebook.com/saramanasar/

10 Who is Margaret Corbin?

A true hero of the American Revolution, Margaret Cochran Corbin was the first woman to receive a military pension. The hardships of Corbin’s young life inspired the courage and resilience that would serve her well during the Revolution. She was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania November 12, 1751. She was orphaned at age five, when her father was killed during an Indian raid and her mother was taken captive, never to return. She and her brother were adopted and raised by an uncle. In 1772, at age twenty-one, Margaret married John Corbin. Three years later he would jointhe colonial army in Pennsylvania. Instead of staying home, Corbin left with her husband for war, becoming—like many other women—a camp follower. She earned her money cooking and doing laundry for soldiers. She also helped take care of the sick and wounded. On November 16, 1776, on Island, Corbin dressed as a man and joined her husband in the Battle of Fort Washington. She helped him load and crew his cannon, and when he was killed, she quickly and heroically took over firing the cannon against the British. Other soldiers commented on “Captain Molly’s” steady aim and sure-shot. Eventually, however, she, too, was hit by enemy fire. She was severely wounded; her left arm nearly severed with terrible wounds of her jaw and left breast. She was unable to use her left arm for the rest of her life. Eventually the British won this battle, with Corbin numbered among the prisoners of war who were paroled and released back to the care of Revolutionary hospitals. Left to support herself alone, Corbin struggled financially. After she recovered, Corbin joined the Invalid Regiment at West Point, N.Y, where she aided the wounded until she was formerly discharged in 1783. On July 6, 1779 the Continental Congress, in recognition of her brave service, awarded her with a lifelong pension equivalent to “half the pay and allowances of a soldier in service,” including a set of clothing, or its value, to replace those ruined in the fighting. She was later awarded some extended benefits – including a rum ration. In 1782, Corbin married a wounded soldier, but he died a year later. Gruff and unfeminine, Corbin made few friends among the women of her time, instead feeling more at home smoking and conversing with other soldiers. Life wasn’t easy for this twice-widowed war veteran. According to some accounts, she was so disabled she could not bathe herself. She lived out her days not far from where she had seen war on the front lines, in a town called Highland Falls, New York, just below West Point along the Hudson River, Corbin died near West Point before reaching her fiftieth birthday. In 1926, her remains were moved from an obscure grave along the Hudson River to West Point, where she was buried with full military honors. A plaque at in Manhattan, hails her “as the first woman to take a soldier’s part in the War for Liberty."


 USMA website - https://www.usma.edu/corbin/SitePages/Who%20is%20Margaret%20Corbin.aspx  Photo Margaret Corbin Monument at West Pont above from USMA website  National Women’s History Museum website - https://www.womenshistory.org/education- resources/biographies/margaret-cochran-corbin  Biography website - https://www.biography.com/people/margaret-corbin  Daughters of the American Revolution website - https://www.dar.org/national-society/margaret-cochran-corbin  Cover photo “Margaret Corbin at the Battle of Fort Washington; November 16, 1776” by Dan Troiani

11 The Saramana Chapter, Florida Society, Sons of the American Revolution Luncheon Meeting Friday, November 16th, 2018 Information & Reservation Form

Where: Sara Bay Country Club, 7011 Willow St., Sarasota, FL. Time: 11:30 AM Cordials; Noon Program + Entrée Attire: Class B Uniform for Members; Coat & Tie/Business Attire for Non-Members

Menu choices:

(1) Meat Lasagna, Chef’s Choice Fresh Vegetable and House Salad with Chef’s dressing

(2) Grilled Swordfish with Lemon Caper Sauce, Chef’s Choice Fresh Vegetable, and House Salad with Chef’s dressing

Accompaniments: Homemade Rolls & Butter / Refreshments: Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaf or Tea Dessert: Chef’s Choice

NOTE: If you have ANY dietary restrictions or questions, please email Anita Bosworth, Dining Room Manager, by Wednesday November 14th ( [email protected] ) No Substitution Day of Luncheon.

PLEASE RSVP by Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Send Reservation and Payment to: Saramana SAR Chapter c/o Samuel Preston Adams, Treasurer P.O. Box 51055, Sarasota, FL 34232-0329 Email reservations to: [email protected]

Contact Saramana President Steve Fields at 941-228-6123 with questions.

______Luncheon(s) @ $25.00 as indicated below:

(1) ______Meat Lasagna

(2) ______Grilled Swordfish

(3) ______Special Order: ! Vegetarian ! Gluten Free ! Fruit Cup (dessert substitute)

NAME (Print): ______Guest name (Print): ______Applicable DAR Chapter (Print): ______