■brief report Picolinate Supplementation for Diabetes Mellitus

Gary N. Fox, MD, and Zijad Sabovic, MD Toledo, Ohio

Chromium picolinate is a widely available nutritional supplement marketed for a plethora of afflictions. There is some evidence, including results from human studies, that it has a role in glucose homeostasis. We report the case of a 28-year-old woman with an 18-year history of type 1 diabetes mellitus whose glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A ic) declined from 11.3% to 7.9% 3 months after initiation of chromium picolinate, 200 pg 3 times daily. Chromium picolinate continues to fall squarely within the scope of “alternative medicine,” with both unproven benefits and unknown risks. It deserves closer scrutiny with additional prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled trials to evaluate its efficacy in improving outcomes in patients with diabetes. A brief review of the literature was done to assist physicians who are being called upon to counsel and treat patients who are engaging in alternative therapies.

KEY WORDS. Diabetes mellitus; chromium; alternative medicine; dietary supplementation. (J Fam Pract 1998, 46:83-86)

he hypothesis that chromium is no evident macrovascular, renal, or neurologic dis­ involved as a factor in glucose tolerance ease. In addition to adhering to a diet recommend­ dates to studies done in the 1950s and ed for patients with diabetes, she used intermedi­ 1960s demonstrating its role in the ate-acting insulin (Humulin N), 20 units in the restoration of glucose tolerance in morning and 10 units in the evening. She used a T rats.12 Subsequently, it has been proposed home that monitor to take blood glucose measure­ chromium is an essential micronutrient in humans ments 3 times a day and was faithful in recording and that its deficiency state causes abnormalities the values in a log book. She never smoked and in carbohydrate metabolism. Although glucose never drank alcoholic beverages. Her family histo­ intolerance has been the most consistently ry was remarkable for diabetes mellitus among observed effect o f chromium depletion, whether multiple siblings and other relatives. pharmacologic chromium supplementation On physical examination, the patient’s vital improves clinical control in patients with diabetes signs were within normal limits. She weighed 120 lb. mellitus has been more controversial.2 We report and was 65 in. tall. The remainder of the physical the case of a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus examination was unremarkable. Laboratory evalu­ who appears to have benefited from chromium ation showed creatinine, 1.2 mg/dL; thyroid-stimu­ picolinate supplementation. lating hormone, 0.73 pU/mL; complete blood count, within normal range; serum albumin, 4.0 ■ Case Report g/dL; glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb Aic,) 11.3%; and urinalysis, negative for protein. Screening A 28-year-old white woman had an 18-year history studies for microalbuminuria were normal. of type 1 diabetes mellitus. She had a reasonable The patient’s Hb Aic was 11.3%; the lowest of diet, good hygiene and self-care, and kept her several successive prior values was 9.9%. The appointments regularly; she also appeared compli­ patient began chromium picolinate, 200 pg 3 times ant with medical recommendations. She had a fam­ per day with meals. Three months after initiating ily history o f diabetic retinopathy, for which she this supplementation, the patient reported was being followed by an ophthalmologist, but had improved home glucose values, which appeared to

Submitted, revised, October 24, 1997. be about 30 to 60 mg/dL lower than corresponding From The Mercy Health System-Northern Region Family values before she took chromium picolinate. Practice Residency, Toledo, Ohio. Requests fo r reprints Repeat Hb A ic value was 7.9%. During this period, should be made to Gary N. Fox, MD, Mercy Fam ily Practice Center, 2127 Jefferson Ave. Toledo, OH 43624. E -m ail: fox - there were no other elicitable substantive changes [email protected]

© 1998 Appleton & Lange/ISSN 0094-3509 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Jan), 1998 83 CHROMIUM P1COLINATE FOR DIABETES MELLITUS

in medical or other circumstances to explain her Subsequent studies o f chromium supplementa­ improved glucose control. tion in other patient groups were conflicting, with some investigators concluding that chromium sup­ ■ Discussion plementation improves glucose tolerance10 and others finding no evidence of benefit.1114 In one This case indicates that there might be a subset of study that did not find evidence that chromium patients with diabetes that shows improvement in benfits glucose tolerance, chromium was found to blood glucose control when taking chromium enhance insulin secretion.11 In another, after 6 picolinate as a supplement. Especially when only months of chromium picolinate supplementation, one patient is involved, there are many other there was a decline in mean serum triglycerides of potential explanations. Even if improved glucose 84 mg/dL (221.4 to 177.1 mg/dL), in mean blood glu­ control were to be definitively shown through fur­ cose on the three determinations during a 2-hour ther study, it would remain to be shown that this glucose tolerance test o f 12 mg/dL (136.9 to 124.9 would improve patients’ outcomes with respect to mg/dL), and in the mean 2-hour glucose value of 16 both overall and diabetic morbidity and mortality. mg/dL (147.7 to 131.5 mg/dL).12 However, there was It is generally accepted that chromium is an a statistically significant in the chromi­ essential trace element in human nutrition. um group (body mass index 29.9 to 29.1 kg/m2), to However, study of chromium deficiency, even in which the authors ascribed to these changes in glu­ animals, has been hampered because (1) chromi­ cose and lipids. There were 13 subjects in the um is so ubiquitous in the environment that it is chromium group and 11 subjects in the placebo extremely difficult to eliminate from the diet; (2) group, increasing the likelihood of failing to find a chromium assays are difficult to perform accurate­ true difference (type II error). Support for this the­ ly because incidental and unrecognized contami­ sis is provided by two prospective, double-blind, nation may result in reporting many times the placebo-controlled, crossover studies demonstrat amount of chromium contained in the original ing statistically significant favorable effects of sample; and (3) there is no direct biologic measure chromium picolinate supplementation on lipids in of chromium depletion or repletion. Some authors patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.1516 feel that all studies prior to 1978 are unreliable In more recent human studies, Ravina and col because of unrecognized dietary chromium and leagues 17 compared chromium picolinate (200 |tg contamination of assays.3 Although chromium lev­ per day) with a placebo in 48 patients with type 1 els in blood, urine, and hair can be accurately diabetes and 114 patients with type 2 diabetes. In assessed, none of these levels accurately reflects contrast to the placebo, chromium supplementa­ body chromium stores.4 Because of these factors, tion reduced the need for insulin and oral hypo­ the role of chromium is still being elucidated. glycemic medications in about 70% of diabetic patients.17 Perhaps the most promising study, spon­ Literature Review sored by the US Department of Agriculture and We reviewed some of the literature that addresses published only in preliminary form, was reported what is known about the potential relationship at the 1996 meeting of the American Diabetes between chromium picolinate and glucose home­ Association.1819 Conducted in China, this random­ ostasis. In animals, researchers linked trivalent ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, chromium and glucose metabolism as early as the involving 180 patients with type 2 diabetes melli­ 1950s.15’6 The first reports in humans regarding a tus, found that patients had significant improve­ possible link between chromium and carbohydrate ments in lipids and Hb A ic levels within 4 months metabolism were in patients on long-term, o f beginning supplementation with chromium chromium-deficient total . picolinate. After 4 months, Hb A ic was 8.5% in the After unexplained loss o f good glucose control in placebo group; 7.5% in the 200-pg/day supplemen­ these patients, supplementation with chromium tation group; and 6.6% in the 500-pg twice-daily restored normal glucose tolerance.7'9 In these cases, group. The differences in the Chinese and within a few days o f supplementation with chromi­ American diet may partly account for these find­ um, supplemental insulin that had been required for ings. It is more likely that the Chinese diet is defi­ glucose control could be discontinued. cient in chromium, and therefore the results of

84 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Jan), 1998 CHROMIUM PICOLINATE FOR DIABETES MELLITUS

supplementing the Chinese diet may produce used chromium picolinate supplementation. The results in that population that would not be repro­ patient, engaged in psychotherapy because o f a ducible in the US population. marital separation, experienced on several occa­ In a randomized trial of pregnant women with sions within an hour after taking the supplement gestational diabetes, supplementation with mild, brief episodes of “feeling funny,” a “disrup­ chromium picolinate (4 pg/kg/day) resulted, after 8 tion” o f his thinking, “short-circuiting,” and mental weeks, in lower fasting plasma glucose and insulin slowness. He had difficulty completing routine levels and lower peak glucose and insulin respons­ tasks, but experienced no concurrent anxiety or es to 100-g oral glucose load. However, in women autonomic symptoms. With each episode, symp­ with severe glucose intolerance, these doses of toms subsided within 2 hours o f onset.22 25 chromium appeared to have no beneficial effect on glucose metabolism.2 There were no side effects Chromium P icolinate as A lternative evident from this supplementation in any of these Therapy studies. Patients are using alternative therapies; some sources claim 50% of the American population use Biological Effects of Chromium dietary supplements.22 Often, patients feel unable Picolinate to communicate with their physicians about these Regarding the specific role o f the chromium and practices.29 “Alternative” and “herbal” are not syn­ the picolinate components, chromium picolinate onymous with “inactive” and “harmless”; such sim­ increased glucose uptake by skeletal muscle cells ple things as taking medication with a glass of in cultures but other chromium complexes were acidic fruit juice can dramatically alter absorption ineffective. In an in vivo assay, dietary supplements and serum levels. Marketing chromium picolinate of chromium picolinate decreased hemoglobin gly- as a nutritional supplement complicates any claim cation in aging rats, but none o f the other chromi­ made for it. In addition to glucose metabolism and um complexes demonstrated such activity.20 lipid profiles, it has been reported to improve Insulin internalization and glucose uptake were mood, sleep, energy level, vision, and acne; reduce markedly increased in muscle cells cultured in a body fat content and addictive behaviors; and medium that contained chromium picolinate. The increase lean body mass and longevity. Because of effect was specific for chromium picolinate; nei­ its status as a nutritional supplement, there is little ther zinc picolinate nor any other form of chromi­ rigorous scientific data supporting these claims.22 um tested was effective.21 Therefore, it appears Furthermore, in the United States, one company that it is neither specifically the chromium nor the holds the exclusive patent rights for its manufac­ picolinate, but the combination that possesses the ture.23 Moreover, the company’s vice president for ability to alter glucose metabolism. Some purport­ research and development has published several ed actions of chromium picolinate may result from articles about chromium picolinate in which there the actions o f picolinic acid on the central nervous are no clear disclaimers disclosing his potential system. Analogues of picolinic acid have been conflict of interest.26*28 However, combined with shown to induce profound alterations in the such trials as those of Ravina and coworkers17and metabolism o f serotonin, dopamine, and norepi­ Anderson and colleagues,18 the accumulating data nephrine in the brain.22 There is no evidence that lend sufficient credibility to claims that chromium the reported central effects of picolinate influence picolinate may influence diabetic control to war­ glucose metabolism. rant further, more definitive investigation. Side Effects Little is known about the potential long-term toxicity o f chromium picolinate, a triva- ■ Conclusions lent form o f chromium. In high-exposure industrial use, the hexavalent form o f chromium (V I) is a It remains to be determined if any patients with known human respiratory tract carcinogen. There diabetes truly respond to chromium picolinate and, is no evidence o f any carcinogenesis in humans if so, which ones. If there is benefit, it is important from the trivalent form of chromium (III) found in to demonstrate benefit not only in improved glu­ chromium picolinate.23'24 There is one anecdotal cose control, but also for more definitive, patient- report of cognitive disturbance in a patient who oriented outcomes (for example, retinopathy, renal

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