No. 118 APRIL 2014

Dear Rev. Fathers / Sisters / Brothers / Lay Faithful,

1. MEETING WITH THE HOLY FATHER POPE FRANCIS At the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers held recently in Vatican, Pope Francis met the participants on March 24, on the eve of the Feast of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, and recalled how Mary had welcomed life on behalf of us all. He said: “Mary offers her very existence, she made herself entirely available for God’s will, becoming the locus of his presence, the place in which the Son of God resides”. The participants deliberated on the theme: “The Passion of Christ, the best school for health care workers.”

Based on this theme, the Holy Father said: “It is true that in suffering no- one is ever alone”, he said, “as God in his merciful love for mankind and for the world also embraces the most inhuman situations, in which the image of the Creator present in every person appears to be obscured or disfigured. Thus was Jesus, in his Passion. … And here, in the Passion of Jesus, there is the greatest school for whoever wishes to dedicate him to the service of his sick and suffering brethren”.

He continued, “The experience of fraternal sharing with those who suffer opens us to the true beauty of human life, which includes its fragility. In the protection and promotion of life, in whatever state and condition it may be found, we can recognise the dignity and the value of each single human being, from conception to natural death”. The Pope concluded by encouraging those present always to keep in mind “the flesh of Christ in the poor, in those who suffer, in

18 children, including those who are unwanted, in people with physical or mental handicaps, and in the elderly”.

I also met Pietro cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State Vatican. He offered inaugural Mass at the Pastoral Health Care Conference at St. Peter’s Basilica over the tomb of St. Peter’s.

During my stay in Vatican, I had the privilege of meeting His Holiness Pope Francis a few times.

His Holiness asked me to convey his greetings and prayerful wishes to all the clergy, religious and the faithful of our Archdiocese and , and to impart his apostolic blessings upon all of you. I also offered special Masses and prayers for all of you.

2. THE YEAR OF RECONCILIATION In our Archdiocese, the Year of Reconciliation was inaugurated in all the parishes on 5th March 2014 (Ash Wednesday). I thank the Parish Priest and the heads of the Institutions for their initiative, interest and cooperation.

Kindly organize special programmes in the Parishes and mission centers. The banners, logos and prayer cards were already distributed to you.

We consider this year as a year of grace for us in the Archdiocese, as we concurrently celebrate the year of reconciliation as also the Year of Platinum Jubilee of Bangalore Diocese. May I appeal that the Jubilee Year is celebrated meaningfully in all our institutions and religious houses in the Archdiocese. More important is the inauguration of this special year in every Catholic family of our Archdiocese.

For banners, logos and the prayer cards, please contact: Fr. Joseph Abraham – Director or Fr. Gabriel Christy – Assistant Director of Paalanaa Bhavana (Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre).

As I mentioned in the last circular, we have started the Year of Reconciliation and the Platinum Jubilee of our diocese on 5th March 2014. I request all the Parish Priest, Religious and Lay faithful to recite this prayer everyday at the Mass, Community prayer and Family prayer.

Theme Chosen: “Blessed are the Peacemakers” (Mt. 5:9).

19 Prayer for Reconciliation

God of mercy and compassion,/ send down your Holy Spirit upon us/ to reconcile us to yourself, to others and to the whole creation. Open our eyes/that we may see good in our fellow beings./ Open our ears/that we may listen with respect and understanding./ Touch our lips/ that we may speak your words of peace and forgiveness./ Enkindle our hearts/ to transform the broken-hearted/ to dissolve the barriers of division/and to bring peace and consolation to those afflicted./ Guide the work of your Church in our Archdiocese/ and renew us with the Spirit of your love./ Help us and all people shape a world/ where all will have a place,/ where the flames of hatred are quenched,/ and where all can grow together as one community./ May Mary, our dearest Mother,/ and St. Francis Xavier, Patron of our Archdiocese/ help all of us become/ the instruments of peace and ambassadors of reconciliation./ Loving God,/ forgive, transform and strengthen us/ through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen./

3. GENERAL ELECTION APRIL 17TH 2014 As the nation is getting ready for Lokh Sabha elections, it is our duty also to do what is needed for electing good leaders of our country. First and foremost please make sure that your names are registered in the voters list. If your names are not in the Voters list you will not be allowed to Vote, even if you are enjoying a very important status in the country. Some are lazy to go through the Votes list and check the names. Each Vote is very valuable.

Please pay attention to the quality of the person whom you are going to Vote. We need good leaders who have integrity of character, commitment to

20 serve the society and upholding the right values and freedom of speech and religion. Above all pray to God that we will succeed to choose good leaders and to have a stable government.

The Election in Karnataka is on April 17th 2014, which falls on Maundy Thursday. I request those who are eligible to vote, not to forget their right and duty and to elect the right candidate and the right party from their respective constituencies. So kindly consider this matter seriously and vote for a better tomorrow.

4. THE GENERAL ELECTIONS AND A DAY OF PRAYER ON 6th APRIL His Eminence Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, Major Archbishop of Trivandrum & President, CBCI issued a circular to dedicate 6th April to specially pray for the fair and just elections in our country. I request all of you to pray for this intention. His Circular is published here below:


1-1-0/B&D 21st March, 2014

Sub: April 6, Day of Prayer for the General Elections.

Your Eminence/Beatitude/Grace/Excellency,

India, our nation is on the threshold of a General Election to Parliament. It is stated to be the largest exercise of franchise in the world to elect in a democratic manner the leaders who would guide the destiny of our country for the next five years. On this occasion, I wish to draw your attention to the directives and guidelines proposed by His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the former President of CBCI in his Pastoral Letter issued on 11th February, 2014.

Besides those directives, I wish to propose Sunday, 6th April, 2014, as a day of intense prayer for the peaceful conduct of the general elections and for the divine assistance for all the citizens of so that we may elect the best persons who will stand for the moral values and principles in public life; uphold the democratic and secular character of our great nation and selflessly work

21 for the peace and prosperity of all the people of India. On Sunday, 6th April, 2014, special prayers may be included in the Holy Mass and wherever possible, Holy Hour may be conducted in our Churches, Chapels and Oratories and pray intensely for the intentions mentioned above. We are confident that our ardent prayers will be heard by the Lord Almighty and He will inspire the hearts and illumine the minds of our people to choose the right people to lead our nation in the right path. May God bless our dear land, India!

With kind regards and best wishes,

Yours lovingly in Our Lord,  Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Major Archbishop of Trivandrum & President, CBCI

N.B. All the diocesan Bishops, Administrators and Major Superiors are requested to pass on the content of this letter to all Parish Priests and Superiors of Religious Houses with necessary instructions.

5. PASTORAL CONSULTATION The Annual Pastoral Consultation will be held on Thursday, 10th April, 2014 from 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Paalanaa Bhavana on the same theme that was deliberated by the 31st CBCI Plenary Assembly, namely: Renewed Church for a Renewed Society – Responding to the Call of Vatican II.

The Pastoral Consultation will conclude with the Chrism Mass at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral at 5.00 p.m. Please mark this date in your diaries and make it convenient to participate in the Pastoral Consultation. I request all the Parish Priests, Asst. Parish Priests who is working in the Parishes must attend this programme.


9.15 a.m.: Registration 9.30 a.m.: Opening Prayer . Welcome and Introduction . A Brief Report of the Last Year’s Pastoral Consultation

22 9.50 a.m. : Session I: Renewed Church for a Renewed Society – Responding to the Call of Vatican II by Rev. Fr. Shaji CMI 11.00 a.m. : Coffee break 11.30 a.m. : Session II: Pastoral Reflection on the significance of the Year of Reconciliation by Fr. Clephas or Fr. Rayanna, CCBI

[Moderator for the above two Sessions: Very Rev. Fr. L. Arulappa]

12.30 p.m. : Session III: Workshop in Groups 01.15 p.m. : Lunch 02.00 p.m. : Session IV: Reporting and Discussion 03.00 p.m. : Session V: Open Session

Moderator: Very Rev. Fr. Xavier Manavath, CMF

04.00 p.m. : Session VI: Concluding Session 04.15 p.m. : Tea and Departure to the Cathedral for the Chrism Mass.

6. CHRISM MASS This year the Chrism mass will be celebrated on 10th April 2014 at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral at 5.00 p.m. Chrism Mass is the occasion to express our solidarity as UNUM Presbyterium. May I request all the priests of the Archdiocese to participate in the Chrism Mass, forgetting all the different opinions and strengthening the unity of the Presbyterium. I request all the religious members of various congregations men and women to come for this celebration. Please encourage the Lay faithful to come in large numbers for this special occasion.

7. MESSAGE FOR TWENTY-NINETH WORLD YOUTH DAY 2014 Every year, the World Youth Day is celebrated on Palm Sunday, and this year it falls on 14th April. The theme chosen for this year’s Youth Day is: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3). The highlights of the Pope’s Message are as follows:

“…As a way of accompanying our journey together, for the next three years I would like to reflect with you on the Beatitudes found in the Gospel of

23 Saint Matthew (5:1-12). This year we will begin by reflecting on the first Beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3). For 2015 I suggest: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8). Then, in 2016, our theme will be: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7).”

“…The Beatitudes of Jesus are new and revolutionary. They present a model of happiness contrary to what is usually communicated by the media and by the prevailing wisdom. A worldly way of thinking finds it scandalous that God became one of us and died on a cross! According to the logic of this world, those whom Jesus proclaimed blessed are regarded as useless, “losers”. What is glorified is success at any cost, affluence, the arrogance of power and self- affirmation at the expense of others.”

“…Jesus challenges us, young friends, to take seriously his approach to life and to decide which path is right for us and leads to true joy. This is the great challenge of faith. Jesus was not afraid to ask his disciples if they truly wanted to follow him or if they preferred to take another path (cf. Jn. 6:67). Simon Peter had the courage to reply: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (Jn. 6:68). If you too are able to say “yes” to Jesus, your lives will become both meaningful and fruitful.”

“…let us try to understand what it means to be “poor in spirit”. When the Son of God became man, he chose the path of poverty and self-emptying. As Saint Paul said in his letter to the Philippians: “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in human likeness” (2:5-7). Jesus is God who strips himself of his glory. Here we see God’s choice to be poor: he was rich and yet he became poor in order to enrich us through his poverty (cf. 2 Cor. 8:9). This is the mystery we contemplate in the crib when we see the Son of God lying in a manger, and later on the cross, where his self-emptying reaches its culmination.”

“…First of all, try to be free with regard to material things. The Lord calls us to a Gospel lifestyle marked by sobriety, by a refusal to yield to the culture of consumerism. This means being concerned with the essentials and learning to do without all those unneeded extras which hem us in. Let us learn to be detached from possessiveness and from the idolatry of money and lavish

24 spending. Let us put Jesus first. He can free us from the kinds of idol-worship which enslave us.”

“…Second, if we are to live by this Beatitude, all of us need to experience a conversion in the way we see the poor. We have to care for them and be sensitive to their spiritual and material needs. To you young people I especially entrust the task of restoring solidarity to the heart of human culture. Faced with old and new forms of poverty – unemployment, migration and addictions of various kinds – we have the duty to be alert and thoughtful, avoiding the temptation to remain indifferent.”

“…There is a close connection between poverty and evangelization, between the theme of the last World Youth Day – “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations!” (Mt 28:19) – and the theme for this year: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3). The Lord wants a poor Church which evangelizes the poor. When Jesus sent the Twelve out on mission, he said to them: “Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the labourers deserve their food” (Mt 10:9-10). Evangelical poverty is a basic condition for spreading the kingdom of God. The most beautiful and spontaneous expressions of joy which I have seen during my life were by poor people who had little to hold onto. Evangelization in our time will only take place as the result of contagious joy.

“…This month of April marks the thirtieth anniversary of the entrustment of the Jubilee Cross of the Redemption to the young. That symbolic act by John Paul II was the beginning of the great youth pilgrimage which has since crossed the five continents. The Pope’s words on that Easter Sunday in 1984 remain memorable: “My dear young people, at the conclusion of the Holy Year, I entrust to you the sign of this Jubilee Year: the cross of Christ! Carry it throughout the world as a symbol of the love of the Lord Jesus for humanity, and proclaim to everyone that it is only in Christ, who died and rose from the dead, that salvation and redemption are to be found”.

“…Dear friends, the Magnificat, the Canticle of Mary, poor in spirit, is also the song of everyone who lives by the Beatitudes. The joy of the Gospel arises from a heart which, in its poverty, rejoices and marvels at the works of God, like the heart of Our Lady, whom all generations call “blessed” (cf. Lk 1:48). May Mary, Mother of the poor and Star of the new evangelization help us

25 to live the Gospel, to embody the Beatitudes in our lives, and to have the courage always to be happy.”

8. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Among all of the elements of devotion to The Divine Mercy requested by our Lord through St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, the Feast of Mercy holds first place. The Lord’s will with regard to its establishment was already made known in His first revelation to the saint, as recorded in her Diary. In all, there were 14 revelations concerning the desired feast.

Our Lord’s explicit desire is that this feast be celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. This Sunday is designated in “The Liturgy of the Hours and the Celebration of the Eucharist” as the “Octave Day of Easter.” It was officially called the Second Sunday of Easter after the liturgical reform of Vatican II. Now, by the Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the name of this liturgical day has been changed to: “Second Sunday of Easter, or Divine Mercy Sunday.”

Pope John Paul II made the surprise announcement of this change in his homily at the canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000. There, he declared: “It is important then that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the word of God on this Second Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church will be called ‘Divine Mercy Sunday.’”

9. CANONISATION OF BLESSED JOHN XXIII AND BLESSED JOHN PAUL II Recognizing that Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II have widespread reputations for holiness and that the years of studying their lives and actions have proven their exceptional virtue, Pope Francis announced on September 30 at the end of an “ordinary public consistory,” a gathering of cardinals and promoters of the sainthood causes of the two late popes. The Pope would declare his two predecessors saints at a single ceremony April 27.

The choice of April 27, which will be Divine Mercy Sunday in 2014, was not a complete surprise as the Divine Mercy Sunday was instituted worldwide by Blessed Pope John Paul. Pope John Paul’s promotion of Divine Mercy Sunday showed his intuition that a new “age of mercy” was needed in the church and the world.

26 Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has emphasized God’s mercy and readiness to forgive those who recognize their need for pardon. Perhaps, this is also a main reason for choosing the Divine Mercy Sunday for the Canonization.

Let us thank and praise the Lord for the gift of Sainthood to these great Pontiffs, and let us venerate these saints of our contemporary times and plead through their intercessions, especially on 27th April and thereafter. Let us celebrate these joint events in a very fitting manner in our parishes and communities.

10. CELEBRATIONS OF SCHOOL / COLLEGE DAYS AND EVANGELIZATION Our Educational Institutions are not merely for imparting Knowledge and getting good results: They are centers of Evangelization. Hence it is our duty to make use of every occasion to spread the Good News to the students and to their parents without offending their religious sentiments. We have students in our institutions from all religions. But explicitly we cannot allow them to exhibit their religion.

These days when I was going to participate in various school / College Day Celebrations, I noticed that in some cases certain programmes presented on the stage are explicitly non Christian for example, Krishnavathara, keeping the statue of Saraswathy or Ganapathy and dancing around it; such programmes may not be in keeping with our religious sentiments. Let us not forget that our institutions are Christian Institutions.

There must be at least one Programme from the Bible. It is an occasion to bring the message of Bible to the people who come to enjoy the various cultural programme. It is indirect evangelization. I am confident that all the Educational Institutions will pay attention to it.

11. ADMISSIONS TO THE MINOR SEMINARY Candidates seeking admission to Bhakthi Bhavan (Minor Seminary) are expected to submit their applications to the Rector, Bhakthi Bhavan as soon as the results of the X Std./PUC/Graduation are announced. Application forms are available with the Rector and at the reception of Archbishop’s House. Let each candidate fill in the prescribed form in his own handwriting, attach the

27 marks card and a letter of recommendation from the Parish Priest, and submit/ send it to the Rector. After scrutinizing the applications, the candidates will be called for an interview at the ARCHBISHOPS HOUSE. The interview is fixed on 19th May 2014 at 10.00 a.m. The Parish Priests are requested to encourage vocations from their parishes and to recommend the right candidate after ascertaining his motivation, conduct, intellectual capacity and family background. The address of Bhakthi Bhavan:

Rector Bhakhti Bhavan Da Costa Square, St. Thomas Town P.O. Bangalore-560 084 Tel: 080-2547 1356

12. INFORMATION i. The Annual Clergy Retreat As the majority of the Archdiocesan Priests will be going on a pilgrimage to experience St. Paul’s mission journey in the month of March/April, it was decided at the College of Consultors’ Meeting held on 28th January, 2014 to have only one batch of retreat this year for those priests who will not be participating in this pilgrimage. It was also suggested by the members that even those who participate in the pilgrimage may join the retreat, if they so desire. The retreat will be conducted from 28th April to 2nd May, 2014 at St. Camillus House – Carmelaram. The Retreat Preacher is Rev. Dr. Fr. John Kusamalayam, OP. (Dominicans Order of Preachers)

For your kind attention:

 The Retreat is residential and therefore, the participants are requested to stay at the venue throughout the retreat. The Retreatants are also requested to bring their Mass Diaries for scrutiny as required by Canon 958/2.

 All the priests who are not attending the retreat are expected to submit their personal Mass Diaries for Scrutiny and signature by the Archbishop in the month of May, 2014.

 I request the Religious and the Faithful of the Archdiocese to pray for the Archdiocesan Clergy in a special way during their Retreat.

28 ii. Diaconate and Priestly Ordinations The Diaconal and the Priestly Ordinations will be conferred on our Archdiocesan candidates on Tuesday, 6th May 2014, at 10.00 a.m. at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral. Kindly pray for these candidates who are preparing for their Ordinations. iii “Anubandha” – A Camp for the Archdiocesan Major Seminarians As in the past, this year also we will be organizing a Camp called “Anubandha” for all the Major Seminarians of our Archdiocese. All the Major Seminarians of the Archdiocese are expected to attend this camp without fail. The primary purpose of the Camp is to promote better interaction among the seminarians and also to train them in some pastoral skills. Details will given by Fr. John Sudeep, Rector Bhakti Bhavan, Archdiocesan Minor Seminary. iv. Archdiocesan Seminarians’ Programme 1. 17 – 20 April : Holy Week in their respective parishes. 2. Asha camp – 21st April to 9th May 2014 3. Course at Dharwad i year and ii year Theologians – 18th April to 4th May 2014 4. Meeting of Seminarians with Archbishop

– Meeting with Archdiocesan Theology Students – 21st May at 10.00 a.m. – Meeting with Archdiocesan Bhakthi Bhavan Students 22nd May at 10.00 a.m. – Meeting with Archdiocesan Philosophy Students and Regents 23rd May at 10.00 a.m.

The above matter is printed for the information of the Parish Priests. Please make it convenient for the Brothers to attend to the courses. You may plan the summer camps of children of your parish with the help of local Seminarian. All Brothers are expected to be in their own parishes as they will get a short holiday.

29 v. Admission to Schools in the Archdiocese (Priority to all Catholics including Local Catholics)

The educational Institutions are getting ready for the yearly exams and summer holidays. Soon the admissions will start. I can imagine the problems the Heads of the institutions will have to face. I request you to give admissions to all the catholic children. There is always complaint from parents that our Christian institutions are not obliging them in this regards. This point was also brought to the Bishop’s at the CBCI plenary Assembly. (Cf., Pastoral Handbook). vi. Admissions to St. Mary’s Orphanage Orphans and Catholic boys of poor single-parents, between the age group of 5 and 10, will be admitted into St. Mary’s Orphanage. The Application Forms can be obtained from the Orphanage Office between 01.4.2014 and 15.5.2014. Each application should accompany the Parish Priest’s recommendation letter. As the facilities and accommodations are very limited, only deserving children will be admitted. vii. Annual Statistical Returns In spite of my repeated requests, Chancellery Office is yet to receive the annual general statistical Questionnaire 2013 from as many as Parishes/Mission Centres. This has hindered the onward transmission of the same to the Nunciature. I hereby remind you to submit the statistics immediately. viii. Remittance of other Collections due to the Archdiocese There are a few statutory collections, which are to be sent to the Archdiocese, such as Second Sundays, Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Holy Childhood, Mission Sunday, Peter’s pence, St. Peter the Apostle, Hunger and Disease, Vocations Sunday. Besides, the stipends for Cumulative, Binated and Trinated Masses are also expected to be sent to the Archdiocese. The Parishes/Institutions that are yet to forward these collections are requested to send them immediately. This is applicable to all the parishes, including the parishes managed by Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara Rites, and the Religious in the Archdiocese. As announced in the last circular, list of remittance is attached to this circular.

30 a. Hunger and Disease (13-04-2014) Collection made on Palm Sunday and the Dumb Box collection during the Lenten Season will be sent to Caritas, Delhi for Campaign against Hunger and Disease. b. Good Friday (18-04-2014) The Good Friday Collections will be sent for the maintenance of the shrines and the sacred places in the Holy Land. This amount is sent to Rome through the Apostolic Nunciature, New Delhi. c. Easter Sunday (20-04-2014) Collection made on Easter Sunday to be sent to the Archdiocese towards extension of Mission Work in the Archdiocese. ix. Accounting Cell The Accounting Cell as specified in the Pastoral Handbook, Chapter 1.4.15, was established from April 2009 in the Archbishop’s House Campus. The Archdiocesan Parishes and Institutions that do not have their own in-house staff to write the accounts may make use of the Accounting Cell of the Archdiocese. No outsider is permitted to come and write the parish/institution accounts. If someone is doing it so far, he/she could continue to do so by associating himself/herself with the Accounting Cell at the Archbishop’s House. This is to ensure the implementation of the accounting procedure that has been stated in the Pastoral Handbook. x. Blessing of Congregation with Holy Water The rite of blessing of water and sprinkling the holy water before Gloria is to be followed at every Sunday Mass or at least in one Mass on Sundays, but compulsory on all the Sundays during the Easter season.

The rite of blessing and sprinkling of holy water in the Roman liturgy indicates the close relationship between the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. The introductory prayer for this rite found in the Roman Missal says: “Dear friends, this water will be used to remind us of our Baptism.” (cf. Roman Missal 2002, Rite of blessing and sprinkling holy water). The prayer used in this rite has a penitential tone. “It washes away our sins and brings us eternal

31 life.” (cf. Roman Missal) That is why the General Instruction of the Roman Missal says, “On Sundays, especially in the season of Easter, in place of the customary act of penance, the blessing and sprinkling of water to recall baptism may at times take place.” (GIRM 51) Therefore, when this rite is used, the penitential rite is omitted. (cf. The rubrics in Roman Missal) During the Easter season this rite has a special prayer for blessing of water. The final prayer in this rite has eschatological tone as expressed by St. Gregory of Nazianzen. “May almighty God cleanse us of our sins, and through the Eucharist we celebrate make us worthy to sit at his table in his heavenly kingdom.” (cf. Roman Missal)

The rite with such a profound biblical, theological and catechetical force has been neglected in many of our churches totally. It is omitted even during the Easter season. This should be set right. As the Sprinkling of holy water at the concluding rite of the Holy Mass has no theological foundation, it should be stopped forthwith. xi. Announcement of the New Bishop of Shimoga The Holy Father Pope Francis appointed Rev. Fr. Francis Serrao SJ as the New Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga. This was announced in Vatican on 19th March 2014 at 04.30 p.m. (IST)

The new Bishop is the 3rd Bishop for the Diocese of Shimoga. The vacancy created by the transfer of Bishop Gerald Issac Lobo to Udupi Diocese on 17-07-2012 is being filled up by the new Bishop Fr. Francis Serrao SJ.

Fr. Francis Serrao SJ was born in Moodbidri, Dakshina District on 15 August 1959 in a pious Catholic family. He is the youngest of 11 children of Late Mr. Piedade Serrao and Late Mrs. Gracy Mary Serrao. In addition to Fr. Francis, 5 of his brothers have become priests. A sister too is a Religious nun.

Fr. Francis joined the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) on 03 January 1970 and was ordained a priest by Late Bishop Bail D’Souza of Mangalore on 30 April 1992. His apostolic service comprises Social Action and parish ministry in Mundgod, . He was Mission Superior in Anekal and simultaneously Parish Priest of St. Joseph’s Parish when he also worked as the Acting Director of the Regional Theological Centre of the Karnataka

32 Jesuit Province. Then he was appointed Superior of the Bijapur Jesuit Mission and in 2004 was appointed Rector of St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. After serving for 5 years as Rector he was appointed the Provincial Superior of Karnataka Jesuit Province in 2009, in which capacity he continues to serve till date.

Fr. Francis has a BA, a bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Masters in Theology. He is fluent in Kannada, English, Tulu, Hindi and Konkani. He is well known for his humane approach, his friendly nature, his love for the poor, his capacity for hard work, his interpersonal skills and administrative capacity.

Karnataka Regional Council of Bishop’s and all the Priests, Religious and faithful of Karnataka Region Congratulate the New Bishop that and wish him God’s Choicest blessings in his episcopal ministry.

We have another Jesuit and another Francis in the person of the New Bishop of Shimoga. xii. Holy Oils The plastic bottles containing the oils given to the parishes after the Chrism Mass, are not for display purposes or liturgical use. The plastic containers are used to transport the oils or for non-public storage. If the oils are to be displayed they should be displayed in dignified vessels. When being used in the liturgy the oils should be in proper vessels, not in the plastic containers. Vessels and implements used in the liturgical celebration should be of such quality and design that they speak of the importance of the ritual action in which the assembly is engaged. “The vessels used to hold the holy oils, should be worthy of their function and be closed in such a way as to prevent the oils from being spilled and to ensure that they remain fresh.” (Book of Blessings, 1126).

All parishes should have fresh holy oils replacing the old ones. If a layman/sacristan is coming to collect the holy oils, then please send a letter. xiii. House Blessings It is a beautiful tradition in the church that helps our families experience Peace of the Risen Christ when the Parish Priest blesses families during the

33 Easter season. I request all the Parish Priests to start the House Blessing and complete it at the earliest.

13. EASTER MESSAGE AND WISHES “…Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Cor. 15:20). As we celebrate the Feast of Easter so very joyfully and devotionally after having united ourselves to His suffering, Passion and death during the holy season of Lent, reflecting and meditating closely on the mystery of the Cross, we believe in a God who came into the very stuff and substance of our flesh and blood and died a real death. Yes, and rose again triumphantly three days later. We have every reason to rejoice and celebrate Easter because of the new life that He has promised to us to be where he is, i.e. seated at the right hand of His Father. Therefore with Easter joy in my heart, I wish you dear Rev. Fathers, Brothers, Sisters and Lay faithful a very Happy Easter. May the triumph of the Lord, strengthen and fill you with happiness and success on Easter day always.

With peace and blessings of the Risen Christ,

Yours sincerely,

@ Bernard Moras Archbishop of Bangalore

34 Procure Collection as on 31.03.2014

Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

1 St Joseph’s Adigon- 2011 300 400 500 200 250 200 150 200 - 2,000 400 200 Church danahalli 2012 200 3,170 3,428 ------8,246 - - 2013 ------15,780 795 425

2 St Anthony’s Agrahara 2011 - 722 1,155 1,094 1,100 1,025 1,050 800 - 39,550 - – Church 2012 3,893 3,371 2,442 1,331 1,050 1,010 1,405 1,165 1,063 51,686 2,394 - sub station 2013 ------50,000 - - of railway colony

3 Mother of Akashnagar 2011 5,400 7,840 4,105 5,015 10,475 5,330 5,460 - - 39,650 7,130 7,760 Perpetual 2012 18,441 18,060 20,990 5,195 - - 9,627 11,165 8,000 2,07,009 11,810 10,479 Help Church 2013 - - - 9,301 12,840 8,866 11,109 7,994 8,975 2,16,152 32,658 24,060

4 Sacred Heart Anagalapura 2011 - - 392 ------3,310 - 350 Church 2012 ------2013 ------

5 St Benedict’s Anchepalya 2011 323 414 332 229 - 260 329 295 215 3,313 - - Church 2012 305 249 207 279 205 175 340 217 275 1,945 217 305 2013 - - - - - 425 706 - - 27,359 1,175 3,468

6 St Joseph’s Anekal 2011 3,600 - 2,000 500 500 - - - - 42,180 1,500 1,097 Church 2012 2,044 17,850 2,971 - 1,500 - - - - 41,155 1,300 - 2013 - - - - - 1,500 - - - 33,575 - -

7 Holy Cross B E M L 2011 1,250 2,200 1,550 1,400 2,490 - 2,018 1,933 1,520 4,850 2,490 2,500 Church Nagar 2012 4,600 7,300 7,400 2,400 2,200 1,526 1,300 1,200 1,400 4,220 2,700 2,370 2013 - - - 2,000 1,500 1,560 2,000 1,350 1,600 7,540 3,500 5,900 Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

8 St Joseph’s Babusapalya 2011 500 300 1,000 300 300 400 500 450 500 25,000 1,000 500 Church (SM) 2012 1,700 1,600 3,000 300 300 400 500 450 500 24,000 1,000 500 2013 - - - 300 300 400 500 450 500 30,000 1,000 -

9 St Vincent Banasawadi 2011 15,000 19,000 30,000 ------63,800 39,620 35,760 Pallotti 2012 62,575 64,860 90,275 ------82,350 45,800 44,365 Church 2013 - – - 0,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 83,250 62,500 66,115

10 Sacred Heart Bangarpet 2011 295 317 600 390 311 280 380 290 315 7,500 750 320 Church 2012 620 680 1,400 250 300 240 260 300 275 8,000 850 252 2013 ------8,000 - -

11 St Anthony’s Basavana- 2011 2,750 7,000 2,400 2,200 1,805 2,060 2,010 2,015 2,120 30,030 2,345 9,019 Church pura 2012 6,540 21,900 7,200 - 2,355 2,495 2,930 2,835 3,080 30,123 2,635 3,405 2013 - - - 2,940 3,585 4,270 2,805 3,375 4,350 18,000 3,100 13,790

12 St Ignatius Begur 2011 2,000 3,000 2,500 2,000 7,500 7,000 4,000 - - 65,000 5,000 15,000 Church 2012 16,000 21,000 16,000 3,000 12,400 17,750 7,200 - 10,000 68,880 11,000 28,400 2013 - - - 10,000 5,000 7,000 2,500 2,200 11,200 1,00,000 12,184 8,700

13 Sacred Heart Bellandur 2011 ------26,000 - 15,000 Church Gate 2012 21,000 - 21,590 ------2013 --–------

14 Annunciation Benson 2011 7,390 6,845 4,970 3,340 2,400 2,140 2,176 3,570 1,650 70,083 3,120 4,340 Church Town 2012 9,885 15,688 7,946 2,660 3,595 3,545 2,222 3,364 3,925 32,778 3,346 3,910 2013 - - - 3,575 3,745 3,036 3,307 2,575 2,718 1,00,416 6,103 3,605

15 St Anthony’s Bettada 2011 50 360 40 15 10 8 15 18 12 6,000 470 30 Church Halasooru 2012 39 725 237 18 30 23 25 30 45 6,500 300 30 2013 ------Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

16 Holy Rosary Bidadi 2011 ------730-- Church (sub 2012 - - - – - - - - - 1,000 - – station of 2013 ------– -- Ramanagara) 17 St Mary’s Bommana- 2011 --–- –---- -–- Church halli 2012 ------10,000 - - (SM) 2013 ------12,000 - - 18 St Joseph’s Briand 2011 69,756 19,288 12,581 8,593 10,712 10,544 6,543 11,325 9,643 1,00,000 18,381 41,700 Church Square 2012 21,207 25,375 13,200 10,951 ------2013 ------1,00,000 – – 19 St Patrick’s Brigade 2011 1,44,010 53,850 - 93,082 1,08,860 86,460 73,310 81,150 77,370 2,10,000 89,640 1,32,350 Church Road 2012 3,02,582 3,04,700 2,03,990 84,240 91,000 85,200 90,360 85,200 92,500 2,00,000 1,09,180 95,370 2013 ------3,00,000 94,080 1,45,140 20 Christ the Byrathi 2011 2,811 4,724 2,683 3,544 3,021 3,233 - - - 50,000 5,010 4,038 King Church 2012 11,435 20,200 10,584 3,942 3,674 5,150 3,906 3,969 4,623 50,000 9,876 3,847 2013 - - - 5,000 - - - - 4,800 50,000 5,126 5,875 21 St Alphonsa C.K.C. 2011 ------4,200 - - Church Garden 2012 ------5,000 - - 2013 ------4,000 - - 22 Mount Carmel Carmelaram 2011 4,360 3,000 2,480 3,150 3,210 3,250 - 2,812 - 23,500 6,900 3,000 Church (SM) 2012 7,900 14,000 6,500 2,850 4,800 3,200 1,500 3,000 1,500 30,000 3,500 1,800 2013 ------20,000 - - 23 Our Lady of Champion 2011 4,670 4,494 3,609 1,951 2,475 3,530 3,775 2,666 3,549 40,775 5,112 7,485 Victories Reefs K G F 2012 10,486 10,295 7,644 4,932 4,635 6,203 5,169 3,492 - 72,863 6,673 5,567 Church 2013 - - - 4,225 7,585 6,417 5,566 2,085 4,141 1,10,000 8,381 - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

24 St Joseph’s Channa- 2011 650 4,125 750 1,010 720 690 725 795 725 10,300 2,475 1,135 Church patna 2012 2,365 13,700 3,997 1,015 2,225 1,100 1,020 1,005 1,170 10,100 2,250 1,000 2013 - - - 1,220 - 1,245 1,200 6,135 2,840 28,800 3,360 2,370

25 St Rock’s Chellikere 2011 7,623 8,948 3,975 6,411 6,962 6,582 7,926 6,398 - 1,08,354 3,988 25,000 Church 2012 12,929 13,592 3,975 5,626 5,258 6,449 5,997 5,098 6,875 1,50,000 9,587 25,000 2013 - - - 4,998 6,392 7,845 5,997 6,845 5,769 1,50,000 - -

26 St Joseph’s Chickka- 2011 ------Church ballapur 2012 ------Garehalli sub station 2013 - - - 114 - - - - - 4,200 - -

27 St Francis Chikka- 2011 1,360 610 1,000 - 700 - - 660 - 3,390 1,200 600 Xavier’s ballapur 2012 1,450 1,780 3,000 710 800 860 870 900 1,010 15,300 2,700 1,500 Church 2013 - - - 610 - - - - - 41,150 - -

28 St Francis Chikka- 2011 2,125 6,730 2,870 4,150 1,625 1,540 1,615 1,470 1,781 36,290 5,135 10,520 Xavier’s kammana- 2012 2,910 7,180 3,140 2,720 ------Church halli 2013 - - - 2,526 2,573 2,174 2,852 2,734 2,929 50,000 - -

29 St Joseph’s Chintamani 2011 302 670 565 230 250 - - 250 250 5,250 625 515 Church 2012 - - - 405 318 345 467 - 453 12,020 817 386 2013 ------

30 St Thomas Christ 2011 ------30,000 2,000 2,000 Forance School 2012 25,000 45,000 25,000 ------50,000 - - Church (SM) 2013 - - - 2,000 2,500 1,500 4,000 2,000 3,000 31,000 5,000 2,000

31 St Francis Cleveland 2011 91,337 71,010 51,795 48,669 39,930 60,400 54,950 52,445 51,283 3,64,000 74,410 61,725 Xavier’s Town 2012 1,58,004 1,88,730 1,20,976 56,820 50,953 59,720 53,319 52,773 57,228 3,66,000 60,461 55,747 Cathedral 2013 - - - 55,836 69,169 62,644 70,631 1,43,766 55,240 5,19,840 2,32,110 64,530 Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

32 St Sebastian’s Coromandel 2011 872 1,200 440 727 508 1,034 1,172 1,306 1,308 16,260 4,183 4,176 Church K G F 2012 2,474 5,573 4,691 983 919 1,007 1,054 908 908 20,065 2,015 1,274 2013 - - - 1,136 1,056 1,248 1,242 1,162 1,403 20,235 3,173 1,754 33 Ascension Dacosta 2011 25,000 27,333 31,000 25,000 29,021 22,000 35,000 21,000 40,000 2,00,555 80,000 25,000 Church Layout 2012 1,16,945 1,27,000 90,521 23,000 35,000 25,000 32,000 35,000 35,000 2,10,000 60,000 30,000 2013 - - - 32,000 25,000 - 15,000 30,000 - 1,70,000 - - 34 St Peter’s Dodda- 2011 673 1,574 441 411 382 111 260 384 278 913 500 200 Church ballapur 2012 983 3,530 2,416 695 380 500 832 511 540 3,625 647 451 2013 ------7,500 - 3,000 35 Immaculate Doresani- 2011 5,800 7,200 7,000 5,400 5,800 5,200 5,400 5,400 6,000 40,420 7,500 8,000 Conception palya 2012 17,600 20,400 21,400 5,400 5,500 5,000 5,200 5,600 5,500 60,240 10,500 8,000 Church 2013 - - - - - 11,750 - - - 1,21,000 8,552 11,523 36 Blessed Ejipura 2011 ------Kuriakose 2012 1,200 1,200 1,200 600 600 600 600 600 600 5,000 800 2,000 Elias Chavara 2013 ------5,000 - - Church (SM) 37 St Sebastian’s Gajendra- 2011 ------Church (SM) nagar 2012 400 200 930 120 140 110 100 150 100 1,700 560 200 2013 ------1,900 630 - 38 St Anthony’s Gangondana- 2011 5,098 5,858 3,580 1,300 1,694 1,617 1,054 1,600 1,800 30,400 2,550 5,520 Church halli 2012 13,980 15,368 8,410 2,045 2,253 2,154 3,043 2,595 2,400 50,000 3,600 5,700 2013 - - - 2,185 - - - - - 35,962 9,017 1,015 39 St Francis Gokunte 2011 365 6,118 412 219 208 226 232 220 218 3,945 425 2,452 Xavier’s 2012 779 13,108 937 325 234 220 315 326 342 5,075 500 1,645 Church 2013 - - - - 160 270 280 350 250 6,000 500 500 Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

40 St Thomas H A L 2011 18,573 15,327 22,764 25,000 13,758 19,278 15,385 15,498 15,794 1,52,850 23,537 38,362 Church 2012 43,759 45,625 50,608 25,000 18,759 20,396 17,820 21,396 19,656 2,11,610 37,642 20,436 2013 - - - 25,000 18,688 19,512 18,496 6,785 16,839 2,36,801 21,455 23,168

41 Our Lady of Halasur 2011 20,213 22,539 47,583 23,987 27,475 29,283 - 25,281 - 12,12,000 30,975 16,571 Lourdes 2012 32,275 79,760 87,707 23,899 30,737 24,821 31,510 34,166 28,156 12,28,500 39,435 33,785 Church 2013 ------14,22,262 - -

42 Holy Rosary Harobale 2011 853 3,482 2,040 682 513 391 416 641 591 4,030 2,110 4,545 Church 2012 1,920 1,451 3,800 582 1,080 - 694 434 768 6,175 1,800 3,000 2013 - - - 711 676 670 701 1,020 598 4,302 936 3,844

43 St Francis Hebbagodi 2011 1,500 3,400 2,600 2,400 2,700 3,800 2,600 2,400 2,300 17,737 3,860 2,220 De Sales 2012 4,160 12,340 7,822 1,860 3,000 2,002 1,900 2,100 2,320 19,680 6,032 2,800 Church 2013 - - - 3,500 3,000 4,800 4,500 5,150 4,925 29,250 12,580 9,250

44 Mother of Hebbagodi 2011 1,600 3,200 2,400 1,800 1,300 1,400 1,000 1,200 1,100 10,000 1,800 1,600 Sorrows 2012 1,040 970 6,340 - 6,000 5,000 1,000 - 1,000 11,000 3,000 1,500 Church (SM) 2013 - - - 1,050 1,270 1,500 1,000 2,500 850 3,500 3,500 1,900

45 St Mary’s Hegdenagar 2011 11,000 5,000 2,750 1,000 1,750 1,700 1,000 - - 17,165 4,435 1,200 Church 2012 5,805 8,450 5,692 - 2,100 2,500 - 2,800 3,120 11,030 2,510 2,810 2013 - - - 1,769 1,907 1,970 1,770 1,870 1,970 2,350 2,250 1,670

46 St Mary’s Hennur 2011 ------Malankara 2012 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - - - 1,000 4,000 1,000 Church (SMK) 2013 ------

47 Holy Family Hongasandra 2011 ------Church (SM) 2012 1,000 500 1,500 ------10,700 - - 2013 - - - 1,000 1,000 500 - 500 500 10,000 2,500 - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

48 Our Lady of Hoskote 2011 517 653 510 ------6,478 537 410 Fatima 2012 952 1,295 1,033 315 110 120 175 100 125 5,000 545 200 Church 2013 - - - 300 - - - - - 1,135 420 -

49 San Thome Hulimavu 2011 - 1,500 2,000 - - - 1,500 - 1,000 5,000 - 1,000 Parish 2012 1,700 1,800 1,300 500 2,500 400 600 400 1,000 2,000 800 3,000 Church (SM) 2013 - - - 500 600 400 700 1,000 500 1,500 1,000 -

50 Resurrection Indiranagar 2011 73,004 47,693 49,704 44,051 58,885 53,934 62,277 43,219 54,625 5,21,509 49,717 43,883 Church 2012 1,05,956 1,53,365 1,26,511 50,807 45,394 53,346 45,320 46,651 44,490 7,00,101 48,500 42,401 2013 - - - 49,940 51,380 55,100 40,782 74,000 64,368 15,02,235 74,756 70,368

51 St John the J C Nagar 2011 9,535 10,280 11,400 8,310 6,100 - - 3,500 5,170 50,000 11,000 20,000 Evangelist 2012 21,700 34,360 24,600 6,950 7,030 9,200 7,000 8,020 7,500 1,05,000 11,000 10,200 Church 2013 - - - 10,280 7,300 10,300 6,500 7,100 - 1,02,600 12,500 10,000

52 St Theresa’s J C Road 2011 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,526 3,288 2,965 2,733 3,023 9,775 3,000 14,666 Church 2012 8,024 11,132 11,721 4,288 3,249 3,507 4,427 3,812 4,398 14,324 4,000 9,925 2013 - - - 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,527 3,908 4,263 15,000 5,000 4,428

53 St Thomas Jalahalli 2011 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 25,000 2,000 3,500 Church (SM) 2012 3,000 2,500 3,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 20,000 3,000 1,000 2013 - - - 1,000 1,500 1,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 34,000 2,000 1,500

54 Our Lady Jalahalli 2011 12,540 15,200 17,450 4,150 13,400 1,000 11,100 8,000 8,000 41,350 22,000 14,100 of Fatima 2012 23,300 25,500 26,700 12,950 13,400 11,340 13,600 11,600 12,100 47,400 21,000 14,500 Church 2013 - - - 10,210 11,680 12,800 12,700 12,400 22,949 51,674 45,555 29,525

55 Kristha Jaragana- 2011 ------20,000 - 8,000 Karunalaya halli 2012 - 6,200 ------10,000 - 7,720 2013 ------Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

56 Christha Jayanagar 2011 16,510 16,300 17,400 15,260 16,000 13,930 14,610 12,400 14,570 60,020 23,000 34,500 Prabhalaya 2012 36,320 42,550 41,250 13,740 14,840 17,910 16,410 15,290 16,740 61,900 21,300 36,480 2013 - - - 16,220 15,050 19,740 14,950 12,900 19,950 60,840 29,300 - 57 Blessed K. Chenna- 2011 ------21,000 - 3,520 John Paul ll sandra 2012 ------30,000 - - Church 2013 1,450 - - 1,810 2,974 - 2,391 2,498 2,989 40,000 2,193 2,816 58 St Anthony’s Kadasena- 2011 140 955 110 120 65 110 120 150 286 1,085 200 710 Church halli 2012 492 2,149 204 180 450 210 168 125 130 1,520 320 142 2013 - - - 127 160 205 190 213 175 2,925 386 920 59 Immaculate Kalena 2011 12,910 16,290 5,010 7,477 7,222 7,292 6,217 6,853 7,104 30,084 6,858 8,789 Heart of Agrahara 2012 12,905 46,162 15,478 6,973 19,000 8,623 8,839 9,882 10,477 22,408 6,923 9,392 Mary 2013 - - - 9,128 9,610 10,590 8,965 11,218 9,695 29,000 4,756 11,193 Church 60 St Joseph’s Kalkere 2011 ------6,100 - - Semi Public 2012 250 - - 250 - - - 250 - 1,000 - 250 Church (SM) 2013 ------61 Holy Kalyan 2011 2,200 2,300 4,500 2,100 2,200 2,250 2,100 2,200 2,300 34,450 3,500 2,500 Redeemer Nagar 2012 6,400 7,500 10,600 3,100 2,800 2,300 2,500 2,100 2,300 6,000 6,800 3,400 Church 2013 - - - 3,500 2,800 3,200 3,500 2,800 3,100 17,880 8,200 - 62 St Pius “X” Kammana- 2011 18,335 12,294 9,478 - - 14,570 - - - 55,000 17,918 24,590 Church halli 2012 41,480 20,190 15,011 11,325 12,435 15,740 17,580 8,245 14,825 60,000 19,899 11,230 2013 - - - 17,330 20,080 23,040 20,445 20,650 21,980 63,640 24,640 23,690 63 St Rita’s Kanakapura 2011 250 400 300 250 250 250 250 200 200 8,000 600 7,000 Church 2012 1,950 3,060 1,100 1,100 1,000 1,220 744 1,172 570 40,000 1,600 1,025 2013 ------5,000 - - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

64 St Jude’s Karahalli 2011 180 150 300 180 160 150 140 170 150 540 - - Church 2012 630 375 1,050 190 180 170 250 310 200 650 450 1,100 2013 - - - 270 310 230 300 410 350 1,500 670 1,060 65 St Norbert Kasavana- 2011 500 600 - 300 300 200 - 300 400 3,500 750 500 Church halli 2012 500 600 2,000 500 750 400 500 - 500 4,000 1,000 500 2013 - - - 500 750 400 500 500 500 10,000 - - 66 St Anthony’s Kavalbyra- 2011 3,478 3,260 - 3,411 3,621 3,571 - 3,531 - 30,000 4,251 4,281 Church sandra 2012 3,587 3,748 - 3,561 3,487 3,656 - 3,895 - 35,000 4,362 4,118 2013 ------25,000 - - 67 St Francis Kengeri 2011 5,490 5,116 3,015 4,013 5,272 3,864 3,998 4,403 - 39,347 5,510 4,830 of Assisi 2012 6,370 8,640 5,150 4,530 4,180 4,510 4,330 4,120 4,510 41,737 3,690 6,950 Church 2013 - - - 5,410 4,650 5,380 5,510 5,010 5,060 41,780 - - 68 St Gaspar’s Kittiganur 2011 365 1,853 576 232 436 356 312 485 276 4,255 1,200 401 Church 2012 1,711 2,760 2,010 350 400 800 750 610 600 11,240 1,000 1,150 2013 - - - 825 800 575 400 500 450 15,000 800 - 69 St Anthony’s Kodathi 2011 879 2,590 1,859 1,125 - - - - - 5,000 - - Church 2012 829 852 670 ------4,020 - 1,200 2013 - - - 200 407 403 354 557 430 11,545 1,071 288 70 Immaculate Kolar 2011 8,300 4,000 1,775 - - 1,000 805 800 1,005 9,000 4,489 4,275 Heart of 2012 9,600 4,851 4,100 1,273 1,678 1,133 740 - - 10,000 3,000 - Mary 2013 - - - 1,176 - 1,125 1,690 1,275 1,068 18,500 3,000 3,200 Church 71 Little Flower Kothanur- 2011 182 188 255 190 189 174 195 177 185 447 270 205 Semi Public dinne 2012 202 208 265 200 210 204 215 201 206 580 280 225 Church (SM) 2013 ------Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

72 St Rita’s Kunigal 2011 150 400 250 150 150 150 150 150 150 2,000 250 200 Church 2012 500 1,800 800 200 200 200 200 200 200 2,000 400 200 2013 - - - 300 300 600 300 300 300 3,300 500 300 73 St John Laggere 2011 416 - 719 437 299 337 280 277 245 1,035 900 1,543 the Britto 2012 4,050 4,253 3,005 1,110 989 1,211 950 655 1,318 5,581 1,433 1,866 Church 2013 - - - 1,431 2,200 2,312 1,897 1,551 1,614 3,764 1,426 1,952 74 Don Bosco Lingaraja- 2011 13,000 11,000 28,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 75,000 13,500 3,200 Church puram 2012 38,211 44,450 53,592 4,700 3,400 3,150 2,500 3,330 3,700 70,000 15,000 6,500 2013 - - - 2,100 6,800 4,950 3,000 3,800 4,200 80,685 20,700 9,000 75 St Francis Lingaraja- 2011 ------of Assisi puram 2012 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Church (SM) 2013 - - - 50 50 50 50 50 50 15,131 50 50 76 Our Lady Lourdu- 2011 4,275 14,521 7,257 2,700 4,280 2,500 500 500 500 88,802 7,975 1,000 of Lourdes nagar 2012 9,939 28,868 13,376 5,130 6,697 5,396 6,420 7,144 5,002 1,01,000 6,885 2,070 Church 2013 - - - 3,880 ------77 St Anne’s Madewa- 2011 ------Church sub- pura 2012 ------station of 2013 ------Akashnagar 78 St Anthony’s Madiwala 2011 - 1,18,370 1,89,260 ------10,28,079 1,19,238 - Friary Church 2012 1,80,220 3,26,220 3,85,065 - 1,10,390 1,21,453 - - - 7,16,407 2,19,980 1,33,757 2013 - - - 1,23,133 1,41,902 1,57,968 53,215 16,039 48,728 9,20,433 3,02,441 - 79 St Anthony’s Magadi 2011 600 400 400 ------6,300 1,190 - Church 2012 1,333 4,340 991 ------5,530 1,213 - 2013 - - - 350 - - - - - 5,530 - - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

80 Christ the Mallesh- 2011 40,384 23,032 42,189 34,824 17,903 23,655 19,926 18,583 24,969 1,15,624 48,585 47,468 King Church waram 2012 98,904 59,940 66,361 38,357 18,349 21,745 18,507 20,478 17,873 1,36,000 11,852 38,636 2013 - - - 42,684 22,550 27,090 25,289 23,170 24,786 1,00,389 19,713 42,683

81 St Francis Malur 2011 410 1,500 1,100 500 450 480 510 700 500 5,200 1,200 1,600 De Sales Church 2012 1,400 6,800 1,900 500 450 610 600 380 450 10,000 1,500 1,400 2013 - - - 600 600 670 950 450 - 15,000 1,200 800

82 Holy Eucharist Mangamma- 2011 4,000 5,000 3,000 3,150 3,700 3,500 - 3,000 - 33,000 6,100 4,000 Church napalya 2012 9,100 10,300 7,500 4,020 4,050 3,400 3,500 4,100 - 21,000 4,000 4,200 2013 - - - 5,000 3,400 3,800 3,300 3,200 3,400 21,000 4,100 4,000

83 St Anne’s Marathahalli 2011 15,155 10,385 12,135 5,120 - 7,500 8,050 - - 2,03,646 14,235 3,010 Church 2012 49,920 50,240 32,560 - - 18,420 17,095 5,015 - 1,62,088 13,185 21,035 2013 - - - - 8,025 10,000 9,605 12,025 8,000 1,62,870 13,490 5,020

84 St James Marianna- 2011 6,300 8,950 3,607 3,850 5,480 5,900 5,300 4,440 5,260 60,000 12,320 15,000 Church palya 2012 23,365 40,015 27,525 7,295 6,915 7,770 4,810 6,305 7,325 70,000 12,095 8,020 2013 - - - 8,485 8,045 8,375 8,480 6,995 9,385 1,15,960 15,965 15,220

85 Mount Carmel Mariapura 2011 3,397 7,489 5,296 3,000 - - - - - 72,000 5,450 4,840 Church 2012 7,470 10,715 8,576 3,760 3,900 4,465 4,115 - - 48,740 6,380 3,720 2013 - - - - 3,900 4,350 4,150 4,100 4,050 32,000 5,250 6,200

86 St Paul’s Marikuppam 2011 2,000 2,650 1,360 725 798 823 785 899 758 7,980 1,504 755 Church 2012 2,702 3,727 2,710 890 710 690 775 920 902 10,250 1,739 810 2013 - - - 902 902 - 902 902 - 10,230 1,090 720

87 St Sebastian’s Mathikere 2011 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - 18,000 - 1,000 Church (SM) 2012 2,000 1,500 3,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 14,000 1,500 1,000 2013 - - - 1,000 1,000 - - 1,000 - 16,000 1,500 1,000 Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

88 St Joseph’s Mathikere 2011 ------Malankara Church 2012 ------(SMK) 2013 ------

89 St Anne’s Mestripalya 2011 1,100 1,817 1,313 939 794 761 759 801 811 10,000 1,006 763 Church 2012 2,134 2,632 2,446 873 791 788 763 749 791 4,000 1,212 893 2013 ------8,080 - -

90 Infant Jesus Moodala- 2011 - 5,000 ------40,000 - - Church palya 2012 ------60,000 - - 2013 ------1,00,000 - -

91 Our Lady of Mulbagal 2011 70 164 96 85 73 70 82 82 70 3,800 410 118 Compassion 2012 514 701 664 77 82 73 104 91 103 3,910 386 333 Church 2013 - - - 113 189 203 145 104 210 6,050 160 120

92 Good Shephered Murphy 2011 12,400 8,930 10,265 8,200 8,090 9,340 8,940 8,455 7,140 55,000 11,720 25,400 Church Town 2012 31,786 19,827 17,990 9,990 9,413 3,074 2,455 9,132 9,525 43,410 9,270 7,231 2013 - - - 9,570 8,090 8,120 8,032 7,407 9,755 80,000 11,535 12,421

93 Holy Trinity Mylasandra 2011 3,269 1,802 3,802 2,998 2,547 2,308 2,376 2,041 2,444 52,209 2,957 5,688 Church 2012 3,520 4,744 3,313 2,636 - - - - - 20,000 - - 2013 ------

94 St Jude’s Naganapalya 2011 5,157 2,659 5,752 ------35,837 4,358 - Church 2012 4,184 9,207 8,442 3,060 3,025 3,088 3,407 3,440 - 39,718 - - 2013 ------40,040 - -

95 St Paul’s Nagasandra 2011 3,000 3,500 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,200 900 1,200 700 27,000 9,000 3,000 Church 2012 8,862 12,000 10,834 2,500 2,115 4,455 2,150 2,928 2,247 32,725 9,000 4,448 2013 - - - 3,475 3,000 12,070 2,754 3,325 4,340 30,250 9,750 - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

96 St Anthony’s Nelamangala 2011 - 5,324 1,417 ------13,220 3,720 - Church 2012 3,597 8,732 2,130 1,345 1,350 - - - - 23,071 2,175 1,037 2013 - - - 1,300 1,470 1,620 1,870 1,520 1,720 37,630 1,350 1,615

97 St Anthony’s New 2011 4,174 5,587 4,281 5,000 7,900 4,289 4,342 5,108 5,015 17,459 8,376 11,409 Church Guddadahalli 2012 13,828 23,655 15,478 5,339 9,583 5,088 4,630 3,641 6,789 23,527 8,518 5,561 2013 - - - 4,471 6,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 23,000 6,589 7,000

98 Mother of Oorgaum 2011 3,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 21,030 2,000 7,000 Mines Church 2012 7,850 7,172 6,860 2,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 25,000 4,000 4,100 2013 - - - 2,260 1,668 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 25,550 5,000 7,000

99 St Jude’s R T Nagar 2011 1,07,169 40,335 34,305 38,410 3,000 42,245 2,000 3,000 2,000 1,00,000 53,995 70,670 Church 2012 2,74,025 1,10,300 83,185 55,205 2,000 42,120 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,00,000 45,470 72,310 2013 - - - 50,305 36,060 42,510 35,475 23,765 33,480 1,00,000 - -

100 Immaculate Railway 2011 4,400 4,100 5,500 4,500 5,000 5,050 4,650 4,700 5,100 38,500 9,200 14,850 Conception Colony 2012 21,450 16,500 18,090 4,100 5,350 5,260 3,600 4,000 5,000 46,000 6,000 10,400 Church 2013 - - - 5,015 5,000 2,500 30,000 16,000

101 Assumption Rajajinagar 2011 42,870 24,156 17,422 12,558 7,842 - - - - 1,02,442 32,814 60,128 Church 2012 33,316 27,256 51,470 7,846 11,829 10,772 10,714 11,930 - 1,05,736 31,417 24,761 2013 - - - 10,716 10,676 12,386 - 10,886 10,457 1,17,328 23,125 27,905

102 Church of Raja- 2011 1,873 500 1,246 500 2,988 3,443 3,332 7,271 2,000 54,600 11,100 6,914 Holy name rajeshwari 2012 20,826 12,398 13,413 8,408 1,500 2,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 20,000 4,893 5,302 of Jesus Nagar 2013 - - - 3,835 1,582 - 1,645 1,162 3,000 27,000 2,750 5,000

103 Holy Family Ramamurthy 2011 7,925 16,957 14,118 8,105 6,927 7,171 7,026 7,256 10,250 2,25,565 9,113 - Church Nagar 2012 16,240 33,069 19,292 7,865 7,901 6,871 6,891 6,895 7,158 2,44,090 8,685 7,252 2013 - - - 8,813 7,825 8,105 7,613 7,111 7,139 2,45,000 8,894 12,842 Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

104 St Mary’s Ramamurthy 2011 ------7,000 - - Church (SM) Nagar 2012 ------2013 ------

105 Our Lady of Ramanagar 2011 1,850 2,555 1,100 ------17,765 - - Lourdes Church 2012 ------32,000 - - 2013 ------25,385 - -

106 Ss Peter Rayapuram 2011 7,240 7,630 5,620 6,510 6,630 7,230 6,940 6,570 6,480 71,418 12,906 21,004 and Paul 2012 10,700 18,700 18,200 4,535 4,100 7,300 4,200 3,500 4,200 22,875 10,300 4,500 Church 2013 - - - 8,870 6,948 7,646 9,124 6,929 7,635 27,263 7,110 11,310

107 Holy Ghost Richard’s 2011 1,54,160 1,60,000 ------3,36,635 - 1,27,510 Church Town 2012 2,03,040 2,10,000 ------4,30,905 - - 2013 - - - - - 1,70,525 - - - 5,78,480 - 1,55,745

108 Sacred Heart Richmond 2011 55,090 38,870 28,882 30,000 25,414 30,000 18,259 25,761 35,442 4,20,000 25,020 32,020 Church Road 2012 42,580 47,548 21,120 33,790 41,000 33,930 24,030 24,090 23,370 4,00,000 76,710 - 2013 - - - 30,750 31,590 31,250 28,010 28,230 29,170 5,23,750 73,330 -

109 St Teresa’s Robertsonpet 2011 2,517 3,992 3,214 2,394 3,111 3,953 3,103 4,100 - 28,140 4,813 4,616 Church K G F 2012 10,280 12,568 10,880 4,416 4,136 4,218 4,232 4,010 4,199 28,110 5,630 5,210 2013 - - - 5,473 5,790 6,500 5,610 4,025 3,370 33,952 7,525 8,030

110 St Peter’s Rustumbagh 2011 11,070 12,130 7,267 ------64,397 9,119 11,308 Church 2012 25,134 35,723 23,772 ------37,950 - 16,897 2013 - - - 10,790 13,804 9,680 10,057 12,855 13,050 1,25,538 10,768 18,340

111 St Joseph’s Sannenahalli 2011 365 869 667 300 163 218 132 270 185 2,230 900 1,900 Church 2012 1,275 2,370 2,800 200 414 610 780 575 708 6,010 2,855 445 2013 - - - 980 1,120 315 636 256 420 11,500 1,100 1,191 Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

112 St Michael’s Shanthi- 2011 7,458 5,234 7,678 7,621 4,998 4,743 4,944 5,029 5,267 20,568 15,637 6,037 Church nagar 2012 20,552 29,311 22,487 9,061 5,306 6,166 4,913 4,861 6,555 24,251 12,432 6,809 2013 - - - 6,096 6,701 6,265 6,065 5,779 6,515 27,519 - -

113 St Mary’s Shivajinagar 2011 78,745 22,456 55,180 25,830 34,745 - 32,825 30,025 34,200 5,01,000 1,08,750 45,241 Basilica 2012 76,355 75,130 1,44,110 33,610 26,720 - 36,549 33,171 48,390 8,55,380 1,41,235 - 2013 - - - - 29,905 - 32,860 27,885 32,380 5,98,751 1,34,400 -

114 Sacred Heart Siddala- 2011 270 336 312 - 180 170 205 218 - 1,694 300 240 Church ghatta 2012 682 2,940 1,628 146 280 367 266 418 266 1,500 423 492 2013 - - - 231 736 388 394 396 546 3,175 565 414

115 Sacred Heart Siluvepura 2011 3,925 4,248 2,474 2,950 2,850 683 1,637 - 1,730 52,181 - - Church 2012 3,055 1,330 2,230 - 2,049 2,666 2,165 2,018 2,260 52,000 3,860 2,028 2013 - - - 1,970 1,185 2,120 2,508 2,295 2,790 35,000 2,150 -

116 St John’s Singasandra 2011 ------Malankara 2012 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - - - 1,000 4,000 1,000 Church (SMK) 2013 ------

117 St Joseph’s Sira 2011 100 200 200 200 150 130 200 115 150 2,000 300 400 Church 2012 200 700 250 200 150 230 244 150 200 1,500 400 400 2013 - - - 200 150 160 120 125 180 1,800 300 350

118 St Joseph’s Solur 2011 2,060 1,740 600 ------32,910 3,057 - Church 2012 2,269 7,717 1,927 ------37,280 1,901 - 2013 - - - 520 - - - - - 41,600 - -

119 St Francis Somanahalli 2011 300 500 400 400 400 500 400 400 200 14,000 - - Xavier’s Church 2012 1,320 1,550 1,650 1,000 1,280 1,440 540 600 580 5,000 1,080 512 2013 - - - 515 543 539 600 531 544 6,100 1,212 - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

120 Nithyadhare Srinivasa- 2011 76 505 284 - 88 100 - - - 300 335 125 Matha Church pura 2012 - - 780 - 50 82 - - - 805 307 - 2013 ------1,576 - -

121 St Alphonsa Sultanpalya 2011 500 500 500 500 500 500 - 500 - 8,000 500 - Church (SM) 2012 1,000 500 3,000 500 500 - - - 500 10,000 1,000 1,000 2013 - - - 500 500 - - - - 8,000 2,000 1,000

122 St Joseph’s Susaipalayam 2011 1,200 1,350 1,450 980 860 600 1,000 1,116 1,010 20,285 1,350 582 Church K G F 2012 1,015 1,676 1,694 - 1,300 900 1,400 1,300 1,200 22,000 1,642 1,041 2013 - - - - - 1,493 2,306 2,434 2,231 40,000 2,310 -

123 St Anthony’s T C Palya 2011 26,000 34,644 31,599 14,211 13,440 14,829 14,205 11,385 15,450 80,659 44,098 20,000 Church 2012 79,892 43,580 87,865 - 17,649 20,799 16,733 16,925 13,099 1,90,000 33,213 15,943 2013 - - - 20,119 22,770 21,353 19,552 11,006 18,749 3,06,398 49,001 21,611

124 Ss Joseph T Dasarahalli 2011 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,500 800 750 800 800 700 9,500 1,200 850 and Claret 2012 1,500 1,500 4,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 12,000 3,335 1,000 Church (SM) 2013 ------

125 St Theresa’s Theresapura 2011 65 100 125 70 60 55 80 65 60 1,000 100 505 Church 2012 120 110 160 65 60 50 65 70 50 1,000 110 560 2013 - - - 60 60 60 60 60 60 1,000 100 500

126 Sacred Heart Tiptur 2011 1,210 3,602 2,620 1,470 979 764 586 798 637 11,140 2,100 2,375 Church 2012 4,880 12,000 5,720 971 1,260 1,154 1,900 1,100 694 15,105 3,535 934 2013 - - - 1,682 1,200 802 1,062 1,698 887 12,010 2,780 3,072

127 Our Lady Tumkur 2011 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 10,000 - - of Lourdes 2012 650 650 4,000 650 650 - 650 650 650 10,000 3,000 650 Church 2013 ------Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

128 St Jude’s Udayanagar 2011 ------2,000 - - Church (SM) 2012 3,520 2,010 4,370 1,020 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,000 5,000 2,820 1,000 2013 ------5,000 - -

129 St Anthony’s Uttarahalli 2011 5,899 8,979 2,325 5,278 5,978 4,943 4,923 5,325 5,541 1,06,693 6,020 5,044 Church 2012 8,156 20,395 7,804 3,100 4,300 3,500 2,400 3,000 2,600 55,000 6,467 5,887 2013 - - - 4,652 5,774 4,723 4,572 3,560 4,041 52,144 - -

130 St Paul V Nagana- 2011 6,615 8,554 3,280 6,690 5,170 4,337 4,130 4,542 4,092 45,868 4,750 10,429 the Hermit halli 2012 19,714 21,368 10,780 16,668 9,380 3,400 6,024 4,635 6,370 31,521 8,600 8,454 Church 2013 - - - 8,450 8,500 8,700 9,844 5,205 4,220 36,000 6,050 5,122

131 Holy Rosary Venkatala 2011 5,105 6,336 8,076 4,941 1,433 5,273 5,655 3,727 4,833 70,338 9,640 7,165 Church Yelahanka 2012 21,635 12,637 12,815 6,970 6,980 4,000 6,200 3,018 4,000 1,30,900 13,100 12,940 2013 - - - 8,735 12,468 14,165 16,290 10,100 13,410 1,56,000 10,535 51,050

132 Nativity Church Vidyaranya- 2011 - 10,394 5,997 5,366 5,381 5,248 - 5,581 - 1,69,243 - 7,284 pura 2012 10,990 23,517 11,793 1,150 3,420 2,350 2,250 3,200 14,145 2,02,794 8,033 4,860 2013 - - - 8,523 9,446 10,350 5,600 6,926 - 2,28,228 - -

133 St John the Vijayanagar 2011 4,250 6,440 7,530 3,110 - - 4,038 3,218 2,124 38,697 - - Baptist Church 2012 9,022 23,323 13,833 4,624 8,195 4,326 3,014 3,104 3,224 39,241 6,314 - 2013 ------3,126 3,214 3,360 42,085 6,381 -

134 Mary Matha Vijayanagar 2011 500 200 - 200 200 200 - 200 - 8,000 - - Church (SM) 2012 500 200 500 ------2013 - - - 200 200 200 - 200 - 7,000 500 500

135 Infant Jesus Vijayapura 2011 460 290 550 315 265 160 250 285 250 8,000 1,600 2,000 Church 2012 1,050 2,190 3,400 250 480 250 300 420 470 10,600 1,100 900 2013 ------6,500 - - Sl. Name Place Period Hunger Holy Easter Vocation Peter CIB African St. Peter Holy Mission Christ- Holy No. of the & Land Sunday Pence Mission Apostle See Sunday mas Child- Parish Disease hood

136 Infant Jesus Viveknagar 2011 84,020 71,570 92,645 - 67,070 70,645 - - - 5,01,250 1,64,800 90,195 Church 2012 1,95,700 2,56,405 2,90,925 94,310 92,625 1,01,005 62,505 87,250 76,465 5,50,335 2,02,190 1,04,665 2013 - - - 1,14,195 - - - - - 7,00,000 2,65,250 1,74,910 137 Our Lady of Whitefield 2011 13,443 14,968 20,973 20,442 20,408 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,226 28,610 19,369 Lourdes Church 2012 47,857 55,350 46,693 30,347 15,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 70,620 31,134 31,559 2013 - - - 30,028 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,00,000 40,710 40,910 138 St Anthony’s Yadavana- 2011 960 1,429 1,150 525 610 - 655 1,190 - 4,000 2,000 1,000 Church halli 2012 1,000 720 565 ------16,500 1,140 925 (sub station of 2013 ------16,010 1,010 670 Adigondanalli) 139 Our Lady of Yelahanka 2011 4,645 10,380 6,115 4,278 5,228 6,158 5,529 5,837 6,045 44,280 6,585 8,442 Vailankanni New Town 2012 24,725 21,645 14,898 6,462 6,543 7,645 6,305 5,970 6,355 44,745 9,506 6,800 Church 2013 - - - 5,862 7,765 7,760 9,420 7,812 8,117 60,100 16,070 14,796 140 Swarga Rani Raja- 2011 ------Church (SM) rajeshwari 2012 ------Nagar 2013 ------141 St Augustine Marianahalli 2011 ------Church (SM) 2012 ------(Estd 2013) 2013 - - - 500 500 941 500 500 1,000 2,059 - -

Total 43,27,218 46,05,280 38,98,993 23,79,347 23,65,818 18,86,632 19,26,331 18,85,423 49,40,745 38,26,851

Note: Hunger & Disease, Holy Land and Easter Collections are not applicable for the Financial Yar 2013-2014. Second Sunday Collection as on 31.03.2014


1 St Joseph's Church Adigondanahalli 2011-12 300 75 200 - 150 150 150 200 200 200 - 200 1,825 2012-13 - 50 200 359 375 561 214 - - 945 913 954 4,571 2013-14 445 520 552 475 602 409 563 630 450 470 - 620 5,736

2 St Anthony's Church Agrahara 2011-12 1,010 702 1,050 - 1,025 1,050 800 1,000 1,062 1,025 - 1,248 9,972 sub station of 2012-13 2,442 1,251 - - - 1,227 1,118 1,430 1,540 1,773 1,686 - 12,467 railway colony 2013-14 1,563 1,375 1,212 1,469 1,758 1,076 1,036 - - 2,234 1,424 2,433 15,580

3 Mother of Perpetual Akashnagar 2011-12 - - - - - 5,580 - 5,375 - 5,440 - 6,970 23,365 Help Church 2012-13 - - - 7,903 12,770 9,345 - 7,000 7,150 11,437 7,907 - 63,512 2013-14 25,624 24,418 18,404 - 13,720 8,105 10,161 13,860 12,280 8,800 - - 1,35,372

4 Sacred Heart Church Anagalapura 2011-12 - 319 214 ------533 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

5 St Benedict's Church Anchepalya 2011-12 229 199 235 204 219 - - - - 630 845 790 3,351 2012-13 - 203 210 - 214 219 235 208 215 205 - 217 1,926 2013-14 - 814 779 - 1,862 - - 411 - 523 - 755 5,144

6 St Joseph's Church Anekal 2011-12 - 603 605 602 605 616 601 650 633 1,241 1,455 1,414 9,025 2012-13 - 674 774 720 816 825 862 850 769 950 720 705 8,665 2013-14 ------

7 Holy Cross Church B E M L Nagar 2011-12 1,150 1,060 1,160 2,050 2,060 1,200 1,230 2,300 1,500 1,590 - 1,560 16,860 2012-13 - 2,300 1,580 - 2,000 2,010 1,535 1,600 1,500 1,100 - 1,730 15,355 2013-14 1,500 1,300 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,750 1,400 1,500 1,100 - 1,450 15,200

8 St Joseph's Church Babusapalya 2011-12 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - - - 11,000 (SM) 2012-13 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 700 700 700 11,000 2013-14 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - - 9,900 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

9 St Vincent Pallotti Banasawadi 2011-12 24,740 21,850 23,715 25,895 24,950 21,665 23,395 30,185 25,205 29,560 - 30,395 2,81,555 Church 2012-13 - 29,465 28,225 28,970 30,050 29,730 30,020 32,455 31,300 32,010 - 34,855 3,07,080 2013-14 41,100 37,750 38,295 48,010 49,150 39,540 51,205 52,640 54,515 55,640 - 63,935 5,31,780

10 Sacred Heart Church Bangarpet 2011-12 310 300 315 - 350 325 310 280 260 325 - 290 3,065 2012-13 - 280 312 - 295 285 320 304 232 322 - 760 3,110 2013-14 ------

11 St Anthony's Church Basavanapura 2011-12 2,095 2,120 2,180 - 2,030 2,070 2,020 2,050 2,070 2,140 - 2,035 20,810 2012-13 - 2,040 1,985 - 2,750 1,800 2,790 1,800 3,110 2,970 - 2,645 21,890 2013-14 2,020 2,990 2,115 - 1,825 2,490 3,030 3,060 3,010 3,050 - - 23,590

12 St Ignatius Church Begur 2011-12 ------2012-13 - 2,535 2,605 ------7,975 - 7,975 21,090 2013-14 - - 3,000 - 6,500 8,300 6,000 11,000 11,500 12,000 - 14,550 72,850

13 Sacred Heart Church Bellandur Gate 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

14 Annunciation Church Benson Town 2011-12 2,060 2,280 2,580 - - 2,380 2,510 2,225 2,015 2,160 - 2,250 20,460 2012-13 - 2,740 2,520 - 2,638 2,120 2,802 3,461 4,644 2,829 - 3,348 27,102 2013-14 3,270 3,856 3,668 - 3,450 2,210 3,333 3,761 1,446 3,020 - 5,158 33,172

15 St Anthony's Church Bettada halasooru 2011-12 18 15 8 - 12 11 50 40 60 45 - 25 284 2012-13 - 20 21 - 30 40 25 36 45 40 - 30 287 2013-14 ------

16 Holy Rosary Church Bidadi 2011-12 ------(sub station of 2012-13 ------Ramanagara) 2013-14 ------Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

17 St Mary's Church (SM) Bommanahalli 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

18 St Joseph's Church Briand Square 2011-12 9,127 - 9,068 - 11,445 8,820 8,389 11,247 9,381 9,366 - 11,373 88,216 2012-13 - 10,019 12,363 ------22,382 2013-14 ------

19 St Patrick's Church Brigade Road 2011-12 89,770 71,920 91,110 72,040 - 87,010 72,610 77,530 85,360 1,00,620 - 90,970 8,38,940 2012-13 - 91,200 82,090 - 88,620 82,500 93,250 - 89,780 1,02,080 - 94,660 7,24,180 2013-14 84,920 86,850 87,860 - 84,630 89,080 76,160 92,950 88,720 90,040 - 1,03,430 8,84,640

20 Christ the King Church Byrathi 2011-12 - - 2,485 - 2,611 2,818 3,139 4,398 - 4,845 - 3,050 23,346 2012-13 - 3,907 4,090 - 4,543 3,697 - - 4,753 - - 4,125 25,115 2013-14 4,565 4,637 4,285 - 4,515 4,919 3,849 - - 6,261 - - 33,031

21 St Alphonsa Church C.K.C. Garden 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

22 Mount Carmel Carmelaram 2011-12 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14,400 Church (SM) 2012-13 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 - 1,200 13,200 2013-14 1,200 1,200 1,200 ------3,600

23 Our Lady of Champion Reefs 2011-12 1,768 3,542 3,632 - 4,737 859 3,697 - - 3,644 - 4,969 26,848 Victories Church K G F 2012-13 - 4,582 4,772 - 2,831 570 2,996 5,619 8,659 3,055 - 4,116 37,200 2013-14 4,764 4,582 6,978 6,417 5,000 2,651 4,171 4,041 6,386 - - - 44,990

24 St Joseph's Church Channapatna 2011-12 642 580 610 690 740 980 800 860 695 920 - 1,070 8,587 2012-13 - 850 1,125 - 890 1,010 970 1,200 1,005 860 - 1,110 9,020 2013-14 1,100 1,000 990 - - 1,110 - 1,480 1,235 1,355 - 1,365 9,635 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

25 St Rock's Church Chellikere 2011-12 - - - - - 4,739 - 4,992 - 5,497 - 5,720 20,948 2012-13 - 6,492 ------6,997 - - 13,489 2013-14 5,837 ------5,837

26 St Joseph's Church Chickaballapur 2011-12 ------Garehalli sub station 2012-13 ------2013-14 110 105 112 ------327

27 St Francis Xavier's Chikkaballapur 2011-12 680 900 810 820 730 780 920 700 940 900 - 860 9,040 Church 2012-13 - 800 820 - 830 810 1,100 900 850 950 - 1,000 8,060 2013-14 660 800 860 ------2,320

28 St Francis Xavier's Chikkakammana- 2011-12 1,490 1,580 1,755 - 1,035 1,325 1,680 1,445 1,750 1,820 - 2,175 16,055 Church halli 2012-13 - 1,842 ------1,842 2013-14 ------

29 St Joseph's Church Chintamani 2011-12 162 170 165 185 205 175 195 210 198 185 213 220 2,283 2012-13 240 246 241 235 220 245 255 275 290 255 229 225 2,956 2013-14 ------

30 St Thomas Forance Christ School 2011-12 ------Church (SM) 2012-13 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 12,000 2013-14 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 11,000

31 St Francis Xavier's Cleveland Town 2011-12 58,502 41,795 37,791 - 48,729 50,380 57,714 60,800 1,13,690 - - 59,776 5,29,177 Cathedral 2012-13 - 52,310 61,210 - 60,547 39,929 64,595 58,528 - 55,057 - 51,500 4,43,676 2013-14 53,580 44,000 61,306 - 64,797 25,868 64,591 72,465 - 76,736 - - 4,63,343

32 St Sebastian's Church Coromandel K G F 2011-12 769 430 460 - 1,175 1,042 964 876 1,082 1,043 4,176 1,317 13,334 2012-13 - 829 906 - 867 897 903 923 977 988 - 951 8,241 2013-14 1,216 1,139 1,180 - 1,103 1,102 1,287 1,132 1,207 1,388 - 1,296 12,050 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

33 Ascension Church Dacosta Layout 2011-12 - 25,000 27,000 - 30,000 26,000 25,000 27,325 28,000 30,000 - 35,000 2,53,325 2012-13 - 30,000 30,000 - 37,000 30,000 32,000 41,000 32,000 40,000 - 40,000 3,12,000 2013-14 35,000 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 - - - 1,95,000

34 St Peter's Church Doddaballapur 2011-12 538 453 382 111 289 330 364 550 545 538 200 556 4,856 2012-13 - 374 420 429 692 665 763 692 622 534 400 500 6,091 2013-14 ------

35 Immaculate Doresanipalya 2011-12 5,200 5,000 5,400 - 5,400 5,200 5,400 5,200 5,400 5,200 - 5,400 52,800 Conception Church 2012-13 5,000 5,200 5,400 5,400 5,500 5,600 5,200 5,400 - 7,000 - - 49,700 2013-14 - - 10,000 - 10,750 - - 10,728 8,992 - - - 40,470

36 Blessed Kuriakose Ejipura 2011-12 ------Elias Chavara Church 2012-13 500 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 500 - 500 5,000 (SM) 2013-14 ------

37 St Sebastian's Gajendranagar 2011-12 ------Church (SM) 2012-13 - 410 440 - 400 450 420 460 440 400 - 410 3,830 2013-14 - 400 430 - 440 400 410 430 420 - - - 2,930

38 St Anthony's Church Gangondanahalli 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 - - - 3,363 4,068 3,110 3,468 4,017 3,548 3,517 3,248 4,024 32,363

39 St Francis Xavier's Gokunte 2011-12 - 216 142 208 212 212 225 218 220 210 - 215 2,078 Church 2012-13 - 265 215 - 225 236 236 268 362 246 - 248 2,301 2013-14 246 254 150 - 160 180 210 150 180 160 - - 1,690

40 St Thomas Church H A L 2011-12 35,003 17,120 14,392 19,278 17,120 15,090 16,252 17,643 18,348 20,265 - 18,639 2,09,150 2012-13 - 16,630 20,438 - 17,682 18,190 20,397 20,399 - - - 21,395 1,35,131 2013-14 18,267 19,050 - - 18,255 19,777 19,005 20,109 19,899 19,405 - - 1,53,767 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

41 Our Lady of Lourdes Halasur 2011-12 25,185 30,192 30,904 21,534 28,588 20,968 27,277 31,427 30,642 21,164 30,130 30,624 3,28,635 Church 2012-13 27,292 26,724 33,125 31,990 32,598 24,557 29,411 35,813 23,833 22,753 32,173 29,134 3,49,403 2013-14 ------

42 Holy Rosary Church Harobale 2011-12 - 510 573 - 819 711 680 681 528 680 - 690 5,872 2012-13 - 326 682 - 581 705 611 710 615 610 - 711 5,551 2013-14 721 594 684 - 694 911 641 701 682 680 - - 6,308

43 St Francis De Sales Hebbagodi 2011-12 ------Church 2012-13 2,010 1,850 2,480 - 2,035 2,465 2,355 1,480 2,168 2,480 - 2,130 21,453 2013-14 4,200 4,300 4,000 - 6,900 6,200 6,500 5,200 5,030 5,770 - 6,820 54,920

44 Mother of Sorrows Hebbagodi 2011-12 ------Church (SM) 2012-13 - - 3,000 3,000 3,000 ------9,000 2013-14 2,500 2,700 2,500 2,300 2,800 3,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 2,700 - 2,100 29,100

45 St Mary's Church Hegdenagar 2011-12 1,100 1,800 ------2,900 2012-13 ------2013-14 1,700 1,805 1,849 - 1,750 1,809 1,948 1,679 1,650 1,760 - 1,870 17,820

46 St Mary's Malankara Hennur 2011-12 ------Church (SMK) 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

47 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 2011-12 ------Hennur 2011-12 ------2013-14 ------

48 Our Lady of Fatima Hoskote 2011-12 - 425 329 636 615 253 333 310 318 663 - 343 4,225 Church 2012-13 - 325 360 330 335 770 370 400 345 325 405 410 4,375 2013-14 315 320 320 305 320 305 320 620 - 300 315 - 3,440 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

49 San Thome Parish Hulimavu 2011-12 ------Church (SM) 2012-13 - 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 - - 500 4,000 2013-14 500 500 500 500 500 500 - 500 500 - - - 4,000

50 Resurrection Church Indiranagar 2011-12 51,168 44,051 48,839 - 40,783 50,633 44,403 - 45,851 49,655 - 48,400 4,23,783 2012-13 - 50,141 52,387 53,346 49,591 43,680 45,357 - 46,011 44,152 - 48,477 4,33,142 2013-14 48,490 49,769 50,082 - 65,581 71,535 67,625 76,222 62,970 66,628 - 68,200 6,27,102

51 St John the Evangelist J C Nagar 2011-12 5,680 6,450 7,540 7,555 4,150 4,100 5,560 5,250 5,100 7,060 - 7,500 65,945 Church 2012-13 - 8,450 9,010 - 10,500 7,340 8,500 8,400 7,350 10,000 - 7,500 77,050 2013-14 9,800 9,100 9,300 - 10,600 2,600 9,600 9,400 7,500 10,000 - 10,000 87,900

52 St Theresa's Church J C Road 2011-12 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,348 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 14,348 2012-13 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 9,000 2013-14 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 - - 5,000

53 St Thomas Church (SM) Jalahalli 2011-12 500 500 500 500 1,000 500 500 1,000 500 500 1,000 - 7,000 2012-13 - 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 500 - 500 4,500 2013-14 ------

54 Our Lady of Fatima Jalahalli 2011-12 15,800 13,600 15,100 - 14,700 13,200 13,600 14,900 14,300 15,400 - 15,680 1,46,280 Church 2012-13 13,200 13,220 14,100 - 14,800 12,150 13,850 13,600 14,200 13,900 - 11,100 1,34,120 2013-14 11,000 11,300 11,500 - 12,860 11,480 14,400 24,528 20,411 31,965 - - 1,49,444

55 Kristha Karunalaya Jaraganahalli 2011-12 - - 4,091 ------4,091 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

56 Christha Prabhalaya Jayanagar 2011-12 14,700 12,020 13,520 - 12,970 13,550 12,790 15,200 12,750 13,860 - 14,030 1,35,390 2012-13 - 13,310 16,410 - 15,250 14,850 14,690 14,180 14,140 15,340 - 18,060 1,36,230 2013-14 15,560 15,980 17,460 - 14,010 18,300 15,960 16,030 16,410 17,870 - - 1,47,580 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

57 Blessed John Paul ll K.Chennasandra 2011-12 - - - - - 2,672 4,446 - 1,969 3,473 - 3,906 16,466 Church 2012-13 1,945 2,540 2,310 2,108 1,781 2,241 2,011 - - - - - 14,936 2013-14 3,140 2,000 2,956 2,000 2,140 2,014 1,800 3,716 3,136 3,813 - 3,672 30,387

58 St Anthony's Church Kadasenahalli 2011-12 95 120 105 - 85 75 125 98 70 125 - 110 1,008 2012-13 - 120 120 - 110 120 135 130 130 125 - 85 1,075 2013-14 91 82 113 205 165 216 194 85 110 106 - 115 1,482

59 Immaculate Heart of Kalena Agrahara 2011-12 6,800 5,279 7,006 - 6,216 4,486 7,632 7,377 7,282 7,522 - 7,927 67,527 Mary Church 2012-13 - 7,990 8,962 - 10,500 8,426 10,927 11,471 9,731 9,251 - 7,752 85,010 2013-14 10,997 11,340 14,209 - 10,114 8,111 8,673 15,452 13,587 13,475 - 12,293 1,18,251

60 St Joseph's Semi Kalkere 2011-12 ------Public Church (SM) 2012-13 ------100 100 100 100 - 100 500 2013-14 ------

61 Holy Redeemer Church Kalyan Nagar 2011-12 2,100 2,050 2,000 - 2,000 2,050 3,000 2,100 2,000 2,150 - 2,000 21,450 2012-13 - 2,500 3,000 2,500 2,300 2,800 2,300 2,200 2,100 3,000 - 2,500 25,200 2013-14 - 3,200 3,100 - 3,200 3,050 3,250 3,200 3,200 - - - 22,200

62 St Pius "X" Church Kammanahalli 2011-12 15,850 14,253 15,322 - 15,065 12,067 16,300 11,060 16,145 20,130 - 19,261 1,55,453 2012-13 - 11,230 14,460 16,390 16,360 12,130 17,220 15,735 20,200 23,355 - 18,810 1,65,890 2013-14 - 20,960 19,730 - 19,640 9,220 21,350 22,540 23,220 20,360 - - 1,57,020

63 St Rita's Church Kanakapura 2011-12 250 250 250 - 250 250 300 250 250 250 - 250 2,550 2012-13 ------780 - - 780 2013-14 ------

64 St Jude's Church Karahalli 2011-12 135 150 170 140 200 180 200 170 - - - - 1,345 2012-13 290 260 225 - 315 295 190 180 220 300 - - 2,275 2013-14 280 320 210 240 270 300 330 505 370 340 - - 3,165 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

65 St Norbert Church Kasavanahalli 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

66 St Anthony's Church Kavalbyrasandra 2011-12 - - - - - 3,651 - 3,551 - 4,171 - 4,511 15,884 2012-13 - - - - 4,012 - - 3,874 - 3,716 - - 11,602 2013-14 ------

67 St Francis of Assisi Kengeri 2011-12 ------4,620 4,500 4,120 - 4,425 17,665 Church 2012-13 ------4,360 4,360 - - 8,720 2013-14 - 5,110 ------5,320 - - - 10,430

68 St Gaspar's Church Kittiganur 2011-12 456 551 285 581 512 695 582 588 545 548 - 646 5,989 2012-13 - 350 300 250 350 400 375 450 500 450 - 300 3,725 2013-14 450 375 400 320 350 300 325 300 320 350 - - 3,490

69 St Anthony's Church Kodathi 2011-12 470 438 854 ------1,762 2012-13 ------1,096 1,096 2013-14 - 355 ------344 445 - 488 1,632

70 Immaculte Heart of Kolar 2011-12 1,025 840 870 - 1,200 1,065 1,990 1,990 1,403 1,085 - 2,175 13,643 Mary Church 2012-13 - 1,450 1,350 - 2,170 - 1,960 2,162 1,530 1,475 - 1,345 13,442 2013-14 1,576 1,100 1,227 - - 1,130 1,142 1,457 1,325 1,150 - - 10,107

71 Little Flower Semi Kothanurdinne 2011-12 187 176 190 - 170 184 200 196 211 188 - 198 1,900 public Church (SM) 2012-13 - 204 210 - 225 215 220 218 208 201 - 203 1,904 2013-14 ------

72 St Rita's Church Kunigal 2011-12 150 150 150 - 150 150 150 150 150 150 - 150 1,500 2012-13 - 200 200 - 200 200 200 200 200 200 - 200 1,800 2013-14 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 - 300 3,300 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

73 St John the Britto Laggere 2011-12 260 290 342 - 348 353 245 352 379 345 - 3,172 6,086 Church 2012-13 - 865 871 - 1,050 698 2,655 1,678 1,465 1,977 - 2,409 13,668 2013-14 1,589 2,353 1,253 - 1,605 1,462 1,757 1,866 1,857 2,144 - 2,558 18,444

74 Don Bosco Church Lingarajapuram 2011-12 3,000 3,500 3,000 - 3,200 3,500 3,300 3,500 3,300 3,700 - 4,000 34,000 2012-13 - 3,700 3,300 - 3,200 3,350 3,400 3,350 4,000 5,000 - 5,000 34,300 2013-14 5,400 4,800 6,200 - 5,150 4,700 5,300 5,800 6,400 7,100 - - 50,850

75 St Francsi of Assisi Lingarajapuram 2011-12 ------Church (SM) 2012-13 50 50 50 - 50 50 50 50 50 - 50 50 500 2013-14 50 50 50 - 100 50 50 100 50 100 - - 600

76 Our Lady of Lourdes Lourdunagar 2011-12 5,546 3,053 1,375 5,005 6,646 3,187 3,298 7,905 4,856 2,802 2,345 6,152 52,170 Church 2012-13 - 3,360 855 - 4,664 5,522 4,839 4,504 4,962 4,800 - 5,260 38,766 2013-14 4,360 ------4,360

77 St Anne's Church Madewapura 2013-14 ------Substation of 2012-13 ------Akashnagar 2013-14 ------

78 St Anthony's Friary Madiwala 2011-12 85,725 85,370 99,080 - 76,375 88,510 - 1,07,150 1,11,650 1,02,720 1,08,885 1,25,205 9,90,670 Church 2012-13 - 98,427 1,18,106 - 1,25,720 1,17,890 1,27,402 - 1,22,786 1,04,125 - 1,55,380 9,69,836 2013-14 1,13,057 1,30,507 1,37,130 - 1,47,031 1,20,145 1,46,825 - 1,51,022 1,40,490 - - 10,86,207

79 St Anthony's Church Magadi 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

80 Christ the King Church Malleshwaram 2011-12 18,098 16,593 20,680 - 20,599 17,076 19,543 21,736 20,441 20,720 - 22,778 1,98,264 2012-13 - 17,204 22,750 - 20,955 11,163 19,700 21,808 22,186 22,846 - 25,765 1,84,377 2013-14 24,398 23,517 23,450 - 31,589 13,413 25,832 29,005 29,221 26,590 - - 2,27,015 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

81 St Francis De Sales Malur 2011-12 400 480 510 - 450 610 450 570 630 640 - 700 5,440 Church 2012-13 - 600 700 - 450 500 470 560 550 670 - 550 5,050 2013-14 640 550 620 - 460 850 - 450 550 630 - 800 5,550

82 Holy Eucharist Church Mangammana- 2011-12 - - - - - 2,800 - 3,000 - 3,000 - 3,100 11,900 palya 2012-13 ------3,250 - 3,450 - - 6,700 2013-14 - 3,200 ------3,300 - 3,500 10,000

83 St Anne's Church Marathahalli 2011-12 - 10,000 13,125 - 13,965 13,125 13,700 15,260 14,875 15,525 15,355 16,250 1,41,180 2012-13 - 16,940 16,225 18,420 - 11,000 - 18,510 19,450 18,985 - - 1,19,530 2013-14 18,480 14,815 10,000 10,280 9,605 12,000 - 10,305 19,350 18,070 18,310 - 1,41,215

84 St James Church Mariannapalya 2011-12 3,350 3,404 3,855 - 5,900 5,030 6,060 5,210 5,825 5,565 - 7,400 51,599 2012-13 - 7,910 6,115 - 6,400 4,215 6,130 6,485 7,220 7,305 - 7,650 59,430 2013-14 5,855 8,440 8,185 - 7,415 2,940 7,300 - 8,130 9,140 - 9,500 66,905

85 Mount Carmel Church Mariapura 2011-12 - - - 3,695 4,660 3,000 3,200 3,690 1,600 2,690 - 4,940 27,475 2012-13 - 4,660 4,340 - - - - 3,435 - - - - 12,435 2013-14 - 3,650 ------4,150 - 4,050 11,850

86 St Paul's Church Marikuppam 2011-12 - 885 820 - 835 767 - 730 840 817 - 850 6,544 2012-13 - 790 803 - 880 780 - 710 920 760 - 840 6,483 2013-14 ------7,800 7,800

87 St Sebastian's Church Mathikere 2011-12 ------(SM) 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

88 St Joseph's Malankara Mathikere 2011-12 ------Church (SMK) 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

89 St Anne's Church Mestripalya 2011-12 831 770 830 - 820 815 810 825 815 810 - 822 8,148 2012-13 - 763 791 - 777 746 733 758 771 768 - 694 6,801 2013-14 ------

90 Infant Jesus Church Moodalapalya 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

91 Our Lady of Mulbagal 2011-12 60 75 67 - 63 73 67 75 67 73 66 686 Compassion Church 2012-13 - 63 70 - 109 82 106 103 247 225 - 375 1,380 2013-14 92 119 197 - 119 116 120 140 93 82 - 73 1,151

92 Good Shepered Church Murphy Town 2011-12 8,700 7,100 8,126 - 8,425 6,752 7,810 9,435 8,740 8,110 - 8,947 82,145 2012-13 - 7,590 18,870 7,029 7,100 8,029 10,275 8,430 8,565 8,725 - 8,550 93,163 2013-14 - 7,138 8,416 - 7,492 4,666 8,305 - 10,700 10,784 - 9,504 67,005

93 Holy Trinity Church Mylasandra 2011-12 2,143 1,946 1,852 - 1,589 1,685 2,791 2,742 2,154 2,367 - 2,605 21,874 2012-13 - 2,021 ------2,021 2013-14 ------

94 St Jude's Church Naganapalya 2011-12 2,835 3,544 3,493 2,876 2,685 2,875 2,655 2,823 3,017 3,570 3,067 2,712 36,152 2012-13 - 2,648 ------2,648 2013-14 ------

95 St Paul's Church Nagasandra 2011-12 1,002 1,110 1,620 1,266 1,669 1,044 1,296 1,278 2,210 1,900 - 2,500 16,895 2012-13 - 2,871 2,250 - 2,771 3,012 3,421 3,566 - - - - 17,891 2013-14 4,500 3,215 4,075 - 5,122 3,220 4,219 4,160 - - - - 28,511

96 St Anthony's Church Nelamangala 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 1,045 1,050 1,020 1,070 1,020 1,075 1,045 1,020 1,060 1,015 1,040 11,460 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

97 St Anthony's Church New 2011-12 3,902 3,578 3,707 - 4,863 4,169 4,195 6,304 3,993 5,163 - 4,924 44,798 Guddadahalli 2012-13 - 3,730 5,595 - 5,295 3,742 4,882 4,331 4,155 5,448 - 4,203 41,381 2013-14 4,983 5,146 4,163 - 4,840 3,680 4,865 5,745 5,570 5,250 - - 44,242

98 Mother of Mines Oorgaum 2011-12 500 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 - 1,000 10,500 Church 2012-13 - 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 - - 10,500 2013-14 1,000 1,500 1,318 - 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 - - 14,318

99 St Jude's Church R T Nagar 2011-12 21,445 26,525 25,225 - 25,225 21,705 26,500 19,095 27,165 28,530 - 28,525 2,49,940 2012-13 - 27,240 26,240 - 30,035 25,880 25,900 23,850 30,140 26,430 - 32,100 2,47,815 2013-14 30,860 31,560 30,745 - - 32,430 28,850 33,548 34,385 - - - 2,22,378

100 Immaculate Railway Colony 2011-12 4,500 4,300 5,100 - 5,150 5,200 5,160 4,100 4,800 4,650 - 5,170 48,130 Conception Church 2012-13 4,030 4,470 4,600 - 4,060 4,240 4,400 4,150 4,600 5,200 - - 39,750 2013-14 4,580 3,400 5,400 - - 13,380

101 Assumption Church Rajajinagar 2011-12 - 10,317 12,688 13,479 9,074 13,158 - 13,399 - 16,634 - 15,366 1,04,115 2012-13 - 8,814 10,325 ------19,139 2013-14 - - 12,220 - 18,342 - - - - 11,150 - - 41,712

102 Church of Holy Rajarajeshwari 2011-12 100 100 200 - 2,440 2,285 6,700 6,200 3,659 4,137 - 4,163 29,984 Name of Jesus Nagar 2012-13 - 4,365 3,505 - 4,866 2,923 3,889 3,028 3,145 3,377 - 3,516 32,614 2013-14 3,435 4,309 4,154 3,864 4,922 3,534 2,229 2,704 3,982 3,070 - 4,000 40,203

103 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy 2011-12 7,186 7,493 7,335 - 7,585 7,185 7,004 - 7,656 7,923 - 7,985 67,352 Nagar 2012-13 - - 7,414 - 7,764 5,105 7,015 6,998 6,976 6,928 7,252 7,058 62,510 2013-14 7,744 7,688 7,608 - 7,144 7,089 7,215 7,203 7,107 9,184 - 8,996 76,978

104 St Mary's Church (SM) Ramamurthy 2011-12 570 540 545 525 540 530 555 540 555 580 555 545 6,580 Nagar 2012-13 560 550 565 560 550 540 570 545 580 - - - 5,020 2013-14 ------Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

105 Our Lady of Ramanagar 2011-12 ------Lourdes Church 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

106 Ss Peter and Paul Rayapuram 2011-12 - - - - - 6,030 - 7,764 6,421 7,812 - 8,507 36,534 Church 2012-13 ------4,010 - - - 4,010 2013-14 ------24,442 - 24,442

107 Holy Ghost Church Richard's Town 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

108 Sacred Heart Church Richmond Road 2011-12 21,166 23,028 25,845 - 19,334 22,863 22,464 24,737 26,950 20,070 - 22,350 2,28,807 2012-13 - 23,370 25,210 - 30,070 20,150 27,040 36,710 25,250 23,040 - - 2,10,840 2013-14 31,110 29,640 50,270 - 27,350 16,610 25,350 48,270 38,590 - - - 2,67,190

109 St Teresa's Church Robertsonpet K G F 2011-12 2,323 2,211 2,221 - - 4,353 4,560 4,212 4,219 4,182 - 4,113 32,394 2012-13 - 4,034 4,219 - 4,131 4,613 4,808 4,222 4,960 5,180 - 5,135 41,302 2013-14 5,932 5,554 ------4,760 3,505 - - 19,751

110 St Peter's Church Rustumbagh 2011-12 - 5,884 8,185 8,234 7,940 8,600 8,365 9,149 - 10,400 - 9,727 76,484 2012-13 - 8,604 10,785 9,158 10,130 7,467 10,840 10,870 11,140 5,470 - - 84,464 2013-14 ------

111 St Joseph's Church Sannenahalli 2011-12 293 155 315 218 206 180 210 176 168 190 - 215 2,326 2012-13 - 275 195 610 200 172 192 736 385 365 - 350 3,480 2013-14 442 300 310 315 434 348 584 409 460 310 - 501 4,413

112 St Michael's Church Shanthinagar 2011-12 4,933 5,154 5,247 - 5,503 6,997 5,466 9,635 5,604 2,966 - 6,206 57,711 2012-13 - 5,616 6,286 - - 6,200 6,245 4,383 5,799 7,659 - 5,490 47,678 2013-14 6,310 4,671 6,775 - 7,391 3,351 5,376 6,646 - - - - 40,520 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

113 St Mary's Basilica Shivajinagar 2011-12 28,780 25,772 24,140 35,182 26,673 - 34,825 32,465 45,007 51,450 - 35,427 3,39,721 2012-13 - 27,280 39,220 39,735 23,345 - 39,544 20,798 47,903 31,000 40,000 32,620 3,41,445 2013-14 40,945 36,820 28,875 33,985 32,040 - 31,410 35,560 39,225 47,710 46,135 42,060 4,14,765

114 Sacred Heart Church Siddalaghatta 2011-12 138 102 214 - 328 224 206 - 180 170 - 250 1,812 2012-13 - 106 329 - 510 315 310 431 440 244 - 287 2,972 2013-14 209 274 292 - 327 508 422 462 358 360 - - 3,212

115 Sacred Heart Church Siluvepura 2011-12 - - - - - 1,363 1,633 - - - - - 2,996 2012-13 - - 2,186 - 2,120 2,245 2,591 1,986 2,297 1,013 - 2,395 16,833 2013-14 - 2,158 ------2,470 2,975 - - 7,603

116 St John's Malankara Singasandra 2011-12 ------Church (SMK) 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

117 St Joseph's Church Sira 2011-12 105 96 110 - 112 116 102 100 125 116 - 107 1,089 2012-13 - 180 120 - 175 110 207 210 220 225 - 215 1,662 2013-14 - 85 102 - 110 112 114 108 125 120 - - 876

118 St Joseph's Church Solur 2011-12 ------2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

119 St Francis Xavier's Somanahalli 2011-12 - 250 400 - 450 500 400 450 450 400 - - 3,300 Church 2012-13 - 500 580 640 - 400 400 400 400 400 - 400 4,120 2013-14 504 511 512 - 515 522 514 505 506 564 - - 4,653

120 Nithyadhare Matha Srinivasapura 2011-12 - 132 84 139 112 98 132 88 96 106 84 86 1,157 Church 2012-13 - - 183 - 95 107 73 76 108 120 147 148 1,057 2013-14 - - - 287 279 276 128 207 350 305 164 283 2,279 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

121 St Alphonsa Church Sultanpalya 2011-12 ------(SM) 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

122 St Joseph's Church Susaipalayam K G F 2011-12 - - - - - 1,116 - 1,250 - 1,200 - 1,060 4,626 2012-13 ------2013-14 - - 1,458 - 1,369 1,009 1,413 1,427 1,648 1,519 - - 9,843

123 St Anthony's Church T C Palya 2011-12 13,566 12,061 9,652 14,829 14,201 13,638 20,000 10,797 19,861 18,570 16,817 18,621 1,82,613 2012-13 - 16,928 - - 18,631 11,541 41,240 21,743 14,622 19,504 - 20,810 1,65,019 2013-14 20,640 22,115 22,622 - 22,898 13,475 19,608 20,908 19,097 19,730 - - 1,81,093

124 Ss Joseph and Claret T Dasarahalli 2011-12 750 600 750 800 850 750 850 750 850 750 650 750 9,100 Church (SM) 2012-13 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 12,000 2013-14 ------

125 St.Theresa's Church Theresapura 2011-12 60 60 60 - 60 60 60 60 60 60 - 100 640 2012-13 - 65 70 75 60 - 65 60 70 60 - 70 595 2013-14 60 60 60 - 60 60 60 60 65 65 - 80 630

126 Sacred Heart Church Tiptur 2011-12 1,262 825 1,130 764 - 873 790 626 879 872 - 945 8,966 2012-13 - 570 1,199 1,154 1,860 1,226 1,148 784 965 923 - 1,300 11,129 2013-14 946 1,949 1,326 802 1,533 1,788 1,481 787 1,020 1,217 - 1,431 14,280

127 Our Lady of Lourdes Tumkur 2011-12 ------Church 2012-13 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 16,500 2013-14 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 - - - 13,500

128 St Jude's Church (SM) Udayanagar 2011-12 ------2012-13 - 1,010 1,050 - 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,300 1,000 1,200 - 1,000 10,060 2013-14 ------Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

129 St Anthony's Church Uttarahalli 2011-12 - - - - 3,698 5,095 - 5,249 6,371 4,621 - - 25,034 2012-13 - 4,542 2,820 - 3,100 2,300 2,500 3,046 2,900 3,160 - 2,550 26,918 2013-14 4,770 5,095 5,195 - 4,278 4,287 3,235 4,260 - - - - 31,120

130 St Paul the Hermit V Naganahalli 2011-12 3,199 3,515 3,943 - 4,251 4,030 4,182 4,345 4,151 4,088 - 4,560 40,264 Church 2012-13 - 7,022 8,405 - 5,630 - 5,785 6,370 6,281 6,275 - 6,200 51,968 2013-14 6,830 5,500 6,800 - 6,788 2,214 7,059 5,120 5,224 4,637 - 4,640 54,812

131 Holy Rosary Church Venkatala 2011-12 3,338 4,238 4,609 5,273 3,854 3,557 3,080 8,000 5,410 5,520 - - 46,879 Yelahanka 2012-13 4,500 9,528 8,400 8,500 9,399 11,556 9,420 10,000 13,065 9,720 - 12,045 1,06,133 2013-14 11,630 12,510 14,170 - 16,145 14,992 10,550 8,428 11,620 15,155 - 11,551 1,26,751

132 Nativity Church Vidyaranyapura 2011-12 ------2012-13 5,784 6,058 6,587 7,240 6,340 5,261 8,901 7,670 8,840 6,859 5,470 8,280 83,290 2013-14 10,590 10,788 9,407 10,350 8,950 9,632 ------59,717

133 St John the Baptist Vijayanagar 2011-12 3,750 3,800 3,850 - 4,037 4,039 3,958 3,975 3,400 3,600 - 3,250 37,659 Church 2012-13 - 3,845 4,009 - 3,120 3,016 - 3,018 - 3,086 4,018 4,018 28,130 2013-14 4,312 4,021 3,284 3,028 3,280 4,002 3,219 3,246 4,012 3,364 - - 35,768

134 Mary Matha Church Vijayanagar 2011-12 ------(SM) 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

135 Infant Jesus Church Vijayapura 2011-12 240 280 295 215 140 280 320 420 375 635 - 450 3,650 2012-13 - 260 560 - 480 560 700 525 730 240 210 510 4,775 2013-14 ------

136 Infant Jesus Church Viveknagar 2011-12 70,870 55,090 60,340 - 73,245 60,730 63,795 70,180 - 69,600 - 70,450 5,94,300 2012-13 - 75,180 73,625 - 73,620 56,805 59,845 83,530 61,600 - 80,250 82,480 6,46,935 2013-14 71,785 83,190 66,795 - 85,660 44,072 99,482 91,430 85,010 - - 98,230 7,25,654 Sl. Name of No. the Parish Place Period APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTAL

137 Our Lady of Lourdes Whitefield 2011-12 - - - - - 27,657 - 28,007 - 30,443 - 28,965 1,15,072 Church 2012-13 - - - 30,365 30,727 27,541 - 30,030 - - - - 1,18,663 2013-14 29,742 31,983 - 32,699 35,946 33,460 38,704 - - 43,767 - 45,273 2,91,574

138 St Anthony's Church Yadavanahalli 2011-12 1,050 4,155 580 - 730 970 1,555 790 680 635 - 925 12,070 (sub station of 2012-13 - - - 760 700 425 725 955 730 620 - 945 5,860 Adigondanalli) 2013-14 560 610 675 701 570 709 680 542 630 630 615 780 7,702

139 Our Lady of Yelahanka 2011-12 3,140 3,803 4,968 - 5,310 5,289 4,433 6,485 6,520 6,376 - 7,967 54,291 Vailankanni Church New Town 2012-13 - 5,917 4,655 - 6,810 7,228 6,437 6,155 6,300 6,983 - 6,650 57,135 2013-14 12,980 6,109 7,710 - 9,720 7,165 8,227 9,412 8,250 7,552 - - 77,125

140 Swarga Rani Church Rajarajeshwari 2011-12 ------(SM) nagar 2012-13 ------2013-14 ------

141 St Augustine Church Marianahalli 2011-12 ------(SM) (Estd 2013) 2012-13 ------2013-14 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 - - - - 4,000

Total 16,79,545 24,51,343 25,53,319 7,03,820 25,51,617 22,67,562 24,93,094 23,55,021 25,17,529 25,56,412 4,71,175 24,02,515 2,50,02,952

Note: If 2nd Sunday falls on a Statutory Collection Sunday, there is no separate 2nd Sunday Collection CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED IN THE MONTH OF MARCH 2014

1) CLERGY SECURITY FUND 1 07.03.14 Rev. Fr. Martin Yelahanka Anthony New Town 4,000.00 2 26.03.14 Rev. Fr. Therese Babu (2011-12 ) Kodathi 3,000.00 3 31.03.14 Rev. Fr. Pius D'sa Clergy Home 3,500.00

2) HUNGER AND DISEASE CAMPAIGN dated 24.03.2013 (To be sent to Caritas, Delhi) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 416.00 2 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 3 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 1,000.00 4 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 902.00 5 18.03.14 St. Peter's Pontifical Seminary Malleswaram 40,000.00

3) HOLY LANDS COLLECTIONS dated 29.03.2013 (To be forwarded to Rome) 1 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 2 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 500.00 3 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 902.00

4) EASTER SUNDAY COLLECTIONS dated 31.03.2013 (Towards extension of Mission works in Archdiocese) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 719.00 2 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 2,500.00 3 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 1,200.00

53 5) VOCATION SUNDAY COLLECTIONS dated 21.04.2013 (For the Maintenance of Major and Minor Seminarians of our Archdiocese) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 437.00 2 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,431.00 3 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 4 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 902.00 5 27.03.24 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,769.00

6) PETER'S PENCE COLLECTIONS dated 30.06.2013 (To be sent to Rome towards Holy Father's Charities) 1 06.03.24 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 299.00 2 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 2,200.00 3 07.03.14 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 51,380.00 4 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 5 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 1,000.00 6 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 902.00 7 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 7,825.00 8 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,907.00 9 28.03.14 Blessed John Paul II Church K. Channasandra 2,974.00

7) CATHOLIC INFORMATION BUREAU (C.I.B) dated 14.07.2013 (For the spread of Good News in the Archdiocese) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 337.00 2 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 2,312.00

72 3 07.03.14 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 55,100.00 4 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 5 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 500.00 6 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 8,105.00 7 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,970.00

8) AFRICAN MISSION dated 18.08.2013 (To be forwarded to Rome to help the Mission work in Africa) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 280.00 2 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,897.00 3 07.03.14 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 40,782.00 4 10.03.14 Don Bosco Church Lingarajapuram 3,000.00 5 12.03.14 St. Paul The Hermit Church Nagenahalli 4,220.00 6 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 7 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 902.00 8 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 7,613.00 9 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,770.00 10 28.03.14 Blessed John Paul II Church K. Channasandra 2,391.00

9) SOCIETY OF ST PETER, APOSTLE dated 23.09.2013 (To be forwarded to Rome towards the up keep of Seminarians in the whole world) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 277.00 2 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,551.00 3 07.03.14 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 74,000.00 4 10.03.14 Don Bosco Church Lingarajapuram 3,800.00 5 13.03.14 Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00

73 6 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 500.00 7 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 902.00 8 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 7,111.00 9 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,870.00 10 28.03.14 Blessed John Paul II Church K. Channasandra 2,498.00 11 29.03.14 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Mariapura 4,100.00

10) MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTIONS dated (20.10.2013) (To be forwarded to Rome, to help Mission Works) 1 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 1,035.00 2 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 3,764.00 3 10.03.14 Immaculate Conception Church Railway Colony 30,000.00 4 12.03.14 St. Paul The Hermit Church Nagenahalli 36,000.00 5 13.03.14 Our Lady of Lourdes ConventKunigal 1,000.00 6 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 10,000.00 7 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 10,230.00 8 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 2,350.00 9 28.03.14 St. Sebastian's Church Coromandel 20,235.00

11) HOLY SEE MAINTENANCE Dated 17.11.2013 (To be sent to Rome, to support the Structures of the Holy see) 1 04.03.14 Our Lady of Fatima Church Jalahalli 8,000.00 2 04.03.14 Christ the King Church Byrathi 4,800.00 3 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre (2011-12) Laggere 245.00 4 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,614.00 5 06.03.14 Christ the King Church Malleswaram 17,873.00

74 6 07.03.14 St. Jude's Church Karahalli 350.00 7 07.03.14 St. thomas Forane Chruch Christ School Road 3,000.00 8 10.03.14 Don Bosco Church Lingarajapuram 4,200.00 9 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 500.00 10 20.03.14 Immaculate Heart Church Kalena Agrahara 9,695.00 11 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 7,139.00 12 26.03.14 St. Ignatius Church Begur 11,200.00 13 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,970.00 14 27.03.14 Good Shepherd Church Murphy Town 9,755.00 15 28.03.14 Blessed John Paul II Church K. Channasandra 2,989.00 16 29.03.14 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Mariapura 4,050.00 17 29.03.14 St. Sebastian's Church Coromandal 1,403.00

12) CHRISTMAS COLLECTIONS dated 25.12.2013 (Maintenance of Retired Priests of Archdiocese) 1 04.03.14 Our Lady of Fatima Church Jalahalli 45,555.00 2 04.03.14 Christ the King Church Byrathi 5,126.00 3 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 900.00 4 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,426.00 5 06.03.14 Infant Jesus Church Viveknagar 2,65,250.00 6 07.03.14 St. Jude's Church Karahalli 670.00 7 07.03.14 St. Thomas Forane Chruch Christ School Road 5,000.00 8 07.03.24 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 74,756.00 9 10.03.14 Don Bosco Church Lingarajapuram 20,700.00 10 11.03.14 St. Benedict's Church Anchepalya 1,175.00 11 12.03.14 St. Paul The Hermit Church Nagenahalli 6,050.00 12 13.03.14 Our lady of Lourdes Convent Kunigal 500.00 13 13.03.14 St. Rita's Church Kunigal 500.00

75 14 14.03.14 Holy Family Church Hongasandra 2,500.00 15 17.03.14 St. Paul's Church Marikuppam 1,090.00 17 20.03.14 Immaculate Heart Church Kalena Agrahara 4,756.00 18 25.03.14 St. Joseph's Church Channapatna 3,360.00 19 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 8,894.00 20 26.03.14 St. Anthony's Church Kodathi 1,071.00 21 26.03.14 St. Anthony's Church Yedavanahalli 1,010.00 22 26.03.14 St. Joseph's Church Adigondanahalliy 795.00 23 26.03.14 St. Ignatius Church Begur 12,184.00 24 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 2,250.00 25 27.03.14 Good Shepherd Church Murphy Town 11,535.00 26 28.03.14 Blessed John Paul II Church K. Channasandra 2,193.00 27 29.03.14 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Mariapura 5,250.00 28 29.03.14 St. Sebastian's Church Coromandel 3,173.00

13) HOLY CHILDHOOD COLLECTION dated 09.02.2014 (To be forwarded to Rome) 1 03.03.14 Holy Ghost Church Richard's Town 1,55,745.00 2 04.03.14 Christ The King Church Malleswaram 42,683.00 3 04.03.14 Our Lady of Fatima Church Jalahalli 29,525.00 4 04.03.14 Christ the King Church Byrathi 5,875.00 5 04.03.14 St. John's Medical College Hospital Sarjapur Road 15,500.00 6 04.03.14 St. Pius X Church Kammanahalli 23,690.00 7 06.03.14 St. Anthony's Church T.C.Palya 21,611.00 8 06.03.14 St. Francis Xavier's Church Gokunte 500.00 9 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,543.00 10 06.03.14 St. John de Britto Mass Centre Laggere 1,952.00 11 06.03.14 Infant Jesus Church Viveknagar 1,74,910.00 12 07.03.14 St. Jude's Church Karahalli 1,060.00

76 13 07.03.14 St. Thomas Forane Chruch Christ School Road 2,000.00 14 07.03.14 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 64,368.00 15 10.03.14 Don Bosco Church Lingarajapuram 9,000.00 16 10.03.14 St. Peter's Church Doddaballapur 3,000.00 17 10.03.14 Immaculate Conception Church Railway Colony 16,000.00 18 10.03.14 St. Thomas Church Jalahalli 1,500.00 19 11.03.14 St. James Church Mariannapalya 15,220.00 20 11.03.14 St. Benedict's Church Anchepalya 3,468.00 21 12.03.14 Holy Eucharist Church Mangammanapalya 4,000.00 22 12.03.14 St. Paul The Hermit Church Nagenahalli 5,122.00 23 13.03.14 St. Anthony's Church Kadasenahalli 920.00 24 13.03.14 St. Rita's Church Kunigal 300.00 25 13.03.14 St. Francis De Sales Church Hebbagodi 9,250.00 26 15.03.14 St. Joseph's Church Sannenahalli 1,191.00 27 15.03.14 Resurrection Church Indira Nagar 70,368.00 28 17.03.14 St.Paul's Church Marikuppam 720.00 29 20.03.14 Immaculate Heart Church Kalena Agrahara 11,193.00 30 25.03.14 St. Joseph's Church Channapatna 2,370.00 31 25.03.14 Holy Family Church Ramamurthy Nagar 12,842.00 32 26.03.14 St. Anthony's Church Kodathi 288.00 33 26.03.14 St. Anthony's Church Yedavanahalli 670.00 34 26.03.14 St. Joseph's Church Adigondanahally 425.00 35 26.03.14 Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hebbagodi 1,900.00 36 26.03.14 St. Ignatius Church Begur 8,700.00 37 27.03.14 St. Mary's Church Hegdenagar 1,670.00 38 27.03.14 Good Shepherd Church Murphy Town 12,421.00 39 28.03.14 Blessed John Paul II Church K. Channasandra 2,816.00 40 28.03.14 Sacred Heart of Church Tiptur 3,072.00 41 29.03.14 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Mariapura 6,200.00 42 29.03.14 Church of the Holy Name of Jesus Rajarajeshwari Nagar 5,000.00 43 29.03.14 St. Sebastian's Church Coromandel 1,754.00