The Inventory

of the

Children’s Hospital School of Nursing



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Children's Hospital School of Nursing

Boston, MA •:.• Table of Contents

I FRAMED PICTURES - PAINTING II. PACKAGES III FILE BOXES IV. SLIDES, LANTERN V. STUDENT NURSE MATERIALS A. Student Records 1891-1962 1. 1891-1906 2. Withdrawals 1891-1903 3. 1893-1915 incl. Program and Evaluation 4. 1901-1938 incl. Grades and Attendance B. General Hospital Affiliation, Agreements and Correspondence. 1902-1946. C. World War I materials D. Program and student evaluations 1893-1915 E. Philadelpha General Hospital year book, 1926 F. Class lists, courses, grades and standing, 1932-1978 G. Results of State Board of Registration exams. H. Exhibits of curriculum, evaluation data I I. Comparative Psychiatric and Obstetric Nursing NLN Achievement Test Scores for 1963-65 J. State Board of Registration Evaluation 1950-1960 K. N.L.N. Test Information L. Advisor-Advisee Program 1965-1967 M Children's Hospital student applications N. Student nursing papers

1 0. Student Nurse Association of Children's Hospital

P. Student nurse recruitment Q. Grants and financial aid R. Administrative documents S. Student publications T. Student activities U. Year books V. School of Nursing Announcements W. Nursing procedures X. Fifty Years of School of Nursing VI. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION A. Information on the Alumnae Association B. Deceased members C. Bulletins D. Fifty Years of School of Nursing E. Directory of Graduates F. Children's Hospital School of Nursing 1889-1978 G. Reunion Activities H. Muriel Vesey Award I. Honor rolls, WWI and WWII J. Miscellaneous

VII. EARLY HISTORICAL MATERIALS A. Administrative notices B. World War II C. Information on 8-hour day D. Registration books, 1884-1978 E. Reports 1889-1914

2 F. School programs and instruction 1900-1916

G. Time book 1921-1923 VIII. HISTORICAL MATERIAL ASSEMBLED BY STELLA GOOSTRAY WHILE WRITING HER BOOK A. Correspondence B. Histories of Children's Hospital C. Miscellaneous IX. MARY NORCROSS MATERIAL ON FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE X. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE LETTER AND COPIES XI. CHAPEL FUND XII. MISCELLANEOUS XIII. ANNIVERSARY MATERIALS XIV. STELLA GOOSTRAY MATERIALS, RESUMES, SPEECHES, AWARDS, ETC. XV. MISCELLANEOUS A. Record books B. Color film, 70th anniversary . .J I I C. School pins D. Old hand restraints E. Framed pictures, Norcross Bible F. Lockwood Class 1900, scrapbook G. Student Council minutes, 1921 XVI. CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING MONTHLY AND CUMULATIVE REPORTS 1927-1978 XVII. ANNUAL AND GRADUATION REPORTS 1913-1971 1. Graduation programs, 1944-1978 2. Listing of class gifts XVIII. MATERIALS RELATING PRIMARILY TO FACULTY A. Administrative

3 B. Faculty memos C. Course outlines, descriptions, lectures

D. Curriculum material, examinations E. Personnel materials, 1972-1979 F. Early course outlines, examinations and other early materials G. Minutes of Admissions Committees, 1967-1973 H. Miscellaneous Reports 1. Committees 2. Faculty orientation 3. Course outlines (old) I. School of Nursing Committee minutes and reports J. New York Board of Regents materials K. Faculty Policy materials L. Audio-visual aids M. Tapes XVIV. STUDIES A. Early studies of the school B. Studies on specific aspects of the school XX. BOARD OF REGISTRATION IN NURSING A. Publications B. Correspondence and Directories C. Reports and curriculum revisions XXI. AFFILIATE PROGRAM AT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL (All materials in box 84, folder 7 through box 89 are closed until 2025) A. Affiliating schools B. State Board Examination Results C. Contracts D. Test results



5 N103

N103 Children's Hospital School of Nursing Donated Sept.-Oct., 1978

I. FRAMED PAINTING/PICTURES - also see boxes 38-39 Art A. Stella Goostray, Director, 1927-1946. Painting by Pietro Pezzati, closet 1954. Oil on canvas, 31 x 24", frame 36 x 31". 3rd floor front B. Theresa A. Hurley, Associate Director, 1948-1962. Painting by Charles Mahoney. Oil on canvas, 21 x 20". Frame with matting measures 27.5 x 31.5". C. Children's Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae In Service, 1941-1947. Scroll measures 17 x 23.5". D. Framed embroidery pillow cover by Florence Nightingale. Covered with fringe. 18" square; frame measures 28" square. This embroidery, which covered a sofa pillow was made by Florence Nightingale and presented to her friend Helen Young, who went to the Crimea with her. Helen Young married John Thompson, a civil engineer who worked on the Suez Canal. Mrs. Thompson gave the pillow to Annie Thieckens, her niece. When Miss Thieckens died, she left it to her sister-in-law, Frances Thieckens, the mother of Nellie B. Murchie, Class of 1926. The latter presented the embroidery to the School of Nursing's Historical Collection.

I I PACKAGES Pkg. I. Framed pictures 1. Class of 1898 with signatures. 2. Groundbreaking for Gardner House, some persons identified, 2 copies. Framed painting of Florence Nightingale by Florence Louisa Duffy, Class 1944. Framed Pictures 1. Children's Hospital, corner Washington and Rutland Sts., Supts. Tyler, Srs. Theresa and Marie. 2. First Diploma, Katherine G. Ambrose, 1891 (glass cracked) Framed pictures.

1. ." I 1 'd ?Fi. QZ ad.

6 Pkg. 4 2. Service by Wm. Lawrence, Bishop of Massachusetts at Gardner House cornerstone laying with holograph Lord's Prayer.

3. Students scroll with Nepali students.

Pkg. J.. Framed pictures, two of Stella Goostray. Groundbreaking for Gardner House.

l't'j, ;. lit§ I 6. Audiovisual aids 1. Records: a. LSD b. History of ANA c. Food exchange 2. Window box exhibit of skin/mouth rashes l,c~.J ••r Three Children's Hospital nursing caps I Ii§&®. Rotation plans for 1962-67 91 Ft Cooper plate for early diploma

I I I. FILE BOXES 1-34 These boxes are as sent from Children's Hospital School of Nursing. File Boxes 1 through 22 are CLOSED until the year designated. (1htv< e...r-~ ~ -hi, bo >t '" p.e.,,.. ,pet.,ti (. ~o~ U~ 1. File boxes 1-7 (CLOSED until 1995-2210) ~•-.e) ,., go~ l\\f Bo~ u.r Minutes of Children's Hospital School of Nursing 1937-1960. En.••~ 2. File boxes 8-9 (CLOSED until 2011-2014) Minutes of CHSN and Curriculum Committee Affiliate Program 1960-1964. f)tx ,,c.. 3. File box 10 (CLOSED until 2012) Faculty Committees 1961-62

'Box I Ho 4. Fi le boxes 11-12 (CLOSED until 2015-2019) Minutes of Faculty Council, Faculty for Affiliate Program and Faculty for Children's Program 1964-66. 'Sa>-. IIT 5. File Boxes 13-18 (CLOSED until 2017-2028) ~ox 1\8 Minutes of Faculty of Children's Hospital School of Nursing

7 1966-1978.

i 6. File boxes 19-20 (CLOSED until 2019-2022) 96 \' 119 Minutes of Faculty Council 1968-1970

~IX /I 'I 7. File box 21 (CLOSED until 2022) Faculty of Affiliate Program 1966-1972 ~IK l/16 8. File box 22 (CLOSED until 2008) NLN statistical data on tests for affiliating students 1951-1958 BOX /It> 9. Fi le box 23-24 Curriculum outline 1953, 1959 10. File box 25 Growth & development 1959, curriculum outline - affiliations 1953; Adult-medical surgical course outline, 1~54, 1960. 11. File box 26 Adult medical-surgical course outline; Instructor's copy; the Clinic (outpatient) and bibliography. n.d. 12. File box 27-29 Educational and bibliography material 1959-66 for first, second, affiliation and third years. 13. File box 30 Basic affiliate program: Nursing of Children 1965-1968

,8fJX /J.3 14. File box 31 Basic affiliate program 1960-61; Summary of field instruction and Joint Collegiate Program "Nursing of Children," 1961. 15. File box 32 "Nursing of Children", 1950-51; 1954-55; 1957; 1959. 16. File box 33 Pre-entrance information regarding students, 1959; student handbook, 1959. Sample student information folder 1923, 1949, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1964, 1972, 1976, 1978-79 and sample student experience folder 1959, 1961

8 IV. SLIDES (lantern) These are 4 x 3 1/4 inch glass slides RrJ.G Slide Box 1 Orthopedic and communicable disease slides &x II/ Slide Box 2 Orthopedic slides Slide Box 3 Orthopedic slides Slide Box 4 Assorted slides - surgical, medical and obstetrics

/34~/I t.. Slide Box 5 Assorted slides Slide Box 6 Nursing History #1 Slide Box 7 Nursing History #2 The description of the Nursing History slides is filed in box 75; a copy is on file with the Children's Hospital School of Nursing inventory.

V. MATERIAL RELATING PRIMARILY TO THE STUDENT NURSES A. Student Records 1891-1962 Box 1 1. Student Records 1891-1906 a. Class of 1891 (#1) Ambrose, Katherine Elizabeth Brown, Nina M. DeVeer, Melina Watt, Marie K. Wetmore, Elizabeth M. Wetmore, Jane H. b. Class of 1892 Gray, Jennie Johnson, Susan B. Spaul, Annie Spaul, Emilie M. Travis, Minnie E. c. Class of 1893 Barton, Clara Wilson Gregory, Susan A. Holbrook, Sibge M. Roberts, Mary Rebecca Sanborn, Nerah E. Tuttle, Edith M.

9 Box 1 Tuttle, Gertrude H. d. Class of 1894 (#2)

Bernard, Leah Johnson, Frances H. King, Fa,nnie e. Class of 1896 Brooke, Elise Cragg, Annie Folkes, Lucy Fri tz , Selma F. Howell, Lillie M. Lamont, Margaret T. Mullaney, Laura Y. Richardson, Minnie f. Class of 1897 Bush, Katherine G. Grass, Emilie g. Class of 1898 Lamb, Margaret B. Lawton, Annie M. Lynch, Bessie H. Murphy, Mary E. Pierce, Elizabeth C. h. Class of 1899 (#3) Davidson, Gertrude Hughes, Eleanor M. Moller, Sigrid Parry, Georgi a B. i. Class of 1900 Berton, Lucy W. Davis, Lucy W. Gueringer, Irene R. Gueringer, Marie G. Hiller, Annie D. Lockwood, Virginia Rainnie, Isabel E. Robinson, Mary E. Sibley, Ellen A. Warfield, Helen M.

10 Box 1 j. Class of 1901 (#4) Blair, Elizabeth Ember ly, Isabel M. McCoy, Edi th L. Needham, Daisey C. Ricker, Edna L. Stillings, Rachel G. Truffow, Mabel G. k. Class of 1902 Bocher, Jennie Audrey Brown, Edna C. Clarke, Florence S. Clogher, Rebecca E. Guillod, Lillian A. Ho 1oway, Sarah Ladd, Mary Allen Ralston, Edith P. (#5) Sleep, Alice L. Smith, Lena C. Snow, A. Josephine Swainhart, Anne

l. Class of 1903 Aitken, Marion Allen Fletcher, Gertrude R. Gray, Nellie Nye, Albertina R. 0bear, Martha W. Sprague, Emily A. m. Class of 1904 (#6) Adams, Jennie Walker Blackman, Mary P. Dacey, Phyllis M. Farquhar, Margaret Moore, Amy C. n. Class of 1905 Adams, Helen Eliza Cheney, Alice Maude Cunnabell, Stella Hayes Harriman, Carolyn (#7) Harvey, Annie G. Mollar, Hallder Rainsford, Ethel M. Smith, Emily H. Teal, Nancy K. Tuttle, Lucy J.

11 Box 1 o. Class of 1906 Russell, Helen W.

2. Student Records of those who withdrew 1891-1903 Baily, Ida Grace (#8) Bartlett, Harriette Louise Baxter, Marjorie D. Behrens, Helen E. Bennett, Annie Brennan, Mary Cornelia Brown, Mary Winter Burton, Jessie Isabel Clark, Caroline Clapp Coyle, Edith Gertrude Cromwell, Louise C. Dawson, Margaret I. Dow, Jessie Elms, Marjorie Burr Evans, Ethel G. (#9) Field, Mary Goldsmith Foker, Nellie May Green, Helen E. Hall, Mary L. Harper, Caroline Leah Harding, Ruth Owen Hearle, Caroline Margaret Hill, Clara Pearl Hochin, Leah L. Jones, Grace E. Lane, Annie L. Lawton, Edna A. MacManus, Isabel Margaret, Sister Lillian Mattocks, Fanny McCarthy, Emma Malick, Annie L. Moore, Amelia P. Mudge, Mary D. Muir, Marie W. Nordell, Eulah R. Oakes, Grace M. Olney, Ruth L. Prescott, Ruth Pullar, Anna L. Robinson, Jessie S. Ruehl, Ellen W. Sharp, Mary Virginia Russeque, Ellen W. Smith, Margaret Shoemaker, Annie Starrett, Lillian M. Starrett, Carrie L. Stillman, Verna E.

12 Box 1 Steele, Katherine L. Tobey, Carrie Strickland, Lottie G. Wilber, Harriette Elsie 3. Student Records 1893-1915; Program on Evaluation, bound book. 4. Student Records, 1901-1938; grades and attendance-(envelope) a. Classes 1901-1919 Box 2 b. Classes 1920-1928 Box 3 c. Class of 1929 - CLOSED until 1988 d. Class of 1930 - CLOSED until 1988 e. Simmons grades for classes 1930-1938 CLOSED until 1988 f. Simmons grades for cl asses 1936-1962; CLOSED until 2012 g. Classes 1936-1945 (#1) h. Classes 1946-1954 (#2) i. Classes 1955-1962 {#3)

j. Studies 1937-1947 and graphs about results. B. Massachusette General Hospital affiliation 1902-1946. This material consists of agreements and correspondence, incl. 1. Sister Amy to Dr. Frederick Washburn. TLS May 15, 1912. 2. Pauline R. Dolliver to Sister Caroline. 2 TLS May 10, 1902; May 30, 1903. 3. Sally Johnson to Stella Goostray. 6 TLS. Feb 24, 1928; Nove 18, 1933; Jan 11, 1943 with holo. note; April 26, 1943, Nov 6, Dec 3, 1945. 4. Sally Johnson to Mary Wakefield. 3 TLS. Nov 8, Dec 2, 1920; June 23, 1925. 5. Sara E. Parsons to: a. Sister Amy, TLS April 3, 1910 b. Sara Rice, TLS Jan 22, 1914 c. Katherine A. Smith 6 TLS. Oct 11; Oct 16 with holo. note; Oct 20; Oct 25, Dec 4, 1919; Feb 14, 1920. d. Elizabeth E. Sullivan, 4 TLS. May 31; July 10; Nov 7, 1916; Mar 27, 1917.

13 Box 3 e. Mary Wakefield 7 TLS. April 24, 27; May 14, 29; June 10, 18; and Sept 10, 1920. 6. Ruth Sleeper to Stella Goostray TLS March 16, 1944. 7. Helen Wood to Elizabeth E. Sullivan 8 TLS. Aug 18; Nov 12; Dec 12, 1917; Feb 16; May 3; July 10 and Sept 2, 1918; Jan 2, 1919. Correspondence: 1902-1919 (#4) Correspondence: 1920-1946 (#5) C. World War I Materials 1. A Pediatric Unit. Includes materials about (#6) a. Passports b. Army applications c. Correspondence incl: 1. Admitting women of ''German extraction" as students 2. Early graduates applying for the unit 3. correspondence from: a. Anna C. Maxwell to Elizabeth Sullivan TLS by secretary, June 29, 1918. b. Clara D. Noyes to Elizabeth Sullivan 4 TLS. Sept 19; Oct 1, 4, 11, 1917. 11 TLS by secretary, Sept 6, 7 10, 12, 14, 16, 25; Oct 6, 20, 24 and Nov 12, 1917.

2. American Red Cross 1917-1918. Correspondence from: (#7) a. Jane A. Delano to Elizabeth Sullivan 2 TLS Aug 24, 1917; Nov 12, 1918. TLS by secretary Dec 27, 1917. b. Clara D. Noyes to Elizabeth Sullivan 18 TLS. Dec 28, 1916; Feb 5, 12, 24, Mar 30, Apr 11, 23, May 4, 10, 16, 22, 25, June 26, Aug 7, Sept 22, 1917; April 22, May 6, July 11, 1918. 7 TLS by secretary. June 4, 15, July 11, Aug 27, Sept 5, 1917; Jan 13, 1919.

14 Box 3 3. Recruitment Letters, Council on National Defense. (#8) Form letters with stamped signature of M. Adelaide Nutting, Aug 14, 1917; March 4, Sept 5, 1918 and 3 with n.d. 4. Army School of Nursing Affiliation. Annie W. Goodrich to Elizabeth Sullivan 3 TLS. Jan 23, Feb 8, 24, 1919. 5. Correspondence re: donation for French War Orphans Fund. 6. Syllabus for Reconstruction Aides: World War I bandaging; first two weeks schedule: Anatomy and first week's course. (#9) Syllabus for 2nd and third weeks, fourth week; Orthopedic lecture; sixth and seventh weeks; fifth and eighth week. (papers in poor condition) (#10) 7. Second military orthopedic course. (#11) 8. Third military orthopedic course. (#12)

Box 4 D. Program and student evaluation 1893-1915. 3 bound books: 1893-1909; 1909-1915; and 1911-1915. E. Philadelphia General Hospital year book, 1926, dedicated to Stella Goostray (poor condition). (#1) F. Class lists, courses, grades and class standings 1932-1978. These are record books documenting the students' courses, grades and progress. Box 5 Classes 1932-38 CLOSED until 1984 Box 6 Classes 1939-46 CLOSED until l988 Box 7 Classes 1947-53 CLOSED until 1996 Box 8 Classes 1954-58 CLOSED until 2016 Box 9 Classes 1959-64 CLOSED until 2016 Box 10 Classes 1965-70 CLOSED until 2020 Box 11 Cl asses 1971-76 CLOSED until 2030 Box 12 Classes 1977-78 CLOSED until 2035 Class entering in 1976 CLOSED until 2040. G. Results of Board of Registration examination (also see box 90, folders 3 &4) 1. State Board means 1950-1977 CLOSED until 2002 (#1) 2. State Board results 1941-1979 CLOSED until 2003 Classes 1941-54 CLOSED until 2003 (#2) Classes 1955-60 CLOSED until 2003 (#3)

15 Nl03

Box 12 Classes 1961-65 CLOSED until 2003 (#4) Classes 1966-69 CLOSED until 2003 {#5) Classes 1970-74 CLOSED until 2003 {#6) Classes 1975-77 CLOSED until 2003 {#7) Box 13 Classes 1978-79 CLOSED until 2003 (#1) 3. State Annual Reports 1970-77 CLOSED until 2003 Annual Reports 1970-71 CLOSED until 2002 (#2) Annual Reports 1972-73 CLOSED until 2002 (#3) Annual Reports 1974-75 CLOSED until 2002 (#4) Annual Reports 1976-77 CLOSED until 2002 (#5) H. Exhibits of curriculum evaluations, i.e. curriculum plans, grades, class standing, test scores, comparative studies, etc., 1955- 1978. Class of 1955-56 CLOSED until 2027 (#6) Class of 1957 CLOSED until 2027 (#7) Class of 1958 CLOSED until 2027 (#8) Class of 1959 CLOSED until 2027 (#9) Cl ass of 1960 CLOSED until 2027 (#10) Box 14 Class of 1961 CLOSED until 2027 (#1) Class of 1962 CLOSED until 2027 (#2) Class of 1963 CLOSED until 2027 (#3) Cl ass of 1964 CLOSED until 2027 (#4) Box 15 Class of 1965 CLOSED until 2027 (#1) Class of 1966 CLOSED until 2027 (#2) Class of 1967 CLOSED until 2027 (#3) Cl ass of 1968 CLOSED until 2027 (#4) Class of 1969 CLOSED until 2027 (#5) Class of 1970 CLOSED until 2027 (#6) Box 16 Class of 1971 CLOSED until 2027 (#1) Class of 1972 CLOSED until 2027 (#2) Class of 1973 CLOSED until 2027 (#3) Class of 1974 CLOSED until 1999 (#4) Class of 1975 CLOSED until 2000 {#5) Class of 1976 CLOSED until 2001 (#6) Class of 1977 CLOSED until 2002 (#7) Class of 1978 CLOSED until 2003 (#8-9) Box 17 Class entering Curry College, 1976 - CLOSED until 2006 (#1) I. Comparative psychiatric and obstetric National League for Nursing scores for 1963-1965. (#2) J. State Board Evaluations 1950-1960 (#3) K. National League for Nursing Test information (#4) L. The Advisor-Advisee Program 1965-67 1965-1966 CLOSED until 2050 (#5) 1967 CLOSED until 2050 (#6)

16 N103

Box 17 M. Children's Hospital School of Nursing students affiliation.

1. Boston Lying In Hospital, later Boston Hospital for Women. Contracts, correspondence and class schedules 1916-1977. 1916-1958 ( #7) 1960-1963 ( #8) 1964-1965 (#9) 1966-1968 (#10) 1969-1970 (#11) 1971-1973 ( #12) 1974-1977 (#13) 2. Boston Visiting Nurses Assn. Correspondence and contracts, 1950-1978. 1950-1970 (#14) Box 18 1971-1978 (#1) a. VNA experiences, racial problems 1973 (#2) b. Harvard St. Neighborhood Health Center. 3. Manhattan Maternity and Dispensary. Correspondence and contracts, 1914-1920. 1914-1918 (#3) 1919-1920 ( #4) 4. , correspondence and contracts 1968-77. (115) 5. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, correspondence and contracts, 1952-1977. a. Course content, Dec 1965-June 1966 b. Contracts and correspondence 1952-1964 (#6) c. Contracts and correspondence 1965-1977 (#7) 6. Somerville School Health Program, contracts and correspondence, 1976-1978 (#8) 7. Whidden Memorial Hospital, Home Care Program, contracts and correspondence, 1975-1978. 8. Interagency correspondence and meetings a. Medfield State Hospital 1965-1973 (#9) b. Northeastern University 1963-1973

17 Nl03

Box 18 1963-1967 (#10)

Box 19 1968-1970 (#1) 1971-1973 (#2) c. Visiting Nurse Association of Brookline, 1970-1973. (#3) N. Nursing Papers by Students 1. Epilepsy and You, March 1962. (#4) 2. Total Supportive Care of Billy N. with Cystic Fibrosis, June, 1962. {#5) 3. The Nursing Care of a Patient with a Respiratory Problem. March 1963. (#6) 4. The Mentally Retarded Child, March 1963. (#7) 5. Total Care of a Patient with Epilepsy, March 1963. (#8) 6. Total Care of a Patient with Erythroblastosis fetalis, May 1963. (#9) Box 20 7. The Care of a Child with Injuries of Questionable Etiology, May 1963. (#1) 8. Nursing Care of a Neurological Patient Treated with Prolonged Hypothermia. (#2) 9. Emotional Factors of a Pre-School Child. 10. Three Papers by Lucy E. Allen, Student, Class of 1931. (#3) 0. Student Nurse Association of Children's Hospital. 1. Faculty - Student Council Handbook (#4) 2. Officers and Committees 3. Correspondence 4. Rules of Student Association (#5) 5. Student - Faculty Workshops 1971-1972 (#6) 6. Student Nurse Association of Massachusetts (#7) 7. Student Associations 8. Student Uniform Study, 1971 9. Senior Cadet Program, 1944 (#8)

18 N1U3

Box 20 P. Nurse Recruitment (for slides, see box 66) 1. Children's Hospital School of Nursing Recruitment 1966-1970. a. Materials 1966-67 (#9) b. Materials 1968 (#10) c. Materials 1969 (#11) d. Materials 1970 (#12) Box 21 e. Open House Recruitment (#1) f. Admissions Handbook and Related Materials (#2) g. Profiles of Class entering 1964-76 (#3) 2. Nursing Education Recruitment Organization Materials - NERO (#4) a. NERO materials continued (#5) b. NERO materials continued (#6) 3. Open the Doors Wide in Nursing - ODWIN (#7) 4. Curry College Materials (#8) 5. Open House Activities - Pre Secondary School students 1968 (#9) 6. Inner City Students at Open House, 1970 7. Memo to Entering Students, June 16, 1965 Q. Financial Aid and Grants 1. Affirmative Action, Financial Aid. CLOSED until 2025 (#10) 2. Financial Distress Grants. CLOSED until 2050 (#11) Box 22 3. Opportunity Grants for Nursing Education. CLOSED until 2050. (#1) 4. Construction Grants, Nurse Training Act. (#2) 5. Nurse Training Acts. (#3) 6. Nurse Training Acts; Materials of Ethel Trafton. (#4)

19 Nl03

Box 22 R. Miscellaneous Administrative Documents.

1. Tuition and Fees, 1963 (#5) 2. Curriculum Change, 1964, 1970-76. 3. Family Handbook, outline, 1965. 4. Assumptions Influencing Plan of Practise. 5. Graduation Activities. 6. Graduation Speeches. 1950, 53, 55, 59, 63, 64, 70. (#6) 7. Preparation for 1978 Graduation. S. Student Publications 1. The Lamp. Apri 1-December 1932. ( #7) The Lamp. Jan-March, 1933; May-June 1933; Dec 1933, - Jan. 1934 (#8) 2. The Strawberry Box. 1963-66. (#9) T. Student Activities 1. Special Issues 1969-70. (#10) 2. Junior-Senior Banding - Reception for Freshmen. 3. Parents 1966-71. 4. Current Curfew Regulations 1967-1970 5. Items for sale (#11) 6 . Bi g Si s te rs 7. Spring Festival 8. Student Health Service 9. Chorus 10. Special Awards (#12) 11. History of Children's Hospital 12. New Concepts in Education U. Yearbooks Box 23 1. Graduates 1951-52; 1954; 1957; 1961-66.

20 N103

Box 24 2. Graduates 1967-71; 1975; 1977. V. School of Nursing Announcements 1. Bound book 1898-1924 2. Bound book 1926-1943 Box 25 3. Bound book 1943-1956 4. Booklets 1956-1977 W. Nursing Procedures 1. Nursing Procedures. The Children's Hospital School of Nursing, Rev. May 1946. Signed by Corrine Cracker, whose name is crossed out, and by T. Hurley. Box 26 2. Procedures in Nursing of Children. The Ghil dren' s Hos pita 1 Medical Center, Rev. 1966. 3. Procedures in Nursing of Children. The Ghil dren' s Hospital Medical Center, Rev. 1967. 4. Nursing Procedures. The Ghil dren' s Hosptial Medical Center, Rev. 1968 5. Practical Nursing Procedures, 1927-28, the Children's Hospital School of Nursing. 6. Word Manual. House of the Good Samaritan. (#1) 7. Good Samaritan manual, continued. (#2) 8. Fifty Years of School of Nursing. Three copies. VI. CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING ALUMNAE. A. Information compiled on the graduates of the School of Nursing. This includes school pictures and vital statistics. Box 27 Milestones: classes 1896, 1902, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1915. (#1) Classes 1918-1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927-29. (#2) Classes 1930-1939 (#3) Classes 1940-1949 (#4) Classes 1950-1959 (#5) Classes 1960-1969 (#6) Classes 1970-1978 (#7)

21 Nl03

Box 27 Questionnaires returned on "What's Doing," 1969 Classes 1901-1919 (#8) Classes 1920-1925 (#9) Classes 1926-1929 (#10) Classes 1930-1933 (#11) Box 28 Classes 1934-1936 (#1) Classes 1937-1940 (#2) Classes 1941-1943 (#3) Classes 1944-1946 (#4) Classes 1947-1950 (#5) Classes 1951-1952 (#6) Classes 1953-1955 (#7) Classes 1956-1957 (#8) Classes 1958-1960 (#9) Classes 1961-1962 (#10) Classes 1963-1965 (#11) Classes 1966-1968 (#12) Classes 1969-1971 (#13) Box 29 B. Deceased Alumnae - 291 known as of 1978. (#1) C. The Nurses Alumnae Bulletin Oct, 1916 Note: School History in this Bulletin 1927, 1929 - 1932, 1939 1930 - 1939 Bound copies. D. Fifty Years, Stella Goostray, 1950 (2 copies) E. Directory of Graduates 1889-1967 F. The Children's Hospital School of Nursing 1889-1978 G. Reunion Activities (#2) 1. Program, 1956 - 3 copies.

22 N103

Box 29 2. Robert J. Haggerty's Speech 1956 3. Introduction of Panel, 1863 4. Introduction of Panel, 1973

5. TLS 11 Dear Friends" from Muriel Vesey, Jan 1967. 6. Map of C.H.M.C. area H. Muriel Vesey Award Materials (#3} I. World Wars I and II. Honor Rolls/Awards (#4} J. Miscellaneous - See also Box 86, Folder 9 (C-8) (#5) 1. Alumnae Day attendance 1949, 1963, 1966-1978 2. List of Superintendents of Hospital and School 3. Remarks from Graduates 4. Materials prepared for Alumnae Day 1947, 1953-54, 1959, 1961-63, 1966-78. 5. Annual Meeting, June 25, 1966 VII. EARLY HISTORICAL MATERIALS - MISCELLANEOUS Box 30 A. Early administrative notices - loose leaf book.

1. Directions for Nurses, 1898 (#1} 2. Curriculum Plan, 1896 3. Class Pl an, 1913-14 4. Rules for Nurses, 1904. B. World War I I (see also Box 33, Folder 6} 1. Nursing Education in Wartime, National League for Nursing Education Bulletins #1-14; Nov 19, 1942 - June 6, 1945. (#2} 2. Distribution of Nursing Service During the War, National Nursing Council for War Service, May 1942. (#3} 3. Nation Wide Action in the Field of Nursing. National Nursing Council for War Service. July 1945. 4. Paper: "Acceleration, Nursing Education Shares in National Defense"

23 Nl03

Box 30 5. Invitation to the Commissioning of the U.S.S. Higbee.

6. Photo of Commissioning of the U.S.S. Higbee with Stella Goostray. C. Eight-Hour day information including 1934 survey re: Eight-hour day for private duty nurses. ( #4) Box 31 D. Registration Books 1. First Registration book 1884-1938, bound. 2. Registration book, 1936-1978, bound. E. Reports 1. Annual Reports of Children's Hospital 1869-1882. 2. Children's Hospital Training School for Nurses, reports and minutes, 1896-1914, bound. F. School Programs of Instruction. 1. Record of Achievement in Operating Room Nursing, 1936- 1947, bound. 2. Inquiry re: Combining with Massachusetts General Hospital; Early contracts for affiliation, 1900; bound book with early correspondence pasted on pages. 3. Joint Basic Collegiate Program, 1959-61, bound book, closed until 2025. Box 32 4. Post Graduate course, 1918, bound. 5. Early Nursery Maids Course, 1899-1910, bound. 6. Papers and reports relating to Nursery Maids course, 1923-1928 (#1) 7. Class books for student practical nurses, 1962-72; three bound books, CLOSED until 2020 8. Joint Basic Collegiate Program, 1950-59, two bound books, CLOSED until 2020 9. Infants Hospital Nursing Service Report, 1955. - 10. Booklet, The Children's Hospital, 1869-1939. G. Time book, 1921-22. (#2)

24 '""""" "ii• :'f 1·~1o1;11. IIM»ilk~-•!i~~iti 11u1ta11111u a11un 1. 1•11•111101nn1a · n 11 rn ·n ,r z rr -: · : r r ·:r: I t1 Nl03

Box 32

VIII. HISTORICAL MATERIALS ASSEMBLED BY STELLA GOOSTRAY WHILE WRITING HER BOOK Box 33 A. Correspondence: 1895-1970 This correspondence relates to various subjects re: school hospital and alumnae, incl: Sister Caroline ALS, 1899 Commissioner of Education, State of New York TLS re: Children's Hospital School of Nursing, Feb 3, 1908. Sister Amy ALS March 2, 1909 Parsons, Sara E. TLS to Sr. Caroline May 15, 1914 Goodrich, Annie W. ALS to Sr. Amy, May 16. 1921 (filling in of standard form) Stimson, Julia C. TLS to Stella Goostray, May 2, 1932 re: Adeline Tyler. Ambrose, Edith M. ALS to Stella Goostray, Sept 27, 1934 1880 student. Shellenberger, Mildred H. TLS to Stella Goostray re: Florence Baugh Downing, a Children's Hospital Superintendent. Johnson, Susan Bard ALS to Stella Goostray, Dec 7, 1937 re: her 1890 experiences at the hospital. Brooke, Elsie ALS to Stella Goostray, Dec 3, 1938. An 1894 graduate. Goostray, Stella to Cutler D. Downes, Dec 15, 1936. Goostray, Stella to Alumnae, June 21, 1968. Correspondence 1895-1929 - see also folder 5 (#1) Correspondence 1931-1970 (#2) B. Histories relating to Children's Hospital 1. History of School of Nursing, 4 copies. (#3) 2. History of the Social Service Department (#4) 3. History of Household Nursing Association. 4. History of Society of St. Margaret and photographs of

25 l'llUj

Box 33 Sisters Amy, Susanna, Maria, Caroline and Theresa. C. Miscellaneous 1. Contents of cornerstone box of Gardner House. 2. Comparison Estimated Costs of Training Schools, Mass. Homeopathic, 1907; Children's Hospital 1903 and 1917. 3. Third Regular Meeting of International Council of Nurses, August 5, 1912. See last page re: Stella Goostray. 4. Report of Trustees Meeting, Oct 17, 1944, signed by Stella Goostray. 5. Card from "Channing" 6. Receipted Invoice for School Pin, July 2, 1923. 7. Massachusetts League of Nursing Education - Student Night Programs, Nov 7, 1949. 8. Four typed cards re: Florence Nightingale's Embroidery. 9. Outline of Huntington Avenue Hospital 10. List of names re: Photos 11. U.S. House bill #2326, March 29, 1943 re: Cadet Nurses 12. Obituary of Sophie C. Nelson Boston Herald, 2/14/64. 13. Typed article by Or. R.W. Lovett for Boston Evening Transcript, June 23, 1904 14. Reprints: a. "Incident In A Nurse's Life, A Quiet Christmas" "Introducing Children's Hospital" The Nursing Mirror and Midwive's Journal Dec 14, 1929. b. "The Hospital for Sick Children," Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin, January 1954. c. "Pediatric Profiles" Journal of Pediatrics, August, 1955. - d. "Report of Children's Hospital School of Nursing Graduation, 1928". Finnish Nursing Journal 15. Early correspondence re: Teachers and teaching; shows involvement of medical staff in early school planning. Correspondents are: Sister Caroline, Drs. B. Burrill and Goldthwaite, 1895-1914. (#5)

26 N103

Box 33 16. World War II Procurement of Children's Hospital Nurses. (#6)

IX. MARY NORCROSS MATERIALS This is a grouping of materials on Florence Nightingale. 1. Typescript carbon, 14 p. story about FN. (#7) 2. The Florence Nightingale Pledge, W.B. Saunders Co. 4 copies. 3. Health Heroes, Florence Nightingale, The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1928. 2 copies.

4. ~ Little Journey to the Home of Florence Nightingale C.V. Mosby Co., 4th printing, 1941. 2 copies. 5. Playbill product preview of "The Holy Terror," NBC TV. April 7, 1965. Florence Nightingale played by Julie Harris, playbill included. 6. Newsclipping re: "The Holy Terror," New York Times March 28, 1965. - - -- 7. "FN After the Crimean War, 1956-1861," The Trained Nurse and Hospital Review, May 1935. Pages399-408. -- 8. Rhinelander, J.W. "The Lady with the Lamp", newsclipping. 9. "Florence Nightingale", newsclipping. 10. Effie Jane Taylor's card re: Florence Nightingale. 11. Invitation to Florence Nightingale's Centenial Commemoration Dinner, May 12, 1920 with "Miss Goostray" written on the invitation. 12. Small map of the Crimean Area. 13. Color Print of the FN Pledge. 14. Magazine print of FN letters to the nurses at Waltham Training School, dated Dec. 23, 1896, 4 p. 15. Magazine print of parts of FN letters. 3 p. 16. Poem "Santa Filomena". 17. Photographs 1. Embley Park and Garden 2. Leahurst

27 N103

Box 33 3. St. Margaret's East Wellow and Cemetery 4. FN's carriage 5. House of Parliament seen from FN's home. 6. FN International Memorial Foundation. 7. FN at Kaiserswerth, a play. 8. FN Statue by Sargant. 9. FN statue (two post-card formats) a. Lady with the Lamp b. Royal Infirmary, Derby, England. 18. Prints 1. St. Thomas Hospital Dining Room, postcard. 2. FN the Crimea, stained glass window, 2 copies. 3. FN in later life, & copies. 4. FN bust by Sir John Steele. 5. FN statue with Longfellow poem. 6. FN and her nurses, St. Thomas Hospital, 1867. 7. FN and wounded at Scutari. 19. Clippings. 1. FN Coach, N.Y. Times, 1942. 2. FN Caring for the sick, Crimea, 2 copies. 3. The Lady of the Lamp, from a magazine. 4. FN tending the sick, Crimea, cover of The Trained Nurse, May 1935. - 5. FN, Veil, newsclipping believed to be from the Norwood Messenger, early 30s. X. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE LETTERS 1. ALS "Dear Sir" January 25, 1872 to W. Clark re: Sanitation in India, 1 leaf, 4 pages (only in fair condition). Presented by the Alumnae Association members. (#8) 2. Typed transcript of above letter.

28 Nl03

Box 33 3. Two photo-reduced copies of the above letter.

4. Two photo reduced copies of an ALS 11 Dear Sir" 1etter to W. Clark marked 11 Private and Confidential 11 ; dated Jan 26, 1872.

XI. CHAPEL FUND CORRESPONDENCE (#9) XII. MISCELLANEOUS (#10) 1. Letter to Muriel Vesey from Dr. Robert Gross re: Stella Goostray's book. 2. Correspondence re: restoration of Stella Goostray's portrait. 3. Materia Media Quiz (poor condition), 1918. 4. Handwritten material short stories, believed to be by Esther Read (a head nurse and supervisor in the 1930s).

5. Booklet, 11 For the Girl Graduate, A Course in the Service of the Child 11 • 6. Picture of Adeline Tyler, 1st President of Children's Hospital.

7. Adele H. Chadbourne to Mary Norcross, ALS Oct 22, 1929 RE: Adeline Tyler. 8. M. Norcross to A. Chadbourne, CTL Oct 25, 1924 (poor condition) re: A. Tyler. 9. Resume of important dates re: Children's Hospital. 10. Isabel M. Stewart, ALS n.d. Card portraying nursing history. 11. First-day issue, Clara Barton Stamped envelope, Sept. 7, 1948. 12. Card to Stella Goostray from Bertha S. Rosen, Oct 15, 1942. 13. Print of Children's Hospital Pin. 14. 3 pictures in envelope. 15. 2 pictures, 1 of Circus and 1 of graduate nurse. 16. G.A. Tagell ALS with 2 poems by Priscilla E. Hedley, an early graduate. XIII. ANNIVERSARY MATERIALS 1. Reprints of address at 70th Anniversary of Hospital, June 8,9,

29 N103

1939. (#11)

2. History of School, 1889-1949. 3. Remarks by Miss Vesey, May 7, 1949. 4. Jordan, Isabelle M., R.N. "The Role of The Teaching Hospital in Child Care", May 7, 1949. 5. General Program for 80th Anniversary, May 7, 1949. 6. Nurses' Program, May 7, 1949. 7. Miss Vesey's welcome, May 7, 1949. 8. Printed Program, 1869-1949. 9. 8 holograph pencilled notes, by M. Vesey[?], mentions Florence Nightingale gold cup. 10. Listing of pictures that were in Gardner House Library (1969). 11. Guest list for 100th Anniversary, 1969. 12. Listing of Gifts. 13. Program 1969 and Student involvement. 14. Mary Mahoney Award candidates for 1969. XIV. STELLA GOOSTRAY MATERIALS 1. Dedication of Building - 1956. Material taken from two folders marked "Stella Goostray". (#12) 2. Resume of Stella Goostray (#13) 3. Speeches a. "There Were Other Changing Times," Massachusetts League for Nursing Convention, Nov 8, 1966 at the Hotel Statler, Boston. Typescript original with holograph notes and three copies. b. "Challenge and Change," National League for Nursing Convention, New York, 1967. c. 70th Anniversary of Children's Hospital School of Nursing, 1959. d. 50th Anniversary of Children's Hospital, Department of Social Service, dinner notes, June 16, 1967. Box 34 4. Conversation with Stella Goostray and Mary Norcross, questions by Muriel Vesey. Typescript. (#1)

30 Nl03

Box 34 5. Resignation, 1946. 6. Portrait materials with program and letters, incl: Johnson, Sally ALS to Miss Cheney June 19, 1954 Goostray, Stella ALS to "Garden", Miss Vesey. Pezzati, Peter (painted SG's portrait for Alumnae Assn.) ALS to Miss Vesey, Apr 27, 29, 1976. 7. B.U. Doctorate, newsclipping and program, 1967. 8. Awards (//2) 1. American Red Cross, 1941 2. Children's Hospital Resolution, 1945 3. Adelaide Nutting Award, 1955 4. Massachusetts Nurses Association, 1965 5. R. Louise McManus, 1967 6. Doctorate of Science, Boston University, 1967 7. Article by Muriel Vesey for American Journal of Nursing 9. American Nurses Association Hall of Fame, Stella Goostray Memoirs. 10. Correspondence to Alumnae 11. Miscellaneous (#3) 1. Unidentified correspondence. 2. Articles about Stella Goostray by Mary E. Bliss and Effie J. Taylor. 3. First edition, Handbook for Parents. 4. Alumnae Program, 1966. 5. "Fair Play for the Trained Nurse", Pictorial Review, Feb. 1922. 6. Re: Adeline Blanchard Tyler. 7. In Memoriam, obituaries of Stella Goostray. 12. Pictures

31 N103

Box 34 1. I.C.N., London 1937, Rome 1957.

2. Nurse Leader's Conference. 3. First Anniversary of Cadet Nurse Corps. 4. Two photos of Stella Goostray. 5. Pictures of graduating nurses, 70th Anniversary. XV. MISCELLANEOUS A. Record books. 1. Convalescent Home of the Children's Hospital Alumnae Association. Holograph records of meetings, Feb 15, 1935 - Feb 2, 1949. 2. Record of lectures and participants 1926-1929. 3. Records of baptisms, 1909-1920. 4. Student daily time book. Sept 1927-Aug 1930. Box 35 5. Post-graduates of Infants Hospital, 1898-1918, including evaluations. 6. Student daily time book. Sept 1930-Jan 1933. Box 36 7. Student daily time book, Feb 1933-Nov 1934. 8. Student daily time book, Dec 1934-Dec 1935. Box 37 9. Student daily time book, Jan 1936-Dec 1936. 10. Student daily time book, Jan 1937-Dec 1937. 11. Student days on duty 1935-36; 1938-1944; 1946-1953. (#1) 12. Student master rotation plan classes 1961; 1964. 13. Student vacation plan, 1964. Box 36 B. Color film, 70th Anniversary. C. Children's Hospital School pins, 7. D. Old hand restraints. Box 38 E. Framed pictures, small. [see also Pkgs. 1-5] 1. Sister Caroline Margaret 2. Florence Baugh

32 Nl03

Box 38 3. Sister Susanna Margaret

4. Sister Amy Margaret 5. Helen Wood 6. Elizabeth E. Sullivan 7. Katherine A. Smith 8. Mary L. Wakefield 9. Mary E. Norcross (2) 10. Muriel Vesey 11. Theresa A. Hurley 12. Mary Norcross Bible, not framed Box 39 13. Framed letter, Adelaide Nutting to Stella Goostray ALS Nov 13, 1940, 4 p. 14. Class of 1955 15. Adelaide Nutting 16. Florence Nightingale[?] 17. Diploma of Margaret Lamont, class of 1896 18. No identification. Could be Ida C. Smith. F. Scrapbook of Virginia Lockwood, class of 1900.

G. Student council, holograph minutes, 1921. XVI. CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING, MONTHLY AND CUMULATIVE REPORTS, 1927-1978 [see also Box 86, Folder 8-9]

Box 40 1. Aug-Dec 1927 (#1) 2. Jan-Dec 1928 (#2) 3. Jan-Dec 1929 (#3) 4. Jan-Dec 1930 (#4) 5. Jan-Dec 1931 (#5) 6. Jan-Dec 1932 (#6) 7. Jan-Dec 1933 (#7)

33 Nl03

Box 40 8. Jan-Dec 1934 (#8)

9. Jan-Dec 1935 (#9) 10. Jan-Dec 1936 (#10) 11. Jan-Dec 1937 ( #11) 12. Jan-Dec 1938 (#12) 13. Jan-Dec 1939 (#13) 14. Jan-Dec 1940 (/114) Box 41 15. Jan-Nov 1941 (#1) 16. Jan-Sept 1942 (#2) Nov-Dec 1942 17. Jan-Dec 1943 (#3) 18. Jan-Dec 1944 (#4) 19. Jan-Dec 1945 (#5) 20. Jan-Dec 1946 (#6) 21. Jan-Dec 1947 (117) 22. Jan-Dec 1948 (#8) -1

I 23. Jan-Dec 1949 (#9) 24. Jan-Dec 1950 (#10) 25. Jan-Dec 1951 ( #11) 26. Jan-Dec 1952 (#12) Nov 1952-0ct 1953 27. Jan-Dec 1953 (#13) 28 Jan-Dec 1954 Oct 1954 - Oct 1955 (See Box 86, Folder 8) (#14) 29. Jan-Dec 1955 (#15) - 30. Jan-Dec 1956 ( 1116) 31. Jan-Dec 1957 (#17) Box 42 32. Jan-Dec 1958 (see Box 86, Folder 8) (#1) 33. Jan-Dec 1959 (see Box 86, Folder 8) (#2)

34 N103

Box 42 34. Jan-Dec 1960 (#3)

35. Jan-Dec 1961 (#4) 36. Jan-Dec 1962 ( #5) May-Sept 1962 37. Jan-Dec 1963 (116) Oct 1963-Sept 1963 (2 copies) 38. Jan-Dec 1964 (#7) Oct 1963-Sept 1964 (2 copies) 39. Jan-Dec 1965 (#8) Oct 1964-Sept 1965 40. Jan-Dec 1966 (#9) Oct 1965-Sept 1966 41. Jan-Dec 1967 ( #10) 42. Jan-Dec 1968 ( #11) Box 43 43. Jan-Dec 1969 (#1) 44. Jan-Dec 1970 (#2) 45. Jan-Dec 1971 (#3) 46. Jan-Dec 1972 (#4) 47. Jan-Dec 1973 ( 115) 48. Jan-Dec 1974 (#6) 49. Jan-Dec 1975 ( #7) 50. Jan-Dec 1976 (#8) 51. Jan 1977-May 1978 (#9)

XVI I. ANNUAL AND GRADUATION REPORTS 1913; 1916-1964; 1969; 1971 Reports for: 1. 1913, 1916-1918 ( #10) 2. 1919-1922 ( #11) 3. 1923-1925 (#12) 4. 1926-1928 (#13) 5. 1929-1931 ( #14)

35 N103

Box 43 6. 1932-1933 (#15) Box 44 7. 1934-1937 ( #1) 8. 1938-1940 {f/2) 9. 1941-1943 (#3) 10. 1944-1946 {f/4) 11. 1947-1948 (/15) 12. 1949-1951 (#6)

After 1951, the practice of the Director of the School g1v1ng a report was discontinued in favor of a combined graduation address and report. Address and Report for: 13. 1952-1954 (#7) 14. 1955-1959 (#8) 15. 1960-1962 (#9) 16. 1963-64; 1969; 1971 (#10)

1. Graduation Programs 1944-1978 (#11) 2. Listing of Class gifts to the School (#12) XVIII. MATERIALS RELATING PRIMARILY TO THE FACULTY A. Administrative

1. Faculty Manual (#13 - 15) Box 45 2. Faculty Job Descriptions 1966; 1972. (#1-2) 3. Faculty Personnel Policies, 1965-1977 (#3) 4. Faculty Staffing Schedule, 1968-1973 (#4) 5. Gardner House Materials - closed until 2000, (#5) 6. Correspondence between E. Trafton, Director of School of Nursing and David Weiner, President, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Oct 1973 - Sept 1978. (#6) 7. Summary of Field Instruction, Joint Basic Collegiate Program, Nursing of Children, 1954-61. (#7)

36 Nl03

8. Sample written reports of presentations given in Senior Year Conferences. 9. Report of the Nursing Group of the Professional Sub­ committee, 1962. (#8-9) 10. Paper given by E. Trafton at Massachusetts Hospital Association, March 1968. B. Faculty Memos 1967-1973. a. Memos: 1967-June 30, 1969. (#10) b. Memos: July 1, 1969-Sept 30, 1969. ( #11) Box 46 c. Memos: Oct 1, 1969-Dec 31. 1969. (#1) d. Memos: 1970 (#2) e. Memos: 1971-1973 (#3) C. Course outlines, descriptions, lectures and other materials. 1. Old course outlines-believed to be 1946-48. {#4,5,6) 2. Course outlines, believed to be 1973.

a. Level I - Fundamentals of Nursing, 2 (#7) b. Level I - Fundamentals of Nursing, 3 {#8) c. Level I - Growth and Development 1 &2 d. Level I - Nutrition e. Level I - Introduction to Medical Surgical (#9) f. Nursing Level I - Pharmacology g. Level II - Nursing of Children {#10) h. Level II - Nursing of Adults i. Level II - Psychiatric Nursing (#11)

j. Level II - Maternity Nursing k. Level II I - Advanced Clini~al Nursing (#12) 1. Level I I I - Nursing m. Level II I - Social Problems n. Level II I - Community Nursing (#13)

37 N103

Box 46 o. Level III - Patient Care (#13) p. Level III - Senior Nursing Box 47 3. Course outlines - 1977. (#1-4) 4. Course descriptions, Curry College (#5) 5. Curriculum plans 1951-56. Curriculum plans (#6) Curriculum plans (#7) 6. Clinical Teaching Folders a. Folders for Wards 7, 11 and Infants Hospital (#8) b. Old Programs (#9) c. Six Week Orientation (#10) d. Clinical Teaching, Medical (#11) e. Clinical Teaching, Out Patient (#12) Box 48 f. Clinical Teaching, Out Patient (#1) g. Clinical Teaching, Surgical (#2) h. Clinical Teaching, Sociology i. Clinical Teaching, Sociology (#3) 7. Course in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (EENT) (#4-5) 8. Course in Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. (#6) 9. Medical Lecture (#7) 10. Out Patient Nursing {#8) 11. Psychiatric notes (#9) 12. Poliomyelitis Nursing a. Nursing care (#10) b. Post graduate course (#11) Box 49 13. Surgical Lectures (#1-4) 14. Well Baby Conference

38 N103

Box 49 D. Curriculum materials, examinations.

1. Curriculum evaluation report, 1963. (#4) 2. Curriculum meetings, 1963-76 a. July 8-12, 1963 (#5) b. June 29-July 2, 1964 (#6) c. June 29, July 2, 1964 (con't.) (#6a) d. June 29-July 2, 1964, 2nd copy. (#7) e. June 29-July 2, 1964 (con't.) {#7a) f. May 1, 1967 (#8) g. May 14, 15, 1969 {#9) h. Sept 25-29, 1972 (#10) i. Oct 1-5, 1973 (#11) j. Sept 30-0ct 1, 1974 (#12) Box 50 k. Sept 29-0ct 3, 1975 (#1) l. Sept 29-0ct 3, 1975 (con't.) (#2) m. Sept 21-23, 1976 (#3) n. Sept 21-23, 1976 (con't.) (#4) o. May 21, 29 and June 5, 1968 - book form 3. Curriculum Program and Evaluation, Aug 1977. Box 51 4. Student Examinations - tests and keys. (#1-11)

Box 52 E. Personnel materials 1972-1979 - closed until 2050 a. Materials for 1972 - June 1974 (#1) b. Materials for July 1974-75 (#2) c. Materials for 1976-79 (#3)

F. Early materials, course outlines, examinations, copies of letters (see also Box 53, Folders 7-12). 1. Temperature charts on ward for November 1883, (#4)

39 N103

Box 52 2. Curriculum, 1907.

3. Examinations a. Probation exam, June 20, 1917; Jan 30, 1918. b. Anatomy exam, Jan 1918 c. Medical quiz, Jan 6, 1919 d. Materia medica exam, Feb 1919 e. Massage exam, July 1919

f. Surgery exam, Sept 4, 1919. 4. Letters: a. Copy of letter from Sister Caroline requesting a Superintendent of Nurses, 1899. b. Copy of letter from George P. Titton to Dr. Brown regarding tablets, April 6, 1914. 5. Probation Instructions by Miss Sullivan, March 1926. (#5) 6. Course Outline for 1920s 7. Course outlines, lectures and examinations for 1930s (#6) 1940-43 (#7); for 1944-48 (#8) 8. Faculty, Functions and Organizations (apparently an early analysis by Stella Goostray, et al. (#9) G. Minutes of Admission Committee, 1967-73. Closed until 2025. 1. Minutes for 1967-69 (#10) 2. Minutes for 1970-73 (#11) H. Miscellaneous Reports. Closed until 2025. (see also Box 86, folder 9) 1. Report of Children's Hospital School of Nursing and Nursing Service, 1950. (#12) 2. Report of Clinical Teaching Program, July 1, 1952-June - 30, 1953. 3. General Report from Educational Department for Dec 1, 1951-Nov 1, 1952; Nov 1, 1952-0ct 1, 1953. 4. Report of Clinical Instruction, Sept 1954-Aug 1955. 5. Annual Report - Joint Basic Collegiate Program, Nursing of

40 Box 52 Children, 1954-55. 6. Report of Staff Education July 1954-Sept 1955. 7. Curriculum Committee Report, Oct 1956-Nov 1957. 8. Children's Hospital School of Nursing Report for Oct 1964- Sept 1955. 9. Current Status of Program in Nursing Education, 1975. 10. A Study of Women in the Health Care Industry, 1977. I. Miscellaneous Box 53 1. Committees a. Civil Defense and Disaster Nursing, 1957. (#1) b. LaSalle Junior College Program, 1957. c. Maternal Child Health, 1954-1957. d. Guidance Committee, 1950s (#2) e. Task Force on Disposition of School Records. 2. Faculty Orientation Materials, 1940s (#3) 3. Admissions Requirements for 1940-45. (#4) 4. Summary of 1954 questionnaire for Nursing Staff (#5) 5. Orientation for new staff nurses. 6. Inservice Education Meetings 1954-55. 7. Resumes of E. Lorraine Baugh and Jane Mary Dow. 8. Nursing Education Self Study 9. Organization Charts 1946; 1965. 10. Simmons College Plan, 1956. 11. Old Vacation and Employment 1945; 1956-61; 1977. (#6) 12. Old course outlines a. Admissions, discharges, transfers, 1954. (#7) b. Congenital abnormalities, Appraisal of the Infant, 1954. c. History of Pediatrics, 1954. (#8)

41 Box 53 d. Infant Feeding, 1954. ( #9)

e. School Health Program f. Orientation to Out Patient Department, 1954. (#10) g. Mid Term Exam, key, 1958. h. Exam II, key. i. Growth and Development, pre-test, 1953. j. Nursing of Children, 1967. (#11) k. Nursing of Children, 1960, first exam. 1. Nursing of Children, Basic Collegiate Program, 1959. m. Sociology of the Family, 1967. n. Human Relations Seminar, 1967. (#12) 13. Financial Aspects of Training Programs, 1973. 14. Estimating Instructor-Student Ratio, 1967. Box 54 15. Boston State College Committee (#1) 16. College Mental Health Center, 1967. (#2) 17. Old contracts. a. New England Deaconess, 1966-68; 1970-73. b. New England Baptist, 1971-72. c. Eastern Main General, 1941, 51, 54-56, 67-68. d. Faulkner Hospital, 1944, 51-56, 67-68, 73-74. 18. Consultants Meetings 1964-66. (#3) 19. Health Incorporated. 20. International Nurses 21. Minority Students (#4) 22. N.E. Baptist Hospital 23. L.P.N. Student-Contract with . (#5) 24. School of Nursing Committee-closed until 2000.

42 NlUJ

Box 54 a. Rules with related correspondence (#6) b. By Laws (#7) c. Correspondence, Minutes and Reports (#8) d. Correspondence (#9) 25. Budget, 1974-75, Closed until 1995. (#10) J. School of Nursing Committee Minutes and Reports: 1917-1962. 1. Oct 24, 1917-Dec 31, 1925 (#11) 2. April 30, 1926-September 21, 1927 (#12) 3. Jan 17, 1928-Jan 30, 1931, signed by Stella Goostray. Box 55 4. Nov 6, 1931-Dec 6, 1934, signed by Stella Goostray. (#1) 5. May 9, 1935-March 15, 1938, signed by Stella Goostray May 24, 1938 (#2) 6. Jan 18, 1939-0ct 18, 1939, signed by Stella Goostray. 7. Oct 18, 1939-Nov 15, 1939, signed by Stella Goostray. (#3) 8. Study of School Oct 18, 1939, signed by Stella Goostray. 9. Mar 20, 1940-0ct 22, 1941, signed by Stella Goostray (#4) 10. Nov 25, 1941-0ct 26, 1943, signed by Stella Goostray (#5) 11. Feb 8, 1944-May 22, 1946, signed by Stella Goostray (#6) 12. Nov 25, 1946-Apr 26, 1950, signed by Muriel B. Vesey (#7) 13. Jan 31, 1951-Jan 1, 1952, signed by Muriel B. Vesey (#8) 14. Jan 14, 1953-0ct 24, 1955, signed by Muriel B. Vesey (#9) 15. Mar 6, 1956-0ct 22, 1959, signed by Muriel B. Vesey (#10) 16. Jan 14, 1960-Feb 20, 1962, signed by Muriel B. Vesey (#11) 17. Resourses and Development CLOSED until 2050. (#12) Box 56 K. New York Board of Regents Mat~rials 1914-1956. 1. Reports: 1914-1916; 1918-1928 (#1) 2. Reports: 1929-1934 (#2) 3. Reports: 1935-1943 (#3)

43 ------·------. " .. --- -·--. Nl03

Box 56 4. Reports: 1944-1947 (#4)

5. Reports: 1948-1951 (#5) 6. Correspondence: 1922-1929 (#6) 7. Correspondence: 1930-1932 (#7) 8. Correspondence: 1933-1939 (#8) 9. Correspondence: 1940-1943 (#9) 10. Correspondence: 1944-1949 ( #10) 11. Correspondence: 1950-1956 (#11)

L. Faculty Policy Materials 1. Admissions Committee Handbook, 1964 (#12) 2. Study of Clinical Experiences Committee, 1964-69 Box 57 3. Faculty Development Program (#1) 4. Growth and Development Workbook, #16 (#2) 5. School Renovation, Jan 1972 6. Trauma X Nursing 7. Faculty Manual, 1972 Philosophy, Administration, Faculty and Students. (#3,4); Curriculum and Resources (#5) 8. Miscellaneous policies, guidelines, form letters (#6) 9. Blank forms (#7) 10. 1970 Schools of Nursing in Massachusetts. 11. "Report of Measurement and Evaluation at Children's Hospital School of Nursing," March 17, 1977, by E. Lorraine Baugh. (#8) 12. Summary of Field Instruction, LPN students. 13. Student Materials {#9) a. Absences, Bus Service, Activities. b. Absences from Gardner House, ID cards, and Minority Students. c. Capes, Caps and Banding

44 Nl03

Box 57 d. Student Nurse Association Materials. 14. Board of Registration Survey Report, Dec 1964-74. (#10} a. Board of Registration Can't. (see also Box 83) (#11) 15. Cost of Nursing Education 1954-59 (#12) a. Cost of Nursing Education, can't. (#13) 16. Renovation, 1971 (#14}

Box 58 M. Audio-Visual Aids 1. Film strip/record re: Ileostomy 2. Film Strips a. History of ANA b. Infant Feeding 3. Similac Fetus 4. Films a. Myelomeningocele b. Craniosynostosis c. Premature d. No identification for 2 films. 5. Visual Field Chart 6. Convex glass disc 7. Dolls: three dressed in CH uniforms: blond, brunette, and black dolls. N. Tapes. These tapes are lectures in clinical areas, some are dated, but all are marked by clinical area. They are reel to reel tapes 1/4" by 1200' (Scotch Sounding Recordings) Tapes in the last box are of miscellaneous activities and various sizes. Box 59 1. Orthopedics 1960-62 Box 60 2. EENT - 1960-62 3. Cardiovascular, 1956

45 Nl03

Box 61 Cardiovascular, 1960-61

4. Medical 1960-61 Box 62 Medical 1958-1961 Box 63 Medical 1960-62 Box 64 Medical 1962-63 Box 65 Medical 1963 5. Sociology, 1960 6. Allergy, 1959-60 7. C.H.M.C. Administration 8. Endocrine, 1960-62 Box 66 9. Den ta 1, 1961-62 10. 70th Anniversity of C.H. School of Nursing, 1959 11. Recruitment slides 12. Cancer, 1956-62 Box 67 13. Neurology 1960-62 Box 68 Neurology, 1962 14. Pharmacology, 1960-61 Box 69 15. Communicable Disease, 1960-64 Box 70 Communicable Disease, 1964 16. Growth and Development, 1962 17. Pathology, 1962 Box 71 18. Surgical, 1960-62 Box 72 Surgical, 1962-63 _____ 19. Nursing Symposium, 1959-60 Box 73 Nursing Symposium, 1960-63 Box 74 Nursing Symposium, 1963-65

Box 75 20. Nursing tapes, reel to reel, 1/4" x 1200 1 Electrolyte Balance, 1959

46 Nl03

Box 75 Presentation of Policy, 1959 Head Nurse Workshop, 1963 - 8 sound/film tapes 3 3/4" 21. Stenorette tape, 45 minutes (see also Box 66) 1. Stella Goostray, Parts 1 &2 and 2 copies. (4 tapes) 2. Division 27, 28 orientation (2 tapes) 3. #3 Original 4. #4 begins "The profession may have been slow regarding National Defense ••• " 5. 1 tape, no identification 6. Stella Goostray, copies of #1-4 7. Divisions 24, 27, 39 (one tape) 8. Children's Hospital 50th Anniversary - Stella Goostray and Mary Norcross (16 min 1/211 tape) 9. Tape of Stella Goostray, marked "poor quality" 10. Stella Goostray and Mary Ann Garrigan, Boston University Seminar, April 1967. XIX. STUDIES Box 76 A. Early studies of the School. 1. Statistics, 1924-46 (#1) 2. Monthly Census slips 1921-27 3. Proposed central school, 1925 (#3) 4. Study of C.H. School of Nursing, 1933. (#4) 5. Study of the C.H. School of Nursing, 1939 (three copies) 6. N.L.N.E. Report of Accrediting Committee, 1940 (#5) 7. Study of Programs of C.H. School of Nursing, 1945 (6 copies) 8. Inquiry into the Feasibility of Combinin~ Six Hospital Schools into One School, 1961-66. {#6) 9. Polio Study, 1955 (#7)

47 Nl03

Box 76 10. Maternity and Infant Care Project, 1966 top. 100, p. 101 to finish. (#8,9) 11. Organizational Charts, School of Nursing and Nursing Service. ( #10) B. Studies in Specific Aspects of the School Program. 1. Distribution of Graduates, 1933. (#11) 2. Field of Employment, 1957-61; 1962-66; 1966-71 3. Retrospective Analysis of Material on Achievement, 1963-71. 4. Study of Employer Evaluation of Performance of Graduates, 1958-62; 1963-64; 1965-66 (see also Box 77, Folder 2} 5. Study of Student Attitudes towards Diminishing Instructor Guidance, 1964. (#12) 6. Retention Rates: 1966-70; 1971-73. 7. Study of Faculty Workload, 1966-67. 8. Comparison of Curriculum Content, Class of 1961 to 1963 State Standards. Box 77 9. Influences Affecting Student Applications and Enrollment, October 1967. (#1) 10. Membership, Professional Organizations, Instructional Personnel, October, 1967. 11. Comparative Review of the Profile of Entering Classes, 1968-72. 12. Inner City Students and Attendance at Open House. 13. Study of State Board Results, 1964-65, incomplete. 14. N.L.N. Achievement Test Scores in Obstetrics Nursing, 1968-72. '(#2) 15. A Study of Attrition, 1968-72. 16. Employer Evaluation of Performance of Graduates, 1969-71. 17. Employment Interests - Class entering 1970. 18. Use of College Mental Health Center, 1970. 19. Freshman Response to Two Questionnaires at end of Term 1971 (#3}

48 Nl03

Box 77 20. Evaluation of Statement of Philosophy, 1972

21. Faculty In-Service Workshop, Aug 1972 22. Senior Response to Questionnaire, 1972 (#4) 23. Study of Interpretation of Psychiatric Concepts, 1973 24. Followup study on qualified applicants who did not enroll, 1972 25. Evaluation of Periodical Subscriptions, 1973 26. Faculty Development, 1973-74 (#5) 27. Suggestions for Change in Current Criteria, April 1967

28. Study of 11 Nurse 11 relative, Sept 1968 29. Attitude toward Instructor Guidance, 1964 (#6) 30. Student Job Opportunities 31. State Board of Nursing, Proposed Curriculum Revision, Sept, 1970 32. Employer Evaluation, 1963-66 33. Employee Evaluation, 1958-62 (#7) 34. Attrition in Schools of Nursing 35. N.L.N., Implementation of Study, 1970 36. Plan to construct educational facilities to be shared with N.E. Deaconess Hospital, 1967-69 37. Architects Collaborative, Inc. Reports. April, November, December 1968 (#8) 38. Construction Grant Materials, (#9-11) 39. Schematic Design Report of Combined School of Nursing Facility, June 27, 1969. Box 78 40. U.S. Department of HEW guides, 3 copies 41. School of Nursing Cost Studies. Closed until 2000 a. Cost Materials (#1-4) 42. Study of the Future of the School a. Exhibits, Ad Hoc Committee (#5-8)

49 N103

Box 78 b. Minutes and related reports (#9)

c. Minutes and related reports (#10) Box 79 43. Curry College - Children's Hospital School of Nursing Study Materials (No attempt has been made to separate correspondence from related materials. These materials are in the order as received). a. Proposals, Curry College, CHSN b. Task Force Materials (#1-4) c. Planning Meetjngs, 1975-76 (#5-11) Box 80 d. Establishing the need for an Educational Program In Nursing with an Orientation in a Pediatric Institution, Sept., 1975. e. Preface to proposal for Degree-program in Nursing at Curry College, July 1975 Proposal for Curry College, 1975 f. Planning meetings, 1977 (#1-2) g. Plan for closing Children's Hospital School of Nursing (#3) h. Search for Chairperson for Curry College Program i. Miscellaneous materials re: Curry College and CHSN (#4-6) j. Contracts and correspondence with Curry College, 1975-77 (#7,8) 44. Special Research Studies, Faculty and Student participation. Closed until 2045 (#9)

XX. BOARD OF REGISTRATION IN NURSING Box 81 A. Publications by the Board of Registration 1. Minimum Curriculum, 1919, 1924, 1935 (#1) 2. Annual Report, 1936 3. Laws Regulating Nursing, 1941 (2), 1953, 1957, 1959, 1968 4. Regulations for Approval, 1956 5. Report, Legislative Research, 1956

50 Nl03

Box 81 6. General Rules and Regulations, 1956 (2)

7. Digest of Statutes, 1952 (2), 1961, 1964 (3), 1967 (2), 1970. 8. Supplement to Digest, 1956 9. Report, Committee on Shortage, 1957 (2) 10. Acts of 1960, (2) 11. Approved Schools, 1964, 1969 (2) 12. Minimum Education Criteria, 1965 (2), 1970 13. Regulations Governing Approval, 1971 B. State Board Correspondence and Directives, 1869-1977 1. Materials for 1869-1926, incl. copy of incorporation papers (#2) 2. Materials: 1927-1934; papers in poor condition (#3) Materials: 1935-36; poor condition (#4) Materials: 1937-43; poor condition (#5) Materials: 1944-45; poor condition (#6) Materials: 1944-45; poor condition (#7) Materials: 1946-57; poor condition (#8) Materials: 1963-65 (#9) Materials: 1966-67 (#10) Materials: 1968-69 (#11) Box 82 Materials: 1973-77, incl. plan for phasing out the School of Nursing (#1) 2. State Board Test Pool Information (#2) 3. Mass State Board Approving Authority-High School Records, etc. 1954-64 4. Qualifications of Faculty Members (#3,4} C. Northeastern University and Children's Hospital School of Nursing 1. Contracts (#5)

51 Nl03

Box 82 2. Student Program at Northeastern University 1963-75 (#6-8} D. Foreign Nurse Materials (#9) E. State Board of Registrations Governing Approval, 1965-72 (#10) F. State Board of Correspondence and Directives, 1947-73 1. 1947-60 (#11) Box 83 2. 1955-61 (#1) 3. 1962-63 (/12) 4. 1964-66 (#3) 5. 1967-73 (#4) G. Board of Registration Reports to and Curriculum Revisions 1921-23; 1925-33; 1935-70 1. 1921-23; 1925-29 {#5) 2. 1930-33; 1935-39 (#6) 3. 1940-46 (#7) 4. 1947-49 (#8) 5. 1950-52 (#9) 6. 1953-56 ( #10} Box 84 7. 1957-59 (#1) 8. 1960-62 (#2) 9. 1963-66 (#3) 10. 1967-70 (#4)

H. Board of Registration Reports and Conferences, 1961-63; 1966- 69; 1971-72 1. 1961-63 (#5) 2. 1966-69; 1971-72 (#6)

XXI. AFFILIATE PROGRAM AT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL - All material through Box 89 Closed until 2025 A. General

52 Nl03

Box 84 1. Materials pertaining to affiliation at CH, 1939; 1944; 1967. (#7)

2. Code for affiliating Schools, 1965. Closed unitl 2045 B. Affiliating Schools 1. Beverly Hospital, 1965, 1967 2. Eastern Main Medical Center - Closed until 2050 a. Materials: 1934-51 (#8) b. Materials: 1963-68 (#9) c. Materials: 1969-71 (#10) 3. Faulkner Hospital - Closed until 2055 a. Materials: 1928-65 (#11) b. Materials: 1966-73 (#12) Box 85 c. Materials: 1974-77 (#1) 4. Joint Basic Collegiate Program, Nursing of Children (see also Box 86, Folder 8) a. Reports, 1953-54 (#2) b. Reports, 1955-61 (#3) c. Minutes of Field Agency Committee: 1952-53 (#4) d. Minutes of Field Agency Committee: 1954-55 (#5) e. Minutes of Field Agency Committee: 1956-58 (#6) 5. New England Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing. Closed until 2055 a. Correspondence: 1920; 1930; 1941; 1942; 1962-65 (#7) b. Correspondence 1965-73 (#8) c. Correspondence 1974-77 (#9) 6. Rockefeller Foundation a. Correspondence 1930-34, 1941 (#10) 7. Nursing Course for Affiliate Students a. 1918; 1923-25; 1928; 1930 (#11)

53 N103

Box 85 b. 1931-36; 1938 (#12)

c. 1939-41 (#13) Box 86 d. 1942 (#1) e. 1943; 1945 (#2) f. 1946-47; 1949; 1953 (#3) g. 1961-62 (#4) 8. Practical Nurse Programs Affiliate 1958-59 a. Course Outline (#5) b. Contracts with city of Boston - Closed until 2025 (#6) 9. Affiliate Curriculum Committee Report, 1962-63 10. Statistical Data N.L.N.E. exams (#7) 11. Information on Standard Deviations on affiliate test scores 12. State Board test results - tabulated code for final affiliate averages 13. Reports: a. Reports of Children's Hospital Student Programs, Jan 1, 1950 to Oct 1, 1955; 1958-59 (#8) b. Reports of Afiliating Students Programs, Jan 1, 1951 to Oct 1, 1955; 1958-59 c. Annual Report of Joint Basic Collegiate Program - Nursing of Children, 1953-55 C. Miscellaneous materials - related to Children's Program 1. Reports of Clinical Teaching Program, July 1952-Jan 1954 (#9) 2. Annual Report of Public Health Instructor for Jan 1952- Nov 1952 - 3. Reports of Sub-curriculum Committee 1957-59 4. Reports of Teaching Program Jan 1951-0ct 1955 5. Reports of School of Nursing Jan 1951-Sept 1952; Oct 1956 6. Reports of Nursing Service, Jan 1, 1952-Sept 30, 1953 (#10}

54 HJ.VJ

Box 86 7. Reports of Nursing Service, 1949-53

8. Special Study of Children's Hospital Graduates 1945-57 total of 539 graduates. (#11) D. Affiliating Program 1. Meetings of affiliating school representatives June 14, 1960; June 29, 1961 (#12) 2. Averages for affiliating schools, 1947-53; 1955; 1958-59 (#13) E. State Board materials on affiliating students: 1. Pediatrics State Board Scores: affiliating schools 1954; 1956-57; 1959 2. Reports on Pediatrics State Board Scores, 1959-61 (#14} 3. Materials for Sept 1970 meeting 4. Reports on Pediatric State Board, 1969 (#15) 5. Annual Statistics from Nov 1968 to Aug 1969 F. State Board Results (see also Box 90, fo 1ders 1 , 2, 4} Closed ----until 2025 1. Affiliate class of 167 (#16)

2. Affiliate class of 1 68 ( #17) Box 87 3. Affiliate class of '66 (#1) 4. Affiliate class of '65 (#2) 5. Affiliate class of '64 (#3) 6. Affiliate class of '63 (#4) 7. Affiliate class of '62 (#5) 8. Affiliate class of '60-61 (#6) G. Contract Materials 1. Contract meeting, June 1971 (see Box 89, Folders 2, 3} (#7) 2. Small group meetings, 1971 3. Small group meetings with Parent schools, 1970 (see also Box 89, Folder 1}; affiliation arrangements;

55 N103

Box 87 correspondence; contracts. (#8)

4. Contracts (see also Box 89, Folders 1-3) a. Evanston Hospital School of Nursing, 1926-37 (#9) b. Mary Fletcher Hospital School of Nursing, 1944-49 c. Framingham Hospital School of Nursing, 1948-52 (#10) d. Free Hospital for Women School of Nursing, 1926-30 e. Holyoke Hospital School of Nursing, 1949-54 f. N.E. Hospital for Women and Children, 1949-51 g. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital School of Nursing, 1929-73 ( #12) H. Test Results 1. Foreign Graduates N.L.N. Results, 1966; 68, 72 (#13) 2. Pediatric N.L.N. Test Results, 1966 3. N.L.N. Reports Graduates, 1968 Box 88 4. Affiliating Schools, N.L.N. Achievement Test Reports 1. Beverly Hospital, 1961-71 (#1) 2. Concord Hospital, 1961-72 (#2) 3. Eastern Maine Medical Center, 1961-72 (#3) 4. Faulkner Hospital, 1966-72 (#4) 5. Leominster Hospital, 1961-72 ( #5) 6. Lowell Jr. College, 1961-69 (#6) 7. N.E. Baptist Hospital, 1961-72 (#7) 8. Newton-Wellesley Hospital, 1961-72 (#8) 9. Worcester Hahnemann, 1961-72 (#9) 10. Beth Israel Hospital, 1961-66 (#10) 11. Mary Hitchcock Hospital, 1961-67 (#11) 12. Mclean Hospital, 1961-67 (#12) 13. Melrose Wakefield Hospital, 1961-67 {#13)

56 N103

Box 88 14. N.E. Deaconess Hospital, 1961-69 (#14) 15. Quincy City Hospital, 1961-68 (#15) 16. , 1961-67 (#16) 17. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 1961-65 (#17) 18. Mass Memorial Hospital, 1961-62 (#18) 19. Salem Hospital, 1961 5. State Board Scores, Class of 1970 (#19) 6. Contracts - June 1970 (see also Box 89, Folders 14-17) I. Miscellaneous Materials Box 89 1. Small group meeting with parent schools, 1968-69 (#1) 2. Contract meetings, 1960-62 (#2) 3. Contract meetings, 1963-69 (#3) 4. Statistics, 1963-64 (see also Box 99, Folders 6-8) (#4) Statistics, 1965-71 (#5) 5. Summary materials, 1965-67 (#6) Summary material, 1968-69 (#7) 6. Reciprocal tables (#8) 7. N.L.N. Information (#9) 8. N.L.N. Accreditation Visit, 1964-68 ( #10) 9. Program and Field Instruction (#11) 10. Affiliating Program Dates, 1966-67 (student lists) (#12) 1968-73 (#13) 11. N.L.N. Pediatric Affiliate exam results, 1961-72 12. Contracts and correspondence on Practical Nurse Program, 1957-63 - a. Correspondence and Contracts, 1957-58 (#14) b. Correspondence and Contracts, 1959-65 (#15) c. Correspondence and Contracts, 1966-69 (#16) d. Correspondence and Contracts, 1970-73 (#17)

57 N1U3

Box 90 J. Miscellaneous State Board Materials - Closed until 2015

1. State Board Results, 1956-58, affiliate schools (#1) 2. Composite State Board Results, 1954-62, affiliate schools (#2) 3. Children's Hospital Scores, 1915-44 (poor condition) (#3) 4. Children's and affiliate students' scores, total percentage of examination, 1945-56 (#4) 5. Grading Committee, 1932 (#5) 6. Accrediting correspondence, 1949-59 a. 1949-52 (#6) b. 1953 (#7) c. 1954-59 (#8) 7. Correspondence re: phasing out of School (#9) 8. Manual for N.L.N. accrediting visitors, 1970 (#10) 9. Questions and answers on accreditation, 1960 XXII. PUBLICATIONS A. National League for Nursin (National League for Nursing Education until 1953 1. First list of accredited schools, 1941 (#11) 2. Statement of policy for accreditation of Schools of Nursing, 1939, 1944 (2) 3. Criteria for the Evaluation of Diploma Programs in Nursing, 1969, 1975 4. Criteria for Evaluation of Educational Programs in Nursing Leading to an Associate Degree, 1973 5. Policies and Procedures of Accreditation for Programs in Nursing Education, 1976 6. Criteria for the Appraisal of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs in Nursing, 1972 7. Towards Excellence in Nursing Education, 1977.

8. Is Your Nursing School Accredited? 2 copies.

58 N103

Box 90 9. Commonwealth of Massachusetts minimum Educational Criteriaand Curriculum Standards for Schools of Professional Nursing, 1965.

XXIII. NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR NURSING MATERIALS ON ACCREDITATION A. Accreditation Materials 1. Application for N.L.N.E., 1939 (#12) 2. Interim classification, 1949 (#13) 3. Report of N.L.N.E. survey of Children's Hospital School of Nursing, 1941-52 (#14) Box 91 4. Annual reports of Accrediting Service, 1941-52 a. 1944-45 (#1) b. 1946-50 (#2) c. 1951-52 (#3) d. Profile, 1952 (#4) 5. Accreditation materials, 1953 6. Curriculum course outlines, 1953 7. Report of resurvey, April 6-11, 1953 (2 copies) 8. N.L.N. Accreditation Report, 1959 (3 copies) Box 92 9. Application for survey, 1953 (#1,2) 10. Report of Accrediting Service, 1956 (#3) 11. N.L.N. Survey Techniques, 1956 12. Accrediting Service survey, 1959 (#4,5) 13. Report of Resurvey, 1959 (#6) 14. Minutes of conference session, Atlantic City, 1963 15. Accrediting resurvey, 1962 (#7) 16. Accrediting questions and answers, 1962 17. 1964 Accreditation a. Report of revisit, 1964 (#8) b. Accreditation materials, 1964 (#9)

59 N103

Box 92 c. Accreditation Reports, 1964 (#10-12)

d. Guide for preparing self-evaluation, 1964 e. Faculty reaction to 1964 accreditation 18. 1966 Accreditation a. Guide for preparing self-evaluation, 1966 (#13) b. 1966 Correspondence c. Self-evaluation report, #4, 1966 (#14) d. Report of revisit, 1966 (#15) e. N.L.N. Report, 1966 (#16) Box 93 f. Accreditation report, 1966 (#1,2) g. Self-evaluation report, #3, 1966 (#3) h. Accrediting, 1966 (#4) i. Self-evaluation Report #6, 1966 (#5) j. Self-evaluation Report, 1966, includes section IVa (#6) 19. 1972 Accreditation a. Correspondence (#7,8) b. Report of Self evaluation, Oct 23-27, 1972 (#9) c. Accreditation report, 1972 d. Report of Self evaluation, 1972 (3 copies) (#10-15) Box 94 e. Official N.L.N. Report, 1972 (#1,2)

XXIV. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MATERIALS A. National League for Nursing 1. Agency Membership 1935-78 materials a. 1935-54 (#3) b. 1955-63 (#4) c. 1964-66 (#5)

60 Nl03

Box 94 d. 1967-69 (#6)

e. 1970-73 (#7) f. 1974 (/18) g. 1975 (#9) h. 1976-78 (#10) 2. N.L.N. Certificates for 1964; 1966-70; 1972-78 3. Nursing Outlook Founder Subscriber, 1953 Box 95 4. N.L.N. Testing Service. (contains some student grades) a. 1950 materials (#1) b. 1960-70 materials (#2) 5. Cost Analysis - Schools of Nursing a. Cost Analysis for Collegiate Programs in Nursing, Part l, 1956 N.L.N. b. Ibid, Part II c. Study in Cost of Nursing Education, Part l, 1964 N.L.N. d. Cost Analysis for Schools of Nursing, 1946 U.S. Public Health Service 6. Council of Member Agencies, N.L.N. 1952-77 materials a. 1952-58 (#3) b. 1958 (/14) c. 1958-59 (#5) d. 1960-61 (#6) e. 1961-64 ( #7) f. 1965 (#8) g. 1966-67 (#9) h. 1968 (#10) Box 96 i • 1969 (#1) j. 1969 (#2)

61 "Hi< l!lif .ii w · u iii i II · Jilkl-1 IUIHII Nl03

Box 96 7. Proposed By-Law changes, 1967 (2 copies) (#3)

8. Miscellaneous Materials, 1970-77 a. 1970 (114) b. 1971-72 (#5) c. 1973-77 (#6) B. Mass League for Nursing, 1954-78 materials 1. 1954-61 (#7) 2 . 196 2 (/18) 3. 1963 (#9) 4. 1964 (#10) 5. 1965 (#11) Box 97 6. 1966 ( #1) 7. 1967 (#2) 8. 1968 (#3) 9. 1969 (114) 10. 1970's (#5) C. Nursing Advisory Committee, Board of Higher Education {Weston Assembly) 1968; 1971-72 1. Membership: operational policies; guidelines and statements; minutes; financial report and correspondence (#6) 2. Survey of Clinical Facilities Utilization, 1970 (#7) D. National Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education (N.C.S.N.N.E.) 1. NCSNNE Study and Recommendations (#8) 2. NCSNNE Publications (#9) Box 98 E. Mass Nurses Association materials (#1) F. New England Council on Higher Education for Nurses G. A.N.A. Convention Bulletins for 1954-55 (#2) H. North Atlantic Constituent League Group (#3)

62 Nl03

Box 98 1. Pamphlets (#4)

I. American Hospital Association

1. 1969 convention materials (#5) 2. 1969 convention materials (#6) 3. 1970 convention materials (#7) 4. 1971 convention materials (#8) J. Mid Century White House Conference on Children and Youth, 1950 1. 1950 Materials and Reports (#9) 2. Financial Report (#10) Box 99 3. Platform, reports and membership (#1) 4. Miscellaneous memos and correspondence (#2,3)


1. 1955 polio epidemic (#4) 2. In-patient ward statistics (#5) 3. Affiliates 1942-1960 a. 1942-45 (#6) b. 1946-53 (#7) c. 1954-60 (#8) d. Compilation Sheets 4. Patient care statistics, 1947-50 a. 1947-48 (#9) b. 1949-50 (#10) Box 100 5. Cost Study (rough materials of M. Vesey) (#1,2) 6. Staff salaries and staffing statistics; turnover of staff statistics (#3) 7. Upward mobility for RN's and LPN's, 1975 (#4) 8. Report of MGH Dept. of Nursing, 1970. Closed until 2050

63 N103

Box 100 9. Sidney Farber Cancer Center, 1976

10. Copy of letter from S. Goostray to President Bently, Sinnnons College, May 18, 1936 11. White House Conference materials (#5) 12. State Department Materials 13. State College at Boston materials 14. Miscellaneous.Studies questionnaires (#6) 15. Women's Committee (#7) 16. Women's Committee, 1968-77 (#8) 17. Miscellaneous speeches a. M.M. Kilcoyne on Rehabilitation (abstract) (#9) b. Ethel M. Trafton at Shepard Gill School of Practical Nursing, June 16, 1967 c. Ethel M. Trafton at N.E. Hospital Assembly, March 27, 1968 d. "How Head Nurse Helps in the Achievement of the School" No name or date 18. Minutes of Staff Nurse Meetings, 1938-45 (#10) 19. Joint Executive Meeting, 1962-65 (#11) 20. Executive Council Meeting, Apr 27-29, 1966 21. The Children's Activities Service, Oct 1968 (#12) 22. Faculty Development Program, 1969-70 23. Visual Education Study, 1970 24. Hospital Training Program, 1971 25. Awareness Program 1971-73 (#13) 26. Children's Hospital Publications (#14) Box 101 27. Management Round Table 1972-73 a. 1972 (#1) b. 1972-73 (#2) 28. Education Committee, 1977 (#3)

64 N103

Box 101 29. Nursing Service, 1975-78

30. Boston University, Nursing Archives (#4) 31. California Licencing Proposals, 1971 (#5) 32. Children±s Hospitals 33. Civil Rights Legislation 34. Controlled Substance Act (#6) 35. C.O.P.E. 36. Mr. Ham 37. Legislation (#7) 38. Macy Program (#8) 39. Professional Standards Review Organization 40. Social Work 41. ODWIN (Open Doors Wider in Nursing) (#9,10)

XXVI. SCRAPBOOKS Box 102 1. Early clippings, 1920's; 1950's; with photograph of Margaret T. Lamont, Class of 1896 2. Scrapbook, 1940's 3. Scrapbook, the War 4. Small scrapbook in "Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co." account book. Old ward pictures, 1914 album. 5. Two of Frances K. Clyde, 1926; 1928-33. Album has excellent pictorial presentation of student's practice areas and Drs. Cutler and Blackfan. 6. Looseleaf book, probably E. Trafton. Box 103 7. Sample Diplomas and instructions for admission (#1) 8. Forms used in early school era 9. Four folders for diplomas 10. Snedeker, Lendon. One Hundred Years at Children's Hospital, 1969 (correctedcopy) 11. State Approved Schools of Nursing, RN, 1974, N.L.N.

65 N103

Box 103 12. Children's Hospital Annual Reports, 1937; 1938-39; 1940; 1945

13. The Children's Hospital, 1869-1939 (2) 14. American Hospital Association Certificate, 1968 15. Boston Evening Globe, Tuesday, April 22, 1969

XXVII. NEWSCLIPPINGS (Were in a black box). Most pertain to graduates of the school, but among these materials are the following: Box 104 1. Holograph notice regarding records, dated Jan 1, 1898 signed by Francis H. for Board of Managers (#1) 2. The C.H. Nurse, May 22, 1929 3. Envelope addressed to Ethel Trafton from Mary Norcross with 4 Christmas cards and 2 photos. 4. Snapshot (Gift of 1972 from Isabelle Jordan O'Connor, Class of 1925) of nurse in an old style uniform and note from M. Vesey to Mrs. Dionne about the snapshot. Newsclippings: 1881-1953 (#2) 1. p. 247-529 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newshaper, Dec 10, 1881 and a photo print of p. 252 showing p otos of the Children's Hospital. Also in this paper is a sketch portraying Charles J. Guiteau on trial for the murder of President Garfield. 2. p. 619-622 of The Youth's Champion, Nov 24, 1892 with a story In~ Children's Hospital sketches showing early hospital artifacts. 3. 100th Anniversary Materials (#3)

XXVIII. BOOKLETS (#4) 1. Give Life to~ Child, 1949 Building Fund Drive 2. Morton Hospital Annual Report, 1958 3. AChild h Not~ Little Man, April 1946 4. The Child You Save May be Your Own, 1949 5. Scope, November 1936 (2 copies) 6. Newsletter, June 1953

66 Nl03

Box 104

XXIX. REPRINTS (#5) 1. "What Lies Ahead for the Nursing Profession" by Stella Goostray, American Journal of Nursing, Aug, 1935, 3 copies. 2. Reprints and addresses by Drs. Gregg, Minot and Burrell at 70th Anniversary. June 8, 9, 1939 3. "Supply, Demand and Standards," by Stella Goostray. American Journal of Nursing, July 1941. (2 copies) 4. "The Senior Cadet Nurse," Eugenia K. Spalding. American Journal of Nursing, Aug 1943 5. "Planning the Senior Cadet Period," Lucile Petry, Jan 1944. American Journal Qf Nursing 6. "The Hospital for Sick Children" James L. Gamble, Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin, Jan 1954 7. "Memoirs: Half a Century in Nursing," Stella Goostray, 1969 (2 copies)

8. Editorial: "Children's Hospital" n.d. 9. "The Children's Hospital and the Infants Hospital, Boston Mass" Kenneth D. Blackfan, n.d. (3 copies) 10. "On the Front Lines," Stella Goostray. Cosmopolitan Magazine, n.d.

XXX. PICTURES Class Graduation pictures, a few identified as to year. (#6) Class Graduation pictures (#7) Historical procession, 1969 - showing uniforms Box 105 Photos of patients and nurses (#1-4) Env 1-4 Photos of patients and nurses Env 5 Circus photos at Children's Hospital Env 6 Photos of early Convalescent Home patients and staff (in a paper album - papers in poor condition)

Env 7 Circus photos, 1930 1 s (Gift of Lucy Allen, Class of 1931, Jan 1976)

Env 8 Photos of nurses and patients, ca. 1930s (Gift of Lucy Allen)

67 N103

Box 106 Photos of Wellesley Hills Convalescent Home (#1) Env 1 Photos of Wellesley Hills Convalescent Home Photos of Hos pita 1 buildings, grounds and rooms (#2) Env 2 Photos of Hospital buildings, grounds and rooms 90th Anniversary photos (#3) Photos of faculty and staff including Stella Goostray, Muriel Vesey, and Mary Norcross (#4) Photos of faculty and staff (#5) Env 3 Photos of applicants or affiliates Env 4 Photos of applicants or affiliates Env 5 Snapshots by an early graduate of the school Env 6 Photos of old style uniforms - nurses not identified Box 107 Photos of student nurses at various activities (#1-4) Env 1-2 Photos of student nurses at various activities Photos of: (#5) Fannie King, March 2, 1894 Evelyn Fletcher, 1919 Susan Bard Johnson, 1892 Sisters Florence Hilda, Susanna, Amy (2), Marie and Theresa Katherine Smith Nurses in front of old building (Huntington Avenue?) Three unidentified Old photos and an old photo album (#6) Student nurse photos (#7) Env 3 Student nurse photos Env 4 Graduation pictures Env 5 Miscellaneous photos Env 6 Photo of Hess Bed; red jacket referred to in historical writings

68 Nl03

Box 108 Historical files 1. 1915-34 (#1) a. Dexter, Elsie H. (Class of '13) ALS to "Miss Norcross" from American Church Mission, Hanchow, China. May 22, 1919 with 2 pages of photos from China. b. Miss Tabor teaching students c. Photos of Circus days, 1915-17 d. 1930 Calendar page e. Ground breaking photos f. Three photos of Gardner House, 1927 g. Living room and alumnae room, 1931 h. Wellesley Hills 1932 i. Strengthening A First Line of Defense, Building Fund booklet 1928 j. News clippings, 1929-34 (#2)

k. 11 Be A Good Neighbor" boo kl et, 1939 Env 1 2. Photos 3. Newsclippings 1935-39 (#3) Env 2 4. Photos 5. Newsclippings 1940-48 ( #4)

Env 3 6. Photos 7. Newsclippings and mementos, 1949-50 (#5) 8. 1951-60 (#5) a. Newsclippings and mementos, graduation programs (#6) b. Berry, George P. Dean, Harvard Medical School, TLS re: disturbance at Gardner House, June 15, 1954 c. Calvin, Mary TLS to M. Norcross with newsclipping re: Annie Goodrich dated Feb 24, 1953

Box 109 9. 1961

69 N103

a. Fifty Years of Practical Nursing (#1) b. Regrets from the White House c. Newsclipping of 1962 graduation d. Curriculum changes, 1964 (2) e. Photos of Theresa Hurley 9. Red folder labeled "Photographs of the Children's Hospital and Wellesley Convalescent Home" Some captions in Mary Norcross' hand. a. Black laced folder marked "Children's Hospital Photographs" (#2) b. Pages showing old photos, some identified (#2-5)

ADDENDUM November, 1989

School of Nursing Centennial Anniversary Packet

70 Children's Hospital S.O.N. #N 103 12/06/05 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 123 I. Printed Material. A. "Fifty Years: A Histo1y of the School of Nursing, The Children's Hospital Boston," by Stella Goostray, pamphlet, photocopy, 26 p. [F. 1] B. "Children's Hospital of Boston: 'Built Better Than They Knew'," by Clement A. Smith, Chapter in unidentified book, photocopy, 4 p.

Children's Hospital S.O.N (12/06/05) Page 1 of 1 Children's Hospital School of Nursing #N103 5/15/08 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 123

I. Printed Materials. A. "2008 Nurse Exemplars," Children's Hospital Boston pamphlet, 25 p., 2008. [F. 2]

Children's Hospital SON (5/15/08) Page 1 of 1

Nursing Manuscript Boston. Children's Hospital

File Gift of Lucy Allen (C.H.S. 1931) 1976.

PHOTOGRAPHS. All black and white.

A. Nurses and patients 33

3 4-1/2" X 6-1/2"

3 2-1/2" X 3-1/2"

27 1-3/4" X 2-1/2"

B. Circus at Children's Hospital, 1930.

12 1-3/411 X 2-1/2"