on ancient paths in an untouched LANDSCAPE THE ORGANIC FARM HOUSE “TORRACCIA DI CHIUSI” an UNDISCOVERED gem Torraccia di Chiusi is a Farm Holiday Relais that houses the tourist, the traveler, the pilgrim, in the heart of its secular park and

his historic walls. Far from crowding of the tourist routes but strategically close to all the classic stops for those visiting

Tuscany, welcomes all those who appreciate the good life in the enchantment of nature, the charm of the past, that since

Etruscan times has recorded here deep traces, the rediscovery of the cuisine linked to the territory, the sincere and refined taste

of his wines, conceived, created and dedicated to these places and to their history.

The receptive structure Torraccia di Chiusi is oriented towards

sustainability in the restoration of the building structures

and the revaluation

of the surrounding environment, the fields, the crops abandoned by

decades of secular olive trees and of ancient trees of fruit.

Here were implanted new vineyards with native cultivars, thus recove-

ring the local agricultural traditions as the natural and historical riches,

like a work of art of great value: the land of !

Torraccia di Chiusi, situated in this beautiful valley in the heart of

Tuscany, brings together all the opportunities offered by an organic and

sustainable agriculture, from the good food of the traditions,

in addition to vast opportunities of cultural and historical interest

as a “living textbook”

of life quality in wich Tuscans are undoubtedly winners. Torraccia di Chiusi is truly unique: it’s an historic home,

which dates back at least to the 10th century,

is located at the intersection of path n.1

(the one described in some detail by the Archbishop of

Canterbury in 990 AD Sigerico)

of the famous Via Francigena, which grafted on an existing Etruscan and Roman’s track,

revealed by significant finds of which the area

is very rich: as the Etruscan necropolis of Dometaia (VI

cent. BC - I century BC.). The wines produced here, whose labels are

dedicated to archaeological finds found in the valley, they mature in the ancient barrel cellar dug

in the tuff.

Also within walking distance from

the agriturism Torraccia di Chiusi another

evidence, of great archaeological interest,

is the Roman villa called

“ Torraccia di Chiusi -Aiano”

(I cent. AD at least until the sixth AD)

brought to light by five excavations by the University of Leuven (Belgium) and recently

acquired by the Municipality of

for the continuation of the excavations and the

creation of one of the most

important archaeological parks in Tuscany. THE CULTURE OF BEAUTY AND ITS ANCIENT SECRETS

Our Tuscany, ancient land of , praised by historians as the most

rich in vegetation and varieties of oficinal plants, is fertile and lush, then

as now, thanks to its particular climate and soil conditions, hills and gentle

plateaus alternating with small valleys traversed by many waterways and

thermal springs. Here, the Rasenna people, the ancient Etruscans, were able

to “read” all this natural wealth and very soon gained knowledge of what

today we commonly call natural remedies. Famed far and wide for their

skills in effectively using the plentiful herbs and plants in their territory,

thay made many treatments, and beauty creams and ointments.

BIO BEAUTY TASTING beauty by nature at Torraccia di Chiusi San Gimignano - a full immersion in the scented herbs of Tuscan hills by a one of a kind cosmetic treatment VICUS TUSCUS based on organic etruscan and roman inspired brand VicusTuscus TOSCANA www.vicustuscus.it The Agriturism Relais Torraccia di Chiusi offers:

- 11 quiet bedrooms panoramic and comfortable

- Restaurant of cuisine traditional regional with seasonal products and “short chain”

(we have also our own vegetable garden)

- Baking bread with use of natural yeast “mother” and flour of ancient grains minced at stone

- Wide selection of organic wines worked with traditional techniques

- BIO-Beauty experience with natural cosmetics VICUS TUSCUS and Shop

- Cooking courses of regional specialties and historical commemorations of medieval, etruscan and roman culinary culture

- Wine tastings of our labels with visits to our vineyards and to the fascinating winery: the “barriccaia”

- Overview pool for adults and children purified with sea salt

- Relax room “il Ninfeo” (with Hammam with aroma and chromotherapy) maxi-jacuzzi “view towers” of San Gimignano

- Starting point for walks and trekking for discovering the flora, fauna and historical

testimonies that make up the precious heritage of this area

- Sport fishing (sturgeon, carp, trout, black bass, amur, etc.) and relax at the lake of the property, other jewel by emerald water Azienda Agrituristica Torraccia di Chiusi localita’ Chiusi – Montauto San Gimignano 53037 () coordinate gps: : N 43° 26’ 04” E11° 03’ 50” tel./fax. +39 0577 941972 [email protected] www.torracciadichiusi.it – www.vicustuscus.it

