SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2020 MAKING A DIFFERENCE: From left, Tairawhiti Technology Trust executive Offi cer Polly Crawford, chairperson Carolyn Carpendale and treasurer Maurice Alford. Picture by Paul Rickard

Opening up Coast connectivity New research shows many Kiwis are going without an internet connection despite the 21st century’s reliance on it for everyday life. Reporter Jack Marshall spoke to local MP Kiri Allan, TaiTech trustee Polly Crawford and Tolaga Bay Inn trustee Lily Stender about the work being done to combat digital exclusion on the East Cape.

FROM wifi -connected baby monitors to going without an internet connection, with Maori, with a growing number of general population was 91 percent, but farms irrigated via satellite GPS, it is diffi cult the numbers especially worrying for the 75-year-olds, and as of June last year, 2199 that number dropped to just 69 percent for to name a part of our lives not caught in the East Cape. unemployed individuals in the area were on those living in social housing, with a similar worldwide web. Utilising data from four large surveys, the job seeker support. In the report all these percentage for people with a disability. It is this modern-day reliance on internet research identifi ed several groups prone to groups showed low levels of internet access, access which makes the new report by low levels of internet access compared with with the worst off being the disabled and economic and public policy research institute the rest of the population. those in social housing. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Motu all the more striking. Many Kiwis are Gisborne’s population is about 50 percent In one survey, internet access for the

LOW ’N’ SLOW SMOKED BBQ AND DAMN GOOD BURGERS Camping, self-contained great coffee cabins, cottages, 3983 STATE HIGHWAY 2, and farmhouse + much more lodge MORERE Set in stunning pasture and woodland

30310-01 2 THE GISBORNE HERALD LEAD Immediate need for classes on cell phone use

FROM PAGE 1 A group working to troubleshoot the problem in the Gisborne community is he report notes that an internet TaiTech in Kaiti Hub. connection is a determiner of social he organisation runs beginner courses outcomes, such as voter participation. for computers which cater to older students Programmes like the Marae Digital who have little or no experience with Connectivity programme and the Rural computers. Broadband Initiative are in place to improve In July 2019 TaiTech added classes on connectivity, but the Motu research paper cell phones, as their research showed an recommends the Government extends and immediate need in this area. enhances these. TaiTech trustee Polly Crawford said “It is quite possible that these large gaps in kaumatua recognised that the future lay internet access for those who live in social in people’s ability to use computers and housing and for people with disabilities could smartphones, but many did not have basic be addressed by changes in policy,” said lead skills. research author Dr Arthur Grimes. Ms Crawford said their students love to Because social housing is often owned and learn but they were often a bit hesitant to allocated by the state, local authorities or begin with. non-government organisations, the report “A lot of them don’t even know how to turn suggests treating an internet connection their phones on and of properly.” with the same importance as a basic utility, Many students did not know how to text like water or electricity. or send pictures, so TaiTech developed East Coast electorate-based Labour MP Kiri classes about taking photos and sending Allan agrees with the report’s indings. them to each other. “he internet is fundamental if you have In this way they could have a practical kids learning at schools, as much of their lesson while making it fun. project-based work is accessed via the Ms Crawford said the classes were internet. necessary as her students were often not “It’s such an important part of our daily taught by their families. lives in the 21st century.” At home, if they had a problem with their Ms Allan said things were being done phones most students said they asked their through the Provincial Growth Fund and grandchildren to teach them, but the young the Ministry of Social Development with ones would get frustrated. projects like the digital hub in Tolaga Bay. Many of her older students do not own CODING FOR THE FUTURE: Students Waiapu Tangianau (left) and Zara Traford learning the basics of coding at the Innovation Hub at Tolaga Bay. Picture supplied Across the country, 38,000 new homes and smartphones. businesses in rural areas now had access to Ms Crawford said a lot of people had broadband, she said. trouble using a mouse and keyboard for the conident before diving into full computer Still learning, they are looking for someone But with internet access as low as 69 irst time, but as they get to know each other use. to pass on their technical knowledge of the percent for those in social housing, Ms Allan they laugh together and enjoy some light- “We’re trying to tailor courses to individual equipment so they can create their own admitted there was still a lot more work to hearted teasing. skills and abilities.” Uawa products. do. TaiTech ofers a “taster course”with the As a registered provider of Spark Jump, “It’s about growing grassroots innovation One reason for low connectivity among basics covered for new users, including how TaiTech can ofer and issue cheap internet in our homeland, trying to create an income older people is simply because some do not to turn a computer on and of, and advancing plans for low-usage users. from our homeland.” know how to use technology. to simple searches. Students are introduced Ms Crawford said a lot of older people were Every week there are training days where It is this lack of know-how which to Google and learn how to search for, for not connected to the internet because they the public can register for the business and contributes to a lower uptake of internet use example, recipes. did not see the value for money, especially mentor programme, or join the Code Club with older people, as they do not connect to Some start with the taster course, others when their only income by Huiterangi Digitech, an internet they cannot use. begin with keyboard training, so they feel was superannuation. where students learn the “Connecting to the It’s about growing basics of writing software. internet can be a huge grassroots At the business thing but they don’t want programme, participants The Fisherman’s Cabin to pay $90 a month.” innovation in have access to the internet Uawa/Tolaga Bay is one where they can set up area that has beneited our homeland, business accounts and a 9m x 12m kitset from aid to internet trying to create an mentor will help develop from just $50K + GST access. milestones for their start- With support from the income from our up. Provincial Growth Fund homeland. During Code Club, and the Ministry of Social students learn digital Development, the local technology and chess to inn now operates as a space for locals to give rangatahi (youth) the skills that the connect online and together. future of work demands. Tolaga Bay Inn trustee Lily Stender said “We sent two groups of girls from Uawa/ the sentiment of self-reliance and education Tolaga to the Global Innovation Challenge in sat behind the work done at the aptly named Gisborne last year. “Innovation Hub”. “hat’s young girls solving community he community can use computers, learn problems, whether that be poverty or waste, 26501-04 28951-04 speciic courses and upskill themselves via technology. through online programmes. One of their “We have to empower ourselves. Your liveable shed. international connections, even We have to learn the skills of the Your way. 0800 862 010 sent them a 3D printer which they have been new world so our kids can get jobs in playing around with. that new world.” SaTurday, JaNuary 11, 2020 3 PROFILE

THIRD TIME’S A CHARM: Newly-elected district councillor Terry Sheldrake stands where the three rivers meet. The founding CEO of Sport Gisborne (when it was called Eastland Sports Foundation) says his passion for sport is to get as many people involved as possible . . . but he has his favourite. Picture by Liam Clayton

A sporting sort, And more Perseverance and adaptability are strong points of Terry Sheldrake, which are reflected in his favourite sport — triathlon — and that it was third time lucky for the newly-elected Gisborne district councillor. “If you fail or miss out the first time, don’t let it go,” he tells Sophie Rishworth. erry Sheldrake has always been a signiicant number of people and works Tryathlon Foundation. — which was then a large brick building interested in council. His wife Kathy throughout Tairawhiti. He was also race director for the World opposite the Holy Trinity Church on was a councillor from 2001 to 2010. He credits those who supported him at Triathlon championships in Queenstown in Palmerston Road. THe stood in the 2014 by-election the time for where it is today — including 2003, and again in Auckland in 2012. hey He would walk to school from Fox and came second, stood again in 2016 and then Mayor John Clarke, the late Wayne both had big budgets and brought thousands Street and cross the bridge by the “smelly missed out by 251 votes. Callaghan, John Heikell and Richard of competitors and supporters to New gasworks”, on the site where the new Mitre But in October last year, he got on. Crawshaw, and Peter Dale who was then CEO Zealand. 10 has just gone up. “I am not one to stop, retire and do of the Hillary Commission, today Sport NZ. “Here we are 38 years later and the sport of Sunvale Crescent only had several nothing,” says the 70 year old, who points Timing played a major part as a new triathlon is about to go into its sixth Olympic residential homes back then and the out he is not the oldest at the council table. sport was emerging across New Zealand — Games.” area around the top of Fox Street was all “I genuinely like this community. I’ve lived triathlon. Terry is an elected member of the farmland. He remembers helping out with my whole life here.” Terry describes triathlon as a sport that International Triathlon Union, which gathers milking Archie Campbell’s cows. As a young boy Terry loved playing rugby. has more going for it than most people every four years after an Olympic Games has Terry left school at 16 and worked on “After school we would all play rugby with realise — “As a triathlete you have to be been held. farms until he was about 25, then moved our neighbours, until we were yelled at to good at all three disciplines: cycling, running Being a triathlete is a sport you can do your into the city and took up a business come home for tea.” and swimming” — while whole life, he says, having seen seven-year- opportunity with AMP in insurance He is the youngest of “We are a group of appreciating that for many olds and 86-year-olds take part. and investment. Later he started TMS three brothers. Ray still the amount of expensive “To be competitive, you’ve got to be good Sport Promotions Ltd, where his farming lives in Gisborne, while individuals and it is equipment required can be at all three of the sports involved. background with its No.8 wire approach brother Bob is in Hawke’s obvious we are not a major inhibitor. “You can race against yourself and beat helped him in his next career as an events Bay. Terry says they are He helped introduce the your own goals too.” manager. all very diferent but always going to agree, sport to Gisborne in the Terry remembers the late Judith Hibbert Terry has three adult sons, Steven, Brent sport has played a major but that’s a democracy.” early ’80s. helped get the sport up and running in and Aaron — who all participate in either role in all their lives, and “To increase Gisborne as well, almost 40 years ago. triathlon, cycling or multisport. continues to do so. participation we needed Getting kids to participate in sport was the He says he was keen to be on a council with Terry gets frustrated when he sees children to make the events more afordable, so we driving force for Terry. Rehette Stoltz as Mayor. He and Kathy irst today totally immersed in their cell phones. introduced team events with a swimmer, a He was awarded an MNZM (a Member of met Rehette and her family when they were He has a strong opinion that life should be cyclist and a runner. Gisborne grew a strong the New Zealand Order of Merit) for services neighbours many years ago, and he likes the balanced by participating in some form of reputation via hosting many triathlon events to sport in 2015, and has been a member of dynamics around the new council table. sport. over the years — back then most were held the World Triathlon Board for more than 30 “We are a group of individuals and it is He is most proud of being a major driver at Anzac Park.” years, a position he will retire from after the obvious we are not always going to agree, but in creating Gisborne’s own sports trust, In 1999, through their company TMS Tokoyo Olympics Summer Games this year. that’s a democracy.” established to foster lifelong participation in Sport Promotions, Terry and Kathy took He is also a life member of Triathlon NZ, and Terry has a musical background too. He sport, physical activity and recreation in the on a contract with the Sanitarium Health a past president of the Gisborne cycling club. played trombone in the Gisborne Civic brass community. Food Company to grow an event that has Terry was appointed chief executive of the band, and the piano/keyboard in several As the founding CEO of Sport Gisborne become signiicant in New Zealand and now Gisborne Chamber of Commerce in January dance bands for many years. He still has an Tairawhiti — then called the Eastland Sports also in Australia, and has been introduced to 2017, a position he resigned from when he electronic keyboard but hasn’t pulled it out Foundation (Sport Eastland) — Terry says several Paciic Islands — the Weet-Bix Kids was elected to the council. for ages, he says. he remembers thinking “Why not Gisborne?” Tryathlon series. Working closely with Gisborne businesses, His favourite music are bands from the here was a Sport Waikato, a Sport Hawke’s In the early days there were around 3500 he has seen from the inside what needs to be ’60s and ’70s, Elton John, he Bee Gees and Bay . . . at the time there were 12 other children taking part. his year the number challenged at the District Council level. the Beatles. sports trusts across New Zealand. participating in New Zealand, aged between Terry was born in Gisborne, started school he disciplines of music, sport and farming His idea eventually got of the ground, and seven and 15, will be close to 38,000. at Elgin School, then his family moved to have all created the grounding for his irst today Sport Gisborne Tairawhiti employs Terry is now the patron of the Weet-Bix Fox Street and he moved to Central School term as a district councillor. 4 THE GISBORNE HERALD GARDENING

Pops of colour A simple way to bring pizzazz into outdoor entertaining areas is to plant up a few pots with fl oral colour . . .

NEW YEAR GARDEN BLITZ organic mulches are used (such as bark chips) foliage each time. established and importantly is non-invasive, — as they break down they add valuable • Add pops of colour — red and white with low to no seed set. It will also tolerate a Holidays are the perfect time for whipping organic matter to the soil. fl owering petunias and geraniums add wide range of soil types. your garden into shape. Here are a few • Quick lawn green-up — Yates Lawn vibrant splashes of fl owers and hanging Mini Me has masses of sky blue fl owers simple ways to spruce up outdoor areas: Fertiliser is a convenient hose-on lawn baskets of pretty cascading calibrachoas on short stems in summer. It is ideal as a • Trimming hedges — give hedges a light fertiliser that’s high in nitrogen for rapid add a lovely vertical dimension to a patio, fl owering foliage plant at the front of garden trim to create a lovely crisp look. For less greening, plus added potassium to encourage veranda or deck. borders or dotted in amongst other small formal hedges and shrubs, just trim back any strong healthy grass. It’s fast acting and will plants in a mixed garden bed. It also looks untidy, wayward or dead stems as well as any give the lawn a quick green-up. MINIATURE AGAPANTHUS fantastic in a decorative pot, where it can spent fl owers. • Watering — give your garden some brighten up a sunny deck, veranda or patio. • Weed control — weeds can ruin the look thorough, deep waterings over summer. h is Agapanthus are summer-fl owering beauties Maintenance is as simple as removing the of your garden. Spot spray weeds with fast moistens the soil down into the root zone, that bring beautiful cooling fl oral colours spent fl ower stems and feeding the plants acting Yates Nature’s Way Organic Weed encourages plant roots to grow deeper and into the garden during the warmest months. every fortnight from spring to early autumn Gun. It contains natural ingredients and is helps freshen up the garden. Living Fashion have introduced a brand with Yates h rive Flower & Fruit Soluble certifi ed for use in organic gardening. • Mowing — don’t be tempted to give your new agapanthus to New Zealand called “Mini Fertiliser. It’s a complete plant food that • Mulching — applying mulch around lawn a harsh low mowing in summer. h is Me”. It’s a true dwarf agapanthus that has contains nitrogen for healthy green leaf fl ower and shrub beds helps unify the can scalp the lawn and create bare patches, abundant fi ne textural cascading leaves and growth and extra potassium to promote lots garden, fi lls in bare spots and also is a great which are unattractive and will invite in develops into a neat and compact clump of lovely agapanthus fl owers. water-saving strategy during the hottest weeds. It’s better to mow little and often, around 30cm high and 50cm wide. months. An additional bonus is when removing no more than a third of the grass It’s drought, wind and frost-tolerant once — Courtesy of Yates

23733-08 Saturday, January 11, 2020 5 FOOD Veg-centric In Eat Green, bestselling author and home cook Melissa Hemsley ofers over 100 recipes that focus on easy-to-buy ingredients, cutting down on food waste and putting lavour irst. Eat Green is a helping hand towards eating a lot more vegetables in a way everyone can enjoy together. hese veg-packed and veg-centric recipes are easy to make and perfect for the whole family.

at Green celebrates the pleasure of tbsp zest really good food anyone can cook 2 garlic cloves, inely chopped or grated and everyone can savour. 5cm piece of ginger, finely grated E Melissa’s down-to-earth approach 2½ tbsp tamari to joyful eating encourages us to cook healthy 1 tbsp fish sauce or extra tamari food from scratch while being mindful of 1 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup life’s pressures and time constraints. Chilli flakes or chopped fresh chilli, to taste Simple swaps mean that meat and fish can be added in or taken away, so everyone method: can enjoy a delicious meal, whether they • Start with the dressing. Grind the are vegan, vegetarian, enjoying a meat-free peppercorns and, in a large saucepan, toast Monday or something in between. them for 1 minute to bring out the flavour, he book includes plenty of: then transfer to a large bowl that you can • easy swaps to use up food you have to hand also use to serve from. Whisk the rest of the and reinvent your leftovers dressing ingredients together in the bowl and • batch0cooking advice and meals to stock up season. It should be peppery, salty, tangy and your freezer slightly sweet and spicy too. • quick 30-minute midweek dinners and one- pot meals • Put the pan back on the heat and toast the • make-ahead packed lunches for work or coconut, nuts or seeds for a few minutes weekend trips until golden, shaking the pan halfway • family-friendly dishes and healthy spins on through, then set aside. comfort food favourites • ideas for using up odds and ends that you • Fill the pan with boiling water and cook might usually throw away the noodles following the label instructions. Drain and rinse with cold water, then drain again well so there’s no excess water. Add to Cambodian-inspired CoConut and the big bowl with two thirds of the dressing Cabbage noodle salad with lime and toss (if you don’t toss them soon after pepper dressing cooking, they might start to stick together).

Feeds 6, takes 30 mins • Add the cabbage to the noodles with the spring onion and grapefruit. “Noodle salads are one of the easiest ways to eat lots of veg,” says Melissa. • Add the green beans to the same pan you “I usually make a giant one once a week as used for the noodles with a pinch of sea salt Cambodian-inspired coconut and cabbage noodle salad with lime pepper dressing. they are even tastier the next day. Veg wise, and just enough boiling water to cover them go for colour and crunch, and swap whatever and pop the lid on. After 4 minutes, when • Extracted from Eat Green you have in or out — carrots, red peppers, the green beans are tender, add the peas for a by Melissa Hemsley broccoli etc. would all work perfectly here. further minute, then drain any excess liquid Published by Random House UK his salad is inspired by a chef I cooked with and add them to the noodles. RRP $50 on a trip to Cambodia. I loved pomelo when I Photography © Philippa Langley 2020 was there so replaced it here with a grapefruit • Toss everything together with most of the but you could use an orange or some herbs and the coconut, then serve with the chopped cherry tomatoes as an alternative rest of the herbs and coconut on top and the juicy fruit. he dressing is peppery and leftover dressing on the side. citrusy and would work beautifully on grilled Ocean Dental Centre meat, fish or aubergines.” ingredients: Ocean's Twelve 1 big handful of coconut flakes, desiccated coconut, nuts or seeds 6 bundles of noodles (I like soba noodles) Working for Gisborne ½ large red cabbage (400g), inely chopped or shredded 1 bunch of spring onions, thinly sliced, or 1 red onion, very thinly sliced 1 pink grapefruit, cut into segments 300g green beans, topped but not tailed 3 handfuls of frozen peas 3 big handfuls of a mix of chopped fresh mint, coriander and basil lime pepper dressing: 1 tbsp ground Kampot pepper or regular 15381-10 black or white pepper (use 1½ tsp fresh peppercorns to get 1 tbsp ground) We have a place for a new hygienist to make us Ocean's Thirteen 7 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Phone 06 868 1995 | 202 Grey Street, Gisborne | Juice of 3–4 limes or 1½–2 lemons and 1 6 THE GISBORNE HERALD TRAVEL Wild Road

Motu Road looking towards Pakihi. A century after it enabled motorists to drive between Gisborne and Opotiki the Pictures by Jim Robinson Motu Road retains an adventurous edge, writes Jim Robinson. Mr Buscke would like to give a word travellers had to measure to see if there was and, near Motu, what’s left of an impressive description,” wrote one journalist in 1920. of warning to other motorists who suffi cient width for the car. railway bridge, built in 1917, that was once Another, in 1922, “Opotiki to Motu, may be thinking of taking on the Just over a century later, the Motu Road just before the railhead. crossing three of the ranges, was worth “trip,” h e Poverty Bay Herald sagely has been tamed — somewhat — but it From about 1930, the Motu Road was trumpeting round the whole world. Its cautioned in February 1914. remains a remarkable backcountry journey, replaced as the main road by the Waioeka beauty was something extraordinary.” “He frankly confesses that it is the most with 48km of gravel, a highpoint of gorge road — now State Highway 2. But for Equally, the road was known for being dangerous trip in New Zealand, and he almost 800 metres altitude and vast forest about 15 years, the Motu Road was a crucial uncompromising. Newspaper headlines from would not take it on again, except in case of panoramas. transport link. Travellers would take the the 1920s include, ‘FALL OF HUNDRED urgent business.” From Matawai, the road cuts off SH2 and train from Gisborne, dine or stay the night FEET — OCCUPANTS’ LUCKY ESCAPE,’ Mr Charles Buscke had just driven the i rst heads to Motu. Much of this fl at, sealed at a large hotel in Motu, then carry on to ‘CAR SKIDS OVER CLIFF, CAUGHT HALF- motor car over the full length of the road. To 14km is built over the former railway line Opotiki and beyond. WAY DOWN,’ and simply, ‘ASTONISHING be fair, it wasn’t yet properly open. As well that once stretched from Gisborne to e road was much praised for natural ESCAPE’. as a dozen river crossings there were many Moutohora. You can still see the remains beauty. slips. In places, the road was so narrow the of the old Matawai railway station platform “ e view from [near Motu] challenges CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

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Sale ends 19/01/20. 27353-09 Motu Scenic Reserve, 800m from Motu village on Motu Road. SaTuRday, JaNuaRy 11, 2020 7 TRAVEL One of NZ’s iconic wilderness roads

“Frog” the dog sits outside The Weka Nest, a cosy cabin-style accommodation that’s just opened up at Motu village. de Jong and for four years offered supported cycle rides and other activities. he company took around 1000 riders over the road. In 1994, the Motu Challenge was launched, billed as the North Island’s version of the mighty Coast to Coast multisport race. Motu Challenge remains one of the country’s toughest races, 172km of biking, running and kayaking; coupled with bike-only and bike/run options. he event starts and inishes in Opotiki and includes the full length of the Motu Road. he latest twist to the road’s much-storied Motu Road between Pakihi and Motu. had not lost any.” history has been Motu Trails, one of 22 Roll on the 1980s and 1990s, the Motu Great Rides on he New Zealand Cycle Trail. Road became famed for an altogether Motu Trails oicially launched in mid-2012. different speed — motor rallying. he road Since then thousands of keen cyclists have was rated as one of the world’s great rally pedalled through the hills. stages. Loved and feared in equal measure, it Some go fast, others amble. For the latter, was key in the Rally of New Zealand, which Motu Road accommodation is available was part of the World Rally Championship at Matawai Camp & Store, he Weka Nest series. (Motu), Motu Community House, and “It was epic,” is how described Toatoa Farmstay. the Motu a few years back. “Every corner here’s shuttle transport (minimum was heavily cambered, so if you got it wrong numbers apply) from both Gisborne and you’d be mercilessly spat into the scenery.” Opotiki, enabling ride options such as a he stage was won three times by Scot Colin drop-off at almost 800m elevation and riding McRae who set a record of 37 minutes to down to sea level. Some riders link onto Rere drive 48km. hat doesn’t sound particularly Falls Trail, staying at Te Wera Homestead quick but, out on the road, an average speed and/or Eastwoodhill Arboretum. of 70 kilometres-an-hour deies belief. Cycling the Motu Road, you do have to he world rally series last stopped by in remember it’s open to cars and has some 1996, but in recent years the Motu Road has forestry traffic. But the average vehicle count been used by the Silver Fern Rally and Rally is around 20 per day. Often, you see only Gisborne. a couple of vehicles per hour, with a lot of Beyond motorsport, the Motu Road is space in-between — definitely one of New Motu Road looking over Whitikau Valley. woven into the history of several adventure Zealand’s iconic wilderness roads. FROM PAGE 6 In the early-1930s, tens of thousands of pursuits. It was at the sharp edge of sheep were mustered over both the Waioeka commercial cycle tourism when, in 1990, More: Dreamers & Eastcapers was launched by Tim Facebook and Instagram: Motu Trails Cycleway After the Waioeka road was opened up, the and Motu routes. But huge flocks down the Motu Road was still used by adventurous Waioeka frustrated some motorists and motorists and cycle tourists — and stock. raised the ire of the Main Highways Board. In 1933, a bylaw was passed to prohibit mobs of sheep from being taken down the Waioeka. Next year, it was claimed over Pool cleaning Confidence with a smile 100,000 sheep were taken over the Motu. • Full dentures • Partial dentures • Denture repairs Several drovers unsurprisingly ignored made easy • Hygienic Workmanship • Mouthguards the bylaw and there was a court case. • Gold work • Quality materials • Personal Service • Teeth bleaching • Guaranteed Expertise Fortunately, common sense prevailed, a new • WINZ quotes • Free Consultation bylaw was passed, and sheep were allowed down the Waioeka from January-March. Plenty of mobs were still taken over the Authorised dealer old road. In a 2007 history, ‘he Motu and Beyond’, Dick Twistleton recalled, “From Motu until they reached the Waiau Valley Relax and [near Opotiki], they would engage an extra enjoy your pool GISBORNE drover to help get the stock through . . . Each drover would also have a packhorse to carry DENTURE his spare clothes, bedding, ground sheet, CLINIC LTD food and dog tucker . . . stock paddocks en- SIMONE CHALLIES route were provided by the local authority 26565-02 Laboratory Manager or sometimes by some farmers. he drovers Talk to us today JODY LUCAS Clinical Dental Technician each night would count the number of stock 23946-01 60 Roebuck Rd, phone 867 1240 96 DERBY STREET, GISBORNE I PHONE/FAX 06 867 4823 into the holding paddock to check that they 8 THE GISBORNE HERALD COLUMN HK shadow looms over Taiwan election Over the past few years, China’s horror. Every leader of Communist China most Hong Kongers that the mainland possible to extradite Hong diplomatic ofensives, military since Deng Xiao-ping has promoted the one Chinese regime is cheating on that sacred Kongers to face trial in coercion, interference and infiltration country, two system model, so what’s new formula. When Britain returned its Hong mainland courts. And Hong “have continued unabated,” said here? Kong colony to Beijing’s rule in 1997, the Kong, peaceful for so long, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen on New What’s new is that a year ago Tsai Ing- two parties agreed that for 50 years the blew up in Beijing’s face. Year’s Day, as the January 11 election neared. wen was universally seen as doomed to prosperous city-state could keep its existing Chinese Communist by Gwynne “China’s objective is clear: to force Taiwan lose this election, but now she’s expected more-or-less democratic system, including courts have a 99.9 percent Dyer to compromise our sovereignty.” But every to win it hands down — and the reason is free speech, independent courts, and the full conviction rate and the leader of her Democratic People’s Party that Hong Kong, the territory for which panoply of human rights. police have a record of (DPP) has always said that. the one country, two systems formula was Taiwan was promised the same terms if extorting confessions or “Moreover, at the beginning of last year invented, has been engulfed by chaotic and only it would “reunite with the motherland”. manufacturing evidence. China’s President Xi Jinping proposed the increasingly violent protests against Beijing But early last year, only 23 years into the Hong Kongers saw the one country, two systems model for Taiwan,” for the past seven months. 50-year deal, Beijing forced the Hong Kong new law as a direct assault Tsai continued, as though it were some new he protests are driven by the belief of government to introduce a law making it on their freedoms, and although the proposal was eventually dropped by a 1419 frightened HK government, ACROSS DOWN the demonstrations have continued and 50 Exist (2) 45 Male duck (5) intensiied. 1 Pester (5) 51 Sewage pit (8) 2 Queasiness (6) 46 Blocked (7) Now the protesters are demanding full 4 Ride out a crisis (7,3,5) 55 Restaurant customer (5) 3 Planet's course (5) 47 As well (4) democracy. hey will never get that in Hong 14 Metal mixture (5) 58 Miserable existence (1,4,4) 5 Dutch cheese (4) 48 Newspaper chief (6) Kong, “two systems” or not, because those 15 Ball game (5) 59 Snub (6) 6 Mexican liquor (7) 49 Garden figure (5) 16 Masked ball (10) 60 Increase the volume of (7) 7 Cricket team (6) 50 Fragile (7) ideas might then spread to the rest of China 17 Bid (5) 61 Encountered (3) 8 Path (5) 52 Become quieter, less and undermine the Communist monopoly of 19 Piercing tool (3) 63 Border (4) 9 Facial hair (7) angry (6,4) power. Whereas the people of Taiwan have 20 Unbiased (7) 64 Beginner (6) 10 Implement (4) 53 Beat rhythmically (7) already had democracy for three decades, and 21 Warning device (4,5) 65 Roading material (3) 11 Prove to be false (6) 54 Business premises (6) they don’t want to lose it. 22 Emphasise (6) 66 Source of materials to 12 Pen-name (5) 55 Shifty (7) China is a monolithic, authoritarian 25 Overzealous (9) nourish the body (10) 13 One-eyed giant (7) 56 Trap (5) surveillance state of 1.4 billion people, but 27 Legal advisor (6) 68 Body organ (6) 14 Weapons store (7) 57 Eye part (4) just 130km of its east coast 26 million 28 Heavy cloth (6) 69 Chase (6) 18 Toilets (10) 62 Employing (5) Chinese people live in a society as democratic 33 One of Henry's wives (4,6) 71 Offender (9) 23 Duck for down (5) 67 Book (7) (and sometimes as turbulent) as Italy or the 35 Plaything (3) 76 Motor fuel (6) 24 Sale document (7) 68 Patella (7) United States. Moreover, they have three 36 Tree-lined street (6) 77 Faulty (9) 26 Mediocre (7) 70 Fizzy confectionery (7) times the per capita income of mainlanders. 37 Larva (4) 79 Deprive of by deceit (7) 27 Clothing for newborn (7) 72 Turn around an axis (7) And the harder Beijing tries to gather Taiwan 39 Be incorrect (3) 81 Female sheep (3) 29 Dizziness (7) 73 Swallow up (6) into the fold, the greater the support for 41 Tropical disease (7) 84 Musical instrument (5) 30 Prisoner (6) 74 Thwart (6) Tsai’s pro-independence DPP. 42 Play by Shakespeare (6) 85 Harbour a grudge (4,6) 31 Long-legged bird (5) 75 Red wine (6) 43 Act in an affected and 86 Log (5) 32 Shelled animal (6) 76 First appearance (5) Exactly one year ago, Chinese President condescending manner 87 Entertain (5) 34 Tidy (4) 78 Precise (5) Xi Jinping warned that Beijing “makes no (3,2,4) 88 Fully equipped for battle 36 Smell (5) 80 Unworldly (5) promise to renounce the use of force and 44 Entice (5) (5,2,3,5) 38 Aromatic herb (5) 82 Overdue (4) reserves the option of taking all necessary 45 Late (8) 89 Wax match (5) 40 Burden, responsibility (4) 83 Highlander (4) means” to achieve uniication and implement “one country, two systems” in Taiwan. hat 12 3 4567891011 12 13 was when Tsai began her electoral come- back: from 30 points behind the opposition 14 Nationalist Party (KMT) then to 20 points 15 16 17 ahead now. he KMT was the ruling party that came 18 19 out of the 1911 revolution that ended several thousand years of imperial rule in China. 20 21 22 However, it lost a long civil war against the Communists in 1949, and at least a 23 24 million of its senior members and its troops 25 26 27 28 29 withdrew to Taiwan (which they ran as a dictatorship) to plan a comeback. 30 31 32 he KMT insisted it was still the legitimate government of all China, but the comeback 33 34 35 36 37 38 never happened. By 1996, after a decade of reforms, it lost Taiwan’s irst fully free 39 40 election to the pro-independence DPP, and 41 42 43 the two parties have alternated in power ever since. 44 he curious thing, however, is that neither party ever really comes down of the 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 fence. he DPP never says outright that it would like to make Taiwan a separate and 55 56 57 independent country. And the KMT never 58 59 60 says that it would accept reuniication under the “one-country, two-systems” formula, just 61 62 that it would like closer relations with the mainland. 63 64 65 66 hat’s because the electorate would never vote for reuniication with a Communist- 67 ruled China, but Beijing would invade rather 68 69 70 71 72 than allow Taiwan to declare independence. A recent opinion poll showed that 85 percent 73 74 75 of all Taiwanese voters support either the status quo or a declaration of independence, 76 77 78 79 80 while only 6 percent want reuniication with China. 81 82 83 here are other, mostly domestic issues 84 85 86 in Taiwan politics, which is why the KMT sometimes wins, but whenever the main 87 question is reuniication with China the DPP wins easily. hat’s why Tsai Ing-wen will win 88 89 the election next Saturday: nobody in Taiwan can ignore what is happening in Hong Kong. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2020 9 TELEVISION ON TV THIS WEEKEND

HALL PASS Saturday, 8.30pm, TVNZ 2 Two husbands who are having diffi culty in their marriages are given hall passes by their wives, meaning that for one week, they can do whatever they want. Starring: Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate, Jenna Fischer.

CINDERELLA AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS Sunday, 7pm, TVNZ 2 Sunday, 9.15pm, BRAVO A young woman who is mistreated by her stepmother and two unpleasant stepsisters A publicist deals with the public split of his movie’s co-stars while receives a magical visitation. Starring: Lily James, Richard Madden, Cate Blanchett. keeping reporters at bay. Starring: Julia Roberts, John Cusack.

DEEP BLUE SEA THE AGE OF ADALINE Saturday, 9.05pm, THREE Sunday, 9pm, TVNZ 2 On an island research facility, an experiment with DNA-altered sharks goes awry. A young woman stops ageing after an accident at the age of 29 and ends up on the run from the FBI for the rest of her life. Starring: Blake Lively, Harrison Ford, Kathy Baker. 10 THE GISBORNE HERALD SATURDAY-SUNDAY TELEVISION TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2020TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2020 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 0 6.05 The 100k Drop 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7.30 The Sixties PGR 3 0 5pm My Country Song 3 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Spartan: New Zealand v 7pm M Happy Feet 2 PGR 5.30 Nga Tangata Taumata 0 8.30 M The Lincoln 7pm Country Calendar 3 0 Australia 0 2011 Animated Family. 3 Teams from Australia and 6.30 Te Ao: Maori News 7.30 F Britain’s Mumble’s son, Erik, Lawyer AO 3 0 2011 New Zealand take on the 7pm M Beethoven’s Got Talent: The world’s toughest obstacle must realise his talents 2nd 1993 Family Comedy. Champions 0 course. in the emperor penguin Thriller. A sleazy defence M Beethoven the giant Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions The grand final, where 8.30 Hall Pass world; Mumble and his AO 0 2011 Comedy. attorney has a crisis Saint Bernard has met 7.30pm on TVNZ 1 the winner will be friends discover a new When two men show threat to their home. another dog, and has crowned the Ultimate of conscience when he a family, but when his signs of restlessness at 9.05 M Deep Blue Sea PGR Champion. home, their wives grant mate is dog-napped, the 3 0 1999 Action Adventure. represents a wealthy 8pm L Lotto them a hall pass, one family must rescue her. 11pm M Seduced AO 3 0 The Lotto draw. week of freedom to do client with a foolproof 8.30 M Ex Machina AO whatever they want. 2016 Thriller. 8.05 Britain’s Got Talent: The 2015 Drama. A young Owen Wilson, Jason SUNDAY plan to beat the system. Champions 0 Continued. programmer takes part Sudeikis. 12.50 Infomercials 3 N 0 10.35 M in an experiment in 9.30 Trust Me AO Lethal Weapon 5am Hillsong TV 11pm Football: A-League (HLS) AO 1987 Action Thriller. artificial intelligence by While a young corporal 5.30 Charles Stanley evaluating the human Hall Pass is recovering from a Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, 11.30 Whose Line Is It Gary Busey. 6am Life TV qualities of a female AI. 8.30pm on TVNZ 2 spinal injury in hospital, SUNDAY 6.30 Brian Houston Anyway? PGR 10.30 Nga Pari Karangaranga patients begin to die 12.35 M Sex And The City 2 7am Charles Stanley O Te Motu 3 unexpectedly, but is the AO 2010 Comedy. Sarah 8am Life TV 3 SUNDAY 11pm Te Ao: Maori News 3 threat real or imagined? Jessica Parker, Kim 3 11.30 You Can’t Ask That AO 3 8.30 Turning Point 12am The Selection AO 3 11.50 F All Round To Mrs Cattrall, Kristin Davis, 9am R&R With Eru And SUNDAY Cynthia Nixon. 12am Closedown Brown’s AO 3 0 M K’Lee 3 1am Closedown 3.05 Sex Tape 6.30 Waiata Mai 3 SUNDAY 9.30 Getaway 3 AO 2014 Comedy. Jason Segel, 6am Religious Programming 6.40 Tamariki Haka 3 1.55 Coronation Street Cameron Diaz. 10am Sara’s Australia 6.50 Kids’ Kai Kart 3 3 0 4.40 Home Improvement 3 0 Unveiled 3 Happy Feet 2 Catchup PGR 6.30 Youth Olympic 7am Darwin + Newts 3 5.30 Religious Infomercials 0 3 7pm on Three 3.55 Infomercials 10.30 Sandcastles 7.10 Huhu: Te Tunga Rakau 6am Paw Patrol 3 0 3 Games (HLS) 6am Heathrow: Britain’s 0 11am Tasty Conversations 7.20 He Rourou 3 6.20 Thomas And Friends 3 0 Busiest Airport 0 6.30 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 11.05 Big Angry Fish PGR 7.30 Potae Pai 3 CHOICE 7.30 Religious Programming 5pm F 6.55 Alvinnn!!! And The Noon Ocean Bounty 3 0 7.40 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 Food Safari: Earth 6.45 Tiny House 5.30 Chipmunks 3 0 1pm Motorsport: Muscle 10.30 3 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Nation 3 Sport Box 7.50 Polyfest Kapa Haka Travelled 6.30 Mysteries At The 7.05 Masha And The Bear 3 0 3 Garage 8.20 Huritua Museum 7.30 George Clarke’s 7.30 Tagata Pasifika 7.15 Dorothy And The Wizard Noon 100 Day Bach 3 0 1.30 Motorsport: Formula E 8.30 Waka Ama Sprints 3 Amazing Spaces 8.30 Antiques 8am Praise Be 3 0 Of Oz 0 Street Racers 9am Globe 3 Roadshow 9.30 Jack 8.30 Yours Faithfully 3 0 7.35 Elena Of Avalor 0 12.30 Hot Bench 3 2pm Motorsport: World 9.30 Swagger Irish AO 10.30 Discovering 9.15 How Not To Get 8am M Tarzan And Jane 3 0 Speedway 1pm Heroes And 10am Cam’s Kai 3 11.30 Mysteries At The Museum Cancer 3 0 2002 Animated. Voices of Michael T 3pm Motorsport: Whanganui 11am Ride Or Die PGR SUNDAY 12.30 Gardeners’ 10am Waka Man 3 0 3 0 3 World 1am Antiques Roadshow Weiss, Olivia d’Abo. Street Race Survivors PGR 11.30 Waka Man 10.30 Waka Huia Summer 9.15 Walk The Prank 3 0 Noon Toa: Toa O Aotearoa PGR 2am Hasselhoff v The Berlin Wall 4pm Motorsport: Monster 1.55 Mad About You PGR 3 3am Series 10am Regular Show 3 0 3 Lonely Planet: Roads Less M Jam 3 Travelled 4am George Clarke’s 11am Secret Scotland 3 0 10.10 The Goonies 2.20 Tennis: Women’s 12.30 IVF World Sprints PGR 1985 Family Comedy. 4.55 Gone Fishin’ Amazing Spaces 5am Mysteries 11.55 The Job Interview 3 0 1pm Touch Rugby: National Corey Feldman, Josh 5.25 Fish Of The Day 0 At The Museum 6am Gardeners’ Classic (HLS) 0 Championships 3 6.30 12.55 Ugly House To Lovely Brolin, Martha Plimpton. Clarke Gayford travels World Through The Bible 2pm M Beethoven’s 7am House 3 0 12.05 M The Horse With Les Feldick Leading to Golden Bay in New 3.30 Antiques Road Trip 3 2nd 1993 Family Comedy. The Way 7.30 Food Safari: 3 Whisperer PGR 1998 Drama. 1.50 Outback Truckers PGR Zealand in search 3 Fire 8am Food Safari: Earth Robert Redford, Kristin 3.30 Marae Kai Masters 0 of a secret shellfish 4.30 The Great Australian 8.30 Hasselhoff v The Berlin Wall Scott Thomas. 4.10 Off The Grid With Pio 3 0 9.30 Mysteries At The Museum 2.50 Building The Ultimate 3.15 Kevin Can Wait 0 described as one of the 3 0 5pm Ipukarea 3 Bake-Off 10.30 Better Homes And Gardens 3.50 Magical Land Of Oz 3 0 3.45 Toddlers Make You LOL 0 ugliest animals in the 5.30 Nga Pari Karangaranga Noon Tom Kerridge’s Fresh 4.55 0 4.45 House Rules 0 world. 5.30 Prime News 3 The Family Chase O Te Motu Start 12.30 Antiques Roadshow 1.30 Lonely Planet: Roads Less PAY TV Travelled 2.30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 3.30 Bondi Vet SKY SPORT 1 SKY SPORT 2 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY 4.30 Rick Stein Tastes The Blues 5pm Sevens: World Series (HLS) 8.05 L Big Bash 5.35 The Simpsons Super 5.10 Drunk Parents MVLSC 5.40 Weather Gone Viral PG 5.30 Toy Hunter Day Two. Thunder v Hurricanes. Saturday PG 2019 Comedy. Alec Baldwin, 6.35 BattleBots PG From Cape Town Stadium, From Spotless Stadium, 7.30 World’s Wildest Salma Hayek. 7.30 World’s Deadliest BRAVO Cape Town. Sydney. 6.45 Final Score 16VL 2018 Weather Caught On 5.30 The People’s Court 6.30 The L Weather PGV 6.30 Sevens: World Series (HLS) 11.05 Big Bash Action. Dave Bautista, Camera PG People’s Court 7.30 Botched PGR Day Three. Scorchers v Heat. In 2017, Tropical Storm 8.30 Vanderpump Rules AO Matthew dumped almost Pierce Brosnan. 8.30 Secret Space From Cape Town Stadium, From Optus Stadium, 8.30 Support The Girls MLSC Escapes PG 9.30 The Real Housewives Of Cape Town. Perth. 46cm of rain on North New Jersey AO 10.30 Murder 2018 Comedy. The manager 9.25 Gold Rush PG Epic Fails. 8pm Sevens: Ignite7 (HLS) Carolina, leading to And Justice: The Case Of SUNDAY a sports bar with curves 10.15 The Day I Ran China PG 9.30 Sevens: Ignite7 2.30 Big Bash (HLS) Martha Moxley AO 11.30 Dress record-breaking river has her faith, in her 11.05 BattleBots PG 10.30 Sevens: World Series (HLS) Renegades v Stars. heights and destruction. To Impress SUNDAY From Infinity Park girls, her customers and 11.55 How It’s Made PG 12.20 Infomercials 5am Love It 3am Super Smash (HLS) 8.30 Counting Cars PG Glendale, Colorado for Hearts v Spirit. herself, tested over the SUNDAY Or List It: Vancouver 9.10 Dress Day One. 3.30 Super Smash (HLS) 9pm Ax Men ML course of one trying day. 12.20 How Do They Do It? PG To Impress 10am Dress To SUNDAY Aces v Knights. 10pm Classic Pawn Stars PG Regina Hall, Haley Lu 12.45 Expedition Unknown PG Impress 10.50 Botched PGR 12am Women’s World 4am v Sri Lanka (HLS) 10.30 World’s Wildest Richardson. 1.35 Car Crash Global 11.40 Love It Or List It: Vancouver Sevens (HLS) Day Two. Second T20. Weather PGV 10.05 Unbroken: Path To Caught On Camera PG 12.30 Dance Moms 1.20 Dance From Infinity Park From Stadium, 11.20 The Simpsons PG Redemption 2.25 Weather Top Tens PG Moms 2.15 Dance Moms Glendale, Colorado. . PGV 2018 Drama. 3.15 Weather Top Tens PG 3.10 The People’s Court 4.05 The 11.45 The Simpsons PG People’s Court 5pm Hollywood 1.30 Gallagher 5am India v Sri Lanka (HLS) 11.45 I Feel Pretty 4.05 Weather Top Tens PG Premiership (RPL) Third T20. SUNDAY Medium With Tyler Henry 12.15 The Simpsons Super MSC 2018 Comedy. 4.55 Weather Top Tens PG Gloucester v Bath. 6am Super Smash (HLS) SUNDAY 5.45 Weather Top Tens PG 3.30 Gallagher Sunday PG RNZ NATIONAL Sparks v Hinds. 1.35 The Dark Tapes 6.35 How It’s Made PG Premiership (RPL) 6.30 Super Smash (HLS) 2.10 Counting Cars PG 5pm The World At Five 16VLC 2018 Horror. 7.05 How Do They Do It? PG Leicester v Bristol. Volts v Stags. 2.35 The Flash MVS 5.10 White Silence 5.30 Gallagher 7am Big Bash (HLS) 3.11 McKellen 7.30 Secret Space 3.20 Main Event MV 6.06 Womad Taranaki Premiership (RPL) Saracens Renegades v Stars. MLS 2018 Documentary. Escapes PG 4.05 Classic Pawn Stars PG v Worcester Warriors. 7.30 Super Smash (HLS) 4.40 Drunk Parents 8.20 World’s Deadliest 7.06 Saturday Night With Phil 4.30 7.30 European Game Of The Sparks v Hinds. Ax Men ML MVLSC 2019 Comedy. Weather Caught On O’Brien. Week (HLS) 8am Big Bash (HLS) 5.15 Chicago PD 16V 6.14 Final Score Camera PG 8am French Top 14 Highlights Thunder v Hurricanes. 6am Counting Cars PG 16VL 2018 Action. 9.10 BattleBots PG SUNDAY 8.30 Pro14 Weekly Highlights 8.30 Australia v 6.25 The Flash MVS 7.55 Close Up: Christoph 10am Expedition Unknown PG 12.04 The All Night Programme Show Blackcaps (HLS) 7.10 NCIS: New Orleans MV Waltz PG 10.50 Raising Wild PG 3.05 Victoria In Maoriland 9.30 Gallagher Premiership Third Test Wrap. 7.55 Main Event MV 8.25 Support The Girls 11.40 Alaska: The Last 6.08 Storytime Highlights Show 10.30 Super Smash (HLS) MLSC 2018 Comedy. Frontier PG 10.30 Black Ferns Wins (RPL) Volts v Stags. 8.45 The Amazing Race PG 7.30 Insight 9.35 The Flash MVS 10am Unbroken: Path To 12.30 Alaskan Bush People PG Canada v Black Ferns. 11am Big Bash (HLS) Redemption 1.20 Gold Rush PG 8.10 The Weekend Scorchers v Heat. 10.25 Pawn Stars PG From Chula Vista Elite PGV 2018 Drama. 2.10 Sydney Harbour Patrol Noon The World At Noon Athlete Training Center in 11.30 Super Smash (HLS) 10.55 NCIS: New Orleans MV 11.40 I Feel Pretty 3pm Sydney Harbour Patrol 2.05 Smart Talk California. Sparks v Hinds. 11.45 Ax Men ML MSC 2018 Comedy. 3.50 Robson Green’s 3.04 The 3 O’Clock Drama 12.30 Black Ferns Wins (RPL) Noon Big Bash (HLS) 12.40 Mountain Men PG Black Ferns v USA. Thunder v Hurricanes. 1.30 Final Score Australian Adventure PG 1.30 4.06 A History Of Music And 2.30 Black Ferns Wins (RPL) 12.30 L Super Smash Counting Cars PG 16VL 2018 Action. 4.45 Robson Green’s Technology Black Ferns v England. Spirit v Magicians. 2pm The Amazing Race PG 3.15 Supercon Australian Adventure PG 4.30 Black Ferns Wins (RPL) 4pm L Super Smash 3pm Raw MVC 16VLSC 2018 Action. 5.40 Robson Green’s 5pm The World At Five Black Ferns v Australia. Knights v Kings. 5.45 SmackDown MVC 5pm Ocean’s 8 ML 2018 Action. Australian Adventure PG 5.10 Heart And Soul KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 AO Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; Adults only; 11Jan20 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Saturday, January 11, 2020 11 SUNDAY-MONDAYSUNDAY—MONDAY’S TELE TELEVISIONVISION GUIDE TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2020TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2020 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 6.05 The 100k Drop 0 5.25 Fish Of The Day 0 5.30 Prime News 5pm Ipukarea 3 7pm The Casketeers PGR 0 7pm M Cinderella PGR 0 2015 Clarke Gayford travels 6pm The Great Escapers 5.30 Nga Pari Karangaranga Francis plans his Family Fantasy. Ella escapes to Golden Bay in New 7pm Storage Wars PGR 0 O Te Motu 3 from a life of drudgery biggest surprise yet for Zealand in search Brandi rescues a dog 6pm Waka Huia Kaiora on their wedding by way of a magical from oncoming traffic 6.30 Te Ao: Maori News fairy godmother. Cate of a secret shellfish anniversary. in Riverside; Darrell’s 7pm Off The Grid With Pio 3 Blanchett, Lily James, described as one of the 3 7.30 Seven Worlds, One unit confirms his Magic 7.30 Target Zero World on Fire 0 Richard Madden. ugliest animals in the 8.30 M A Serious Man AO Planet 9pm M The Age Of Bullet Theory; Kenny’s 8.40pm on TVNZ 1 world. 2009 Comedy. A physics Asia, where rarely Adaline PGR 0 2015 Romantic locker contains a shiny 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm professor whose wife seen animals roam the Drama. A woman who score. 7pm The Block Australia PGR leaves him for one of hottest deserts and stopped ageing after 7.30 Pilgrimage: The Road To 0 his more pompous highest mountains. an accident meets a Rome PGR 0 0 8.30 M Fast Five acquaintances searches 8.40 World On Fire AO man who complicates 8.30 M Step Brothers AO 3 Will there be a warm the eternal life she has AO 3 0 2011 Action. for clarity in the universe 0 2008 Comedy. When two welcome home for settled into. Blake Lively, as his Jewish family Dominic and his crew men must live together Harry? Michiel Huisman, Harrison deals with its afflictions. find themselves on the as stepbrothers after 3 9.50 Motorbike Cops 3 0 Ford. 10.20 Te Ao: Maori News M wrong side of the law Cinderella Series following officers 11.10 A Nightmare On Elm their parents marry, 10.50 Nga Pari Karangaranga Street 2 AO 0 1985 Horror. again as they face a 3 7pm on TVNZ 2 working the roads and their narcissism and O Te Motu When a teenager moves drug lord and a federal expressways in and laziness threaten family 11.20 Closedown to Elm Street, Freddy agent. Vin Diesel, Paul togetherness. Will MONDAY around Sydney, whose Krueger starts appearing job is to keep the Walker, Dwayne Johnson. Ferrell, John C Reilly. 6.30 Paia in his nightmares, taking 0 streets safe. 10.55 Blue Bloods AO 10.30 SmackDown PGR 6.40 Pukoro possession of his body 7.10 Tamariki Haka 3 10.25 Pure AO 0 whenever he falls asleep. Erin and Anthony must 11.30 60 Minutes PGR 7.20 E Kori 3 Marnie reaches another Robert Englund, Kim Myers. keep a prominent MONDAY 7.25 Pipi Ma dead end when she MONDAY community activist from 12.30 Closedown 3 3 0 3 0 7.30 Potae Pai goes to a sex addicts’ 12.45 Famous In Love PGR being deported; Frank 6am Ben 10 3 3 0 7.40 Darwin + Newts meeting. 1.30 Claws AO must determine whether 6.30 Batman: Brave And The 3 Fish of the Day 3 0 7.50 Kids’ Kai Kart 11.10 Catch 22 AO 3.10 Infomercials the NYPD should Bold 3 0 3 5.25pm on Three 3.45 Religious Infomercials 8am Polyfest Kapa Haka MONDAY participate in a high- 7am Youth Olympic 3 0 4.15 Home Improvement 3 0 8.30 My Party Song 12.05 Vanity Fair PGR profile gang raid. Games (HLS) 9am Sachie’s Kitchen 3 CHOICE 1am Coronation Street 5.30 Infomercials 5.30 Toy Hunter 6pm Storage 6.30 Darwin And Newts 0 11.50 Hawaii Five-0 AO 3 0 8.10 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky And 9.30 Opaki 3 Catchup PGR 3 0 Wars: New York 6.30 Jamie 6.40 Paw Patrol 3 0 Dawn 3 10am Waiata 3 MONDAY And Jimmy’s Food Fight Club 3am Infomercials 7.05 My Little Pony 0 8.35 The Moe Show 3 10.30 Fitness In The Whare 3 3 0 12.40 Infomercials 7.30 Outback Vet 8.30 M The 6am Alphabetical 7.30 Teen Titans Go! 0 9.05 Celebrity Antiques Road 11am Huia Rau 3 7am F Married At First Mercy AO 2018 Drama. 11pm Bondi 6.55 Sun, Sea, And Brides-to- 7.50 The Tom And Jerry Trip 3 Noon IVF World Sprints 3 3 Sight USA 3 Be Show 3 10am The Doctors PGR 3 12.30 What’s Up With The Vet MONDAY Midnight Jamie 8am Flipping Profit! 0 3 8am The Biggest Loser 8.15 DuckTales 11am Antiques Roadshow 3 0 Tumoanas? PGR 3 And Jimmy’s Food Fight 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Australia 3 8.35 Marvel’s Guardians Of Noon Everybody Loves 1pm Nga Pari Karangaranga Club 1am Rick Stein Tastes Show 0 The Galaxy 3 9am House Rules PGR 3 0 3 The Blues 2am Reindeer Raymond O Te Motu 10am Tipping Point 3 9am Doctor Who 0 3 Family And Me 3am Outback 10.05 Infomercials 12.30 Elementary PGR 3 0 1.30 Opaki 11am The Celebrity Chase 3 9.50 Infomercials Vet 4am Better Homes And 11.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 3 0 3 2pm Toku Reo 3 0 10.55 Neighbours 3 0 1.30 Frasier Gardens 5.30 Storage Wars: 3 0 12.30 Face The Truth PGR 3pm Senior Kapa Haka Noon Emmerdale 0 11.10 Army Wives PGR 2pm The Late Show With 3 New York 6am Gardeners’ 3 0 1pm Dr Phil PGR 3 Regionals 1pm Coronation Street 3 0 11.25 Mike And Molly PGR Stephen Colbert PGR 3 World 6.30 Tom Kerridge’s Fresh 11.55 Mom PGR 3 0 2pm F American Ninja 3.30 Hahana 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres 2.55 Wheel Of Fortune 3 Start 7am Rick Stein Tastes The 12.25 2 Broke Girls PGR 3 0 3 4pm Grid 3 0 Warrior 3.25 Jeopardy 3 Blues 8am Bondi Vet 9am Baby Show 12.55 Little Big Shots 0 4.30 Pukana 4pm N Find Me A Dream 3.55 Hot Bench 3 3pm Tipping Point Lucky 1.55 Batkid Begins 0 5pm Paia Animals 9.30 Best Of American Home Australia Stars 3.35 Bluey 3 4.20 Tennis: Women’s 5.10 Pukoro Pickers 10.30 Meet The Humans 4pm Te Karere 0 3.45 Powerpuff Girls 3 0 4.30 NewsHub Live At Classic (HLS) 0 5.40 Tamariki Haka 3 11.30 James Martin’s French 4.30 Border Patrol 3 0 3.55 Bunk’d 3 0 4:30pm Day Seven. 5.50 E Kori 3 Adventure 12.30 Jamie And 4.55 The Chase 0 4.40 House Rules 0 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 5.30 Prime News 5.55 Pipi Ma Jimmy’s Food Fight Club 1.30 Toy Hunter 2pm Storage Wars: PAY TV New York 2.30 Outback Vet 3.30 Animal Park 4.30 River SKY SPORT 1 SKY SPORT 2 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY Cottage: Summer’s Here 6.30 Black Ferns Wins (RPL) 8pm Big Bash (HLS) 5.45 SmackDown MVC 5pm Ocean’s 8 ML 2018 Action. 5.40 Robson Green’s 5.30 Mysteries At The Museum Black Ferns v Australia. Thunder v Hurricanes. 7.30 NCIS: New Orleans MV Sandra Bullock, Cate Australian Adventure PG Gregorio goes under- Blanchett. 6.35 BRAVO From Eden Park, Auckland. 8.30 Big Bash (HLS) Robson Green’s 8.30 All Blacks Wins (RPL) cover in a social club 6.50 Little Pink House Australian Adventure PG 5pm Hollywood Medium Scorchers v Heat. With Tyler Henry 6pm Love All Blacks v Wallabies: for military wives after ML 2017 Drama. 7.30 Weather Gone Viral PG L 8.30 Alita: Battle It Or List It: Vancouver Second Bledisloe Cup 9.05 Big Bash one of the members is 8.30 World’s Deadliest M Angel MVLC 2019 Action. 7pm Shout PGR 1991 Romantic Test. Stars v Sixers. contacted by a former Weather Caught On Drama. 9pm M America’s boyfriend who is on the A cyborg is rescued From Eden Park. From Melbourne Cricket Camera PG Sweethearts AO 2001 Comedy. from a scrapyard by 11.15 How To Look Good 10.30 All Blacks Wins (RPL) FBI Most Wanted List. 9.25 Masters Of Disaster PG Ground. 8.30 Criminal Minds 16VS a compassionate Naked With A Difference PGR All Blacks v Pumas. doctor and, unable to 10.15 Incredible Engineering 9.30 Criminal Minds 16VS MONDAY 12.10 Infomercials From Estadio José MONDAY remember the past, Blunders: Fixed PG 10.30 Chicago PD 16V 10am Mom’s A Medium Amalfitani in Buenos 12.30 Super Smash (HLS) she goes on a quest to 11.05 Expedition Unknown PG 10.30 Dance Moms 11.25 Love 11.25 The Amazing Race PG Aires. 1am Super Smash (HLS) discover who she is. 11.55 How It’s Made PG It Or List It: Vancouver 12.20 The MONDAY 10.35 The Quiet One (Bill MONDAY Real Housewives Of Beverly MONDAY 1.30 India v Sri Lanka (HLS) 12.15 SmackDown MVC Wyman) MC 2019 12.20 How Do They Do It? PG Hills PGR 1.30 Below Deck: 12.30 All Blacks Wins (RPL) Mediterranean AO 2.30 Four Third T20. 1.55 Chicago PD 16V Documentary. 12.45 Naked And Afraid XL MLC All Blacks v Tonga. 2.45 NCIS: New Orleans MV MONDAY Weddings Australia 3.30 The From Maharashtra Cricket 1.35 Car Crash Global People’s Court 4.30 Dance Moms From FMG Stadium, 3.35 The Amazing Race PG 12.15 Association Stadium, Pet Sematary Caught On Camera PG 5.30 Love It Or List It: Vancouver Hamilton. 4.25 Criminal Minds 16VS 16VLC 2019 Horror. 2.25 Naked And Afraid MLC 2.30 NZ Barbarian Legends Gahunje. 5.10 Criminal Minds 16VS 1.55 Close Up: Christoph 6.35 Gold Rush PG RNZ NATIONAL v Pacific Island 2.28 L West Indies v 6am Jeopardy! PG Waltz PG 7.30 Car Crash Global 5pm The World At Five Legends (RPL) 6.25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 2.25 Supercon Ireland Caught On Camera PG A roundup of today’s news and 4am Pro14 Weekly Highlights 6.50 The Simpsons PG 16VLSC 2018 Action. Third ODI. 8.20 World’s Deadliest sport. Show 7.15 Charmed M 4.10 Ocean’s 8 ML 2018 Action. 5.10 Heart And Soul From Kensington Oval, 6am Alita: Battle Angel MVLC Weather Caught On 5am Gallagher Premiership 8am Border Security: 7.04 The Ted Radio Hour 2019 Action. Camera PG Ideas worth sharing. Highlights Show Bridgetown, Barbados. Australia’s Frontline M 8am Pet Sematary 9.10 Masters Of Disaster PG 8.06 Sunday Night With Grant 6am Women’s World 10am Big Bash (RPL) 8.25 Highway Thru Hell PG 9.15 Storage Wars: Texas PG 16VLC 2019 Horror. 10am How It’s Made PG Walker. Music and nostalgia. Sevens (RPL) Stars v Sixers. 10pm The 10 O’Clock Report 9.40 CSI MV 9.40 Little Pink House 10.25 How Do They Do It? PG Day One. 1.30 Australia v ML 2017 Drama. 10.50 Outback Opal 10.10 World Book Club 10.25 SVU MV 11.04 The Retro Cocktail Hour From Infinity Park 11.20 The Quiet One (Bill Hunters PG Blackcaps (HLS) 11.10 Charmed M MONDAY Glendale, Colorado. Wyman) MC 2019 11.40 Weather Top Tens PG Second Test Wrap. Noon Jeopardy! PG 12.04 The All Night Programme 1.30 Pro14 (RPL) Documentary. 12.30 Blood Relatives M 12.25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 12.55 Alita: Battle Angel 3.05 Victoria In Maoriland Cardiff Blues v Scarlets. From Melbourne Cricket 1.20 Evil Lives Here MLC 12.50 Criminal Minds 16VS MVLC 2019 Action. 6am Breakfast From Cardiff Arms Park. Ground, Melbourne. 2.10 Car Crash Global 7am Summer Report 1.40 Criminal Minds 16VS 2.55 Pet Sematary 3.30 Pro14 (RPL) 9.06 Summer Times 3.30 Australia v 2.25 CSI MV 16VLC 2019 Horror. Caught On Camera PG Ulster v Munster. 3.10 Charmed M 3pm Homestead Rescue PG Noon The World At Noon Blackcaps (HLS) 4.35 Elvis Goes There: Sofia 12.10 Worldwatch From Kingspan Stadium. 4pm The Simpsons PG 3.50 Deadliest Catch PG Third Test Wrap. Coppola 12.30 The Cold War Legacy 5.30 Pro14 (RPL) 4.30 Jeopardy! PG MC 2019 Documentary. 4.45 Fast N’ Loud PG 1pm Afternoons Show Benetton v Glasgow 5.30 Big Bash (HLS) 5pm Wheel Of Fortune PG 5.25 The Prodigy 5.40 Outback Opal 4pm The Panel Warriors. Stars v Sixers. 5.30 Storage Wars: Texas PG 16VLC 2019 Horror. Hunters PG 5pm The 5 O’clock Report KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 AO Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; Adults only; 12Jan20 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. 12 THE GISBORNE HERALD By submitting a photo, the entrant agrees to allow The Gisborne Herald Co Ltd permission use image now and in future for printed material online. Where possible The Herald will make co ntact irst. Submit your photos:, or e-mail: [email protected] z ▶ Sundowner Session. Come along as Vinyl DJ plays some favourite tunes and sample the antipasto platters. WHAT’S Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 4-8pm. ▶ Live on the Lawn: G ‘n I. Bring a picnic and enjoy easy-listening music. Marina Park, Lawson Field heatre ON Riverbank, 6-8pm, free. Inclement weather: Listen to MoreFM after 3pm. ▶ Build-a-Band. Come along and jam. in Gisborne Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 8-11pm, To help promote events you are involved in, e-mail: free entry, R18. [email protected] for a listing on the What’s On page, or [email protected] for a listing Saturday, January 18 on the Tairawhiti Gisborne events diary. ▶ Gisborne parkrun. A 5km run/walk. Meet: Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club, Saturday, January 11 280 Grey St, 7.45am. Kid, dog and pram- ▶ SmashFest 2020. A family-friendly friendly. See experience; two stages, rock and metal bands, ▶ Wairoa A&P Show, 8.30am-4pm. fire dancing, medieval fighting, workshops See Jan 17. and vendors. Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, ▶ Tairawhiti Menzshed, 9am-3pm. midday-2am. Day pass tickets; $40+Bfee, 12- See Jan 14. 17s $30+Bfee, u/11s free at ▶ Poverty Bay Polo Club Open ▶ Good Vibes Summer Festival. Reggae Tournament (to Jan 19). Two-day polo festival; Stan Walker, Tomorrow People, tournament with visiting teams. 1814, Lion Rezz, Kolohe Kai and Paua. Poverty Bay Polo Club, 130 Bushmere Gisborne Soundshell, Centennial Marine Dr, Rd, Matawhero, 9am, free entry. 1pm-late, R18. Tickets: $119+Bfees at Family-friendly barbecue on Jan 19. ▶ Live Music at Wrights. he Bridge ▶ Drop Legs. Australian hip-hop band with Street Band with a mix of blues, rock, their signature dub-drenched grooves and pop and country. Wrights Vineyard & party jams. Dome Room, PBC, 38 Childers Winery Cellar Door, 1093 Wharerata Rd, Rd, 8.30-11.30pm. Tickets: $15, he Aviary 1.30-4pm, free entry. Reserve a table; (cash-only), or $20 on the door. Geoff ph 027 656 8222. Family-friendly; Sunday, January 12 with gourmet pizzas. Tennis for players of all skill levels. ▶ 2020 Hapuka Hunt. Boat and beach ▶ fishing competition for anglers of all ages. Ormond Tennis Club, Hill Rd, Ormond, Te Puka Tavern, 153 Beach Rd, Tokomaru 2-4pm, ph 862 5741 or 862 5856. Bay, 5.30am-5pm. Boat fishing/angler: $50 ▶ More FM Gisborne Lions Annual open, $15 u/12 yrs. Beach fishing/rod: $25. Beach Dig. Fun for all the family with a Fish auction: After weigh-in. Prize-giving: pirate theme, Lions train and BBQ. 7pm. Register: Facebook at Te Puka Hunting Proceeds to local charitable and volunteer & Fishing, or at Te Puka Tavern from PHOTO OF THE WEEK organisations. Churchill Park, Centennial Marine Drive (between the Olympic Pool and 5.30am onwards, cash-only facilities. Details: By LuBna aL mukHaini tepukahuntingandfi[email protected] or WELCOME TO 2020 Old Jail), 3-6pm, gates open 3pm, costumes Megan ph 027 430 0548. judged 3.30pm, dig 4pm, prize-giving 5pm, and more. YMCA, Corner Childers & tea or coffee provided. $3/disc. If wet: will be held on Sunday, Jan 19. ▶ Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club. Roebuck Rd, 9am-3.45pm, $45/child per day. ▶ NZ Sidecar Heats and Golden Oldies: 1.5 hour walk/run, 8am. For meeting place; See Facebook, register at the YMCA office. hursday, January 16 email [email protected] Speedway, gates open 4pm, racing 6pm. ▶ Holiday Drama Workshop (week days to ▶ Summer Holiday Workshop, 9am-midday. See Jan 17. ▶ Eastland Port 2020 Champion of the See Jan 13. Bays. Find a shady spot on the beach and Jan 24). Learn all things theatrical with ▶ N8VSoul NZ Tour. Come along for some games, skits and activities, while having fun ▶ Circus School, 9am-3pm. See Jan 14. reggae-influenced electronic and dub vibes. watch the speed and endurance of Bay of Tairawhiti Menzshed, 9am-3pm. and growing acting skills. Evolution heatre ▶ Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 8pm-midnight, Plenty and Gisborne senior competitors. See Jan 14. Midway Beach, 8.30am-4pm. Company, 75 Disraeli St. Ages 6-10; 10.30am- R18, $15 at the door. midday, Ages 11-16; midday-5pm. $45/week ▶ Oscar Holiday Programme, 9am-3.45pm. ▶ East Coast Museum of Technology Live See Jan 13. Sunday, January 19 Day. Bring the family along for Clydesdale or $80/two weeks (Jan 13-17 & 20-24). Casual Badminton Group. Come along Gisborne histle Golf Day: Judy O’Rourke carriage rides, bouncy castle jumping, newly Register: ▶ ▶ for a game and to meet others. Badminton Trophy. Visitors are welcome to join in for a curated and gifted exhibitions, food vendors Tuesday, January 14 Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, 9.30am, $4. Details: great day of golf. Gisborne Park Golf Club, 69 and more. East Coast Museum of Technology, Summer Holiday Workshop, 9am-midday. Pascale at [email protected] or Cochrane St, 7-9.30am for a two-tee start, 67 Main Rd, Makaraka, 10am-4pm. Tickets, ▶ See Jan 13. [email protected] $20/round. Register at the golf club. at the door; $10 individual adult, $35 family. Holiday Drama Workshop. Ages 6-10; Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club, Lions Express Train Rides. Take the kids ▶ Circus School (to Jan 16). For ages 5-12: ▶ ▶ ▶ 10.30am-midday. Ages 11-16; midday-5pm. 8am start. See Jan 12. for a train ride around the playground. Start: A three-day programme to learn circus tricks See Jan 13. Historic Places Tairawhiti Bus Tour. near Gisborne Wainui Lions Junior Cycle and have fun. Gisborne Gymnastics Club, ▶ Join HPT members and look at Wairoa’s Park, Centennial Marine Dr, 11am-3pm, $2. Electrinet Sports Centre, cnr Aberdeen & Friday, January 17 historic buildings, churches and the Wairoa Sunday Music with T-BoneZ. Listen to Stanley Rds, 9am-3pm, $50/child/day or ▶ ▶ Wairoa A&P Show (& Jan 18). Find a Museum. Bus leaves Bright St bus stop at live music and sample gourmet platters. $130/3-days. Register: Nic 021 031 9606 or shady spot and watch equestrian events, 8.30am, returns 4.30pm, $90 non-members; Matawhero Wines, 189 Riverpoint Rd, gisgymoffi[email protected] shearing, dog trials and more. Wairoa A&P incl lunch and bus, register at [email protected] 1-3pm, free entry. Bookings: Ph 867 6140. ▶ Tairawhiti Menzshed. Work in a fully Showgrounds, Ruataniwha Rd, 8am. Poverty Bay Polo Club Open Tournament, Historic MV Takitimu Cruise. Enjoy the equipped woodwork or carpentry workspace. ▶ ▶ Kid-friendly entertainment after 4pm. 9am-8pm. See Jan 18. sights of Poverty Bay from a fully-restored Tairawhiti Menzshed, cnr Parkinson & Innes Entry fee subject to change: $5, free for u/5s. Summer Arts & Crafts Fair. Local artisans historic tug. Sailing from Pier 1, Inner St, 9am-3pm, ph/text James 022 465 0396. ▶ See Facebook page for details. selling their creations: batik, beadwork, cards, Harbour (gate outside Tatapouri SFC), ▶ Oscar Holiday Programme, 9am-3.45pm. Summer Holiday Workshop, 9am-midday. jewellery, photography, quilting, sewing and weather permitting, 2pm. Pay at the gate: See Jan 13. ▶ See Jan 13. woodwork. Poverty Bay Bowling Club, $20A, $10u/12s, limit 25. Details: Brian ▶ Holiday Drama Workshop. Ages 6-10; Oscar Holiday Programme, 9am-3.45pm. 111 Ormond Rd, 9.30am-2pm. ph 027 474 9360. 10.30am-midday. Ages 11-16; midday-5pm. ▶ See Jan 13. See Jan 13. ▶ Gisborne Canoe and Tramping Club, Monday, January 13 Holiday Drama Workshop. Ages 6-10; Wednesday, January 15 ▶ Hackfalls Arboretum, depart 10am, $15 for ▶ Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd. 10.30am-midday. Ages 11-16; midday-5pm. travel expenses. A get-together for all ages New players welcome and rackets available. ▶ Summer Holiday Workshop, 9am-midday. See Jan 13. or stages and possibly an easy walk around Social Morning, 9-11.30am, $4, ph 867 2584. See Jan 13. ▶ Teen Girls’ Surf Club. Weekly sessions a lake with mature trees. Bring food for a Summer Badminton, Yr 11-13 players, ▶ Circus School, 9am-3pm. See Jan 14. to Feb 7, for beginner/intermediate surfers shared lunch. Register: Gillian ph 867 4591, 7-9pm, $8 Snr, $6 Yr 11-13, ph 021 216 6700. ▶ Oscar Holiday Programme, 9am-3.45pm. aged 12-18 to learn from female coaches. [email protected] ▶ Summer Holiday Workshop (daily to Jan See Jan 13. Midway Surf Life Saving Club, Midway Beach, ▶ Gisborne Sceptic Group, 11am. Details: 17). Action-packed workshop; film-making to ▶ Holiday Drama Workshop. Ages 6-10; 3.30-5.30pm, $10/session, free for members. Topics and venue ph 867 3715 or 867 7122. game development and music creation to 10.30am-midday. Ages 11-16; midday-5pm. Register: [email protected] or ▶ Lions Express Train Rides, 11am-3pm. virtual reality. Tonui Collab, Shed 3, See Jan 13. on Facebook. See Jan 12. 48 he Esplanade, 9am-midday, $30/child per ▶ St Andrew’s Lunchtime Concert Series. ▶ NZ Sidecar Heats and Golden Oldies. ▶ Sunday Music with Neil Smoker. workshop. Register: [email protected] British organist and pianist Ian Miles plays Come along for a great night of speedway. Acoustic guitar, vocals and gourmet platters. or ph 777 0522. classic tunes, along with local performers. Eastland Group Raceway, 357 Awapuni Rd, Matawhero Wines, 189 Riverpoint Rd, ▶ Oscar Holiday Programme (daily to Jan St Andrew’s Church, 176 Cobden St, gates open 4pm, racing 6pm. Gate sale tickets, 1-3pm, free entry. Bookings: Ph 867 6140. 17). Activities for ages 5 to 13-years, incl 12.30pm, doors open midday, koha or subject to change: $50Fam (2A+3C), $20A, ▶ Historic MV Takitimu Cruise, 2pm. games, jungle fun, movies, puppets, water fun donation for performers. Bring your lunch, $10Snr, $8 5-15s, u/5s free. See Jan 12.