1160 ST. STYTDlANS. COR~"l' At~L. [KILLY'S

There are Wesleyan and Free l\-Iethodist chapels. A fair TROLVIS is a hamlet, 2 miles south-east from the church. is held on the nearest Monday to the 13th of July, yearly, FOUNDRY, or BRYANT'S FOU:-

Andrew Thomas, farmer1 Penhalveor Johns Thomas, farmer, Sewrah Odgers Thomas, farmer, Trolvis Andrew Wesley, btchr. & frmr. Trevalis Johns Thomas, farmer, Velandrucia Odgers William Geach, farmer, Hernis. Andrew William, farmer, Carnmeor Jolly William, farmer, Tre\'alis Opie Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Crellow AndrewWm.Jn.frmr.&btchr.Trewithen JulianRd. frmr. &mllr.(water),Tregost Opie Richard .Tames, butcher, Crellow Bath Henry, farmer, Carncrees KempeElizh. (Mrs.), frmr. Polkanuggo Oppy James, beer retailer, Longdowns Bawden Francis, farmer, Treskewes Kempe James, farmer, Rosemanowas Oppy James, farmer, 'freweek Beard ",,'illiamJohn,farmer, Treservern Kennall Gunpowder Co. gunpowder Oppy John, farmer, 'freservern Bowden Henry, farmer, Trembroath mannfacturers (John W. Wilkinson, Oppy Joseph, blacksmith, Longdowns Brown Julia (Mrs.),farmer,Penhalurick resident manager), Kennall vale OppyRichd.JasJarmer&butchr.Crellow Collins James, farmer &; waggonette Knuckey Elizh.(Mrs. ),frmr.Perihalvean Oppy Thomas, shopkeeper, Velandrucia. proprietor, Treservern Knuckey John, farmer, Little Nanpean Oppy William, farmer, Trembroath CoIlins Thomas, farmer, Penhalurick Knuckey John, grocer, Crellow Peters Eliza (:\'lrs. ),shpkpr.Velandrucia. Cornish John, farmer, Lansenmeth KnuckeyThos.SevenStarsP.H.Churchtn Peters John, farmer, Kennall mills Dunstan Elizabeth Katherine (Mrs.), Lake Jane (Mrs.), miller (water), Tre- Peters William, farmer, TreWIthen shopkeeper, Foundry goning Phillips Hugh, farmer, Treservern Dunstan George, farmer, Hernis Martin James, collector of rates &; taxes, Polkmhorn Edward David, miller- Dunstan James, farmer, Carnwhidden Trebarveth (water), Kennall vale Dum-tan Jane(Mrs. ),lodging ho. Crellow Martin James, farmer, Gunlaze Pryor John (Mrs.), farmer, Treser\'erIII Dunstan John, dairyman, Roseath Martin James, farmer, Trebarveth Randle Martha Jane (Mrs.), fanner, Dunstan John, shopkeeper, Velandrucia Martin James, carpenter, Hendra Crosspost &; Sunny corner Dunstsn William, farmer, Trembroath MartinJas.seedsman &shopkpr.Crellow Richards James, farmer, Hendra Earle Jane (Mrs.), grocer, Crellow Martin Jethro, Hare & Hounds P.H. Richards Simon, farmer, Hernis Eva Stephen, farmer, Penhalurick Crellow East road Richards Thomas, carpenter, Trolvis Freeman John &Sons(offices at Penryn), Martin John, farmer, Cam &; Gunlaze Sarah Henry, farmer, Tretheage granite qnarryowners, Polkanuggo & Martin Joseph, farmer, Carnsiddia Simmons Jas. Hy.dairyman, Penmenor Rosemenous Martin J oseph, farmer, Nanpean SpargoJn. farmer,Tregolls&Lansenwith.. Geach Wm.farmer&;lando wnr.Trewince Martin Michael, farmer & assistant Tozer James&John, boot mas. CreIlo"", Gluyas 'William, farmer, Burncoose (\verseer, Tretheage TozerAnn(Mrs. ),shpkpr.CrellowNew rd Gluyas Wm.Hy.boot &; shoe ma.Hendra. Martin William, farmer, inspector of Tremethick William, Stonemasons~ Harris Thomas, farmer, Hernis nuisances, sanitary author- Arms P.R. Longdowns Harris Thomas, farmer, Trelispick it)' &; clerk & attendance officer to Trewin Benj. boot &; shoe ma. Hendrew Hearle Robert, farmer, Tregost school board, Kennall farm Vincent Thomas, mason, Gunlaze Hearle Samuel, farmer, Tory I Martin William H. carpenter, Fonudry VincentThomasine(Miss),shpkr.Crellow TALLAND is a village and parish, on the sea coast" 2 Lydford and vicar of St. Keverne, d. I854 ~ there are sittings miles south-east from , I! west from Polperro and 9 for 450 persons. The register of baptisms dates from the­ south-south-west from station on the year I6SI; marriages, 1653; burials, 1654; the latter in­ (Great Western) railway, in the South Eastern division of elude burials from West Looe. The living is a vicarage,. the county, hundred and petty sessional division of West, Lis- average tithe rent-charge £144, net yearly value £ 120, witht keard union and county court district, rural deanery of West, residence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of WiIliam Gundry archdeaconry of and diocese of . This parish esq. and held since 1887 by the Rev. John Parson. There­ includes part of the small fishing town of North Polperro, is a charity of about £7 yearly, which is distributed amongst. which will be found under a separate heading. The church boys of Talland parish annually, as a reward for attendance,. of St. Talland, situated on the side of a hill, on the eastern proficiency and good conduct at some elementary school ~ side of an inlet of the sea called Talland Bay, is a building of the charity was originally left by Capt. Charles Kendal, all a stone in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, consist- yearly payment to a schoolmaster in Polperro, who s~)uld ing of chancel, nave of six bays, south or Killygarth aisle, take a certain nnmber of fishermen's sons free. Here a~e­ north transept and an embattled tower on the south side, two manors, one of which belongs to the ;. of three stages, 55 feet high and containing 4 bells: the the other, called" Killigarth," was purchased in 1871 of tower is connected with the church by a large porch with two Nicholas Kendall esq. by WilIiam and John Gundry esqrs. of entrances: the interior is seated with ancient benches of Australia, for about [,27,000. The prineipallandowners are carved oak, displaying the emblazoned shields of Beville, Sir WiIliam Lewis Salusbury Trelawny bart. D.L., I.P. of Grenville and others: in the aisle are two helmets, one of Trelawne, Pelynt, the Duchy of Cornwall and William and:. which bears the crest of the Bevilles: in the aisle is a tomb John Gundry esqrs. Midway between Polperro and Looe,. with full-length effigy of John Beville esq. ob. 1570, with six and in the parish of Talland, is a small Catholic church. verses and a long genealogical epitaph in English; there are fonnded by the late Sir Harry Trelawny bart. The soil is. o~her memorials to the family of Mellow, 1625; Sumars, good slate and shelf; snbsoil, the same. The chief crops are: 1708-10; Kendall. 17°9-47; Nicholas, 1788-1833; Elizabeth, wheat, barley and roots; the acreage is 2,665; rateable wife of John Morth, ob. 1687: the Rev. Thomas Gurney, value, £3,122, including Looe island; the population in 188x vicar, d. 1760; and the ReV'. Daniel Evans, rector of East was 778.