The GREEN Kirkop


1. INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM 2 1.1 The problem of greenhouse effect 2

1.2 Kyoto protocol and Copenaghen conference 3

1.3 Packet climate 20-20-20 4

2. METHOD OF ANALYSIS 6 2.1 Energy audit 6

 Simplified Audit 6

 Detailed audit 6

2.2 Calculation of the emissions 7

2.3 Objectives to involve 7

3. SOME PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS 11 3.1 Renewable energies : 11

3.2 Efficient tecnologies: 15



The GREEN Kirkop

The GREEN Kirkop (REPORT CO2 = 0 2010)

1. Introduction to the problem

1.1 The problem of greenhouse effect

Studies and researchers have been telling us that the increase of the concentrations of gas emissions in the atmosphere is the main cause of the climatic changes. While this is very true, there are other issues that must be addressed. For the last half a century, the use of the combustible fossils (oil, coal, petrol, gas) for the production of energy is increased at a very fast rate; so have the issues regarding CO2. And accordingly the climatic alterations.

For this reason the energy efficiency and the rational use of the resources are priority recognized by the greatest part of the governments today, by the firms, by the citizens, to put aside from the political ideologies of affiliation.

The greenhouse effect is due to the presence in the air of some gases as the aqueous vapor, the methane, the nitrogen oxide, the ozone, the clorofluorocarburis (CFC) and the dioxide of carbon (CO2). These gases form a permeable filter to some solar rays, but at the same time they holds back part of the heat radiated by the surface of the earth contributing to maintain warm the terrestrial atmosphere.


The GREEN Kirkop

Unfortunately, however, in the last decades we have assisted to an unpredictable increase of the concentration of carbonic anhydride in the atmosphere. The consequences of the increase of concentration of CO2 on the stability of our climate can be devastating: in fact the earth it is heating before never to a recorded speed.

1.2 Kyoto protocol and Copenaghen conference

Kyoto Protocol has been the point of departure, the taking of awareness that in the scenery international something had to change. It is an international treaty regarding the global heating; in February 2009 the signatory nations of the Protocol of Kyoto have come to 181. It foresees the obligation to reduce, in the period 2008/2012, the emissions for greenhouse effect (carbon's dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, hydrofluorinecarburizes, perfluorinecarburizes, esafluoride of sulphur ) in non- inferior measure to 5,2% in comparison to the recorded emissions in the 1990. The Protocol foresees three flexible mechanisms, based on the principle that every reduction of the emission is independently effective from the place in which it happens. The mechanisms are:

Joint Implementation (JI): if two Countries industrialized that they have undersigned appointments of reduction they realize a facing project to reduce the emissions of gas, to the Country investor they are accredited the rights of emissions of the Country guest. The Country investor can use the credits gotten by the reduction effected in the Country guest to carry out to its own obligation of reduction and to sell possible credits in excess. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): unlike the projects JI, in the projects CDM the partners of the industrialized Countries are “developing Countries” that don't have appointments of reduction. In this case, therefore, the rights of emission are not transferred, on the contrary created. International Emissions Trading (IET): the industrialized Countries that they are hocked to reduce the emissions of gas they can exchange rights of emission in excess, in a special market of the emissions. It is possible to exchange also the credits that originate from projects for the protection of the climate realized to the


The GREEN Kirkop

foreign countries (CDM / JI). It is up to the single Countries to fix the criterions of admission of its own firms to the market of the rights of emission.

Last December in Copenhagen, the conference held by U.N. on the climate (COP15) had to mark an evolution of the objectives and the formalities of reduction of the emissions of CO2 to world level. The conference was concluded but exactly just as we were hoping.

Any accord has been undersigned from States, only a generic appointment to make that the global temperature doesn't climb over the 2°C in the next 40 years.

1.3 Packet climate 20-20-20

The packet, launched in January 2008, it reassumes the objectives that the European Union is established to reach for the 2020:

 to reach a diminution of the 20% of the emissions of gas of States members of the European Union;

 to bring energy's quota produced with renewable source to 20%;

 To get a 20% energetic consumptions saving. Among the tools that will be used for reaching the demolition of the emissions, there are the changes to the system European Emissions Trading (EU ETS). There are three guiding principles for the revolution of the sector:

 to demolish the emissions of gas in a congruous measure in comparison to the general objective of -20% ;

 to reach the tallest degree of energetic efficiency so that to minimize the cost of the reductions for the society in its complex;

 To harmonize the rules among the Countries Members. With the new package, the carbonic anhydride will no longer be the sole gas issue: limits will also be set to the nitrogen (N2O) protoxide and the perfluorinecarburizes (PFC).


The GREEN Kirkop

The actual situation in delineates as in the environmental field it follows:

1000 tonnes of CO2 every 3.4 hours

CO2 emitted per person 6.32 tonnes per year

Annual emissions of CO2 2,453 (in 1000 ton3 ) Percentage of the total emissions <0.1 % kg di CO2 / kWh (International agency of the energy) for 0,923 produced electric energy Percentage dof renewable energy 0.6% Potential of renewable energy Annual (Estimated Contribution - post 2010-GWh /annum) penetration rate: 0.48 Gwh per year

Table 1


The GREEN Kirkop

2. Method of analysis

2.1 Energy audit

The Energy audit is a whole systematic of relief, harvest and analysis of the parameters related to the specific consumptions (particularly thermal and electric energy, but also transport consumption) and to the conditions of exercise of the case in study. The goal of the audit is to identify the principal factors of criticality in comparison to the energetic consumptions and to define the interventions of energetic improvement that introduce the good compromise between costs and possible results. Particularly it is very useful to affect the audit for a use characterized by an elevated energetic requirement, to verify the correct use of the energy and to quantify, if you introduce, the possible wastes. Two types of energy audit exist: simplified audit and detailed/deepened audit.

Simplified Audit

The simplified audit foresees: definition of the characteristics of the structures, of the fittings for the heating, cooling and illumination, of the actual formalities of management and a preliminary harvest of data on the consumptions. The audit with the maximum support of the buyer in the phase of harvest of the data and the in demand information, it is developed in 15 working days, concluding itself with the delivery of the technical relationship.

Deepened Audit

The deepened audit is the second step of the analysis and it develops beginning from the simplified audit, but in the case in study, it has not been developed for lack of time. After the harvest of the inherent data the energetic consumptions we 6

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proceed with an analysis contemplated through the use of specific instrumentations: data logger thermal-imaging for the survey of temperature and damp inside and external of the buildings, infrared camera for the surveys of points of thermal dispersion, network analyzer electric for the calculation of the electric consumptions, electric power meter able to calculate the electric power consumption. The deepened audit involves a least period of monitoring, with the instrumentation on the structure, of 6-8 months from the beginning of the activity. The survey of the data to be meaningful must have effected in a warm period (use of the air conditioner) and in a cold period (use of the heating) of the year. Besides this period the necessary time to the evaluation of the in relief data and the elaboration of the results must be considered, for a total quantifiable in 9 months from the beginning of the activity.

2.2 Calculation of the emissions

Equivalent CO2

The CO2, that we consider, it is equivalent CO2 (CO2eq), or the index that it represents the impact in atmosphere of all the gas: then not only carbon's dioxide, but also the methane, the perfluorocarburis and the oxide of nitrogen.

2.3 Objectives to involve


More and more firms in the world adopt a modus operandi that it squeezes the eye to the efficient technologies and the renewable sources, and if they sing out of the choir a motive there will be. The desire of novelty? The fashion of the moment? Or have they glimpsed a best possibility simply, more convenient and surely less dirty to produce and to bring their creed?


The GREEN Kirkop

We must be aware that today the firms that want to position on the market, they have called to act in responsible way, keeping in mind of the contribution that their activities damage to the quality of the environment and the social fabric. To think, to act, to produce in sustainable way represents therefore an opportunity of growth and improvement of the performances; an occasion to be gathered for reaffirming or to strengthen its own business image. The use of renewable sources and technologies efficient brings to direct benefits allowing the reduction of the consumptions on more fronts, from energetic consumption to the consumption transports. As direct consequence, to optimize the costs of production and to recover the initial investments in rather brief time.. The possibility to enter to incentives, financings and tax reliefs makes even more interesting opportunity.

Local government

For the Local government the environmental aspect represents more always a fundamental factor in the political and administrative choices. The Local government, coherently with the appointments fixed by the protocol of Kyoto and confirmed by the European Community with the historical decision of the "20-20- 20", they have the social appointment to promote the diffusion of a great sense of responsibility and respect towards the environment. Such appointment, besides guaranteeing a healthy environment to the citizens, it allows to get an economic return and a notable reduction of the emissions of CO2, through the choice of efficient technologies and interventions direct faces to the energetic saving in the final uses. A Local government that hocks him to environmental level also dresses again a fundamental role in the sensitization and education of the citizens: to produce a new culture of the environment through an innovative energetic politics that can stimulate the change of the styles of life departing from the education and from the good manners.


The GREEN Kirkop

With the purpose to support the Local government in the definition of a correct strategy of intervention, the firm has thought a series of projects and services that furnish the fit tools to the local government to realize the planning of the activities, of the interventions and the structures of the territory to make sustainable:

 Efficient Way: that will foresee in a first phase to elaborate a Document of Analysis and Preliminary Planning of the Interventions on the base of the picked data. This document, once shared with the administration, it will represent the base of planning for the activities to realize. The second phase foresees the technical consultation that comprises the executive planning of the fittings, the realization of special specifications of contract and the layout of the proclamations of competition. Such consultation is of support to the realization of interventions that concerns: solar systems (photovoltaic and solar thermal),biomass systems, combine heat power (CHP) systems and nets of central heating, systems of retraining of the public illumination, installation of diathermic dust covers for the swimming pools, energy audit of buildings. Besides the suitable activities, the local government has the possibility to develop other projects: adjustment of the building rule in sustainable key, harvest diversified door to door, projects on the mobility (bike sharing, electric bus), and projects of replanting of trees.

 Access to the mechanisms of incentive and the proclamations

 Information, formation and organization of groups of purchase near the citizen


Every daily gesture of ours involves an impact on the environment that surrounds us, and it contributes more directly to increase the emissions of gas in atmosphere. Who says "fairies a shower in less" or "not you throw the water of the drainage" it doesn't have all the blames, but the solution has not perhaps centered well.


The GREEN Kirkop

It would be enough to reason a little bit on our actions to reconsider her for a more sober behavior, less frantic and to treasure simple shrewdness without having to twist our style of life by now consolidated. From the kitchen in the bath passing from the room and from the corridor, but also from the roof and from the balcony, we can make something to waste a less and to earn more, not in money, but as the quality life and perhaps also of conscience: to program the heating for when we get back home, to purchase fruit and vegetable of season, to install a high efficiency gas boiler to the place of an electric water heater and still more.

Incentives to Malta

The Malta Resources Authority has launched the scheme incentivising the installation of photovoltaic systems. The incentive offers a 50% capital grant, capped at €3000 and the utility will also purchase the electricity generated at a premium rate of €0.25c per unit.


The GREEN Kirkop

3. Some proposed interventions

We individualize the most appropriate solutions to start direct interventions near the end users: realization of interventions of energetic rationalization, promotion of the renewable sources and use of efficient technologies.

3.1 Renewable energies :

The solar thermal is a system that uses the solar radiation to produce thermal energy to low or average temperature. Malta introduces some very good climatic conditions for the exploitation of the solar energy in fact the insolation is about 1.750 kWh/m2s a year, it is compatible entirely with the times of return of the investment of brief / average duration. If a thermal solar system is used for the production of warm water, that we use for washing ourselves, to clean garments and dishes, there will be a saving of about 80% of energy. If, on the other hand , this is used only for sanitary warm water and the heating, the saving is somewhere between 20-35%. In both cases the rest of the thermal requirement it is covered by an auxiliary (gas boiler, to biomass, etc.) thermal source. In the case of summer uses the saving can reach 100%. The principal applications are:

 production of sanitary warm water

 heating of the rooms

 heating of the water of the swimming pools

 solar cooling

 supply of heat of industrial trial


The GREEN Kirkop

Fig 1

A photovoltaic system allows the production of electric energy directly from the solar source without the use of fuel. Solar energy is renewable, cleaning up, inexhaustible but lavatory (varying in the time). The factors that influence the electric throughput of a system are mainly the disposition of the panel (inclination and orientation) and the climatic conditions (dependent mainly from latitude and altitude and meteorology). The photovoltaic technology has by now reached good levels of reliability and durability. The fittings can be divided in two major categories: connected systems to the electric net and isolated systems.

Fig 2


The GREEN Kirkop

The windmill system turns the energy of the wind into electric energy. The windmill energy is natural, clean, renewable, but varying from zone in zone: the fittings can be installed only in determined places, in how much the wind is not constant in terms of power, direction and it is tied up to the morphology of the territory. The surveys anemometers to establish a general picture for the installation of a windmill system can last years and the sites they are selected according to indicative biological, geomorphological and sociocultural. The costs are subject to the competition of the market. In fact, we consider that today the cost of a kWh of electric energy from windmill is well 5 times inferior in comparison to that product in the years'80.

Fig 3

The biomass boiler produces heat using substances of vegetable origin as firewood or pellet. For biomass we intend every consequential organic substance directly or indirectly from the photosynthesis chlorophyll an: the plants absorb from the surrounding environment CO2 and water, that are transformed, with the contribution of the solar energy and present nourishing substances in the ground, in material organic useful to the growth of the plant.


The GREEN Kirkop

The biomass is broadly available anywhere and it represents a local resource, cleaning up and, if gotten entirely in compatible way with the cycles of growth of plants of renewable origin. The use of the biomass for energetic sweeps, it doesn't contribute to the greenhouse effect from the moment that the CO2 sent forth in atmosphere during the combustion is equal to that the plant has absorbed during its growth.

The biomass is divided in:

 solid: woody (firewood to be burnt, pellet) biomasses and grassy biomasses (miscanthus , cereals);

 liquid: biodiesel, bioethanol, pure vegetable oil produced by devoted cultivations;

 Gas: biogas produced by the fermentation of livestock effluent and vegetable biomasses. Particularly the thermal systems to solid biomass produce heat for:

 heating (residences, offices, schools, agriturismi, greenhouses)

 production of sanitary warm water (residences, offices, schools)

 heating + production of sanitary warm water

 productive uses (heat of trial) Biomass energy makes to save a lot in comparison to the gas-oil and in certain particular situations (the agricultural firms) the fuel it is free; in more they are avoided the due costs to the management of the copses and the pruning’s that as fuel can be used.

Fig 4 14

The GREEN Kirkop

3.2 Efficient tecnologies:

The high efficiency lamps consume up to 70% of energy in less in comparison to those traditional. All the lamps currently in commerce we can be divided, in base to the way according to which the light is produced, in two great categories: to incandescence and electric discharge of gas. They are considered to high efficiency the belonging lamps to the second category, characterized by a bright efficiency of big long superior (from 4 to 10 times) in comparison to that of the incandescence lamps among the lamps to discharge of gas. The fluorescent compact lamps or the modern energy saving lamps, 8 times last more and they demolish the 70% general consumptions. To the family of the lamps to discharge of gas also belong the fluorescent lamps. These lamps will bring economic and environmental benefits, smaller costs of the bills and smaller emissions of gas.

Fig 5

The condensation boiler, more modern and ecological in comparison to that traditional boiler, it allows to recover the residual heat of the contained aqueous vapor in the smokes, (what it usually comes completely lost with the emissions of the smokes in air) turning it again into water. The traditional boiler burns the fuel that, thanks to the presence of the combustive (the contained oxygen in the air) one, it produces heat. The phenomenon of the combustion besides the heat also produces aqueous vapor that is usually


The GREEN Kirkop

freed through the smokes of unloading. In the condensation boiler instead, the aqueous vapor is recovered and turned again into water: the energy's exploitation sprung by the phenomenon of the condensation increases the energetic output of the boiler, from 85% to 107%. It can be used for the alone production of sanitary warm water or also for the heating; it is perfectly compatible with the use of thermal solar panels. Besides it allows to get important energetic and economic savings in the respect of the environment: the quantification of the obtainable savings exchanges from case at random and it depends on the specific state of the building and of the fittings before the intervention.

Fig 6 Geothermal heat pump in comparison to the traditional heat pump, those to geothermal probe get very elevated outputs exploiting the temperature of the ground (or of a mass of water) that already few meters under the surface he maintains constant during the arc of the year. Geothermal heat pump allows a reduction of the energy consumption for the heating of the environments up to 40% if compared with heat air-air pump, up to 75% if compared with the electric heating and to gas-oil heating: during the whole arc of the year we can be saved, besides, also 30% on the production of warm water in comparison to the electric and gas systems. One of the limits of the applicability of such technology is constituted, in some cases, from the due costs to the perforation of the ground. 16

The GREEN Kirkop

Fig 7 Light Fireplaces (or Sunpipes). It is a way to exploit the direct light of the sun that, channeled in a system of pipes and mirrors; it is conducted in the interested rooms. The concept is that of the skylight but the system of pipelines it is built with material reflecting, and this allows the light to reach destination crossing different layers of attics. The rigid light fireplace can be installed in any place: corridors, baths, bedrooms, but we must be considered only as source of light and integrative ventilation to the windows. It can be installed on roofs with inclinations from 15° to 60°. The price of such technology depends on the firm that furnishes it.

Fig 8


The GREEN Kirkop

Floor heating. It is a variation of the classical system of heating with wall radiators, only that in this case the radiators are distributed more uniformly under the floor or inside a wall. Floor heating is a system to low temperature constituted by thin pipelines that are inserted inside floors, walls or ceilings. The employment of these panels improves the efficiency of system distribution of 30% and the heating results more homogeneous and uniform, avoiding the moves of masses of air (and of dusts) for convection inside the air-conditioned locals. The temperatures of exercise (28-32°C), decidedly inferior in comparison to those of the normal heaters (70-90°C), they allow a smaller thermal dispersion. They can be combined to thermal solar fittings, which they work with great efficiency to low temperatures, particularly in the winter period. The price for this type of various technology, according to the finishing touch and of the materials of the pipelines, from the 130 € /m2 up to the 30€/m2 if it also includes the laying in work. Generally only supply includes: radiant panels, perimeters bands and joints of expansion, supports for the pipe, links, wall cassette to lodging collector, collector with thermostatic head for the mix, thermoelectric servo-motor , zone motorized valves and differential valves.

Fig 9


The GREEN Kirkop

4. Case in study

 Picked up data

Malta is one of five EU Member States members that it foresee not to succeed in achieving within 2020 its own national objective on the renewable sources thanks to the inside energetic production. The forecast, according to what it reports the agency Apcom, it has officially been confirmed to Brussels by the European Committee, which has published the respects sent by the governments of the Twenty-seven respect to the production and importation of the renewable energies in the next 10 years. The EU will succeed in reaching and, straight, to overcome, the “2020 objective", or the attainment of 20% of quota of the energy consumption coming from renewable sources (in 2005 he was to the 8.5%). According to the projections of the Committee it would be owed in fact to reach 20.3%. Besides Malta, only four other Countries (Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg and Italy) must resort to the importations of clean energy to achieve its own national objectives, while 12 of 27 States members (included France and Great Britain) foresee both enough its own national production of renewable, and 10 (among which Germany, Sweden and Spain) will succeed in overcoming the target . The project that has involved me, action to reduce the energetic consumptions of the city of Kirkop, is set so to the attention of the Maltese panorama and it can serve from example in the attempt to reach the European objectives. This well-developed project will do in way to make the city "green" to the 80%, resulted ever gotten in a town European. With the purpose to reduce the energetic consumptions of the city of Kirkop and to make it so a "green" city, we have effected' a careful analysis on the actual situation of the buildings, of the conditions of traffic and everything how much it could bring to an improvement and to a saving of the energy.


The GREEN Kirkop

Figure 10 Hyperlink connect: KirkopCounsil.dwg

In a particular way we have valued the exposures of the windows of all the buildings. This calculation will allow to install on the windows with a determined orientation, the solar film, a particular film that guarantees the reflex of a part of the solar radiations and reducing so the use of the air-conditioner in the summer period, the solar film has the further advantage to also reflect the heat radiated by the bodies in the winter period so that not to disperse that heat inside the residence. The following is a data sheet which displays the number of exposures in every street. (Tabella 2).

Windows exposures N/E E S/E S S/O W N/W Triq-Street B.Farrugia 19 18 Karlu Darmanin 20 Danny Cremona 70 20

The GREEN Kirkop

Giovanni Cassar 16 Guze-Cristforo 19 23 Hal-Safi 23 Id-9 Tà April 1942 15 Il Militar 41 Il-Barrieri 4 9 Il-Fdal ta 8 paleocristjani Il-Ghasel 16 14 Il- 5 Il-Karwija 18 Il-Kbira 25 17 Il-Knisja Il-Lewzief 22 47 4 Il-Parroca 13 10 Io-29 Tà Mejju 1592 18 12 35 Id-Doluri 16 L'Artillerija 21 17 L-Imdina 47 12 16 L-Infanterija 52 Nardu Ellel 20 Nejder 13 45 Nerik Xerri 16 33 9 14 Raffaele Caruana 19 Salvu Sacco 23 31 San Anard/Leunard 37 15 30 San Benedittu 85 84 San Guzepp 24 San Gwann San Nikola 25 45 San Pietru 31 44 69 60 San Rokku 78 38 Sant'Anglu 13 4 TaL-Alfar 33 7 7 Tà Markijiet 24 Tal-Fieres 79 71 Tal-Iblieq Taz-Zebbiegh 37 10 60 5 39 14 Wigi Vella 8 Ir-Ramlija San Remig 66 Guzepp Harbara


The GREEN Kirkop

Sany'Andrija 13 12 Mons Barbara 6 9 Squaq San Gwann 8 15 Il -Hawh 1 6 Dun Carlo Taliana 7 L-Industrija Il Madonna Tad-Dawi 4 2 4 1 2 Il-Belt L-Imqabba

Gardens/housing estate Qassam Tal-Menhir 1 40 40 40 40 Qassam Tal-Menhir 2 40 40 40 Qassam Tal-Menhir 3 15 80 15 70 Secondary School 120 80 120 80

Squares San Anard 14 5 Hal Kirkop 6 3 5 Iz-Zernio under construction

Tabella 2


The GREEN Kirkop

Electrical Power

 Solar Film Saving Calculation

The greatest efficiency is given by the windows with south/ east south exposure and it is to these that we will make reference, under the hypothesis that the area of a single window both of 1.5 m2 and hypothesizing a solar irradiation of 1600W for 4 hours of sun peak a day, considering that not everything the year will be efficient to the calculation, we can establish 180 useful days. From the calculation, we get:

We must have multiplied for the coefficient of power, so the real energy saving for a single window is:

If we multiply for the total number of windows, we have:

The same calculations can be repeated for the doors, so we have:


The GREEN Kirkop

We have individualized the occupied residences and those uninhabited or in construction, to the owners of the residences with the requisite, it will be proposed the installation of photovoltaic system on their roofs, the solar energy it will be converted in electric energy without emissions of CO2.

Residences Residences Uninhabited Occupied Uninhabited Occupied Triq-Street San Pietru 2 66 B.Farrugia 7 San Rokku 3 49 Karlu Darmanin 11 Sant'Anglu 2 2 Danny Cremona 2 16 TaL-Alfar 14 Giovanni Cassar 4 Tà Markijiet 8 Guze-Cristforo 7 Tal-Fieres 6 36 Hal-Safi 1 8 Tal-Iblieq 7 Id-9 Tà April 1942 4 Taz-Zebbiegh 14 Il Militar 15 Valletta 4 39 Il-Barrieri 4 Wigi Vella 1 5 Il-Fdal ta 3 Ir-Ramlija 1 paleocristjani Il-Ghasel 3 9 San Remig 4 12 Il-Gudja 1 4 Guzepp Harbara Il-Karwija 9 Sany'Andrija 2 7 Il-Kbira 1 17 Mons Barbara 4 Il-Knisja 2 Squaq San 1 12 Gwann Il-Lewzief 2 21 Il -Hawh 1 6 Il-Parrocca 1 10 Dun Carlo 1 1 Taliana Io-29 Tà Mejju 1592 18 L-Industrija Id-Duluri 1 5 Il Madonna 2 Tad-Dawi L'Artillerija 10 Il-Belt L-Imdina 5 19 L-Imqabba L-Infanterija 23 Nardu Ellel 6 Gardens/housi ng estate Nejder 2 17 Qassam Tal- 4 Menhir 1 Nerik Xerri 3 19 Qassam Tal- 4 Menhir 2 Raffaele Caruana 4 Qassam Tal- 4 Menhir 3 Salvu Sacco 2 6 Secondary School San Anard/Leunard 12 39 24

The GREEN Kirkop

San Benedittu 6 58 Squares San Guzepp 1 14 San Anard 11 San Gwann Hal Kirkop 10 San Nikola 1 23 Iz-Zernio UnderCon struc Table 3

 Residential Solar Photovoltaic Calculation

There are about 729 occupied residences. If we aim at the incentives that the government is disbursing in these days and that surely they will propose in the next months, accompanied by a small contribution that the local council of Kirkop could associate, we can think about installing for at least half of the residences, photovoltaic systems from 2.16 Kwp. A single system will occupy around 21 m2, covering around 7654 m2 of roofs. With these installations, we will produce:

On all the roofs of the public buildings, that are been individualized on special map, they will be installed photovoltaic systems with the purpose to energetically make all these self-sufficient structures. The map to be consulted is that in Fig 11.


The GREEN Kirkop

Fig 11

 LED savings Calculation

In all buildings all the lamps with elevate consumption can be completely replaced by those with higher efficiency. These new lamps consume a tenth of those preceeding. We make the hypothesis that there is around 10 lamps for every household, while 723 represents the number of the households. We have:


With an incredible energy saving of:


The GREEN Kirkop

 Insulation Saving Calculation

The buildings will be furnished of products for the insulation, making due hypotheses, we get:

 Energy Consumption Calculation

The daily consumption of Kwh in the city of Kirkop has been estimated, considering that it results impossible to get some certain data, equal to 30 KW for day for household. We get so an annual general consumption of:

The energetic consumptions of the municipal buildings are hypothesized to the 2% of those residential, we will have:

While the referable buildings to the tertiary one are practically void.

 Local Council Solar Photovoltaic Calculation

We will exploit the whole surface to our disposition and that is of 7298 m2 among buildings belonging to the local council and the government. On this surface, we can install about 200 Kwps of photovoltaic systems. We will produce:


The GREEN Kirkop

You have also specified the public lighting type: government, local and squares/ gardens. All the lamps of this type of lighting can be replaced with LED lamp, the commercial strength of these devices it founds on their potentiality to get elevated brightness (four times great of that of the fluorescent lamps and tungsten filament), low price, elevated efficiency and reliability (the duration of a LED is of one-two orders of superior greatness to that of the classical bright sources, kind under conditions of mechanical stress).

 Street Lighting Calculation

Pubblic lighting Local road Government road Squares/Gardens Triq-Street 0 B.Farrugia 0 Karlu Darmanin 1 Danny Cremona 15 Giovanni Cassar 4 Guze-Cristforo 2 Hal-Safi 4 Id-9 Tà April 1942 1 Il Militar 2 Il-Barrieri 1 Il-Fdal ta paleocristjani 2 Il-Ghasel 2 Il-Gudja 2 Il-Karwija 1 Il-Kbira 2 Il-Knisja 1 Il-Lewzief 7 Il-Parroca 2 Io-29 Tà Mejju 1592 2 Id-Doluri 1 L'Artillerija 1 L-Imdina 5 L-Infanterija 2 Nardu Ellel 2 Nejder 4 Nerik Xerri 5 Raffaele Caruana 1 Salvu Sacco 3


The GREEN Kirkop

San Anard/Leunard 10 San Benedittu San Guzepp 3 San Gwann 3 San Nikola 13 San Pietru 15 9 San Rokku 5 Sant'Anglu 1 TaL-Alfar 2 Tà Markijiet 1 Tal-Fieres 7 Tal-Iblieq 2 Taz-Zebbiegh 10 Valletta 6 Wigi Vella 1 Ir-Ramlija 8 San Remig 5 Guzepp Harbara 5 Sany'Andrija 2 Mons Barbara 1 Squaq San Gwann 1 Il -Hawh 1 Dun Carlo Taliana 0 L-Industrija 22 Il Madonna Tad-Dawi 15 Il-Belt 6 L-Imqabba 11

Gardens/Housing estate Qasam Tal-Menhir 1 8 Qasam Tal-Menhir 2 8 Qasam Tal-Menhir 3 Secondary School

Squares San Anard 10 Hal Kirkop 6 Iz-Zerniq 5 Table 4

The lamps of old generation will be replaced with LED, here in low the relative energetic savings: 29

The GREEN Kirkop

. Local road: 189 lamps (100W each ) Now they are consuming in 1 hour:

With the LED (50W), we will consume:

. government road: 51 lamps (150W each ) Now they are consuming in 1 hour:

With the LED (100W), we will consume:

. Squares/gardens: 37 lamps (50W each ) Now they are consuming in 1 hour:

With the LED (30W), we will consume:

The total saving is: 12,740 KW / hour


The GREEN Kirkop


In order to reduce the emissions of the CO2 to zero the entry in the city centre of the cars must be prohibed. This must be supported by a city circuit of bicycles integrated to a car parking lot immediately outside the city. The exact number of bicycles and electric shuttles is established after the analysis on the data champions observed in respect to the entries and the exits of cars from the city center.

Fig 12

Service providers such as Enemalta, Go, Vodafone, etc will also use electric shuttles. Equally (effected the study on the enslaving daily consumers to the service) the system of city bus will be replaced by a congruous number of electric bus, that will maintain or they will improve the actual efficiency. The optimal circuit will be suitable on a special map.


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Fig 13

We have affected an estimate of the cars they transit in the town of Kirkop. On the base of the picked data in the street and hypothesizing a flow of auto that is distributed second a double-gaussian function, that is with two points of influx in correspondence of the schedules of going and return from the job (situation retained very likely).We have obtained some representative histograms , one of these is presented in figure below.


The GREEN Kirkop








9.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 0.00

18.00 23.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00

Fig 14 The total number of vehicles that dont transit in the center wander around 4000 unities of average, if we supposed that each of these cars middle crosses 2 Km in the city circuit, and if we consider that it’s true the following equations:

For car (diesel/gasoline) For bus


We can save yearly with this project:


The GREEN Kirkop

As it regards the number of electric bus to predispose, we believe that the sale among the incoming and going out citizens both of around 30 people in the schedules of point. We think about using two mini-buses of 20 seats that they depart from suitable points in map with a frequency of 4 per hour.

To complete the project and to produce a notable quantity of photovoltaic energy, we will appropriate some grounds for the plant of a great photovoltaic field from

650 Kwps. The general cost of such operation is of €1,815,000.

Water Saving

For Maltese community another important energetic saving is water. This saving is obtained by increasing wells and systems of mixer that reduce the course of the faucets. The following are the calculations of the savings.

 Calculation

Water daily supply: 250 l/ab*d to: Water daily supply: 130 l/ab*d

With the use of the wells and flow control:

Water daily supply saving will be: 120 l/ab*d

The total water saving yearly from the well:


The GREEN Kirkop

Considering that from the saving of a liter of water production is gotten a saving of 0.4Kwh per liter:

With the use of mixers for water saving (they reduce the water waste of 5%).

The total water saving yearly tape control:

Considering that from the saving of a liter of water is gotten a saving of 0.4 Kwh per liter:

The cost for this project will be more than the above projects the cost for the wells can rise up to €7,000,000 for the residents only and if we need to do other 2 big main well will need to increase and other €4,000,000 which can be used for agriculture purpose which means that we will reduce the extraction of the water table.

Waste management

One of the strong points of the Green Kirkop, it will be able the use of biowaste digesters, this system of harvest and management of waste it will enslave to the whole south of Malta so contemporarily resolving two problems: the production of energy and the storage of waste (increasing problem in a limited territory as an island). 35

The GREEN Kirkop

The waste, that will be essays in our system, they will originate from the domestic uses and from the organic waste coming from the firms of the territory with various types of breeding. The presumed number of waste that they will be transported to the system of management waste it will be of around 20.000 tons / year. From their use, we will essentially get 3 products:




From the combustion of the methane we will get 3200 Mwh / yearly of electric energy (equal to 40% of output) and 3200 Mwh / yearly of heating (further 40%), while the remainder energy will be lost during the trial (20%).

The pasteurised bio-fertiliser will be offered to local farmers. The plant could produces around 4.320 tonnes of bio-fertiliser, possible fertilizer in excess can be sent (as already writing previously) to a biomass system for the production of heating. This production, together with that gotten by the methane, it will serve us for the district heating and the district cooling, particularly for the cooling we will also need of absorber chiller.

The third element in exit from our system it is the ammonia, this will be addressed to the agricultural industries and in general to the greater industrial systems or where its use is in demand (paper industry as bleaching, industry of the rubber, metallurgy to get atmospheres reducing, refrigerant in the industry of the cold, etc.) . The amount of the whole project of management of the waste, it will be of 35.000.000 €.


The GREEN Kirkop

The pay-back yearly, that we have, considering that currently 1 kwh costs 0.25 c is:

Thanks to waste management, we have a reduction of CO2 that not only it interests the city of Kirkop, but also the whole south of the island.


The GREEN Kirkop


The total saving with the capital expenditure will come to reduce at least 75% of Electrical Consumption. This does not include reduction of emissions from the transportation project and also does not include saving from educating the citizens about how to use energy efficiently. An adequate campaign of energy saving & energy audit for the residents will confidently reduce at least another 10% of the energy without extra cost on the capital expenditure.

The total CO2 reduction will be around 14,500tons excluding the water savings. The water saving is a huge project that requires substantial civil works on each residence and also on the main water reservoirs. The water saving element is quite difficult to calculate as we have not been provided water consumption figures from the Water supply utility. In our calculations we have assumed normal EU consumption patterns (ie approx. 250litres per day per person). 70% of the water is produced locally by means of electric power in a different location on the island. The rain water stored in Kirkop and better use is made thereof, will have a very positive impact on emissions for the production of the water on the island. Kirkop Local council have already taken the first step in order to invest in a first large reservoir to collect rain water from streets.

The study in depth of the Kirkop locality has provided us with very interesting information and data that has enabled us to design a holistic approach towards reducing fossil fuel emissions. Simple but effective measures have been recommended. This small city of Kirkop is very eager to embark in this project and to lead by example other localities by this Pilot Project. This project will enable Kirkop to reduce 80% of its energy use and to be virtually 100% C02 neutral by the year 2025 on all sectors.