2.6 Gambia Milling Assessment Gambia Milling Assessment

For information on Gambia Milling contact details, please see the following link:

4.2.6 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact Lis

Milling Company: THE Denton Bridge Mill Value added processing of agricultural produce is also on government's top development agenda since 1994. In this regard, government repossessed the assets of Groundnut Corporation (GGC) from ALIMENTA to redirect efforts to revitalize the groundnut sub-sector with much emphasis placed on value added processing of groundnuts and other crops.

Premier-Agro (a foreign company) has established a groundnut processing plant at Denton Bridge, which enabled the sector to resume domestic groundnut processing into refined oil for exports after a long period of dormancy. This will certainly improve the foreign exchange earning capacity of the country. In addition, there are cottage-processing facilities available in some parts of the country such as the small-scale groundnut decorticating facility at Kanube in the (URD) and a number of coos mills found in most parts of the country.

The GGC groundnut mills at Denton and Kaur have been out of operation for sometime and are at an advanced stage of being privatized. Another critical area of government concern has been paddy rice processing. In this connection, government has accorded due recognition to the resuscitation of the rice mill from complete under-utilization. The completion of the proposed commercial rice mill at Madina, Jahally in Central River Division (CRD) by the Chinese mission will add value and provide a marketing outlet for increased rice production.

Milling Company: Kuntaur Rice Mill (Gambia Divestiture Agency)

Company Name & Address Contact Names & Email Telephone & Fax

Gambia Divestiture Agency Name: n/a Tel: [email protected]

Kuntaur Rice Mill (KRM) Title: n/a Fax: n/a

Central River Division Email: [email protected]

Kuntaur Web: n/a

Summary of Role and Services:

Theoretical capacity of Kuntaur Mill handling about 120 tons annually

A Board of directors manages the Kuntaur Mill

Milling costs: D219 per tons (Rice and Oil)

Page 1 For information on Gambia Milling contact details, please see the following link:

4.5 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List

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