Legal and Governance Department 22 Great Victoria Street BT2 7LX [email protected]

20 November 2020

By Email only – [email protected]

Dear Mr McLaughlin,

RE: Internal Review Request- [IR]FOI958

Further to your email dated 5 October 2020 and your clarification response of 12 October 2020, requesting a review of your Freedom of Information request (ref: FOI958) (‘your request’), I have now completed my review of this matter.

From the outset, I wish to set out how I have approached the internal review process. Firstly, I considered our response to your request and the specific parts which you have asked me to review. Secondly, I examined the information which Translink holds in relation to your request, considered what could properly be disclosed and the application of any exemptions available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”).

Focus of the internal review Your request for an internal review focused on the accuracy of our responses to question 1 and 2.

Review of our FOI response On 24 September 2020, in response to question 1 of your request, we advised that the 923 service between Belfast, Europa Buscentre and Belfast, Stena Terminal operates under: ‘a. the October 2015 Service Agreement awarded to Translink’. On review of this response, I consider this remains accurate.

In relation to question 2, it was explained that, the licencing basis which the 923 service between , Port Rodie and , Buchanan Bus Station (operated by Ulsterbus) operates under ‘a valid Scottish Operating License’. I consider this information also accurate.


My internal review has found that your request was processed in line with the Act and ICO guidelines. I consider that this matter is now concluded, however if you are not satisfied that your request or review has been dealt with correctly, you have a further right of appeal to the Information Commissioner who will make an independent judgement.

The address of the Information Commissioner is: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. The address of the Information Commissioner’s Office for is 3rd Floor,14 Cromac Place, Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JB.

Priscilla Rooney General Counsel & Company Secretary Translink