C 319/6EN Official Journal of the European Communities 14.11.2001

Publication of an application for registration pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin

(2001/C 319/03)

This publication confers the right to object to the application pursuant to Article 7 of the abovementioned Regulation. Any objection to this application must be submitted via the competent authority in the Member State concerned within a time limit of six months from the date of this publication. The arguments for publication are set out below, in particular in point 4.6, and are considered to justify the application within the meaning of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92.



PDO (x) PGI ( )

National application No: 76

1. Responsible department in the Member State

1.1. Name: Subdirección General de Denominaciones de Calidad y Relaciones Interprofesionales y Contractuales — Dirección General de Alimentación — Subsecretaría de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación de Espaæa

1.2. Address: Infanta Isabel, 1, E-28071 Madrid

Tel. (34) 913 47 53 94,

Fax: (34) 913 47 54 10.

2. Applicant group

2.1. Name:

(a) Asociación de Artesanos Queseros de (Arquemazo)

(b) Ganaderos Artesanos S. Antonio del Monte Gasam, Soc. Coop

(c) Asociación Palmera e Agricultores y Ganaderos (ASPA)

(d) Asociación de Ganaderos Teguevite.

(e) Asociación de Ganaderos de Palma (Agapalma)

2.2. Address:

(a) Plaza Pedro PØrez Díaz, 3, E-38730 Villa de Mazo

(b) S. Antonio del Monte, s/n, E-38787 Villa de Garafía

(c) Teniente General GonzÆlez del Hierro, 13, 4o B, E-38760

(d) El Topo, no 13 (El Granel), E-38714

e) Sto Domingo de Garafía, s/n, E-38788 Villa de Garafía.

2.3. Composition: producers/maturers (x) other ( ). 14.11.2001EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 319/7

3. Type of product: Class 1.3. — cheese.

4. Specification: (Summary of requirement under Article 4(2))

4.1. Name: ‘Queso Palmero’ or ‘Queso de ’.

4.2. Description: This cheese is produced on the island of La Palma () with milk of La Palma goats belonging to the ‘Agrupación Caprina Canaria’ (Canary Islands Goat-Breeders Association). The feed of the goats is based on the island’s forage resources and natural kid rennet. All production is currently small-scale, carried out on small farms and uses unpasteurised milk. The cheeses is generally eaten fresh, although young, semi-mature and mature cheeses are also made. The cheese are made in the form of a flattened cylinder and weigh up to 15 kg. The rind is white, but the cheeses are usually smoked, giving them a darker colour.

4.3. Geographical area: The area in which ‘Queso Palmero’ is produced and matured and in which the milk used is produced comprises the following municipal areas of the island of La Palma, in the Province of Santa Cruz de (Canary Islands, ): Barlovento, Breæa Alta, Breæa Baja, Garafía, El Paso, Fuencaliente, Los Llanos de Aridane, , Puntallana, San AndrØs y Sauces, , , and Villa de Mazo. The total area is: 706 km2.

4.4. Proof of origin: ‘Queso Palmero’ is produced and matured and the milk used is produced entirely on the island of La Palma.

The holdings on which the milk used for protected cheeses is produced, the cheese-production facilities and the maturing premises are entered on the relevant registers and subject to checks and inspections by the inspection body, which will certify those lots of cheeses that can be protected by the name and supply the numbered labels necessary for their identification.

4.5. Method of production: The process begins with the filtering of the freshly collected milk. It is immediately curdled to prevent any loss of heat (27 °C to 33 °C) using natural rennet from suckling kids. The milk takes on average 45 minutes to coagulate. The curd is cut into small pieces, so as to facilitate draining, and placed in moulds. It is then pressed and placed on fine plastic mesh to help draining. The cheese are then dry salted, using the island’s own sea salt.

After salting, the cheese is often smoked. The smoke is obtained using various types of plant matter, the principal ones being almond shells (Prunus dulcis), prickly pear plant (Opuntia ficus indica) and Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis).

The cheeses are matured in cellars or air-conditioned premises, where, in addition to being turned, the rind is usually coated with olive oil or roasted maize meal to protect it.

4.6. Link: The distinguishing characteristics of ‘Queso Palmero’ are very closly linked to the special environment of the island of La Palma, which has a number of unique factors:

(a) its own breed of dairy goats;

(b) rich and varied vegetation, with high-quality indigenous grazing;

(c) an island location with a hilly terrain creating a great variety of microclimates that permit livestock to graze throughout the year; C 319/8EN Official Journal of the European Communities 14.11.2001

(d) a long stockfarming tradition going back to the times of the original prehispanic population. The tradition was continued by later setters for whom it became one of the principal means of support and whose cheese-making traditions have come down to us today. Documents from the sixteenth century attest to the importance of cheese on the island in those times, when it was already exported to the Americas and to other islands in the Atlantic.

4.7. Inspection body: Name: Dirección General de Política Agroalimentaria de la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación

Address: Avenida JosØ Manuel GuimerÆ, no 8, 4a planta, E-38003 Tel. (34) 922 47 65 14,

Fax: (34) 922 47 67 39.

4.8. Labelling: Labels must bear the following wording: ‘Queso Palmero’ or ‘Queso de La Palma-Desig- nation of origin’. The cheese must bear a duly numbered certification mark in accordance with the model given in the specification.

4.9. National requierments: — Law 25/1970 of 2 Deceber 1970 laying down rules on vineyards, wine and spirit drinks. — Decree 835/1972 of 28 March 1972 laying detailed rules for the implementation of Law 25/1970.

— Order of 25 January 1994 specifying the correlation between Spanish legislation and Regulation (EEC) 2081/92 with regard to designations of origin and geographical indications for agri- cultural products and foodstuffs. — Royal Decree 1643/99 of 22 October 1999 laying down the procedure for processing applications for registration in the Community Register of Proteced Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications.

EC No: G/ES/00172/2000.11.28

Date of receipt of the full application: 28 November 2000