March 2-9, 2018 15-22 Adar 5778 Parashat Ki Tisa

Candle Lighting: 5:44 p.m. SHABBAT SCHEDULE UPCOMING EVENTS March 2-March 19: Donate cleaning supplies to A Wider Circle. Drop off Shabbat Candle Lighting 5:44 pm (Plag 4:51 pm) UNOPENED cleaning supplies in boxes at: 903 Holborn St., YISE, KMS, Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm (Sanct); 5:45 pm (Ruach, YBM) Berman, or Shalom Kosher. Urgently needed: laundry & dish detergent, Shacharit 7:00 am; 8:00 am; 8:45 am; 9:15 am (Youth) soaps, paper towels, sponges, and cleansers such as Windex, 409, Shabbat Mincha 5:30 pm Endust, Mr. Clean, etc. See flyer here. Shabbat Ends 6:42 pm This Shabbat, March 3: KMS Mystery Shabbat Lunch. We’re so excited SHABBAT SPEAKERS AND SHIURIM to have almost 70 families signed up. This is a great opportunity for members to connect and meet new people. Thank you to Marc Tropp and 7:00 am: TBA 8:00 am: Dov Zakheim his committee for spearheading this initiative. See flyer here. 8:45 am: Weinberg Youth: David Feitman This Motzei Shabbat, March 3, 8:00-9:30 pm: 2nd Annual is Cute, 9:00 am Mechy Frankel's Gemara for women and girls. Presented by Berman Class of 2019: Modest Fashion 10:30 am Review of this week's Daf Yomi Show, Clothing Boutiques, Guest Speaker: Bec Brown, Choir Between Mincha and Maariv: Performances, Free Babysitting. $8 for students; $12 for adults. At KMS. ~ Rabbi Weinberg: Megillah, Microphone and Modulation: Contact [email protected] for more info. See flyer here. The Intersection of Technology and Halacha ~ David Eisenman’s Gemara Shiur Shabbat, March 17: Scholar-in-Residence, Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein, co-Rosh of Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush), will give multiple talks over KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP Shabbat about Pesach and Modern Orthodoxy. More details to come.

Sunday, March 18: Gordon Lederman Chesed Day at KMS. 7:00 am: Fran & George Wollner in honor of David Wollner's Aufruf and • 4:00-5:30 pm: Family Friendly Chesed Activities (YBM) his upcoming marriage to Nina Roth, daughter of Ruth & Dr. Phil Roth of Teaneck, NJ. • 7:30 pm: Guest Speaker, Sherri Mandell, an award winning author, 8:00 am: KMS inspirational speaker, and co-director of the Koby Mandell 8:45 am: KMS, wishing AIPAC participants a wonderful week at the Foundation, lectures on community, kindness and resilience in a world of confusion. Click here to sponsor the event. See flyer here. upcoming AIPAC Conference in Washington, DC. Youth: Lauren Shaham and Ariel and Ilana Winter in honor of Berman's Shabbat, March 24: Calling all baseball fans!!!! KMS will host its annual Shalva/ Marathon team and all of the friends and family who Opening Day Kiddush. Click here to help sponsor 2018 Baseball Kiddush. sponsored Natan's run. KOL MEVASER NEWS KIDDUSH DUTY Don’t look in your mailboxes for Kol Mevaser this Pesach season – because This Week: Guberman Next week: Friedman it’s going mobile! We’re transitioning Kol Mevaser to a new online blog format. Starting in a few weeks, you’ll be able to read Kol Mevaser MAZAL TOV content on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. Look for new content to Mazal tov to Fran & George Wollner on David's Aufruf and his upcoming be posted every 2-3 weeks (sometimes more often). On the blog, you’ll marriage to Nina Roth, daughter of Ruth & Dr. Phil Roth of Teaneck, NJ. read Torah and halacha thoughts from Rabbi Weinberg, and all about the

Mazal tov to Claire & Adi Haramati on the upcoming marriage of their people, programs and events that make KMS a vibrant and wonderful son, Ariel, to Rachel Krasna, daughter of Diane & Dr. Mark Krasna of community. Join KMS on Facebook to link to the blog and read new posts. Baltimore, MD. Ariel's Aufruf is taking place this Shabbat in Miami When there is new content on the blog, we’ll post blog alerts in the Shabbat Sheets and in our Motzei Shabbat “This Week At KMS” emails. Beach. Mazal tov to the entire Haramati family. Look for a listing of donations made to the shul, and for personal greetings WELCOME NEW MEMBERS from shul members, especially around Rosh Hashana, to be sent as a supplement to the Shabbat Sheet before each Yom Tov. Printed copies Welcome to Mindy & Meier Kotek and their children, will be available in the shul lobby. Dena, Josh, Mikey, and Yoni. Of course, we can’t talk about Kol Mevaser without extending tremendous Hakarat HaTov to Mel Plotinsky, Gail Javitt, Rise Goldstein and Barbara Trainin Blank, for supporting the print edition of Kol Mevaser. Their THANK YOU dedication and expertise brought the newsletter into all of our homes and helped shape a lot of the content and ideas for this new approach. • Thank you to Jeremy Brown, Ted Rosenbaum, Lisa Brookman, and Adam Help share the news on how our community celebrates Pesach. Share your Faleder for working so hard to bring the special Seder minhagim with us by emailing [email protected], and TOARCH weekend to fruition! you may find yourself featured in an upcoming post!

• Thank you to Lisa Brookman and Adam Faleder for organizing the WEEKDAY TEFILLA TIMES March 4-9 KMS/YISE Purim Carnival! Sunday: Shacharit: 8:00 am, 9:00 am, M/M: 5:45 pm Monday: Shacharit: 6:45 am, M/M: 5:45 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm MONDAY MORNING COFFEE Tuesday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, M/M: 5:45 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm Wednesday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, M/M: 5:45 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm Looking for a great cup of coffee and some friendly Thursday: Shacharit: 6:45 am, M/M: 5:45 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm company? Join us after minyan on Monday mornings for Friday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, Candle Lighting (next week): 5:51 pm

coffee in the KMS lobby. Earliest Tallit & Tefillin: 5:44 am Latest Kriat Shema: 9:25 am Earliest Mincha 12:49 pm 1


Sunday Shabbat, March 10, 10:20 am: Junior Davening Group, for all kids in 3rd- 7:15 pm: Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman's Parasha Explorations class: 5th grades. Parents welcome. Explorations of (typically halachic) themes from the weekly parasha. *BM* Shabbat, March 10, 7:00 pm: Mishpacha Lomedet, for all kids in K-5th Monday grades and their parents. 10:45 am: Laura Goldman’s class on Sefer Bereishit at the Mayberg home, 411 Hermleigh Road. Participants should bring a Chumash Bereishit. For Sunday, March 18, 4:00-5:30 pm: The Gordon Lederman z”l Memorial women only. Chesed Program, Chesed activities for children and adults of all ages. 8:00 pm: Dr. Erica Brown’s parasha class, In-Depth Analysis Focusing on ~~~ Parashanut. Please bring a Hebrew/English Tanakh. All are welcome. KMS Youth FB Page: *New Location: YBM* 8:00-9:00 pm: Dinah Haramati’s class, Stories of Agnon. At the Haramati LAINING OPPORTUNITIES home. Thinking about laining? Want to recapture your bar- or bat-mitzva? Have Tuesday any favored lainings? Interested men should contact Lowell Abrams at 8:00 pm: Rav Itiel Oron’s class on Torah Mitzion - Sugiyot in Machshava, [email protected]. Women interested in mincha laining at Parasha and Halacha from a Religious Zionist Perspective. *Classroom A* Women's Tefilla Group should contact Ronna Eisenberg at Wednesday [email protected], and women interested in laining a perek of a 9:45-10:45 am: Esther Dziadek’s Siddur class: In-Depth Analysis of the megilla should be in touch with Gail Javitt at [email protected]. Daily Prayers. *Classroom A* Rabbi Weinberg’s class on Hilchot Shabbat will resume after Pesach. SAFETY INITIATIVE Thursday Rabbi Weinberg’s class on Sefer Melachim will resume after Pesach. We encourage all members to wear reflector belts when walking home from shul at night. If possible, please acquire a reflector belt for your RABBI’S MULTIMEDIA LEARNING personal use. You can purchase reflector belts here or here or a reflector • Every morning Rabbi Weinberg discusses a Rashi on the parasha of vest here. A generous donor has purchased a number of reflector belts to that week. Every afternoon, he gives a brief review of some halachot, encourage this safety initiative. If you do not currently own any reflector often tied to the season. To receive the recordings automatically as a gear, please borrow and return one of the belts that can found on the podcast, select the class below, log in or create an iTunes account, counter in the KMS lobby. and click subscribe: Daily Rashi ▫ Divrei Halacha. The Divrei Mitzva podcast is over and has been replaced with the Daily Rashi podcast. SEUDAH SHLISHIT Please note that you will need to subscribe to the new podcast, even if you were previously subscribed to the Divrei Mitzva podcast. The Mark your calendars with these upcoming KMS Community Seudah archive of past Divrei Mitzva podcasts is available here: Divrei Mitzva. Shlishit dates: March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9 • To subscribe to Rabbi Weinberg’s weekly video Parasha mini-shiur on Netivot Shalom visit his Youtube page here and subscribe. YOETZET HALACHA BRACHA RUTNER

KMS Yoetzet Halacha Bracha Rutner welcomes your questions about mikvah, observance of taharat mishpacha TAKE 15 FOR TORAH (halacha relating to married life) and women’s health, as it connects to Jewish law. Reach out to her at: Join our shul-wide initiative to add 15 minutes to your weekly Torah learning from Chanukah to Shavuot. Learn Phone: 718-614-2677 Email: [email protected]. All conversations and emails are kept confidential. anything you’d like, in any way you’d like: sefarim, podcasts, articles. Learn by yourself, b’chevruta or with Bracha will join us on: April 21, June 9, August 11 friends & family. Click here to add your name/initials to the list. It’s not too late to sign up! KMS GALA DINNER & CELEBRATION OF YOM YERUSHALAYIM

REFUAH SHLEIMAH Save the Date: KMS Gala Dinner & Celebration of Yom Yerushalayim Ariella bat Katriella, Chayim ben Yitzchak, Eeta Freyda bat Malka, Esther May 13, 2018 bat Bracha, Etel Baila bat Sara, Golda Miriam bat Pesha Freidel, Ita bas KMS is pleased to announce the following honorees: Bluma Leah, Mordechai Gershon ben Rivka, Noam Shalom ben Inbar, Benny & Deena Berkowitz ▫ David Taragin ▫ Rise Goldstein Nechama Yenta bat Raizel, Moshe Ze’ev ben Gitel, Rachel Davida bat Sara, Sara bat Riva, Shoshana Elka bat Etel Dena, Shmuel Yerucham HaKohein Youth Honorees: ben Minna, Shoshana Tzippora bat Eidel, Tzvi ben Miriam, Tzvi Gershon ben Adina Fleisher ▫ Sharona Guggenheim ▫ Dov Kosowsky ▫ Tani Levisohn David, Tzipora Faige bat Liba, Tziporah Sarah bat Tzivia, Yaakov ben Chaya Jonah Loshin ▫ Shana Lowenstein ▫ Shira Siegel ▫ Ilana Winter Devorah, Yehoshua Daniel haKohen ben Masha Avramah