Thornford School Newsletter June 2019

We hope you all enjoyed a fun-filled half term holiday and are refreshed for the rest of the busy Summer term. We have got Maths and Science Week this week with lots of lovely activities for the children to enjoy, including a careers talk from four kind parents and friends of the school and a Y6 visit to ‘We the Curious’ in ; Outdoor Maths with Philippa Toulson from Pogles’ Wood and a hands-on Science fair run by Oak Class. A great start to June!

It is with sadness, that I inform you that a good friend of the school passed away last week. Reverend Michael Anderson was our local vicar and governor at the school for several years before Rev. Tony Gilbert came to Thornford. He often participated in RE lessons, telling the children fascinating stories of his adventures around the world and led our termly church services. Furthermore, he was instrumental in achieving a large amount of funding from Salisbury Diocese which paid for a large part of building our new hall. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. A true friend of Thornford School – may he rest in peace.

Year 3 Trip to Carymoor On the 3rd of May, the Year 3 children visited Carymoor Environmental Trust. The children had a day full of fun activities, including cooking bread dough over an open fire and worked in groups to make round houses out of clay. The children received comments from staff from other schools about their fantastic manners and behaviour. We had lovely weather and it was a great day enjoyed by all.

Reception & Year 1 Trip to Gore Farm The Reception and Year 1 children had an enjoyable trip to Gore Farm on the 16th May. Highlights of the day included holding baby chicks, feeding calves and a tractor ride!

Girls Football The Year 5/6 Girls Football Team played extremely well in the Sherborne Area Tournament on the 2nd of May and came second place overall out of 8 number of schools, a fantastic achievement.

Key Stage 1 Quad Kids Athletics Four children from Key Stage 1 represented the school in the Quad Kids Athletics Festival, they competed against 8 other Sherborne schools and came second with 317 points! A very successful first tournament.

Sherborne Area Tennis Tournament We sent two teams to the Sherborne Area Tennis Tournament. They enjoyed a fun filled day of tennis with fantastic results, our teams came third and fourth out of eleven other teams!

Sherborne Area Year 5/6 Dodgeball Tournament Our team performed extremely well winning every one of the round robin matches! Unfortunately, we lost the final to Trent School, but the game was close and the team played superbly.

Dorset Parent-Carer Council The 10th annual Parent Carer Council INFORMATION EVENT will be taking place on June 6th 10am - 2.00pm. For parents and carers of children aged 0-12 with special educational needs or disabilities (no diagnosis required). Come and meet teams and organisations representing a wide range of early years and children services including education, health, social care and many more. Chat to other parents and organisations, seek early help for young children, find out about short breaks and feedback what isn't working well. Two workshops are bookable in advance - Sensory Strategies and Understanding Outcomes (tickets limited to one per person). Free tea, coffee and cake. More information via the link below:

Parent Questionnaire This week your child will be given a ‘Parental Questionnaire’ for you to complete. Please return the form by the 14th June. Many thanks.

Email Address Please ensure that you keep your contact information up to date with the office, we are increasingly sending out information via email rather than paper copies. Next academic year we will be asking parents to consent once at the beginning of the school year for all trips and sporting events that are taking place during the year. Notification of all sporting events and trips will then be emailed to parents.

INSET DAY Don’t forget school will be closed for staff training on Friday 28th June.

Dates for your Diary

Wednesday 5th June Year 6 Matilda & We The Curious, Bristol Year 4 Leeson House, Studland Thursday 6th June Year 5/6 Quad Kids Athletics at the Gryphon Monday 10th June FTS Meeting at the Kings Arms – All Welcome 7.30pm Monday 24th June Author David Solomon visiting school Tuesday 25th June Year 6 Taster Day at the Gryphon Friday 28th June INSET Training – School Closed Sunday 30th June – Wednesday 3rd July Year 6 Barton Hall Residential Wednesday 3rd July Years 1 & 2 Fleet Air Arm Museum Thursday 4th July Year 5/6 Sherborne Area Athletics Year 3/4 Running Events Only Friday 5th July FTS Summer Fayre Monday 8th July Mental Health Week Year 6 Sailing in Weymouth Tuesday 9th July Year 5/6 Rounders at Sherborne Terraces Wednesday 10th July Whole School Trip to Pogles Wood – For Forest School Activities KS2 – AM KS1 – PM Thursday 11th July Swimming Gala Tuesday 16th July 6pm KS2 School Performance – Treasure Island Wednesday 17th July 6pm KS2 School Performance – Treasure Island Friday 19th July Cricket Tournament Monday 22nd July School Games Day Tuesday 23rd July LAST DAY OF SUMMER TERM & LEAVERS SERVICE

As always, if you have any issue to discuss, please contact myself or my staff at the school. Neela Brooking (Headteacher) [email protected] 01935 872706