Resources for Spiritual Growth

Relationships with others Helpful books to read: Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer This story of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years gives practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. This exploration of the role of personal prayer, worship, everyday work and Christian service help the reader discover the rich life of Christian fellowship.

SoulTalk, Dr. Larry Crabb Hollow talk is all around us, and isolates us from our children, our spouses, our coworkers and our fellow believers. But by drawing on power that only the Holy Spirit supplies, we can touch each other’s souls in a way that brings growth, meaning, belonging and great joy. SoulTalk will help connect you with the deep struggles, desires and dreams of those around you, enabling you to become the person you are called to be.

Forgiving the Unforgivable, David Stoop Both the Bible and medical research tell us that forgiveness matters to our spiritual, emotional, relational and physical health. But forgiveness can be difficult. This practical book clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and compassionately guides you along a practical course toward heart-felt forgiveness.

Actions to take: 1. Join a small group. 2. Ask two other Christian friends to meet with you for one hour each week for six weeks to discuss the following questions: How did you encourage someone this week? How were you kind to someone this week? How were you honest in a relationship this week? How were you blessed by a relationship this week? 3. Ask three family members or friends of specific ways you could improve your relationship with them. 4. Write down the name of at least one person that you are struggling to forgive. Commit to pray for that person everyday for one month (just pray sincerely for their needs and their well-being). Keep a journal describing your feelings as you prayed for that person.

Prayer life Helpful books to read: Too Busy Not to Pray, Bill Hybels In this classic book, Bill Hybels addresses the fact that most of us have trouble finding time to pray. He helps the reader reflect on the personal habits and inner thoughts that distract us from having a powerful prayer life, and teaches you the art of slowing down to meet, talk and walk with God..

Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster This classic book about the central spiritual practices of the Christian life has helped people over the last 25 years to discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace and a deeper understanding of God. (A study guide which corresponds to the book is available, also.)

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Jim Cymbala Jim Cymbala wants nothing more than to renew and revive His people; to call us back from spiritual dead ends that lead only to apathy and lukewarm religion. In this book he shows you how persistent prayer transforms individuals, revives churches and revitalizes communities.

Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, Richard Foster This compelling primer on prayer by best-selling author Richard Foster will help you to experience and practice prayer in a variety of meaningful forms. Through it, Foster helps us to better understand the prayer process, answers common misconceptions, and shows the way into prayers of contemplation, healing, blessing, forgiveness and rest.

Enjoy the Silence – a 30 Day Experiment in Listening to God, Maggie Robbins & Duffy Robbins This collection of 50 guided exercises plugs you into the discipline of Lectio Divina without making it feel like homework. Each lesson takes you through the process of reading Scripture, meditation on Scripture, listening to God through Scripture, and responding to Scripture.

With Open Hands, Henri Nouwen This introduction to prayer has been treasured by readers for over thirty years. In it, Nouwen gently encourages an open, trusting stance toward God and offers insight to the components of prayer: silence, acceptance, hope, compassion, and prophetic criticism.

Actions to take: 1. Choose a 15-minute time-slot in your day and commit to pray during that time each day. Ask someone to check in with you each week to see how many days you did it (and to encourage you). 2. Keep a prayer journal for a month; list your prayer concerns, record answers to prayer, and write out prayers to God as though you were writing a letter to Him. 3. Come to the Sanctuary on a Monday night at 6:00 pm to pray with the Prayer Ministries team. 4. Ask someone to be your prayer partner for six weeks; meet weekly for one hour to pray together. 5. For moms: Join a Mom’s in Touch prayer group (see

Biblical understanding Helpful books to read: How to Read the Bible for All it’s Worth, Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart The Bible is accessible. It’s meant to be read and comprehended by everyone from armchair readers to seminary students. In clear, simple language, it will help you to understand the different parts of the Bible – their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you today – so you can uncover the inexhaustible worth that is in God’s Word.

How to Read the Bible Book by Book: a guided tour, Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart Like an experienced tour guide, this book “takes you by the hand” and walks you through the Scriptures. For each book of the Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its key elements and how it fits into the big story narrative of the Bible.

The Blue Parakeet – Rethinking How You Read the Bible, Scot McKnight In this book, Scot McKnight challenges Christians to “rethink how to read the Bible,” seeing it not as systematic theology, but as “a Story that we’re summoned to enter and to carry forward in our day.”

Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: 12 ways you can unlock God’s Word, Rick Warren This practical, easy-to-read book will give you step-by-step instructions for twelve different approaches to studying God’s Word for yourself.

Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, Claude King This resource has helped millions of believers develop a more intimate relationship with God. Through it, you’ll learn how to recognize when God is speaking to you, and understand the importance of His timing and how to respond obediently. The result of this obedience is a fresh and exciting spiritual walk.

Actions to take: 1. Join a Bible study group. 2. Buy a study Bible (the NIV Study Bible is excellent). Choose a book of the Bible and read through it (one chapter each day), reading all the notes provided. Write down one thing you learned that day. 3. Memorize one scripture each week for a month. 4. Commit to a systematic plan for Bible reading; (see for several plans to choose from).

Worship life Helpful books to read: The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence This short book, written by a 17th century monk has helped bring people closer to God for more than three centuries. Read it and discover how “at any moment and in any circumstance, the soul that seeks God may find Him, and practice the presence of God.”

The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice, Mark Labberton In this prophetic wake-up call for the contemporary church, pastor Mark Labberton reconnects Christian worship with biblical justice. From beginning to end, worship must pursue justice and seek righteousness, translating into transformed lives that care for the poor and the oppressed. Labberton shows how to move beyond the comfort of safe worship to authentic worship that is awake to the needs of the world.

Worship His Majesty, Jack Hayford God graces His people with worship as a gift. When we enter into His presence, worship fulfills our spiritual needs as nothing else can. This book will help you to discover what it is to truly recognize God’s holiness and grace and to wholeheartedly worship His majesty.

Worship: Honoring God in All of Life, (Workbook) Foundations for Christian Living Series We possess and inborn instinct to worship. To the degree that we are not worshipping God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, we will inevitably worship other “gods.” Through this study, you can identify tools that will help you learn how to cultivate a worshipful connection with the God of Glory.

Actions to take: 1. Do the following discipline for one month: Commit to attending a regular worship service weekly; take time to pray before entering the worship service, asking God to open your heart to Him in that place; ask yourself at regular points during the service, “how is God being worshipped right now?”; after the service write down ways that you worshipped God that day and what it was like. 2. Take a walk and note at least ten amazing things that God created; spend time in prayer thanking him for being Creator of all. 3. Go on, type in the name of a famous hymn or praise song and listen carefully to the words of the song as they are sung. Write about what they mean, and what they mean to you. 4. Do #3 with a friend, and compare notes. 5. Interview someone who regularly leads worship and ask them about why they do it.

Service & witness Helpful books to read: Serving Lessons, (Workbook) Bill Hybels Your unique personal resources and spiritual gifts can become a source of strength to others, worship to God, and a personal delight. Through the helpful exercises and information in this workbook, you’ll discover how you how you can break the habit of self-centeredness and experience the satisfaction of serving others wisely and effectively.

The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne Using unconventional examples from his own life, Shane Claiborne stirs up questions about the church and the world, and challenges readers to truly live out their Christian faith.

Letters from a Skeptic, Gregory Boyd A son and his skeptical father debate issues such as suffering, Biblical inspiration, and whether or not all non-Christians go to hell. This book will help the reader to wrestle with the rational foundation of his or her own faith.

Random Acts of Kindness, by the Editors of Conari Press, Daphne Rose Kingma This is a book that encourages grace through the smallest gestures. Its true stories, thoughtful quotations, and suggestions for generosity inspire readers to live their lives more compassionately.

Actions to take: 1. Invite a neighbor over. 2. Go to a book club discussion at your local library. 3. Join a class at the city rec center and commit to meet at least two new people there. 4. Look back over your tax returns for the last three years and calculate what portion of your income you gave away; consider developing a plan to increase that percentage this year. 5. Put the names of three friends who are far from God on a 3x5 card and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Each time you see the card, pray for them to encounter God in their life that day.