St. Angela Merici Parish

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St. Angela Merici Parish St. Angela Merici Parish September 10, 2017 3860 N. Hwy 67 Florissant, MO 63034 Bookkeeper NEW PARISHIONERS PARISH OFFICE, 838-6565 Monique Zykan, ext 109 Register in the parish office, Parish Fax Number, 838-6566 Mon-Fri, 8:00 am- 4:00 pm. Pastor Music Director Sharon Churchill SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Msgr. Matthew Mitas, ext 102 Baptism Instruction is to be Deacon St. Vincent De Paul...ext 504 scheduled with a parish priest. Rev. Mr. Joseph Kroutil Mary Ann Kauffman, ext 101 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Parish Secretary To be arranged with the parish Linda Brindley, ext 100 priest at least six months prior. Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrifice Mass Schedule MINISTERS Mon - Fri 8:00 am FOR NEXT WEEK, SEPTEMBER 11-17 Saturday First Sat. of the month, 8:00 am WEEKEND SERVERS Saturday 5:00 pm (Vigil) 5:00 pm Jasmine DuMaine, Kiara Stewart, Daena Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Talavera Eucharistic Adoration 7:30 am Thomas Anderson, Kaitlyn Smith, VOL Tuesdays 8:30 am - 7:00 pm UNTEER NEEDED 7:00 pm - Benediction 9:30 am Christopher Hedlesky, Matthew Neiner, Reconciliation VOLUNTEER NEEDED Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 pm 11:30am Jojinam Alicia Agbokou, Jahnea Gates, Or by appointment, call 314-838-6565 Kamryn Ure Perpetual Help Devotions WEEKEND LECTORS Tuesdays 8:00 am 5:00 pm George & Claudia Bidleman Holy Day of Obligation Masses 7:30 am Don Krause, Geoffrey Bullock To Be Announced. 9:30 am Laura Vietmeier, Elaine Neiner BULLETIN NOTICES: Submit to the parish 11:30 am Charles Danganan, Julie Ratermann office by Monday at 4:00 pm. Please email no- EXTRAORDINARY MIN. OF HOLY COMMUNION tices to: [email protected]. 5:00 pm - Jane Buchholz, Tina Clarkin, Karen Dietz, Nora Kaikati, Diana & Ray Skubic, Shirley NEW PARISHIONERS: Please register in the par- Sweney ish office, Mon-Fri, 8 am - 4 pm. For more infor- 7:30 am - Margie Heppermann, Donna Krause, mation, call the Parish Office, 314-838-6565. Harry Maier, Carol Pauli, Theresa Prosser, Kenneth Schmalbeck, VOLUNTEER NEEDED MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK 9:30 am - Charles Aten, Donald & JoAnn Holden- Monday, September 11 er, John & Sue Scheiding, Jean Tucker, Pat Vorwald 9:00 am - Jeff Hank 11:30 am - Cynthia & Stephen Graham, Denyse Tuesday, September 12 Sternberg 8:00 am - Ann Donahue WEEKEND GIFT BEARERS - SEPTEMBER 16/17 Wednesday, September 13 8:00 am - Poor Souls in Purgatory Sat. 5:00 pm - Mike & Linda McManus Sun. 7:30 am - Steve & Teri Hibbits Thursday, September 14 Sun. 9:30 am - Sal & Sally Caruso 8:00 am - Daria Lynn White-Gardner Sun. 11:30 am - The Liceralde Family Friday, September 15 8:00 am - Ricky Duncan Saturday, September 16 Sunday Collection - September 3, 2017 5:00 pm - Donald Thompson Sunday Offering $ 11,642 Sunday, September 17 Weekly Budget $ 12,857 7:30 am - People of the Parish Weekly Over/Under - $ 1,215 9:30 am - Maria Bullock Fiscal Year To Date - $ 10,687 11:30 am - Valarie Galvin The Ministry Schedule for October to December 2017 will be prepared during the week of September 18, 2017. Please update your availability on the Web Terminal. Thank you for your service to St. An- gela Merici Parish. From The Desk of Msgr. Matthew Mitas: REMEMBER THAT SEPTEMBER IS THE MONTH OF THE SORROWS OF MARY! “MINSITRY FAIR” We are going to have a “Ministry Fair” after all the Masses on the weekend of Sept. 30/Oct. 1. That’s what we’re calling it. What’s going to happen is that all of the various parish organizations will set up some kind of sta- tion or booth, and give everyone a chance to join the group and participate in its services. So if you’re new to the parish or have been out of the loop for a while and would like to take a more active role in the life of the Church, stop by the lunchroom after Mass that weekend and sign up! There are all kinds things going on, some of which you were probably unaware of, and you’ll do yourself and the parish a favor by being a part of it. RCIA This is the time of year when our classes for those who wish to become Catholic commence. They are, of course, known as the RCIA (Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults). If you (or anyone you know) would like to take part in them, please let me know as soon as possible. THE HARVEY FLOOD As I announced last week, we are taking up a collection to help the poor victims of the catastrophic flooding in Houston. Please put your offerings in the basket this weekend, but, by all means, if you can’t make an offering until later, then get it in whenever you can. Here’s what to do: 1) take one of your own envelopes (preferably a plain, white one) and write “HOUSTON”, or “FLOOD”, or “HARVEY” (anything that would let us know that it’s for flood relief in Houston after Hurricane Harvey); 2) write your own name and envelope number on it, too; 3) insert your offering, whether cash or check (checks should be made payable to “St. Angela Merici” – we’ll just write one check to Catholic Charities for the full amount collected, and writing your check to the parish makes it easier for us to credit you for your contribution); 4) drop it in the basket, whether this Sunday or whenever you can (the basket will not be passed twice). As you know, the devastation is enormous and many people have lost everything. Please be as generous as you can! UPCOMING EVENTS - September 28: We will honor St. Wenceslaus, patron of the Czechs, on his feast day with an evening of Czech food, including Veprova Pecene (roast pork), Goulash, Chicken Paprika (pepper chicken), Knedliky (potato dumplings), Zeli (Czech sauerkraut), Kolacky (little coffee cakes). - November: Pictures for a new parish photo directory to be taken (the last one was in ’12) -(TBD): Pilgrimage to the EWTN Network complex in Alabama. We’re working out the details now, but it should wind up being a 3-day sojourn by bus for our parishioners who would like to see and experience this vibrant and vital exercise of American Catholicism. As I’ve indicated, we have nothing planned, not even the dates for the pilgrimage, but most likely, it will be next spring. I’m reluctant to quote a price, but we’ll try to keep it to around $350. QUIZ-A-CATHOLIC This one is going to be on our local clergy, past and present; see how much you know: 1. Name all the priests from St. Louis who are now bishops of other dioceses. 2. Fr. Mitulski at St. Norbert’s was the dean of our deanery; he was just replaced by whom? 3. We have two auxiliary bishops in our diocese, one active, one emeritus : name them. 4. Name all the previous pastors of St. Angela Merici. 5. How many of the ones in #4 above are still living? 6. Name the vicars general of the Archdiocese. 7. Name the former archbishops of St. Louis who are still living. Features: CONTINUED This Week In Our Parish: 8. Who is the chancellor for canonical affairs Tuesday, September 12 of the Archdiocese? 8:30 am - Eucharistic Adoration 9. Who is the vocation director of the Archdi- 3:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Rectory Basement ocese? 10. Who is the rector of Kenrick Seminary? 7:00 pm - Benediction 7:00 pm - SVDP Meeting, Meeting Room ANSWERS: 1. Bps. Richard STIKA (Knoxville, TN), Wednesday, September 13 Michael SHERIDAN (Colorado Springs, CO), John GAYDOS 9:00 am - Quilters Meet, Rectory Basement (Jefferson City, MO), Edward BRAXTON (Belleville, IL), Ed- Friday, September 15 ward RICE (Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO), and Abps. George LUCAS (Omaha, NB), Joseph NAUMANN (Kansas 7:00 pm - Movie Night, Lunchroom City, KS), Timothy Cardinal DOLAN (New York, NY) 2. Saturday, September 16 Msgr. Mark ULLRICH (Sacred Heart, Florissant) 3. Bps. Mark 5:00 pm - SVDP Food Drive RIVITUSO (active), Robert HERMANN (emeritus) 4. Frs. Paul KERSGIETER (1962-1992), Ferdinand WESLOH Sunday, September 17 (1992-2004), Jeffrey MAASSEN (2004-08), Thomas KELLER All Masses—SVDP Food Drive (2008-14) 5. All except Fr. KERSGIETER 6. Bp. RIVI- 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts Troop 940, Lunchroom TUSO, Msgr. Dennis STEHLY, & Fr. Michael BOEHM 7. Justin Cardinal RIGALI & Raymond Cardinal BURKE 8. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR Msgr. Jerome BILLING 9. Fr. Christopher MARTIN 10. Fr. James MASON PARISH: MaryAnn Hoven, Elisabeth Cisco, Rachael Law- QUOTES OF THE WEEK son, Dorothy Martinelli, Joanne Cipolla, Mary Ka- “According to various reports, a surprisingly vanaugh, Jeff Gauthier, Barb Lehman, Lila Jones, high percentage of Muslim conversions to Christiani- Jennifer Berkbigler, Sue Pitti, Mary Dietz, Rose- ty result from a dream or vision of Jesus – the Chris- mary Licato, Donna Ahrens, Evelyn Finno, Clau- tian Jesus, that is.” – William Kilpatrick, from his dette Kazakian, Shirley Bertin, Jackie Carrol, Lisa book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad Williford, Roy Wong, Guy Henriksen, Gary & Debbie Corcoran, Augustine & Ray Porter, Marga- “Offering money to ‘Planned Parenthood’ to ret Nolte, Billie Lawson, Jim & Eileen McMullen, abandon our ‘patients’ and our ‘values’ is not a deal Dorothy Schulte, Bud Kushins, Kristine Lawson, we will ever accept.” – Dawn Luegens, executive vice- Katie Horn, Debbie Gervich, Melodie & Jim Leon- president of “Planned Parenthood” Federation of ard, Neil MacKenzie, Nancy Brennan, Carolyn America, in response to Pres. Trump’s offer to re- Humphry, Carolyn Stokes, Nancy Skelly, Jim sume funding of her organization if it stopped killing Walsh, Allison Molner, William Timken, Eugene babies & Margaret Kluge, Don Geers, Laurie Kauffman, Janice Batiste and Juluis Lawson.
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