EJMT 3(24) 2019 • European Journal of Medical Technologies The influence of cosmetics on the bacterial flora of the skin

European Journal Paweł J. Pawlica of Medical Technologies 2019; 3(24): 44-52 Copyright © 2019 by ISASDMT Doctoral Studies at the School of Medicine in Katowice, Medical All rights reserved University of Silesia in Katowice, PhD Candidate www. medical-technologies.eu of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department Published online 29.09.2019 of the Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne im. prof. K. Gibińskiego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Katowice, Poland Corresponding address: Paweł J. Pawlica e-mail: [email protected]


The human microflora is already formulated in the first minutes after birth as a result of the rapid colonization of from the mother’s birth ca- nal and those living in the external environment. The human skin is inhabited by a huge amount of microorganisms that constantly take part in the processes taking place on its surface. The number and impact of microflora is influenced by such factors as: humidity, temperature, pH, sebum content, diet, use of an- tibiotics, pro/pre /synbiotics, vitamins and other supplements. The skin has a number of mechanisms to protect it against pathogens: exfoliation, regulation of drying and release of inhibiting substances. existing on the surface Key words: of the skin colonize it unevenly, therefore their individual populations have chosen their specific niches such as sebaceous glands, hair follicles and skin skin, cosmetics, skin appendages. The use of appropriate cosmetics leads to blocking the imbalance microbiom, dysbiosis between species of skin microflora.

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Intoroduction Staphylococcus spp. in moist sites, and a significant presence of members of the phyla beta-Proteobacte- The surface of the skin is the of many spe- ria and Flavobacteriales in the dry sites [6]. cies of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The composi- Each person has their own private- like compo- tion of these organisms depends on the properties sition, structure, balance and types of skin micro- of the skin, such as humidity and temperature, the flora. This microorganisms are distributed in all skin concentration of sebaceous glands, as well as on the layers, which is lifelong qualitatively stable. Dermal host’s genetics and exogenous environmental factors. microbiota is important and basic for the skin living Metagenomic studies revealed a huge variety of skin processes as homeostasis and participates to the im- ecosystems and contributed to a new mune and protect functions. The cosmetics impact look at commensal organisms that play a much great- on host’ skin and their microorganism with benefits er role in immune regulation and health [1]. The skin like the rebalancing, the probiotic- like and the anti- is constantly exposed to endogenous and exogenous microbial effects. factors that may affect its protective function at the physical, mechanical, immunological and microbio- logical level. These factors can potentially initiate or Skin as a habitat for exacerbate skin inflammation, especially those asso- microorganisms ciated with impairment of its protective function. The skin as a protective barrier depends on the symbiotic Each of the single square centimeter of human skin relationship between the microorganisms colonizing can contain up to a billion micro-organisms. Various on it and the host tissues. Interspecific symbiosis re- organisms of bacteria, fungi, mites and viruses can sults from complex interactions associated with both lead to exacerbation of skin lesions, cause disease and innate and acquired human immune responses [2]. delay wound healing [7]. Indicate that commensal skin bacteria reduce inflam- The dominating dermal species of bacteria are: mation during wound healing [3], while activating Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bac- innate immunity and proinflammatory cytokines [4]. teroidetes [8]. Human skin is characterized by topo- The majority of skin microbes populate the stratum graphic variability of the population of bacteria in- corneum, the outermost layer of the skin. Stratum habiting it depending on the niche of their existence. corneum has a thin texture in the facial region with There is a high variability between skin microorgan- some unique functional characteristics to provide isms and the time of being within the same person hydrated skin surface with relatively poor barrier [9]. The most numerous types of bacteria that are function. However, there are differences in proper- found on the skin seem to be relatively stable, with ties of the stratum corneum and also of biophysical rarer, less abundant types of bacteria responsible for properties on the forehead, cheek, nose and peri- the variability of the entire population of microor- oral regions [5]. The normal microbial counts using ganisms. Staphylococcus, Propionibacterium and Co- culture methods typically range from 103 to 104 or- rynebacterium are varied in terms of the amount de- ganisms per square centimeter with counts reach- pending on the location on the skin [10;11]. Micro- ing a high of 106 per square centimeter in the most organisms and mites live both on the surface of the humid areas such as the groin and axilla. Washing skin and deep in the hair and glands of the skin. On the body with soap and water temporarily reduces the skin surface, bacteria such as Proteobacteria and the microbial count by an order of magnitude and Staphylococcus spp. form colonies that are deeply re- removes transient microorganisms that may be lated to each other and other microorganisms. Com- potential pathogens from the skin surface. Based mensal fungi such as Malassezia spp. grow as both on traditional culture methods, the predominant branched mycelium and single cells. Viruses live both bacteria are Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylo- freely or inside bacterial cells. Skin mites, such as De- coccus spp. in oily sites, spp. and modex folliculorum and Demodex brevis, are among

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the smallest arthropods that live in hair follicles or antimicrobial peptides/proteins (AMPs) and activate in their vicinity [12]. Very diverse bacterial groups different signaling pathways in human primary kerati- comprising as many as 734 genera were identified nocytes. Whereas secreted factors of skin commensals from the facial cheek skin. However, only seven gen- induce expression of the AMPs HBD-3 and RNase7 era (Propionibacterium, Corynebacterium, Ralstonia, in primary human keratinocytes via Toll-like receptor Burkholderia, Cupriavidus, Pelomonas and Staphy- (TLR)-2, EGFR, and NF-κB activation, those of patho- lococcus), accounting for <1% of the total number genic Staphylococci activate the mitogen-activated pro- of bacterial genera identified from the facial cheek tein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT skin, were identified as cammon bacterial groups signaling pathways and suppress NF-κB activation. in all participants. This was very low in comparison Interestingly, commensal bacteria are able to amplify to a previous study stating that 6.6% of total genera the innate immune response of human keratinocytes were identified as common bacterial groups in fore- to pathogens by increased induction of AMP expres- arm skin [13]. Natural healthy human skin surface sion and abrogation of NF-κB suppression, suggesting pH is on average 4.7, lower than currently assumed that the two activation pathways can act in a synergis- (pH 5.4–5.9). Skin with pH <5.0 is in better condition tic way [17]. than skin with pH >5.0. Growth of S. epidermidis, un- Current research on skin infectious diseases and der in- vitro acidic pH conditions (pH 4.7) and in the microbial virulence factors aims to eliminate these presence of lactate, is enhanced when compared with harmful organisms. Some pathological microbes may neutral pH, whereas growth of S. aureus is strongly also play an opposite role under the influence of en- inhibited under these acidic conditions. An acid pH vironmental changes, protecting the host. Complex seems to preserve the resident bacterial flora, where- interaction on the host- microorganism and microor- as an alkaline pH causes dispersal from the skin [14]. ganisms- microorganisms line occurring on the sur- Scientific research justifies the previously unknown face of human skin, confirm that the skin microflora physical interaction that commonly occurs between is beneficial, like the intestinal microflora. Microbes commensal bacteria and skin cells. The interaction of are involved in inflammatory diseases, but they do not skin microorganisms is particularly surprising in the always cause infections. For a clinician, understanding deep layers of the skin and superficial adipose tissue, these principles should help in the proper use of avail- areas that were thought to be free of microbes in the able systemic and topical antibiotics [18]. absence of skin damage. Therefore, bacterial products, including DNA encoding 16S rRNA genes, bacterial specific antigens and ribosomal bacterial RNA, have Cosmetics vs skin been widely detected in the subcutaneous regions of biofilm changes human skin. This is evidence of physical interaction between commensal bacteria and living skin cells in Cosmetics play an important role in the life of every its deep layers [15]. Live bacteria colonize or inhabit person who uses them. People use many different the dermis. However, the research methods used are cosmetic products every day, such as soap, sham- not able to distinguish between live and dead micro- poo, toothpaste, deodorant, perfumes or make-up bial cells. Microorganisms do not have to be viable to cosmetics. The current trend among consumers is influence the host’s immune system. Bacterial com- striving to use natural ingredients of cosmetic prod- ponents or products, including LTA, commensal mi- ucts, as many of these products show equal, better or crobial DNA, ATP and polysaccharide A, can affect additional benefits compared to chemical products host cells [16]. Different microbial signals impact on [19]. Host-specific factors such as age, place of resi- skin barrier organ function and the interdependency dence and sex contribute to the variability of the bac- between resident microflora and pathogenic micro- terial flora of the skin. The age having a significant organisms. Commensal and pathogenic Staphylo- impact on the microenvironment of the skin, deter- cocci differ in their ability to induce expression of mines the amount of colonizing microflora [20]. In

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the mother’s uterus, the fetus’ skin is sterile and its of the skin microbiome is predicted to play a role colonization occurs immediately after birth, during in the development of conditions such as atopic ec- delivery through the birth canal or shortly after birth zema and psoriasis [28,29]. In addition, the relative via caesarean section [21]. The topic of scientific re- abundance of Propionibacterium and KEGG (Kyoto search is to investigate how the bacterial flora of the Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) categories of skin and other places is colonized and stabilized in carbohydrate , membrane transport, and the first years of life. The newborn learns about his metabolism of cofactors and vitamins that were sta- environment by contacting the microbes that stimu- tistically more abundant in facial skin of high than late the maturation of his immune system [22]. Dur- low hydration group before cosmetic use decreased ing puberty, the changes in the production of sebum in a statistically manner after cosmetic use. Metabolic correspond to the level of lipophilic bacteria on the gene categories (cell motility and metabolism) skin, as observed in studies based on their culture that were more abundant in low than in high hydra- [23]. The clearly occurring physiological and ana- tion group before cosmetic use were still statistically tomical differences in the skin environment between more abundant after cosmetic use than before cos- men and women, such as sweat, tallow and hormone metic use, suggesting that skin bacterial communities production, are partially explained by differences in of low hydration group did not shift to being similar the micro-organisms between the sexes. In a recent to those of high hydration group after cosmetic use, study of the human epidermis following skin barrier although hydration levels and biophysical parame- disruption, women showed a significant greater mi- ters of low hydration group were restored to resemble crobial diversity on their hands than men, and this those of high hydration group by cosmetic use. These was linked to their less acidic skin surface and use of results suggest that bacterial communities in dry skin make-up [24]. The most important bacteria present do not shift to those in normal skin just by the in- in the armpits are Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, crease in skin hydration level using basic cosmetics Betaproteobacteria, Clostridiales, Lactobacillus, Pro- and skin hydration level may not be a critical factor pionibacterium and Streptococcus species. It has been in determining the composition of skin microbial shown that the bacteria living in the armpits are very communities [30]. There are significant differences variable organisms [24]. Greater variability of the mi- between the hydration, melanin index, and elasticity croflora was observed after the use of antiperspirant. of different age groups. Regarding the locations, fore- It could be argued that aluminum is toxic to soil bac- head had the highest melanin index, where as palm teria and interacts with bacterial DNA. On the other had the lowest value. The mean values of erythema hand, aluminum salts have a different effect on two index and melanin index and transepidermal water of the most numerous species in the axillary region- loss (TEWL) were significantly higher in males and Firmicutes and Actinobacteria [25]. Actinobacteria anatomic location [31]. For the attention deserve the were less susceptible to aluminum compared to Fir- concept of a single-molecule probiotic as a “natural” micutes. In some cases, the Actinobacteria type was method of treatment of infections caused by S. au- able to gain more dominance. Strengthening Coryne- reus in order to eradicate and prevent infections, as bacterium spp. In the axillary region may lead to the in the case of therapy that restores bacterial flora af- development of increased body odor [26]. The use of ter Clostridium difficile infection [32]. The relative antiperspirants modifies groups of axillary bacteria, abundance of typical skin bacterial groups includ- making them more rich species. Since antiperspi- ing Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus, and Coryne- rants have been used since the last century, it is sup- bacterium decreased after use of the basic cosmetics, posed that the species of bacteria they favor are not which might be due to growth of other skin bacteria commonly found in human armpits. Regardless of utilizing components of the basic cosmetics, or inhi- whether these species can interfere with the benefi- bition by the cosmetics of growth of the typical skin cial skin symbiotes, they contribute to the generation bacterial groups, or changed environmental condi- of antibiotic resistance genes [27]. The composition tions. Interestingly, after use of the basic cosmetics, is

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observed a statistically significant decrease in Propi- possibly including the genus Ralstonia was prominent onibacterium, known as a lipophilic and predominant in subepidermal compartments containing high lipid resident in sebaceous environments, and a statistical- content [36], the dominance of Ralstonia in the human ly significant increase in Ralstonia, not a core human skin microbiome was not reported until now, suggest- skin bacterial group, in facial cheek skin regardless of ing that the dominance of Ralstonia in facial cheek skin high (HHG) and low hydration group (LHG) [30]. can be used as an indicator for the use of basic cosmet- ics. Along with the growing knowledge that microflora associated with humans is an element of health and Side effects of skin cosmetics many disease processes, medical strategies targeting microorganisms are being introduced. Research is car- The skin is the largest multifunctional organ in the ried out to identify probiotic strains and prebiotics that body. It functions as a protective physical barrier by may be beneficial to skin microorganisms and, hence, absorbing ultraviolet radiation and preventing micro- to the health of the host [17]. S. epidermidis as a mem- organism invasion and chemical penetration. The skin ber of the skin microbiota has a protective effect on S. also controls the passage of water and electrolytes and aureus skin colonization. This effect, however, depends has a major role in the thermoregulation of the body, in on the integrity of the epithelial barrier and is reversed addition to its immunological, sensory, and autonomic by epithelial barrier disruption, which is often associ- function. Understanding the physiological, chemical, ated with skin inflammation. On the basis of our previ- and biophysical characteristics of the skin helps us de- ous results, with which we showed that S. epidermidis velop a proper approach for the management of skin amplifies the innate immune response in human skin diseases. However, the influence of genetic and envi- [37], in healthy skin the microbiota creates a protective ronmental factors on the skin is also critical to consider environment by immune conditioning of the epithelial [33]. Human, as a host for the organisms that make up surface toward a protective immune response. Howev- the skin microflora, has many structures, molecules er, barrier disruption generates an inflammatory envi- and mechanisms that limit temporary commensals. ronment, which itself promotes pathogen colonization They include local skin anatomy, hydration, availabil- and infection leading to suppression of the protective ity of nutrients and inhibitors of various types. Con- mechanism of skin commensals. This adverse effect of stantly living microflora is beneficial in settling nich- microbiota might be a general phenomenon in several es, regulating transient states that may have harmful inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis. and infectious effects [34]. Increased density (chronic Further studies will elucidate the signaling pathways dermatitis), reduced diversity (psoriasis), increase in involved in S. epidermidis-induced modulation of the the number of commensal organisms causing disease immune response toward S. aureus skin infection and and/ or co-infections () and changes in the envi- also the bacterial factors that trigger both the protec- ronment and colonization of unique species (chronic tive and the adverse effects [38]. The role of skin mi- wounds) can contribute to skin diseases in many ways croflora in skin aging remains unclear and is an area [7]. Although members of the genus Propionibacterium where care based on skin microflora can be promising. have the ability to metabolize triglycerides, they may It is presumed that certain metabolites produced by not utilize the oil components of the basic cosmetics in cutaneous microflora may be beneficial by regulating skin. Instead of Propionibacterium, other bacteria such an anti-inflammatory response similar to that shown as Ralstonia may be able to metabolize the oil compo- in the gastrointestinal tract [39]. This is particularly nents of the basic cosmetics. Because a member of the important in conditions where the protective barrier genus Propionibacterium, P. acnes, is known to be as- dysfunction may occur, such as: dry, sensitive and reac- sociated with acne [35]. The use of basic cosmetics may tive skin, exposure to aggressive cosmetic or hygienic be helpful to diminish the development of acne in facial treatments, after aesthetic procedures or while taking skin by decreasing Propionibacterium. Although the medications, including antibiotics and corticosteroids. order Burkholderiales of the class Betaproteobacteria Research suggests that the inclusion of prebiotics, eg.

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ceramides, niacinamide or selenium-rich thermal believed that the determination of the geometric prop- water from the thermal springs may increase the ef- erties of the chemicals may contribute to the safety fectiveness of moisturizing agents, acting on the skin’s evaluation of the chemical products. Obtainment of microflora [2]. The last 75 years have been the time of toxicological data of chemicals is a long and difficult a sharp increase in the number of food allergies and process. It is an impossible process as the animal ex- skin allergies, in which the rate of deterioration has periments have been prohibited. Since there are large accelerated in the last 5-10 years [40]. It is suggested number of chemical compounds available, it is not pos- that there are many environmental factors behind this, sible to conduct toxicological evaluation on all of them. more and more often associated with synthetic sub- Therefore, it is important to estimate whether chemi- stances contained in cosmetics [41]. It is likely that the cals are toxic through using molecular formulas [46]. exposition of normal European skin to the hygiene and It is not plausible to expect synthetic products to re- cosmetics of the 21st century [42] has changed the nat- duce biodiversity, a scenario only likely if these prod- ural environment of cutaneous microflora, especially ucts happened to be particularly powerful. However, in developed countries. The use of synthetic chemical they were both very commonly used products. Cru- components in modern cosmetics is considered to be cially, this suggests that as soon as the skin’s exposure a cause of skin microflora damage. Biodiversity of hu- to synthetic ingredients was decreased, the microbial man skin microorganisms is currently one of the most diversity and richness increased. This could be the reliable indicators of its health [43]. The skin proper- beginning of a link between exposure to chemicals ties can be influenced by changing altitude because and a repressed skin microbiome [43]. different altitudes have different environments such Therefore, we need to investigate many other fac- as air temperature, humidity, UV radiation, and so on, tors including cosmetic components, climate, and and it is also necessary to investigate the factors which change in study conditions, particularly because can influence with perceived skin condition such as preservatives such as methylparaben, one of the in- skin type and skin concerning [44]. Skin protects itself gredients of cosmetics, have high influence on skin against infection through a variety of mechanisms. An- microbiome [32]. timicrobial peptides (AMPs) are major contributors to cutaneous innate immunity, and this system, combined with the unique ionic, lipid, and physical barrier of the Summary epidermis, is the first-line defense against invading pathogens. However, recent studies have revealed that The human skin is inhabited by a permanent, tran- our skin’s innate immune system is not solely of human sient or temporary microflora. Constantly living mi- origin. Staphylococcus epidermidis, a major constituent croorganisms are in a dynamic balance with the host of the normal microflora on healthy human skin, acts tissue, and the microflora can be considered as an as a barrier against colonization of potentially patho- integral component of the skin. The vast majority of genic microbes and against overgrowth of already pres- these microorganisms is gram-positive and located ent opportunistic pathogens. Our resident commensal on the surface of the skin [33]. Cosmetics that are microbes produce their own AMPs, act to enhance the formulated to reduce microbial abundance such as normal production of AMPs by keratinocytes, and are deodorants or germicidal soaps may differ in their beneficial to maintaining inflammatory homeostasis impact on the numbers and diversity of the skin mi- by suppressing excess cytokine release after minor epi- crobiota by site of application, whereas moisturiz- dermal injury [45].Chemicals used in cosmetics must ers that help retain the water content may support interact with the enzymes for their consumption after the skin microbiota and reduce skin cell shedding. entering our bodies. The area at which the interaction A more complete understanding of the interaction realizes on the enzyme is known as the active center. of cosmetics with the microbiota may improve skin This center is three dimensional and optically active. care [47]. The main goal of scientific research will be Considering the properties of the active regions, it is to understand the components of microorganisms

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and their impact on homeostasis and predisposition a large proportion of the skin microbiota, little is un- to diseases [48]. The possibilities of research and ex- derstood about the rare or transient organisms making periments broaden our horizons to consider the con- up the balance. It is unclear what factors drive varia- cept of a “cosmetic microbiome” that can affect the tion in these organisms, and how fluctuation is associ- skin-intestine-brain relationship [49], thereby lead- ated with skin disease. Metagenomic analysis to eluci- ing to the design of innovative cosmetics and percu- date the full complement of microbial genes and their taneous medications. The cosmetics potential of the functions should provide insight into these questions future can create a satisfying look and improve the [50]. Identifying specific microbial community struc- well-being of consumers [47]. This can be used in the ture patterns of the human skin microbiota associated future to check the effectiveness of cosmetics or their with disease will identify new potential intervention ingredients for skin health [43]. measures for improving health. It is anticipated that A healthy host’ microflora may cause minor and exploration of this new and different approach to hu- transient dermatological problems. Therefore, topical man health will provide insights into disease etiology, products should have little or no effect on the ecology management, and prevention [51]. of the microflora [33]. Scientific research in the future The use of appropriate cosmetics leads to proper should seek an answer to the question how changing regulate inbalance between species of skin microflora lifestyle, environment and even medical practices af- (dysbiosis). New technologies in microbiological re- fect human microbes. Further research in this area searchs helps to develop substances that have a pro- may provide some key information on how changes tective and therapeutic effect on the skin microflora. in microflora contribute to disease progression and Such substances are used to treat and minimize the symptoms. This creates the prospect of manipulating side effects of cosmetic, hygienic and sensitive skin microflora to develop new therapeutic strategies [7]. care. Hence, maintaining the right balance between Characterization these microbial communities has beneficial and pathogenic organisms correlates with enhanced our knowledge of the ecology of organisms the condition and appearance of the skin. present in normal skin; furthermore, studies have be- gun to bring to light the intimate relationships shared References between host and resident microbes. In particular, it is apparent that just as host immunological factors and 1. Chen YE, Tsao H. The skin microbiome: current behaviors shape the composition of these communi- perspectives and future challenges. J Am Acad ties, microbes present on the skin greatly impact the Dermatol. 2013;69(1):143-155. functions of human immunity. Thus, today the skin 2. Baldwin HE, Bhatia ND, Friedman A, et al. The Role immune system should be considered a collective mix- of Cutaneous Microbiota Harmony in Maintaining ture of elements from the host and microbes acting in a Functional Skin Barrier. J Drugs Dermatol. 2017 a mutualistic relationship [52]. Although human skin is Jan 1;16(1):12-18. 3. Lai Y, Di Nardo A, Nakatsuji T, Leichtle A, Yang Y, constantly exposed to a variety of potential pathogenic Cogen AL, et al. Commensal bacteria regulate Toll- microorganisms, it gets only rarely infected [53]. Fur- -like receptor 3-dependent inflammation after thermore, human skin is selectively colonized by com- skin injury. Nat Med. 2009;15:1377-1382. mensal bacteria, especially by S. epidermidis, whereas 4. Lai Y, Cogen AL, Radek KA, Park HJ, Macleod DT, S. aureus is only rarely found on healthy human skin Leichtle A, et al. Activation of TLR2 by a small [54]. Molecular approaches to characterizing micro- molecule produced by Staphylococcus epi- bial diversity have dramatically changed our view of dermidis increases antimicrobial defense aga- the skin microbiome, subsequently raising many im- inst bacterial skin infections. J Invest Dermatol. portant questions about the host- microorganism rela- 2010;130:2211-2221. tionship and its relevance to skin disease. Although it 5. Lee MR, Nam GW, Jung YC, Park SY, Han JY, Cho is now clear that several dominant organisms (that is, JC, Suh KD, Hwang JK. Comparison of the skin bio- Staphylococcus and Propionibacterium spp.) constitute physical parameters of Southeast Asia females:

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