
P A O t t W E L V l SATURDAY. MARCH ,15. 1962 ATcract Daily Nai Praaa Run Phr tha WeMi BnaWg . TMWwthtr ||tm rl|?Bter lEw ntog .diji.jkMmmmTb r-aemptc' • Jtm r ■ ’-"-2*.... >' A horn* life andJ get a balf-way de- Partly etaagy taal^t, 9m cent nifht'e aleep. They have Cartner^s Nameg ~T0;506“ “ A b o u t T o w n PreiNU« for Fashion Show had countleea “emergency" calls GOSMETICS Ntmhar af tha Aaili Nat aa aaid tonight little eh ".'Ii'> ..1 r ■' • ^ ' ' !.' U iUmt LtMcucn o f t)M Eituui- Heard Along Main Street in the wee hours of the morning Prizewinners WE OARBT AIX Rnfena at Ctfwlatlina ta ttaipBtatare Taeadey. 8 f tMl UiUMraa Cburch a n nmUxled that have turned out to be cases LEADING BRANDS Mmcheuer—‘A CUy of VUlage Charm V of tka aMtUnc tomorrow night in And on Some of Monche»ier*B Side Street$, To*> of over-eating or Just plain imsg- tha church vaatry at 7 o'clock. ination. Most of .them are al­ Door prise winners in Gartner’s lArthir d n g Sftretl Membars of tha Pn-conflrmatlon ready over-wofked and put ib Second Anniversary Sale held late YOL. LXXI, NO. 142 (ClaaMfM Advartiting an Paga U ) ^lANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 17,1952 many more hours each day than last week were announced today. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS l«agu a wUl be guaata for the eve* Trinity ChapeJ j Chapel treasury are the mitre and nlng. A filmatrlp, “And with Thla la generally realised. The drawing was held Monday. Some day when you're out for n clock of Samuel Seabury, flrat And there are vary few do^ The wiimera are: Mrs. George Ring," dealing with tha problem drive, atop in at Trinity College ■ American Bishop, o f mixed marrtagea, will be ihown tors in town, wa believe, who a s rk c, 120 West Center street, a and see the chapel, which is said “The friendship of college life would not answer an emergency 53 pleea dinner eet; Mrs. Arthur and then diacuaaed. Following an to be one of the moat unusual col; is worked into the north chapel call. But those very few who Peck, part Hill road. RockvIUe, .a Ease Metal Curbs Ford U A W Important buatneaa ;^meetlnar the lege chapels In tha country, S ince :.called T h a-ta>epel of TOe Per f e t aound film, “ Play Ball with the have d«T«toped"k icstd, impar sandwich grill; M rs.. Ann Klein' its completion...... in 1932,.... the ‘ chapel ■ iFriendahlp. A-- baptismal — ------font/ont and mercenap' attitude are cer­ F l t M l Yankcea,” will be ahown. Refreah- has drawn hundreds of tourists an­ -^t the. er‘ achmldt, 45 Drive D, a waffle iron; it the. entrance aymbollrea en­ tainly doing 'a g;;eat disservice to Mrs. D. Fraser, Coventry, an iron; manta will be aerved, after which nually. trance to Christian friendship. DEVELOPED AND Chiefs Give -tha-offlcen will-hold a brief meet** the medical profession. and Joyce Condlin, 32 Highland Off DecisiemH — According to a public relationa PRINTED Fraternity flags hang....overhead We hope that the new emer­ fStreet, a 20 piece breakfast set. tng. All Leaguera and their frienda release from the college, the near six windows depicting fam­ gency phone system Just intro­ are Invited to attend thia meeting. chapel la one of the most beautiful Winners of automatic electric 24 HOUR SERVICE ous friendship in college history d u c e In Manchester wll|, elim­ pm oU tora were Barbara Bailey, U p Control gothic structures in the nation. and literature, such as' Damon inate ' any such incidents In the ‘ Film Deposit Box Washington, March 17— ? Fleiachmann said the shift in "In the pew ends and. paneling and Pythias, Bm^aon and Thor- J|kuil.Qlutonbuty: Audiy .Gilmore,. Membera of the American Le­ future. The system ts designed 151 School street; Mrs. E. J. Con- ~ Al“S!dTeEnlrance! (fl^TRe govarnment said gion Auxiliary are reminded of the is a notable, collection of wood- I eau, Virgil and pante. The main to provide a 'doctor for Just such carvinga of college life, ecclesiaa- ■ window is a ^ s a masterpiece of netL 82 Winter street; Mra 'J. today it has aubatantial , expansion for defense, Detroit, March 17— — meeting Monday night at 8 o'clock emergencies as the one described Clark, 272 Charter Gsk street; snd In the downataira auxiliary room tlcal aymbollsrh, and Americana ,lhe frlendshlpr of the A|x>8tlea at here. The telephone number of amounts of steel, copper.A n d { U a steel strike comes off, as Peacefully and without any by J. Gregory„Wiggtna of nearby Janice Pstraitia, 283 Green road. KEMP'S at tha poetJmme. _...... the Last Simper. -tha Manchester Emergency Mey -credit-controls are-likely-to-maks j»f. the Jocal'a management.- ...... - cOiiie home. He told reporters Dwight _D,._Ei8.enhawer_ home_ .about anlmaja autlLaa^ the. R«mnra_ cdura"Tar"Tnun The The American Legion annual a fish that held ftp ships caught in ' 'W'eTT.' We 'Tieard onii-fHe other iipThefe'THey baveTd"Buy's'meni- Caimafidns have been painted 8ALGH Is Your thc Federal Communications com­ curbs on new home building necea- Only yesterday the International he got no answer. to testify on the 17,900,000,- birthday relebration tonight will stormA. the Phoenix flslng from its da.v. It sounded rather fantastic. his uppers hsd bitten the dust. beiiahip card. It ia certainly add­ green for years. This season the mission. which has put a ban on fired five minor officials of the Hoffman, one of the general's Only painful part of the whole ing insult to injury w’hen per; MT 000 foreign aid bill. begin promptly at 8:30 with din­ ashes, and the Salamander which A man had suddenly collspsed at color is deeper than ever, Sweet building of new TV facllltlea. (Oontinned on Pngs Four) local. chief aiipporters . for the real, The matter was left up in ner aerved by the Garden Grove can pass unscathed through fire. I his home. A neighbor immediately episode: There wias still seversl in-, fectly new clothes are stolen up peae take kindly to the artificial dency, said hr told the Supreme stallmentS due on the choppers, After the action against the top caterem; Congressman James T. ,"A rose window by the late Karl went to the phone to call a doctor. there ail the time and most of it green color. They have’ even offleers, one o f the latter, William Allied Commander of concern in the air—open to possible later Patterson, from the Fifth Connec­ Sanborn is the moat noted of the In fact, the rumor .claimed, "she goes on simply because our town "painted the Illy". One florist dls- LESSONS R. Hood, recording secretary, said th e' United States that his nomi­ consideration. had to call five doctors before she Ronkings At The Rees ticut Congressional District who stained gla.sa windows of the officials close their eyes to it. pla.ve a stunning, large bouquet of he would not "physically give up nation might he "put tn Jeopardy" However, the group voted down could get one to come ou t" p la also a Marine veteran of World Chapel. It changes color during W rPCPivrd this week a letter shrug,' snd say they can do noth­ calla lilies, the large, white bloa- • DRAWING my office.” Hood Mid he would re­ if he does not return before the 7 to 5 a propoMl that Eisenhower Since the alleged incident hap­ War n, will . he the principal the day from a blue In the morn­ from a Manchcaler mother who i» ing about It. some appear to be hand-painted • PAINTING State Business Index fuse to “abjectly surrender with­ Republican convention, in July. be simply "invited" to state his speaker. Judge William Shea of ing to a brilliant crimson and gold pened about 4' p. m. on a week day, ineenxecL at the continual stealing "For a few doliara a week, they with green tints. St. Patrick’s day out counsel with my membership.'' He Mid, after a aeries of con­ views. Senator Wiley (R.. Wla.) the S u^rior Cdurt will serve aa In the afternoon. we didn't think it could have too that la going on in the locker could have a high achool boy po­ carda sport greener decorations • COMPOSITION Apparently, however, Hood ferences with Elsenhower over the made tbl8'4hotlon as a substitute toastmaster. “ .Set into the masonry of the much basis in truth. Plenty of rooms of the town’ s recreation lice these locker rooms. They than ever beftnre. Down, No Slump Seen made no effort to resist. week end, that he knew aa little for a proposal by Senator McMa­ Chapel are stories from famous tiortnrs around. during the we'ek.- buildings. This particular mother could install a system something BEHER DEAL Jack Conway, chief assistant to about Elaenhower's plana In thia hon (D., Conn.) that the general places all over the world: a square On this rumor. fortunatAy, we is burned up only because of the like a hat-check system, giving a Endoraed ALL MEDIUMS UAW President Walter Reuther respect as' he did before he got be aummftned th testify. given bv the people of CVechoslo- were able to track down the source. filching of clothes, but more There la a aign on a Main PONTIAC DEALER boy a ticket when he puts his Hartford, March 17— )—Tlie State Development commis- and who was assigned to Stellato’s here. The committee had a warm, vakla from which John Huss V\ e found-that it was an exag’gera- serious thefts have taken place at atreet auto dealer building that C A U 4f01 (iP office. Mid none, of the four offi­ Not Coaeeraed Hon of the facta or. at least, that clothes in the locker room. Keep I . ( » III* r r» i't '1 -Ml I Rion.said today that although Connecticut’s business index is hour-long discuMion behind clob^ preached Ih 1415, a fragment of the recs. a boy on duty to hold the other is an eye-catcher. The ‘ adver­ cers tried to stop the move. Hoffman, former chief of the doors. the great waU of China, a lozenge the rumor wtbs misleading. But We know, for example, that tisement Is to the effect that the down slightly for the first quarter of 1952 “this does not mean After a Joint conference Con­ w;e also found that the rumor ap­ half of this stub, and if any boy Economic Cooperation Admini­ Ooauaoalat priaowirs of war leave little doabt aa to whe their boM It by diepU.ving poeter ef Stalla Following it, McMahon tonk tha from Canterbury Cathedral, a wallets and money and watches approachea the locker room with­ car is "endorsed." But, the word that a slump is starting.” “The drop merely points to a level­ way said hla group had begun stration and now chairman of the Mayan carving, and a pebble from parently had a disturbingly large have also disappeared at various is spelled "indorsed." We looked working with the four individual­ during poUtleal demoaetratleaa at a UN prisea eempaaad la Seutk Korea. (NEA Telephoto)). Senate floor to eay he had pro­ element of cold, impersonal truth out being able to show a ticket, ing off of bualneaa activity," said <------phlIanthiV>pic Ford Foundation, posed that Elsenhower be called the hill where Christ delivered the times. Owners of the stolen PUT HIM OUT, and give the boy it up yesterday to see if the algn- ly, "transferring responaibilltiea Sermon on the Mount, In the in it. the commission. “Moreover. In-; n -w 1 ■ said he personaUy did not share back only because he felt the gen­ articles were careless enough not on duty authority to throw out by maker was wrong or we were. and functions." the concern of the general's We spoke to the neigfibor. He Webster tells us both are correct, formation now at hand indicates I ^ fgx g x I I IT g f 11 fit'I* V eral’s testimony "1* essential'' to to check their vslushles. They force, if necessary, anyofte who that a quick recovery to the high- j R .1 1 1 A U 9 1 .A J The six-member administrative backers, but .that he felt it hia said that he had, in fact, called were sorry they didn't^ The sad but "endorsed" is more common avert sharp cuta in the foreign aid doe.an't belong there, or who can't er side la probabie." iO m »1 %T ! • « . board was instructed to take over duty to acquaint Eisenhower with bill. five doctors. He said fhsL on part of it is that most of tjie in this country. D o You K now— Italian Leads prove, by hia ticket, that he ia the Ford local by the UAW Ex­ Doctor 1. the line w as busy. Doc­ The agency said its composite y © r C l ' l C l it Gall Morris Charge U N He assured the Senate that his thieves are apparently very young. there for legitimate reasons. Index of trade indicatora showed ecutive Miard^fter witneMes tes­ Hoffman met the general for an tor 2, wasn't In. Doctor 3 was But where clothes are eoneemed Wanna Bet ? 7 ? request "is not designed, ^tailoiM "Furthermore, any mother who Connecticut busineaa off four- n i l 1 tified before the House un-Ameri­ hour here this morning, remained Irish in Hub or purposed as a scheme" in any St his home and refused to leave, it's a different matter. Everyone Television has opened up a new You foe eon sewo menty by getting your can activities committee here that Doctor 4 was in the midat of permits her son to ..bring'. home avenue for friendly wagers on ^ x - fpr ;iunc|), then scheduled a later way connected; with the political. can''l owTi a private locker, and glosBot at Union OpHeol Co. as compared‘’L.i with th'e L"„first month , -Due 1 hursaay Ooimmunists' had "infiltrated ’ th'e meeting with tha general this aft- on Planea Hit office hours and said he would T-hfck hill ‘•’fT don’t belong to ing and wregtltng shows. _.E vjM1 l^ton, March 17—(Al—Thou- fortiinea of any Presidential can- _n<^her-ean-one-' _ _ :Jx':Jnst--xxr.j«ttty-*r-m“nT--Ffv<^ ,*.;r^,f;u4a5L*-aii)iU«d- ernoea*—-TMe-nrarnbiga meeting, emne-ovw-after-he was-fhroiigh.- uhiief l'fie p re se t seK 'No 6KF fo-llie-’ndn -RgKRnir^fiiv "lilfei'7 flrat time since the Korean war Rctlona by the local'a general coun­ m d rb f iteitaoHair-K^^^ (He never did show up. I Doc­ mother is familiar enough with to "bet a jit" with hia buddy, there . Washington, March 17— tJP) he aaid, was spent chiefly in listen­ aa many non-Irish—crowded into McMahon said his speech was should he required to "buy'' a her son's or daughter's clothes, to Sorvieo at Union Optical is the best in atarted that the percentage has ‘ The-steel labor dispute headed to­ cil. ing to the general talk about the designed to “ say to my friend h o m e c o m f o r t tors 3 and 4 both advised, as far t locker Just to insure that he will now is the chance to pich a win- [ The - five fired (rfficers none South ^aton today to celebrate F O W ^ i T e know when that boy or girl has dropped below that of the corre­ day into a wee!: of crisis with the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ (Elsenhower) that there ia no po­ as the neighbor could recall, that find hi's clothes when he gels ner. How often have you heard -town. St. Patrick'! day. sponding month o f the previous ' Industry planning to start ahut- tion and European defense. litical consideration" behind the n the family doctor be contacted. thrqugh his exercise and shower. brought home something that isn’t "I'll take the guy In the left hand It was also the 176th annlver- (The neighbor tiidn'i have the his or her's. She certainly isn’t year. ting, down Tuesday in anticipation (Coattaaed ea Paga Fo«r) He said he made hU political Washington, March 17— move, but “a conviction that Gen­ So, dear readers, the situation corner and you get the right." I o: • •••"• ...... aary of Evoeuatlon Day—when the Munaan, Korea. Mitch 17 MORIARTY Bros sjiRhtest idea who the family doo- doing much to encourage honesty AR worii (kNM at Unioii Optical Co. is • Not Doing Badly Lot a'atrike at midnight Sunday. statements to the general during (A>) —Government cleanup eral Blaenhower will really be em­ does exist. To what degree, we —A Non. “ Smaller monthly gaina'ahd per­ Brltlah-were driven from Boston- -

—<^(nnmunlst truce 3 I b CENTER ST Tor, was,I Tloctor 5 came imme­ in her child. Some loss of steel, sorely need­ dinner at the general's house Sat^ man Newbiold Morris, fresh but nobody quite knowe where to ' negotiators today acctised the barrassed" if the big foreign aid diately. don't know. We Imagine there are guorontood. haps some losses should be ex­ ed by both defense and civilian in­ urday night. . He had preceded program is drMtically cut. many people who wouldn't report "The parents in town support from' one investigation in draw the llqe on celebrating. BabyUind T E I b 1 3 b The neighbor aaid he told all these centers, and they should pected in early 1952,’f the agency dustry, seemed inevitable because 2 Boxing Oubs them, he redbunted, with a atate- UN command ot carryiiw out AVith Eisenhower a leading poa- the theft of a pair of socks or of atated. which he verbally slugged it While there's no question tVe a (he rioclors that it was an emer- have the courage to DEMAND Como in and hove Mr. Christonsen adjust the atoef-fiiaksra wanted 4* - be ment that ha expected . no com- double holiday, -yeu'd never know another “criminal” aerial it- albltlty for the RepiibUcah Preai- ■genev,' that the man had col- an undershirt or a sweater. But that this thievery be stopped. "Whan one racalla that the busi­ sure their blast furnaces 'wefe immtt and HM' geaeral consequent­ out with Senators, was dentlal nomination, the Benatan no matter how widespread, the ness level for the first six months Held Monopoly it was onythtm but Ml lWRitk l ttWr •■=ttf'I^lf^8oner of war KEMP'S, Inc. FUEL OIL lap.sed with some kind of a spell, Irate -Mother. your glossOs froo of chorgo. ^ emptied of hot metal in advance ly made none. booked today for another day in South Boston—where most camp in North Korea. atanding out against calling him that he was apparentlv serlouslv situation is a poor one. Perhaps of 1951 was up by nearly 18 per of any stoppage. home made it plain, they were con­ some psrents should start watch­ Three Mala Palate within a month. of the city's Irish live— from the The Reds said a British soldier TSt Mala SL—Blaachester ill. 3 R easons cent, it's easy to see that, even cerned that might inject the for­ ing Junior just a Il.ttle more close- with a fractional minus in January, Expect New Delay Hoffman Mid he made these Sen. McCarran (D., Nev.) an­ touches of green everywhere. was woundet^ when an Allied plane The Information aa we received In one local family where there Philip Murray, head o f bpth the IBC o f N. Y., lUinois three main points: nounced he will call Morris be­ And there was marching and eign aid into politics. It still isn f'fool-proof. The doc­ l.v- , commerce and Industry in Con­ strafed a camp near Changaong Well, now we ll let this "Irate are three children the parenta CTO and the strike-threatening 1. He is convinced from his fore his Senate Judiciary commit­ before dawn Sunday. Senator George (D-Ga) told a re­ tors may have misunderstood the have a good reason to decline ac­ necticut were not doing badly at steelworkers union, withheld ac­ Cited in Civil Action (Oontlaued ea Page Four) porter he voted against the Wiley Mother " present her case. ail.” visit to New Haropahire, which tee "before the Easter receM” to A second group of negotiators neighbor or vice versa. The ceptance to invitations th join the tion until Thursday on a request gave Elsenhower 14 votes tn the tell under oath whether he ever propoMi because he didn't want to THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB neighbor wasn't sure whether Doc- , "For years our town officials "A year ago," It pointed out, Filed by Justice Dept. working bn truce supervision be­ parent-teacher associations each by the Wage Stabilization board GOP nominating convention, that WM associated with (Jommunist gan the thorny Jpb of picking five '.‘embarrass" Eisenhower. He said tor 3 was at his home or at hla and police department and recrea­ child attends a different school. Union O ptical Co. “defense contraets, • employment, (WSB) for a new strike postpone­ “political controversy” would he offire, etc. -* tion cehter workers have closed production. construction and New York, March 17—(Ah—The “there ia a deepening conviction front activities. porta of entry for troops and ma­ ment. among a great number of people oertaln tt hlBT9A0HRDHRDRD But other information makes us their “eyes to the petty thieving 641 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TEL; 2-3128 ‘scare buying’ ^were, all' galloping international Boxing Clubs of Rep. Potter (R., Mich.) has told Dublin Honors terial on each side o f the battle R eal Green Murray already has put off that he ia the man who if .elected the House in a speech that. Mor­ line following Oommunist ac­ certain to surround any appear­ believe that such hn unfortunate that goes on at both the East Side The flori.sts have certainly out­ at top speed,. Only the rate of In- New York and Illinoia were ercase has now slowed down. strike plans three times since Jan. charged today with conspiring to President can take ua a very great ris came to the government clean­ ceptance of a UN "package deal” ance of the general here. ; Situation has existed In Manches- Rec and the West Side Rec. Some done themselves this season with, B.u.sine.ss was not bad in January. 1. Government officials said they monopolize the profeMional cham­ way down the right road." up Job with "a sordid background" St. Patrick in Sunday. Similarly, Sen. H. Alexander t.cr- >Ve know- that police on years hack my brother had a 150 their St. Patrick's Day flowers. Tt “just didn't vault quite as high, believed he will do so again. pionship boxing business in the of asaoclatlon with Communist An Allied staff officer slid ap­ Smith (RTj<(Y 1 said he felt the mo­ several occasions have received Hamilton watch stolen at the East Thursday ia the same day the by inches, as it did a year back.” United States^ The Department of (Coatlaned ea Page Eight), front groups. Potter Mid this is proval of the five-point * plan tion would jput Eisenhower “ on a night calls from people who said Side and at the West Side any boy WSB has fixed as its target date poliUcai spot.” / "As a matter of deep-frozen Justice Complaint was made In a recorded in the files of the House 2jWile Pin-ade represented "the most progress In they "couldn't get a doctor to who is playing basketball or en­ for getting out recommendations "While it would be only an invi­ come out " and whn requested aid. gaging in an.v sport whfre he has fact,” the report continued, "the civil action in Federal court. f un-American Activltlea commit­ two months." WISE.REPLIES for settling the complex dispute Owners of the clubs, James D. tee. ------——------tation from the committee, it EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Police are powerles.s in siich cir- to leave his clothes in the locker January index w as dragged down invftiving Murray's demands for Dublin, Ireland, Match 17—(A')-* Chinese Col. Tsai Cheng-wen would be in effect a summons and cumsLancek since they can t -force room—usually, comes hark to A nd ....by-«nly-one Tactor.-BuHdlng-per- Norris-of-.Ncw_.YQrk ..and .Arthur.1 tery Shots ______Oulx-for_McGialb-______aaid -the- AUied-plana epenbd fire CTARTIN«rAT frrW HHARP^ ari“ I8'“^ ‘ cenTlibirrly pay 'hobat “and“ M. Wirtz of Chicago, and the Air “over Inland the ceVehnillbna it "might' “embarrass' the' geheril^’' ii doctor to answer a call, but new shirts and underclothes have mils were o ff 42.8 per cent In a score of Ouier items. The steel­ Morris hM vigorously dented he on the Changbong prison ‘ camp Smith told a reporter. 20 REGULAR GAMES—3 SPECIALS they have done their best to lo­ been taken, and replaced with old number and about the same de­ Madison Square Boxing Corpora-! ever conacioualy had anything to honoring St. Patrick started early despite “conapicious markings'' on workers presently eafn a little un­ tion o f New York also were named Sen. Sparkman (D., Ala.), told cate a doctor in such situations raggedy ones. • gree in value Cbnatnlctlon figures, der 12 an hour. Puzzle Police do with Communist front groups. today. the tents. He admitted, under ques­ a reporter that the committee snd appa-entlv have siireeeded "The parents tn this town sup­ one of the few indicators now defendants. In a recent letter to Sen. Mundt Thousands of shamrock wearers tioning, however, that the camp Murray told the WSB yesterday seemed "pretty w ell. agreed that Many factors enter into such port these recreation • centera available for February,. show ■ a The charges wCre announced by (R., 8D ), who questioned him in their holiday best trooped into was not lighted. » that the decision on whether tq It doesn't want to get politics In­ s Situation. Doctors are only through their taxes, and in addi­ substantial recovery in that Melvin C. Williams, chief of the Political Foeis Clash about it, Morris Mid he is “not a the Capitol Ijere from 'nearby vil­ strike or -not will be up to the Department of Justices anti-Truat Cbarge'Maeeeere volved in thia matter." human. They have \n have a tion it their children want to go month, however. The combined subversive individual." lages and farms, seeking the best When the committee session building permit total for both union's 200-n.an policy committee, division...... In Philadelphia Over places to watch the two-mile pa­ •*(It must be fiercely pointed In other developments: out," Tsai said, “ that while your broke up, Ghairman C^onnaUy (D.. months will be closely comparable which has been called into session Charge Conapiracy rade down famed O’Connell street. •ARROWS here Thursday. Murray pledged Bullets and Blonde 1. Morris said in an addrsM be­ side has masMcred continually Tex.), announced only that it had with last year’s.” The defendants are accused of fore a New York Episcopal group The parade here was the island's that' ffia union will give the new conspiring to restrain and monop­ longest, loudest—there were half and at will the captured personnel been decided to delay action on Employment Up yesterday that he will send out McMahon's motion. ALUMINUM COMBINATION strike-delay plea "serious con­ olize championship boxing bouts. Philadelphia, March 17—(Ah — a dozen bands—and greenest. On ■Of our aide . . . your .side has car­ Except for construction and re­ ried out successive bombing and tail trade, all January Indicators sideration.'' The clubs, of w’hich Norris is Two old political foes had a new y a smalier scale, there were cele­ STORM AND SCREEN WINDOWS (Contlaoed on Page Two) strafing against the captured per­ (Coatinaed on Page Fourj gained over last year’s, the com­ The union probably will have president, are the chief promoters algument today—this time over brations in every other, town and sonnel o f your side . . . for these mission stated. Total employment had a peek at the WSB's findings of professional championship box­ a mystery shooting that Involved village. PER WINDOW COMPLETE before it makes up its mind. As ing matches in the country. successive criminal acts, your up to TREE SPRAYING YOU CAM TRUST 'was up 3.1 per cent, and manufac- bullets, broken glass and a blonde. President Sean T. O'Kelly and foiVsWISE BUYS things stand now, Murray is em side, bears grave j-esponslbility to­ 88" \ 88" YOUR TIRES WHEM Wllllsms M i d they promoted or Former Republican City Chair­ members of the government led by .turlng workefs in Connecticut in- powered to call a walkout at any participated in the presentation of ward our side and the people of openings NOT______A _____ PLASTIC SCREEN t h e y 'r e R E C A I - ^ E O crca.sed 3.6 pei* cejit although in­ man William F. Meade._47, _ w a s Prime Minister Eamon de Valera, — Hacc-.voiitm'der nmv. for the spraying of yotir time, xfter midnigbt-.Sunday. The about 9a per cent of all champion- the-whole-world-i-r-::------B V U S . O NLY dustrial “ “ehiplo'yment ““thro’u^ o u t W'ounded in' the “ sho6ttng““yea“ter;' New&Tidbite headed"‘Dubttn'a^cotorfnl" ■process B u l l e t i n B ^ and shrubs. Evergreen, lilacs, fruit trees and numer­ .HIGH Q U A U T V l Union has made Strike prepara­ ahip contests since 1949. Tm I's statement referred to two Delivery In 10 Days or Less. Call For A Free Home Demunstrxttali' the country dropped fractionally. day. He_claimed he suffered cuts Sion, which also featured a display C O U D tions but no formal strike call has Norris and Wirtz. together with Culled from AP Wirw of Irish manufactures. bloody riots at the UN Koje from the AP Wires ous other plantings'should have a dorment spray to .R U B B E R Gains were registered by such gone out yet. the Madison Square Garden Cor- of the ear lobe, neck- M d a finger important indicators as freight TTie march was to end at the Island prison camp. Thursday, 12 Tel. Manchester 15 USf f P / from flying glsM when an imiden- North Korean prisoners^ o f war control the .scple Insects. Pruning, cahlin^,^ surgery rarloadinga (1.1 per cent), indus­ city’s Cathedral of St. Mary, where (Continued on Page Four) (Oontlnued op Page Poor) UAmI asMtlant fired three shots Strike 'of 2,250 MasMchusetta were killed and 26 wounded. Feb. JOHN SABLITZ 2-2027 and removals are also expertly handled. BOX MOUNTAIN, VERNON trial and commercial use of elec­ r through a window of a mid-town Archbishop John McQuaid was to DENIES NEW TRIAL bus drivers on two major lines in sing a maM honoring ’the saint n , 75 Korean civilian - internees tricity (7.1 per cent), and checks' Philadelphia hotel Bridgeport, March 17—(AV-- Also: Aluminum Combination Storm and Screen Doors 6 room Colonial, breezeway, 2 car garage, tile lava­ drawn on Connecticut banks (4.3 second week with little hope for who brought Christianity to Ireland were killed and 129 were wounded. Judge Jamee E. Murphy of NazoM Woman quick settlement. . . . State Rep. almost 1.700 years ago. T m I lodged a strong protest per cent). Democratic District Attorney Superior Court here demed to-, tory and bath, hot water heat, lot ISttic 300; Shown by Busines.y- failures were 60 . per Arthur E.’ B. Tanner announces Football and other sporting Sunday declaring “such barbarous day a petition for a new trial far Richardson Dilworth said "on the hla support of ..Prescott Bush for CARTER TREE EXPERT CO. appointment anytime. Price $26,500. cent fewer and their liabilitlea 33 Survive Siiowslide, events were planned thia after­ maaaacrea would' not be further Fnuicia C. Smith, 26. of Darien,. basts of Information I have receiv- Republican senatorial nomination. were 71 per cent lesa.^The average noon ,apd scores of dinners and tolerated." aeateDord to die April 21 for COMPLETE TREE SERVICE ed. Meade was shot by MIm Vlr- __Soviet__Press carriea reports jlanc«s-were.-on—the-scliedule—fOF- IT. S. Army authorities___said. PRECISIOIL^IPMEIII^ —price— Df^—Connectient— Induatriai- ginia^CarroIl in the lobby of the froiih North Koreir that “certain '‘ stocks was up .4.8 per cent. tonight. Thursday's riot began when Com- Smith WM convicted of flrat TEL. 749S WALTER OLSPN. RL^ NevrStornr NearsUidif; Minerva Hotel. It seems perfect­ western jurists" have confirmed St. Patrick’s flag—a red diag­ muniat war. prisoners and a group degree murder by a Jury June .7, .. . Retail tcade. o ff 5 per cent, was ly clear to me that the-rtiots were eye-wltncM Red charges, that atm competing with 1951 “scare onal cross on white background— of-'xobjKeratlve prisoners began' ' 1S50, for the'shooUiTg' o f Grover’ ' TELEPHONE .MANCHESTER 3084 WE SreOlflLIZE IN TEST and REPAi R OF fired froin inside the lobby.” Americana are using germ war­ buying” aa well as with a "public flew over the Mansion hunae* offi- hurling stones at one .another, 8. Hart, 68. night wntehmw;, Bishop, Calif., March 17.— (API— -ed by his play pen and a hMvy . Inspector John T. Murphy of fare there. . . . Syrian government penchant for pushing its dollars week-end o f wild weaunler ' in chair. during a burglary at the ladlaa Philadelphia police told a reporter creates five' qlaaaes of a w a r d a (Coatiaoed oa Page nght) ((Matianed qa Page Eight) Haitwr Yacht CInb oh July 13, BENERRTORS. 8TORTER MOTORS. .thiwvqih,'*, >*nk. w V,*,It'd 11,0. iiBo ..ivartas ..xuoe ..aw.epr. .away »way w — ,------fnua,.|poth'en ha^ ..(K 4hat“riigMHw-the rescue of -aff'pCT----thc kitchen ‘dnd f lont^'rtxiW'ttf’jS m r 'MlliMW purchash consumer goods, the sons whose mining camp high , in Emerson's home. But it left intact Some Japanese citizens, dis­ EVACUATB 48 PATIENTS VOLTABE RE8ULAT0RS commiaslon explained. j- the Sierra Nevada w m crushed un- the bedroom wjiere h)s three sons * nuiiet, pleased because it's tax-payii)g ' Defeigife contracts amounting to der giant snow slldea. S were alck in bed. Murphy Mid Miss^^farroll was Roeky Mount, N. (C L. MarcR 17 Interviewed . with Meade, at ' the time, throw fire bombs at tax offi­ One JYoman^ 33 Men Poised “ SINCE 1307 Southern Callfomlfc is cleaning '. Mrs. Gil . Simmons was in her cers. , All 4a patients were evno-' BV REID (Oontinned on .Page Four) up after a storm that dumped aa kitchen. The avalanche destroyed u a M Mfcly today . In a lire at P. 0. BOX 230 , r r s BEEN OF COURSE" Four-man UN commission be­ Spring Special On Brake Jobs much aa 4.50 ihchea of rain. North- everything hut the kitchen.' Re*- (Cnatlaoeff oa Page Eight) the Atlaatio C o M t line hoepital ------U— K..» gins work at. Bonn, Germany, to For Hop to North Pole Base em California had a breather, but determine whether conditions 'will here. The names, conllaed ta RRAKES REUNED ...... $15.95 Truman to Meet is braced today for "a pretty good- stove. permit free and demorratle elec- the attic of the two-etory, SK ' VERY HNE HOUSEHOLD furnishings sized" new storm. It Is expected Two other workers were burled Airline Hostess tioas In all Germany. . . .. Fire in year-old brick and ceacrete 51- IS IKE’S ADDRESS to hit tomorrow, with more snow Point Barrow, AlaAka, March 17, the veterans o f last year's' expedi- bed hospital, were eaatrelM iia IndudoB Lining and Labor for 10 Jiours before being freed. Manila destroys about 66 boUdlage —(^)— Three planes, 33 men and | tion, John F. Hoimea of Falmouth, MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 17.1952 of 7 P. M. Deiiiocralic Chief and rain. and iMVes 600 persona homelasa. 45 mlnulee. {. The 33' rescued were u,nrk»ra ®^****^* csught in the riidc's path Shoots Official one woman were poised early t o -' Mass. Hia bride o f a few weeks is — Your Dollar Now— (Inapertlon After 5 P. M.) were bowled over but unharmed. Scientists believe they have day for a flight to the top of the a skilled oceanographer and the and their families at the U. S. found a enbotltute for bloM plas­ TRIES MURDER, KILLS SELT Key West, Fla., March 17-HJO— Vanadium Corporation's timgsten The 33 took refuge in the mill'a world where the Navy hopes tO’ only woman in the group. Will Mean Victory Later At Amoricon Logion HoH ~ Monchoster, Conn. basement, where the rescue party St. Louis. March 17—(Al— An ma—a new.^ substance .using red net up a research base on a float- Holmes said much more has Arilagtoa, Mas#.,'-Mareh 17— President Truman and Democraftc mill—the ^world's largest—9,000 blood cells. . . . Maritime .Safety On—Lt. CoL Lowell PeMter, SR feet high in Pine Creek canyon, 20 found them last night. None was attractive, 20-year-o' 1 air line in ice lelaiid near the North Pole. been accomplished already this On LMBard 8t„ whirh runs oif Main St., opposite State Armory National Committee CTiaIrman seriously injured. They w^ere there stewardeH told pollc: she fatally Board o f Hokkaido Mys 515 Jap- The expedition, SMembled for year than in 1951, when a year ago commanding officer ot the Haat- Home Sold. Hence Sale for 3Ir. and .Mm. Clyde Petrie of Bolton, TIRES 600-16 $ 1 1 , 8 5 milea .norUudast of here. I \ Frank E. McKinney meet here this for more than a day. praying and shot a company official during a aaeae boata loat or damaged by the second phMe of “Operation tomorrow for the first expedition com Air Force Bose at Befftori, SEND THAT DOLLAR N O ^ who are tnortng-fa Chicago. IJke New, Mostly All Purchased Plus Tax Saturday a huge slide poured tidal wavea after March 4 earth­ •f' I watching smaller alidea bound quarrel yeiterday after he accus­ Ski Jump," WM. alorted for take­ of 10 men began "Ski Jump One." WM critically wounded and hW "T hoyj^ wont fo Sept. I350:-t-G. E. Refrigerator (8 cu. ft.), Fads'17-In. .T\’ with week for talks which may influ- -down fapni Craga above. One end quake. be dropped etf et home% using 12 MONTHS WRITTEN GI/ARANTEE enre Tam an’s decision whether to of the mill was caved in. Four down the canyon walla. ed her of dating other men. off after a gasoline cache and If a base ia established on one wife was dead today ia ariuU Fa- TO: Antenna. G. K. Washer, 8 Pc. Chrome Kitchen Set. Maple Knee- Anthropological IngUtute an­ Uee Chief Archie BoDoefc terawd Triple KeHned AHentit Heating O ill" seek re-election. homes were parUally destroyed. At the Tungrtar mine, a mile Lawrence E. Kell, 43, married three supply etationa were estab- of the huge ice islands discovered THE EISENHOWER FOR PRESIDENT CLUB hole Desk, Sofn-Bed, Uph. Chairs, Comb. Console and Dining and father of two children, w m nounces two arrows and skeleton llahed Saturday 'progreHively in the Arctic in recent yMra there suicide and attempted murder. Table, 2 Maple Bedroom Seta. Singer Elec. Sewing ihnchinc. Oth­ The exact date of the meeting The home of nilll Superintendent down the ''canyon, another slide “ Alwayt iht lemc old tiorjr. . . they bawl like mid P. O. BOX 230 YOU^ DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS AT foun(h in a parked automobile, of young elephant found near nearer the pole. The exact .depar­ is little danger it wouldbe en­ The polloe chief said M ra er Attractive Items. has not been announced. Tom Hoimea was crushed and | struck later on Saturday. It dam- Mexico <3ty indicate men exUted U wc drop them ot at a houie nor hciied with buried. Mrs. Holmes was k n o ck s I aged the mill building and several wounded six times. He died a ture time haa not been Mt. dangered by a breakup. -Tha Leoaa PeMter, 43. had left a From Other Sonrres:—Porch “‘and Lawn Kiimiturr, Jardinieres, It will be the first talks the two abort time later. in' Mexico 1,666 er 1,666 years ago. Ailantic'i Triple Rchned Heating Oil. And they're B i i g have had aince the - New Hamp­ out of the house, over an auto,: homes. ' • The Navy Mid the aim la to cre­ ialanda have been found to be hun­ note saying ahe waa golag ta eeeoeeaeeeaeae>>a> aaaa* .aa.a.a. etc„ Mahog. Dunran Fhyfe Style Dining Table. 8 Mahog. Dining Police Chief Browne Hairgrove right too.. . That oil ia lopa for healthful comfort. shire Presidential' primary in under a fence and against; a tree 60 Aft'er their home was hit Mr. ate an ice island base from which dreds of feet thick with only a “end If all." Chairs, Maple DIaette Set (6 Chaim), Assorted Used Radios In- o f suburban overland Mid the Treunry Bilance U. S. oclentlata can study Ute-iiea, small portion of their bulk pro­ Burni clean and aarei the parcota money. Smart HfAIING Oils clndlag Comb. Record Players. Few New Tools and Other Inter- which McKinney suggested Tru­ feet away. and Mrs! Keith Mitchell walked kids!” • . .ADDRESS ...... OMrk Air Lines stewarUeM, Bet­ air and agencies relating to the truding above the surface. ‘They RACKS U. 8. RIGHTS eatiag Offerings. Elth Outboard Motor ()— Tokyo, Blarch 17.—tn( Pilioa Call Or Writ* S»w Typewriter. President took a surprise beating earth in the arctic. move slowly through the Arctic ice VANS The 15-month-old son w m buried to safety at Scbeelite village. admitting she shot Keil with his The “position . of the Treasury In acientifie terminology, the pack. Mlalster Shigeni VoahMa to d i« Republican Democrat Independent at the hands of Tennessee's Sena­ under; 18 feet o f snow and debris. Mitchell lost a shoe on the way. own gun. / March IS: CHECK ONE □ tor Kefauver. obMfvationa will be oceanograph­ The 1952 expedition, working aoeqrted It Is ooly right that □ □ ROIERT M. REID A SON. AUCTIONEERS ' _4 27 Hartford Rd. Manchestet .Conn. Workers dug for two hours. They He wax hospitalised with frostbite, “ I fired the gun until it . would Net budget receipts, $147,587,- ic, meteorological and geophyaical. out of the Johns Hopkins Univer- Amerieaa traopa defeaillag J»^- L. T. WOOD CO. How to recover loet ground is finally found him nestled between his wife with exposure. WE’LL WIN WITH IKE tOI M AIN 8T „ PHO.NE 3133 not fire any more,” the chief quot- 574.04; budj^t expenditures, $231,- Skillpd Oceanographer * aity Arctic Research Labovatoi^ be under the Jariadiettsa oC II BI88ELL STREET TEL. 4496 Bajrmond R. ReM, Phone 74M MANCHESTER. CONN. T\ / two pet dachahunila—unharmed. 612,778.56; cash balance, f3,814,« “8kl Jump Two" will be Ifi the r(C B. MUtary eoorta and mA. •Hj,Phf» Pe«r) BezidM the dogs, he was protact- (OoaUxoed ea Page Paor) (CeaMaoeg ea Paga Thraa) T09A6S.M. nature of a honeymoon for one of (Osattnaaff aa Baga Tkioa) r JapaoM 3'-.-• .•■ ••'■-' '


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,'CONN., MONDAY, MARCH ITi 1952 llgll B m Iw « M M H n m V. f>s4A<^V6>alMlcfc jfflock&Eidlip ’ SaaeiiisiiH’ Bs^ iir~6liS^ during a previous vlstt, from her Books long overdue at tha Poised for Hop apartment. r m s a B N T i Revolution in Cuba Local Spldier^s Mary Cheney Library my- She got it, returned to the car, ..R-’ '■■ iCETtH'!? Iran Oil Talk WinsXdtihg of^Excellent' Manchester High Principal .7,^1 ■teriously raappeartd’ at the and fired aa both stepped into the . ■ ■ ■ Edson Ballsy today received a on To Polar Base SONSET ESTATES, VERNON, OONE library Saturday, the day on vehicle through opposite doors. check in the mail from Fred At Body Returns which the library ataff had an-.^ BONKS DESIGNED ESFECSAIXY V t» VOV World Bank Reports Augsburg. Germany — BdTCntliABif excellent Job. Resulta at this Varpiaack for membership in Tm ps Local Law yer She ran to her apartment and nounced that no flnea would be . (OoxtlnHed fr o a Page One) told another girl who also lived Corps has rated .tha training of tha training are avidancad by tha ax- the Manchester Booster Club. t L » t called for and no i^uestiona Tie to Reds there. The other girl called a fu­ IH ISCO TTIi RANCH THI FAMILY RANCH Failure of New Bid 4Ara infantir Dlvlaloa "axoallant’’ callent aaaumptioB o f raaponalhU- Mr. Verplanck was the first W. H. Prenticfs Jr., D i^ aaked if any such long over­ after a waak-Iong appraiaal tha ity 1^ NOO’a In tha dompwUas." at Point Barrow, Includea four of neral home operator, who found •Only S4AM down For AIOC Operation school su f^n ten d en t In Mnn- j w ... •ONr 0S.M *>w« due books were retumM. Wlngad Victory SHviahm’s . pro- Tha dlvialoB astabUahad tta laad- (OaatfaMMi iM ta i Obs) Le$$ner FUe$ to Havana In Germany Feb*. 15|| the 10 men in the first party. Kell and took hlrn'to the hospital. approxi* chcaf^ imd aervad for 42 Misa Tracy waa standing .near •MMtkly purwMit spproxi* •Monthly bayiaant The books were placed in a grdm. . arahlp acbool program more thaa yaars. They include Holmes; the pilot ■ Tehran, Iran, Mai^h 17—(dV-^A On Businau Trip the car when police arrived, they natety $ £ m pioa U x m awl mataly S IA M plaa taxea and large cardboard carton which Mkjof Qeaaral Wlthars A. Bur-, a year ago. Since It haa baaa la op­ queattonnalTM to top federal oMI.- Funeral on Wednesday o f laat year’s R-4-D, Lt. Cmdr. E. world bank team wrote “failuia** rasa, corps commandar, tonmrdadi eration, aoma St aaparato acbool clalx Tuesday. Ha did not explain said. was left In the ratoy way of And Lands in Midst M. Ward of PKiladelj^ta; H. P. fftdey «ti the lateat afforU to atari thO library for W t ______the npoat to Mhlor OaBsral Xan- cyelae have been conducted with wheJt the queetlonalree were William Henry Prentice of 805 Kcil had been superintendent of TeirT7™CHSSe~'TimaBr-lH«Fr A total of 4AS7 "about, but earlier he Bad aald hia "Mlddl'e Turnpike eest, ' deceived Liueft atn •T k n a kedfWNM) wHIi Mqria •One Biaatar Iraa'a oil flowing, to' the Went and a large number of« long S"TT c— ------mate, Wejfinouth Landing, Mass., foodtalsad hadrooma wUh missing books were deposited maader. F or th a aacond yaar run­ ing training. Tha achoola are. now first cleanup step would be to look newa Saturday afternoon that the' March 1. Before that ^e waa re­ «lM «t apaea' a i ^ and packed Ita baga for the Italian Relief ■nd L. V. Worthington, Woods aaipla cloaat apace in the carton. 'The library sta ff ning, the overall rating was "ax- In their aecond cycle o f the praaent into all outside Income received by body o f his son. Warrant Officer gional traffic manager at Mem­ trip home. Georgs C. Lessner, prominent Hole, Maas. phis, Tenn. •Large Uviag room •Extra largo Uvbig-room The>e talki with Iran'a govern­ was quite elated oyer the suc­ cellent” while the score exceeded year. Contrihutora high federal officials in the execu­ local attorney of 4he Lem er and (j.K.) William H. Prentice, Jr., •Largo Utebra with dlaetta •Large Iciteben aad dlalng ment broke down last night In cess o f the fine-free day. that of a year ago. . ’Ihe inapeotora 'reported that tive branch. He aeid. the first Rottnsr law firm, will remember who died suddenly in Germany Mrs. M arjorie Keil, 26. the area deadlock and a apokeeman of A team of 12 ^ eera , beaded by diadpUaa. military courtaay, questionnaire on this subject Monday, March 10, 1952, aa. one Feb. 15. will arrive at Manchester widow, told newsmen she met Keil Bolton dance ...... $402.00 •Plaatared aralla. Iran’s joint oil board announced; OdI. George A . Carver, conducted aalutlng aad reporting throughout would go to Attorney General Me- Depot thia afternoon on the 6:10 in Chicago when both worked for •Plaatared walla Alfred Bauaola 2.00 o f the moat exciting days In hts Airliiie Hostess i " •Fail laaulattoa "Nagotiatlona are now ended.'''' the traUUng Inap^km. They rated tha dmriqa were^tatandlng^ Ap- train. another air line, They had two «fW i Naalattoa Bhayegan,' said-Uw-bank team-anA Giath. : : _____ :______Jift..,for o ii _that..date,__ hia only. •Coppar piplag hdCh the conduA dC^ t^ priablng tha 0-2 aAIviflaa aii|^- Jamee J.-Rixao i . i.oo Mr. Prentice' waa graduated girls, 2 years and 10 months old. •Oopw piplag Later a government spokesman his group could not agree on the 2. Morris announced In Wash­ visit to Havana, Cuba, Attorney •PUI eemant cellar which earned a high fxcellent, and viaad 1^ L t CoL R. B. Johnton, the Mrs. Johnson ...... -f- 1.00 from Manchester High School Shoots Official She aaid Kell had been married •Fan eaaaaat eallar said he hopes that after the mis­ use of British technicians, the H. E. LltUe ...... 1.00 ington that he has appointed Lessner found himself in the Almost like magic you can •Apprexhaately halt acre lota •Appiaxhnataly half met* lota sion reports to officials 'of the tha relative admlniatratlve aetivl- team rated Intellgance training with the class of 1927 and was previously and had a 16-year-old bank's position In operating Iran’s Jos^ 'Lupacchlno 1.00 Samuel Becker, a New York attor­ midst of a revolution. The story transform your living room, •S«ectloB of dacoraOag aad bank in Washington, a solution to ■ties which were considered aatia- excellent and atngled out Ma)> Sli employed for a few years by the (Contlaced from Page One) daughter. •Saleettoa of dreoraMoa aad nationalized oil Industry and the ney, aa hia chief counsel. Becker was unveiled by Lessner Saturday suite into a. bright, cheerful:, painMng by owner the oil disagreement still may be fa c to ry .------B.- Garpantor.-inteUtoenee- o ff leer- Mr. A ICre. Anthony ’ Traveler# insurance COmpanyr'La- Mrs. K e il said her husband hired palBttag hjr owaer price to be paid for oil. “ F ilc r tt* ...... '.,7;.. 1.00 haa-terved a r special "’cipinart-to- -momtnr on-his return from a vai group with these amartly, •Ota Coaa. Co. hiia Uno near •Ota Conn. Co. bus line near found. Highast overall rating of the 172d Infantry Regtment for ter he enlisted in the Arm y and in Misa Tracy as a stewardess while The bank had hoped to operate Dante Paganl the Federal Communications Oom- eation trip to Miami, Fla. ed the petite, green-eyed brown­ tsllored ready-made Slip-- aaw aclMol new acbool The Senate, obviously worried given to division headquarters and special praise. 5.00 V/orld W ar II served in the Euro- 4 he waa at Memphis. the now-idle induatry pending a Unknown ...... 7.... i.OO miaalon, and waa counael to Gov. The almost bloodless revolution haired girl as saying. ’ rovers in cojoiful Spring de­ •Only illne mllaa from P. A W. over the breakdown in the oil a);ecial troops with a superior. Division and regimental motor M n area with the 18th Infantry "W e thought it was a big break •Oaljr Bine mllaa from P. A W. final settlement between Iran and Lawrence Moe ...... 2.00 Philit> LaFollette o f Wisconsin. occurred early Monday morning Mllliam H. Freatire, Jr. signs! ' aircraft aircraft talks, sent a three-man delegation Each of. the 43rd’a Infantry ragl- shops, as well aa those o f Medical Regiment; Jst Division, and was The chief skid she gave the when we came to St. Louis,” Mrs. the British-controlled Anglo-Iran- Domenico Recchio...... Morris announced at tha same tyhen Fulgencio Batista, Cuba’s following Version: to ask Premier Mohammed Mossa­ manta — tha 172nd commanded by company, 172d Infantry and Com­ 2.00 awarded a Bronze Star. Since 1949 Keil said. "W e considered It an ad­ Mr. Alloa or Mr. M cNeil wUI be at Sunaet EaUtea from 2 to S lan Oil Company (AIOC), whose Mre. Anselina Recchla .... 2.00 time he plans to recruit a staff of . .rewrgent strong man, rose to pow­ Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the degh what policies he now intends 0)1. Walter It Lawson, tbe 162th pany F, 169th Infantry, ware he has been with the occupation She retunie vancement for I.rfHTy.” aa Sunday. Three bomea In varloua atagaa of coaatnictloa will be vast holdings in Mossadegh’s gov­ Charice Chamben ...... i.oo about 20 lawyers, presumably to er to overthrow President Culos Holmes Funqral Horne, 400 Main Rockford, III,, and waa met by to follow. The delegation reports commanded by Ool. Edward F. praised in the report on 0-4 activi­ forces in Aschffenburg, Germany. M tea. Tracy was booked for the open fo r IpapactlaB. Take the Croaa Highway to the Vamoa cot- ernment natlonaUsed last year. Louis C. Dtmock, Jr...... 1.00 check the questionnaires. Prio Socarras, who fled the Presi­ .street. Rev. James R! Bull, minis' Kell at the airport. • After a back to the Senate on Wednesday, Wozanaki, and tha 102nd com­ ties. L t James M. GtUesple, 169th He had served about 12 years. St, I.^uts County Coroner and held eir at Hotary.' Go underneath north around rotary aad take road Mossadegh refuaed to allow any Leonard Eccelento ...... 2.00 Asks Another Probe dential Palace after Batista and tor of the Talcottvllle Oongrega- meal they parked acrosa the Balk OB Technldaas manded by Oot Wilfred . A. St. Infantry, and Corporal John R. ivlthdut bond and without charge. praetbcally la front of Vernon Inn. Proceed one-third mile aad a! the British technicians he oust­ E. W. Buell ./...... 2.-00 3. Rep. Meader (R.. Mich.) to­ his military associates seized con­ The son of William H. Prentice tlonal a. THE SMART KEITH WAY! April 16. return on a 9:30 flight by Psn-Anl trahsporlatlon functioning proper­ HnldJi f«4»^ trrth morr ftrmlv. po thrv Iran would sell to AIOC %nd on members o f the (Columbia Recrea­ Societa Maglianese Sabina 29.00 Attorney General himself does not the same night. That return ly again, but Attorney Lessner frrl morfi* romfortablr. Dnop not aouf. the world niaiTcet. tion Council group, at the “Rec" Miss Msbie Sborkey of Windsor Women’s Alpine Society .. 25.00 possess such authority." Chrrkp ddor'.' (u^nturc br«xth). was a guest of Miss Sally- Tuttle flight was never msde as all says he will always remember his Iran 'rep orted ly wanted to aell night held at the Wlllimantic "T ” Only last week a Senate investi­ Got P A S T E K T H At A n y druR utoro. planea were grounded by the Cu­ few hours stay in Havana and his SO per cent of her oil independ­ Saturday night by President Joel Saturday. The two /young woman gation of Morris' role In profitable $ |Q -98 TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS attended the wedding of Miss ban Government. Here's how the escape from foreign soil during in­ CHAIRS ently and' at any price she chose. Anthony. They were given to those Paul Paige Next ship deals and trading with Red local attorney made his way back ternal strife. AIOC, appsrehtly fearing that who completed requirements in the Axelrod and Edwartl O’Donnell at (Jhina erupted Injo hia accusation to Florida. " I may be prejudiced" he said, the Iranians would cut prices to clssslflcations as follows: Bowl­ the home of the pride in Norwich, that he waa being subjected to COME IN TODAY • LIMITED SUPPLY Saturday at neoi In Recital ^eric8 "Our flight was a little late ■'but I think I saw all I want to build up markets, would agree ing, Marjorie Chowanec, James "mehtal brutalityV ■ by Senators taking off from Miami and we ar­ $ 1 9 .9 5 A son was borti to Mr. and Mrs. afflicted with "diseased minds.” see o f CTuba.’’ SOFAS only for Iran to sell one-eighth Cobb, Richsrd D'Auteull. Richard rived in Havana about 10:25," Charles Gusmeii of Old Cblumbis Dropped Contempt Plan The Lessners returned to Man­ of the output at a posted price. Gray. Kathy Koselka, Roger The second in' a series o f four Lessner said. "Upon landing. I Pepin, Marsha Squler, Rita Sulli­ road Friday m Windham Commu­ Members of the Senate Investi­ chester by 'plane Friday, leaving Iran’s government. Shayegan piano recitals by students of made my way to the Pan-Am ter­ You'll be amazed at the way these said in a radio broadcast, now van and Sidney Whitney. In gym nity Memorial Hospital. Frederic E. Werper will be held gations subcommittee, at whom he the fam ily car in Miami. Judge BOLAND MOTORS minal office to confirm my seat on John S. G. Rottner, associate of slipcovers fit . . . hugging every curve Mr. and Mrs. Maurica Leonard will have to "Ignore the loss of (tumbling, calisthenics, etc.), Joel Wednesday evening, March 26, at aimed the blast, talked of having and comer- of your furniture with left Saturtuy on a vacation trip the return flight that night. None Attorney Lessner, began an ex­ s a 349 CENTER ST., AT WEST CENHR ST.—TEL. 4079 oil income" and put its sorely be­ and Karen Anthony, Richard Beau­ 8:15 in the chapel o f South him cited on charges of contempt that expensive custom tailored look! dry. Ronald Davis, David Evans, to Florlu. They will travel o f (Congress but apparently have of the passengers aboard the 36- tended vacation Saturdav with his set flnancea in order. The loss Methodist Church. seat DC-4, mostly Americans, Smartly detailed, they're available in of oil revenues, the country's ma­ Kathy Kozelks. Paul and Roger through the state ae well aa visit abandoned the Idea. fam ily and trained to Miami. He In this recital Mr. Werner will were aware of the revolt taking WITH FULL CONFIDENCE a variety of handsome decorator col­ >FEN EVES. UNTIL 8:3C IPEN EVES. UNTIL l:3f jor source o f income, has forced Pepin, Boyd Tuttle and Douglas with MryMr/ and Mrs. Eugene Hen- Two members of McCairan’s will drive the Leasner car back present Paul Paige, the son of Mr. place. W e saw many soldiers and home. ors. Get yours now! Woimer. Swimming, Ronald Davis, neasy av this town, vacationing in' committee, declining to be named, irvi'vzrrt'rtft.trrpr’trT sweeping, economies and . brought and Mrs. '.Philip D.. Mahoney o f .10 sailors- walking around "the Inter­ a aerioua and continuing flnanclal Russell Eyshi, Dan 'Osmond and SarasolOta. Drive E, Silver ■ Lane Homes. A told a repirtter Morris' outburst at " national Airport carrying, _jEuns ilLLE?SH/^^ . AirBURTON’S 1 and economio. crisis. .. ■ John Soracchl. ------__M lss R ut^Bqhlhson spent the senior at Manchester High School. tha .shlp Inquiry, m ay have roper- and rifles. Since we were visiting -You Can Depend On The visit of the bank mission Russell Evans, general secre­ week-4nd as a guest at Rensaelear Paul has studied the piano since cuaSions on the request to jflvs Oollege. a foreign country for the first Marriages^ Birlhg had followed prevloua unsuccess­ tary of the YMCA, presented "Y " the age of 8 with Mr. Werner and him subpoena powers Miss Theresa TPerrlen has re­ time, most, o f ns passed this o ff as ful attempts to solve the oil crisis membership-emblems to those who has attended summer sessions at ‘The best you can say.” one of Your Pharmacist turned to her home on Hebron just a custom of the country. Wc by negotiators from the oil com­ have attended at least six of the Westminster Choir College, them suggested, "is that he cer­ Hold 1950 Level road after an appendactomy at did see many half-tracks, tanks Keith Budget Terms $5 Monthly pany and by W. Averell Harriman, eight meetings held thus far. Six­ Princeton, N. J. He has appeared tainly did not help his case by an Windham CTommunIty Memorial and other military vehicles, but President Truman’s foriegn advis­ teen of the groqp have had per­ on the Horace Heidt program and outburst of temper.” Hospital last week. the largest military base is lo­ Manchester may be- expanding We will fill your doctor’s er snd now head of the U. S. Mu­ fect attendance and the average many musical programs here and Meader brought up the ' same on fronts, but a person would There will be a meeting of 0>1- cated right near the airpqrt and all tual Security administration. group .attendance has been 35. in surrounding towns. Paul is also point. He said Morris’ conduct be­ prescriptions with the high­ umblB Recreation Council Ehiecu- we just took, these things for never knbw a from a look at its The 8th and 6th graders received very active In high school musi­ fore the committee was “irrespon­ gross vital statistics for 1951, tlve Board Monday night at the granted. However, we did not see est quality, tested drugs— Gra-Y emblems and the 7th snd cals. sible, immature and insincere." which were. relcMed by the Toyn MANCMItTIRI 8th graders. Junior H i-Y emblems,' home pf chairman Joseph Lusky, or hear any shooting and learned f 6 n i For the past five years, he has Accusing Morris of "evasion, cir­ Clerk's office today. accurately and quickly. Greene Will Give Some of the group now have ad at 8:45 — or following the church cumlocution and tactics seeking to later there had been some fire- meeting. been organist o f the Covenant These births, marriages and many badgea on the front o f .their divert the attention of the commit- ' worka early in the morning." deaths records proved almost a "Columbia Rees" shirts thst .lt wAs Columbia Ladies Society Auxil­ Congregational (?hurch and Is PTA Safely Hints planning to enter North Park tee away from the point at. Issue,” 1710 Arm y’ carbon copy of the 1950 statistics, Sickroom Supplies decided the "Y " emblem would be iary will meet in Yeomans Hall he added; School of Music located in Chica­ Attorney Le.eing worn on the left sleeve. TNiesday evening at 8:15. "This conduct alone clearly dem­ j - - go, HI., In the fall. aware o f happenings when the noted in only one category, With the coming of good spring The season will close for these Columbia Grange will celebrate onstrated Morris was unfit to weather, the safety of. children be­ desk clerk In the terminal asked deaths,' and these showed an in- Proscriptions Collod activities with the next mating its 60th anniversary Wedneaday Playing his entire program from handle the task o f ferreting out him to call back about 2 o'clock rrcMe. comes a paramount Interest to all. March 29. At that time. Mr. Evans night at A meeting In Yeomans memory, the first part o f the I Ills NAB IT. em m e B n s c i q c l 4 corruption . . . and could not be for confirmation of his reserva­ The 402 marriages recorded in VVlIllam Greene, director of the will Ulk to the group sbodt the Paige recital will consist of Ekl- Hall. Mrs. Howard Rice, a past trusted with the broad powers be­ tion. He tmarded a bus to- down­ 1951 repeated exactly the number For And Dolivorod f ft Highway Safety Commission, who significance of "Y ” membwahip. lecturer is in charge of arrange­ ward MacDowell’s "Woodland ing sought.” town Havana and struggled with recorded in 1950, while the 1,622 will speak at the meeting of the Henry G. Wyman.df Windham, ments. A number o f state officers Sketches" in which , are found two the language, and hia oum sign births topped by only one the Highland Park PTA on Wednes­ N. Y., addresatng tfie congregation are expected to be present favorites, "To A Wild Rose” and language, in order to wind up with number recorded in the preceding day at 8 p. m., will indicate the of Columbia Congngatlonal To A Water Uly." Driver Arrested a ham and chee.se sandwich, that year. M iX J safety pointers with which to in­ Church Sunday morning used The second part w ill consist of struct the children...... looked more li^e a grinder, on a . But the number of deatlu. re­ “Marked for |ife" as the subject Rachmaninoffs "Serenade In B After Accident huge Spanish role about a foot corded showed a definite increase PINE Mrs. John Donahue announces of his sermop. He simke most F lat Minor," "March from the that samples of T and sweat long. Leaving the re.staurant, he at 328. which is opposed to the forcibly on world conditions today Local Stocks O^ra,” "Love of the Three started ^walking on the narrow 275 certifleateS of death filed ^In shirts, about which many of the and their Affect on Christianity, Oranges” by Prokofieff, Liszt's Mra. Helen Shurkua, 32. o( 26 children have inquired will be on streets towards the Presidential 19.50. • PHARMACY He spoke of its being, a criais in. Qaotathms Furnished By "Liebestraum (A Dream of Love) Jensen atraet. waa arreated at Palace, as the place of sppoint- These gross records include the, display Wednesday evening should our lives and told that (he_Chinese rotoim • Mid dlehrook. Inc. aiid_yizliJHungarliULiUiapMdy.T’_ 10:30 yesterday for vtolatlon of - ment— was—ioeated -near "by:— A t -births;..maFFiages—and--deaths--of- Tiny o f the parenTs wish 'tb “ ofd e f meantirig of crisis W ’’dangerous 1:06 P. M. Prieee Tickets may be obtained with­ rules o f the road following a two that moment a' frl)ove American Manchester people, whether they FREE DELIVERY b o l l o ■ them. Pictures of the Highland opportunity." Are we, he aaked. car accident at the intersection of out charge < at Kemp's Music grabbed him by the arm and aaid, occurred In or out o f town. ■ Park School are screen-printed on being star led or earth bound? Are Branford and Durkin streets:' Two Bank Steeke Store. Potterton’s and Werner's "don't go down that way. The the shirts. we in a fluid statd, and how are persona were injured and taken ALL ALUMINUM COMUINATION Bid Asked Little Music Shoppe, Arm y ia there.” ■The average U. S. woman In the 664 Center St., Tel. 2-9814' Mrs. EuRene McClure and her we going to be nuuded? "It la not First Nsttonsl Bank to Manchester Memorial hospital "TTiat was the first time 1 25-29 age group and 5 feet 6 committee of first grade- mothers, the big things, biit the little ones of Manchester .... for treatment and then dis­ 33 88 OFFICER BOUND OVEB learned of the revolution, and weighs approximately 136. will be in charge of refreshments.’ we do day by day which -mark us. Hartford National charged. Gannsborough Chair STORM SASH and S C R EEN S rm e e r there I waa walking in the direc­ s k a Injured were Mra. Beatrice B. Christianity is ih/the hearts of the Bank and Trust. 27 Hartford. March 16.— —West ARREST FBI AGE.NT tion of danger," Lesaner con­ ^ people and there are three things, Hartford Conn. Trust. *78 82 Hartford Policeman George E. Clarke, 39, of 148 Branford street, tinued. " I wont about my busine.ss in . his opinion/ which make a Manchester Trust ••.. 97 — Gauthier, arrested last week for who suffered contusions of the noons South Portland. Me,, March ,t7' •nd completed i t ’ early in the One of LFie most dramatic Chair Values in our history! Rig and room.v, Christian: (1) not how much we theft of “ several hundred dollars” forehead and abrasions of the — F B I Agent John S. Wln- RU ...... 214 — afternoon. Then I called the air- talk, but how/much we act. C2) Phoenix State Bank from places he was ordered to right knee, and Ronald Shurkua, smartly styled . . . upholstered in decorators Matelasse in choice of four ther.s, 32. of South- Portland was port to confirm my reservation not how Important we are but how and T r u s t ...... 61 65 guard while .on duty, was bound 8, treated for a cut chin. luscious colors! Deep coil spring seat. Moss edging. Antique nail head trim. PORCHES arraigned in municipal court to­ and there was no answer. I finally small we can become. (3 ) not over to the April term of Superior Patrolman Edward M. Wlnz- -Plan to buy a pair! day on a charge of driving an au­ Fire Inauranoa Companlee got in touch with the manager how much we have but how Aetna F i r e ...... 94 56 Court this morning. ler investigated and made the ar­ EXPERIENCE tomobile while under the influence Gauthier, 23, of 178 Mayflower rest. He reported a car, driven' •nd then made my way back to of liquor. much we ckn give." In con- Hartford F ire ...... 137 l42 the tel-minal building.” Budget Terms $5 Monthly chislon he w id about a minister National Fire ...... 63 65 street, Elmwood, aubmitted hta by Philip H. Clarke, 39, husband Wmthers entered no plea. realgnation to Police Chief Walter of the Injured woman, waa pro- Everything waa quiet at the alr- AND Judge Sewaid "l^ompion contin-^ who he had assisted In Maine. P h o en ix ...... 83 H 88 H personnel had vacated who_w»s.-afOtctM^^^^ sam e ---- Ufe-aiid-lndeninily-lns.-Geic— A . Sandatrom-.-prl6r-to-appearing^ ceedlng north-on Jranford-atraet_ '■fied“ fhe" cKaTge T tp ■ in. Weat Hartford Town Court on Mrs. Shurkua waa operating her the buildings and planes were QUAtm r $1,000 personal recognizance. _ disease which took Lou' Gehrig’s Aetna C a su a lty...... 88 . 9 3 •landing around idle. Attorney life and slowly, week by week, he Aetna Life .. .t .:; . , . . 8 lH 89H chargas of breaking, entering and vehicle east on Durkin street. a Issuance. of the warrant came theft. He had been .under suspen­ Clarke applied hia brakes when Lessner said he wandered around SINCE after two parked automobiles and grew m ot« helpless. In his last Conn. G en eral...... 136 141 the huge airport until he found a sermon hf summed up his life by Hartford Steam Boil. 3St4 384 224 no means o f reaching. ..fhe._BJain-. ‘iT.'-mit:..... '■*" ...... ■■ Xianr------' ■ Arrow, Hart ahtf lUeg; 46*4 -<9H ' ' ■ land until the' struggle had ceased NOW IS THE TIME’ 8 sleek look that's positively mm-m-m.' But see for ^ ‘ a ■ , ^ Gone, from u# but lea.v4ni: memorlep. Columbia iVolunteer . Fire De­ Assoc. jSpring . 34 CIRCLE and Cuba bounced back to normal. Death ran never fake 4May. partment was called out Saturday Bristoi Brass . 15 H Even ships were not leaving the TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A yourself—try Belle-Shsfmeer Stockings Memories that m\\\ atwiiys linfer.. afternoon to a grass fire at tha . C o llin s ...... 190 , TONIGHT thru TOURS. port, I was s'j'anded.’’ lO N D A in your own personal leg-size. ' Dearly Tememhered ^hy ■Taggsrt of West street. The back Fafhir Bearing ___ 38H 3914 REAGAN in FLEMING a hoOi and await events, Leasner -Cleveland, Ohio W ife srd rhilrtren. yard was burned Over but a shed ■Hart A Cooley ..... 37 40 refused to give up and kept trying "■•I-XOIIK WORLD'S LAKGKMT Wad saved and no serious damage Landers. Frary, (?lk. 22 24 ^ H O N G K O N G to find a w ay out. .The manager A Brand New Ceiling was done. N ew Brit. Mach. C5o. 33 >4’ 35 Vi m o A STA IR E of Pan-Am said he would get word MANUFACTURER OF Fire C^hlef Davis took the oppor­ North and Judd.. 28 31 "^ Pfci* . . , "TRIO” ’ to Mrs. Lessner'by way of a radio AMESITE - ASPHALT - TARVIA COMBINATION '■ • . ' V ' l tunity. When reporting this fire, to Russell Ufg...... vtfiA-nuN-MAiuomEium outlet In the Pan-Am building' in 1714 19>4 For Just A Small i^ver Charge” WINDOWS issue' a reminder that no out-of- Stanley Works 00m. 51 ^5 Miami. S a J ! door fires, unless in an approved Terry Steam ...... 95 109 FRL: “Flaming Feather" The manager then learned by Want a modern, sound-proof ceiling to cover up an Incinerator, may be lighted from \ the grapeyine that a Cuban A ir­ Efficient DrmnnHtratiuna Torrington ...... 81 33 Stewart Granger la PLUS: “F. B. I. GIrr . old unsiuhtly one? Choose Nu-Wood ceiling tile which 10% Down m C E Estlmatrs now until next Dec. 1. without a Union M fg...... 19 - 22 line (Company wds making ar­ ‘The Light Touch” builds, decorates and insulates all-in-one. It ro&i up only at Burton's in Manchester!^ S j i 1 permit. These may be obtained U. S. Envelope com. 78 85 rangements to make one flight Reliable Work from Kenneth L. Fox in Chestnut U, S. Envelope pfd. 61 66 about an hour later to take a full easily without muss or fuss— patented joints cover all Product of Hill; Marshqll Squire at Columbia load of Americans to Florida. A t­ Veeder-Root ...... ,,S2V4 „39 ^ V4 nails. Up t o Guaranteed Center; Lucius W. Robinson. Jr., 4 DA) torney Lesaner grabbed a taxj and F. C . RuSioN Co., The above quotationa are not to STAK'nNG WEDNESDAY We suffirest Nu-Wood hoard for new walls. Like Nu- on Pott Hill; George Johnso'n in, be construed ae actual marketa. Instructions .were given the driver FieeFv EASTWOOD to take him to the field, right on Machine nsnSIs* Hop River snd from Chief Davis Wodd ceiling: tile, it needs no paintinir or decorating:. 30 Months IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Given On C O 0. Oelivenes on Erdoni road. These men are all the other side o f the huge mili­ -It provides g:oo4 insulation against sound as well as farsw iaa state fire Mrardens. JHISSIRIUH Bette DxvIa Bterttag tary base. Spread heat and coM. Bias lags The Chief Occum Corral mem­ MIWIMI Gary MerriU Hayden Cuban Pilot On Balance TELEPHONE itta lO tfi s iis fiH le U bers were guests o f Mr. and k$n. " Bbd “ Another “ Flam ins "W e waited until 7:30 before COME IN TODAY. WeTI estimate and advise on ap­ Power Rolled |.S5 to |.95 Joseph Kurclnlk at their new A Mareea JHAIUUB , Man’s word got aroimd to the Americana plication. i home on Jonathan Trumbull High­ Feather” that Oie flight w m being'made,” MANCHESTCR Barbers Betk P oim n " Monthly Payments way Saturday night, when they Siie—«:85 In-color Leasner reported. "Finally we had held their annual m eeting A ll of­ a load of 23 passengers and the We Hove the Proper Equipment and Know How “ F b n in E t:85 1:45—8:20 RANGE & FUEL OIL ficers were re-eiectpDay Fes* ing of the Green PTA to be held ed Negro College Fund in Man­ T o G e n e r a l Each one attending Is raqueated to WCCC-HuStC. Itiia—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. street died early thla morning at urday morning with burial in chester, ore today attending a re- ter frorh Ireland S3 yeara ago and bring her own dlsfaet imd silver WHAT—Polks Hbp. . WrtC--DDOble or Nothinr Wednesday s t tbs Bowers School. hla home. Seventy-aeven years, of moved from Manchester to St tival; In State Contest -. W T irr—Massine of the Air. W(H4»-8ammy Kaye. Montville, Conn. ceptlbn St the Governor’s Mansion fCoatlaMi froai V*ga Om ) (OBMttnNd ttaoi Om ) ware. WKNB—News: Request Mstlase. The $fsnchester High School Bond, age, Mr. Tureck had been a resl- Petefiburg in 1926, waa held Sat­ Mrs. Besl was the dsughtqir of given by Mrs. John Lodge, honor­ A pUy submitted by M aadw ^r 3VDRO—The ChlcagoaBS. dent of thla town for over 50 yeara- urday afternoon at 2 o’clock from 8iia-W TH T—Thy, Melahbors Voles. s group o f 60 musicians, will givs ary chairman of the fund, to open ■tlw. w i t I w l , wtre named ■ OgPIHMr- Mikl tM t A , 8p<4» t l 1moouag for. Cult H lg h -achodl ahiW f .wlUi tarci .Bni*- the late Edward and Gei the drive to raise funds to support He waa a retired weaver iftd had the W; P; <}ulah- -Funeral— Hi w m o-ateiis ______- s concert wfiilcli should plesas oil •wltnMtfci before the Hotue Rev. Fred R. Edgi 'Cause “several’’ committee mem- Bddiita, No. TR will b« held tomor­ era, one from----- n a b vtU a High and WDIW—Carl asBl’Ji. U iO ^ W C C ^ U Bttfdrad and 00 Hlta Beal of Shelton. She 'leavks a the leading private Negro col- been employed at Cheney Broth­ WJQfB^Wowa: 040 aub. who enjoy good instrumental mu- 4p ah Commnnieta. the South Methodlat Church, offi­ ben wrere abeent. Aa far aa report- row night at T:30 in tha vestry of one from New Britain High4igh, • • ja -W R C —Radio Hsrria; Ntwi. sic. • large number o f relatives about legea and universities. ers for over 40 years. He was a Temple Beth Sholom. A diacusslon adjudged ’’excellent’’ in a ona-day «:Sa—WDRC—TanUio Kitchen. WONS—Lad^oO rair. the country whose addresses are n^uther »-M mimed chalrm^tn of member of the Concordia Lutheran ciated, and burial waa In the fam- e n could see, only Benaton {o d g e W n C —Y6un» Wldder Brown. WTHT—Lona Journey. . The band Is (olorfully attired Mr. Cobb and Mr. M oriorty re­ Uy_j)Iot !h the East Cemetery. of auramer actlvitlea nrlll tak« re^onal drania fetUval held at ’ WTHT—Bob B. Uoyd Show. W TIC—Strike It Rich. and has provoked many .favorable unknown to her’ son in Ellington,' cently appointed a committee of iB mdmlniitrative board. Until Church. '(R., Maas.) and Bnwater (R., Me), placo- and all parenta o f the Cub New Britain Senior High School «:«*—W’TIC—Woman in My Houio. WDRC—Arthur Ooutrey* namely Edward Horton of Win-; He leaves his vdfe, Mrs. Sitsan arers were Thomas Hum­ W HAY—lUllan Voice. comments whenever it has ap­ Manchester residents who will [ood spoke up. it appeared the were not present. ^ u ie are urged to attend. auditorium Saturday afternoon WONS-FIsytlnsd tor Chlldreh. dermeje, Ellington. ' Zwick Tureck; one son.-Ernest J.- phries, David Addy, Robert Turk- •:ta-WDRC-Ncws; Old Record Shop. IISIO—W TH T—When a Girl Marrloa. peared in town parades, sports also attend the reception. They top officer! of the tS.OOO- mgton and Richard Turkington. Lodge heada the Eiaenhower^ and night. WON8—Bobby Benson. lt:00-W D RG -Orand Blam. .events, and concerts at the High The Junior Youth Fellowship Include Mrs. Audrey Brettscluiel- r -WosJ- had-aKrcemand. . The meeting of ,the Green P T A stood in Ellington in all sect'ions annual national drive, to help the t The adminUtrative board nam- land Mrs. John Adam v'of this town Strike Verdict Daughter,” was a biblical .drama. WOMB—Wild BIU HIckock; News. 11:00—W’DRC—Wendy Warren. vote. of Mra. Nelli# Knapp, waa recently WDRC—Memory Lane. W’CCC—Luncheon MutlCale. will start at 8 p. m. with the show, that have bMn badly damaged 33 colleges and universities whq- a four-member admiriiatratlve ! and eight grandchildren and two Mra. Helen Page Skinner directad. However, Senator -^obey (R., honored with ■ Imn voyage party i:4«—WDRC—Curt Msssey. W K N ^N ew a: Sporta. ’ ing of a Civilian Defense movie often by heavy storms are not offer opportunities for education committee yesterday to take over I great grandehlldren. The cast included A1 Tarlcco, Pat WHAT—Sports. WONS—Curt MsSh v Tims. The funeral will be held Thurs­ N. H.), told an AP reporter that a at.the home of Mra. Ernest Leemon WHAT—Itallsn Voles. followed by a short business meet­ safe to stand any longer and the and advancement to America’s actual operation of the local and Due Thursday O’Hara, Charles Shaver, Anita '* ' Rvestss day afternoon at at the Con­ 7 to 6 vote rejected a motion by of 225 Center street by-relatives WTIC—News: Weather. ing. The band concert will start tOR'n people sigh as each one goes young Negro citizens. At-a tim e 'Ib id it would move Into the Grossman, Bob Morrison, Pate S:ie—WONS—Newa . WTHT—Jack Berch Show. down but realize the danger of cordia Lutheran Church, with the Senator Wiley (R., Wls.), that Ajie and fiienda. She received % sum of* W’TIC—News. at approximately 8:30. When America mu.st live an exam­ ' ^^cal'a headquarters today. Stellato (CooHnned from Page One) Mitchell, Noami'Werbner, Leonard It:l*—WDRC—Aunt Jennie's Stories leaving them longer. pastor o f the church. Rev. Erich committee ‘.’|nvlte" Elsenhower money and vAious personal gift#. WHAT—News. WKNB-DIck Iltymes. Since the Green School audi­ ple of democracy, and show the abd hia immediate staff retain testify bqt leave the final decision Shankman. M ary Jo Brennan. WTHT—News; Joe GIrsnd. rest of the world's nations that we ' Brandt, officiating. Interment will steel conipaniea have promised WONS—News; Women's Page. torium is not big enough, this Many are old landmarks and to to him. Wiley’s motion w-as of­ Barbara Bengtsoh, and Anita Oog- WDRC—News. WTIC—Down Homers. t^elr titles, although the board has be in ‘ ho East Cemotory. WSB they will be prepared to bar­ Members of Mystic Review, No. •;1S—WHAT—Supper Serenade. meeting is being held at the Bow­ see space where they stood makes- practice what we preach, every j fered "as a auhstltiite for McMa- llardone. WTHT—Victor H. Llndlahr. - dollar given to the United Negro ppwer to oust them. Friends may call at his lato gain with Murray's union within 2, -Woiitan’s Benefit Association, WONS—Jim Britt. U:Sa-WCCC—News. ers School. Members of the Bow­ one; realize ail thinga grow old Eight schools submitted playa. WTIC—Boh Steele; Sports. College Fund goes to stiengthen ■ ; In firing the five from unit of- home. 113 Glenwood street, from three days after the board’s recom- motion that the committee will enjoy a potluck tomorrow eve­ WKNB—Msn on the Street. '' ers P T A have been invited to at­ with time. ■ 1 mmon" Eilwnhower. WDRC—Jack Smith.' Sports. W’THT—Phil Becker; News. 4ces. the board warntd it ia check­ tomorrow evening until 10 o'clock mendstlona become known. ning at 6:30’ In Odd Fellows Hall. Site—WDRC—Jack Zalmsn. tend the concert if they so de­ U.- S. Unity' and freedom. U'.ris ^ " W n c —Msrjorie Mills Hour. sire. hoped to raise over a thousand e r ' in to the statue of people hold- Thursday momiifg. Neither the Industry nor the said Senator Gillette (D., A brief meeting will follow at 8 • :5A-WDRC—This I Believe. WONS—Woniss's Psxe. B irR O LA B FA1L.S then moved for heconsldera- Two Boxing Clubs S:ie—WTHT—Sereno Oemmell. I , dollars in Manchester. All dona­ tag other elective and appointive Arrangements sre In charge' of union is obliged to accept whgt o’clock, at which tihus SO-year pins WTIC—Emile Cole Glee Oub. I WDRC—Romance of Ifelen Trent. A social hour with refreshments offices in Local 600 and in other the vote on the W iley mo- WHAY—Ls Ross PrOfrsm. will be served in the school cafe­ tions wilt go to scholarships, .in- Wntkina Funeral Home. the WSB recommends, but its sug­ win bo presented. A demonstra- WONS—Music for America. I*!4*—WC(X—Music for Milidy. Bridgeport, March IT—()P)— apses where it appears beyond a gestions are expected to be the d\GiIlette’s motion carried WDRC—Guy Lombardo. teria. Week-end burglar failed to. open a Take 2 TUMS at Bedtime tion of popular product# will fol­ Held Monopoly Sita-WTIC—Three Star Extra. WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. ..naaonahle. doubt.. that..other. pex- I____ ..Mxs..MArgajret..y..Smith...... paaialoc.bargaining...... unanlmou^. Thla left the whole '"'•'e O'" “>S West. vault containing "several thousand Now aay goodbye to fieriest nights low- .T»)e„aj;ansJ,lng,.anlert#liMnent 3VTHT—Stock Msrketj Sports. . ..WXHT—.We 4h» .Women. -----—- Mns are ineligible to serve under Mrs.. Margaret J, Smith of 92 In Pittabiirgh, the U. S. Steel wiattCT- iitni ’m i « th e 'a ir;" ™ ■' .... -,XT)RC--Ixi»eirThomik...... doitar*"- ln th» local office' orthtr cstifed **07 ‘add 'itom th; ’ as nnenr^' committee will be in charge of WONS—Cresn Patterson. WHATR 'THB REAL PRICE Mndft do~correci the trouble by eating teticlf 10. Section S lof the UAW Hlltiarfi street, wife of Thomas J, Tobey r e ^ r te d and another (Cofltliined fram Pag* Om ) • :5S—WONS—News. Bureau of Intenial Revenue, po­ Corp. said it would have to..atart supper arrangemanta,^_____. WTIC—Phllco Vsnee. I:t0-WDRC-News. T 1 or 2 Turns before rettring. See if you t^stitutlon) similar action will be .Smith, died thlij afternoon at her Tuesday curtailing ^the production committee meniber confirmed, that W£2S—Manchester Matinee. Assault Oiiarge lice ■ report. The' attempted theft ON TOUR MOU8B7 Senatonr WItey;^ Tobey, GTirette," )mrattoii; "are principal stockhoW~ —.y.i.WQy^-NBwa^-Jultan-LfcitU, Jr- -Wne--Newr.— ^------doa'LCaila&lecp fasier<-fcu better next home. T5he had not been feeling, of ferro-inangane.se, used in har­ m Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98, WIIAY—Symphonv Hall. 'R’ainllscbverea by a caretaker morning. Always keep Turns handy to McMahon and Green (D., R. I.), ers of the New York-Illlnoia In­ WHAY—News. T oeD find oar eoinpeteat Bam Red IJnk well for several months. dening steel. Other operations will Daughters of Scotia, at its meet­ WTIC—PhllA VancF. WKNB—Psltces. Tor Windsor Man who reported finding the combina­ counteract n s . •. heartburn . . . pres* supported the W iley motion. ternational Soxing enubs. WDRC—Beulah. WONS-News. tion dial and a handle smashed appraisers orell aoaHftsd to | sure pains. It’s a wise idea. Get a.roll of 11 The section, of the constitution Mr. and. Airs. Smith have long have to -be throttled down begin­ ing Friday evening in the Masonic WTHT—WFathFr; Journal of tho help to*. I lived on Hilliard street, where he ning Wednesday night, it added, Tobey said that Lodge voted by The complaint says the defend­ . the Women. from one of the vault doors. - Po­ Turns to have on hand tonight! ^a which the board referred reads: Temple, honored two young ma­ Air. Ills—WDRC—Ms Perkins. Windsor, March 17— (>P) — John was a steamfltter for the Orford ■ynungstown Sheet A Tube also proxy against W iley’s motion. ants obtained contracts from T:I5—WONS—T fIIo Taat. lice who were summoned said they Bemember, there Is oever Ontf I0r. 3‘taa^o€ftat#25c j'" N o member of any local union trons Who are members, Mrs. NX'THT—ElmFr Davla. WTIC—Juke Box Jinsles. Kowal, 29, tobScco worker accus­ .Soap company. The couple reached said it would have to start bank­ /' llersld Phnto Others listed as oppoain^Jt were champions and leading contenders WONS-jYsnkee Pood Show. found a broken hack saw blade at Say oMIgotloB sriiea yoa esO uall be eligible to hold any elec­ Billy Prentice looks over greeting cards from his classmates at Charlea R. Smith of 37 Alexander WDRC—Jack Smith. ed of shooting Fred Bolk, 66. in an the 46tli annlveraary_of their mar­ ing furnaces Wednesday. HIckenlooper (R -Iow a) Smith, in all major weight divisions re­ 7:S^W 0N8—OabrlFl IfoattFr. WHAYARetly KImbsll. the scene.* David I. Kennedy, tee or appointive position .... if Manchester Green School while he recuperates »t Manchester Memo­ street, the former Joyce Wolcott, WTlf-r—Paul Hsr\’ey. argument last Saturday, trill ap­ riage last Feb. 23. Airs. Smith . Word In the steel Industry gen- (R-NJ), Brewster (R-Mel. by quiring, as a condition of partici­ WTIC—Newi of the World. WKNB—The Psitscs. branch supcrintendenL said the JARVIS REALTr tfUie ia a member of or subservient rial Hospital. B illy’s leg was amputated recently, and hla classmates and Mrs. Catherine Simpson pating in title bouts, to box exclu­ WTHT—Lone Ranxor. pear in town court here tomorrow has long-been an active member erall.v, however, WM that It ex­ proxy, George (D-Ga), Sparkrtisn Payne, daughter of former pro at I W D R C —Young Dr. Mslone. vault 'contained the Saturday re­ Maochester 4118 to any political organisation, aurh collebted more than $16.3 to help bu^ an artificial leg. The money sively for the IBC. WDRC—aub Fifteen. County Nrwi. night. ceipts of the office. of. the Daughters of Lihertv,' No. pected to have time to shut down (D-Alsi, ^Ibright (D-Ark). the Manchester Country aiib, Alec T:tA'“fWDRC—Ed Murrow. i TUMS rOft TNI TUMMT aa th i Commiini«t, Fascist or 17. 7 . Will be used to start a trust fund for 10-year-oId Billy. Through this means, the 6barge,s Manchester Mstlnee. Kowal was subdued by ' police in an orderly manner If the union Tobey said Chairman Connally and Mrs. Simpson, now o f West •WONS—Vic Damone. WKNB—The Psttees. N u i organization, which owes its said, the IBC had excluded others WTIC—One Man'll Family. after thsy had persuaded him not Arrangements in charge of fhi makes its decision Thursday. In­ was not recorded on the vote. Springfield. Mrs. Elizabeth Cone, WDRC—SuBpenae. ! Wall s Music HsII. alMplance to any government other from the promotion of such fights, l:4S—WDRC—The Guiding Light. to shoot himself. He is charged Holmes Funeral Home are incom­ dustry men pointed out that the Tobey was reported to have chief daughter of the lodge, pre­ WHAY—Cote Glee Club. t ) M the United States or Canada, ahd controlled the sale of radio, WKNB—Keyboard Kspers. plete. workers usually see to it that criticized Comjally in the closed sented to each of the young wom­ WTIC—Rallrofid Hour. WONS—Just Jenkins. with assault with intent to kill. dWkctly or indirectly.’’ equipment is unharmed, so they meeting for failing to vote. television and motion picture WONS—Women of the Year. WCCC—Muslcsl. Bolk was reported in satisfac­ en a pair of silver candlesticks rights at the contests. WTHT—Henrv J.- Taylor. dihe live fired officers-were called / Thomas Alalchrff will have Jobe to come back to. Friends Helping Buy McMahon announced to report­ Club. tory condition in a hospital at from the lodge. A supper fol­ Tied Up Arenas t:t&^WHAY—Bit of Ireland. WCOC—News; Music. bqfyre the House committee last Thomas Matrhctt of 34 McKee Price Ruliag Due ers that he would bring the matter W'THT—Your U. 8. Senator. Hartford. He has gunshot wounds lowed in the clubroom. The defendants also were ac­ • :3*—WDRC—Arthur 0<^frey Talent WDRC—Second Mrs, Burton. w e j* 'a ft e r having been named as street died today at the Ella Bick­ The government also is expected up in the Senate for diiictission. in his neck, chest and arm. cused of obtaining ail principal Scouta. a Jf.SKSr*?"'’ '’* Bsllroom. h A ^ g Communist affilintions, ford^ Convalescent Home In Coven­ to make known this week its rul­ Krueniher to Teotify • Margaret McBride, Boik’s wife, Helen, 56, mean­ B illy ap A rtificial Leg Eugene H. Falcetta and Alan H. arenas in New York, Chicago and W'THT—The Blr Hand. t ill—Wh AY—Open ffouse, bilB-none would answer questions try/ after a long illness. ing on steel prices. It Is reported AtcMahon told the Assisted W'ONS—Crime Doea Not Pay. while, is in satisfactory condition Bradley are on the first semester other large cities suitable for stag­ WTIC—Voice of Flreatone. W n C —Doctor's Wife. rMjIrding Communist affiliations, He leaves one son, Abram that the Office of Price Stabiliza­ Press the effect o f today’s session . W'DRC-Perry Mason. in the hospital after having col- tion (O P S ) Is ready, to advance Dean’s Ll»t at Hlllyer College in ing championship bouts. W'HAY—W'eatem Caravan. I :tS-WONS—News. , lf(*n y. Matchett of Manchester; two wa.s to postpone any invitation to Hartford. ' t:«^ W D R C —Radio Theater. Itpaed after the shooting. steel prices aCbut (2 a ton to com- Green School Pupils Be* Through the conspiracy, the live are: I'aul Boafin, chalr- brolliers, Richard Matchett and Pat Gets A Shamrock Eisenhower u n til. after his chief \N'TIC—Telephone Hour. Another person injured during pen.sate for post-Korean cost In: charges said, the defendants had WTHT—Paul Whiteman Teen Club. WTHT—Music IIsll; Nc«*a. mtai of the Motor BtiUding unit; ('•avid Matchett o f Ireland; four Cobbler For Birthday deputy. Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, WDRC—Nora Drake. the incident was Kownl's sister, creases up to July 26, 1951. - gin Fund Campaign to has testified. - The Divine Spiritual Circle will succeeded in 1949 in eliminating W'ONS—Crime Flrhtem. RONS—Conn. Ballroom. JObn Qallo, recording secretary of Slat era, Mra. Joseph Lavery W alk Again Some Eisenhower , supporters moter of championship matches. and Afrs, Martha Lester, both of 21 Alaple atreet, who ia one of the 'speaker. In Washington, Attorney Gener­ ]0:00—WDRC—Bob Hawk. Dbsrls, vice chairman pf the Dear- Canada: and several nieces and a number of Manchester peo­ have been urgihg the general to WTHT—sVewe. al J. Howard McGrath said the WONS—Frank Edwarde. 7*0, HOME LOST IN FIRE bdra Foundry unit, and F.d Lock, nephews. His wife died In April, I f his schoolmates at Manches­ ple who has a birthday on St. return to the United States to R HAY—News. apeak but on current issues. Elliott M. Newcomb.of 30 North suit was aimed at "removing the W'TIC*»-MuilcaI Alburn.' rhifanan .of the riastlca Buiidipg. ter Grcetf. School have their, way / :PatricK^ Day.. . March ITr waa School street Is serving as.,a .pia- l•:I5-W ON^Jack•e W'axworki. Bcsullful. ■ JEase Melal Curb Those who"' have been opposing monopolistic control, of .profes­ Wastbrook. March 17~ (>P> —l An unit Fnniierly employed by the Man- aixmt it, Billy Prentice, a 10-year- much aurprised to find among cnihist helping maintain army air- W T H T —Dv^am Harbor. ------iv this have argued the Senate com­ sional championship boxing im- I#:S#—WTIC — -Robert Montjfomery. ex{)l‘odlnif bn heater was blamed chcatci:—W ater, noparlment,—lor., F o p 8 o»)e-B ttild iiig Jildr.^bose w'M a8vpuUte4«a^ --her—gifta an-Irish- Cobbler po-. crafJL .in. .Korew^aa. a-.jnamboe.-'Ot. posefi-by - these- tje fe n d a n fs .'? ■ ------New v Danreroue Amrtimmeftt; by. firemen-for-.A blase .which yes­ week .ago Thursday, will soon have ; mittee- cotiffT get ahv Tnfo'ritiatfdft ■ ■-W r S ^ ^ r > ^ '‘frVA^n';^‘ ■ ------several veSrs he was employed at tato In the shape o f a sham­ it needed from Gruenther. the 79th Ordnance Battalion with He said the public, aa well as WDRC—Robert Q’e W'axworke. terday destroyed th* frame home (‘ hcne.y Rrotliers. an artificial leg.' i the Eighth Army. iW’THT—Time for Def^nee. iVuiiiaii to IMc'rt rock. painted with green cry­ contestants, promoters, radio and WHAY—sNlte Watch. of William Steedele, a rural car­ Tile funeral will he lield W ed­ (Contlniied from Pa'gc One) The youngster, whose parents'* stal paint. Party lines are split on the is­ KNB—Rfquopt MaUiiFF TV broadcasters and others are II :M—Newe on all Stations. WHAY-JamborFe. - rier, on Route 9 "her-. Mrs. Staedele nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from arc Mr. and Mra. Harr>'-Prentice sue, with .McMahon, a Truman ad­ The Manchester Board of Real­ II:1»-W TIC —Newi. Deiiiooralic (Ihief Thinking it waa a Joke ministration supporter. leading the "entitled to a free, .competitive WTHT—Boh E. Uoyd. W'THT—Joyce Jordan. and her daughter, Shirley. 20, who SI Mary's Episcopal (liiireh. Rev. sary despite any easing of short­ of 12 Vernon street, broke his leg played upon her by her brother tors will hold its monthly lunch­ market in a business which com­ 3:4a-*-WDRC—Cedric, Adama. 'V* were at home when the blast oc-. ages. while playing soccer in the school move to get Eisenhower back. eon meeting, tomorrow noon at W’DRC—Public Service Proaram. Alfred L. Willlam.s, rector of the RoberL^aiiiLthat three polalocs mands such wide public interest." •WHAY-t-Nlte Watch. Msppinesa curred,.eacaped to summon firemen. TlniriJi, will oTfinaie and hiiiia! FowTer sairT," too,' that co"pper. plniTtround iB.st December. -After There are indications that Mc- Murphy’s Restaurant. President WONS—Jack’t Waxworka. w ee^ J u n io r Disc Jockey. {Continued from Pnge One) had been taslened together, she i Mahon anti some other Democrats H. G. Morison, assistant A ttor­ Downey's Music Shop. A family spokesman set the. loss at will he In the East Cemetery. searcest of the msior materials they opened the cast recently, doc­ George L. Graziadio will preside. ll:S i—WTIC—Surprise Serenade. W THT-Evelyn Winters. was astonished On looking it I would like to get at this lime a I ney General in charge of the anti- 11 :M—WONS—New*. $15,000. The T. p. Holloran Ftineral needed for home building, Contin­ tors di.scovercd a condition which f ArnoId'Show. •xHfpcted to be a main topic of the over to find that it had grown I statement of Eisenhower’s gen-1 Triist division, said the object is 1? :it‘T-WTIC—Newp. Home, 17.3 Center street, will he ues to he In' short supply. made amputation necc.’tsary. tallH. ..that way. I eral foreign policy views, in case to break up contracts that "tie Tomorrow -Tspanese military engineers be­ open for the convenience of friends Flei.schmami siinl "the heavy Teachers announced the bad he becomes the Republican nom- i Aiiiioiiiice Process up" e ll, m sjor contenders* and Nea-a; Frank Atwood fore. World War II built one of the Pilose aasociates of the Presi- tonight from 7 to P, and tomor­ requirements of the Industrial ex­ news to Billy's fifth grade class­ It was found In a hag of in­ Prorram. wccfc^uril" Inee. i aren.-ui and "to sever all Inter­ R’HAY-Ncws'. Far East's finest rail networks in said today they look for a row from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 10 pansion program will reach a peak mates in ,virs. Florence Wood's spected potatoes, grown in WHAY—Newp; Rural Roundup. AIcAI.ahon told reporters he locking financial interests amonc •:sa—WONS—BUI Jenklna Show. R’KNB—.News; ^Request Matinee. Korea. n «ir and dramatic political move p. m. in the seronil quarter of this year, room. On the next school day. the Wind.«or, and supposed to be To Coat Aliimiiiuni would "bow to the will of the com­ the defendants which contribute W’DRC—Yawn Patrol. on.,hlB part. and will thereafter decline." children went ifito action. of uniform size. She brought It WTIC—Weather: Frank Atwood. mittee’ for the time being, hut to a continuation of their mo­ DIES OF BUK.NS Vhey said it may take the form F. William Montle This, he /aid will relea.Se more Tliey got together and wrote out to The Herald sq that we could nopoly.” W'CCC—Production Newareel. would press- h>s motion after East Hartford, Alarch 17—De­ WHAY—Chapel Time. of.l^ontal Bssaiilta upon Senators F. William .Montir, 75, of .38 material.s. especially In structural a little explanation of what had give it the once over. Gruenther's testimony. velopment of a proeesB for the Declines Comment W’THT—Momlna I^votlona. Bridgeport, March 17—(A3— Mra. G«Orge (D., Ga.) and Bvrd (D.. Bigelow street died at his home steel, for "less e.ssentlal" commer­ happoneil. They choose representa- i:45—WHAY—Fred W'arlnr. • No date has been set for the riickel coating of aluminum, which Harry Markson, managing di­ Catherine Walsh Donovan, 82, who Vg,J and other outspoken oppo­ early yesterday moinlng fnllnw- t ve.s t# gi) into each of the , WTHT—Breakfast with Ben. cial hiiildtnps like office structures, appearance of Gruenther. may find many application.s In In- rector o f the New York Interna­ f..VV^WDRC—Rellaloup Talk . was critically burned Thursday nents of hi.H "F air Deiil " program, lug a long lllneM. Born in Hart- school'.s 12 rooms. The repre.scn- stores, factories and other indus­ Ei.senhower, who .won 14 con­ du.strial manufacturing, waa an­ tional Boxing Club, declined com­ WONS—Karlv Edition. while preparing a meal in her along with the Republicans. Aides foril on .lime 2,3, 1878, he had been tatlye.s leaineil their little talk • 7:P0—W'CCC—Good Mornlnr; GooC trial buildings not conriectcit with vention nominating vote.a In the nounced Jointly today bv Hamilton ment on the action. home here died at St. Vincent’s say ha feels the best defense is a s' re.sident of Manchester for the vetl and made their own appeal Italian Leads Mualc. defense. New Hampshire primary last Standard Division, United Air­ Norris now is at Coral Gables, W'KNB—Phil Hale Show.’ Hospital last nlRht. A hospital good offense. past 7.3 years. For the past for fiinil.s, Bv now more than .4180 18 .Siippl.v Nnl Kstimaleil week, has said Jie is available for craft corporation and the Bart Fla., associates said. WTIC—Bob Steele. spoke.en the parade’s chief partment launched its investiga­ W’HAY—News. Foundations — C o l with lit.s knee. The doctors agreed f ...... Erie Alartin, general’manager of WONS-Newp. ^ of this town, ami Albert Montie and the curtailment of peacetime marshal by the Allied W ar Vet- Hamilton Standard, said the plat­ tion into the boxing business. i ; l 5^ V D R C —Shopperp Special. Mrs. Ebio MMeucci of Glendale, N. H ; and one after te.sts and exraya that his leg "Alan’s greatest sin .is sin," de­ The jury was dismia.sed March W’TtC-Newp. building; ei-an.s of ^Rrmth• Boston. The Irish clared the Rev. Fred R. Edgar at ing process had taken almost two 33 Live Through grandson. should be amphutnted. He had his 7. without returning any criminal W’HAY—Jeptlnr with W'amp. Fhono 7737 Flei.n’hmann disclosed that DPA defend the cNaiee with the argu­ the South Alethodist CKurch ye.s- yesrs to develop for the Air Force W TH T—Martin Afronpky. Funeral services will he held leg off Thursday morning. Biliy ment: indlctmenta. is considering removing all carbon terday. The sermon wa.s based on and the Nav.v in cooperation with W’On S—BUI Jenkin’p .^ow . Wednesday afternoon at 2 30 at sends word to all of the boys and However, it handed up a recom­ • :S^W CGC—Newh: Breakfaat Newa- Calif. SiioHslide steel from the allocation systefn "One of our boys sailed with Co- the scripture .Ic.saon taken from the Bart nig.mization. It is.of ma­ the Watkins Funeral Honie^ H2 giri.s not to worry about him. We lumbu."!, didn’t h e ? "' mendation to Federal Judge Wil­ boy. , ■ in the fourth quarter of thi.s year of grade 5 would like to get an Romans. 6:12-23, and was the third \ jor importance to Hamilton Stan­ W’TIC—Radio Bazaar. Kart Center .street Rev. C lif­ dard. he said, in protesting duralu­ liam Bondy that, a civil anti-trust W TH T—Bob Lloyd. (Continued from i*age One) ford o. Simpson, minister of the or the first quarter of next - al­ artifii-ial leg, so he can play with in a scries of Lenten sermons. THOI S.ANDS PARADE "Man's greatest sin Is sin," he min propeller blades from the pit­ suit be instituted to end a "re­ W’KNB—Phil Hale Show. Center. Cnngregrttional Church, though a priority plan would be us again. strain of trade” in fight promotion : » - W ’T IIT —John Conte. "l^ is leg will cost at lea.st New York. Alnreh 17 .-(.pi_Green "becaii.se any sin, how- ting and eroding effect of .spray :00-W ’DRC—Newp. T R u s s E u a r s Anolhep couple. .Mr. and Mr,-. w ill' ofTiejate and hurlal will be retain'-d to assure military de­ thrown , up in sea landings and and broadcasting. WCCC—12 Hundred and 90 Hlta. e l a s t i c s t o c k i n g s Roman Diiman Diihm, were injiu- In the East Cemetery. liveries. $-(,30 00. I f each child in our school wan the garb and merry the mn- ever small, Keeps man from being e what God intended him to be. takeoffs. . About 30 witnesses were ques­ W’KNB—Newp; Polonla. e x p e r t f i t t e r s ed and brought down the mountain Friends may call at the funeral It probably also would be neces- could . give ' 20c we would have tioned by the grand Jury, including WO.VS—Newa. H 00.no. aic today a? the Irish paraded builds barriers between m an; and Solid duralumin pioi>elIer blades W’HAY—Italian Prornim. -en-tpheg„Ttamr— ta ns ------! Imme litmorrinv f rom 2~trr -+T3(t sar r .—F leiachmanii said;—to—keep middleweight champion Sugar Ray ‘We will come hack Wednesday, thousands strong up Fifth avenue. his fellow men. but most impor- equipped with the coating already W TH T—Breakfaat Hub. Arthar Dni$ Storeal Other fhuU.ding». ..indmluiR the . * to f - t " P- m.. so,me forms of carbon steel, such as Robinson. ^ W’TIC—Theater o ' Melody. ^Thursday; and Friday to collect Bright sunshine splashed the tnnt of all it separates man from are in service on the N avy's Alar- PARACHUTES unJuieil power siatilm of the Cali'forma plates and bars In particularly- tin. P.3AI-1 fl.ving boats and Grum­ The New York State Athletic WDRC—Thin la Hartford. ■— an.v money that you can bring in. sky.scrapei- 'w a lls and glisteneli God. , ■ WONS—Tello-Teat. ElectrlcJTowcrcj>l ’ow Co., wer; hurled heavy demand .junder allocation Commission, through Commls'sion- Thank you." the costumes of the marchers t * Trying to bring order out of man UF-1 utility emphlblans. Sev­ OtSO—W’ONS—Orean Patteraon Show. oy smaller slides. ______• onirol hut he indicated the.re items eral hundred service landings and er Robert H," Chrlstenberry, co­ .W’KNB—Italian Hour. F i i n p r a l s Trust FumI It w.as the annual St Patrick’s ‘“ '■or'lered world is one of the | The i.aeason'.s third * "inaior" might he few. takeoffs with the two airplanes operated in the probe. WCCC—Newa; 12 HunCred and 90 While the .voiingsters were mak­ (lay parade, and the fashion on ' f ‘‘f ^ i n g the world j Hita. by Pioneer MAKE THE DIFFERENCE I Itorm. After hatterlng -the San have conclusively demonstrated The IBC oj^ned the w*edge of Its Airs. Agnes At. Atenard ing their collection. Atrs. Ruth the world’s richest street” was ' bring or­ W TIC—Newa; Hal Kolb, Francl.sco area, hit southern Cali­ the coating’s proteeUv*-- ability. broad operations by taking In Joe W’HAY-^tailjan Mualc, ^ Ku'rcral services for Airs, Agne.s Bohney and Joseph Dawood, neigh­ green and more green, der out of our. individual, disorder-' fornia fSalurday. It cnised florHi- Even the Nickel-plated'blades emerged from Louis, retiring he'avjnveight cham­ f:IV-W ’DRC—Binr C ro $ \iy , . Af. M.-nanl of North Kim street, asphalt of the street Itself wori * proniem a)l men iac« W’HAY—Famoua Trials. "■ lowlylng sections and I’liblic Records bors of the Prentice family, ar­ A special Nav.v testing progmm pion, as a partner on March 1, In C lo v e r who die.l-March 12, were held Sat-, ranged for, the-e-tabl'.shment of a an emerald stripe down^ the mid-1 ' "'bid Is one thing W TIC—Victor If. Llndlahr. Yedtarday’s miracles ora now daily scheduled per- 4s had to be evaruateU in iirdiiy at 9;.30 a. m. from the dif. ; we most need and most desire, but unscathed, while unplated blades 1949, and setting-up the heavy­ 10:00—W’DRC—Arthur ^»dfrey, MAKE SURE you stay (h^rc! FRIGIDAIRE Santa Barbara and Los trust fund for Billy. Judge John S. were severel.v eroded. weight title bout between Ezzard W’ONS—Crean Patteraon Show. fprmances. Not long- ago, it eeemed incredible that a * Leclprc Funeral Home, followed .b.v Warrantee Deeds G. Rottner offered to take over the / ' *m works against us. W e need the ___W KNB—News: Fred Warlnr. Ang eles - count y ci’imniunltles. — Henry—Ksrort—and' T lietuia— -Jr T he prnr.naslnn steppedV i off...... from - neal.cniing of- the r- heurt, ■ for - then we Charles* and ~Hoine~—furnishings - Tt ■■■li’imriequiiuTriiiTgfi Ala.ss at 10 trusteeship and th* $18 0 will start ‘ U TliT —.Hy Trire“ Stoo». 'Rut It wasn’t nearly as bad | a. m. in St. Bridget's (Tiurch. Rev. Escolt to Walter B. Perrett. Jr. th* r i '* beaded north to shall be healed everywhere. June, 1949. \\TIC—Welcome Travplpr*. ' —plofue-^QuId-bo-built-big-enouglv-and-pewerfuf-enoirgh- the JuniC A..check w ill .he. present­ WCCC—12 Hundred and 90 HIU. other possessions are nice to • -tt-th^ big’ delrige- that ’dri5a'e"h.iiri- •RpfciTg^^i'fftToii-w»ri'erehrrfiiT,-Re\'': amt- Pearl M.-PerWtt, property on ... druma*-and -th« bUra-j- - **God ereat^- man tO’be -ever^ax* ...... Bought *0t|i O «t M iy ...... ed to Billy, at 3 o'clock this after­ bailie Group F ile s- — HkAT'«‘*Italiatt -t- - to; lift and fly heavy cargoes like jeeps, howitzers and Iredsjfrom their homes laal Janu- Ignatius Abramitis pf Sleriden was Westfield street. oi nand,*. ! panding in his outreaiJi and ac- Then the Norris-Wlrtz combine IF: IA—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. own .''. -.* but easy to lose to noon. deni on and R «-, T;)u-!idorc Gubala. Wilfred Swift and Isabelle S. I Ala.s.ied thousands of spectators ceptam-e of life, but sin Dtiilds a May 6 bought out the interests of W HAY—latllan Mualc. -p; ^ —* fire, theft or other peril. steel bridges and other equipment- weighing many , ^ n the Los Angeles area higli .sub deacon, Atrs. Arlvne Garrity Swift to John Gsrlmghonse and , .Ntrs. Bonney. a teacher in the lincil-the street, held back by wall ai-oimd man, ever closing him 2 Incorporations Mike Jacobs’ Twentieth Century WONS—Crean Patteraon Show, Manebester achool,, sys-tent,, ^ .has ;;...WifiderTeH«d juimerous ...tpees and:. pr,it*uicd.:-at’th rc OTgan-and' -we* Fiqrem-O G, .qarlinghqijff, property -. j,lA-. .ROyiiRt. ° f . UlC J,...... Sporting Club, which had succeed- tons! . . . It seemed even more incredible thjnt pdro- -sntmyrt OR TTimrer. atraeU:------iL^kp.d. somie tif the hbyx.Aiil—KeiL —A —gqiikdrnn.. oL mounte^rt Ben- two companies listing Identical sive hazards now. Call on this Down shipped heavy snow in the moun spn, John King, R'nhert, (3irisnno An.snldi ' and Virginia Ansaldl? fund this week. Starting tomor­ while immediately behind rame a ’ terms of the sin.sXand queerness • Two weeks later the IBC rub­ to drop these cargoes, safely. yuna Into hugh drifts. 1 and Romeo Atenard. property on -Adelaide road. row. the boys will visit homes and large contingent ; of the 69th * "h®'* fellow maiy but the fault set* of Incorporators were filed in bed out its outstanding competl-, agency for adequate insur­ the Town clerk’s jaftict this morn- Cash Price $.309.75 Three lives were lost - one by Burial was In the Sacred Jtgart Stanley Bray to Clliyton E. store's to accept donitlona. (“Fighting Irish" Infaritr)* Regi- mo.st often is notAJn our fellow tion by buying iip 'the Tournament T elevisio n ance. Pineo and Gertriide A. Pinep; ment. man but in ourselves. In building! IrowTiing'and two others by car- CVmetery, Ateriden, and 'Father Airs. Bonney will, also accept Qf piampions, which had a^hold on Ihars'. so reugh icrubbing e( clolhaa today ”non*stop'^ airlifts ore dropping cargoes of son monoxide in trucks stalled in properly on Concord road. donations at her home. 10 Vernon Then enmeta potpurri of dozens'"’**'* brothey out, we! The concerns ar are Robert’s Spe- the then middleweight champion, Ahramitis read the committal WNHC—TV wMi live-Water AcAoa CleHta. are Isep snow. * service. Sherwoorl G. Bowers to, Stanley . street. of societ■ties, ‘sons and daughters-! '“ '‘‘P " * Serx’ices. Inc., snd Gay En,- Marcel Cerdan. p. M. . • every kind swiftly, surely and safely, on target wher-, Freak Tuister Bra.v, property on Green road. !' ■ * ' ______' . of old Ireland,reland, high-steoDinchigh-stepping"drum d r u m • ‘®*P " » rtown." , glneerlng. Each *cicert'fleate lists The IBC tuday . has contracts • :00—Kate Smith Show. wbrnergad In woter ell Hie Hme, wHh Mr. Edgar noted that, while men :00—Space Cadet. ever they^ore needed on a daily scheduled perform­ Testerday a freak "twister’’ •Inhii Siinilslawski Mullrlalni Deedb'' i _ ^ , _ -Wt majoriettes. and a raft of citv Robert L. Oa.v, Natslle Gay and with every world champion from ‘ 5:15—Gabbyi Hayea. roNlng current, of hot, wdiy water •truck Santa Alonica, blew ated their la{^ls. separates men from the loving fa­ pos? o f that concern is to provide year. 6:45—Sidewalk Interview. ther whom they^call God, and un­ Throughout tho devolopment of this vital operotieng day at 10:45 a.m. from the Leclerc Itiillding Prrmlta' One by one, the groups and mechanical Services of all kinds The IBC. however, has permit­ T:(MWKulila Fraif^A Ollle. til men are reconciled at the cen- 7:15—The Goldberg^. Funeral Home. 23 .Mam street. A To Kayimuid J. l.aiurent for al­ A certificate of registration of fin.its fell Into line in a growing with rc.*pect to machinery. < ma- ted the cha.npions to sell their 7:30—Thoae Two. Tho Pioneer Parachute Company has kept pace with v>ares elsewhere. Former heavy- * State BusiiicH8 requiem .Ma,s,s followed at 11 a m. terations and additions to dwelling trade name for Gus’ G inders was column that would stretch tw o s . ; ' KmSirii.? S ' 7:45—Camel Newa Caravan. * « ,tn St. Bridget's Church, with Rev. at 158 Avery street, $800. miles to 96th atreet. Tl)# instrument lists the com­ weight champion Ezzard Charlea i 6:00—Lux Video Theater, •*etaetutions fiid club. Detroit—Godtm Kemeny, 78, Church M root James and Veron­ The Lincoln - Douglas debates » SUBSCMPnON RATES sent each Tall Cedar. ' E ngagem ent WB o m s ODB BBRVICKS FOB THE PCBCHASB in East Windsakfor many years. ica Irvin* artll b* ths inatructora were held in 1858. They were con­ ERNEST A. RITCHIE " ’ IIZOO curiosity of the Democrats, or, negotiations, that ia their respon­ Ill a letter to toe cliik 'Budily, dramatist, one tUM poet laureate Tear by *faU„...... First we take a Crooner well Speed-Up by v Workers He was a m sm ^ of St. Cathe­ ' 'TtAs oourse haa been aUrted tending for United States senator- 15 LIBERTY ST. . TEL. 8172, MANCHESTER Moaths ^ Ma^l ...... I d.OO known to ydu and me. AND SALE OF THESE BIGHTS the son of Mr. and I m . W. H. of Hungary and former Hungarian I 1.00 perhaps, their owm curiosity, too. sibility. If they want to spre.ad It rine's Church of Bload Brook and for thoa* young ptople, particular­ ,shlp from Illinois. Douglas was Month by Mall ...... And then what we may find be­ Lcckrc-Nastriamia Brown. s.aitl, "1 am l i jroars sf age, newspaper editor. Died SuadaY. iinsw I .ai Since both parties seem to have in order to )*uatify their resump­ Rockvills, March 17—Donald the Hbly Name Sddety of ■ the I would like to haira out .‘tandbillj ly Boy and Girl'Scouta, who wish elected to toe office. Veekly. by Carrier ...... I .30 neath "The Spreading Chestnut Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Leclerc church. He leaves hlk wife, Vic­ Bonn, Osr.many-^tephan iisoo agreed upon' this audit publicly, tion of toe Korean war, thati too, Weekes. chairman of toe 1952 for Jke becausp-T want, hire to •uba. Dellrered. One Tear of 23 Mala street announce the fund drive, of toe Rockville Chap- toria; four sons, Rsk Stanley Weickert, 60, reftigee parly mem­ there seems small ch a n ce^ a t the ia their res|lonslbiHty. As for us, engagement of their daqghter. become Presidlmt o f the United ber o f West Oennapy*s Bunde­ MEMBER o r Now we put the two together^ and OONNIND I 60MPANY tor._of Jhe Hasailo. assistant. Fastpr of „ 8L -States-of - Ai^erica.^’’------______■ —IMMtll w a R - r w : i 1 PR£8fl ______expensa Involved can be-avolded-.- — Ita-veiy i^ ih to see,------Mice JiaequeUne-Ann~"Le(ierci~to Hedsrlg's Church In Naugatuck, stag,-laaror-Housed-ParitaMontr we hiw-’e- lo deveiop^TSome kind of s t o c k e x c h a n o e made anotoer plea over toe week The cUib, in accepting his offer, The AaaoclaUd Preaa la exclusively The place we all remember In our WtlUam F. Mastrianna, son o f Mr. end for additional contributions to Edward. Anthony, ,and Ruph of Died Sunday. entitled So the use of republlcatlon of We would point out. however, Immunity to the poisoning tech­ made him a charter member 8a*- Milan, Italy—Enao de Muro Lo- OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL f EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY country's history, • and Mn. Steven Mastrianna of 18 LEWIS STREET, HAETFORD TEL. T.lUl the fund, urging tost both cap­ Bast Windsor; one daughter, alb nawa dispatches credited to It. or that such an audit, if it proceeds nique o f toe big lie. We have to urdM. manto, 51, noted Italian tenor. not othenrlai credited In this paper Those with the correct answer Waterbury. _ . tains and team workers complete Elisabeth HasUllo of East and also the local news publlahei.’ heie. normally and produces normal re­ learn not to let it disconcert ua, will rarticipate In a drawing for The wedding date ia set for Sat­ .Meanwhile, Richard D I m o c k, Died Saturday. ' AH rishts of republlcatlon of special their work in the various districts sor; and seven grandchildren. . Vice chairman of the club, has ap­ sults. would not answer the real or attract our own attontion away a purchaae order on one of urday, June 14,. as speedjly aa possible. Willoughby, O.—John Boddy, 83, dispatches herein are also reaerved. Funeral services will be held at pealed to Elsenhower suppurters— national authority on landacaping, questions in the minds of the from main Issues. And we’ve been Mr. Weekes asked that workers the White Funeral Home st,./9 of any age—fot\an even larger re­ fuMf-uM service cclient of N. E. A. Serv- check to be sure that every house who retired In 1948 as landscape led Inc. Democrats, or contribute to the having such ia r ^ ’ and fre^ eh t a. m. Wednesday with, reqtdem turn on the dollar drive to get'the supervisor of the Pentagon Representatives; The In their district ia visited, as the Publishers solution of the real problem the doses of it, in the past few years, Joseph V. tsideroato Mass at 10 a. m. at S t Catherine’s campaign for their candidate un­ grounds in Washington. Died Sat­ Jtdins Mathews Special Asency — New drive has. passed the half way Chdrch In Broad Brook. Burial Tnrk. Chlcaeo. Detroit and Boston. derway. urday. __ town does face. For, once they that we have indeed come close to point in time with only about one will be In St. Cathertiie's Center Five distinguished soloists will Ho also announced a meetin'g of Klntbury, England—Sir Maurice X. Member...... AUDIT BUREAU o r get beyond their suspicions, their .achieving complete Immunity. appear with Oratorio-Chorale in its quarter of the- quota received to Cemetery. The fuiMi4l home will the club to be held Wednesday 'IRCUL.-LATIONS. date. Organizations and churches Drummond Peterson, 83, rstlrsd real queationa do He in the realm As for toe mosquitoes, the beat Lenten Season, performance of be dpqn for viaitation tohight, night at 8 o'clock at 539 Main British diplomat, postwar; Amboo- , ~ the Herald PHntln* CnmpMy, Inc., of poUcy, and their real questions Bach's ' "St. Matthew Passion'' at that have failed to report their from 7 to 9 O’clock and tomorrow street. methods for controlling them are contributions are also asked to do sadof to Russia. Died Saturday. L aslumciPflUilt^M no flninclaliiiiMiiViM I reaponvlblllty *>'•for . , , . from 7 to 1Q---P. m. In referring to the dollar, cam­ / tyfriraphlcallyfoicrtphlral error* appearlnsappe*rlns In *d-ad- *xe only to be answered hy such still toe ■ methods which were in Bushnell Memorial in Hartford on ITS A MARCH OF VALUES AT WATKINS For Your Old Refrigerator Sunday evening, March 23. Di­ BO as soon as possible. Mr. Weekes paign launched last week, Dimock »cr!l**ni»nU »nd other re*dlns ni»tlcr again calls attention to the many / In iThc M»nchc*ter Evenit * Hcrali.'. an. administrativa survey as toe vogue before DDT came along— rector will bo Herbert A. France. said, "The return we've had so far new general manager ought to draining and ditching and fining programs carried on by the Red has been encouraging.” Dimock Dl.pUy ■dvcrtliln*....„ cloaln*____ _ hour*; Joseph Victor Laderoute heads Cross including the Bloodmobile Over 100 AUeiicl T. ...tt Monday—I . ...p. m.~ Friday, . make, work in toe marches where mos­ the cast In the role of the Evan­ • / said, "but we need even more to 4 / program, .immolate assistance in get the campaign rolling." Regardless of Make or Condition r * Tuc»d*v—1 p. m. Monday. We suggest, therefore, that the quitoes breed. gelist. A veteran of many Beth­ disasters, the water safety pro­ r,rr \\>dnc,«d*y—1 p. m. Tuc.day. lehem Bach Festivals, h e . will / St. Pat’s Dance Ballots to accompany ^the dol­ y ir Thur.dav—1 p. m. VVedneaday. independent audit, if it 1s ordered, As for the Communists, we sug- gram, first aid and home nureii» Friday—1 p. m. Thuraday. sing this difficult part with four classes, and home service work.-^ lars appear in today's Herald and .Fur SaturdayT-I.p..m. Jrrlday...... ,, , .h.ad , .better, of. toe.country's, leading gbazal.oTT...... - ...... ■...... F uiieial ■ .will ,be printed aggto. lomDjrcoK. . .. Claaaifleri dcaollne: 10;30 a. m. each to the mrnimum necessary to an­ give up the technique of seeking ganlzations this month. ’ "Ho're''{Rah"'100' '^'ribhs 'atten'd- These ballots, on which party day .of piibltcallon eicept Saturday— Funeral services for RevHenry —- TOWAW) Tffi - t f. m. swer the question of honesty, and peace by apreading lies about ' Mr. Laderoute, a native of Can- B. Olmste'ad, 76, of 7 T ^cott ave- ed the St. Patrick's dance et the affiliations can. be checked, have -indicated-. that-not.. only. .RepubU< that, fo r n s m «n ahswi r'Td the - others, ana gel 'back to ' Hbne.st 4td» and Adlreet descendent of-toe "HU'*,‘ ret;roT‘ erfieritus'^ st. Jbhirfl Country -Glub- Saturday- -evening Monday, March 17 Ojibway tribe of North American cans want Eisenhower," Dimock problem it faces, the Board of Di­ fundamentals. We may disagree Church, officiated. Brnial will take and enjoyed a fine program Acts AT ONCE te M b w Indians, is a sound musician, be­ place on Tuesday a t Branford Cen­ said. “ We are greatly pleased with i The Water Department rectors concentrate on toe selec­ with them on these fundamentals, ing an accomplished pianist and planned by the House committee. the response from Democrats and N E W N H - 1 0 I ter Cemetery, ,.;6ranford. A me­ Dave and Olga Havey were hosts tion of a genera^ manager who but at least we can negotiate on organist as well as a singer. His morial communion service" was Independents who have sent in jOwtng to a simple error in Samole Chairs for the evening, assisted by Mr. dollars,” he said. would make a study of the Water them. Thens la no poaslble nego­ devotion to authoritative rendi­ also h el^ fh ia morning at the Cfsnputatlon—the"' fact that, as tions of the great works of Bach and Mrs. Royce Jennings, Mr. and One of the major objectives of Department his first major func­ tiation o f lies. 1 - church. / . Mrs. Joseph Handley. Mr. and Mrs. NO DEFROSTING EVER town budget for the set- has ihade him pre-eminent in this /' Presiding toe Eisenhower Club in its efforts CAU98P OV COi— tion in office. field. Since coming to the States, John McBride and Mr. and Mrs. the tax rate was aub- Jjadge Robert Pigeon, newly ap- Stillman Keith...... an Item of J38.000 due to he has sung under' Toscannini, n^ted to the Rockville City Kouasevitsky, Muhch, Stowkow- Music for dancing was provided Uw general town fund from the Fnrmosan Command Shift Open Forum /Court, is holding his first session by Art McKay and his orchestra. skl, Ormandy, Bernstein, and of the court today. Vt^ter Department was not listed other leading conductors. Just Received McKay also directed the singing of There has been a change in oqr Rural Association some Irish ballads and an im­ Si^ a general fund asset reducing Military Training The monthly meeting of the Ru­ command arrangement in the To the Editor: promptu barber shop quartet Uss amount of money It was need- ral Vernon School Association will Pacific which ^ Is diplomatically Whether service organizations rendered several selections. *a.st ad­ believers in "Let George do it.” son Quality piece. Every chair an outstanding value at the the committee in charge. der toe command of General Ridg- and are for or against a thing "Christ died for the ungodly.” ovation when Introduced by Jos­ ministration of the Water Depart­ For God so loved, so loved the regular price of $98.00 . . . a tremendous saving at $79. The (IctaUs of the program have eph Handley. Mr. and Mrs. Judd way, In his capacity as American only to the extent it steps on our been kept secret. Officers of the ment. If own toes. world Limited to one-of-a-kind; a few pairs as listed; and subject Edwards were also introduced. Ed­ commander in Japan, and placed His own dear Son He gave. to prior sale. association state, however, that wards Is the club's new greens erhis political argument has em­ Those o f us who were through all who remember last year’s under that o f Admiral Radford, one war and sons in the service 'fhla matchless truth through keeper. 10.2-cubic-foot phasized the fact that the Water our naval chief in the Pacific. Christ unfurled ' men’s night as one of the . out­ A buffet lunch was served by long before Pearl Harbor, knew standing events of the year are Department, like every other town Furtbormoro, In the new arrange­ that the hue and cry to extend the He died our souls to save. Chet Joe Babincau. The House department In this era of town ex- looking forwarck with anticipation committee, headed by Arthur W il­ ment, the Formo.sa area is linked training period to thirty months to tonight's meeting. Mr. Wilson p^slon, has had to make In- was only a sham to cover up the It cost Him everything He had kie, Jr., is now planning for toe with the Philippine area. To take the sinner's place. was chairman last year and many REFRIGERATOR caeased expenditures. Unlike real purpose, to wit, that our sons Regul spring semi-formal dance on Sat­ The new arrangement seems to To be made sin for us was bad members of the committee are the urday, April 12. al}ier town departments, however, would be in there when an inci­ same. reflect two policies. dent did occur to send us into war. Our recompense to face.' All at one „. W|io*e Increasing f expanses have ?mMWS7tu5.i.'.'rrr«6vannn»*awM/«rAm” from thevi,. Korean..... ^ ‘ war. 'Twas God the Father's promised nounced today that -following a Department has ndt increased Its Training Bill, I rend or heard meeting of the Vestry on Sunday Originally, it la to be remembered, nothing a.s to six months being # plan ‘Preface to Life’ COMBINATION rtte of charge to its customers. It was decided to make plans for we took certain action with re­ .adequate as a training period by To save us from our ways. This fact aoems the aurfacd ex- a permanent memorial at the gard to Formosa —the assignment our press or those who were "so church for the late rector Rev. H. ''Preface To A Life,” a film by pianatlon of what amounts to a vociferous In colling for a thirty The vengeance of Ail Mighty God of our Seventh Fleet to guard ,lt For all our sin and shame. B. pimstead,. whose funeral was toe National Institute of Mental Vaster Department-daflclW-which months training period in 1041. as held today. A fund is to be started from Commtmtst invasion and war'tod.ay is so highly mechanized The path through death His' soul Health, was shown at the recent must ba met either by cashing must trod at once, with Robert Nutland aa alao to keep Chiang Kai-shek that even a year was not long meeting of the Child Study group Water Department reserve funds, , To shoulder all our blame. treasurer. Fair-Shoring Pays Off Only . .$494.95 from attempted action against the enough, we were told. of Washington and South schools. oij by an Increase in the depart- If we were to enter a third Meeting Tonight mainland—on toe announced basis Those stripes for sin He bore for Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters, The film depicts the Influence on When you have a party-line telephone, the service is good mjpnt'a rates to Its customers. World War aiiytinie in the near a cliild's mental and emotional Trade-In $100.00 that we wanted to keep toia sec­ future, how many people honestly me win meet tonight at 8 o'clock at Wjhlch must be done depends, per- the Moose Hall. growth by hia parents’ dream of if everyone shares fairly. Allowing plenty o f time between tion o f the Far East quiet while believe that pre.ient draft regula­ "By His stripes wo are healed.' haps. upon an expert assessment And tlirough God's word we now Visitors Here what they would like him to be. calls — answering your own ring only — and giving up the the Korean war . was on. . tions would not be dlseardeil over­ A parent’s dream has to be modi­ ©t the future prospecU of the da- night even Insofar as veterans are can see The Rockville Baptist High The Communists have remem­ School Youth Fellowship will be fied and delayed to allow toe child line in an .emergency pays off in better service all tj^ong : $ 3 9 4 .9 5 p^tm ent under itk present rates. concerned, and I siiy this having Salvation's plan revealed. bered this. In the Korean truce hosts to the Hartford Association the normal growth of an average the line. ‘ Ifj it can skim by, with the tern- a son who came home after three child. He mii.st be allowed to. ex­ negotiations, and have argued years in toe South Pacific broken He .siiffcred much while here on B.aptist Youth Fellowship tonight This Offer For A pw ary borrowing from the gen- earth Barrel Back at 7 o’clock at the church. plore his world in his own man­ that, since bur action with regard In heaUhJjFand another son who Shown Below ner and learn at his own speed siVl fund which haa been em- has a hlgiTlygmy specialized trade nec­ A life of tribulation. (2 only) Graceful medium The Board of Trustees of the to Formosa was originally based Rockville Church will meet at without feeling he is disappoint­ Limited Time Only p^yed, there la no need to raise essary to the war effort as he was BeryerBcncsa from the day of on • the situation In Korea, the birth high Sheraton Barrel Back 7 :30 .p.ra. at the church. ing his parents. Feeling securl in it* ovm rates. If the lack of a specialist in World War Two Fan Back coming of peace to Korea should having served on both the Atlan- Prom faithless generation. model in a small figured leaf CYO Meeting their approval a child matures with buance between iU obUgatlona St. Bernard's CYO will meet to­ a healthy mental attitude toward automatically mean our abandon­ ic ami Pacific fleets with a first design damask; deep Emerald COME AND GET IT, KIDS! He f inished what He .came to do . night at 7:30 p. m. at the church those about him and himself. •^il .lla own Income, looks perma- ment of our FormtiSA policy;------class-rating- - ...- ...... — i.------g re e n ..------Graceful Sheraton design with, n ^ t, the water rates will have to As to eighteen year olihi, what God's foretold plan fuinilcd. Curved Arrns ■hali. ” ...... The ’ film ' showed a small boy VVe are, by our new command button back. (2 only) Soft St. Patrick's Party growing into a man, first under bs increased, would thia amount to as most of Laid down His life for me and you blue texture; (2) in gold leaf- arrangement, moving Formosa off the young men in the present Just as the Father willed. Extra low, sloping arms on The Rockville Lodge of Elks the sole influence of his mother’s •That is the main situation, and dream for him, then under the in­ into another compartment of our draft were ijorn during the de­ design damask. will hold its annual St. Patrick's It, poses a non-potltleal question God saw the tfavail o f His soul this lounge chair. (2) in brown party tonight at the Elks Home fluence of his father's hopes and policy, thus eluding, to some ex- pression years when our birth rate ^ W^lich has to ha -aaa_at-.lts lowest- polnt. and we Had.-gLven satlsfactlnh. modern-leaf damask. Self welt- -on North Park-street;-A-coi filially -as -he- would- mature with ^Bear future. had more than eleven million in And God's endorsement of this trims; no fringe. beef and cabbage dinner will be both his parents’ dreams and ex­ Secondly, the 'new arrangement goal served. Jerry Picking and his Irish pectations, modified to allow him •For the answor to this question; the draft of World War Two than seems to Indicate that wc have, at we have in the pre.sent draft in Was at the resurrection. American' orc'hcstra will play for to mature at his own pace. suggest that the Board of Dl- Mrs. William Stavens was in last, come to regard Formosa as the same age brackets. ro to rs and toe public ought to part Perhaps some one else haji the Some day this Christ shall rule charge of program airangements. of our own to thtt town ■ new general answer as to where oiir .armed thia world '' At its next meeting, the group Pacific defense system. For a long According to God's plan. Magic in the Cape will studv a modern school plant nmnager who, wiien he is anooint* forces are coming from in the time Washlngtiin policy refused to event of a third World War. As That way of righteousness un­ with a visit to the Bowers School. for me I believe that age from furled:— \ r i - r 1 r r r"" both levels would be thrown over- Which gives the earth to man. Department's condition and mak hoard, physical fitness as it per­ A. E. Fish. Pierre the Poodle held that it wn.s, ,nnil that we must Ing rccommendatioha for the fu tains to the pre.sent draft, much Record-Brtoking Construction Program keep it. But President Truman apd of what we call essential war title. He ought to make a survey Mr. Aehrson said that We mir- work had every other phase of the o f its administration, its engineer iTelephone construction went on at a record-breaking pace selves were laying no claim upon present dr.aft. or we would not ing, the wisdom ^f it.a planning have much of an armed force. WILLIAMS ra^ -’ i last year. In Ginnecticuc alone, it amounted to ««' iKaa . - A A u ? * ...... ^ ruiiiuwa,Formosa, inaithat wc werewore merelvmerely in- I'ours truly. $26,000,000 — the largest program in any one year in the An American entire history of this compiny. And, as tong as a supply" I f the new general managerTs a «utd that, when the OIL SERVICE l*attents (Irnlefiil . o f critical materials is available, w e are planning-to main­ • Odalifiedqualified person,nersoh: such aA taskf.iu vidii«oii «'nd. the uHi- To the Editor':...... — 341 BROAD ST. mate fate of Formosa 'should be Knife Arms fall within his normal line of duty Please find space in your paper tain this record-breaking pace to provide the kind o f tele­ decided by the United Nations. aijd capacity. If th*<^ have been to let the people of Manchester Low, loungy piece with slop­ phone service a busy and growing Ginnecticut needs. But now, by classifying For­ know what a fine thing It was FUEL AND eiVors of judgment or practice in ing knife-edge arms. Note but­ mosa with the Philippines, which for the Auxiliary of tile Manches­ tlae past, it would be his duty to RANGE OIL tons on inside arms. 2 only in we regard aq a permanent part of ter I’ost No. 17 of the I>. A. V. to insn rM'ommend their correction, and visit the *|mtienta at Rocky Hill green fret-textured covering. the American defense system in ■k it k Semi-Lounge S(j up a new system of adminlstrn- Hospital and dl.strlbule cigarettes toe Pacific, we are closer to ami beautiful Easter card.s, even ti|n and operation for the depart­ , Shown Below claiming Formosa as a permanent with stamps on the envelopes. OIL HEATING Exceptionally sftiaTt lounge ment. _ They make these nien so happy AhicjlcAn..baae______.______— ^QUIPMENI^ -chaira with-Foam-Latex seats;- ^ « t is IHrinain^pfobTem pre- anf EatimatoR On Reqiieat smooth textured upholstery.--;' ai|d our idea of how it ought to he lehiihded htrti" '*>'• trut. in tola Instance, for human battlefront. And, gradual­ •VIOUN sired, and the pattern'number to address and the Pattern Numbef find the Republican members ly, after about the ninth repeti­ Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ to Anne Cabot (The Manchester THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND • e fi th* Board o f Directora quite tion, these Commimlst charges sri fke Sign at • ning Herald, New York 36, N. Y. Evening Herald); 1150 Ave. Amer­ ica* New York 36. ?L Y. Colla Construction Co. wining to VMS for an independent beginning to lose their effective­ BRUNO bUBALDO WORTHY SERVICE Basic Fashion for '52 is filled auBit, If Uis Democrata inalat ness, too. 249 BROAD STREET Ttkplioiia A802 with ideas to make your clothes Anne Cabot's New Album of ,. • • »*-i. l i t Like DDT. tlieie Communist 142 East Center St. budget go further—time-saving Needlework is chock-full of grand TELEPHONE COMPANY I rsflscU Republican. duujpa an designed to produce or 2.3700 and economical designs that are designs,! plus exciting featufes and T ^^^^^^^^Msnehester^^ easy to sew. Gift pattern printed a gift pattern printed in the book. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 EXCEPT SAT. AND SUNDAY •Inside. 25 cent*. * • / 25 cents. - a- * ••••OOOOO# •••••••••••••••# — ------^ ------— ------—A-

] ...... f

______;___ - -•' -•-'^.:A-'Lj '-_.ii?'v

^ A G S EIG H V IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,* CONN« MONDAY, MARCH 17. 1952 KANCHESTER EVENINC HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 17. 1962 •MKi* tion* aho)tt the ARC. BoUcIion and Dublin Honors thq public ON invited. Hartford, Adopts •Hal Boyle *..... Perry Will Show fPttttersoii inTPavor Charge U N | r ^ M i*. Sf^ttHliais* and .Mrs. l^ le r have mpreased a hop* that * Coveralls for Cl Korea War Films St. Patrick in the rcaldente will once again oee fit ^ a t Is It to Be to'take advantage of and aosist I Of Cut in Foreign Aid Planes Hit The distinct white covsrall uni­ with a beiieftcial program that . . Members o f the South Manchev^ 2-Mile Parade Covaaiiy Player* will pretent Mrves anyone whenever help te re­ form worn by Manchastet's Civil­ ter Auxiliary Fir* .Department ; C -v« Mnv«> tn •>«*'' ‘ *>e burden o f econpmi thrsa oelaetlaaa Friday at the quired. They requeat that w * not ian Defense;workers will soon be will be hosts to the auxiliary o f the , says inove lo Combine i^m oine .. pattewon Mid. 9 , Irish Today? P 6 Site ((^Mtlaaad M m Pag* Om ) Hampton ConaoUdated School for let other towna carry tba" lock! adopted for the H artfoM CD jloUca MFD at fir* beadquarters on Spruce street tonlfrtit at 7:30. : Veto W ith Others Seek* i VA ealrnnanned I the benefit og- the Hampton PTA realdentsf burden as they Iwve bad auxiUaty, according to Hartford , ^ ^ . AiJ 1 ' Outlining another taak which to do In tha past two years hecause N ew Y ork—- outside Ireland is the day honored the blood program in JanUaiy. deep music o f living, the low, sad Rhode* ScholarsliiiM • son. Republican. Fifth Connecticut' discharged i right.” Harding. X, badge and CD insignia will be plains against hia taxes, does his rhythms of eternity. The Irishman ruary after the priaoners at more than by the Irish people in Anyone in a position to give A Rhodes scholar is a non.4Cng- » Oongresslonal District, Mid Satur* : "Veterans’ organization task the United States. The Robertaon ^qhool gMa' worn over the Hartford CO work­ w ork and listens to h i* •wife Uk* tacked with a wide variety of services as a solicitor of even, a hsars the high *ong of the turning llsh student at Oxford University, ' .dtoy^OiAt ,he_AVould la k e a scalpel.i forces should _be .set up to provide :W ltl+*ll +ny- heart -t-wish.you p t ] ^ team will ^ a y Hebron er’s left breast pocket. Baidi (H> tb * man o f any other race. aplmea, Uia dim lullaby of u»* r _ . . A ia 441* ^ W , % M m.'* 1m a m A m w S m ! 44b ^ homemade weapon * when the’ nnaR MctlonTifHirtow|i-and cott< who receives a acholarihlp from a and cut it to the bone" in order toTthe assistance which must be tn America every bleating and ------,— , Bdiool Thulijlay at worltef wm also c i^ a "night But on t ^ on* diy of the year worm in tCs-cocoon. A ll the world > lessen the burden on the Amerl given. Each new member of soldiers entered a compound to 1:30 p.m. 'a t Coventry. tribute may contact efthar wom­ stick. —holy St. Patrlws Day—the fund established by the provisions screen out anti-Oommunista. grace and prosperity on this feast en. Contributions may also be is in tune, and he is in step svlth of the will of OcU Rhodes. . ' can taxpayer. your group must be advised o f his day of our glorious apostle." The 17 team-uniforma are now Manchester’s CD director, Police Irishman becomes an Irishman. Jan. 14 the Reds declared that miriled and membership card and the tune, the tune that only he His remarks on the subject rights. This Is an educational In northern Ireland Prim e Min­ petd fo r through benefit gamea a M Chief Herman O. Schendei, who And on this day Jn>u have to be can hear. ‘ came in an informal talk which project which must be listed upon Allied planea bombed a prisoner donationo. pin will be sent the donor. adopted this uniform for use by Irish to know what it la to be of war camp at Kangdong. killing ister 8tr Basil Brooke in his St. What is it to be Irish? f followed his formal address at the your agenda," Patterson con­ Patrick’s day atatement referred The girl* will play a mothers ’Sho P T A liM elected a nominat­ the town’s CD workers several Irish. ■ annual birthday banquet of the cluded. 10 Allied soldiers nad wounding baaketbaU team the latter part of ing epmmltte* to report a slate of mimths ago, commends it for its The outer aigns, o f course, can It is to live the whole history of more than 60. indirectly to - the touchy subject : Ditworth-Comell-Quey Post, No. Judge William J. Shea of Su­ of partition—separation of • the the month a t Robertaon achool. o S te e ^ a t -the M ay 14. meeting. practicality. He said it can be be seen by all. Hie Irisbman over- his race between a proclaim their lo\’e for the veteran commander from Bridgeport: past (Continued from Page One) ' I Post, who Lv making the presen- ^ h o made this contribution possi- I’ROMI’l .sK R V ia. ______I tatlon, and Dean W. Cronktte, j,le. .The Communists may have an­ During this time he was rc^men- feUowworkei* at Pratt-Whitney he C2iurch will meet from 7-9 Sunday favorable response tb their efforts, What la it to be Irish? walk in com'plete mystic under­ ; while chipping away at legislation commander Francia E. Miner, gen­ tal S-3 officer. In Auto Accident took in aome live specimens. in the vestry. Mrs. Herbert E. Rose ' / \ / /■/ t \ swers to the questions Tuesday. M indicated by the IM e attend­ I t is to have an angel In your standing with God for 24 wonder­ Pay Monthly ‘ of benefit to the veteran." eral chairman of the committee in 2. The concern of his support- '■ chairman of the dance held Satur- i -rbe floor ahow featured two lo- and Alfred J. Hunkln will be in Hickman indicated he would have The captain, who returned to A daughter Kathleen Miriam ances at all services of Saturday mouth, turning youlr prose to ful hours. O n' the subject of preventing charge of the anniversary celebra­ ers over the need for Eisenhower’s day evening at the VFW Home. i entertainers. MIm ' Loretta his home recently After 14 months WM bora March 11 to Mr. and Mrs. charge. Kirtland Olsen will be in Since not all returns are in as yet, more questions ready. Middletown, R. I., March 17— and Sunday. ^ poetry. It is to have the gift of ------wars, Patterson said, the "solution tion, and Harold A. Turklngton, personal appearance tn America.' Pagani of Foster street played se­ duty In Korea, also holds the Dis­ Richard Kenniston of High street, chsirge o f the devotional period. A mayor of Manchester. In, the truce supervision meeting Mrs. Elizabeth Budd, 38, of 45 Another capacity audience Ya ex­ tongues, to know the langusge of CALL 3535 to the problem o f suppressing the 3. Private concessions from Mr. Cronklte reports that more lections on the accordion. Mias tinguished Flying Cross with an South Coventry at Johnson Me- sports film will be shown during Sahara’s Snails Allied staff officers proposed that Lancaster road, Manchester. pected tonight, as the cadets all living things. Does an Irishman . mad dogs of the world who so de- A , delicious dinner was aerved supporters of other Republican will be added to the aum already Carol Quinn of the Marion Wil­ Oak Leaf Cluster, and a Presiden­ morial Hospital in Stafford Springs. the social hour. Eterle W. Rose, Snails have been found In the neutral inspection teams check Conn., escaped ' without lnjur>’ serve Army night in the cam­ |Muse ahd turn ah ear to a tree? I sire power that they ruthlea-ly seek by the Garden Grove Caterera. candidates that If EisAnhow’er did turned over to the heart fund. He liams Peck School of the Dance tial Unit Citation. ' He was Jr., and Janice Sanborn will be in Sahara desert, where the day tem- Slnulju, Chongjln, Hamhung, Saturday when the car she was Mra. Kenniston is the former Juilith paign. Delegations from out-of- is because on this day he wants BENSON’S, INC. BAN'aY OIL CO. Following the dinner and apeechea, return he would "mo.st certainly” urges that all VFW and auxiliary gave an exhibition of acrobatic llerature reaches 122 degrees Fah- It through humaii slaughter.. .. is awarded the Distinguished Flying driving was struck from behind Crickmore. She and her daughter charge of refreshments. 331 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER guesta danced to the music of get the nomination. members return either the tickets and tap dancing. The hall was Manpojln and the North Korean town corps will swell the attend to'hear what one sleepy bud says rsnbeR. and where no rain had one word . . . . strength. But he Cross for service in flying a small and pushed more than 100 feet •zrived at their home Sunday. Four of the eight local senior once at this service. 1/ W \ ^//.'// / Tony p'B rlght’a orchestra. Hoffman was asked if he thought or the contributions as soon aa decorated in red, white and blue, capital o f Pyongyang oa the Reds’ to Another m it opens Its pale fallen in five years. Warned that military strength Is observation plane observing ene­ acrors a busy hlghwiiy. The public is invited to a Cook members of Manchester H^h Cadet E. Irene Booker Will be General Eisenhower's Jan. 7 state- passible to him, P. O. Box 708. or with a large paper heart made by five ports of entry. They listed the my targets for larger Air Force F^est Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the ro t enough. "Economic and moral Police Chief. Howard Peabody School class are honor students. the speaker this evening. She w m rtent that he would nqt take part take them tor the poat home after South Korean capital o f Seoul, , strength must accompany and Mrs. Joseph Sterling calling at­ planes. said passengers in the car with CMnectIcut Light and Power These are Alma Hill, Robert Kel bora July 10. 1931, in Brewer, Me., in the pre-convention campaign 3 o’clock in the afternoon. tention to the fact that the dance Kangnung, Kunaan, Taegu and' supplement military streni^h," he Liidlow Typograpli Mrs. Budd were her mother-in- TOmpany^auditorium in Williman ler, Marilyn Loyzim and Diana and attended schools at Bangor precluded him from speaking in was for the benefit of the Heart Pusan aa the UN ports. tic. Mid. At the pre.'entatlon ceremony Sunday), the U. S. Eighth Army law, Mrs. Benjamin Budd, 76, and Motycka. and Brewer, graduating from the U. S. The UN negotiators also empha­ _M em b «r8 o f the Mr. and Mrs. chairman Herbert J. McKinney ex- Fund. Larry Mallon’s orchestra clamped a new blanket of censor­ her sister-in-law, Mrs.' Louise Pupils enrolled at the Center Brewer High School, in 1949. She ".Should our economy fall — Proi^oles Cleaves "N o," he replied. " I don’t. The sized that airfields and seaports in Club of North Coventry deairing preared the appreciation o f the furnished the music for dancing. Budd, 49. both of .-Fall River, and Robertson Schools who have entered the 8.A. Training college . those dependent upon us.-the free oituatinn has radically changed the vlqlnlty of each port must be ship on front line troop designa­ tions. The army recently identi­ Mass. ' Nielther was hurt. w **■* •■«que*ted to meet at perfect attendance from Septem­ in September o f iM t year, nations of Europe and Asia—would since then." Inspected. 7:30 p. m. at the Church Com- C. Shepley Cleaves of 6 Conway fied several divisions on the battle­ The police official said Mrs. ber, 1981, through the end of Feb­ first be swallowed up By Com- Eva McLaughlin, 70 Henry street; *"»W ty House to attend in a group. road. In the Green Manor section, Aollr-e Candidate Beds Protest line. Budd had come to a stop and was ruary, M reported by Mrs. Samuel miinlsm. With our allies gone—our Mystery Shots Mrs. Evelj-n Crane, 99 Falknor The Robertson School girls’ bM- MCGRATH HINTS STORY has been promoted to the position Whether the general liked It or This brought a prompt protest about to enter heavily trafficked A. Guilford, interim principal, fol­ fate would be evident,’’ Patterson drive. ketball team defeated the Hall Me­ of district manager of the Ludlow not. according to Hoffman, he is from the Reds' and Col. Andrew J. A Hockey Watcher Route 138 wheri her 1949 sedan low: Grade 1,' Brands DeCarli, Da­ TREMENDOUS CARPET VALUES ■aid. . ADMITTED TODAY: Wil­ morial School of Willington 41-38 Providence, R. I.. March 17—(fl9 Typogrnph Company of Chicago, now an active candidate for the Puzzle Police Kinney said afterward the Com­ Toronto — (/P)— Bob Davidson, was hit violently* enough to drive vid 'Eaton; Grade 2, 'Virginia Bay, ' Speaking o f the work o f the III., for w’hom he has been a sales­ liam Wright. Glastonbury: Linda munists "seem to wish to imprison Friday night In Willington. Wil­ — A tty. Gen. J. Howard McGrath Republican nomination with New Maher, 14 Blisa street; David chief scout of the Toronto Maple it diagonally across the four-lane Carol Lee Hill, Marsha Koraer; left a promise with a Providence American Legion for the welfare man for several years. He will the inspection teams within citv lington scorers were Joan Usher Hampshire’s 11 delegates lined Leafs in the N H L, watches lots of highway for 108 feet. Grade 3, Richard Alleh, Richard St. Patrick’s dinner group iMt of the veteran, Patterron said, make his headquarters In Boston, (Continued from Page One) Thornhill. 157 Lenox street; limits.” 30, Alice Steams 6. Carol M m oh up behind him. hockey games each winter. He tra­ John G. Kirk. 24. of 11 Fox- Bodreau, Martin Koppisch, 'Patri­ night that one day he would tell a ' ’Had the American Legion ac- and in addition to the N ew Eng­ Charles Kasevlck, 317 North Main Of the five North Korean ports 2: Coventry, Doris West 25, Nancy "I did point' out in a delicate street: Richard Stiila, Rockville; vels across the continent In Can­ meadow Road, Scarsdale, N. ,Y., cia Chappell; Grade 4, Paula Cen­ nation-shaking story involving ... V compUshed. '-no. more- In the field land area, will take In, Quebec-and residence of Meade's mother, early 0l entry listed by the Allies all Charland and Janet Rychlihg YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS manner;’’ Hoffm an said,' "that' it’ ada in search of-ynung hockey tal« attending'the Navy’s Officer Can­ tos, Catherine Wanagel, Joseph race and religion. . . . , of veterans' benefits than the eri- the other Maritime Provinces. to d a y.-" ...... ■JSTnc* Brennan, lO Trotter street.”" but Pyongyang already had been each 8. Best guards for'Willihgtoh V a m v m ,*..!.. e%A . _ _ would T*asu»V4 bei/t. lULllllrather liarclimill Hirfor 111111 him lto O ent. Some d 'y s he .sees as many didate School. tn Newport, was Eaton, Clecile Pepin; Grade 5, Ells- ■, Dilyorth'g original statement on. BIRTHS YESTERDAYT A namssH hv t-hA— fnw *-4>rt’alne Bugbee and CaraL Observers viewed .the remarks ,,u-«stment..oC'.me QXjBUL,of -ss-slx^-gamw; H t» weekly average- tdentfflcd a* the "driverof-tt«rat:to-' the ihcicient said that Meade was 'IS 'JTr^m had ■WbodWorth': C o v e n t r y , " SusTe -the^f ormer Rh^ e lsland~Goveri Its place In the sun would be Justi­ mfxnm **’ '’*'' ‘’lu'le anyone who wants to talk had proposed Slnanju Instead of is 20. Moat o f these games are in which struck Mrs. Budd’s sedan. JameS Jacobs, Gail Johanaon, Rob­ nor M implying that "race and re­ fied. sons, moved to Glastonbury in shot by Miss Carroll, 36, Identified Ballasy, Rockville; a son to Mr, Jackaon, Roberta Kalber, Patricia Special PurchoM tone*OR*fona politics,” Pyongyang. scluHiI and a’mateur leagues. Kirk also escaped ^nhurL ert Carr: Grade 6. Morris Jacobs, ligion’’ had a part in current 1M9. and to Manchester in June of Bs a former docket clerk in the and Mrs. Theodore Davis, 22D St. Carpenter and Coral Potter. "Although the sacrifices made The Communista had named Darrell NMon, Albert Samuels, WMhington investigations. His Axminstors in.M, and bought one of the new Hoffman said he saw "no reason DA'a-officc. He said she now work* James street. Transportation was furnished by by the valiant men and women in the world why the general only two South Korean ports. Donald Smith, Donald Quirion, Da­ department Is under Congressional houses on Conway ronil. They have In the Jury Commissioner’s office. DLSCHARGED SATURDAY: Mrs. Eugene Rychling and Carl vid McCHellan, Barbara Cole; w’ho served In time of war cannot shouldn't tell any audience in the The staff officers did not discuss probe and he hM been asked to liked Manehester and both parents After receiving a report from Mrs. Eliza Chapman, 168 Summit Watson. Grade 7, Richard Pepin, June be measur^ for economic reward. world wh at Am erica mcana to him the big issue of whether Russia tell of his personal financial and ehildren have made many AsstHtant -District Attorney John street;- Mrs. Belle Hagenow, 396 The photographer will be at the Samuels, Barbara Contos; Grade Our special purchase e f these immensely popiiiar tene«on« |thelT places as favored members and what N A T O is trying to ac- should be allowed to represent the status. friends here. They Identified them­ Gary on an Interview with Meade, Highland street; Mrs. Catheriiie achool the latter part o f the month 8, Carol Altshuler, Deanna Klllen, tone Axminsters (in hqrd-to-gft Gray ana Green) permits of our society are completely Jus- compliah." Communists on a neutral inspec­ to, take pictures o f the girls’ and ' tified. The Iwegion has, even in selves with the Manchester Green Dllworth said: Sherman. 49 Demlng street; Ralph tion commission. , Robert Rose, Theodore Seitz, Lil­ Parent-Teacher Assoelafion, as He added that in this context Thompson, 28 Oliver road; Mrs. IT H E CA N D Y boys’ teams and the cheerleading lian Luthi, Lucille Risley. their disposal at the FABULOUSLY LOW PRICE of ■ their light veterans’ rights and Eisenhower Could make a great "Meade’s storj- Just doesn't stack But once agreement is reached •quad. Peter, their younger son Is In the up." Alire Vashalipski, Marlborough: privileges, been mindful of the many speeches outlining hl.s per- on ports of entry, this issue and with T/te Master's Touch ‘ • There will be a set-back party f.n f . I ,. ■■■■ if rade at that school. Christo- He added, however, there will be Anthony Jones, 127 Prospect the question of whether the Reds fact that » e are aJi taxpayers who pher Is a Junior In High school. •sonal view.? on a variety of sub­ ,stre;et; Mrs. Clara Hodgkins, 14 Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the jects Including the .situation in the no arrests "at the prygent time. should bo allowed to build and re­ M A DE A N D biciitt street: Mi.ss Nellie Sullivati, auditorium of the Nathan Hale Taft Club Elects Far En.st, Mis* Carroll la a eity employe and pair military airfield# during an Enjoy Meals More- 420 East Center street; Mr.s. SOLD AT Community Center. Mrs. Ralph C. Hoffman said he had believed will be available.” armistice will be the only disputes Hoffman of the organizational Seated In lailiby Loui.se Smith. 8 Oval lane; Win- blocking agreement on how to po­ MUNSON’S Seven Officers for some months that it is po.ssible committee will be chairman. $ 6 7 5 throp Ford, 51 Oakwood road: to get General Eisenhower nomi­ Meade, who is divorced, de.*x-rib- lice a truce. The question of vol­ CANDY KITCHEN Chewing Willey’s Mrs. Dorothy Baldyga, 44 Lewis The Ladies Association of the nated if If he (Iocs not return, and ed Dilworth's ver.»ion of the shoot­ untary repatriation is holding up' 117 N E W BOLTON ROAD—RO UTE 6 and 44 A First Congregational C3iurch will p e rsq .y d . street; Mrs. Harriett Zatursky, 47 Manchester’s Taft for President Classified Advertising that the New Hampshire primary ing a "damn fool He." agreement on prisoner exchange. NEW STORE HOURS: 9:S0’A. .91, to 6 P. M. WEEKDAYS have an ail-day meeting Wednes­ Club became a political force in ha.s proved him right. Mend gave thl.s ver.4ion: Jen.son street; Charles Carpenter, S U N D A Y 10:00 A. M- to 6:00 P. M. day in the vestry. There will be a 53 Lake street; Norman McKee, Tentativriy Approi'ed being at its organizational meet­ Spearmint Hel|^ OTHER APVS. ON PAGE 12 6() .Million Votist "I was'Slated by the window in The Allied "package deal" .ten­ bMket lunch at noon with coffee ing Friday night when ite officers 191 Oak street; Mrs. Hilda Allison, furnished. The business meeting One reason many "It also proves," he went on. the lobby of the hotel. Three shots tatively approved by the Reds Sun­ wm * chosen and plans drawn for >eople chew W ^ - Aydiidbie in two best w idths^f feet and 12 feet. Cut .97.9 Center street; 'Mrs. Doris w ill be at 1:30 p. m. The women ______Lots for Hale W 'that It takes three times as much were fired by somebody outside. day provided that the UN com­ drumming .up support for Its can­ e y S p e a rm in t Suburban For Sale 75 Mikelis and daughter, South will work on tleing three quilts I to day desired length: 12',1 SM B '. 21'. B.®1 Ihe voters to vote for Tliey all Tni.s. fireplace, picture end conferenees Fi.senhowcr has iisses.sor. battle in four days. you sell. „ _ ^ mnn, Rockville. Climax Chapter, OES, will have Gray Tone on Tone Pattern (2) !;79.00 Rjsg. $94.50 window;. Delightful kitchen, din- held with key personalities elo.sely Meade became GOP city chair­ Infantrymen warmed their Phone 6273 following the jHilit leal picture. DI.SCHARGED TO D A Y : Mrs. a apeciol meeting Wednesday at Gray Cotton Pattern (1 ) . $118.00 ettf. two large bedrooms. tile man in 1948 aiul resigned In June, chilled zones under one of the ;89.Q0 Reg. BRAE-BURN REALTY Mary Fava, Carter street; Richard 7:48 p. m. in the Masonic Hall in RUG REMNANTS ' hath, lavatory, garage. Large On Saturday,' during a full day, 19.')1. after unsimcessfnllv oppos- warmest suns since last fall. renMjinaJfl Brown Floral Pattern (2) . >79.1.00 Reg. $118.00 Newell,^^ Buekland road; Thoma-s Gi-ound action remained light Merrow. Newly elected officera ' expandable .second floor. H. B FARMS AND Cointrv Estates he saw Col. Robert Meform ick, tn.g the candidacies of Gov. James 'A VOU o n p m o tu l siteniion. Gray, Brown, Rose Pattern (2 ) -’n J ' Reg.* $94.90 Freddq, Andover; Mrs. Mary and scattered. _ _ _ vouetn will be installed and committees For any room in your home, chair mats or car rugs. ^ 9 . 0 0 :__Grady, 8009.__— ______._ Wanted- .-Thf New, York— HfeaW publisher of the Republican fh i- H Duff for U. S. Senator and .■i._TOU._.OIT^p£«UBp/. icrvice.. Red Oriental Pattern (2)1— - ______494.50- cago Tribune, who said he dohn S. Fine for governor in the Adani.S, MiddlclbwTnr GeoFge Knt- H H o t; IFM ot; — «P(iOiRted:------r------Beg. Tribune will publish its Annual W'lmld ...0'ne'“A1h^“ aivIsf6n ■'marked ~St. i f TOU o n ■ psymeni d*le to X kaveek, 74 Starkweather street; Patrick’s day by firing gr^n $271,29 Exploref* Post 87, Boy Scouts, (83) 18 27 rugs 9 8 c each Blue Oriental Pattern (1 ) !I 7 Reg. $94.50 -.-,*^^t^^.P.N':c'Cape.C£id,„9 rooms and- Spring. .Eatui„ lasting*. SumlavA support the general if he gets ihe ! GOP primary election. Duff and 6l your payilsy. $316.47 9.00 Porter Blinn, 28; OahwixMt road;"'" smoke shells at the Reds.... ■>' ' w j)l meet Tuesday .at 7:30 p-m . a t 27. x„27. rues .50 each Gray. Tone on Tone Pattern (4 ) : bath. Sun porch, garage in cel­ March 23. 30. April 6, 13. To place Rep^blVcttn. n'cmihutViVii." M cCor-.tFibb' both were efsetM ' to ' OffH'f, It's ‘y e i” to 4 out of S . em­ 403;(» ■”475.80 2.50 Reg. $98.00. nilck'.ts an Out.spoken -supporter I the latter defeating Dilworth. A t noon Monday (10 p. m. pat. the post headquarter* on Mason ' (48) 24 X 36 rugs la r Hot air furnace. House needs your mi see your local broker, or ployed men, women at ftiiiim f . Abovt poymontt covtr •vtrythingl. $2.50 «ach Green Tone on Tone Pattern (5) 2.50 Reg. $98.00 for Tiift. • then Democratic c.indidate for Cilnir Schedule A toon el $100 co$h $}0,60 whon ■treet. John M. TVlcr is senior if some repairs, tfandy-to Parkway,' if you wish send us a full, dsvvrip- ______LS______' ' ' ______Com* in, writs, or phone todmy! (36) 27 X 54 rugs p 5 r9 5 c sch Then in succession, Ei.senhower Governor of Pennsylvania. Tuesday—Tonsil and adenoids Promptly repaid Ia 1} coftiecutive crew leader. Thomas W. Rider is . and,.Si'.h0Ql..$S.700. other _ ,$l$,:«e_;$lM ,_ ... menihl): intiollfnonh .pf f1O.0$ -«ecN. post .advisor...... , itslmFs Tom Vtih'nr in.,;.* '-p-i a.iP.n ii.it'i, your-firopwlyrKSUggested"Aa-. 7. ii.’ i------’.'"'""T V .’* •met "*ei Oen>eL«ctn» v»ro.' i-iicniH i>.P. c-iav.Clav. rormerformet - at -S:3(|. -Oe Uieetew gleee— ...... ■ ...... ■ .:..—.JTicoap.AS.::Bopr Seeute- ^H -'m eet ^1^-denB, bedreomi^hnd-^nlfi^^ TWJST CARPET BRQABLQQM ______. ' pointmeht only. Tuesday at 7:15 p. m. in the Red 12’ wide. In stock now. ------«d reprinted free in Herald Hospital Notes m sH m oT caae^ay^rkar tixts re m v t w ' » Schoolhouse') on Cedar Swamp, (1 ) 7.6 X 9 White' (deep pile) A N D O V E R — Five rm>m home, near Eisenhiiwcr backers are'anxious ■Xiao WeU Baby at Y-, 2 to,4. Whltmaa, Sehraft. P.'. A S. 13.75 Green, 105 sq. yds. ^q. yd. Tribune Farm t'atalog. Address road. - James Curtis, Js scoutmaa- i at $8.95 lake. .’1-4 acre land. High, eleva- to ft(d the general home'befor8 the Thursday- - Pre-natal at 9. * (3) 6 x 9 Green (deep pile) Herald Tribune Farm Desk, 230 Kept la Refrigerated Cases FlNANCECa ter; Robert Hart, assistant scout J2.00 Gray, 58 sq. yds. at $ 9 .9 5 ^ * y4* , tlon, knotty pine living room. Re­ Republican nominating convention imtlents Today: ISO. i riday — Cheat at 9 by appoint- (2) 5 x 9 Gray Twist \V, 41st street, .New-York City. AD M ITTED .SATURDAY; ■n;ent onlv. 2nd R w • MtVIS UlllOINO master. , 30.00 Medium Green. 215 sq. yds. at $ 9 . 9 5 74* duced $8,950. Barbara Woods in. July, if only *0 he can be seen •oa MAIN m m (Ovor Woolworlh'*) MANCSISm, CONN. (2 ) 6 x 9 Dark Greeh (deep pile) : 8702. and shaije hands with some of the Thopfi.s Freddo. AnckfVer:’ Charles •Also Well Baby, at hospital, 2 ArthNr Dris Starts The American Red Cross drive J 52.00 Heavy Gray Twist, 86 sq. yds. at $ l 1 . 9 5 ^q. yd. FOR QUICK RESULTS in aelllng Hitchcock,. 9 Village street: Miss to' Olol 3430 • Philip I. JiNikIn., Y|$ MANogM In South Coventry is late In get-1 (1 ) 6 X 9'’Cocoa Twist your- property call Suburban voters, but they are nof,s^keen on twM IM4I a rwKwti k *11 iwraM4i«t Jmn 36.00 E N T R Y — .Main highway, new a committee appearance. M.ar 'rie Rankin. South Ctoventry; . ting started due to difficulty in (2 ) 6 X 9 Green and White Ideal for wall-to-wall or custom cut for special fit. Realty Co„ Realtors, 841 Main Dor 1 Fecltt, 92 Bolton street; getting the services of a chairman, 36.00 _ 4-room single, bath, oil heat. Lot street. T a l l 8215; Hoffman saict yesterda'y if Eis­ (3 ) 6 x 9 Cocoa and White ;36.00 75 X 200, Arte.’-ian water. $7.,900. enhower goes back to campaign, Anne C.saszai. 25 Lenox street; th e drive will, however, get under (4 ) 4 x 6 Cocoa and White Down payment $2,500. Howard R d'AN TE D —Your property to sell. "It's a wiilk." ' Mr.s. Patricia Slack, 763 Center _way Monday with Mrs.’ Edward 15.00 street-: Denise Lingham, 16 Lydall (1 ) 3 X 12 Hunter Green Hastings 2-1107. Reliable buyers waiting with cash VSINCE 1907 B Y R E ID HAVE YOU WATER IN YOUR CELUR , Schulthelaa and Mr*. John M. 124.00 for four. 'Jive, six, seven room sin­ .street:'Mrs. Ida Ottone. 20 Vic­ •Tyler as co-chairmen of the fund AN D O V E R —Bolton. Coventry r r s BEEN It’s a Wise Habit . . . gle and two-family In Manches­ toria road. O F COURSE" . drive for 1952. Old colonials with or without Sprinkler System ‘ OR A SEWAGE DISTOSAL PROBLEM? stair amt Hall Carpet $8.50 to $S..V) linear yard. ter, Bolton, Coventry and Vemen. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: j AUCTION ^oth women are asking the real- ' To help your clothes last longer by keeping them in tip­ Red, Gray, Rose, Green, Candv Stripe acreage, also modern country Mrs. Elizabeth., ilarflregor, 150 • dents o f this: district for unusual Finances arranged.. Howard R. STORAGE WAREHOUSK SALE top shape. For perfect cleaning and pressing— any neces* Powiierene Rug Cleaner 81.00 per can J homes. Excellent village home, 2 Charter Oak street; ! s. Catherine ; cooperation so that the belated Hasting*. Phone 2-1107. Gives False Alarm Rub’ Door Mats 81-06 each : baths, oil heat, bam, poultry i Lovett, 15'- .Sch(Xil b.reet; Porter For the HfiNtford Dispbteh and Wereheew Co. Consult A Specialist! •program can be successfully car sary minor alterations. . . send your apparel along to us. ■cres, pond, city water. _ . Blinn. 28 Oakwood road; Mrs. AT 410 CAPITOL AVE., HARTFtMtD, CONN. Irted out in the next two weeks. Our service is rapid-?i>riees low. Fibre Bugs 6' x 0’ to 9' x 13’ drastically reduced- . $19,000. good terma. Cape Cod—5 The Manchester Fire Depart, .Minnie Denton. 37 Stephen street McKINNEY BROS. SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY MANCHESTER

WANTED ment sstMa was called outab«4 early 4 this1. : - _____ * ___ ..... Wednesday Evening. March If. 1952 at 4:00 P. M. ‘Bolicitors will call at each home r^m s, furnace, needs W ell and Samuel Car, Ellliigtoh; William 130-132 Pearl St„ Manchester .for contributions to help continue TRY OUR POPULAR SAME DAY TO BUY FROM OWNER mornijig to the Old CVilon'y Fur­ WIDE ASSORTMENT — HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINOS — i plumbing, $4,800. State highway Hausmann, Rockville; Mias Doris ;wKh the A B C .activities which in­ ' — 8 room* (2 unflnlshedl, clt'v niture Company In the Hillharit Todd, 160 Henry street; Matthew KI’TCHEN RANGES AND REFRIOERAIORS —' UPHOL­ • WATERPROOFING OF CELLARS DRV CLEANING SERVICE FOR RESULTSi seven rwm .sing:le,,t\vo car gra- Mill but there Wasn’t *n y hre. STERED FITRNITURE, DIVANS, CHAIRS — DINING ROOM clude home service covering veter- . water,, approximately 1 acre $4’. Brescia. 37 (Jhbot street; Mr*. ;ona aid and emergency aid, blood OPEN EVENINGS rage. F'ir.st floor lavatory and Fire Chief John Merz rei'orted a d r e s s e r s , c h e s t s — STANDS. LAMPS, • SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED AND CLEANED 790; Several other* Welle* Agen- Alice Eldridge, 34 Union place;' .-program, water- safety program CARPET CENTER .second floor bath. 'Vicinity of call from the Janitor to the effect MIRRORS — CHINA. GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC — LINENS, t£>’' Oiventry. Tel. 7-8872 or 7- Edward PMdka. Rockville; Mra *^*^*=S IN S T A L LE D A N D PLUG G ED ^ .'which is especially important to a -7801.-'' Pttrter, Pitkin, East Center or that the sprinkler alarm was on Gladys Tleslng. 141 Brookfield KITC’HEN UTENSILS, ETC. — POSSIBLY AN OCCASIONAL ALL THIS WEEK ■J‘ake town, Junior Red Cross and nearby .streets. « and he did not know what to do. street; Charles Hill. 65 Clinton ANTIQUE ITEM. SEWERS ELECTRICALLY CLEANED MANCHOESTER Chief Xlert sounded the box Faralsh yoar home, rattOge or camp at this sale! .many othera. Manchester's House of Carpets (ANDOVER L A K E — Partially com- street; Gary Rowe. 14 Arch street; • DRAINAGE DITCHES AND DRY WELLS - pleted flv« rooms plus, waterfront Cash Up To $28,000 alarm for the Hilliard area, which John Andreoli, 91 Birch street; N O TE: AU have been duly odvertiaed and w U be told for napaM Mrs'. John Mason of Rockville, a f A M. lo t P. M. ia outaide the district, and then, atoragp, etc., unleea redeemed prior to sale. INSTALLED volunteer ACfl worker, will t>e at ;home. Bargain if taken as It. Reply Giving Details To Fred Johnson, Andover; Herbert . Complete it youreelf and save. upon arrival at the scene, “and dis­ Untelder. 61 Princeton street; Lin­ ..Vathan Hale Community Center DRY CLEANERS MONDAY Thni FRIDAY 308 M AIN STREET— At Middle Turnpike, Manchester T E L . ^434S ROIERT M. REID A SON. AUCTIONEERS •S E raC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS CLEANED^ it 8 o’clock tonight to ^scuss the ’ Bubufban RMlty Co.. Realtors. BOX K covery that there was no fire, aid­ da Hennessey, 68 Helalne road; ed .the Janitor in turning the 201 M A I X ' 8Te« PH O N E IFIM f FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL MANCHESTER 5308 :oplc "Know Your Red Cross.” She 93 WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7254 .841 ftr e e t Phone 8218. J c[o H E R A L D Daniel Creamer. 261 Spring at rest; Raymood R. R ^ Pboao 74M M AW CnM IBH# WWNN# 1 : : aprinklrr alarm off. Albert Jones, Salem, Maas.; M ra aUI ba wUUng to answer all queo* G T'

V . \ nT'SK'wysrrtvmivf-

liANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^/ttONDAY, MARCH 17, 1962 .V P A tS B T R f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1962 PAGECLSlOir Fr^,ir»W»i*#^VRwt-J0e»«W ^«wt«wutw.cna*>rfivmr.4 Hal ears at End or l i e >A’s Down ;eport to Gain Playoff Opener, 81 to

Architect Envisions All Weather Cage Spotlight Shifts Miller’s Face LOCAL I ~’RmrF"Di^dl-n some day to rc- stake. Here's how the NCAA will line­ the Detroit Tigers could use a JOHlOrY NARBTTO Mrvad aa. •ball fUra will be shown tonight to at toe end of each o f the three 22 Points; Mazziotta covered by a section that slides A granil total of .32.194 was place Ebhets Field. The NCAA opens its elimination up for the first round with tW official >tatiitielaii ycatarday aft-1 memhm of the Men’a Club at the stanzas read. 12-12, 37-37, out from the top of a building next realized for Charlie Muzikevik Finals in the ‘T* Senior'League pitcher—especially Hal Kewhous- 1^ Also Plays Big Part One feature Ul of 'll.'lieIt. he Btiui,Said, would f,. tho n/it*V play Friday in four clUes M t^ l6 quarter-finals scheduled fog the •moon at the Armory and tallied { Temple Beth Sholom ae part of a 56-,56. Final score, Manchester St last F’ridsy night’a benefit basketball, playoffs .wlU-gct un­ ei^thtrlrthe year. ---- —'------te -a T tn it-m leh'^Kiw addition to housing the re- teams, 10 o f ' 'fhiem ' cohfe'renw same cIUm on March 22: derway tonight at the 'Y'. Mil­ "fpoftf'KIght progrtmT 8tr Bridgepof r 78r doubleheadcr basketball pro- In 1951, just three Tiger Ellitow- members of the British Americans In” Succf(Ms~al Armory J “ re wa> ,rartable part of the roof, the charnpiotfs, battling for the ligh t Sastem Re^onal ' ler’s Restaurant will clash with .gram at the Armbry. Art Pon» ers managed to break into doubhi aratfist Bridgeport. The BA’s in ahead of him. builriing next' door would serve to move on to Siiattle for the Raleigh, N. C.— Kentucky, Chefs Diners starting at 8. By BEANS REARDON W E D N E SD AY NIGHT the grata announced last night figures in the win column, and of winning tried $4 field goals, hit­ Mancheater Exchange Club will By EARL YOST Instead of concession sla"'It would park 7,000 semi-finals and finals March 25 Southeastern Conference Cham­ Miller’s won the right to play 24 Yean In that a check for $1,854 was those Virgil Trucks wAs high man ting on 30 tries. Here's the tally r-lay boet to members and coaches Nine points by ’Vic Hanaon In there would be a i«r t cars. Froni anv level of the garage and 26. X pion, ve. Penn State, selected “ at Chefs by virtue of their winning N ew Y ork— (N E A )— John's, an "a t large" represen­ A. SL Louis Country Club.-George Van Bibber, with mustard, tails without count for federal taxes. round and also toppled Ma and come.,'in. He’s 3D years old now,' 4, V(c Hanson 5 for 13, Don (G od­ former Purdue All American foot- Rocsalers yesterday afternoon at have a key that lets you In any City and N ew York March 20. tative. Bill’a for the tight to meet Ghefs. leads with six, No grass on the field. Bel F'rom the A A U tournament, but Rolfe. figured that if he could win 1 fo r 3, John Maxzlotta 6 fo r all player and a member o f the the Armory. In winning, the home of the-do7,ens of entrances. '77ils The concession stand realized Chicago — Illinois, Big Ten C hefs have been undefeated this followed by the Buffalo, N. Y.. March l7- (55— Geddes has something lietlcr. a which opened yesterday in E)en- regain some of his old form — the 10, Puggy Bell 4 for 13. physical Wtucatlon department at forces drew first blood jn the beat* cuts down on ticket takers. $98 for the fund. Charlie, a champion, vs. Dayton, selected "at year in league play, having won 14 Giants with four. A fleet Brooklyn colleen, a petite manufactured fuzs that’s 'Jiist ns member of Manchester’s East­ ver, will come four more teams large" and Nnner-up in NIT, and Q. What did form that won him 29 games in the Univeratty of Connecticut, will of three game American Leaipie The park would scat 'about starts In the regular league sea­ and plucky Negrq girl and a 30- soft and doesn't have to be’rfitfS’ed for the Olympic competition. Princeton. Ivy League tltleholder, T y Cobb, Honus 1944— the Tigers might make a PLAI’BR-DOACH Sonny Herts- be the guest speaker. playoff set with the down-aUma. for baseball or football, bpt ern League ftam s of the 1949- son. Coach John Sklba. has pro­ or seeded. He can m ake'it 'jiink Of 0 00 La.Salle’s youthful, swashbuckl­ vs. Duquesne, selected "a t large." W agn er and showing. Since his arm began to berg o f the B,^’a ran the local RED MECAUGHEY waa wrong year-old New Jersey socialite are Second game wlH be In B ri^ ep ort more than 100,01)0 for such things 50 and 1950-51 seasons, has duced a fa.st high scoring combine. purple or a pretty plnld if you’re ing Explorers were the first to Western Regional Babe Ruth all ail him, Newhouser has been of American Leaguers ’ from . the again yesterday. The one-time plenty' optimistic about their and a third gam'e, If neceaaar}’, been s.eriously ill and hos- , In a preliminary starting at 7, tired of green. as fights, ceinvenlions and boat qtmlify for a spot in the Olympic Kansas City —Kansas, Big receive in their little use to the BengaJs and last bench yesterday With John Maa- siiccasaful prognosticator an­ will be staged in Manchester. shows, It would crust over J8.000,- pitnlizedV for the pa.st two Nlchol’s News will play the rub­ ehances of representing the U. S. In case of ruin, a roof slidc.s j trial.). 'Hiey soundly whipped Seven champion, vs. Texas Chris­ first full sea­ year wound up with 6-6. zlotta taking his place in the nounced to one and all iMfore yes­ Fast Break Style months. He Is a patient at the ber game with Vic's .Soda Shoppe this summer at toe Ol.vmpic over the field ami llie lights go I’OOO, so Bel Oeddes would want It I Dayton, 75-64, In the National In- tian, Southwest Conference title- sons in the big Hal went six innings against tho lineup. terday’s playoff Mancheater returned to tta.glve Newington Veterans’ Hospital. for the playoff title In the ’Y ’ In­ on, The roof woubl be of alumi­ i-paying for Itself all year 'round. I vitatinn Tournament finals Satur-' holder, and St. Louts, Missouri leagues ? Washington Senators yesterday game that Bridgeport would ^at games. and go, fast break stVle of offense num. Glass wouldn't do, Bel Uniler the stands he would have day at Madison Square Garden. .Valley winner, vs. New Mexico A. termediate Le&gue. Each team has A. Cobb, re- and gave Rolfe absolutely no so­ SECOND GAM E in the beat of Mancheater. The locals triumphed, The female trio racked up solid and the result was a highly Inter­ Geddes say.s, bi'cnu.se' it isn’t a playgrounil, so that mothers And a short while later they A M. Border Conference represen­ won one game and tontght'n game c e i V e d $2,000, lace. He was banged for nine hits three game playoff series between 81' to T8. Red’s betting average on all-around performances here Sat­ esting game. Neither team set any strong enough and it gels dirty could check t_heir kids. And maybe were joined by Southwest Missouri tative. , will be the final for the season. Wagner $2,100, and all the winners’ runs in the Manchester and BridgepoA ma^ gamea Involving the BA’s at the urday night in the 19.52 U. SI kind of scoring records In the first snd most of tife time you'd have to a sliopplng center. State of Springfield which intored and Ruth $3,500. six-inhings he worked. 'Hie final be played in Madison Square Gar­ Anw«ry is lower than Walt Dro- Woman’s indoor 12 minutes of. play when each turn the lights on- an.vws.v.i' be­ Sports Mirror Corvallis, Ore.— UCLA,„Pa.cIflc Fi)nni-ri(liber'''cujihlonsTin’Till the .i 73-B4 ■ trlmupTi' oVer M iirray Coast c.hampibh, vs. Santa Clara, count read; Washington 6, Detroit den 'Sunday afternoon ~as'a' pre­ ^^1981. betting average with the Championships; ------canned but'three baskets,' bn* the cause when It rains it gets dark.

. -1 : •i ”. A' r-4 ■■ - ...... — — t t :^------—— ^------^:— ------__— lL MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O ^ MONDAY. MARCH 17, 1952 PAG BTRitttlte PAGE TWELVE MANCip;STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY, MARCH 17. 1962 wwepeewpiiip.ilII11. .I'Jtjt OPT OPR WAY a rf ■ >1^1 I ■p'^ i m K1B|, liwti piwi i~ > f HIM J iA Iia CMOSSWORB iP P Z Z I* - ^ iS s a m Antomobiles for Salt 4 'AutoiiiSb'llS'Kr’Sili” "AiBSiirfMriiUe ^ HoasdioM Goods 51 “WiintoSloSiii^^nw' f TH* *4)44 UTE1 EVEM 'm W E LL, n > r a t h e r , rUMOR HA-TH IT 3HAT v£kj FAP/r LBT THE RUMO r J DON’T FAIL to aea McClure for M ATTRE SS. Topr old aikttraaaaa 1 ' h a h / HAVE f a t LOOKINO Antwer to Proeiout Puitio DILLON’^ GUARANTEED TYPEVYRmCRB and adding na- USED WASHERS WANTEI>-5, 6 room imfunileh- ► U PtD YO O SO -I CLAM PCD YtJuR C H u e ev CMO HEf^e.YOUNS m a n / Sense and Nonsense ClassifiMl terriilc allowance on your car. chlnea repaired and overhauled. atarUlaad and reaaad* Ilk* m w : P L A T P E N for M l*. ChU 3-3309 ed rent. By ealaa engineer, wife LE 6 » THAN HAVE A Lim -E RST a r o u n d THE -«-ESAD/Z‘M CLTOSeuiHG Rndio-Vidto Com ic LOW PRICED TOeE-WMOT-OTAkB BU6LE--1 MEANIUOiSE- McClure Auto Co.. Hudaoii Sale* Work guaranteed. Phone 2-3418. CaJI Jonea Pum ltur* and Fiotfr after 8. n CASH THE OLD StXSAR MV BRAIN6 FOR «O M E fSED CARS and tw o children. Former resi­ 0 «* 'OJR LO A \ UKE A CANOV SANTA I It’s often true that a person II seems logical to baUeva that Service, 373 Main atreet.* Open Oovering, 38 Oak. TeL 2-1041.' dent References. Call Holyoke, 1*526®W6AR s o 5O0N/*) (1 0OWL TO PAY VOOR SCieNTiFIC MAI2VEL, born with a silver spoon in hia ■onie cafes are now worktag ea a Advertittmenb 1951 ^ r d Tudor 8 Cyl. — Radio, ASHES A N D Rubhiah removed, NERV 19S3 electric round bobbin Reconditioned, Guaranteed CLAUS.' VES.rLLTAKE WUUMMITAL 83PsMtratat evening*. - ' Masai, 2-3841 collect H. M. Gray. * n^PiNMEPXTMe ^ ' THE UJMPypy 1LEO*- TAYC— lFTHE AND MARTHA WOULD mouth has a hart time stirring for joint Income tax raturn. CLASSinED ADVT^ iter, Fordomatlc. call Norman F. Pierce of the sewing machine, comipleu with all UP “n t t JULY, MCooMdiaa M M o re . Bonds Stocks- .WHAT',srw oc,/ MIESUS TUNES UPSET ME WITH A himself later on. Mercury Sport Sedan—Radio, A SAFE PLACE TO BUY Sanitary Refuae Company in attachments, portable $79.98; con­ •a l m o s t / t h a t i n , s h e l l EREAT hue AND deV/ lOEnthuataitlc Y n n c A L DEPT. HOURS: ABC APPLIANCE CO. THREE ADULTS dealr* 4, 5 or 6 One of the greatest qoisai mate- heater, overdylye. „ Mancheater. Tel. 2-0232. Mortgages 81 sole $109.95; desk $149.95. CaU Se AS 50RE AS - u m / t h a t uncouth ardor ith today's prices, when a fel- 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. USED CARS . Phone 2-1575 21 Maple St. room unf jrhUhed rent.. Pratt and IRatainar era ia the lion, eaya a writer. Jun­ 19501 F o rt Tudor 8 Gyl,— Radio and SenkbeU'a, Carter atrMt. Phone A eoWLERS S R A N Y S P O T ISlataritice ¥ takea a girl over to lunch, heater. CARPENTER will frame unf^nlah- FIRST AND Second nortgagea Whitney employee. RafarenOaa. SCliekbMtle ior runs it a close second 7519. , ATBAM FURNACE with oil burn­ .Th u m b / O N yO u RTIE IS Lariat S Burmast wood ssfcan't help taking hint over., COPY CLOSING 1950 Ford Club Coupe 6 Cyl.— Ra­ ATTENTION CAR AND ed upataira room a Reaaoflable. bought fo r our otyn account Faat, Call 2-3651. UPatlwr dio and heater. CaU 2-4291.- confldential aervice. Mancheater HOME-MADE Polish Kielbasa. er ana hot jvater tank. Bbtcellenl iprito FOR CLASSinED condiUon. Pttea $75. Tat 3^861. >1 W O ftD ' ISIftiWGuiiMa 4 fc ight-cotor4d Aa long as we have *o many -1950-Ford--Ttidor 8 Cyl.— Radio -TRUC4C;OWNER&- W E - Cfrrp-, M 7 M i - Poatpai, look and MON. THRU Wolcotit o n ' israahlng machine*, CTJSARANCE Sal*. $89.95 G.E. adult dau^ter. Cali 3-98^ ITQuaUflad 5 Soviet i 1948 Kal»er Sedan—Heater. NEED USED CARS AND 1$ Asiatic nation 33 Wanders listen. 10:30 vacuum cleaners, motors, small BOLTON — Btiilding aton* and Claaner. now $34.95, other clean­ 1$ Famala* mountaina 1947 F ort Tudor 8 CyV.— Radio and 22 In ont't gilt 36 He It a - tn heater. . appliances. Pick up and delivery. Business Opportonities 82 flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. ers $29.35 and up. Sewing ma­ 30Mako a 6 Conununiits An author aaya the w ay a per­ S A T U R D ^ 9 A^M. TRUCKS. DRIVE IN OR 34 Parish of hit field Statiatica say that the average 1947 Dodge Coupe—Heater, over­ A-1 repair. Sales. 180 Main Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode. chines, food •mixers, irons, toast­ COUPLE With two small ehUdren mistake 7 Universal son keep hia library is an Inmca- PACKAGE Store—doing day by Louisiana 37 Type of fur man apeaka 11,900,000 words in a hauled. CALL, LET US SHOW YOU .Phone 8397. ers and clocks dra^cally reduc­ urgently need rent. (Mil 3-3783. 31 BambooUke language Uon of hia character. Heck, folks, day increaaed ■ bualneea. Low . grasr - 2$ Nostril 38 Extinct bird year. Just imagine 'how many the watch out fo r your shelves. ^PERAtlON WILL 1946 Mercury Tudor — Radio and TWO FRUIT aniLvegetahIa ataodi, ed. 'Radta-phonoe at haniain • Adduce wife gets in. P n U B O A IE D heater^------.------HOW WE EVALUATE - A N T IQ UES Reftnlahad. Repairing mnt: V «ry good obportunlty. ^ 20 .hot ,hed_»Ma>,Jiio ‘tlurm lx»t- jg r iw e. K n ik’e. $87 Main atreet. THREE ADULTS desire" 3 or 4 33 Naval air -• Plnet - .27 Hodgepodge 40 Cut apart done on any furniture. Tienaann, Information over phone. A p p o iilt- room furnished ot partly fUraiah;:^^ 39 Tramulou* 43 Prong Sunday Tiring* more accidents , 1946 Ford Tudor 6 Cyl.— Radio and liumer (pipe, oil drum and stand Four blocks 'north of Poat Office. •tattoo (ab.) j t small hone Women ^Idom suffer by any, 189 South Main street. F^one ment only. Howard R. Haa'tlnga. ed apartment. Yicinlty of Center 32 TlYhip / 44 Age than any other day of the week. heater. YOUR CARS. included), like new. Garage doors, 24 Fire (comb. 13 Uncommon given age except when it's given 3643. Phone 2-1107. B R A N D N E W 1951 Easy Spin or South End. Phone 2-0716 after 49 Fruit drink A day of rest—Iq piecex UAL 5121 1939 Old* Sedan—Heater. as la $8. CaU 2-4420 after 6:30 form) 16 Iroquoian 33 Lure / to them by an enemy. 19.39 Ford Conv; Radio and Moat are one owner, low milea p. m. D ry washer with spin rinee. 4;15. SSMostagoi Indian 34 Lofty / 31 Right (lb.) heater. car*. Previou* owmers name on re­ POWER BURNERS and Range $189.95 value for only $169.95. 37Fit During the FebniarY aalea, our Burners expertly cleaned and Help Wanted— Female 35 $50 REIWARD for 4 or 5 room ’ Aa soon aa they open all of the little friend the aalesgirl gets her '/ ■ 19.19 Mercury Club Coupe - Heater. quest. CONTRACTORS. 6.500 yard* of Budget terms. Watkins Brothers, StOriontal 1 r “ r ~ r " Lost and Found 1 serviced. Let us sendee and re­ apartment, unfurnished. CaU 2- r 4 . r " detours and close all of the regu­ wTftps in without hurting a soul. 1946 Ford Platform Body IH Ton clean flit available. Broad atreet Inc.; Mancheater, Conn. . porgy' .< 1950 Chevrolet 4-Dr.—Radio, heat­ pair your washing machine or re­ V rO iS A ti To do genetal , houae- 3702. lar roads, you'll know spring la F O U N D —Man * wrl*t watch on — New Urea, new paint. er. powfrglide. M any other cx.4 ^ork and care for widowed next Wetitone. Call 2-4528. Man­ SIDrinkmado B” H li here. frigerator Metro Service. 3-0888. cheater Auto Parts, 24 Maple SET OF Stone wash tubs, also one DGr^TRViNe would we blame for troubles we Hudnon street. Inquire 33 ilain - tra*. Price $1.,595. adult. No children or family to 4 -5 ROOM Unfurnished rent' with malt street. black combinatien oil and gas T© LOOK ^ blame on ourselves? atreet. EORM Tvmcrv VEa R S t o o s o o n ' 30 War god IT •4 . d 4 "rhere is one very nice thing / DILLON SALES and '“TY949 Ford Custom Tudor — Blue, HAHN'.S Furniture reflnishlng and care for. Phone Mancheater 2- etove. Phone 2-4070. urgently needed by young couple g . „ . 2178. 31 Courtesy title about the aerioua floods we read FO UND —Saleaman'* »ample .shoe SERVICE radio, heater, undercoating, slip repairing. Cornices made to with one child. Call 2-8281. $15 ' 'V/ 1 Why give visiting blg-ahota keys * 32 Go — if" i about. They make us glad we case, Saturday, on Coventry .319 .Main Street covera— $1,215. order. Phone 2-9533. M A N U R E FOr\ Sale. Inquire 433 W R IN G E R Type washing ma- reward. to the big- cities when the cltlea RELIABLE Woman for neighbor­ MlCkEY FINN 33 Ruined 'M m contribute to the Red CHtas. are wide open ? - Roatf. Rdute 44A'. Tel. Coventry Manche*terrCof{n. Phone 518.5 Keeney atreet. Phone 8385. hine, $25. Phone 81^6 after 6 p. Hooked! BY LANK LEONARD h t r 8 —f 1948 Dodge 4-Dr, Custom- Gray, A REAL BUY — The automatic hood Bales and aervice work. m. 39 English queen W/ 7-6101. r.adlo and heatep. Aetual mileage Good hours, good earning* and 40 Female taint 1948 PLYMOUTH special deluxe stainlesB steel ball-bearing clothes 600 B U SH E L ba.'kets and orange Business Property ' 0H.30Yf JUSTAmUMNUTBS 1 WAL.THAT'IL 8 k m The baaeball scout* have again Before marriage hb talks and .33,000, Price $1,230, close to home. Write Box V, A P A R T M E N T Siae gas stove, two tIHENWfiS \M 0fW lljKPlfP lUfOMeTHms (ab.) ■ started making a living Just beat­ she iistena. During the honeymooij LO ST— Saddle 'leather harnibag four- door sedan. Completely line requiring no clothe* pins. crates. Harry Tobler, 304 Hilliard For Sale 70 i Stretch-prooL rust-proof wire— a Herald. years old. Reasonable. Phone 2- TIM ^MMMDRJMUUMN insK'iNore 41 Go by aircraft ing around the bush. she talks and he listens, t^ ter Saturday p. m. Contains vsluable equipped. Excellent tirea and 1947 Chevrolet Floetma.ster 4-Dr. street. roaoML 42 Standard (ab.) H, » really really clean. For this one product of the United Steel Co. 8273. •RdNEOUPNAr j rWLPMSNT they both talk and the neighbors personal paper.*. Reward. Call 2- Black, excellent condition,— HOUSEWIVES; Write Malaonette* m u u u A M l see Bob Oliver today. Center $970. For free demonstration without T a '^E'RN f o r s a l e . CaU 3-2252. N M iy« riE M 7 MCROUTOF 43 Coat with B i SI Democracy—that form of gov­ listen. 39.50 or 2-9469. P. O. Box 861, (Hartford, right CAST IRON gas heater. Bengal MWMBUfA •Motor .Sales, 461 Main street. 1947 Pontlae (4-Dr. Sedan—Streain- obligation call 2-0968. H IG H C H AIR , baby carriage and r m u IT.» tln>l*ad alloy ernment which leave* every citi­ combination stove, three storm tpeaM.mrailL 1 Iltier. Radio and heater-^ $993. away. Earn $I to $2 per hour crib. Phone 4866. 45 Army medical u 11 IT R" H u zen free to do hia beat for the Drunk—Has Mike been here? LOST -Lady's wrist watch oft 1946 'PONTIAC, 6 cylinder sedan- part, time Showing spring dresses, windowa Phone 2-9545. departmant public welfare. — Loula Paateiir. Man—Oh yes, he was here '■■'mmlih streeTrCairSSSO:...... " elte.' 'BeftlilfruT '“ "Kiiri" m>tal’ g 1941- 01dsmobile--4-Drr-8edanp-'Six Hotiselinid Serriew----- euita, -etc: Free dreasi lx>mtt every F im s and Lanid for ^ le 71 ....(ab.) ■ 14 about- an hour -ago;... . - — cylinder. Gray, rebuilt motor, month. Boats and Accessories 46 PRACTICALLY NEW etudlo 46 Hasten Newa item—F ren ch designer Drunk—Wa* 1 u1th him ? flnl.sh wijh master deluxe radio Offered 13-A couch, gray print. Reasonable. i i LO ST-B lon d Cocker Spaniel, vi- and hea t er. Priced . today at on ly new tires, price $431. 4EW LONDON. Tolland. Windham 47 Yellow bugle d M creates hats from ply-wood. Com- B A Y . STATR-rpre-bufU-heat-kltst- -Phone-7743--eft«r' .— ------...... — ■>ihW'nr SoilTfi'Slain'aliM ’ $88.V” See Bob Oliver, Center T94 f Dodge T-Df:—B hS:i->^ EtRABERIE.S-....Made..... to' •'drde'r.' WAITRESS^ W-A^ITED-- Apply in - i -Oountiew Exceptional 'buy* ... 'p a w t ..... TTWinr w s y w ’ m 4r“ ffiiraay •coiffis i— T t1 rira T lW A d 1 ««"6 T durrifiSVie’' Travis and tier draipe*. Your person. Silk City Diner, 641 Main from 10 ft. to 16 ft. Build it your­ dairy and poultry farms, up to III i in out of the rain and hanga hat queens use glycerine for tears. ward. Phone 2-924.3. Motor Sales, 461 Main. 1941 DeSoto 4-Dr.— Blue gray— MAHCXiANY R.C.A, combination 4$ He is heard on • ‘ own material. For information ftreet. self in your spare time. Priced 400 acres, with or without stock near the fire to dry ahe'll have the Sometime* we wish that they $19.5. Creatweod model radio. C?all the— a* LO.ST— Black alpper wallet Friday 19,50 DODOE tiidor. F.xc^llent con­ call 2-3909. from $64.50 up Nassiff Arm s Co., and equipment. Wellea Agency, U new surrealiRtle design. would use nitroglycerine. 33(M between 5 and 7. well as taan night at ba.*ketball game. Please dition. Radio and heater. Original 1941 Plymouth 2-Dr.—Good mo­ WANTE7D—Hairdresser for down­ 1015 Main street. Coventry. Tel. 7-6872 or 7-7501. on televition return to High School, Frsnklln owner; Asking $1,425. Phone 2- tor. Black—$29.5. FLAT FINISH Holland window town- Hartford beauty aalon. H N O W ; One hand control o f .*)j.ift, SINGER SEWING Machine, thke SO Horse disease CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Office, or call 2-3078. 1866. shades made to measure. All Pleasant working conditions, 5- DAIRY FARM, fully equipped with -J l 1941 ■Plymouth 4-Dr. Deluxe—Gray speed, ateeriog with Martin AqUa- new) sewa over pins, ail attach­ $2 Arabian gull '1 - $.3.50. metal Venetian blinda at a new day week. Good pay and com­ 5 room house, unfinished. Call 1940 M ERCURY four door, radio mission. Call Hartford 6-0206 matic Twist-shift motor*. Beat ments including patchmatic darn­ Glastonbury 3-2164. BOOTS AND HER BirnillES IF* Awful BY EDGAR MARTIN low price. Key* made while you er. Coat $150, sacrifice $69. Will AnnnnncementR uncater. Priced...,"lay below 'mUCK SPECIALS after 6 p. m. outboards ever built, with history SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH wait. Marlow's, take $1.25 per week. Call 7691, ceiling. Clarke Motdr Sales, 301 1950 Ford Pirkiip — Red. heater. malting full year factory guaran­ t o r (bOEH EMHl'E ACCKPTTNG Bids for carpenter APPLICATIONS Now being ac­ tee. See them now at Nassiff VbSTH Broad Low m ileage- $1,09.5. W E A V IN G o f hums, moth holes KEITH CLEARANCES. Floor Houses for Sale 72 V S H t ? i H fS V W K R D and cement work for 33 homes to cepted for secretarial and gener­ Arm s Co., 1015 Main street. —Y and torn clothing, hosiery runs, samples, odds and ends, close­ DtTANVSl be built In Fast Hartford, Con­ * DoCOUMIER MOTOR handbag..! repaired, gipper re- al clerical openings. Apply in pe'r- tact Mr. Oilman 2-218,3 or 2-.30,35, SOLIMENE. Inc. ■«on-, Cheney Bro*. Personnel outs, used furniture, all drastical­ HOME LISTING WANTED SALES. Inc. placement, umbrellas repaired, ly reduced for Immediate clear­ Dndge-PIymoiith Cars men's shirt collars reversed and Dept., 148 Hartford Road. Diamonds— Watchf L F A K N to drive a car. safely, SAYS: “ Start tho npring wa- .Tob-Rated Trucks ance! $24.95 boudoir chairs, We have a back log of buy­ quickly and efficiently. ' You replaced. Marlow's Little Mending Jewelry 48 Sdii right with one of these 634 Center .Street SHIBT PRESS operator. Bene­ $14.95; $119.50 walnut chestrobe, ers but no houses to .sell, t f may get an immediate appoint­ Shop. fine car value.*!.’’ Phone .5101 or 5102 fits, good pay, good working con­ LE O N A R D W. YOST. Jeweler, re- $79.00;. $24.95 oak night table. ,vou want fa.st action on your ment by calling Manchester Auto ditions. Experience not necYq jJyqajnjc persqaalit Leiinard Glgllo.^ Phone 7083. parlor -furniture^.. VOURFMJtT.-nr,-.-, BUT ^Ymi.yypRLpst /^....aw______.nut& VTHEY HAND.- li. T get engaged laat night, Prefeasor! CouliCould you teach me price $2,224. 1940 DODGE Club coupe, heater, Capitol, Hartford, or any Con- lOIfi lieSOTO 2-DR. SEDAN COUGHLIN ROOFS stay on In 3 COMPLETE Terms— Open Evenings T. J. Crockett Phone 5416. aeniraiing that would help ifie make moneyT” radio Written guaTaiitee. Will nectleut State Employment Serv­ c a l l OPH Mmil Befe Lloyd Hevenor Radio, heater, fluid drive, origi­ any kind of Storm! For guaran­ ROOMS of BRAND BUGS BUNNY accept $4.80 weeklw Calso Serv- ice office. Glendon A. Scoboria. MANCHEJSTER—Zoned for bual- CVANOMNb C« 4IMO$ nal throughout. An'excellent family teed roofing call Coughlin, Man- NEW FURNITURE FUNNY BUSINESS icenter. Phone 2-0980, Psiraonnel Director,— — — .. Musical Instruments 53 ncss, 4-family -and 6 room single. BY HERSHBERGER •VER MAMN'A WRONE ...... ' A t ...... Chesfer 7707. Beautiful Westinghouae Electric Income $2,649.50 per year. Hoiv- TU*N..iVYA LIVE TSmr '^'“r a r y li o u r s i w WAV.' EXCEmONALLY line 1942 Ply­ Refrigerator * NEW USED, Rental*. Reeds ard R. Hastings. 2-1107. l!»10OIIEVROLET2-DR. mouth .sedan. Price $29.5. Private Be.-iutifuJ Bedroom Suite strings, mutes, stands, acces­ SOLIMENE, Inc. FLEETLINE AERO SEDAN owner. (*all 3,553 after 5 p. ni. H e a tin g — P lu m b in g 17 G ood Humor Beautiful Living Room Suite sories. Repairing. Certified in­ NEW! TWO or three bedroom Dodge-Plymoiith Car* lA^nded nnd immaculate. 0 bjectivc.8 are $BIG$. Beautiful Dinette Set struction. Music for all occa.*- homos. Hallln Brothers. Phone 2- ...... loh-Rsted Truck.*______MAKE_ AN _ offer 194J_ Diidge, GUTTERS and leaders repaired O peninjr date A PR IL f i r s t . Beautiful vDfiuxe" Range slons. Ward Krause, 87 W alnut 622L 834 CENTER STREET ------^ I H E P T ? P E e iA L r ------19.36, 1938 i939' Plvmoiilh.s. 1937- and I'opl.ired. GalVariiz'ed or'.sTaih- 1047 WILLYS 4-WIIEEL Icss steel. T. r . Aitkin, Heating' D evelopcd routeis unlimited Instead of Westlnghouse Elertrlc 5336. Phone 5101 or 5102 - 38 Pontlacs, etc. Wtrat'tl you ReYrigcrathr. If yoii prefer...... MANCHESTER— ■ !=^New" Seven- Bafe Place To Buy New Cara DRIVJL UNIVERSAL ,IEEP give? Douglas Motor.*. .3.33 Mam. and .Sheet Metal Contractor earnings. room single, 4 bedrooms, living Phone 6793. E-V-E-R-Y’ -T-H-I-N-G Hurry To room, dining room, kitchen, 2 1949 pLDSMOBILE convertible The Whole Works Wearing Apparel— Furs SAVE .?r,oo baths, breczeway and garage, aix cylinder. Radio, heater, hydra, PLU3IBING. New work, also al­ If ealthy outdoor work. "Albert’s" Price Only DeCOR.MlER MOTOR M ID N IG H T .Blue tuxedo with Down pqyment, $8,000. Howard matlc, white 'wall tires, under terations. 24 hour service. Call $444.44 SALES, Inc. NEW 1052 DODGE 5-YARI) LT ncoiTiparable products and pants, size 38 long. Call 2-1594 R. Hastings 2-1107. celling, in excellent condition C. O. I,airentzen, Manchester 3636. 24 Maple Street Tel 8851 equipment. Long, Easy, Convenient Term.*. between 9 and 3. throughout. Clarke Motor Sales, Free Storage until-wanted regard- Manr'lirster DUMP PLUM BING and heating, apeclal- MAN(?HESTER —42 acres^ ^0- 301 Broad atreet. Phone 2-2012. M arket thru public demand. le.*8 of time. Free delivery an.v- PRISCILLA’S POP The Promoter Izlng in repairs, remodeling, cop­ room house, barn, garage. Suit­ BY AL VERMEER 1946 CHEVROLET. 4x,door sedan, (rarwooil liody. Four speod 0 pportunity i.s here. GRAB where in Connecticut. Phone Hart­ Wanted—To Buy 58 per water piping, new corv>truc- able /for development. Howard R. '^rr W A S BUT, L 40W NO, PRISCILLA! 1941 FORD 'ij-ton rack body excellent rmirlition, low mileage, IT. ford 6-0.3.58, Mr. Albert, for ap­ VtDU MEAN ER. I'VE DECIDED, tran.ami,‘i.‘»ii)n. two sjiccd roar WANTED—Used furniture. Liv­ Hastings. 2-1107. A N-NICE A MORSE 2UT CAN'T >»t3U ^ truck. Good condition. Phone equipped with rayon cord tires, tion. Time pa.vments arranged. pointment. Day or Evening. I f you SOMETHING SHE SHOULD axol. heavy diit.v clutch, R eassure yourself, no invest­ ing room, bedroom, kitchen or BIRTHDAY. IS S IM PLY A puppvr T H IN K OF < 6002 after 6 p. ni. new battery, radio, heater oil and Ed ware Johnson. Phon*.6979 or have no means o f transportation M AN(?HESTER and vicinity. LIK E A HAVE A 5044. ment. entire household*. Let u* make rsds) BUT OUT OF THE , OR S o m e t h in g '* PUPPY.' gas niters, vi.snr and other extra.**. lioo.stor brake.'; aiul fi.shplated. we will send our private "Courtesy Homes $6,850 and up. For further BABY 1939 HUDSON deluxe 1-door. New you an offer. Ther-sWoodahed. .WHERE’S QUESTION.' MAYBE A ELSEF Call 8900 after rt p . ni Eaetiirv guarantee. Auto" for you. No obligation. Information call Alice Clampet. KITTEN P SISTER aeat covers, battery, good tires. E F F IC IE N T Plumbing and heat­ Phone 2-3154. > G Look At It Anyway Shown by Appointment Only Realtor. Phone 2-4543. 7 Excellent engine, $195. Call 8982. 1949 C*HR5'SLF.lt Wind.sor club ('ALSO SERVIGENTER ing. Plugged drains machine During Day nr Evening cleaned. Phone 6497. 1952 Looks Good For YOU C«EVROLKT Tudor -with cqune,_S('qtvb_lllaUL..uphQlatcr,v,. — ....4.16 Center Street Phone HarUord 6-0358- MR. ' EAST HARTFORD, six-room ,Cape Rooms Without Board 59 Cod, - control heal, needs some Powerglide transmission. Radio, a six cylinder heaiity. Real value, PLUMBING and heating. Furn­ A LB E R T AF TE R 7 P. M. -46-4690 heater. Nice comhtion through­ compare anywhere, Douglas Phone 2-0!t80 or 4165 aces, oil burners and holler.*. Additional Information, as well L IV IN G ROOM and bedrimm for repairs. $8,500. $2,000 required. out It’s Douglas for value* al­ Motors, 333 Main, as interviews, obtainable at Hotel A-L-B-E-R-T-’-S working couple. Steam heat, Call agent. 2-3151. 1918 FORD super dekixe tudor, Earl VanCamp, Tel 5244. ways. Douglas Motor Sales, 333 Garde. Hartford. Friday, March 21. 43 ALLYN STREET. HARTFORD kUchen privileges. Five hiinutes 1941 STCDEBAKER Champion radio, heater A nice clean num­ SIX-ROOM house. 12 minutes from Main. , V PLUMBING A.ND Heating re­ starting at 10:00. A. M, Open Thursday Eyea. 'T il 9 o'clock from Main street. Second floor. two-door Radio and heater Prtr- Manchester Center, on bu« line. ber. 1951 Chevrolet, radio, heater. pairs ami installations. Automa­ Inquire 166 Eldridge,street. « e«i to .sell. Clarke .Motor Sales, 301 Black Doiigln.'i Motor.s. .333 Main. W orking? Y'ou’ll he late? Call m a p l e Dining table, electric Oil heat, full cellar, fireplace, THIS MEEKS SPECIAL tic washing machines piped. Rea­ ■stove, refngerator, chairs. , and Broad street. Mr. A, Tnrello at above address for LAR G E F R O N T heated room, basC'meht -garage. Lot 94 x 150. ALL CARS FAR BELOW sonable ratee-. Phone 3773. other ii.srt furniture. The Wood­ nppointm'ent or. 25 James Street. ,-jiext to bath. Gentleman o n ly ^ ^ l $10,.’K)0. Schwartz Real Kstatc. CEIUNG nusIncAs Services Offered 1.1 New Haven, Conn. shed, 11 Main street. 8274 or Hartford 5-5138. 1942 HUD.SON. Summit street. Phone 7116 after Call 2-8611 after Millinery— Dremmaking 19 5. 1951 Plymouth Cambridge—\Vith 6 p. m. Y'OUR K N A P P shoes, a\*airable LIK E NEW . custom built Regen T W O -F A M IL Y flat. 4 and 4; large CAPTAIN EASY . I'.OOO, naif*. _Likt.n«w Tlii-all. ■sizc.'i. .Canlai l VVeu—F -S ifV ■cy._aofa, envered « 1th— Bergun^ Look Out, Al BY LESLIE TURNER D R f b t S M - A - — AttrriUnnna; A TTR AC TTV E LY’ FiTrtTaheiTTdom - lotr-zoned for business, addition­ 19.51 Dixlge Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan— BEFORE YOU Buy a used car livan, salesman., rtu ..Mountain Matelas.se fabric with fringe f « more speed out of afrianiBhTng ftr drape.s and curtains. Reasonable Salesmen Wanted 36-.\ for two. Complete light house­ al space'for store or greenhouae, .B U L L HAVE FOUR MMUTE510 PUT ...HA6 TH'aO LApy Radio and heater. Thla car la like i see Gorman Motor .*4ales. Bulck street, Rockvile 5-5964. around bottom, Cviatom.__made YOO-HOO lANPlAPY! I HATE TO ASK FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY M. C. BLOSSER rates, J’honc 2-8866., - . keeping , facilities. Central. Rea­ near- center ' of ' Olcott street. TW SPARE N TMEIR TRUMK UNLOCK m DOOR*. TWE.BUT IM IN THE SHOWER.,.,.. new with very tow mileage '' f Sales' aiid SSrv'Ice7"'28,5 Main N A iiO N A L firm needs man 30-65. slip cover included. Phone 2t9608. sonable. Jerome’, 1st floor, 14 Phone 2-0482. i i m HIDE W M Y CAR w m TM$ POPE. TM6M DRIVE5 WOULD SOU GET 60METHING FOR TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX 10.50 Willys Jeep -W ith snow plow. |..St reel. Phone 2-4371. Open eve- DOOR.S, OPENED, key* flued, Li.'it local accounts for collection. NICK PRETEUP5 TO N S O Arch street. W EU GET A » IW L &We4BY M4U 0, The uz/Fsr e e v mi So WHAT? SOME of TWe OLD 1949 Meiciiry 4-Dr, Sedan—Radio i nings. copied, vacuum cleaners, Iron*, Moving;—Trucking— $100'7$200 commission weekly. No nrCAR FOR AM ERRANO. FROM THOEE TWO and heater. Beautiful condition. guns, etc., repaired. Shear*, HOLLY'WOOD bed $20, two bunk M ickey (H imself) M c Guire TOrmi- 6 uooiaNO fOA A'wAy n SCHEMES ARE RIPE^ BAY OFF ...... S.torage.,, selling, no collecting, no exper- N IC E L Y Furnished. diSubie- roonj AtnUB SADLY «V UPS ' - 1949..QldBiu»l.»lle ■ 6, 4-Di.. Bedaii y -. 7*m?.Y«L.!BowexK brts .. $.5 e ach. Phbhe Y-9206." P | M : ? ? S r o 5 N t l A ^ ^ -for-one-or two.'-Referenee*.-Neart inSW-TiycIfamatlc drT'h. A Very dition for coming needs Braith- MANCHESTER PACKAGE Deliv- Work. Opporlunit.'i* for advance- hils. Phone 7897 after 5. T h k b s m e is , r »e c k - V T hat fine car. AT RALCH PONTIAC, Inc. waite .52 Pearl street. cry. Local light trucking and WESTTNGHOUSE „ 819T12 tele­ F ive room c^ilonlal with .vestl. nient, higher earnings. W rite Box ■biile. Attached garage, atorm w*in- ■.-•HOW 23 OB' BKM a u a r / l book 1948 Plymouth Club Omipe.-i-Radio package delivery. Refrlgeratora vision. $75; VVeatlnghoiise S ft. 19,5(1 Bukk 4-Dr.T-Dvnaflow. E, Herald. ' dowi and screens, Vene tian blinds. bWeSTONE eUCK AWO EpJD / LOOKS and heater. A swell little car. IF Y’OUR business needs someone washers and stove moving a refrigerator; $.59, Barstow'a, 460 19.50 Pac’Kaid 4-Dr, Main. Phone 3234. Apartments— Flats— Hot neater oil heat. A ll copper UPWITMA MILLION' ykN O A 1947 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan—Radio to an.swer phone call.*, I ran give specialty. Phone 2-0752. I 19.5(1 Pontiac ' Chieftlftn 4-Dr. Tenements 63 tubing. Full insulation. Ample and heater. This 1* a beautiful ■ .voii that service in my home. Rituationx Wanted— weary ! CANT car. I Soslan. FLO RE N CE Combination oil and shrubbery and trees. Occupancy Manchester 2-.8S67. THE AU.STIN A. CHAMBERS FIRST FLOOR apartment, two \ BE anything- 1947 Plymouth Business Coupe. 19.50 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4- Female 38 ga.* range, also G. E. monitor top within three weeks. Large lot. Near Co...local and lon'g distance mov­ room, bath, heated, range and re­ WHILE NEW IN rr' 1947 Plymouth Special, Deluxe 4- I Dr .Sedan. \\ I.N'DOW SHADES made to order refrigerator. Reasonable. Call bus line, shopping center and ing. packing, crating and storage. LADY DESIRES bookkeeping, frigerator. available only to sin­ HA RM VB Dr.— A nice family car. : 1940 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan. and installed. Venetian blinds 4376. school. Priced to sell. 5 0 0 •TH1& 1949 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan Hydra- Service to all parts of the U. S. typing, addre.ssing envelopes at gle per.«on permanently situated. M5D0PBFR0M 1041 Hudson 4-Dr.—Good trans- and curt«in rod.«. 24 hour service. and Canada. Call 5187. Hartford home. Phonb 2-0650. aidieejANtiR 1 portation—$195. I malic. Estimates gladly given. Fagah BARGAINS r- American kitchen No other need apply. Write Box Ch a r l e s l e s p e r e n c e 6-1423. S, Herald. ^ BPARE 1940 Plymouth 4-Drj Sedan I 1949 Kaiid V-8 2-Dr. Sedan. Window Shade Co.. Route 44 at Zinks 42", $6995; 54” double 3620 1940 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio ' 1947 Pontine 4-Dr. Sedan, BoltVm .Notch Phone 2-4473. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 drainboard, $89.95; electric range i 1946 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan. $150; automatic washer, $299.95, VIC FLINT Unannounced Viaitors i “and heater. Painting— Papering 21 Business Locations BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY 3-/7 1939 Chevrolet Opera Coupe. Ll.NOLEUM Remnants .50c square now $229.95. A.B.C. Appliance, SOUTH eXYVENTRY —Six-room HOW COME YOU t h a t * a f o u n d a t io n 1938 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan. All cars equipped with heaters .yard. Asphalt tile, wall covering. (70LL1E PUPS, sable and white. 21 Maple. For Rent 64 B N a R P » * » IN WATCHING A4AOAM TORGOl tWB'l I and radios house with large porch in need of HAVE T O HAVE FOR THE FiaURE. fT GIVE* ^ tftOI^ ON HER WAX A400B L Q F HIM. * 1936 Chevrolet Sedan—Radio and Di-ine by reliable, well-trained PAPERHANGING a id painting. Cali Coventry 7-7566. Y I P E S ! LOOK WHATSOMEBOOY H ID . FOR RENT—Store or office. Main some repairs. Beach privileges, THAT WIRE ------D UM M Y------PO y NOT*NOTieE A CAR dproplv WERE BETWEEN THE PAGES.' heater. Good condition. men. All Jobs guaranteed. Hall . W alter B, Cqokson. I ’hone 2-1614. PAIR OF maroon ba*e table FRAMI; I Many Others To Choose From atreet, near Center and Poat Of­ aacrifice, » $5,500. CaU 2-8825. FROMT OF THE * ------1935 F o rt 2-Dr.—Excellent motor. Linoleum Co 56 «\>ttage atreet. A. K. C. RBX5ISTERED Beagle lamps, very good condition. CaU 3470. fice. (Plenty o f parking. Phone Vacant. Ojicn Evenings Until JO P. M. Phone 2-4022, evehlngs 6166 #r INTERIOR AND Exterior paint­ pups. Nine week* old. Champion­ ^ C 2 > Save A t ing,’ paperhanging, celling* re- ship bloodline. Call- Willimantlc 3- 6988. 8109. * e a s t H AR TFO R D — Six- room BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. finished. Fully Insured. Expert 2090. A R IS T O -B ILT unpalnted chests, B A R LO W MOTOR -SALES bookcaae*. hutclr cabineUt. book­ Cape Cods, piaster walk*, amesite Wapplng.'Conn, FU10R PROBLEMS solved wlW Work. Wall paper books. EMward 155 Center Street case headboard and table* and Suburban for Rent 66 driveway, hatchway, walking dis­ Open Until 9 P. M. and Sunday* linoleum, asphalt tile counter. R. Price. Phone 2-1003. Phone 2.4545 Articles for Sale 45 chairs. The Woodshed, 11 Main tance aircraft. F.H.A, $2,800 Phone 5404 Fbtperl workmanship, free esti­ COVENTRY Center—Main street. atreeL dowrn payment. For information 1940 FORD ,85.tudor. 194l,Chevro- mates. Open evening*. Jonea Fur­ USED OIL burning water heater, Attractive three-room apartment, 1940 NASH four-door. Very clean., PAINn.NG, Paperhanging. No Job call agent 2-3151. a , let club and tudor, 1942 Chevro­ niture. Oak street. Phone 2-1041. 30 gallon galvanized tank and 55 WE BUY and tell good used furni­ I private bath, steam heat. Will ExceUant condilTon. Clarke Motor let sedan, all good running con­ too small. Call 2-0726. gallon drum, first $10 take* it. ture, combination rangta, 'gaa take couple with one chUd. Wellea FOR SALE1-/-Seven room single— Bales. dition. Douglas Motor*, 333 Main. REFRIGERATION Service, com­ A|reBcy, Coventry. Phone 7-6872. mercial and domestic. See our ADDMORE Decorating, painting, Phone 2-4054. • rangea and heatara. Jonea Funil*' 4 bedrooms. Large lot 3-car ga­ 1040 C H EVR O LE T sedan, 1950 paperhanging. G.uaranteed. Best ture Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-104L rage. About.20 year*, old. Price 1940 CHEVROLET tudor. Good display 01 guaranteed used refrlg- ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ Chevrolet Tudor, 1950 Chevrolet Workmanship. At low winter $1S,(X)0. James J. Rohan 4k Son,, condition, radio, heater. 1941 atora George H. 'William* Aseo- able and standard typewriter*. Wanted to Rent 68 Fortors, 1948 Chevrolet Aero- Chevrolet club coupe. 1941 Chev­ iciates, 260 i'olland Turnpike, rates. Free estimate. Call 5346. MAHOGANY E(R0P leaf - table Realtors. Phone 7433.' A ll make* o f adding machines’ (Duncan Phyfe). aooed 36" x •edan. Douglas altvaya has Chev- rolet tudor. Truly good. Dougla* .Manchestei Phone 2-3585, nights URGENTLY Needed, 4 or 5 room sold or rented. Repairs on all 16", open 36 x 44, slightly used, rent by young couple with 3H mleta. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. , Motor*, 333 Main. 7891. Read Herald Advs. make*. Marlow*#. $25.00. Phone 3373. jrw oM^daughtar. Fluna 3.2136. OTHER ADVS. ON PAGE 8 f

V. y \ ' '. / ■ v ' . '-''A PAGE FOURTEEN ' MONDAY, MARCH 17, l95f F . Average Daily Net Preen Run Mmt^sikst lEtt^nins l|rraU> . Far the Week Ba«ag The Weather ...... hllfijiiiiii ‘OEiH'Wima T O M JMm bjr calling 81 i l and .maUng ar- Evalyn Ortgan m permlaMpti'^to \®BoiutTbwn Resigns G Clef [t V i4 * ,S 0 0 raMamanta for thair donaitlcm lacrm slag Zoners Face™ convert m alngle-funUy^tfwiilUiw Ilia fund drive must rtaliza ^ 10,506 eeei taalgM. montlUy mcttinc of th« In- Into • four-family dw ^n g at Ills $6,500 more to rqach tha quota of Member et the Aafitt n » Main atreet; gt^ ^'CharlM Luce, Uarm a * f CtoeelaMoee .umueh O m * o f th« Church at the Big Agenda • In ARC Drive $20,000. Binca thia $20,000 la fig-, tela. N n n rtn * w ill he held tomorrow who wanta ap-«xtenslon of permis­ ured on tha abaoluta minimum ba-' MtmeheUer-^A City o f Villoge Charm evening e t 7:4S In the paiieh sion to uair'a lot for parking cars ala.of what w ill ba naedad to opl In r^nrctlon with a car-repairing houac. llembcra ere requested to arata tha loaal Rail Croaa fb1r 1963, Town Seeks Two«Rooni hualness on a lot o f 624 Middle Almost 75% of Quota V o L LXXL NO. 143 (GlamIfM AfiverfMag *■ Page 12) bring old fam ily photographs. thara la no other altematlva but MANCHESTER. CONN., T U ^D A Y , MARCH 18, 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) Addition for Schoplf TumpUca eaat Reached gt End of 3rd to continue the drive until it la PRICE nVB CENli Election o f officers will be held The four remaining applications reached. Tha Red Croaa drive at the regular meeting of the List 13 Appljpntions that the board will consider are Week; $5,500 to Go muat not faU. but only with tha Manchester Rotary Club tomorrow th'oae of the Shell Oil Company, full cooperation of every aoUcitor night at d;S0 at .the Country Oiib. A heavy a g ^ ^ of 13 applica- Which la seeking permUelon to At the end of the third week of and Mancheatar resident can Defense C u t Benton Continues F B I Holds JbaJ(e_g4tc|9Uona M.._a_EaBqtine !Uoeaenj0f^ “tor—sontng- til* lecai campaigiii tha-1663 Red Members of, the Beethoven .Olee station at 275 Main street and to ad. out. CrosB Fund drive stands at $14,- Club will le a v i from the Emanuel regulation! facei the Zoning erect a free-standing ground sjgn Board of Appeals at Its hearing closer to the street line than reg­ 6(16, or 73.s"per cent of the quota. ;\ By Convict, liUtheraa Church promptly at 0:45 OdP aiodoiii funeral honie Is • Rpccial fitruetura Digger for tonight and proceed to Stafford tonight In the Municipal Building. ulations allow; William Gelinaa, Jaco6 Miller, chairman of the McCarthy Dispu te for permiaaion to erect a dwelling (Springs, where the club will give Included among the applica- Fund committee, has announced dcdicfited and fnrniahed to provide the fadlitica *e a concert in the chspffi of the con- which would be two feet closer to Uiat the drive la not over and can­ niEmirTioiis ttona la one from the Town of Man- the north aide than regulations at- and fMiraBiciicca toaerve the living and nverentijr Jury Ready Death Note g re g a tlo i^ Church at 7:30. The not end .until the goal o f $26,000 la CfircfiiBjr Ubaipoandfid Wfifihinfftoh, March 18— * 0f Senaton be summoned for a -eoweert--ls-belng-sponsored by- the tar for ~p low, on the west aide- of Joseph Mtalnad itrect, lot 15; Albert Patch, to dl- Women's Club of Stafford Springs. a two-room .addition to the The committee has repeatedly Hartford, March 18— (/P)— ...... u4 Q.... /D I When a quorum was on hand, New York, March 18^/P) vlde a plot of land north of 364 urged the majors, captains, and llrag^Slifwl accused Sen. McCarthy (R., senate gave Benton South School on South Main Parker atreet into two lota, which The first jury in Connecticut — A gray-haired gravedigger Clifford L. Hills of 35 Cooper workers of the residential unit tP Wia.) today of having made a ! voie“to ’“ p ^ e ^ in order." I would result in one having leas street, who Is employed In the street. Permiaainn of the.board finish their house to house can­ history able to recommend a was jailed under heavy bail frontage than regulations - allow; “fraudulent statement" about: Benton did. He resumed hia dls- tabulating department at the Na­ la neceaaary since the "'addi­ vass as rapidly as possible. Every life sentence in a first degree today on charges he wrote a James E. Oliver, for permission him on a television program, j cuaalon of what he called "a m at­ tional of Hartford Group Insurance tion would extend the achool'a Manchester and Bolton resident to erect a porch 'at 400 Wood- murder case prepared this Benton, who has been clashing ter of personal privilege." letter threatening murdered Company, will mark his 25th anni­ that has not yet been called upon building line closer to the south bridge street, three feet, six inches HOLMtS' afternixm to start its delibera- with McCarthy for a year, issued The Connecticut Democrat said Arnold Schuster “for being a versary with that company on win be contacted befori the end aide line and closer to the street closer to the eaat line than regu­ O. A K rrt Pearami 2BW00dkH^Stntt / 400MamStnet /tions. hia new blast at the Wisconsin Re­ McCarthy in hla televiaton appear­ March 22. of the drive. In many cases it is squealer” on bank robhqr Wil­ line than present xoning regula­ lations allow. The case Involved was that in publican in a Speech from the ance represented Benton aa having Too Amiable for Truman difficult, for the solicitor to reach Modess lie Sutton. tion.* allow. G. Albert Pearson, direetpr for which 35-ycar-old Frank Wojcule- Senate floor. His words set off. a distributed prepared testimony to Cites Waste The, Washington P T A will meet some families due to irregular the preM laat September with the But the FBI said the gravedig­ New Haven The board will also consider the many years o f the O Clef Club, wicc, paralyzed ex-convict, was ac­ rhubarb between Democratic and tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in hours at home and various other roviso that "no part o f this must ger apparently wasn't involved in applications of Isaac Parka, who cused of fatally , shooting police Republican Senators. . . the white building. Dr. Pennls Tal­ has announced his resignation causes. The resident can assist a used by the press until it be­ the killing; He was put under $13,- wants to use a portion of a dwell­ Sergeant William J. Grabe^ of The statement Benton chal­ P bot of the State Department of effective after the 35th annual the Red Ooss In these instances comes Immune as 1 have teatl- 000'bail at hia arraignment before On-African ing‘'at. 44 McKee street for light Court Cases N ew Britain and William Otipka, lenged was made on the CBS "See Police A ir Education will speak on the par­ concert Tuesday, April 15, which fied." U. 8. (Tommiasioner Edward E. housekeeping; Peter KoMlek. who ents" part in the social hygiene a displaced person bystander, in a •It N ow " program Sunday. Benton said that statement by Fa.v. The case o f Patrick A. Padula, • marks the completion of the sea­ holdup. program, and will illustrate his wants an extension of permission Sen. Bridges (R „ N H ), the McCarthy w-as "a calculated er­ Meanwhile, Sutton himself went son. In 1934 Mr. Pearson suc­ A ir Bases talk with movies. to have a repairer's license at 288 i 23, of 6 Hazel street, charged with j Wniculewloz was paralyzed minority leader, broke in as Ben­ ror.” on trial for a 1950 holdup. A heavy ceeded his brother, Helge Pearson, Bribe Offer ('enter street; Ernest Ritchie, who I theft of a Jacket on the complaint TREE SPRAYING from the waist down by a police ton spoke to as-aert that Benton (Oohgreasmen may not be proe- police guard stuck close to the is requesting an exception on a organizer of the club In 1927. The bullet that cut through hla spine had questioned McCarthy's Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holden of ! of a fellow worker at the Pioneer | ecuted for anything they aay In slippery, three-times prison break­ Washington, March 18— 81 Washington street attended the dwelling which has lieen located silver anniversary was celebrated In the same holdup, which took honesty ■ In violation of Senate New Haven, March 18— Parachute was continued un­ Plage your order now for the spraying of .vour trees the halla of (Congress. This prac-' er. and detectlvea dcreened spec- (>P )~A civilian engineer told Boston flower show. Saturday^ ip .* i .lfsrt .from ,l,l)«..aouth..side line, Co., Sunday. Feb.' 10. in Emanuel Lu- place last Nov. 5 at the AYO rules. . . tatora. ‘ ^ thei ah ChUfCK With" a supper and amd shrubs. Evergreen, lilacs. Iriiit trees and numer­ tice„.U widely ...referred .to ., a* — A man and his wife were theTirtfhafiica Biiliaihg. " which la 1.6 feet closer than regu­ til iSaturd8y’"whcn "pirpsented be- { ,. Peckiijg (Jompany, N ew Britain. -Vice President 'Barkley, Who "Congressional Immunity." What investigating Senators today combined concert with the Cham* A t the same'iUmerBrooklytt Dit;-' dynamited to deatK fit lations allow, at 64 Alton street; fore Judge Charles N. Crockett in i ous other plantings should have a dormant spray to Asks No Merry was presiding, told Benton to take a (Tongressman says outside the that horifial siiecificatiohs and inade Singers of. Worcester, Mass. trict Attorney. Milea complained their truck a few hours after,__ Sunset -Rebekah ledge will oh- and Paul Dougan, who Is seeking Town Court this morning. j State's Atty. Albert B. Bill his seat.- Benton did. Capitol may be used against him standards were “flagrantly — Richard—Ar~KeHnr-24v-«f--N«vs>- — M r—Paaraon-haaJuockad. tireless- .. ebhtrol the scale insects. Pruning, cabling, aurgery he hadn't had a chance to question -serve-netgh-bors'-Tilghf at-its~meer^ jiermTsSbTi 'Id 'e re c l ,a" one-car~ the rush Job started and that aome dick, 80, at liberty under $5,000 Wednesday night or contact Mrs. findings. said today, he believes the Korean truce negotiations will be ta te r today, Edward Scheldt, runwavs and parking atrlpa on the Heretofore, first degree murder bonds in connection with the hold­ James Wiley or Mrs. Rudolph MATTRESSES successful, but he cautioned against "either optimi.sm or head of the N ew York F B I office, air bases had failed. up on Feb. 27. Kissmann. ‘ carried with a mandatory sentence said "There is no evidence impli­ pessimism” in the present stage of the prolonged talks. Ache- Wise, conaultant on building The bride offer, police said, was It ia better to have a good of death in the electric ^ a ir . Sec­ son waa before the Senate F o r e ig n — — ------cating" Brown "with the shooting U.S. A ir Bases around the world, The Girl Scout Leaders training ond degree murder has always of the young salesman.” made through a third party. They rebuiit mattreRs than a Relations committee to urge ap- a -a i ^ aald he was sent \p French Moroc­ Identified him as Preston Robin­ eourae will he held Wednesday i called for life imprisonment as a proval of the full $7,900,000,000 the The threatening letter, alleged- Russia'* Deputy Premier VyarhesUv Molotov (left), then for­ cheap new one. We re- co In North Africa last December son, quoted by police as saying night at 7:.30 at the Girl Scout P. 0. BOX 230 mandatory sentence. administration asks for foreign aid. edly written by Brown, read: to check numerous complaints. eign minister was r^pleat of a double handshake from former Secre­ mdke and ateriiize aii types Allies Reject that he had offered the money office. At this aeasion a fllmatiip, No TeallmoBy But under questions from Sen. "This la to let you know that He said copies o f bit critical re­ tary of State Jakae* F. Bymee during latter's Moscow visit la Decem­ after Ulking to Reddick. ^ "A Piece of Wire." showing how a of mattresses. The case approached an end Wlle.v (R„ Wia.), Acheaon's testi­ your days are numbered for bean- port went to . the Air Force, In­ ber, 1946. Prealdedt Tniinaa and Byraea oa yeaterday were la opea program can be built around an In­ abruptly thia morning when Pub­ mony became in effect a quick re­ New Red Plan Ing a squealer on B illy Sutton. spector General ahd the Chief o f coatradictioa over whether Trumaa bawled out Byraea for hla handl­ Both Reddick and Robinson are terest catcher, will be shown. Any ing of Ruaolaa relatloao on the trip, ao stated la the book *TWr. Preai- Negroes. -m-ui.:.-IS a • • IKE’S - • . . . ADDRESS...■- '"«V4«I641.»A .i • - .».V ' ... . . lic Defender James D. Cosgrove view of foreign affaire in general. The note, scrawled on plain lined Arm y Engineers, L L Gen. Lewis dent.” la background at above meeting are Molotov's Interpreter leader who. wmild like to aee'thiVi JoMS FurnHurt iwJ informed Judge WiRtam J. Shea: Iv The United States ts' "coii- paper, bore uo signature but there ,A.,Plck.,, ...... The bandit In that case was ,.w8t..e.jcro4c.lx.da«ra..f*ce.^j^^ ;Bnd;.daenh;. ;.t:aarlx:.Bi>w ;.Soylet_ti:,;N;,,delegpJe,^...... -T'l -Would-Ilke- to-atate- ' f o r “ the' -timiaay working.", to • gat ita- Allie* jQitEntryPcH^ Thrmjr -E tagtaem Tundnil' X X to provide - n - larger portion of bottom of the page. “ Beaning" «p- .wlth_A bottle of turpentine - and - ' record that the aecuaea; Ffahk parently meant "belng.^' The F B I the Air base Job and awarded a Wojculewicz, has instructed me not troops in Korea—w-ithout success Munaan, Korea, March Commu- cost-plua-fiXad-fee contract to a threw a can of black paint at him. St. Anne's Mothers (^rcle will ' Wi/f Ateon Victory Later 36 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 so far. ^ declined to reveal how the note Reddick was arrested the next to offer any testimony iii his be­ nuist negotiators proposed four group of five private contractors meet Wednesday evening at 8' 3. The situation in Indo-China, waa traced to Brown. day. He waa slated to be arraign­ half." Brown was charged with vio- who formed tha Atlaa Corporation o'clock at the home o f Mra. Oval where_____ the____ French are locked...x,„,rv. ...IIn dhangea today Ih truce-time porta ed in police court on March 21. Wojculewicz lay oh an ambu­ laUng the federal extortion statute to do the Job at a fee of five mil­ Truman New Book J. Smith, 126 Main atreet. battle with Oommunlat-Ied forces, of entry into Korea and aald they Windows of tha county Jail and SEND THAT dOLLAR NOW lance atret-her nearby expreaaion- and hgld fo r arraignment Jn lion dollars, that may ba increased. la ••ye.iy .aeripua’’ and Will remain could not answer je v e n A i l i ^ — Original cotL^vera- aattmated-«t nearby bulldlnga were shattend Manchester Lodge. No. 73. A.F.' lesa as h * had been slnce^ the trial Broolrtjm.------so until the French can p\it a questions about exchanging pris­ about 350 .nilllon dollars and now by today"! expiosioh. TVuck parts and A. M., will hold a special com- I T 0 ; _ ‘ started two weeks ago today. In the neighboring borough of FREE Aaaiatant State's Att. Jose'ph V. large, trained native force in . the oner!. are expected to be nearly double were scattered over a wide area. munlcation at the Masonic Tem -{ THK £I8KNH0WER FOR i’RKSiilKNT Ci.l B field. Queen^ Sutton and two of hia al­ H&s NoT1952 Clue The United Natlona command tbis, Wise said. The Wrights lived near the Jail. pie tomorrow evening at 7:30. The ' Fay, Jr., who made the opening leged accomplices were In a heavi­ P. O. BOX 230 • \ rejected the propoaed port chang­ He also said • private architect- master mason degree will be ex-' -ar^ment for the state, said that 3. He la confident that France, ly guarded courtroom for their Orders went out from polloe despite Ita recent government es and said It would wait for the amplifled, following which I here Wojculewicz was' not entitled to trial on cliarges of holding up a Washinsrton, March 18— (/P)— H airy S. Truman pictures headquarters to pick up Reddick any leniency since the evidence criaia. Will carry out its commit­ Reds to figure out the priaoner (Coutlnued ou Page Eight) for questioning. will be a social hour and refreah- N A M E ...... anawers. branch of the Manufacturera Truat himself, in material he supplied for a new book out t ^ a y , as menta. showed he had carefully planned ments to the North Atlantic Company for $64,000. Police Chief Howard O. Young the holdup in advance. Treaty alliance, and that Germany Brig. Gen. William P. Kuckola, a sentimental, lonely man /vho sometimes feels the White Autofflotie Wofikur Special security measurea In­ took personal charge of the In­ ADDRESS ...... will do the same. UN Command spokesman said he House has turned him vestigation. "Theae were savage and brutal clude screening all who enter .ik-'two-headed calf"— a freak in niurdera," he said. "Thia was a did not believe the port of entry the eyes of the American public. "This Is the worst thing I've 4. A ll the N A T O countries are county Judge Peter T. Farrell’s Key Wafdists rOK DKTAIIJ4 8KE pretty cold-blooded proposition. It would take so long to solve. He He also says he believes' "There Is ever experienced in my service Repuhiican ilemnerat independent taking steps to check Infiation court. Guards will be provided for ■'4 la a mercy that there was no more seemed optimistic over the pris­ no indispensable man In a democ­ with the police department,” said PICTURE FRAMINB CHECK ONE □ n . □ w-hlch. by increasing costa, is a each Juror selected. Squads of po­ than one gun in his poanession.'’ oner situation; said the Reds ap­ racy." Young, a police veteran of 24 PIcturea Mounted and Framed threat to their preparedness ef­ lice and extra detectives will be in Arrested; No Missing Chutist ABC AppliaRcc Co. Cosgrove admitted to the Jury peared to be really "studying the But Is he w-illing to turn, over to - n ^ a i • years. WEi.I. WiN WiTH iKE forts. questions.''_...... and around the building. .----- C A IX ------— .... —“ 3-1875 31.Msplc Street -O" there was no qtiestion about many somebody else the job-he regards - I ft cortrolled the.police — of "admin­ else "you are not going to get Minor Injuries V, Allied ataff officer! argrued that istrative reapohiibility" for the (Contini (Cohtinued on Page Eight) \ Washington, March 18—P)— disastrous fire riots of Jan. 26 Hospital Just southeast of Dallas ^.aul M. Herzog, chairman of the e western European defense aidered a single port of entry in A late developing, wide-open popu­ which took 67 lives and caused said this morning that the miss­ Rayon Shantung National Labor Relations Board larity contest shares tnterert wjth millions of dollars worth of pro­ ing parachutist showed up about 'Ail US (Oonttnned I Page TWO) (N lA B l, testified today, that lead­ (OontlBiied^^oaPage IW e) the delegate election In today's perty damage. 7:10 p. m. (e.s.t.) yesterday. They Hassan—has- been-'accused" by ing lalmr oiginizationa "have done xk—— Minnesota Presidential ptiniery — said they 'didn't" Know 'yet' how he Bulletins first in the state since 1916, antl-Wafdiete-'Of making'a speech -News Tidbits a vigorous Job" of routing Oom- got titere. They identified him aa Only three candidatee are on the which "excited the population” the Culled from A P Wiras Joseph John 46*60 but had no from the A P Wires munlsts'from their ranka. dav of the riotrf ’ . 99c yd. ballot Oonteating for 36 Republi­ further information. He had only "The fact that their task may Morris Opens Cleanup-,' can delegates are former Governor Strong police detachments cor­ minor injurica. not yet be 'lomplete does not com­ Harold Staaseh and EdwattI C. doned off the homes of the two TTH RENO ARREST The ever popular raypn shantung in a beautiful rang* pel the conclusion that the gov­ Philadelphia District Attorney The known dead were identified of colors. Slettedahl.’s St. Paul school teach­ men shortly a fte r ' midnight. Ee- aa Lt. Cmdr. Lewis Joseph Gar­ Washington, March 18—((H—• ernment, whose a-ucceas has also corta took Serag el Din to his es­ Richards Dilsworth says X-raya er, who Is supporting Gen. Doug­ field, Downey, Calif., and Marine The F B I announced today It haa only been partly, could do it any tate at Bilbeia-village and Hassan show lead slug la right rheekboM Faces Congress Wrath las MacArtbur and Sen. T a ft (R- of former Republican City Chair­ Gpl. Carl L. Doctor of Cherry made a leventh arrest In the I ^ better ,Juat by legislating aome lOhlo). 36" A.B.C. man William F. Meade, victim of Point, N. C. million dollar Reao robbery. The. new technique," Hi^rzog said. (CoBtlnued on Page Three) 45 in. Checked Taffeta Washington, March 18—(iPj— * The only Denu>cratic candidate mj-aterlous shooting.. Fire de- The blazing tw6-engU1e R5C agency also said It haa r e c o v e r ^ He expressed hia views to a Senr la favorite son Sen. Hubert another $38,781 of the loot taken •te labor subcommil^tee studying Newbold Morris faced more trou- « n ^ \ Btroya trailer truck and.cargo of crashed and exploded into thou­ Humphrey, who entered at the re- Treasury Balance sands o f pieces o f lunk. It hit in from Lavere V. RedfleM. -how ble fropi irate Confereaanlen toda}g I t4>lieClor Oufited chlcKa on4JII ILAJjr ^ s wa . ayg JUI$n. Ah iilL Hi ~ot ss he se.t out to ask 35,000 high-ifl -qiieet of national-party offienBs.' Highway 6 near Brooklyn-Hamp, open fleldB e r - about" " ----el ------one fourth,----- .---- of.-J "VVt “hSvtnB ii*^ ^mlted-Printed Fabrics^ Communist-dominated torons. er-pald govei^ment officiala . to ' His 33>^elegste slste had been Washington, Msrch 18 — (JP)-- ton town line. a mile from a residential area. DROPS DAMAGE SUIT ^ . ^ 9 y d i ....T-"-'-*- T.W Herzog told the aubCammlttea planiMd fo r President Trum an.... hrt their-sources of Income.- The 'position of the Treasury , .The.ieft.englne-burned itialf^uit OrlMMie, Fbu. March I8-^>P)— s h i p m • n r of •hio black-aiid-Whita appiAiaal is Each party will elect two dele­ March 14: — ■ ...... "■ New Army policy' will release "A $MU,(>66 damige’sUt filed'lw' The newest for dresses, blouses ahd akirta in small'checked' The mailing of questionnaires three months ahead of time all of the plane and smashed into a pwalble aa to the long-ruA effec­ gates from each o f the states nine Net budget receipts, $185,507,- former Rollins College PrealdenI taffeta. Brown, black, navy and red. -to the 25,000 si^aled the launch-'" soldiers on Involuntary active duty fleld about two miles from ' the shodM for Root. tiveness" of the non-Comn^nist Congressional districts. Seven Re- 851.88; budget expenditures. $n6,. Paul Wagner ngalnat College ingof Morris’ widely-heralded- Who have been rotated home from crash. $1.’55 yd- 783,279.12: „cftah balance. $3,763,- Irnateba waa dlamleaed todny. A search day. The 319 pa­ the ehtire executive branch to lantic Treaty organization com­ last week shrieked across the high ASKS DLARY BAN promisa he will "regularly re-ex-' National secretaries of Italy's give Morris full cooperation. mand he now holds. plains of eastern New Mexico and Washington, Mnrch 19— Be sure to s*e these beautiful Bauling fabrics in plain cpiors, such powers only for some clean­ question In my mind concerning ternational control plan giving utea for what awy he a werM'9 Beautiful quality spun rayon flannel fo r dresaes, aulta, iHlrta spreading. resentment over Monie* hot tem­ ion, shaded by their support for Eight persons were hospitsllzed up man appointed subject to Sen­ the propriety of answering a "abaolute security" is Impossl- record aon-etop flight for Thm - and jackyta. A ll c or*. The bed patients and the babies pered testimony laat week b^ore other candidates, and few, If any. there after highway amaahups. novelty chycks, flannel and tweed weaves. All 64’’ to 60" wtd*. ate approval— and with safe­ clear-cut call to another and high­ 'bla.. Following her state visit to derjets. were transferred to a hospital at a committee queationlng him expect to see the general back In Lamps— Basement guards for Congressional tnveaU- er duty,” raaenhower said. It was U. 8. next month, Queen Juliana Across the northern, edge o f the nearby Johnson base. The rest o f about hts role in profitable ship this country In civilian clothes be­ "an entirely different thing to cold front that the Weather bureau gative powers. deals and trade with Red China. of The Netherlandn will visit Can­ CARROLL TAKES POST ' the patlehts were taken to a serv­ fore May. ' • leave a critical assignment fdr (he ada. said moved in from _ the Pacific onkt McCarran contended that Mor­ Morris accused aome Senators of WaahlagtoB, March 19—(JV* I 0 0 0 0 ice club, but were returned to the N ot ladlapeaasble purpose of increaelng the possibil­ coast. Oklahoma Cfit'y, Ardmore Green Stamps ris had shown "utter disrespect" showTing "diseased minds” in their Former Negro Communist tesll- WilUimi T. Carroll, former Cea* ThcJaWHAUco HWT Green S tm p s Given With Cash Sales damaged Par East Air Forces' for Congress and ths people who In a March 10 latter made public ity of such a summons." flaa in Baltimore trial of alx Com­ and W ichita Falls In Oklahoma, ra- aectleat Ueufeaaat Gevaraar, TheJWHAUeiz queeUonlng and he called Sen. Me- here yesterday. Biaenbower aald •M ANCNirrni CoUM*. Given With Cash Sales elect Its members. This recalled hia Jan. 7 atate- munist conspirators that party ceived heavy showers. The storm today baeanm Dlaaetar aP KM (OMtlaiMd Page Twe) •Inilficantly he does net regard urge Amerleaa Negroes to rebel The Nevada’Senator waa one of (CeaOaaad aa Pag* thraa) Tarritortes DhrWaa a< «w 09* 'himaelf aa ■ "Ihdiapeiuabla te the (Coatlaaed Page Seveai) •ad demand nation of their own. .(OeaUawi « i Paga Xkiaa) flea af Prtoa

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