Ski Area Sector Reopening Plan

Sector Information Sector Name: Ski Areas – Summer/Fall Season NAICS Code(s): 713920 (skiing facilities), 721110 (hotels, alpine skiing facilities with accommodations), Sample Companies: Bromley Mountain Resort, Resort, Killington Resort, Smugglers’ Notch, , Suicide Six Ski Area, Sector Trade Association Name(s): Vermont Ski Areas Association, National Ski Areas Association # Vermont Employees in Sector: 13,000 $ Vermont Payroll in Sector:

Phase 1- June 1 Phase 2- date TBD Phase 3- date TBD

Phased Guests currently residing in Implementation Vermont and non-Vermont Timeline & Types residents who have met the of Work quarantine requirement Low and medium risk Low, medium and high risk Low risk activities permitted activities permitted (medium activities permitted (high risk: (scenic lift rides, lift-served risk: adventure park, aerial arcade, kids play mountain biking, alpine slide, adventure park, bungee areas/playgrounds, skating mountain coaster, Segway trampolines, outdoor climbing rink) tours, mini golf) walls, ziplines) Recommend touchless/no Recommend touchless/no Recommend touchless/no contact reservation, purchase contact reservation, purchase, contact reservation, purchase and other processes whenever and other processes whenever and other processes whenever possible. possible. possible. Staff and Guests who are high Staff and Guests who are high Staff and Guests who are high risk are encouraged to stay risk are encouraged to stay risk are encouraged to stay home. home. home.

Scenic lift rides: manage Scenic lift rides: manage Scenic lift rides: manage queuing to maintain proper queuing to maintain proper queuing to maintain proper distancing; supply hand distancing; supply hand distancing; supply hand sanitizer at top and bottom of sanitizer at top and bottom of sanitizer at top and bottom of lift; load only lift; load only family/household lift; load only family/household groups groups together per carrier or family/household groups together per carrier or load load only 50% of capacity per together per carrier or load only 50% of capacity per carrier. Gondolas/trams that only 50% of capacity per carrier. Gondolas/trams to cannot facilitate 6-foot carrier. Gondolas/trams to have windows open while distancing between household have windows open while 1 groups shall allow only operational. Sanitize carrier operational. Sanitize carrier members of same household in touch points 1x/day. touch points 1x/day. a single carrier. Gondolas/ trams to have windows open while operational. Sanitize carrier touch points 1x/day.

Reduce high-contact surfaces and common areas including Rental gear/equipment to be Rental gear/equipment to be closing waiting areas, cleaned and disinfected cleaned and disinfected removing picnic tables, closing between users. between users. play structures and offering only rental gear/equipment that can and shall thoroughly disinfected between users.

*Follow State-prescribed *Follow State-prescribed *Follow State-prescribed maximum gathering size, and maximum gathering size, and maximum gathering size, and separate state sector restart separate state sector restart separate state sector restart plans (including golf, food & plans (including golf, food & plans (including golf, food & beverage/restaurant, retail, beverage/restaurant, retail, beverage/restaurant, retail, lodging, childcare/day camps, lodging, childcare/day camps, lodging, childcare/day camps, pools/waterpark, indoor pools/waterpark, indoor pools/waterpark, indoor fitness/climbing walls, spa, fitness/climbing walls, spa, fitness/climbing walls, spa, movie theatre). movie theatre). movie theatre).

Follow ACCD/VDH Business Follow ACCD/VDH Business Follow ACCD/VDH Business Restart and CDC Guidelines Restart and CDC Guidelines Restart and CDC Guidelines for Business and Employers for Business and Employers for Business and Employers and CDC Guidance for and CDC Guidance for and CDC Guidance for Recreation Facilities Recreation Facilities Recreation Facilities

ACCD Sector Guidance for ACCD Sector Guidance for ACCD Sector Guidance for Outdoor Recreation Outdoor Recreation Outdoor Recreation

Follow CDC Guidance for Follow CDC Guidance for Follow CDC Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting for Cleaning and Disinfecting for Cleaning and Disinfecting for Public Spaces Workplaces and Public Spaces Workplaces and Public Spaces Workplaces Businesses Businesses and Businesses

Ski area will create and have Ski area will create and have Ski area will create and have on file a custom restart plan, on file a custom restart plan, on file a custom restart plan, including operating plans for including operating plans for including operating plans for each guest activity to address each guest activity to address each guest activity to address queueing, distancing, density, queueing, distancing, density, queueing, distancing, density, cleaning/disinfecting. cleaning/disinfecting. cleaning/disinfecting. -9/business/restart/plans d-9/business/restart/plans 2 -9/business/restart/plans

Employee All employees will receive All employees will receive All employees will receive Training & CDC, OSHA and State CDC, OSHA and State CDC, OSHA and State Education Plan required training prior to re- required training prior to re- required training prior to re- starting (distancing, hand starting (distancing, hand starting (distancing, hand washing, PPE, cleaning and washing, PPE, cleaning and washing, PPE, cleaning and sanitation, stay home) sanitation, stay home) sanitation, stay home) following CDC and industry following CDC and industry following CDC and industry leading training tools leading training tools training tools

VOSHA Protecting the Health VOSHA Protecting the Health VOSHA Protecting the Health and Safety of Workers and Safety of Workers and Safety of Workers minimum level training minimum level training minimum level training

Employees pass health Employees pass health Employees pass health screening and obtain PPE, screening and obtain PPE, screening and obtain PPE, symptomatic employees not symptomatic employees not symptomatic employees not report to work/sent home report to work/sent home report to work/sent home

Employees trained on use and Employees trained on use and Employees trained on use and disposal of PPE following disposal of PPE following disposal of PPE following VDH guidelines for face VDH guidelines for face VDH guidelines for face coverings coverings coverings

Employees wear PPE, face Employees wear PPE, face Employees wear PPE, face coverings as required by coverings as required by coverings as required by ACCD/VDH guidelines ACCD/VDH guidelines ACCD/VDH guidelines

All business operations must All business operations must All business operations must have a designated health and have a designated health and have a designated health and safety officer on-site who safety officer on-site who safety officer on-site who monitors and has the authority monitors and has the authority monitors and has the authority to stop or modify activities to to stop or modify activities to to stop or modify activities to ensure compliance with ensure compliance with ensure compliance with mandatory health and safety mandatory health and safety mandatory health and safety requirements requirements requirements

No equipment/tool sharing No equipment/tool sharing No equipment/tool sharing unless properly sanitized unless properly sanitized unless properly sanitized between uses between uses between uses

3 Physical All CDC, OSHA and State All CDC, OSHA and State All CDC, OSHA and State Distancing Plan guidelines for physical guidelines for physical guidelines for physical distancing followed (i.e. min 6 distancing followed (i.e. min 6 distancing followed (i.e. min ft) for employees, and guest ft) for employees, and guest 6 ft) for employees, and guest queueing, activities, facilities. queueing, activities, facilities. queueing, activities, facilities.

Staggered work schedules to Remote work: non-site- avoid grouping essential personnel work remotely; close contact and Remote work: non-site- low-contact workers to report essential personnel work in accordance with ACCD remotely guidance.

Guest shuttle services operate Guest shuttle services operate Shuttle service operates at at reduced capacity to ensure at reduced capacity to ensure 100% capacity with regular social distancing between social distancing between cleaning. guests of different households, guests of different households, with regular cleaning. with regular cleaning. Vendor deliveries scheduled; Vendor deliveries scheduled; Vendor deliveries scheduled; follow property requirements. follow property requirements. follow property requirements.

Postings and Internal: Internal: Internal: Notifications All employees receive All employees receive All employees receive notification with protocols notification with protocols notification with protocols prior to returning to work and prior to returning to work and prior to returning to work and scheduled training on all CDC, scheduled training on all CDC, scheduled training on all OSHA and State health and OSHA and State health and CDC, OSHA and State health safety requirements safety requirements and safety requirements

Employees with symptoms not Employees with symptoms not Employees with symptoms to report to work, self- to report to work, self- not to report to work, self- quarantine quarantine quarantine

Postings in all employee Postings in all employee Postings in all employee entrances, work areas with entrances, work areas with entrances, work areas with CDC, OSHA and State health CDC, OSHA and State health CDC, OSHA and State health and safety requirements related and safety requirements and safety requirements to safety (distancing), health, related to safety (distancing), related to safety (distancing), sanitation, self-monitoring, health, sanitation, self - health, sanitation, self - compliance and enforcement. monitoring, compliance and monitoring, compliance and See ACCD signage guidance. enforcement. See ACCD enforcement. See ACCD signage guidance. signage guidance.

4 External/guests: External/guests: External/guests:

Pre arrival communication Pre arrival communication Pre arrival communication (website, email, social) (website, email, social) (website, email, social) detailing self-screening, stay detailing self-screening, stay detailing self-screening, stay home if sick; guest home if sick; guest home if sick; guest expectations (ex. distancing expectations (ex. distancing expectations (ex. distancing requirements, hand hygiene, requirements, hand hygiene, requirements, hand hygiene, face coverings) face coverings) face coverings)

Implement measures, including Implement measures, Implement measures, signage and registration including signage and including signage and processes that reinforce that the registration processes that registration processes that business/activities are open reinforce that the reinforce that the only for Vermont residents and business/activities are open business/activities are open those who have met the VDH’s only for Vermont residents only for Vermont residents quarantine requirement. and those who have met the and those who have met the VDH’s quarantine VDH’s quarantine requirement, while in effect. requirement, if still in effect.

Clearly visible signage in all Clearly visible signage in all Clearly visible signage in all areas frequented by guests with areas frequented by guests areas frequented by guests CDC, State health and safety with CDC, State health and with CDC, State health and requirements, sanitation safety requirements, sanitation safety requirements, sanitation protocols - including protocols - including protocols - including registration, check in, activity registration, check in, activity registration, check in, activity start points and other public start points and other public start points and other public areas. See ACCD signage areas. See ACCD signage areas. See ACCD signage guidance. guidance. guidance.

Clearly visible signage by Clearly visible signage by Clearly visible signage by delivery entrances used by delivery entrances used by delivery entrances used by vendors with CDC and State vendors with CDC and State vendors with CDC and State health and safety requirements health and safety health and safety requirements requirements.

Health Employees with symptoms not Employees with symptoms not Employees with symptoms Monitoring Policy to report to work, self- to report to work, self- not to report to work, self- for Employees quarantine/isolate per VHD quarantine/isolate per VHD quarantine/isolate per VHD guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.

Inform all staff at on-boarding Inform all staff at on-boarding Inform all staff at on-boarding of mandatory daily self-health of mandatory daily self-health of mandatory daily self-health check and illness reporting check and illness reporting check and illness reporting procedures based on ACCD, procedures based on ACCD, procedures based on ACCD, CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines.

5 Safety officer designated prior Safety officer designated prior Safety/Health officer remains to the start of each shift. to the start of each shift. available prior to each shift.

Safety officer tracks illness Safety officer tracks illness Safety officer tracks illness reports of employees that reports of employees that reports of employees that become or are suspected of become or are suspected of become or are suspected of illness and ensures compliance illness and ensures compliance illness and ensures with VDH/CDC guidelines. with VDH/CDC guidelines. compliance with VDH/CDC guidelines. Prior to the commencement of Prior to the commencement of each work shift, pre-screening each work shift, pre-screening Prior to the commencement of including temperature checks including temperature checks each work shift, pre-screening and health survey shall be and health survey shall be including temperature checks required to verify each required to verify each and health survey shall be employee has no symptoms of employee has no symptoms of required to verify each respiratory illness (fever, respiratory illness (fever, employee has no symptoms of cough, and/or shortness of cough, and/or shortness of respiratory illness (fever, breath, chills, muscle pain, sore breath, chills, muscle pain, cough, and/or shortness of throat, new loss of taste or sore throat, new loss of taste breath, chills, muscle pain, smell). (Business to make a or smell). (Business to make a sore throat, new loss of taste good faith effort to acquire no- good faith effort to acquire no- or smell). (Business to make a touch thermometers.) See State touch thermometers.) See good faith effort to acquire of Vermont model pre State of Vermont model pre no-touch thermometers.) See screening procedures. screening procedures. State of Vermont model pre screening procedures. Employee screening questions: Employee screening questions: In the past 14 days have you In the past 14 days have you Employee screening had close contact with a person had close contact with a questions: In the past 14 days confirmed to have COVID-19? person confirmed to have have you had close contact COVID-19? with a person confirmed to Today, or in the past 24 hours have COVID-19? have you had any of the Today, or in the past 24 hours following symptoms? have you had any of the Today, or in the past 24 hours following symptoms? have you had any of the Cough Fever following symptoms? Cough Fever Shortness of breath or Cough Fever difficulty breathing Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Shortness of breath or Fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or felt difficulty breathing feverish Fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or felt feverish Fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or Chills felt feverish Chills Muscle pain Chills Muscle pain Sore Throat Muscle pain Sore Throat New Loss of Taste or Smell Sore Throat 6 New Loss of Taste or Smell New Loss of Taste or Smell

Health Vendors/Contractors will be Vendors/Contractors will be Vendors/Contractors will be Monitoring Policy provided host business COVID provided host business provided host business for Vendors/ Response Plan detailing, COVID Response Plan COVID Response Plan personal hygiene, self-health detailing, personal hygiene, detailing, personal hygiene, Contractors checks and, physical distancing self-health checks, physical self-health checks, physical policies. Provided to vendors distancing policies. Provided distancing policies. Provided and visitors prior to arrival and to vendors and guests prior to to vendors and guests prior to again upon arrival. arrival and again at arrival. arrival and again at arrival.

Mandatory daily self-health Mandatory daily self-health check (Safety/Health officer check (Safety/Health officer documents, daily, for both documents, daily, for both contractors and vendors. contractors and vendors.

Safety/Health officer monitors Safety/Health officer monitors PPE, procedural compliance PPE, procedural compliance Safety/Health officer monitors and illness reporting. and illness reporting. PPE, procedural compliance and illness reporting. Safety/Health officer to Safety/Health officer to document reported illnesses for document reported illnesses Safety/Health officer to contact tracing and assess for contact tracing and assess document reported illnesses general visitor compliance. general visitor compliance. for contact tracing and assess general visitor compliance. Contractors must follow all Contractors must follow all PPE and protocols for PPE and protocols for Contractors must follow all employees including ACCD, employees including ACCD, PPE and protocols for VDH and VOSHA VDH and VOSHA employees including ACCD, requirements, including requirements, including VDH and VOSHA passing daily health screening. passing daily health screening. requirements, including passing daily health Contractors must take online Contractors must take online screening. VOSHA training and provide VOSHA training and provide host company with the host company with the Contractors must take online certificate of completion for certificate of completion for VOSHA training and provide each worker to be kept on file. each worker to be kept on file. host company with the certificate of completion for Host company will keep a 30- Host company will keep a 30- each worker to be kept on file. day log of all visitors working day log of all visitors working or staying at the ski area with or staying at the ski area with Host company will keep a 30- day log of all visitors working or staying at the ski area with

7 contact information for contact information for contact information for possible contact tracing. possible contact tracing. possible contact tracing.

Out-of-state contractors Out-of-state contractors Out-of-state contractors performing currently performing currently performing currently authorized work: authorized work: authorized work:

Prior to arrival, host company Prior to arrival, host company Prior to arrival, host company provide contractor with letter provide contractor with letter provide contractor with letter stating the work they will be stating the work they will be stating the work they will be doing and the dates; Contractor doing and the dates; doing and the dates; keeps it with them. Contractor keeps it with them. Contractor keeps it with them.

Host company to document Host company to document Host company to document each contractor/worker’s daily each contractor/worker’s daily each contractor/worker’s daily health self-certification: form health self-certification: form health self-certification: form that the contractor completes that the contractor completes that the contractor completes and signs each day that is kept and signs each day that is kept and signs each day that is kept on file. on file. on file.

Contractor must complete host Contractor must complete host Contractor must complete company training regarding company training regarding host company training health self-certifications and health self-certifications and regarding health self- work protocols work protocols certifications and work protocols Contractors should be Contractors should be encouraged to get tested at one encouraged to get tested at one Contractors should be of the pop-up testing sites (not of the pop-up testing sites (not encouraged to get tested at mandatory) mandatory) one of the pop-up testing sites (not mandatory) Guests recommended to wear Guests recommended to wear face coverings when social face coverings when social Guests recommended to wear distancing is not possible. distancing is not possible. face coverings when social distancing is not possible. Guests must self-certify upon Guests must self-certify upon arrival: arrival: Guests must self-certify upon arrival: Screening questions: In the past Screening questions: In the 14 days have you had close past 14 days have you had Screening questions: In the contact with a person close contact with a person past 14 days have you had confirmed to have COVID-19? confirmed to have COVID- close contact with a person 19? confirmed to have COVID- Today, or in the past 24 hours 19? have you had any of the Today, or in the past 24 hours following symptoms? have you had any of the Today, or in the past 24 hours following symptoms? have you had any of the Cough Fever following symptoms? Cough Fever Cough Fever 8 Shortness of breath or Shortness of breath or Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing difficulty breathing difficulty breathing

Fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or felt Fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or Fever (>100.4°F / 38°C) or feverish felt feverish felt feverish

Chills Chills Chills

Muscle pain Muscle pain Muscle pain

Sore Throat Sore Throat Sore Throat

New Loss of Taste or Smell New Loss of Taste or Smell New Loss of Taste or Smell

General list of supplier General list of supplier Supply chain categories. Which categories categories. Which categories impacts of are concern; PPE and cleaning are concern; PPE and cleaning reopening supplies. supplies

Task Force to coordinate with individual sectors to help facilitate access to industry required PPE and Cleaning Materials where applicable

COVID-19 PPE Resource Request Form

Face Covering Guidance and Where to Buy


Trade Associations:


ACCD/VDH Health & Safety Requirements for All Businesses

ACCD/VDH Sector Guidance for Outdoor Recreation 9 OSHA Guidance for Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

VDH Guidance for Communities and Workplaces

CDC Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces

National Industry Guidelines and Recommendations:

NSAA Pandemic Playbook

IAPPA Guidance

Other Vermont State Reopening Sector Plans: *Follow state-prescribed maximum gathering size, and separate state sector restart plans (golf, food & beverage/restaurant, retail, lodging, childcare/day camps, pools/waterpark, indoor fitness/climbing walls, spa, movie theatre) and gathering guidance.