Section Grosse Pointe ews A

30v Per Copy 40 Pages-Three Sections-Plus Inserts VOL. 44-NO. 3 Publl,hed •• Second Cl••• M.tter .t the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1983 $13 Per Ye.r POlt Office at Detroit, Michigan for your information Do sixth graders belong in middle school?

By Joanne Gouleche mathematiCs and handwntll1g group met two days after the re- tee states In ItS report that while a tee Ronald Dalby "I thmk the port was flIed WIth school trustees K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade structure report v. a~ not d'> ~peclflc m ItS The shift of sixth grade students "Should the Sixth grade become recommendatIOn!> a<; I had an- II1tOmiddle school classrooms that and the subject of a 6-8 grade satIsfies the needs of SIxth grade fyi an mtegral part of the mIddle structure came up "Our bIggest students and II1creases parental tlclpated, Lon,>ldenng all of the was proposed last week by a Citi- school program, the qualIty of ed- zen panel studyll1g enrollment de concern IS the adJustment of the Involvement m the mIddle schools. data and man-hour'> thdt went lI1to By Tom Gt'(1:f;luwood ucatIOn and educatIOnal oppor- It I thmk we can accomplish the clmes in Grosse POInte public chIld that IS thrown mto that kInd It also would leave the distrIct tUnity would be enhanced for obJectIve of pal ent!> and contmue schools has drawn !>ome concern of sItuatIOn" with a very small elementary Here'!> a good news-bad news SIxth, seventh and eIghth grad- school populatIOn, provldmg there the supenor quality of educatIOn If from local PTO groups ers," the report said She added "Our board feels the we have fe\\ er school., than we shagg,} dog type story It seems CitIzen adVisory board dId a very IS no redistrlctll1g of elementary In ItS controversial report to the ha\e no\\ " that la!>t week a Farms woman In reactIOn to the school report thorough job We thought they did schools Board of EducatIOn last week, the (whose husband wIshes her to on that POInt, some PTO pres- Tedchel UnIon pre,>Ident Curt committee studymg the future or theIr research We're glad to The commIttee report, WhICh remalll anonymous) was play- Idents aren't sure nght now that a gamzatlOn of the school dlStflct know, though, the public WIll have also recommends that a mIddle Lange called the repol t "complete mg bridge at a home on Cad- 6-8 middle school program IS such some m-put before the fmal decI- and comprehen'>l\e," but wouldn't Ieux Road when her car was recommended that Sixth grade school be mothballed by the 1986 R good lrleH e;ion Ie; ma(le " cO!r.!T'Cnt (In 1t '- (nntpnt ~tolen Bad news studentl> be II all~f ~11eO tU lll~ Jl:> 37 school }ear (If enrollmcnt de trIct's three middle schools - at Felry School PTO PreSident Pierce PTO PreSIdent Andrea clmes persist) also drew some 111- Amid ItS charh, dIagram'> and What made it worse was that Brownell, Parcells and PIerce Sally GIacobbe saId some parents Rasmussen said parents at that Itlal remarks from school trus- tables. the comllllttee's report her dog (descnbed only as school would have liked to have tees, includIng board preSident Sixth grade students now attend are concerned that something pomb to a 54 pel cent drop 111 pub- shaggy and apparently very, the dIstrIct's 10 elementary should be done fIrst about the dIS- seen a 7-9 plan recommended, but Dorothy Kennel, who commented hc school enrollment <,wce the dis- very fnendly) was In the car schools CiplIne problem in the middle "in general the 6-8 organizatIOn "I thll1k the report was pretty trIct's peak yedr of 1970 when when It was !>tolen. schools before 11 and 12-year-old was probably the best of all alter- much as I expected It to be It 13,337 attended the !>chools By the CommIttee chairman Ed Deeb natIves" now comes down to a point where DetroIt police recovered the students are sent off to J01l113 and 1986-87 school veal', the commIttee Said the proposed sixth grade ShIft In a school board study of the the board has to make a deCISIOn car the next day, stnpped down was "one of our toughest deCI- 14-year-olds. only predicts -6,287 students \\1111 mIddle schools last year, eVIdence It's going to be a tough one I attend POinte public '>chools to the bare bones Here's the slons" Callmg the K-5 grade "They fear there WIll be too don't thll1k thIS commul1lty good news TheIr pet was still showed "a substantial number of structure, "a sound educatIOnal much exposure to all the negatlve parents, teachers and former stu- realizes we may have to close wIth the car, unharmed and deSign," the commIttee recom- The Is~ue IS expected to lIe tlllngs that happen at puberty," dents (who felt) that middle schools (m order to mall1tall1 qual- dormant the next few months happy to be re-umted with Its mended that a special program be Mrs. Giacobbe saId. school behaVIOr is worse than (the Ity educatIOn) " while school admll1lstrators pre owners created to meet the speCIal needs Maire PTO PreSIdent BIllIe school system) should expect." The extensive report drew a dIf- pate for the upcoming March 7 If only It could wag Its tongue of SIxth grade youngsters WIth an Deason saId that school's parents' ferent reactIOn from school trus- mIllage electIOn l11stead of Its tal! emphaSIS on reading, spellIng, The enrollment declIne commlt- * * * There IS good news, too, for those of you worried about that CommIe Cosmos satellite which Farms man faces mayor may not come crashing down on our heads later this month The Mothers of Mary (MOM) criminal charge prayer group, founded by Pointer Sally Reynolds, has asked PreSident Reagan to pro. • claIm the weekend of Jan 21-23 as natIonal Days of Prayer, "111 In friend's death the wake of news reports that a nuclear-active Soviet Cosmos By Joanne Gouleche satellite may plunge to earth" A Farms man was charged thIS that weekend week \vith man-51;.:nlghtpr aftpr the MOM IS hostmg a NIght of car he was driving early Sunday Prayer on Friday evemng, Jan went out of control and overturned, 21, at the Shrme of the Im- kIllIng a 21-year-old Grosse Pomte maculate Conception in Wash- student, pohee said. mgton, D C and has InVIted the PreSIdent, VIce-PreSIdent, their Aceordll1g to pohce, the man families, the Senate and Con- identified as 20-year-old Edward gress to Jam them W CaulkInS, of Willow Lane, drove hIS vehicle ata high rate of The weekend ceremonies wIll speed down Jefferson Avenue include prayers, services, near CadIeux on Jan. 15 about marches and candle lightIng 1:55 a m whIle legally mtoxICat- ceremonies dedicated to a "spIrItual heahng of our land." ed. The dead man was Robert Todd Those unable to make the tnp Elvidge of Grosse Pointe CIty, to Washmgton are asked to PhOlO by Tom Greenwood who was asleep in the back seat of light up and pray at home The mangled remains of the blue Pontiac station wagon that flipped on Jefferson Avenue Jan. 15, killing a the car when the aCCIdent occur- Non-Catholics are included 21-year-old Grosse Pointe student. red. Victim, Todd Elvidge in a 1980 * Police said Caulkms, Elvldge photo. The EsqUire Theatre and a thIrd passenger, 22-year-old Jeffrey Grover of MIdland, Tex , made to the Omlcroll LIterary As- threatened to do it, but It looks Automated trash pick-up comes to Parl{ were returmng from a party in SOCiatIOn, POBox 63. BloomfIeld lIke the Punch and Judy wlll and theretore only two men are ty's Feb 14 meetmg, accordmg to Hamtramck The three were col- HIlls, MICh 48013 Interment was beat them to the punch "It" IS By Susan McDonald reqUIred to work each truck City Manager John Crawford. lege frIends, police saId. In Woodlawn Cemeter) the two day premIere run of an The old tm cans and plastiC X-rated mOVIe later this month. bags that line Grosse Pomte Park Rubbermald claims the toters The pilot study of the system WITNESSES told police Caul- alleys on garbage day WIll soon be not only reduce htter, but also was 1I1ItIated by Crawford last Before anyone gets upset, the kms' car passed theIr vehicle on Grosse P01l1te City polIce also replaced by new "toters" on Improve productiVIty and reduce summer after reSIdents on the fIlm Isn't anythmg turned out Jefferson approXImately 30 sec- I'eported two other aCCidents that wheels under a city program mjunes on the Job caused by hft- west SIde complamed of numbers onds before the mishap at about by the sleaze merchants of LA same day, II1cludmg one mishap aImed at cleanmg up the neigh- mg heavy trash cans of stray dogs roaming the area 60 to 65 mph when It suddenly with names lIke "Planet of the In which a Corvette struck a traf- borhood The city manager saId the dogs overturned The car hIt Edison Rapes" or "One MIlhon Years THE SURVEY taken late last were apparently living in empty hc light control bo\. at the mter- poles before it fhpped over, p'ollce AC-DC." Instead, "MemOIrs of About 600 famIlIes have been year showed that 87 percent of the lots on DetrOIt's east SIde and sectIOn of Kercheval and Fisher said, although they are stIll in- about 2 30 am, Jan 15 a French Whore," has been testmg the toter system smce last famIlies m the pilot area thought commg mto the Park on garbage vestigating whether the vehIcle praIsed for ItS realistiC depIC- summer and a survey showed the the new system was more satls- day to rummage for food may have hit somethmg else be- Pollee said mll1ute<; later the tIOn on the squalId Parisian maJority liked the contamers and factory than the prevIOUS method of collecting trash Eighty-five The toter system was aimed at fore it overturned car ran through another II1tersec- underworld found they helped keep the alleys tIOn at Fisher and Lakeshore and clean The city counCil last week percent agreed the toters helped cleamng up the alleys to nd the When polIce arrived at the The fIl m concerns a young clean up alleys and 88 percent area of dogs and rodents that struck an Iron fence Pohce found approved the purchase of 1,250 of scene, they found Caulkins and the car unoccllpled and are con- prostItute who IS determmed to were 1)1favor of contmUing use of overturn trash cans and np mto the toters for dIstnbution to all Grover sitting beSide the over- tmumg their lI1\e<;hgatlOn escape her sadistIc pImp and households adJOImng alleys m the the new system The cIty sent out plastic bags to feed, Crawford turned vehicle, accordmg to re- start lIfe anew It stars Mana Park 680 surveys and 310 were return- saId It has been successful, he ports PolIce discovered ElvIdge Late Saturda,} cvel1lng, Jan 14, Schneider, of "Last Tango in ed added unconscious in the rear of the veh- police reported a 18 ,}eal old City Paris" fame and actress The 85-gallon molded plastiC Icle He was later pronounced woman struck a tree on ;'IIeff near MIOU-MIOU,who won a French contall1ers can hold 200 pounds of Those familIes were gIven the "There IS a strong public health toters free of charge But the city benefIt to thIS (system)," said dead on arrIval at Bon Secours Jefferc;on at about 10 30 P m Academy Award for her role as trash, accordll1g to theIr maker, HospItal Police Said they found while travelll1g WIth three friends the prostitute Rubbermald The:, h;lve snap-on attorney IS currently draftmg an CounCilman Dr Roger McNeIll at an empty beer bottle 111 the veh- Police c;aId \\ Itncc;e;es reported lIds and can eaSIly be rolled out to ordmance that Will levy a one- the CIty'S Jan 10 meeting "It's Icle Dawn MarJe Clark of FI.,her Road The fIlm premieres ThursdClY the alley, the company says The tIme $25 charge on each household the cheapest way to extermmate and Fnday, Jan 27 and 28, was tra\ eling fa~t \\ hen e;he made toters are automatically hOl';ted that receives a container The Caulkins was taken to the a WIde turn onto Neff off of Jef- \\11th showmgs at 6 30, 8 15 and charge Will be dIscussed at the CI- (Continued on Page 21\) on to garbage truck<; ancl emptied Grosse Pointe Park pohce statIOn fere;on 10 p m ClaSSIC FIlm Theatre where a breathalyzer test showed Inc, of Ann Arbor, IS the • a blc:xiJ alcohol content of 20, ac- Occupant<; of the car lllcluded backer of the P&J showmg nse cordmg to police Under state law. 17-vear old John T Shlhon II of ~ ,.. " Two new subdivisions on the a person IS legally drur.k WIth a Grosse POll1tc F\ coat on fIre by leamng over a on several occaSIOns, but were uate of South Ihgh School ObltuarJc<; for dec;lgn and planmng "We are expand and II1clude the Webber I-RB candle Fromm and the "Top met each lime WIth resistance Socletv requestll1g permlte; from the "tate property He studied at Wayne State UI1I- I, Cop" <;ald they smelled <;ome- from the reSIdents who opposed Spor"'" 2. 3C to take lot reservation" a nd to the SUbdiVISion facll1g theIr back- verslty and the Unlvere;lty of thll1g burmng, but didn't know sell After permIt" are secured. Ford recel"ed the go-ahead on what It wa<; unttl they traced It vards Michigan and was a member of the company can take dov.n pay- hIe; project from the Farms Coun- Delta Kappa Epsilon He was hl<; Correction to Ferber's elbow Scratch one • After e;everal weeks of diSCUSS- mente; on lot locatIOnc; " Cil last August Unable to sell the The locatIOn of d pill'('e] ot land $150 sport <;coat IOn, all partIes came to an agree- pledge class preSIdent Clauser IndIcated that surveyors home for several years, Ford told over fIve acrf>C; In "lIe Ie; nrar the counCIl he thought It was an ment II1volvmg landscapmg, con- Mr Elvldge IS survIVed by hIS The II1cldent seemed even had been out to the Ford home to structIOn, street fight of-way var. Bishop Roar! In Gro" ...(' POInte funmer when Farms Mayor Pro conduct prehmmary engll1eenng opportumty to develop a "qualIty parents, Robert S and Lynn B , a Park, not Berlford ROdr! d<, re type proJect" and to provide the lances and backyard restnctIOI13 brother, Bradford, a sIster. Cal"- Tern Lloyd Semple confessed studIes of the site He SaId the Lee Gate Lane reSidents also se- ported In the Jan 13 e;tor,} . Park the same thIng had happened to company was "movll1g forward" type of development where own- olyn: and hiS grandmother, ElslC faces 7Onll1gdeu"lon' .\1..,0 C:'1rol ers could "lock up theIr homes cured a promIse from the de- S Holt of Northampton, Mass him two years earher on Its plans for demolItIOn velopers to bUild and mall1tam a Ward IS a re'adent of 1<:a...t .Jelfer- CLAUSER ALSO confIrmed that and leave them, worry free, for son Avenue, not Bedford Road Whew' Wasn't that a party' (Continued on Page 12A) Memonal contributIons may be the company had made mqu1l'les two months If they Wished "PrIces Thursday, January 20, 1983 Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Woods names residents to city boards Garbage Woods mayor George Freeman City Hall, has one vacancy with term on the city's Insurance and the City Council reappointed' the expiration of Carol Mott's CommIssion He will serve on the (Continued from Paie IA) 24 residents to 10 of the city's term. three-member commIssion until rats that I know of." 'OVER 50 YEARS SERVING EAST SIDE AREA boards and commISSIOns at the ReapPointed to the Beautification January, 1986. Michigan Metal Products sub- VERFAllLiE & COSSETTE'S council's Monday, Jan 3, meet- Commission by the mayor Mayor Freeman reappomted mitted the lowest bid of five com- mg. were DavId Demerotskl, Barbara Richard Johnson to the Local Of- pames seeking the contract Its FEATURING Shoe. Reappointed to the CitIzen's Ad- Hayes, John Holt and John Stoy ficer's Compensation Commission. RE D WING WORK SHOES total bId of $49,937 mcluded 1,250 vlsory CommISSIOn by the mayor All three will serve until January, Johnson will serve until Sep- carts at $34.43 each and eight hft SCHOll ROUNDA60UT FOR WOMEN were Al Adams and Ted Bigidare 1986 tember, 1986 on the fIve-member CUSTOM MADE SHOES FOR CHilDREN Units to be attached to garbage SEBAGO DOCKSIDES FOR SAILING Both will serve three-year terms The 15-member commISSIon board trucks at $862 each Other bIds FDOTSo-PORT untl1 Jan 1, 1986 The commissIOn meets monthly every second Three members of the nme- ranged from $60,066 from WE FILL DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS meets the thIrd Wednesday of the Wednesday at CIty Hall. The~e IS member Planmng CommissIOn Scabenger, Inc , to $121,700 from Man Thurs 96 F" 9 7 Sat 9 5 month at CIty Hall. . one vacancy on the commlss.lOn were reappomted to three-year TraIler Service, Inc The council reapPoInted Nor- Bryan MelVIn was reapPOl~ted terms by the councIl. Peter Gile- Call 775-5537 man puCOIn t? a three-y.ear term to a three-year term on. the flve- zan, Robert Fredenck and PhIlip MichIgan Metal representatIve 22426 9 M,le St Cia" Shore'S to t~e Cltlu;n S RecreatIOn Com- member Board of ReVIew The Patams will serve untll January, Edson Gallaudet was present at miSSIOn, whICh meets the second council appomtJ'!'lent allows Mel- 1986 on the commission which the counCil's Jan 10 meetmg and Tuesday of the month at City Hall vm to serve untll January, 1986 meets the fourth Tuesday of the tried to convince the leaders to PLUS 50% to 85% off selective group Two members were not reap- Four members of the HIstorical month at CIty Hall put the system m use throughout pomted, leavmg vacancIes on the CommiSSIOn were reappomted by the cIty He said the city could lay Entire Stock 10% off mne-member commISSIOn They the mayor John Hammel, Leo Arthur Bodeau, Ronald Houle, off SIXpublic works employes, sell are Loretta AltobellI and DOrIS F'rontera, Arthur Kuehnel and George Kaltenbach and Adele two trucks and ehmmate the need Rabaut Loretta Mitschke will serve on the Ryder were reappomted to three- for overtIme by spendIng only Shop early for best selection Freeman reappomted Barbara seven-member commIssion until year terms on the Senior Citizens $5,700 more than It WIll cost to Hayes and Leona Bryce to three- January, 1986 The commIssion CommISSIOn. The four, appointed Implement the system m alleys (Master and Visa) accepted year terms on the Commumty meets the second Thursday of the by the mayor, will serve until only Tree CommiSSIOn The flve-mem- month at City Hall. January, 1986. The commISSIOn ('ollncll ffiE:'mhpr<; agreed to bel' conlllll~~lUU, wllich Illed~ the Ilalph DeFour \\ as rcappomtcd meets the second TtlE:'sdfly of thE:' second Wednesday of the month at by the counCil to a three-year month at City Hall study hIS suggestIOn, but manager Crawford said he did not thmk It was feaSible because the publJc Kids programs at libraries in Fehrnary works emllloyes who pICk up trash also prOVIde other city serVIces A series of story hours, work- The Pa"k branch offers the book program for ages 5 to 7 such as tree trimmmg and snow shops and movies will be offered pre-school story hours begmning starts on Tuesd ay, Feb 1, at 4 and leaf removal and could not be by the Woods, Park and Central Thursday, Feb. 3, at 1 and 2 pm p.m laid off lIbraries beginning In February The school-age program starts In additIOn, the Central branch for school-age children and pre- Tuesday, Feb 1, at 4 pm. The Will offer a Super Saturday pro- schoolers. puppet workshop begins on Sat- gram that includes showings of Correction The Woods branch Will offer urday, Feb. 26, at 2 30 p.m and the movies "Mary POppInS," on pre-school story hours beginning the magic workshop on Thursday, Feb. 5 at 2:30 p m. and the "Wiz- Because of incorrect informa- on Tuesday, Feb 1, at 1 and Feb 24, at 4 p.m. ard of Oz" on Feb. 12 at 2'30 p.m. tion prOVided to the News, last 2_ pm, whIle school-a.,ge story The Central LIbrary will offer A puppet workshop WIll be held at week's story about the South HIgh class of 1958 reUnIon contained the hours WIll be held Wednesdays at 1e pre-school story hours at 10.30 2:30 p.m on Feb. 19 and a magic 4 pm. A puppet workshop Will be a.m on Wednesdays and at 1 p.m workshop will be held on Feb 26, wrong phone number and address held at 2.30 p.m on Saturday, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, be- also at 2:30 pm for information The correct ad- Feb 12, and a magIc workshop glllnlng Tuesday, Feb 1 School- All programs are free but regis- dress is Verne Istock, NatIOnal wIll be held at 4 p m on Wednes- age story hours start on Thurs- tratlOn IS reqUIred for the work- Bank of DetrOIt, Box 116, DetrOit, day, Feb 23 day, Feb 3 at 4 pm A pICture shops 48226. The number IS 225-3627 STORE-WIDE JOHNSTON OPTICAL CO. CARPET SALE FINAL THREE DA YS! Fm e Glasses Since 1876 20-30% OFF Sale Ends Saturday, Jan. 22nd Fn , Feb 4 Sat., Feb. 5 Every Product (Labor, Pad, Wood, Llno) Grosse Pte Farms 3 - 7 P M. Grosse Pte. Woods 87 Kercheval Ave. Coffee and hors d'oeuvres 20148 Mack Ave. BERBER 99 Last Chance to SAVE! 882-5950 881-8681 -tnnO/ \A/f"'\OL $17 Yard IVV Io VVV 20% to 50% OFF! AND OTHER ANSa IV Would You Believel ~ AND ANTRON III Carpets Interior Designer A va/lable SHOE SALE CALUMET FLOOR DISCONTINUED STYLES - QUALITY MEN'S SHOES COVERING INC. PLUS 881.1911 EACH 10% REDUCTION ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK I I

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Page Three-A Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Sunday Concert Looking For A Cellist Chanteaux solos with symphony Middle School Alternative? She has been the DetrOit Sym- dereckl and Paul Paray's Cello of the Grosse POinte Symphony phony plamst, succeedmg MIscha Sonata Women's Assoclahoo. ReceptIOn View classes 6, 7, and 8 in session Kottler In that positIOn, and is now The Jan 23 concert, the second chairman Mrs. George MIkhail ASsIstfnt PrIncIpal Celli~t WIth In the Grosse POinte Symphony's WI]] be assisted by Mrs WIlham the orchestra, a post to which she 30th annIversary serIes, WI]] be O. Bradley, Jr , Mrs Marshall E was Rromoted five years after under the dIrectIOn of Its long- Collins, Mrs John E Engstrom, SWItc Ing to the cello section rBe- time conductor Fehx Resmck, Mrs John M Lazar, Mrs Kim K cause of her expertIse with both who IS also a violInIst with the De- Lie, Mrs RIchard Mertz, Mrs Instruments and her ability to trOit Symphony The afternoon'~ Paul PapalexlOu, Mrs Anthony ~emonze rapidly and extensively musIc will Include Beethoven's Rutkowski and Mrs David M s ~ !S often referred .. to as "De- Egmont Overture, Tchalkovsky's Sutter trOit s Ro~troprovlCh Romeo and JulIet Overture- Concert ushers, from the plano Her name IS Marcy Chanteaux Fantasle and Fmlandla by re- StudIO of Mary Baynert, will 111- and she will brll1g her conslder- nowned FInnIsh composer elude Mary EIIlabeth Amluxen, able mU~ICal talent and expel'l Sibellus Karla FrederIck and MerIbeth ence to the stage of Parcells Audl FollOWIng the program all Simon tOrIum, Mack at Vermer, Sunday members of the audience WIll be Tickets are pl'lced at $5 fOI afternoon, Jan 23, at 3 30 pm, 1I1vlted to meet MISS Chanteaux adults, $2 for students, and are when she performs as guest sol and Resl1lck at the tradItIonal aVailable at the door or telephone OISt WIth the Grosse POll1te Sym post concert receptIOn, a project 886-4084 to order In advance phony, plaY1l1gDvorak's Concerto In B minor for Cello .'Many people th1l1k thIS 1<;the Serious crimes decreased in Woods in 1982 most perfect and expre<;slve con- certo wntten for any II1strument," By Mike Andrzejczyk cleared 'm 1981 Property value to 53 I eported la~t ) cal Other III l,.,JJ .....ul"l uf LuJd ~1 ,) :n(~r ..Hed - S<:I)" i\ll"~ Cll l.IHUe 111 GJ u~::>e PUWle reeovel eO W lu w el ld~l ) Cdl pOSItIOn \\ a~ completed m the Woods fell about 6 7 percent In Police recovered $52,900 m 1982 from eIght III 1!:181to 10 III 1982 early 1880'~ when the Bohemian 1982 compared to the year before, compared to $63,745 the year be- Sex-related mCldent,> repolted to composer was dIrector of the Na- With police makmg more arrests fore pollee fell by more than half III tlOnal Con,<,ervatory III New York and cleanng more offenses by ar- Armed and strong arm robb 1982 campa! ed to the pre' 101l~ It premIered III London In 1896 rests, year-end statistICs show el'les Illcreased to 11 m 1982 from year La"t yedl , 34 wel e IepOlted Born In Aberdeen, S D , Marc) Part I Cl'lmes, a category m- seven In 1981, statl<;tlcs show to polIce, while 77 \\ ere repOlted Chanteaux grew ulJ \\-Ith mUSIC, cludmg mu.rder, rape, larceny, PolIce cleared the same number 111 1981 startmg plano le~sons at age 7 and robhery, burglary, as~ault and of mCldents m 1982 as III 1981 ....hen addmg cello three years later The auto then, fell from 653 reported fIve were cleared by arrest VIOlatIOn" of 11<11 cotlC" and ellug laws, llquor laws, drunk dll\ mg InstItute of MUSIC was 1I1cldents III 1981 to 609 In 1982 Nme persons were arrested III the scene of her advanced studies, rape, assault, burglary, larceny 1982 for reslstmg arrest or ob- and disorderly conduct al"o which she pursued under full and arson fell, but robbery and structing an offIcer m the com- showed Illcrease" III 1982 over the scholarship award Her father auto theft showed 1I1creases from pletion of hIS dutIes 111 1982, four pi eHOUS year While an e~t,<, for was a college professor of mUSIC, the year before more than the year before Van- marIjuana fell from 14 In 1981 to seven last year, an e<;ts fOI u'>e or as well as composer and organIst, There were no rapes III 1982, dalism and malIcious destructIOn and her mother a concert-eahber compared WIth one the year be- of property were less than the posesslOn of synthetic 01" other plamst and teacher Her sIster fore Assaults fell by two-thu'ds m year before In 1982, 270 ll1cldents nat cotles 1l1erea~ed over 1981 Ie YEAR END SALE presently plays VIOla and piano 1982, four were reported, com- were reported, compared to 355 vels with the Dalla~ Symphony pared to 12 the year before the year before Total damage, Public salet) officer" al"o a<,- Marcy Chanteaux won ana. Larcellles and burglarIes de- however, increased from $6,352 m sl<;ted more reSIdents and made tIOnal strmg competitIOn at age 16 chned for the veal' Total lar- 1981 to $8,688 last year more non-cnmmal contacts III and later made her profeSSIOnal cenies fell from 479 III 1981 to 440 Fraud WIth non-suffICient fund 1982 than III 1981 while loggmg debut WIth the Washmgton Na- last year while total burglaries checks and no account checks 111- more patrol mIles of the city and Air Condition Now! tIOnal Symppony Orchestra In fell from 113 III 1981 to 109 m 1982. creased frOn1 49 reported In 1981 wntmg about 1,200 more repOl b 1970, after moving to DetrOIt to However, forCIble entry burg- Join her husband, she became a laries increased for both homes Gunman keeps police at bay member of the DetrOit Symphony, and busmesses 111 1982 over the Prices Cut! G!ma which featured her as solOIst In year before EIghteen forced en- A Grosse POInte CIty man, the house trIed to talk hIm mto 1981, when she played VIctor Her- tl'les to bUSInesses were reported armed WIth two l'lfles and a pipe glvmg up hIS weapons, police said. MODEL bert's Cello Concerto No.2. In 1902, compared to 15 the year bomb, barrIcaded hImself m hIS Poltce ordered reSidents on 24565 , Area musIc lovers also remem before, while three more homes home last week and threatened to eIther Side of the sllspect's home INST AlLED FOR bel' her all-Bach reCital 111 BIrm- were broken mto last year than the kill himself and any police officer to leave their homes after they AS LITTLE AS ." ingham the same year, whIch year before, when 50 were report- who attempted to talk hIm out of discovered the man \\ a<; wleldmg ~ drew a stanchng room onlv crowd. ed hiS plans, accordmg to police of \\ eapons, reports s31d her guest performance With the Attempted break-IllS to bus- hClals III the City Pollee said an unIdentifIed Dearborn Symphony, as well as messes remamed at 1981 levels City and Grosse Pointe Park 1rIend of the famIly fmally was her two appearances durmg the last year With SIX Illcldents be109 pohce offiCIals positIoned them- able to disarm the !>uspecl and Grosse POlllte Summer MUSIC reported Attempted break-ms to selves around the home on Notre threw all hIS weapons out of the Festival at the War Memorial homes, however, increased from Dame about 1 15 a m. Jan. 11, house onto a back porch $1,250 As a member of the Brio TrIO, a 18 in 1981 to 23 last year after receiving a call from a The man was taken to the Det- DetrOlt-based ensemble, she par- A uto theft also inc re ased Ir.. frIend of the gunman's famIly, re- rOlt Psychiatnc InstItute for ticipated In countless concerts to 1982, WIth six more cars reported ports saId The 23-year-old gun- observatIOn, pohce saId City develop funds for the restoratIOn stolen than the year before, when man, who pohce say has had a Police Chief Bruce Kenned~ saId 5 YEAR GUARANlU ON COMPRESSOR IMMEOlA1E of Orchestra Hall She eSPfilclal»; __36 were taken Police however, l}lstory Qf, mental problen1s, was he anticIpates that no enmmal Incillding labor by Flam. Furnace enjoys {lerforming lessei- known • clecu.ea-flVe of the CrImes by ar- reportedly in an upstairs bedroom charges wIll be filed against the INSTAllATION works, mcluding music by Pen- rest 111 1982, compared to one while other family men1bers in man '" " . 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE ~:fL:~~~~T~Ll~~ION Mr. C's Styling Shop HEATING, AIR CONDITKHIING AND EumlCAI. CONTIlACTORS "RINKE PONTIAC - Men's and Boys' Hair 18416 MACK - G P F. I_ II L II A M E $ 882-5580 rues -Frt 8-6 Sat 8-4 p 1111111 fll1lll 11111111111 II rmil 11111 111111 III 1111111 II 111111111111111 Illll II IIJ II II I


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Thursday, January 20, 1983 Page Four~A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Trustees learn COUNTER TOPS FORMICA ~ about library 45% g~!:CE of the '80s IXL CABINETS A discussion of the special ser- MIDWEST PLASTIC lOP CO. vices offered by the Grosse Pointe 16535 EAST WARREN . / public libraries was presented to NEAR OUTER DRIVE I the Grosse Pointe Board of Edu- 881-1900 I cation at its Dec 13 meeting. CORIAN DO-IT-YOURSElF I Helen Leonard, outreach libra- I rian, spoke about I1brary service I to the homebound and the I humanities programs she is con- Complete Home ducting WIth semor cItizens ! The library's first aSSistant, \ BURGLAR ALARM Gerda Blehtz, explained the lib- and rary's reference services and gavel examples of the kind of Fire Emergency System l! questIOns hbrartans are asked and I Activates Electronic Siren and I the various ways the questions are answered notifies POLlCE and FIRE de- ! Blame Marrow, chief of chil- partments through our computers GROSSE POINTE ~LARM dren's serVices, talked about the PLUS a small transmitter that I, ways the public hbrartes and pub- fits In the palm of your hand , And there's more ... and IS deSigned to activate your I hc schools work together .to serve Call for det:::ifs system from anywhere Wlthlr" ~ lhe dull!! t:ll of the l:ommunity Director of the Public Library, Gr0888 Pointe its range. , Photo b~ Kar1eSl Ford William Peters, concluded the presentation with a short talk on Alarm, Inc. i 17006 Mack Avenue Lions do their share at St. John the public library of the future. GroeN Poml. Perk 41224 Members of the Gro~se Pointe Woods Lions Club recently visited St. John Hospital spreading cheer •• 4-3830 SS95~~NSTALLED I and ho!iday greetings among shut-in~ on the pediatric floor. Club members included (left to right) President AARPschedules t Bud GIll, Red Arnold, Marty Jannace and Vmce DiLaura. The) distributed games, reading materials and t brought along a new supply of fish for the ward's aquarium. According to St. John personnel, the timely gifts did a lot to )jft the spirits of youngsters destined to spend the holidays in the hospital. 'Night Life' fun Grosse Pointe City chapter No GROSSE POINTE 3430 of the American ASSOCIatIOn WCCC offers gerontology study of Retired Persons (AARP) will . h 'd meet Monday, Feb. 14, at I: 30 I Gerontology, a career educatIOn TuItIon for the classes IS $24 per Ioca I structures w hIC provl e p at th N ighb h od CI b Credit hour for resIdents of the h Id d I I .m. e e or 0 u , FISH SEAFOOD 0 & program at Wayne County Com- servIces to t e er aut popu a- 17150 Waterloo i mumty College, IS offenng 15 WCCC servIce district, and $34 for lion The classes will be held at Co-chaIrman Esther Wood aJld f classes In its curriculum this out-oC-dlstrlct residents TUItion IS the Eastern Center and at the Laura Mackeben have {>lanned an 19531 Mack. "We Deliver" • 885-3884 t winter The program explores the Cree to all persons 55 to 59 who are GreenfIeld Center "Afternoon of Night LIfe" which t normal processes of agmg and re- retired, and to all persons over 60. • SocIOlogy of AgIng is an WIll feature the Music Makers i lated socIal, legal and economIc ThIS wmter, classes WIll be held mtroduction to the fIeld of social from the Semor Men's Club of DIETER'S flesh 5 d l Issues, whIle preparmg IndI- at the WCCC Downtown Center, gerontology and IS designed to Grosse Pomte. Refreshments and ero '2 79 viduals for work m agencies and 1001 W Fort Street at the John C familiarize the student with socio- dancing wJl~ be available. SPECIAL Top '0' the Catch • LB. 1 orgamzations servmg the needs of Lodge; the Eastern Center, 5901 logical concepts and theories in Because of lack ot space. mem- older citizens in the community Conner; the GreenfIeld Center, the study of aging This class Will bers m good standmg can make Whole, COOked, Jumbo Sid & ROXIe's In add1tlOn to regular academic 8551 GreenfIeld; and the Down- meet at the Eastern Center f b II 8 67 flver Center, 21000 Northline Road • Legal Issues of Aging dis- reserva IOns y ca 109 81- 10. Alaskan Dungeness Conch or Turtle courses, the program offers a m Taylor h Chapter office-holders thIS year CHOWDER $1.09 LB CAN field placement expenence III di- I cusses t e court system and pro- are Joseph Staub, presIdent; Crab $2.69 LB. rect services to or on behalf of tht' • ntroduction to the Study of bate estate planning, taxes, Gladys Canty, vIce-president; Dungenes5 older adult populatIon Aging, an overview of the fIeld guardianship and age discrimina- Margaret Azarovitz, secretary; FANCY Crab Leg WCCC's Gerontology Program with emphasis on the normal tion among other topics which and GeorgIa Favor, treasurer. Baby FROG LEGS IS the only degree program in agmg process, WIll be offered at provide effIcient access to legal The chapter meets regularly the all four locations Th' I '11 t t Clusters'4.98 LB. gerontology available on a s~rvICes IS c ass WI mee a second MonrlRY of P3ch month at $3.98 LB. and Del,CIOUS • Mental Health and the Agmg the Eastern Center and at the th N' hbo hood IbM f J sw ...., community college level 10 south- focuses on the mentally healthy Downriver Center. e elg r cu. ee mgs eastern MIchigan It offers stu- older adult from the soclO-psycho- begm at 1.30 p.m Cooked & Peeled I~---J-U-m-b-o----J. dents the opportunity to earn eIther an AsSOCIate Degree or a logical perspective This class wJll WIth the rapidly increasing eld- ULS dance concert Shrimp Raw Shrimp CertIficate. Courses may also be meet at the Downriver Center and erly population, there is a growmg taken as electives or for personal at the Downtown Center need for tramed personnel to A Dance Faculty Concert will be enrichment Instructors for the • Health and PhySICal Proces- serve m the expanding programs presented at University Liggett SAVE $3.00 A LB. classes are all practitloners in the ses of Agmg exammes the phySIO- and agencies whIch serve agmg School on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 8 on linest quality logical changes whIch are normal citizens p.m in the school theater, 1045 DetrOIt area. to the aging process, and changes Cook Road. Cold Water LOBSIER 'AILS I The program prOVides learning which are the result of the Interested persons may register Dance faculty members from opportunitIes for students new to environment or disease. This class through Monday, Jan. 24, at any Marygrove College, the, DEl-troit 4 tbe fIeld of geronto}ogy, as well as will be held at the Greenfield and. of the WCCC centers listed above Public Schools, the Grosse Pointe :'I Fr~~h .M~.1s ~.r~...s::~'.:J~Fi~h'~f ~ ~~ those currently empl0y'ed in the Downtown Centers. from 11 a.~1 to 7 p.m. Academy, the Jewish Community field. The training wIll also be Expltes 1-22.83 benefICial to other mdlviduals in • Programs and services to the For furthb~ information contact Center, the University of Windsor .. planning and preparing for suc- Aged presents a comprehenSIve Esther Howell at 496-2640 or 496- and University Liggett will per- vIew of the natIOnal, state and 2791. form. Admission is $5. Serving the Pointes since' 940 • 885-3884 cessful ajilmg HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? SEMI ANNUAL yoU IIOULDII FOR THE BEST PRICE 01 CLEARANCE Si\LE! A NEW LINCOLN OR MERCURY You hOlld StI Ir &III TONY CARR I AM lOW II A BmER POSITIOI TO DOC.KSI DES! SELL & SERVICE YOUR TRANSPORTATION NEEDS So Please Come In or Calf Me for A 869 - 5000 New or Used 10% OFF Lincoln-Mercury HE IS NOW A T... at WOMEN'S MEN'S PARK MOTOR SALES MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S 18100 WOODW ARC at Palmer Park BetwMn 8 Mile" 7 Mil. Rd. Detroit, MI 48203 869-5000 NA TURALIZERS Boots FLORSHEIM AIGNER SEBAGO MAGDESIANS TIMBERLAND SUPREME'S MAINE WOODS 20-50% JARMAN $29.90 FANTASTIC SELECT GROUP 50%1 to $59.90 JANUARY CHilDREN'S SELECT GROUP HUMIDIFIER MEN'S, WOMEN'S, SALE All Regular Priced • AUTO FLO 150 ONl.y'2995 Merchandise CHIlDREN'S 95 • SKUTTLE 6008 ONLY '35 Rubber Uglys VAlUES TO ALL OTHER HUMIDIFIERS 1 0% OFF $36.00 PLATE, POWER, AND PORTABLES NOW! 0 REDUCED 10 /0 $19.90 jj~,j'JJlI!1 J GVillage 1.!Jii 11S~.. Sbe4 17112 KERCHEVAL 14641 E. WARREN AVENUE "IN THE VILLAGE" DETROIT Between Alter Rds and Chalmers Phone 881.1191 Store Houn CALL 885-2400 Mon.-Wed .•Sat. 9:30-5:30 Thurs.-Fri. 9:30-9:00

I, GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983 . Toma visii Grosse • Pointe News _-.., career Kids concerned with alcohol abuse (USPS 220-6001 0\1.1'" I ~=.\...,.. 'ft"". supermtendent tor 10 years. ' .. ),Ii .... E....ry ThllrMoJ By Joanne Gouleche I comments about their feelJngs ... The council meets monthly and The tough-talking cop who came that alcohol was 'okay,' " said the By Anteebo Publishers Clasua ~II~ It welcomes new members Its next 99 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe last year get survey. "MaI!Y others said that GrllSl PDlltte •• rd1 Hit' SdHI to to meeting is scheduled for Monday, Grollle Pointe, MI 48236 kids thinkmg about pItching their Toma should have talked more Evenmg Classes Begm February 23 Jan 31, 10 South HIgh School's Phone 882.b900 Taught by Attorneys and Judges next marijuana cigarets should about the dangers of alcohol and Clemmson Hall, at 4:30 p.m. have stressed the eftects of al- called It 'the real problem in s.c..... Clou "ott... I'old O,pl. If Co.tlltlll'l UICIIiH. CounCil chairperson Ruth Zmn .t Detroit, -,Icll!r'n. cohol abuse 10 length Grosse POinte' or 'the real pro- erom r,l.t, r.'11c~ .. ls said the group has InVited Dr SMlue,l,t'" R.t.,. $ U 00 At least that's what an un- blem at .. .' and named their own Robert L Dupont, president of the ,., , •• , ...10 ... 11. AUr... ,II M.II SuIIl.,lp- ~~~c~Ji:ecall 313-961-3744 scientific survey of Grosse Pomte school." American Council on MarIjUana Hon., .f Add, ... students revealed about DaVid The Substance Abu~e CounCil e...... Co-Sponsored by and Other Psycho-Active Drugs, F.,II\I 1579 to 99 K.,ch,vol, Toma's visit to local schools. has called alcohol the most abus- Gr .... ,.Into 'ernu, MI.h to speak to students, parents and "Alcohol is much more widely ed drug in Grosse Pomte - by Tho d .. dU". for ",WI cOPV American Institute For teachers on Wed~esday, Feb 23,8 I. M.nd.v ,,""- te hu..,. I... used in Grosse Pomte and should adults and kIds alike .. rtlo" •. P m. 10 North High SChool's Per- Paralegal Studies, Inc. have been discussed much more CounCil members noted that An .d""IJI,,. copy 1I\ .. 1t formmg Arts Center b. I" tho Hew' OffiCI by II 820 Buhl Bldg 535 Griswold Delroll MI 48226 seriously," one high school stu- only a small percentage of stud- o no. T,,"do,. Licensed State of Michigan Department of Ed dent said in the survey. Another ents (l percent) saId they dIdn't Dr DuPont, chmcal professor Franklin McDonald mnth grade gIrl wrote' "I thought beheve what Toma saId at Georgetown and Harvard med- he was a little too overactIve. "Many students had ~peclfIc ICal schools, WIll speak on teenage , SAVE 20% ON A GREAT MEAL ~ There is nothing wrong In my op- and varying CrItiCIsms of Toma's alcohol and drug abuse He also IS Hutzel names InIon of a little SOCial or playful approach. but most llldlcated scheduled to speak to students : 200/0 OFF \ ( ) 20% OFF ~ and teachers from public and : "1 (" ,;;,.. \ • drmking as long as you don't get some pOSitIve change of attitude T parochIal schools earlIer that day • /}I. • medical chief drunk too often." A lOth grade boy and few could say they dIdn't be- : C ~ 6 !: :I g-''I" d revealed. "I don't have an (al- heve him," the survey said Grosse POInte Park's Franklin coholl problem yet. But I may be CounCil members Said 47 per- :0 (!}Urr' ,ud ~'1Janc~"i¥Jt#~~fJ 0:'. D McDonald, MD, took over • U developmg one." cent of those students surveyed ::lJp VAllO UNTIL JANUARY 27, 1983-Nol valid Sat or Sun Before 4 pm p: duties as chIef of medlCme at Hut- Woods boaters plan The survey, conducted by wanted morE' informatIOn on al- Prtt~fll If..:> l,.V..,PV;'1 to tha cast e~ :it e .'1e~C"'IQ n~l P!:ll",.-::,lt~ HOll~eReslaurant zel HospItal on Jan 1 Dr Grosse Pointe's Substance Abuse cohol and drug abuse, but some Commodore's BaU : 0 and receive a 20% dLscounllor you and your entire party 0: : N ONE GUEST CHECK, PLEASE N: McDonald IS the father of five Community Council, was given to SpeCIfIed only more data on aleo- chIldren and a noted author and The Grosse Pomte Woods Boat : • Southfield • Oro ... Point. Woods : 4,917 students in grades eIght hol Some 685 students saId they Club WIll hold Its Annual Commo • 1t335 T.n _ Rd 2OV3 lIIock ..... • researcher, speclalJzing 10 the through 12 to find out what kind of would be Interested In partIclpat- " .. I..... 8olIIhtlold ReI .. Ey"u'.en "Iw"n V.,n~, .. MOIo" GPN j field of nephrology (kidney dIS- dore's Ball Saturday, Feb 5, at "'-- 7001 m lo9OOp m 7-00. no to,oopm affect Toma had on theIr lives. ing in a dISCUSSIOngroup of some 6 30 p.m at the Polish Century ease) Toma, a former New Jersey k10d on alcohol and drug abuse Club, 5181 East Outer DrIve In . Hutzel is the designated facility cop, was 10vited by the counCil Many such discussions groups are :, SAVE'20~i~"ON'A'G'ii.E'AT'MEAL , In the DetrOit MedICal Center for Detroit last October to speak to students already underway at some In- treatment of all adult kidney prob- Outgoing commodore Gilbert : 200/0 OFF " (, () \ 20% OFF: m public and parochial schools dlvldual schools, accordmg to the : (\' .,--- : lems and kidney transplants. DeSandy will pass the gavel to in- C ~ :; (j In addition to hiS Hutzel pOSI- about alcohol and drug abuse. The- cOTuhnce.IlSubstanceAbuse Commun- commg commodore Paul Caruso I: g-'\, c: drug preacher. whose life was of Lochmoor Boulevard New tIOn,. McDonald IS professor of model for the teleVIsion series ity CounCil was formed nearly two ~~ . (!}ur,ta/ tJ{OMjfJ bridge members are Jerome Hen- J>aru:ai¥J 3~ medlCme at Wayne State Univer- "Baretta," is known for his hard- years ago when School Supt Dr sity and is VIce-chairman of the son of Hampton Road, vlce- : p VALID UNTIL FEBRUARY 3. 1983-Not valid Sal or Sun Before 4 pm. p: sell delivery and ability to com- Kenneth Brummel invited com- Present Ihls coupon to the cashle' al ellhe' Original Pancake House Restau,ant commodore; Edward WeIss of :0 0: school's department of internal mUnIcate the problems of sub- mumtv leaders to address the ser- : N and receive a 20% dlscounl for vou end your entire pa,ty N.' medicine. He IS a native of Penn- stance abuse to kIds. ious problem of alcohol and drug Ford Court, treasurer; and Norme • ONE GUEST CHECK, PLEASE • sylvania who was graduated from I!Illon of South Renaud, secretary : • Southfield • Gro ... Point. Woods : Durmg his two-day VIsit, Toma abuse in Grosse Pointe schools : 18335 T.n l1li,'- ReI 20273 MlICk"'v. • Temple Umverslty. For more informatIOn or to ..twM" SOIlthn./d Rd... E"'I'"" Il4twM" V.,nlo, .. Mo'OIl • bluntly told students there is a He had formed a SImilar make reservatIOns, call Dillon at 700 u" 10'.00 p.m. 700. m 10.00 P m GPN J In 1979, McDonald was honored drug "pp.ndemic" III Pointe commumty-based program in ~...... •...... •...... 881-8929 or Caruso at 881-3930 L ...... b.y th,: National KIdney Founda- schools and many parents don't Westport, Conn, where he was tion wIth Its DIstingUIshed ServIce Award know their children are getting \ ~ high at the kItchen table. "" Later, reports of kids turning • Civic Assoc. plans over their drug paraphernaha to fine Toma, promising never to do VILLAGE.MARKET membership party drugs again, were common Wlnes When asked how DaVid Toma 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms The Grosse Pointe Park CIvic changed their attitudes about al- • AssociatIOn will hold a wme and cohol and other drugs, nearly half - present- liquor cheese membership party Sunday, of the survey respondents or 49 Jan. 23, at 5 p.m. at the Wmdmlll percent indicated "I will not begin Park Recreation BUlldmg us10g alcohol or other drugs," the "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" • Park resiut:llt:> WIll have a counCIl said. Eight ~l'cent of tht: chance to meet theIr neighbors respondents or 380 students said CLOSED SUN. & CLOSED WED. at J P.M. Prices Effective Jan. 20, 2' and 22 and hear a short presentation by they would stop using alcohol and civic association president Helen other drugs, but others out of that Leonard. Tickets are priced at $5 group crossed out the word alco- a couple or $3 each. For more in- hol so the answer read: "I will formatIon, call Nancy Duffy, as- stop using drugs," the survey SOCiatIOn vice-presIdent, at 331- showed. "Many of this group added 3554. fRESH WHITE fISH FILLETS NEED SPACE FOR ..A SKI TRIP? I WHY TAKE TWO CARS? 52.49 LB. RENT A NEW 1983 DODGE CENTER CUT FRESH OCEAN PERCH FIL1EIS EIGHT PASSENGER "ANIVn . WITH - SMOKED PORK CHOPS $2.98 LB. Air, Stereo, Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED SCROD, SOLE, SCALLOPS, FOR AS LOW AS FINNAN HADDIE, flOUNDER, SIRLOIN TIP ROAST PICKERAL, BLUE COD, WHOLE fUllY TRIMMED SHRIMP, FROG LEGS. S29~~AY' MOUNT CLEMENS BAKERY CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS CORN MEAL BREAD BEEF TENDERLOINS 00 2 1-LB. LOAVES' 1 KEN MEADE gtR~~BERGER BELL RINGER SWANSON'S LEASING, INC. RENTAL DEPT. exclUSIve '- Gourmet CHICKEN BROTH 18001 MACK 884-7210 ~ Meats 3 For'IOO 14.5 Oz. Can ~ "MADE FRESH DAIL Y" ,

OVEN R.EADY ALL fLAVORS HELLMANS REAL BREYERS ICE CREAM 47 City $299 MA YONNAIS! 01. JA! 1 Chicken lB Lean Cube' of Veal ond Po,k On A SlICk KRAfT V2 Gal. '1.99 VELVEETA CHEESE1_LB~179

ITALIAN PORID OVEN READY & ~/~dY Terra Veal ~k:$189 PAlD. FRUIT Parmesan 2',', Lb lB. RED & WHITE P~fl\"lno"" floY'O'ed ..~I pO"rt"\ .., OU' OWf'l 1~f11 Ilnlor'! TABLE WINES l!?~)l~J; VEGETABLES lOvau ~."ot~erl!!'d .", ... monorello d'1ell!'~ ., ",~n .....o'" "try r~f1rly fo ,~!'ov~n ~~ 1.5 LITER80T.'2.99 ICE BERG U S D A CHOICE MARINA TED C ~ri. GALLO CHABLIS BLANC LETTUCE Lg.Head59 Beef $359 Rhine - Hearty Burgundy Kabobs lB NO. llDAHO leon beef gorn~,r.ed wl1h onion and green Sl88 pepper on a \'olnleu s\cewef 1.5 LITER80T.'3.29 POTATOES IOlb.Bag ~ ~ -----=-~ FRESH WASHED Specializing in OVEN READY COKE - DIET COKE shoes. clothing & accessories STUFFED BONELESS SQUIRT SPINACH for all runners. Chicken $198 8 Pack MACK AVENUE 20641 MACK AVENUE Breasts lB. lh Liter 69 SNOW WHITE III • Grosse Pointe Woods Stuffed W,'h Ou, Own Home Mode 51 882-1325 Sage O,."mg Bottles CAULIFLOWER i Mon .F" 10-6, Sat 10.5,30 Thursday, January 20, 1983 Page Slx-A G R 0 SSE POI N T E. NEW S FREE CABLE INSTA

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"0 ....,...... -~---

Page Seven-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983 Pianists perform . Concert competition moves into third year Festival. HIS CO-WInner, Brandt of up to $1,000 each in conjunction Young concert pianists of the DetrOIt Symphony Orchestra With performance engagements. and the St Clair Shores Sym- Fredriksen of Indiana Umverslty MIchigan will agaIn have an op- and Highlands, Mlcl1Jgan Will play These wIll again include a recital portunity to compete for concert phony Orchestra. with the Grosse Pointe Summer Any piamst between the ages of this spring with the Grosse Pointe bookings and $2,250 In awards at and Warren Symphony Orches- MUSIC Festival and a concerto the third annual Grosse Pomte 18 and 30 currently hvmg, study- performance with the Grosse THE Ing or workmg m MIChigan, or tras Summer MUSICFestival statewide Entries for the competItIOn are Pomte Symphony. AdditIOnal per- plano compelltlOn. who has been a Michigan resident forming and audition awards are BRONZE DOOR and received an Important part of due by Monday, March 21. For The event will be held thl!> year complete instructIOns, entrants to be announced. their educatIOn here, is elIgible The Grosse Pointe Summer Lunch Hours: 11:30 - 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Apnl 9 Last year's 18 entrants mcluded may call or write the Grosse and 10, at the War Memonal, at 32 Pointe War MemOrial, 32 MUSICFestival and Plano Compet- Dinner Hours: young pianIsts from all over the Ition are sponsored by the Grosse Lakeshore Road CompetItIon dI- state as well as Michigan tramed Lakeshore Road, Grosse Pointe rector Alex Suczek announced a Farms, 48236 Phone IS 881-7511 Pomte War Memorial Association, Monday - Thursday 5 - 10 p.m. artIsts from such prestigIOus a non-proht, tax exempt center of major grant from the Michigan musIc schools as Indiana Umver- Each fInalIst will receive a $200 Friday and Saturday 5 - 11 p.m. FoundatIOn for the Art!> and the stIpend The fIrst and second arts and education m the state of slty and the Curtis Institute m MIchigan HAPPY HOUR contInued partiCipatIOn of the place wmners WIll receive a total Grosse POInte Symphony Will Monday-Friday 3-6 p.m., in the Lounge The repertOIre of the conte~l- again make the competitIOn pos- ant~ makes an excltmg program Lyric Ensemble to perform Bar Open Monday-Saturday 11:30-2 a.m. Sible for hstener~. The requirements As m the past two year~, the call for a Bach prelude and fugue A plano qumtet featunng pIanist flat maJor, a masterpiece of the Jury Will Illclude concert plam~ts and a romantic or ImpreSSIOnIst Fedora Horowlt..: and DetrOit romantic era The TrIO Ourada - 123 Kercheval on the hili 884-7774 and conductors of Michigan or- work for the prelImlnanes on Symphony Orchestra member~ Mellow - FayrOJan wIll perform chestras who Will determJJ)e AprIl 9, and a Beethoven sonata, a Joseph Goldman, vlOlImst, Ann Mozart's Divertimento in E flat which contestants WIll play the contemporary sonata and a con- Quadra, vlOlirust, Glenn Mellow, major K563 for String TrIO and ~ reCital and concerto bookmgs that certo for the fmals violInist, and Debra FayrOJan cel- Schubert's Strmg Tno no. 1 In B are to be awarded, and receive Audiences on both days In the lIst. will present the third of the flat major. Cd1>1J dWdllJ:, past two y~dl1> I dteJ tlIt:: !Jt::!fVI - LyrIC Cnamber Ensemble sene~ TI\..kd:>

Sliced Filet of Beef Tenderloin Sll. 95 A definite faVOrite of all Served v,l1thBernalse Sauce on the Side

in the Georgian Inn Fresh Broiled Scrod $ 7.25 hesh daily from the Eastern Waters and br011ed to perfection Served With We have the freshest Here's a glimpse of our Menu: tartar sauce and lemon wedges Fresh Lake Perch $ 8.50 catch in town! rresh from Ihe Great Lakes j sauteed to perfecl10n Join us for a delicious €!~¥= Frog Legs Fisherman Style $ 9.95 Blue Point Oysters on the Half Shell ... $ 2.95 lightly sea~oned and sauteed to dining experience in the Cherry Stone Clams on the Half Shell .. $ 2.95 perferllon Served With tartar ~auce • warm,casual atmosphere of Escargot $ 3.95 Scallops $ 9.95 Served With CriSp Garlic Toast Tender Sf allops sauteed to perfection

the Seafood Connection. Baked Swiss Onion SOUp cup $ 1.10 Alaska n K'n1 g Crab Legs...... $1595. Bowl $ 1.40 Served With drawn butter HOURS: Monday thru Thursdi\Y Spm Wpm ITidily and Saturdi\Y Spm llpm Closed Sunday All entrees include choice of two: Toss~d Salad. Cole Slaw, Baked Potato. Located in the Georgian Inn French Fries. Fresh Garden Vegetables Filet Mignon $11.95 GRATIOT Just North of 13 Mile 293.4500 Served With Mushroom Caps & Bernalse Sauce

\ Thursday, January 20, 1983 Page Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS 1 'Dean of social planners' retires from DeS Shores home Richard Huegh, acknowledged lars, spearheaded several pro- private sector to meet commumty planning council, UCS, were de- damaged in fire by many as dean of the nation's jects undertaken jomtly by public needs Those actiVIties included veloped. Shores and Woods public safety SOCIal planner~. WIll retire Man- and private health and social the allocation of more than 25 A DetrOit native, Huegll, 67, re- officers jomed forces Saturday day, Jan 31, after servmg more agencies, allocated funds to pn- million United Foundation dollars ceived hiS Bachelor's of DiVinity mght, Jan 8, to put out a fire on at Concordia Semlllary HIS Mas- than four decades In the human vate agencies, mcludmg those in 1980 to private community Webber Place In the Shores that service field For the last 25 supported by the Torch Drive, agencies ter's degrees 10 Social Work and was apparently started by embers year", Huegh has been the execu- and InItiated and Implemented In Januar:' 1982, Huegli helped Public AdmlOlstratlOn come from from a fire in the family room tive vIce-presIdent of Untted many studies to flOd ways of direct the actiVItIes of 800 volun- Wayne State University fireplace Communlt) Services of Metro. meetmg commumty needs," Don. teer leaders and 111 workers 10 Natlonally, Huegll ha~ been 10- Shores officers received the call polltan DetrOit nelly said "Examples of the pro- plannIng and poliCy deCISIon- vo)ved with the Lutheran ChUlch from the homeowner about 8.30 UCS presIdent John Donnelly, In fesslOnalleadership he gave to the makIng deSigned to alleViate Mlssoufl Synod as a board mem- p,m At the same time, Shores announcmg the retirement, saId creatIOn of agencies Include human suffering. In addItion, he ber; United Way of Amenca, Sgt Stanley Otulakowskl spotted Huegll had made uOlque contnb Homes for Black Children, has worked With lay and profes- known locally as the Torch Dnve, the fire whIle on patrol m the utlOns to almo~t every a!>pect of Homemaker Service and Lula SIOnal volunteers to help merge as a member of the prOfe%lOnal area Shores officers responded the voluntary sector's human ser- Belle Stewart Center" eXlstlOg SOCial serVICe agencies adVisory committee, former With eqUlpment and five offIcers vice matter~ during hl~ 42 year As executive vIce-president of when appropriate and to create member of the board and chair The Woods offered'mutual aid 20 man of the executive commIttee a!>"OClatlOn With UCS UCS, Huegll has been IOvolved 10 new agencIes when they were minutes later and responded With Richard Huegli , He ha" rUlsed communIty dol all actlvltle~ conducted by the needed, UCS spokesmen said of the NatIOnal Health and \Vel three offIcers and equipment. fare Mutual LIfe In"urance A<,,,o Donnelly said Huegh's expertise Iegenb at MIChigan Lutheran Col- Accordmg to Shores hre re- --, -I -1-UIIIIIIlIi1ITITil1TllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII clatIon, Inc . 10 health and welfare matters IS lege lie has also been secreta! y ports, the fIre was started when Locally, Huegll has served .1" .1 :\,~\l-. • ('e'l frequently sought by government 01 the DetrOIt Executive Service embers from a Chnstmas tree offICials, UOlted Ways from board member on the Emplo)el'" S\l ~\. -..\.QIl'-"\ ~ 0'(' "". Corp!> In In- Planning Councd, and challmdll bemg burned the fireplace 'I v,0 S\l\"' ~"O()\l' around the countr y, philanthropic Iluegll ha~ been awarded sev- Side the home's family room .,.tJ foundatIOns and other people-ser- of New DetrOit, Comprehen,>lve el al other honors 10 recent year~, landed on a tarpaulin covermg the \11,~200~AII th-: Beer you can drink ving institutIOns Health PlanOlng Council, and IncludIng "Citizen of the Year" chalrmap of New DetrOIt',; Health home's outside patIO The tarpau- "During hIS YC3rs 3S the chIef Ii ull, th<::S:lh":ltlOn .\rmy, ":\bn of lin IgnIted, spreadmg fllpnes to II IRA's = SAVlfilGS Committee He ha~ also !>erved a<, I execuhve of UCS," Donnelly said, the Year" from both the Boys and the patlO below and along the out- loo~rt" fuctI.J'" !ht tvffitu,I] "more than 30,000 metropolitan a trustee WIth the Umted Hedlth Glib Club of Metropolitan DetrOIt w1l4)"<" of th' &.,.1 Sc:

A Publl~ Informat,on 5e"Ii~. 01 RFA FINANCIAL SERVICES Announcing In<: Cl , 883 - 22725 Gr •• ler Mack SI Clair Shor.. MI 48080 Phone 775-47&0 En rolled 10 precUce bel",. 111. ~~rR~a:~e;I~=I~~~n~ 23722 JEFFERSON AVENUE Inll Ind Flnln~lal SfIfV~ 111111111111 III 1I111111111l11111 111111 lImn 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 hi earningsl

unlimited checkingl -t and discount I brokerage services I')/i -~ I • fliJ. Cj:.,t< /'[_ -' 1~( I/!libS'f~ T~A.I NJl;- ,'C>(.IP(P~~ II ~.R£ ,C J' 4S~l1S" . all wrapped up Inone neat package. ,./"-\~_~355 FISHER RD. We de/nfer 0,... a 10530 cIa.l, WH 882 -51 00 1.1_ (luH S..... , CFARMS t]vfARJ@T NBD~new


LB $3.49 LB $2.98 $1.89L8 ~ Account; 1 c I Fresh Frying Chicken Legs •.•..••••• 79 LB II<; not easy managing your of hlqh Il1kre'>l 1111<1 unllnlltccl Discount brokerage service. ii moncy these days You want 10 cllcrkltlq IHI\ lit YOIIII ( ,m1 YOlle .In bu\ ('11"tock'> NEW' GIlEEN GIANT BW BAVARIAN tranc;(cr c;avmgs to checking or maliC} 11l,lftlon"Ihrouqh PERRIER ~, SOFT RIPENED HARVEST <1 ('01 !l1C FRESH CORN -,.~v VICCversa Youwant to buy stock.. keep nllnlllllllll h,IIcllstocks and you want to do II $2')00 ,mcl (\( n \\11I1 ,1 "l1ldlln '>,I\lnq" portlol! of lIll' nc\\ NISD HARVEST PEAS 230Z CHEESE FRESH :,;.:~ cdC;llyPlus wouldn t It be qreat btlll(,lIn IJl1lbh i'11tock ( rlilledte,> III ~ork ..o thatyoud have For more Information, call '>ellek( (PllllJ for yOlI NEW' MINUTE MAID Jllc;1one consolidatcd IfyOU\\I'>h "0 tlMI MORE PULP ORANGE JUICE 12-0Z '1.19 c;tatelllcnl for all your 1-800 6""19755 yOU(e!1 tranc;actlonc;'? - ~ - \\ltlllll,>t ,I "llllpl!' NEW FROM IT AL Y THOMAS PORTO PALO Chicken Kiev Sound impoc;c;lbh>' . . phollc c,lll /tED 011 WHITf S~rnless and 80nelets ENGLISH Not rcally becauc;e Ihat c; nigh Interest saving~. I NlHh 1I111b,II1k(,l.,h HEAr and EAT c'( 6.0Z SERVING MUFFINS WINE I1CWUl1Ibank (.a<;h Manaqe'menl,lblc 10 11l01l(\ hll1l1 01\' 1,1<\(" (llnlll1q pO\\C! ,1Ile! (fh( I( l1C~ A( count' on till" tllqh mIl I( "I ",1\ 11](\" pldl1 Into 011( (011\( 11Ienlp,K k,lqe I S $3.19 ~~("$1.69 nigh interest checking. wI'< 11 )Oll Illelllll,llil d 111111111111111 11"111"1\d1,11 )oud npcc I C Thl'>totally ncw plan offer'i you i),II,I!1(( of 52 ")00 ftOI1JOlll of Am( TI( <1., California Fresh Bunch Carrots .••.•.•• 59 thc unprcccdenlc(l combltlallon qrc dlll,l!1k"


$1.89 LB 99C:'1 GAL $2.29

Fresh Broccoli •••.•••••.••• 89- lUNCH

P~ICES ASOVE IN EFfECT ll( JANUARY 26!t1 l i"!thHlll '''''''1111 I ~ I ~ ( I' "'mq 1"11\1)I. I ."tl'I,1 • I!. , 1 I h .. II 'I j I \ r I ~,I ., ,

,.. .A .....-...... ~---

Page Nine-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983 Park council tackles parking · problem on city's west side NEW ISSUE Findmg a parkmg space near from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m That would your house on the west end of give pUblIc works crews enough ThiS announcement IS neither an offer to sell nor a soliCitation of an Grosse Pomte can be a touljth pro- time to suck up leaves, sweep up offer to buy these securities The offer IS made only by the prospectus position at times. The neIghbor- debriS and salt the snowy west hood is tIghtly packed WIth two- side famIly flats, built before every City Manager John Crawford American owned a car and often presented the plan to counCil at Its THE MENTOR CORPORATION lackmg even one off-street park- Jan. 10 meeting. but the councIl o mg spot per buildmg Cars are us- declIned to vote on the mea<,ure ually hned up bumper-ta-bumper until after Citizens have been not along Wayburn, Maryland, Lake- Uled and comments received The pomte, BeaconsfIeld and Nottm- counCIl will discuss the proposal gham again at its Monday, Feb 14, Clly workers have problems meeting beginrung at 7 p m with parkmg m that neighborhood, A similar plan wa!> tested for a too. All those cars make It almost short time recently on Nottmghdm ImpOSSible to pIck up leaves, Road, south of Jefferson Avenue sweep the streets and remove The system was discontinued snow III the winter largely becau!>e of cltlLen (om Wood!. re!.ident Russ Seely (loecond from left) and his Pointe Classics That's why the cIty admllllstrat- plamts, Crawford said barber!.hop quartet will present a concert Friday. Jan. 21, at !I p.m. at IOn last week recommended a new the Metropolitan Methodht ChUl'ch, located near major expre!.sways "alternate side of the street" Annual interest - paid monthly five block!> north of Grand Boulevard on Woodward. Tickets are $4 in parkmg plan for the neighborhood Dominican lauded advance, $5 at the door. Other member!> of the prize-winning group, from Wayburn east to and IIl- $4,000,000 which was featured on PM Magazine last year. are (left to right) Bob cludmg Nottingham Road Under for Ger:many display NO SALES CHARGE Oemchak, Sed), i'ch GI t'l ~el ::Jell, ,1.1141Jell.) \'anDe\' elde. Call the the plall, lJ

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On the quiet end of t~e isl~nd .. 11.111" of 1 111'111>, \hnuf11 rurer, "ltlOn.ll fl1nk of DLlron ~ \hl1ullltllr,,' 11111" "I tl'"'lll drive through Indian River ""11lId.1LtUTer, Ban" of Bav C \ly \1 lnllf ILlllfU' 1\lnl "t '- 1\ I Plantation, just '2 mile south 'v111111L1LlllTlf' fI.1nk of C oopeTwlllt \11IlUllltllfL" 1\.111\",,1 \.III11L 1 'j 1 Norlh('d',f Ma( Arthur Blvd \l1nllfaelllrcr, flank of The <;hOTe, MANUFACTURERS BANK <)tllarl, IIOfidel ~ l4c}4 Manll!.1( tllru' Bank of <;olllhf1eld N /\ \" 111 blf' r I) I ( (10'}) 2 2 'i-O()(n 1 her( may he ,uh'1.1nlllI11111 rc'! Ind 1,1X Till ,,1111'1, II\\' r, ,ll HIl,d" 111 hI I I,dl!ld 1'"" , H' ",1>11 I I to I h."H" '\II 1H>1l I nol" f' pcnl!tlc; for r.lrll wlthdflW,1] I' ,oUI ",,""11 1I1'"n 111'"IIl!' I' \1 ,>' Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Ten-A llWestments Local jobless \ This Week in Business 1 rate climbs Grosse Pointe Park's jobless Monthly tax free income rate was just under 12 percent in McCann-Erickson joined the HFH slaff 10 1975, leav- puts them in the 44 percent brac- November, according to figures mg his duties at Uol- trust's portfolio. 'The portfolio names Hughes By Dean W. Crowder, III ket. If the couple were to invest ill released last week from the Mich- generally consists of between 15 to versity School of Medicine and For manr investors, mcomes a tax-exempt unit investment Igan . Employment Security Com- Gros!te Pomte reSident Dan Medical Center. 25 different issues of investment Hughes has returned to McCann- are Increas10g each year Unfor- trust yieldmg 10.25 percent, that mISSIon. grade long-term bonds Because The MESC said 2,075 residents Enckson as vice-president, senior tunately that means a larger tax rate of return would provide the bIte While you have more income the investor owns a portion of a were reported out of work, an in- art director Hughes was vlce- Announcing ... diversllled portfolio rather than a same after tax income as a 18 3 preSIdent, senwI art dIrector at J. now, after taxes there are act- percent yield from a fully taxable crease of 150 persons since Octo- Grosse Pointe Woods attorney ually fewer dollars to spend. For smgle issue, his IOvestment IS not Walter Thompson He was art dir- Investment. Clearly an investment ber. Statewide, the MESC said this reason, many investors are subject to the same kmd of mar- ector at McCann-Erickson from Gary R. Dettloff IS currently co- 10 a diverSIfied portfolio of muOlc- November's jobless rate rose to looking for an IOvestment which ket fluctuatIOns that can affect 1976-1977 He began hIS career at hosting a radio talk show called Ipal bonds mIght be of interest to 16 4 percent, up from October's :'Law ReVIew" Saturday morn- provides mterest that is exempt specific issues The trust WIll be 14.9 percent. MESC director S. Campbell-Ewald as art dIrector. subject, or course, to the market this couple lOgS on WLQV AM 1500 at 9 a.m. from federal taxes. Martin Taylor said the statewide Annually, many billions of dol- fluctuations that affect tax- The show allows listeners access exempt bonds generally • Tax-free monthly income 10 a figure IS the highest rate for No- ~o legal c~unsel. 'Yithout the tradIt- lars of muniCIpal bonds are vember since the department has Gamble promoted Nearly all tax exempt trusts dIverSIfIed portroho of high grade media director IOnal office VISIt Dettloff is a brought to market. From thIS been keeping records in 1956. partner in the Warren law fIrm of vast array of municipal Issues, maintalO a secondary market 10 muniCipal bonds IS particularly NatIOnally, the unemployment J Walter Thompson has ap- KIstner, Schienke, Staugaard, De- selecting the appropriate bond of order to offer market ability to attractive at the current high rate stood at 10.8 percent com- pomted Grosse Pomte Woods reSI- ttloff and Kistner, P.A .. Gary P. tnvestment qualIty that will pro- investors who may deSire to rates and should be considered as pared to the October rate of 10.4 liqUIdate theIr trust The pnce of a relatIvely safe addition to any dent Robt>rt Gamble to dIrector of Giumetti of Grosse POlOte Woods vide a high level of tax-exempt in- percent, the MESC said. Ib media and marketmg services. has been elected to the board of come is a very difficult task for Units repurchased from Investors portfolio. Persons Gamble, senIOr vice-president, directors of the Michigan NatIOnal even the most sophbticated lOves- IS determmed weekly by an inde- Dean W. Crowder, III, is an in- Persons out of work was natIOnal account dIrector for Bank - Oakland of Southfteld. tor Many investors are con. pendent evaluator, Standard and vestment executive with E.F. Hut- City 8.2% 200 Ford Dealer GlUmettJ also serves on the board sidermg the tax exempt trust. Poor's CorporatIOn, based on the ton & Company in Detroit and is Farms 9.3% 375 of Michigan NatIOnal - Grosse Each trust series IS a diversifIed aggregate offermg prtce of the available to answer any questions Park 11.9% 675 POllllt:::. ... New chat Ulldll of tlll~ portfolIO vf profeSSIOnally 825 Nichols named underly10g bomb A~ \\olth an} b)' phone at 259-8500. Woods 11l.J% • Council of Henry Ford Hospital is selected, investment grade (A marketable mvestment your re- new associate Dr. Bruce W. Steinhauer of rated or better) municipal bonds, demptIOn price may be more or Park purchases new computer The archItectural ftrm of Smith, Grosse Pointe Dr. Steinhauer is structured to provide federally less than your original purchase HlIlchman & Grylls has appo1Oted medical director of HFH's Satel- tax-exempt income and conserve pnce Grosse Pointe Park ad- year-old computer which was not Gust ~ichols to new associate lite and Prepayment Program the principal amount invested mimstrators say they'll be better fulfJlling city needs, accordmg to Nichols IS a reSIdent of Grosse The Council is the govermng body Virtually all tax-exempt trusts The tax-exempt yields prOVIded able to provide citizens and the Comptroller NunzlO Ortisi. The prOVIde monthly mcome to inves- by muniCIpal bonds can compare Pomte Woods of the HFH's medical and surgical city with up-to-date lOformatlOn city had been forced to hire an staff. tors. ThIS regular cash flow - favorably to the pre-tax yields on payroll, bUd~et matters, water outside firm at the cost of $1,000 a - Joanne Gouleche federally tax exempt - can be at- from fullr taxable investments biOS, voter re~Istration and park month just to process water and tractive for day-to-day expenses, when the mvestor's tax bracket is pass applicatIOns with the pur- sewage bills because its old com- Hospital appoints savings reinvestment, or cash taken into consideratIOn. acting chairman chase of a new computer recently puter couldn't handle the mate- To fight street crime: In New flow management approved by the councll rial, Ortisi said. York City, the Bowery Savings An Investor owning units of the Currently, many tax exempt New actmg chairman of the De- trusts are offering 10 25 percent The NCR equipment which cost The purchase was approved by partmeflt of Orthopaedic Surgery Bank gave away 300,000 police tax-exempt fund (each having a more than $75,000, is expected an unammous vot~ of the council on whistles. In Miami, the Lincoln face amount of approximately tax free monthly income Now, at Henry Ford HospItal is Dr. using this current rate as an ex- to be lOstalled this month, ac- N ov. 22. Councl1men Anthony Henr)' H. Sprague, a reSIdent of Savings Bank handed out to cer- $1,(00) owns an inalvidual frac- cording to a city spokesman. It Spada and Mark Valente were ab- tain depositors aerosol spray cans tional share of the interest on, and ample, assume a marfled couple Grosse POinte Farms A specialist files jOlOt return of $35,000, which will replace a more than seven- sent In hand surgery, Dr. Sprague of Mace-type repellent. prinicpal of, all the bonds in the

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SALE PRICE $39995 P2USOlONOiOOl 9Oooo81U 111 as little as six months, while oth~rs are designed to earn you the Plannm9 for your future is important. And it's smart to save some extra highest interest poSSible over 31/2 years Beyond that. mimmum depoSit money for your retirement That s why it's a good irlea to invest in an requirements for an IRA can range from $10 to $2.500. dependll1g IndiVIdual Retirement Account at National Bank of Detroit on which investment you choose Just earmng an income makes you eligible for an IRA You get FREE DELIVERY As you can see, there are a number of variables to conslde r when it an immediate taxdcduction on the amount you invest. And your eamings Winter warmth comes to IRA investments So before you decide, It Sa good ata welcome are tax-dcferred until you withdraw your money, usually /I ~, Idea to spend a few mmuteswith us 10l1ndOllt more. after retirement. when you're in a lower tax bracket. ! " \.._ Once you do. your high-yield IRAcan start price. But choosing the right IRA investment can f , anks ealningyou money And some added security be confusing And that s where NBD know- Ons- / \\rt:J for the' future -::;. (I i- how can help Some IRA investments mature \ f .....,,"', C;; P I Q'I t//J \ ,~I • (J I '" ',I ~ i"" (> t1" \JJP \, • II 11 l" ,/pc.. A"i1 ~r-~f' • In.t~l.llon ..... Is'.nee A".,llbt.

We re your VOrl( d•• ~r-I apec}a-Ils, l In"~n Inl,,,ll1lon Irtd .. rvlc. .ff'

Tax• hike could hurt recovery• which is expected to reach $750 "There are programs that can be By Susan McDonald ehminated for example, the Me- Grosse Pomte's State Rep Will- million "1 really don't see how thmgs challlcs Certification lawen- Iam R Bryant Jr , Isn't convInced could have gotten that much forcement. Or Michigan Occupa- that another hike In Income taxes tional Safety mspections Do we IS the only way out of the state's worse," Bryant said 10 a tele- phone interView this week "The need state lOspections? That's current budget CriSIS - despite state IOcome taxes, and Small somethmg we can rely on the fed- support the yet un-proposed In- Busmess Taxes should be holdIng eral government to do tt / crease has received from state In addItion to his Taxation umverslty presidents, the gover- their own I'm not saying I don't belIeve the defICit figures, but I'm CommIttee post, Bryant will also • nor's FInancial CrIsIs CounCil and serve on the House EducatIOn Wayne County's new executive not assuming ther,'re correct untIl I see for myself ' Committee and Urban AffaIrs Wilham Lucas Bryant said he's approachIng CommIttee. Bryant, who was appoInted hiS new TaxatIOn Committee post Bryant, who won his seventh Vice-chairman of the House Tax- With the "hope we can aVOId any term m office last November, was atIOn Committee last week, said permanent Increase 1Il the two House Mmority Leader, but chose he's not convinced an mcrease IS baSIC taxes - Small Busmess and not to serve another term 10 that office He was named House Re- needed or adVisable HIS primary mcome Yoga at Menlorial concern IS the economic upturn "There are still cuts m programs publIcan Leader Ementus for the current term A series of eight yoga classe!:> that IS hoped for thiS sprmg -- and that can be made," he said will be offered beginnIng Thurs what damagIng effects a tax hike may have on the fragIle psychol. day, Feb 5, at 7 30 pm at the Grosse POInte War Memorial, 32 ogy of recovery Council approves new parking fines 1 Lakeshore Road The tax lllcrease proposal - The Grosse Pointe City Council ered to $15 from $20 Those fmed The classes, designed to teach from 4 6 to 6 6 percent - was approved revIsed parking penal- for overtime parking Will pay a the tomng and relaxatIon of mmd made by Wayne State Umverslty ties, which took effect Jan 1 $10 violatIOn, mstead of a $5 fme ~nd bod) through 3. "cnes of e'l:er PI e::>IJent Da Hd Adam3ny and Fmes for double parkmg, pro- begmlllllg Jan 1 Meter \'lOl3tlOns Clses, concentratIOn and stances, seconded by Senate MaJOrIty hlblted and Improper parkmg, if paid after 30 days w111be m- will be taught by Golden Lotus In Leader Wilham Faust last week alley parking, Sidewalk parking, creased from $8 to $10 structOl' Betty Locke The courses run Thursdays through March 24 Bryant said he hopes to begm and failure to move a disabled Council members also approved meetmg With other RepublIcan vehicle were Increased from $10 a new $5 penalty on all parking from 7 30 to 8 30 P m to $15 Violations paid after a court date, Fee for the classes IS $25 For House members next week to The fme for parked "for sale" with the exceptlon of meter Viola- more InformatIOn, call the War start "bralnstormmg" and takmg Memollal at 881-7511 a closer look at the state's deflclt, vehicles on city property was low- tions SERVI NG YOU y:A =l ROUND

Photo by Tom Grell'1wood NINO SALVAGGIO Kids celebrate King's birthday Activities for all ages was the plan of the day at the family celebra- • tion commemorating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King last Sat- urday, Jan. 15, The event was sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Inter- Faith Center for Racial Justice and took place at the Jefferson Avenue United Methodist Church in Detroit. Activities included a dramatic presentation of Dr, King's tife, mime, songs. banner-making and birth. , day cake decorating, Of special interest to the kids was the balloon; launch at the end of the day. Here. party goers worked assembly line'- fashion (sort 00 attaching i.d. cards to the helium filled balloons soon" destined to fly into tHe skies. ~ SALE Jan. 24th through Feb. 5th WOODS FIREPLACE CO. The Home Furnishings and Gift Center 21323 Harper 771-1300 S1.Clair Shores Thursday till 9 p.m.

Gr.He '.i",e's - ' O'~st ' , fMHl M3rlre' VERBRUGGE'S 17328 MACK at St. Clair - 885-1565 PlUME AND CHOICE SlRLOIII SIEAIlS $2.99 LB.


CELERY HEARTS 49 EACH 7 .. , Din 7 .. AND NEW LIIlE pop 6.120Z CANsSI.69 WASHING TON GOLDEN OR RED DEUCIOUS EXTRA FANCY APPLU 6& lB. FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER LARGE, SEEDLESS PlNIl GRAPEFRUlI 3 ForSI.GO u.s. NO. J GENUINE IDAHO BailiNG POI AIOU S-lB BAG89 FRESH, AMERICAN LAMB SHANK. $1.99 LB. SUCED CHOICE ROUND STEAIl S2.39 LB. PRIME AND CHOICE fully tllmmed 52.99 LB. PrIces '" effect through Jon 23,d '''ONE snails PRIME AND CHOICE 27900 Harper OPEN DAILY 8-8 fully SUN. 8-6 PORTERHOUSE STEAKS 'rimmed 53.09 LB. (at 11 Mile) lII. ~ Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POlNTE NEWS Page Twelve-A Obituaries Lorain High SChool and the Uni- daughter, Mrs. James North; one one sister; one brother and 17 day, Jan. 19, at the Verheyden versity of Toledo School of Clerk in 1965, Mr. Nacy spent 23 Funeral Home and Grosse POinte brother and four grandchildren. Pharmacy. He received hIs MBA R. Todd .Elvidge grandchildren. years workmg with the Farms Woods Presbyterian Church. Memorial contributlons may be from Michigan State University. SerVices for R. Todd Elvldge, Crematlon was at Forest Lawn made to Grosse Pomte Memonal He IS survived by hiS wife Vio- He died Monday, Jan 17, In He was ~n active member of the 21, of WashIngton Road, were held Cemetery. let; two daughters, Barbara A Hutzel Hospital. Church Grosse Pomte Unitarian Church Interment was in Oakview Monday, Jan 17, at the Grosse Stewart and Sally M UUrey, one Mr. McQuiston was executlve and also a member of the Michi- Pomte Congregational and Ameri- Cemetery. Arrangements were son, Thomas R , two brothers, 10 Arthur W. Hanigar vice-president of the Westcott gan Association of the Profession- tan Baptist Church. .grandchildren; and nllle great. handled by the Verheyden Funer- Paper Products Co , and had been als. He died Saturday, Jan. 15, m grandchildren services for Mr. Hani~an, 81. of wltn the firm for 35 years. He was al Home. Mr. Middendorf is survived by Harcourt Road, were held saturday, ------Grosse Pointe. MemOrIal contrIbutIOns may be also a Korean War veteran. his wife, Lorna, one daughter Ann Born III Grosse Pointe he at- Jan 15, at the Verheyden Funeral Mrs. Louella M. Mosley made to Holy Cross CatholIC Mr. McQUiston IS survIved by Lynne, and one sister. tended Umverslty Liggett SChool, Church, 618 South Water Street, Home and St. Clare Church. his wife, Mary Ellen; a son, Services for Mrs. Mosley, 92, a Memorial contributions may be He died Tuesday, Jan. 11, in and graduated from South High MarJne City, MI. 48039 George; two daughters, Susan and lifelong resident of Grosse POinte made to the American Cancer Bon Secours Hospital School m 1980 He studied at Interment was In St Paul Cath- Nancy; two step-daughters, Mrs Woods, were held Saturday, Jan Society or the American Heart Born III Ontario, he was a "....ayne State University and the olic Church Cemetery Patricia Cantrell and Mary LOUIse 15, at Bethany ChrIstIan Church, graduate of Michigan State Uni- AssociatIOn. lllllversity of Michigan. He was a Calderon; his mother, Mrs Janet Detroit. Mr Middendorf was cremated. versity and was an executIve offi- member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, McQuiston, one brother, one SIS- She died Tuesday, Jan. 11, at and was hiS pledge class pres. cer of the AmerIcan Standard the Father Murray Home m Cen- Frederick A. Grosfleld CorporatIOn, where he worked for ter and five grandchildren Ident. Interment was m MichIgan terline When not In school Todd estab- Services for Mr GrosfJeld, 94, of 40 years He was a member of the The widow of James, Mrs. Mos- Detroit AthletIc Club and the Sen. MtmOrlal Park Cemetery, Flat Subdivisions ll~hed hiS own fence bUSIness In the Park, were held Saturday, Rock. ley IS burvlved by her daughter Grosse POInte Jan 15, at the Verheyden Funeral lor Men's Club Mrs Althea Scherer, two grand (Continued from Page lA) He is survived by his parents Home Mr Hanigan IS survived by a children, four great grandchil- blX-foot high brIck wall separatmg Robert S and Lynn B.; a brother He died Tuesday, Jan 11, In Sister Lyle C. Collinson dren, a sister and brother their property from that of the Bradford S.; a sister Carolyn J ; Bon Secours HospItal Memonal contrIbutions may be Funeral arrangements were subdiVISIOn LU Lind a grandmother ElSIe S. Holt A native Uetroner, IV!J GJU:'- II1dU~ ooJl seCOur;; Hospital. Serv Ice::. 101 au. CulJill:>UlJ, 00, uf handled by Eppens VanUeweghe ED RUSS~LL, comraclOi Cm of Northampton, Mass.; an Uncle field was for many years head of Interment was in Riverside Grand MaraiS Road, were held Funeral Home Interment was in the project, gave no firm Indicat- Paul and Aunt Mary of Ridge- the Grosheld Agency Inc , seiling Cemetery. Plymouth. today, Jan. 20, at Grosse POinte AcaCia Park Cemetery, South- Ion when the 2Q-plus room man- \\ood, N.J £Ire and casulty Insurance In Det- Memorial Church. fIeld sion, owned by the late Mrs Allan Memorial contributions may be roit. It was one of the city's oldest He died Monday, Jan 17, in Bon Shelden, would be demolished. made to the Omicron Literary As- firms, established ongmally as a Mrs. Pauline T. Koch Secours Hospital. Allen T. Middendorf "Our engineering firm is trying sociatIOn m memory of R. Todd general store by Anthony Gros- Services for Mrs. Koch, 65, of A native Detroiter, he retired to pull permits now to take down Elvldge, P.O. Box 635, BloomfIeld fIeld just after the CIVIl War. five years ago as co-founder and Memorial servIces for Mr Notre Dame Road, were held MIddendorf, of the Park, were the home, said Russell. "Our orig- Hills, MI., 48013. Mr. GrosfIeld retired from the past president of Baker and Col- Tuesday, Jan 18, in the Verhey- held Monday, Jan 10, at the lDal schedule has been pushed Interment was III Woodlawn business 20 years ago and was a linson, Inc. Involved in the pamt den Funeral Home. Grosse Pointe Umtarlan Church. back We had aimed prImarily for Cemetery. member of Elks Lodge No 35 and She died Friday, Jan. 14, in industry, he was a member of the February, but now it looks more He dIed Fnday, Jan. 7, In hiS the Old Timers Baseball Assocla. company for 55 years Deaconess Hospital. home like March." Mrs. Wilma V. Forster tion Born ID Philadelphia, she is Mr. Collinson was a 50 year Russell said 22 homes would be He IS survived by several grand honorary member of the DetrOit A native of Loram, OhiO, Mr surVIved by her husband, Arthur MIddendorf was manager of Hos- constructed on the nearly eight A memorial service for Mrs. neices and grand nephews Wand three sisters. Boat Club and was an oarsman at acre site, with a road running Forster, 83, of Ida Lane East, will Interment was in Mt. Olivet the club in 1921 and 1922 He was pital Pharmacy In Hamtramck Cremation was at Forest Lawn During his professional lIfe, he from Grosse Pointe Boulevard be held at 1: 30 p.m Saturday, Cemetery an aviator in World War I and Cemetery was involved in retaIl, manu- bisecting the property. Jan 22, in the Barbour Chapel of was a member of the Semor The homes would average 3,000 Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. Men's Club and Grosse Pointe facturmg and hospItal pharmacy m Ohio, New Jersey and Michi- to 3,600 square feet WIth prices She died Sunday, Jan. 16, in Bon Mrs. Harriett George C. McQuiston Memorial Church beginning at about $260,000, said Secours Hospital. Mr. Collinson is survived by his gan. Retzloff Schooff Services for Mr McQuiston, 53, Mr. Middendorf graduated from Russell Born m Owen County, Ky., she of the Woods, were held Wedn~s- wife, Flora; a son, Kenneth; a 1<; survived by a daughter, Edith Services for Mrs. Schooff, 76, of C. and one sister. Muir Road, were held Wednesday, Memonal contributions may be Jan. 19, at the Verheyden Funeral made to the Salvation Army Home and St Paul Church Thinking She died Sunday, Jan 16, In the of Leasing RoseVilla Nursmg Home Dawson F. Nacy Born in Toledo, OhIO, she was a Services for Mr. Nacy, 77, retired teacher who taught for 25 Think of formerly of the Farms, lately of years at Southeastern High Manne City, Will be held today, SChool. She was a member of the DRUMMY Thursday, Jan. 20, at 10 a.m. at Cosmopolitan Club, Polish Aid So- Holy Cross Catholic Church in ciety, Pan-Hellenic Society and LEASING INC. Alpha PhI Sorority. She was also a a Mile .t Gr.tlot. at Manne City. would you He died Monday, Jan. 17, in his Cottage Hospital volunteer. 772-6700 772.2200 She IS surVived by a son, Dr. Oevll! e.I!o<. v p Marine City home. Relph FIIZ... Sere. Mgr A former Farms city employe Kenneth SChooff, three daughters, who held several positions with Mrs. Camille Peterson, Mrs. Carol the city before retiring as City Zeiter and Mrs Judy Shroyer, do ifyou won Over A Century of Service DoN'T SEITLEfOR A to the Eastside Communities MERE REPlACEMENT i ~ ~"L"~. (.\~ ' • }.':_y -c.r

Gel a better w1Odow-famous Andersen" Perma Shield' ....'ndows Their 105ulalmg wood 'ore. double pane 10sulatmg glass (or opllonal Crop~heckChapeCo[ tnple glaz1Og) and tough VIIJ~le~teTlors make them energy effictent and Virtually 1 maintenance free Easll~ mstalled ifheWin. R.flamiIton

~:} '," "'. ~ " •• A ~ :; ~#~" / ~s k /"*f ;${X~~ """);' '7....", 01' "" "",.. 7. ""I. W &'l RK $1 MICHIGAN LOTTERY AOOOOO -000 f !T-Bone and Tenderloins NEfr:ffs 99 the hacb of three non -r.--ifl ~ ,Porterhouse LB Thl~ 1<., the hlf!. one' 7/1 7tlt 7'''-'{j ' 13 $2 \\lnnlng 1/1 Illrl,co / \-t. .wtth the hlgge'it, nche,t Grand ])r,1\\ Ing ./ \"\ ~C... ~~"t,; :').., ~ (WIIICU'ToO,d~'1 and lllad them In \ 't."'O> > \ Steaks 5369 ever-52,OOO,OOO ,I fillt' en\ elope, h) flr~t .'. ,;J, ~:J LB ~ ~ MUSHROOMS It'.; hlJ{ on flln, too Get three "0'''' III am rO\\, da~~ mall onl), 10 7/1 7t/1 (Fully Trimmed. Sold Whole Only) LB. column or (lJa~onal, and yOll \\ Ir1 lip to :310,000 $34~. $1.39 1'",0 (,"l!Il/ nur",Ill'{, ilL 1M nvo I mstantly. If yOU \\In \\lth "X'''', \Ollr pn/c I~ WINE FOR YOUR BEEF IAlIlI/llJ;. \/IJS()Jo ~:~:'~1~~".,';,"1 dOlib/rd and" 0\.1 Lan \\ I n a~ much a~ :320,000 Baby , 978 Haut.Gaillard.t Bl ~\Ire to pnnt ,our ------In'itantly. (Bordeau/( Superreur) name and addre ...~ 1cglhl) on outstde of A" .I-torlt ru:h ,.4 Wlnl 'rem D d ..1n<1 And even If yOU don't have an IIl,LIIlI a Swiss Cheese _fOe."" I. St Imtilon nUt _ M ,,"n 0 ch,r\" em'elope You're gOing for Ihe hlf( ebI ... mMI"rt4:n '~I w II lent F., ,_on hll:. win ncr, you can ~tIII enter) ou r~L1f 111 .'h., .1"0" from , .... ercelj>honol Vlnto •• one - 52,()()(),IH!O' ,.\ '2.95 LB. fS the Grand Dr;1\\ mg Simph 'ilgn - •• 5 Bolli. -S6 A CASE CALIfORNIA flUSH PEACHES AVOCADOS OR MICHIGAN LOTTERY TOMATOES NECTARINES SUPPORTS EDUCATION. C 69 LB. 99 LB. The instant game with the biggest Grand Drawing ever! Fresh Baked Coffee Cakes and Donuts Every Friday and Saturday

For addItIonal tnfOrmatlOn on thl' game and It'> mhh, 'l nd a 'oe1f.addrc,,('d, ,tamped cm elope to: TIC TaL T\\o InformatlOll. PO Bo' 1()1l21, LamIng, MI 4R909 Page Thirteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS "hursday, January 20, 1983 What's on Cable 'SingleSeen' offers ~ chance, not. ro~a~~~ , Thursday, Jan. 20 - Channel 8 . k one lime than ever before" he casual setting givmg their opm- Fisher said his wife. the show s yenMik A d rzt"Jczy " d'd t' ad " 11 • 6 p.m - The Shopper's Guide B ~Uld "We go to great lengths to Ions on how to han Ie, avol or execu Ive pr ucer, was .rea y • 8 P m - "Houses, Houses" - A review of houses for sale in You've seen that cryptic little make everyone look as good as react to the situations. the one who pulled ev~rythmg to- the Grosse Pomtes and Harper Woods. blurb after "SmgleSeen" In the possIble" So far, 100 people ranging in age ~ether. She gave ~ a l~t of insight Thursday. Jan. 20 - Channel 17 lo('al cable lIstmg and wondered The most common question from 18 to $5 have appeared on mto the woman s SIde of the • 5:45 p.m. - "What's New at the LIbrary" - Director WIlliam what it means An al/erna/it'e'o a~ked about the show is "is it a the show, Fisher said. The split show." da,irIB .ervice., bar. and weU in. datlOg servICe')" !<'Isher said. was about 50-50 male and female. SmgleSeen appears Monday and Peters and circulatIOn clerk Carol Evans discuss finance and business resources available at the library FoIlowing their dis- .entiolWd rela/we.... Some people don't come for dates, Four people have ~ade return Tu~sday on channel 17 on qrosse , cussion IS a story told by Blame Morrow, children's librarian To Steve and D D FI~her, the he saId Some recent partIcipants performances, he saId. pou!'te Cable .. For more mfor- • 6 P m - "Smoking, Why Quit?" and "Women and Smoking." show's creators it mean~ a poten 011 the !>how were lookmg for ex- The show's success comes from mahon about bemg on the show or Both short films deal WIth the health hazards of choosmg the tlal audIence of almo"t '320,000 III pO~llre m theIr profeSSIOns. three thin~s, Fisher said., meeting some~ne from the show, smokmg habIt The first fIlm deals With the knowledge of smokmg 40 cltle" over 14 cable sy,>tem~ . We m clke no attempt to be the show IS well-produced With call The. Cramum Co at 543.6677 r1<;k<;to health and aooearance and the second film focuses on. the The hu~band.and \\ ICe tedlll lO mdtehmakel s," Fisher said "Un- psychologist George llandley from or stop I~ at. the Grosse Pomte speCIfIc dangers of smoking to women, as 10 premature agmg, produce" the show through the like clny game show or datmg the Men's Resource Center of Cable office In the Seven-Mack wrlllkles, fetal problems m pregnancy, etc productIon agency, The Cramum game, there are no lo"ers Our ob- Metropolitan Detroit as a consul- Shoppmg Center for a brochure • 6 30 P m. - Hank Luks vs. Crime - Guest IS Larry Drummy, Co WIth one show undel thell Jectlve 1<,to gIve everyone a way tant. . from Corroom & Black of MichIgan and Ray LaLiberte, from belts, they ha"e three more enter of bewg <,een by a lot of pt'ople." Second, FIsher saId, the "how IS Cott~e plans State Farm Insurance, who WIll gIve tIps for consumers to save tamment program" now In de- The ~ll1gle<, appearmg on the locally produced, WIth an em- money on theIr Illsurance poliCIes. velopment' :,how "e POlllle pel '>on 1<, Ident died WIth a fust met everyone at work. ~ow do stroke patients Grobbel - Guest IS MIchael Talbot, DetrOIt Recorder's Court In five months the :,h(m ha<, dou name and code number The you poSSibly expand your Circle of Judge An mtlmate look at Judges' sentencmg philosophy and Cottage HospItal of Grosse bled the number of <,tatlOn,> and numbcI IS lI<,ed by tho"e watching personal frIends?" The show g~ves procedures (Part One) Cltle!> It appeal<' In and ha<, d IdlO want to meet the person on people that chance, FIsher saId. Pomte and the Stroke Self-Help • 8 P m - The Health FIeld - "ComplicatIOns of Diabetes chance of belllg [Hcked up bv Cclmel.\ They send letters and a ThIrd, there's a market More Club Will present a shde-tape pro- Preventable?" There are many comphcahons associated WIth other!> III the future . $5 fee to the company whIch for- than half the populatIOn over 18 gram and dIScussion on "The diabetes. The Health Field dIscusses ways of preventmg these Tilt: llctlf.llUlil ,Lv" ...:lv.\ > \,,~,(l, fh('m 10 tht> per<;on of their vears old IS smgle, divorced or Changmg Image of a Stroke Pat- ;ng comp!tcdllort::, i.Jcfult: llit:,Y ,-ui.le about les to mtrodllce them<;el\ e<, to a ('hOlle separated, l"Isher saId, and with ient," Thursday, Jan '%1, at 7 p m Thur!lda)', Jan. 20 - Channel 19 large audience, dCCOI dlllg to Actor<, also perform skIts on the that kmd of potential vlewmg au- It will be led by Lyle Ward, Fishel "how dealing wlth datmg or mter- dlence, the show has started to ACSW, director of Social Work at • 6 P m. - Storytelhng rrogram conducted by the Grosse Pomte LIbrary for ChIldren s Book Week StoryteIler IS author "We're a way that people can pel <,Olldl<,lluatlOns Guests on the take off. There IS the need to offer Cottage. be mtrodllced to more people dt ~how dl!>Cll,,~ the Issues m a an alternative to prmted smgles The fIlm, "A Full LIfe for Verna Aardema publicatIOns, where a person is Sara," provides a look at what life Friday, Jan. 21 - Channel 8 Judged on the quality of wntmg, IS like for those who cannot live • 6 P m. - The Shopper's GUide he saId, adding SmgleSeen offers completely 10 the mainstream of • 8 pm - "Houses, Houses" - See Thursddy, Jan 20, listmg. -GoIUs' ~e"thous- a lIttle inSIght into the character society Ward will use pomts from Friday. Jan. 21 - Channel 17 885-7290 of a person. the fIlm to encourage diSCUSSIOn • 7 pm - The Health Field - "DIabetes: New Approaches to --'~ about the difficulties of rebUIlding Treatment" The Health FIeld reports on the latest lOformation / GM 1 .:..!~. 8-6 TUESDAY Junior League lives after experiencmg a stroke. regardlllg the treatment of Diabetes. What IS new? What wIll be -' '. / thru SATURDAY The program will be held in In the future? 4 ~ ParkIng In Real boardrooms A and B on the lower Sunday. Jan. 23 - Channel 8 will offer life level of Cottage Refreshments • 10 a m - "Houses, Houses" - See Thursday, Jan 20, listing [19005 MACK 1 811<. S. of Morass 1 will be served and the public is Monday. Jan. 24 - f;hannel 5 planning class invited. For more Information and • 4 30 pm. - AmerIcan Catholic. to make reservations, call 884- The Junior League of Detroit • 5 P m - Faith 20 8600, ext. 2390. will sponsor a five-week course ti- • 8 P m. - Services taped at FIrst English Lutheran Church Lean tled "Creative Life Planning" be- Monday, Jan. 24 - Channel 8 51.29 gmning Wednesday evening, Jan Church unity week • 6 P m. - The Shopper's GUide Ground Chuck 26, from 7: 15 to 9.45 p.m. and • 8 P m - "Houses, Houses" - See Thursday, Jan. 20, listmg. TEN LB. BAG Thursday mormng, Feb. 3, from Clergymen from Grosse Pointe Monday, Jan. 24 - Channel 17 Ground Fresh 8:45 to 11: 15 a.m. churches will switch pulpits on • 7 P m _ "SmgleSeen" - An alternative to bars, dating ser- The course IS designed to help Saturday and Sunday, Jan 22 and vices, and well-intentIOned relatIves participants better define theIr in- 23 to mark the celebration of the • 7.30 p.m - "Young Vlewpointes" - A news show brought to terests and skIlls in order to de- Week of Christian Unity. you by the kids of Grosse Pointe Whole, Choice $3 99 sign personal plans of actIOn The The Rev. Kenneth R. Lentz, • 8 P m - The Health FIeld - "Arthritis Overview" - Frank lenderloin •••••••••••• LB. process provides steps that can Pastor. St Paul Evangelical and Pamela Field discuss different forms of arthritis in our lead to satisfying focused hfe Lutheran Church will offer the Increasingly agmg population Why are men susceptIble to certain Whole Choice $2 99 work in the volunteer world or in homily at the 5 p.m. mass at St (Continued on Page 14M a paId situation Paul on-the-Lake on Saturday, N.Y. Strips ...•••.•... • LB. The cost of the course is $5, Jan. 22 Speakers at Sunday mas- which includes the five weekly ses on Jan. 23 will be Reverend T classes Reservations can be Jeffery Dugan of Christ Church at Lower heating bills more Delmonico 53 99 made by sending a $5 check pay- 8:30 a.m.; Reverend William Steak ••••••••••.•..•.. • LB. able to the Junior League of De- Tudor of Christ Church at 10 a.m.; than you'd believe possible! trOIt, to 32 Lakeshore Road, Vicar Janet Marvar of St Paul Grosse Pomte, Mi. 48236 Please Lutheran at 11'30 a.m., and Rev- New Thenniser LB. mdicate preference for Wednes- erend Edward Cobden of ChrIst ::b~.~~~.~$2.99 day or Thursday classes. For Vent Control System Church at 1 p.m. J Sale Expires -29.83 meeting places and other informa- Sister Betty Flaherty of St. Paul A luel saver for your furnace, bOiler or 1'2 Months! ' . tIOn, call 881-0040 on-the-Lake will speak at St Paul water heater thaI slashes heating b\lls t.oweU!ric~s;n wllh complete safelyl Saves more •. ' Jallers' say' the fITst phone call Lutheran at 9: 15 a.m. and the Re- U.S.D.A. Chl'ice .. verend Dugan of Christ Church because II squeezes more heat from fuel ttlt1IificlS, ;~.t:r.;39Ll" most men make is to arrange ball will speak at 11 a.m. Works all of the time 100% guaranlee 01 U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Sides .... ' .25 La. while the first most women make Father Ronald Alder of St. Paul sallsfacllOn With savings dunng Ihe first Cf,tstom Cut. Freezer Wrt;lpped - Satisfaction Guaranreecl IS to arrange child care on-the-Lake will speak at Christ year ," 'our money back No eleclrlcal pal [~ ,'flimsy wings to break down or Church at the 8 a m. Sunday ser- malfuo(.llon 99 year quality guarantee vice Also speaking will be Mr. Call today for lull details Lentz of St. Paul Lutheran at 9 15 a m. and Monsignor Francis X Canfield, also of St. Paul on-the- Lake at 11:15 a.m. 1-800-621-1569 A service at 7.30 p.m. Sunday night called the Festival of CALL ANY OF THESE Scriptures and Hymns will be held ln~~~~~ at the War Memorial to em the vent Control System DEALERS TODAY church unity week. RAPID SERVICE REFRIG. ALADDIN HEATING JOE KOVACH REFRIG. Warren Gr. Pte. Wooda Gr. Pte. Plrk 882-5611 884-4154 751-5100 • Mastectomy ~ JEFCO INC. FLAME FURNACE CO...... &SWYCO. 4 Cyl Fuel Inj. Eng., P.St., P.B., Supplies Roseville Wlrren Detroit Oelrolt Auto. Trans., Air Cond., Cruise • Ostomy 296-2222 574-1070 527.1700 885-2400 Control, Defroster, T-Glass, AM- FM Stereo, Sport Mirrors, Supplies IELIABlE Etmly SYSTIMS WILLIAMS IIEFRIG. & HTG. D. J. MCCONNEll CO. • Back Braces C Oelrolt Ro.. yUl• EIII O.lroll Ellt Oelroll W Walls, Custom 778-6773 Wheel Covers. • SALES • SEflVICE 772-5310 372..s!500 773-8010 • RENTALS • Hospital EqUipment for the home • Free Delivery, Set Up, Instruction • HelplnQ People With Home Health Care Needs Is Our Specialty Phil's Quality Market

...u~CHASE PRICE Woods Home Care ..~."n ~ For Yout Con\l~nlence .48 Mas Closed End Lease 15000 19775 MACK AVENUE FOR ONE FULL WEEK Miles per year See Oep of $250 • ~~ Th"rsday 20th 'hr" Plus First Mos payrT'ent and LIC Gros.e Pointe Wood. C!: 10 "4 Wednesday 26,h Plates On Sub) to 4% Use Tax sg399~ • 1!!6..:~~~~ --- NEW 1983 GRAND PRIX LEASE SPECIAL NO DOWN PAYMENT S189 41. PSt P B . Auto V-5. BIS Mldgs • W Walls. Air Cond Cruise PER MO. For Your Convenience Cont , Defroster. T-G lass 12 One.pound, indiVidually wrapped Sport Mirrors, Stereo, Tilt and qUICk-frozen '0 maln'OIf' It~ 12 paund~ fre~h ground II) a Wheel, Rally Wheels ot natural quahfy plo~tlc bog "Bulk Pok" 30% t $1.39 LB.($J668) '1.39 LB.($J668) ON ALL as No L,m,' - No Coupon Needed U S 0 A CHOIC. It I B f $1.97 La WALLCOVERIN r /.lAN .fAfT •• ng •• 6-16 L8 PKG US 0 A CHOICE Cult. It.aks 3-L8 AVG. INOIV PKGO $2.26 La PURCHASE PRICE • Brand patterns to US 0 A CHOICE aONELESS II.Y•Ilrloln It.ak 12.47 La .48 Mos Closed End Lpase 15 000 over 5,000 Name US 0 A CHOICE D.lmonlco $3.96 La Miles per year Sec Oep of $250 chOOse'rom: AcHER GREEFF. Plus First Mos paympnl and llc sg599~ "Phil's Prrde" tiTTlE UNK Br.akfast laul .... $'.S9 La Plates On Sub] to 4% Use Tax VAN LUll. SCHU~\l AS, F'ASti\ON, PhIl's HOMEMADE Italian la ulag. MAR\ME~~O, S ny more on sale /J1IIrIt1l .... , W,.,. I ChHM II.S9 La lEX and ma JIM CAUSLEY PONTIAC- WALL. • 30% SavingS. PhIl's HOMEMADE Bacon 3.L8 • UG or THICK $1.49 La now at up \0 A.P.R. ~~ "f -!.5t>f Serving the Grosse Pointes HY9rade Ball Park Frankl 6.1 La PACK $1.39 La 11.g% r decorating ex. GMAC FINANCING ~jnrM(1fr!!Y for over 25 years. Grade "A" Chlck.n 3.. La ON ABOVE UNlrs With help trom :~hat you're 100'<.In9 2S• , you'1\ IIn can alford quiCkly Frying Chlck.n Lh,.rs 1 L8 CUP . ~_ r perts 'or and whit yoU ft'-\\' S Easy Living and easilY. NEW I PONTIAC • 1"1\ Gourmet Entre Oven Ready in Fo,1 Pan ~'. ~Y: HOME i Ovr'OoMy - All 'to<" 41 P' ... b(..Itr.:t 'O~ " .. .., OF GMC INC. Homemode Gravy 1601 894 Ou":':~=~t~t::'~:~.E.~rt Ioof, ChtC~.n, T","oy (",,"'9 ....0"'""'" c)y,d "M' " vf BOil S€cours Nursmg Care Ii Center in St ClaIr Shores and any 1 i future affihates, the hospital said. , ' To assure consistent represent- City of Michigol\ ation of the community's health ( ttl1ht1r par{{ care needs, many trustees serve NOTICE Photo by Tom Greenwood on more than one board. The 1982 Local Umt FIscal Report has been hied With the Michigan Trustees of the parent corpor- Department of Treasury mcludmg the use of General Revenue Sharmg Sugar 'n ation, the Sisters of Bon Secours Funds by the City of Grosse Pomte Park for the year ended June 30, 1982 Paul and Janet D'Angelo, of McMillan Road, received a beautiful, but not unexpected, Christmas present of MIchigan, are Ralph J. Kliber, A copy of thlS report IS on file m the office of the City Clerk and IS recently with the birth of their second child. What better way to let friends and neighbors know than by chaIrman; Sister Patricia Eck, available for mspectlOn dunng regular office hour~ nailing liP the statistics along with a big. pink bow? Corie Ann D'Angelo (one month old next Thursday), has C.B.S., president; John L. Kmg, a pretty good set of lungs for one so young, according to her mother. Corie is the D'Angelo's second child. Vice-chairman; Mrs. Hans N. J. ORTISI City Clerk Big brother Christopher is 2. Gehrke, secretary; John G. Mar- Get help with heating bills G P.N - 1.r0-83 The Wayne-Metropolitan Com- • If heat IS included In rent, munity SerVIces Agency IS offer- show that rent exceeds 60 percent What's on Cable of annual household Income CITY OF MICHIGAN ing help with high fuel bIlls (Continued from Page 13A) (SrnSllP 'nitttr 1Jiartn.a through the Targeted Fuel Assist- • ProvIde verifIcation of Social ance Program, a federally-funded securIty numbers for all house- forms of arthrItis and women to others'! Is temporary arthritis a CODE NUMBER 10-06 program which provides up to hold members 18 years or' older medICal fact? The Wayne-Metropohtan Com- AMENDMENT TO THE MECHANICAL AND $200 to households with hIgh heat- Tuesday, Jan. 25 - Channel 8 munity Services Agency IS a pri- ing bIlls III relation to income. I • 6 P m - The Shopper's GUIde. ELECTRICAL Under the program, which vate non-profit organization • 8 p.m. - "Houses, Houses" - See Thursday, Jan. 20, listing. which serves low income familJes AMUSEMENT DEVICES ORDINANCES began last December, low-Illcome Tuesday, Jan. 25 - Channel 17 excluding Detroit. persons can apply for one-time • 6 p.m .. - "Journey IOtO Darkness" - This interesting and ORDINANCE NO. 261 assistance with heating bills To For more information on up-to-date film explams the types of quackery used today involv- AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 2 OF THE COMMERCIAL qualify, a person must: Targeted Fuel Assistance, call 109 "supposed" cancer cures, arthritis remedies and other medi- AMUSEMENT DEVICES ORDINANCE CODE NO 10-06 ENACTED ON • Show household Illcome meets 843.2550 from 8.30 a m. to 5:30 cal treatments. This film encourages full communication and AUGUST 2, 1982 ' low-income program gUIdelines. p.m Detroit residents can call the cooperation WIth the phYSIcian and prescribed medical regimes • Show heating costs exceed 12 Neighborhood ServIces Depart- and dIscourages and warns IOdlvlduals in seeking non-approved THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS ORDAINS ment at 267-6653 8 30 a m. to 4 percent of annual household 10- medical treatments, medIClOes and other quackery. come using heating bills or other p m Outside of Wayne County call Section 1 Section 2 of the Mechamcal and Electncal Amusement De- • 6'30 P m. - Hank Luks VS. Crime - Guests are Jim Bender vices Ordinance, Cod,e.No 1006. enacted as Ordmance No 253 on August verifIcation the Home Heating Assistance Hot- and Bill Steffen, two conVicted burglars who give tips on how to 2, 1982 IS hereby amended to read m ItS entIrety as follows line at 1-800-292-5650. help prevent burglanes *******************+******* • 7 p.m. - People With Erv - Guest is Sandy Townsend of SectIon 2 License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to WEGIVEIDlJ "Classy Glass," who dIscusses and exhibits her art of stained oper~te or mamtam any place or establishment on which any com. : HAVING A PARTY? ~ glass windows merclal amusement deVices are located or mstalled without first ob- : SHOP... ~ MOREmAN • 7:30 p.m - A VIew from a Park Bench with Judge Beverly C. taining a hcense for each commercial amusement deVIce prOVided : Party Supply Center : A MERE Grobbel - Guest is MIchael Talbot, Detroit's Recorder's Court however, .that no license fee IS required for any commercial amuse: REPlKEMENT Judge. An intimate look at Judges' sentencing philosophy and ment deVice w~!ch at the time of passage of Ordmance No 253 was .., Everything from lit- procedures. (Part Two! operated or mamtamed wlthm the CIty of Grosse Pomte Farms Any : NAPKINS TO NOISEMAKERS! : WIND

,..FREE REFRESHMENTS : The CounCil adopted a resolullon apprO\llng a reque<;t for repalro; to Kerby , . : - Best of the New Sounds -: Road Interceptor Sewer bet ....een Kerche\ al and Gro<;<;ePOInte Bouleva d by Pressure Groutmg Service. m the total amount of $4 500 00 r. ~ - Music by Request - : emergency baSIS on an : (Regular Admission $4.00 at door) : Subscribe to the tne The CounCil adopted a resolullon authorlzmg the purcha<;e of one Bur. **************************~ ~~£S()()MT 355 System Transaction Recorder m the total amount of GROSSE POINTE NEWS The CounCIl set a Public Hearmg date before the ZOOlng Board of A eals i------, for Monday, February 14 1983, at 8 00 P m for the purpo<;e of heafl~~ the I (j,.ojje pointe Valet I appeal of Mr Edward Russell. o\\-ner of the propo<;ed Shelder, SubdiVISIOn and get all the local lowdown, I (Ipone,s and Shorl lound,y I hot off the presses! I VALET COUPON SPECIAL I The CounclI approved the proposal from Alrhne JaOltoflal Service for a two year contract extensIOn for JaOltoflal work m Clly Hall I EXPIRES JAN. 31st, '83 I The follOWIng Reports were received b~ the CIty CounCIl and ordered I ODDS and ENDS I placed on file 2-Years $24 Out-of-state, S 1S/year a) BUlldmg Department Quarterly Report 1982 o------I-Year $13 o Ties regular $1.50 I I b) Property Mamtenance Code Quarterlv Report 1982 Name _ I Sport Vests regular $1.25 I c) Property Maintenance Code Yearlv Report 1982 d) Fire Department Report for th~ month of December 1982 I Scarves regular $1.25 I Address ------Upon proper mollon madt', supported and carried the Meetmg adjourned I NOW 75C I at 1030 pm. I TWO LOCA nONS I LLOYD A SEMPLE, RICHARD G SOLAK Grotl. Pointe Newl 17854 MACKAVE 885.5930 21155 MACKAVE 881.9770 I MAYOR PRO- TEM CITY CLERK Mail to: I rlours M.F7 30.700 Hours "'.F 7 30 6 00 I " K.rt;MVII I Sat 8 00 5 00 ~at 8 00 5 00 GrotH Point. Firms, MI 48236 ._----~.------~ GPN - 1.2().83 44444." •

NEWS Page Fifteen-A ursday. January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE In the local law books of Foun- The late John Wayne acknow- Woods tain Inn, S.C., IS a regulation that ledged he liked one sort of teleVI- ,'[)rth stages Optimists cite local students seniors requires horses to wear pants at sion program more than any other all times. the game show • The Lakeshore Optimist Club of Star of the Sea. North High stu- pick ,mter concert Grosse Pointe honored 25 area dents honored were Barbara Adams, Sharon Attar, Shernaz leaders fnder the baton of Nathan C. teenagers at its annual Youth AppreciatIOn breakfast held re- Ghandi, Ronald Pascoe and Virgima E. Het- Ison, the North High Bands and cently at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Joseph Serwach. manskl was selected ~ :hestra will present their an. The Optimist Club IS composed president of the Club "To Meet Your Health Needs". II winter conce~t on Thursday, Students were honored for their of a group of commumty and bus- Grosse Pointe Woods 1. 27, at 8 pm m the Perform- work for their schools and the ines!) leaders who are IIlvolved in Seniors group at its areas of cItizenship. commumty ... We Cover The Pointes. " J Arts Center The Concert commumty first meeting of the and Will be performing the Dave Chesney, Optimist presI- Improvement, culture and educa- new year. She Will be HARKNESS PARK 0 -'verture in B flat" by Giavan- dent, Reverend Jack E Skiles, tIOn, government affairs, health assisted by Laura PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY Ii, "Die Meistersinger" by State Rep William R Bryant, Jr , and welfare, lllternatlOnal re- Scoffleld as vice-pre- 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E Jefferson Igner and "La Bamba de Vera Joseph L Gualtlen, youth activIty lationships, safety, spll'1tual and sident, Suzanne 884.3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 -uz" by Teng- TUCCI chairman, Chuck McLmn, pubhc- religiOUS hfe, and !)port~ and re- O'Connell, recordlllg 881-0477 Next, the Orchestra will present Ity, and other members partiCI- creation secretary, Leona roccata" by Frescobaldl, "01'- pated m the ceremomes Optimist InternatIOnal is a Riehl, corresponding eus In the Underworld" by Of- Honorees mcluded South High federatIOn of more thdn 3,500 secretary, and Freda .Ibach, and "Ballet Egyptlen" students Jennifer Agnew, Sherry cl ubs With over 137,000 members. Blliner, treasurer r LUlgml Rauh, Cheryl Pomeroy, Heidi Optimists throughout North The group IS open to The Symphony Band Will con- Staub and Michael Goetl Umver- Amenca annudlly budget over $16 all Woods semor CIti- ude with "First SUite m E flat slty Liggett students honored were million for 36,000 youth and zens who are 55 years 11' MIlitary Band" by Holst, Karen Brown, Jordan Melick, GJa commumty service projects They and older Meetings Jesu. Joy of Man's DeSiring" by Cherpes, Stacey Rltchw and serve three mIllion young people are held at North High ach, hlghhghts from the musICal TanJa Mane Cosby each year School on the first and Promises, Promises" and "Third Bishop Gallagher students Cited The Lakeshore Optmllsts meet third Thursdays of ulte" by Jager were Julie DICresce, Caroline El- each Wednesday mormng at 7 30 each month at 3.30 Ticket prices are $1.50 for holt, , MIChele Hu- a m at the War Memollal Guests p.m Today, Jan. 20, dults, $1 for students and are Ian and Michael Maher Jill are welcome the group Will hear a \'.1ilable at the box office before McHugh, Pat l{Oh!)mdllll, Belh If J au ore lntcl'e.stec1 1!1 JOI'llng speaker from Blue le concert Banaszewskl, Mary Wlltmg and the group, call preSident Chesney Cross diSCUSS health Tracy FlIney were honored from at 8847300 care costs Refresh- -outh's annual ments, cards and bingo follow the for- :oncert Jan. 26 mal meeting The group is also Grosse Pomte South High maklllg plans for a chool's Instrumental Music De- Feb. 15 tnp to Mexico, artment will present Its annual and a Feb 21 excur- linter concert on Wednesday, sion to Daytona an 26 at 8 p.m In the Parcells Beach, Fla. A trip to wdltorlum. Spain In May is also In The Symphony Orchestra Will the planning stage. legin the program with Beet- For more inform- loven's "Symphony No 1," fol- ation about the trips, owed by Corelli's "Concerto call Irene Sutton at IIII," and Fmlandla" by Sibelius. 884-2942. For inform- After mtermlSslOn, the Sym- ation about the group, >honIC Band Will perform the call 885-4511. 'British Eighth" march by El- Left-handers tend to joU, Overture to "La Forza Del use their right hands ')estino," by Verdi, "Variations more frequently than )n A Korean Folk Song," by right-handers use ::;hance, Overture to "Candide" by their left hands Bernstein, and "IntroductIOn And ,amba" by Whitney, featuring senior alto saxophonist Marty NATIONWIDE Heger Ralph Miller. South's instrum- President of the Optimist Club Chesney (left) gave honors to Bishop AUTO ental musIc director, wIll conduct Gallagher students (front row, left to right) Michele Hulan, Caroline TRANSPORTERS 'Ne. the concert, assisted by Robert Elliott and .Julie DiCresce and (hack row, left to right) Brother Glenn 35 W. Huron Maniscalco, student teacher from Neiner, FSC, and students John Fitzgerald and Michael :\laher Suite 900 Wayne State Umversity. The con- Pontiac, MI 48058 cert is free and open to the public (313) 334-7470 NHS orientation LET US SHIP YOUR CAR TO ANY set next week POINT IN THE U.S. PRECIOUS 14K GOLD BABY RINGS A lasting treasure for your little one to wear now Parents of students from local parochial, private and middle or for mother to wear on a chain until the child IS schools who expect to enroll at grown From our collection, shown top to bottom North High School for next FURNACES Signet ring, $55 Heart-shaped signet nng. $45 September are mVlted to attend a Sapphire ring, $60 Diamond nng, $90 special evening program & BOILER$ scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 26 Repr., ... InqUire about our custom deSign service a~ 7:.30 p.m., in the school au. In our Fine Jewelry Salon dltorlUm. Although the program is specifically designed for parents of freshmen, new upperclassmen I t ~Jacobson's and their parents are welcome to Optimist Youth Activity Chairman Joseph Gualtieri (left) awarded honors to North High School students (from left to right) Barbara REGULAR SHOPPING HOURS; attend 1/600 UVE~NOIS B6J 7BOO Dunng the evemng, department Adams, Sharon Attar, Joseph Serwach and Ronald Pascoe. 15304 KERCHEVAL 812 9010 Dally Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9.30 a m to 530 pm heads Will explain the courses 1726 MAPLE RD 6434880 Dally and EYenID~ Thursday and Friday 930 a m to 900 pm av:ulable and rooms Will be open for visitation The school's pro- gram of studies has been mailed home to students currently enrol- 16711 MACK AVE. led at Parcells and Brownell at Yo,kshire schools. It is available to those 885.1140 attending other schools and expectmg to transfer to North if parents call 343-2203. Incoming nmth graders from non-public schools are mVlted to an enrollment session on Tuesday, Feb 22 Details are bemg maIled to the sendmg schools. U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR PRIME ULS 'Barefoot" &.:.' University Liggett students honored by the club were (left to right) Rolled Rib or cast is named Jordan Melick, Karen BrO\~n, Tanja Marie Cosby and Stacey Ritchie, Standing Rib Roast $2.99 LB while Optimist President Dave Chesncj looks on. Student Gia Cherpes The Umverslty Liggett School is pictured in the backJ{round. LB Players recently announced the Sirloin Tip Roast ... $2.99 fmal cast for the ULS winter pro. Rolled Rump Roast $2.69 LB :luctlOn of Nell Simon's "Barefoot ( LB III the Park" The play IS a ro- Boneless Center Cut mantic comedy set m New York and sees a young newlywed couple Chuck Roast $1.99 LB through vanous hvmg and loving Leg '0' Lamb $2.29 LB • DEP com ph catIOns Fresh The couple IS played by Calli ( ~aldwm as Cone Bratter and JIm t Ground Chuck ..... $1.63 L8 oDd as Paul BraUer Corle's .other, Mrs. Banks, IS Dianne -uw r ~ r i'~ ..cBl'len The telephone repair ~ HsnVALOf V.A;;:-< an IS Phil McCormick, and VIC- \~ --"-~!s l' Velasco is Tom Persing. The j , L.. ~'~ • '- 65* DOZEN ~rtormances are scheduled lor .1 hursday, Fnday and Saturday. j.~It arch 3, 4 and 5. For more mformatlOn, call 884- Joseph Gualtieri. jouth activities chairman, congratulated Star of the 20/0 MILK '1.69 Gal. '1.69 12 PAC 144 Sea student" (from left to right) Pat Rossman, .Jill McHugh, Tracy Fliney, Beth Banaszewski and Man Wilting whilr Optimi<;t Pr('<;Idl'nt HOMOGENIZED .89* Yz Gal. eniors may apply Chesney look., on. COTTAGE CHEESE .• 8~ lB. CTN. '1.89 Lg Pkg Ir scholarships Burghardt' 5 RyeBread G~~~~;:~IT 4 for 99* Applications are available for mol'S at Grosse Pomte South gh School mterested in applying STAHL'S BAKERY_. _ CROSSE_ _a POINTE__ 00.-...... CUSTOM- ~~E:~: Ir college scholarships Accordmg to the school, ~holarshlp requirements are fJ- I anclal need, a mlfilmum C grade Illt average, partiCipatIOn in NATIONAL BRAND NAME SOfT DRINKS AT DISCOUNT PRICES tra curncular actIVities and ac- ptance by a MIchigan state-sup- orted collegE' DR. PEPPER or ~ Private schools, such as a Sugar free DR. PEPPER cretanal school whose costs do t exceed that of a pubhc mstltu- )n, also are acceptable, the SI.49 Plus Deposit hool saId BerniI' I.Rmieux hands award., to South student" (left to righl) Other detaIls along With the ap- Micharl Goetz, Sherry Rauh, Cheryl Pomeroy. Jennifer Agnew and 8 PAC 1 LITERBOTTLES IcatlOns are available at South's Heidi Staub. >unsellng Center Deadline date CARRY OUT SERVICE & CONVENIENT fREE PARKING IN OUR LOT! r completed appltcations IS arch 4.

I', , Thursday, January 20, 1983 ( ( GROSSE POINTE NEWS \ Page Sixteen-A I

______c. -______- ~ I \ ( Views of the News ) .,.-. "'" Ducking a major issue? It was clear from the tone of the report that sav- At long last, the citizens' advisory committee ings in the school budget were not given a very high studying the future orgamzatlOn of the Grosse POinte priority We would agree that quahty educatIOn public school system has Issued Its report, although should be given the highest prlonty but It was un- the recommendations are hardly as speCific as the Wise, In our opmlOn at least, to demgrate whatever public might have hoped In view of the amount of savings mIght be made from school reorgamzation time and effort expended on the study or the c10smg of certain school bUIldings. True, the committee did recommend that elemen- The Grosse Pomtes are m many ways aging tary enroll ment districts be redistricted and! or con- commumtles which account In part for the dechne m solldated and It proposed a school organizatIOn school emollment De,l,lrable as It may be for par- covering kIndergarten through the fifth grade in the ents to have smallel school enrollments and schools elementary schools, sIxth through eighth In the mid- closer to their homes, the strong pOSSibility eXists dle schools and mnth through twelfth grades In the that unless the (.o~t aspect IS given greater attentIOn hIgh schools This proposal would shift the sixth those Grosse POinte reSidents who no longer have grade from the elementary to the middle schools children m the public ,l,chools WIll band together to vote In a new school board or even to oppose the BlJT ITS recommendatIOns for any pOSSible school renewal of the operating and library millage that c1o~mgs - whIch really was the major reason the Will be up for a vote In March commIttee was first appomted - were vague despite ThiS newspaper doe!> not advocate either course of the decline that already has cut enrollment by more actIOn It believe;, the current board Will listen to all than 40 [Wrcf'nt from a peak of 13,337 In 1970 to 7,806 d~lUcllt~ In the commumt) and takt> rctlOn for thf' last fall benefIt of all It al..,o believes that the renewal of the The best the committee could come up With was a millage IS currently needed, and that the slight re- statement that "serious consideratIOns should be duction In rates propo~ed IS appropriate m light ot given to clOSing one middle school In 1986-87 but such the unsettled but stili Inflat IOnary economIc condi- a deCISIOn should be made only It supported by en- tIOns rollment trends and projections at that time" The But the Pomtes' deSire for quality education and current projectIOn for enrollment In that year of ItS enhancement In the future must be weighed 1986 87 - which, incidentally, IS sl111more than three agamst the cost of mamtauung bUIldings that might years distant - IS 6,287, or a further decline of 1,519 well be closed and the economIes that might make Bronze Door manager replies from last fall's level possible further reductIOns In costs and llence in cents from the price of prem- Apparently the cautIOn about future enrollment taxes Those who mSlst on maintammg the status I think the letter to the edit- The advertisement referred to trends reflects the committee's contentIOn that the or in last week's issue about by the letter-writer simply ium brands quo with respect to school buildings regardless of the I've been known in thIS area current decline In enrollment Will cease in 1986-87 the Bronze Door Happy Hour says "Happy Hour Monday - cost should realize that such an attItude might do for 40 years and have been as- Its report pointed out that earlier projections for last more In the long run to Jeopardize quahty educatIOn was unfair and inaccurate Thursday 3-6 p.m." It does nOl fall's enrollment were actually exceeded, a fact that sociated WIth the restaur ant at In the Pomtes than any smgle action to close a specify any discount on drinks. 123 Kercheval Since It was Al gave the committee a "reduced sense of reliablhty" school bUlldmg or two None of the better re- about future projections THESE COMMENTS are not meant as CritICism of Headline staurants in the Detroit area Green's on the Hill. I am not The committee also was influenced by a "slgmfI- the people who worked long and hard on the report serve peanuts and pretzels in the habit of talking to peo- cant indICation" at public forums that "smaller is ple in the m anneI' described by better" and "closer to home IS better" with respect They are, however, Intended to serve as a reminder misleading during Happy Hour in their that there are opInIOns that must be conSidered In dining rooms, although they the letter-wnter, Many Grosse to neIghborhood schools Overall, the committee We of the Citizens Advisory any school system In addItIOn to the opmions of those often do so in their bars to Pointers know that. emphasized that Its highest prIOrity was promoting Steering Committee to Study and enhancmg quality educatIOn and educatIOnal op- who are employed In the school system or are par- help create a friendly, warm The Bronze Door tries to ents of chlldren In the schools the Future Organization of the portumtles m the Grosse POInte system. atmosphere for patrons, The please all its customers and Grosse Pointe Public Schools Bronze Door follows thiS pol- we regret thiS incident were disappointed in your mis- icy, In the lounge, we do give Bill Jatronson leading headline of the Jan. 13, two drinks for the price of one General Manager issue when you reported the on bar brands and deduct 50 Bronze Door Reagan at mid-term recommendations we sub- mitted to the Board of Edu. when the admmlstratlOn continues to cut back ser- Under Ronald Reagan's picture m the Dixonian, cation, vices to the needy and underpriVileged, As a result, Although the story you pub- the 1928 high school yearbook m Dixon, III , ap- many people feel the administratIOn IS msensltive to peared the words, "Life is just one grand, sweet lished was basically correct, the less pnvJleged song, so start the music" That line described a high the headline distorted our re- school senior's view of hfe and for the amiable man In hiS campaign, the preSident also promised to port. who IS our 40th preSIdent It still reflects the optI- strengthen U S defenses He has done so but defense Please include a correction spendmg IS takmg an mcreasingly large percentage mism that characterizes his outlook as he arrives at of your dis tortion, hopefully of the budget at a time when spending for domestic B~ Pat ROll!>'icau the mid-term mark of hiS first, but perhaps not hiS also on the front page. last, four years in the White House programs has been cut The heavy prICe the nal10n is paymg for an improved defense establishment We have, however, ap- Norell SpeCIal "at TraJl Apothecary [ It was Reagan's optimism and the hope he expres- has conVinced many people that It, too, Will have to preciated the excellent report- 121 Kercheval. You get 8 0:>:5 of Norell Per: ~.~ fumed Body Lustre WIth pump for $13 , sed for a better life for the AmerICan people that be reduced In size as well as In cost. ing of Joanne Gouleche helped elect him preSident In 1980 Americans wel- throughout the period of our Spray, .95 ozs for $12 Norell II Per- ~ :-- if " comed hiS offer of hope and hiS promise of change With unemployment deepemng and the economy fumed Body Lustre, 11.8 ozs is $13. Norell II ~ still lagging, a Gallup Poll In mId-December showed study, and wish to thank the after the disappointments and failures of Jimmy Cologne Spray is specially prtced $12 for 1 25 <11' ~; that Sen John Glenn of OhIO and former VIce PresI- Grosse Pointe News in this re- Carter's presidency The public felt In 1980 it was dent Walter F Mondale of MInnesota would run well gard. Edward Deeb OZS I) 1 time for a change and they made It. Now after two , years It IS appropriate to make a mid-term assess- ahead of the preSident if the election were held at Chairperson • ment to try to dIscover whether the people got what that lime The two Democrats were ahead in all Sunny And Warm South PrevIew the sections of the country except the Middle West In _. new crUisewear at Pappagallo 115 Ker- they voted for which Reagan ran no better than even With hiS two Confessions of cheval The colorful poly-cotton blend shorts and the pretty prInted cotton dresses are just FROM REAGAN'S preSidency, we did get change. potential foes ~ Whether It was the kind and extent of change the part of the new arnvals Most first-term preSIdents do not disclose their a video junkie people wanted IS still open to questIOn But, as intentions as to whether they Will run again until In response to your editorial Reagan promised, we've had less government and • they have to Reagan IS followmg that practICe, too, ort the federal establishment IS slashing ItS services as in the Jan. 6 edition on video The Semi-Annual Sale at Plcard-Nor- pIcard 7l cn because no preSident wants to admIt he's a potential well as ItS aid to the states, cities and private indI- games: Yes, I believe the ton IS now m progress Catch the FURTHER ~ ~ lame duck until he becomes one. The speculatIOn viduals Park has the right to place a MARKDOWNS m the fmal few days at 92 ~ now IS that Reagan 'WIll run, If Nancy approves, If limit on the number of video Kercheval \" hiS health remains good and If the economy starts to These cutbacks are consistent with the Reagan be- games in each business. recover at least by early next year lief that WashIngton should exercise less control I don't care if Time Maga- ell}/r/ L}/ }/N!)'/ IS•now offering custom frammg I I over citizens as well as busmess. The Reagan ad- ,I Already, however, Reagan IS beginning to act hke zine picked the computer as at very reasonable pnces See for yourself at One Ker- mmlstratlon believes American competitive enter- a candidate He has just appointed two women to the "Man of the Year," The com- pnse Will be more productive and expand faster cheval 885-4001 Cabinet, moves that presumably would strengthen puter inside can't judge the I without minute government direction To carry out I hiS candidacy With women who have been noticeably type of people that play them. • I this belIef, the administration is deregulatmg cool to hiS presIdency fie has persuaded hiS secre- American bUSiness and Industry, removing many of I was addicted to video games tary of defense to announce a $8 billion cut in hIS this past summer, I spent $40 the controls and restnctlons imposed by Washington defense budget He has announced new federal pro- or $50 a week, minimum. The has Hedstrom and appointing to the federal regulatory commis- grams to benefit hard-pressed farmers. In these and _)J_eJOO__ m__ ~_0_1?_na_~_ sIOns men and women who tend to be fnendly to the other ways, he IS offenng eVidence that he IS Inching one thing that helped me cut wood highchairs flmshed m an Ivory color The decoratIve Industnes they presumably regulate toward a deCISIOn to run again. down was that store owners and practIcal hlghcnmr pads come m great pnnts were limiting the number of hearts, Teddy Beare; and turtles to mentIOn a few In hiS campaign for the preSIdency, Reagan pro- video games, making my op- From Grand mothers and shower guests mIsed to balance the budget. It IS clear he has not THE PRESIDENT IS stili the amiable, usually portunity less great. done so and Will not be able to do so In the two years ebullient man he was \"hen he took ofhce two years Now I spend $1 to $2 a • remammg Jfi hiS term In fact, the deficit for the ago today but hIS personal popularity has suffered Bnghtenmg . the fashIOn scene at Mana Dmon IS month, I think the Park IS tak- next fiscal year Will be $200 billion or even more, The questIOn now IS whether he can repair the dam- the new DlOr collectIOn of style-WIse separates There IS a Ing the right step in putting perhaps double the prevIous record. Adoptmg age hIS admmlstratlOn has done to hiS personal white Imen modified battle Jacket that goes WIth stnped supply-Side economic theories, the preSIdent had as- standmg and, even more Important, whether the the ordinance on the games, tops and Silk shirts buttoned down the front of WIth a sumed a huge cut In taxes would stimulate the economy WIll begin to revive by the tIme he has to Don Nicol Wide waist band accented by a purple belt Black or pur- economy to such an extent that tax revenues would deCIde whether to run agam Grosse Pointe Shores ple pants of pure cotton go WIth <;trlped cotton tops Tur- be suffiCient tf) fmance Increased arms spendmg qUOIse and red tumc tops coordmate ,'.Ill: turquOIse or red The tax cuts didn't create the economic miracle he Former actor Reagan obVIOusly IS playing hiS last sklfts The colors are bnght In a e;ophlstlcated combina- promised and, mstead, the natIOn moved mto a se- major role as preSident but whatever he fmally de- Lower speeds on tIOn , 11 Kercheval vere receSSIOn, with massive unemployment and re- Cides to do he already has learned that In the White cord deflcltc;, despite cuts m dompstlc spendmg House life IS not Jue;t one grand, sweet song And If Vernier needed • , [ Check THE ODDS AND ENDS SALE True, a'i proml'>ed, the admlnlstratlOn has reduced he deCIdes to seek a second term. the questIOn will For many years 1 have used be whether he can convmce the Amencan people at Seasons of Paper, 115 Kerche They ! mflatlOn and mterest rates, both of which are severe Vernier Road in the Woods as , l that they are better off now than when he took offIce are gathered together m an area excel- handIcap'> to the economy and to the average Citizen both a pedestrian and a driver But unemployment, the hIghest smce the great and whether they believe hiS contmulng optlml~m lent bargams pnced from $1\ offers them enough hope for the future In these years, I have seen deerec;slOn, now IS causing seriOUS distress at a time many aCCIdents because of • reckless, Itchy-footed Impa- Valentines vour carde; are out Sure tient drivers to make CupId's mark' See them at The • ~~ League Shop, 72 Kerche\al The shop \\111 Bemg a Grosse POinte North ';): be closed January 27 for Inventory How Illuch ]S too lUuch? student myself, I understand Sf the crossing conditIOns on A tnal balloon proposing an Income tax hike of cntlclzed bv Republican" as well ae; by the new • House speaker, Gary 0\\ en, another Democrat Vermer Road, If It weren't for Sa ..e SO'/I off all the hIgh quallt\ • more than 43 percent was launched In LanSing last the crosswalks, It would be , ,. week ae; Gov James Blanchard's Fmancial CriSIS beautifully tailored women'e; ~eparales from Yet W MIchael Blumenthetl, Burrough<; Corp like trying to cross a highway, Councd and key legIslators began wrestling With the Spring and Fall '82 Collection<; at Carl board chaIrman and a key member of the governor's Many times, as I have walked Sterr, 80 Kerchf.'val 'Ways of balancmg MichIgan's budget In the face of a cnsls council, ale;o ha<; come out strongly for a sub- $750 mlilton defICit The cnslc; IS obVIOusly worse to school, I saw children, filled stantIal tax hIke and the governor'<; aIdes conSider With the eagerness of youth, • than everyonp thought such an actIOn almoe;t mevltahle because It IS the Give A Gift Of Beauty for a \\e1come Valentme cross the streets In danger The propo!>al for a two percentage pomt tax hike most ctndmgare bemg advocated by at The Greenhoue;e, 117 Kercheval 881 68.13 She 11 Sometimes the students were DaVId Adamany, preSident of Wayne State Umver the MichIgan Chamber of Commerce, which also love It I sity and a former revenue dIrector for the state of back'> a temporary mcrea<;e m the sales tax WhICh, lucky thanks to careful drivers Wl<,con~m Adamany 'iald the mcreased tax would however, woule<;of the Legle;laturc to understand the driver's WHITE SALE Great to'WeI bargain" 1\]e;0 ernor to defer scheduled c;tate paymentc; to higher point of view H's very hard to for the hnde to be Don't forget to regle;tcr educatIOn ac; well as local school districts and to SO FAR IT appear" the quee;tlOn IS not whether 'put up With lead-foots while at for your up and commg weddmg at 98 Ker free7e e;tatc employment at the current 59,500 level there will be a tax hike hut e;lmply how much It Will the same time watching for cheval be So Michigan CitIzens mIght a<; well get accus- pedestrians and crazy cychsts ADA'\1ANY'S proposal wa<; qUickly seconded by tomed to the Idea that the state's budget CriSIS IS Senate MajOrity Leader William Faust although the Summmg up both points of • gomg to cost them more m taxee; as well as a further Love To Be Thmner by Valentme'c; c;enator saId later hiS announcement of support for a reductIOn m e;late e;ervlcee; Somehow the words of view, I think the speed hmit on bIll to raise the Income tax to the 66 percent level Vernier Road should be re- Day? DIET CENTER ha<, the ane;wer and the Incommg state DemocratIc administratIOn sound the personal method Call 882-5885 Stop by wac; "premature" because It was <,upposed to serve duced to 25 mph, This will no different from those of the outgomg Repubhcan 201 E m the Colomal Federal BUilding 63 only a" a startmg pomt for negotiatIOns for a tax prOVide safety and ease to admlnl'itratlOn As for the size of the proposed tax Kercheval hike Faust admItted he probably would settle for a hike, we hope someone stIli IS consldenng the ques- both the pedestrian and driver, smgle percentage pomt income tax hike since the tIOn of how much IS lno much proposed two-percentage pomt Increase was sharply Helen BugarlU Grosse Pointe Woods • People Section of The Pointe The Second Section B Thursday, January 20, 1983 Program focus From Another Pointe is on women's Of View property rights By Jallet Mueller The dinner program for the Women'~ ConnectIOn of Gros~e . The first Kmght of Charity, back in 1954, was Pat O'B- Pomte, runmng from 6 to 9 p m rIen Over the years such notables as Danny Thomas, next Thur"day. Jan 27, at the Stanley S. Kresge, Walker L. Cisler, Mrs Stanley J. Park home of Ro"e Snedl', will fea- Winkelman, Jules R. Schubot, Lynn A. Townsend and ture Amta McIntyre <,peakmg on Thomas A. Murphy have been honored. "Women's Property and Support RIghts, Before, Durmg dnd After ThIs year's Kmght of Charity, who will receive his MarrIage PalImony. Alimony and award at a black tie dinner Friday, Feb. 4, at the Westin B~ond " Hotel, is recording artist, radio and television star Perry She wIIl cover <;uch tOPIC,>a~ Como. pre-marital wnlrach, ve,>tlge<;of feudalJ~m rem<.umngun d murfled The dmner serves a two-fold purpose. First: it honors woman's fight" to the fl ec use of persons who deserve honor, who exemplify charity in her own propert~. alImony pro actIOn and service to one's fellow man, individuals who perty settlements Jomt cu~tody of have been InspIring models of moral integrIty through children and the new I' fiend 01 the hard work and devotion to others. Second: proceeds from Court Act the $125 per person tickets for the evening help relieve Ms McIntyre, who has engaged human suffering in the underdeveloped natIOns of the In a general legal pi ,I( tlce, Includ- mg the area of famJl,\ ldw, "lnce world through social and benevolent activities conducted 1975,recently 0J.lened an offIce on by the Pontifical Institute. for Foreign Missions. Mack Avenue III the Wood<, She IS TIcket proceeds also help educate students to become a former law profe,>,>or She re- members of the PIME Missionary Society and to dedi- ceIved her Bachelor'> c1cgree from cate their lives to the service of suffering people in the Smith College and her law degree from the UI1IVel<;It\ of DetrOIt Third World. The evel1lng I~ open to the pub Grosse Pointers have always been heavily involved in he at an $a charge for the dll1ner the Knights of Charity Awards Dinners. Among those plus a $2 donation for the 7 30 working on committees for this year's event are Dominic P m program ReservatIOn dead 11l1e IS thIS Sunday .. J an 23 Rossi, ticket co-chairman, Bill Anton, arrangements co- Checks, payable to the Women's chairman, and Pepper Whitelaw, publicity chairman. ConnectIOn of Grosse Pomte, Hostess committee members include Mrs. Robert Nicco- should be sent to BonnIe R,mdolph lini, Mrs. Frank Germack Jr. and Mrs. Kim K Lie. Gibson, 831 South Oxford Road, Grosse Pomte Wood~ Mlch 48236 The evening, hosted by WXYZ-TV's Bill Bonds, will AddItIonal mformatIOn may be ob- begin with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Then comes tained by callIng 881 0610 • dinner, then the award presentation, then dancing, to music by the Johnny Trudell Orchestra. Millionaires' nigh t Honorary chairmen include The Honorable James Blanchard, Governor of Michigan, The Honorable Cole- Photo by Tom Green"""d at Dominican High man A. Young, Mayor of Detroit, Shirley Eder, Max Discussing 'Issues of Conscience' . . · Domimcan HIgh School's fIrst Fisher, Lee A. lacocca and Roger B. Smith. Frank D. I floor cafeteria will be tile settmg Stella is general chairman. Mrs. William E. Johnston DiSCUSSIng "Issues of Conscience," a three- made the institution of war a& a means of set- for a mIllionaIres' party Fnday, and Mrs. June Ridgeway are ladies' co-chairpersons. program series on moral dilemmas of today to tHng dIsputes between sovereign nations obso- Feb 4. The fun beginS at 7 30 be presented on Wednesday mormngs, Feb. 2, lete, analyzes the doctrine of deterrance and p.m. Food and beverages WIll be Ticket information may be obtained by contacting 16 and 23 at 9' 30 a.m. at the Grosse Pointe War points to a path we mIght take toward global featured, along With games Ad PTME Mission headquarters, located on Moravian Drive Memorial, are MRS. CHARLES HENRITZY, accommodation between nations, will provide mission donatlOn IS $3 per person in Fraser, 791-2100. ~o-chairing thp series for the sponsormg organ- the impetus for the Feb. 16 lecture. The final Ticket InfOrmatIOn may be obtained by calhng the school, YOU Can Make A Difference Ization, the Grosse Pointe War Memonal's program wiil fucu~ Ull Authony Sampson's "The Council of Sponsors, and DR. SHERWIN Money Lenders," which describes the power 882-8503 DOITlInJcan I~ iUCdl~d Oii Vou think the only way to "make a difference" in the McKmney, at the corner of Whit WINE, director of the Center for New Thinking, and operations of the international bankers and tier near 1-94 m DetrOit Lighled. world is the BIG way, the major charity benefit evening, who will be guest lecturer Dr. Wine has chosen their influence on world politIcs Tickets (serIes full-seCUrIty parkmg Will be pro for instance? Consider the case of a group of local young three thought-provoking books as focal points of of t~ree lectures, $15; sin~le lecture, $6) vided on school propellj on the women - Jennifer Flood, Jennifer Peters, Tammy hIS diSCUSSIOns.Willard Gaylm's "The Killmg avallable at the Grosse POInte War MemorIal benefit mght Noftz, Sheryl Whits ton and Karen Mann - who, concer- of Bonnie Garland," which addresses the con- . offIce or from any I?ember of the CouncIl of ned about hunger throughout the world, decided to DO fhet between compaSSlOn for the criminal and Sponsors: Mrs. Hemltzy, Mrs. Charles Mosher, Amonll, those e\cC'\e:d to a something about it. obhgation to the victims and the community, Mrs. John R. Baker, Mrs. Robe~t H. Healy, three-year tel m lhl: b0<.11d of di- will be the focus for the opening lecture Feb. 2. Mrs. Charles F. Kaess, Mrs. Wl1ham Kessler, rectors of the Wd, lie State L'm So they arranged to sponsor a benefit dance to aid verslty Facult .. Clll/) \1 a~ LEO:\- (Continued on Page 4B) "The Fate of the Earth" by Jonathan Schell, Mrs. Alexander C. Suczek and Mrs. Henry M. which demonstrates how nuclear weapons have Woodhouse. TINE' CADIEUX, of The Fdl me, l ~ANUARV BEAUTV BUVS refreshing ways to save and pamper yourself as well during January Beauty Buys going on now MR. \\G" in all five B. Siegel stores. at the

,i -

deco florals. IS Going Out of Business BIG SAVINGS ON Solid Brass Ware Wood Craft Wart? Oriental Ware EV1anMinerai Water SCentrlating Tatlona CaptIvating Norell, Soothing Vltobath spray to mOisturize, porfum makes a the fragrance or>exhilarating and Figures - China - Crystal cleanse, punfy and perfect gift In a 1-oz women love, men delightful bath and freshen your skin spray bot1le at a adore 95-oz shower gelee 21-02 14-0z spray, a $9 very special 7 95 cologne spray. now SIZe a 523 value value, now $6 $12,8-oz body lustre now 518 19849 Mack Avenue with pump, $13 between 8 & 9 Mile Roads '276 total unIts 881~8090 Hours 10 - 5 D.fleGel.

DCM'nlCM'n 965 6400/7 Mile 864 6800/Eastiand 371 B200/Blrmingham 644 llt141"iorlhldpj r)f)9 chil()1 B SIf'gel MasterCard Visa American Express Eastland and Northland Open Sunday 12 to 5 p m Thursday. January 20, 1983 Page Two-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Moving or BecomIng Erigeged? Kathryn Mast Karen Dolson wed Oct. 23 GeUlng SeUled Mlde Simple Kalamazoo's Saint Augustine Grosse Pointe South High School, N.w Or••• ". to be a bride Cathedral was the setting (or the and Kathleen M. Dolson, of East New 10wn dilemmas fade alter a WELCOME DIXIELAND Lansing, the bride's sister, wore WAGON call ,. Mr. and Mrs. W. James Mast, of double ring ceremony at which Karen Marie Dolson, daughter of floor length dresses of dusty As WELCOME WAGON Representative, It's m) CHET lOGAN Cloverly Road, have announced mauve silk Qiana, featurmg lace job to help you make the most ~ yoU( new .l1~lgh. AI_ till WilfVlf1l1 the engagement of their daughter, former Harbor Court residents bOrhood Shopping Areas Community opportuni- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dolson who front and back yokes and long, ties Special attractions Lots of tips to save you JAZZ BAND Kathryn, to Frederlch C Uhde, now make their home in Scott- lace sleeves. time and money • son of Mrs. Illman Uhde, of Chi- Each carried a smgle pmk rose, Plus a basket of gills for your family I'll EwrJ. T.., 1:30p.•. IVIlle, MlCh., and Mark Thomas cago, and Carl Uhde, of San with baby's-breath and pink rib- be listening for your call • THE LIDO Diego, Calif. A May weddmg IS Gaffney, son of Mr. and Mrs. HELPFUL HINTS lor Weddings and Engage- bon streamers. Dining, Cocktails planned Thomas Gaffney, of Jackson, ex- ments tool changed marnage vows. . Flower girl JamIe S. DeLeeuw, 24026 E. JeHer.on Miss Mast, a graduate of Grosse of Kalamazoo, the bride's cousin, " (Just North of 9 M,) Pointe South. High School, is an Father John Warner preSIded at a whIte sheer pmafore covermg lW(o/me~o~ assistant vice-president, First Na- the 10 o'clock ceremony Saturday, Grou. Point...... 11'-5611 her floor length dress of dusty tIOnal Bank of Chicago, and a October 23 Music was provided mauve Qlana, carried pink rose JU CI.I, Silo,.. 111-2221 muniCipal bond trader. She holds by a piano and guitar quartet petals in a white lace basket. a Bachelors degree 10 Modern from the Dunewood FlOe Arts Best man was Charles L. Rister, European History from Brown Academy, Ludmgton: John ZIm- of Custer, Mich Groomsmen were Oriental University and a Master of BUSI- merman, Sue Boes, Eric Boes and Bruce Nicola, of Grand RapIds, 'S ness Admmistratlon, Fmance, de- Chns Boes, friends of the brIde- and Wl1ham M. Gaffney, brother Connoisseurship gree from the Umverslty of Mr. and Mrs. groom. of the bndegroom Ushers were DULANY Michigan She is a member of the Alfred Manfroni MUSICat the reCeptIOn, a cham- J.onathan G. Dolson, of Mount Junior League of Chicago pagne brunch at The Birches in Pleasant, and Eric R. Dolson, of Her !lance was graduated from SPECIAL EVENT Leslie Nelson Oshtemo, was by flutist Edward Scottville, brothers of the bride the UniverSIty of IllinOIS and was Clifford and his piano accom- Scripture reader was Lynmane a Rockefeller Scholar 10 Near Dulany's Gallery finds Itself in the unique postlon of a pamst, Nancy Poltrock, members Dolson Hawley, of Ludington, sis- Eastern Archaeology and Reh- change of direction. speaks vows of the Grand Rapids Symphony ter of the bride. Acolyte was their gllJus Studies

148 Pierre. BI~r~HAM I\~ \<'erC.he..val • GRD:BE POIN'IE REGULA H IN H URS: ---~ Dally Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 930 am 10530 pm Dally and EV~f}!ngs Thursday and Friday 930 am 10900 pm ______-_-- ..o,__ ---~~-~-~--

Page Three.B Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Miss Staniec is a fall bride Marita Grobbel . A tr.adltlonal gown of candle- roses and carnations accented wed in Cadillac lIght silk satin, Its Alencon lace- with baby's-breath and hanging Year End Clearance covered bodice patterned with in- IVY, in colors complementing the rvl8nta S Grobbel and Robert descent beadmg and seed pearls, color of their skirts F. Barnett III exchanged mar- was chosen by Mary Anne Mar- The bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. rIage vows Saturday, January 8, garet Stamec, of Wicks Lane, for Paul Staniec, designed and made at a 4 30 o'clock ceremony 10 the her autumn marrIage to all the silk flower arrangements CadIllac home of his parents, Dr. Michael Claude McMillIn M D of for the wedding parties. and Mrs R F Barnett Jr Neff Road " Kenneth McMillin acted as best 30%to50% The gown's portrait neckhne man for his brother. They are the Circuit Court Judge William R was scalloped, Its double puffed sons of Mrs. Dorothy McMilhn- Peterson preSided at the rtte~, sleeves tied with satin bows French, of Sarasota, Fla., former- whlCh were followed by an hors The former MISS Staniec ly of Rivard Boulevard, and the d'oeuvres receptiOn at the Barnett daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward late Kenneth McMIllin reSidence and dmner at Cadillac's OFF Stamec, of East DetrOit, fashioned Ushering were Stuart McMillIn Sun 'N' Snow Restaurant her bndal headpiece, a puff of IL- and Paul StaDlec, the bride's Dr Melea M. Grobbel, of UtICa, Fall and Winter lUSIOn crowned with seed pearl brother. attended her sister They are the petals, and tnmmed and dotted Flower girl and ring bearer daughters of Judge Beverly Grob- FASHIONS her cathedral length veil with ap- were three-and-a-half-year-old bel and Cynl A Grobbel, of Three pllque~ Jf Alencon lace Jill Alberty and four-and-a-half- Dr. and Mrs. Mile Drive WIlham S Barnett, of She carned a white and cream year-old Michael Alberty, of Michael C. McMillin Cadillac, was hiS brother's be~t SPECIAL VALUE RACK cascade of stephanotiS, gardemas, Mount Clemens, chIldren of the man Robert Okarski, of Glen Ellyn, Sweetheart roses, baby's-breath bride's cousin who deSigned and The newlyweds Will make their Long Gowns, Cocktail ~r Daytime Dresses and IVy made JIll's floor length dress of Ill, and Mr and Mrs. Nat Slb- Values up to $140.00 bold, of Battle Creek. home 1Il Grosse POinte Farms Presiding at the 2 o'clock ntes cream-colored Chantilly lace. The bl'lde, who holds a Bachelor 00 00 Saturday, October 9 In Saint Jill carried a bouquet of mIxed The new Mrs McMIllin receIved of SCience degree In Accounting NOW Paul's-on.the-L(lke<;hor~ WCl<;Mon- f1ower<; in shacles of pink, pale her Master of SoCial Work degree '20 and'30 fl oW G I dlk.! V"ll~.\' St"tl;: Cvlll;:gc signor FranCIS X Canfteld, assist- green and cream and wore a from Wayne State Umversity and is now workmg toward her Ph D and a law degree from the Um- ed by the brIde's COUSIn Father floral crown in her hair versity of DetrOIt Law School, IS 10 Human SerVlCes and Admims- John Gagala Orgamst was DaVid The mother of the bride's tea an attorney, employed as a com- the pointe fashions Wagner Vocalist was DaVid length dress of dusty pink crepe tratIon. She IS employed by the Lemelm Grosse Pointe School System as a merCial loan officer 15112 Kercheval 822 2818 de chlOe was styled with long, full Grosse POinte - Nuptial ma~s lectors, Included sleeves and a pleated bodice and social worker. The brIdegroom receIved both Allyn Kaye, of Alameda, Calif, hemline She wore a wrist corsage Dr. McMilhn, an alumnus of hIS Bachelor of SCIence degree 10 Applied MathematICS and hiS who arrived 01" Friday before the of rosebuds in shades of pink The Grosse Pointe South High SChool, Masters degree In Busmes~ Ad- weddIng as a complete :oul pllse, bridegroom's mother pinned her received hiS Bachelor of Arts de- mlmstratlOn from the Umverslty MelInd a Conway, of Rochester, corsage of mmiature roses and ba- gree from Michigan State Umver- and Mrs DaVid Baxter, of Grosse by's breath to her tea length dress of sity and hIS M.D from Wayne of Michigan He, too, IS employed as a commercIal loan offIcer Decorate Your Home Beautifully Pomte Park, all MlChlgan State pale mauve chiffon, featuring a State University Medical School Umverslty Delta Gamma sororIty soft, flowing skirt. sisters of the bride, and Stuart After a receptiOn at the Grosse Miss Davis wed and 20% McMillin, the bridegroom's Pomte Hunt Club, the newlyweds SAVE brother left to vacation on Hilton Head Is- during our sale on The brIde was attended by her land, S.C. They are at home in to AoS.Kerr Jr. Sister, Shelley Stamec, as honor Grosse Pointe Woods At home in Dearborn are Mr maid, and by bridesmaid Mary Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs Arthur Stewart Kerr Jr nettLe CREEk Bontorm Their ensembles, cream and Mrs. DaVId Berkemeier and whose wedding Friday, December Chantilly lace blouses, ruffled mto theIr chIldren, of Tipton, Ind., 24, in Grosse POInte Memonal Custom fabrics and workmanship deep Vs at front and back, and Mrs Joann Lines, of MIlroy, Ind., Church was followed by a recep- ankle length skirts, raspberry Mrs Barbara Lines, of Rushville, tion at the Grosse Pointe Yacht -- ...... pmk in color, With matchIng cum- 100 ,Mr and Mrs Norman Shep- Club merbunds, were deSIgned and pIe, of Beechgrove, Ind., Mr. and Mrs Kerr is the former Marcia fashioned by the brIde's aunt, Mrs. Edmund Shepple, of Bay VIl- Elizabeth DaVIS, of Rivard Boule- Mrs. Frank Dedenbach. They car- lage, OhIO, Albert Kunzmann, of vard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ned cascades of lilies, mmiature Lake Worth, Fla., Mr. and Mrs RIchard E. Davis, of Port Huron. Mr. Kerr is the son of Mrs Kath- erine Kerr, of Charleston, S C , and A Stewart Kerr, of Robert WE K~OW THERE'SMORE John Road. Dr. David Antonson preSIded at 1'0 ,\ BEAUTIFUL YOU the 11o'clock ceremony for \}lhich ,_------THA~ BEAUTIFULHAIR. the bride chose a tradItIOnal, long-sleeved gown of Ivory satm his brother ;-d?-~_ ( /(~ T hal's why we re trained and antique lace Her headpiece Mrs DaVIS selected a long- ( /~ ~""-.- / ~ In more than hair care was a wreath of baby's-breath and sleeved dress of mint georgette, ": [(;.if( ~ I! and styling at our salon stephanotis. She carried an ar- styled WIth a tucked front and rangement of gardenias and high, ruffled collar, for her daugh- I «, r '\ ;'""'I We're also speCialists In ~~ \ \ ~.' ,/ / lOday s most advanced skin stephanotis ter's weddmg care techniques She was attended by J annette The newlyweds vacatIOned 10 \ "-.-/ Hall, of Chicago, in a long-sleeved northern Canada A late receptIOn WIll be held for them tins month DRAPERIES • ~HADI::.s ~ I~' S{)come InIO our s~lon . dress of magenta silk, accented ~ soon We know how ro make with an embroidered waistband, at the St ClaIr Inn . BEDSPREA[)~ • ~L1P()VLR~ • UPH()L~ HR., carrying a bouquet of roses and Out-of-town guests Included the baby's-breath bl'ldegroom's Sister, Mrs DaVId lei our expp pn eo dt'''5 gr t>rs <;;ho,,\ ~u J N( Wt l t t ".... • t , t l I t coord naled pnnlS ~Ol cj'} dim !S,j"c in j Vt' ~els 10 t l (ll ....r I T1ldL r -, t r .... Campbell, of Atlanta, and Mr and -: 11(3\ ~ ~ , ,h@REDI

Sd\f" nu1l. dWj tJe Irv.,t 1, >(j, C ' ilt J .. II II b t I- f I I t ... t, I I rt I) ....orkrnetnsh p f )r rnc~., t1£ .. f r 1(J 1 I 1 ",PI J w , \ J ilirQuel-JJames (Uoiffurts Church groups meet Tuesday , Hurryl Sale Ends January 31 Ll-~l 20525 MACK AVENUE The Grosse POInte Congrega- eon, the women will diVide mto 881-6470 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile tionall American Baptist Church's theIr new groups and attend their first meetmgs 5 HOP OPEN EVERY EVENING Lydia, Mary, NaomI and Sarah nettL€ CR€€k Rachel Group members meet at women's groups meet next Tues- 1~11O KER( HE-VAL. m-the ~dlaf(e day, Jan 25, at noon 10 the SOCIal 6.30 pm Tuesday, 10 the Tour- Open Thur'>dav e~enln"S 882-09~S hall of the church, each member aine Road home of Mrs Alan bringing a four-person salad serv- Wnght, for theIr annual spaghettI .~ JANUARY FUR SALE! ing. Following the potluck lunch- dinner and whIte elephant auction ~ YORKSHIRE TV '? FREE ESTIMATES on Carry In Service 21915 MACK 778-4050 pr:s BOY'S SHOP WINTER SALE 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF SPORT COATS, SLACKS, OUTER JACKETS, PARKAS, SELECTED SPORT SHiRTS, AND SWEATERS PLUS SPORTSWEAR FOR HER 1/3 OFF HOlVlE FURNISHING SALE Now through January 31 you can save SKIRTS, SLACKS, on hundreds of furs in stock! NAVY BLAZERS, FROM OUR SPLENDID COLLECTION OF OCCASIONAL CHAIRS SPORT COATS. AuthentiC Chippendale style With walnut finish arms and legs SELECTED SWEATERS 34 H, In either rust or beige velvet From Hickory Chair, $195 Including Mink, Raccoon, Lynx, Beaver, Available In a Wide chOice of speclal.order fabriCS Prices Will vary Mu~krot, Coyote and many other furs in Ask our Interior DeSigners about our no charge Fabn Coate' service Coats, Strollers and Jackets. Sale ends March 5, 1983 KERCHEV AL AT ST CLAIR Jacobson's GROSSE POINTE STORE FOR THE HOME GROSSE POINTE ,1{ay Jbu;6 ~Wl4 Open Thursday F.c'enmg r It! 9 882.8970 REGULAR SHOPPING HOURS: of Grone POinte Dally Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 930 a m to 530 pm 19261 MACK (near Moross) nellt to Woods Theatre 186.1115 Daily and Evenings Thursday and Friday 930 a m to 900 P m Thursday, January 20, 1983 Page Four-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS \ FrOl11 A11otl1er P()il1te JOSEPH P, PEISE with Of Vie\v JANUARY l('onlilllu'd from Pa~(' 1Bl . UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING

World Hunger Year, on Saturday, Jan. 8, at t~e Univer- • SerYlcmg the Pomles lor 37 ~ears CLEARANCE sity Club, and they sent out inVitatIOns (donation a very reasonable $5 for reservations received by Jan. 1, a mod- , t est $7.50 at the door), and they contracted for live music , ..''-. Wide Selection of • ~~ by The Urbations and they settled back to see what would happen . . ~ CASUAL & , ' pICK-Up & aellvtlry ) It was after all conceivable that nobody would come. Iree estimates 0 ECOR ATI But what happene'd wa~ thiS the party was a smashing VE VA 2.9660 success; 350 persons showed up, and Virtually every on.e 12339 HAYES of them had a wonderful time, the Grosse Powte ASSOCI- FABRICS atIOn for World Hunger Year raised $1,200 DavId Brooks - Sero - Lanz Sleepwear - That's a modest amount. vou say? Well - It's $l,2QO Nantucket - Robert Scott - more than World Hunger Year would have received If There Is An Alternative the two Jenmfers Tammy, Sheryl and Karen hadn't put for the Davey's Handbags - Geiger Jackets- the party togethe~ They're tlunkmg about making it an Lanz - Dorothy Z annual event Learning Disabled Student The Leon Girls Do It Again • StudentiT eacher ratio 6 to 1 Viohmst Suzanne Lal Leon has been awarded the • Individualized goal oriented instruction 22420 Greater Mack Michigan Foundation for the Arts' first prize of $1,000 in • Grades 3-12 the Plymouth Symphony Society Young Artist C:0mpet- • Computer program to supplement instruction M-F 10-6 773-8110 ltion, and her sister, pianist Stephame Leon, received an • Focus on basic skills 51. Clair Shores Sat 10-5 honorable mentIOn from the adJudIcators: Thomas Har- • Tours available by appointment dle, chairperson, Vocal Area, Western MI.chi.gan Univer- .------, sity School of MUSIC and governor of Michigan NATS; Now acce~ting aQplications BOrlS Nelson musIc Crltlc and arts editor for The Toledo for the Second Semester Blade and fo~mer profe~sor of Humamtles at the Univer- Personalized Valentine sity of Toledo AlflO Plgnottl, solo VIOlinist and professor which starts January 31, 1983. of MUSIC at E~stern Michigan Umverslty; and ex-Pointer Pillowcase Russell Reed, now associate professor of Music and di- Qualfied students admitted regardless of race. rector of the Symphony Orchestra at EMU. creed or national origin. Winmng and placing 1Il music competitions is, of course, nothing new for the daughters of the Har~ld The Adventure School Leons of Ridgemont Road Stephame was the first wm- 1775 MELTON, BIRMINGHAM • (313) 642-1150 ner of the Grosse Pomte Summer Music Festival Piano Gary W. Pedersen M.A. Headmaster Competition back m 1981 Suzanne took first prize in the A PIONEER IN SERVICE - UNIQUE IN MICHIGAN 1982 Orchestra Hall Stnng CompetitlOn. Suzanne IS currently a senior at the Curtis Institute of Music a student of J ascha Brodsky and Arnold Stein- ARPIN FURS hardt' She has attended JUllliard, Meadowmount and the Taos School of MUSIC. She'll accept her most recent award and appear as SOlOiSt, performing the Prokofieff Of WiNdSOR Concerto No 1 m D major, at the Plymouth Symp~ony's r2. Young Artist Concert Sunday, Feb. 6, at 4 p.m. m the th Plymouth-Salem High School AuditOrium. 57 Hand PalntedJ Permanent Designs Fun Fund Raiser for 'Downtown' A unique valentine that will be We have The Village, The Hill, Mack and Kercheval January used and remembered for a long time. Avenues, FIsher Road . but say "downtown" and Specify the two names to be painted Grosse Pointers automatically thmk RenCen, Woodward in the heart. Allow a week for delivery. Avenue, the New Center Area In other words: "down- town" is Detroit, and concern for the health and welfare of the central city doesn't stop at Alter Road. FUR So Grosse Pomters should be especially interested in 8.95 supporting the Central Busmess DIstrict Association's _ ...~ r1~ " 'speciallbeneht performance of MIchIgan Opera Theatre's SHOPPING HOURS production of "The Sound of MUSIC" at the Music Hall SALE Monday through Wednesday Center for the Performmg Arts, set for Tuesday, Feb. I, the~OD~ and Saturday Come see Arpln's 9.30 a.m till 5 30 p m at 7.30 p.m. fabulous 1983 ~d;bQth & linens Thursday and Friday Tickets are available startmg at $22 for main floor collccllon of 9.30 a m till 9 00 P m seats. Special "inner Circle" seats at $50 each mclude a fastllon furs, expcrlly crafted 1010 lod.l\ ~ store champagne and hal'S d'oeuvres afterglow with the stars. exciting neVI deSign' 16906 Kercheval, "In the Village" Greektown's Pegasus Taverna IS donating the refresh- .lod of coursc Phone: 881-9890 ments. Addltwnal seats are available m the loge at $35 a you .Ire assured ticket. of f;ne qualny and The evening's proceeds wlll go toward funding CBDA's value when you shop ArpIn s 1983 programs and improvements for downtown Detroit, EthanAllen including beautlflCatlOn, entertainment and promotion. Ticket orders may be placed by phone at the CBDA office, 961-1403 Honorary chairpersons of the benefit are Winter Wllham J Cudhp, DaVid B LeWIS, Amy S. McCombs I and Charles T Smith Jr Duty and Sales ~ Tax Refunded ~ ~ Hot beverages for cold days Full Premium on More Space for Work or Play, American Funds Weather In the BraZIlIan state of and Angola (AfrIca) also export Storage and Dlsplayl Bahia would seem to be of lIttle substantial amounts of coffee. Park m the Downtown 484 PeltsSler Street Weather IS the most important concern to most Americans Not Parkmg Garage - Wmdsor. 1-519-253.5612 so for those who love chocolate factor affecting fluctuating coffee Dally 9 to 5 30 Fn to <) Chocolate IS the num ber-one prIces PolitICS are another Im- Park at PeliSSIer flavor preference for American" portant factor, because some cof- and BraZil IS one of the world'" fee countnes are often In turmoil largest e},porters of coco a, the pohllcally Coffee is the second source of chocolate A drought in most valuable commodity (behmd BraZil is threatening the crop petroleum) In internatIOnal trade. Analysts say the fIrst world cocoa BraZil and other big coffee- defiCIt In SIX years WIll occur If It producmg natIOns rely heaVily on continues coffee exports for national in- 0)( Itittielt This would tran"late mto e"en come DUrIng the 1977 coffee shor- hIgher chocolate price.., - and tage coffee shelves were bare m wholesale cocoa prices more than the <;upermarkets of producmg f7oweltiJ. doubled during the last cocoa countne~, whIle coffee Just cost shortage In 1977 more m the Umted States. Many factors Influence the price Coffee IS sttll the most popular of a commodIty but one of the hot beverage In the Umted States for gracious retirement living greatest IS supplv versu<; demand but per capIta consumptIOn has Cocoa beans, the source of all fallen off by more than a thIrd cocoa and chocolate, are found In ..,mce 1962 Con<;umers trymg to the pods, or frUit". of the cocoa economIze on coffee WIthout Why ave now on all of tree ThiS speCial varIety of e\ er- drlnkmg Jess mIght try one of not a brand-new S our handsome Ethan green I" cultivated mamly \\Ithm thee;e options bUy the least ex- beginning for a Allen Wall Systems ~ degree~ norlh or 'iouth of the pen<;lve type of your faVOrite The most complete equator, makmg BraZIl clOd \\(,,,t hrand, choo"e a le"s expensive brand-new Year modular system avail ern Afnca the two ke~ grO\\mg brand, or u<;e le<;" coffee for each able these durable area<; for cocoa cup brewed qualllY construCled The UOlted State'i and mo<;t Am'one already u<;mg powdered pieces can be arIa nged other developed natIOn,> mu"t 1m. m<.,tant coffee IS e;pendmg about half ae; much per cup as It would Ie arranged a nd added port cocoa A<; other countne<., . Comfort 10 to meet your famdy s have become more pro:,perou<; the co<;t for the "ame hrand of Similar changing needs All base \\ orldwlde demand for cocoa ha<., <;trength free7e dried lOstant or regular grmd coffee for brewmg 1In"1 are available With lncrea"ed . Security FormlCaCi lamInated tops Cold \"eather mcrea"e<; the • For wall to wall savlOgs- popuhlflty of many product<; marl£' Hurrv In' Sale ends Feb 27th from the cocoa bran, e<;prclall~ Ten l<; definitely the most • Companionship hot chocolate Many com emence economlcal hot beverage on the reg SALE products are on the market bUI nom m arkel 1\1mo"t all tea now used 100 5 P,ece Herrloom group' 139375 1149.75 matchee; the flavor of hol chocolate 10 the ( nitro State" IS black tea • Activities S"ve S244 made from cocoa and fre<;h milk Though u<;ually gro\\ n 10 different 143375 "9975 100:1lc:, black and green tea are 104 5 Piece Antiqued Pine group' Hot chOCOlate made from S,we SlH drlcd leave<; of the same plant • Excellent Meals 'Ch.:J'{ not Included 'icratch With fre<;h mIlk 1<;about Aftel tea 1" picked It IS WIthered, Also On Sale LI¥lnlI'ocMM, Ollt,", ~, "'OCMM, C.~ts, R~, equal to the price of hulk drtE'd and machine-broken Black Of .... ,... LMtpI, CIocU,."""" MMIAllAcceMOf'-' packaged Instant mlxe" which lea goes a "tep further than green contaIn dry mIlk e;olld" Chocol ate to DI,. SMM AI eMIt - It 1" fermented mlxe'i packaged In indiVIdual "er- The \\ord<; "orange pekoe" on a call vlngs are thE' most expcn<;lve form Lois Nair today at package have nothmg to do With of hot chocolate flavor Orange pekoe descrIbes 823-6470 Tradition House * * tea madc from large leaves Bro- for an appointment , ...... f;,118" Jt II,," (ia""ry Coffee IS another beverage With ken orange pekoe tea IS made 8 MILE AT MOUND 15 MINUTES fROM THEPOINTES 366.6512 a foreign connectIon Br aZlI IS also from smaller leaves Pekoe tea IS HOUU Meft. Th"" . f" ....., 1,1' S"ndoy 12.5 one of the largest suppller<., of cof made from even smaller leaves, fee beans ColombIa, Guatemala fannmgs and dust • • •

Page Flve-B Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Invite parents Smith.Duetter Pointers serve .., • 1It4, ~ Hair Designen '. on MOT board to program on = ::" rItes are read . " Robert Dewar, chairman of the 0 RED KEN ~ The midsummer weddmg of American \11M _ ...... ' Katherine Jeanne Huetter and board for Michigan Opera Theater, sex education ~.." Glen Randolph Smith 10 the gar- has announced the addition of 11 . den at the St Clair home of his metropolitan area reSidents to the this evening '~ MOT boards of directors and REFLECTIONS ~ parents, Mr and Mrs J Ran- '~~; dolph Smith Jr , was followed by a trustees, among them Pomte resI- The Health EducatIOn CounCil of Soft color, . garden receptIOn. The Reverend dents Mrs, Donald C. Austill, elec. Grosse Pomte, Inc., is sponsormg permanent ~rady Seeley presided at the 2 ted to a one-year board of directors an Evenmg for Parents at 7:30 . term, and Mr. and Mrs Andrew M waving .. o clock ceremony Saturday Aug- pm tomght, Thursday, Jan 20, at ,... ust 14 ' Savel, elected to three-year trustee Umverslty Liggett School's Cook and . The bnde, daughter of Mr and terms. Road campus, featurlllg Mary make - up " Mrs Michael Jeffery Huetter of Paonessa, M Ed, speaklllg on for Raymond Road wore her Sex EducatIOn from Birth to Pub- 1983 mother'~ weddl~g gown of Chamber jazz erty rar:tthea Silk and a two-tiered d- Ms. Paonessa, a speaker and Spring and usIOnveil, caught With seed pearl by Air at DIA consultant m the field of sex ed- Summer day hlJe~ She earned an ar- Mr. and Mrs, ucatIOn 10 MIChigan for the past 15 looks. rangement of silk day hIles Glen R. Smith New chamber Jazz wul be pei,- years, was responsible for helpmg She was attended by her ~Isters the Health EducatIOn Council es- The Abbreviated The mother of the bnde wore a formed by All', the New York The Americana ~' Juhe Beth Huetter a~ m~lld of based trio formed 10 ChICago in tablish Grosse Pointe's after- Pony Tall and Perm honor and Jane Suzanne Huetter ruffled, melon-colored dress of school sex educatIOn program for Cut and Perm sllk taffeta and a hat tnmmed 1971, III the ReCital Hall of the De- as bndesmald, wearing Identical troit InstItute of Arts on FrIday, fourth grade gIrls and flfth and v. Ith matching sIlk flowers The SIxth grade boys and girls dres"es, pale lavender In color Jan 21, at 8 p.m TICkets for the 2Oto2 MACK AVE, and matchmg hat.'> They earned mother of the bridegroom ac- She has addressed the Wayne cented her dress of dove grey concert, presented III assoclatlon GIOSSl pu:Wos. " basket~ of SIlk day hhes, steph- WIth WDET-FM, are aval1able at County Elementary School Prm- fYi1j.J"Jl!1 ~ anot,<; and vlOlpt<, georgeUe With ilIac accessones clpals ASSOCIation. the Oakland Mr. air (..... I&.-' v..... ) ", $& ,u,;:'~p~ ~he wore an 01 emu CO!l>d~~. 50 per person at the museum's Flower girl Mar ney Baker the ticket office, 832-2730 Umverslty Infant and Toddler's bndegroom's mece, m a dre~s of The newlyweds vacatIOned at ASSOCIatIOn,the Family LIfe Bur. Vern's ~ Niagara on-the-Lake They are at The group includes saxophomst off-whIte crepe, earned a ba<;ket Henry Threadgill, who also plays eau of the ArchdIOcese of DetrOIt, c.:/ F!!:.5,gner.\ 886.3050 home In Grosse POlnte City (A Uoohex s.6oIl) of SIlk flowers Similar to those of an Instrument of hiS own mven- the Greater DetrOit Council of the honor maid and bnde1>mald Out-of-town guests included the Co-op Nursenes, Parents Without bnde'" grandmother, Mrs George tion, the I)ubkaphone, whIch IS Robert Jeffery Jay acted as made of automobile hubcaps, Partners and many church and best man for hiS COUSin Wilham Delaney. of Tucson, AriZ., and the school groups bndegroom's mother's COUSlllS, baSSist Fred Hopkms and drum- Ward Baker, the bndegroom's mer Steve McCall. She has acted as a full-tIme high brother-m-law, u~hered the Fletchers, of OhIO school teacher (Family LIVing Courses) for 10 years and has 00000000000000000000 taught adult courses In 'Go 4 the Arts!'will showcase Michigan talent sexuality and ChIld Development Weekends On Broadway at Oakland UniverSIty's Con- 0 0 0 0 WDIV-TVIChannel 4 Will pur- • A photo exhibit of DetrOit's Fmal selections w111be made by tinuum Center and at Oakland 0 0 0 chase more than 100 works of art architectural hlghhghts Feb. 29. SlIdes w111be returned If Community College She has a 0 CATS, WOMAN OF THE YEAR 0 0 0 0 by MIchIgan artIsts for display 10 "Our new offIces were built accompamed by a stamped, self- Master of Arts degree In FamIly addressed No 10 envelope. DREAM GIRL AND NINE 0 0 the ofhces, lobbIes and hallways LIfe and Sex Education from 0 0 of ItS new DetrOIt headquarters speCIfically to enable us to display Only two works by anyone ar- 0 0 0 0 art everywhere. to make It a part tIst and up to 50 works from any Wayne State UniverSIty under the newly-established' 'Go 4 In her dISCUSSIOntonight she'll the Arts" proJect, wruch entalb of and to enhance the everyday group or gallery Will be consider- FROM per person workwg environment," says ed. take a look at the child's stages of *259-*359 several phases to be completed development as applied to the 00000000000000000000 before the bulldmg's grand open WDIV TV Vice-President and Schools or assocIatIOns wislung General Manager Amy McCombs to sponsor an exhIbit for the parents' role 10 sex education, and 109 10 Apnl Among them are "IVhchlgan IS full of talented ar- changmg gallery should submit tell how to answer such typical • The purchase of 55 works of tlStS We want to acknowledge letters of proposal to Douglas by questions as "Where do babies Includes: • Round Trip Air Fare via art from MichIgan artIsts theIr talent m a way that also lets Feb. 15. The first 12 exhibIts, each come from?" and "How do they • CommIssioning of 22 pieces of us share our resources With our scheduled to stay up for one get out?" She'll also touch on how American Airlines fme art by students at Wayne audience ,. month, wIll be selected by March to explain puberty to a young boy State Umverslty. the Center for and the father's special role in sex • 2 Nights at Hotel of Your Choice Artists born or lIvmg 10 Mlch- 4 education within the family. Creative Studies and Cranbrook Igan who WIsh to have theIr work WDIV has already commlssion- • An Orchestra Seat to a Academy of Art The program IS free, but dona- conSIdered for purchase should ed works by profeSSIOnal artists tmns ",,!II hp llN'epted at the door Top Broadway Play submit a slide of the pIece, along born or livlllg in Michigan, such • Establishment of a changmg For Further Information Call display of art by area high school With Its aslung pnce, to Sharlan as Aris KoutroulIs, a CCS mstruc- , - and college students and art as- Douglas. 1600 Penobscot BUilding, tor, who will create a 30-foot sociations DetrOIt. MICh 48226 by Feb 1 pamtmg for the new buildmg Greatwoys TrQ~1 CorporatIOn Set Macomb Art ~ue Albright Shelley Brenner Anne Benkert GP Garden Chili Plan Pointe ABWA evening at theater Society meeting Marianne Kassab Judy Standish Phoebe Weinberg The Grosse Pointe Charter performance of "Laura" at the 100 Kercheval on the Hill The Macomb Art SOCIety's > Council to meet Chapter of the AmerIcan Busmess Stagecrafters Theater m Clawson, Open Men -Fn 9 am -5 pm - Sat 930-1230 , meeting next Tuesday, Jan 25, at . The Grosse Pomte Garden Club Women's ASSOCIation, which fea- followed by a meet-the-cast wme • tured attorney Mary Buckley as and cheese afterglow, on Sunday, 7.30 p.m in the Spindler Park 886.4710 Council wIll meet next Tuesda)', RecreatIOn Buildmg, 1-94 and Ste- Jan 25, at 9.30 a.m. 10 the Grosse guest speaker at a dmner meeting Feb. 6. phens Drive in East DetrOIt, wtIl yesterday, Jan. 19, at Perme's Curtain time is 7 p.m Tickets Pointe Central Library, Kercheval feature a demonstration of Chma Avenue at Fisher Road. All local Restaurant, has a fund ralsmg for the evening, at $10 per person, Pamtmg by guest artist Evelyn garden club presidents, r-€presen- event on next month's agenda. must be reserved In advance. The chapter's Ways and Further informatIOn may be ob- Tress. VISItors are welcome. tatives and members-at-Iarge are Guest fee is $1 invited to attend. Means Committee will sponsor a tained by calling 772-6635.

Mink., FOX., Coyote., Lamh., Opossum., Lynx., Raccoon . fulliengih coals, slrollers, jackel~ ; The ProfeSSIonal Go"ernes~ ~~r"lre for ChIldren 11; ho,e Many Parents arf". • "acatlonlng one-of-a-kind values! • Allendmfl: Busmes. Hurry for best selection


Rabaut s offers speCial savings off our already low everyday prrces which our friends tell us with are often equal to or below advertised big Dls- counl sales prices Gloria Hodes TERGAL VOiLE PLEATED TO LUXURiOUS Robert Grossman and TRiPLE FULLNESS FOR A 65" WINDOW Ian Albright Regularly $226.72* January 28, 29, 30 February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 Sale Price $181.38* 'Prlce (ncludes Measuring. All Materials Labor Kirsch Brand Superfine Traverse ORDER TICKETS TODAY Installation and SBles Tax Other . Charge Tickets 963 7680 Sizes Priced AccOrdtngly by Phone Call: - 10 to 5 30 Dally Grone PO/flle Family Discount No Hidden Extras! Blrm/fl~ham 280 N Woodward Thursday and Frrday In-the-Village Group Sales for Sound of Music 882.0052 Available 644.7750 nights 'Iii 9 P m all P -963-7622 only. Cluldren under ~-t J~;~ c eg \ 12 adrmtted 1/2 pnce ------19853 MACK. GROSSE PTE 886-1880 900-530 MON -SAT Thursday, January 20, 1983 Page Six-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS I Short and to the Pointe _ I MR and MRS. DAVID G. WATSON, KENNETH SCHMIDT DANIEL H. WELLS held their fifth neigh- and DENISE M RI- borhood Christmas CARD, of The Park dcotf;J'Juplrine. Announces carolIng party III their Lothrop Road home Dec. 13, WIth young BRIAN J WAL- KENNY MAZER TER, of Torrey Road, SCHMIDT greeting earned a Bachelor of °Mid Winter SALE hIS friends, neIghbors Science degree In and relattves as they engmeermg manage- We are featuring values from arrIved. Guests In. ment from the Uni- eluded Kenny's verSIty of Missourl- maternal grandpar- Rolla on Dec. 19 ents, COMMIS- SIONER and MRS * * * JOHN MAZER, and STEPHEN HOL- 20%1060% uncle BILL MAZER. LEY, son of MR and of Loraine Road; MRS GEORGE M off regular prices paternal grandparents HOLLEY Jr., of The MR and MRS ALVIN Shores, receIved hon- SCHMIDT, of Stan- ors at Kent School, hope Avenue, and Kent, Conn, for the fall one of a kind items, floor samples, godparents aunt term and stock items ... MARIANNE and uncle JOHN MAZER Jr., of Grayton Road KATHARINE TAN- STORE WIDE CLEARANCE Kenny's Lothrop Road NER FORD, daughter fnends present In- of MR and MRS cluded CAROLYN and GORDON T. FORD, ALL SPECIAL ORDERS. • • CATHEY BOJOLAD, of The Farms, has re- CAREY and MATT on sale, photo by Ka ~est ford ceived Intermediate DOE, BRANDON, Honors from the Um- AMY and MELANIE versity of Richmond HENREDON To honor Knight of Charity · · · KAHLICH, LAURIE for her achievements and RI CHIE MAYK, at Westhampton Col- SCHOONBECK MRS. ARTHUR PFANNENSCHMIDT (left), seating R STEPHANIE ROEHL, lege, the women's WHITE chairman for the 1983 Knights of Charity Awards Dinner, and NICOLE and STUART undergraduate divi- HECKMAN MRS WILLIAM E JOHNSTON, ladles' co-chairpef'son for the SATRUN, and sIOn of the UnIversity. DAVIS CABINET Friday, Feb. 4, black tie evening at the Westm Hotel, talk over J' AIME and MATT arrangements for the presentation gala honorIng Perry Como. SUBERATI Other * * * STANTON COOPER The event is a benefit for the PIME MISSIOnarIeS, dedicated to frIends were AMY When a group of 31 WOODMARK BIRCH, WALLACE from SIena HeIghts allevIating suffering throughout the Third World Tickets, at MASTERCRAFT CARNWATH, LIND- College traveled re- STiFFEL, etc. $125 per person, may be obtained by contacting the PIME of- SAY CHARVAT, cently to Ireland, sev- fICe, 791-2100 JENNY CLOGG and eral members of The JESSE DAVISON Farms' McSorley A note to our customers: Mrs John Mazer, famIlv went with This sale is important to you because of the savings Science Center computer talks Kenny's grandmother, them. TRUDY Mc- !hat can be realized on our quality furnishings ••• and A computer that talks back - the devIce, but the generatIOn now took time from her SORLEY, assIstant Important to us because we must prepare our floors the TI 99/4A Home Computer With growing up lives and works wIth busy schedule as mus- professor oftheatre and Ical director of the for incoming spring merchandise. Speech SynthesIzer, presented by computers and consIders one thal speech communica- Grosse Pointe ChIld- Texas Instruments, Inc - is one "talks" as sheer fun It IS one of tions at Siena Heights, of the latest technological exlubits 50 hands-on exhibits at the DSC, ren's Theatre to her parents DON and accompany the car- at the Detroit Science Center decl!cated to presentmg sCience GERTRUDE McSOR- Like most of the SCIence Center's and technology in both an enter- olers on the plano. LEY, of The Farms, a cousin, MARY ANN dIsplays It IS a "hands-on" exhib- tairung and an educatIOnal way, * * It vIsItors vlrlte a message and located on John R Street at East ROULO, of St. Clair Warren behInd the Detroit In- ARTHUR T. WOR- Shores, and an aunt, have It repeated back to them In A Tradition of excellence for 55 yrs. electrOnically reproduced human stitute of Arts MET, of The Farms, LEONORA McSOR- LEY, of Royal Oak, speech The private, non-profit museum and RICHARD A Adults are somewhat awed by is open daily except Monday Its MULLINS, of The traced their family her- Grosse Pointe Dearborn domed Space Theater, now show- Park, were named to itage while visiting Ire- 18850 Mack AYe. 22224 Michigan AYe. 109 "Hall Columbia'," the story of the PreSIdent's List land at Moross (across from Jacobsons') America's space shuttle, IS in- for the fall term at * * * 884.4800 278.2600 ;Silver session cluded in the admissIOn fee of $3 Northwood Institute. GARY PATROSSO, for ages SIX through adult, 75 Among those earning son of MR. and MRS. Monday and Thursday 'ti! 9 p.m. Closed Wednesday. ifor Pear Tree cents for four and five-year-old Northwood Institute ALBERT PATROSSO, ! children Children under four are Dean's List honors of Edmundton Drive, j The Pear Tree Chapter of Ques- admitted free were MICHAEL J. received a Bachelor of IJ.ers meets this morning, Thurs. Further Information may be ob- HANCHERT.JK, KATH- Science degree m ~ay. Je.n 20, at 10 a.m. in the tained by calling the Science Cen- LEEN T. KANE and Communication ftom -t 1 home 6f Mrs Jack Ross who wIll ter, 833-1892 . and not to worry ANDREA ,ROSSETTI, Western Michigan ; speak on Old English Silver that you Will be answered by a person, of The CIty and Umverslty on Dec. 18 ishe has collected over the years not a computer I Lunch lecture series at WSU LAMP SALE I The Wayne State University from many different areas an op- i 200/0 oft AIumm ASSOCiatIOn will open a portunity to meet, exchange Ideas new luncheon lecture senes, and establish communicatIOn net- I "Wednesdays at Wayne," Feb. 2, works that will assist them in pur- DIRECT LINES, In the McGregor Memorial Con- suing theIr personal and profes- WRIGHTS ference Center, WIth DetrOit City SIOnal goals Gift & Lamp Shop CounCilman and WSU Professor Luncneon will be served Mel Ravitz and former DetrOIt promptly at 12:15 p.m. Each pro- When Calling The Grosse Pointe News 18650 MACK AVE. gram WIll start at 12:45 and end at tt.d to Grosl. ,._ Po,t Offic:. Councilman Kenneth Cockrel ad- dreSSing the questIOn' "Greater 1 30 p.m Future speakers will be 885-8839 Detroit News columnist George P S 8"ng You, lamp 10, DetrOit What LieS Ahead and Cvslom F,tt,ng Who Cares?" Cantor, dlscussmg "The Press' Freedom and Responsibility" on Among those servIng on the March 2; Gayla Houser, promo- planmng commIttee for the four- tion director, Central Business part senes IS Farms resident District Association, whose April 6 882-6900 DaVId Gelto All speakers WIll be tOPIC will be "Malls and MaIO THE CRYSTAL CENTER WSU alumm, the programs are 1 Street WIll Downtowns Be the deSIgned to offer those in the Cul- Ghost Towns of the Future?" and Savings up to 60% tural and New Center areas and !, At Weddings, Anniversaries and composer Christopher Morgan For interested cItIzens throughout the Loy speakmg on "ThE' Method and Birthdays Malee Your Gift The metropolitan area an opportumty Meaning of Modern Classical One They Remember. to hear Wayne alumm and learn MUSIC" May 4. about the contnbutlOns they are Fee for the entire serIes IS $16 makmg III a Wide variety of pro- IndiVIdual programs are $4 75 Classified Advertising feSSIOns III the community each. Further mformatlOn may be The senes Will also offer people obtamed by calling 577-2161. Subscription Department ~ ~~ tAr 0;;.// ~ Crystal Jewelry Boxes with Accounting Department Polished Brass Trim 5lIad d !/-Uff e1~9Avj;J .... Starting at $21.50 - 4 Style5 Biggest savin~ Ask about our crystal clear guarantee ever during 19866 MACK AVE. Between 7 & 8 Mile, G P.W. 343-9078 Stiffel's 50th 882-0294 Hours Mon. lues, Wed, Frl ,Sot 105 Anniversary. Tours till 7

)« ...... ,.,. A'~ !1'1' / For F~J4''' y i/z if"! ,; .,/ 4::$= ~# " PI.; /f' CORRECTION Editorial, i.e., News, Society &

Y LAST THREE DAYS! SALE ENDS JAN. 22! Sports material Our annual men's 20% OFF Every Stiffellamp shoe sale IS on today! Special Orders Accepted Not yesterday % ALLEN 30 OFF Specially Marked Stlffel8 While 882-3500 ..c EDMONDS Supply lasts. IOFFERGOOD THRU JANUARY 31] For A,.Sa1elfFlnaf - No Refunds or Exchanges ""C[ "00 Display, retail advertising. Pointe Counter KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAm Exwo!/ Electric CD. GROSSE POINTE L"jli", 11.11.,., •• i 1.",11•• Pointe and Hill Columns. Open Thursday Et'erllnxr 'It! 9 00 ~0234 HARPER AVE (~t & ~ MIle) 8M 1lCJ94 8R2.3670 HARPER WOODS, MICHIGAN 48225 MOf\ ttltu Sat ato 5 frt 'tM 8 P m Page seven-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983 DSO concert dates for Orth Get a workout Herbert Blomstedt, music direc- 'order them by phone (567-1400), tor and conductor of Dresden and at all CTC outlets. with Phase I Staatskapelle and conductor of the Orth, born and raised in Phila- Swedish Radio Orchestra, con- delphia, began his studies with A weekend workout IS 10 store eludes hiS three-week engagement Ben Whitten of West Chester and for members of Phase I, the or- on the Detroit Symphony Orches- continued with Adele Marcus at ganizatIOn of smgle, young adults, tra podium with evening perform- the Juilliard School of Music, ages 20 through 39, who gather regularly for Sunday evening {lro- ances tomght, Thursday, Jan. 20, graduating in 1977. He concertized gram meetmgs at Grosse Pomte at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 22, at throughout the and 8:30 p.m. plus a 10.45 a.m. NBD was invited to the Marlboro Music MemOrial Church Coffee Concert, presented in co- Festival. He then received an in- Phase I heads for an evening of operation with the National Bank vitation to study with Rudoll Ser- ice skahng on the Hart Plaza arh- of Detroit, Friday morning, Jan. kin at the newly-founded Institute ficlal rmk at the foot of Woodward 21, at Ford Auditorium. for Young Performing Musicians Avenue on Saturday, Jan. 22, de- Martha J. Bates The program includes Weber's in Vermont. partlllg by car pool from the ovet:ture to "Oberon" and Bee- He took first prize in the 1979 MemOrial Church parkmg lot at Lannen-Bates thoven's Symphony No.7 in A Naumburg International Piano 6.30 p m or meetmg rmkslde at 7 major, Op. 92 Featured solOist Competition in memory of Wi!- pm Peter Orth, pianist, making his lIam Kapell In the three seasons Skates can be rented In the rites planned first appearance with the DSO, since, Orth has appeared in two warm-up bUlldmg Post-skatmg, The engagement of Martha J Will perform Mendelssohn's Piano Alice Tully Hall recitals, made hiS there'll be hme for hot coffee or Bates and Wilham E Lannen, son Concerto No 1 in G minor, Op. 25. New York orchestra debut in Car- chocolate of Mr and Mrs Robert Lannen, of Tickets, rangmg m prIce from negie Hall, played with the Chl- Save 25% $8 to $17 for the evemng concerts, cago Symphony and PhIladelphia Square dancmg IS on Pha~e I s North Edgewood Dl'lve, has been regular meetmg agenda this Sun- announced by the bnde-elect's pal from $9 to $14 for the Coffee Con- Orchestra, made a recordlllg for day, J an 23, at 7 45 p.m Experts ents, Mr. and Mrs. B A BatesJr, of cert, are on sale at the Ford Aud- the Musical Heritage Society and Pennsylvania and nO\lces are welcome Caller Audubon Road A mid-June wed- Itorium box office, where Master- played in two Music from Marl- wIll be Lyle Brabeck dmg IS planned Card and VISA customers may bol'O coast-to-coast tours. House furniture. Abandoned Red Sea port twice key to world trade By Donald J. Frt'derick nese porcelam, pieces of Indian shawl for each of us because we cloths, a green and purple strIpe National Gt'ographic batik and rare Alexandrian glass, are dymg of this terrible still visIble on one. Bits of fur re- News Service at the !>Iteof the old port The dig, cold " mamed on the body. InSIde were

It wa~ a small world even m the about 300 Imles southeast of Cairo, I Intent on exploiting the spice fIve tiny skulls. The ammal turned days of the Roman Empire, for IS partly !>upported by the Na- trade, the Romans supported the out to be a second-century pet cat the Romans, and at least some of tlOnal Geographic SocIety hardshIp post because of Its stra- that had eaten five rats shortly theIr subjects, traded wIth lands The people 111 thiS sea!>lde set- teglC 10catlOII at t}le end of the before dymg as remote as IndIa Goods from tlement lived a harsh ltfe, despite shortest overland route between In the Islamic Era, most of the the mysterIOus East flowed the riches that sometimes piled up the NIle Valley and the Red Sea. dead were burled near the town through small Egyptian ports around them The port, situated m Peppercorns, a spice as valu- The archeologIsts have found such as Quselr al-Qadlm on the a desert land<;cape, had few able as gold III ancient times, remnants of their highly decora- Red Sea natural resources Food, water, coarse Jute cloth and teak wood tive clothing - fancy Silks and Abandoned when the Roman even feed fol' ammals had to be found at Quselr al-QadIm confirm distIllctive blue and white checked Empire fell on hard economic Imported the port's trade ties With India. head cloths - and many of their times in the second century, Qu- Among the many letters found "We were also surprised to find letters have survived the centur- sell' al-Qadlln wa!> deserted for m the excavatIOns IS an urgent lllscnptions m the ancient Tamil ies because of the dry climate and hundreds of years, but agam at- plea on a potsherd from a parched language of India on a number of high rag content of the fine quali- tracted the world's nches III the Roman trIbune on maneuvers III pottery sherds," said Dr. Johnson ty paper "We discovered hun- 13th century, under Medieval Is- the nearby desert fOI three Jars of "Roman historians mentioned an dreds of them," saId Johnson lamlc rule wille Indian presence In Egypt - but "It's as if someone had emptied a An expeditIOn led by archeolo- In contrast, the desert could be thiS is the first actual physical wastebasket over the site" gists Janet H Johnson and Donald cruelly cold at mght. A desperate eVIdence." Among the missives are a love S Whitcomb, of the OrIental In~tl- note from the IslamiC period Several of the inscriptions and a letter and a note from an anxious tute of the Umverslty of Chicago, reads. "0 God, God, we are 111 small forge were found in a series mother to her son contaimng the has turned up hundreds of thou- cold weather, as only God can of humble rooms that may have time-honored questIon; "Why sands of artifacts Illcludmg Chl- Imagllle Oh Father please buy a housed Indian merchants and don't you wnte more often?" Ironworkers. Her son may have been a prom- Save 25% on all At ItS peak the port's population Ismg young member of one of the probably numbered less than trading families that controlled 2,000 "Egyptians, Greco-Egyp- the flow of goods through the port collections of tians, Indians, Nabateans - it's Like jUnIor executives today AMdMy fWt6 very diffIcult to determine just younger men often had to serve beautifully crafted who was hvmg there then," said time in the hinterlands before Dr WhItcomb. "But it's fairly movmg on to corporate headquar- Pennsylvania REMODELING certam the Roman presence was tel's. SALE small. only a few admimstrators Because Quseir al-Qadlm was and a small garrison at most II such a backwater, the archeolo- House furniture. This Month Only One of the most poignant gists speculate that It was all but Any Stole Roman remaIllS, the skeleton of a deserted except durmg the four' Any Coat youth, was found buned In a months - June through Septem- • Independence Hall Remodeled rumed storage bUlldmg. .ber - when monsoon wmds gUld- Compare Our Prices "The Romans normally buried ed ships to and from the port their dead m a distant necropolis, In the monsoon season the Solid Cherry What Cleaning - Repairs - No Job Too Small but this unfortunate boy was se- port's modest, limestone storage kids want FREE ESTIMATES cretly placed beneath the rubble," buIldings would have been stacked Collection Formerly Alaskan Fur Factory said Dr. WhItcomb. "You can al- high with goods such as spices to knOlv' most Visualize a night burial, from India and pottery from the 19471 Mack Avenul GrossePolnle Woods someone sneaking off after dig- Sudan and East Africa "One of is,what's Open' Mon -Sat 10-6 882-3878 gmg the shallow grave and cover- the most curious finds of all " said • Stonehouse religion for? mg h1m up " Dr Jhn0 son, "was a piece of' Iron Nearby, during excavatIOn of shaped lIke a flattened head of a Solid Oak Does It help you? Does what was once a Roman admmls- golf club and known as a kissl It work? Does It change tratIon bUlldlllg, workers came penny. It's the first time this type Collection what's wrong? across another curious bunal. a of currency has been found out- They leClrn It does, In the cloth bundle stashed in a wall Side West AfrIca" Christian SCience Sunday nIche. "I knew It was an ammal Despite these far-flung ties, Qu- School They discover _ I could see the little skull and Sell' al-Qadim remained vulner- • American moral and spiritual Ideas two claws stickmg out," recalled able Just as it had earlier, the Dr Carol Meyer, who removed brutal desert environment re- Solid Pine to live by and to heal by at They grow In their sense the remams claimed the small port from ItS The ammal had been wrapped entrepreneurs when the economy cJ the power cJ Bible Collection In truthS And they learn cJ . mummy-style several colorful dipped in the late 14th century. Christ Jesus - hiS tender and practical example Seek nutrition volunteers cJ God s love for man The American Red Cross is add- structor traimng sessIOns: Satur- When the thlflgs they re HAIR STUDIO days, Jan. 22, 29 and Feb. 12, from learning work, kids know mg a nutrition course to its health services program and is seeking 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesdays, It We ...... e\comeany young DRY HAIRCUT $10 Jan. 26 and Feb. 2, and Thursday, person through age 19 experienced people - dietitians, At speCial times we Will have nutl'ltiollists, health educators, Feb. 3, from 8:30 a.m to 3'30 SUNDAY unadvertised m-store speCials nurses - to teach it. pm.; Tuesday and Wednesday, SCHOOL Dry half cuts color perms these Feb. 15 and 16, and Wednesday, a la carte services will oe done oy The Southeastern MIchigan Feb. 23, from 8:30 a m. to 3'30 Every Sunday selected stylists on our staff Chapter will fIeld test "Better pm. Save 25% on at 1030 Call our hair studiO for more mformatlOn Eating for Better Health," de- The courses wIll be offered at Signed to teach IIIdividuals to the Red Cross training faclhty on the finest in FIRST CHURCH The place to discover apply the prinCiples of nutrition to Woodward Avenue m DetrOit In- OF CHRIST, at Kay Saum 1f1-the-village makmg wise personal food struction and materials are pro- upholstery. 885-3240 chOices, between February and Vided free of charge. Registration SCIENTIST Api'll may be n.ade and further infor- 282 Cha"onte Ave Mastercharge • Visa mation obtaIned by calling 494, All from Grosse POinte Farms Instructor candidates must at- tend one of the followmg three in- 2875 Pennsylvania AFTER HOLIDA Y BLUES? House. NEVER BEFORE SUCH A BARGAIN! One Week personally escorted by Mireille Wilkinson trip to Belgium, Holland and France February 26- March 5 $825.00 + Taxes Based on Double Oc. $125.00 Single Sup. Save 30 to 6000 on our fine R.T. Detroit/ via SABENA BELGIAN WORLD AIRLINES designer fabrics, all in stock and on the bolt. You'll get • All transfers by Motor Coach twice the quality for the price- • Continental Breakfast or save enough to do another • 2 nights accommodation In Belgium room. Come see' • 4 Stars Centrally located Hotels • 4 nights accommodation In Paris DE'COrate like a profesSIonal • Private Parties in Friends Homes and lots of fun I OLICO "h.If tho pn" IDEAL VALENTINE PRESENTl CORN[R~ For Details and literature

21431 MACK AVE, de Bary Travel Inc. Grosse Pointe Area 1932 S Telegraph 17850 Maumee/Cor. Fisher Rd Bel 8 & 9 Mile We,l Bloomfield Grosse POInte, MI 48230 775-0078 332-9163 881-3747 Open Monday Evenings Ii.-''' A_ -.----

Thursdav, January 20, 1983 Page E'9ht-B Some toys are dangerous Louisa St. Clair in a young child's hands DAR Chapter tures and weights NOISy rattles to DANGER: CHILD PLAYINGl shake; unbreakable mirrors to has a birthday No, this isn't a street Sign It's a look mto; soft balls, blocks and reminder that some toys can be puppets to hold; hard rubber or LouIsa St. ClaIr Chapter, dangerous to children unbreakable plastiC objects to Daughters of the American Rev- Growmg ChIld, the monthly teethe on olutIOn, WIll celebrate its 90th child development newsletter. For preschoolers. Books! A bIrthday this Saturday, Jan. 22, at remInds parents that children are sandbox With bucket, shovel and a noon luncheon at the Detroit Imitators and experimenters Not spoon (For mdoors, a "rice box" Golf Club Current Regent of the only do they Imitate their parents, usmg whole gram unprocessed oldest DAR chapter In MichIgan is they are contmually experlment- nce IS eai>ler to clean up.) A large MRS KENNETH J. BROWN 109 With theIr loys pokmg, pull- pegboard and pegs and puzzles for (second from left), pIctured with mg, prymg, pmchmg coordmatlOn skills Wooden am~ past-chapter Regents MRS. COR- Some stuffed ammals, for In mals, CUl'Sand vehicles. ~ stur~y NELIUS G EGAN (far left), stance, have cute button eyei> thdt wagon A "walk-around kiddie MRS GEORGE F. RYCKMAN pull off edslly, exposmg the ~harp car Large crayons, pamt and lots (second from right) and MRS B , f. POints WhICh fasten them on THOMAS WEYHING III (far of papel A rockmg horse ,~ These pomts sometimes do not FOl school age chIldren: Books, rIght), v Ice.chalrman of the Na- state. Its first pastor was John formed a little more than two area DAR chapters' Mrs Robert lock, hke staples, but are Just b80ks, books I Hardwood blocks, a tlOnal SocIety Friends of the DAR MonteIth, who served as first years before J De FranCIS, Alexander pushed In llke a double-pOInt ~mall chair and table. Board preSIdent of the Umverslty of In the fall of 1895 LOUIsa St Mu~eum, all of The Pomte, and Macomb, Mrs Ira F Stater, Col- thumb tack These type~ of stuffed games MUSical lfistruments, mi- MRS MYRON MOUNTZ (seat- Michigan Clair began meeting at the Rus- onel Joshua Howard, MISS Anna Dr and Mrs Kettlewell usually sell House Later, the meetings ammals are apt to be found 111 croscopes, kaleidoscopes, tele- ed), author of a bookiet on the last Francis Houston, Ehzabeth souvemr shops or sold at carOl appear as George and Martha were moved to the Twenlleth Cen- scopes Arts and crafts supplies 20 year'> of the chapter, sequel to Blenalme; Mrs Robert C Becker, vals They are attractl've to chIl- Grow1l1g Child has a catalog of LoUIsa St Clair'S 70th anniversary Washington for thIS program, a tury Club, the Women's CIty Club, Ehzabeth Cass; Mrs. L Belden dren and are frequently a casudl over 600 educatIOnal toys, books booklet written by Mrs. Zeben R. tour (With music) of the hIgh the DetrOit Institute of Arts and ~t~ven<;.Jr Ezra Parker. Mrs ,0r spur-of-the-moment gift AVOId :lnd rccO! Ii" for children from in- pomts 01 AmenCdll 111::>tUly, from the Book C~dll!:lc Hote! unt'l, 1'1 Peterson \ lll::lJ-ll1tIJl Bruce K Reynolds, Fort Pont- them - or mspect them carelully fanti> to slx-year-olds, WIth a few Among the many dlstmguished the landing of the Ptlgnms to the 1937, at the invitatIOn of Helen chartrain; Mrs John S Buch- Items for older chIldren up to 12 gue~ts who WIll be on hand for the present day All the slides were Newberry Joy, the chapter i>tarted Children are rough on toys anan, General Josiah Harmar, taken by Dr. Kettlewell over the to meet at the Newberrv House on They experiment by draggmg years old To obtam a copy, send annIversary party is Mrs Max- Mrs. Raymond H. 'leyers, John $1 to Catalog, p.a Box 620N, La- well E Hunt, another Louisa St past 20 years. Jefferson Avenue . them, bangmg them and slUmg on Sackett, Mrs. Ivan Ross, PIety * * * Mrs Joy later deeded the prop- them AVOId anything WIth sharp fayette, Ind 47902 Clair past.Regent, now VIce-Pres- Hill, Mrs. Don Paul Fairchild, Ident General of the National So. The Louisa St Clair Chapter erty to Louisa St Clair It re- or rough edges that WIll cut or Quakertown, Mrs Bruce Richard, scra~ch ciety DAR Sarah Ann Cochrane; and Mrs was formed by a group of eight mamed the chapter's home for the More are members of the DAR Thomas G. Nancarrow, Three women in the Congress Street next 24 years, until the property Also aVOId toys or obJecb With home of Mrs WIlham FItzhugh was condemned in 1961 An office MIChIgan State Board Mrs Chn- Flags. small, removable parts that can School for Deaf ton F. StImpson, State Regent, Edwards on Jan. 19, 1893, and. was then estabhshed at the Wom- be swallowed or pushed 1010 an Among LOUisa Sl. Clair's own Mrs John F Weaver Sr., First named for the daughter of Gener- en's CIty Club and moved to the ear or nose No one knows why a members at the birthday lunch, pancakes' date Vice-Regent, Mrs. Robert W. al Arthur St Clair, Governor of Whittier Towers 10 1976_ child will push a small obJect" up besides the quintet In the pIcture, Sawyer Jr, Second VIce-Regent the Northwest Territory following Currently, chapter meetings are his nose. perhaps Just because It'S The Lutheran Ladies' Auxiliary will be yet another chapter past- _ and yet another former Louisa the Revolutionary War. The name held lfi restaurants, clubs or there, the object IS handy and It for the Deaf wIll present a pre- Regent, Mrs. Norman J Parker, St Clair Regent, Mrs Kent K. was s!Jggested by charter member homes of members throughout the happens to fit. Lenten potato pancake luncheon Bermingham, chaplain; Mrs. and fellow Pointers Mrs. John F. Katherme Hendrie Green, who metropolitan area. If a toy IS pamted or has pdlllted and card party on Wednesday, RIchard Lula, recording secre- Klein, Mrs. Frank S Clark, Mrs. Feb. 9, at the Lutheran School for termed LOUIsa, born in 1773, a Slate Detroit Rose decorations, be sure that the pamt tary; Mrs. John F. Seely, corre- Richard J. Martm Jr., Mrs. Ken. is non-toxIc Imported toys, ei>pe the Deaf, located on East Nevada neth N. Wheeler and Mrs Robert I;>aughter of the Revolution In sponding secretary, Mrs. Colman every way Society's meeting cially those from Mexico, may use Street in Detroit. Service begins G Sanford, treasurer; Mrs. C C. Palmer. lead-based paints, and eatmg at 11' 30 a.m. Prizes wIll be fea- Harold Dolph, reg.strar; Mrs The "Let Freedom Ring" slide ~y the time the chapter recelv- Program for the DetrOIt Rose paint chips has resulted m lead tured. James J. Burns, historlan; Mrs. program will be presented by The ed Its NatIOnal Charter on Feb. 13, Society's meeting Sunday, Jan 30, poisomng Some plastic toys may Donation is $3.50 per person. LIonel L. Vanderburg, librarian; Reverend Dr. Kenneth Virgil Ket- ~O more women had Joined, mak- at 2 p.m. in the Tel-Twelve Mall be flammable If exposed to heat ReservatIons must be made by and Mrs. Robert L. Bittner and tlewell, pastor of the First Pres- mg a total of 18 charter members will be a showing of 1982 Tourna- So what are deSIrable toys? contactmg Clara Manske at 882- Mrs Alan G Potts, directors. byterian Church of Detroit, oldest Mrs Edwards was elected Re- I ment of Roses parade slides The For infants Bright, colorful 4683 or Vi Lleberenz at Tuxedo Also attending will be Regents Protestant congregation in the gen~ The ch~pter w~s 30th in the public is welcome There is no toys 10 many shapes, Sizes, tex- 4-9126 from the Detroit metropolItan Nahonal SocIety, which had been admission charge. GOP Women to hear Hill Draper HIll, edItorial cartoonist lunch, to hear Mr. Hill's program Winterscape benefit for The DetrOit News, will be the at 1-30 pm. ~ight at Cranbrook featured speaker at the regular The speaker has had a career as WORSHIP SERVICES meeting of the Women's Repub- a cartoonist and illustrator smce Fabulous jewels, a towering Hcan Club of Grosse Pointe today, his graduation from Harvard in crystal ice castle and larger-than- GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe Thursday, Jan. 20, at the Grosse 1957. HIS work has been reprinted life ice sculptures will highlight the St. James Christ the King BAPTIST CHURCH Pomte War Memorial. in the national news magazines, gala champagne "Winterscape" Lutheran Church Lutheran Church (I: METHODiSTUn~ ZI336 ,"ack .\\ enue CHURCH He will present a lecture and , the Wash. benefIt starting at 6 p.m. tomor- "on The Hill" 20338 Mack, GPW demonstratIOn, "Beyond the ington Post, the row, Friday, Jan. 21, at Cran- Grosse Pomte \\ood~ 211 MorolS Road 884-5090 886-2363 Line" The public is invited to at- Times, the Boston Globe, the Bos- brook Institute of Science \1cYhllanat Kenht'\al A WormWelcome 884.0511 Awo,l'You tend the 12'30 pm. luncheon, for ton Herald Advertiser and numer- Guests may view Sidney Kran- Morn nq Worsnlp l 9 15 FamilyWorshIp 9 a m dall & Sons' $1 million collection SundaySChool & ChurchSchool which reservations, at $7.75 per ous other papers. 9 m WORSHIP S~RVICES BibleClasses a Sunday Schad person, may be made by contact- He has authored several books of unusual, museum-quality gem- FamilyWorship,10 30 a m " OOom ~ II 15 Worship$en Ice 930&1100am 109 Mrs. Stephen Wasinger at on hIS art and has had a number stone carvings and jewelry items FellowshipHour- II 30 a m lNur<;erv both Sen ) Nursery& Pre school ~5-949<\, or, if unable to come for of one-man exhibits. ,worn only 'by royalty and enjoy all Wed BibleClass lOam :.~,:;,.""630 p m 'r I 9 30 a m Sun School l Institute of Science facilities, Nur>ery ~ I Mml<;lers WIL~IAM* N. ~WA- viewing exhibits from around the JosephP Fabry, Pastor All ServIces [~ I R(lJert W Boley i-;;;------fj-----;;-7-' Pa~torGl"orge\1 !'lthl"ller Rev Toft ':j~" LutherStohsVicar Wm DaVidB Penmman ':::fj jj 1-'(. I Ul if f sey, of Shelden Road, world, seeing winter skies in the Pa,tor Roberl;\ Rlmbo I I observatory and observing a I ro Cle~ners an~::;' ~undry a e ~~re~~~~~~:~e e~~c~~~ claSSIcal music version of the I VALET COUPON SPECIAL Gant Hall Board of laserllight "Lasera" concert. Redeemer ++:: ST. MICHAEL's The Grosse Pointe I Control at Northern Information on tax deductlble United CHRISTIAN EPISCOPAL Congregational E:XPIRESJAN. 31st, '83 I Michigan University. reservations, at $100, $50 and $25, Methodist SCIENCE (I ~ CHURCH and Swasey, a sophomore may be obtained by calling 645- Church First Church of 26475 Sunnlngdale Park I I is majormg m market: 3225. Proceeds go to support the American Baptist SUPER SPECIAL Chtlst. SClenl1st GrossePointeWoods Church educational programs of the De- 20571Vermer 884-4820 (,rossePOlnlt'~'arms no t. hOillontf" at I ulhrop I mg at NMU. troIt area's natural history mus- 282 SHIRTS LAUNDERED Harper Woods (halfonle 8 00 a m HolyEuchansl 9 30 & 11 15 PIANOS WANTED eum, a division of the Cranbrook 884-2035 near Kt'rb\ Road 9 30 a m BibleStudy Regula' p,ice .85 Grands.SplnelS. Consoles Educational Community, located Sen Ice, (NurseryA\allahlel Sunda)10 30 a m FOUR on Lone Pine Road in Bloomfield 9 15 a m ChurchSchool 1030am NOW 7S (ents or S for s3.5O TOP P~ICES PAID 10 30 a m Worship Wednesda)8 00 P m ChoralEucharistand DIMENSIONS Hills, open dally except major Re' DonLlchtenfelt <;unda~SChool10 30 a m SPrmonSundaySChool EpheSIans 3 14-21 837-0506 Imfantcare pro\ldedl 10 for s7.oo holidays. DIala Pra) er 884.0069 \\ eekdayEucharl~t BUY - SELL - RENT RF Mll '1(, ROO'I 9 30 a m Tue~da) CrIbroomfa<:'llJtJes \06 KERCHE\ \1 TWO LOCA T/ONS I 0 ... THE 111\ L 9 AM ChurchSchoolat FIHST SATURDAY 17~C~_~~E30-~r:930 211~:C~.~~30~~no I St. Paul Ev. 10 a m to 5 pm 9 30 only £A\I.U'~D'-LL" MondaySaturda} RectorRoherlE Nelly Dr Ro\ R lIutcheon ~al l:l UO.500 Sat 8 00-5 00 J Thursday 1 1.4,\\1> & \. llAlJ£ f:f) <4', Lutheran He Jd( k E "'I.,le' 10 a m to 8 pm LookmgFor Fnend,hlp ~r \ Church andBibleTeaching' liNe! 19to ~db; 881.6670 II seem s 1cke only yeslerdlIY ------; ~! Chalfonte and GROSSE POINTE thdl fi,e eJtl1bllshea the camplmy , ..v Lothrop Dial MOMS' The CAMPBfLl 5continue WorshIp CHRIST UNITARIAN Lampshades newly made, cleaned. 9 15 FamIly Service a CHURCH TOY and restored 10 theIr onglnal beauty, llAM FELLOWSHIP Church ServIce .srlks and shiin!u.ngs and fabulous Nursery 9 15 & 1\ A M Prayer CHURCH ReligIOUSEducalton Sunday School 9 15 1030 AM ATTIC 1l0-lS lnmmrnss nondl'nomlnatlOnal) Rev KennethR Lentz, Lamps repaired or your obFcls 884-0369 21760 ){,l\ en [{Odd Save Money 2 ways: EAST JFFFFR'ION Janet Marvar VIcar "THE RIPER made mto atlrac{lve lam DS wdhih.ade ~:,I~\ IktrOit YEARS" Toys for Lessl Cash for Toys! DETROIT, MI( H deJIsned 10 Ii t Call }an or Sophie' ( lL"t \\ e,l of I '14 "WATCH THE "SERVICE OF THE WEEK" of Tr)('pfrl Renewed: Fisher Price, Playskool. Kenner, 922 55[0 The Rev Brooks Walker Tonka, Child Guidance, Etc •or VlSI! ou.r slUluoS- AT 8 P.M. "('r\ I~(" Recycled: at 1/2 retail price, sometimes S(Jme smce 17!10 \Iauml'l' 821-3525 address 1946 <;undd\' 10 l() d m ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26 811l O~20 less Qlla!Jtv Nurrmf!, Relaved: Books, Games, Dolls, Trains. J82 GRAND BOULEVARD, L MONDAY, JAN. 31 Care DURO!T CHANNEJ" 5 16637 E.Warren. 882-7631 FIRST CHURCH OF Grosse Pointe Cable TV First Eng Itsh (At Yorkllhlre) UNDERSTANDING Tuesdaythru Saturday 10.5 This Week's Service From: Ev. Lutheran 1178 AUDUBON WE BUY CAlLY 10:00.1:00 at GROSSE POINTE BEAUPRE' STUDIO Church WAR MEMORIAL ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Vernier Road at "HOW TO SPONSOREDBY Wed~cwood Drive CONDITION 30-500/0 OFF THEGROSSEPOINTEMINISTERIALASSOCIATJON Gro~<;e Pomte Wood~ YOUR MIND !ll\~ ,MO TO RECEIVE" Quality Furniture '"or,hlpandChurch 10 a m Inlerprettngthe j-Y---l Grosse Pointe Woods <;choo\ 9 15a m BIbleInto Today'sLlVlng Church'"or,h,p Need prayer ~Jp or Iisl 01 HENREDON ~ 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -11 am otheracllv,llescall 8112 50327 KITTINGER j_J--~~ 4 19950 Mack Avenue Paul F K.ppiH Pasl0I1!JUII< (J Dr Ray H KIely Exclusive Wallpapers and Fabrics Olher servIces - Hol V Fuchaflll S 30 p m C;at Irelay II L11llelbore Dr. Dlal-A-Prayer 88Z-II77& • BEAUPRE' STUDIO - 15118 Kercheval lllJ2-533t • 24 br. II 00 a m - C;unelay <) ~o a m - Tuesday 823-0540 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN

, ~. ... ~-~._.--~-- .. Page Nine-B 2hursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. SCHULTES REAL ESTATE FIRST OFFERING - Clean-cut, clasSIC colonial, on BEDFORD. Three bedroom, 21k baths, hbrary SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT & porch Lots of hvmg space With low maintenance, pnced to sell I Borland Assoclate$ / of Earl Keirn Realty f, Wm J Champion OPEN HOUSES 2.5 j' • Co 151 HILLCREST LANE - Excltmg IS the key word for this stunnmg 3 BR Ranch - Come m &: ~ntury 21 Lochmoor discover for yours ell Danaher, Baer, 1153 GRAYTON - 3,100 sq ft colomal In pnme park location for schools &: shoppmg Four Wilson and Stroh, Ine bedrooms, 21h modern tiled baths A.G Edgar & 1386 GRAYTON - Attractive and senSible 4 bedroom EnglISh colomal With many hne features, NsoClales modern Iutchen leaded glass Goodman Pierce 1450 HAMPTON _ Recently reduced pnce makes this 3 BR bungalow with outstandmg family & A"soclates room wi fireplace - A Super Buy <.lIros3e I"Qlme IUa! Bt;Rl\:"HlRE _ 5Pl atlon room, four bedrooms, 2Ih ity system, twin furnaces with central air Youngblood TWELVE MILE RD - 4BR split level, low maintenance, all terms offered! baths, large lot condIttomng Realty,lne VERNIER _ ProfeSSIOnally decorated 2 BR townhouse condo near Eastland "'- ~ WILLIAMSBURG - 2 and 3 bedroom townhouse condos in Eastland Row FIRST OFFERING _ Immaculate duplex on NEFF. Side-by-side dupl1cate 2 BR units, fully carpet- C.W Toles William E Keane TOLES & ed and draped With all appllances. Great mvestment m excellent location. Sue Adelberg Ann W Sales ASSOCIATES, INC. Betsy B Buda Jacquelyn M Scott Sally C Coe James D. Standish, III REALTORS 885-2000 881-8900 Mary F Ferber LOIS M Tole!' 74 KERCHEVAL 710 NOTRE DAME GROSSE POINTE CITY "Mortgages, Land Contracts • and other Creative Financing"

Ichweltzer.~Better "ON- THE-HILL" Real E/tate.lnc. I I iIfIIIH<2m~~R Two names you can trust TAPPAN AND TAPPAN AND, 884-6200 ASSOCIATES AInerK,lll ASSOCIATES RedCro,., FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING

1008BIshop MagmfJclent English manor home Very gracI- + ous home m superb condItion 5+ bedrooms, 4 fIreplaces, carrIage house, park-like settmg Together, (F-553) 886-5800 we can change things.

FIRST OFFERINGS 1ST FLOOR CONDO _ Grosse Pointe City - In super location, 2 bedrooms, spacIOus deSIgn, close to Stately Southern colomal impeccably main- This fine raml1y home on wooded Severn is Rl1~ing"a IIOIIW ('oliid shoppmg, excellent for retirees (F-749). 886-5800. tained and prestigIOusly located on a street profesSIOnally landscaped and was bwlt by 478 LEXINGTON _ Farms - "Cox and Baker" bUllt quality IS featured In this charmmg ranch, hr ) Olll' lal'g"l'"t "in- WIth a view of the lake The spacIous Intenor DaVid Wil1sIOD. Designed for entertammg and dmIng room, fireplace, attached garage, assumable Land Contract (F-744) 886-5800 g")(' lifdinw ill\(,,,t- of thiS home features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, comfortable living, it includes 3 bedrooms, lIh m(,lIt. It'" no joh 1m" famJly room With fireplace and wet bar, a baths and family room, 16x17 Open for in- an amah'III'. ('Ol1"UI{ beautiful kitchen loaded With cupboards & spectIOn Sunday, 2:00-5 00 a lo('al I1H'l11hcl' 01 counters and mUCh, much more so call today and let us tell you about It 194 Merriweather tll(' Gro""r Pointr Real E"tatr E'\- ImpreSSive 6 bedroom colomal In prestigIOus OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 REDUCED Farms area Beautifully paneled library, ('hang('. The, 'I'r real enormous garden room and butlers pantry With pro,,! wet bar SImple a~sumptlOn available OPEN !f~, ..' SUNDAY (G-Ol5) 886-4200 A REALTOR" is a li. censed real estate broker who is a BY APPOINTMENTS member of the local 474 CALVIN _ Excellent location and condition, cozy ranch With updated kitchen, only 1 yr old exchange, state as- Assumable Land Contract or all terms considered OPEN SUNDAY (G.()19) 886-4200 sociation and the ... "''''' INVESTORS SPECIAL _ Large 4 family mcome m excellent conditIOn WIth 4 car garage Good cash NATIONAL ASSO- ~l$:: ~J flow opportWlity Simple assumptIOn or ternflc Land Contract terms (G 998) 886-4200 CIATION OF 453 CANTERBURY - CORNER OF This beautiful 5 bedroom home has im. 1939 BROADSTONE _ Large 3 bedroom center entrance colomal In Grosse Pomte Woods Heated REALTORS", WEDGEWOOD Be sure you STOP by and mediate occupancy There are 3Ih baths and sun room, rec room and large closets Extra lot aVailable (G 906) 886-4200 It IS completely remodeled - new kitchen 1 Through their memo preview thiS 3 bedroom, 2% bath home Mas- 913 BEDFORD _ Elegant custom built 4 bedroom colomal in much sought after area of the Park 2 h famdy room, den wtflreplace, parquet floor' bership. they volun. ter bedroom sUIte Includes offlceJslttmg room, baths, library, breakfast nook and formal dming room, flmshed basement With natural fIreplace large ramlly room, 1st floor utility room, etc , LAND CONTRACT and wet plaster Land Contract terms available OPEN SUNDAY (G-921l 886-4200 tarily pledge them- etc Mortgage can be assumed at 7% - prIc- EXECUTIVE RANCH _ Featuring an "Indoor Pool", faml1y room, attached garage, fireplace, selves to an estab. ed to sell' $114,500 country kItchen and more, great assumption' (F -709) 800-:>800 Iished Code of Eth- BEAUFAIT _ Charmmg Ph story home In pnme area, fireplace, dmmg room, custom decorating, ics. FORMAL ASSUMPTION available on thiS traditIOnal ENGLISH TUDOR featuring 5 bedrooms rec room, all terms conSidered $61,500 (F-702) 886-5800 2% baths, family room, updated kitchen $115,900 ' ATTENTION SMART BUYERSl 20420 Lennon - Immaculate three bedroom ranch, central aIr, 1st MUST SETTLE ESTATE - Beautiful ENGLISH home featurmg 4 bedrooms and 2~ baths, large floor laoodry, new carpetmg, a rare find' (F-716) 886-5800 ,\" a I11rmhel of a den, breakfast room, modem kitchen $125,000 227 McKINLEY _ Beaullrully decorated newer colomal featuring central aIr con

A!> a member of a OPENSUNDAY2:30-5:00 SCHULTES REAL ESTATE SINE REALTY lo('al exdlange, a 31 HAMPTON IS very pleased to welcome RK\LTOR ha., tll{' Custom bullt, one owner Special, center entrance farm colomal featuring a hbrary, CO\ered porch, ..• IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME opportunity to trad{' Mutschler kitchen and 4 bedrooms. Prime Shores locatIOn PrIce lust reduced Cindy Kerwin TO CALL SINE ... IIlformation and • • • idea" on a I'egular • Dinah Murphy GROSSE POINTE WOODS FIRST OFFERING - On a dead-end street In the Farms you'll fmd thiS extremely deSirable colomal 903 Canterbury - FIRST OFFERING ba!>i" "Hh tello\\ home We offer a brIght cheerful Iutchen With breakfast bay, hvmg room ".lth fireplace, fdmll~ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 !ll'oh'!>!>ional" and to room With fireplace, first floor master bedroom and bath two bedroom'> and a bath on the Charles Trowbridge Brick 5 bedrooms - colomal - 2'/2 baths - \\ ork \\ itlt them for seeond floor, central aIr, deck overlookmg a very prIvate yard, attached gardge dnd In move.m as Sales ASSOCiates specializing in family room With fireplace - country kit comm unit) im. condtl.1on Grosse POinte reSidential properties chen With bUlIt.lns Easy Land Contract }lJ"()\ement. REAL- TORS often !>en {' FIRST OFFERING - The charm of a vmtage Grosse POinte home In a prIme Farms locatIOn, terms combined WIth the mechamcal update and decorative touches of Its most recent owners make on Illaoning boal'd .... PrestwlCk off Mack - 4 bedrooms - 21,~baths th." tl(\mp II m~c;t Ol"':il'llhlt' offE'ring Large fover hVlng room With fireplace, formal dining room, loning group", ('itv _ on extr

Bishop - 7 bedrooms, 41h baths, library, morning room - $345,000 BERKSHIRE _ English Tudor With Itbrary, family room, rec room & Blatrmoor - 4 bedrooms, 21h baths, farmly room - $143 000 sWimming pool Four bedrooms, 2 bath~ on 2nd plus a bedroom & bath Blairmoor - 3 bedrooms, 21k baths, farmly room - $124:500 FIRST OFFERING on 3rd Other amerutles Include wet bdr, bar.b q, lawn sprmkler sys Buclungham - 5 bedrooms, 31k baths, study - $127,500 Fordcroft - 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 half baths, family room - $360,000 Umque English multi-level on Washmgton, 5 tem & central air hVlng levels, With tradItIOnal Tudor style HamJ.1ton Ct. - 3 bedrooms, 21k baths, family room, hbrary - $119,000 BERKSHIRE _ Five bedroom, 31k bath English Library & famdy room Harbor Ct - 6 bedrooms, 31h baths, family room, den - $269,000 mterlor New kItchen With bUilt.loS, pegged Hendrie La - 5 bedrooms, 31k baths, lIbrary - $350,000 oak and maple floors, oak trIm and 6 panel Rec room Two car att garage $128,500 Jefferson - 2 famtly, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths each - $156,000 doors throughout, excellent condition, 2,400 N BRYS _ Sharp colomal With 4 bedrooms, 21/:/ bths Family room Kerby - 3 bedrooms, 21k baths, farmly room - $158,000 sq ft Only $125,000 Central aIr & securIty system Near Ferry school Lakeshore La. - 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, den - $139,000 Lakeshore Rd. - 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 half baths, hbrary - $550,000 21421 SLOAN DRIVE, Harper Woods, 2nd floor COLONIAL ROAD - EnJOy both the Shores & the Woods lakefront parks Moorland - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 4 half baths, famIly room - $129,900 one bedroom condommlUm, good locatIOn, Three bedroom, 2% bath colomal Den, screened porch, rec room & Moran - 4 bedrooms, 11k baths, studio, mud room - $106,000 deck/patIO area With gas gnll Central air Neff - 2 family, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths each - $125,000 $29.000 Renaud - 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 half baths, lIbrary, family room - $340,000. Renaud - 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 half baths, famJ.1y room, library - $600,000 1584 BRYS, G P Wood", neat bungalow With RIviera - Condo - 2 bedrooms, 2 baths - $61,000 extra bedrooms, With specIal prIce Roosevelt - Condo, 6 bedrooms, 31h baths, hbrary - $107,000 Roosevelt - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, library - $l39,500 St. Paul - Condo, 4 bedrooms, 31k baths - $127,500 Sunnmgdale - 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, library, Florida room - $275,000 Washington - 3 bedrooms, 2Jh baths, lIbrary - $110,000 Yorkshire - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, den - $118,000 ~ Scully & Hendne. lnc Real Estate THOROUGH COVERAGE OF 20169 Mack Avenue at Oxf ord Road GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES 881-8310

76 KERCHEVAL j)f1l1d/f~1. /Jf//? HAMPTON _ Three bedroom colomal bUilt 10 the 50's New carpetmg & i(ttffill6- ;/1i'M drapes, new drIve, new roof & new kitchen $61,900 To Buy or Sell (.A~///r,J/dh Land Contracts HARCOURT - Two famdy flat near Wmdmlll Pte Dr Two bedrooms & A House Can sun porch In each umt DIVided basement With separate furnaces 3 car garage $125,000 885-7000 LAKEPOINTE _ Near Jefferson Two famIly flat Owner occupied Two 953 HOLLYWOOD - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Newer 4 bedroom colomal Just off Mornmg- bedrooms each umt Remodeled In 1953 Term'> available $52,500 side, 1st floor laundry, many flOe features LAKECREST LANE _ Comfortable home for family & entertalmng Four and amemtles. Great terms 10% Land bedroom, 3 bath contemporary Family room opens onto a sunken Contract Incomparable pnce Planning to sell your house? $128,000 see It Sunday or call today for patio Two car att garage an appointment Talk to a professional. Call any LAKE SHORE _ Georgian colomal Marble entrance hall & stairs 21x23 VAN K DRIVE - Four bedroom, 21h bath library wltb fIreplace Study FIve spaclOu~ famly bedrooms & 5112 member of the Grosse Pointe Real Woods colomal featuring famJ1y room With baths Maids rooms & 3rd floor guest sUite seven fireplaces natural fireplace, new kitchen, ree room, Estate Exchange. They have the know-how! central air condltlOmng Call for detalls LAKESHORE _ Southern colomal on a 110x525 lake front lot P"neled BALFOUR ROAD - This fine family home fea- hbrary 48-foot Flonda room over.lookmg the water Five or 6 bed. tures 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a Mutschler rooms 3rd floor ballroom kitchen and loads of charming leaded glass windows. PrIced at only $84,900 LEXINGTON, 468 _ Open Sunday Three bedroom, 2 bath semi ranch OXFORD ROAD - Motivated seller wants 5Q.-footlot $79,000 your offer on thiS 3 bedroom, 21k bath, cen- SEVERAL GREAT BUYS TO ter entrance colomal featurmg cathedral LINCOLN at St Paul - Colomal WIth 4 bedrooms & 21~ baths 19x19 celhng family room with wet bar and hre- family room over 2 car attached garage Rec room with wet bar place, central air, and EXCEPTIONAL $125,000 START THE NEW YEAR LAND CONTRACT TERMS GROSSE POINTE WOODS RANCH - Immac- MARION CT _ Lovely tn-level Three bedrooms, 2 baths on upper level FIRST OFFERING - MT. VERNON COLONIAL Three bedrooms, 21k baths, famIly room (l6xl3) , ulate 2 bedroom home features attached FamJ1y room & bedroom or office plus lavon lower level Two car att $4,900 assumes mortgage. garage, screened terrace, new carpet and garage. $115,000 1 decor a real opportumty m the MID- FIRST OFFERING _ LARGE DUPLEX. Each umt has 3 bedrooms, 2 /:/ baths, farmly room and 2 SEVENTIES NOTTINGHAM - near 1.94 m DetrOit Only $26,000 Two bedroom bun. car garage, attractive seller fmanclng RENTALS AVAILABLE. We have 2 beautiful galow With famIly room FIRST OFFERING _ BISHOP ROAD. Four bedroom colomal, 21\, baths. den, recreatIon room \'dth homes avaIlable 10 Grosse POinte at rea- sonable rentals Call for details PARK LANE - Ranch on dead.end street off Jefferson Three bedrooms, fireplace 31r'.!baths, library, screened porch, central aIr & 2 car att garage FIRST SUNDAY SHOWING Very special 4 bedroom, 31k bath colomal at 43 Beacon HIli, 27 year RENAUD m the Shores A great house for family & entertammg FIve 11 5% mortgage aVailable - see It Sunday 2-5 p m bedroom, 31,1z bath colomal on 235-foot lot Den 34.foot family room WASillNGTON _ Near Kercheval, $119,900, 4 bedroom, 2% bath colomal, new kitchen. new furnace Youngblood overlooks pool & tenms court Flmshed basement Central air den. Land Contract terms at 91k% Open Sunday, 2-5 pm neaUy IftC. SEVERN _ Four bedroom, 21(2 bath colomal With both a library & a FARMS THREE BEDROOM COLONIALS - If streets hke Mt Vernon. Moran, Merriweather or family room Rec room Beautlfully landscaped lot Central air At Fisher are attractive to you, then you should be calhng us, because we have one on each of these tached garage streets, complete with family rooms and a varIety of attractIve flnancmg alternatives All are SHOREPOINTE _ Two bedroom. 2 bath to\\nhouse Den Rec room Two well priced for qUIck sales car att garage Burglar alarm LUXURY RANCH _ located one block from Lakeshore, thiS well buJlt home IS Ideal for the couple UNIVERSITY _ Three bedroom colomal cheerfully decorated Carpeted loolung for one floor hVlng, attached garage, liberal flnancmg terms rec room Central air 2 car garge Price reduced GEORGIAN COLONIAL with 3 bedrooms & 2 full baths on 2nd floor, WIth bedroom & bath on thIrd WAYBURN - Two family flat Two bedroom~ each umt Separate fur floor, large (20xI4) family room, beautifully decorated throughout and other naces $52,000 QUIET COURT In Grosse POinte Farms, super lotchen, over-all well mamtamed 3 bedroom home WillTTIER, 1238 - Four bedroom 21'2 bath English near Kercheval offering attractive fmancing Creative Financing" 2O-foot kItchen Den Rec room T\\o car garage QUIck possessIOn ,..------OPEN SUNDAY2-5 P.M.------. $232,000 YORKSHIRE - Five bedroom. 3'''z bath Engh~h Den & famIly room Rec 43 Beacon Hill Colomal Bungalow $ 65,000 room T\\o garage Reduced to $114.000 2017 Van Antwerp $107000 1176BIshop Colomal $119,900 Grosse Pointe Real estate LAKELAND - Near St Paul - Four bedroom 3''2 bath Colomal FamIly 582 Washmgton Colomal room, lovely garden room, recreatIOn room two car attached garage Engltsh $114,900 646 Umverslty Exchange Members $169,900 Colomal $ 86,900 406 Ml Vernon 8Qriand A$8OCI8les Palrns-Qveen Realtors of Earl Keirn Realty JIm SarO'S Agency WILLOW TREE PLACE - EXECUTIVE Wm J Champion Schull~ Real Estate Open Sunday 2:00-5:00 HOME - New England ,tyle colomal fam &CO Ily room WIth fireplace and wet bar, 4 fam. SchWeitzer 468 Lexmgton 3 bedroom'>, 2 haths $79000 century 21 Loc:hmoor Real Estate Inc / 1 Ily Sized bedrooms All the amemtlcs one 807 Park Lane '3 hedroom'>, 3 l! bath'> $185 000 Danaher 8Nf, B@!1&r Homes 1238WhittIer 4 hedroom,. 2 '2 hath'> S118500 expects m a truly delllxe home All fI WtIIOf1 and Stroh Inc & Gard9l1$ ' nancmg terms available mcludmg Land R.G Edgar '" Sc\J11y & Contract. mtere,>t rehate A8$OCla1e1l Hendrie Inc Goodman Pl8fce ShOl'ewOlXl E R BrOW"l & "'sstnle Sine ~ny Co AMI Est... CO Stror\Oman ....", (I t (,Il;'l M p('op/(' HiObK! ! MIll! on, me &ASIOCl8tltS Tappao Gallery BYGONE ELEGANCE ABOUNDS .. enJoy a JOMMoM &. flnrl hOlnw,"I Jotl~.lnc of HOrMS • "Great Room" With raised walnut panels IIIGBm Mc8r.rty &. MthoCh ToleS lM\d ,{'ith im(lMi"ntioll'~ throughout, a 22'xI8' library, 2O'x14' famlly ...~ room, attached garage and large 11% assum- ~ •• lnc able Land Contract Reduced 882-5200 MoI'lfoe & A~ y~ MAXON 886-3400 "'""t FMftY, ~. WE HAVE 3 WATERFRONT PROPERTIES from $120,000 to $260,000 m all ,>Izesand styles

1 •

1'" lor' GROSSE POINTE NEWS IeExcNl. "/ )~~ OFFERED EXCLU81V ':<,STATE EXCHANGE '. . A REALTOR' is a li- WE HAVE LOWER INTEREST FINANCING AVAILABLE NOWI censed real estate Grosse Pointe ReIt ~ ,~ broker who is a GROSSE POINTE PARK - Just lIstedl COLONIAL CHARM near the lake offering 3+ bedrooms, 2 baths, new kitchen, hmshed basement, central all' and attached garage. Lower interest terms member of the local exchange, state as. Exchange Members available 881.6300 ~ociation and the Borland Associates Palms ..Queett ~ FIRST OFFER of 4 bedroom, 3 bath Tudor-style townhouse on handy Cadieux. Walk to Vlliage and NATIONAL ASSO- of Earl Keirn Realty elementary school' Land Contract terms available 884.0600 CIATION OF Jim S.r08 AGencY REALTORS'. Wm. J. Champion BISHOP - New offering of 3 bedroom, 1% bath COLONIAL with family room, hreplace, central aIr SChUlteS Real e.•• Through their memo &00. and flrushed basement ChOice of terms $86,000 881-4200 bership, they volun- SChweitzer Century 21 Lochmoor GROSSE POINTE WOODS - New lIstmg of fme 3 bedroom brick RANCH offered at $63,900. Estate tarily pledge them- Real Estate, Inc.l "ale With FHA or VA terms poSSible 881-6300 selves to an estab- '-'AnAh~r Baer. ~tter Homes lished Code ot Eth- Wilson and Stroh. Inc. & Gardens YOUNG BUDGET SPECIAL' First offering of 4 bedroom, 2 bath Harper Woods bungalow in Grosse ics. POinte school dIstrict Lots of space for $59,900 WIth fleXIble Land Contract terms 881-6300. R.G. Edgar & SCulty & f IN THE VILLAGE - Lovely 3 bedroom modern RANCH built 1956. FInished basement, kitchen Associates Hendrie, Inc. bUilt-inS, attached garage REDUCED to $78,500 - assume eXisting mortgage. 1184-0600. 'Goodman, Pierce Shorewood LAKESHORE DRIVE - Newer Mediterranean style "mlru.manslOn" Includes fantastic indoor pool & Associates e. R. Brown With JacuzzI and sauna plus a kitchen to delight the fUSSiest gourmet' Flexible financing or Will Realtors Are consider trade 884-0600 Grosse Pointe Sine Realty Co. Matchmakers , Real Estate Co. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 They match up spe- Strongman 1064Balfour Colomal 5 BD, 2 baths, 2 lavs, den. liC. $124,000. 881-4200 Higbie & Maxon, Inc. &A~iate$ 881.6300 cial people with spe- 1090 Canterbury Colomal 5 BD, 2lk baths, family room $137,500 884-0600 cial houses. Call a Johnstone & Tappan Gallery 739-41 Harcourt 2-Famlly 2 BD, family room each umt Terms. $139,000. Realtor~ to find 322 Kercheval Ranch 2 BD, family room, central all' $86,000 884-0600 ~Johnstone, Inc. of Hom .. , . 2101 Lennon Ranch 3 BD, 2 baths, den 25% down llC $65,000. 881-6300 YOUR special 2073 Van Antwerp Colomal 3 BD, 1lk baths FleXible terms - $69,900. 884-0600 house. It works. McBrearty & Adlhoch TOietaod 739 Washington Colonial 4 BD, library, larger lot. liC - $115,000. 884-0600 You'll see. Realtors, Inc. AssOQiate8 WE HAVE MANY FINE ADDITIONAL LISTINGS - CALL AN OFFICE NEAR YOU! Monroe & Associates -.... (" \ .6eaJty AInerKan (V- '~'f---.. Red Cross :E5-f-.-jn-jjj-, ....--a...... ;;;~-;~ The experienced staffs of the Grosse lfAlTOl5 Pointe Real Estate Exchange members GOODMAN.pIERCE ~SdSOCIATESf INC. + have a full knowl- edge of Grosse 93 KERCHEVAL. 886-3060 Together, Pointe properties, GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS we can their current values OPEN SUNDAY the 23rd, 2.5 82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 change things. and the best fmanc- 269 Lothrop - Three bedroom, Ph bath, brick ranch in Farms New a A, attached garage, Immediate occupancy Priced In the 80's - Terms "P\.clI~ S:;~.~'1,.~= 1!1 iog available. They have a sincere con- available cern in assisting you OUR OTHER LISTINGS INCLUDE in selecting the right Charmmg 3 bedroom home WIth attractive natural fIreplace on Hollywood If home for you. you In Grosse Pointe Woods THE PROPERTIES LISTED want or must ao business in today's 4-5 bedroom brick tudor In the Park prIced In the 50's market, you'll be ON THESE PAGES ahead if you do busi- Large 3 bedroom colomal on Devonshire, priced In the 70's ness with those who Energy and mamtenance effiCIent 3 bedroom home on MUir with large Are Offered Exclusively deal in it every day L number of extras Includmg faml1y room w/NFP. A member of the By Members Of The Grosse Pointe Real Large residentIal lot off Lakeshore Drive in the Farms .,..geI'" lime Estate Exchange! 10 eaIo'J It. GROSSE POINTE Buying or seIling a Lakeshore Drive lot, large and well priced home is nojob for an CHERRYHURST ESTATE - Lakeshore Drive property, 8 bedroom REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Why spend your amateur. Phone any stone tudor, generous terms available ThIS home must be seen member of the to be apprecIated Excellent workmanship on the endless num. free time waiting to ber of details Breath-taking view of Lake 8t Clair. deposit your Gov- Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange for ernment check? 886.3060 With Direct Deposit, professional assis- CALL US FOR DETAILS, PRICES AND INFORMAnON your payments go tance. William J. Champion & Company directly into your account. Ask about OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 it wherever you have a checking or JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. savings account. 1409 YORKSHIRE _ Completely restored to Its origInal beauty' Beautlful center entrance English . ,)U Oi{ij iiJ£POSl'f' tudor With 3 bedrooms, leaded glass Windows and doors, natural wood, Ilk baths, fantastic ". You'll never have modem kItchen, and more to wait for your money. 775 UNIVERSITY _ Grosse Pomte City - Only $99,500 for tillS GORGEOUS 3 bedroom brick bungalow Some of the many features natural fireplace, central air, modern kitchen, recreation !I CD room With wet bar. L.C. terms 1689 BROADSTONE _ Custom bUIlt tudor located on a beautiful double lot' Three bedrooms, study, 1905 ALLARD 1265 YORKSlflRE 1379 FAlRHOLME 2lk baths, family room, 3rd floor expansIOn With heat, electric and plumbing, attached 2 car IMMACULATE HOUSE the FIRST TIME OPEN for thiS • FIRST OFFERING. THIS m garage! Woods features gourmet kitchen, beautiful 4 bedroom, Ph bath SUPER SHARP colonial has 3 The experienced refimshed floors, screened ter- colomal Features mclude a nat- bedrooms, 11h baths, family 5575 BISHOP _ DetrOit's finest area' Four or 5 bedroom, 2 story home' IMMACULATE BEST race and third bedroom With ad. staffs of the Grosse ural fireplace, Florida room. 2 room With rear deck It has a DESCRIBES', modern kitchen, dining room, 2 FULL BATHS, much more, only $42,900!! A steall Jacent sitting room. $69,900 Pointe Real Estate car garage and hardwood floors generous 21h car garage and well-landscaped lot Inspect thiS Exchange members one and you have found your have a full knowl- JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. dream house $105,000 edge of Grosse Poi'nte propE'rties, BY APPOINTMENT their current values 886-9030 • FIRST OFFERING. ONE STORY CUTIE In the Park 2 bedrooms, natural fireplace, newer and the best financ- kitchen and bath, and a 11,~car garage $26,500 ing available. They have a sincere con- CONVENIENT LOCATION for thIS 3 bedroom, 21~ bath colomal With family room, newer roof, cern in assisting you attached 2 car garage and master bedroom and adjacent dressing room. in selecting the right If GROSSE POINTE WOODS RANCH FOR $35,OOO?Yes, here's a bargain for you' There are 2 home for you. you want or must do bedrooms, utilIty room, garage, enclosed front porch and FHA/VA terms. business in today's LOVELY ENGLISH With natural woodwork, library, FlOrIda room, tile roof, 4 bedrooms, 2lh baths market, you'll be S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE and recreatIOn room ahead if you do busi- GROSSE POINTE ness with those who wuODS OFFICE deal in it every day. S,~, ~~ :t:e4~ A member of the 886-8710 \ ~O"~'(l~\ Grosse Pointe Real "Where Sales find f'riellf/.~ tre "'od#)" Estate Exchange! OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 1389 Brys Colomal 3 BD $ 68,500 -f~ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 869 Canterbury Coloma I 4 BD $118,000 _ /I The forest 1111 Hollywood Colomal 4 BD $135,000 , 4. ~fiw~/ /;)' 785 Barrington Ranch 2 BD $ 73,500 .FIRST OFFERING. YOU WELL.MAINTAINED RANCH FANTASTIC FAMILY ROOM is belongs 686 Birch Lane Ranch 3 BD $175,000 WILL LOVE thIS attractive 3 offers 2 bedrooms, natural fire- just the beginrung of the list of 600 Vermer Colomal 3 BD $ 69,800 ~droom, 1~ bath Farm colomal place. 21h car garage, hardwood extras In thiS Grosse Pointe to every 1752Broadstone Colomal 3 BD $ 77,500 on tree.llned Bishop There's a floors and recreation room Farms 3+ bedroom. 11h bath 1180N Oxford Colonial 3 BD $124,500 house. Central air, 2 car garage lovely terrace, spacIOus kitchen $29,900 living and all terms and newer decor Under $55,000 creature. BY APPOINTMENT

Mary C Bodkm ShIrley Kennedy \ ( FIRST OFFERING - Harper Woods Margaret Breltenbecher Lorrame Kirchner Large bungalow With three bedrooms, Sally Clarke Evelyne Rupp Co~: -~ Flonda room, natural hreplace, recrea. Manan Dodl(e Barbara Simpson tlOn room With bar 2 car garage Kit. Dorothy Healy Jean Wakely chen measures 12x21 6 Simple assump- Diane Kelly Mary Walsh tIon or Land Contract terms being offer- 5 ELMSLEIGH - Grosse Pomtc City - Two Cathy ChampIOn Dillaman, Broker ed lots from the lake Off Lake Shore Brand new house Four bedrooms, four full baths, two 1265 Devonshire Colomal 4 BD '108,000 Colomal 4 BD $295,000 half-baths, Jenn.Atre island coolClng center With 947 Lake Shore English 4 BD '147,500 Member of the built-ins Family room WIth wet bar, lIbrary, 125 Moran 3 DO $ 78,000 LOCATED "ON THE HILL Grosse pOinte Real Estate F.xchange fIrst floor laundry, master bedroom complete 1928 PrestWick Colonial 3 BD '179,000 m GTO'l~e Pomte FaTm~ Macomb Board of lteaHors with Js<:uzzi, sitting room and balcony With a 1010 S Renaud Ranch Colonial 3 DD • 79,000 acr08A from Dru~8 CiIa~ionAND COMIOA,n DetrOIt Board of ReaHors 978 Westchester Perry lake View, three car attached garage .. A Public ServlC~ r.wI 1305 Whittier English 5 BD '182,500 102 Kercheval 884-5700 VofThI5Nt'{l<'r~ & Th~Adverllsmg CounCIl ... ----.----

Thursday, January 20. 1983 Page Twetve-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Grone Pointe Real Estate GREAT BUYS FOR 1983 Exchange Membe ... Open Sunday 2 to 5 Come see usl Borland "$WelaIM Palrn.-Qu88n Real1Qrs KClim ~11)' 943 Hidden Lane - Grosse Pointe Woods - Ranch, three bed- , 212 batm., paneled family room, nestled In a qUiet Wm J. Champion on a state-size lot offers 6 Schultes Real E'fttfl cuI de sac Room for Tenms Court or SWlmmmg Pool Land &Co bedrooms, a library and 5eh'lll'eltIer Contract Terms Now $148,500. Vacant Mak~ offer centul)' 21 Lochmoor ready for ImmedIate oc. Real Eatat#, 11lC.I ~elt$l' Homes cupancy Priced well Qanahef. Baer, OFFERED TO SETTLE ESTATE Wll$on and Stroh, Ine & Gardens below other homes m ItS 1403 Kensington - Brick colomal featurmg 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sun. A.a Edlj1ar &. Scully & room, "h bath on 1st floor, many extras. Only $89,500. l.JC Terms neIghborhood Seller may also conSIder a short term Aesocla18s Henor .. , Inc. 964-66 Beaconsfield - Income 3 Bedrooms, LR, DR, Kit, separate rental and, or optIOn to Goodman, Pl$r~ ShorewooQ furnaces, only $69,500 Land Contract terms buy &. AssO<;letes e R eroWfl Harper Woods - 18784 Washtenaw - Bungalow - Two bedrooms, Groeto POinte Sine R"1t>' C9. Real Eslare Co famIly room $30,500 Land Contract terms Strongman .------FIRST OFFERING - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5-----. Higbie &. Maxon, Inc. & AuoclaMl$ Gro~~e POlJlte Farms - Vacant - 314 HIllcrest - recently redecorat. Tappan Gallery ed, new carpet1Og, new elec serVIce, modern kitchen, 3 bed- 622 RIVARD Deflmtely the move rlght-1O house Four bedrooms, 2"h baths, loaded With Johnslone & JOI'Il')$IOn e. ll'lc 01 HOrri$$ rooms, 1 bath, Land Contract Terms Near transportatIOn, leaded glass wmdows and natural woodwork Recently carpeted throughout and freshly schools, and PIer Will rent With optIOn to buy $700 per month pamted The screened porch could hardly peak your interest now but you'll feel hke you got McBr~.rty & Adihoch Totes and Realtol'1i. lno Atl$OClste$ PrIce reduced, $69,500 a bonus come sprmg tlme, but the attached garage IS really a plus on these cold mormngs Monroe &. AIlSOCllltlll> Youngblood St. Clair Shores - 21616 Englehardt - Small ranch, three bedrooms, FIRST OFFERING Ret1ty Realty. tne one bath, paneled family room Great Buy T L C Terms THREE BEDROOM brick colomal on deep lot. SpaCIOUSrooms mcludlOg a paneled den make thIS Commercial Property - 160' near Eastland $179,000 a flOe home for qUiet family evemngs as weH as great for entertalmng Buy down fixed rate mortgage available Do You Know A REALTORA is a professional. He o'r :>alnlS. BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE How Much Your she has a lot of GRACIOUS COLONIAL Generous room SIzes, 2 natural fIreplaces, 3 bedrooms and 2"h baths and House is Worth? background in the tleell a large treed lot The kJ.tchen has been remodeled and extra msulahon for wmter comfort and Q REALTORS Probably not. A field. and is better economy' For extra charm we have a wood shake roof Realtor'li IS compe- MACK 886-44441 equipped to do what 117646 SPECTACULAR NEWER HOME in Grosse Pointe Farms. Three large bedrooms step down tent to judge the fall' is called "strategic elegant hVlOg room, formal dining room, great room WIth fireplace and an outstanding kItchen, market value of marketing." To- JacuzzI and a master bedroom sUlle. A beaullful house to see and a fun house to hve 1o!! your house Call a day's marketplace Realtor~ if you plan Planning to sell your house? EXCELLENT BUY Stretch out In thiS 5 bedroom, 4lh bath Enghsh two story Gorgeous pegged to buy or sell. Re- requires that kind of hardwood floors m every room Very spacIOus rooms with natural fireplaces In both hvmg room sophistication. Get Talk to a professional. Call any and master bedroom Updated kitchen Realistlcally priced at $119,900 member, guess member of the Grosse Pointe Real work can be costly. some for yourself. Estate Exchange. START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT .. , view thIS 3 bedroom, 2"h bath center hall colomal on Call a REALTOR1\'. popular OXFORD RD The master bedroom has walk 10 closet and prIvate bath SItting on a They have the know-howl spacious lot, plus an attached garage, central aIr and all copper plumbing make this home tops on Through state asso- the best buy list at $139,500 ciations, REAL- Planning to sell TORS" speak out on NEED TO SELL FIRST., Thinking you should make the move while prices are stilI 10 your favor taxes, licensing acts your house? and mterest rates stlll going down? We can offer you the opportunity to purchase a 5 bedroom, Talk to a 3lh bath English Tudor WIth library and take up to 5 months to close Call today for further and other legislation details which affect proper- professional. Call , ty transactions. any member of '; They also partici- KEIM SOLD MINE v the Grosse Pointe 'n : pate in continuing -;,~, IN LESS THAN ONE WEEK / , • education programs Real Estate aimed at increasing Exchange. LET US SELL YOURS TOO ... WE GET skills and techniques They have the RESULTS! which enable them to provide efficient know-how! Both of these fine homes were new offerings in service. our Grosse Pointe News ad last week. When they were listed with us, they sold fast. GROSSE POINTE "Mortgages, Land Contracts REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, and other Creative Financing"

"Let '5 redlscopel .t\ merna tile A merrca whose rrdl IIa(lltlO7I of geTleI'Oslt}' began bl' SImple acts oj 71elghb01 CQll1Ig f01 neighbor" SAVE TIME President Ronald Reagan USE THE DIRECT LINES When Calling The Grosse Pointe News 882-6900 For Classified Advertising Subscription Department

Barbara and Bob Flood of S Oxford stand by the sign which pro- The March Of Dimes claims to u~ all - KeIrn sold mille - In less than one week I Double Anniversary Accounting Department Open Houses Sunday 2-5 19)8.1958 401 MANOR - ChOIce Farm~ locatIOn Charming turret With Circular 20 Ve.n to Conquer Polio ~talrway, 3 bedrooms, newer kItchen Low 70's See It Sunday Salk vaccine Sabin vacCine 912 BERKSHIRE - South of Jefferson SpacIOus Enghsh family home Natural \\ioodwork, pewablc tile, alcoves and other gracl. 1951-191J 882-0294 au') ameOitles There's a lot to discover IncludlOg several fi- 25 Ve.n Fighting Blnh Defect. nancing ophom Do come on Sunday For EV

HUHI \"II1t 1\lt' \'""OC Thp Gros<;f> Pointe Off1Cf> For OF Open Sunday 10-4 Display, retail advertising. Pointe Counter 395 Fi<;her Road 886-3800 Pointe and Hill Columns.

t Free Parking in Rear

Tt'4 S S~"'CE CO~f" 8ufED 8v 1HE PU6lISH£A

~--~~-~---_._---,-_._------_..-__. Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thlrteen-B

ael York follow the well trod footsteps THURSDAY'S CHILD A Hallmark lable With Betty White, Rue McClan. 3PM PT Oregon at Amona SUSAN DEY of Lon Chaney Claude Raln~ Herbert Hall of Fame drama about a family s ahan and EliC Brown 3PM NYT LOUIsville at Virginia CHAD EVERETT Lom William FlOley and Jack CaSSidy struggle against a life threatening MON., JAN. 24 FRI., JAN. 21 Indiana at Iowa In the drama depicting the obseSSive CliSIS Wllh Gena Rowldnds Jessica STEVE FORREST 9-11PM NBC (8CentraIiMountaln) 3-3:3OPM ABC (2CentraI/Mountaln) 9.11PM ABC (8Central/Mountaln) scheme of a hideously disfigured Walters Don Murray and Rob Lowe THE FOURTH ANNUAL TV GUIDE ALLIGATOR A gargantuan replile GEORGE HAMI LTON conductor bent on revenging trle SUI SPORTSBEAT Beginning the WED., FEB. 2 SPECIAL 1982- The vear In Te/e with a like size appetite terrOrIZes a BRIDGET HANLEY clde of hiS vounq opera sinaer Wife second full year With Howard Cosell VISion clly Robert Forster Michael Gazzo 8-11PM CBS (7 Central/Mountain) JENILEE HARRISON MON., JAN. 31 TUES., JAN 25 3-4PM CBS (2CentraUMountam) Robin Riker and Ramon 10 the cov THE SCARLET AND THE BLACK GOLF Semi fmal round coverage of ANN JILLIAN 8-11PM NBC (7 Central/Mountain) eted tille role Jaws In the sewer sys the PhoeniX Open from Arizona tem with laughs and lots of bite I RICHARD MILLIGAN 3.30-SPM'ABC (2 30Cent/Mount) SAT., JAN. 22 ANTHONY NEWLEY PRO BOWLER'S TOUR $150000 Showboat InVitational from Las 9.11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountain) KIM NOVAK SHOGUN Vegas Nevada UNCOMMON VALOR A terrifying VALERIE PERRINE SAT., JAN. 22 RICHARD 5-6PM NBC /4 CentraUMountam) conflilgri1!lnn Ignllerj t-y " deranged EVA MARIE SAINT 1PM.?C8S ~i2NvvnCe:n:IMouiljj arsonist at a Salt Lake City hospital CHA1v1BERLAlN TRACK AND FIELD Taped high. MALIBU Part 1 Set against the NCAA BASKETBALL Imperils hundreds of patients and lights of the 51st Milirose Games from glillenng sun and surf world of the 1PM NYT West Virginia at Rutgers taxes to the limit the courage stam YOKO SHIMADA MadIson Square Garden In New York fabled 26 mile stretch of California Tulsa at Bradley Ina and resourcefulness of the men of City sandy shore and beach communtty TOSHIO MIFUNE Idaho at South Carolina the fire deparlment Mitchell Ryan SUN., .IAN. 30 popUlated by millionaires surfers lPM.? NBC (12 Noon Gent /Mount) Barbara Parkms Rick Lohman Ben movie and rock stars 12:30-2PM NBC (11 30Cenl/Moul'lt) Murphy and Gregory Sierra Rage BASKETBALL DOUBLEHEADER SPORTSWORLD NFL '82 In review MON., JAN. 24 and roaring flames Check local starlon for regIOnal NCAA 2PM.? NBC (1CenlraliMountaln) game(s) telecast In your viewing SUN., JAN. 23 9-11PM ABC (8 Central/Mountain) NCAA BASKETBALL Reglonaltele- MALIBU Part Two ConclUSIOn area starting at cast of either the Arkansas Razor 9.11PM NBC (8 Central/Mountain) TUES., JAN. 25 lPM NYT St John s at Syracuse backs versus Wake Forest's Deacons MISSISSippiat MISS Stale from Greensboro Coliseum In North 4:30-S:3OPM CBS (3 30Cent /Mt) Iowa at Wisconsin Carolina or tne Flghtmg Iflsh of CHILDREN'S MYSTERY THEATRE Arkansas at Houston Notre Dame versus UCLA s Srums at Dlfkham Detecllve Agency A light THEA Nebraska at Colorado Pauley PaVilion 10 California hearted and exciting caper with three 3:30PM PT USC at Callfornta young sleuths With Sally Kellerman 3:30-BPM CBS (2 30 Cent /Mount ) and Stan Shaw Gregory Peck Christopher Plummer 3PM NYT Split feed coverage of GOLF Final round of the Phoentx and John Glelgud In a suspenseful Georgetown at Provi TEAM 8-9PM CBS (7 Central/Mountain) Open from Arizona drama based on a true story chron dence, Maryland at Notre Walt Disney: THE SHAGGY D.A. 4-BPM NBC (3CentraI/Mountam) Icllng the courageous clandesline Dame and Brigham Young (Part 1) Film comedy about a district SUPER BOWL PRE.GAME GEORGE efforts of MonSignor Hugh O'Flaher at Wyoming attorney candidate who literally goes ty an offiCial of the Vat'can s Holy to the dogs turning IOtO an Enghsn 3:30-SPM ABC (2 30 Cent/Mt } Ofllce who died In 1963 to conceal sheepdog I Dean Jones Suzanne Pie PRO BOWLER'S TOUR $135000 PEPPARD thousands of allied POW escapees In shelle Tim Conway Keenan Wynn AC Delco ClaSSIC from Mel's South SUPER German occupied Italy dUring WWII shore Bowlin Alameda, California THE A TEAM George Peppard WED., JAN. 26 Filmed entlfely on locatIOn In heads a cast featUring the formidable 4PM.? CBS (3 Central/Mountain) 9.11PM CBS (8CertraI/Mountaln) Mr T of Rocky III In thiS series pilot NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME BOWL RUNNING OUT Tony Bill Arl Meyers about soldiers of fortune constantly E.:'fi\=91 5-6PM NBC (3 Central/Mountain) SUPERBOWL and Toni Kalem about a woman who SHOGUN (Part One) The Peabody SAT., JAN. 22 GOLF Semi final round of the Bob BPM.? NBC (7 Central/Mountam) returns after Melve years and Emmy Award winner miniSerieS Hope $429,000 90 hole Desert Clas XVII Live to the family she With Richard Chamberlain as a ship SIC from La QUinta Country Club of from the abandoned wrecked English navigator who be Palm Splln9s, California comes a samurai warrlOI In 17th century Japan returns a little SUN., JAN. 23 dlf'ere'lt from the first time around 1PM.? CBS (12 Noon Cent /Mount l 8-10PM NBC (7 Central/Mountain) NCAA BASKETBALL MemphiS SHOGUN Part Two Adventure State versus North Carolina State romance history religion politiCS 2:30.4:3OPM NBC (1 30CentlMt) and entertainment GOLF Final round coverage of the TUES., FEB. 1 $429,000 Bob Hope Desert ClaSSIC 8.9PM CBS (7 Central/Mountain) 3-6PM CBS (2 CentrallMountaln) Wall DIsney: THE SHAGGY D.A. Finals of the $400 00 Volvo (ParI Two) Grand Pnx Masters Tournament 9.11PM CBS (8CentraI/Mountaln) 4:30PM.? NBC (3 30CentrallMount) AFC CHAMPIONSHIP NFL '83 FRI., JAN. 28 11:30PM.? CBS (10 30Cent IMt) THURS- NCAA BASKETBALL Alabama s liVing on the edge and taking on SAT., JAN 29 C"mson Tide takes on UCLA daring miSSions all over the world 9-11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountain) SA T., .IAN. 29 With Melinda Culea andTlm Dunigan PHANTOM OF THE OPERA MaXI DAY'S The Initial episode follows the Super 1PM.? CBS (12 Noon Central/Mount) Rose Bowl In Pasadena, California, milian Shell Jane Seymour and Mlch Bowl next Sunday, before moving to COLLEGE BASKETBALL The De the biggest event of the sports year Its regUlar 8 9PM Tuesday time slot Paul Blue DeVils versus the Unlver alleast as far as teleVISion goes The beginning February 8th CHILD slty of Alabama.Blrmlngham rest of 1983 Will seem anti cllmaflc PHAN'I'OII 1PM NYT Syracuse at Villanova How can we poSSibly watch Women's 9-11PM ABC (8Central/Mountaln) GENA James Madison at W&M Championship Wrist Wrestling from orTHE MAMA'S FAMILY Premiere of a Vanderbilt at Tennesee Keokuk, Iowa after thiS? Dick Enberg ROWLANDS comedy series inspired by sketches IllinOISat Michigan and Merlin Olsen report MALIBU OPERA from The Carol Burnett Show With TCU at SMU 9:30-10PM NBC (830 Cent /Mount ) MAXIMILIAN SCHELL OON Vicki Lawrence and Ke'l Berry re cre Oklahoma State at Iowa St SUPER BOWL POST GAME Len WILLIAM ATHERTON JAN E SEYMOU R atlng their roles as members of a UTEP at Utah Berman tries to keep viewers from MURRAY household krown for fussln and feud 1PM.? NBC (12 NoonCent /Mount) SWitching channels JAMES COBURN MICHAEL YORK In especially around the dinner NCAA BASKETBALL 0 1183CONOONOVANASSOCIATESINC S NEil FUJITA DESIGN PROGRAMS LISTED ARE CHOSEN AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF CORNELIUS DONOVAN ASSOCIATES INC

@LOtlllard USA 1983

. King size: 4 mg "tar", 04 mg OIcotlne av per cigarette, FTC Report Dee 1981 You found it.True. The most tasteful ultra low tar

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined you've ever seen. Tasle it. That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health,

J , I' Feature Page Page Fourteen.B Thursday, January 20, 1983 .------..... Offer financial ELEGANT flJ-Otnte aid information FATING Counter Points for collegians Applying for fmanclal aid for A selection of recipes from the by Pat Rousseau education is one of the most im- forthcoming low-calorie. low- portant yet bewildering aspects of cholesterol - and penny-wise - Play Skool Dress-up Puzzles . . . are a A hfe for college students today. Is cookbook by Thyra Grey Howard fun way to combine eye-training with play. there money available for educa- and Helena DeWitt Roth featur- Now at The School Bell ... 17904 Mack Ave- tlon? How does one go about the ing. this week, a trio of INTER- nue ~~ task of completmg the lengthy and ESTING BREADS. complex financial aid forms? * * * ~ * * * College students and prospec- HARVEY'S COMPLEAT TRAVELER CRANBERRY.ORANGE NUT tive students may find answers to • BREAD has addltwnal reductwns on selected at- these and other questions at a Fi- I taches, handbags, luggage and glfts until nanclal Aid General Information 21/4 CupS unbleached flour January 29, at 345 Flsher Road Session and a serIes of eIght 3'4 cups + 2 Tbsp. sugar A workshops deSIgned to help stu- 2 tsp. baking powder * * * dents fill out financial aId forms, Special ... at the Notre Dame Pharmacy. Jean Nate Body 1/2 tsp, salt co-sponsored by Mercy College of Lotion. the sixteen ounce size. regularly $7 Is now specially ])2 tsp, baking soda prJu:~d ~J.:l5. DetrOIt and the Mkh!ga\'l Studl:'nt 1 cup coarsely chopped * • • Financial Aid Association. cranberries The general mformation ses- ]) 3 cup chopped nuts New Knits ... See the beautiful Keith sion, to explain current avail- Adams dresses, two and three piece en- abtlity and procedures for apply- 1 egg, well beaten ])2 cup orange juice sembles in lovely spring shades including ing for fmancial aid, will be held yellow, red and beige. Sizes 6-16. No Tuesday, Jan 25, at 7:30 p.m. in 2 Tbsp. margarine, melted charge for alterations at The Pointe Fash- the Y' -ercy College Conference Mix flour with sugar, baking Center. located on West Outer powder, salt and soda. Add cran- IOns, 15112 Kercheval in the Park Drlveat the Southfield Freeway, ~ berries and nuts. Combine well- 822-2818. just south of Seven MJ.1eRoad in beaten egg and orange juice. Add • • * Detroit. It is open to the public. ~. to flour mixture with melted Tlred .. of rainY, cold Mlchlgan weather? Want to Prospective Mercy students and shortening; mix until all Oour is spend a few warm sunny days In Las Vegas? For as low their parents as well as current dampened. Pour into 9x5.inch loaf students aoo their parents are in- , pan. Bake in preheated oven 350. as $279 including air and hotel . . . or alr only for $259. Contact Travel Galerle, 886-0111 ... Open Sat- vited to attend one of the succeed- Pholo by Tom Greenwood for 1 hour. until cake tester in. ing workshops, where individual serted in center comes out clean. urdays fTOm 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. assistance will be provided to help Preparing for DSO Preludes · · Cool in pan 10 minutes; then re- • • * complete financial aid forms. move from pan and finish cooling At Michelle's Place ... the SALE continues with savings of Workshops will run from 10 a.m. JOHANNA GILBERT (left), chairing the 12th season of the on rack. Makes 1 loaf, 20 slices. 30% to SO'J'e on a selection of fashions that to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2, Fri- Women's Association for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra's Calories per slice about 105. includes daytime dresses, after five dress. day, Feb 4, Wednesday, Feb 16, Detroit Symphony Preludes, and CATHERINE McMULLEN Cholesterol a bout 12 mgs. S es, separates. While catchIng the bargains, and Monday, Feb. 28. have been busy stuffing, stamping and addressing invitations to PLACE check on the new cruisewear arriving Workshops are scheduled to run * * * every day at 17864 Mack Avenue. Closed the three-part series which opens a week from tomorrow, Fri- from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 7, ORANGE NUT OR ORANGE u~Mondays ... Open Tuesdays - Saturdays day, Jan. 28, with a mini-concert by the DSO Brass Quintette. RAISIN BREAD 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9,aOO Thursday, This program and the two succeeding ones - the DSO Bassoon Feb. 17. An afternoon, 3 to 5 p.m., This is a most delightful bread * * * Quartette will be featured on Friday, March 4; flautist Erwin" that is very economical! For par- workshop is also scheduled, for Monroe on Friday, April 22 - include the concert at 11 a.m. at Special Valentine ... Per- Monday, Feb. 21. ties, try baking in 6-ounce juice the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, where a subscription luncheon sonalized bed pillows with both the. r1_; ~~ All sessions will meet in the cans. Fill well-greased cans only your names in a heart on it ~.u~ ~~ Mercy Conference Cen~er. will follow at 12: 15 p.m. Information on tickets, ranging from 3'4 full and bake for shorter time $30 for the full series of three concerts and luncheons to $5 for a priced $8.95. Red on white. Further information may be ob- than loaves. Quick fruit and nut bed"b

By Pegg) O'Collnor In fact, Logan has so much verslty 01 Notre Dame hockey Dame on a full hockey scholar- In 1980, the world fell In love gomg for hIm rIght now, it would team ShiP, where he totaled 147 career be a surprIe;e If he wasn't on the pomts, lllcludmg 75 goals and 72 With a determined bunch of And now that Jeff Logan's hoc amateur hockey players who beat squad whIch will repre~ent the assIsts and was named most valu- V S at the 1984 Wmter OlympICS key career IS nearing a hIgh pomt, able player as a Junior and team the odds, overcame youth and in- no one could be hapPier than hIS In Zagreb, Yugoslavia And al- captain as a senIOr), the V S experience and managed to pull mother off the greatest upset m OlympIC though there's still a while before OlympIC commIttee and the Cent- hockey history, defeating teams the {mal OlympIC team selection "Like all mothers, It's a JOy to ral Scoutmg Bureau chose Logan from RUSSia and Finland to earn III made, Logan's chances are see your ~on get recognItIOn He's . to partICipate In the 1983 USA. the United States' fIrst hockey looking better every day Just ask such a good boy he's never hockey program From busboys and bartenders to bookies and bail bonds- hIS mother gold medal In 20 years gIven me a SIngh:> moment's Logan and the other players men .. everybody has the answer to what's ailing the worry or unhapplI1e<,~," Mr~ Susan Logan should be forgIven chosen for the V S A team were DetroIt Lions The Lions had what some might call a lousy In 1983, a dIfferent, but equally Petel Logan says year and now people with even the tiniest bit of knowledge determmed, group of hockey If she sounds Just a bIt biased then placed WIth the farm teams about football (some might call them members of Lions' players IS makmg Its way through when the subject turns to her What he has gIven her, III all of varIOus profeSSIOnal hockey son's hockey career But who elubs Logan spent tIme WIth the management) want to pin the blame on somebody. a whIrlWind schedule of pre- probabIlIty, IS a great deal of OlympIC, pre-world tournament, could better serve as a guy's prIde and eXCitement, espeCially MInnesota North Stars' farm Some <;~y it's th,.' c'vner, some say it's the coach. Others \\ ,"rm up games rrom th"t gut:,} prE'<;<;agt'nt than hi" motiwl - !:lte!y tpam thE' South Star<;, in Bir- feel the two-quarterback system left the Lions two quarter- bunch Will come members of the someone who's been around since mmgham, Ala, where he worked backs short of success. I don't like to bra~, but I think I've 1984 Olympic team who~e task It the begmnmg? Susan Logan was JEFF LOGAN'S OlympiC odys- on condItIOning bUlldmg ~kIHs He there horn JeWs days as a SqUIrt was granted permiSSIOn to lJ1ay got the definitive answer. National televIsion. WIll be to defend that gold medal sey began when he was inVIted earned m 1980 And Jeff Logan, In the Grosse POinte Hockey fIrst to the 1981 NatIOnal Sports five extra games beyond the 10. The same Lion team WhICh was capable of returning kick- 22, of the Shores, Just may be ASSOCIatIOn,to the tune he and hIS FestIval m Syracuse, NY, then game amateur hmlt WIth the offs 90 yards for touchdowns, completing at least half of its among them Roberts' Pools Bantam team won to the 1982 festIval held m Indlan- South Stars and has been invited passes and Tunrung up 42 points on an opponent, earned a the natIOnal bantam title and apohs, Ind Based on hiS perfor- by the team to return for the sea- spot on national television a few hmes this season - and throughout Jeff'!> ) ears as a l11gh mances there and hls record at son playdowns scormg rIght \\Inger on the Vm- Notre Dame (he attended Notre was immediately reduced to a quivering mass of penalty- "Jeff feels skating With the prone, pass-dropping Jello. A Monday Night Football date South Stars was a wonderful more often than not meant Monday Niglit Massacre. And experience," Mrs. Logan says when our heros were the featured fare on Thanksgiving Day "The transition from college hoc- telecasts, the whole country knew just which team would key was made eaSIer by skating turn out to be the turkey. WIth a professional club" Call It stage fright or whatever you like - but when the After his tIme with' the South networks yelled lights, camera, action for the Lions this Stars was up, Logan took off for year, our boys in Honolulu Blue and Silver responded with the OlympIC trainIng center in a fumble, flop and fizzle, Colorado Springs, Colo., where he joined his V S A. teammates The And speaking from personal experience, I can't say I squad is guaranteed to stay to- blame them. gether through March 8, at which time the team will be evaluated. Some players will be dropped and My television debut ... the finalized squad will go on tp I, too, am familiar with the tension caused by a television Tokyo, Japan, for the Inter- appearance, The anxiety, the fear of failure or embar- national Ice Hockey Federation's rassment ... those feelings are all too real to me, When it "B" Pool World Hockey ChampIOnshIp comes to television, I've never been the-same since my debut on the Poopdeck Paul Little Sports Show, The final V S OlympIC hockey Notre Dame graduate Jeff team WIll be chosen after next As a sidekick to the host of the iong-running Captain Jolly Logan (pictured in uniform summer's National Sports Festi- kids' show, Poopdeck Paul filled a role not unlike that of at right) is a member of the J val In Colorado Springs That Frank Gifford on Monday Night Football. Although Howard 1983 U.S.A. hockey team, team wJlI play a travehng Cosell is the boss, Gifford is around to keep things at an from which the 1984 Olym- schedule similar to the one the even keel; Poopdeck served the same purpose on Captain pic hockey te a m will be 1983 V.S. team IS playmg now, be- Jolly's show. The only difference was, Poopdeck, unlike chosen. fore competing in the 1984 Olym- Gifford, got to run the show all by himself every once and The 1983 team is coached piCS. a while. by Lou Vairo and managed IF LOGAN'S current statistICS by Hal Trumble, who is ex- Poopdeck's segment of the show was called Poopdeck are any mdlcatlOn, he'll be on that ecutive director of AHAUS, YugoslaVia-bound team He is Paul's Little Sports. Local kids sent in a card in hopes of the Amateur Hockey Assoc- currently second III goal scormg being chosen ope of Poopdeck's Litlie. Sports. Winners got I - to appear -(nf the~show "t'OCbInpet'e- for pr1zes in a kids' illtipo,,_of t\\e United States. and in total points on the 1983 team And he's already demon- version of various sports. The Miller Brewing Com- T pany, Sasson, Bristol- strated the excitlllg, come- When Poopdeck told kids to send in their cards for the Meyers Company and Isuzu through-Ill-the-clutch style of play bowling show, my big brother wasted no time in submitting Motors are sponsoring the remmiscent of so many members my name, age and bowling average. Thinking, naively, that U,S.A. hockey team by mak- of the 1980 gold medal te.lI'1 It I had no chance of winning, I gave him my consent. ing a financial committment was Logan who got the tymf goal In a game against the Russia,ls in to the team and supplying About three weeks later, I walked into the house after a the recent Battle Creek World clothing, transportation and Tournament. The V S team won grueling day at kindergarten to find a letter from CKLW- other products. TV, home of Captain Jolly, Poopdeck Paul, et a1. "Con- (Continued on Page 2C) gratulations," it said. "You have been chosen to participate in the next production of Poopdeck Paul's Little Sports. Please report to the television station this weekend." UIS cagers drop first; hounce hack Needless to say, I spent a restless week in anticipation of The Vmverslty LIggett School the big day. As it turned out, I should have slept in that thIrd quarter behmd the outside ULS functIOned more smoothl} game saw the Kmghts Jump out to day. , basketball team lost ItS first game shooting of forwards John Polizzi against Plymouth ChrIstIan, open- of the year, to Baptist Academy, a 3-1 lead In the first period on and Carl Bradley but were unable 109 a 16-poInt lead and emptying goals by John Kulka, RICk Upon arriving at the station, Poopdeck Paul's Little 64-60, but returned to ItS Winning to hold on as the third quarter en- the bench by halftIme Reserves ways with a 62-48 victory over Roberts and Dow Lake Shore Sports, as we would henceforth be known, were ushered ded, and dropped back by SIX.The played much of the second half as came back to he the score at 4-4 into a waIting room in preparation for our television debut. Plymouth ChnstIan at home on margm rose to eight before a fun- the Kmghts maintained their Jan. 14 by the end of the second period There were four of us: myself, two girls outfitted in pink ous I'ally closed It to two with less margIn Parks was high scorer than a mlllute remalnlllg The BIll Scarfone had scored a short- satin party dresses, and a boy who was amusing himself by The Kmghts, ObVIOusly rusty WIth 17 poInts followed by Hunt handed ULS goal during that after a three-week layoff over the team was unable to convert on with 14 and senior forward Dave staring at the test pattern card propped against the studio four free throw opportunities and period Lake Shore tl:!0k a 5-4 lead wall. holidays and pI aymg without Chamberlin with 11 Hunt and early m the thIrd period but Wood Jumor point guard Larry Van mIssed numerous short shots, Chamberhn shared rebounding evened the score puttmg In a re- hO\1;ever, and took the loss. "My, isn't your little girl cute r," said the mother of the KIrk, out With a leg lIlJury, made honors With eight each bound With fIve minutes left in the repeated phySical and mental Sophomore forward Carl Brad- pink satin party dresses to my mother. "I know my darl- ULS returns to achon thIS FrI- game The game ended III a 5-5 mIstakes In the loss to BaptIst ley was hIgh scorer WIth 16 pomts, ings are a httle overdressed, but I think pink will show up day, J an 21. tr avellllg to South- tIe Although outshootmg ItS oppo- Academy, commItting 25 turn- followed closely by PoliZZI WIth 14 field Chnstlan, the current league nent, 39-25. VLS could not cash 111 well on television, don't you?" "I told you-I should have overs In the game They fell be- Semor guard J T Parks chipped worn sometlung nicer than this crummy school dress," I leader for a 7 p m contest fol- on ItS many opportumtles hind by 12 points In the second In 10 pOInts, a team-hIgh five ste- lOWing the junior varsity game at hissed at my mother. 1 was sure that Poopdeck Paul would The Knights' next two games quarter before rallymg to only a als and mne rebounds, tying 530 pm are on the road, Thursday, Jan 20 give the pink satin party dress sisters a 10-pin advantage 35-28 defiCIt at half.tlme JunIOr center Bnan Hunt for the at St Clair Shores South Lakc and just by looking at them. top spot m that category VLS took the lead bfleflv III the Skaters win, tie Saturday, Jan 22 at Cranbrook We were interrupted by Poopdeck's booming voice. After coming off a long holiday "Who's the kid with the 150 average?," Poopdeck asked. break. most of the players re- Spikers take opener "She's right here," my obnoxious brother said, pushing me Don Zysk: 24 years turned a week earl) to start the The VLS girls' volleyball team to the fro'lt of the group. "I wrote on your card that you Ice hockey team off In the new opened Its season Jan. 14 With a had a 150 bowling average," my brother whispered. "Make year 10 good form home victory over Academy of the It look good " of top tennis On Jan 12. the Kmghts beat last Sacred Heart, 17-i5 and 15.12 year s Class A state champions Startmg for the VLS varsIty were A 150 average' I hadn't ever seen a bowling ball until By Kevin Monahan our compE'tltor schools.'. Zysk Trenton. 4-2 on goals by Rob Sue Gouda. LaUrie Evans, and that afternoon' Poopdeck asked me to pose with him for a South High says Wood, Jim Raymo. Tom Dow and Debbv Lubera Team members special snapshot; he'd never seen a S-year-old with a 150 For almost two and a half de- The boys' tenllls team l1as run Mart" Wittmer Dow scored the also 'Include Lisa Van Dellen\ average, he said "That makes two of us, pal," I thought. cades, Don Zysk ha<; coached the Illto man} other problem<; III the go-aliead goal \\ Ith Jue;t I 26 left In Murry Hastll1gs and Barb Ro- pac;t four year<; - one of the big- the third period The victory man The other LIttle Sports and I were then taken to the South boys' varsity tenm<; team to successful seasons Zysk came to gest of these wa<; the constnlctlon \\ould not have been pOSSIble If The Klllghts are lookmg forward stage, WhICh had been converted into a mini-bowling alley. South (then Groc;c;e Pomte High) of the South Industrial Arts BUlld- goalie George ZInn had not to a successful season TheIr next turned In the performance he did. Poopdeck showed us the array of prIzes which would be In the 1950's, and has since m~ \';hlch left onl} three tenllls home game Will be thIS Fnday, awarded to the winner. "Let the kId with the 150 average coached tenms and at one time court<; With onl) three COUlts. tllrnlllg a\\ ay 31 Trenton <;hots Jan 21 at 1 30 pm. when th# start first," Poopdeck said to his assIstant. "Okay, every- was a football as<;Ie;tant coach, all there,l<; not enough room for 12 to l'LS played ho<;t to the Shorlans face Huron Valle\' Lutheran at t~ body, let's start the show" whIle carrYlllg out hl<; dutres as a 15 player<; to practrc<'. 01 up to 30 of Lake Shore on .J <'In 15 The Cook Road campu<; full time <;oclal studle<; teacher 10 playa match Before the con The last thing I remember was starmg at myself on the In hiS 24 coachlllg sea<;onc;,Zysk "tructlOn of the bUlldlllg, Zy<;k televISIOn monitor and watchIng as my bowling ball has yet to have a losmg c:;eason c;ays, "the team wac:; much more Ruth League plallS season bounced down the lane, hlttmg cameramen, sound technic- together becau"e t hey could record - but hi" teams have Since 1<'I...t September, the Board change 111 the "choo! .lnd go right Feb 21 and 22 at Brownell Junior Ians, props , . , everything but the bowling pms, never won a "tate champlOnc:;hlp of Dlrectorc:; of the Babe Ruth South's bec:;t "tate fllmh was a out to the courl <;('\ ('n da\ ,. High School from 7 to 9 p m Try- ThE're \\ ere "e\ en cOllrt <;before LeaguE' of Gro ...... e Pomte Farmc:; oul<; \~III take place on March 19, second place III 1960 e]l) ha<; been working hard to Try a few tears, Lwm ... Unlike girls' tenlll" tE'am coach the I A hlllldl1lg wa<; con 'it ructed , 20, 25 and 26 at St Paul's Gym and that <;eemed 10 he <;lIfflclent make the 1983 season <;lIcce<;'iful on Gro<;<;e POlllte Boulevard On Stephallle Pr}chllko, ('oach Zye;k Thl<; year the offlcer<; are Mike Needless to say, 1 was not awarded the array of pnzes has not been hle"c:;ed WIth the no\,; athlete" mllst travel to El March 19, 20, and 26, 13 vear-olds Those went to the pink satin party dress SIsters, Even the worthy Field .Johnc:;on. pre<;ldent. Tim Corhet!. Will attend tryouts commenclllg at number of natlOnall" ranked tl E'a.,llIer and Tom Savko, <;ccre test pattern kid, who by the end of the show was almost amateur tenllls playe'rs, which Another major problem facmg noon. 14 and 15 year old<; will tary Olher hoard members 111- heg1l1 at 2 :l0 P m On March 25. completely cross-eyed, outs cored me, But then, outscormg have enabled the glrlc:;' varsity Zy<;k IS the 10<;<;of league oppo- elude R]l1 Adlhoch. Chuck Camp only l:l year.olds Will attend the zero Isn't too dIfficult a task. tenms team to Win Its last '>even nent<; because of fmanclal pro blem<; ThiS year the Ea<;tern hell, Harold Connell. Ph]1 Cun- tryouts begll1ll1ng at 6 30 pm trlp<; to the state champIOnships mngham, Joe DI<;telhelm, Al Hil. As Poopdeck Paul hned us up to receive our prizes (or in Zysk feels he ha<; had three Michigan League will con<;Ic:;1of A<; 111 past years, replacements lenbrand, ,John Hohen, Ru<;<; are reqUired for managers and teams In the last 24 years which three team<; III boy<; tenms. and my case, take my medI~ine), the who~e event began to take Jone<;, Bill Kalmar, Jim Kolp. had a good chance of becommg pos<;lbly only two If Mt Clemen" coaches who have had to "hang its toll on me. I broke mto tears, Wh.I~h gave way to .sobs, Mike Paplsta, Dick Pierce, Matt up their spIkes" Anyone In- which turned mto uncontrollable wallIng, Poopdeck, In an state champs The prohlem Zysk cannot pasc:; a millage proposal Rumora, Tom SIne and Ruc;s Zab- terested In asslstlllg as a manager effort to shut me up, broke precedent and sent the last facee; IS common "The cahber of Last year the f:ML lost East Det. locki rOlt, a nd the year before Port or coach should contact Al Hill- (Continued on Page 2C) tenms has greatly Improved here at South but al<;o at many of enbrand at 343-0181 any even- (Continued on Pa,lte 2('1 RegistratIOn WIll be held on ing after 7 p m

" GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday,January20, 1983 North cage mark 4.5 Sports Week Gymnasts earn raves 8y Paul RegeIbrugge Dave and Greg Fleming, Pete Despite a lack of publIcity, ercise as Bay's 7.0 was good (Continued from Page IC) enough for fIrst place, Young had Moody and Pat Marlow were South's gymnastics squad is draw- ThIngs are finally beginning to ing crowds - and raves for its a 6.90 for second place antl PattI champIOns, Jim Seagram, Steve place contestant home with a prIze. break the way Coach Ray Ritter performance Seppala was third with her 6.60. has hoped they would, as the Taugher and Fred Schultz also placed. Looking back on that experience, I can completely sym- The girls' first meet was at The girls lost their first meet of Norsemen boosted their varsity pathIze with the Lions There's something terribly unnerv- home against Warren Lincoln on the season to a talented Dearborn basketball record to 4-5 overall Swimmers race to first ing about lights, cameras, close-ups and commercial Jan. 5 South outpointed Warren, team on Jan 12 South's overall (4-1 m BI-County) WIth WInS over 111.25-86.9. Winmng places m the record is a 2-1 and during that Roseville Brablec, 43-32 and Wmrung both relays and earnmg breaks. I can certainly understand why the Lions have had their problems on television meet for South were semors Phylis three-meet span, a number of Clintondale, 44-42 ' a state qualIfying time With many Ayoub and Andrea Bay, and jun- gymnasts received regional meet near misses, North SWImmers Ior Ashley Lornsey, who swept Semor Bill McEnroe hit the My adVIce is to turn down those national television quahfymg scores took first place m nme events to the vault, and semor Amy Vasher winmng basket agaInst Chnton- opportunities. Although It might give a number of errant race past Warren Tower, 89-38 and freshman L1z Cebrowski, who RegIOnal qualifICatIOn IS deter- dale With Just one second remam- sons-turned lInebackers a chance to say II HI, Mom!" It North Will host Southlake at 7 placed on the parallel bars mmed by a specific score In an mg to give North Its third con- pm Tuesday, Jan 25 does nothing for a football team's position in the standings. secutive victory PlaCIng on the beam were event In the vault, the qualIfymg And if a national television appearance IS unavoidable, Karen Howe and Bay, In the fIrst score IS 7.50 or hIgher; In the bars "We didn't play that well Spikers are even perhaps the Lions should try my ploy. If the tears of a and second spots Bay, Ayoub and It IS 7.0 or hIgher; 720 or hIgher _ against Brablec but thanks to 5-year-old could wangle a free case of soda pop from a JUnIor Martha Young put the meet on the beam, and 7 60 or higher in - the floor exerCIse For a gymnast some excellent reboundIng we Lakeview edged North, 16 14, m salty sea dog lIke Poopdeck Paul, imagine what 44 sobbing, on ICe after sweeping the floor ex- played a good game against the fIrst game but the Norsemen erCIses to compete in the reglOnals, she Clintondale," coach Ritter said bounced back to wm, 15-5 and waihng football players could accomplish. They might even South's next meet was against a must receive at least four qualIfy- Ritter also cIted strong defenSive 15-10 to even the girls' varSIty come out of It With a contract to endorse Kleenex. weak Rochester Adams team 109 scores In a specIfic event dur- play and well-executed offen!>e as volleyball record at 1-1 WhICh South defeated easily, mg the season. starring In the WIn 101.55-88.05 Ayoub scored a 7 0 for Among South gymnasts who June LaGrasso served eight a fIrst place In the vault JUnIor have received qualIfying scores so Mark Davey led all Norsemen pOints In a row in the second Shflnn Rooth'" 6 70 Wfl" good for fl far thl'- season are I\youb and Bay I)corer~ m ooth contests, scormg game and 'fflcla Weber served Olympic odyssey second place In the vaul. Booth In the vault, Vaster on the bars, 15 POints agamst Brablec while seven pomts m the fmale also scored a 6.45 on the bars, Bay, and Howe on the Beam, and adding eIght rebounds, and he (Contmued from Page IC) great potentIal. If he doesn't, he's Vasher took thIrd In that event Bay In the floor exercise The JUnIor varSIty beat Lake- Just another pretty face" poured In 16 more pomts m the the tournament champIOnship with a 630. South gymnasts will meet Berk, view In straIght sets, 15-8, 15-8 Chntondale WIn RICh Pelt scored But Jeff Logan still has much to So far, it seems, Jeff Logan IS On the beam, Young's 6.80 and ley next Monday, Jan 24 at 7 p.m. 12 and McEnroe added 11 pomts Jenna Cook served a total of 11 points, HeidI Lmk, fIve and SophIa prove before that final OlympiC fulfuillng that potentIal He man- Cebrowskl's 635 were good at South, before faCIng Edsel Ford ,~ JV cagers split Bachonovich, three. Some excel- team IS chosen - and he has a lot aged to earn a degree In econ- enough to net first and second In an away meet on Wednesday, . lent serve receptIOns were turned of tIme to do It The team IS cur- omics from Notre Dame while place for South The only event Jan 26 at 7 pm (By MIchael. The J V cagers fell to Lake swept by South was the floor ex- Conne))) 10 by Beth Fuchs and Dawn LaG- rently In the midst of a 37-game playmg four years of varsity hoc- Shore, 49-43, before defeatmg rasso schedule In preparatIOn for those key, made the University LIggett Roseville Brablec, 67-56. IIHF World ChampIOnships In To- School varSIty tennIs team for Ellen Goum served mne pomts Craig Engel fIred in 14 points, kyo. Logan's travels with Team four years whIle playmg youth MarIies split in South Bend to lead North's freshman m the USA Will take him from Bel- hockey, and pursued an OlympIC followed by Art Szymanski's 10 10 fIrst game of a 15-5, 10-15, 15-4 glUm, the Netherlands, and To- dream to the POInt of turning The Grosse Pointe Marlboro DIGIUseppe and TIsdale. the Lake Shore loss. KeVin triumph over Mt. Clemens The kyo, Sapporo and Kobe, Japan, to down a profeSSIOnal contract be- Bantam AA hockey team traded Two evenings of swimming, Weldmger scoreq 16, Szymanski, freshmen gIrls are now 2-1 Sue Anchorage, Alaska and Sun Val- cause he was already commItted victories with the South Bend pmg-pong and staying up late took 14, Engel, 14 and WIll Secor, 10 Bond scored seven m the fmal Shamrocks last weekend In an ex- their tolls as the Marhes dropped versus Brablec. ley, Idaho - and anum bel' of to the U.S program game and Virginia Sanders played other stops In between hlbltion series on the campus of Sunday's rematch, 6-4. The Mar- Wrestlers are third very well as a setter throughout "Jeff has devoted hIS life to Notre Dame University. Grosse lies dropped behInd, 4-0, before • If Logan can learn the demand- hockey He loves it and he wants Pomte has been stagmg home and they woke up and staged a furious North's varsity wresthng squad In freshmen basketball action, Ing, Europf>an-Style play U S to pursue it," Logan's mother away matches. with South Bend comeback WIth three third perIod placed third of 10 teams at the Craig Como's 13 pomts proved to team coach LOll Vall'o IS imposing says "You have to sacrifIce an smce the Marhes won the Irish goals before South Bend iced the Fordson InVitational despite be to no avaIl as the Norsemen upon hiS players, and If he can awful lot for these goals - but Rover InVItational three years game and the Win late in the con- bringing only nine of 13 wrestlers fell to Clintondale, 58-27 North's contmue to Impress team offICials Jeff IS WIlling to make those saCrI- ago Last weekend's series fea- test DiGIUseppe led the Marhe at- to the match record IS now 2-3 With hiS play, he has a good fICes to achIeve hIS goals. tured excellent hockey, and gave tack WIth two goals; Nwd and chance of makmg the 1984 Olym- players and famIlies a chance to SullIvan had smgle tallies piC team One of Logan's former "He says he thmks he should gOJ after It as far as he can." visit the campus and see a colleg- Donahue and Sullivan had one as- Pee Wee Blues stay on top coaches thmks Logan has all the \ iate hockey contest Slst each necessary skills The Grosse Pomte Blues Pee Jason Smith notched smgle goals And that kind of attitude is The MarHes dominated the The Marhes split theIr pre-South Wee travel A hockey team needed and Kirsch added a three-goal hat pretty much what the world loved opening game of the serIes WIth a Bend Adray League contests last "He's extremely fast WIth tre- about that determmed bunch of 7.1 victory The Pomte opened a week, defeating Royal Oak, 3-2, a win over Fraser last week to trIck to finish with four goals. mendous sconng ablhty. In hockey players back In 1980. 5-0 lead m the first game on goals and losmg to Fraser, 3-1 stay 10 fIrst place in the Adray Fraser got on the board once fact, !;Je's the fastest player I've by Richard Pesegna (two), Tom Grosse Pointe spotted Royal League With Ju!>t three league agaIn late In the game to close the ever coached," says ChriS Coury, Ugval, Len DIGiusenDe and Kevin Oak an opening penod. one-goal games remammg, the Blue~ ied scoring. coach of the Little Caesars mIdget Tisdale before South' Bend came lead before they found the range l Fraser by Just one pOint The The win over Fraser turned out hockey team Blues got theIr win, 12-2 to be just the beginnmg of a long Clinton Club back with its lone goal. The Mar- and dominated play With three Blues' goalie Kevin Nesler set weekend of hockey, as the Blues "If he plays up to hiS potential hes qUickly squashed any hopes second period tallIes Tisdale the tone of the game when he traveled to South Bend, Ind, to he can make the Olympic team names officers for a Shamrock rally by finishmg scored the f1rst two goals on PIC- stopped two early scorIng op- play two games agamst the South with no problem," Coury adds the game on late goals by TIsdale, ture set-ups from SullIvan, before portumtIes by Fraser The Blues Bend Irish Rovers "But he has to have talented Woods reSIdent Charles R. his second, and Joe Sulhvan. Ugval sealed the victory With an came rIght back to score tWICe on In the first game last Saturday players around to get the puck to (Bob) Mueller IS one of five new The Marhes completely dom- unaSSIsted goal after stealing the mfty passing plays as Billy Jewett him and he has to have a officers of the Chnton River Boat inated play - even In penalty Slt- puck. mght, the Blues turned in another Club converted a Ricky Kirsch pass good defense effort, earning a 1-1 coach who can motivate hIm" uations - with their superior The Marhes' visit to Taylor Mueller WIll serve as rear- skating speed Goah~s,,,,.Coley wasn't as pleasant, as they lost to and Jason Smith scored from tIe behind the superb goaltendmg AND COURY says nght wmger Ricky Darke and Kevin Bourke of Nesler and some great work_ 011 cc,mmodore in 1983:'Other offIcers Copnolly and Heat;''' C\tim wer~~ ~_~"te. "L~e state, 3-1. ~gan's potentIal goes far beyond' mclude Joseph (}rimaudo, War- outstanding, repeatedIy-rnrnllig~N.m'rlijOros slaye

Crosse pointe Soccer Association NEW BOY'S & CIRL'S SPRING OPEN RECISTRATION

SATURDAY .. ~ANUARY 22 (J'j", .bny AND 2 • ////nr /Ujh;;; • AM-NOON At the Grosse Pointe Community Rink 4831 Canyon, Detroit, MI

Open to all 6-19 boys & girls (must be 6 by January 1, 1983) in the Grosse Pointe Public School System or reSidents In the Grosse Pomte Communities. Items needed for new player registration 1. Two (2) school pictures with player's name on the back 2. Copy of Birth Certificate for G.P.S.A. files 3. Check payable to G.P.S.A. $35.00 (Maximum $70.00 per family). Onl~ 6 mg ~et nch enough to he cdlled dclu\c Rcgular dnd Menthol Any high school students or adults interested In coaching, becoming referees or working on field preparatIon; please contact Mr. John Drummy, phone 882.9511. l______()_P_C_1l _d_h_O_,(_I(_)d_,\_~ _ Crosse Pointe Soccer Association Warnlnq The Surgl'on Gl'neral Ha~ Oerprmlnpd A non-profit organization ThaI Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Health 6 I'~ 1H 0 f , q nlc[J!,np av per Cigarene by FTC r elhod I - Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-C Bruins take tourney warm-up Center Ice The First 'of Michigan Brums once. Keith Barich scored twice " readied themselves for the Inter- and linemates Tom Davis and In the GPHA national Silver Stick Tournament Mike Brykalski, once. Steve De- this weekend with three consec- ttloff accounted for one goal with utive MIdget vIctories la~t week. linemates Stacey Rickert and Jeff A full schedule of Squirt DIvi- week Garrett drawing assists. sIOn p[ ay hIghlighted Grosse The Brums bested league oppo- Defense has been the Brums' POinte Hockey Association action nent Lakeland twice, 8-0 and 5-1 strong pomt, and the team's de- last week The OIlers and North The entire Bruin team fIgured in fensemen, Chris Smude, Captain Stars got things started WIth a the scormg in both games Tom ChrIS Luongo, Dan Follis, Eric high-scormg game, won by the Madden scored three times whIle Grant and Bob Nelson have added Oilers, 7-5. linemates Marty Sanclemente scormg punch and stopped their A sky-high Oller team mam- scored twice and John HIrschfield, opponent's scoring. tamed pressure from the openmg The goaltendmg duo of Dino faceoH to take the win Paul Masella and Dan Geffert has Bogos led the Ot[ers WIth four go- combmed for an overall goals- als; smgle talhes were notched by Club sponsors against-average of 1 30 Renato Roxas, Nancy Alcott and Jason Bucko Blake Crawford, The tlurd Bruin victory of the Mark SchweItzer, Buck!;) and John karate class week came over Compuware AA, McGlone added assIsts The North The Neighborhood Club IS cur- 4-3 The Brums opened 4-1 lead WIth goals by Sanclemente, RIC- Stars' Charlie Stumb contmued rently sponsormg a karate class hiS torrid sconng pace, flrmg III kert, Dettloff and Nelson Mad- three goals to run hI:' totals to 23 at Parcells School on Saturday den, Hirschfield, Garrett and mormngs from 9 to 10'30 a m The on the year Brad Hea and Gabe Luongo drew assists SolId de- class began Jan 8 and runs Benvenuto also scored for the tense and good goaltendmg by through March 12 Masella and Geffert provIded the Stars Classes are $Z 50 per lesson LeadIng the lessons for 10 to 13 margm of victory 1"1 !\"'JOER"-"Ho\RJ<" year-olds are two black belt m- The Brums play thiS weekend The Islanders Invaded St ClaIr structors in Sarnia, Ontario in the Inter- Shores for a game with the Further information may be ob- national SIlver Stick Tournament, Sharks, fJghtmg to a 3-3 tIe. The tamed by callIng the Neighbor- an event which features the finest Islanders' NICk LorenzinI and the hood Club at 885-4600 teams m North America J Sharks' Matt Schalker scored Cy Schoaps. left, of the Woods, chief judge of the recent 61st annual Detroit Speed Skating tWice each before Steve Bal put the Islanders ahead m the third I Club's Gold and Silver Skates Fun Skate. pauses for a break at the Farwell Field event with THE $250,000 Detroit 8.S.C. president. George Omelenchuk. Schoaps and Omelenchuk were Silver Skates win- period Chad Parr's goal In the '_' final minute earned a tie for the ners in the 1940s and are still actively involved in promoting speed skating for area youngsters. Sharks. In addition to his official duties, Schoaps donned speed skates lonJ{ enough to win the "Senior WeT WINTER FINALS Olympics" in his category. The recent races were part of the nation's oldest speed skating event OILERS-HUSKIES JANUARY 27-30,1983 and attracted over 200 skaters from the Midwest and Canada. A list of winners is featured below. The Oilers and HuskIes battled to a 2-2 tie 10 thIS close-checking, , • hard-skatmg Mid-Season Tourna-" I COBO ARENA - DETROIT • Fun Skate champs crowned ment contest Roxas put the OJ1ers " Featuring on top early with hIS goal, but Dan . The DetrOIt Speed SkatIng Club Boys' 9 to 10 - AntOniO Bur- NICole Dobson. Grundman hed It up for the Husk- , " . '", ' held Its annual Gold and Silver bank, MIchael Tucker, Randy Boys' 13 and over - John Coyle, les. In the thIrd penod, Bucko put • Skates "Fun Skate" competitIOn Campana, and Matthew Hunter, David Coyle, Bnan Detloff, C the OIlers ahead agam after con- '. at Farwell FIeld recently The top Girls' 9 to 10 - Justma Brent, KrajewskI and Joseph Damelak, verting passes from Bogos and .' five wmners In four age categor- Rene McMIllan, Jenmfer Bermon, GIrls' 13 and over - Jane Denn- McGlone, but Brian Denms scored " and Polish Tennis Star t!? Ies included hIS first of the year for the Husk- ~ t!? Janelle Hoover and Natasha Bur- Ison, Natalie Thorpe, Kelly bank Franks, Shelly Robertson and les The Oilers' Jim Bunn and the Boys' 8-years-old - Jose AL- Nancy Coleman HuskIes' Paul Cavazos were sharp Wojteknbak fieri, Jeffrey Schuck, Marty Mc- Boys' 11 to 12 - Doug Olds, T.J. In the nets for theIr teams To Charge Tickets For Information MIllan, Frank Euplzi and John CollIca, John Vernarsky, H Mc- Skaters from around the metro- Moehrmg; GIrlS' 7 to 8 - Kristm Millan, and James Saffold; Girls' politan area particIpated 10 the NORTH STARS-BANDITS (313)567-9800 (313)567-6000 Omelenchuk, Christme Howser, 11 to 12 - Penney Grebbs, Eli- event Winners included chIldren In a rematch WIth the Bandits CIl\dy Porter. Lydia Johnson and zabeth Robmson, Michelle Ral- from DetrOit, the Pomtes, Oak at St Clair Shores CIVIC Arena, Special Hotel Rate - The Westin Harel, Renaissance Center Tammy Bngg!> ston, Clarice Bednarski and Park and 81. Clair Shores the North Stars jumped to a two- offers a rate of $19.82*per person. "'Based on double goal lead and were never occupancy. (For Room Reservations (313)568-8200) • threatened as thev skated to a 3 1 Ski benefit ]8 Sunday WIn. Jack McSoriey knocked m a rebound off flea's shot to open the Three-day ski weekends for two for a free ski pass for the day Goods and Alpme SkI Shop in scorIng Stumb Iced the vIctory at Crystal Mountam and Boyne Trophies will be presented to Birmingham, Geake's in Fern- With hiS two goals Bflan Haworth Mountain, a cross-country ski the three skiers who make the dale, Schummer's SkI Shop m scored for the Bandits in the third package, a garage door opener most runs All skiers are ehgible Grosse Pointe and Vlkmg Ski Shop perIOd Dan Henry and Andy Mar- Would You Believel nnd skI gloves, go~gles and poles for a speCial door pnze - an elec- III LiVonia, or by calhng ALASEM tin turned m strong defensive ef- are among the prizes the top 30 tnc garage door opener at 961-1697 or GM Mens' Club forts for the North Stars fundralsers wJlI be awarded III the Sponsor forms are available at Chairman MIke Harnson at 556- SKI FREE FOR CHARITY skl-a- all BavarIan Village and Her- 1935 ISLANDERS-OILERS thon for the benefit of the Amen- man's ski shops, Acme Sporting The Islanders went on a scoring can Lung Asspc~atlOn of South-n rampag.e. tn this 8-2 vIctory -_ eastern MIchIgan (ALASEM) thiS B n ~n p 11~ out-gunmng th~ Oilers by scormg , Sunday, Jan. 23, from 9 a,m to 3., f rowne cagers.a to arCe.I.mtWice In the first perIOd, tWICe III p.rn , at Alpine Valley The event the second and four times m the IS sponsored by the General The Brownell eighth grade boys' vine. Brownell was led by Brady third Bal notched five goals to EACH Motors Mens' Club basketball team was 1-1 last Kraushaar's 15 points Caven lead the sconng; Billy Sehen I~h, DownhIll skIers, novices and week Brownell turned the ball West scored 12, Tim Piche had Dan LeFebvre and Lorenzllll ~ot experts alIke, are mVlted to partl- over too many tImes in a 49-37 three and ChrIS Pettit and Bill the other Islanders" goals Bogos w/processing clpate m the fund raIser by sigmng loss to Parcells. Gryzema each scored two points and SchweItzer scored for the Oil- up sponsors to pledge an amount "We made too many mistakes ers for every run they make A mmI- and Parcells capItalized on Brownell bounced back to. beat mum of $2010 pledges IS reqUIred them" commented coach Al De- PIerce, 33-23. ~raushaar agam led NORTH STARS.HUSKIES Color Prints , the Bullets WIth 14 pomts. West The HuskIes came from behmd scored 10; Doug Hagen and JIm tWICe to battle to a 2-2 tie WIth the 1k ].Jt;KIN :J177 Dara both scored four points North Stars 10 thiS close-checkmg E. Jefferson Dave Arnold was high scorer for game Darren Burt scored hIS PAVILION SEWER Pierce WIth 14 points. The Bullets first goal of the year to give the stand at 3-1. North Stars the lead, but Derek TROUBLE? The Brownell seventh grade SmIth took a pass from ChrIS c.II also lost to Parcells, 35-27 Andre Shaya and scored to tie the game BielskI led Brownell with mne Benvenuto fl1llshed off a nice points. The Bullets then traveled passmg play from Stumb and Mc- 17114 Kercheval Avenue to Pierce, whIch was undefeated Sorley to put the Stars ahead after Finest Chinese American Food two periods, but Sean Tramor got "IN- THE-VILLAGE" Banquet FaCilities-Recently Remodeled Brownell came from behmd and HawaII Cocktail Lounge-Happ~ Hour Mon Fn 3 7 p m PlUNBINGtHElTI"C won the game, 19-18, after Mike loose and tied the score early m • 885-2267 [Z] Op~n Man Thors 11 am 1 am t &. Sal 11 a 11 2 ~ rr SlJ"l 1001 1 a m Calcattera scored on a 30-foot the third perIOd North Stars' 259-1510 259.1511 - Carryout ServIce /s~~o.oKl;~~~NE~':L Uv".3, 'q800,OC Jump shot to close the gap to one goaltender Richie Harder and m MAPLE AD 6'3 '880 pomt with 33 seconds left in the HuskIes' netmmder George Peter- contest BielskI scored 10, Andy smarck held the skaters score- In Ihe Heart less for the remainder of the of the Walker had five, and Matt Frame ~ had two pomts for the victors game Easlern Markel rQlQ EST4(!RANT nOM rf CENTER R ~ SANDWICHES MARK .... CHINESE TO STEAKS' AND GOI ..DEN CARRY OUT ~MERICAN RAM'S HORN AVAILABLE BIJDDHA RESTAURANT s.nlor Cltlzene 20 oz. Porterhouse DISHES 885-1802 DIKount 10% Steak Dinner ..... 0rW S2 50 17410 MACK AT ST ClAIR 1 pm -10 p.m Alaskan FeatUring Ire very fInest tn Canlanese dIshes King Crab For luncheons and Dinners plus exotIC CocktaIls' DAILY DINNER WEIGHTWATCHERS (Complete Drnner) SPECIALS: Frosted Trea1 Monday thru .Thursday 11 a m - 11 pm ,-. Happ, I four D,lIl\ trom -) .., pm Friday 11 am- 12 p m $3.99 A Desserts SpeCIal Saturday 12 noon - 12 pm 11 I" 1011 p •. ollly Lo Car Menu . IncJudln<: Light SOilcb Sunday 12 noon - 11 pm FEATURING Dflnk HOMEMADE S ....EAKy TFlEATS '.- ') \1mllh , I' Of" R UJ C<'II LO CAL . Pflces COCKTAlt LOUNGE . COMPLETE SOUP DAILY DESSERTS Near Wndt e, Amplt." Pc"'k rag Carry Oul ServIce WE ARE FAMOUS 2460 MARKET ST. 393.1711 PASTRIES & 16340 Harper 881.6010 for OUR DESSERTS' BAKED GOODS 7 a m - 9 P m Mon - Fn TIll 6 P rn Sat FEBRUARY 2 - FEBRUARY 13 r 2 for 1 COBO ARENA ~ r~METRO~ I I of the l'!"ol 2 "'''''T-3 4 5 CORRECTION lt ~Q\ WKBOTVSO ,:= '---'" FAIIlILYNIGKT-7311pm 1030AM' 1030AM' 1030AM" SKI & SPORTS , LAST THREE DA YSI petro ~ ALLSEATSS4 50. S3 50 7 30 PM'~ 730PM" 300PM t II 6 7 t' ":-';=r" 8 r" ''':' ~ =r" 9 10 11 12 SALE ENDS JAN. 22! NO ,,_tOU>OO ,,-~ 1030AM" .- 100 PM , UP TO . , -" 430 PM" SHOW 7 30 PM. 7 30 PM'" 7 30 PM" 7 10 PM' • 3 00 PM Our annual men's .- 7 30 PM" .',- shoe rale IS on today! sP ." 13 PRICES - $7.50 AND $6.50 100 PM "KIDS (12 & under) and GROUPS (25 mlnrmuml SAVE $1 50 0 Not yesterday. Pro baske'boll ot Cobo 'SCHOOL SHOW (no minimum) All TICKETS ARE $5 00 & $4 00 /0 y~ , 430 P,," ,50 Thursday Jan 20 130 PM (NO OOUBLE OISCOUNTS) Fnday Jan 2/ 8 00 PM "~lrQC. ~ BIGBOVFAMILY SHOWS- SAVE$2 SOWITH DISCOUNTCOUPONAVAILABLE ALLEN DETIIOIT SPIRITS ~"",,,,,'ll" JAN 20 AT ALL PARTICIPATINGLOCATIONS WHilE SUPPLIES LAST ogoms' the ..I. E~)MONDS MAINE LUMBERJACKS ADVANCE TICKETS AT JOE LOUIS ARENA, HUDSON'S & ALL I dC' OUTLETS tSALE~~ t PERFORMANCE TIME TICKETS AT COBO ARENA BOX OFFICE Tuesday Jon 25 130 PM me SPIRITS face 'fie OHIO MIX"S O~\)'t~ ~CHARGE TICKETS BY PHONE f ALL SKI f ~O~' With Mastercard or Visa EOUIPMENT , and , , CALL (313) 567-9800 f KERCHEV AL AT ST CLAIR If1 Tlckels $6 50 ana $5 50 r APPAREL ~~c'!ls, GROSSE POINTE ., 7' £>. .. ,. FOR".".LlHFOR •• "OH.NO 'ROUP SA'ES CALL(313,,,,-,,,, ExpIres Sat, Jan 22nd ~c7t >-t'Y',.. • • < MAil ORDERS S&nd nil .d'rllied It.mpU .nulope .,1Il ,h.,k Or money t Open Thursdtry Evenmgr 'fd 9 00 tr4 ~. fool .. onler p.pblt tb Joe Louis Ar.n. Strul Live' 500 CivicC.nltr DrlY1l r~,," ~ ... - Dtlrbll MIU226 '",'1HI. $1 50 11m" ~~.rge per m.1I o"er t 20343 Mack' South of Vernier 882-3670 !;j ,." .. M,d ty VEl Crnpt"tlon In ~o",,"lltm GROSSE POINTE WOODS • 884-5660 , Mastercard VI)" I E ,,1t1I Clllld"n', r,lnl,lon WD/hhop L~ ~ ~~ ~..,..I : <{)!Jt'iiltf'J i' L ----2 for f-----

, , ',~ Page Four-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983

, " Call 882-6900 \ -~ '. CLASSIFIED ADS 6 Trunk Lines to Serve You Quirkly

:' 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 2A-MUSIC 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED ~SITUATION EDUCATION GENERAL GENERAL I WANTED " MasterCard Card With no . Grosse POinte News, 99 Ker- needed at my home to Sit "BE A STAR' Have your MEMORIAL NURSERY Inc Be Office EqUIpment 21J Wall Washing care credit check Guaranteed cheval, Grosse POlOte for 6 month old boy Mon- weddmg ceremony and has several 2nd semester , Articles Wonted 21K Window Washing "YOUR ALTERNATIVE TO /t Results Call 602-949-0276, Farms, MlCh 48236 - Box S.7 day-Friday, 7 a m -4 p m receplJon Videotaped m full opemngs m both 3 and 4 year 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21 L Tde Work A NURSING HOME" L.' EXT 641 Non-smoker preferred color and sound Call old classes For more mfor- lOA Motorcycles for Sale TOP-NOTCH admmlstrative R N - LPN -. AIdes - 21M Sewer Service Please call 779-6585 after 5 Memories Video 758-2875." mation please call 882-7788 lOB Trucks for Sale assIStant and secretary to Experienced - References ORIENTAL RUGS 21N AsphJlt Work p.m WANTED DON'T COOK 'tonlght - Call 11 Cars for Sale 210 Cement and Brick Work run small office of busmess Supervised - Insured l,' 3-LOST l1A Cor Repair 21P Waterproofing and planmng firm. Abl1Jty 24 HOUR SERVICE 'l one or many Dial-A-Meal before 12 noon 4A-HELP WANTED AND FOUND 111 Cars Wonted to Buy 21Q Plaster Work to analyze finanCial state- ~ Private collector Will pay any and have a home-cooked DOMESTIC 527-3120 meal dehvered to your door . 11 C Boots and Motors 21 R Furniture Repair ments helpful, Eastside su- •", reasonable pnce burb Send resume and sa- FRANK'S Hand)'man Service_ 644-7312 884-9468 FOUND - BALFOUR a~d 11 D Boot Repal( 21 S Carpenter Warren area. Female D0- 11 £ Boot Dockage and Storage 21 T Plumbtng and Heating lary requlremenls to; Box GROSSE POINTE Wallpapenng pruntlllg and RESUMES by Lynn Profes- 1B-SECRETARIAL berman mix 881-1726. Free 11 F Trarlers and Campers 21 U Jonltoi' Si:r.,l::c C-75 Grosse Pomte New5, EMPLOYMENT IIII:>CeIWneOIlSrepairs 713- r 99 Kercheval, Grosse 2123 slonally compQsed & IBM. SERVICE to good home. llG Mobile Homes 21 V SlIverplating type wntten Phone for- ap- 11 H A,rplones 21W Dressmaking and Tailoring Pointe Farms, 48236 AGENCY pointment. 296-1032 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST _ LOST - YORKSHIRE Temer 12 Suburban Acreage 21 X Draperies EXPERIENCED BABYSIT- 885-4576 BABYSITTING - Gobann - 4 years old Not 12A Suburban Home 21Y SWimmIng Pools TER needed for 2 year old, 50 years reliable service SERVICE AGENCY READER & ADVISER Personal & busmess Repeti- too friendly. Mack-Outer 12B Vocallon Property 21 Z Snow Removal -;nd one or two days a week, 7 - Servmg the Grosse POinte area On all problems of life such tive letters, resumes, manu- Needs experienced Cooks, Drive area. 885-0415. 12C Forms for Sale Landscaping 4 30 pm, In my home, smce 1955 Care of CHIL as marriage, divorce and scrlpls, reporls 881-1368 Nanmes, Maids, House. LOST - PEGGY. Gray and Cadleux!Harper area 882- DREN and the ELDERLY Sickness HorlScope read- 0081 keepers, Couples Nurse 2-ENTERT AI NMENT beige stnped tabby cat With AIdes, Compamons and By the hour 24 hour rates '. iogs ani also sand read- beIge paws and beige talllJp 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED Ings. AU readings pnvate MEDICAL ASSISTANT for Day Workers for pnvate avalldble Cadleux-St Paul and Notre GENERAL GENERAL 264-0202 and confidential. For ap- phYSicians office, Down,to\\(n homes LICENSED GYPS-Y,PROpHECY Give to Dame MlSsmg smce Janu- "r' ,pointment. t I Detroit, blmng'li!'X~~ienc~ ,b ''100l'4'MaclC Nvefflle yoUr guests a precIous gift ary 13 II you have any m- CAMERA STORE ..... ~eds RETIRED POLleR. 521.1:M4 , , ' I not only entertamment. Ref. 'CLERK NEEDED for boo\{ preferred Please senti re-' " 'G~ss~ Pllittte''Faflhs OFFICERS " formation, ptease call 882- outgolOg and personable . store, full and part time erences. Suzan, 545-4920. 2599 or 882-6002 sales persons to work full sume to Grosse POinte ELDERLY COUPLE _ wants Grosse Pomle Park area look- weekends Apply at Ment News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse hve-In Own quarters Cook- ~ time m Photo Flnlslung De- Book Center, 16600 Harper 109 for ....ork Interested m ,. FOUND - GOLD chain Pomte Farms, Mlch 48236, lng, light housework Must houseslllmg. transportmg MAGIC SHOWS - Available partment Apphcants must cornel of Kensmgton " A.D. for birthday parties, ban- Please desCflbe 882-2383 Box #1'-25. hke ammals Salary r>egot- vehicles and secunty for FINANCIAL SERVICES have some background In quels, your socIal affair Call photography, be aV8llabie to DlE TAR Y AIDE-Part-time, OFFICE WORK, vaned lable Must be able to dnve private parties References FOUND - 9 MJ1efJefferson Jim Shannon, 885-6699 work even lOgs and week- 3 30-7 30 P m Minimum duties, good typiSt, bllhng 823-9985 upon request 371 7043 INCOME TAX AND area Beautiful healthy wage Apply 10 person. St and small office expenence - - BOOKKEEPING ends, and mllst 1Jke to work SHOWCASE OF Entertain- young cat Brown and Anne's, 6232 Cadieux MIDDLE AGE lady-cookmg 'I, FREE PICK.Up AND Wlth people If you fit the bill, desirable 372-3456between 8 MATURE WOMAN - room ment Need a band for a wrote, short hair, diamond please call Mr Levy at Stu- a m.-4 p m and board in exchange for and lIght duties IIILakeshore DELIVERY SERVICE face, and white tiP tall, WOMAN OR College student wedding? Now you can hear diO Camera on Mack Ave needed - Wednesdays, 8 area Excellent references GROSSE POINTE hght blue eyes, very affec- BARTENDER - bus person, hght housekeeping Must be 5bands on one Sunday after- 881-6200 a m -5 p m If woman has 1 296 5209 REFERENCES lJonate Free to good home and walt people wanted able to drive and hke babies noon For further mfo, call child of her own may be able Apply 2P m.-6 p.m ,Monday and dogs References Call CALL FOR AN 772-2982 88&-8877,779-5599 BABYSITTER NEEDED - NEAT APPEARING mJddle Monteith School area 1 or 2 to arrange to bring child to through Saturday Wood- JulIe, 881-6830 -I' APPOINTMENT FOUND very large black aged man Wishes steady days a week for 5 year old my house for the day Refer- bridge Tavern, 2B9St Aubm. SINGLE WOMAN convalesc- 331-3885 EXPERIENCED PIANIST male Terner mix. Brown employment, no sales 773- from 11.30.4 '30 21hyearold ences 882-4323. enter tams at dmner parties legs and markmgs, long BEAUTY OPERATOR for 109 from fracture wants 0798 779 8927 7 30-4 3l - 882-6558 " and anytlme 779-5424 curly tall, chain collar, no SALESMAN Wanted for a De- Grosse Pomte salon Must temporary ltve-m help Re troit area Ironworks com- WEEKEND AND vacation Slt- tags Grosse Pomte City RESPONSIBLE WOMAN for have chentele 882-4246 sponslble student or mature FEMALE VOCALIST to slOg pany One year dlrecl sales tmg, children andfor house 882-0275. part time fashIOn ",ales POSI- woman conSidered Grosse Outstandmg Grosse Pomte COLOR CODING at church weddlllgs Pro- expenence reqUired Call RELIABLE SITTER my Pomte references 885-7025 tIOn at fashion specialty ref erences 772-0483 for feSSIOnal experience Ask LOST YOUNG orange cal 881-4047 for immediate home, own transportation, for DenISe, 886-9217 store Renaissance Center, active 2 year old boy and FUN AND F ASmON Maryland/Kercheval area. 259-2340 mterview. WE SPECIALIZE 10 the 824-8069or 822-21>20. school age gIrl 8 a m -5'15 placement of profeSSIOnal FRONT OFFICE poSItIOn de. RECEPTIONIST 1 2A-MUSIC FULL TIME general office p0- p m.Monday through Fri- domestic and nursmg per sired 7 2 years experience - Cost $20 includes: FOUND - KITTEN, gray, SitIOn available Must have We are a growmg health day. 717.9182 In Intermst s office and In- EDUCATION blackish-brown St Paul mamtenance orgamzatlon sonnel, Housekeepers, • ProfessIOnal drapmg some office experience. For DOWNTOWN BRANCH of na- Cooks, Couples, Daywork- dustnal cllmc Typmg, and Wayburn If owner not mtervlew please call MUSl- (HMO) In need of a skilled pegboard billing light - make-up analysis located Will gIVe to good receptIOnist To qualify you tional stock brokerage firm ers, Mother's Helpers - color swatches WOODS MUSIC clans Referral SerVice Inc , book kl:'epmg Available full home 824-8652 must possess good telephone WlIItrain wire room c1encal Nurse Aides, and olhers STUDIO 526-8760between 11 am- 3 personnel Call Diane Stur- For a personal mtervlew lime. Immediately Refer pm manners, preVIous medical ences 884-0098 GUITAR, PIANO, THEORY FOUND MOTHER dog, black receptiOnist expenence and ter ant at 965-5525 call, 882-2928 CALL 371-9432 HOME or STUDIO and wlute, short-hair With BABYSITTER WITH I toddler ability to work well under GOLL PERSONNEL COUPLE WISHES after For Appointment adorable puppies Homes 20943 Mack - personalized, lovmg care, pressure We offer an excel- REAL ESTATE AGENCY hours office work Refer Call weekdays 881-2920. needed 824-0069or 822-2020 steady, dependable 8 or 9 lent salary and frmge be- 106 KERCHEVAL ences 871 4728 or 872-7080 881-5738 SALES GROSSE POINTE FARMS ------hour days $300 hour '714- nefits package To apply CAREER AND growth mmd- MATURE WOMAN \~Ishes 5 PIANO, VOICE, and ORGAN 4-HELP WANTED 8188,Jean please contact Robm Craig ed people Hardworkmg EXPERIENCED house days Grosse Pomte refer private mstructlon Univ GENERAL PHARMACY TECH to work at at 756-5050,extensIOn 27, for Licensed or we'll tram Be keeper-cook for invalid, ence~ Afternoonc; - 5 P m musIc graduate, 30 years Hutzel Hospital ProfessIOnal an mtervlew apPOintment paid what you're worth Top must be able to supervise 871-4728 TAXES $ teachmg expenence Mrs GROUP HEALTH PLAN $ Bulldmg Full- or part time commISSion program Call household and nurses, live BROTHER AND sIster Junker, 823-1721 CASHIERS and salad girls No expenence necessary OF SOUTHEAST MICJnGAN Denms Andrus 886-4200 In or out, references re COMPLETE PERSONAL (South students) deSire wanted - part-time, days, Call for appomtment - 494- 2100 Mound Road, SCHWEITZER qUlred Wnte Box K-77. I, AND BUSINESS TAX PRIVATE CLASSICAL GUI- work BabY;,lumg, yard or good {lay, pleasant work 7448 Warren, Michigan REAL ESTATE Grosse Pomte News 99 " SERVICE TAR lessons - Prefer ser- Apply In person, Haa", Roast hou,e\~ork Reliable 881 "An Equal Opportunity BETTER HOMES Kercheval, Grosse POinte, '" IOUSmmded begmners and Beef Cafeteria, 10990Grauot COUNTER PERSON needed 9021 Employer" AND GARDENS MI 48236 ------Ill.terme and meals Apply 10 person, THAN SOAP' _qu_Ir_e.-!7~~56 own schedule and earn any NEED SOMETHING moved? HATE HOUSEWORK? PHASE 10 expenence cheap rates Haas Roast Beef Cafeteria, Fantastic second mcome op- OUT OF WORK? amounl you Wish Free IIc- Two Pomte reSidents WIll 884-2573 Let Sue do It for vou' I do 10990 Gratiot near Outer portumty It's workmg for THINKING OF ense classes and advance move or remove large or 21513 Kelly Road Drive general hou~ecleamng 2 CERTIFIED TEACHER has us, It can work for you Call RELOCATING? classes, In all phases of real small quantitIes of furmture, years experIence, excellent East Detroit Marilyn. 824-2200 estate Earl Kelm Realty, appliances. pianos or what i'1, opel1lngs for plano studen!.,; SECRETARY wanted 3-5 referencec; Reasonable - children or adults 884- years preVIous offtce exper ------WE HAVE THE LARGEST Lakeshore 296-34ro have you Call for free estl .,,, 776-5155 BABYSITTER NEEDED to NUMBER OF OUT OF - rate<; For more In 1547 lence required for position m mate 343 0481. or 822-2208 Sit for llh year old boy In my PRtVATE DUTY formdtlOn call medIUm-Sized office, With TOWN NEWSPAPERS Mastercharge & Visa home Weekdays, full ltme FROM ALL OVER THE NURSES 3710435 Welcome lA-PERSONALS pleasant surroundmgs PRIVATE NURSING 343-0572 USA Want-ads mclude • Top Pay Word processmg expenence ------" -- -- WALLPAPERING. pamtmg FlOrida, Arizona, Texas, ." necessary along With excel- DENTAL ASSISTANT - • High Standards Around the clock repair \hork no job too BALLOONS lent typmg skills (70.80 part time afternoons Har. Colorado, Caltforma, and -Insured. Bonded, In home, hospital or nurc;mg ~mall I"ree estimates wpm) Send resume to per Woods office - 884-1100 others Supervl<;ed home RN'<; LPN's Alde<; D~"e ~4-0810 after 3 ~ m HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS Grosse Pomte News, 99 Ker NEW HORIWNS • ChOIce of Hours and Dayc; companIOn ..., male aUen cheval. Grosse POlOte EVERYONE LOVFS TO BOOK SHOP Call for InlormatlOn danls. live 10S Screened and R N DE~IRKC;; prIvale duty, For all occasIOns for as little as $10- delivery available bonded 24 hour service 1..1 full limp Home or hospItal Buy a dozen or buy a gross A GREAT way to be Farms, Mlch Box N-35 MAKE NFW FRIENDS t3 Mile al LIttle Mack, between 9-4 . , - RoseVille censed nur<;es for Insurance [)a~ ...only Own tran<;porta- remembered, say Happy BIrthday, etc , or Just CHILD CARE worker for 10 AND MAKE MONEY MACOMB NURSING cases lIOn Excelll'ni Grosse 'f, IN THE PROCESS. send "Happmess" for any occasIOn month old Monday.Frlday, 296.1560 UNLIMITED POINTE AREA NURSES Pomte references 884-~_ " ' 7 30-5 30 Home on Nottlng. sell Avon gift;" Jewelry and 882.4968 ham, must have transporta makeup Call Diane, AGGRESSIVE claSSified 263-0580 TU 4-1180 EXPFRIF:'-l('FD c1eamng tlon After 7 30 pm, 823 885-0942 telephone soliCitor for CA RE FOR- e1lerlY - lady HOUSECLEANING _ DE ladywl<;he",~orkTuc<;dayor 3376 Ren-Cen magazme Small IlIghts, part time, pre[ er SIRE work In Grosse Pomtp Fnday Gr~<;l' POInte refer --- EXCITING NEW opportunity wage plus commiSSion non-smoker, must have area Current Gros<;e Pomte en(pc; 1110881 PROTECT CRUISE SHIPJOBS' to jom a nationally known 567-6254 Great Income potentIal All oc- - - - - transportatIOn, call before 5 references Call after 4 pm WILL (:ARf<: for Ihc rlderl;, PROPERTY and Peace Of Mmd WIth Aloe Vera Co Beauty con- pm, 5Z7-6642 cupations For mformatlon sulan!.o;;needed between now GROU~O FLOOR opportumty __~3-689~_ _ _ _ day or night excellrnt refer' Trained security Officers, call (312) 741-9780,ext 1865 and March 31 Many bene- In multi level health and FULL TiME rec~tlomsl-= PRIVATE DUTY, Ilcenc;ed encl''; I"rl'e to lravel 774 MlIllmum 5 Years Experience - -- ~------nutrition $50,000 first year practical nurse, part time 41116 Opemngs avail fits Call for further details for eastSide law oHlce DRiVERS - mcome potential 881-4011 SURVEILLANCE DOMESTIC AND able, all hours open Need 5Z7-4647 After 6 00,791.2822 Pleasant personality, good Call 7124175 EXpERlF.NCED SOCIAL INDUSTRIAL good dnvmg record 15501 phone Skills, hght typmg Workl'r ....llhng to be com. INVESTIGATION LOSS CONTROL Call 10 a m -12, 776-6950 MAck at Nottingham JOB INFORMATION POSITION AVAlLABLE DOOR BELL pamon or live III for elderly ------Overseas, Cruise Ships. OR BOOTH RENTAL GROSSE POINTE teacher perc;on 88&-5601 EXECUTIVE SECURITY, INC. REGISTeRED medical lab. REPAIR Houston, , AIaska at Joseph's of Grosse deSires sitter for exper- 15318MACK AVE, GROSSE POINTE PARK oratory technolDgist ASCP EXPERIENCED $20,000 to $6O,OOO/yr POSSI- .HANDYMAN, Call Pete for Wanted for 2 or 3 days week. POinte Beauty Salon Ienced mfant care startmg REASONABLE 885-6630 or 526-5555 24 HR. SERVICE Iy Immediate openmg 884- ble Call 805-6876000, Ext 20951 Mack around March 1st Some REFERENCES small ]Jbc;, repair'>, carpen J-1626 Call refundable try patntmg, best prices tOOl 882-2239 light housework Recent re- 822-5761 - BOB ferences requ Ired 885-a492 882-2795 Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

5-SITUAT1ON 5C-CATERfNG 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT WANTED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNSHED APRON ASSOCIATES' party 111anners Specialty hors PRIME GROSSE POinte Vil. GROSSE POINTE Par k, LADY WILL clean home, HOUSE FOR Rent - aeros s GROSSE POINTE Park- 0ne GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE PARK, (I'oeuvres, main dishes, lage locallon - DeSIrable 3 apartment or ofhce. ExperI- from St John's Hospital 3 bedroom apartment, new Iy Stanhope off Mack. 3 bed- Maryland, 4 bedroom s, South of Jefferson 3 bed. desserts. Dehvered/served bedroom, 21t'l bath duplex. enced. 875-4398 bedrooms, 2 car garag e, decorated, $280 plus secu r. room 5ungalow with appli- slOgle home Natural fIr e- room lower, appllances, 882-7149 Ideal for profeSSIOnal cou- place, 2 car garage, carpe t. screened porch, no pets. COLLEGE GRADUATE formal dlllmg room, Iivm g Ity 774-1605after 6 p.m ances $450 plUS depOSit ------~ pIe Llvmg room With flre-, 109, appliances, ne ar $370 824-1674or &41-9622 needs temporary employ. room 1\$-1815 after 9 pm 286-0017 BARTENDERS for pnvate place, formal dming room E WARREN/Outer Drive 2 school, transportation 824- ment tlU May 9 Leavlllg for parties Experienced coll~e Appliances, central air, FOUR BEDROOM flat - bedroom bnck, natural fir e- MT. CLEMENS 1700, 822-6952 MArlYLAND, Grosse Pointe Navy 371.7762 students. References Will cable hook-up. 15 montb Newly decorated, carpeted place, one car garage, $400 Park Basement apartment, 141.K Floral - LuxuriOus, COURVILLE, 3 bedroo m POSITION WANTED, mature handle 1Jquor, set-ups, etc , lease preferred .700 per Security depOSit require d. month plus security Ev e. 5 rooms, redecorated, prl' 331.2123 modern, 2 bedroom town- Dutch Coloma I, newly de- vate entrance. No pets. Ideal woman desires live-in Luke, 885-8681 month No pets, please 886- nlngs 881-6818;days 259-6699 house, Ph baths, appl1ances, corated, yard Avallabl e for older couple. All ubhties housekeeping, excellent 4791 dishwasher, central air, 2 BEDROOM Condo - Lak e- BEAUTIFUL Apartmen t, $300 Lease Tul-0471 mcluded, $250 per month, references Phone Jenny, 6-FOR RENT ST CLAIR Shores - 2-3 bed shore Village. Stove, refn I.94/Grosse Pomte area 2 basement, carport No se- - 7 MILE !Hayes area Charm $250 secunty deposit 791. 338-7548 UNFURNISHED rooms, rec room, fireplace, erator, dishwasher, clu~ bedrooms, hvmg room, dm . curity depOSit, from $335. 109 2 bedroom house Clea n 5305 ONE-GIRL office. Bookkeep- excellent locatIOn, near house, pool $390 881-7339 mg room 881-2357 463-4482, 961-7411 carpet through out Bas mg, seeretarlal, payroll, bill. WAYBURN near Kercheval shoppmg and transporta- - e- LOVELY HOME -2 complete 3 BEDROOM lower on canal m GROSSE POINTE Park, 5 ment, 1',2 car garage, III Lower, 5 rooms, 2 bed- tion No pets $375, 776-1592 CAVALIER MANOR ce lIvmg levels on Clinton mg Experienced Call Jo, St Clair Shores. $500 p er room Townhouse, new ly yard, $215 per month 88 rooms, bath, modernized 24575 KELLY I- River Partial solar heatmg, 2594741 GROSSE POINTE Park - month 881-7224,822-7841 decorated, secunty deposl t, 9559 lutchen, oak tnm, carpeted 3 fireplaces Rent all or EXPERIENCED Aides with Somerset upper flat, $250 885-9306 EASTLAND AREA ------hvmg room and dmmg DUPLEX/HOUSE - Mack GROSSE POINTE PARK upper level Rent or rent good references Full or part natural fireplace, 3 bed. Luxunous one or 2 bedroom room, leaded glass doors, Cadieux area - 2 bedroom s, GROSSE POINTE AREA - Beaconsfield 2 bedroom With opt on to buy For more time 836-9733 rooms 776-9550 apartment Appliances, lh basement, off-street Hi! baths, new carpet, flf e- Newly decorated 2 bedroo m carpet, central air, pool, upper, hvlOg room, carpe t mformatlOn call LaVon's, place, washer, dryer, man y EXPERIENCED parkmg. $325 a month plus KENSINGTON/WARREN - lower Nice large room s carport, near 10 Mile Road 109, drdpery, kitchen ap 773-2035 extras $375 a month 259- ArtifiCial fireplace Appl i. ------SECRETARY FOR utlhtles plus secunty de. spacIous 3 bedroom lower, 772-3649, 961-7411 pl1ances Included $300 pe r 2 BEDROOM upper, excellent PRICE OF POSit 822-5089 after 6 p m. fireplace, apphances, ex- 6555,882-2902 ances 331-6227 month plus Utl1Jtles, secu r. CANAL HOME - 10 J-eT conditIOn, kitchen applJ. STENOGRAPHER tras, $350 882-2146 or 832- WAYBURN/VERNOR - 5 Ity depo!>lt Immediate oc UPPER FLAT IN Park, Ideal ONE BEDROOM Flat - 8 ferson Clean, 2 bedrooms, ances, storage room, new For convemence of employ. 4715 room flat - Range and refri Mile/Kelly area All majo r cupancy ConOle, 823-0540 laundry facJ!lhes, $395 plus • ment m Grosse POinte or ad. for professIOnal bachelor or --- decks - front and back 642- after 6, 824-2227 bachelorette or mature 1-941WHITTIER area carpet. erator, $190 a month CaSi apphances mcluded, $260 a secuClty deposit 881-2806 Jacent area, happy to work 6703 - couple Natural fireplace, ed, 3 room upper, $235month 886-5860 after 6 p m wee k- month 978-7045 for clencal wage Excellent day~. :lnytll>1e on weekend s -\LL llTILITIES ClppHanc~ GROSSE POINTE PARK. 2 DUPLEX Kellv near Hous- new carpellng throughout mdud.:" h.:...t, rdn/ScI ...tor, HEAT INCLUDED, Gross bedroom duplex, ap typISt, writing slulls, general stove 464-7925 ------e Immaculate large carpeted ton Wluttler Dmlng room, 2 office work ConsclentJollS, plus other apphances, $350 ALL UTILITIES - Larg e, Pomte Park, Maryland, 2 phances, newly carpeted , bedrooms, family room, pillS security 331-3246 clean apartment. 1 bed one bedroom apartment dependable References 3 BEDROOM flat - 8 bedroom lower, hvmg room , Houston/Chalmers area, very clean Ideal for adults garage 886-6502- Mlle/Harper, $350 per month room, Houston/Chalmer s dmmg room, carpeting , $300 a month plus security 885-8409 ST CLAIR SHORF;S - 4 $235 839-9406 DUPLEX - Haverhill - 3 bedroom Colomal, 2 car plus u tIlIhes 881-4377 area $235 839-9406 qUiet tenants and neighbor s, 821-6502 NEED HOME or bUJldmg 1m. ---- bedroom, carpetmg, fire- garage, family room, flrep. F ARMS-4 bedroom Coloni al off street parkmg Refng . ON.E MONTH free' Wluttier provements? Painting, re- DUPLEX . 19636 Moross - Road - luxury air con. FARMS - 4 bedroom, new ly place ImmedIate occupan- lace, air, apphances Rent apphances, 2 car garag e, erator, stove, Semta bu s palrmg, etc Please call Clean, $325 per month 879- dltloned 1 bedroom apart. decorated, fireplace, fm - cy After 6, 886-1758 or rent With optIOn $550 $625 monthly, With optIOn t $350 monthly 886-0657, 82I- George 343-0477. 9682 0 ment, m new type building Ished basement, 2 car ga r- negotlable -- buy 886-3216 6833 UPPER FLAT - Freshly Heat mcluded, $250 526-8088, age Secunty depOSit 884- PROFESSIONAL alterations, EASTWOOD/HA YES - effl. KELLY/MOROSS - 2 bed- paInted, 4rooms, 1bedroom, TWO CARRIAGE houses 0n 3 BEDROOM, basement, hv - or 881-5178 6889 men's and women's clothes clency apartment, heat m. room duplex Stove, refrlg. appliances, carpet, with lake 3 bedroom, 2 bath, pr I. mg room, dmmg room , GROSSE POINTE PARK, 3 Ski clothes accepted Also eluded $165. erator, basement $325 a NEFF ROAD, 2 bedroom, up- heat $225 After 6, 839-7608 vate entrance, $595 Tw 0 lutchen, $~5, depoSit $265 room upper mcome Ver y dry cleanmg 881-M54 WILSHIRE OFF Outer Dnve month . $325 security 294- per, $500 per month 886-8151 bedroom, 2 bath, pTlvate en 885-7:?Al8 clean Ideal for smgl e EAST WARREN/BEDFORD, - nice one bedroom upper, 6751 or 245-1884 evenings , HOME SEC~ETARIAL trance, $495, or can combin e CUTE 1 bedroom apartmen t, adult Heated, appliances , 5 room lower, stove, refrIg- ublltles mcluded, $285 RIVARD BLVD - 1 block both 1Oto one, $1,100 963- DUPLEX FOR rent - 21773 erator, fully carpeted, ftre- SERVICE. HAVERlllLL near Mack - 2 stove, refngerator, car $275 per month 821-2902 from Park - Charmmg lower 6464 - Moross, with option to buy place 882-4350 Typmg, shorthand, dicta- bedroom upper, heat m. peted, aIr condltlonmg Hea t CANAL HOME - 10 & Je f. flat. 2 bedroom country Call after 5' 30, 886-5067 phone Expenence Legal, cluded, kitchen furmshed BEACONSFIELD - SOUT H Included $215 monthly 33I- ferson 2 bedrooms, deck GROSSE POINTE PARK, kitchen, small den, deck All 0581 Notary, sales, msurance Ideal for smgle, $200 of Jefferson - mce 2 bedroom ELEGANT RIVERFRONT front & back Clean 642 Beaconsfield - Jefferson. apphances Avatlable Feb. . students For others not listed call La. ruary 1 $475 Secunty depos. upper flat Stove, refngera ONE BEDROOM With hea t apartments 10 mmutes 6703 ImmedIate occupancy, 2 776-0004 Von's, 773-2D35 tor, separale utlIJtles, $300 and appliances $220 a from downtown, 3 and 4 bedroom upper, clean, car- It 882-0068before 10 30 a m ~HOSSE POINT!!: . upper 0r per month plus secunty de - month Kelly!Hayes area bedrooms, 3,000 square feet peted, applIances, $325. ~ WOULD LIKE to clean OffiCes, GROSSE POINTE FARMS- and after 6.00 p.m Anytime lower, 2 bedrooms, carpet POSit 824-8601 Secunty requlI ed 293-6400 of livmg area From $600 - CTl97, after 4 p m 4 bedroom, carpeted, 211.1 on weekend ed, appliances, heated , medical bUildings or homes. 331-7917 Or, could bake for your next garage, fenced yard, mce 7 MILE/Hayes . 3 bedroom, BEACONSFIELD - SOUTH GROSSE POINTE CITY 2 $300 57~35 HA VERHILL/WARREN, 2 home, $570 per month, se. of Jefferson. 2 bedroom ------party Reasonable. 772-8254 garage, $310 plus secunty bedroom upper, new carpet - NEFF ROAD - 3 bedroom CHATSWORTH-EAST War bedroom lower, appltances, curlty and references 281 lower apartment. $250 a lng, new paint, moder n lower mcludes applIances, - EXPERIENCED LADY wish. 777-9373 ren Lower, large, modern , $315 mcludmg heat, Gene Beaupre. 1\$-1059 month, plus ull!Jtles After 6 kitchen, storage room, car separate basement, garage es 5 days, wIll consider live. 2 bedrooms, den, dmm g 547-0554 HOLYCROSS Hospital area- pm, call824-2IlO4 port Excellent condition Handy to bus and Village m References 885-0032 NEFF ROAD - LuxurIOUS 3 clean, brIck, three bedroom, room, carpeted, hIed latch - GROSSE POINTE PARK, bedroom, 2 bath upper $395 plus security depOSit $600 881-4:MlO fireplace, full basement, 3 OR 4 bedroom Gross en and bath, $260 8B5-68O 3 upper Income, 1 bedroom, PROFESSIONAL, accurate Wood paneled hbrary, fIre- e 881-2806 Ideal for couple, no pets, Pointe Woods, 3 mont stove, refngerator, heat, and fast typing In my place, dining room, kitchen h RIDGEMONT - 4 bedroom, BEACONSFIELD, SOUTH 0f $350 89H1058 lease, month to mont HAYES/WHITTIER - De electriC 821-7923 home or In your office Eve- with appliances, electrIC h - Ilh bath Bungalow. 2-car Jefferson 3 bedroom Fire- thereafter, $500 Call 882- troit - 3 room Income Clean , place, carpeting, IInmed . nlllgs and weekends Have garage, central air. Con- 7 MILE/Gratlot- 5 room low- garage Immediate oc. OUTER DRIVE AREA 1 bed- 4096 after 5 p.m refrigerator, carpe t. late occupancy, $375 month , IBM equipment 885-6340 vement location to VIllage er. Carpetmg, clean, base. stove, cupancy $575 B84-06OO room upper, stove, refrig- mg, heat Secunty deposl t call 882-7550, 886-2389 and bus $675 ner month. ment, garage 772-6103 CANAL HOME Moder n pr"tor No pets. $200 Refer- EXPERT HOME mamte. Ideal for working persons B,I!;ACONSFIELD - 2 oecl. nance. Paintlilg~ Quality 881-9361 or 882-0-337 CHATSWORTH - 5 room low- bnck, 3rd from lake, 10 room upper with garage UPPER FLAT, 2 bedroom ences, secunty depOSit I pay Mile area 3 bedroom, lt 1\$-0990 transportatlon Will do 3 bedrooms, Includes month Call for details ------D GROSSE POINTE WOODS rOrt River 2Ox30hvmg room avaIlable $285,plus utlhtles UCHESS - near Morang . laundry and Iromng, WIn- boatwell, appliances, GRATIOT-7. very nice 1 Sharp 3 bedroom home tennis court, sWlmmmg CAPE COD FIKANY 886-5051 With fIreplace. carpetmg MIke. 573-3900 bedroom apartment. $195 dow and wall washmg, -- - .... - - --- throughout, valet parkmg ------~ Natural fireplace. finished scrub floors, ovens, coolang pool ST CLAIR Shorcs - Brand Free utilities and appllanc. Custom 5 bedroom All lux- MAYFI~LD, UPPER 2 bed. Contact 33t 0Z26 basement. }II\! car garage Call Jim McCarthy new upper or lower umts 2 es 371-4053 ' and any outSide work 6 uries Ideal for profec; room. stov!', refrIgerator, ------$335/month ' hours for $37 Will accept slOnal or executlve Excel- heat, furnlshcd Idcal for BEACONSFIELD, GROSSE bedrooms. aIr condltlOnmg, 468-2002 NEFF RD - 2 hedroom low- GROSSE POINTE Park _ checks 52lHi486 lent locatIOn Also WIth0p- workmg couple References, Pomte Park,S room upper laundry room. appliance .., er,$625per month Available tIOn to buy carport, for only $400 per Nottmgham South of Jeffer- EXPERIENCED housekeei secunty deposit, after 5 p m In 4 family bUlldmg Clean, February 15111886-8151eve- GROSSE POINTE 882-4900 751-5588 372-9503 attractive, available month, plus $500 security nmgs son. Upper and lower umt er desires day work 885------im- SpacIous lower mediately No utlhtJes. no depoSIt Wm Lockard Re available 2 bedrooms, 4 0000 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom Col aUy, ~3-9330 LARGE 3 bedroom upper flat, deSirable locatIOn appliances, no pets, $260 m rooms, appliances GROSSE POINTE WOODS oOlal NeWly carpeted and - - Park - Fireplace, garage, $325/month Includes heat' Remodeled, newly pamt. monthly security depoSIt YORKSHIRE/Chandler Park, Se-cATERING Immaculate 3 bedroom decorated. finished base- ~, 822-1550 Grosse POinte schools and ed, new appliances ment, Flonda room, fire. 882-9206 large 2 bedroom upper, car- bungalow, newly decorat- ...... park pnvlleges Beautiful hardwood ------.....- peted, appliances. garage, ed, new kitchen, new car. place, garage SecurIty Re. F LANDERS - Chalmers 2 BEDROOM bungalow Car- MARIE'S CATERING All floors, but Will conSider heat Included, $350 per petlng, 1car garage, $425 alty - 542-3900 Lower 2 bedroom, heated, peted, basement, garage, SOMERSET NEAR Mack - 3 occasslOns Green feltucme carpeting Com laundry 10 ------month 885-4446after 6 p m Referen('cs, secun ty 8 WIth or Without utilities ------State Fair/Schoenherr 773- bedroom colomal . 6 rooms WIth scallops, salad - VInai- basement. $300 plus util- GROSSE POINTE Woods - 4895 full basement, Pt!I car ia: grette, french bread, lemon Mlle.Mack area, 2087 Ideal for workmg adults GROSSE POINTE CIty - Ities, security depOSit 1403Hampton, 4 bedrooms, 2 Neff Lower flat 2 bed- rage $35O/month mousse With raspberry Ridgemont baths, $550 per month 881- Reasonable, references, DEVON-Sm RE-M-ACX2-be(j. 88S-7197 rooms, den, appliances E sauce, for 2 or 200. 862-6295. 779-0628 8321 secunty depoSit 775-3441, room upper, $300 per month, ASTSIDE MANAG.EMENT , 9-5 1\$-1411 heat Included, 881-2653 884-3890 Page SIX-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thurs~ay, January 20, 1983 ...... ARTICLES -S-FOR RENT 8C-OFF1CE ee-oFFICE 8-ARTICLES 8-ARnCLES FOR SALEJ 6D-VACAT10N SF-SHARE LIVING FOR SALE UNFURNISHED FOR RENT FOR RENT RENTALS QUARTERS FOR SALE OLYMPUS OM2, excellent FIREWOOD '32 50, FREE conditIOn, mllny extras, -PARK - 2 bedroom lower flat offiCes offIces offices offIces GROSSE POINTE Park. one HARBOR SPRINGS 1" Petos. FEMALE TO share house wlUI HOUSEHOLD SALE DEUVERY Also available $400 772-1474 ~mmedlate occupancy 881- and two main offIces WIth key lakeSIde Club Condo- same Includes laundry, With needle- ta-bl~-tlllck slate ------BeautIfully furlllshed new OLDPOOL PLATFORM -BED/mattress CADIEUX/MACK, 3 room up- fIVe I'm medIcal sUIte ed If de~lred Clubhou::.e, OF STORAGE SPACE pomt, $150 pall', pIe cru.'>t dnd legs Reflmshable, $700 Oak, custom made queen three bedroom, three bath per,\e refrigerator, :.\\Immlng pool, ::.pnng fed PLEASE CALL FOR DE lIlt top table (ball & claw) range 822 4052, Gro~::.e I sIze Excellent conr,lltlOn 1 condom IOIUm WIth fire $175, heaVily carved Queen carpet dedn qUiet, econ- Kelly 8 2 MIle Idkelet, P'I\ ate puttmg TAILS 9 00 A M TO 5 00 Pomle Reasonable 8814852 medical sUIte. Immed po.'>s pldt'e, garage, convement to P M CALL 446-l5OO, EXT Anne drum table $350 omical $200per mOl"th plus green ddJdcenl to golf mdjOr slo areas, CI'O~Scoun 4 exam rms, X-ra} I'm 433OR 881 0366 AFTER 6 00 (dealers welcome) utIlities 375 9722 cuurse 425 8933 tr~, available weekends, - - - P M WEEKDAYS AND 573-4578 weekly, monthly, begmmng VERJ'JIER RD - 3 bedroom Pledse call for detaIls llILTON Hl':AlJ Ne\l, j>ro ANYTIME ON WEEK 1211/82 Comfortably ac R-UG ~ 1-2 x- 15', orange ALL ORIENTAL RUGS lower mcome Freshly de. VirginIa S Jeffne::. fe.'>~lOnaII} det 01 dted 2 ENDS ASK FOR MAGGIE corated No pets $450 commodates SIX H R AL (rInged. good condlllon Realtor 882-0899 bedloom plu,> loft PdJmetta Best offer 881 7331 WANTED BY A COLLECTOR Shorp\l,(lO(j F: R Rrown RE.' ------'r'\ "n' n LEN 9618080 Mondav thru LOOKING FOR a thmi JWr UUJlt:~ ~loUa vu...)\..c....> I~ oI..U ..I\ HARPER/8Ih MIle - sepa Fnday.'>, 9 a m 6 p m 1-663-7607 ally, 886-8710 to ocean, pool, golf tenlll~ son to share my 3 bedroom MICROWAVE -- 'convectlOn - --- rate offICes from $150 In - - - HARPER WOODS 2 bedroom and shoppmg 686 92J.I home In "Farm~" $200 turbo-oven Perfect condl. cludes all utilItIes 774-7714 HARBOR SPRINGS plus 1/3 utIlitIes 886-5331, house. carpetmg, no applI -- - tlOn, mcludes cookmg ware, KERCHEVAL - on the HIli SCHUSS MOUNTAIN Chalet Beautlful new 3 bedroom con 882-1388 2 cook books, $100 884-0803 ances. fenced yard, garage, by I\eek or weekend fully ------$285 18792 Ro:.common - double offIce WIth recep- dommIUm, sleep~~lO, fIve -- AMERICAN FIREWOOD CO. eqUipped s\\ Im/golf/tennI~ mmutes to Boyne HIghland5 18 CUBIC FOOT GIbson up- tIOn area Mr Edgar, 886 6G-STORE Open Saturday 11 to 2, or 921-4030,LIt, 886 3377rught., and Knubs Knob Days, B86 rIght (reezer lIke new, ExceptIOnally FIne, Seasoned MIxed Hard Wood Sunda} b} appoIntment 6010 LEASE * 69:z,_e:en~ngs~~~ 4!~ _ $150 Call 822-a565 after 6 * Oak, Ash, HIckory and Frultwoods 524-2088 pm - BO'iNE HIGHLANDS * Free KmdlIng WIth Each Order GROSSE POINTE Park one 'BOYNE COUNTrlY Four ONE BEDROOM upper flat and two man offices WIth Luxur} 5 bedroom 3 batt> 400 SQ FT retail ::,pdce 111 REFRi-CERATOR. Whirl ApplIances $250, piUS utll. chalet over lookIng Boyne bedroom Chalet FIreplace, prIme locatIon m "VIllage pool, 19 1 cubIC feet, SIde 445-0377. RoseVIlle DELIVERIES parkIng and utlltties 15206 2 baths, 30 minutes {rom ItIes 882-5318 HIghland For lent \\eekend, In MInI Mall 886 3536 by Side, double doors, al Mack 881.7000 skiing and X country trails llIbTIINGI{A~1 upper -ne-Wiy ------weekly, or sea::.on Call 6-5 mond, leather front, ne\\. 882-5749 or 591-6180 ''decorated. ::.hare ulilltles, GROSSE POINTE Farms pm Monday FrIday (616) 15038 MACK AVE, u.'>ed6 months, $450 Sears ProfeSSIOnal sUIte Central ------$215 References 884-3559 5?£.2107ask for DIck or Tom MICHIe' AN SKI Country. 5 POinte, 5Ultable for store or portable heater, 85,000 ORIE:NTAL RUGS ------aIr Near Moran Ideal for minutes from Boyne High bUSIness, $225 per month, BTU's, $125 Sedrs 10' \3919 HAVERHILL, 6 room up- medIcal ofhces, $879 month FLOHIOA lands, 3 bedrooms, rully $300 secuflty, heat In table sa", WIth accesson~, WANTED per, 3 bedrooms, stove, re- HIGBIE MAXON. INC Hutchm.'>on Island (north of furmshed townhouse Week- cluded 885-5196 $165 AIr compressor, port- 'frlgerator, ne.... carpetmg, 886-3400 Stuart) ExclUSIve luxury ly or weekends (517) 323- able, $125 Portable gas 547-5000 separate furance and utIl- - furnIshed condo on AtlantiC 7'!IJ7 8-ARTICLES burner tank and acces- ItIes garage $175 plus sec COLONIAL NORTH Ocean Bredthlakmg pnvate -~------FOR SALE sorl~, $65 8818842 ,UrIty depo"lt 882-4094after 6 New offIce bUilding at 1Hz beach. pool. tenms. cable 3 BEDROOM apartment, In -,J _f!1______MIleandHarper 500-1,000 TV, 7515588 or 882-4900 dlan RIver PlantatIOn, HARTZ J & F FIREWOOD Stuart, FlOrida, monthly re CARS $100' TRUCKS $75' SEASONED OAK and MAPLE SOMERSET - 2 bedroom, square feet AIr eondltIon ST CROIX, U S V j - Condo HOUSEHOLD SALES 109, carpet, Jamtor, near nlals only 882-0486 AVAILABLE AT LOCAL $57 per face cord 0$285 4 bedroom, $300 Near on ocean - 3 bedroom. 3 - - Watch thiS space for BIg sale expressway ImmedIate ------GOV'T SALES Tax & DelIvery Included 'J5t Matthews ParIsh 884 bath, pool, tenm., courts, on HILTON HEAD Island/South Call (REFUNDABLE) on Merriweather next Quantlt} Discount AvaIlable -..i...~3559 ~ _ occupancy property Golf, shoPPlllg Carolma New oceanfront, 1-(312) 931-5337 weekend JOHN 757.4885 FRANK 882-6910 REDECORATED 2 bedroom 775-2373 778-0120 neal by 331 5262 fully furmshed, I or 2 bed- EXT 1852B FOR YOUR apartment, East Warren at room VIlla Golf, tennIs, DIRECTORY ON SALES CONDUCTED BY BeaconsfIeld. $245, mcludes COLONIAL EAST HARBOR SPRINGS - 3 bed pool $225-$325' per weck HOW TO PURCHASE SUSAN HARTZ 'heat. appliances AvaIlable 9 MIle - Harper, 1000 square room condo SkI week - Free hterature 771-4586 24 HRS w('E.'kends Full) furmshed 886-8982 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED ~m~edldt~~ ~~~ __ fed All' condltlOnlIlg, car- pet, Jamtor, near express 977-911 (Torn) CHA£,.ETS. CABINS Northern SKI'SKNlESSELFormal GROSSE POINTE Farms - SEASONED AZAR'S GALLERY way Immediate occupancy -FLORIDA ON THE BEACH MIchigan and fme.'>t WInter 185's Solomon hIndmgs. 69 Mapleton, 3 bedroom. sports area The WlOter FIREWOOD Munan boots - 11, $115 One of the largest selectIOns of OrIental rugs large lIVing room Moder- 775-2373 778-0120 2 BEDROOMS 2 baths South Wonderland SkI, snow FREE Good coudlllOn 776-0349 at mInImum prIces nIzed kitchen and bath East Corner $139000 mobile, Ice skate Wnte DELIVERY evenlIlgs 251 E MERRILL, BIRMINGHAM Lea::.e securlt} depOSIt, GROSSE POINTE .':>EASONALHEKT ALS Lakl» of 'Ihe North Rental:" $55 A CORD TURCO- 10,500 Brt kerosene ; 644-7311 $500a month 885-2546 FIRST FLOOR OFFICES VERSA REALTY. INC Inc , POBox 532, Man- Small, medium or large to fIt space heater WIth fan, 5 GROSSE POINTE CIty - Up. ANGELA CAMPO BROKER celona, MI 49659 1- 521-5050 your requirements gallon can, kerosene and per, 477 St ClaIr, Country 616-585-6695 Starting at $100 a month m (305) 334-8498 hand pump Two months Farm house charm 1 block RESALE SHOP cludmg all utIlItIes ------~-- WANTED ONE or two bed- old, $130 882-6450 Crom "VIllage" 2 bedroom, MARCO ISLAND Lu'Cury 2 All' CondItIoned room Condo, to sleep 3. Or Startmg our 12th year AddI- glass enclosed porch KIt. bedroom, bedchfront condo ELEG-ANT MAHOGANY Freshly pamted and decorated lando area, February 26th - tIOnal supplies arnvmg each chen applIances 2nd floor Pool, tenms, boat dock week FamIly clothing, gIft Lowboy, Queen Anne up- FRIENDLY Pleasant atmosphere Weekly-monthly rates 6?£. March 5th 886-1409 right cedar chest, $325, tIartz[il PROFESSIONAL laundry WIth appliances Off street parking. shop, curtams and drapes, Household Sa les Lease and $400 a month 2502 .'>ohdmahogany chma cab- SERVICE ------HUTCHINSON ISLAND for books, toys, ski boots, 885-2546 881-4147 cameras, plus many o!her met, $325, buffet, $225, DILLON BUILDING KEY LARGO, FlOrIda, Button sale. penthouse condo, 20th i~ms Some prIced onelenlh ) P.hyf~ duAAg ,rm,m I I', ) '9"~!"YOUFl;$.P.Et.'Ii\.i:" I SUSAN, HARTl ONE - TWO year'lea5eJ-J435 , - I Wood Bay. Condo, exclUSive floor, Dff'ocean ,beach and, the cost at retaIl Loca~lOn- table, ~$.2.25rd~lfJ)~.fl,~ Sol 0( , l~!' ~~SES~'d~S" , 886~'89'82'~' plus utlhtles" t.l~l~droom OPPOSITE EASTLAND well furnIshed 2 bedroom prIVate gOI/course 2 bed- Annex rear of Grosse Pomte $225, (If you OilYenlI!e set I \, ARE MY ..mmaculate ranch. Ridge. townhouse. tenms beach, room, 2 bath, 2,470 square $725) Prices firm on Indl SP~CIAL CONCERN Grosse Pointe City mont In Grosse POInte OPAL PLAZA Umtarlan Church, 17150 t feet, alllUXUrJes and recrea- Maumee at Neff Open only Vidual pIeces sold Exquslte Woods Call SChultes Real 3 ROOM OFFICES pool, boat dotks, securJ y tlOnal faCIlities Near Stuart French sandalYoood desk! , 10 a m -3 pm Wednesdays 'Estate 881-8900 _C~~~_lec_t,_3~1-774~_ FlorIda VIews of ocean, 18301East 8 MIle Rd Also 7 9 Thursday evenmgs vanity wlth matchmg MMEDIATE DetrOIt be- 777-4646 MARCO ISLAND on beach 2. beach. golfcourseand IndIan Phone - 882.9755 Wednes bench (44" x 22") both I tween Mack. Warren off bedroom luxury condos WIth River Available March 1st decorated With Ormulu and (Several desks for sale) days or 881-9412 anytime CadIeux (2 bedroom du- all amemtles Cluldren we! Manna planned $340,000 QualIty consIgnments wel- custom glass top, ornate L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES plex) $:lJlO 886-3800 come Dav "eek or month Call DAYS ONLY (705) come mirror (gIll) $350- GROSSE POINTE - Mack- Day~ 88'1 6402 c-\ enJng~ 949-2113ext 140 573-4578 HOUSEHOLD & ESTATE 5-ROOM UPPER, $245, heat, Cadieux PrestigIOus of- FiVE -PIECE - BurlIngton --~ ------8824593 LONGB-ORf'-KEY,F1orlda DIAMOND RING. 1 carat - -range, refrigerator, carpet- fIce space In remodeled House, solId oak Colomal LIQUIDATION SALES pear shaped AppraIsed a! IIlg, security depoSit, garage buildlIlg Central aIr, space PALM SPRINGS 800 BeautIful condo on the Gulf bedroom set, $1.000 372-9429 INSURANCE APPRAISALS available 37HlOI4 from 200to 1,800square feet ReservatIOns for hotels. con- ImmedIately avaIlable for $3,400, WIll saCrIfIce at LIKE NEW:~lng dnd sum $2,100 After 6 p m 643- to SUIt, spaCIOUS, prIvate dos and homes m the sunny long or short term lease ANTIQUES -I BOUGHT AND SOLD SA-FOR RENT desert 1-800-854-9288 882-0006, after 5 30 pm or mer matermty clothes, sIze 8 6245 parking area, more Mr ____ --- - weekends 772-9323 and 10 882-0048 • PROFESSIONAL. BUT PERSONAL SERVICE , FURNISHED CotZlas, 886-9030 BLACKVINYT:-chalr and CARIBBEAN - Oceanfront, FLORIDA SANDESTIN _ LARGE dogcage like new • TRAINED PERSONNEL spacIous home In Yucatan -= ottoman, redwood coffee ATTE:\'TlON EXECUTIVE LEASE OR SALE, 3,600 sq ft Offer:. _ peaceful retreat Gulf resort AvaIlable Jan- 331.7106 • table, pmg "ROngtable, pIC. Transfers one and two ofhces, conference room, pyramIds. adventure, scuba uary, March, $450per week LO VESEAT ,--ddr-k- green tures, lamps skIS boots 771-1170 bedroom apartments. deco- adjacent parkmg, WhIttier dlvmg etc Get a\\a~ from 553-4029 t\\ eed, $70, 2 dlOette chaIrs, and poles PrecISIOn roller , • INITIAL CONSULTATION-NO CHARGE rator furOished LInens, near Kelly ImmedIate oc- theu::.ual Sen ant5lOcluded l\IlAlfCOISLAND 2bedroom , ~ melon Naugahyde, $~ each, skates. humlduIer bicycle dl.,he." uten.'>lls mcluded cupancy Reasonable 882 884-2231 bath condo, beautifully fur. one upholstered chalr, light 885-8235 BEDROOM DRESSER. $150, Mmlmum one \~~k, S650Del' 4840 AFFORDABLE LlJXURY nIshed, all amemtles, cable tan pattern. $25 776.6075 month LocatIOn I 696 be- TV ....asher/dryer Da}s after 5 pm chest. $125, solid mahogany PALM BEACH ESTATES SALES INC. l\\een I 75dnd 194 SecurIty, EXECUTIVE OFFICE space at JupIter Ocean and Racquet 372-3456 EvenIng::. 881-9577 reclIner chair $75, firm references 469 1075 for lease, downtown DetrOIt Club III un~polled ,Jupiter CAMERA 35mm with teTe 882-7725 FRIDAY-SATURDAY, photo lens and automatIc RIvard at East Jefferson FlOrida COO1pletely furn PO~"vIPANOBEACH. FlOrId; .JEN!',!Y -LIND babj crlh JANUARY 21 st & 22nd 3 ROOM furnIshed apartment Ishedone t\\oandthreebed Llghthou.,e Co\e Resort flash, $170 517 9419 Approximately 2,000 square -~ - -- ~- - With mattress 565 Tires near 10 MIle and Hoover 10 feet ConvenIent to courts, room condos for \\eekly or new .,tudlO Condo directly 12943LaSALLE LANE - HUNTINGTON WOODS Warren All utIlItIes paId month!) vacation rental., 11 on ocean AvaIlable week of 100RESUMES and wheels 773-9547 Ren-Cen and Greek Town ONE PAGE CAMERA- 2 hlocks South of 11 Mile, 21, blocks East of Coolldge Separate entrance Full ap- Must see to appreciate The tenms couru, 3 heated pooL." Apnl23rd through 30th, $42; READY -$10 ASH MAPLE dnd Oak, sed .\ntlque acceSSOrIes and furmture. TIffany Items, an- pliances $295 lea.,e Refer- MeehanCompanys 393-1700 ocean .,\\Immmg For In 886-6144 ence::. requ Ired 757-5528 ---- formatIOn call Ocean Re BLUEPRINTS soned "pllt fIrewood $45 de tIque pamtmgs, pewter, crystal and Silver Furs & Sund<>yand rest of week .,or~lnc ,Realtor Toll-free ENGRA VED WEDDING livered Free oak kmdl estate Je" elry SALES REPRESENTA 6F-SHARE LIVING 1 800 327 6630 INVITATIONS 109 Same day servlcf' Complete household of custom made furmture PARK - ATTRACTIVELY TIVES Office. Desk, chair ------QUARTERS SCRATCH PADS 65" LB Call 543-4044or 849-1490 furru.,hed 4 room loft apart- and utIlItIes supplied plus PAL~I BF ACH Count). Smger INSTANT COPIES 10" Fahulous Sale' ment SUitable for non-smok use of large conference Island One and tv,o bed CLEAN, QUIET Nice neIgh PHOTOSTATS, NEGS FLEA MARKET IOg"lngle $350 IIlcJudes utIl- room Copy machlOe and room furm'ihed apartments PHOTOTYPESETTING 559-8908 - 758-4247 borhood near Grosse POInte EVERY TUF.SDA Y IRIS KAUDIAN FOR INFORMATIOl'l Itl('" 821 5448 postage meter avaIlable or Available monthl\ or vear $180 mclude" utilitIes 881- KEYLINING ALCOMOS C >\STLE - fIce IS panelled and carpet CONDO ONE bedroom, com around Walk to' ocean or 1721; STATIONERY ;-';INE ~lILE BETWEEK ed_ Located between 7 and 8 pletel} furmshed mcludes shoppmg 851 1142 CLUB BOOKLETS "tACK AND HARPER Mile on Mack near A A A heat Cadieux/Mack area HOUSEMATE WANTED RUBBER STAMPS 773-05'l1 bUildIng Ask for John Brink HARBOR SPRINGS - Full) mce Colomal m qUiet East OPEN MONDAY THHl: FINE ART OBJECTS $175 d month. plus securIty 882-0087 eqUipped home., for rent 886-3756 Side neighborhood Profes SATURDA Y 9-5 P M l:SED BOOKS -- Boughl, - sleep 8 and 12 De Voe Real slUnal female desIred 882- CASH ON CONSIGNMENT -- EXECUTIvE OF-FfcE hUl-ld t) L} nn M( Gann Realtor POINTE PRINTING sold Fiction, non flchon PETROIT LAKEPOINTE 6,512 or 343-9237 'near Berk.,hlre upstairs, Ing In Grosse POInte Woods A late 886-%.17 15~1 KERCHEVAL Hardcovers, paperback - O;i;E ITDt OR '''HOLE ESTATES With space to lease Indlvld. "'''oc on(' Iwdroom ne", carpets FEMALE ROOMMATE to at Lakepomle noon 'hi 6 p m Tues thru ual offIces and SUItes a\all SI' - BARBO-n SPRl:-.1GS OrIental Rugs. Fme Cnstal and Porce. pen:>e, WIth same 296-3017 2 ROOM:" - bedroom and ------STAMP And Com appral"al, GROSSE POINTE - MaIO around thl' \\ orld luxur} 2 SHARE SPACIOUS garden for e.,tate<; bank, pn\ ale HOUSEHOLD and DuMOUCHELLE'S . large famll) room With bedroom \ ilIa WIll .,aen noor offIce SUIte, large rf' apartment m Park Nolease coliectlOn<; Call .John "It('n ESTATE SALES 1aq:w fireplace Prefer ceptIOn area, 4 pnvate of flce m\ ? \Hock \ earl\ time 409 E JEFFERSON non "mokmg ",orkmg lady $170 plu<;utllitle., 822-8638 df'l 881 '30')1 f1ces Store room. prl\- ate "har(' (11\ nf'r"hlp 88.'i-Il166 Conducted by 'K" DETROIT, 48226 Mler 'i 884-7510 F'l RNITUfU' Who)f'"ale parkIng $500 month Indud- Hl TCHl"SO~ ISLAi'lD Flor LADY WILL SHARE her C;('T\ IC'lng Wayne, Oakland 963-6255 _~~ Utl~lI~_882-0555 apartmenl WIth elrlerl~ lad~ Dl.,tnhutor., of M\I hlgan and :'Ilacomb Counhes Ida BrlImgall ne\\ merl handl<;(, Kay 2470361 COLONIAL EAST arpOfa.,I{'('per" "e(Ok Kitchen PTl\ lieges pet, JanItor, near express- Ideal for retired lad\ These GrO'o"('POln!e area fill&. '191J room 2 hath.. "kl chalet $119. hunk hed., I-omplete AVAILABLE FOR APPRAISALS wa:r ImmedIate occupaltCy located dlr('Ctl~ on Little and other., not ll<;tect Call $88, 7 plete IIvln!\ room" laVon's, 'n3-~35 WE BUY BOOKS AND ESTATE SALES ROOM ....ITH hou.,..,pm Ileg~ 881-6436, n8-0120 Tra\er.,e Bal reahlrc'i In $239,dlXoratl\ e lamp" from :Non "moker preferred clurle team' celhn!\" dl.,h $1488 'i PICC('\l,ood dmet!('., Our Shop IS located at Da \ , 88!Hl42S \\a.,hpr flrpplace (olor Nfo:F:D 2 ff'male., to .,hare $159 $000 pll., no\\ $'37')Open IN YOUR HOME 1.'i11,)CharlevOIX larg(' home Gro.,.,e POInte to the puhllc dealer., and HAMPTON SQUARE TV .,lef'P" Il IlB.V!'l2.'i Free orrer~, no obhgalJon Gro.,,,e POInte Park Park $1.'i5 plu., one third m~tltultonal "ale<; ",ellomp Se-OFFICE BUILDING HARROH ~PRI~G"I Har utilities 96f>-464895 Mon Name hrand" Serta f't( arpralc;al~ fllrlll~hed FOR RENT 22811Mack Ave hor CO\ I' \\ IOter ,10.1 \ ;lC,1 Hour., Tue.,day and Thur.,day dal Ffldil\ 824 8694 aftf>r 9451Ruffalo Hamtram( k (1 entire ec;tale~ al<;o dC~lred fipm . 10 00 a m to 4 ()()P m t'on lll,,-un Condo 'iIPep" hlock north of Holhrook I E xc!-.!u:~ T Ea<;l"llde ~edl CONCOl:RSf- EAST q 1'\ l'T} thlli!\ IOclurlPd B} Call u!>at 331 3486dunng bu.,me.,,, hour., to arrange for cal offl«(' 10 "h"re Yollhac block ea.,1 of Conantl JOHN KING BUILDING Owner rat('" ('all 'l6'>-'lm DF.PE:"E'Pomte Park LAUREN CHAPMAN \l,elco01(' 82.1-'i980 OFFICE SPACE BOYNE COI'NTRY - Skier', egraph (2 blocks south of non t he fool('d hy lmlta 822-6949 6 Mile) 512.4060 Monday JILL WILLIAMS BRA:-' D :-.f-Yi luxuf} offICes AVAILABLE .,no\\ mohJler<, '3 bedroom" -- tor~ Over 17 ) ears a CHARLES KLINGENSMITH COMPETITIVE RATES I',bath., fl1'eplace 776-4824 MIDDLE AGED, semor Citi- through Saturday, 10.8, on Mack - In Woods In Sunday, 12-5 CredIt cards profeSSIonal, courteous zen or workmg person to We feature a selection o,)fantique." Ime used furnIture and elude., all utlhtle" central 885-0111 l'WW Sir-STA Rey - Gulf and checks accepted De senlc!' all'. parkIng and phone, from Side condo AVaIlahle Jan .,hare home Nice area accessories 884-1400 Cadieux Road livery avaIlable $125 moo th 882- 4e62 "f1rv 77lH956 884-5'l55

, { Thursday, January 20. 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-C

I-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES ~ARTICLES 88-ANnQUES 9-ARTICLES 11-cARS 11-CARS 11-cARS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MOVING MEMENTOS of a 90 ROSSIGNOL SKIS - 135cc BISHOP JOHN KING IS stili bUYing 1979 CUTLASS, 2 door, ma 1976 HONDA statIOn wagon, 1976 FIAT ConvertIble, mmt year old - excellent Admi- ESTATE roon, air, AM;FM stereo, ral relrigerator, flair stove, With Tyroha bmdlngs, best GALLAGHER good books for ca~h Why does not run $200 or best condttlOn, garage kept, low, LIQUIDATION low miles, $1,895 New 1930's decorated bedroom offer 88&-6545after 4 pm sell to someone el<;e for defogger, $4,600 822-0365 offer 882-5774 - ---- exhaust, tires, brake!>, etc , set, sewing machme and 2 new dllUng room sets (one HENDREDON, ITALIAN 12th ANN~&5:NTlQUE less? 961..:~2_2______1m PONTIAC-LeMan~,V8 French Provincial, one, 1979 T BIRD, Hefltage must be seen Call 521-3597 cablllet, chma and odds and Iughback chair, antlque pale JANUARY 21st, 22nd, and 23rd WANTED TO BUY US/for- engme, AM/FM stereo, air, model,, ltght blue, ends - All must go 835 St EnglISh Mahogany), power steermg/brake~, after 4 pm Mahogany secretary, Limoge green coUee table - mmt FRIDA Y-SATURDAY, 10.8 elgn stampl> 7754757 or full power, all optIons, ex- Clatr Saturday and Sunday, 823-0074 SUNDA Y 16 771-1212 medIUm blue, 4 door, ne .... cellent conditIOn, $4,800 1976 CUTLAsS Wagon, loaded, 9-4 Subject to pre-sale 884- china, signed crystal, tIres/brakes/tune up, $3,450 full power, $1,650 or b~t of- Oflenlal rugs, furs, several DOWN HILLs -k-Is---G-ood---c-o-n- BISHOP GALLAGHER SHOTGUN-S - and nfle<; ~ant 278-9000, ext 335, John 8 30 0039. 774-0033 am 5 15 pm fer 885-7744 mahogany tables with dillon, $60, With poles, leath HIGH SCHOOL ed - Parker, Fox, Smith, ------~------LADIES 14KT yellow gold leather Inserts er lace boots 939-8128 19360 HARPER, Wlnchel>ter and others 1979 OLDS CuUa~s Supreme, 1977 HONDA Accord, 5 speed, 1978 BUICK 4 door, V-6 auto- dIamond sohtalre rmg, d.ta- MAGNIFICENT COMPLETE EXHAUST -svs Gr:~~:pRA~og~~ARI PrJvate coJlector 478.5315 .. air, AM/FM stereo, rear excellent conditIOn, low matIC, air, CrUIl>e, $2,300 monel round brillIant, mea- defogger, special top and mileage, $2,000 886-4272 886-4927 sureS 9x3 5mm, 75 cl~ Clar- POSSESSIONS tern for a 1971 Plymouth (Bring your chIpped EJ\STSlDE'bookseller de!>lre~ gnll, excellent conditIOn, ------Fury, $75 New, 371 ?ffI7 glass With you) Signed limited edItIOn", flOe COUPE de VILLE - Extra 1977-PLYMOUTH Fury 2 Ity, VSI 8~, 881-7724 21823 VAN DYKE AT 8112 $4,500 882-4461 door, air, power l>teer MILE RD , IN WARREN SNOW BLOWER-for--saTe REFRESHMENTS BY lllustrated chddren'~ litera ------clean, 10.... mIleage, mwt CANADIAN LYNX Part y moved toFlonda Call EATTI GOURMET ture, art, photography, 1974 MUSTANG, AM/FM, cond ItlOn man~ ext r as lng/brake!. low mllel> , $600 758-4247 DonatIOn, $1 50 Amerl(ana DetrOit CI VII power l>teermg, power $5,900 885 0990 882-8830 Full length, size 12/14 Insured after 3,882-5701 For mformatlOn caU War, Occult. AVdnt Garde brakes, regular gds, very - - at $11,500 Must sell, $3,000 LIN-CULN 1'OWN Car, 1979 FRIGJDAIRE Refrigerator, ATARI V C S - Joy Stlcks J.C. WYNO'S Lit, mdltdry county hll> little rust Runl> well 1973 PLYMOUTH Scamp - 885-7080 old but works well and In dependable, no rlll>t man} good condItIOn, $5,600 Ray and Paddle~, 14 cartridges, 772 2253 tones phl1osophy and Pnced to sell, $500 2596909 772-8105 STEREO record player With good shape, $45 885-2854 AsterOids, Mlssle Com - worthwhIle book!> for col after 6 30 P m 8227801 extrd~ 65,000 miles, $800 881 20:ll turntable and 2 speakers In FOURBEDRO~ mand, etc $200orbesto{fer --D-E-NLEY-;-S---- - lectJOns In dll categorlel> John 1975 GRANADA -=- 6 (yllnder, ------wooden console cabinet and HOME FURNITURE 884-2082 after 6 o'clock Cash paid dnd Immediate 1981 ARIES K Cdr - 1,900 very cle,tn dIr, AM/FM ca~ 1979 CHEVY LUV Mikado '>eUe Make offer 881 3109 or 1 external speaker box, $W Pineapple poster double bed FULL SIZE-mattress a-ndbo~ ANTIQUES removal mu~t sell, $3,800 No rust miles mu~t !>ell n8-2032 775-4900 or best offer - also 1 sma II (maple, painted wlute $35, sprlOg Clean, fair condl- Furniture, clockl>, Decoys, GRUB STREET 521 5272 after Ii student desk, $10 884-9339 four poster (pineapple ------1978 GRANADA, cylinder, tlOn $75 cash 885-0297 toys and primitives 27112 A BOOKERY 1970 FORD VAN - 6 cylln 1978 PLYMOUTH - 9 pa~ 6 MOVING SALE - furmtur e, post~) maple, double bed, ------Harper, bet'Neen 10 and 11, 171'" to' I W automatiC, power ~teermg, rj,'r ,1"'11, h"(1l'y rl'll y wnrk l>engel..... agon power ,>teer JvuLIt: dlt:::'::'CI, IllUIOI, PIIILCO \VASHER alld Jr-" .,.,r., radIal", great Reasonably pflced Include (custom glass on dresser) lent tlre~, runs perfect s $400 884-8534 tramportatlOn 331 3291 a sauna, water punfler $195, 4 poster (fibbed needle ditton, $195 885-0079 da~E7~~~1ND SELL DetrOIt, MI(hlgan ------beautIful condItIOn, low humidifiers Starts 11 posts) mahogany, twm beds, SKIS K2 244 mid 180 cm ~ $75 ------882-7143 1973 MERCURY Cou-gar-=" 1972 COLT - 4 cyhnder, sta mlle~, $2,295/offer 772-6797 chest, mirror, mght stand $400 or best offer Runs tlOn wagon, 25 10 P g , $575 ------.....- o'clock Wednesday, Januar y Olm Mark IV 170 cm, $75 SCHWANKAUSKY'S 'f6P $$""l5'Alj)-for coTor-TV-;: 1976 SPORTS Fury - AM/FM $625, mahogany double bed, good 885-2532 after 6 p 10 881 9:ll7 after 2 p m ~th, ends when Items sel I Both In excellent condItt on ANTIQUES needmg repair 774 9380 ------sun roof, power locks, l>eat, Come early 15250Eastwood triple dresser, mirror and 839-8874 Affordable European Anttques ------1973 BUICK Regal - Auto- mght stand (made by Dre- 1978 280 Z Datsun, 2+ 2, excel air, mu!>t l>ell 885-3331 DetrOit COIN OPERATED washe - In the Elegant House of Fab CASll FOR Original OJI paJnt lent condItIOn, $5,300, nego malic, power steering, air, ------.....- - xe)) $425, Tradltlonal ma. 1977 DODGE ASPEN - 6 EARLY AMERICAN sofa r, flCS Bldg mgs, Amencan, European tlable 772-1474 good tranl>portatJOn, $500 or hogany twm beds, chest and heavy duty commerCial GRAND OPENING 18th, 19th Century, others -- - --_._-- best offer Cdll after 5 30 automatlC, power steermg, wmg chair and rocker, $70 mght stand $475 GRAND PRIX 1976, loaded, 44,000 mdes, good conditIOn, 88&-8695 type, $225 885-0079 _ 1500Woodward at John R ,2nd Sales confldenLtal Art Ine pm 5214235 573-4578 SIGNATURE HEAVY duty floor Call aboutparklllg VA 19429 good condItIOn, excellent 1962 CAMARa Z28, mmt con $1,875 885-1050 transportatIOn, $1,295 882- BEDROOM - French Provln - FOUR - GR - 78-15 STEEL dryer, excellent conditIOn ------dltlOn, T tops charcoal 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - $5:15 , 9612656 clal double bed, complete , BELTED TIRES GOOD QUICK CASH 9691 grey, custom Inter lOr, double dresser and mlr $125 885-0079 Mon _ 'Sat 11.5 or best offer 824-30~, even- CONDITION $20 EACH CUTLASS, 1980, 2 door, ltght power steeflng, power or, night stand, excellen WHIRLPOOL GAS dryer, ESTATESGO~gSUSEHOLD Ings t ONE SUPERSTAR EX- blue, air, AM/FM stereo, br akes, power wlOdo", s ----- condition, $400 Ford va works great, $75 885-0079 ORNATE VIctOrian walnut VALlJED BETWEEN $500- 1977 TOYOTA Corolla - de- n ERCISER WITH SPEED- defogger, $5,500 82~0365 tilt, cruise power seatl>, rims, 800 x 16.5 882-9421 OMETER $40 50 SHORE- WHIRLPOOL REFRIGE- bed, full Size, $250 Victor. $5,000 5,000 miles Mu~t ~ell 882- luxe Itftback, 4 speed, ex~el- 1972 TRIUMPH SpItfire, 28 lent conditIOn, $1,700 791 WICKER - Old fashion, m ex CREST 884-4578 ATOR - 2 door, like new Ian chair made from steer (Will remove from 1010 ------$175.885-0079 hornes, $500 886-7544 premlses-l>ame day) m p g , good conditIOn, $800 -- ~-- 4192 cellent condition 824.0441 BOOKS - Law student, Mlch or best 776 6167 after 5 1976 AUDI FOX, fully loaded, ------MOVING SALE FrIday an d Iganreport, volumes 246-310, FRlGlDAIREdryer,ltkenew, MAUMEE VALLEY CALL MAHOGANY pm good mIleage, very good 1961 CHEVROLET Capnce - $175 885-0079, INTERIORS ClassiC, loaded, fuel effiCient Saturday 10-5 85 8 new 1/4 orlgmal pnce 885 conditIOn, $1,750 or best of COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 573-4578 1978 MUSTANG, HATCH diesel, 40,000 miles, $6,500 Lakeshore, Grosse Pomt e 11lJ7 FRIGIDAIRE Side by Side PARENTS' CLUB fer 881-1271 BACK, V-6, automatic, ----- 779-5100 Shores GERIATRIC CHAIR, I1ke refflgerator, 20 cubiC feet ANTIQUE SHOW power steerlng/brake~, air, 1976 BUICK SKYHA WK S --- MOVING SALE Anhqu e new, $95 884-1501 Excellent condition, $195 CASH FOR $2,950 774-4897 Custom deluxe, hatchback, 1963 MERCURY ConvertlbJe 885-0079 AND SALE KIDS CLOTHES automattc, V-6, A-I condI- V-8-auto, 68,000, excellent needlepemt ch air. round ESTATE SALE - Saturday, 1976 DODGE Monaco statIOn table With glass top Dmln g ADMIRAL refngerator 2door, Saturday, January 22 EXCELLENT CONDITION tIOn, absolutely no rust or condItIOn, red With black m- January 22, 10 a m -4 p m wagon, air, 10Y/ miles, oents, always garaged, tenor, $2,900 839 4882 'or table (3 leaves and pads), 6 EvervthInt" mll<;1 gO and IS works great $125 885-0079 10 am. - 9 pm VERY CLEAN, BETTER Sunday, January 23 BRANDS, INFANT THRlJ 14 needs minor repair, $700 or ftrst $2,300 or offer Blrm 372-0069 chairs, buffet, couch, km g PflCed to move Alloutstand. best offer 774-4514 BOX SPRING and mattress 11 a m - 5 P m Brmg In Monday, Tuesday mgham, 566-9820, a m or sIze bed, Habitant bedroom mg condItion Art Deco trea- 1974 MAVERICK 4 door 1979 CHRYSLER Cordoba, pm set (tWill or bunk) sectlOna I, sures Wlddlcomb sectIOnal sets by Serta If.! off Twm, 50 Outstandmg Dealers from 6 or Thursday, 10-4 p m Excellent transportatIOn corner table. mlscellaneou s $145 Full, $185 Queen, $225 states Featuring a Wide ON HANGERS PLEASE V.8, automatic, air, stereo, PINTO 1976, white/black, Automattc transmiSSion, sofa, Widdlcomb blonde din rear defogger, 10,000 mIles lamps, trash compactor mg room set, color TV, old Kmg, $325 All first quallty vanety of mvestment quail LEE'S RESALE 13,000 WIles $1,900 Excel- power steermg, snow tlrei, $4,600 3430680 after 5 pm 88tHi888 books, kitchenware, tools Dealer warehouse clear- ty anttques - penod, formal 20331 Mack 881 8082 lent condition Great buy some lUSt, $750 886-9302 and much mIScellaneous 438 ance 268-2854 or 371-5400 and country furmture, 011 1971 GREMLIN, running 882-4345 250 SKIDOO Snowmobile, $360 pamtlngs, Onental porce- WANTED - Stoves, refng- - 21975 AMC Pacers Very good 1974 Volkswagen Beetle , Lexmgton, Grosse POinte FIREWOOD FOR Sale' Cord I erators, washers and dry- condillon Best offer 822 1982 PONTIAC J -2000, 2 condItIOn, must sell, $800 ams, silver, qUilts, art glass, 7464 $3,333 Sears tractor snow - Farms h ar dwood 0ak ,As, h Map Ie t 1 f lk t d Il ers, ",orkmg or not work door, 4 speed, AM/FM each or offer 881-3327 plow, $125 Paperdrlll, $300 dB h F II 00 s, 0 ar, toy~, 0 s, 4 - 4-PIECE place settings of an Irc or pnces ca books, samplers, early lIght- 109 $10 to ~100 Also free 1982 CAMARO Z-28, cross- stereo, cassette, rust 1978 MERCURY Zeph)T Wa Lelca camera, $200 Blcyck , "Bletlecup" by Gorham, 376-8355 or 359-8355 _ 109, brassware, treen, and removal of old ones Call ftre mJeclton, automatlc. proofed RadIals, exceptIOn- gon, 6 cylinder, white, 4 door, CB, aquarium stand 821 - Sterlmg silver In sealed bags DOLL APPRAISALS many lOterestmg decorator anytlme SHORTY's 924 loaded, T tops, custom ally clean, $5,800 881 4542 automatiC, air, power, 7430 $120, place settlOgs 882-3603 ANTIQUES OR and collector Items 55B5 or 771 4076 sound system and alarm 1982 DATSUN-2 ton, 4 door, AM/FM, $3,250 885-2000 COMPLETE Duncan Phyfe CHILD'S bedroom set, dres- COLLECTIBLES N d ANTIQUE OR COLLECT After 3.l! 10 77~8648 automatic transmIssIon, evemngs 884-0744 dinmg set, excellent condi SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM orepro uctJOnsornew Items lBLE DOLLS SUCH AS MAZDA RX 7, 1980, luxury ser, mght stand, desk, chair, AMiFM radiO, defogger, 1980 MUSTANG, 4 speed lion Must sell, $550 or bes 757-5568 of any kmd All articles MADAME ALEXANDER model leather Intenor, air, t pamted wood 884-5336 ______guaranteed $5,255 882-4375 excellent condition, low offer. 774-2504 stereo, sunroof, $8,500 772-- MAUMEE VALLEY MRBIE, ETC mileage, $4,450/offer 882 NEW SMALL refrigerator, "BIRCH FIREWOOD" - face 1193 1974 FORD Van, 302 englOe, H 0 RAILROAD EqUipment sUitable for office, $200 COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 757-5568 sunroof, carpet, Ice box 7802 I cord, $55, picked up $64 de 1978 DODGE Magnum XE, roiling stock, locomotive Heavy dutr commercial livered Eager Beaver 1715 South Reynolds Roe, 118-CARS WANTED Firewood Co 29725 Groes pulse Wipers, pm stnpes, MUSTANG Cobra II, 1977 TO BUY TRADITIONAL OAK desk, 3 dry, $225. Anlique Smger beck 774-2622 OhIO Turnpike) WILL purchase and pump 302, 4 !>peed, black, louvers, sewmg machme, 3 drawers, .\ very good conditIOn, $3,600 ~ leather arm chairs Mus t AdmiSSion $2 50 from your tank or best offer 77S-7622 sell, $350 773-7477, after 5 needs reimlslung, $65 MIS. NEW UPRIGHT FrigidaIre ~~d glass, m-t nms 884- TOP $DOLLAR$ paId for your 882-9420 ______Junk or unwanted car Bull pm 88&-2903 cellaneous 77~9632 freezer, 21 2 cu ft, brand ANTIQUE ALF A ROMEO 1979 SpIder KENMORE WASHER, gas new, $400 881-4819 convertible, 15,000 mIles, 1976 CHEVY Monza, 2 door, Auto Parts, 894-4488 NATURAL MINK Jacket , WORKSHOP WANTED Baby furnish- never driven In Winter, recent pamt and tires, good - --JUNK-O-R-- $300, good conditIOn 884 - dryer, matched pair, excel- TAPPAN Gas Stove, white lent, stili 10 service, best of- FURNITURE Ings/Equlpment - clean, excellent conditIOn, extras. gas mileage, $1,600 or best WRECKED 1210 With clock and tlmer Like quality, complete Paymg best offer 886-4320 offer 885 0706 after 6 p 10 fer 881-9470 new, $150 or best offer 881- RESTORATION LOVEL Y NUTRIA coat, Fo x Chair camng and rushmg top dollar - Mom's Toy At 1976 FORD GRANADA _ ------CARS - TRUCK."i MICROWA VE, like new, cost 5468 tic 882-7631 1979 MAZDA G L C excellent FREE TOWING collar, leather tnm, almos t We Buy and Sell runs &Feat, needs mmor $600, best offer 881-9470 conditIOn No dents or rust new Must sell' $500 881 G E PORTABLE dIshwasher 16414 E Warren NEED 4 old brass wall body repaIr, $395 824-9531 776-4529, 777-8352 2850 copper tone (brown) butcher Many extras, babied, SIlver MOVING SALE - Everything sconces for 60 year old HORNET X 1973 - 6 cylmder exterIOr, black wterlOr, must go Refngerator, beds, block top, $100 B85 3904 881-9339 DUNCAN PHYFE dtnm g house on Lincoln 88&-3154 wagon, automatIC, power 32.000 miles $3 600 Days- DEAD OR ALIVE room set - 6 chairs, tabl e tnple dresser, book shelf, TWO DUNCAN PHYFE Side KENNARY KAGE 881 4147, evenings - 886. 1 CAR CITY ClasSICS pays top steermg. runs well, $850 CARS - TRUCKS and pads, buffet, good cond 1 14 12", air condlltoner, SkiS, tables, one round, $25, one 0443 ANTIQUES dollar for quality LP's (33- 882-0611 FREE TOWIl\G 7 DAYS. tlOn, $1,200 or best offer 885- size 8 boot also household oblong WIth glass top, $45, re 1978 FORD Pmto, 27,000 mIles, 6379, please call after 5 p m Items, clothes Saturday flmshed 886 1856 Open Wednesday, Thursday 1/3 RPM) All types of 1978 MONTE CARLO _ 365-7322 368-4062 on ly 10-4 343-0804 4230 Fnday, 124 P 10 mUSIC, any quamty Lib Landau, power <;teerlng, standard transmiSSIOn, m- H 0 TRAINS engines, cars SOFA, BLUE, grey !loral , Courville, DetrOit Saturday, 9 am -4 p 10 ranes appraised at your power brakes, air, 8 track cludmg snow ttr~ Call 882- MOTHER NEEDS car bad for $250, love seat, chair, Ktng tracks, transformers and WE BUY AND SELL home 21918 Harper (be stereo, $3,750 777 1965 5419 Job Lookmg for Mustang or size headboard, console TV , IBM ELECTRIC typewnter, mIscellaneous Mom's Toy Cadieux at E Warren tween 8 and 9 Mile), St 1976 SEDAN deVille, leather Plymouth Scamp - cheap chest, end table, and othe r model D, excellent condi- AttiC 882-7631 882-4396 Clair Shores 10-5 30, Mon 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE- lOterlOr, new B F Goodrich but reliable 822-2271 mlsc Items Eastland Vii tion, $450 822-0790 day through Saturday, I Premier, restored, loaded, 500 tIres, new brakes, muf- lage Apartment, 20457 Bal CHIPPENDALE CHEST - MUST SELL 2 occasslOnal ANTIQUE clock repairs Wall Fridays open tIll 8 P 10 excellent condItIOn, 881 3502 fer, shocks, trans rebUIlt, 12S-VACATION four, Apt 4, Saturday 10-3 chairs, sofa table, pmball $150, chair $30 Pair Victor- mantle, grandfather, cuc Ian chairs $25 Contempor 775-4770 1979 MUSfANG GHIA -=d; low miles, m10t conditIOn PROPERTY machme, excellent condi- koo, anmversary Pick-up COLONIAL COUCH and ary arm chairs $75 pair luxe mteflor, power steer 331-1090 Gro~se POinte chair, pille coffee and end tIOn, after 6 p m 885-0287 and delivery Clock parts 10A-MOTORCYCLES Coffee table $30 Andrrons lng, power brakes, 4 cylln TOYOTA 1976 Corona, air, SCHUSS MOL';'I;TAIN chdJet table, May tag gas dr>er and movements for sale FOR SALE COPPER Side by SIde refng- $25 88&-9172 der, $3,500 343 9092 rear defroster, 4 speed, uses 4 bedroom~ 2'l bath<; fully 19" black/white TV, G E re erator, white G E refngera 822-3859 furnll>hed Jarge~t hlghe~t TEN SPEED man's bike $85 HONDA 1982 Nlghtha ....k 1962 TRANS A~\f- $10,500, ex- regular gas, good condItIOn, fr Iger ator 977-0066 after 6 tor, automatic washer, 30" lot In drea S\\ 1m golf ,kl Queen SiZed bed set $150 14 TEL-TWELVE Mall AntIque ecutive car, manua I, 10.... $1,800 Call 792-7987 even p 10 882-6868 days gas stove, 30" electnc stove black, 650cc, Windshield Reduced to S72 000 886 mch B/W TV $50 822-3230 Show and Sale Telegraph crUIse, trunk many extra~ miles 823-0163 lOgs TORO SNOW Master 20" One table 882-5681 and 12Mile Road Thursday 3177 3500 mdes, $2,OOOibe~1offer ELDORADO-="-lOaded -- hke new, $125 Electnc January 20th thru Sunday 1976 977 GREMLIN - excellent -- -- GAS STOVE - Works great, 8A-MUSICAL 88&-4320 astro roof, leather mterlor ONCE IN II LIFFTIME baseboard heater, $50 Used January 30th Mall hours conditIOn, low miles, 4 cyhn $75 885-0079 INSTRUMENTS $1,950 or best offer Call 527 der lowner,$1,650 778.3612 OPPORTUNITY once 112 H P motor electnc Free admISSion, free park 11-cARS 5280 ------2 bedroom 2 bath apartment $25 Basement light fixture ELECI'RIC STOVE, 36", good 109 FOR SALE ------1966 MUSTA:'>IG 289 <;tereo, In I~landla I the nelle<;t and , conditIon, $50 882-5318 1980 PONTIAC Phoemx - 2 .. 15", $15 46 Newberry ALL FURMTURE refinished, re new pamt, very good cond pJushlC~t CLeanfront Condo Grosse Pomte Farms ELECfRIC RANGE - Works paIred, Stflpped, any type of door sedan brakes ItlOn, $2 000 or best 885 1710 on Hutlhln~on Island<; Saturday only great, $50 885-0079 PIANOS WANTED 1977 DODGE Monoco - 30,000 po steermg, stereo air -~-- - caning Free estImates after 4 p m (north of Palm Bcillhl 5th TOP CASH PAID 474-8953 mlle~ I owner, extra clean rear defro~t, $4 000 824-7702 1<, LIKE NEW, full length mink Mu<;t sell, $1,500 331 5153 MERCURY MONARCH m8-, floor <;ollthea~t expo<;ure, coat/hat, small, fawn color ONE DAY PICK-UP 2 door, automatiC, 40,000 1,400 square foot Will sefJ SKI SALE DAVISBURG 1976- CAMARO--a;r:-AM/FM 1979 FIRE BIRD Formula, 350, $1,050 294-2255 541-6116 mIles, excellent be~t offer at pre construLllOn pfl<.e ------ANTIQUES MARKET l>tereo excellent condItIOn, automatIC, air power steer Days 7775964. Evemngs $120000 884-298.1or BIll 1012 ETHAN ALLEN stereo cab- 1/3 to 1/2 OFF PIANOS WANTED JANUARY 23 lo\', mIles $3,200 or be~t lng, po brakes, T tops, met, 2colornaltable lamps, 2 8819470 GRANDS, Spmets, Con~olel> 53.~6231 AM/FM ca~'iCtte 10.... mile RESORT PROPEHTY _ v. rought Iron hanging lamps 4th Sunday each month ------~------age $5,200 371 7971 1962Fl50 -XL-Ford plckup~ /; SCHUMMER'S and Small Upnghts 1979COUGAR XR7, dark blue Tra\ erl>(' Clt~ Interlochen 2 over stuffed gold couchel> SpnngflCld Oak Bldg cylmder, allto, po <;teer area LOl ely 'i hedroom Call after 6 823-7042 TOP PRICES PAID decor group, mint condltlon mg brake!> AMtFM ster SKI SHOP Take I 75 N to DIXIe Hwy eXit 1980 LeCAR - front wheel year round I aC.ltlOn home ------886 4057 after 6 p m co, cap "'agon wheels LEATHER SOFA and love VE 7-0506 N to DaVisburg Rd west to drive "unroof ~lereo over located In heautlful wooded 881-4363 7.Jebartetl z-glazed tinted seat, console stereo, occa Andersonville Rd 1979 FLEETWOOD Broui 30 m p g Run~ excellent ~ubdl\ 1~lon \Ihl(h <;hart'!> 4,)() WURLITZER Spmet plano, slOnallamps and tables Cal I A~PARTMENT SIZE-~tove =-- HOURS 10 A M 5 P M ham, tnple blue, load. $2700 or he,>t offer Bob aftcr glass, "teel radldIs, 4 year ft of Long Lake frontag(' 882-0617, 882-3400 excellent condltlon, $110 good condition, $600 839 Free admiSSIon & parklOg ed offer 779 5770 882-7665 extenrJed warranty 2 tone Exc('llent fl~hlng <;and~ ------5 pm 88'i5uach and permanent dock HEADBOARD, bookca~e ANTIQUES ExceptIOnal 1978 PLYMOGTII lIorl7on ALTO -SAX S- fro~ $299 day after 6 30 Frida} after '>pace dl31lable Flrep)il((' style, custom frultwood ROLEX WATCH~$375-Tenms Affordable Power ~teerlng po",er Trombone~ from $189 Now featurmg a S-foot solid 530 ....oodburntng <;to\(' dud sliding doors klng~lze 88~ racket, new, $55 Brown car Eldorado brak('~ .llr 2') 000 mile'> ,J L S, Gratiot near 9 775 oak, hand-carved mantle ~creencd porrh SCleral ,kl 0934 petmg, 12 x 13, unused, $50 Gros~e Pomte o....ner ~elhng excellent conditIon 88S 4828 1976 OLDS Cu~tom Crul<;er 7758 SEE OUR FINE resorL'> In th(' area A~~um - - SchWinn 1o-speed , like new, 1975 Cadillac Eldorado m Wagon,loaded $I,looorbc<;t BROWN/GOLD/white plaId II. ahl(' $42000 mortgage at9 $125 Honda 350cc motorcy COLLECfION exceptIOnally fme conditIOn 1971FORD Jndo'" \an heav} offer 8827547,881 1262 couch great conditIOn, $125 3001, - 70"l, DISCOUNT Or duty good condllion 2 air - -- - - Price S9'; 000 Conldrt cle $200 886-9516 Ha<; all the Cadillac comfort BUICK Regal 1982, clean, 2 DIning room set WIcker Drums - gUItars - amps- Have yours Restored c()ndJlloner~ 2 hea ter~ I 616 947 4885 - and convemence power fea door V6 optIOnal equ Ip corduroy and ru<;t colored KENMORE automatic washer all m~truments 8833 Van Complete RestoratIOn tures plu~ leather interIOr $1 000 886-8241 chaIrs chrome legs formlca - excellent conditIOn, $125 Dyke 921 4614, I 7 P m mf'nt 7 700 mlle~ $8250 IIILTO'\, HF.i\I) Bf'ilutlfu) on(' Upholslenng services AM/FM stE'fCO WIth 8-track 773-9614 and glass table top new, 885-0079 ------bedroom furOl~hed Condo In JENCO - 3 active VIbes, aVaIlable Includmg can tape like new Goodyear CARS <;ell for $118 9'i (aver $325 AdditIOnal furniture OMNI - IlJ79 4 door auto- GERRY Ski Jack~ts, 500/( -off excellent conditIOn $300 109 anel rushmg Tll'mpo radial whItewalls, age) AI<;o .Jeep<; Plckup~ Tennl~ J3<>dchre~orl W,Jlk. available Days 961 8989 matic rC'ar d('fogger white Ing dl<;tance to (}('p.ln pool 885 3774 FORESfRATION new exhau~t component~ Available al local Gov I ask for Lon, evenings 822 dnd t('nm, ('our" S'H l)()(1 or SCHUMMER'S ------FURNITURE SERVICE four new <;hock absorber!. Auctlon~ For DJrl'('tory call wall~ ('l(c('lIent conrlltlOn 3230 ROTO TOMS - 6 8 10 rent 71lj 192'>or 6.'>2ilOIlO And and more Onlv 62000 10111''> 805-6876000 Exl 1621>Call $2600 T728-';2 bMore 6 p m SKI SHOP chrome, excellent condItIOn BEDROOM SET - (Ouch aIr Good ga<; mlleagf' (regulilr I refundilble $150 885-3774 ANTIQUES MERCf~DE~ 300 SD 1980 pUrifier, mlsc 10'1 pm 881-4363 22636 Gratlot at 9 Mile A fine front whC'('1 rJflVp Black WIth bamboo leatht>r 12D-LAKE AND RIVER Saturday 11164 Stockwell, SYNARE - SENSOR excel 776-5.141 luxur) car at an affordablC' mterlor onlv 26 000 mIle'> PROPERTY DetrOit, Ea~l~lde LA6-1284 MOVING BEAUTfFUL 5112 lent conditIon $50 885-3774 price $21\00 Phonp BIll fl.'i07 Fully eqUIpped ....ell m:lln long ~olld cherry Early See LA KE (HAHLEVOI X COil 2 "ALMOST NEW" APPAREL tamed ~CflOU'>offer, only American breakfront, Ideal WANTED - Drum <;et -- bedroom 1'lkMronl rolt 'Igp acces!>ones fur" and an 9-ARTICLES 1186 1401 for !lvlng room, dmmg new/u<;cd to rent With optIOn Ray Campise Bo) n(' elt \ $4'; l)()(1 1186 4';~ t1que<; at a fractIOn of the WANTED room, famIly room Exer. to buy 88&-3896 1977 OLDS VI~ta Cnll<;('r ~ta ongmal cost tlOn Wagon 9 pa'>'>('nger air We Buy Furs bounder tram pollOe, $50, 11A-CAR REPAIR 880-0118 8B-ANTlQUES DRUMMY (ondltlOnmg $3200 fl86 Conslgnmenl~ Welcome - FOR SALE BOOKS/USED AND RARE 2767 LEE'S GRANDFATHER purchased for cash or appral~ed OLDS 1978 DATSUN F 10 - ~ ~Pf'ed 20331 Mack 881-8082 CLOCKS <;ome ru~t $1 :ro 79141<)2 EASTSIDE ANTI QUE ReproductIon of Sir eslates aI~o desired 'm home consultatlOn~ THE 83'~ ARE HERE FIREWOOD, NORTHERN Wlule 10 stock, 30% to 5Oo/roff Wm Congreave roUmg ball I JOHN KING ORDEn YOURS NOW' 1977 VW RabbIt auto, ~uper TRANSMISSION MichIgan seasoned hard. Large selectIon Dealer clock Made In England For that personal touch on ~harp, garage kept 41 000 16301 MA<;I( at 3 MI wood, birch, maple, ash and clearance 268-2854 or 371 Asklfig perce $5,000 Call 961-0622 new or used cars mIles, fuel Ifi~tlon $2,500 F.II .OA. YIlt oak Dehvered 293-3949 5400 7734.l14 (Ask for Bob) • Clip and Save thiS ad • or any reasonable offer WOIlK GUARANTllO 772-2200 521-3597 after 4 p m •••• S9S9 ..

Page Eight-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983


ST, CLAIR COUNTRY IN the City - 3 ST CLAIR Shores, three bed RANCH 14Q4 Devonshire - BY OWNER -Ideal locatIOn, GROSSE POINTE SHORES ROOFING, Pall1tll1g, Deco DAYS AND even lOgs - Apph- ST. CLAIR - Magnificent bedroom bnck ranch, 2 car room bnck ranch, family Grosse Pomte Park, 3 bed- must move Call after 6pm, Coloma I Road - near Lake ratmg, wallpaper, drywall, ance repair - 30 years ex- view from glassed-In hVIng garage, excellent condlllon room, frreplace, 2 bath~, 1Il rooms, 1% baths, hVlIlg . 885 5592 100 ft frontage, L/C Terms Plaster all major repalr~, penence, washers, dryers, I, door JaccuZl, central air, dlIlmg room, kitchen with dlSh\\ashers 296-1671 room Fireplace, 4 bed. Almost ~!Iacre, With 18frUit BYOWNER~ East- War- PALMS QUEEN low rates, high quality full basement, Idrge lot, large separated eatIng \Ioork Call Bob's Pamtll1g rooms, 3 car garage Beauu. trees RosevlUe, $49,500 ren/Outer Dnve area 5 by 5 heated 2J4 car garage b} area, family room, dlr con 886-4444 886-9653 ful wooded lot on Clark ------20H-FLOOR OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 O\loner,$64,000 77J-3446 dltlOned, 3 car attached ga brick, basement, garage, Dnve. PosSlbleterms Price $42,000, Land Contract pos. GROSSE POINTE PARK - SANDING COUNTRY In the City - % reduced to $147,000 FIRST- OFFERiNG Ranch-'=- rage wIth opener Land Sible 882-6450 Size 105x85, corner of Cad 20A-eARPET acres, 4 bedroom brick style condo St Cldlr Shores Contract, $89,900 Open ------leux and Je{ferson, 886- LAYING LUXURY RANCH on 13 plus ranch, 2 car attached gar- KELL Y/MOROSS Area, 3 bed. PHOFESSIONAL Floor Sand. acres with wooded frontagE: 2 bedroom!>, 112 baths, Sunday 2-5 No Broken 3598 age, flmshed basement, 1st 885 65Z3 room brick bungalow For ll1g and flm~hll1g Specldl. on PIne River 4 bedrooms 2 basement, central air at _ _ _ _ JERRY'S CARPET floor laundry, SPdCIOUSIII mal dllllng room, natul al lZIng'ln dark stall1ll1g Call tached 2 car garage, PII\ ate EASTLAND AREA, one bed LOOK OUT over Gro;se SERVICE full and 2 half baths, step tenor M~t see thl~ umque fireplace, 2 car garage. Im- Pomte from MerrIweather for fl ee estimate W Abra. down livIng room overlook pdtiO Idealll\lng on pn\ate loom co-op for sale, first InstallatIOn/Repairs, All home III Harper Woods mediate occupancy Call HIII- 75x169 882-1400 ham, 9793502 mg pond for sWimmIng All street 294-0591 floor, end Unit, shown b} Kinds In.Home Sales ------18815Eastwood evenlIlgs 2ti3-0952 G & F-LOOR CO thiS only 10 minutes from GROSSE POINTE Wood~ _ dppomtment Roberts Re. Warehouse Prices Over 20 G Fiool ~,ll1dlDg profeSSIOnally heart of St Clair Possible EARL KEIM REALTY 2265 Alldrd 3 bedroom dlly 8~1-9344 _ __ LAKESHORE VILLAGE,-by 14-REAL ESTATE years Experience terms $159,000 ownel Attrac tl \ e refur. WANTED 77&-3604 done Ddl k ;tall1lng dnd fm LAKESHORE ranch, 4th bedloom In INVESTORS 01 owners ------I~hmg All WOIk guaran. ba~ement Large remodeled Beautiful 5 + 5 Il1come 1 blshed 2 bedroom Town I BEAUCHAMP 296-3420 house, end unit. all appll CARPET LAYING teed Free estimates Hef. kitchen, ndtural fll eplace, :2 owner for 50 years Located REALTORS ------ances ll1cIudll1g washer and CASH FOR HOMES NEW AND OLD el ence., GROSSE POINTE Woods - bath~, ne\l drl\ e\lod} 2 Cdr In Haye~IHdrper area Will SERVING AREA 45 YEARS dryer Assumable 81/4'1< Stall ~ Cdl peted .':>hlfted 81150257 329-4755 Open Sunday 2-5 pm 1718 garage $58600 Call 286 ~how 40'!- return on III ------mortgage $44,700 773-2628 STIEBER REALTY Repdll; of All T} pe; ---- Alme Sharp newer brIck 6606 ve:.tment Ba~ed on 20'1< FLOOR SANDiNG~ st~I~~ or n5-4793 ALSO CANAL HOME, 2 or poSSible 3 ranch, 3 bedroom~, 2 car down or OIlnel \10 III go VA 775-4900 CAHPETING VINYL I FI ee e;lJmate;, ....orkman. bedrooms, hvmg room, for garage, centrdl air, deluxe 1008 RJDGEMOl\T - (,ro%e $17,000 For details call Joe HARDWOOD ~hlP guardnteed 3825323 mal dll1ll1g room, family kItchen, much more Price POinte Wood~ Open Sunday 88&-6013or 882-6784 TWO BEDROOM condom 1IlI 15-BUSINESS 2-5 CledII and cozv startel _ .':>,lrnple~Shown 111 ---~,- 'KEIM -- - - room a must see, finished reduced, make offer mum, completely furl1l~hed, OPPORTUNITIES bungalo\lo I1Ice lot 2 Cdl RIVE RIA TERRACE - on Intercoastal Bo}nton YOlll Home basement, 2car garage, boat Kessler 771 2470 BOB THUDEL Floor ~andmg refll1lshmg, - -- garage, $50,000rdnge Clo~e Highly deSIrable, mid level, Beach, Florida 777 0385 hOIst $1I11 QOO nE'gflh1lb1e By I:-IVESTORS laokmg fa:- l::Ish vlJ floors 1 ~P~C13!t) Ex HI \' ArtlJ - Idrge rudor I\'Ot- to 1Idn~polldllOlI dllU .,hop- "bl'ul OUIlI unit Newly owner 776-6289 GROSSE POINTE Wvods - tmgham lIlcome, 5/4 Somer pmg Brlllg dll ()ffer~ could decorated, carport, bal flow, Gros~e Pomte CIty pel I 111 sldlD 535 7256 1443Roslyn, 4bedroom brick DELUXE Beach Front lotIo- set, 4 bedrooms Chalmers beOdo\lon AskforMargaret cony, heatlng and air con medical sUites Ask fOl Art 2OB-REFRIG ERATION bungalow, excellent condl Turner 771-1380 Century 21- cated 2 hours from DetrOIt, - 6 umt Must ;ell 884-3559 Earl KJem 7797760 dltlOl1Ing Illcluded III AND AIR 21-MOVING tlOn, newly decorated, fully Nance near CaseVille 1/3 acre DJ. ---- CONDITIONING ESTATE SALE - 3 bedroom LAKESH-ORE VILLAGE monthly fee Club house carpeted, full bal>ement, )1,< NEED SnMETHlNG moved, rectly on Lal5e Huron. ranch, $53,500 Dealforcash condo, remodeled end III1It, _ and pool faCIlities 885-669! car garage, tremendou~ PRIME RETAIL space III VII REPAIR dell vel ed or disposed of? Owner must sell $45,000, Open Sunday 2-5 p m 22511 carpet, drapes, .llr, flIllshed lage for lease Approx 600 I T\\ 0 Pomte re~ldent~ Will excellent terms 886-1233, 5 FAMILY value at $55,000 By o\\ner, Rosedale, St Clair Shores 88EHl570 square feet, $600 per month SUN'S RefrigeratIOn - Qual move 01 remove large or 886-1763 bdsement, cIubhou~e With Chalmers _ 6 Mile Troester ---- 881 8888 10-5 30 Ifled repair techl1lclans Low 771-3003 pool Simple assumptlOn, _ Sharp bnck, 1 bedroom ~mall quantities of furl1l SHARP COLONIAL III Gro~se OWN YOUR OW"N-J-elll1- ~~~s Call day or I1Ight 751 tUi e. applJance~, pianos - ~~~,900 77~5~_ __ _ each, carpeted, tiled Pomte Farms, shows ex- 12E-COMMERCIAL TODAY'S BEST 01 what ha~e you Call for 20839 FLEETWOOD Hal per baths.~howers, only tremely well Updated Sportswear, Infant.Preteen PROPERTY BUYS or Ladles Apparel Store fl ee estimates Call John Woods, 4 bedroom, ]1/2 bath, $37,000 - $9,000 DOWN kItchen, fll1JShed basement, 20C-CHIMNEY AND Stell1ll1ger, 343 0481 or 822- GROSSE POINTE family room, foundatIOn for FORD MANSUR CO call for more mce features, Off ermg all natIOnally BUSINESS and known brands such as FIREPLACE 2208 GROSSE POINTE PARK - solar room Gro~se Pomte 526 2555 Lovely qua1Jty home III fme~t INVESTMENT Jordache, Chic, Lee, LeVI, REPAIR P S Others ma~ copy our ad, New hstmg, Lakepoll1te 3 school system, $54.(x)omort RANCH __- Gross-e-P-o-Jnte ared of DetrOlt,leaded glass PROPERTIES 1 Vanderbilt, Calvm Klelll, bul never OUI pnce, e"per ExclUSIvely bedroom smgle, all on one gage, can refmance at 13 /2°/c Park 3 large bedrooms, wmdo ....s, natural woodwork, STOP SMOKING fll eplaces lence or style _ or Vet 12',""77&-0059 hand carved sandstone nat. Wrangler and over 200 floor, gas heat, full base- 1 Free fIreplace check Fire- SALES - LEASE'S 2 /2 baths, large family other brands $7,900 to RELIABLE POINTE reSident ment, 2 car garage, fenced OPEN SUNDAY - 19825 ural fireplace, much more places and chImneys clean EXCHANGES room, recreatIOn room With For more details call Real $14,900 mcludes Il1ventory, \llth tl uck ....Ill move large Vlrgmla S Jeffries, Realtor yard Only $28,000 Try $2,800 Shady Lane, bet\\een 8 and 9 fireplace, country kitchen, Round Trip Ticket for ed and repalred Chimney down plus closmg costs Mlle' Newly decolated, 3 Estate One, dsk for Jim or or small quantllJes 882-0899 With stove, refngerator, Vel 296 0010 Opel1lng PromotIOns Call screen~ Installed INSURED GROSSE POINTE PARK- 3 bedroom bnck ranch Mod- ADVANCE MAINTENANCE, dishwasher and disposal, ------Don Ballev, 614-353-1111 Bob 8821968 ST CLAIR SHORES, lease, bedroom smgle, modern kit ern kitchen, family room, carpetmg and drapes, cen. GROSSE POINTE Farms 884-9512 part of bUilding (30x20), chen and bath, full base- fll1lshed basement With lava- tral air, attached garage, ranch home, 2 bedroom, 2 16-PETS ------~ --- 1\IcCALLU-M MOVING com panelled, carpeted, Ideal for ment, gas heat, 2car garage tory New furnace and cent. electromc opener, spnnkler bath, automatic sprmkler, FOR SALE FIREPLACE, wood stoves pan} Modern truck and small Boutique or office Very clean, $10,000down, as ral air, 2'h car garage, patiO, system 88194Z7 aIr, Mutschler kltchen,land- 011flue cleanmg Caps and eqUlpment EstablIshed III 773-~ sumes $202 a month pay gas gllll 882-5403 scaped $82,900 881-1201 FREE FEMALE . 6 month - screens Installed Insul ed 1918_ Full} Insured Plano ment, mcludes taxes and 1Il. ------W60DBIUDGE EAST, Condo part hound 884-4442 no mess, ProfessIOn a BUddmg Site, 45 x 110 feet, surance ST CLAIR SHORE5 apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 BALFOUR Square condo Master Sweep Coachhgh speclahsls 776 7898 Grosse Pomte Village, 16820 GROSSE POINTE PARK - Woodbndge, lZ78 - Out~tand. baths, carpelln~ and Eastland area 2 bedroom, foyer, hvmg room, formal ADORABLE Indoor pet - Chimney Sweep Company 21A-PIANO Kercheval, by owner Pr-lce New IlSung, 6-6, 2 family 3 Ing 2 bedroom, 1'2 baths drapes, stove, refrigerator, dming, kItchen, all ap- long haired male kitten, 885-3733 SERVICE lowered $155,000 882-lj89() bedrooms each umt, 2 gas condo Great room 2 car. dishwasher and disposal beauttful and affectionate, POlts, central air 882-0836 plIances, 21h bath, fll1Jshed furances, Side drive, remod. basement, fenced yard With needs 10vll1ghome 839-2441 20E--mSULATION FOR SALE OR J.,EASE eled $48,000 Land Contract LAKESHORE VILLAGE HAVERHILL-WARREN patIO, 2carports, central all', evenmgs PIANO TUNING hore, 3 a marvelous pel fot a fam- makes NO SERVICE pliances, frreplace m fam_oj JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA RIVIERA TERRACE Con I • bedroom ranch Floflda ST CLAIR SHORES Ily Please call 882-8660 CHARGE If repall ed COMPLETE TUN!:'_.up S7 95 room Owner anXIous. Will 33457 domll1lmum for sale or room, kitchen With built ms FREE TO good home - ,~ GUaJanteed pm ts and sel All makes all age~ All look at anythmg Hurry I PLEASE CALL COLLECT lease 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 4 bedroom, 2 story, 2 car at- $99,500 Siamese, spayed and de Vlce Speclall7Jng In GE palts stocked 885 7437 (305) 229-0700 balcony, carport, pool, tached garage, 1 and 1 Ih Kenmore and Whlrlpoo STIEBER REALTY clawed, 3 years old 886 WI LCOX REALTORS heat, air condltlOnmg, and baths, newly decorated, products 775-4900 -:LINTON TOWNSHIP EnJOy good area, G I /FHA 557 8464 21e-ELECTRICAL 884-3550 water mcluded Immediate PERSONALIZED 1,900 square foot two.bed ---- ono, evenll1gs, 549-0569 SERVICE CHANDLER PARK Area - room condommlUm featur occupancy 773-7674, 749. DOUROUCOULI Owl Mon- SERVICE SINCE 1965 Lovely 2 bedroom brick col. OPEN SUNDAY 9788 CONDOMINIUM key - Small, sweet dlSpos- George Stult~ mg large rooms, 2% baths, 3 GROSSE POINTE PARK - omal. Natural fireplace, fm------MACK-CADIEUX AREA Itlon, 1 year old. to mature 885 1762 car garage at Schultz Es. 15910 12 Jeffer~on 3 bed BLAIRMOOR, 4 bedroom, IShed basement, den, 2 car Are you lookmg for a smaller adults only With knowledge COLVILLE, tates, 19 mIles East of Gar. room, 2112 bath family room 2 2 bath Colomal With fam. garage, $40,000 885-0206 ' place now that you've sold of pnmates, $600 With cage ELECTRIC CO. field 28&-2330 WIth natural fireplace each Ily room 2 car attached 20E-lNSULATION garage, many extral>, your larger home? Beautiful 88&-7544 Ranges, Dryers, SerVices, BY OWNER Side both ~Ides Available $122,000 884-6842 one bedroom umt With eatll1g Doorbells Immediately Can be pur- WANTED SIAMESE choco- 79 Cambfldge, Grosse CONDOMINIUMS space m the kitchen, dm. FAST EMERGENCY chased separately $199,500 OPEN SUNDAY late or seal pomt Male stud Pointe Farms 2-3 bed- mg-L, newly carpeted, fresh- SUDRO INSULATION SERVICE room Trl-Ievel With den Wll1dmJll POInte Dr CRANFORD TERRACE - 25701 Madison - 3 bedroom ly pam ted, excellent move-In servICe 884-2231 16820 Cranford 3 bedroom custom ranch, fll1lshed Smce 1948 and 2 full baths Move-Ill 2 Uruts, each 3 bedroom 2'/z condition. stove, refrigera- TIred of pay lng sk} rocket- 774-9110 townhouse, gas heat, garage basement WIth wet bar, BOXER MALE 11 months conditIOn baths 882-0114. 774-0290 tor, drapes and sheers, laun- Brll1dle With white mark mg luel bills? Ask for and basement $87.900 large lot. extras dry faCIlity, low monthly $110,000 884-1724 Terms GROS5E POINTE WOODS Il1gs Best bloodlme In our portfolio of homes mdllltenance fee Northern Amenca Ex- WIth current fuel blll LICENSED MICHIGAN REALTY 1591 Edmundton - 4 bed- 885-1944DAYS 1 pertly tramed Superb With savmgs Take ad~ antage ELECTRICAL 296-7602 room, 2 /2 bath Colomal,lst 884-3340EVENINGS 791 ROSLYN ------floor laundry, $119,000 chIldren, $10,000 or free to of our off-sea<;on pflcmg CONTRACTOR acceptable home Refer- Cape Cod, two bedrooms up, one bedroom or office on GROSSE POINTE Woods 3 SPECIALS OF THE WEEK ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE now Comfort for all HIghest quality - Lowest bedroom brIck Coloma I With ences 886-1401 first floor, large lIvmg room With fireplace. mu- Lange-Kelly 3 bedroom INDIAN VILLAGE, fme, 5 seasons 15'7, Federal pnces Free estimates. slclllbrary room, formal dmmg room, large alum mum sldmg, 2 full brick, newly decorated. low bedroom, 3 story home on 2 WELL MANNERED lo~e Tax Credit baths 2 half baths, attached ~IASTER ELECTRIC kitchen With eatmg area, 21f.! baths, paneled 3O's IroquOIS, for sale by owner. able Great Danes - female 881-3515 garage central air gas basement With office and fIreplace, recreation Master bedroom With fire 1'2 male 21-" Will separate 978 7625 or 8799518 heat, lIVing room With flfe- room With wet bar Screened sunporch 212 car 12011 Christy 2 bedroom place. full bath and dressmg If necessary Free to the place 15x24den, 24x24 patlO brick $24.000 garage Fenced yard Close to Ferrv School \\ Ith canvas aWl1lng bUilt m room, 3 full baths, 2 half fight home Randy, 331-2779 $76,900. Land Contract - ANDARY - 88&-5670 baths, beautiful natural or 524-1353 UTICA INSULATION gas gnll A~kll1gS11O000 by - ----~ - ---- ESTABLISHED 27 YEARS owner 886 6903 after 5 p m CONDOMINIMUM, 2 bed- wood Updated kitchen, 3car --A-N-j?\1AL- HOSPITAL-- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 881-5541 -- We Will blow an R-19 of Flbergla<; m~ulatlon mto the cell room 2 bath new carpet, garage, new furnace, etc PolIce lust brought us two mg of your home for OPEN SUNDA Y 2 5 $96,500 or best offer very l1lce dogs An older drapes, kitchen floor 773- 33~ PER SQUARE FOOT 21150 BEAUFAIT 1584 owner 961-0622 male Beagle would be a OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 - Grosse Pomte Wood" _ 1292 Estimates free Referenle~ 882-4818 CONDO - one bedroom nu'e pet for an older 758-6588 Brys - 3 or 4 bedroom With family room'NFP, ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom TWO FAMILY appliances. storage, low couple A lovely young 656-0637 fll1lshed basement, attractive patiO, FHN VA term') brick ranch Featurll1g COMPLETELY mamtenance, clean, Harper mixed male Alrdale neu available $64,900 formal dll1ll1groom natural , OECORATED Woods 88&-9057B82-Q345 tered very well tramed ~ .. 'rl _ r, r fireplace famllv room ree ------SltS shakes hands, etc A 3F10SSE LOCH MOOR wonderful happ~ dog Grosse Pomte Park - 3 bedroom mcome property, reatlon room central alr ~ now rentmg for $350 00 per month, pflced to "ell deck \\Ith gas gnll Good 10 POINTE PARK HARPER WOODS Come and see them Please $27,000 cation A must ,ee' call 882-8660 C'Jj~.... EACH UNIT - Ll\mg room 3 bedroom bflck bungalo\lo . dining room, 2 bedloom<; Ne\\ Iy decorated Gro<;<;e ENGLISH Spnnger Spal1lel Vacant Lot - Grosse Pomte Park, zoned 2 family _ NEW HOME kitchen bath scparate POInte schools $2.'>OOOdo\\n pupple~ A K C, females $6,500 .JIM CLARK BlJILDER b shed () nhcen~ed 10", wmter MACOMI COUIITY WArllEcoum creatIOn room l00x 167 886 1156 ctr/"(, lit,,..,,.~:\\~ Ta,ldully df'<'oratf'rJ <;omp apphances and furm dl~count Gporge 886-8458 ~r1 ,1"\ .... Excellent buy at $137,500 Call 881 9037 for appoint GROSSE POINTE Farm<; - 526-7097 885-2088 lurp $11500n HANDYMAN SERVICES TEl AilS LOC TEL AIlS lIlC menl, If no answer III daytime, call III evemng Newberry Place, thlrd lot NO BROKERS PLEASE 885-45117 excellent Gro<;se POInte "~'l_*"o- after 6 00 pm (rom Lake<;hore 90x153 Af'TI-:R 6 P M references For the unu~ual, 151 VERNIER AD: Q.P,W. RU'iSell Homes, 885-0051 Call 7757362 MAIN OFFICE - 13823 EARTWOOD, .DET.

t Thursday, January 20, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlrle.C 2r_~

21G-ROOFfNG 21C-ELECTRICAL 21F-WASHER AND 121H-CARPET 21l-PAJNTINC!, 21L-nLE 21R-FURNITURE 21T-PLUM8IHG AND SERVICE SERVICE DRYER REPAIR CLEANING DECORAIING WORK REPAIR HEATING ELF.CTRICAL WIRING and ROOFING repaIrs, gutters 'SHORESIDE Carpel' Clean- -- VOCCIA WALLPAPER WINTER SPECIAL Motor DOBSON PLUMBING &: Re. repaIrs - vIOlatIOns cor. cleaned, repaIred, plaster mg, profeSSIOn'll carpet CERAMIC TILl!. - NerN and rected - free estImates _ CONSTRUCTION repairs, windows caulked, cleanmg Work guaranteed REMOVAL remodelJn.g Bath~, kit. home" upholstered, boat paIrs I"ull plumbing ser- ".,., cleaned Insured, refer, chens and foyers, hower c.ushlOns, foam, nylon fab. vIce Dram c1eanlllg, ser-" ; - low price.> - licensed _ CO., INC. Fully IllSUIed Frell E.>tl ences Seaver's 882-0000 BY JEFF pans repaired Call Ick at flCS 372-4555 Extra low vIces 22 years experience, ,: , POinte references - Ron • AddItIOns mate.> Call 775 3450, 24 Insured Free EstJmat~!> 521-3434 pflce.> relIable Licensed 368" " Doran, 885-7397after 4 00 • Dormers EXPERT REPAIRS hours 779-5235 775-2927 • Garages ------1869 __ , , }{~trnED - M-ASTER~lec~r~ GUTTERS SPECIAL 21o--CEMENT AND 21S-CARPENTER clan Ll(cn.>ed VIOlatIOns • KItchen!> BUCHANAN & CO. ROOFING BRICK WORK ----EMIL THe ,: Servl(~e.> Incredsed AIso • Fireplace!> 2 ROOMS cleaned, 3rd room GROSSE POINTERS cleaned FREE PLUMBER small Job~ TU 52966 Brick dnd Cement work SMALL JOBS SERVING THE POINTES T&M ALB~RT D, THOMAS .. l ..f Bank fllldncmg avaIlable D CARPET SINCE 1972 SPECIALIZING IN 774-9651 INC. • KItchens. Bathrooms WHY PAY more? Call Glenn Complete - -~ ------• Wallpaper dnd removal CONSTRUCTION CONTHACTOHS INC CLEANING CO. CEMENT CONTRACTOR • Laundry room and vlola- " • for your best deal LJcen.>ed Home Modernlzahon ROOFING SHAMPOO & !>team extrdc • PalOtmg 777-2816 773.1105 • Stamlng and varm.>hlOg • Cement ,",ork, all kwd.> tlOns • Old and new work . electllCdl contractor All Repairs and reroofmg Alum lion, .>pol & ,taln removal, One ( C dl e of dll • Plaster repall • Porches. block step work !,'ree EstImates ' type.> ,",ork 533-4835 free e.>tlmates, 10'"'est price, your bUilding I emodellng ---- REA SON ilium trim and gutter.> • Texture (eJlmg.> and • Basement waterproofmg Tony, Licensed Plumber & Father and Sons In the POlntes S & J ELECTH!C wdlb Guaranteed Pi obl('m-., ldl ge 01 .>mdll BIll, Masler Plumber CONSTHUCTION INC Bob Ishdlll Dale I!>ham Re.>Jdentl 3727191 7727191 CASHAN -ROOFING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR guaJ anteed POrt he.>, chJm • AddltlOn~ and KJt(hen~ FRANK R. ELECTRICAL WORK by DECORATING pa lilting and odd job.> • Commercldl BUlldlllg.> IIcen;,ed and Imured electfl M~JDEi{NIiE TO HOT ROOFS ney", Sidewalks, ba.>ement MODERNISM Commerelal . Re.>ldentJaI WHITEY'S Policeman, 881-5105, 8 305 leak<; dnd CI acks Tuck JIM SUTTON WEIR cal contI actor CO.>t estl .".... - - ---~ pOllltlllg Free EstJmdte PLCMBING, HEATIJIlG, mate.> fl ee 881 9751 HOME OR OFFICE Year rOLlndservIce • Wdll Pdpenng QUALITY PAINTING 1677 Br) ~ Dm e 779-4245 TU 4 2942 n; 2-2436 SEWI<;R6 AND DRAINS 30 yeal ~ expellence Shmgle.> and Repair" • Intel'lOl Pdmtmg SERVICE - - --- 21D-TV AND A1'~rER 5 P M 776 218;; Work Guaranteed • Red.>ondble Pllce~ INTERIOR- ANDY'SMASONRY AND BOILER ~PECIALISTS RADIO REPAIR WARREN SCHULn InsUi ed 886-3245 • Good WOlk COYRO ., -----,- CHIMNEY SERVICE - • ('~11 - no Joh 100 <,m III EXTERIOR '\!1 m.Jsom j, t.d ..h, I'< ... lel . CONSTRUCTION HADLEY HOME ROOFS DECKS 20 year!> plofe"lOnal ;:.,t'tilN t\L1'..ti H1'..t'AJt(~ COLOR TV HI 1"1 ~1'EREO and 774-0414 prooflllg repairs SpeCial GUTTERS and experience BuILDEHICAHPENn~H 8856264 IMPROVEMENT ILlng In tuck pomtmg and 885-7711 QOWN SPOUTS INTERIOR and exteflor MATT FLETCHEH smed, msur- AddItIOn, dOl mel '> Ioofl ng ANTENNAS INC, 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS. -{I,' Gutters cleaned and f1u.>hed pdllltmg and paperhdngmg ~~51.~uckl~~htl. Siding II Indoll I l'pld(e COMPLETE REMODELING Smce 1925 New dnd Repair Work Rea.>onable I dte, 30 yedrs MIKEATjOS ~-- New Llcen!>ed Master Plumber J ' AddltlOn~lPorches sky 822-7335 dUel' 6 pm mg, mmor repairs, patch -~------"Jr 17319East Warren or rebUilt, tuck pomtlllg. FRANK B WILLIAl\lS 1.1 T & J Furnace l:teaOlng,-." Attlc/Hec Rooms - GROSSE POINTE mg, plastermg Free estl bnck replacement caulk EASTVIEW 884 9512 cen.>ed builder Spt'Clallllng $2495 823-1625 "'," AlumlOum SldmglTnm mdte, Reasonable and IIlg DOlilt !>eiilcr With III home up ddtmg dlld .Ill ALUMINUM INC. GuttersiDown Spouts 21H-CARPET CONTRACTORS honest Reference.> Call HI-TEX c1llmne)' repaIr.> NEED A PLUMBE-R? CUSTOM PAINTING AND anytIme European mmor or mdJor I ep,lIr~ 17008MACK Storm Wmdows}Doors CLEANING and rebUIlt Basement Porch enclosures, door.> dd • REPAIRS -:.!~r RooflOg/Shmgles/Hot Tar WALLPAPERING 777 8081 waterproofing Over 31 • INSTALLATIONS. new NR CADIEUX EXPERT ANTIQUING justed, book.>hell e~ m Gros.>e Pomte Pal k Alumlllum Sldlllg and K-CARPET :\I ear... expeflence Donald ,talled, pJnellllg, nell coun addillons Glass,scl een repaIr, !>Idlllg, Guttel Cle,llIl1lg CLEANING 885-8155 PAINTING, \\alI lVa,hmg Mc.Eachern 526-5646 tel" tops vamtle.> Code VIO- vel y reasonable rates storms, tflm roofmg, gut Fence.>/Repalr.> of all kmds 0 PANY FREE ESTI MATES Elmer T LaBadIe 882 latIons corrected Four call steve (lJcensed) l0b4 ter.>, WIought Iron (vJn) I Licensed and In.>ured C M INSUHED 21P-WATER- courteous expert a.>,I.>tance 885-5662 886 0520 CARPET Michael Satmary JI" --~- -- products) d\\nmgs PROOFING m Improvmg }our home III SPECIALISTS ------INTERIORS ---SOB DUBY--' ,~ 881-1060or 527-5616 - - ~------I BY DON & LYNN any area, please call me ------.~ ALL POINTES • Steam ExtractIOn QUALITY at 881-0790 PLUMBING and HEATING FREE ESTIMATES *Husband-Wlfe Team T&M Licensed Ma!>ter Plumber ,_ , CONST CO • ShllmpOO DECORATING *Wallpapermg ALUMINUM DOORS ANn COMPLETE REMODELING • Spot and Stam Removdl CONSTRUCTION QLALITY ~dl pent!'y and SEWER CLEANING, ' .1 , WINOO\yS, SCREENS RE. • InterIOr and ExterIOr Pamt *PamtlOg formlca WOIk kItchen.> Easy Fmancmg Avatiable • Upholstery Cleamng mg *Metlculous Basement waterproofwg SPRINKLER REPAIR, ETC PAIRED, FREE PICKUP SPECIALIZING IN • al affordable prices 10 year guarantee vallllJes, rec room.> ne\\ or Gros,e Pomte Woods )-;:t-' AND DELIVERY DOOR. • Wallpaper Hangmg *Insured refaced, 15 yedl ~ exper *Kltchens, Baths - Rec 882-0688 Insured 886-3897 WALLS PORCH ENCLO. • Speclahzmg In Woodgl"am *Over 20 Years Expenence wnce Free estmldte" VJto I"'l Rooms and AddItIOns PROF-E-S.S-I-O-N-A-L-C-A-R-P-E"-Tmg, antlqumg, GraphiCS 774-4896 343-0528 h'l SURES FRED S STORM, 527-5560 Sapll'nld, 774 8933 21W-DRESSMAKIHG 839.4311 EVENING CALLS RICK HARTWIG - 293-5090 * INSULATION ,UPHOLSTERY CLEANING QUALITY, lOterlOr/exterlOr -cAPizzu CONSTRUCTION AND TAILORING ~YELCOME BLOWN-IN OR BLANKET at REASONABLE RATES Basement.> made dry, CUSTOM WALLPAPERING pamtlng and repaIr Exper. (U F Foam Extractors) We use Von Sehrader~ dry lenced,reasonable Insured Crackpd walls repalrecl, HOME REPAIR J: !,t]; 21F-HOME *Complete Wmdow and foam extractIOn equipment The Best Paperhanger underpIn footlllgs All EXPERT ALTERATIONS ••)- Gutters cleaned Seaver's, RemodellOg. repaIr.> of any IMPROVEMENT Door Contractor • Deep SOlI Removal m Town waterprOOfing guarantped Speedy, profeSSIOnal Refer-n;l 882-0000 kmd Work alone No Job too "BECAUSE ALL I DO IS 10 years Wmter ,rates LI- ences Grosse Pomte Woods Nq WOOD, ALUMINUM, • Fast Drymg SELCA PAINTING and dec. bIg or small Rotten wmdoll' M U SCHUSTER CO VINYL, SHOWROOM • Leaves no Iesollmg re.>ldue HANG PAPER" censed and Insured Tony, 881-8484 "THE HOUSE MECHANIC oratmg, reSIdential, com. cords ,",mdo\\ <;ll1s jamb" , For free estimate call 15 Years III the busmes.> 885-0612 HOME REPAIRS merqal, brush, roll, spray door, porches bdsements, 886-3537 Dlstmctlve Carpet & Call Ron for your FOR ALL YOUR sewmg, _ • Carpentry Frank Selca, 979-9383 attIcs Call BlIJ L)nn 773 1 ------Upholstery CJeaners ProfeSSIOnal Esllmate 21Q-PLASTER need.>, dressmakmg, alter '-;" .Pamtmg SHOREWOOD E R BROWN 839.5155 BARTER 0798 atlOns, repaIrs Call VIola; ~ • Mmor Plumbmg 751-7893 WORK BUILDERS Ask for Tom Barrese ------839-7355 • I'm wllhng to Barter/trade of ALTI£RATIOi\'S - Modc'rn ------1 ~, • Mmor Electrical • Quality Remodeling SatisfactIOn Guaranteed CRAFTED equal or unequal value Per. BEAUTIFUL CEILING IlatlOn all blllldmg need.>, AI. TEHATIONS - Profes." • Room Additions CLOCK-_- 30 years expel'lenct GROSSE POINTE .>onal, profeSSIOnal serVICes, • Kitchens A rleh spray on texture that rought to fllllsh m all tl ade.> slOnal seamstress, Jeffer. • Dormers steam c1ealllng carpet and PAINTER'S, INC. commodities and real es. adds warmth and cozmess to 1\0 Job too small son Marter area PIck-Up _ .Rec Rooms • Kitchens furmture By Wilbur, Doug tate • Bathrooms Palntmg - interior exterior, your home GUY DE BOER and delivery available :. ~ AI. MERRELLI, 886-8710 and Glenn Carter Call 778 paperhanging and paneling MITCHELL, A.M. ElJmmates palnlmg, cracks 778-5712 • AdditIOns Z7 years of contmous servICe 10 ~680 885-4624 772-3446 • Porch ConversIOns Free estimate.> cheel fully PAINTING, INC. and patches Sparkle avail the buildmg mdustry given Llcen.>ed and Insur able REMODELING CommerCial, reSidential, hght 21X-DRAPERIES -, 21 G-ROOFING ed Plaster mg. drywall, ceramIC SMALL JOBS carpentry re MODERNIZATION industrial Servmg wlthm a pair.>, cabmets, locks, by re LAKEPOINTE SERVICE 8829234 tIle, complete home mamte. CUSTOM DRAPERIES ~ i ALL WORK PERSONALLY 60 mIle radlas Custom tlrees Quallt} wor" man CONSTR UCTION nance repair Quality work, reasonable' ,-<:- PERFORMED pamtmg mtenor, extenor, ship 824-2853 MIKE SCHUSTER, 682-4325 COMPLETE HOME RE~MBER LAST COMPLETE PAINTING '" ~lastermg, roolmg, glazmg LlCensed and Insured prices Wldeo selections of' ' FREE ESTIMATES REMODELING WINTER? AND DECORATING and caulkmg windows, Win Free EslJmates CARPENTER \VORK~ - Cdl) f~b!lics 'l\ll hems handsewo', I LICENSED & INSURED LICENSED AND INSURED Prevent lee back-up & celI- INTERIOR - EXTERIOR dow replacement Mmor re- 277-7743 Pete for .>mall job~, repaIrs, 978-2691' I fll , 1 mg damage Have snow Wallpapering - Reasonable ------u'J 882-6707 paIrs, all types General partitions, rec rooms 882- H.F~ JENZEN and Ice cleared off roof REFERENCES mamtenance, home mspec. QUALITY PLASTERING 2795 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL '. before thIS damage oc- RALPH ROTH 886-8248 tlOns Tailored repaIrs, crack" BUILDING BARTER AND •. curs NO JOB TOO SMALL elJmmated, prompt servIce BUDS HANYMAN Ser;;c;; DESIGNED LOOK FOR OUR DETAILED MICHAEL'S Carpentr), locks, dead bolts LANDSCAPING ~ REMODELING AND RON VERCRUYSSE CO MITCHELL MADURSKI 30 years m Grosse POinte AD IN CLASSIFICATION 21-] 774-3542 PAINTING & Free Estimates Satlsfac. Household mamtenance ADDITIONS 881-5105 8:30-5 Very reasonable Free estI- 881-5105 8:30-5 tlOn guaranteed Reason- HOWARDS j h' ARCHITECTURAL REFINISHING mates 839 5465 Interlor.Exterlor ServIce -- PROFESSIONAL able James Blackwell TREE SERVICE " ' SERVICE HOME REPAIRS, all phases 821 7051 or 2940034 21T-PLUMBING • tl ee removal II " of work done Reasonable PAQUIN Pamtmg PAINTING BATHROOMS AND antlqumg and varlllshlng, AND HEATING • stump removal -. rates Call 885-5576 or 882- INTERIOR-EXTERIOR SUPERIOR PAINTING AND KITCHENS Stflpplllg and stallllllg • tnmmmg , • 2419 Ask for Ellis McCoy • Wallcovermg- DECORATING REPLACEMENT ROOFING Complete kItchen refmlshlllg All PlumbIng RepaJrs _ In • toppme - .. I removallhangmg Intenor pamtlng Wallpaper- staJiatlOns, I emodellng _ WINDo~rs SPECIALISTS IN Free Estimates - 885 3230 • Plaster Drywall RepaIr • cabling ~ mg Wallwashmg Wet Sellers & dram" cleaned MODERNIZATION FLAT ROOFS • Textured Cellmgs • .>torm damage :' I RE-ROOFING plastermg Stuccomg Dry All \\ork guaranteed _ M.T. CHARGOT LICENSED - INSURED JOSEF's • Stammg and Varmshmg Fully IIlsured free estimates, I ALUMINUM SIDING WALLPAPER REMOVAL • Quahty Work/Reasonable wall repair Free estImates FUJly In.>ured - Master & TRIM BUILDING CO. Insured. Tom McCabe, 885 Plumber Licensed 758-6949 I 839.7534 • ExperIenced Rates ------'- ; PERSONALLY DESIGNED • References 6991, or 824-8576 777-6840 • Insured ---_.- DAN ROEMER MURPHY'S I * Kitchens - AHlcs • SenIOr CItizens DIscounts LICENSED & INSURED • RelIable WET PLASTERING & PLUMBING * Basements - Porches EstImates at no charge or FREE ESTIMATES LANDSCAPING I Bathrooms - Rec Rooms DRYWALL REPAIR * oblIgatIOn Denms, 775-23Z7 772-2614 Don't get snowed under ROWL Outdoor deck environments New & RepaIr work, additIOns, ROOF 776 8267 Gordon, 774-4481 • Indu<;tflal.Resldentlal, CARPENTRY CUSTOM CRAFTED rec rooms. basement etc ALL PLUMBI;\>G commercial, snowplowmg Kitchens Bathrooms * Cahlnets - Formica l--AINTING, Wallpapermg, ReSIdentIal & commerCial SEWER CLEANING LEAK NICK KAROUTSOS • Contract avaIlable on a FIllIshed Basement!> * Wood working - trim work PHOFESSIONAI wall washmg Semor citizen affordable Quahty work NO SERVICE CHARGE dIscount Jan 884 8757 seasonal baSIS Tflm Mouldmgs * Replacement Wlndo\\s PAINTER 77':>-1532 Free estlmate<; full • REPAIR Kathy, 7739589 ------• en call 24 hours General Home Repairs * Interior - Exterior Doors WINTER SPECIAL PLASTERING and Drywall \\ arrant} FULLY LICENSED AND QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE 21J--WALL Nell Squires, 757-0772 Rrasonable Llcen"ed JIM MURPHY AT REASONABLE RATES INSURED I SPECIALISTS Interior/Exterior Painting WASHING 886-3537 885-9179 521-5589 839-9307 GENERAL HOME REPAIR I FREE ESTIMATES 885-3594Days, Evening!> 21R-FURNITU RE TRIMMI!'.G removal. spray. ~~ee_F~~;~~E-R 882'6842, Roof Leaks Guaranteed K MAINTENANCE Company REPAIR -~ FURNACE DAVID C LINCOLN mg feedmg and stump re- 20 Yrs Experience \\all wa.>hlOg floor clean BOB'S UPHOLSTERY _ 25'7, AND THE POINTE HANDYMAN MARCO -.-,mo\ aI Free EstImates CONTRACTORS CALLIfU 112.5539 109 and waxmg Free estl- off aIread) low price" 25% OFF Modernl/atlOn • AlteratIOns • ~ PAINTERS Complete tree servIce Call mate.> Local l"eferences 772.9326. u(enl~Y~~~~ • Pallltmg Addition" • Family Rooms - ! Flemmg'Tree Service 774 ~ Pt"mb.r and Intenor, exterior, textured 882-0688 368 4198 Bob McVey 6460 • Small pla"ter repaIr • KItchens & RecreatIOn IiHealIng Conlractor celhngs, wall papermg, • Ceramic tile Area" GROSSE POINTE f~;~~ 'FURNITURE reflOlshed re • LlIloleum , JAMES BARKER pal.ltmg, wall w:l"l1Ing MICHIGAN TREE AERO Cheek our Prices Will do wall washmg 821 paIred, stripped any t) pe • Carpentr} 8865044 29M of canlllg Free e<;tJmates POSITIVE SPECIALISTS • Lock" mstalled FREE ESTIMATES 474 8953 or 345 6258 Expert Tnmmmg, Toppmg CALL 88~ 2938 LETO BUILDING CO ROOFING 939-7955 21K-WINDOW PLUMBING & Shapmg and Removal SINCE 1911 * 24 hour emergency <;ervlce I WASHING EXPERT ANTIQUE repair.>, JOHN W SCHOBER CUSTOM BUILDING reflmshmg, re gluemg 'B} HEATING * SpeCial 25", discount REMODELING COMPANY Tony Sertich" 521-1ll98 * Bu,h and hedge tnmmmg The handIest guy JIl town REC ROOMS ESSIAN G OLMIN JAT OJ /fIGHT 881-4988 Tree Stralghtcnmg and • painting. glazmg KITCHENS Exp.rt roof r.pairs. WINDOW CLEANING Nur,ery Care .: SERVICE • carpentry. cabmet 882-3222 . Shingles - sial. PAINTING 21S-CARPENTER * SPECIAL OFFER .. FREE ESTIMATES ... IIlstaUatlOn • "mall - iii•. Flal roots COMPANY Now thro\lgh Januan. 31st '8~ plaster repair. WE ARE INSURED 21G-ROOFING and CUSTo,-r - get 10 yards o(fr~ nur J : VIOlatIOn work SERIVCE I~TERIOR EXTERIOR 372-3022 ~ery chip" With each work j CALL 884-1285 gun.r work. WALLPAPERING order Keep.>!> con-- FRED'" ROOF RepaIr, com All work guaranilld D WINDOW CLEANING CO BAKERcONCEPTS trolled - a $98 ..alue' --, Rea~onabIe Rates Storm<; and "creen" alum- merclal, resJdentlal Call Free F.stlmates I' Frre Estlmates wum and gullers cleaned, A Division of Cox and Baker JOANNA WESTERN me, I can help 82.3-4019 liclIIs.d and 445-0377 77~4369 - - - -- insur.d. References free ('~tl mate.> LOlVeq WIND.OW SHADES YJOH'N D SIMON PflCr<; III the Pomte<; I"traduces Poggenpohl DistingUIshed PROFESSIONAL I p ...~. Sth.Jr ..t~~ 8l ,,"u.s CALL BOB ANYT1~H; 778 102Jl- 773 6986 K""u~ ~'Io.~"" 8824381 294-1602 773-0525 I(). oeSlgn functIon and quality WINTER i ~'O~U DO(JR~ ,U,u • t<00t\oS Roofing Caulking 371-6572 Weathrr<;tnppmg Repalr<; K WINDO\V cleaning - com~ rfl kitchen i1no bath cabInetry TRIMMING i L!("F,;\1SED INSURED pany Storm~ <;creen.> gut *'ihrub~ ,lOd ornamrntal" l 21G-ROOFING SERVICE ter~ alumInum clcaned *Cr abdpple-. and fflllt tree~ GRA' TOP FLAT ROOFS AND DECKS, In<;ul"(,(! Free E~tlmate~ 19591 Mack Avenue *Locu<;t~ Ha ...thOlne<; etc NEW AND REPAIRS 882-0688 *Latr fall fl'('dmg DeSENDER - 822-1:;lf)1 Grosse POinte Woods. 884-7088 *Horllcultllfl,>h and forf"oter,> SALES AND SERVICE ANYTIME JOSEPH NOSEDA AND SONS, INC. 15011 KERCHEVAL A OK WINDOW CLEANERS W(' kno ... ho\\; to trrm VOur E.. 5o (l Ale • r I C P,. " Rooflllg experh since 1913 ')er\ I('r on ~torm~ and "c IrC('~ - TU 5 6000 21F-HOME COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL 21T-PLUMIING AND (, 0H, ~ n"-rS n'rn~ AI~o dome~tlC THREE C'S IMPROVEMENT Llcemed ln~ured tlOu<,('clcclmng Free C<;tl HEATING meltc" Monthly rate<; 77::' LANDSCAPING ~ 822- 1878 OR 839-4810 1690 or 77.1 ll8"lR 757-5330 I, JoRf:E ESTIMATf:S I GRO~SE POINTE fireman ANDERSEN CLASSIFIED ADS '"'III do \\ IIldo\\ wa<;hlllg PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING 21-I-PAINTING AND R2t 2984 CALL 882-6900 DECORATING SENIOR CITJZE:-l DISCO{;~T 372-0580 21L-TILE GREEN THUMB COLOR EXPRESSIONS WORK LANDSCAPING Deeorat Ivr pamtlllg" Inteflor wall de~lgn In~ta lJa1lOn & of fin!' wall covering"" VI'ual ~ample~ available ACTING PLUMBING SEWER SNOW RE\fOV"I_ ASCOT TILF - 778 2266 RF.Smlo:~TIAt "or further informatIon eontatt Srllcr zr I drain titanlllg S3R C)f} d,l\ lIarranl\ Bathroom", klt(hen<;, foyer" o\ND COMMERCIAl. 885-7067 822-0129 marble Free estimates No Plumhmg, ~cwer rC'palr~ :lnd ha~em('nt watrrprooflnh TRADITIOi'lAL OR CONTEMPORARY Joh too big or "mall 372-3584 LJcensed 885-5513 775-7833 Ask for George or Rick -

Page Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983 #'wutlJihk te8/Dat.!/sihs lIleSCI/tce l7 o

Drive a ~ deal home We Beat Any Deal from From Any Dealer Period! Roger Rinke Cadillac Richard Buick's .SWEET 0/0 SUCCESS • 4..P.R. Enjoy the sweet smell of GMAC success! @ The smell of a new car! FINANCING '83's The smell of roses! ON All You can have both 00'.' '5 to choose "pm /or Immed,ate dellve,y at Richard Buick EXCEPT'Ol~AL SA \I'NGS! Buya Buick from us ana the roses are on us. ~ OM QUAUTY II'" '"A' Offer Explrtc January 31, 11183 ., SERVICE ..... ITS •• r-", WITH.. -=~"I,.un.,.... UNIt ..,. ...., I r-..,.'Pla TU9 P.M. fllEW'1J NEW '83 . ROGER RINKE SKYHAWK 4DR SKYHAWK 2 OR RIVIERAS NEW 83 NEW '83 T.,I G1... Elee R Del All T~, Gi'Q1.$ EJec: R 0e4 All Sp1 CENTURY 2 DR LTD SKYLARK 4 DR ,., Al.lIO" Pwr SI"," Sll'it

NEW '83 NEWIJ FAOM$8230 REGAL 2 OR SK YHA WK 4 OIl. LTO O~RTODAY NEW "3 NEW '83 ~r1ERiCAR, A/Oetrosler Mr ...... Seal 6-""'&, EIec. Or L.s f.-I E.lec: Spon ELECTRAPARUYE 4 DR. SKYLARK 2 DR. rorl Cruise Till STeer ng Pu'Sill r.g W1S W.per'$ Elee ~t' ... (00,( D. 1._,- T", r....lo.J ..... W""Cl Wheer SI«eo SlilpeS and p'1) ~~ lJ>tI'li~Iit'CJl ======1maI S:~R~?:I~:\~~~S:: Oto, £lee MOl L19hlf'(l MIff DotI.IY .... ~"'r SQIMW c.._1(6[1IOjl """'" Moch Mot. s... 338lI _/loUI1 SI ()fl I." 81:0.,-, Sill Pan Slde Wile Wt\l:l AM F~ A",lll I 'It .... (tR Slt~" l:i .. toC Stefl"':) Cas.s SI «! 51-. 13386 LhtPtl

ME'W'83 NEW '83 SKYHAWK 4 DR. 180 MODELS *9.90/0 Interest *FREE Home BK YHAWK 2 Oft NEW'3 NEW '83 flllt Gla.s C.atPet Saret's FiR READY FOR IIIIIlEDlA TE Dl!UYERY SKYLARK 40ft RIVIERA £.IeI: R Oet Jut S91 ...... r Cr'JIM ~~I.F~e;;IEJ:~ar.t: t~ 1.,1 G!ti1 C~PeI Sa ...e<-s ~&R "'l,IIO D!' lOck" ~Ioc P.,eI Clltpe1' Ailio r.n P., 51ft" Wile ,.., CIY'Se' ~Io Pwf Slew r ~ Rates Computer WhIs WIW ETR Bu< W/O Clod Pl'ol Side ~Mg EIe<: R Dt-f A¥ S •• e<'Fo!lR~WS"""lpe<'lllfloC Sl,,* S!~'3290Wbil!' AJurn """" ErA BuH:: w Cbck top E« A C)re.\ [lfie... L'" ....I! SIr pes S I•• 328:J; Grown ~~:~~U~t J:. S~k~:6r: WO'e 'Mol CO's Cau S «eo an.c UotI'ttc • lIghl Btoom l (Jill F ....eIlfIdo.:-a c SI '(lei. Sl~ .J..' '''1 filii .... Uotl'ttcoHII2 ...... ,Y'j'''Cnlf'~e..oe;~G-lh. '011"" ~'" 1.31~ PE~ MONTH , ' S~Sllo')'h9"S..-.:lC.#J ... ~$9410 ::,t~$8711 WI' P'f1G.e '11 817 DO ~ ..1ERiCAR t:,~~$10,647 ======1maI 649.1300 8 Metro 0ffIc .. To Swve You

BOB ZANKL IMPORTS - Raynal A 52 MPG Luxury Car IS

AUDI 4000 DIESEL White, radio prep pkg., right side BACK mirror, wide body side mldgs., much and now at more. Stk. #1317 $9450. AUDI4ooo8 Air cond., pwr. mirror, sport steering POINTE whee', AM/FM cass., cruise. Stk. #1240 $11,200. DODGE AUDI4ooo8 Red metallic, air cond., alloy wheels, pwr. mirror, radio prep pkg., P.S., cruise. Stk #1316 $11,800. Earl Raynal, formerly of Raynal Brothers Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, is now giving his dependable service at Pointe Dodge. AUDI COUPE Medium gray metallic, leather int., sun roof, power His 25 year dealer experience qualifies him wind., pwr. mirrors, air cond., cass., power door locks, rear Wiper. to take care of ALL your automotive service Stk. #1329 $13,900. and sales needs. AUDI COUPE Gobi beige metallic, air cond., radio, Earl Raynal, our Body Shop Manager, prep pkg., sunroof. Stk. #1311$12,700. will service all makes and models of AUDICOUPE cars and light trucks. Diamond silver metal- lic, pwr. mirror, air cond., radiOprep pkg. Stk. #1313$12,800 Give Earl a call at AUDICOUPE Black, air cond., radio prep 884-7210 Pf/ces do not inclUde pkg., rear wiper. Stk. #1255 or stop in and see T8X 8nd License Fees $12,100. him for any service or sales needs at _~3~!2!~! 18001 Mack Avenue raper'S fine furniture What dIstinguIShes Harden from most other furniture makers IS the extraordinary amount of hand work that goes Into every pIece consIdered to be good enough to carry the Harden name Harden also mamtams Its own forests of natIVe Amencan cherry trees from whIch only the Nothmg adds to the charm and uarm/h oj finest logs are selected a dmmg room qUfle l,ke solid cherry for Harden's Harden s superb des'gns and supenor craJ/smansh'jJ renowned solid WIll gfl e a life/1m' oj pnde and pleasure

cherrywood furniture Shou n al 10!) left Mfr~ ",ugg SALE Ru Pnu. PRICE There'spnde, too, that goes way back to A 60 Bn.akfron! ( hln'! \\ Hh lntl nor light!> 1nd gla ...... hthc..., 5251 ~ 00 $188500 1865 when wood workels who had settled QUI..<.n Anm !o.ldt (h.llr ,2,00 24200 In l'1c(onnellsVllle, New York spent the long 0\31 EXlln!>lOn Dmm~ Tlhk \\nh [\\0 apronld June.... 90200 677 00 winter months makmg Ii. D Ho ..t Chair a.....hov.n 6,0; 00 47600 4[.1 In mha fabrll.." from '; H) 00 40500 Windsor Chatrs of L ""Il. - " .:Q; F \1obliL ~t.r\l.f 10,900 77900 eXLeptlOnal qualll" ~.~ ,T, -I' =; \h()utz at hflf( m /lft SALE '\Hr<. "'llf.,f., Today, descendants Ru Pnu PRICE ;f.f' 11_ A 50 Brc..akfront Chm't C1bmu \\ ith of these craftsmen can f\. " '~~ IOtulo,lJghts and glass Shc..lVl!> '200400 $150300 B Chlpptndalc Arm <-hair 370 00 27800 be found at Harden, f,h.,;t ," ift..I C Chlppt..ndak Sld<. Chair 30900 23200 carrying on the traditIOn 1!;2: ~~'J D Quten Ann<. Dmmg Table With [wo aproned lc:.aVtS 88500 66400 of quality, durabIlity and fine craftsmanshIp [ Sliver Chest With lockmg compartment 3 dra\\ 112000 84000 that started over a century ago Personahzed hand applied 4200 Few things that can be purchased today 5600 Furnittlres!Joun on COler Mfrs Sugg. SALE offer the lastmg value to befound m lIsted clockWIse Rd Price PRICE Harden furniture Pillow back Chair a... ~hown S 84600 $ 63500 10 othu fabncs from 70800 53100 ThISsale ISan Queen Anne Wmg Ch,llr a..... hown 77200 57900 mother fabncs from 63700 47800 exceptIOnal \1arlborough Manor Bc..m..h 25500 19100 opportunity to begm Marlborough Manor Sofa Tab1c.. 57100 42800 Pdlowback 'iofa 91 W :u. .:,hown 169000 126800 or add to your m other (abClc..~ from 132200 99200 Marlborough Mannr Drop I End Tabk 41200 30900 Harden collectIon at Marlborough Manur Butlc..r~ substantial savmgs Cocktail Ta.bk 829 00 622 00 Mfrs suggested ectadprices optional \.\uh rc..ldller~ During Harden's 1983Fine Furniture Sale over 100 solid cherry occasional pieces are on sale at prices comparable to 1978.

He n dJ(l" -5' Jlf \/l /0 I'J (l'JIu of UI (1 fj{)( JaIn /( ~ '.ll In Icer;;a~ Iou as $~99pid.., {{ wide ,election oj chatrsJrotll $299

VmUllallojJr/ \lIr., ~ugg. SALE Ru Prkl PRlCF A loo ..t. 1'1110\"h,t.k Arm (h"lr "....hemn S 78600 $ 59000 m othu fibril'> from 67800 50900 B CUriO Chma (abmt.t \\ Ith mlt.rlor Iib!u" and bla~.. ~hlhl" 181 ~ 00 136000 ( fhbh Arm Tuxldu ~ofa H.f\'( a....h()\\ n 186700 140000 \ m othu hbrll., from 1~82 00 103700 [) fit. ".lbon.I1 ()t.Ll.'>IOn.l1 (Ibk i6000 34500 >- l-

~b{)un al boflom rlgbl \If,., ,",ubb SALE Hu Prill PRICE A QUlln Annl I OH ~l..H ';6W .L., .,llO\\n 51.H800 $100400 m othlr f.lbrK~ from 111.3 00 83500 SALE B Con~ol<. Tabl<. \\Ith Hand Dl.uJr.lllOn ...8600 36500 PRICE C WlOl Tabk .30800 23100 A Glass top 0\ al Cocktail Tabk $59300 D l-ootrlst ~ ~hov.n 22500 16900 B Queln Ann<. Fnd nbk 30000 m o[h(.( fabrlc~ from 20400 15300 C O\al Tea Tabh. With two extension [ Queln Anne \'( Illg Chair " .... ho\\o 126000 94500 lea\es 41200 30900 In oth(.( fabncs from 90800 68100 D Drop Leaf Cot.ktal! Tablt: 52100 39100 Loost. CushIOn Arm ChaIr ~ ..ho\\o 6-'100 50300 E Sofa Tabk or Hall Cumole 795 00 59600 10 o[h(.( fabnc') from ';3800 40400 F Queen Anne Lowbm "'1100 53300 o:j13 00 \lfl"'o "U!-J.,l~tl.t1 rUJ I pr tt., pH nal v.nh rl(1 kr G Drop Leaf [nd rabk 31000 :9iJ eajU3Z than a4 !OottJR r3Z A \er~at1k \\ mg Chair that fil\ am"" hc..n.. f tl~den bedroom to In Inrom dt.n Ordc..r,"uur ~I~oom to color a.~~ho\\ n or aIr 10 tht t.ulur!) a\ allabl In 6 otht.r t oedzoo/R ollAerJe fabm. PICtu d 10 rht. ~amt rt at right /.peam/M'r- lCe:f,/

I hLII ardw solid dreaming abol cherry hedro() Tt:aditional 'PLL'al sale LI ;~ctlll hLcome (/ na7:/ 011 I e heen Ma1lYother H'I Alld a( dreamLd ~ durmg Ih" 1 11nerCbd est and jJiece. a a~detl solid cher 0 prke, 100 rawer re ..eluded II "ry fJedroom \I ,I,.,sale' Dresser ~ohd ch<.rn tKr /Ulljllf{)( \llr~ "'llhh 'IluF Ru PeKe.. PRICE ~h~'t .md duublL A TIC..c Cht-'>t ~ I <; 1329 00 $99700 dresser prO\lde B Quu ..n SILl H( Td\H ..r.. ;9'~ 1°f) 125200 93900 C Canop) Fram~nd CanLd B,d 59" plLaty of storage 64400 48300 space-beautIfully' LlOgc..m. elKs D 23W 190 S4~ 7 drav.u!I 96400 72300 E Dc..cocat<.d BLd 5t 23000 17300 Night Tabk 26Wlop 18W 150 ISH 160 30V2H 54500 40900

Sbown bo!lf)m right \1fr5 Sugg. SALE Rc..t Pnc( PRICE ~ Night Tabk 22V;\'{ $ 39600 $ 29700 C Qucc..n ~"z<.OLd 2 19D 26V2H 68400 513 00 ArmOire..10 top 3BW1V chassIs and shdH. 127300 D MIrror 291/;~3D 17lhH 5 ~ Doubl< 0"',,,,4;'1'" 169700 23000 Wmg Ch", w"h b6\Y. 19D 3 if! 30600 923 00 :~ ~~~::n~ otlontd cu,hlOn 12>1 00 47000 'If" 'u ahncs f'Om 62600 42000 ggt."'Sted pc LLS ptlmal v.,th rltaillfs 56000

\1fr" IH1bb Ru PrlU.

~l~~(ht ..t ~dr.dv.Lr" ~ SI 'l29 on 66 bit DI"l ..~tr II d 9\\ J9D '')911 \X 190 34H r.d\\Cr"

rt.tall pr CC'5 Opl onal 1j22 OU \Un ~uggc:stc:d \\'thrua.IlC'~ Solid cherry end table 00 $J.79 (reg. $337.00) This beautiful solId cherry Queen Anne style end table ISan excellent value at ItS regular pnce of $33700 At Just $179 00 It'S an opportunity not be be mIssed LImIt of two tables per customer, no maIl or phone orders An abundant suppty of cberrywood, from tbeir own forests, Occasional en4 table bas afulliengtb allows Harden to offer tbese slgmficant values drawer, is 16" wide, 24" deep, and 22" blgb

raper'S I fine furniture SINCE 1965

23020 MACK AVE. (NEAR 9 MILE) ST. CLAIR SHORES TELEPHONE 778-3500 Store Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday - Till 9 P.M. ~------~ Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday - Till 5:30 P.M. ~/ '~ I FREE CATALOG I (Closed Sunday) : Bring this coupon to your dealer l I for beautiful Harden catalog I : (a $5.00 value). I Supplement to the GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~, /~ ~------~ Now Through March 13, 1983 4 , 0 5 + e $ 4 $ 2 ¥

Page Ten.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 20, 1983

#,yovtlJink tealbalfJains Citescatce


A1..1ERiCAR We Beat Any Deal =====MTIM OPENS IN FLORIDA From Any Dealer Period!

*9.9% Interest *FREE Home Rates Computer *NO DOWN *WALK AWAY

PAYMENT LEASE ~=fSI 1983 19830LDS 1983 Get New, Low ELDORADO CIERA 4 DR. FIREBIRD Interest-Rate Financing '339 '179 '209 On New 1982 or 1983 Chevrolet PER MONTH PERMONTH fvll~;s~~.t. Cars or Light Duty Trucks. 'OnM7Dtlh«JIIy'-I1~ PERMONTH 15175 E. JeHersoncs ~ ~ ..1ERiCAR In Grosse POinte Park ~ =====1'tI1W I t 649.1300 • Metro otnc.. To 8.,.,. You

1979 NEWPORT 4 DR. Cashmere, Y-top, 31B SALE YB, air, FM, extras.. $3995 Two Days Only 1980 OMNI 024 2 DR. Blue, 4 speed, stereo, air, pwr., lots of extras ONLY $4495 Thursday, Jan. 27th 1979 HORIZON 4 DR. SIlver, air, auto trans, Friday, Jan. 28th pwr SPECIAL AT $2995 OVER 100 NEW & USED 1980 LeBARON MEDALLION 2 DR., 6 cyl, air, FM, tilt, crUise, auto & pwr 21047 CADILLACS careful miles .. $5495 PRICED TO SELL NOW 1980 MIRADA. 8aran red,, 6' c:Y', air, "No Reasonable Deal Turned Down" FM, auto, pwr 20,153 miles. $5495 Slgne~ Open 'til 9:00 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays

.1., TMAT GflIAT a. ,.IUIM WITMUMUtIK .. ,MlTI. 0, .. MlUI, & nlllraa, Nlpta TI19 P.•.

LOW INTEREST-LOW PRICES LOW LEASE RATES-SELL CARS Raynal. NEW 1983 6000 4 DR. LEASE SPECIAL IS 4 Cyl. Fuel In] Eng, r 5t, P 8., $188.28* I Auto Trans., Air Cond., Cruise PER MO. I Control, Defroster, T-Glass, AM- FM Stereo, Sport Mirrors, BACK W Walls, Custom Wheel Covers and now at POINTE

\ '48 Mos Closed End Lease, 15.000 DODGE PURCHASE PRICE Miles per year See Dep of $250 Plus First Mos payment and lie Plates Dn Sub) to 4% Use Tax sg399~ Earl Raynal, formerly of Raynal Brothers NEW 1983 GRAND PRIX LEASE SPECIAL Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, is now giving NO DOWN PAYMENT S189 41* his dependable service at Pointe Dodge. PSI, P 8 ,Auto V-6, 8/S Mldgs • W Walls. Air. Cond .• Cruise PER MO. Cont , Defroster, T-Glass, ~ ~ r His 25 year dealer experience qualifies him Sport Mirrors, Stereo, Tilt ")1- Wheel, Rally Wheels _~_ to take care of ALL your automotive service ~- and sales needs. Earl Raynal, our Body Shop Manager, will service all makes and models of '48 Mos Closed End Lease 15.000 PURCHASE PRICE Miles per year See Dep 01 5250 Plus First Mos payment and Lie cars and light trucks. Plates On Sub) to 4% Use Tax sg599~

~J~ JIM CAUSLEY PONTIAC-Serving the lA~j.~~~. Grosse Pomtes for over 25 years. Give Earl a call at

FIN~~~fNQ ~ NEW ON ABOVE HOME I 884-7210 UNITS OF or stop in and see

W1 c:.., .... him for any service -::;.:;.* - or sales needs at • , I - I=:::""..: 18001 Mack Avenue 11:___ : ; JI 181h & GRATIOT. MT. CLIMINS. 778.4455 /

1 "" r"'" '" , .... ,At'"..,"I' ..