Nonlinear Phononics As an Ultrafast Route to Lattice Control M
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LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 7 AUGUST 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2055 Nonlinear phononics as an ultrafast route to lattice control M. Först1*, C. Manzoni1(, S. Kaiser1, Y. Tomioka2, Y. Tokura3, R. Merlin4 and A. Cavalleri1* Two types of coupling between electromagnetic radiation and Ignoring phonon field depletion, it follows from equation (1) that a crystal lattice have so far been identified experimentally. The excitation of the infrared mode leads to a constant force on the first is the direct coupling of light to infrared-active vibrations Raman mode which, for IR RS, undergoes oscillations of carrying an electric dipole. The second is indirect, involving the form electron–phonon coupling and occurring through excitation of 1–3 Z C1 2 ∗ 2 the electronic system; stimulated Raman scattering is one A (e E0) Q (t) D F(τ)dτ (1−cos t) (3) example. A third path, ionic Raman scattering (IRS; refs 4,5), RS 2 2 RS 2RS −∞ MIRIR was proposed 40 years ago. It was posited that excitation of an infrared-active phonon could serve as the intermediate around a new equilibrium position. Hence, the coherent nonlinear state for Raman scattering, a process that relies on lattice response of the lattice results in rectification of the infrared anharmonicities rather than electron–phonon interactions6. vibrational field with the concomitant excitation of a lower- Here, we report an experimental demonstration of IRS using frequency Raman-active mode. femtosecond excitation and coherent detection of the lattice We stress that equation (2) describes a fundamentally different response. We show how this mechanism is relevant to ultrafast process from conventional stimulated Raman scattering16–18, for optical control in solids: a rectified phonon field can exert which the driving term 4ˆ in the equation of motion Q¨ RS C 2 D ˆ a directional force onto the crystal, inducing an abrupt RSQRS 4 depends only on electron variables (see also displacement of the atoms from their equilibrium positions. IRS Supplementary Information). opens up a new direction for the optical control of solids in their To date, phonon nonlinearities have been evidenced only electronic ground state7–9, different from carrier excitation10–14. by resonantly enhanced second harmonic generation19,20 or by Crystal lattices respond to mid-infrared radiation with oscilla- transient changes in the frequency of coherently excited Raman tory ionic motions along the eigenvector of the resonantly excited modes in certain semimetals at high photoexcitation21. However, vibration. Let QIR be the normal coordinate, PIR the conjugate the experimental demonstration of IRS, which offers significant new momentum and IR the frequency of the relevant infrared-active opportunities for materials control, is still lacking. D 2 C mode, which we assume to be non-degenerate, and HIR N (PIR Ultrafast optical experiments were performed on single crystal 2 2 IRQIR)=2 its associated lattice energy (N is the number of cells). La0:7Sr0:3MnO3, synthesized by the floating zone technique and For pulses that are short compared with the many-picoseconds polished for optical experiments. La0:7Sr0:3MnO3 is a double- decay time of zone-centre optical phonons15, one can ignore dis- exchange ferromagnet with rhombohedrally distorted perovskite sipation, and the equation of motion is structure. Enhanced itinerancy of conducting electrons and relaxation of a Jahn–Teller distortion are observed below the ∗ e E0 ferromagnetic Curie temperature T D 350 K (refs 22–24). As Q¨ C2 Q D p sin( t)F(t) C IR IR IR IR a result of the relatively low conductivity, phonon resonances M IR are clearly visible in the infrared spectra at all temperatures25. ∗ where e is the effective charge, MIR is the reduced mass of the mode, The sample was held at a base temperature of 14 K, in E0 is the amplitude of the electric field of the pulse and F is the pulse its ferromagnetic phase, and was excited using femtosecond envelope. At times much longer than the pulse width mid-infrared pulses tuned between 9 and 19 µm, at fluences up to 2 mJ cm−2. The pulse duration was determined to be Z C1 ∗ e E0 120 fs across the whole spectral range used here. The time- Q (t) D F(τ)dτ p cos( t) (1) IR IR dependent reflectivity was measured using 30-fs pulses at a −∞ IR M IR wavelength of 800 nm. For ionic Raman scattering (IRS), the coupling of the infrared- Figure 1a shows time-resolved reflectivity changes for excitation active mode to Raman-active modes is described by the Hamilto- at 14:3-µm wavelength at 2-mJ cm−2 fluence, resonant with D− 2 −1 25,26 nian HA NAQIRQRS, where A is an anharmonic constant and QRS the 75-meV (605 cm ) Eu stretching mode . The sample is the coordinate of a Raman-active mode, of frequency RS, which reflectivity decreased during the pump pulse, rapidly relaxing into is also taken to be non-degenerate. Thus, the equation of motion a long-lived state and exhibiting coherent oscillations at 1.2 THz −1 for the Raman mode is (40 cm ). This frequency corresponds to one of the Eg Raman modes of La Sr MnO associated with rotations of the oxygen 2 2 0:7 0:3 3 Q¨ C Q D AQ (2) 26,27 RS RS RS IR octahedra , as sketched in the figure. Consistent with the Eg 1Max-Planck Research Group for Structural Dynamics, University of Hamburg, Center for Free Electron Laser Science, 22607 Hamburg, Germany, 2Correlated Electron Engineering Group, AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8562, Japan, 3Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8656, Japan, 4Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA. (Present address: CNR-IFN Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milan, Italy. *e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. 854 NATURE PHYSICS j VOL 7 j NOVEMBER 2011 j © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. NATURE PHYSICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2055 LETTERS a a 9.6 μm 9.0 μm 0 λ μ pump = 14.3 m λ μ pump = 1.5 m μ ¬0.5 11.0 m 0 0 R (%) ¬1.0 1.0 12.8 μm R / 0 / R 0.8 osc R / R Δ R Δ Δ 0.6 15.3 μm ¬1.5 0.4 0.2 18.7 μm ¬2.0 0 Intensity (arb. units) 0246810 18.7 μm Frequency (THz) ¬2.5 ¬1 0 1 2 3 4 ¬1 0 1 2 3 123 Time delay (ps) Time delay (ps) Time delay (ps) b λ μ bc0.6 1.2 pump = 14.3 m 3 λ μ 0 1.0 pump = 14.7 m R / osc α α R 0.4 0.8 phonon Δ 2 ( 0.6 μ m 123 ¬1 ) phonon amplitude 0.2 phonon amplitude 0.4 Time delay (ps) g g E 1 E Figure 1 j Mid-infrared versus near-infrared excitation. a, Time-resolved 0.2 reflectivity changes of La0:7Sr0:3MnO3 detected at the central wavelength 0 0 0 of 800 nm for mid-infrared excitation at 14:3 µm and near-infrared 10 15 20 012 excitation at 1:5 µm. The inset shows the Fourier transform of the Wavelength (μm) Electric field (MV cm¬1) oscillatory signal contributions for different pump wavelengths and the atomic displacements of the corresponding phonon modes. b, Signal Figure 2 j Resonant enhancement at the vibrational mode. a, Differential oscillations for mid-infrared excitation for both parallel (dots) and reflectivity as a function of the central mid-infrared pump wavelength in the perpendicular (circles) orientations between the pump and probe vicinity of the frequency of the MnO6 stretching vibration, together with polarization. The sample temperature is 14 K. signal oscillations extracted from the data. The pump fluence is −2 1:1 mJ cm . b, Plot of the coherent Eg phonon amplitude, derived from a fit ◦ symmetry, we observe a 180 shift of the phase of the oscillations of the extracted oscillations 1Rosc=R0 and extrapolation to zero time delay. for orthogonal probe polarization (Fig. 1b). Results were corrected for wavelength-dependent changes in the In contrast, excitation in the near-infrared (also shown in reflectivity using data from ref. 25. Horizontal bars are the bandwidths of Fig. 1a) yielded qualitatively different dynamics. A negative reflec- the mid-infrared pump pulses. The red curve is the linear absorption due to tivity change of similar size was observed, comparable to what was the infrared-active Eu phonon, calculated from the optical data presented in observed in the ferromagnetic compound La0:6Sr0:4MnO3 (ref. 28). ref. 25. c, Dependence of the coherent Eg phonon amplitude on the incident However, only 5.8-THz oscillations were detected, corresponding pump electric field measured on resonance at 14:7 µm. −1 27,29 to the displacive excitation of the 193-cm A1g mode . We also measured a comparable response for pump wavelengths all the way the mid-infrared phonon coordinate, and induces a displacive down to 575 nm, that is, for excitation from the near-infrared to the lattice response analogous to rectification through the second-order (2) visible range only the A1g mode is coherently excited. The Eg mode susceptibility χ in nonlinear optics. Thus, one expects the IRS is observed only for excitation resonant with the Eu phonon mode. response to peak when the infrared pump field is in resonance with Figure 2(a) shows the time-resolved reflectivity changes for var- the Eu mode, that is, when QIR is maximum. Second, according to ious excitation wavelengths in the mid-infrared spectral range.