Address ACADEMICUS INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL SHESHI FLAMURIT, RRUGA MUZE, AL-9401, VLORE, Telephone 00 355 68 22 81 811 00 355 67 20 67 900 E-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Nationality Albanian

Birthdate August 28th, 1974


• Date Present (since January 2010) • Employer, address Academicus, International Scientific Journal Sheshi Flamurit, Rruga Muze, Al-9401, Vlore, Albania • Area of Study, Institution Education, International Scientific Journal. • Type of work Research on the field of Business Management and Organisational Leadership • Role and responsibilities Founder and Publisher, Editor in Chief

• Date Present (since September 2003) Employer, address ETC, Entrepreneurship Training Center Albania, Qender e Trajnimit te Sipermarrjes Lagja Hajro Cakerri, Rruga Justin Godard, 33, Vlore, Albania • Field of study Training and Consulting in the field of entrepreneurship • Type of work Consulting and management of organisational communication • Tasks and responsibilities Founder and Executive Director

• Date September 2016 - May 2017 • Institution "Luarasi" University, , Albania • Area of work, Employment Higher Education, Full time professor • Responsibilities and tasks Vice Rector for Scientific Research

• Date January 2013 - September 2013 • Employer, address Council of Ministers, Republic of Albania • Institution Ministry of Defense • Role and responsibilities Deputy Minister

• Date March, 2009 - February, 2012 • Employer, address Pavaresia University, City of Vlora, Albania • Area of work, Institution Higher Education, Private University • Type of employment Founding Rector • Responsibilities and tasks Rector of “Pavaresia” University, Vlore

• Date January 10th, 2008 - January 5th, 2009 • Employer, address “Ismail Qemali” University, Vlore, Albania, College of Law and Economic Studies, • Area of work, Institution Higher Education, Public University • Type of work Full time professor • Responsibility and tasks Dean of College of Law and Economic Studies

• Date Since 1996 to the present •Type of work University Professor •Area of work, Institution Higher Education, PhD Studies • Responsibility and tasks Professor of courses on: • Organisational Behaviour • Operational Management • Organisational Communication

OTHER ACADEMIC • Invited Lecturer at the University of La Sapienza Rome, Italy, ENGAGEMENT - School of Doctorate Studies, (Dottorato in Science Sociali Applicate-SSA) - La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (2016- to present) - School of Doctorate Studies, (Dottorato di Ricerca in Sociologia e Scienze Sociali) La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (2011-2015) - Master Program on Immigration and Refugees, (Master: Immigrati e Rifugiati, Formazione e Integrazione Sociale) La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Department of Communicational Sciences, (2011-2012) • Invited Lecturer at the University of Vienna, Austria on Master of Science in Education (MEi:CogSci) (2010-2011) • Invited Lecturer in Communication of Public Administration at the University of Tetovo, UEIL (North Macedonia), (2006-2010)


• Date 2005 - 2006 • Name, type of institution Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA • Topic of study Research on Organisational Communication • Research and Training earned Post Doctoral Studies (PhD) • National Academic Level Associate Professor (Prof. Assoc)

• Date 2002 - 2003 • Name, type of training SEED, IFC, World Bank, Institution ISTUD, "Istituto Studi Direzionali" (Institute of Management Studies), Italy Places of Training - Milano, Italy, - Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina, - Belgrade, Serbia, - Ohrid, North Macedonia • Object of study Teaching for adults, management of training, Consulting on Entrepreneurship and Management • Training earned Certified and Licensed International Trainer • National level of title earned Coordinator of Training

• Date 2001- 2002 (One academic year) • Name, institution of research University of Bergamo, Italy, Department of Economics and Commerce • Object of Study PhD Research in the field of Management and Entrepreneurship Communication • Qualification earned Doctor of Sciences PhD • National Classification Level Doctor of Sciences

• Date 2001 - 2004 • Name, institution of research , Albania • Object of Study Doctoral Studies Business Management and Economics • Qualification earned Doctor of Sciences PhD • National Classification Level Doctor of Sciences

• Date 1999 - 2001 • Name, Institution of Research University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy • Object of Study Business Management and Economics • Degree earned Master of Science Business Management and Economics

• Date 1998 • Name of Training Center Development Study Center, Rehovot, Israel, • Area of Study Studies on Local Economic Development • Degree Earned Graduate Level Diploma • National Level of Classification Expert and Consultant

• Date 1998 • Name of Research Institution , Italy and program Research on Enterprise Management • Degree Earned Graduate Program Certificate, Didactic capabilities and syllabus set up • National Level of Classification Adjunct Professor

• Date 1997 - 1998 • Name, Type of Institution University of Bergamo, Italy, Department of Enterprise Management • Area of Study Research on Management of Enterprises • Qualification Earned Graduate Program Certificate Didactic capabilities and syllabus set up • National Level of Classification Adjunct Professor

• Date 1992 - 1996 • Name, Type of Institution University of Tirana, Department of Business Administration • Field of Studies Business Management and Economics • Degree earned Master of Science Business Administration, Major in Management


• Date January 2013 (KV. July 2012) • Name, Type Qualifying Institution University of Tirana, Ministry of Education and Sciences, KVTA, Tirana, Albania • Degree earned Scientific Title: Professor Doctor (Prof.Dr.) • Field of study Economics and Communications

• Date 2007 • Name, Type of Institution KVTA (KKSH), Ministry of Education and Sciences, Tirana • Degree earned Scientific Title: Associate Professor Doctor (Prof.Assoc.Dr) • Area of Study Economics, Communications

• Date 2004 • Name of Institution University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy • Degree earned Scientific Degree: Doctor of Sciences (Ph.D.) • Field Communication in Business and Administration

• Date 1999 - 2001 • Name of Institution University of Tirana, • Degree Earned Master of Science in Business Management and Economics

• Date 1992 - 1996 • Name, Type of Institution University of Tirana, Department of Business Administration • Degree earned Master of Science Business Administration, Major in Management SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION University Texts • Management of Production and Operations • Organizational Behaviour

• Communications in Business and Public Administration

Monography • Public Relations and Effective Management of Albanian Public Administration

Reviewer and Scientific Editor • Ferrarotti Franco, Essays on Culture, Politics and Power (ISBN 9789928422118)

International Scientific Conferences (After Receiving the Degree of Doctor of Sciences, PhD) • 36 Lectures in Congresses, Academic Conferences and Symposiums 27 published in the Proceedings with ISBN

Scientific Articles in International Magazines (After Receiving the Degree of Doctor of Sciences, PhD) • 30 Scientific Articles published in Bulletins and Scientific Journals with ISSN 23 Published in Scientific Journals in English, Italian, peer-reviewed

MEMBERSHIP IN • Academicus International Scientific Journal, EDITORIAL BOARD Albania, p-ISSN 2079-3715, e-ISSN 2309-1088 OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Editor in Chief • Communication Theory, USA, ISSN 1050-3293, Ad Hoc Reviewer • Globolitical, Aracne Editrice, Italy Member of the Scientific Editorial Board • Confini Aperti, ESA Editrice, Italy Member of the Scientific Editorial Board. • RARR, Journal of Management of Roraima, ISSN 2237-8057 Brasil, Federal University of Roraima Member of the Scientific Council. • Contemporary Macedonian Defense, ISSN 1409-8199, North Macedonia Member of the International Editorial Board (2012-2019) • Social and Natural Sciences Journal, Czech Republic, e- ISSN 1804-9710 Member of the Editorial Board (2011-2017) • Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, English Time Schools, London, UK, p- ISSN 2045-3345, e- ISSN 2047-7848 Member of the Editorial Board (2011-2016)

MEMBERSHIP ON • Member of the Scientific Committee, Conference ISEIC Prague - Czech Republic SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE IN "International Conference on Innovations in Science and Education" INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC (Indexed in Clarivate, ex Thomson Reuters, Web of Science Core Collection) CONFERENCES Prague. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020

• Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on World

Conference on Women’s Study, ICOSS, Colombo, Srilanka 2014, 2015

• Keynote Speaker and Member of the Conference Program Committee of the "The Global Conference on Business Management (GCBM)", Singapore, 2014 • Head of Committee International Scientific “Ekonomska Istraživamja” Montenegro, 2014 • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference “Euroregions: Integrating Societies” Struga. 2013 • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference “Balkan and European Integration” Skopje. 2013

• Member of the Organizing Committee of the Conference of Medcom 2009, 2010, 2011, Catania, Italy, in cooperation with the Pavaresia University, Vlora.

• Member of the Organizing Committee in the Conference of Ebes, 2010, Athens in cooperation with the Pavaresia University, Albania

(Chair of Session of South Western Balkans)

OTHER SCIENTIFIC ENGAGEMENT • Member and Ad Hoc Expert of the European Society of Higher Education (EAIR) • Member of, European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) • Funding Member and Member of the Directive Council of "Nuova Accademia" Italy • Member of the ICSOR, International Center for the Sociology of Religion, Italy


ENGLISH • Reading Excellent • Writing Excellent • Speaking Excellent

ITALIAN • Reading Excellent • Writing Excellent • Speaking Excellent

SPANISH • Reading Very Good • Writing Very Good • Speaking Very Good

SPECIAL ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITY • Funding Member and Member of the Directive Council of "Nuova Accademia" Italy • Vice Rector for Scientific Research, Luarasi University, Tirana, Albania • Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Albania • Rector of the Pavaresia University, Vlore, Albania • Member of Municipality Council of Vlora City • Founder and Director of the Entrepreneurship Training Center Albania (ETC) • Founder and Editor in Chief of Academicus - International Scientific Journal • Coordinator of the CGInternational, Canada for the Balkans • Dean of the College of Law and Economic Studies, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlore, Albania

PATENTS EARNED • “MasterClass in Communication”, title from the International Institute of Communication, ICI, Rome, Italy, 2011 • “Certified International Trainer” license of IFC and World Bank on small and medium enterprises (SME), 2003

EARNED AND LEADED • Pilot Project on the Laboratory of Human Development, PROJECTS Donors: UNDP, ArtGold 2, Facilitator: University Pavaresia Vlore, Auleda Vlore Beneficiaries: Local Administration, Vlora Region, October 2010- November 2011

Grant Value: 35.000 Euro

Position: Creator Group, Member of the National Advisory Committee • Project on the Simulation of Enterprise Management, Business Game “Create your own Enterprise” Donors: Luic University, Italy, Chamber of Commerce of Varese, Italy Facilitator: Entrepreneurship Training Center, S.G.C Studio, Milano, Italy Beneficiary: University “Ismail Qemali”, Vlore, May 2004 Grant Value: 10.000 Euro Position: Coordinator • Project on Methodological Teaching on “Learning by Doing”, Donors: IFC, World Bank, Facilitator: “CEED” Canada Beneficiary: University “Ismail Qemali”, Vlore, October 2003 Grant Value: 35.000 USD Position: Coordinator

AWARDS RECEIVED • University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Albania “Gratitude of the University” 2019 • La Sapienza, University of Roma, Italy "Silver Medal of Sapienza" assigned by the Magnificent Rector Eugenio Gaudi 2015 • Vlora Region Council "Honorary Citizen of Vlora Region” 2013 • Brataj Municipality “Honorary Citizen”, 2013, (Smokthine: family origin) • City Hall of Vlora, “Gratitude of the City”, 2012. • City Hall of Vlora, “Protagonist of the Year 2010”, 2010 • Selected from Harvard Business School in the program “Woman and Leadership” 2010 • Media Forum of Vlora, “Most Popular Leader in 2009” • University of Genoa, Italy, "Medal of International Collaboration", 2009 • The Congress of Albanian Women, Mention of Honor Certificate “For preserving the National Albanian Values”, Prizren, Kosovo, 2008 • Southeaster European University (UEJL) Tetovo, North Macedonia “Certificate of Appreciation”, 2006 • University of “Ismail Qemali” Vlora, Albania, 2004 “Certificate of Merit in Scientific Research and distinguished techniques in Teaching”