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January 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978

1-23-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, January 23, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff

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gus %tures andCfeatures Bode 'Daily 'Egyptian

r ... $~fS ft1e administration has a Monday. JiInuIIry 71. Im-Vot. 59, No. 11 felli' fantasies they wish would come ~ru!.

Acrobat's dreams tumble into reality

&, ...... The decision to leave his familv and Tokayerl ....ho were performing in the EdIWt...... EdIMr travel to Amerit:a to join tM Tokayers' Shrine Circus. He bel(an trainillll ei~t was not an U6Y 0fIf!'. But Werner's l-'ve-yeer~!l WPnIeI' Meru had " hours a day. six days a week. W('mer's father his son dr1'Jm. Li~ many boys his a~. he encouraged to follow his part in the act was to be propelled (rom a .a Ited to jcolil the circus. ciream. teeterboard. somersault tbrqh the air "hen .. "big top" can'. to his native "My rathLar told me: ·LooIt at me. I'm and land in a small cha" atop a I~ married: I have five children. I'no ('Of~en.. Weroer IIW8ked under tM pole. which ... as held by anoth('r a.n_ In a ...e. he ....tched tM acrobats never seen tM ...orfd. Don't let that memiJtwr of the act. an.1 gymnasts perioraL "I'd aive •.appee toyott. You only get one dJanc:oe ". dllin·t always hit my larget." an)tmng in the worid to be an acrobat in in life." Werner said. Werner said. He recalled ruriully a the circus someday." he rememben He decided to take th&t chance. He performance in a Madison Squart' his job as an glazier teU Ing a frieDd. quit apprentiee and Gardens boiling ring. a considerably lhret: years later. Werner literally I$-year-dd Werner sailed for Amftica. smaller area than the group was ac­ He spoke no English and he had never car twheeled ltD ~.y into one of the top costomed to. acrobatics ac.. in lilt! world. His big been farther than neiRhbGri .. Sweden. .. As I ... ent flying through the air tin air came ill a CopenhatJea park on a Sullday aftB1lOon. . I have a bad for being ill the right -As , __hi-6 "'"'-P .... .,...".,.,., I coUI... 1ooA of honor .... ~ at .. rilht time." Werner. ..,. 31 I 0lIl of • "'" __ irIIo • anol IMIII in ('~rbondaIe. said. '. - .., ...... ,. It- - jIftt1 ""., ". ".." ~ 0¥\1'hNrcf a friend oi my rather's say ftJIC'o/.-"y ..... ~,."..,~ .. bwr.. thait the Tokayers. an acrobatic traupe, :~~~ far a Danisb boy to train ·Ve:ner. who had no formaIlraining in "wheft Dantslt .. lhreatea to send upside down, t could set' the look of gymnastics. persuaded his father's their childrell if they misbehave." horror on my partner's face as I Dew rriend to arrange an a .... ition far him Wemer's first impression oi America over his bead out of the boxing ring and 1Iri,h the Tokayer'. __ ent the next d&y. made him wonder if he had dulle the into a row of empty seats. Luckily. only 'I turned a cartwbeet for him in tl:e right thing. ". had no idea what to ex­ my pride was hurl." Werner said IlE rk." Werner said. He looked al me peel. I had seen some Americab movtf'S The Tokayers crisscrossed the ro' a mmute. and then said You're aboUt gangsten and cowboys and In·· country playrng the Shrint> Circus cir· hi"ed" dians. I knew they weren' lrue. but 1 cuit. state fairs and auto shows. Along has the for what My first Dl'nmark produt-ed some of wasn·t prepared was. the ... ay. ~·~1lt"r Iearn~ to !l~ak , "1-' RYl"nas15 in the wortd 'I'M .enl. two Amerian ".ties-·Hoboken. N.J. and Eng'...... _ dtftl-eO",~. , . . sa id he c.-ould Icll.iI I ..'WId M .. tood ('levelaRd. Ohif', were just aOOut tM . 0el.'3UM' each· town we went to' it tc tittwllf 'ftJst''by wal(\lllitl ""'J'*-~""--"',""I"" - .....~- ...... ~ lIOUIIded lilat the ~ were ~a\ung a \\~ said. . . .•... In ("It"... land Werner joined the diff~rt"nt foreign language: W('rnt'r said. "Ninety·nint> percent or Amt'ricans speak their own language incorr«t1y." he addoeod. ". gotqui~ an education. I bought a k'ifosrope and studied the heavens at night after performanc:\!S. I leanH!'d to make fireworks. Lonf'l,· I drdn't have Ii Be to be. And even if I met a girl I likf'd. I'd be in ,,!'Other state by IH'Xt A young Werner NIertz performs week." be said. with the Amandis act in 1961- Here they are performing in In 1959. fi~ years aner Wl.'I'11er joi~ Ohio. the Tokavers. the group disbanded. WI.'I'11t"f joIned another acrobatic troupe. Art Department. wht.-re I was br~~ing The Amandis. and sailed to ElI$tland for thf'llUrdt tbe canvases. and said. 'Yt>'l a six·month elljlagement in Blackpool. ptootograph gymnasts. don'~ )'00" Y.dl The hiRhtlighl 01 the England tour was a yoo help me !" Wernt>r said. perfor~ in 's Palladium. The man was Herb Fink. lh('n A!; Werner was taking his bows tw-fore chairman or the Art Department and a ~:U~~Theh~:a~: ~~ tu:'~:!a~iv!:::s:as':;rk~ acrobatic! IUOOP he had y.. atched with ~ ..'1hs for bis sketches A c.-Iose when he was a 12-y~ -old boy . ip developed hetween ttw t\o'O yeamirc to join tbe circus. and Werner began showing Fink his In 1962, 'I'M Amandis perfonnf'd at the watercolors and sketches. a hobby si~ f)ljQ\lOIn State .'air. Jo'red Huff. now boyhood. Fink encouraged Werner. who r.ssiStant athleticsdift'ctor at Stil.saw bege", to study art. Today, Werner the ~ and went bac:kst ....'t" to talk to shares a studio with Fink and devotes Werner. That leJ to a mt't'tit~ with Bill ruU·t:me to his art work. Werner's M~. SIU's gymnaslit:S coach. who walt'roJior nudes and wiJdli!(' etchings recruited Wer~r for the SIU gym- aredi~liayed in galleries throughout the nastic:s team. country. A Scandinavian's Iovt' of tht" "1 had alwa~ wanted an education. sea dearly shows in his sailboat In Denmark. i had quit srhooi .ner the watercolors. eighth grade to help support my famity. Werner is sliD dreaming. 1 tbouabt ~Iette was aft impostlible ". have a secret d,,"m or wimi- lhe dream lor !IIOlII4!ODe who M'V\'t' ewn ..... -co au- school." Werner said nationals with my Hobie Cat." he C'Oft• ...~ &'" fided. He competed in last month's W.. rner trave,". to a C'alifornia naticlnal sailboat rlICt!S in Orlando. ""Ia., eDAalement with 'ihe Amandis. and just fCIur manths lllking up sailing. studied for his high school diploma -, didn't elUlC'liy do justft to my hetween performl'ares. -I (NISSed the "ikinI ancestors." Wttmrr sa1d wit" • (;F.D and was t'ftI"OHed at St(J as a fun· smile, "but wait unlil nrxt ~.... " tUne 5hIdent a yur later." ht' said. Nreed hia bacheIar's *-- ". baft a guardialt ...... W3tchi,. ,,'ema' "''''...... OW'I" ..~ ... Wen1ft' Hid. ~Somf'timt'5 ht- with a !Ipt'riaI major ...... a ill- taka little ~ .. don' quote mt" lerpI'etIItat ill 1Pt. " ...... Ift ...... '...... the ISP.'donals. I dlln" C'O«M trw. ..ant W tempt the Devil." AnetJKor CUi1ft' t'IK'..... ter "'as ,. Ytern« ~bIy i1t""'d Mt warry. Thr l'ha1WP .... ~ .. Wt'fM'I''s lif. .... maD who _,. · ..U my dream!> hav...... ·~I.J·:~'.· . came t,." WiD ...... hIy bf' ptllishi.. 1W., iII_ aunt' • Ie me iD the that _tionaI trupby before lOQ IonIt ..

: . Winnipeg Ballet to perform here

Canada's internationally ac:c:laimed Tlte combined talents of th~ Royal Winnipeg Ballet will open the chorEographer, the musical dln'l.1or sec:ond half 01 this year's Celebrity and the artistic director have btoton Series with a performance at • p.m. responsible for much oa the Royal BaUl'! Tuesday i .. Shyroc:k Auditorimn. Company's worldwide acclaim. ThP. ballet company. one of the oldest In Chor~apher Aria was discovered Nor... America. bas grown and matured by the company when it toured South un"« thP MUidanc:e of artistic: direc:tor America in 15174. He later founded two Arnold Spohr for the put decade. dance companies iD Argentina·Thl' Spohr has limited the troup's size iu ~ Osc:ar Ariaz Dancers. and The Ballet daocers, to facilitate extensive touring Theatre of St. Martin. without the loss of artistic: integrity. The ",,'hpn Ariaz's company's activHles dancers wiD be ac:c:ompanied by the were cut short by lack of govl!!'nmmt Royal Winnipeg Orchestra. conducted support (or the arts. he joined t!1P Royal by Neal Kayan, the company's musical Winnipeg. He has since choreographt>d direc:tor since 1971. eight .....ks for the ballet as wpll as The Company's performance will works (or the Paris Opera ~!@t. Ht' is > consist of four works from its reper. presently workinl on the Jorfrey toire: "Meadow Lark." "BeI0C!8," Ballet's "Romeo and Juliet." "Women," and "Rite of Spring." Musical director Neal !f.-yan i!' a "Meadow Lark," ~phed by OIicaRo-born musidan. who forml!'f'l~ Eliot Feld for the Royal Winnipeg ;n conducted the American BaUet Theat~ 19611, is a suany, spirited piece set to the and the. Ruth Page OIic:ago OpE-r

By SWft KnfIa ba.overs from hwting your monungs­ Booze also acts 011 that moat important ...,u b81th. improri,. itsl SUdf Wriler after! Maybe. Il'~ybe POt. There are a ~ human organ. ~ braiD. It can af(ed ability to cope _itt. alc:obol. Sometimes A night of drinking 25-ftnt been and variety of ft''lledies suggested by those your vision. CGOI'diMio4ID and bNriDI. It the best cure for a morning-aftfl' two shots 01 what someone had with exper'f'it"n~''"lliftto dreaded fymptoms ~ automatic nerft arlioo. Epinephrine milk. ,..... who hold the belief that ___ • -'-*-... ~ ClUIIIa liS ··faa... "'" ..... maximus.·· the nasty produces iacreased bt~ sugar aspiria rakes tM slomaeh blftd will .. ,...... -... WItNft ... UII*It arr, ... -(,{ft'ct of anothft' t'OIIIJition known ...... 0 .... ,... .. 111 ...... ~ian. whicb eaa lead 10 liiiiii.iIc have to fuId ...... ~, "w.n ___ £tMw~ .... ___ ~: a:c "inlcmn. obviaus.·· andtrem.... . ____ EdiW..... ~; MIiIItIIW ~. ,\ larJ!p SI llmf'nl of Ihe sludent Diuresis. ....idi can best ..... d!fined _ Tomato juice w.. also ....ftted. as ..... F ...... ' ~ ..... EIhw. LifIU8 p"pubrim is no doubt familiar wilh Ibis an uncantrollable urge to go to Ihf' was Itllyill8 in bed ...til y" mall), feel ,...... EdItIIrIM .... EdItIrs. -r... r''''urrm,: malad~. hclwt'vf'r ii.'tort­ bathroom. occurs as tIw blood su_ar ~e tl'e'!tinc up. Some die-h.on!s ..... c...., ...... , EI1iI; .... EdItIIn: T..., DickiDl up whent you left the nilM ~, ....._. TtnYlteIWt ... ItldIKlldli: rn,'\! if mOl" bP. ~ he"" IJtooton lilt,"", k-vel ris .... Akohol mak"s an an­ ____ .... £cIItan...... Tad! ...... It, ,",war ';'f alnlhol mril"f'lv. bPIen-. and 54JCIMI> .ven __ 10 f:llr as 10 a. "II tidiun!'t~ hormone in ~ pituitary Illand AIIM. E.,.,...,.,. EdItar. o.w ~ • ....lQrf'sl ~lokillM marijuana_ ""'ii ,til· hrodarlJto IlOI'S ...~. • ineffE'ctive. and "'hpn tbat happens the ..... hitar, lull v...... , ~ EdW, I,. Ilk"R" ;J~lhll1tt you can dIJ to kftop IUd.".,.,,, "an', t"OIISt'rvf' waler. Vitamins help maintain the body's Ridt --. • Columns ConSllmer Comments: Car care

Driving in the ~now"- it's un· Smilh said there are a number of comfortable and hazardous. A~ alter, itl'm5 a motorist can carry in his car native 10 the winter driving rul is to may coml' in handy if he gets stock !oilow the guidelines set up hy Glenn or ~talled. Bags of sand. rock salt. Smith. the stale police safety in, clOders. coOt'rete or crushed 0,,'5Ipr formation officer for this Illinois shplls may be purchased in sm'lll district. quantltip~. at some grocery stores. hardwar(' stores and cpmp"t supply Smith said the besl thing in this type of stores. snowfall is to stav oi~ the road:; whenever possible.' But if Iran'l is "Anything that can be uc;ed ", lZain necessary. Smith said ~! a full gas traction is bPtter than nothIO!Z.· Smith tank is a must. Slid, including old rugs. burlap ba~ al .. i even Ia~e scraps of paper as exampll'S There are three main thir~!! tt:at Smith urges motorists to do while Smith also advises that motorists ciriving in hazardous conditions. The carry s'":1a11 tren~hing tools or ('ollap' first is to remove all snow and frost from sible shovels in their car Thl'Se items the car's win~s to obtain maximum can be bought at area hard""are stort'S vi ... bilitv ~econdly. reduce speed. and discount marts. McA;;t ists should drive only as fast as road conditions allow. Lac;t of all. Smith It is also a good idea to have a blank!.'t warns that motorists ~ould allow threE' or two on hand in r.ase the driver and hiS to fivl' tirol'S more distance betwel'n pal'sengers get stranded for a whll('. your vehicle and the one ahead Smith said. c~utioning that thpre arE' presently a good deal fe",er slale Smith strongly urgl'd motorists to use patrolmpn on the roads than "~essarv snow t!res. despit~ recent rumors thai thf'Sl' tires don't make much difference. He added that an\'one who must dnve durin~ hazardous c·ondltions. l'Sp<"\.all~" "Snow tires are essential:' Smith a lone female. should equip hiS vehicle said. Tire chains also come in handy with a citizens band mobile unit. Thl' when placro around the rear tires 10 \D1it should be tunl'd to Channel 9. an give them better traction in ice and emergency frE'Quency monitored by snow. They shouldn't be used on dry police and REACT un;~'! througho'lt pavement through, "rnith cautionl'd. minois.

l t ~" I

I',1 •

Framed: "Movie maker personifies expression in film B,Dawe~ magic" is "lamed for intimidating whether on a conscious or unconscicnlS "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" Cl"r­ ~... E*8r people's belief in their own dn>ams. tainly offers no false dreams. only a 10 Minnie. and her "set-up," tr you ever saw "Minnie and then ironically films are beinr. lHe~k poor woman whose resentment a(rlainst There are a lot of films 81'OUDd right Moskowitz;' a film by John "framed." 5fIt up for a rap they're I'k~ the Catholicism and unfortunate Cassawtcs. you mig'" remember a guilty of. now that could loosely be defuted as childhood disease that repressed her sc:ene "'here a dnmllen Minnte (played "love films." fttoad as a "set-up."­ by the director's wife, Ceaa Rowlands) The po5iUve side of the power of filnf,. Herbert Ross' ~Ildilion of Neil Simon's sexually drove her to rebt-I and pursue laments the fad Utal "movies set you 15 that UM.-,. . bring lIS OUl. 1:.,pusl~ "{;oodbye Girt" It says that Wto-;d She "it" in a way society had told her was up," feelinr,.s inside US thai we we"", t leas' expects it if a girl han:> in there. "cool." previously in toucll with. Thinking !ICJme guy's going tl: oare-... net' love and a Dilapp1inted ..... never met • man back over the years. it's weird. .!most chance to spend outrageous sums of "First Love;' besides offering dirty anything lilre (he Clark Gabkt type. she embarassing, to think about whal hZms mane, lixing up an apartment to Ih,e oM TV.atellers a chance to 5ef' her distIU!'t wi... fi ..... far the truly had a big effect OIl my life. SUre. "Laurie Partridge" (Susan Jlr/) in the ex....-they erNIe __ loft. and raise kids in. m,." there .-e same respectabw classics blre But Paula (Marsha Mason) was also buff. contrasts a ga;tanl. se''flgh!~ male ( William Katl) seeking real Films often .... to ... MlIiIned tile ''The Graduate," butlhere's also ''The shown _ an individual of emotional N.... ~... "Gettir18 Stnilht-" }oye," (as CIppI.ed to the commonl~ role of Nt.... ~ blMMd for strftIlh. (which abe dew..,.. in the por.rayed anim~l-ma~) agaInst • faiW~iIt __ ""_ .... t...... course of the mm) who questions .....t disturbed fentOile who:; seekIng I Everybody'. _ their 0W1l pri!ate this. The idea ... r.... are piety ia is h."PIJe'linI between tbem. Having no f.ther....,... CoUe(re ~udents .0' inherewlly ftIlCIescelldin.... self­ list ...... they ...... invariably melode peat ..... to pursue her career ducinl sIIown as compulsive breeders. ~nothet ...... _ "h. If. per.- is in­ shabb'~v1l'l" films that somehow st-.e c:cnsenls to marry EUiot (RicfIaI:d teUigent enouatt t... liIe flim's power. Dfty(ust;)oul of love. Her ch-ndft' &S ""1IP" anyone of hundreds or penplt struck ...... ~ ha

~ ~97~.:. A year of growth , groans I

wholerearted Cllpporter of the ERA. 'Ae "'llIlealll UIt.' M!'l ~'''''~ ell d lIllie ",," ..Co. .. "'''''''~ ... t&"~" u ...... JIL'-6"~V s~lflc detaIls of the singer's metamorphosis from a adVISable. We are told that OW' HeaJth Service is d-':i~ing on its own. butl;e thought that bringing in the . cio.Jole-agent planted as a decoy-maid at Schlafly's one of the best and most compret:ensive in the nation. Chicago people would be cheaper and thus student household. First. Phyllis will think that wi~h women in Amen! But most users of the Health Service are not fees would not have to suffer another increase umform. the percentage of homosexuality in the ar­ bent on having an AU-American Health Service. or in History does repeat itself. first as a parody and then med forces may decrease dramatically. though the being entangled in a rat race for the Health Service as a mockery. price might be high. Then, Phyllis ..... iII tell Anita that SUperbowl. the ERA means women and men will have to share the EvidPnce suggests that mere atfention has been ANNO DOMINI ONE 11I0USAND NINE Ht'NDRED samp bathrooms. Ms. SUnshine wiD be skeptical at paid to a ...tition circulated by people who wantN to ..\ND SE\'ENTY EIGHT fir.. I, but will promise to consult with husband. This keep their jobs than to the report of the Health Service The present year finds state offidals in Springfield \II III be taken as a concession by Phyllis. a powerful Deficit Investigatory Committee representing all wearing the clothes of Santa above and beyond the advocate of husband consultations. stlKk'lts. In any case. be ready to pay an extra $3 so OIrislmas season. With elec'tions ahead, the "non· The followinll day, after a working-breakfast which that U.e Prevention PrOlU"am stal( can kU vou at a political" 8oa:1 of Higher ,"\'I{'ation recommended \\ iii ineludP fo'\orida orange juice leven though it is no weeketid seminar in Touch of Nature that snioki~ is an 8 percent salary inc.-rn.A! for faculty and a 10 Illnlll'r "for breakfast oo1y") Anita will read a as bad for your health as conspicuous consumption of ~n-ent raise for Iow-paid civil service personnel 190 prepared slalement which will contain the bomb. A junk rood may be. percent of them). Gracefully. the IOvemor has pholoc.'Opy of the soon to be landmark memo will be STUDENT ,\CnVITIF..5 FEE IN('R.:ASE already stated his opposition to a tuition Increase for wilked. It ""iIl read: two c:onsec:utive yean-tm..s leavifll space for one "We I Bryant ami husband) regret and rejoice I wish I could be more Imaginative in my subtitles. next year. It seems that ger.~ity and elections are hm'inll 10 inform you I SchlaflyI that we hav" but there are not many synonyms for "fee increase." not .....trange political bedfelicw!l. unantmou.'1ly dec:ick> hereafter to suppYl .Ith 'I1Iis is a critical area. almost heaven-sent for the Unmoved by the hazards of ballots. Anthonv Hall ('hrl~IIan Ipal a prom", and successful passap of administration. Beeause tuition .as inneaseci last will keep showi.. the same l'OIIsistency. To'l'OUD­ Ilk' t;HA. It came to us as a revetation. We beleive year. raisi.. it now would c.-I't'ale a pt'filous pret'edent teraet such predictable behavior. students must Ih.1I lilt> unlSt"ution of bathrooms (sick) generated to justify future inrl'ftle$ in other areas. The tuition become less predictable. and bftomt" their own ad­ 'L" it b\'pmdllCt of tilt> ERA will deprive the depraved increase isdttstiaed to receive the stamp lnosan-asm \·ocates. 'I1Iis wiD not be easy; it may not even he oC tilt>' OIW {avorltp ~poC where they carry out their intended here I of approval of the Boerd of Trustees. pop'Jiar. Howe\er. there must be. limit to CJUr en­ l'IRful at1iviti~. ,-.".I"oant will witness an attempt at lipt comedy in cl.Iralll."e. As it stands now. the federal and state "T1l1tc the fo:HA ,,·m aliIWE' Aml'nca the tv... of February .ben the Student Gov«nmenl reprt.'*'II­ definitions of poverty II!t'm like riches to students. If h,''''r''''t'XUOlhlv "'ranklin. Jefferson and tativ(' will yell and scream agai.. t the Health Service OW' goal as students is to reach even minimum \\;a=&hmlllon o,ir foundl~ Panmts lnote nonSl'xist fee increase_ based on inflation. unempl~ment. efc.- .. poverty levels. we cannot !lUrvive many more tuition tIIl'm.enl..,.' drl'uml of wben 11K' lI8Iion was young.'" only to immt'dilltely U... reaftpr justif~' th.. S2 Student or fet' increases.

...... t. Dlily E(MIt.... January 73. 1971 Records ••• .-______7,_be.;..;.M.;.I!;;;;·~,;;,;s,;,;;·".:!(:..:P:..;;;e'·e·b . ." GeNtle GiIl"',m Capitol••• works. Gentle Giant's sound is a background choruses. "Who 00 You Gentle Giant efforts. ('om bimnj.( pleasant one. much like something you'd Think You Are" loses ~ome nice in· pleasant acoustic sounds with Iiltht hear from a minstrel in an English strummtals in an oddh' blended musical vocals and sort keyboard work 10 ~n'ar wood. mix. while "Betcha Thought We advantage. But those vital pei~ or Gentle Giant's Couldn·t Do If' is SImply not in the ....'or :'oWobody" IS also aIded by a good SlK'cess are either mis... ing or diminished dIrection in which the group works best. blend of vocal and keyboard sound... ID too many cuts on this album. where The lalter cut sounds oddly like Roger whill' "Two Weeks ir ::pain·· and '"I'm otherwise worthwhile songs are plagued Daltrey backed instrumentally by the Turning Around" ar _ nlt"t'ly produced. by misdirected energy. weak vocals and Bt-ach roOYs whIle Kt>ith Emerson drops harmless songs wblch might appeal to surprisingly poor production. in for three or four notes on organ. Ifs a ,\:\1 audiences. Good production is vitally important truly strange sound that goes in one ear Despite the often disturbing mixir~ to a group !ike Gentle Giant. which does and out the other. and production work. several elements not deal 'n high energy or mainstream Vocalist Derek Shulman has a great shine throughout "The Missing Piece" ..... : .. rock. For a C'.entle Giant album ti work. deal of difficulty on many parts of the :\1innear·s kevboard work is forl'most .. a mood must be created. and odds aM r.i!:;um. as his "oiee simply cannot meet among these: as it has been on past ends or sound must not be allow{:-d to m~"y or the high notes that it is expected Gentle Giant albums. Although too stand in the way of that mood. Un· tu reach. On more than one cut he sounds fortunately. in prodocirc "The Missing like a pale imitation of Daltrey who is :::z~~~~~~:.e~1i!It;:>~~":n:rl::.~ By ...... C.., J-iece" Gentle Giant leaves in tho!le odds hardlv the ideal singer to emulate if one on organ. piano. cia vi net and harp· "-dMe EdII.rW Pqe EdItIIr and ends. adding several disturbing is looking for solid. on-key singing. sichord are a constant/Ius. He and .. 0- elements that would have been better Shulman is quite acceptable on those producers Shulman an Shulman might "Missirc Pieces" is a prophetic title left out. cuts of the album where the group sticks be wise to feature it even more for this release. as there ~ms to be a Several cuts on the album demon· close to the soft sound that it is known prominently on future Gentle Giant ~ or two missing in this album from strate these productioo difficulties. On for. On the songs where Shulman I who albums. the sound that has highlighted past ef- "Winnirc" for example. an incessant wrote anti produced the album with AU thing considered. "The !'tlissi:lg forts by Gentle Gi6llt. perctaSion line that sounds something bassist Ray Shulman and keyboard Piec.e" is plagued by too many pieces rA While the group is not enormously like a group of kids banging together man Kerry Minnearl doesn't have to musIcal notsam. and by the inabilitv of cr.~r. ~t has gained a respectable pots and pans interferes in what is tax his upper range. he fits,in nicely. the producers to fit them together into a o OWIng In Ur past through a careful otberwise a good effort. The best parts of the album are under. solid musicla picture. The resultant mixtlD'e of soft, well·blended yocals. "Mountain Time" is similarly spoiled. produced, giving a soft. nowing sound to album. while certainly not up to earlier strong key~rd work aRC! unclutleri~ as some fine hooky·tonk P.iano music is the group's music. "Memories of Old efforts. is a pleasant. if flawed. baclQlround mstrumentahon. When It lost in a swarm of Phil Spector·like Days" compares favorab1v to the earher collection of sounds . 'Stic' ;t 1o Me' by GnJha", Par'er;;nd the R ..mour ON Merc-ury. , • aoul-cuts like "The New York Stll,me" 'n1eir concerts are lively. the kind 01 Obscurity is easy to me-I know how to and ''1''he Heat in Harlem" that sound liveliness that comes through on their handle it. But obscurity-nobody kn~':NS like the group has lived them. .albums. Parker does vocals and some It's as if you never existed at ';oJj. Parker sings liM Springsteen. writes guitar. Brinsley Schwan backs him up like Dylan and touches the peripheral of while on guitar. Bob Andrews fi.1ls in on Parker's words of wisdom (0 Rollmg Van Morrison on every album. The piano and vocals. Martin Bt-Imont. Stone are deep like those his lvrics are Rumor. it can be said. are nothing if not and Andrew Bodnar made of. With the Rumor. Ilood but not consistent. Rolling Stone said "Parker round out the Rumor. above par muscians. Parlter and the is DOlhing if not a realist" and the com­ Rumor make music that is enjovable binatian of the two hal! a satisfying ef­ Parker's lyrics are explained in his with a meaning that rocks in' and fect. comments on life. "You can play the throughout the listener. game. People pl~y the game to seem a "Stick it Ut ·Me" especially shows Side one of "~ick it to Me" features traces of Parker's ronmess for the soul bit more middle class instead of workina .:1855. It's a veneer, it's the title track •... m Gonna Tear Your sound. Without 1eadi... to • n:ck and preteqp,." Pla1house Down." "Problem Child." blues image. Parlier and _. like C"It m a problem ehild ... you·re a "St~k it to Me" ~ .... road rr- That how Parker sings. his songs talk p'c::'H:~t-':·). "Soul on Ice." and rock to IOUI anat baek again. about real things. real people and real ¥ un~IL~!:n:.. Gam. ~~~r ,;;'I;;,;·(e;.,;;;s1t;;·;;;;UIIC;;;;;;;;;iona;;;;;;;;;;.' ______~ two iealures: '''n1e N_ York ..::. -.1 ,.:.:.':' ~=:: "aut ...... _ ..---.Iyrtcs ....11 SbufOe." . 'Watcb ..the Moon Come Dowa," ''TInm1er and Rail!." (Isn't the :r~..::-- ~~~u:~.:..~dbr:.t. tww...,...." snow better thin thunder and rain ..... Rolling Stone has nothing but nice But the rest of the I0Il", lyrics and -"-The-on-'r-th-ing-lha-t-keeps--m-~-g-,om-'-jt_- "The Heat In f.arlem" and "The Raid." The album ;S a good one. a dam good thingS to say about and all have potemi.1. "The Heat in well. life Isn't aood enougb. What's and they hay~ noChin« but Harlem,. shows an angry and poetic .. one and worth the prire. Graham praisE for the album "Stick it to Me." _ man who speab from the driving me-! want to be somebody Parker and the Rumor. if you haven", Rightly so. heart and .... the pen. who's done sometIUnl: who's left a heard tnem. are a plea.sant surprise. Stili using his Br~ s,ringsteen-like Since lA and "Howlia Wind" Parbr mark. Becal&le it I don't do this; I don't sound the Britilb pub-NeIrer waaa 1ft .nd the Rumor have not become meaD anytb•. 1berefore I've f.iled: "Sticll it to me" mOltIy about the U.s. household names. But their following. I'm not anybody. And I can be nobody 'l1Ie album features some from-the- thouP DOt immenae. is loyal very easily. I can do it. I have done it. 'R ....n.g 011 &e/lly' by J«1rsmt BroturI. 011 A.rylamo ••• album. as "Tbe Section" and oltl'n dartrness maes tbe lipt bum brighter. There'S an excilinl ,eographical link serve as Browne's wann1lp acU pius Th~ "up" an... ~r to "Running On to Carbondale on the album. especially David Lindley on fiddle and lap steel Empty" on this a1blDR is "The Load· for those who went to tbe Browne con· pilar, and' Doug Haywood and Out... which celebrates the sam.. on-the­ cert held at our sister campus as part of Rosemary Butler on bacqround Yocals. move lifestyle. It is a gallant crusader­ tbe Mississippi Ril'er F~stiyal. is inc:reased in comp.rison to most so., of triumpb which addresses the "Cocaine" was recorded Lte day of the JacUon Browne albuml because they allClieftce directly. and 8I'OW1Ie sings concert &! t!~ Holiday Ina and "Shaky are a part 01 U.e IUbjed matter. The with inspired conviction about their ·l'own." is '!,idence that !~ortchmar's rMCI crew is ....Ied from behind the coIledive inlpiraticJn. the vibes which SOfII'wriUJil is really getting good. the !ICeIM!S to collaborate on two sont. and they pt rroaa the audience. day after. !!tan in a third. 'l1Ie I0Il11 aren't just In the ..... fInt instrumental brea~ rec:arded onstage. They're recorded iD aflel' the ....t of the band comes in. Browne takes OIl the viewpoint of a hotel rooms, at rehearsals. and even on (JscbaD aDd his piano begin it) Lindley ros.:l-crew member on "Rosie." a sly a bIB. I pours ••_ .....ooth. flowillg lap steel comment on how tbe loneliness of the 'l1Ie fint .....G!t the album. the title ,uilar solo over lh. Itron, rhythm road can make a IUY I'ftOI't to the tradE. ia from the .rker lide 01 sect_ JItcbon com. back with lyrics ~ry friend 01 males h~.bl1'e. a __.... Like iD ''111e Pretender." he certain Ms. P.lm. On "NotJIinll But .... at the WGl'Id tbrGuIb dan ...... 'nme." the bIB. preIUIII8bly played by feetiaa chi.... fIJI tile eDefID' be and his floUr mana~ Haward Burke. prorides frienda tapped ..... Ibey were SaIItherD rhytJua and lUes a few .... .,.,...~ CaIifGnM ...... •..... E __ I.r.- ...... iii t:an'Y' llint throuIIIIe: 'I1Ie c:ambaII t_ ''ror.l__ tary'' 01 the "lis. ".. imate cl !he ''rued The patented ·'Jacbon Browne could be resumeted to deKriM lUlhilli UDder my wheels" in :.... finl sound" evident on much of this album Jackson Browne'...... album. "Run- b 01 the _ •• whidt is frequently that. together with the ever-mGUling has muc:h to do with Lindley. His I\Iitar niDI Ob Empty .. in .,hicb be and his referred to tbroucb refereaees 10 the enefIY of the band. eonnJ the often provide. the strenllth and band eltronide iIaeir life on the r.... band', customized b.... peryades res~ and ramblilll of the RoIId. emotiGnal variations and punctuations Bl'9Wne ....bonta with his band and IhhJU8hout the whole album. You ean aI~t .. the faces.projeded that Browne's voice usually lacks. His road crew to a picture of what lie U the entire album was as bleB. and from your .....c.ory. that stare in at you uncanny ability to perfectly enhan<:e actually does when. to paraphrase a tine ~mistie as this .... one would ...... " the whIdow. cl a bus tnvelirc Browne's beautiful lyrics and melodies from the title I0Il8 of "The Pretender," justifM!d in dismiSliq hinl as "JacUf~ ..roup the American plai.. at ni~t" has helped to create a style that works he "gets out and does it alain." bowne" and puttina on .ome ..~" The song peaks wheft Doerle's in­ too we-II on each individual song to ever The role of the band members. who Denver. But. as on his other albun4,. the credibly clean synlMsiler cuts Il be in danger of bein~ ;J cliche. are Russell Kunkel on drum •• Leland ,es.imi.m is by a chHl'ier triumphant swath threugb any of thlt Sklar on bass Crail Doerae Oft iide ,he once Rlgesled that after beirc bummers that road Ufe elMlld ever Kt>yboards. and Danny Kortchmar bummed out by "Tbe ~ender.·· you pre!I!IIt. and the album ends on an up­ on Iluitars ,these lour have recorded could Oip tbe album over and gel beat wllh • version of "Stay." its lyrics three .!'xcellent jazzy instrumental blissed·out by "The Fuse" t and the altered to pay ~al(e to t~ a~ience. It ,." .... - Rubin: press killed marijuana study Hy sa..... Kropla arte-r !:(Imt' $·141.111111 or !.,ui ht-t>n a ses... ion 10 !lmoke j!overnmt"f,l·supplit>d politicians and rt'lil(ious !(roup!l. in· St.... Writer sp<'nt marijuana and watch erotic films I!.·hik> l'IudtnjC U.S Atty. tlt'nry S("hwarlz of ,\ ,lr .. pnsal 10 slud~' how marijuana Thouj!h ("ordial It. rl'porle-r~. he- I'Il'Ctronic df'vict"s mea!lurf'd tht'ir ":a51 SI l.oois. •lllt .... ·!s m.tll' !','xual arousal Ila\,l' lIarris M-:-lint'S 10 answe-r 'ltlt'Slions conce-mllll! phySical rt'Sponse . S("hwartl had thrt'alf'nt'd 10 slop I:uhm \\ I£iro.;; alll'nlion by national nl'\\ projf'Cls, s2ying "I Ihink my Rubin had plannt'd tht' study to prnst'("uting c.:rug cases in SOlllht'rn , ... """ nU'dla '" twn it was annoulJ('l'd in proposal should hE' judl!t-d by 1hE- re-\'il'w dett'rmine if thE-re was any truth in a lIlinois if thE- projecl rPCt'ivt>d approval. 1'".". l'ommillft> and not by thE' nt'wspapt'rs ., popular notion among younM pt>ople thai and to seize tht' erolic films to bP usl'd smoki~ 1.'nhances st"xual hE'havior. Hul m thl' artl'rmath of thl' projPCt'!I ",\ rt'!ll'arch proposal sent ror under obsct'nily laws fundi~ "My 10 I.. ,... IIf ft'dPral mOOt'\' in Mav, 19.6. In an aj!l'ncy is a ("onfinhal piece- of purPOSt' is find out aboul marijuana-·not to change laws." he was Tht' ~ hicago Sun·Timt's and Dail\' II ubin. as associatl' profes!lor in Ihl' ~:~~~on until il gl'ls funded," he- !laid quOIt>d as saying in a news slory lasl :'Iit',,"s reported tht' !ltudy in pal!(' '1 St:hool (If :\It-dicint', has becoml' wary of "Irs Unfair to sindle- me- oul aj!ainst vpar. slorit'S. but dl'Clil'!t'd to ('ommit Iht"m Iht' prl'SS and now decli~ to dlsCus.~ the- thousands of ~II!' who ha\'l' ap. . rht' study ret'eivt'd ('x len!liVt' selves editorially. an~ ongoinj! or plannl'd rf'sf'arch pli.-d for research projfo(·ts." he- add. covt'ragt' from nt'wspapt"rs In Car· Thf' Chicago Tribunt". howt'vf'r. prnjl'(·ts lIf' we-nt on to dl'S('rihE' publicizmg a bondalt'. SI. Louis ~nd ChIcago. Tht' prt'!ll'nled a front·pagt' slory l'xplori~ ~ubm apparf'ntly fe-e-Is thai some- rl'!'l'arch proposal bt'fore- funding is study wa!l supportt>d in an edilorial thai Iht' I't'at'tions of local rl'!'idt'nts 10 IhE' st'n~1 ionalize-d ne-ws cove-rage- of his rt'Cl'IVl'd as "inappropriate" and "not appeared in thE- Daily Eg~·plian. propnst>d project and leamt>d it with a St·x·pul sludy playt>d a key role- in Ihe- Il'j!llimale- . A !llory in tht> Southl'rn lIIinoisan a humorous column bv writer Michat'l lIouS(' of He-p~enlativt'S' dl'Cision to Rubm Intended 10 conduct Ihe ~t'ar ago inc:l.ld~ somt' of Iht" ht'a\'Y Killian ('alll'd '" "lln'I ~t' 'h<' mnnt' later i"t'\'okf' thl' project's ft'dPral grdnt research by paying male voluntrers 520 ('rlticism the tlrojecl rt'ct'ived from Ihroul!h ;,11 Ih,s smullt"" Pr;Ze-l(";",,;ng Orcl,estra to perform - . .. ONE OF THE MOST K~ Ka ...n {"OJI:s.ell including SE'\'f'I'al Grand PrIll du SlooP"t "'riter Dlsques :~:=: ~'!t'1:r:i!:!=,:i~!; SPECTACULAR Cl:merata OrchE'Stra or Salzburg. Conductor Jamgro first plaved purchase Uc.-bls at lht' Student .~ WIth Iht> C~ml!nla In 1974 and was Center. MOVIES EVER c.-onducted by AntonIO Janigro, "'i11 A buffet plann.d by John Corker. present a conct'n of musIc.- by appointed IhPir artistic.- dil't'Ctor in 1975. .Jan',,"'O. a n'oownt'd ('('lIist Student Center din!Ctor. will ~ MADE." :\lozan and Schuben al 8 p.m. . " who has appelU'f'd 3.0; !IOloist with thr open to members and student.s in -' '---. Fnday in Shryock Audltorntm. . world's major orchPstras. has also I/IP Studel1t CetUer Okt Main Room GENE SHAUT, NBC·TV 'J'he program ""iI\ include tlln!e been associated with thr Chamber from 6 p.m. Wllil perfonllllDCe time works by Mozart: Divertimento in OI'chPstra of Iht> Saar and thr Friday. ~ menu will feature Ger­ Bb.KV 13'1'; "Symphony in A. KV Bl'lgradf' Cham~ Of't'heslra. a man dishes and selt!ded erttreoes :Ill." and thP "Violin Conceno tn D. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS group with whic.-h hP appeanod in WIll also ~ available. ~ cost to KV 21~: WIth Luz Lexlrowitz as Carbondale in 1974. members is S3.95. and includes frw OF THe THIRD KIND \iolin solOIst. Leskowltz WIll also be 'J'he c.-0I'It't'I't is 5pOIISOl"t'd by thr parking. ~ student price of '4.10 featured In thP "Adagio and Rondo Soulhern Illinois Conc.-erts. Inc.-. includes admission to lite concert. Starring RICHARD DREYFUSS In A" by Schuben. ThIS IS the Camerata Orchestra's first tour of the l!niled States. UNIVERSITY 4 ' 457-1157 UIIMUllY II-'U NO PASSII PlIASI altho'Ate;; It has madr numerous SHOWS DA'L" tours of Europe and South and Cm· tr,,1 Amenca and has become a fix­ 1:U t:u ':11 ture at the annual Salzburg ~·!'<;ltv'll. ThE' C dmerata has made mOl? than one hWldred l't'Cordll1~s. for which It has won many awards. ··(tiiiijjjjiP···i···~ji;··•

GActivities Mon.-'rI. I P.M. ShowlS1.1' • 'P.M. Showlf 1.21 Pi_""_ UNtilXti : ~ tINa Alpha Phi OmE'ga ~t'E'hng. 7'10 pm. Sludent ('enter ~Ilroom A 1111. : ~•.~ . StudPnt H.. alth M

Tickets will go on sale tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. Student Center Ticet Office Limitoj8

student government activities council Consort Presentation

~ ~ II ~ L, , Co.,) ( "' i

j FBI paid spies $2.5 nilllion Student-composed arias ., """" names appNI"ed OD ~ list, ~ popular idNs. such. opposUion to be presented in recital ~...... committee said. to !lie YIHMnI -=-. CHICAGO I API-ThP FBI ill ".. Dames of thel ialunn8lb AIIouI ...... was pilid to in­ A recital of opI!nI ..ias titled l1li ".. SingftS haft ~ preparing auea., paid .5 mallJoo Ie and ~ targets nf ~ spies -..e hmanas I. "extremist" _os "Opera Gala" wiD he IIIVl'n at • for opt!ra auditions to be held m Ed· I'Kruit ...... , of mon tlum not ",adt! pubt;,c:. ThP ~ p.m. Vfrt!nesday in Shryock wardsvill.on Jan r1 WiMft'S of lhe which Ric:tlllni Gutman. l1li al· 5.11110 Ipies wbo infonrled on were Ib~ ;n n!5ponR to writ· torney rOf' the c:ommlttft. said Auditortum. Edwardsviileo auditions wiD «:Gm' Chi~..,., area rt!SIMnt. aDj 1t!R qurstions that Judgt! All," The arias ar. composHl by p"e in the regJOn8I audlllOllS in organizat-. bet_ a'ld c:onsistHl primlU'ily of racial 1_ Y. Kirkland of U.S. District 'argflS4IKks. Latins and studnlts preparinll for I~ Southern Chicago on March 14 and l5. 19l'II, cuurt fteGI'dI haw shown. Court onien!d the FBI 10 answer wtur. hall! to·nM_..,.. illinois Distnc:t M.tropolium Opt!ra ".. recital on Wednl!sday is rl'H DuriIII ~ - period. the in a SUI' broughl by th. AudIt ... and open to the public:. FBI "opened files" on about Am4!ric:an Civil Liherilies Union. •."., ~~inI ma-,«ity Si.,. partICipating art! Joseph of l~ 100 individuals and Bet_ January 1_ and tbe sPYIIII was political Accomando. Randall Black. Novembt!r 197. Ih. FBI·. sypiD&." GJtmaII said. Fredmck James. Brenda LuaIdi. ~~6 Chic:aIo offICe Ia!ed 5,145 "in­ ".. !mat1D of the Bill of Mic:hael Blum. Susan Gilkes, Ana tr.mists."=~·:Iri~Y=~".~ Ih. doc:um.nts formants" and "confidential RighU C'Jlllmittft's offices is '!J.~ ~ rJa/4 showed. sources" who had not bft!n .-d bebl!wd to he ~ lint sub· ::':":"f:bor": ~: ThP OOcumftllS. s~ by flVt' ~Iy. lhe documents saiel ·.tantia'~ f" b ...rglary in Norma Silton. Sheila Snow. Ann ~~fot Chic:ago. = Justa o.partmt!R1 Of the .5 milboft paid to the Solkoy. Jearune W.- ?.nd Kru­ ,., cIM.e~·_·... 'i .., also acknowlHlg.d an FBI infonnants. about 12.1 million In ~ 19&1, ~ia1 Agt>m neth Wilhelm. t-o-. brHIl1D of 1M offas of the Emil L. SclIrof!der and r.ther Margam Simm_. fac: ..... ty voc:a.I Chic:qo C«nmitl.e to o.fl'Rd!.:d in~~r:.!~:· a:O~~ uniclentifled .... ofII!',;in!d the c:oac:h and ac:c:ompanisl. is respon­ *.-~ the Bill of RigIU. A list or fman­ possible ••rcurity rislls­ Jist of 1M c:omrniu.e·1I coo­ sible for the m ..ic:al preparation of ,...~. cial contributors .... taken and indivIdt:.Js and ~ wtIo lrib~ioIIB " .. : result of surrt'JI"' the sinR'" and will also be the mar .~ ,1--, ,.-.. doasi«ll weft ~uenlly star· DOl he .'IeCMUri1y violent but tititous euIry." the doc:umt!Rts program's main accompanist. ted on • of the penoas whoR espouse c:ontrovHSial or IID- said. ~borah eoop.r and Kathy Tat. IU';",*.'" .f/li. ';•. 9-"'~U wi" assist her at the pilIIlO...... ----- ,. ... ,. ... Court rules jury snooping (!)ampus 'Briefs LOSE WE'IGHT A IIIftting toorganiJle an Astronomy Oub win be held at 7 was improper p.m. Monda¥ in the Student Center Activity Room A. ~'RlNGnELD (AP) - Sherlock Those intereste


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., • . ."' . ':', .,:' '. .... ,,7 . ,-. Li~d protein diet investigated for link to heart attack death LOMBARD lAP) - Patricia Maim wanled to adhered strictly to the diet. according to the takE' off 100 pounds and by New Year's Day, she FDA. had just 17 pounds to go-maybe onE' more "It was a ritual with her (Miss Maim>. She did month of the liquid protein diet that she bad not deviate from it," her father said. • con ..... '.'.ry .Ift _ria.. started on in late A!.lfust. That meant living on 250 to :.10 calories a day, S dhnQIs car!xlndale But the Df'xt day, the 23-year~ld suburban plus vitamins and a predigested liquid protein 209 ctllca~o woman, who had started her diE't supplflnent which ;s the basis of the diet. Her weighing 281 pounds, was 'E'11ed by a ~eart at, other intake consisted only of water, tea, tack, Ina matter of hours she was dead. decaffeinated coffee and an occasional diet soft drink during the enfire 4 12 months. The diet VE'~~~n:! cf:~o:r~Tt~~ :,=er~ proved e'ifr<.:tivefor Miss Maim, as many others. diet is a prime suspect. "There was a ~ransformation of my ". cannot account for why she 5lhouJd soo daughter," said MaIm. "When relatives and denly-at .he age of 23, as healthy as ~e was­ friends saw her over the Christmas holidays, have had heart failure," said Eric Maim in a ia'!'!y couldn'l believe the change." Despite her recent interview. father's worries, he said there were no si~als ". spoke to her at the time that questions that the Jiet might mean troubl@ for Patncla. began to be raised in the media about the diet. I "She was a strong girl physically and I think begged her. in fact, to get off the diet, that's the reason she held this thing off until the "She says. 'Daddy I'm doing S.J well. I just end," Maim said. want to lose another 17 pounds.' She said the Patricia was visiting friends ~i1 K~ha, Wis" -Glasses Mode And Fitted people who got in troublE' with the diet weren't over the New Year's weekenrl and had !!ecided t~ lDuter a doctor's care like she was and weren't stay for one more cup of ("~ffee befOl'l" heading tdting laboratocy tests. ,. home. Suddenly, the coffee cup dropped from -Repairs And Fast Replacements The diet has been the focus of controversy her h~'ld and she feli into a coma. She never since reports surfaced last fall about in· awakened ami died the next day. vestigations by the federal Food and Drug Ad­ Maim is ...· .. iting for a final report from the -Complete Selection OJ ministration into the deaths of others who were Kenosha COli'ity coroner before any deci!lion Fashion Frames on the diet. The FDA is investigating Miss about poasii.lle legal action. But he says he is !.talm·s death, along with some 4(1 others. to ready to take some sort of action "if the check for any possible tie-in with the diet, government is unwilling or unable to pursue the -Coil For Appointment The FDA already has investigated thE'deaths matter. if thel pat 'em on the back of the hand of 13 women who were on liquid protein diets, all and say 'That s too bad that these people died· .. • Evening Hour.! Available of whom were under medical supervision. as "Patricia gambled and lost We lost," says Miss Maim was, All of those investigated MaIm_ "It isn't worth it." Detroit to finance sports p.rogram - Prescriptions Filled ~Duplicate Lenses DETROIT rAP '-An lIO-vf'ar·oId promote amateur athletics in of th_ Detl'Oit kitts off Iheo front sports promoter who sUt'd 'tht' clly lletroit after hiS witt' was kdlt'd by Y0Ul111 In his suit for $3 million in ~~~.~i~!r '=s!:, ~1:Ln!: thUlls has alfl'nd to a "t'ttlt'lllt'nl m damagt's. Salakin claimed thai altorneo)" said in announcing Iheo which Dt'troil ""ill financt' a $] wtlPn the lhu/!5 began smashing in settlt'ment. "Heowanls lht'm 10 lake New Location: milhon alhlt'tics pro(tram to lIt't thf' fronl door of his homt' on ~ay 3, out their aggreossion in the gym similar youths "off tht' fronl paRt' 19;6... ~ railed the 91\ polict' rather than in the street." and onlo the sporls pagf'." t'n."'1Jency nwn~ and was tokl by SaIIIkiD could not be intervie1ftd. He _ ... witb die Ou. His at- 218 S. III. Ave. Tht' out-of-courl agrt't'mt'nt. the OCI{'!'ator 10 hnd out who was exJll"Cl~ to bP approvt'd by the City outside torney • .ce for him. Phone: M"7~J CowIcil. ~e an a suit filed against SalaJUn ~ered COIIK*­ Hanson said much of Salakin's the_____ city by Leo..... who_bar. was !hortt, after the intruders left but ca..... was t'-o!Y1Ited Ie organizing w. _bIe to _e for dwee ...,. sports and reo:l'eetKIII prccrams for ~/,I!'I. OPTICAL "is wift'. Pt'arl, was stabbt'd to wlnle hiS wift"s crumpled body lay Oftrolt EdialIQ Co. t'mploYt'ft and dt'alh in It-t' !

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Da.ll! EgW)t~., J~ ~t ,19~ Pf!Rft -II, ,, "'IST.\NT (,."-"H' WUXTRY is WANTED: FEMALE 9'l..:I., 'I:'_~ft WAITRESSES and bat:::!1ders. ~ &..tSJ". .... ~ I f:l!=-Iln":tor:=~t~bu:: 1 ... I ....h t;".", ...ft , __ to. ""'_,.... aL'IO pav he;'J. for pa~eks. t"GZ':r. ~ro:!; ~f'~~tt~.~: .. ~ .... on· , ...... _ <1;0, , , ... ' .., ..... , ...... \d. WUlItty'" S.'TaiinolS Ave. S49-S516. tenille. fCOIK:oo'SI. Also 1IHdrO: U' ...... T ...... ,... ,...... ~th ... hw ~""" ... ' ... I ...., ...... 3193AfM _ck bar help. ,...,' .... ""'.-n, h., ...... -rn". IhI' ftl ~ ." B2724A4C , t. ... f\ .' • I ~ ... '" .. 1'»0 'I'! ...... , ••• on I "- • .,'",*, •., 1 ...... t .. '·th... ..",. pt' ... ,n hi· I ',~ ...... f...,., " "uUf .' ... ~:""7 ~ 1 :~-:: SOIJD ST.~TE TV camera for OPIII...... c ':;":11'r .-:.;.... \;U,.,;tt ;n.,:"ar:,;' C'DAU MO.ILI .SIIP.!INT ...... SCMOOl .':I;:.'~::.~ .:,;:.~ '!':;, :"~<~:_'''''h , •..,. ~!=i~l~i~J(:;~~d. ro.. tw. HOMIPARK Of .... FAll SIMfSffR 1'178 MFA Degc •••n and M.... I ."""01_ m'nl .. lhotl un ...... 'UII\ rfl~lmln.~If".lft I 457 ...... HAS A FEW MOellE HOMES _.ry 'hI· t..r.l- "" 'M"r ~ ..... , .. :~~~ .., """ ...... c w1ii 3210'\1285,ttg. ""'Rt ...... '" of '''fM TO RENT. NO PETS ••_ ...... (01'~ ~K:'7.:"~~~~' ~:I-: Ofom.;....;~:~LWft1rft1 tMi r------, \..h· r II·"" fit I" In.. qu.a-t1~ Il"Ii't"d ,., I'" Ii FORE .,OU IUY ANY AUOtO FREE IUS TO AND FROM _. ob... " 10 ...,.;. a I"n , ....~ 01 I .... " t:C'I" ... n _,;mol "... , ."'" ' ..... '" "'" \'ICiO 011 PROF£SSIONAl MUSIC SIU (7 TRIPS OAll Y) me.ot forming t01n._""Q and ern ::.':::,~:,~h:,~~~"!"~,·:.7:nm.:;.1;: EQI.'IPMENT ANYWHfRf CHECK 9 •• "h'"9 techntqutn pfu). cons""'en' 11""~ .,,..•. r ...... ,'nlnr- rr-fI".... r"pI'rlt",...... · ""IWtnilI WITHC ...... aUDtO N.HWT. IKord of '".arch end •• Jr.,bit'D" <.I{I;t. nr ..., \lnQIf~ ... Ul.' .~ .. Iand,...... 00" 'oat,on ,I"t CKodaft'O~ cJffOtr' ot ,... "" 0' ... .0; anO School 0' A,t IF' :~:;'~:l~ ;;;:~ ~~ ~~ :::::: ':f:~~f: You'll Be Glad You D;d' ge>t •• ral I ".mml.tf1t.dhtlfto>.!4u11dtna 4 I ...... "int "t1 4(1<1. 1ft IhI- H.,h 1':1(\ ,.Han .tn' CUI Off 78 "'"' "'.... 'n ..... d-- fn 'f'" ~"t~ ~t.nd ApPloco_ 10 l IIIENT 1f\a1 Ihto\. m.' """ l1~rlm.natr In oM'ftpknmf'lll kiNG ION SCHOOl. OF ... RT _.., thr b4'H~ .tf ~..... ~ "'It.:. ... '" IIr ow, SIU C SERVICES . ..n ...... h...... 1"""" la.· ••'" .... ""_"al '" J OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG 110'1 AL ""'ALS OFfERED <';;:;' ~~"'.n',d1."'''''m ....' .... pol.. , .Pllh.... I:i~l~. II~~ch. ~Ient IMMEOIA lE OCCUPANCY DIIIICYOe. MStmmDNAL f ....UMhI .. rttSlIW: ~.rrM"(t ,n ttw IQIt\ l-:.c.\p'l.. n B3212J.r..182 _AIICIt ANDSTUDllt. NO..,. DEPRESSION: YOl'TH·Y A.. lln I. lOX502I01tM MUellE • MM'." Oegr.. plus ttv • .,.a'" •• Rt:LATIONS Counu'lInll HOME. FUIIttIISHEO. A C ",'..-nee as a dneclOf. assoceate 0' Probl~ms wilh EnCfll!lsis. Btod­ Un" l1a~ --.. ("!'ftb pI'T word mlrumum $1 50 ... _....,. ,_"ed. ~ a DO< w~lti~. No ("harg~. Call ('Pf1I~ Twn r%n" • (·,·ru_~ prr ..Md, PI"" rta\ SIOO PEII MONTH fora.. and direct elCpet' In nt "'·nur 11£,,\ .... ~nt' J'I"f wONt J'f"f n.nHOLD.ooKS & 0tf1S 2. 12l!S2 2101tAA. AAOeIlf for Human ~v~lopment 549-+111 01;0, IfteOfch and or planning .n h,g~' ~:1f;77YJl4 ASTROlOGY- MEDITATION MO.'U. FUqNISHEO. A C ~·lW thru "IN' (loll ... !' - -:' """" PI"" .rrord PI"" SllSPEIIMOt>ITH education pt".,r~ E_perttrMe .n dot, iNCENSE - CRYSTALS CAll. the ~ of ."'otft"Oh~ ,tructu'... ~d Tf'ft thru ,.nrt~ 1101,,, 6 \...... ' pt"I' won1 II·SMon. th,uf" ..... .-man 910 CB. two wfeb 011. PIe_ caD 45.1-t857. 'Good <'om. ".00 GflIrIe t3l-35113. 318SAfM HELP WANTED peMation.) TRAIU:R FOR RENT. 101150 two WANTED: FEMALE '1!1Ilk;1I!I I bedroom air condo and furnJsht'd. COC'KTAIL WAITRl-:SSI>:S TO "'AITRESSES and bartfllMu "ARY 8t:D MID IMttrftS 125: work rvftlincs )tust tIP .... to WHrrE SAMO'l'F.D A:"!-"ER.~ Ir' : hqrh . ilair 110; '..... Il(lla'* '12. ~~~~~~r.'C:;~I~ ~~ftl=.IIa. Apply at (ialsby's" =I~n~.!2·ls ~t(·~~ =h. No tap. PleeM' conla~1 :>If,. I·... """'" rar .,.1 11$; 451·ilK3. mmlb. IIrvdle. I(·~ol"". t 3191AlII2 3171Bd9. . . R31211C1t l:!!lI,I\J I ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday's word puzzle ACROSS duCIS A"P ~- R SF I 1 Wllde'n~55 5_ 8rood'"9 aDoOe hen 5Jol 58U S "Farm no,se OOhhCI8r.;:' ,_ $andarae PlANO INSI'RUC'TION.LEARN a 62 L""e' I'flIO skill this. yt'ar! Private I'ee !u"ace It'ss"ns BE1Ilnninll·advanl"«'d '5 Med'e,ne 63 OICl WOrld ~~. rzJiu.~ dto(ll'ft. PO, 53Inscrot~ leagues 30 Ya,,, 3':' ~"owe' 55 0'1 C'''v~g -l!!5S D(M>I,C 31 Arab !Itle ~,Qf •• ( ... j 5 PuDltc 32 Bulloon Don't J8 Lo~q 5f; "".... , fam.har "otlces 33 Thomas· 57 De"a 0' Informal Eelts':>" g",p.P~ Be 'lqF"c" 6lmco,tune 34 Baa day 1o' 4, Vahe 5P. P~"".,~mc;, 7 W"lowI"'q Cae.", _21"01lIln._ S:7J 'Nilth"q ~." II Mon"eal J!:> Peggy" 4-=' Uncertain !I'e Rol:>l subWay P:"~V Derson 31; As,a 480pheal gt",ured 10 Gamt' 01 40 Fal"\e 5t.tttp .,c- t:l~c .. cj's maser5 chance mf!'nts. !.ilinr.e 50 T"ree • t Wi!",n 4J Far-vff 6: FldP ~a .. tf'''' C.;)mb '0"''' .loS ~Jlndo'llll ,-' .o'e""y sc!"too"~~ ,2 Jew'~" "amp"t.t'I,~- ,j::.!ll""l~e'l Of 51 Pr,ne'Dar mon," 41; S'u."DI'" -;"'c-rk

Karen Kueh, saphomoIe in math and husband Wolf. junior In photography, sort through works displayed at the Fine Art Print Exhibition and Sale. The sale at the south end of the Student Center will run through Friday. (Photo by Mike GibboI'Is.) 'Change' topic of lecture

St. Louisan Raymond E. Callahan will deliver the seventh George S. Counts Lecture Friday at StU. Callahan, professor 01 education at Washington University in St. Louis, will speak on "Edueationa: l'1Ianlile in Historical Perspective." A native of St. Louis, CalJalt-n hall been a member of the Washington. University faculty Since 1952. He war- wimer of that inStitution's Distinguished Faculty Award in 1976. The George S. C:>WIt!! Lecture Series was begun in 1m, soon after Count!!' retiremf,at from sm. He served.s distinguished visiting professor in the SIU College of Education for nine years after ending a long and distinguished career .. t Columbia Ijniversity. Counts, perhaps best know as an expert on comparative education, spent considerable time in Russia FlOknce I'Pdueed by Rev progmm 'Daily 'Egyptian O..,:m.s AdleltllllII Order Fonn .tarled in tK"hoo& __1

MIAMI tAPI - V~ and t:l'ime haw noeedived in five hilh IChoois oow that kids know parents Name: ~te: Amount Encl~: ____ are watching in a pnII1'am desi~ to make IChools we.- !too.usinl Address: Phone' ~~l w;S coumelonl, of· '"From 1975 tllrot«h 1m. our !ChOOI had lhe hilliest number (Of CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE: 10e per word MINIMUM first issue, viol~1 ads in the COWIty." says Mattht'w Lawrence. assislant Sl.50 (any ad not exceeding l5 words), 11' discount if ad runs twice, 20% principal at Miami Cenlral Senior dilCGUllt If ad runs three ew fcur issues, 3D% discount for ~9 Issues, .,.... for 1~191.." !in! for 20. ALL CLASSI FI ED ADVERTt SI NG MUST BE PAl 0 ::::r~J":~'::I~~ have IN ADVANCE UNLESS ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT HAS BEEN 11Ie parenl~or p"'llram. three months old. wa!' conceived by MAINTAINED. P .... count every word. Take appropriate discount. Sam Moncur. direc:lor 01 the local Opportunity Induslrialization DEADLINES: 2:30 p.m., day prior to publication. ('enter. a jobs training pnJCram. Moncur camt' up with the "Safe First ~te ltd Sc~' cra':r!!: To Appear: ~.. of a hilh !ChooI Sirl last Few ~II., Egyptian Use Only: ,nr at Miami Beam Senior Hiah. .... tD: Receipt No .~ peopJe were ..11Ii ... about =::::: ...... ,ttinc a"ack dop in the sdIooIs ~ Amount Paid ud on the IChooI bWIft," he says. "I ...... Taken By c.had.", L 1801 had to do IOm~hiDl." APPnMd By "I am convinred thaI a Jal 01 the disruptive brhaviGr ill the IChooJa ~ instructions: II- l1li Derb. the IIida db.. the "now about il." .YI lWE OF ADriIIn.8 afT The D. f. ;:.don' __ A • For S.1e __ F-w..f __ K - AuctiOnS • S.1eS _ •• For Rent __ G· .... __ L-Am"- ''Once a younpler told me he .~a _ C • Help w.-. __ H - Faund __ M - Bull... OpportunitIeS aASSlflfDS lhemail al his 110_ before "'JUIIe elM does. If a tetler from the ICbooI __ D - EmpIofn ••1 w..cI __ I • EI .... taie" ...t __ N·F...... c.'GIIIft he dt!Itroya It before his __ E • ServkI!s Offered __ J - AnnauncIments __ 0- Rides""" t£l.p parenti Itt hallie." __ P - Riden wanlled

YOUfl 2Z n.:=raI:7S~::"'ortarc '" ~ !:.!i...!.~.:r! Check the ~I who are ....Iedly lal., COlIn_I sludenll, vilit hoIIIft. MI'UIIl' for parents 10 10 10 adIooI O1ECK YOUR AD AFTER IT APPEARS! 1M o.lly EgyptWn wilt .. ,.....ibIe lor canferelll:el .... pift !hem tIP if far cny ... incIarreCt ...,...!c:at ..... DE III'CeIUIry. ~'!\M' ,."-:,,. W11,![TRV" tiNE BF.()ROOM M(l8ILf: nom~ W AI PI TED: t' Ii: II. ... _ .... _.___ •.

Ladies, enjoy Happy Hour prices all night long every Tuesday night!

, .. - INTIIAMURAL SPOIITI sponsors The aftermath of a fire which killed Celino overheated furnace caused the blaze. MEN'S & WOMEN'S Larez. 33. a senior in chemistry. An (Photo by Brent Gramer) FRIETHIOW SHOOTING CONTESTS

FOUR ROUNDS OF 25 AmMPT5- Fire prompts trailer review THE MOST FREETHROWS MADE OUT OF 100 A TIEMPTS WINS trailers had utension cords linked to other By JolIn knldns CHAMPIONSHIP ROUNDS WilL BE HELD siaff Writer trailers to sup(.'ly electricity. "The low rent and lack ~f another place to stay DURING HALFTIME Of INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBAll Carbondale's codE> enforcement dh'ision has is whv we stav:' ol:e ~tudent scud The students dt>clded to Inspect the mobile homes at the Lake said they didn't want their names used because GAMES HERI AT SIU Heigh:s trailer court fol:o\1l,;ng a fire Friday they feared eviction. whIch killed an SIll foreign student. (.eorge Everi~ham. who pun.:ha'led the INTllIIS DUE: FRIDAY, JAN. 27th Celino Larez died when the fire destroyed the trailer court last year. declined to comment on trailer be lived in. any of the charges. John Yow. head of code enforcement. said if a "Only poor people live bere." one student said. problem il'O reported it can be corrected. who knew Larez. Another said he camE' to Yow said the traIler court was inspectt-d Carbondale and got stuck here; he didn't have 11I.11t ••: All SIU·C sometime last April. but all ItIP trailers weren't an\'where else to 11:0. Students (Except inter­ inspeded on the"lllside "bec.. use some peopl('

By Ron Kefol*r too dirty to allow proper air now. He also PIZZA siaff Wrile'r sUl!l!ested havinR a furnace insJ)ffted and lubricated by a furnace repairman or gas sup· BY THE SLIC!: ..\ mobile homf' furnace which has het>n pl~r at the start of each heating 5('a.'Il)n. propt'rl~ maintained 15 Nluipped with safety He sul!Jtested that E'ach time a pe~,.}n movt'S d(", Ices 10 prevent furnace o\'erheiltin~ and into a new dwelling. he have the fur1lace checked :~~'~"'I-~lrvkl'Sman for a furnace manufacturer by the gas supplier. .. An indi.vldual is not often qualifil'rl to check a -ALL WEEK- Hobert \\'erttlPimer. national service mana~t'r furnace himself:' Wertheimer said. "and for for Intertherm Int .. said that improper can' of a this reason we f Intertherm! on!~ supply the LUNCH SPECIAL furnace could caus~ the breakdown of the built­ furnace owner with eOOl.lgh information to keep In safetv devices. the f!Jrnace c~an and the blower motor 'The . dust and dirt buildup lII;thin an im· lutc1cated." Wenheimer said. SLICE OF PIZZA, prllp('r1~ maintained furnace can block the air AIUh."Ugh there are no user servicable parts 011 flow IIIlthm ttlt- furnace. causing it toovt'rheat or a furr.ace. Wertheimer said there Wl're a number SALAD and BEVERAGE ('wn causm~ the dust 10 ignile under the right of clues a person can look for to anticipate iur­ nmditions.·· Wertheimer said. nace problE'ms: "The mobile home furnace was designed with -Dirt and dust in and around the base- of tfMo saf~uards to prevent agai~t overheating and furnace rires bE'cause they are located wiUun the living - . Discoloration aroun'!! i~ll' duor and 8C't'eD areas of the mobile home. but the safeguards do J_nt'1s of the furnace. 001 "Iways operate after years of nE'giect. -Noticeable amounts of soot in and around thta .an~•• t. 154.7111 Wt'rtht'imer said. rurnace. especially in and on the nUl' of the . A furnace is an appliaJ1('(' and is no different furnace . L.a." l1aGO a.m. to 4aGO p.m. than a car or a dishwasht'r," W('rtheimer said. - f'arts that are missifllil due to impropPl' "I-:"('n ttIP person wllo buys a 512.000 Cadillac ",pair or that have vibrated tff the furnace. fl'lllizl's the nl'ed for pr;,pt'i ~~inlenance·­ .... Any !iqut'aking, scraping or other noisf's 111181'111.1.11818 unfor!IIf'.dIt'ly pE'flP1t' dor.-' ofll'n takf' the same which indIra Ie improper luhrkation. Jlf'l't"'I!lions ,,"Ith lhelr (urna('E' .- '~!liot only IS the person who takt"S p!'opr'i c. re " \\,'I1I1..'IMer !io3id plOpt'r 4'''''' lie a furna('l' of hIS furnace insurifllil his safety, bul It-: is also ClI.llill.lll ·"-.'}-!III,. "1I1i .IIt· 1I'J!ul.. r ""'I""t'(j"n ..r Ihl' fur· ("\, ....rvil1f! l'Ilergy and kt"f'PInR his tlPatinR Mis 1"'" IIItl'r ilnd t'hillll[ln~ Ih,' f. lilt'r \\ !-"'nl'\'l'r It is down .If'-:: '4. DiIII" ~, J~Y. LJ, 1'l18 I. 8/l!*f".f .- rWest: Unisex competition could Salllki slate of athletic el'PlltJt set back wome~8' programs MO!\jDU' SATt:RDAY 7 pm.-Swimminj! V5 Jndiana at 2 P m -Swimmln.,; V5 IIhnois al ByUI.c...,.. is oblif(ed to abide by Title IX." he _ Tlllt' IX as a M'p8rate but R:;~ i~ :"~I~~~~ hv~. Wichita th; ::;c:-::ti~B::k'::~liv~ Nt',...... Jcoc~ said. rqua! clause. Slate- al Wichita. Kan. n stIi"ed .HIt two wventh tlradr Title IX .... emt.ins pnwfs/Gns !'de-Aico Slate al the Art'na 41rls wIIo .anted to play bIIsk~ban whic:h malle ,iris eligible for boYs' mURSDAY 2 p.m.-Gymnaslics \"5. Indiana with the boys. The Incide-nt has Wnt. Jat'kson .nd Woolard .n Slate al Teorreo Haule. Ind. non-t'Ontact sports if • similar said I~ t'ould undeor!ltand the­ balloolled flnlln« fame- IS a "{eodeonIl progr.m is not offt'rt'd to tM ,iris. T!:: 'a~~~IB~k~t~ vs West 11::10 a.m.-\\oml'l\'s baskf'lball N-IW ~1O.It'dg"bIe fans and ~e'lI MiDI as an eoffort to proCet't case .• , Doug Woolard. the- Carbondale an Individual's rillhts. bul the-y 7:30 p.m-WJ1!SUing vs. Indillna at vs. Northern Dlinois al Davit'S Gvm sports administrators an tryiatl to High School bask~ball t'OICh. said doubt its practic:.lity. BloominAtm. Indoor track vs. Wisconsin and • FRIDAY University 01 Chicago Tra.·k Club at ~=':' ri.t~ ~~h~~~:t o~o~~~ MadillOll. Wist' 7:30 p.m.--SwimminlJ YS. Iowa al Wrestling vs. Eastft'D Illinois al fromdt'cisicJnwhidlendedlheblnolgirls boys' .thle-lit' teams in Ihal .---Roundball L,·ne---. RecreatiOD Builiting pool. OIariestm. ..ate. 7:311 p.m.-Wrestling YS. Indiana Women's gymnasliC!! V5 We'JI try again this week. Hopefully we won'(nave Slale at Tern Haute. Ind. louiSYi11eo al Looisvilleo. Ky C~e8~~~~:, ,,::e-~~:I::~~: another 12 inches of snow. 'I'tw towing companies have had WomP.ft', gymnastics ('oIle-giate­ Womeon's swimmlDl YS. Illinois "presumption thai lIirl. are enough business. Class!.: at lhe Arena. Slale at Normal physit'all, _Irft' than boys." In the event some readen might "'" ha .. '! seen last Loeal IpIII1s autllorities disagree week's contest. we will review the rules. E~h week's and Ire- hilhly t'ritic:al of Rubin', contest wiD consist of 10 games for whid! readers must pick drcisioa. OIl1'1otte West, _'s athletic the winnet'5, and one tie-breaker contest for which readers must pick the final score. This pme win only be ~. to ad' ~ :!:e'r.~~~I~:;-- rn:::;::i!~ break a tie from the 10 rer.uJar games and the wlIKllng t4 l as RELAX AT ~ Alhlelics for Womeon 1 AIAW I. ex· team, the KOring margin lind the total points will all be pressed t'Oncern Ih.llhe rulilN! if taken illto acc:ount in determining the winner of the tie­ applied nationwidr t'ould !It'I bat'll breaker. B ~)~ THE NEW R __' pI'IIIrams and encoura. Entries can be mailed to the Daily Erypha..11 sports !IdIooIs .... universities '0 .,..,.. department. or you can bring lhem to ille DE newsroom. S DASFASS~ 0111, e:Ie team ill eac'1 sport. Room 1241 in the Communications Building. Include yow ~ ~ "I fear uru.ex 1eIJr.s." west said. name. local address and leIepiloIte number on your entries. ~ ~i "fm • reaIiIl and I Imow that the percent'le of lIirls Who t'ould The deadline lor entries is 5 p.m. Wetinesday. ~ ~ Serving You Ouallty Drinks ~ c:om~ewitll boys is very _aU. "U 'I'tw wiDner wiD be rewarded with a free pizza at Quatm's. there _ teem girls waukI The best predictor of the week wiD nave the choiCe of a e. anti Sandwiches All Night. " virtur:dy .. denied the oppanunity large pizza with one ingrediant or a medimn with two. 10 pMlicipate in .thletics. ~ ~ New Mulce Slate., SlU oA Monday Night feoturing; "~ "lJp to the • of pubert, 1 ra_ Wic..... state., Bra.. milled INIDS,. thft'e', 110 eYiUnh.""ft tbat that', harmflll, but after N ...... - ..... Vee... t ...... vWe " ~ puberty lirls are ....-tioaabi, at Midi•• sate.t ...... a disadvantage when t'Ompeting P ...... tMichi« •• atail1ll boys. With a boy and lIirl 'li M.ry"".' Notre Da •• §BRAD LAKEH rqllltl beillht. the boy has den~er otJa..... at Ka_. SIa&e UCLA., Sea...,. Cal " '-00-1-00 ".. ~ ':~~I !:!:n=r. N.... C...... SIa&eat Vfr1iaja ~ - - -J.~: West slated. PrwWnce., (teP•• 1 Wen said she is. stnlnlllUpoorter S&ate C.... llreaker. plcksc.e) ~ ._ _~S FASS is ~pen Noo: ~~ 2 .a:. M. of IfIOIU and what tIIe1 letlCh. CrefcIIt-.t ...-. .R Should JChools resort 10 _ team lb... O::l .... a.xc:t.:XCCC ..... c:C.~ ..... O..D4 per IpOrt WUIMD would. for tile __ part, be excludPd from ,..- ticipatm,. lit' cordi.,. to W•. Larry J.clrson. the athletic:s dinctor al Carbondale Hi'" SdIOoI, said he lhou,ht tbe rullDI w •• unrealistic and t'Ould paulbl, harm lirl.' ~i ...... _ batIt ID tate Ihe pualshmeet inolYeCI in boys' c:ontllt't 1pII1a." .JadMD ald. .. JudtintI from my experierlcols in athletICs' doll" thinlr they an. I'm - sute "..ere isn't an exceptional ::=.e ';h: ,:':d~dCI:i.ew:r~ ~ .nd nat tile rule. J'J hate to =.':.!irllCl burt IryinI to pr'O\Ie. n~ ctclJate centers al'"llldld ntle IX of the He.ltb Educ.tion .nd Welfare Edut'atiaa· Amencnencs. which prohibits fema~ participatiaD in t'OftIIICt 1pOftI. Jac:ksOft say. he conliden tbe subject beyoad debate due to ntle IX. "An, school lhal wished to t'Ompete In Illinois Hi,h Sc:bO

  • fran. In HAVING-'1' ntOUlI&.i Look For The ACCENT GETTING BATHTUB DISPLAY AUTO INSUaANQ F_tu""" Co" us, we w;II insure all drivers. Compare Major Accent .. & our aula rof4i:S PoCket Accent. FRANKLIN • DONT UNDERUNE-ACCENTI INSURANCE • CLEAR, READ-THRU COLORS! • ODORLESS • SMUDGE RESISTANT . AGENCY EXTENDED fOR ONE WEEK St1W Mg... Jk EACH 011 J '011 $1M Co,b",1dale " bl'·\11 OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL J P,M. ••A .. H. JANIlLO ...... 4, ,4 4, A ..... "•• ,. 4...... ,4 ... ,4 4, ...... • 1.,.".1119

    DeilY' ~*,;.IanYIrY Ill, 19M• ..If

    . - .~ Salukis to go against No. 4 Indiana in ·lwme swim meet By GNrIe c.I_ Hoosier lineup, which Slftl" !laY" ml'v 8&aII Writer be the dark hor!lt' team in the NC.-\As Cmcinnati was unable to make it to this vear. The NCAA meet will be held the North Pole-Carbondale-for its Man-h Hat 1.M1l IWat'h, Calif. scheduled swim meet with the Salukis "Their success will depend on Sar:arday, but that gave Bob Slftle's whf'ther or not all of the freshmen and squad some extra time to prepare for young swimmers can come throlJ!!h for the tough Indiana HoosieJ'S. them," Slftle said. "But I think that nIP. No. 41'anked HOOSiers will taitt> tl>ev will be righl up there.... on the Salultis in a 7 p.m, dual meet Last Year the Huosit'l'S finL'Ihed fourth Monday at the Recreation Building at the NCAAs. The Salulus took Ullb. pool. Sill will be looking for its first Win Slftle said Indiana is a much more ever against Indiana. 90Ud team this !It'a..'1011 despite the loss "They have 17 freshmen as well as the of freE'!'ltvler Jim Montgomery. Mark Kerry, 4th-ranked "n.ey're going 10 come to our piace bacitstroker in the 1II"Orld." Slftle said. and make a bunc:" of NCAA stan­ "n.ey have 50 much team tlepth- It will be prelty diffic:uh for us to handle dards. " Slftle said. "so they can them." qualify for nationals m a fast pool-1lnd ours is fast." Indiana was originally supposed to Last year. the Hoosiers trounced the swim against the Salukis here on Dec. Salultis, 71-33, 9. but ironically a soowstonn kept the Indiana is the second top 10 team that team in Bloomington. the Salukis have faced in the last six "I thought we might be able to upset 1ftris. Tbe No. kanked Alabilma them then. ~use they were missang Crimson Tide beat SlU in the first dual four of their swimmers. but now it will meet of the season. be t-II beeause they have everybody back.-;r' "Indiana is similar to Alabama-they have the same quality swimmers. In­ Besides Kerry, an Australian. the diana has !ess experience because they Hoosiers have swimmers like butterfly have more freshmen. but these kids standout Jay Hersey back in the fold. were SUJl"'l' 11I high school. ~~ are Steele added that sprinter Rick Thomas freshmen and they know what It s aU from Hawaii. Romulo Aranles. a about." backstroker from Brazil. and The Hoosiers will be ready for the Toke .hat, .~l1"OlhOI'P. Dian Madrup. ..oiher 9razi~n ~ meet. ac:c:oniin« to Steele, but no one on It was show time at the Arena laSt Thursday night and Gary In t!1!tance sWlmmang. wiD SIlI's team is waving HIe white flaf(. Wilson was on center stage for this'll8m dunk early in the Salukls' also be tough. "We're not goiDg to lay down and d~, 79-76 upset win over previously un eaten and ~ranked Indiana ....ior breastrolrer Rick Hof.'Itetter that's for sure," Steelfo said. "We'U be State. from Pittsburgfl rounds out the solid ready. too.·· 'Rubber Band Man' prefers running past ~pponents By J,W. Campbell bench usually can be counted on one Writer swr band. however, Abrams expects to see Of all the basketball players who a lot of college court time and hopes to have ever worn an Sill uniform see even more court time after peThaps no one is more emblematic of graduation. the "Saluki" nickname than is Waynt' Abrams "I'd like to go as lar as I can with my The similarities are numerous. basketball.'· Abrams said. "I'd like to SaluklS are knol!.ll for tht"ir slim b III Id, play pro ball if possible. but if I ~on't it !.pt'ed, agilIty and quickness. Thf' same won·t kiD m",. I'm a business maJor and could be saId of tht" !Hi sophomore should I not make' 'Ie pros I want to <'pen ~uard from Atlanta. Ga. my own business." BecalL"l' of hIS lightning qUICkness Abrams sa.. -s he doesn't let the thought anJ hIS extremely adept ball-handhng of the pres lntert~re with his style of siulls. Abrams has emerg.. -d. along with play. At the prt'Sent he's ;'1!\re con­ jUnior furward Gary WIlson. as one of cerned with the Missouri Vallt·y ('on­ SIl"s team leadt'rs·--il role the Saluki ference title chase than anytbir,g else. "prime mo\·t"r" hkl'S. "1 think we have a good shot at the title. Abrams said. "With any kind of "Garv is the Sl'Oif'r and rm the ballhandler,'· Abrams said. "'I like to luck or breaks we could have won another three or four games that we lost rWl-that's my style of game. If we ~et by a f_ points. OUr record should be 12- the fast break we havp to take it. but I 2 or n·3," have to know when not to rWl too." "w'lIlt I want to do i!> contribute to the As coach Paul Lambert will al,est, team every game. I don't necessarily lIOI1lt"times it's hard to slow "Rubber need to score a lot of points to contribute. Band Man' Abrams down. I could score six. points in ~ g~!'le and "Wavne has aU the tools." Lambert still (eel that I dId a good job. s::::1 ·"He has great skills. he's Abrams led sm in assif;ls last year aggressive and he's a touli!h competitor. with 117 and has a team high of 55 in which can create prohlens. There are 1977·i8. The "Rlt"lber Band Han" has times when he wants to _ the skills he also improved It< SCGring average from knows he has and maybe he shouldn'l. 7.8 to 12.6 this yE!P.:-. More importantlr. l.ast vear he fouled a lot reaching in for Abrams bas been lOCOring at a 16.8 dip til stealS or driving the lane. ThIS year MVC competition this year. he·s been under control more and he's Abrams played his best all-around playt!\l very well ID the last month." game of his Salulti career in SlU's "19-16 One of the most Impressive thIngs w.. , ·\'er previously unbeaten and 4th­ about Abrams is his intensity. in prac­ ral ~ ... Indiana State Thursday at the lice and in game situations. Ardloo. dis 2Z points and five assists Even on the bencb Abrams is in were team highs for the f(ame. motJ(lf1. It's not unusual to see hun Abrams' londest memories at SIU. bounce :Jut of his seat along the however. are those of the NCAA tour­ SIdelines dfter a Saluki bas«et. with his naf"'cnt last year. .... long rigflt arm stretched skyward. and "(;oing to ~ l'!~AAs as a hIS index and middle rlllgerS exteoMd was my biggest thrill. Abrams "ald. indicattn~ two points by SIU. "The intmsity of lhe rrowd and the "'Whether you're on the court or on ~~? made me play that much the bench vou have to be in the game mt'lllallv,'" Abrams said. "When you're "In order to mak~ the NCAAs again on the road the team nftds all the sup­ this year we're going io have to giw 100 port it can llet." pl'rceni," Abrams noted. 111t' mmull'l4 the "Rublwr Band Man" And ..itb Abrams it's doubtful that $pt"nds pt'r game ehef'ring from the he'd give anything ~.

    1 WayM ...... the ""to IM ...... 1nst Indlenil State. J C~ br Ridl _lie) ~._ ...... _ ...... n. ""