In 1981, 54 mt of According to the opinion poll mangoes were dumped into a published by Yahoo! JAPAN in 2007, river at Tainan, Chinese 70% of the respondents considered the Taipei due to overproduction imported from Chinese Taipei had and inferior quality. the best eating quality among mangoes available in Japan.

Mangoes from Chinese Taipei were chosen as one of recommended fruits during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Innovative Technologies and Management on Reducing Postharvest Losses in the Supply Chain of ‘Irwin’ Mango

A Case Study from Chinese Taipei

Chun-Ta Wu

[email protected] Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei

Mango Industry in Chinese Taipei

Mango ( indica L.) is ranked first and second in planted area (17,000 ha) and in value as an exported fruit (15,320,000 US$), respectively.

The major production regions: Tainan (47.7%), Pingtung (33.8%), Kaohsiung (12.3%)

2013 Korea 12% Korea China 1 1 27% 24% 2 2 Singapore 3 3 China 4 18%4 56% 5 5 6 6 Singapore Japan Japan 7 7 8% 39% 13%

Export value Export Weight Mango Cultivars in Chinese Taipei

‘Irwin’, ‘JinHwung’, ‘’, and ‘Local mango’ are the most common cultivars.

‘Irwin’ mango, a , USA-derived variety, is currently the dominate mango cultivar. % Others 5%

Keitt ‘Keitt’ 5%

JiHwung Irwin Irwin ‘Irwin’ 16% 39% Local Mango JinHwung Keitt Local mango Others 35%

‘JinHwung’ Local mango ‘Irwin’ Mango

The fruit is bright yellow with a crimson blush, weighing 320- 500 g.

The flesh is soft and juicy without fiber, lemon yellow, sweet (12-15°Brix) and mild (acidity 0.2%) with a pleasant aroma, of good quality.

May to August is the production season in Chinese Taipei. Exportation Weight and Value of Fresh Mango from Chinese Taipei 18000 Weight

16000 Value 14000





Metric Ton / 1000 1000 US$ / MetricTon 4000


0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Year 7 OUTLINE


1. Improvement of Organoleptic Quality

2. Reduction of Postharvest Decay

3. Assurance of Food Safety

Summary Establishment of Technical Consulting Team

In order to establish proper guidelines for high-quality mango production and postharvest handling, the agriculture authority invited experts from agricultural research and extension stations and academia to set up a Technical Consulting Team in 2004.

Guide Brochure

Farmer training and education Reduce tree height by pruning to make the fruit management possible.

Fruit thinning: fruit count-leaf count ratio 1: 25

1-2 fruit per inflorescence Harvest Maturity分級包裝 for Mango Export

The stage of maturity of at the time of harvest is crucial for the eating quality of the ripe fruit.

Like the other climacteric fruits, mangoes are usually recommended to harvest at mature- green stage if destined for distant market requiring several days of transit.

(Shiesh and Wang, 1997) Tree-Ripe Mango Fruit Attains the Best Flavor

‘Irwin’ Mango Ripe Fruit Maturity TSS (°Brix)





Total soluble solids and sensory evaluation [1 (unacceptable) to 5 points (excellent)] of ‘Irwin’ >12 mango fruit harvested at various maturities followed by ripening with 100 ppm ethylene for (Shiesh, 1990) 1-3 days at 20℃. Chinese Taipei-grown ‘Irwin’ Mangoes Are Harvest at Ripening Stage to Guarantee Their Supreme Quality Protected Cultivation of ‘Irwin’ Mango in Kagoshima, Japan

Fully-ripe fruit fall to the net Chinese Taipei-grown Mangoes Command Good Prices in Japan Mango calendar and price in Japan

3500 Chinese Taipei Mexico Japan Australia 3000 Philippines Thailand

-1 2500

kg Japan

● 2000

1500 Australia 1000

Japanese Yen Japanese Yen Chinese Taipei


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year Application of Nondestructive NIR Sorting System to Ensure Eating Quality

An online nondestrictive near infrared sorting system invented by National Taiwan near infrared University and Koyang Mechanic Cooperation is adapted in the postharvest process. Appearance of Ripe ‘Irwin’ Stored in Various Temperatures 1 wk 2 wks 3 wks

16 0℃ 5℃ 100℃℃ 5 15℃ ℃ 0 ℃ 1020 ℃℃ 5 ℃ 15 ℃ 10℃ 15℃ Postharvest Life of Ripe ‘Irwin’ Was Extended at 5℃ Tolerance of chilling increases during ripening.

Ripe ‘Irwin’ did not show chilling injury until 35 4 3 2 1 0 days at 5℃.

The storability of ripe 4 5℃ 0℃ ‘Irwin’ at 20, 15, 10, 5, 3 and 0℃ were 7, 14, 21, 2 28, and 14 days, 1 respectively. Chilling injury index injury Chilling 0 Diseases are the -1 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 principal factors limiting Days of storage 17 (Kao, 2010) storage life. The optimum temperature for the transportation of ripe ‘Irwin’ mangoes is 2-4℃. 19 OUTLINE


1. Improvement of Organoleptic Quality

2. Reduction of Postharvest Decay

3. Assurance of Food Safety

Summary Anthracnose Is the Most Serious Postharvest Disease

Decay is one of the most important causes of postharvest losses in mango.

Among the postharvest diseases of mango, anthracnose is the most 20℃ for 2 weeks prevalent in humid growing areas, such as Chinese Taipei. Mango Anthracnose Disease

Caused by Colletotrichum gloesporioides (major) or C. acutatum (minor), begins as latent infections in unripe fruits and develops when mangoes begin to ripen. Lesions may remain limited to the skin or may invade and darken the flesh.

Anthracnose lesions exhibit in a tear-drop pattern because of being infected by waterborne conidia. Vast Losses Inflicted by Postharvest Anthracnose in Mango Are Economically Important The incidence of this disease can reach almost 100% in fruit produced under wet or very humid conditions (Arauz, 2000).

(Cappellini et al., 1988) ‘Irwin’ Is Vulnerable to Anthracnose

Field survey of disease ratios on fruit after an artificial inoculation with C. gloesporioides for 43 mango varieties showed that ‘Irwin’ was a highly susceptible cultivar with a disease ratio of 52%.

(Leu et al., 1988) Fruit Bagging

Bagging of developing fruit at the thumb- to egg-size stage after thinning has proved to be a very effective nonchemical technique that diminishes anthracnose infection in orchards.

The earlier fruit bagging, the better protection.

Disease incidence (%) after harvest

Timing of Anthracnose Stem-end rot Healthy Fruit fruit bagging

During physiological drop

End of physiological drop

2 wks before harvest

Blank control (Ann and Tsai, 2010) ‘Irwin’ Mango Orchard in Tainan, Chinese Taipei Preharvest Assessment of Anthracnose Incidence Procedure: 1). Fruit samples are collected by consulting team 1-1.5 months before harvest. 2). Ripened by Ethrel at 28℃ for 9-12 days. 3). Count anthracnose incidence

As a reference for final decision of orchard for export.

(Kao, 2010) Appearance of Ripe ‘Irwin’ Stored in Various Temperatures 1 wk 2 wks 3 wks

27 0℃ 5℃ 100℃℃ 5 15℃ ℃ 0 ℃ 1020 ℃℃ 5 ℃ 15 ℃ 10℃ 15℃ Low Temperature Suppresses the Development of Anthracnose

Symptom development of anthracnose on ‘Irwin’ peel was accelerated with increased storage temperature.

The lesion appeared on 5℃-treated fruit after 4 weeks of storage.

6 Lesion Area 20℃ Although 0℃ 0 = none 15℃ 5 1 = <10% completely inhibited 2 = 11~20% 10℃ 4 3 = 21~35% 5℃ anthracnose disease, 4 = 36~50% 5 = 50% 0℃ 3 the fruit was

2 unmarketable after Disease index Disease 1 storage for 20 days

0 because of

-1 discoloration resulting -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 from chilling injury. 28 (Kao, 2010) Days of syorage 29 OUTLINE


1. Improvement of Organoleptic Quality

2. Reduction of Postharvest Decay

3. Assurance of Food Safety

Summary Food Safety

Food safety has become the primary concern to consumers and the fresh produce industry.

Responsive observance of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification will be required for maintaining and expanding the market in the near future.

To ensure the safety of mango, the government has established a safety management program specifically for the orchards and distributors that supply export mangoes. Fruit Suppler for Mango Export

Farmers’ production & marketing team as a working unit.

Farms which have obtained GAP are eligible to be selected as fruit suppliers for export. Registration for farmers and exporters. Certification of exporting orchards.

Farmers maintain the production records, which audited by exporters, farmer associations, and the agriculture authority. Also certified by a third party. Pesticide Residue Monitoring

Chemical residue examination is also one of the important issues on traceability.

Sampling: 1.In the orchard 2.Prior to vapor heat Treatment Traceability System – EAN Barcode

Each farmer has his own barcode Fruits sorted Generate & graded in barcode to Transported Vapor heat the go with the to VHT Plant treatment distribution fruit center Traceability System– EAN Bar-Code

Quarantine Barcode Fruits Fruit inspections label stuck resorted packaging before to carton Transport Agriculture and Food Traceability System

The detailed information of the fruit producing, processing, transporting, and marketing are recorded and, thus, can be traced. 502&ProductCode=112413 Summary

Through the combined efforts of public and private sectors, the mango industry of Chinese Taipei has been greatly refined resulting from fruit quality improvement, reducing postharvest decay, and food safety assurance.

Innovative technologies such as fruit thinning based on fruit count-leaf count ratio, harvesting at more advanced maturity stage, early fruit bagging, preharvest assessment of postharvest diseases, low temperature (2-5℃) storage and transport have successfully enhance the produce flavor, diminished pathological breakdown and extended market life of exported mango. Summary

Transparent and traceable supply-chain management and total-quality management from production through marketing assure the food quality and safety.

The recent increase in export volume and value should be an indication of the effectiveness of this quality and safety management system, which makes the mango industry of Chinese Taipei a good role model for others. Soft and Melting Mellow and Sweet Pleasing to Your Eyes