SINCE 1976

Ein Qiniyye, one of the four villages in the beautiful annexed by .

Credit: Reuters Credit: AUGUST 2019 | TAMMUZ - AV 5779

THE GOLAN HEIGHTS… PART 3 A summer and winter wonderland

By Shira Sorko-Ram

hen President Donald Trump publicly de- tion of the Golan Heights, is “null and void and clared the Golan Heights to be part of the without international legal effect,” and therefore, State of Israel, there arose a hue and cry Israel must rescind its action. That was in 1981, from many European and Muslim countries, and, of three days after Israel declared approximately two- Wcourse, the UN – all of whom cried foul. thirds of the Golan as now part of the sovereign State of Israel. The UN quoted its own Resolution 497, in which the Security Council declared that Israel’s annexa- Nevertheless, the same UN position is still in effect

By Mail: By Phone: By Email: Online: Follow: Maoz Ministries U.S. 800.856.7060 [email protected] maozisrael1 P.O. Box 535788 CAN. 866.712.0188 [email protected] @maozisrael Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5788 U.K. 01732 886441 [email protected] 2 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | AUGUST 2019 AUGUST 2019 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 3

REALITY CHECK today. One of the leading conservative candidates of the upcoming election for a new British Prime Minister, Outside of the eternal bias and knee-jerk double Jeremy Hunt, condemned Israel saying, “We should never standard the UN continually applies to Israel, recognize the annexation of territory by force.” what can we learn about the Golan Heights in the real world in which Israel lives? What the world doesn’t recall is that for the first two decades of Israel’s nationhood, it was the Syrians who First, a simple statement: If Israel were to give used those Heights to continually attack Jews living the Golan Heights back to , it would be below them in . an act of self-destruction. Syria and its allies, Hezbollah and Iran, would put into action a plan Nor did they remember to mention that twice the to use the Golan as a staging area to attack the Syrian tanks rolled down the slopes of the Golan Jewish state until it was destroyed. Heights with the assignment to conquer northern Israel and destroy the state of Israel. It is now more serious than ever, as the worst- case analysis scenario for Israel is a war in the Furthermore, the UN ignores the fact that in the year north against Hezbollah, Syria and Iranian mili- 2000, Israel’s Prime tias. Israel fears a new Minister Ehud Barak, northern front from worked hard to return which commando and the Golan Heights to missile attacks can be Syria in exchange for launched against Israel. peace. The sticking point was Syria would So, believe it or not, accept nothing less than Israel’s possession of AP Credit: a border up to the Sea the Golan Heights even of Galilee, Israel’s main strengthens Israel’s posi- source of fresh water. tion in defending Jordan There was no way Israel from Iranian attempts to could agree to such an undermine the stability President Donald Trump holds up a arrangement. of the Hashemite King- world wars, European countries made fact is, Israel has possessed this land signed proclamation recognizing Israel’s dom. Jordan borders territorial adjustments to help preserve longer than any other nation since sovereignty over the Golan Heights, During the Syrian civil as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Southern Syria, and the peace – a necessity they refuse the Ottoman Empire! France ruled war in 2011 - 2018, Netanyahu looks on in the Diplomatic shares the Israeli interest Israel today. the Golan Heights for 21 years, and 400,000 Syrians were Reception Room of the White House in in keeping the Iranians Syria 23 years. Israel has ruled the Washington, Monday March 25, 2019. slaughtered by their Dershowitz states: “No reasonable out of that area. Golan Heights for 52 years. own government, and person would ask the Israelis to 6.1 million displaced Yet with all these facts, give the Golan Heights to the Syrian In other words, Dershowitz argues while another 5.6 mil- it is still worthwhile to mass murderer Assad. It would be that Israel’s possession of two- lion fled the country discuss the international suicidal to hand off the high ground thirds of the Golan Heights actually the Quran and, therefore, do not altogether. In a first, an official U.S. legal rationale of Israel overlooking northern Israel.” increases the chance for peace, since have a natural hatred of the Jew- government map incorporating the Golan Heights into its sovereignty. Syria or Hezbollah does not have ish people. No matter. Israel must, depicts Golan Heights Sure, if Syria became a democratic as Israeli territory. the high ground at their disposal to according to the UN’s peaceful state alongside Israel, there attack Israel. There are no Palestinians in the definition of “interna- PRECEDENCES DURING might be reason to reconsider giv- Golan Heights, and the Druze res- DEFENSIVE WARS ing this land to Syria. But who can idents don’t protest Israel. Even tional law,” hand over the Golan Heights to Syria’s President Bashar Assad. imagine, let alone predict, that the THE DRUZE while a civil war rages next door, The highly respected Harvard professor, Alan M. Islamic government of Syria would the Golan is tranquil. In fact, of Yes, as outlandish as it is, every year, right on time, Dershowitz, states categorically, “No country in agree to end all belligerency and the other 116,000 Israeli-Druze Another point: the Golan has no the UN passes a resolution demanding Israel turn history has ever given back to a sworn enemy recognize Israel as the nation state citizens who live mostly in Galilee, Arab refugees. There are no “clas- over the Golan Heights, along with its 27,000 Druze militarily essential territory that has been cap- of the Jewish people? a higher percentage of their young sic Muslims” living on that quite citizens to the Butcher of Damascus. Of course, tured in a defensive war.” men serve in IDF combat units empty land – only about 27,000 Israel, full of disgust for the UN’s total lack of con- Furthermore, Professor Dershowitz than do Jewish citizens! cern for the Druze, if not the Israelis living there, The Harvard emeritus professor of law calls the notes that the Arabs really don’t care Druze who claim Moses’ father-in- has never considered withdrawing from the Golan European Union a hypocrite when it comes to Israel. about the Golan; it has no religious law, Jethro, as the founder of their The Druze living in the Golan Heights for a minute. He recalls that at the end of the first and second significance to Islam. Besides, the religion. The Druze do not follow Heights reside mostly in four 4 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | AUGUST 2019 AUGUST 2019 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 5

“After 52 years, it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strate- gic and security importance to the State of Israel and regional stabil- ity!” Trump tweeted. As you might guess, according to statistics, Trump is more popular in Israel than in any other nation of the world.


Credit: Reuters Credit: FOR GOLAN

Since America’s recognition, Israel’s government has gone Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into high gear drawing up plans picturesque gives a speech before the newly-unveiled to accommodate 250,000 more Israelis migrating sign for the new town of “Ramat Trump,” villages. Several to the Golan by 2048. Right now there are 22,000 or “Trump Heights” in English, named after thousand have Jewish Israelis living in 33 towns and villages in the incumbent U.S. President during an asked for Israeli official ceremony in the Israeli-annexed the Golan – the largest being with 7,000 citizenship. Golan Heights on June 16, 2019. residents. The Ministry of Housing plans to build Others have been 30,000 housing units, two more towns, provide ambivalent because 45,000 new jobs, and invest in infrastructure re- of close relatives lated to transportation and tourism. in Syria, and, furthermore, they have been afraid Israel might one day return the Golan Heights to Israel also plans to clear 20,000 acres of minefields In this time of transition from the leadership of Ari Syria. In that scenario, Druze who have taken Israeli in order to prepare for commercial and housing de- and Shira to Kobi and Shani, together we are able to citizenship would then face terrible retribution. velopment projects and tourism. combine experience with fresh new perspectives, skills and passion, enhancing Maoz’ ability to reach the lost and However, as they have watched their Syrian relatives, help make believers strong in Israel. without food at best and being slaughtered at worst, THE BEAUTIFUL GOLAN HEIGHTS during the seven-year , many more are Kobi is the Executive Director of Maoz Israel. He over- applying for Israeli citizenship. Tourism! Do you know that the Golan Heights already sees all the operations of Maoz in Israel as well as our six boasts 95 hotels, hostels and B&B’s in some of the most Maoz Israel branches around the world. luscious surroundings anywhere? Do you know you can U.S. RECOGNITION CHANGES EVERYTHING Shani serves as the Chief Creative Officer. She oversees climb up or ski on the 9,232 ft. , as you all the creative aspects of Maoz. Anything that has to look 40 miles east into the city of Damascus? Or stay in On March 21, 2019, on the Holiday of Purim (celebrat- do with how Maoz Israel looks and feels online or on a hotel overlooking the to the west? Just paper goes through her. She writes music in Hebrew and ing when the Jews were saved from Haman’s order to go to and type in Golan Heights! Even the kill all Jews), U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted that English and her audio and video music (on iTunes and Druze have gotten into the hotel business! I want to get YouTube) are in both languages. the time has come to “fully recognize” Israeli sovereign- up there myself! ty over the Golan Heights. It was another monumental They divide their time between the Fellowship of Artists re- shift in U.S./Mideast policy by his administration. With Ari, of course! cording studio in Jerusalem and the workings of the Tel Aviv office. They also travel and minister with their five children. In the following pages we want you to meet the wonderful members of our Maoz Team in Tel Aviv and explain what they do! We are indeed fortunate to have such a talented and committed team to help us Prayer Line in Israel carry out the vision and purpose of Maoz Israel! Email your prayer request to [email protected] from anywhere in the world! AUGUST 2019 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 7

Liraz manages our Hebrew Publishing! Thanks to her, our Hebrew-language faith- based books are available to anyone in the world on, on Amazon, and also on the biggest eBook company in Israel Kati is our executive secretary She is responsible for the entire publishing process, from obtaining and personal assistant. If publishing rights all the way through to distribution. you have ever tried to get in touch with us, no doubt, you have talked with her first… she makes us look good! She communicates with pastors and leaders in Israel and around the world. She also coordinates requests for aid from With her skills in four languages, she easily translates a myriad of resources for us. She is the face of Maoz for many! Israel Office Israel

Irina is our bookkeeper in charge of all the daily office financial routines: banking, invoices, payments to suppliers, and keeping the Alisa is our Maoz receptionist lights on! She supervises and secretary. If you visit sales of Maoz books and the Maoz offices in Tel Aviv, CDs and manages employees’ she is your first impression— work hours and vacation and a good one! She is a time. When you ask her to terrific organizer and manages the operations of the do something, you know office. She makes it look easy! She helps anyone and it’s done! She coordinates everyone here in the office—and is always smiling. seamlessly with Veronica.

Veronica is our financial manager. She is an independent contractor who works for us two days a week. It is her job to work with our bookkeeper, accountant, bank and lawyer and to administer, coordinate and monitor the organization’s financial activity – and to fill out mountains of government stuff. She’s important! And we are thrilled to have her expertise. AUGUST 2019 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 9

Yoni is our webmaster, professional photographer and videographer. He’s our newest hire, and we are constantly discovering his many Katy is responsible for partner talents! His position includes website relations and communications with maintenance, content creation and our online subscribers. She has worn promotion in social network outreach. many hats over the years, starting her He’s also the one we call on when some tenure in our U.S. office, then moving technical device doesn’t work! back home to work here in the Land. She formats the online version of the Maoz Israel Report in several languages and gathers content for social network posts. She works closely with all Maoz Israel departments in Tel Aviv and our international offices.

Our Maoz Team prays daily at work for our nation Israel and its leadership, for our partners who send us requests for prayer, and for the entire outreach of Maoz throughout Israel.

Tanya has led our Music Making for Kids program from the very beginning! And now she has built that program to serve 60 Messianic children from across the country. She and husband Roman are responsible Omer, our graphic for composing, recording and editing children’s design artist, has Hebrew-language CDs and music videos. worked side-by-side Roman is a fantastic musician. He is our with Shira at least media guru, plays professionally many musical ten years, preparing instruments. He also distributes Maoz books to the monthly Maoz Israel Report, along with congregations and bookstores around the country. many other projects. Our readers have He is our “everything” guy! responded over and over to his magnificent gift of design. Omer also serves as our Tanya and Roman are actively involved with several representative for Maoz in Latin American children’s choirs, ministering in camps, conferences countries, where we have several volunteers and holiday events, and both are on the worship introducing Maoz and its ministry into team at Tiferet Yeshua Congregation in Tel Aviv Spanish-speaking regions. (the congregation we founded). 10 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | AUGUST 2019 AUGUST 2019 | MAOZ ISRAEL REPORT | 11

However, her husband began to stray from the Lord. He quit work and with his new friends he splurged on trips abroad and other luxury items, while Oxana, now with four children, labored to make ends meet. For 12 years she toiled, while her husband piled up a very large debt in loans. He was taking all her income and beating and abusing Would you like the the children. She finally decided she must divorce her husband. He left, leaving her all the debt. opportunity to host Israeli In her broken state, she found a backpackers in your home? gracious and warm congregation in the outskirts of Tel Aviv, pas- tored by Tony Sperandeo. With great generosity, they helped her in every way possible; a member even repaired her terribly leaky roof. very year, as Israeli young Hosts are asked to offer a warm for Israeli travellers, providing Oxana worked daily from 2:00a.m. people finish the Israeli welcome and accommodations the host’s contact information until 7:00a.m., then got the children Defense Forces, thousands to Israelis, and may choose to Israelis free of charge. A seamstress ready for school, and afterwards of them take off for a year to to provide accommodations continued working until 8:00p.m. visit the islands of the sea, a for free, or may ask for a • The host’s address is not E displayed on the website and in need received! But she was sinking. Her sewing country or a continent, North or small donation to help toward machine was worn out and from South America, Europe, India, covering hosting costs. is only given to the Israelis by stress and sitting all the time, she Australia – anywhere to take a the host. developed a herniated disk. break after serving in the army. This has presented absolutely amazing opportunities. Try to • As a web-based hosting She cried out to God for help. “Chiburim” (meaning imagine how many multiple network, hosts have the Her sisters in Ukraine took out “Connections” in Hebrew) is thousands of conversations flexibility and freedom to xana and her husband She had just given birth to their a loan and came to help her for a non-commercial network and testimonies have been update their listing, take came to faith in Ukraine second child and she sustained a a month as doctors nursed her that connects Christians and shared, seeds sown and a break or stop at any where a large commu- broken back, ribs and hip, plus back to health. Her congrega- Messianic believers who would friendships established! time. So, just host when nity of Jews resides. After their internal bleeding. But the congre- tion submitted an application to like to host Israelis who are convenient, according to life-changing experience in the IstandwithIsrael. With the funds, traveling in your area. your preferences. O gation in Haifa put out the word WHAT IS UNIQUE year 2000 they felt a deep urge she was able to buy a new profes- and many people prayed. She was They help Christians and ABOUT CHIBURIM? • Our non-commercial to immigrate to Israel. Three miraculously healed and returned sional sewing machine, and create Messianic believers to bless operation encourages respect years later, they set foot on the to perfect health! a work space in her house for her and appreciation between the nation and people of Israel • It is the first international Promised Land, not knowing a sewing business. Israelis and hosts. In the Ukraine, Oxana had been by connecting Israeli world hosting network for Israeli soul – except for a distant rela- travellers to their network of a professional seamstress and she She writes: The help from Istand- travellers in the world, You can visit their Hebrew and tive of her husband. international hosts, who offer a wanted to continue her trade in withIsrael gave me energy, joy, a de- commencing in 1999. English hosting website and warm welcome and hospitality to They finally heard of a congrega- Israel. Through another miracle, sire to work and move forward even join in. Contact hosts if you Israelis as a way to demonstrate • All of the hosts in tion of Messianic Jews in Haifa and a man whom they had helped, an more. From the bottom of my heart, I are an Israeli, or become a host their love and support for the Chiburim are Christian and decided to take a bus to visit. It alcoholic, turned his tailoring busi- am grateful to IstandwithIsrael. May to Israelis with Chiburim at Israeli/Jewish people. Messianic believers who love was a fresh wind of encouragement ness over to her. She purchased the Lord bless you, your labor, and the Israeli/Jewish people. to them. But on the way home, his equipment and immediately your hearts. May you always have 35,000 Sabra (Israeli-born) their bus overturned, and it was not her new livelihood took off and the ability to help others and receive a Israelis have used the network • It is the only non- Just one more way you can bless clear if Oxana would live or die. became very profitable. blessing for it from God. since 2002! commercial hosting network Israel and her people! Want to bless some young Israeli travelers?

Invite themChiburim to your home! (See page 11) continue

Another way to bless Israel…