SREF-FH-002 June 2016

Ips in the Southeastern U.S.

AUTHORED BY: DAVID R. COYLE, A. BRADY SELF, JAMES D. FLOYD, Four of bark beetles (also AND JOHN J. RIGGINS commonly known as Ips engraver beetles or Ips beetles) occur throughout pure and mixed forests in the southeastern U.S.: the six-spined ips (), the pine engraver (), the eastern five-spined ips Ips( grandicollis), and the small southern pine engraver (). Ips beetles appear similar to other bark beetles in this region, including the southern pine (SPB), black turpentine beetle, and red turpentine beetle (Table 1, Fig. 1). These beetles occur throughout the entire southeastern U.S., with the exception of the pine engraver Figure 1. Commonly-encountered bark beetles in the southeastern U.S., scaled to size with a dime. Ips bark beetles are distinguished by spines/bumps on their posterior, while Dendrocto- and red turpentine beetle, which are nus species have smooth posteriors. found only in the Appalachian region.

Table 1. Common bark beetles in the southeastern U.S.

Common name Scientific name Average size Host tissue utilized Distribution

Small southern pine engraver Ips avulsus 2.1-2.8 mm Crowns, small/medium Entire southeastern U.S. (Eichhoff) (1/16-1/8“) branches, small diameter slash, upper bole

Eastern five-spined Ips 2.9-4.6 mm Middle/upper bole, large Entire southeastern U.S. (Eichhoff) (1/8-3/16”) limbs, recently-felled and slash

Six-spined Ips Ips calligraphus 3.8-5.9 mm Lower/middle bole, large Entire southeastern U.S. (Germar) (1/8-1/4”) limbs, slash Pine engraver Ips pini 3.3-4.3 mm Sapling and pole-sized Appalachian Mountain (Say) (1/8-3/16”) trees, slash, crowns region, south to the northern part of GA Southern pine beetle frontalis 2.0-3.2 mm Main bole Entire southeastern U.S. (Zimmermann) (1/16-1/8“)

Black turpentine beetle 5.0-7.5 mm Lower bole, occasionally Entire southeastern U.S. (Olivier) (3/16-5/16”) structural roots

Red turpentine beetle 5.3-8.3 mm Lower bole, occasionally Appalachian Mountain (LeConte) (3/16-5/16”) structural roots region, south to the northern part of GA 1 Table 2. Native pine species in the southeastern U.S. and use by Ips bark beetles as hosts. (Table modified from Connor and Wilkinson 1983.)

Pine Species Ips Species

Common name Scientific name calligraphus grandicollis pini avulsus

Eastern white pine P. strobus L. X X X X

Loblolly pine P. taeda L. X X X P. palustris Mill. X X X Pitch pine P. rigida Mill. X X X Pond pine P. serotina Michx. X X X Sand pine P. clausa (Chapm. ex Engelm.) Sarg. X X X

Shortleaf pine P. echinata Mill. X X X

Slash pine P. elliottii Engelm. X X X

Spruce pine P. glabra Walt. X

Table Mountain pine P. pungens Lamb. X X

Virginia pine P. virginiana Mill. X X X X

become black as they mature. The colonize other such as , Identification beetles are small, ranging between , and hemlock. <1/16th inch and nearly 1/4th inch Ips beetles can be distinguished from in length (Table 1, Fig. 1). Ips bark other bark beetles by the presence of beetles can also be distinguished “spines” along a depression located from other bark beetles by the size Ips Biology at the rear of the abdomen (Fig. and pattern of the galleries they leave 2). The size of the beetle as well as behind under the bark of colonized Ips beetles usually colonize stressed number of spines helps to identify trees (Fig. 2). Ips beetles can colonize trees, logging slash, or injured species. Freshly emerged adult Ips any pine species within their range branches (e.g. Fig. 3). Ips species bark beetles are light brown and (Table 2). Occasionally, they may tend to attack predictable sections

a b c d

Figure 2. The four species of Ips bark beetles in the southeastern U.S. and their associated gallery patterns: I. avulsus (A), I. grandicollis (B), I. pini (C), and I. calligraphus (D). 2 of a (Table 1), although there is a b considerable overlap. Male Ips bore entrance tunnels through the outer bark and excavate chambers in the inner bark (cambium and tissue). Males produce chemicals () that are released into the air and attract females to the newly-made chamber1. Multiple females (up to 7) enter the chamber, mate, and lay eggs along galleries in the phloem. Female egg galleries are straight and vertically-oriented on the stem, and often form an “I”, “H”, or “Y” shape (Fig. 2). Individual galleries range from 4 to 7 inches in length with eggs being laid along either Figure 4. Ips bark beetle colonization on individual tree branches (identified by white arrows) side of the gallery. After hatching, on otherwise healthy loblolly pine trees in Morgan (A) and Putnam (B) Co., GA. This is known as the white, legless larvae create their branch “flagging”. own galleries (perpendicular to the parent galleries) as they feed in the through the outer bark to repeat the under warm weather conditions, but inner bark. Larvae pupate at the life cycle. Exit holes are about 1/16 develop slowly when temperatures end of the feeding galleries, and inch in diameter and perfectly round. drop below 59o F. 2. Depending the new adults mature and bore out Ips populations can increase rapidly on weather conditions and host availability, Ips beetles can produce between six and ten generations per year in warm climates and may complete development in less than three weeks4. Symptoms and Signs of an Ips Bark Beetle Attack

Symptoms of a bark beetle infestation are the tree’s responses to being colonized. Discolored crowns, dying and dead branches, sloughing bark, and dead trees are all symptoms of an Ips infestation. Pitch tubes, galleries, emergence holes, boring dust, frass (beetle excrement and sawdust), and Ips beetles or larvae themselves are all direct signs of bark beetles. Symptoms are easier to recognize than signs and are usually the first thing observed when trees are colonized. But, through closer inspection, the signs allow you to identify the type of bark beetle present.

Figure 3. Broken limb on shortleaf pine in Clarke Co., GA. Limbs such as these are commonly colonized by Ips bark beetles. Ips avulsus often colonize individual 3 a b can complete their development in this tree tissue. In otherwise healthy trees, Ips rarely move beyond the damaged branches. Ips beetles also help selectively remove stressed, old, or otherwise weakened or injured trees as part of natural succession. Normally referred to as “secondary invaders,” Ips beetles attack trees that are affected by some other condition; a stressed or damaged c d tree produces chemical signals that indicate to Ips beetles that the tree is vulnerable. A large cluster of tree mortality from an Ips infestation is unusual. Mortality is usually limited to only one or a few trees in a specific location (Fig. 6a), but a checkerboard pattern of fading and healthy trees may evolve as Ips moves throughout Figure 5. A comparison of different pitch tubes/entrance holes made by bark beetles in the the stand infesting the weakest trees9 southeastern U.S. Southern pine beetle entrance hole and pitch tube (A), Ips bark beetle (Fig. 6b). In general, widespread entrance hole and pitch tube (B), black turpentine beetle entrance hole with pitch tube (C), and drought is one of the main factors Ips bark beetle exit hole (D). that can cause high Ips densities and significant mortality that occurs as a small branches on a tree, killing “spot” rather than a checkerboard only the infested branches. When Infestations in Standing pattern. For example, in northwestern individual branches are infested and Mississippi during fall 2015, an Ips needles begin to fade, the resulting Trees beetle infestation occurred that damage is called branch “flagging” covered nearly an acre in size and (Fig. 4). Other Ips species usually Ips beetles infest branches that are killed ~60 trees (Fig. 7a). Beetle infest the bole (or main trunk) and weakened by certain conditions populations were so high on some larger branches, resulting in tree (e.g., damage by storms or lower trees that frass and sawdust were mortality. It is not uncommon to see crown branches that are being easily visible on ground vegetation multiple Ips species attacking a tree “self-pruned” by the tree) and they (Fig. 7b). This type of behavior by resulting in individual larger branches turning yellow (called “fading”) first, followed by the remainder of a b the crown fading, then turning red (recently dead) and finally brown (completely dead). Pitch tubes caused by Ips beetles generally occur on the flat part of bark plates (Fig. 5). When Ips beetles colonize a drought stressed tree, pitch tubes may be absent and the boring dust and frass may be the only external sign of attack. Additionally, small emergence holes can be observed along the bole of the tree after an entire life cycle is completed. In slash material colonized by Ips, boring dust and frass will still be present, but a pitch tube probably won’t due to the lack Figure 6. Dead and fading tree killed in an Ips bark beetle infestation (A) and aerial view of Ips- of . killed trees on the landscape (B). 4 Table 3. A comparison of Ips bark beetle, southern pine beetle (SPB), and turpentine beetle symptoms and signs.

Symptom or sign Ips bark beetles SPB Turpentine beetles Tree damage pattern Ips avulsus attacks appear as fading on Entire crown fades uniformly Most infestations are insignificant— over time individual branches; Ips calligraphus or from yellow to red to brown no crown damage pattern. Ips grandicollis attacks on the main stem With heavy infestation, entire crown lead to crown turning yellow, red, and fades uniformly from yellow to red to eventually brown brown.

Gallery shape I, H, or Y-shaped, usually vertical S-shaped or winding side to ?-shaped, upside-down J-shape, or side pie-shaped

Pitch tubes Usually not present. When they are Located in bark crevices, any- Lower 10’ of tree, large (~1” present, located on bark plates – the flat where on tree, small (<1/2” diameter) part of the bark, anywhere on tree (but diameter) see Table 1), small (<1/2” diameter)

Adult galleries Usually not packed with frass Usually packed with frass Usually not packed with frass

Landscape damage One or few trees, checkerboard pattern, Defined spots One or few trees, checkerboard pattern spots only during droughts or other pattern, rarely see significant large-scale tree stress event mortality. Tree usually has signs of some other physical damage

Ips beetles (i.e. colonizing large made disturbances. For instance, areas) is generally associated with Infestations in Damaged large numbers of Ips beetles may big disturbances on the landscape. accumulate in areas where lightning In this case, the region had been in Trees and Slash storms, ice storms, tornadoes, a very heavy drought all through the , hurricanes, and droughts summer and fall months (Fig. 7c), Ips beetles are endemic in most result in large numbers of damaged which likely contributed to the stand’s pine stands of the Southeast and will or weakened , which are suitable increased susceptibility to Ips beetles. take advantage of natural or man- for colonization by bark beetles2,10. For example, hurricanes are known to leave excessive slash and damaged a b trees in their wake, which are often heavily colonized by Ips beetles within a year5,8,12. Ips populations may also increase following forestry activities such as prescribed burns that are too intense, as well as clearcutting or thinning operations that wound trees and leave large c amounts of slash for breeding sites2,6.

Activities such as thinning operations can also result in large amounts of slash, and Ips beetles often colonize the logging slash or trees wounded during harvest (though this generally happens only if slash is piled next to Figure 7. Ips bark beetle “spot” (A), beetle frass and sawdust on ground foliage (B), and U.S. a wounded tree, or a wounded tree Drought Monitor report from October 20, 2015, showing intense drought throughout much of western Mississippi (C). is otherwise weakened by drought). 5 Fresh slash material from harvest damage or stress to infested trees in seemingly healthy trees. Abiotic operations can provide breeding the first place is very important for stresses include soil conditions material to sustain all four Ips species managing to minimize or eliminate including compaction, improper use in the southeastern U.S.3,7. Minimizing that stressor and ultimately the long- of pesticides, drought or excessive soil compaction and mechanical term impacts of Ips. rainfall, weather events, root or trunk wounds on residual trees following a damage, poor or excessive drainage, harvest can help reduce subsequent Causal agents can be biotic (living) poor nutrient management, grade Ips beetle problems. or abiotic (non-living). Biotic agents changes and excessive competition include primary insects (including or overstocked stands (too many repeated attacks by defoliators or trees competing for limited resources) sapsucking insects) or diseases (like to name a few. Tree age may also be Characteristics of Bark leaf blights and root rots) that attack a contributing factor. Beetle Infestations in the Southeastern U.S. Management Practices to Minimize Ips Bark

Ips bark beetles, SPB, and turpentine Beetle Damage beetles create many similar symptoms and signs on colonized trees (Table Several techniques should lessen both frequency and severity of damage from 3), and damage from these beetles is Ips bark beetles. The best way to decrease risk of Ips beetles and mitigate easily confused. Correct identification damage if they occur is to promote tree and stand health through good of the bark beetle species responsible management. Prevention is the best strategy to limit Ips activity. Preventa- for an attack is critical for prescribing tive management strategies include planting tree species appropriate to a proper management strategies to particular site, keeping woody and herbaceous competition under control, lessen further damage to remaining and implementing prescribed burning when appropriate. Avoiding injuries to trees. Ips and turpentine beetles residual trees during a harvest (or other management activity) is also import- are usually much less aggressive ant. Ultimately, preventative strategies limit the host suitability in a given area than SPB, which is a primary killer of by creating conditions favorable to vigorous tree growth. healthy pine trees in the southeastern U.S. Ips beetles are commonly found in the same stand and in the same CHEMICAL TREATMENTS symptoms are obvious), the tree cannot be saved by . tree as SPB. In these cases, SPB is Preventative treatments may be Stand-level treatments are not cost generally the dictating tree suitable for high-value trees, but effective for most nonindustrial mortality, and most of the outward chemicals are generally not used private landowners. symptoms and signs would point to for Ips bark beetles over large SPB, but Ips beetles are often using areas. A few topical insecticides are There is no way to predict if or this host material, too. labeled for Ips bark beetles (e.g. when Ips bark beetles will colonize carbaryl and permethrin); however, a tree. In general, expect them in these chemicals must be applied times of drought or after a storm repeatedly, and the entire tree, Once Ips bark beetles are has damaged trees. Any prevention including the upper portions of the treatments should be considered at diagnosed, what next? crown, must be sprayed by a certified the first indication of an extended applicator. Systemic insecticides (e.g. drought or after a particularly emamectin benzoate, sold as Tree- damaging storm. Trees and forest As stated above, Ips bark beetles ® äge ) have shown effectiveness in may suffer from internal and external are secondary invaders or threats: controlling bark beetles, but these damage caused by droughts and they only attack trees that have require injection directly into the storms for several years, so trees been damaged or weakened by trunk of the tree. For high-value trees, should be monitored and possibly some other causal agent. Therefore, use is recommended treated for extended periods after diagnosing Ips beetles in a tree or only as a preventive measure to these events. stand of trees is a good first step control Ips beetle damage before toward diagnosing a larger problem. infestation occurs. Once bark beetles Remember - IT’S THE LAW - have colonized a tree (i.e., crown Determining what caused the Pesticides must be applied by 6 licensed pesticide applicators in protection against soil compaction Ips bark beetle infestation. In urban accordance with label directions. and rutting from logging equipment. areas, this can include avoiding Much more information on pesticide If slash redistribution is not possible or minimizing soil compaction, application is available from the or desired, residual slash piles can especially in construction areas. USDA Forest Service: be burned or chipped. However, if Replacing turfgrass with mulch within, burning is employed, take care to the drip zone or extent of the crown or from your state’s cooperative ensure residual trees are not damaged. provides a more natural environment extension service. Please consult a At the very least, try to keep slash piles for roots to thrive. Supplemental professional prior to any pesticide away from remaining trees. watering of pine trees growing in usage. residential areas during periods of Storm-damaged trees are very drought may be useful in preventing STAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES susceptible to Ips bark beetle damage. Ips bark beetle attacks, as this could Promptly removing these trees not reduce overall tree stress, but there Sound management practices are only reduces the chance of an Ips bark have been no studies conducted to key to the stand-level prevention of beetle infestation, but it also preserves test its effectiveness. Consult with Ips bark beetle infestations. Stand value by getting the to a buyer a local arborist or urban tree health thinning should be scheduled and before other insects or fungi can professional if you have questions conducted so that trees remain colonize the damaged trees. about protecting a high-value tree vigorous. Thinning is useful in from potential Ips bark beetle preventing bark beetle attacks, but Sometimes, Ips bark beetles may damage. doing so too early in the rotation not impact enough trees to warrant can decrease the value of future mechanical harvesting or salvaging. sawtimber, while thinning too late In these cases, letting Ips bark beetle decreases tree vigor and can actually infestations run their course may Summary increase the stand’s susceptibility be the most economical option. to bark beetle infestations11. Pine However, if mortality is significant in Four species of Ips bark beetles are trees are most susceptible to attack a stand, removal of affected trees or present in the southeastern U.S. and from Ips bark beetles during drought a partial stand harvest may be the are commonly found in the same trees conditions, so thinning during these best course of action, taking care not as three somewhat similar-looking times should be avoided if possible. to damage nearby healthy residual bark beetle species. Ips bark beetle Consultation with a professional trees. When mortality throughout infestations are often misidentified as forester is recommended before the stand exceeds a critical threshold SPB infestations, but differ in several making a pine thinning decision necessary to maintain full stocking important ways. Proper identification (see Resources section at the end levels, a complete stand harvest may of the species of bark beetle and of this document). sometimes be the most practical conditions responsible for stand or course of action. This can occur, for tree stress will greatly influence the To help alleviate Ips bark beetle example, during severe and sustained recommended management activity or problems after harvest, log deck drought periods even in well-thinned control method. Unlike SPB, Ips may placement and slash management stands. Where sufficient wood infest slash left by harvesting activity are important factors to consider. markets are not available, infested or natural disturbances; consideration Log decks should be kept away from trees may be cut down and left on- should be given to proper handling remaining pine trees. All the machine site; however, care must be taken not of this potential resource for Ips bark activity associated with log decks can to damage adjacent healthy trees. beetles during harvesting activities. stress nearby trees by compacting soil Further, these felled trees should be Ips bark beetle habitat is also created and damaging roots. Slash should be cut into short lengths to encourage from damaged trees and rutting/ redistributed throughout the stand, quick drying and bark sloughing, compacting soils during harvest or and this can be accomplished by reducing their usefulness for bark other construction activities. Thinning logging crews. As slash is run over by beetle habitat. is a preventive measure that will help equipment it gets broken down and reduce future damage by both Ips exposed to light, wind and extreme bark beetles and SPB. Implementing IPS temperatures, all of which can lessen BARK BEETLE MANAGEMENT proactive management practices is slash suitability for Ips bark beetle IN URBAN AREAS the best course of action to minimize breeding and reproduction. Slash Any practice that reduces tree future damage from both SPB and Ips distribution may also provide some stress will lessen the chance of an bark beetles. 7 This document was modified from Publication 2876, Ips: The Other Pine Bark Beetles, Extension Service of Mississippi State University, cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture.


David R. Coyle, Forest Health Extension Associate, Southern Regional Extension Forestry and D.B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

A. Brady Self, Assistant Extension Professor, Department of Forestry, Mississippi State University

James D. Floyd, Forestry Instructor, Holmes Community College John J. Riggins, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University

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We thank S. Clarke, C. Asaro, F. Stephen, C. Barton, and R. Trickel for helpful comments on earlier versions of this document.


1Birgersson, G., M.J. Dalusky, K.E. Espelie, and C.W. Berisford. 2012. 7Nebeker, T. E. 2003. Integrated forest management. In: Integrated production, attraction, and interspecific inhibition among four Pest Management: Current and Future Strategies. Council for Agriculture species of Ips bark beetles in the southeastern USA. Psyche 2012, Article Science and Technology (CAST). Task Force Report 140. pp. 11-116. ID 532652, 14 p. 8Nebeker, T. E. 2009. Forest Health. Chapter 13 In: Wallace, M. J. and A. J. 2Connor, M. D., and R. C. Wilkinson. 1983. Ips bark beetles in the south: Londo (Eds). Managing the Forest in Mississippi, Publication 2470. Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet 129, U.S. Department of Agriculture 98 p. Forest Service. Available online at htm. Accessed 18 July 2008. 9Stone, D., T. E. Nebeker, and A. J. Londo. 2007. Identifying and Controlling the Southern Pine Bark Beetles. Mississippi Forestry 3Drooz, A.T., 1985. Insects of Eastern Forests. Misc. Publication 1426. U.S. Commission and Mississippi State Extension Service, Publication 2448. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, DC, 608 p. 10Thatcher, R. C., J. L. Searcy, J. E. Coster, and G. D. Hertel (eds.). 1980. The 4Eickwort, M. J., E. A. Mayfield III, and L. J. Foltz. 2006. Ips Engraver Beetles southern pine beetle. US Forest Service, Technical Bulletin 1631. 266 p. (Coleoptera: : Scolytinae). Dept. Agriculture & Con. Serv. Division of Plant Industry, Entomology Circular No. 417. 11Traugott, T. A., and S. Dicke. 2006. Are My Pine Trees Ready To Thin? Mississippi State Extension Service, Publication 2260. 5Hook, D.D., M.A. Buford, ad T.M. Williams. 1991. Impact of Hurricane Hugo on the South Carolina Coastal Plain forest. J. Coastal Res. 8: 291-300. 12Wilkinson, R.C., R.W. Britt, E.A. Spence, and S.M. Seiber. 1978. Hurricane- Tornado Damage, Mortality, and Insect Infestations of Slash Pine. South. J. 6Mayfield, A. E., III, J. Nowak, and G. C. Moses. 2006. Southern Pine Beetle Appl. For. 2: 132-134. Prevention in Florida: Assessing landowner Awareness, Attitudes, and Actions. J. For. 104: 241-247. 8 Resources

For the location and phone numbers of state agencies in Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: the southeastern U.S. providing forestry assistance and information, see the following websites: Clemson Cooperative Extension (South Carolina): Alabama Forestry Commission: University of Tennessee Extension: Arkansas Forestry Commission: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: Florida Forest Service: Virginia Cooperative Extension: Georgia Forestry Commission: To locate a consulting forester: Kentucky Division of Forestry: Association of Consulting Foresters: Department of Agriculture and Forestry: Click on “Find a Forester”, then select your state in the “People Search – Public” search page. Mississippi Forestry Commission:

North Carolina Forest Service: For more information on how to select a consulting forester, go to: Oklahoma Forestry Services:

South Carolina Forestry Commission: 038-Selecting-a-Consulting-Forester.pdf Tennessee Division of Forestry:

Texas A&M Forest Service: Virginia Department of Forestry: Photo Credits For the location and phone numbers of University Figure 1: David R. Coyle, Southern Regional Extension Forestry Extension personnel in the southeastern U.S. providing and University of Georgia, and Joseph V. McHugh, forestry assistance and information, see the following University of Georgia websites: Figure 2: A: insect, Michael Ferro, Louisiana State Museum; damage, Ronald Billings, Texas A&M Forest Alabama Cooperative Extension System: Service,; B: insect, Michael Ferro, Louisiana State Arthropod Museum; damage, Jeffrey M. Eickwort, Florida DACS,; C: insect, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service: Natasha Wright, Cook’s Pest Control,; damage, Texas A&M Forest Service,; D: insect, Michael Ferro, Louisiana State Arthropod University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Museum; damage, Tim Tigner, Virginia Department of Sciences (UF/IFAS): Forestry, Figure 3: David R. Coyle, Southern Regional Extension Forestry University of Georgia Extension: and University of Georgia Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service: Figure 4: David R. Coyle, Southern Regional Extension Forestry and University of Georgia Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service: Figure 5: James McGraw, North Carolina State University, Mississippi State University Extension Service: Figure 6: Ronald F. Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service, North Carolina Cooperative Extension: Figure 7: A. Brady Self, Mississippi State University; map created by Brad Rippey, USDA, available online at 9