Pesxewan Hren Counr, PEsxewan NOTIFICATION

Dated the 09th Julv. 2020

]{oJ )l-J. On account of closure of Courts due to prevalent COVID-19 pandemic from 24th March, 2020 to 30th May, 2O2O, in order to ease the suffering of litigants and in suppression of past practice, Hon'ble the Chief Justice, in line with SR 266 and all other provisions enabling him in this behalf, is pleased to direct that all Courts of Senior Civil ludges and Civil Judges/Judicial Magistrates, shall remain functional this year during summer vacations. The competeni authority is further pleased to direct that in order to protect the rights of the subordinate judges (Senior Civil Judges and Civil Judges/Judicial Magistrates), being vacation department (SR 264), the Account Offices shall credit proportionate earned leave to their leave accounts, according to Rule 2(li)(b) of the Civil Servants Revised Leave Rules, 1981 and in accordance with Hon,ble the Chief Justice directive No.17 dated: 2tth May , 2004.

By Order ofHon'ble the Ch

tiiatl!1l".ll 7 Endst : N o. 11-)-4 -L : --lQl pn ct s om n // A d m n : Dated Pesh tne !)/e//zozo

Copy forwarded to: - 1. The Registrar, august Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad. 2. The Chief secretary, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 3. The Advocate General, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 4. The Director General, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Academy, Peshawar. 5. All the District & Sessions Judges/Zilla Qazis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 6. All the Special Courtsffribunals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 7. The Additional Registrars, Peshawar High Court Benches. 8. The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Establishment Department, Peshawar. 9. The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Home Department, peshawar. 10. The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Law Department, peshawar. 11. The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Relief, Rehabilitation & Settlement Department, Peshawar. 12. The Secretary to Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 13. The Accountant General, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 14. The Member Inspectlon Team, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 15. The PSO to Hon'ble Chief lustice, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 16. All Directors of SDJ, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 17. All the Senjor Civil Judges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 18. The Director (I.T), Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 19. The Director B&A, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 20. The Private Secretary to Hon'ble Chief lustice, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 21. All the Private Secretaries to the Hon'ble Judges of Principal Seat and its Benches for placing the same before the Hon'ble Judges for their kind information. 22. All the Dlstrlct Accounts Offlces ln the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 23. The Deputy Attorney General for Pakistan at Peshawar. 24. The Secretary, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bar Council, Peshawar. 25. The Secretary, High Court Bar Association, Peshawar. 26. The Director of Information, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 27. Website/Notice Board.


E \SD, Fil€s\AilrAsillends eic\o5 Mtc\Norificario. doc\ Pesnaun Hre! couBr, Pe$x4w,gr NOTIFICATION

Dated Peshawar the 09th lulv. 2O2O

No-l'L-1, on account of closure of courts due to prevalent covlD-lg pandemic from 24th March, 2o2o to 3oth May, 2020, in order to ease the suffering of ritigants and in suppression of past practice, Hon'ble the chief Justice, in line with sR 266 and all other provisions enabling him in this behalf, is pleased to direct that all Courts of Senior Civ Judges and Civil Judges/Judicial Mag istrates, shall remain functional this year during summer vacations.

The competent authority is further pleased to direct that in order to protect the rights of the subordinate judges (senior civil Judges and civil ludges/ludicial Magistrates), being vacation department (sR 264), the Account offices shall credit proportionate earned leave to their leave accounts, according to Rule 2(ii)(b) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa civil servants Revised Leave Rules, 1981 and in accordance with Hon,bre the ChiefJustice directive No.t7 dated: 27th May,2OO4.

By Order ofHon'ble the ChiefJustice


En d st : N o. pH I Uz =,_{4_ l-_ / C/ S DJ/ H R WA d m n. Dated pesh the l_7/:Z/roro Copy forwarded to: - 1. The Registrar, august Supreme Court of pakistan, Islamabad. 2. The Chief Secretary, Government of Khyber pakhiunkhwa, pestrawar. 3. The Advocate General, Khyber pakhtunihwa, peshawar. 4. pakhtunkhwa judiciat Jllg.Dir-ector cenerat, Khyber Academy, peshawar. 5. All the District & Sessions )udges/Zilla eazis in Khyber pakhiunkhwa. 6. All the Special Cou rtsflrjbu na ls in Khyber pakhtunihwa. The Additional Registrars, peshawar High Court Benches. 8. The Secretary to Government or Khybei pakhtunkhwa, Estabrishment Department, peshawar. 9. The Secretary to Government of Khyber pakhtunkhwa; fiorne Oepa.tment, peshawar. 10. The Secretary to Government of Khyber pakhtunkhwa; faw Oepartment, peshawar. 11. The secretary pakhtunkhwa, to Government of Khyber net,:!r, nenaoititution & setHement Department, Peshawar. 12. The Secretary to Governor of Khyber Pakhtu nkhwa 13. The Accountant General, Kh yber Pakhtunkhwa, peshawar. 14. The Member Inspection Tea m, Peshawar High Court, peshawar. 15. The PSO to Hon'ble Chief Justice, Peshawar High Court, peshawar 16. All Dlrectors of SDJ, pesha war High Court, peshawar. 17. All the Senior Civil ludges in Khyber Pa khtu nkhwa 18. The Director (I.r), peshawar Hig h Court, peshawar 19. The Director B&A, peshawar Hig h Court, peshawar. 20. The Private Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Justice, peshawar Hi gh Court, Peshawar, 21, All the private Secretaries to principal the Hon'ble Judges of Seat and its Benches for placing the same before the Hon'ble Judges for their kind information 22. A the District Accounts Offices rn the Khyber pakhtu nkhwa 23. The Deputy Attorney General for Paklstan at Peshawar 24. The Secretary, Khyber pakhtunkh wa Bar Council, peshawar. 25. The Secretary, High Court Bar Associatlon, Peshawar. 26. The Director of Information, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, peshawar 27. Website/Notice Board

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