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Vol. 26 • No. 07 • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Tel.: 514-272-0254 • • E-mail: [email protected]

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La de son population web peut le site consulter plus d’information pourarrondissement avoir sur les nombreuses actions locales orchestrées par municipales. les autorités et recommandations sont préventives. préventives. sont et recommandations 99 Tous et toutes avec Andrés Fontecilla Andrés avec et toutes Tous Hind Fazazi et Marie-Michèle Baril-Dionne, également candi- « Cette campagne dynamique a permis de mobiliser les Le Parti libéral a toujours été déconnecté « des préoccupations d’avance : une équipe plus enracinée que jamais et des idées qui d’avance : à 15$ l’heure. minimum du salaire portent, l’augmentation dont fait fois-ci, bien du progrès jeNous depuis avons 2012 et cette poursuis sur la patinoire faire gagner les gens de Laurier-Dorion tourneret enfin la page sur les années libérales. » apporté leur ont soutien à M. Fontecilla. à l’investiture, dates leur voix. puissent entendre faire J’invite membres afin qu’ils pour que Laurier- d’Andrés les avec l’équipe gens à travailler Dorion a affirmé devienne enfin une circonscription solidaire! » Hind Fazazi. des solidaires de Andrés et l’ensemble de la population. Avec Laurier-Dorion, je suis que Laurier-Dorion convaincue deviendra Marie- » a martelé une circonscription à l’automne! solidaire Baril-Dionne.Michèle


M 499 $ 2 1 + 12 MONTHS MONITORING!+ 12 MO+ ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION sable de la sécuritésable publique, Mme Émilie deaux-Cartierville, repr des compagnie en De gauche à droite, Mme Nathalie Goulet, membre de comité exécutif, respon- d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Mme Effie Giannou, conseillère municipale de Bor- municipale Effieconseillère Mme Giannou, d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville, cendie de Montréal (SIM). actuelle, les niveauxactuelle, mesurés de la rivière des Prairies, du lac des Deux-Montagnes et de la rivière des Outaouais sous les sont seuils les titre, mesures mineure. À ce d’inondation eaux via ses télémétriques. stations À l’heure

- - devant les militant.e.s solidaires rassemblés de Loisirs Centre au Lajeunesse.Communautaires la vraie « Ce campagne soir, gagné mais nous partons avec une longueur Rien n’est commence. Dans l’éventualité d’un sinistre, de simples de simples sinistre, d’un Dans l’éventualité dement mobile et de bureau d’information. et mobile d’information. de bureau dement Ces visites permettront également de véri en cas de sinistre Se préparer actions orchestrées permettront en amont organisés et aux et citoyens citoyennes d’être pendant une certaineautonomes période. Un plan familial de sécurité indiquera à chacun quoi faire et où aller si la maison doit être fournira les évacuée. trousse d’urgence Une articles de base pour répondre aux besoins de la famille moins 72 heures. pendant au assure une de Montréal Rappelons que la Ville des le niveau vigie en continue et monitore prévention, nous souhaitons contribuer à rendre à rendre prévention, contribuer souhaitons nous face plus résiliente de Montréal l’agglomération aux inondations. La jouepréparation rôle un capital, d›où l›importance pour la population outilléed›être », pour à la situation faire face Goulet, Nathalie a ajouté de comité membre responsablesécuritéexécutif, de la publique. les avec arrondissements En collaboration et villes affectés par de les inondations 2017, les les agents de prévention visiteront secteurs touchés de Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Pierrefonds-Roxboro, L’Île-Bizard−Sainte- Geneviève et des de villes liées du Village Senneville et Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. de Les sur place deux seront camions simulateurs et serviront à la de poste fois de comman avertisseursfier les de fumée desrésidences.

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« Depuis circonscription. dans cette déjà 20 ans, j’œuvre « Après une décennie,bilan de Gerry le et du Sklavounos Les solidaires de Laurier-Dorion ont choisi Andrés Fontecilla Les Fontecilla Andrés solidaires de Laurier-Dorion choisi ont Afin d’accompagner les citoyens les citoyenneset citoyens d’accompagner Afin J’y ai travaillé et ai travaillé vécuJ’y pendant des années. ses Je connais solutions qu’on doit y apporter », a lancé Andrés Fontecilla Fontecilla Andrés doit y apporter », a lancé solutions qu’on gens, de ses la diversité origines, ses problèmes mais les aussi Laurier-Dorion une voix forte et intègre à l’Assemblée nationale nationale Laurier-Dorion une voix et forte à l’Assemblée intègre », a déclaré Manon Massé, porte-parole de Québec solidaire. qui peut l’emporter contre les libéraux contre en 2018 et donner à qui peut l’emporter qualité de vie, pas quelqu’un qui jouequalité de vie, à cache-cache pas avec ses quelqu’un on leur envoie et sesconcitoyennes concitoyens. Aujourd’hui, un message clair : la relève est là ! Andrés est le seul candidat Parti libéral Laurier-Dorion dans est accablant. Les gens du coin debout un député qui se pour notre méritent tient améliorer générales de 2014, M. Fontecilla, alors président et porte-parole alors président généralesM. Fontecilla, de 2014, de Québec près de 30% des voix. a obtenu solidaire, pour porter les de Québec couleurs dans la circons- solidaire cription aux élections générales de 2018. Québec est solidaire dansen progression Laurier-Dorion : constante aux élections surer la mobilité sur le réseau urbain la mobilité en périodesurer campagne de cette de crue À travers printanière. priorité pour la Ville de Montréal. C’est pourquoi C’est de Montréal. priorité pour la Ville nous déployons des efforts afin de les soutenus de sécuriser les infrastructuresprotéger, et d’as- expliqué la mairesse de Montréal, Valérie Plante. Plante. Valérie la mairesse de Montréal, expliqué « La sécurité des et citoyens citoyennes est une rencontre, afin de bien l’informer four- et lui l’informer afin de bien rencontre, nir les outils nécessaires », a à sa préparation notamment la vulnérabilité de la population de la vulnérabilité de notamment en cas de Montréal de sinistre. l’agglomération faire, nous allons directement à sa ce Pour limiter les impacts d’une éventuelle inondation inondation éventuelle leslimiter impacts d’une et pour œuvrer de celle-ci, réduire en amont l’agglomération de Montréal connaissait des connaissait de Montréal l’agglomération Nous exceptionnelles. inondations voulons « Nous avons tiré des tiré leçons importantes « Nous avons et des actions de la gestion de l’intervention 2017, alors que printemps mises au en place d’hébergement d’urgence seront aussi visités. visités. aussi seront d’urgence d’hébergement rencontre afin de leur transmettre des afin de leur transmettre infor- rencontre les avant, actions à prendre concernant mations lespendantet inondations. après Certains les bâtiments écoles comme et les centres agents de prévention du Service de sécu- à leur iront (SIM) de Montréal ritéincendie les de 2017. Les inondations 3 et 4 avril, et journées en avril, des possiblement d’autres et de les aider à se en cas préparer de sinistre, une campagne lance de Montréal la Ville de prévention dans les secteurs par touchés Andrés Fontecilla portera de Québec solidaire dans Laurier-Dorion les couleurs

secteurs touchés par les inondations de 2017 de les inondations par touchés secteurs Montréal lance une campagne de prévention dans les dans de prévention une campagne lance Montréal 4 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 Opinion venez au poste pour porter plainte officiel porter pour venez au poste ou deça... pas - Nousnenousoccupons J’appelle dequartier. monposte - Appelez lapolice! monordi, vousn’ylibérer rien? pouvez pour veulent unerançon - Maisenfin,ILS ratée!... nant esthétique après unechirurgie qu’ellede vousmontrer lagueule amainte to connue decet actrice onpromettait car - Non,c’est vousquiavez cliquésurlapho ça? defaire empêcher LES pour faire rien maintenant?... et - O.K. Vous nepouvez habitués!).d’hamçonnage!pour les (fishing danslachambre :tentative revient le calme éteindre lemaudit detorture instrument et L’opérateur lachose. signaler pour mefait due j’appelle d’Internet monfournisseur per J’essaie peine doigt, lepetit debouger lemment blancsurmonécran). ennoiret ment au numéro (qui suivant s’affichevio- ledécoincer,gelé, pour appelez immédiate :Votre répétitif message ordinateur est violente hurle unevoix et un oreilles, mes unesirène d’alarme bloque, se explose dans Tout d’un coup, l’écran fige,monclavier se lemêmescore!!!colterait pas n’importe quel autre pays dumondene ré sur àunNord-Américain posées questions J’y souvent laréflexion fais mêmes queles erronée. est sonore quandlaréponse buzz bravos d’un quandonréussit et désagréable unemusique accueilliededoux par réponse Président États-Unis des fut d’Amérique, celle Penn qui deShoan répondre pour il faut choisirentre latête ou deKennedy optionnelles où dequestions bien...? Série genre :Connaissez-vous éducatifs de quiz force depitonner, surunesérie tombe je À habituellementou lumineux rassurants. sonores signaux des de monordi quidiffuse l’écranJe rentre doncchezmoi,devant noir habitués. les ennement parmi amisquej’y des mal, et rencontre quotidi- quej’y amical reçois entemps nor service l’occasion,pour suisenrade,loindu je et préféré, moncafé fermé est Paltoquet, Le Tel: (450)978-9999•Fax:687-6330 Copies 9500 3860, boul.Notre-Dame,#304, E-mail: [email protected] Parlez-moi Park Extensionarea. Distribution inthe de ParcExtension. Distribué dansledistrict Laval, QCH7V1S1 D’HUMOUR Alcide Borik Dimanche dePâques

H3N [email protected] George S. Guzmas VP Sales&Marketing VP ventes&marketing George Bakoyannis Dir. Général-Director: George S. Guzmas George Bakoyannis Éditeurs-Publishers: Publishers’ LiabilityforError: Toute defaçonofficielleoudéguisée,estinterditesanslap entoutoupartie, reproduction desannoncesouinformations, of the advertisement in any subsequent issues or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Articles publishedrefle Articles inanysubsequentissuesortherefundof moniespaidfortheadvertisement. of theadvertisement mais il s'engage à reproduire uniquement la partie dutexteoùsetrouvel'erreur.mais ils'engageàreproduireuniquementlapartie et/oudel'édit Laresponsabilitédujournal Eh oui! à Pâques, les cloches vont àRome...! Eh oui! cloches les àPâques, es... présentement noussommes envacanc car au ternet plainte surIn àporter vous encourageons nous - Ici lecentre anti-fraude duCanada, ... enAnglais... Après message ledésespérant - Fallait commencer ... ça! par C’est le1-888-495-8501 numéroIl medonneleur réticence. avec - Appelez l’escouade anti-fraude duCanada. d’une frontière qu’ils sont inatteignables... n’est parce qu’ils pas sont del’autre côté deterre,ments d’attentât islamiste... Ce d’épidémies, d’inondations oudetremble encas parvenir faisons ours quenousleur envoyer sec leur et les recueillir que pour neserait-ce chezeux, avons uneambassade chez nous nouset ils ont uneambassade unpays d’origine,- Maisilsont unU.R.L. sont probablement très gens-là loin... - Ces demonécran... photos des retracer, les peut - Maisenfin,on j’ai pris - Onn’y rien! peut s’en laisser les pas tirer impunément! Onnepeut du coin mongenousaigne. et micro-onde, mesuisenfargé danslatable je laitadébordé dansle Le à160, est pouls d’asthmatique mon manitro et linguale, consumer,de se j’ai pompes mes épuisé sur lefeuau moment del’incident achève L’omelette quiétait ment dedescendre. dusalond’oùliothèque désespéré- ilrefuse tout enhaut delabib escaladé et potiche renversé une rideaux, aux rouché agrimpé del’alarme,déclenchement monchat effa - Biensûrquej’ai le :dès pertes subides - Pis?Vous avez pertes? subides internet. plainte unefraudesur pour porter - Jeviens quartier. minutes de suisau plustard, je Dix poste lement sivousayez pertes. subides &

The publishers shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors thatdonotlessenthevalueofanadvertisement. The publishersshallnotbeliableforslight changesortypographicalerrors Editorial [email protected] Peter Stavropoulos Jean Paul Chamberland Publicité-Advertising: Elena Molter Thomas Bakoyannis Jurj Cornelia Production Grahique-Layout: O is the Trudeau government’s to the response ity matters,” according to the officialliterature) orseizure. search unreasonable from secure andthe right ofthe to person, be security of expression, andthe the right to life, liberty threatens spylegislation, the freedom new maintenance andfreedoms.” rights ofthose the for continuance take granted cannot and which …We are ourproud heritage. freedoms for borders human andfundamental rights of life, and theperson thesecurity liberty to theright of expression, thefreedom threatens Bill C-59, Canada’s legislation, spy new totrumpfreedom security Bill C-59’soverreachallows the bounds even further. even the bounds putting itmore explicitly into law, then pushes by this activity aneffort to legitimize seems BillC-59 andFreedoms. ofRights our Charter bymany toseen affront international law and known. more than previously far spying already was (CSE) Establishment that Canada’s Communications Security experts Snowdenin2013showed Edward whistleblower U.S. Agency National Security by the imagination.” contemplated in (BillC-59) only are limited ofactivities for the types the possibilities grid, andinterference the with electricity attacks, denialofservice large-scale network access, disabling account outcomes, andlegal or ical inorder topolit- influenceforeign documents information, toof false impersonation,leaking “FromThe warn: authors dissemination mass Toronto their alarming analysis issued ofC-59. at the University of Internet Clinic(CIPPIC) Interestand the Canadian andPublic Policy it’s suggest butexperts worse. lems, even prob- to these address legislation purports Thenew oversight. anddemocratic privacy of inadequate protections with spy agencies to Canadian powers gave new legislation The former the Parliamentafter Hillshooting. enacted BillC-51, whichwas much-maligned ------Bill C-59 (“An national secur- respecting act that BillC-59, Canada’s warn But critics Such non-targeted mass surveillance was was surveillance mass Such non-targeted by leaked says the documents The report In December, at Lab the Citizens academics Alexandra Sevapsidis Assistante-Admin. Assistant: Cynthia Abraham Alberto delBurgo James Ryan Nancy Girgis Fabienne Mercier Savas Fortis Joel Barde Martin C.Barry Journalistes-Reporters: lantly stand on guard within our own ourown within lantly onguard stand said,“WeDiefenbaker must vigi- John Minister Prime ne-time ermission écritedel'éditeur.ermission typographiquespouva NouvellesParc-Extensionnesetientpasresponsabledeserreurs LeJournal eur ne dépassera en aucun cas le montant de l'annonce. Les articles publiésexprimentl'opiniondeleursauteurs,maispasnéce eur nedépasseraenaucuncaslemontantdel'annonce.Lesarticles ct writers’opinions,butnotnecessarilythe opinionofthisnewspaper. & CanadianCommunityNewspapersAssociation Impression-Printing: Distribution: Infographie-Layout: Member of communautéduCanada. et l'Associationdesjournaux Membre de: The publishers’ liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement isstrictlylimitedtopublicati oromissions inconnectionwithanyadvertisement Thepublishers’liabilityforothererrors : QuebecCommunityNewspapersAssociation l'Association des journaux régionauxduQuébec l'Associationdesjournaux Abonnement :59 Numéro ISSN:1194-8051


TC. TRANSCONTINENTAL Intelligence Review Agency to review and to review Agency Intelligence Review What thenofoversight? itbest. law ifitdeems itlikes tion.” any ignore the can CSE Inother words, ofactivity,class bythe authoriza- authorized inaidofany other activity,ably necessary or inthe andreason- circumstances reasonable to in“anyCSE engage that other is activity 27(2)(e), allowstheIn Paragraph act the new 25(2)ofthe Act. CSE to Subsection subject ofParliamentother act orofany state,’” foreign activity, unlawful ‘despiteany otherwise any the in to allows CSE engage authorization Trudeau created. andFreedoms thatand the ofRights Charter this principle recognize the government will and justice than to have peace.” Hopefully, it’s cases to have more important freedom TrudeauPierre that insome said,“Irecognize minister prime name ofsecurity. former As ment to accept the report’s recommendations. ona petition thatnames onthe govern- calls powers. spying proposed ofthe the scope andnarrowing legislation, er’s role ofthe andauthority, terms clarifying strengthening the intelligence commission- onthe place by CSE changes astronger leash make itmore charter-compliant. Proposed 54 recommendations to improve the billand To revised. has report this end,the CIPPIC Foreign Affairs. the approval ofthe ministers ofDefence and only need They operations. cyber the new consulted orapprove to be any of use need dicial oversight agencies. overthese andquasi-ju- sioner to independent provide create anintelligencewould also commis- It Intelligence Service. Security Canadian oftheinvestigate andthe CSE the activities 95$ C-59 creates a National Security andC-59 aNational creates Security explains, The report “A intelligenceforeign Unjust legislation can’tUnjust legislation inthe allowed be are collecting OpenMedia Advocates such as Unfortunately, the commissioner doesn’t Lee Harding be can still and early stages The billisinits •Parexemplaire:1 The opinionsonTHIS PAGE reflecttheconsensusofEditorialBoard. $ TEL.: 1-800-361-7262ext241056 National Representation: nt survenir danslestextespublicitaires, nt survenir E NTIRE ssairement celledeladirection. C ONTENTS C OPYRIGHT 2018 on 6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 5   6 5 ( , . $ $ 3 5 (

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( * / • Heavy machinery fabricators • Construction • Aerospace and defence • Ornamental works • Railway • Telecommunication • Bridges and infrastructure • Furniture manufacturing • Maintenance & repair • Green energy and power development • • • • • • Maintenance & repair • ©( 1 ( ƒŒ‘” ƒ”†‡ƒŽ‡”•Š‹’•ǡ‡ Šƒ‹ •Š‘’•ƒ†ƒ—–‘’ƒ”–• ‘’ƒ‹‡• ^dhz/EEdZd,d/^Et STUDY IN A CENTRE THAT IS NEW IN A CENTRE THAT STUDY Le Bureau d’intégration des nouveaux des nouveaux Le d’intégration Bureau Mis sur pied en 2012-2013, le Programme programme, dans le cadre de ce Financée De son côté la mairesse de Montréal Valérie Dela mairesse Valérie de Montréal son côté The affected packageshave codes 49, 52, or Besides return pack- advising to consumers The recallThe appliesto packages of six, 12, 18 and 24 bottles of Stella Artois and “Best18 and 24 bottles of Stella motifs de protection ou pour des considérations humanitaires; les et à promouvoir initiatives qui permettent aux personnes immigrantes établies dans la métropole un emploi de trouver de leurs compétences,à la hauteur partout au Québec. arrivants (BINAM) à Montréal jouera un rôle le MIDI. Le avec BINAM a actif dans l’entente de mobiliserla responsabilité et de concerter des acteurs du territoire soucieux l’ensemble des nouveaux et de l’intégration de l’accueil arrivants. Il propose des aussi actions pour sociale et économique l’intégration accélérer des nouveaux arrivants afin de leursfaciliter positivescontributions à la société montréal- perspective,aise. Dans cette le BINAM souhaite et les Montréalais Montréalaises tous impliquer le positionnement dans le but de maintenir que métropole en tant de Montréal inclusive, mobilisée et ouverte sur le monde. de la lutte contre l’itinérance, de la culture de la culture l’itinérance, contre de la lutte et du patrimoine, des infrastructures et des de matière équipements scolaires, ainsi qu’en développement économique. du MIDI est destiné à Mobilisation-Diversité d’instances ou lesefforts appuyer d’organismes territoriales pour édifiercollectivités des plus etaccueillantes inclusives et ainsi favoriser la pleine participation, en français, des personnes immigrantes et des minorités ethnoculturelles. triennale vise entente à notamment cette collectivités de encore faciliter l’édification plus et accueillantes inclusives;à renforcer permettantles conditions aux collectivités de et de de la diversité l’apport en compte prendre dans les enjeux de leur développe-l’immigration ment; à soutenir les engagements des parte- des personnes admises pour des naires à l’égard cadre, la Ville de Montréal et de Montréal ses services,cadre, la Ville en des nouveaux particulier d’intégration le Bureau arrivants (BINAM), à Montréal en mesure seront métropole la plus québécoisede rendre encore de En effet, et plus inclusive. l’offre accueillante économi- services et l’intégration de proximité que et sociale des nouveaux arrivants de toutes origines bonifiées. seront Des stratégiesd’ac- égalementdéployées seront cueil et d’inclusion afin de de la population montréalaise auprès formesréduire toutes de discrimination et de valoriser interculturel. » le rapprochement », Montréal Réflexe En vertu de l’entente:« engagé à du Québecle gouvernement s’est sectorielles, des ententes conclure l’en- dont de Montréal. le MIDI et la entre Ville tente une plus accorderont ententes Ces différentes Ville de Montréal dans à grandela flexibilité de l’habitation, les domaines de l’immigration, Plante a dit:Plante entente- « Grâce nouvelle à cette and retailers to remove packages that could be packagesand retailers remove could to that affectaffected.Stella other The recall doesn’t Artois packaging formats, as such cans or draft production other or bottles codes. with any of Belgium” multi-packs sold in the U.S. and multi-packsof Belgium” U.S. sold in the Canada. Artois recalls The Stella to apply also Legere six and 12 packs sold United in the States. 13, ranging dates from Feb. 55 and best-before range 2, 2019. The Canadian dates Feb. 2018, to Sept. 20, 2018, to 26, 2018. from Feb. ages warning covered by the a reimburse- for is working with distributors ment, company the

L’annonce a été faite a été de l’Im- par le ministre L’annonce David Heurtel, ministre de l’Immigration, de l’Immigration, David ministre Heurtel, Cette entente confirme le rôle d’acteur-clé d’acteur-clé rôle le confirme entente Cette Un investissement de 12 M$ a été accordé par accordé a été de 12 M$ investissement Un Pour faire suite à l’entente-cadre « Réflexe « Réflexe à l’entente-cadre faire suite Pour “Thetop prior- consumers is our safety of our CBC- Stella Artois says it’s recalling beer it’s CBC- Artois says Stella bottles Artois manufac- said the were Stella Montréal pour l’inclusion desMontréal l’inclusion pour personnes immigrantes Le gouvernement du Québec annonce entente une la avec Ville de (QWHQWHFDGUH©5pÁH[H0RQWUpDOª travail à la hauteur de leurs compétences et et de leurs compétences à la hauteur travail participer à leur milieu nouveau de vie.» cueil et de l’accompagnement des personnes cueil et de l’accompagnement immigrantes. Nous devons nos efforts concerter pour personnes que ces un trouver puissent réalisées avec des organismes communautaires dans le domaine de l’ac- une expérience ayant tous les arrondissements,tous grâce notamment développementau de projets novateurs et à la des actions,complémentarité lesquelles seront québécoise. Nous voulons favoriser l’intégration québécoise. Nous voulons favoriser l’intégration en français des personnes immigrantes dans a souligné: « C’est une entente historique historique une entente a souligné: « C’est est triennale que et une première puisqu’elle nous signons de métropole à titre avec Montréal des travailleurs qualifiés. la très grande des sont majorité personnes immigrantes sélectionnées dans la catégorie économique, des notamment travailleuses et effet chaque année plus de 70 %l’immigra- de destinée Québec,tion internationale au dont Sur ce plan, notre métropole plan, notre se ce caractériseSur par la richesse ethnoculturelle de sa diversité et par en son accueille Montréal ouverture. du monde, Montréal estdu monde, Montréal le principal lieu de desdestination immigrants en sol québécois. gouvernement du Québec et la Ville à cet égard. à cet du Québecgouvernement et la Ville les de toutes grandes métropolesÀ l’instar de la Ville de Montréal en matière d’intégra- en matière de Montréal de la Ville des personnestion et immigrantes d’inclusion le et entre témoigne du partenariat renouvelé partenaires communautaires et divers acteurspartenaires communautaires du milieu. structurantes pour Montréal et d’initiatives dans et pourstructurantes d’initiatives Montréal les arrondissements, des avec en collaboration somme vise à faciliter l’intégration des des somme vise à faciliter l’intégration personnes immigrantes dans la métropole québécoise d’actions et la réalisation à soutenir portant le montant total de l’entente à 24 M$. portantl’entente total de le montant Répartie sur trois ans, 2018 à 2021, cette de et de l’Inclusion (MIDI) dans le cadre (MIDI) de son et de l’Inclusion autre Programme Un Mobilisation-Diversité. 12 M$ de Montréal, serapar investi la Ville le ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité de la Diversité de l’Immigration, le ministère ministre responsableministre de la région de Montréal, Coiteux, de M. Martin et la mairesse de la Ville Plante. Mme Valérie Montréal, des Affaires du municipales l’Occupation et de la Sécurité de ministre territoire, publique et migration, de la et Diversité et de l’Inclusion M. David le ministre Heurtel, de Viau, député conclusion d’une entente triennale en matière triennale en matière entente d’une conclusion et d’inclusion. de diversité d’immigration, du statut particulier que du statut en tant Montréal de métropole du Québec, le gouvernement du la annoncent Montréal de Québec et la Ville Montréal » conclue lors de la reconnaissance lors de la reconnaissance conclue » Montréal “While number of potentially the affected glass bottles is very recalling small, we are these Stella Artois packages as a precautionary measure. ity,” brand vice-president Christina Choi said. ity,” North number American and the every year, of impacted be to bottles a fraction is likely of one per cent. that identified. The company says it is says it is recalling less company identified. The of all bottled one perthan beer cent in it sells tured by one of its many suppliers, which wasn’t tured by one of its suppliers, many which wasn’t precaution. The company says some says have bottles The a small piece of glasscause to may that a flaw break off and the possiblybeer. fall into Canadian dates from range 20, Feb. to Sept. 2018, 26, 2018. packaged glass in 330 millilitre bottles as a safety Canada for possible broken glass Stella Artois recalls bottled beer sold in 6 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 not travelling inorder to accommodate her work promotions down turning and (such as in office, herhusband mademany sacrifices we’reone ofthe issues tackling.” is This accommodate responsibilities? family to onechangethe system “How does News. treasurer, the with Laval saidinaninterview Voice onthe ofEqual nationalsits board as who MPEleniBakopanos, Ahuntsic Liberal Changing thesystem working inother professions. their counterparts don’toften as have access to the samebenefits that representatives and the fact female elected responsibilities, work obligations andpersonal between were maternity ering leave, conflicts the gath- byapanel during that were discussed in Ottawa. to be that them ofCommonsbusiness obliged House of Vimy of –were unable to make itbecause riding MPfor the Laval and Eva Liberal Nassif, Ashton –Manitoba NDPMPNiki speakers chapter. Two ofthe evening’s scheduled Issues brought forth years. few Montreal overthe past and inLaval inmunicipal politics well-known who’veof twowomeninparticular become thegathering onMarch experiences 22about a office,heard during forwomen to elected run Voice, that anational organization encourages Politics –including impacts women their in office family life :RPHQJDWKHUIRUÀUVWDQQLYHUVDU\RI¶(TXDO9RLFH·4XHEHF MARTIN C. BARRY ϮϬϭϳ͘'ƌĞĂƚŝŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ͊͊͊ ůŽƚ͘KĐĐƵƉĂŶĐLJĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĨŽƌŵĂŝŶƵŶŝƚĂƐŽĨDĂLJϭ tĞůů ƉĂƌŬƐ͘ ĂŶĚĂďĂĐŚĞůŽƌƵŶŝƚ͘ŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞĂŶĚŐŽŽĚƐŝnjĞ ĂŶĚ ƐĐŚŽŽůƐ ŵĂŝŶƚĂŝŶĞĚĐŽŶƐŝƐƟŶŐŽĨϭdžϲϭͬϮĂŶĚϭdžϱϭͬϮƵŶŝƚƐ ƚƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚ͕ ƉƵďůŝĐ ŶĞĂƌ ŵĞŶƚŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJŝŶĂďĞĂƵƟĨƵůĂƌĞĂ͊͊͊ ĂƚƚĞŶĂŶƚ͛ƐĞdžƉĞŶƐĞ͘EĞǁƌŽŽĨϮϬϭϳ͘'ŽŽĚŝŶǀĞƐƚͲ ŚĞĂƟŶŐŝŶƵƉƐƚĂŝƌƐƵŶŝƚƐ͕ďŝͲĞŶĞƌŐLJŽŶŵĂŝŶŇŽŽƌĂůů ĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐ ďĂƐĞŵĞŶƚ͕ ĮŶŝƐŚĞĚ ĂŶĚ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ ϯ ǁŝƚŚ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĂƐǁĞůůĂƐŚŝŐŚǁĂLJϭϱ͘^ƉĂĐŝŽƵƐŵĂŝŶŇŽŽƌ ĂŐƌĞĂƚůŽĐĂƟŽŶǁĂůŬŝŶŐĚŝƐƚĂŶĐĞƚŽďƵƐĂŶĚƚƌĂŝŶ ^ƚ>ĂƵƌĞŶƚdƌŝƉůĞdžĐŽŶƐŝƐƟŶŐŽĨϭdžϲϭͬϮϮdžϯϭͬϮŝŶ CHOMEDEY Soula Tellides Soula While Bakopanos said that during her years saidthat heryears during While Bakopanos “These are common problems,”“These former politicians women affecting Among the issues ofEqual It the firstanniversary was Voice’s chapter ofEqual ofthe Quebec Members AT FULL ASKING PRICE Chartered Real Estate Broker 514-927-3721

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Carol Deros Carol SOLD 514-258-8845 Real Estate Broker ƵĞď ƉŝůǀůŝŚĂŶĚ ƌŝŐŚƚ ůĞǀĞů͊ ƐƉůŝƚ ^ƵƉĞƌď Voice Quebec’s first anniversary gathering in Pont-Viau on March 22. March in on Pont-Viau gathering anniversary first Voice Quebec’s councillor for andLaval city ilie Thuillier Mayor Ém- Borough Ahuntsic-Cartierville (front left), Bakopanos Eleni with sions, discus- leads right, front Gagnon, Jacinthe president chapter Voice Quebec Equal time this easier findingit campaign, election custody.”shared another In2017,she waged and-a-half agoandfor it’s around ayear been said,“andDufour around ayear- weseparated “Unfortunately, enough,” outnotto be itturned attention to refocus strong onherfamily. need shesaidthat at shefelt onepoint a support, disastrous,” itwouldhave been partner shesaid. “Without imagined. before myshe hadnever and found herself workinglengthy hoursthat for unprepared the demandsofthe position was to the executive-committee, saidshe Dufour Received spouse’s support husband alotofsupport. at the timeprovided had twosmallchildren to for, care although her Bythis time,Dufour ofcouncilmajority seats. the overwhelming didthe MLwhich gained as shefinallywon, for another election, municipal time By2013whenitwas voters’ imaginations. incapturing theshe northe MLsucceeded although neither whilepregnant, campaigned in office.first term to its away elected and four years being from infancy stillinits was Mouvement Lavallois around 2009,whenthe politics in municipal ofhercareer recounted theDufour beginning Although she acknowledged herhusband’sAlthough sheacknowledged accepted herappointmentWhile sheeagerly That year, according to Dufour, she Quebec chapter Quebec chair Jacinthe Gagnon, former Laval Centre Bloc Québécois Mayor EmilieThuillier, councillorandexecutive- Laval city Sainte-Rose VirginieDufour, duringEqual Sainte-Rose she added. for taken granted,” tobut notsomething be women.“It’scouncillors are also important mayors are women,while53ofthe 103city history,375-year 10ofthe city’s 19borough that for the firsttimein the CityofMontreal’s she said.At out the sametime,shepointed same enthusiasm one’s as life,” self for political herself andherspouse. between a rift life. Eventually,family itopened she admitted, with to her conflict itstarted nineyears past choice shemade,although at overthe onepoint firstand a foremost was in 2009,saidpolitics to Montreal first CityCouncil elected who was Mayor ÉmilieThuillier, Borough Cartierville on Impact Thuillier’s life hisfamily.home with at notbeing candidate whofelt about guilty raninto amale shenever campaigns election shouldn’t have,” she said,notingthat during whichwereally – have ofguilt, this sense other with women impression whenIspeak her away. drew duties timehercivic each “feel guilty” around herlife to having without to arrange “It’s whoshares the hardsomeone to find speaker,featured second The Ahuntsic- “I think that this womengenerally–andIget 6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 7 $77 $97 OFF $137 - - -



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HOLOGRAM HOLOGRAM NEW DESIGNS! NEW Quebec Board Treasury Pierre Minister known Canadian in the Greek commun- Well Arcand as well as Minister of Culture and and Arcand as as of Culture well Minister and news correspondent, Frangouli- Justine Argyris was born Greek island on the of Lefkada and first arrived in 1989. She is in Montreal News Agency Athens correspond- currently the Canada.ent for Communications Hélène David also turned Hélène up, Communications theyalthough left commit- other early to due special guests mayor ments. the were Two islandand deputy-mayor of the municipality of Samos in , respectively Michaelis Angelopoulos and M. A. Kalantzis. Quebec Carlos Minister Leitão wasFinance named asGreek the 2018 official for the Marshall Independence parade along Jean Day Talon St. Ex following Sunday. in Park the Hellene and Philhellene years as her many ity for a journalist, writer president Nicholas T. Pagonis. Nicholaspresident T.



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Also dignitaries among the Saint- were Among the dignitariesAmong the head seated the at Following a protracted war in which Greek Following Greeks modern-era their trace quest for Hundreds of patriotic Greek Montrealers of patriotic Greek Montrealers Hundreds Laurent Borough Mayor Alan DeSousa, BoroughLaurent Mayor MARTIN C. BARRY C. MARTIN and Hellenic Community of Montreal of Greater Community and Hellenic Sue Montgomery, Laurier-Dorion MNA GerrySue Montgomery, Sklavounos, Chomedey MNA Guy Ouellette Roxboro/Pierrefonds Borough Mayor Dimitrios BoroughRoxboro/Pierrefonds Mayor Beis, des Côte Neiges/NDG Borough Mayor Many dignitaries Many Chomedey Aglaia Revelakis. St-Michel/Parc Extension Borough Mayor Borough Extension Mayor St-Michel/Parc Ex Park city councillor Giuliana Fumagalli, Mary Deros and Laval for city councillor Year Justine Frangouli-Argyris, Justine Greek Consul Year General Nicolas Sigalas, in Montreal Villeray/ table were RBC executive Tony Loffreda who RBC were table Tony executive of the Hellene was Year, of the Philhellene each year, with ceremonies taking place in the taking with in the ceremonies place each year, date. leading and following that up to days as an independent nation in 1832. Today, the the as in 1832. Today, an independent nation Greek 25 Revolution on March is celebrated and France, Greecereceived finally recognition and France, A historic celebration of Independence against the Ottoman Empire of Independence Empire against Ottoman the a decade.began than more for and continued independence back to 1821 when the Greek War independence Greek War back 1821 when the to Côte des Neiges on the evening of Friday March March desCôte Neiges evening on the of Friday Greek Independence annual the celebrate 23 to with a gala dinner. Day gathered at the Hellenic Community Centre in Centre Community Hellenic the at gathered

Hundreds attend annual commemoration of historic event historic of commemoration annual attend Hundreds Montreal’s Greeks gather for Independence Day dinner gala dinner Day for Independence gather Greeks Montreal’s patriots received support from Russia, Britain 8 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 ‘We are celebrating the principles of democracy,’ says HCGM’s Nicholas Pagonis Thousands cheerGreekIndependenceduringannualMontrealparade Congratulations totheGreekCommunity and toallthecitizensof Park-Extension for theGreatparade onMarch25th told Newsfirst Multimedia. Among those joining Leitão on Leitão the joining Among those toldMultimedia. Newsfirst Extension onSunday March 25for the year’s celebration biggest ofJean-Talon the sidewalks –lined Greeks primarily inPark St. alive and well and keeping traditions alive which is very important.” traditionsalivewhich isvery alive andwell andkeeping the Hellenic community is ofMontreal andthe areas surrounding here. AndIthink that that shows itjust ofeveryone participation the gods,” the Fumagalli. about impressed added Iamso “Really today,” shesaid,notingthe excellent sunlitweather. “Ican’tExtension resident for years. day abetter than imagine official, although she’sas an theelected firsttime been a Park for andfestivities inthe parade part taking Parc Extension, was Borough mayor impressed Parade. year’s Parade Marshall inlast who was Day Greek Independence the country’s Minister Justin Prime was Trudeau, stand reviewing by. the marchers passing the onto to stairs stage review anoutdoor Athena Park at the corner ofBloomfield climbed Ave. where they Talon onJean westward the dignitaries led upto Leitão, Carlos St. Parade MarshallLeitão Day Parade. by Montreal’s Hellenic community –the Independence Greek Day parades andhewasn’tDay parades this year’s. to “It’s skip about abeautiful indozens ofGreek Independence participated Sklavounos has Great day for aparade MARTIN C. BARRY Born and bred in , Laurier-Dorion MNA Gerry MNAGerry inPark Extension, Laurier-Dorion andbred Born “It issunny, andIwouldsay also us, with the been weather has Giuliana Fumagalli, mayor ofVilleray/St-Michel/ ofthe Borough this invitation,” given to have honoured “I’m been very Leitão This year’sQuebec Financeparade GrandMarshall, Minister from many –but culturalbackgrounds people of Thousands on Jean-Talon Street living inMiami-Florida Anonymous formerParkExresident now day for the parade,” hesaid. rights,” hesaid. ofdemocracy,the liberty, principles andhuman human dignity anddemocracy. “Weing the triumph offreedom are celebrating ofcelebrat- have to gather the for opportunity thepeople purpose Pagonis saidit’s oneofthe rare days inMontreal many whenso ence for the world.” andindepend- freedom about amessage day thatbeautiful carries well,” as else community andfor everybody inCanada hesaid.“A Montreal. “It’s day day agreat agreat for for Greece, the Greek impressions for his year’s of this asked when parade in fine form ‘A great day for Greece’ day ofGreece,” hesaid. many here so celebrating thousandsto ofGreeks see the national feeling “It mesuchan gives extraordinary for fiveyears. General inthe inToronto parade inpart taken Consul where he was Montreal,Canada since although he’d nothisfirstin previously Day Paradein Independence firstGreek inhis participating was we have today.” that to allowusto enjoy upfor the their freedom people stood brave heroes very andsome ourrevolution day in1821,webegan whoweare itallowsusto today,” be because shesaid.“On this Day. “Ithink it’s days for Greeks important oneofthe most Saint-Laurent, onGreece’s herthoughts shared Independence for Greeks:Important Lambropoulos warm.” very everybody are keeping bit cold, hearts ourGreek Even ofthe parliament. provincial and members though it’s alittle Minister, ourPrime suchas oursenatordignitaries, Ottawa from Hellenic Community ofGreater Montreal president Nicholas in was Greece’s inMontreal, Sigalas, Nicolas ConsulGeneral Azemopoulos, Dimitris Canada, in ofGreece The Ambassador MPfor of the riding the Liberal Emmanuella Lambropoulos, “It’s many so outwith important many so Greeks to great see 6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 9 Photo: PMO AdamPhoto: Scotti on Jean-Talon Street on Jean-Talon an incredible parade on March 25th 2018! an incredible parade Congratulations to the Greek Community for organising Congratulations to the Greek Community Tel: 514 872-3103 Tel: Mary Deros City Councillor Parc-Extension 10 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 regular maintenance? Do waterheatersrequire Regular drainage will prevent sediment buildup at the bottom of the tank, which can whichcan buildupat the sediment prevent bottom ofthe tank, drainagewill Regular However, aprofessional to call dothe work. ifyourwater heater iscombustion-powered, year. oncewater tank every To refer to findouthow the owner’sto proceed, manual. it’seous, that empty important yourhot youfully hard, ferrousIf yourtap water orcalcar- isparticularly maintenance follow these lifespan, tips. waterJust heater? To gotabrandnew its maximize t 3114, AV. FRANCIS-HUGHES, LAVAL VIMONT 3114, AV. FRANCIS-HUGHES, LAVAL VIMONT W $ subsidies to replace your furnace andheatpump subsidies toreplace yourfurnace Profit from the Rénoclimat andRénovert Good news! 1765 Installation included!!! Starting at a ll u n

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6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 11


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  C 12 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 HE REALLY LOVED TO LAUGH HER PASSION: MUSIC specializes in. team of professionals ourdedicated is what memory distinctive your Honouring in sky. the are stars to celebrate life asthere There are asmany ways to better serve you serve to better Shore ofSouth Montréal onthe 5 locations 450 463-1900 HONOUR LIFE HONOUR BY CELEBRATING YOURS to better serve you serve to better Shore of Montréal North onthe 12 locations 1 877 871-2020 514 871-2020 TRAVELING MADE HER SO HAPPY IN MEMORIAM & OBITUARIES & MEMORIAM IN HE LOVED HIM SO MUCH Montréal de laCôte-des-Neiges 4525, chemin 514 342-8000 while easingyourexperience duringthedifficultmoments. 55 Gince, Montreal •514.228.1888(Day &Night) in accordancetoyour traditions,valuesandcustoms, Honor andcelebrate life in-law in-law and Addolorata Teresa, andfriends. otherrelatives andmany byhisdaughtersGiuseppinaandGiovanna,He issurvived hissisters- 81, Mr. Antonio Rico, belovedhusbandof Antonietta Romano. and many relatives andfriends. relatives and many thon), Rafael, hisgrandchildren Tarek, Noah, his brothersandsisters will besadlymissedbyhischildren, Monique(Talel), Tasha (Jona- of70,age husbandofMrs. GildaEstrella. Inadditiontohiswife, he In Montreal, onMarch29, 2018, Mr. passedaway André Dunn, the at 1948 -2018 DUNN, Andre In Montreal, March27 passedaway 1936 -2018 RICO, Antonio (Jean-Marc Augé), NicolasandGabriel(SuzanneChenel). Ghislaine and Yolaine, herniecesandnephews, Catherine, Michèle Mrs. GabrielleBourbonnais. Shewillbesadlymissedbyhersisters In Montreal, March30, passedaway of92years, theage 2018at 1926 -2018 Bourbonnais, Gabrielle ley andMatthew, andfriends. otherrelatives hersiblingsandmany Maria (Marco)andMarco, hercherishedgrandchildrenKevin, Kimber- beloved husbandNazzarenoMacri, herlovingchildrenLuciano, Anna menica of83.Venditti theage Macriat Shewillbesadlymissedbyher thefamilyannouncespassingofDo- sadnessthat It iswithgreat 1934 -2018 MACRI (VENDITTI), Domenica andfriends. relatives many dition toherhusband, tomournherchildren, sheleaves aswell 78, GENEVIÈVE ABOU-KARAM, belovedwifeofEliasBou-Habib. Inad- In Montreal, passedaway, Saturday, March31, 2018, of theage at 1939 -2018 ABOU-KARAM, Geneviève John McCormickonMarch27 weannouncethepassingof that sorrow It iswithgreat 1918 -2018 McCormick, John &RPSOH th [H , 2018inMontreal. IXQ pUD th LUH‡)XQHUDO& , 2018, of theage at RPSOH[ 6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 13 , 2018, at the age of 85, passed away at at the age85, of 2018, , th • Monuments / Engraving • Monuments • Chapel / Funerals • Commemoration services • Funeral • Pre-arrangements in your time of need In Montreal, on March 31, 2018, at the age of 79, passed away at the age of 79, 2018, on March 31, In Montreal, He leaves to mourn his children Chantal, Charles-Henri Dubé. Mr. his grand- Sylvain and Marlène (Gilles), Mario (François-Régis), Gabriel and Laurie. Kevin, Jonathan, Sabrina, children Frédéric, Germaine Marie, Augustine, He will also be missed by his sisters rel- as well as several other nephews and nieces, and Henriette, atives and friends. BROUSSEAU, Jean Louis BROUSSEAU, 1933 - 2018 on March 17 In Montreal, Filomena (Tamburro), CARRIERO 1922 - 2018 Mrs. at the ageof 96, 2018, on March 30, passed away, In Montreal, beloved wife of late Carriero. Giovanni Carriero, Tamburro Filomena She is survived by her sons Michele (Mena) and Nick (Antonella), Ales- Giovanni, Sandra (George), Antonietta (Frank), grandchildren Al- Gabriella and Sophia, great-grandchildren Gianni, sia (Sergio), Giuseppina, exandra.She will also be missed by her sister-in-law as well as several other relatives and friends. nephews and nieces, Charles-Henri DUBÉ, 1939 - 2018 Santa Cabrini Hospital. He is survived by his wife Reina Dionne, his survived He is by his wife Reina Dionne, Santa Cabrini Hospital. other relatives and friends. nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, Compassion and understanding • Columbarium / Niches • Columbarium • Cremation / Urns • Mausoleums / Crypts • Ornaments • Plots H3V 1E7 IN MEMORIAM & OBITUARIES , passed away Alice Lajoie. She Alice Lajoie. passed away , th 12&+$5*((PDLOSURGXFWLRQ#QHZVÀUVWFD‡7HO 514 735 1361 Montréal, QUéBEC Montréal, Contact us today to place an obituary or in memoriam in our next issue [email protected] Available to assist 24/7 Available 4601 Cote -des -Neiges Road -Neiges -des 4601 Cote In Montreal, on Sunday, March 18 on Sunday, In Montreal, LAJOIE, Alice LAJOIE, 1927 - 2018 BARNKLAU, Karl-Heinz BARNKLAU, 1933 - 2018 It is with our deepest sorrow that we announce the death of our Karl-Heinz Barnklau on father and grandfather, beloved husband, Catherina Survived by his loving wife of 52 years, 2018. March 28, Amanda Girardi (nee Barn- his daughter Barnklau (nee Modafferi), Antonio Girardi and his two grand-children his son-in-law klau), Girardi. Tristan Luca and VILADOMAT, Montserrat VILADOMAT, 1958 - 2018 It is with great sadness thatdeath we announce the of a lov- She passed by all. a woman loved a caring friend, ing mother, Virginia and Jeremiah. away surrounded by her children, she will be sadly missed by their father In addition to her children, family and friends son-in-law Samuel Charlebois, Alain Lévesque, his as well as his loving family, and Switzerland, France from Spain, dear friends from Quebec. leaves to mourn her children Luc, Marie, Michèle (Michel) and Chris- Marie, leaves to mourn her children Luc, Maude Laurence, Mathilde, her grandchildren Philippe, tine (Patrick), her Flavie and Joaquin, great-grandchildren Camila, and Simon, relatives and friends. nephews and nieces, 14 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 6 avril / April 6, 2018 G - 13 | 1 hr 31 min | Drama, Romance | G -13 Romance 31 |1hr |Drama, min MIDNIGHT SUN fortheEgg. arace and starts Wade fortune. his the finder Watts clue thefirst finds give whichwill Egg, Easter his tofind users all OASIS whichhechallenges in avideo hereleases dies, OASIS the worldcalled reality ofavirtual When thecreator Sci-Fi Adventure, PG-13 |Action, 20min |2h READY becomes clear she has been betrayed. betrayed. been she has clear becomes whenit (Lyriq enraged husband is Bent) her devious (Taraji wife A faithful P. by ofstanding Henson)tired | |Thriller R |2h ACRIMONY Kaijuthreat. anew against hackerAmara, and15-year-old Lambert rival cluding in- ofJaeger generation pilots, anew tolead Mako Mori with reunites Pentecost, ofStacker son Jake Pentecost, PG-13 | Sci-Fi |1h 51min Adventure, |Action, PACIFIC romance. onasummer embark and they deadly. Charlie whenshe meets Fate intervenes amountofsunlight thesmallest even that makes disease arare theday by during toherhouse fined andcon- childhood since sheltered A 17-year-old PLAYER ONE PLAYER RIM UPRISING where her father disappeared. where herfather ontheisland herself whenshe finds her limits adventurer, a missing beyond herself push must tal institution, where she is confronted by her greatest hergreatest by confronted whereshe institution, is tal sex on Prom night. sex onPromnight. G -13 | 2 hrs 2 min | Action, Adventure | G -13 Adventure |Action, 2min |2hrs TOMB | R |1h |Comedy 42min BLOCKERS fear-but is it real or a product ofherdelusion? oraproduct itreal fear-but is to amen- committed involuntarily womanis A young R |1h | 37min |Horror, Thriller UNSANE Earth. tooverride that have begun creatures intelligentlyvicious from and sound sight hiddenin toremain try they as commit, they act at ofcaution every silenceandarefull in live wherethey alifestyle toadapt forced is A family PG-13 | Horror, Thriller |1h |Drama, 30min A o daughter independent thefiercely Croft, Lara Three parents try to stop their daughters from having having from daughters tostoptheir try parents Three QUIET PLACE PLACE QUIET RAIDER (Release date April date 6 (Release (Release date April date 6 (Release th , 2018) th , 2018)


6 avril / April 6, 2018 • Nouvelles Parc-Extension News • 15

- - - CHICKEN RUN SPEEDING TICKET  ĐŽƉ ƉƵůůƐ ŽǀĞƌĨŽƌƐƉĞĞĚŝŶŐĂŶĚŐŝǀĞƐŚĞƌ Ă ůĂĚLJ Ă ƟĐŬĞƚ ƐĂLJŝŶŐ͕ΨϭϱϬ ͞dŚĂƚ͛Ɛ ĂŶĚ ƚǁŽ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ͘͟ ͞dǁŽ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ͍ tŚĂƚ ĚŽ / ĚŽ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ͍͟ ƐŚĞ ĂƐŬƐ͘͞tĞůů͕͟ ƐĂLJƐ ƚŚĞ ĐŽƉ͕ ͞ǁŚĞŶLJŽƵŐĞƚƚǁĞůǀĞ͕LJŽƵ ŐĞƚĂďŝŬĞ͊͟ JOKES ĞŶƐ ǁĞƌĞ ŶŽďůĞ ĐƌĞĂƚƵƌĞƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞLJ ŚĂĚ ƚŚĞŐŽ ƌŝŐŚƚ ǁŚĞƌĞ ƚŚĞLJ ƚŽ ǁĂŶƚĞĚ͘ dŚĞ ŵĂŶŚĂĚŶŽůƵĐŬŬĞĞƉŝŶŐƚŚĞ ĐŚŝĐŬĞŶƐ ŽƵƚ ŽĨ ŚŝƐďĞĚƐ͘,ĞƚƌŝĞĚĞǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ͘ ŇŽǁĞƌ dǁŽ ǁĞĞŬƐ ůĂƚĞƌ͕ Ă ǀŝƐŝƟŶŐ ĨƌŝĞŶĚ ŶŽƟĐĞĚ ƚŚĞďĞĚƐǁĞƌĞĚŽŝŶŐŐƌĞĂƚ͊dŚĞLJ ŇŽǁĞƌ ǁĞƌĞ ďůŽŽŵŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ďĞĂƵƟ ĨƵů͘ ^Ž ƚŚĞ͞,Žǁ ĨƌŝĞŶĚ ĚŝĚ ĂƐŬĞĚ͕ LJŽƵ ŵĂŬĞŶĞŝŐŚďŽƌŬĞĞƉŚŝƐŚĞŶƐŝŶŚŝƐ LJŽƵƌ ŽǁŶLJĂƌĚ͍͟ ͞KŶĞŶŝŐŚƚ/ŚŝĚŚĂůĨĂĚŽnjĞŶ ĞŐŐƐ ƵŶĚĞƌ Ă ďƵƐŚŇŽǁĞƌďĞĚ͕ĂŶĚƚŚĞŶĞdžƚĚĂLJ ďLJ ŵLJ / ůĞƚ ŵLJ ŶĞŝŐŚďŽƌŐĂƚŚĞƌ ƐĞĞ ƚŚĞŵ͘ / ŵĞ ǁĂƐŶ͛ƚ ďŽƚŚ ĞƌĞĚĂŌĞƌƚŚĂƚ͘͟ A man had ƟŶŐ trouble ŚŝƐ ŶĞŝŐŚďŽƌ get- ƚŽŚŝƐ ŬĞĞƉ ĐŚŝĐŬĞŶƐ ĨĞŶĐĞĚ ŝŶ͘ dŚĞ ŶĞŝŐŚďŽƌ ŬĞƉƚ ƐĂLJŝŶŐ ĐŚŝĐŬ starter Pigeon’s Pigeon’s comment 10. Shelley poem 10. Half of twenty 11. Magic word 20. Set sail 22. Spent 24. Strong wind 25. Chapel song 26. Preschoolers 27. Sob 28. Fine 29. Pod vegetable 31. Planned 35. Begrudge 38. Daddies 43. Partly closed 45. Package sealer 46. Critical 48. Poker-game 49. Confusion 50. 100% 51. 52. 53. Towel marking Towel 53. More foxy Bunny’s gait Figure ____ Genesis gent Throbbing pain topper Toast Cone-producing tree Cut of meat Impersonate ____ and crafts Mislaid Santa’s suit color Dates DOWN 1. Mail drop 2. Contain 3. Constant 4. Swell 5. Umbrella 6. Sharp 7. Dealer’s car 8. Snapshots 9. Mouth margin 41. 42. 44. 47. 51. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. enhancer High card Disguise Cookie cooker Goblet edge Store sign Look after Embrace Agreeable response Unpolished Couple Swab Piece of prose Acorn’s parent Make holy Shade tree Royal headwear Drama part Family room 9ROFDQLFÀXLG ACROSS 1. Molt 5. Shoulder 8. Parcel  13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 23. 27. 30. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 39. 40. PUZZLE NO. 648 PUZZLE NO. 911 SAVOUR OUR ZESTYSAVOUR GREEK-STYLE CHICKEN SKEWERS You must not repeat the numbers You must not repeat the numbers TOTALLY TZASTY TOTALLY


CROSSWORDS HOW TO PLAY : HOW TO PLAY every Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. line. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker start- You already have a few numbers to get you Remember: ed. 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box. Copyright © 2014, Penny Press Penny 2014, © Copyright han prob- for the next few days is al- and stop procrastinating if you considerably worried for a while, AQUARIUS You’re overflowing with vitality and feel ready to tackle all kinds of lems. Various situations have had you and you’ll be happy to put them behind you. PISCES You’ll be more and more worried about a minor health problem. By taking the situation seriously, you’ll succeed in obtaining all the care you need, and you should be feeling bet- ter in no time. CAPRICORN You’ll be feeling unusually emo- tional this week. To restore har- mony in your relationship, dedicate some time to a heart-to-heart con- versation. This will help you get to know each other better. SCORPIO Your plans to move out of your cur- rent area will start to take shape. You’ll put the needs of your family before your own, even if your sche- dule ready jam-packed. SAGITTARIUS You’ll feel compelled to treat your- self to a new car. Be reasonable: you wouldn’t want to put too much of a strain on your finances. Give yourself a few days to think about it, and the urge may disappear on its own. VIRGO You’ll have a lot of little details to straighten out. At work, there’s a significant promotion waiting for you just around the corner, but you’ll need to work on your negotiation skills to get the most out of what you’re offered. LIBRA If you’re single, expect love to come knocking at your door. It may even be an old friend. On the financial front, a considerable amount of cold hard cash will fall out of the sky. CANCER You’ll go through the whole gamut of emotions this week. Your family and friends will be there to help you navigate a complicated situa- tion on the home front. Things should clear up quickly. LEO It’s always easier to get along with people with whom you aren’t in- volved emotionally. You may need to go a bit heavier on the discipline with your kids, who know exactly how to push your buttons. TAURUS Whether at work or at home, expect to have a lot of responsibilities end up on your shoulders this week. You’ll need to rethink your priori- ties want to get everything done. GEMINI You may find yourself spontaneously planning a magnificent voyage. You’ll get in touch with your spiritual side, and this will put you on the path to greater well-being. ARIES surrounded by You’ll definitely be week. Your friendslots of people this sorts of goings- will invite you to all on, each more action-packed t the last. Someone might try to get you to lose your cool. TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCER TAURUS, The luckiest signs this week: The luckiest signs YOUR HOROSCOPE YOUR Week of April 8 to 14, 2018 14, of April 8 to Week YOUR HOROSCOPE YOUR Excellent CIΤÉ Agence immobilière • Office: 450.975.1840 Service Kottaridis VoulaReal Estate Broker 514.993.5010



MLS: 9782021 MLS: 18569658 - - KIND ONE- OF A 5 BEDROOMS

CHOMEDEY • VOYER & TREMBLAY cottage with 5 bedrooms, family room, •Montreal• 4 Plex situated close to all amenities. Fully renovated from A-Z. dining room, huge kitchen with dinette. Finished basement. Close to all amenities, A must See! - Pre-Approved clients only. Call me for an appointment. schools, transportation, shopping and more. Easy to visit! Motivated vendors. MLS: 13704081 MLS: 13961016


CHOMEDEY: cottage with 3 bedrooms, many updates including kitchen, FABREVILLE • Impeccable cottage with 4 spacious bedrooms, en suite, family room windows, roof, doors and furnace. Situated close to everything schools, + fireplace, living room , dining room. Huge kitchen with dinette. Finished playroom with shopping, transportation and highways. A must see! Easy to visit! many pluses, kitchenette, huge bathroom, laundry, furnace room, cold room. MLS: 23475798 MLS: 9639751

>DK,t<͕^/EdͳK>W,ͳ͛,KtZ͗ Waterfront double-lot for sale. Call me for more info. >s>hW>yΎsituated close to everything. Upper appartment renovated. GPS Coordinates: 45.934279, -74.346561 (Approximately) Main floor needs work. EASY TO VISIT!