CATHAOIRLEACH: Cllr. M. Connolly, Cathaoirleach of the County of Galway I LATHAIR FREISIN:

Baill: Cllrs. T. Broderick, D. Burke, J. Byrne, J. Charity, B. Connelly, D. Connolly, G. Cronnelly, Comh. S. Ó Cualáín, Cllrs. J. Cuddy, Comh. T. Ó Curraoin, Cllrs. S. Donnellan, A. Donohue, M. Fahy, P. Feeney, G. Finnerty, M. Finnerty, T. Healy, M. Hoade, P. Hynes, F. Kearney, D. Killilea, M. Kinane, M. Maher, E. Mannion, J. McClearn, K. McHugh, M. Noone, P. Roche, N. Thomas, Comh S. Ó Tuairisg, Cllrs. S. Walsh, T. Welby

Oifigigh: Mr. K. Kelly, Chief Executive (Interim); Messrs. J. Cullen, L. Gavin, P. Gavican, Directors of Service; Ms. C. McConnell, Acting Director of Service; Mr. G. Mullarkey, Head of Finance; Mr. M. Owens, County Secretary & Meetings Administrator; Messrs. J. Leahy, M. Timmins, Senior Engineers; Ms. T. O’Reilly, Assistant Planner; An tÚas P. Ó Neachtain, Oifigeach Gaeilge; Ms. R. O’Boyle, Ms. G. Healy, Staff Officers.

Thosnaigh an cruinniú leis an paidir.


The Cathaoirleach proposed that a Minute’s Silence be observed in remembrance of the people of Nice, France, who were killed while celebrating Bastille Day on 14th July. He said that he had the privilege of working in Nice for a number of weeks some years previously and he asked that the Members of Galway County Council show their solidarity with the victims and their families and friends by signing the Book of Condolence, which he had opened at Áras an Chontae earlier in the day.


The Members were unanimous in wishing to show their solidarity to the people of Nice and a Minute’s Silence was observed.

A Resolution of Sympathy was also extended to the following:

Mrs. Bridie Walsh, Beaghmore, Belclare, , Co. Galway Mr. & Mrs. Pearse Piggot & Family, Ballyhugh, , Co. Galway Mrs. Mary Kilroy & Family, Drumacoo, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway Mary & Sean Bradley, Labane, , Co. Galway Máirtín & Mary Rose Ó Culáin, Clardhnaigh, An Cheathrú Rua, Co. na Gaillimhe Mrs. Padraic Connolly, Lettermullen, Co. Galway Mr. Sean Kelly, An Mamain, Lettermore, Co. Galway Mr. Michael Bleamen, Cromagh, Kilconnell, , Co. Galway Mrs. Marie Creaven, Cahernahoon, Cummer, Tuam, Co. Galway Mr. Brendan Holland, School Road, Carmore, , Co. Galway Mrs. Ann Coen, Coolralty, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway Ms. Catherine Mc Grath, Carnmore Cross, Oranmore, Co. Galway Mrs. Brigid O’ Connor, Kinturla, Dooras, , Co. Galway Dr. Raymond Piggott, Church Street, Gort, Co. Galway Mr. Mattie Corless, Mountscribe, Kinvara, Co. Galway

Cllr. McClearn extended his congratulations to Cllr. Niamh Byrne on her recent marriage to Mr. Pakie Faherty and the Members joined in extending their best wishes to Niamh and . Cllr. Roche extended his congratulations to the Galway Senior and Minor Football Teams on winning the Connaught Titles defeating Roscommon and Mayo. He also extended his best wishes to the Galway Senior Hurling Team in the semi-final against Clare.


The Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Council held on 27th June, 2016 were APPROVED by the Council and signed by the Cathaoirleach, on the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Maher, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Tuairisg.


Cllr. Fahy referred to his proposal at the June Monthly Meeting that the Council send a delegation to meet with the Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government to discuss the current arrangements for the funding of local government and in particular the retention of the full proceeds from the Local Property Tax to meet local service demands, including the requirement for additional funding for the local road network. He said that it is important that a deputation meet with the Minister before the September Meeting of the Council.


The County Secretary replied that the Council had written to the Minister and had received an acknowledgement stating that they would further advise the Council in due course. Mr. Owens said that he would make further contact with the Minister’s office, if the Members wished.



The Report of the Environment & Water Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on 9th May 2016, was APPROVED by the Council on the PROPOSAL of Comh. Ó Curraoin, SECONDED by Cllr. Killilea.


In reply to Cllr. Killilea, Mr. Cullen said that there are a number of group water schemes which are eligible to be taken in charge by Irish Water and have been waiting for some time to be taken in charge. He said the Council will urge Irish Water to arrange that these group schemes are taken in charge.

In reply to queries from the Members regarding proposed changes regarding pay by weight for refuse collection, Mr. Cullen said that there is a requirement to eliminate the use of refuse bags for disposal of waste in areas within 100m of a waste collection route and he said the use of refuse bags will be phased out in time. He said that the charges for pay by weight will be set by the waste collection companies and that the Council will not be involved in setting the charge.

In reply to Cllr. Charity, Mr. Cullen said that Irish Water charge an infrastructure charge which is equivalent to the development levy which the Council charged in respect of water.

In reply to Cllr. Thomas and Comh. Ó Curraoin, Mr. Cullen said that Irish Water has standards for water pressure similar to the Council’s standards and he said he would check if Irish Water provide a rebate in cases where pressure is not adequate. He confirmed that there is a reduction in the charge where there is a boil notice in place.

Cllr. K. McHugh referred to a log-on facility which is available on the websites of some waste collection companies whereby the customer can find out the weight of the landfill waste they are disposing of in comparison with their recycling waste and she said that this facility should be promoted.


Mr. Cullen agreed with Cllr. K. McHugh stating that where this facility is available and used by customers, results have shown a switch from landfill to recycling, as customers can determine from the figures that they will save money by switching to recycling.


Recommendation of the Roads, Transportation & Marine SPC and Corporate Policy Group 2811

Cllr. Maher, Chairperson of the Roads, Transportation & Marine SPC, outlined the Report and Recommendation of the Roads, Transportation & the Marine SPC entitled Pay Parking – Report to Plenary Council, June 2016, as follows:

Cllr. Maher said that the Report was considered by the Corporate Policy Group (CPG) and the Members of the CPG are aware of the implications of each of the options. He said that if the current pay-parking charges are changed, this will have implications on the Roads Budget He said, as requested, the costings are for a 12-month period. Cllr. Maher made the following PROPOSAL: “The first hour in the morning be free, as it is the best and least costly to each Municipal District”. Cllr. Feeney SECONDED Cllr. Maher’s proposal. He said that Options 3 and 4 would result in no parking charges being paid as the Council would not have the resources to monitor these options. Cllr. Killilea asked if the Members were to make a decision on any of the options at today’s Meeting, could this be brought back to each Municipal District for their consideration on whether to proceed with the option for their Municipal District. Cllr. Kinane said that the Oranmore Municipal District Council would not support a proposal to change the pay parking regime currently in place if it would affect the roads budget. The Chief Executive said that the issue of pay parking is for full Council to decide and he said it has budgetary implications as regards funding for roadworks throughout the County. He said the assumption would be that a uniform decision across the County would be agreed and, in his view, it would not be advisable that the decision on pay-parking charges be split between the Municipal Districts, as it would not be in the best interests of the County to have varying charges for parking in different towns. He felt that the best approach for the Council would be to make one uniform decision for the whole County on a trial basis or to leave the pay parking charges as they are at present. In reply to Cllr. Donnellan, the Chief Executive said that a pay by phone facility would require investment but it could be considered.


In reply to Cllr. Noone, Mr. Leahy said that the receipts from pay-parking charges for 2015 for the whole County was €730,000. He said that studies have shown that the average stay in a town is just over one hour and therefore the bulk of the loss of revenue would be felt by providing one-hour free parking. Cllrs. K. McHugh, Kinane and Broderick said that while they respected the views of the Chief Executive, they felt that the decision regarding parking charges should be a matter for each Municipal District Council. The Cathaoirleach expressed the view that a uniform approach would be desirable in the context of consistency for people visiting the various towns. In reply to Cllr. Kearney, the Chief Executive said that income from pay parking is linked with expenditure on roadworks. He said that this issue was brought up in the Chamber originally because the Members wished to do something positive in relation to parking in towns. He said that Option 1 outlined in the Report from the SPC would minimise the financial impact on the Council. He stated that any change to the Pay Parking Bye-Laws must go through a public consultation process and it is important not to confuse the public with varying decisions in relation to parking charges. Cllr. Maher said that the Roads SPC is made up of elected Members from all parts of the County and has investigated every option possible. Cllr. Mannion felt that the state of the roads is a bigger concern to the public than pay parking and that monies should not be diverted away from the roadworks programme. Cllr. McClearn said it was not wise to confuse the issue of pay parking and the powers and functions of Municipal Districts which he said was for another discussion. Cllr. Maher, following queries by the Members, again read out the recommendation of the Roads SPC as follows

“The SPC, in considering all of the choices relating to options 1 to 4, recommended that; a) Their preference is that there should be no change to the current pay parking arrangements across Galway County. b) However, if the Councillors were mindful in making a change then option 1 the first hour in the morning free, is best and least costly to each Municipal District, and should be the only other option considered”.

Cllr. Killilea PROPOSED “that we go for Option 2, on the pay parking this gives every Municipal District Council the same leverage. If we go for Option 1, then the Conamara Municipal District Council should go back to 1 hour”. This proposal was SECONDED by Cllr. K. McHugh. Cllr. Maher with the agreement of the Members withdrew his original proposal and PROPOSED the following “that we leave with no change to the current pay parking arrangements across Galway County” This proposal was SECONDED by Cllr. Mannion.


In reply to Cllr. Noone, the Chief Executive said that the Pay Parking Bye-Laws for Conamara were agreed by the full Council at the time. The Cathaoirleach said that because Cllr. Maher withdrew his original proposal, Cllr. Killilea’s proposal then became the substantive proposal and therefore Cllr. Maher’s new proposal represents an amendment to the substantive proposal. In reply to Cllr. Broderick, it was confirmed that consideration of free parking over the Christmas period is a separate matter to the proposal at hand. Cllr. Broderick wished to put forward a further amendment and the Cathaoirleach advised that as a substantive motion and an amendment were before the Members, it was not in order for him to take a further amendment until Cllr. Maher’s amendment was put to the Members. Following further queries from the Members, the County Secretary confirmed that as Cllr. Maher had withdrawn his original proposal, Cllr. Killilea’s proposal represents the substantive proposal and Cllr. Maher’s new proposal represents an amendment to the substantive proposal. The Cathaoirleach therefore called for a vote on Cllr. Maher’s proposal as follows “that we leave with no change to the current pay parking arrangements across Galway County”. The result of the vote was as follows: For: Cllrs. Donohue, Charity, J. Byrne, Hoade, Maher, Roche, Comh. Ó Cualáin, Cllrs. Mannion, Cuddy, Noone, M. Connolly, Thomas, Walsh, Comh. Ó Curraoin, Cllrs. Kearney, McClearn, Kinane, Fahy, Feeney, Welby and Comh. Ó [21] Tuairisg

Against: Cllrs. D. Connolly, Cronnelly, Donnellan, Killilea, K. McHugh, Broderick, Burke, M. Finnerty and Healy. [9]

Abstain: - [0]

The Cathaoirleach declared the Amendment carried.

Recommendation of the Corporate Policy Group on the Civic Honours Protocol 2812

[Report dated July 2016 was available on the Extranet].

The County Secretary referred to the Draft Protocol for the Conferring of Civic Honours which had been considered and recommended by the Corporate Policy Group. 6

He said that the protocol for the awarding of civic honours is provided to ensure that there is a mechanism that allows both the Plenary Council and Municipal Districts to appropriately acknowledge the achievements of individuals, groups and organisations and distinguished individuals or groups that visit our county, in a consistent manner that maintains the integrity and value of the civic honours process.

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Noone, SECONDED by Cllr. Kearney, the Civic Honours Protocol was AGREED by the Council.

Recommendation of the Corporate Policy Group on the Conferring of Civic Honours 2813 The County Secretary said that at the June Meeting of Plenary Council a number of proposals were submitted in relation to Civic Receptions and it was agreed that the proposals be considered by the CPG and that their recommendation be brought back to the Plenary Council for consideration. He said that the recommendation in relation to the proposed Civic Reception for the Connacht Rugby Team is that it be a stand-alone event. In relation to the remaining proposals, the County Secretary said that the CPG took into consideration that the proposals were submitted prior to the Civic Honours Protocol being agreed, and therefore the CPG recommended that all of the groups be afforded a Civic Reception. The proposals for Civic Receptions were considered by the Members, as follows: Connacht Rugby – Guinness Pro12 Champions

PROPOSED by Cllr. Mannion, SECONDED by Cllr. Hoade, and AGREED .

St. Gabriel’s Football Team, Kilconnell - Winners of Féile Championship 2015 & 2016

PROPOSED by Cllr. Broderick, SECONDED by Cllr. Thomas, and AGREED .

Annaghdown U14 Handball Team – Winners of Féile Championship 2016

PROPOSED by Cllr. Hoade, SECONDED by Cllr. Maher, and AGREED .

Maigh Cuillinn Ladies Football Club – Winners of Connacht and All-Ireland Championships at various levels including Cómortas Peil na mBan.

PROPOSED by Cllr. Thomas, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Tuairisg, and AGREED . 7

Cllr Kearney wished to acknowledge Mr. John Moloney, who retired in 2015 as General Manager of Galway Racecourse, stating that during his 25 years as Manager of the racecourse, Mr. Moloney had progressed the race venue to a very high standard. Cllr. Kearney said that Mr. Moloney’s hard work and dedication had reaped huge benefits for the people of Galway as regards business and tourism and he felt that he should be honoured by the Council in his retirement. The Cathaoirleach said that this suggestion would be considered by the Corporate Policy Group, in accordance with the Civic Honours Protocol. In reply to Cllr. Killilea regarding the possibility of providing Chains of Office for the Cathaoirleach of each Municipal District Council, the County Secretary said that a similar proposal was made previously by Cllr. M. Finnerty and was considered by the CPG. However, in the context of budgetary constraints, this proposal did not proceed and he confirmed that the CPG had again considered the proposal but has not recommended expenditure in this regard. He said that the three Chains of Office which were in place for Tuam, and Ballinasloe Town Councils are currently on display in the relevant Libraries as recommended by the CPG.


[Report dated 8th July, 2016 was available on the Extranet].

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Hoade, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Tuairisg, and AGREED, that Cllr. G. Finnerty be appointed to the Economic Development & Enterprise SPC, to fill the vacancy arising from the resignation of Cllr. Donnellan from the Committee


It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Hoade, SECONDED by Cllr. Walsh, and AGREED, that Cllr. S. Donnellan be appointed to the Environment & Water Services SPC, to fill the vacancy arising from the resignation of Cllr. G. Finnerty from the Committee



It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Hoade, SECONDED by Cllr. Walsh, and AGREED, that Cllr. S. Donnellan be appointed as Chair the Environment & Water Services SPC, to fill the vacancy arising from the resignation of Cllr. G. Finnerty from the Committee


[Report dated 12th July, 2016 was available on the Extranet].

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. McClearn, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Tuairisg, and AGREED, that the attendance of the Members named hereunder at the Douglas Hyde Conference 2016 to be held at the Northern & Western Assembly Conference Room, The Square, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon, on 21st July 2016, be authorised:

Comh. Ó Tuairisg, Cllr. Welby and Cllr. Mannion.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Comh. Ó Tuairisg, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Cualáin, and AGREED, that the attendance of the Members named hereunder at the Celtic Conferences Domestic Water Saving and Conservation Techniques, at the Clonakilty Hotel, Clonakilty, Co. Cork on 22nd – 24th July 2016, be authorised:

Cllrs. D. Connolly and M. Maher

It was PROPOSED by Comh. Ó Cualáin, SECONDED by Cllr. Feeney, and AGREED, that the attendance of the Member named hereunder at the Scoil Samhraidh An Phiarsaigh 2016 – “Fís an Phiarsaigh i 2016”, at Ros Muc, Co. na Gaillimhe, on 28th – 30th July 2016, be authorised:

Cllr. Mannion

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Walsh, SECONDED by Cllr. Donnellan, and AGREED, that the attendance of the Members named hereunder at the Twinning Visit to Washington County, Wisconsin; Chicago & Milwaukee Irish Fest, U.S.A. on 14th – 23rd July 2016, be authorised:

Cllrs. N. Byrne and F. Kearney

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Kearney, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Tuairisg, and AGREED, that the attendance of the Member named hereunder at the Celtic Conferences – Local Economic & Community Plans Conference, at the Clonakilty Hotel, Clonakilty, Co. Cork on 26th – 28th July 2016, be authorised:

Cllr. Welby



It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Walsh, SECONDED by Cllr. Donnellan, and AGREED, that on an exceptional once-off basis retrospective authorisation be approved for the attendance of the Member named hereunder at the IPA Training on Time Management held at Áras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway on 30th June, 2016:

Cllr. D. Connolly

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Feeney, SECONDED by Cllr. Donnellan, and AGREED, that the attendance of the Member named hereunder at the AILG Conference – Regional Assemblies, Regional Development & its Relationship to Local Development, to be held at a location to be arranged in Galway City on 6th September 2016, be authorized:

Comh. Ó Tuairisg



[Report dated 12th July, 2016 was available on the extranet]

It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Donnellan, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Tuairisg, and AGREED, to note the Summary of Proceedings at the following Conference:

The Knowledge 4 Health Conference 2016 as submitted by Cllr. Kinane.



The Cathaoirleach said that the CPG had recommended that the September Meeting be held on 19th September. On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Maher, SECONDED by Comh. Ó Cualáin, the Members AGREED that the September Monthly Meeting of Plenary Council be held on Monday 19th September 2016 commencing at 11 a.m. 10



[Annual Report 2015 was available on the Extranet].

Cllr. K. McHugh raised a number of queries regarding the Annual Report and the Executive replied to her queries as follows: Mr. Gavican replied that the number of housing applicants on the Housing List at 31st December, 2015 represents the number of households on the waiting list, not individuals. Ms. McConnell replied that all successful community groups who applied for funding under the Rural Economic Development Zone (REDZ) Scheme have drawn down their monies. Ms. McConnell also replied that the UNESCO City of Film title is held by Galway City and is part-funded by the County Council in order to ensure that the County has a significant benefit from the designation. The County Secretary replied that 55 students who had been awarded grants by the Council prior to the establishment of the single grant awarding authority Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) in 2012 remain with the Council until they complete their studies. The County Secretary also replied that the Irish Language portion of the Community Support Scheme extends county-wide, some in the Gaeltacht and some outside the Gaeltacht. He said that the Galway County Council Pádraig Pearse Gaeltacht Scholarships afforded 15 no. students from outside the Gaeltacht the opportunity to attend Gaeltacht Summer Colleges in Conamara. He also said that the Council would welcome proposals from all groups in order to support the Irish Language.


[Report - July 2016 was available on the extranet]

Cllr. Killilea welcomed the proposals for the Housing Scheme at Weir Road, Tuam and he asked if there was any update regarding the Housing Project at Gilmartin Road, Tuam. Mr. Gavican replied that the appointed Architects are currently working on the detailed design of the project and it is intended that the planning process will be commenced in September. In reply to Cllr. Charity, the Chief Executive said that in addition to the items listed in the Management Report, he wished to inform the Members that the Local Enterprise Office (LEO)


is to receive funding to allow for the creation of four additional staffing posts in the near future, which he said is a very positive addition to the resources of the office. In reply to Cllr. Broderick, Mr. Gavican said that the Housing Section is carrying out a Rent Review in respect of housing tenants at present, including tenants in Ballinasloe town. He said that the rents being charged by the Council to tenants in the former Ballinasloe Town Council area will be brought in line with rents in the rest of the County in time. On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Killilea, SECONDED by Cllr. Maher, the Members AGREED to note the Management Report - July 2016.


It was agreed that the Standing Orders be suspended in order that Item 16 on the Agenda – Cllr. Fahy’s Notice of Motion - be taken next.

The Cathaoirleach read out Cllr. Fahy’s Notice of Motion as follows “that Galway County Council indicate what progress is being made with the Galway City Outer By-Pass. This project is the most important for the entire county and the City of Galway. It is vital that this proceed as quickly as possible for the future development and prosperity of Galway as a whole, and can this be fast tracked as there is an urgent need for this motorway”.

Cllr. Fahy said that is the most important project for the entire County and the City of Galway and it is vital that the project proceed as quickly as possible for the future development and prosperity of Galway as a whole. Comh. Ó Cualáin and Cllr. Noone supported the motion, stating that it is very important that the by-pass be put in place in time for 2020 when Galway City and County become the European Capital of Culture. In reply to Cllr. Fahy’s Motion, the Chief Executive said that work is ongoing in relation to the proposed Galway City Ring Road, which is a vital piece of infrastructure for Galway. He said that it is intended that the statutory documentation for submission to An Bord Pleanála will be completed within the year.



The Cathaoirleach welcomed Minister Seán Canney and Mr. Richard Dooley, Engineer with the Office of Public Works, to the Meeting. He thanked Mr. Dooley and the OPW for the


works they have carried out and the funding they have provided since 2009 for flood alleviation works in County Galway.

Minister Canney addressed the Members in relation to the issue of flooding in County Galway. He said that Mr. Dooley would be available to answer any technical questions which the Members might wish to raise. Minister Canney said that he was delighted to be back in the Chamber and he said he sought the portfolio of flood relief because he shares the concerns of the public regarding the problems of flooding. He said that it is his intention to cement relations between the various Government Departments and the Council in order to attain the optimum in terms of flood relief. He said he understands the hardship which those affected by the flooding events of 2009 and 2015/2016 had to endure and he assured the Members that he would do his utmost to speed up the delivery of flood relief projects. He said he has taken measures to ensure that every agency involved, local authorities, the National Parks & Wildlife Service, the OPW and the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government are working in tandem in order to deal with the problems of flooding. He said that Galway County Council is probably the lead authority in the Country as regards applications for Small Works Schemes to the OPW. The Minister referred to the two OPW Catchment Flood Risk Assessment Management Schemes (CFRAMS), i.e. the Shannon CFRAMS which takes in Ballinasloe and a large area of East Galway and the Western CFRAMS which takes in areas of flooding across the rest of County Galway. He said that these schemes are rolling towards conclusion and are at Final Draft Management Plan Stage. He said that the draft Flood Risk Management Plans and related Environmental Assessments regarding the Shannon and South Western River Basin Districts are available for inspection in the Council Offices and also on the OPW Website. He urged that interested parties inspect the plans and submit observations or comments to the OPW by the closing date which is Friday 23rd September 2016 at 5.30pm, to ensure that any anomalies in the flood maps are corrected. He said that following the public consultation period, any necessary amendments will be made and the Plans will then be sent to the Local Authority for consideration and adoption. He said that the OPW will launch the statutory public consultation process on the Western CFRAMS in the coming months also. The Minister said that the problem of flooding in the Gort area has been made a government priority outside of CFRAMS, Phase 2 of the Claregalway Scheme has commenced and it is hoped that works on the Dunkellin River/Aggard Scheme will commence on site in August. He said that he understands that people are frustrated due to the lengthy process in getting flood relief schemes commenced, and he said that it is important that there is engagement between National Parks & Wildlife Service, the OPW and the local authority in order to progress schemes. He said that in order to reduce the timeframe, he has formed a Working Group to investigate the processes in place with a view to getting around obstacles, introducing pre-planning discussions between the agencies and eliminating the need for a full Environmental Impact Assessment on


some schemes. He said the Task Force will bring forward draft proposals to him in the coming days. He said that he is a Member of the Interdepartmental Flood Policy Group, together with representatives from the Departments of Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, Environment, Community and Local Government, Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Agriculture and Marine, Defence, Social Protection and the OPW. He said that this Committee will bring forward policy on flood relief, and is investigating ways of dealing with flooding emergencies, including improving local resilience among local authorities. He said that he intends to take a strong line with insurance companies refusing to provide insurance to those whose homes are included on flood risk maps. He informed the Meeting that he had made it clear to the insurance industry that flood risk maps were not intended for commercial purposes. He said the provision of voluntary relocation is extremely sensitive but must be considered in some cases where homes are no longer habitable because of flooding or the risk of flooding. Minister Canney said that the response of the Elected Members, the Staff of the Council, Community & Voluntary Groups and other Agencies to the severe flooding event of 2015/2016 was excellent and is to be commended. A discussion took place regarding the issue of flooding and the Minister replied to queries raised by the Members, as follows: In reply to Cllrs. J Byrne and McClearn, Minister Canney said that the Minister with responsibility for Procurement is endeavouring to cut down on time taken to bring flood relief schemes to commencement while ensure that work is compliant with all relevant legislation. He said that the National Parks & Wildlife Service is cognisant of the need to mitigate against flooding and will help local authorities and the OPW to overcome obstacles as much as possible. In reply to Cllr. G. Finnerty, Minister Canney said that the Inter-Departmental Group is looking into the question of relocation of households affected by flooding where there is no other option. He said he intended to meet with the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) the following week to discuss problems experienced by farmers affected by flooding. In reply to Cllr. J Byrne, he said that the OPW is working on a full flood relief scheme to deal with flooding problems at Carramore and Gort lowlands area and hopes to deal with this without the requirement of going to An Bord Pleanála. In relation to insurance problems being experienced by households affected by flooding, Minister Canney said that insurance companies have indicated that they cannot provide insurance where properties have been affected by flooding previously. However he said he has asked the insurance companies to revisit this and he has organised that quarterly updates in this regard will be provided to him.


In reply to Cllr. D. Connolly and M. Hoade regarding flood risk maps, Minister Canney said that the flood maps which have been prepared are not to be used for commercial purposes and Insurance Companies have been informed that misuse of flood risk maps will not be tolerated. The Minister acknowledged Comh. Ó Tuairisg’s comments regarding flooding on the R336 and he said that this is a matter for the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport rather than the OPW. Cllr. J. Byrne said that the Council needs increased resources in order to deliver on minor works schemes and the Minister said that the Council should submit applications for minor works schemes to the OPW as soon as each scheme is ready and there is no need to wait until a number of schemes are ready for submission. In reply to Cllrs. D. Connolly and Cronnelly, Minister Canney said that the Working Group which he has set up is preparing a schedule of works for the River Shannon Catchment area. Cllr. Healy complimented the OPW and the Council on the works carried out in relation to coastal erosion. Mr. Dooley, OPW, replied that it is important that coastal erosion is mitigated against and he said that the Council should continue to make submissions for minor works schemes in this regard. In reply to Cllrs. Noone, Charity, Cuddy and Kearney, Mr. Dooley said that the water levels in Lough Corrib were 100ml higher in 2015 than normal due to 1700ml of rainfall. He said that the sluice gates were open from 13th November, 2015 right through to 16th March, 2016. He also said that the level of water in Lough Mask in 2015 was higher than ever recorded. He undertook to provide the Members with details of sluice gate opening and water levels. He also said that the requirement to keep summer water levels in place is there for years and the OPW endeavours to discharge flood levels as much as possible.

The Chief Executive acknowledged the support of Minister Canney and Mr. Dooley to the Council in relation to flood alleviation. He said that the Council will continue to submit minor works schemes to the OPW for funding, supplemented by information received from the Members. He said that although some schemes take time to progress to commencement, he is confident that the Council will be successful in delivering a number of schemes to address flooding across the County.

The Minister informed the Members that he is always available to them to discuss flooding issues and he reiterated that Galway County Council is the leading local authority in the Country in terms of securing funding from the OPW for minor works schemes.

He wished to compliment the Area Engineers and their Staff on the tremendous work they carry out on a daily basis with reduced resources.

He said that he has met with Deputy Ciarán Cannon and Deputy with a view to ensuring that the problems of flooding in County Galway are heard at Cabinet level. He said they have requested that a forum of stakeholders be set up and that a plan be put in place for flood alleviation works for County Galway and he intends to ensure that this plan is acted upon and monitored.


Mr. Owens informed the Members that the OPW has offered to make a presentation at the September Meeting of the Plenary Council in relation to the Draft Flood Risk Management Plans for the Shannon CFRAM Study Area and the Draft Flood Risk Management Plans for the Western CFRAM Area. It was agreed by the Members to accept the offer from the OPW to present at the September Meeting.


[Report dated 18th July 2016 was available on the Extranet]

The Chief Executive said that the Members will be aware that the Council places a strong focus on the issue of tourism for the County. He said that recent designations achieved by Galway including the Region of Gastronomy 2018, City of Film and European Capital of Culture 2020 will help to promote economic development and will be central in bringing people into the County. He said he is conscious that Fáilte Ireland continually endeavours to attract visitors to Ireland and it is important that the Council shows what County Galway has to offer.

He introduced Ms. O’Reilly and she presented the proposed Tourism Strategy for Galway, as outlined in the Report, to the Members.

Ms. O’Reilly outlined the various strategies for maximising the tourism potential of the County and provided domestic and foreign visitor numbers and explained Galway’s target market, its destination experiences, who is involved in tourism and what was expected by way of facilities, attractions and activities in a modern, competitive tourism market.

Cllr. McClearn thanked Ms. O’Reilly for the very informative and comprehensive presentation. He said it is very important that Fáilte Ireland acknowledges that the whole of County Galway needs to be marketed, not just the areas along the Wild Atlantic Way and the Ancient East. He suggested that representatives of Fáilte Ireland be invited to attend a forthcoming Meeting of the Council to discuss their strategy for all of County Galway.

Cllr. Donnellan said that a strategy to promote the lakes and waterways of the County is needed and it is important that these are not absorbed into the Ancient East brand.

Cllr. K. McHugh also thanked Ms. O’Reilly, however she said she was disappointed that there is nothing in the presentation of benefit to the Tuam area which she said has an abundance of heritage sites and a great story to tell. She welcomed the Galway Events Guide 2016 which was circulated at the Meeting but she said that Tuam’s location must be clearly presented in the Guide.

Cllr. Broderick said that while restaurants and hotels are to the forefront as regards tourism promotion, the Vintners Federation of Ireland is never consulted as regards Fáilte Ireland strategies and he feels that the importance of public houses in relation to tourism is not appreciated and should be included in the promotion of the County. He noted that the pubs of Ireland ranked No. 2 in the attractions to Ireland and were not included in Fáilte Ireland marketing affecting rural pubs. Cllr. Broderick said that Ballygar should be included on the map on the Events Guide.


Comh. Ó Curraoin said that there are scenic areas in the four corners of County Galway and that agri-tourism, lakelands and waterways should be promoted and marketed throughout the County and he highlighted the importance and popularity of the Gaelic games. He also suggested that laybys where tourists pull in need to be improved, for example with the addition of toilet facilities. He said that pollution remains a problem at beaches and the Blue Flags designations are being won and lost frequently as a result.

Comh. Ó Tuairisg complimented all involved in securing the designation of Capital of Culture 2020 for Galway and he said that this designation will bring an influx of an additional one million visitors to Galway and he said it is important that Galway is in a position to cater for this. He said that signage in Conamara needs to be addressed and he said that it is important that amenities such as Pearse’s Cottage are promoted. He said that Conamara is very popular for visitors, yet very few stay and they are primarily taking day trips. He said that Inis Óirr has eight ferries travelling to it and the tourist numbers have increased by 50%. He also felt there is a scarcity of hospitality staff in Conamara and he felt it is crucial that signage is not misleading and it must be properly translated and designed.

Cllr. Mannion thanked Ms. O’Reilly for the presentation and welcomed the fact that the Council has a Staff Member working on the Tourism Strategy for the County. She said that Conamara is a very well-known and successful brand, however she expressed concern that it may lose out to the Wild Atlantic Way brand. She said that Tidy Towns Groups carry out tremendous work to keep our towns and villages attractive and she said it is important that the Council support these community groups. She noted that wastewater treatment plant had been upgraded however she said that more facilities are needed, particularly as regards Clifden beach. She said that car-parking is needed at beaches and recognised the value of the work that has been completed along the Wild Atlantic Way.

Comh. Ó Cualáin said it is important that people visiting the County are encouraged to stay over, particularly in less populated areas, rather than just engaging in day-trips and it is important that infrastructure is improved, with the revenue generated from tourism channelled into addressing the existing infrastructure deficit. He said that the Wild Atlantic Way is very successful, although he felt that bottlenecks exist, and he also said that there is a need for improved signposting at beaches. He said that genealogy is becoming increasing popular with visitor coming to graveyards to find out more about their relatives. He highlighted the lack of Commis Chefs in Galway. He said that tourists like to meet local people and experience the culture, and he felt that opportunities for visitors to experience Irish music in local halls could be supported.

Cllr. Maher thanked Ms. O’Reilly for the presentation and he also thanked the Staff of Community & Enterprise for producing the Events Guide and complimented the Community & Enterprise Section and also thanked them for their efforts in providing festivals and events funding. He referred to the Loughrea Medieval Festival which will take place during Heritage Week in August and he urged all of the Members to attend. Cllr. Kearney discussed the need for insurance on walking trails and said that no trails in the East of Galway are insured, as confirmed by the National Trails Office. He referred to the total visitor numbers attracted to the Wild Atlantic Way, however he stressed towns and villages which are not on the WAW should be marketed also.


Cllr. Roche noted that there were no events listed for Abbeyknockmoy in the Events Guide stating there are a range of historical sites which are of interest to tourists in the area.

Cllr. Hoade said that the Events Guide was an excellent booklet. She said that local towns including are willing to get involved in events and would welcome any advice in that regard.

Cllr. Charity thanked Ms. O’Reilly for the presentation and he also said that the Galway Events 2016 Booklet is a very helpful guide to events in the County. He referred to the absence of a museum in Galway and he noted the rich archaeological heritage in north Galway. He said it is a shame that artefacts of historical significance which are found during excavation works, for example at Lough Corrib, cannot be displayed in the County rather than transporting them to the National Museum in Dublin. He queried what happens to archaeological items removed by the National Monument Service and how they might be returned.

Cllr. Welby stated that he had been involved in tourism in Oughterard and its tourist office for a number of years. He queried how facilities such as laybys were being put in place for visitors, for example Discovery Points in South Conamara and Derrygimlagh, on the same road network which was considered deficient for new development proposals due to traffic safety concerns. He said that a policy must be put in place for the location of facilities. He felt that while urban areas were being promoted, the rural area was being left out. He said there are many ambassadors in Conamara supporting tourism but there is a need for enterprise proposals.

Cllr. Donnellan referred to the Galway Events Guide and queried how new events could be included. He queried the status of the Lakelands Strategy, its promotion and how funding for community projects could be leveraged.

Cllr. Maher made the following PROPOSAL “that Galway County Council set up a committee in each of the Municipal Authorities to plan for local events to complement the European Region of Gastronomy in 2018 and the Capital of Culture in 2020, to ensure that each M.D. can share in the economic benefits of the 1 million additional visitors envisaged to come to Galway in the coming years.” This proposal was SECONDED by Cllr. Mannion, and AGREED.

The Chief Executive replied that although the designations of Region of Gastronomy and European Capital of Culture are linked, they are two separate designations. He said that while local input would be welcomed, he did not wish to tie up resources in additional committees.

Cllr. McClearn said there had been good co-operation between the 2020 Bid Team and the Elected Members in the preparation of the Bid, and he said that the Members would like to be kept informed in relation to planning for the 2020 series of events.

Ms. O’Reilly thanked the Members for their feedback on the proposed Tourism Strategy for Galway, and she responded to issues raised as follows: She said that it is intended that consultation on the Strategy will be progressed in the Autumn and that the issues raised by the Members will be considered. She said that it was hoped to establish a tourism framework for Galway County and City, followed by rolling action plans 18

with targets and funding sources identified. The tourism strategy will seek to examine key areas including reputation management and branding including marketing and digital strategies, the funding sources, capacity building and engagement among communities and businesses, supporting mobilisation and activation and experience development, delivering the projects, interpretation and tourism management in Galway. She discussed how a range of funding options would need to be examined including LEADER funding, Community Support Scheme, Local Enterprise Office and Fáilte Ireland funding. She noted the extensive range of stakeholders involved in tourism in Galway including a range of public and private organisations, educational institutions, businesses and communities, etc. She said that extensive consultation was already undertaken in relation to the Tourism Strategy, but there would be more to follow. In the context of a marketing strategy, she stated that there is a need to present a cohesive image of Galway and that when Galway is presented internationally, for example at the Milwaukee Irish Festival in the U.S., a coherent picture greets prospective tourists showing what Galway has to offer. Ms. O’Reilly also noted that a digital strategy is an important factor for Galway to ensure that visitors can find information easily and are offered the inspiration they need to decide to visit the region. She also discussed the importance of visitor management including managing overcrowding, whether it is through good interpretation including the use of centres, where relevant, to ensure that the visitor experience is the best it can be. She said that obviously when tourists enjoy their visit they are more likely to recommend it and Galway will attract repeat visits. She said that infrastructural pinch points need to be looked and she noted that the ‘Lakelands’ brand was included in the Programme for Government for progression by Fáilte Ireland. However she said it was not yet clear whether it would be in the context of Ireland’s Ancient East or as a separate brand. She also agreed with the Members that there is a phenomenal amount of important historic structures, cultural and natural heritage, throughout County Galway.

She informed the Members of how Fáilte Ireland have been involved in delivering training where skills shortages have been identified by the hospitality sector and outlined that as a result, a training programme for Commis Chefs was delivered in 2015/ 2016. She also noted that the Local Enterprise Office delivers training to small businesses in Galway.

In the context of overseas marketing campaigns and the work of Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland, she referred to the issue of potential foreign visitors not knowing the geography of Ireland, nor having heard of Galway, so Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland seek to simplify the message into the ‘master brands’ of ‘west’ with the Wild Atlantic Way, ‘east’ with Ireland’s Ancient East and Dublin as the capital city. This means tourists can choose the area to visit based on the types of holiday experience on offer and their length of stay. A new tourism strategy for Galway would provide an opportunity to build up the tourist experiences on the ground and present them to visitors who come here, whether it is from overseas or from across Ireland. She agreed with the Members views that there is a need to manage tourist facilities in order to attract visitors to Galway. In this regard, she said that there is an opportunity to identify and promote the different types of holiday experiences available in different parts of Galway. In relation to the European Capital of Culture 2020, she said that


the 2020 Team is now working on organising the range of events and activities within County Galway and Galway City.

She stated that the Community, Enterprise and Economic Development (CEED) Section of Galway County Council provides a range of supports through its Community Support Scheme including seed funding for festivals and events which will have an economic benefit to an area and it supports the work of communities through Tidy Towns and Pride of Place Awards. The CEED Section maintains the Annual Events Guide. The printed booklet is only a sample of what is on offer and new events are regularly added to Galway County Council website.

Ms. O’Reilly thanked the Members for their comments and noted that all others would be taken into account in the preparation of the strategy.

The Chief Executive stated that the Council is involved in a range of tourism related activities and the Tourism Strategy will provide a mechanism to focus on the promotion of tourism in Galway. He acknowledged that funding is a key component in the enhancement of the County and he said that the success of the Wild Atlantic Way brand needs to be harnessed to include towns and villages. He said this is the start of a process which will be delivered over time in partnership with a range of stakeholders.


The following items of correspondence which were published on the Extranet prior to the meeting were noted:

 Correspondence dated 11th July 2016 from Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government acknowledging Galway County Councils recent letter in connection with Local Government.  Correspondence dated 11th July 2016 from calling on the Minister for Transport to pass the Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2015 commonly known as Jake’s Law in memory of Jake Brennan, in order to introduce a new mandatory speed limit of 20km specifically for housing estates.  Correspondence dated 13th July 2016 from South Dublin County Council calling on the Government & Ministers responsible to enact without delay legislation that give expression to and recognises the Traveller Community as a distinct Ethnic Group in Ireland and are deserving and accorded the respect that such a status confers and deserves.



Cllr. McClearn said that funding for the Council and the Budget for 2017 will be to the forefront of the Members minds for discussion at the September Monthly Meeting. He said the County Council has issues regarding availability of funding as it does not have a huge rates base. He felt that the Council should make contact with the Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government and the Minister with responsibility for Public Expenditure and Reform in order to ensure that Galway County Council receives recognition due to loss of revenue caused by global valuation reductions, reduction in pension related deductions and the National Pay Agreement.

Cllr. McClearn made the following PROPOSAL “that Galway County Council calls on the Minister to –  Ensure that Galway County Council receives 100% funding for all income losses including Global Valuations, Pension Related Deductions, National Pay Agreement’s etc.  Ensure a more equitable distribution of funding between those areas who are financially secure and those who cannot afford a minimum level of service  Put in place a more equitable distribution of funds that takes account of the capacity of some areas to decease their LPT  Put in place a methodology that recognizes the financial position of local authorities whose financial circumstances effectively removes their discretion when considering whether to increase or decrease the rate of LPT”.

This proposal was SECONDED by Cllr. Hoade, and AGREED.

Cllrs. Cuddy and Comh. Ó Cualáin expressed their strong support for Cllr. McClearn’s proposal.

Comh. Ó Cualáin, Ó Tuairisg, Cllrs. Welby and Mannion expressed concern regarding LEADER Funding for County Galway in light of the fact that the Development Strategy of the LCDC was unsuccessful regarding the delivery of LEADER funding for County Galway. Ms. McConnell replied that there is no question that LEADER funding will be lost and she confirmed that the LCDC has decided to appeal the decision to the Department. Cllr. Broderick made the following PROPOSAL “that Galway County Council request the relevant Ministers to seriously look at the state of distribution of funding to Housing Charity Agencies, and in the future look to redirecting this funding to Local Authorities who provide much better value for money in delivery of housing”. This proposal was SECONDED by Cllr. Welby, and AGREED.

Comh. Ó Tuairisg made the following PROPOSAL “in light of the completely inappropriate nature of a mass trial, the length of the delay before his trial and the lack of evidence provided against him, this Council calls on Egypt to immediately release Irish Citizen Ibrahim Halawa and asks An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to write to the Egyptian Embassy to convey our view”. This proposal was SECONDED by Cllr. Welby, and AGREED.


NOTICES OF MOTION 2828 NOTICE OF MOTION NO. 16 – CLLR. M. FAHY The following reply was given:

“Work is ongoing on the Galway City Ring Road in relation to the completion of the statutory documentation for Planning Consent and CPO. This documentation is programmed to be ready for publication by the end of 2016”